Themes of the courses professional development of pedagogical workers. Advanced training of teachers remotely: features, requirements and reviews

Professional development is an important and integral part of the activities of all categories teaching staff educational organizations, including teachers of preschool educational organizations (PEO). Advanced training courses are a process of deepening and expanding existing knowledge on the basis of basic vocational education, acquiring practical skills and abilities that correspond to the current level of professional tasks being solved. The implementation of the advanced training program is aimed at improving and obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activities and professional development, within the framework of the existing qualifications.

Advanced training under the program "Federal State educational standard preschool education: the content and technologies of the introduction” (72 hours) provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and certificate of the established form, necessary for the successful implementation pedagogical activity in DOO.

Advanced training under this program is carried out in the direction of preparing students for the implementation of professional activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The implementation of the program is aimed at the formation of general cultural and professional competencies educators in the field of the content of psychological and pedagogical work with children according to the Federal State Educational Standard, comprehensive education and development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, creating conditions for the development of cognitive, communicative, physical and other abilities of a preschooler, features of pedagogical tools for solving the problems of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard DO, interaction building kindergarten and families, the requirements of the Teacher's Professional Standard.

The program "Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: Content and Introduction Technologies" (72 hours) provides for consideration important issues related to the activities of educators (including senior ones) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Advanced training under the program "Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: Content and Introduction Technologies" (72 hours) is addressed to:

  • preschool teachers with higher professional education or secondary professional education in the field of preschool pedagogy;
  • preschool teachers with higher professional education or secondary vocational education in a direction not related to preschool pedagogy, as well as additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of preschool pedagogy.

The advanced training courses "Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: Content and Introduction Technologies" (72 hours) have a modular structure, which allows you to choose one or more areas of advanced training within the course program. Modular construction of advanced training courses in combination with modern technologies Remote online learning with round-the-clock access to materials will allow teachers to improve their professional qualifications based on their own needs and capabilities.

Recruitment and enrollment in groups is carried out monthly. Such a system provides everyone who wants to undergo advanced training with a number of additional opportunities:

  • plan a convenient period for starting training, based on your own educational needs, the availability of time and material resources;
  • enrolling in a group in advance during the grace period (by filling out the required form), receive a discount for paying for educational services.
  • Lesson 1. The phenomenon of "support" as a methodological approach to the implementation of GEF DO.
  • Lesson 2. Fundamentals of GEF DO: nature, patterns, mechanisms, conditions for child development.
  • Lesson 3. Strategy for the development of preschool education - a system of variable developmental education.
  • Lesson 4. Professional readiness of the teacher and leader for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Lesson 5. GEF DO targets as social and normative age characteristics possible achievements of the child.
  • Lesson 6. The content of psychological and pedagogical work with children according to the GEF DO within the framework educational areas.
  • Lesson 7. Comprehensive upbringing and development of children in accordance with the GEF DO: creating conditions for the development of the cognitive abilities of a preschooler.
  • Lesson 8. Pedagogical tools for solving the problems of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Lesson 9. Interaction of the kindergarten and the family in the implementation of the main general education program preschool educational organization in accordance with GEF DO.
  • Lesson 10. Fundamentals of GEF DO: modeling the interaction between kindergarten and family.
  • Lesson 11. Cultural and educational space of the birth of a citizen: features of building a regional component of the BEP DO.
  • Lesson 12. The professional standard of the teacher: general cultural and general professional competencies.
  • Lesson 13. OOP DO: creating conditions in accordance with the GEF DO.
    • Odinokaya Maria Alexandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

      Having been studying at the online advanced training courses "website" for more than three years, the first thing to note is the wide choice of courses. The second point is that the acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in practice. The issued certificate of the form established by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation is a decisive moment! It should also be noted positive attitude, operational support of all persons involved in educational process, which, in turn, contributes to the realization of the opportunity to recommend "" to your colleagues and acquaintances as a reliable partner. I express my heartfelt gratitude, all the best to you. Low bow to you!

    • Korogod Alina Yakovlevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Secondary School No. 28" Smolensk

      Dear My University! I've been with you since November 2010. It was you who first told me about AMO and I began to implement them in my work, introducing my colleagues into a stupor. During these years of our friendship, you gave me creative ideas, made me think, move on in non-standard ways! Further development to you! Let more and more caring teachers be united by the roof of your university!!!

    • Sukhanova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, educator of DO-2, GBOU School No. 657, Moscow

      Thank you very much! You help us as teachers keep up with the times! Here everyone can find the course he needs, precisely in this moment to improve their pedagogical competence. modern education constantly poses new challenges for us, and your portal helps us successfully cope with them. Once again I express my gratitude and wish you success in your work!

    • Kulichkova Galina Anatolyevna, IMC methodologist municipal institution Department of Education of the Administration of the Tarasovsky District, Tarasovsky settlement

      Dear Colleagues! You have created a wonderful educational portal"My University", which helps all teachers to find the right educational path of development during the transition of kindergartens to the Federal State Educational Standard. Many thanks for your work and further success in our joint work with you.

    • Natalya Alexandrovna Osipova, instructor in physical education, MADOU "DS "Riddle"

      Once I got to the virtual pages of the educational portal "My University". With great curiosity, I became interested in the activities of this virtual educational space and found a lot of new and interesting things for myself. First of all, I subscribed to free mailing lists, began to study methodological materials offered on the pages of various faculties, got acquainted with interest with the features of the organization of project activities, studied AMO, looked through interesting articles for teachers, and many others. In my opinion, the educational portal "My University" is a unique virtual platform for self-education and improving the professional literacy of specialists of different levels of training. I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who organized a modern virtual educational environment for active people who are ready for self-education!

    • Solovieva Elizaveta Alexandrovna

      I am very satisfied with communication with MU, all competitions, courses. The team is well-coordinated, active, modern. I'm always surprised when you get everything done. There are so many positive things from studying at MU that I can’t even write. Free competitions, award diplomas - all this is so nice! Thanks a lot to the portal and everyone who participates in its work! Although I have known MU for a little over a year, it feels like an eternity! How did you live without it before?

    • Idrisova Kumys Ramazanovna

      I am infinitely grateful to my senior colleague for the advice to contact your site, and I myself share your address with colleagues. Thank you for the relevant, accessible, very timely materials! In a period of great changes in the education system, we, teachers, need support in terms of method, you give a sense of confidence in our actions. Thank you for the courses, teaching materials! Good luck, great success and new faithful cadets!

    • Kostornova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher of GBPOU SRMK

      Hello. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I have been a teacher for over 40 years. The site attracted me with a variety of courses, articles, competitions, projects, information about innovations in the field of education. In college, I am responsible for the work of TPG (creative pedagogical group) and often take information from your site. Using the information about the AMO technology, I, with my colleagues of the department, conducted a master class “Let's fill the education with colors”. I recommended your site to my colleagues not only to teachers of the college, but also to teachers of the region, since the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas was held on the basis of our college. Thank you!!!

    • Mazuleva Olga Ivanovna, mathematics teacher, Petropavlovsk basic comprehensive school, Krasnozersky district Novosibirsk region

      I want to express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the development of the distance learning course "Education of children with a delay mental development in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, ”especially to the course teacher Olga Nikolaevna Sokolova. The lessons were intense and interesting. The knowledge gained on the course, skills and abilities are significant, relevant, practically applicable, necessary in everyday teaching activities. All the information received on your course will be very useful in my future activities. I can say with confidence that all the knowledge and theoretical skills presented in this course will be applied by me in practice in full. I will be glad to take part in the new courses that you will conduct.

    • Zabelina Irina Rashitovna, teacher of vocational training - vocational training workers and employees under the program "Seller food products» MKOU DO "Educational Combine" City of Degtyarsk, Sverdlovsk Region

      This was my first time taking a course online. I liked it very much. Good lecture material, sufficient time to complete assignments. Satisfied with the form of organization of the completed distance course - it allows you to set a convenient pace of work for everyone, adjust it to your life rhythm and personal circumstances and needs. I give the teacher the highest mark - 10 points. The system of work was very clear, understandable, accessible. There was a lot of information and everything you need. The course is thought out, a clear control system, there is a current, final control. The modules are well supported both in theoretical and practical terms, and the acquisition of new knowledge is monitored. The role of each participant of the course in a remote form for conducting a dialogue on the forums is also carefully thought out, which increases the attractiveness of the course, because in addition to discussing the proposed issues, students (we, teachers) learn various forms of interaction, search together for the path to the truth. Also, each participant played the role of an expert in evaluating work, which not only contributes to the development of critical thinking, updating knowledge, newly acquired knowledge, but also allows teachers (curators) to take a fresh look at their "wards", determine the level of their training. I would definitely recommend my colleagues to take this course.

    • Saraeva Natalia Valerievna, township Sherlovaya Gora, MU DO "House of Creativity, urban settlement Sherlovaya Gora, teacher additional education.

      The results are fully in line with expectations. I am taking distance courses for the first time, I am completely satisfied with their organization, the knowledge gained, communication with colleagues. Everything is very well thought out, systematized, accessible. I will definitely recommend this course to my colleagues. A lot of useful, necessary information presented in an accessible form. Well, in terms of cash costs, of course, a big plus. Many thanks to the organizers of the courses for the opportunity to improve their skills without leaving home. I wish you creative success!

    • Savvateeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, MKU DO AGO "Achitsky CDO" p. Achit Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district

      I am the director of the Achita Center for Additional Education. My teachers of additional education are taking this course, because. theoretical and practical material meets the stated topic, there is an opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues, the forum allows you to discuss issues of interest. For more than 25 years I was a teacher of Russian language and literature, but after the closure of the school, I was offered the position of a teacher of additional education. I discovered for myself wonderful world children's creativity. All the material presented on the distance course helped me a lot. Thank you very much! I was also captivated by the politeness of the teacher, professionalism. Thank you!

    • Shulzhenko Nina Ivanovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Krutoyarsk General Education School" Nazarovsky district Krasnoyarsk Territory

      I am satisfied with the form of organization of the distance course I passed. There are no shortcomings in the development of the course system. Clear, understandable and accessible information was offered, everything on the topic - nothing more. Thank you very much! This course offers approaches to the successful preparation of students for passing the OGE in the Russian language, a system of exercises and exam preparation classes (both by the teacher and colleagues), and also presents approaches to teaching poorly performing children. For the preparation of all! To all the teaching staff and to you, many thanks. I wish you creative success!

      The results obtained in the distance courses are fully in line with my expectations before starting the training. This course has been very helpful for me personally. The organization is very good. A convenient form of communication with the teacher, a sufficient amount of methodological material. Opportunity to work at a convenient time for you. Thanks to the head of the course for the respectful attitude and patience, timely verification of the work. I would recommend taking this course. Firstly, a convenient form of work in all respects. Secondly, the available information provided in the required volume. Thirdly, the opportunity to get qualified advice from a teacher.

    Educational institution Pedagogical University"Pervoe september" was established in 2003. The activity is carried out on the basis of license 77L01 No. 0007183, reg. No. 036377 dated July 23, 2015 (valid for an indefinite period), issued by the Moscow Department of Education.

    Upon graduation the student is issued a certificate of the established form of advanced training in case of providing a full package of documents and successful implementation(obtaining the mark "offset") for all attestation work.

    The certificate is sent to the listener's address by Russian Post.

    Course enrollment

    Anyone wishing to be trained in educational programs additional vocational education (advanced training) on ​​the basis of secondary and higher vocational education must pay for the course and provide a set of documents, including: an application, a copy of the diploma of secondary (higher) vocational education, copies of documents confirming the change of surname (marriage, divorce, birth certificates , certificates from the registry office, etc.) in cases of discrepancy between the current last name, first name or patronymic of the student with the data indicated in the diploma. The student places a set of documents in the Personal Account or sends it by Russian Post.

    Tuition payment

    At the bank with a receipt, which can be printed from the course payment page. Then a copy of the receipt must be sent along with all documents to the University.

    On the online course payment page via Yandex.Checkout. When paying bank card You do not need to send proof of payment from the University website.

    After the University receives payment, the student is enrolled for training.

    The final document - a certificate of the established sample of advanced training - receives the student who has successfully completed (received the mark "offset") all certification works within the specified time frame and provided a set of documents. The certificate is sent to the listener's address by Russian Post.

    A student who does not fulfill the conditions listed above receives a certificate of study or period of study (a certificate is issued on the basis of clause 19 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated July 1, 2013 No. 499, clause 19). Help sent (upon request) ) to the listener's address by Russian Post.

    Learning Technologies

    All study materials are posted on the course page on the University website. after receipt of payment. During the period of study at advanced training courses, the student performs test papers in accordance with the chosen curriculum. The student receives the result of checking the work on the course page in the "Training" section.

    Interaction students with the administration of the University is carried out through Personal Area. Here you can ask questions to the administration and course authors.

    Courses for 36 hours

    All educational materials contain a theoretical block, which reveals the main approaches to the problem under consideration, a practical part, which gives examples, recommendations on the application of the acquired knowledge in the activities of a teacher, as well as questions and tasks for independent work and links to additional sources of information.

    Test is a list of test questions with multiple answers and is performed website online.

    In addition to the test, students also need to complete the final work, which is a practical development.

    Monitoring and evaluation system

    All entries are evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Evaluation criteria are formulated for each work.

    Training in the direction of "Pedagogy"

    Advanced training is one of the ways to obtain additional professional education. Specialists periodically improve their skills by taking educational courses ranging from 16 academic hours to 250 academic hours. hours. The requirements for the number of hours are specified in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. The need for advanced training is spelled out in professional standards and other departmental regulations. All those who complete the course are issued certificates.


    Professional retraining in the direction of "Pedagogy"

    Professional retraining is one of the forms of additional professional education.

    Specialists with higher or secondary vocational education can get a new profession with the help of retraining courses. Programs and curricula are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2000 N 2571, as well as the provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 "On Education". A diploma is issued to those who complete the course.


    Training of teachers in SNTA

    In our society, there is a ossified stereotype that in order to master the profession of a teacher, it is enough to graduate from a specialized university, having received the appropriate document. Teachers are specialists who not only teach, they learn themselves throughout their professional activities.

    The teacher should not only know his subject thoroughly, he should keep up with the times, feeling the reality and getting up-to-date information about new discoveries in the field of knowledge he is studying in time. Teaching teachers is no easy task. Teachers must be trained by true professionals. A modern scientific and technological academy is one of the few educational institutions where teachers by profession and by vocation can receive decent training and improve their own qualifications.

    Modern Science and Technology Academy (based on license No. 034268) invites you to study in the direction of pedagogy. Receipt of documents on education within the established period is guaranteed.

    Features of the training course

    Our academy offers teacher training courses in accordance with GEF. During the classes, students will learn about the basics of pedagogical activity and get acquainted with the legislative acts in the field of education. A qualified curator works with each listener individually. At the same time, the student chooses the time of the lessons. For the convenience and effectiveness of learning, access to electronic library where collected teaching aids, useful materials and tutorials.

    The academy brings together methodologists and curators who take into account the existing knowledge of the students and select the course that suits them.

    After the training is over, teachers are invited to take a final test. Passing the test allows you to get a diploma of the established sample or not.

    The SNTA Training Center offers courses for teachers in remote mode. Training takes place on the Internet all around Russia.

    Academy Benefits

    1. Training takes place at a convenient time.
    2. The cost depends on the number of hours.
    3. You can quickly and effectively improve your skills or undergo professional retraining.
    4. Delivery of a certificate or diploma is carried out within three days.
    5. The student gets access to educational and methodological materials (EMC).
    6. Access to electronic teaching materials is provided around the clock.
    7. Pass the distance learning in pedagogical specialties can residents from all over Russia.

    Requirements for applicants

    In the beginning, a few words about the CCP in general. I’ll make a reservation right away that I’m voicing not only my own, but also the opinion of almost all the colleagues with whom I work. The CPC is a useless burden on teachers, which, moreover, affects the experience (when taking full-time courses, the time spent on courses does not go into experience) and on salaries. Do they teach something new there? Sometimes yes. But people do this, as a rule, divorced from the real school life, although they have teaching experience in the past.
    What is the attitude of teachers to this mandatory procedure? Yes, as a burden that needs to be pulled out so as not to conflict with the administration. If there is an opportunity, then the PDAs pass internally, "skipping" lessons. If the teacher does not have such an opportunity, or he does not want to interrupt the educational process (albeit legally), then the teacher goes to distance courses, which are now in the network is apparently invisible.
    What does a teacher expect from distance learning? As a rule, having paid his hard-earned money (I have never heard that the school compensated someone), with minimal effort he will receive a certificate, without which (horror!) The school cannot exist.

    And this is where pitfalls can await us, which you may not even be aware of!
    In January, I signed up for the PDA at
    I was tempted by the price and speed of passage. Yes Yes! Courses are not free at all, as stated in the article! They cost me about 1900 rubles.
    Traditionally, the contract stated that several tasks would need to be completed. Because I have already taken distance courses before, I was not embarrassed. There is always an understanding that people are sitting on the other side who understand that teachers do not go to remote PDAs from a good life, and formal assignments are issued, as they say - for show. Well, judge for yourself: if you have been working for more than 1 year, well, what can you be taught, especially remotely? And if it is possible, and there is such a need, then you will certainly learn by yourself!
    The team of the site thinks differently. Having posted several articles on the so-called "Active Learning Methods" on their website, they issued SUCH tasks for work, from which, to be honest, I was a little stunned. But, putting aside all the pressing matters and spending a whole precious weekend, I diligently began to fulfill them. I repeat: for work there are only articles posted on their website! Forum students - almost dead. Nobody answered my questions. There were no webenars and conferences. Those. the most primitive approach: here's what to read, here's what you need to do. And then as you wish. As far as I understand, such "training" is designed for copyright: sit, proofread, copy, paste.
    Imagine my surprise when, after submitting my work, I received a dry notice: "Unfortunately, wrong."
    To the questions "what exactly?" there were no answers. Until then, until I wrote an angry (but correct) review to their group in VK.
    After that, they answered me, and seemed to indicate what was wrong. But it didn’t get easier for me, because. The next task was nothing less than developing a lesson according to their methodology! Can you imagine? What does it mean to develop a lesson according to a little-known (and useless in school conditions!) Method, with a description of the didactic part and inventing active games that should be used there?
    I suspect that they are sitting there for our money smart people who thus compose and publish collections, and even write dissertations.
    In general, my money cried. I did not do anything else, so I was informed that I would not receive a certificate. And everything is legal, according to the contract.

    I describe all this so that when choosing remote PDAs, you, dear colleagues, first find out in detail on what conditions you will pass them and how much work will need to be done. Agree that it’s a shame for our hard-earned money to do a huge amount of work, for which we, as a rule, have absolutely no time! And considering that after execution it is still possible to get the answer "Sorry, wrong!" instead of the long-awaited certificate - then in general, is it worth it?

    By the way, they deleted all correspondence in VK. If I were wrong, then reinforced concrete arguments could be brought against my arguments and left for everyone to read. However, the businessmen from education decided differently. After all, they need to earn money on us, so there are only positive reviews on the wall.

    And I found the courses in 5 minutes. from your home. A little more expensive, but it’s enough to attend a few lectures and you don’t need to complete any assignments.