Fabric larks abstract senior group. Thematic lesson "Larks". Children sit on chairs

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 83 combined type of the city of Tyumen
Author: Deputy Head
MADOU d/s No. 83
Nikitina Svetlana Vladimirovna,
Tyumen, 2014
Plot summary - role playing game in the senior group on the topic:
“Bring the larks, bring the red spring!”
Game software content:
Introduce children to Russian folk traditions of welcoming spring - the festival of the arrival of birds - Magpies.
Teach children to create expressive images of larks based on folk techniques modeling: sculpt birds from a whole piece of salted dough, rolling it into a thick flagellum, make wings and a tail using cuts in the dough in a stack.

Strengthen the ability to decorate your products using the in-depth relief method, use additional natural material.
Develop fine motor skills hands, aesthetic taste and desire to experiment with materials.
Cultivate interest in folk traditions, customs, love and respect for the birds of their native land.
Equipment and materials:
Salted dough, grains of various cereals (buckwheat, peas, lentils), stacks, signets, modeling boards, napkins, masks of migratory birds, a drawing depicting a lark and other birds, 4 snowballs, a “magic” wand.
Musical accompaniment: “Sounds of the spring forest”, “Spring birdsong”, “Song of the lark” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg “Spring”.
Preliminary work:
Conversations, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, learning proverbs about migratory birds, memorizing calls, watching birds while walking.
Group registration:
The group is designed in the form of a spring forest.
Note: The game takes place on March 22
Progress of the game:
Educator: “Guys, today a letter from Vesna arrived in kindergarten. Let's read it: “Hello, dear guys! It's over Cold winter, and the time has come to say goodbye to her and friendly greet me - Spring-Red. But Winter liked it so much in your area that she is in no hurry to leave, and she bewitched me, so that I would not disturb her. Guys, help, disenchant me, otherwise I won’t be able to come to you!”
Educator: “Guys, do you want to become Spring’s helpers?”
Children: Yes!!!
Having received consent from the children, the teacher attaches an emblem with the inscription “Spring Helper” to the children’s chest.
Educator: “But what should we do? How to disenchant Spring?
Children express their opinions.
Educator: “I think I know what we should do! Let's go to the forest, full of secrets and miracles, there we will definitely find the answer to our question. But can we go into the forest like this, dressed only in light clothes?”
Children: No! After all, it’s still cold in the forest now. Even though March has come, there are a lot of snowdrifts in the forest.
Educator: “That’s right, it’s still cool outside, we might freeze. Let’s get dressed first and then we can hit the road.”
Children with a teacher imitate dressing.
Educator: “Well done! Are you all ready?"

I raise my magic wand
I'm spinning it over you.
Kids, get dizzy quickly
And in spring forest found ourselves.

The phonogram of the spring forest sounds.

Educator: “Well, we ended up in the forest. Let's go, guys, quietly, on tiptoes, so that the insidious WINTER doesn't hear us. Be careful, there are broken tree branches ahead, bend down and walk under them. Further in front of us is a deep hole - let's jump over it. Be careful, there’s a big snowdrift ahead, let’s go around it.”

Children walk with a teacher, overcoming invisible obstacles, and find themselves in a forest clearing. There is a snowball in the clearing. The children notice him.

Educator: “You and I found ourselves in a forest clearing. I wonder what this is? Yes, this is a magical snowball! Well, let’s see, he’s got a riddle!”

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

"If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
So, she came to us...?”

Children: "Spring."

Educator: “Why did you decide that it was spring?” (Children's answers).

Educator: “I think I’ve figured out how we can disenchant the red Spring. Did you guess?”

Educator: “Let’s go, guys, further through the forest. Let's step over the stump. Here is one stump, here is the second, the third, we stepped over many stumps. Let's go and move the branches apart with our hands carefully so as not to break them. But here there’s a thick branch hanging over the ground, we’ll have to bend down.”

Children find the next snowball.

Educator: “Guys, this is a very unusual snowball. There is a strange word written on it: "CALLS". I wonder what it means? (listens to the children's answers).

Educator: “In the old days, people really looked forward to spring, they sang spring songs for her, so that she would hurry up, so that the birds would return from the south as soon as possible. Let us also remember the spring calls. Get into a circle."

“Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
Come, spring, with mercy!”
“Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great joy,
With rich mercy.
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread"

The children walk along the path and at the end of it they find the third snowball.

Educator: “People rejoiced at the arrival of spring and spoke kind words about it. “Mother Spring is red for all people,” “Spring will revive everything.” And they also said about spring: “Forty forty birds fly from overseas countries, they bring spring.” Why did they say that, do you think?”

Children: “In spring, birds return home from warm countries.”

Educator: “Guys, let us turn into migratory birds that return from warm regions in the spring. I have masks with images of birds, choose any one for yourself and put it on your head.”

Educator: “Guys, tell me who chose which bird?”

Children name their migratory birds and remember folk signs related to their arrival:

“Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard”,
“As many thawed patches, so many larks,”
“I saw a starling - you know spring is on the porch.”

I raise my magic wand
I'm spinning it over you.
Children, quickly dizzy,
Everyone has turned into migratory birds.

I raise my magic wand
I'm spinning it over you.
The birds quickly circled
And everyone turned into children.

Teacher: “We, guys, need to get out to the clearing as quickly as possible.”

The children find a clearing with a snowball, the number 22 is written on it. The teacher invites the children to sit down and rest a little in the clearing.

Educator: “This task is difficult, but I guessed what the number 22 means. I’ll help you a little. Today is March 22 on the calendar. This day was considered a great holiday among the Russian people. According to legend, it is on this day that migratory birds return home, bringing spring on their wings. And this day was called “Magpies”. According to folk custom, on this day housewives baked spring birds - larks - from dough. The birds were delicious, with a crispy, crispy crust.
Children ran along the street with baked birds, threw them up, scattered crumbs everywhere and shouted: “The larks will fly, bring red summer, I’m tired of winter, I’ve eaten all the bread.” Soft buns were hung from the window on strings, attached to tree branches, and given to their loved ones.

Educator: “Think, children, why did people bake larks?”

Children: “They baked larks because they were the first to return from warm lands.”

Educator: “Yes, larks are songbirds that are the first to fly from the south, birds that rise higher in the air than all other birds and are closest to the sun and announce the arrival of spring with their ringing trills.”

Educator: “You guys now need to choose an image of a lark from several illustrations of birds.”

Educator: “How did you guess that it was a lark?”

Children: “It’s a lark, because it’s small and grey.”

Educator: “Yes, larks are inconspicuous in appearance: gray with dark speckles, with a small round head and a small tail.”

Educator: “Guys, you did great, you coped with all the tasks, passed all the tests. And this means that the witchcraft spells of Winter have disappeared, and the red Spring will definitely come to our land!

A gentle spring melody sounds.

Educator: “Listen, it seems like she’s walking on the ground with her weightless steps. And in order for spring to hurry up and quickly bring warm, fine days to our city, let's meet it the way we used to meet spring in Rus'. Let’s “bake” larks from the dough. And for this we need to return to our group and turn into someone who bakes bread. In whom?"

Children: To the bakers!

I raise my magic wand
I'm spinning it over you.
The children in the group found themselves
Everyone turned into bakers.

The teacher invites the children to his table.

Educator: “Let’s divide a piece of dough into two parts. We will sculpt a bird from a large part. Let's leave the little one. Why do you think?”

Children: “We’ll leave a small part to decorate the bird.”

Educator: “We’ll roll out a roller from a large piece. On one side, form a head with your fingers. Use your fingertips to make a beak. We flatten the rest into a flat cake. We will make one cut on the opposite side of the head. One part will be the tail, the other the wing. We cut the tail and wing like a fan, lift the wing up and press it to the body (the teacher accompanies his words with a demonstration).”

Educator: “Larks are nondescript birds. But people loved these birds, so they decorated them, sculpted a crest on their heads, and made beautiful patterns. Instead of eyes, they inserted peas and buckwheat grains” (the teacher shows options for decorating the larks).

The teacher suggests stretching your fingers before starting work:

Finger gymnastics "Lark"

Interlace your thumbs and clasp each other well. For us, this will be the lark's head. Place the remaining fingers together and close. These will be the wings. (The teacher accompanies the words with a show). Are your early risers ready? Then we take off and all perform the movements together.

“If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And he sings, sings, sings."

Children perform hand movements in accordance with the spoken text.

Educator: “The wonderful music of composer P.I. will help you create the image of a lark. Tchaikovsky, which is called “Song of the Lark”. In this ringing, joyful melody you will hear the babbling of a stream and the ringing of bells.”

The teacher suggests starting to sculpt the birds. During independent work If necessary, provides assistance and encourages children if they want to decorate the birds in different ways.

Educator: “Look what wonderful larks we have made.”

The teacher, together with the children, examines the sculpted birds, discusses who has the most elegant lark, the most vocal one, which lark has the most original crest, etc.

Educator: “What do you think, children, what can we do with our larks?”

Children: We can give them to our parents, we can leave them to decorate the group, we can take them outside and sing chants!

The teacher invites the children to take several larks outside so that they can ancient custom call Spring - I’ll be happy to visit you. If the children want to give a lark to their parents, then you can invite the children to make birds from the remaining dough in the evening as a gift to their loved ones.

Children go wash their hands and get dressed outside.
While walking

The teacher and the children place the larks on a high snowdrift, and they themselves stand around them and read the chants:

“Larks, come,
Take away the cold winter.
We're tired of winter -
She ate all our bread.”

"Oh, you larks,
Fly into the field
Bring health.
The first is cow
The second is sheep,
The third is human.”

Fly from across the sea
Bring us health
We are your pie
And you give us a bag of money.”

Then the children play the game “Lark”.

Game "Lark"

Children stand in a circle and sing:

“The lark sang in the sky,
The bell rang.
Frolic in silence
I hid the song in the grass."

The “lark” (leading child) with a bell moves in hops inside the circle. At the end of the song he stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says: “Whoever finds the song will be happy for a whole year!” The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game repeats itself.

Olga Tolmacheva
Educational activities. Integrated lesson “Larks” in the senior group

Integrated lesson"Larks"-part of the project “On the spring meadow, come out to play, my friend” (Acquaintance with Russian folk traditions and customs through chants, peace games, folk games) The work was carried out in collaboration with speech therapist L. A. Kokareva and teacher O. V. Dekhnych.

Tasks: .


Give an idea of ​​the national holiday ( "the vernal equinox", promote development interest in folk customs, games through folk games and nicknames.

Bring children to understand that folk traditions reflect the world around them;

learn to sculpt « larks» from salt dough;

enrich personal experience children with knowledge about the traditions and history of the Russian people.


develop sustainable interest, emotional and aesthetic feelings.

develop vocabulary,


cultivate love for native land, to his national traditions;

cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding nature; instill a love for birds;

Progress of the lesson:

(Using the presentation « Larks» )

IN: Today is the day spring equinox. Day and night became equal. The day lasts 12 hours and the night also lasts 12 hours. (Image of Spring with a rocker) . Look, Spring is carrying a rocker, and on it are two magic buckets. In one, dark one, the little girl lives at night. In another, bright one, it’s a clear day. Which one is lighter and which one is heavier? Now both buckets are equal in weight. After all, today is the day of the spring equinox. Day is equal to night. And then the light bucket will become heavier and heavier, because the day begins to grow.

On the day of the spring equinox, birds fly from warm regions. That's why people called (clicked) birds. People believed that birds carried golden keys on their wings (remember the fairy tale “How spring overcame winter”). Remember what these golden keys are for? What birds fly in in the spring? What birds did people call? Let's remember our nickname!

Physical education minute (say the chant with movements)

Russian poets and composers glorified this small, inconspicuous bird in their works. Listen to the melody of P,I, Tchaikovsky « Lark» . What does the music sound like? What a voice you have lark? (children's answers)

On this day, women baked dough larks and first gave it to the cows - in gratitude for the milk and butter; then to the sheep - for warm boots, mittens and sheepskin coats, and then to the children. AND sentenced:

Oh you larks, larks

Fly to the field, bring health

The first is cow

The second is sheep,

The third is human.

And the children ran into the street and shouted:

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring us a warm summer!

Take the cold winter away from us,

We're tired of the cold winter,

My hands and feet were frozen.

IN: Now, children, we will sculpt larks.

(Using the presentation: Master Class "Modeling Zhavoronkov» )

Consideration sample

Step by step explanation of sculpting larks(the teacher sculpts in front of the children with an explanation)

Children's work

Individual work

Analysis of works.

IN: Well done, you did a great job. As soon as our works are dry, we will paint them.

Ends poetry reading activity.

Teacher or Child:

In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

In the azure sonorous lark.

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

I'm here singing the coming of spring (Vasily Zhukovsky)


Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

Invisible the lark sings

A cheerful hymn to spring (Evgeny Baratynsky)

Software tasks:


  • To update children's knowledge about the change of seasons and the signs of spring.
  • Expand children's knowledge about birds.


  • Continue to develop in children: logical thinking, phonetic hearing, attention.
  • Develop the ability to work with plastic materials.


  • Create an emotional mood for children.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards birds and nature in general.
  • Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and goodwill.


Unbeknownst to children, a recording of birdsong is started.

Children: What is this?

Educator: I don’t know. Someone is singing.

Children: We know that the birds are singing.

Educator: Yes, that’s right, we haven’t heard from them for a long time. I wonder why they didn't sing before?

Children: Because it was winter.

Educator: So what? Why can't they sing like that in winter?

Children: Because they are cold.

Educator: Isn’t it winter now?

Children: No, spring has come!

Educator: How do you know that spring has come?

Children: Flowers bloomed, buds appeared on the trees, it became warm outside, etc.

Educator: Absolutely right. Do you know which birds are the first to fly to their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: The rooks arrive first (shows a close-up picture of a rook and a reproduction of A.K. Savrasov’s “The Rooks Have Arrived”). They arrive when there is still snow on the ground and the first thawed patches are just beginning to appear. This was very well depicted by the famous Russian artist A.K. Savrasov’s painting is called “The Rooks Have Arrived.”

They look at the picture.

Educator: After the rooks, starlings arrive second (showing a picture of a starling). People make special houses for them. What are their names?

Children: These are birdhouses.

Educator: Do any of you know which bird is considered a real harbinger of spring; after its return, all the birds fly to their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's listen to the singing of this bird.

Listen to an audio recording of a lark singing.

Educator: Did you like the bird’s singing?

Children: Yes, he sings beautifully.

Educator: And this bird’s name is lark (show picture). What bird does it remind you of?

Children: It looks like a sparrow, only a little bigger.

Educator: Absolutely right. The lark lives mainly in the steppe, in clearings, and rarely on the edge of the forest. The nest builds in a small hole in the grass, which it digs itself. It usually sings in flight and feeds by picking up food from the ground and pecking it from low plants where it can be reached with its beak. The food obtained by larks consists almost exclusively of insects, as well as weed seeds and carrion of cultivated plants. By eating weed seeds, it greatly helps crop plants. The lark has always been loved and revered in Rus'; many songs and poems have been written about it:


In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

I'm here singing the coming of spring.

It’s so easy for me here, it’s so welcoming,

So limitless, so airy;

I see God's whole world here.

And my song praises God!

Educator: Many folk signs are associated with the lark; folk holidays are dedicated to it. Exists ancient legend, according to which the souls of forty Christian martyrs who were executed but did not renounce their Christian faith turned into larks. Since then, it has been believed that if larks fly in on the Day of the Forty Martyrs, which is celebrated in Rus' on March 22, the year will be successful, the harvest will be good, and the flax will be long! People simply call this holiday “Magpies.” It is believed that on this day forty birds fly in, and a lark flies ahead of everyone.

On the eve of this holiday, “larks” were baked in the villages, and in the morning they were distributed to children, and they, with their songs, invited real larks, called for spring: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring the warmth of spring, we are tired of winter, we have eaten all our bread.” "

Educator: Do you want to make larks from dough yourself and bake them?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the children the dough from which they will make larks. Children wash their hands, put aprons and caps (kerchiefs) on their heads and, according to the teacher’s explanation, make larks.

Method for sculpting a lark: (dough, flour).

1. A small piece of dough is kneaded into a rectangle shape.

2. Tie it in a knot so that you get two tails.

3. One ponytail is left rectangular.

4. From the second tail, a lark’s head is sculpted in the shape of a ball and a small beak is pulled out.

5. On the tail, which remains a rectangle, small cuts are made along it.

The larks are taken to the kitchen and baked.

A continuation of this activity can be used on a walk where children call larks.

Sources of information used:

1. http://florofauna.ru/birds/gavoronock.php.

2. http://days.pravoslavie.ru/Life/life598.htm.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
« Kindergarten combined type No. 25, Oryol"
ODD summary
In the senior speech therapy group
(organized at PPRS “Mini Museum”)
On the topic: “Bring the larks, bring the red to spring”

Yashina E.S.
Eagle, 2015
Educational area: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Software tasks:
1.Give children an idea of ​​the celebration of spring.
2.Continue to introduce children to songs, rituals, and riddles.
3.Induce an emotional uplift and a joyful mood in children.
Corrective tasks:
1. Strengthen children’s ideas about spring phenomena and the life of migratory birds.
2.Enrich the vocabulary on the topic: “Spring. Migratory birds".
3.Develop general speech skills:
- make sure it's correct speech breathing when telling chants;
-continue to develop intonation expressiveness of speech;
- improve clarity of diction.
Preliminary work:
- conversation about spring, looking at illustrations, pictures depicting the seasons, migratory birds;
-learning chants, Russian folk games, round dances.
Materials for the lesson:
Flannelograph, pictures depicting migratory birds; tables, modeling boards, napkins, stacks, plates with dough, raisins; tape recorder, recordings with “voices of the spring forest”. Lesson plan:
1. Introductory part.
1.1.Organizational moment.
2. Main part.
2.1. Conversation about spring.
2.2. Reading spring calls.
2.3. Game “Sun” (coordination of speech with movement).
2.4.Guessing riddles about birds.
2.5. Conversation about birds.
2.6. Finger gymnastics “Lark”.
2.7. Making larks from dough.
2.8. Reading calls.
3. Final part.
3.1. Round dance “Vesnyanka” (coordination of speech with movement).
The hostess meets the children in the hut:
- Hello, children and adults. I welcome guests as good news. We gathered today in our hut to talk about spring and its holidays.
-When does spring come? (after winter).
-Do you want real spring to come? But how do we recognize her, by what signs? (children name the signs and symptoms of spring).
-Let's tell you what spring is like? (selection of definitions).
-Do you know the spring months? What is the first month? That's right, March is the first spring month. People call it “spring morning”, “sunflower”, “winter forest”, “watercourse”, “wind-carrier”, “rookie”. That's how many names it has. Why do you think it is called that?
With the increase in sunlight, abundant snow melts, streams flow, and with the arrival of rooks, winter completely recedes. In March, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer. March fights winter and brings warm winds.
-What holiday did we celebrate recently? (Maslenitsa).
-After Maslenitsa, people believed that spring was already on the doorstep. They didn’t just wait for spring, they invited it, called it with invocation songs, spring songs and greeted it with bread, like the most dear guest. Let's call you and call for spring. How many of you know the nicknames?
1. Spring, spring, red!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With abundant bread.
2.Spring, come! Bring three lands!
The first area - there is high water in the rivers!
Another piece of land – the sun in the yard!
The third land is a green expanse!
3.Oh, spring is red!
Because of the dark forests,
Come from across the blue seas,
Shine on us with the sun!
4.Aw, aw, aw,
Let's hear about spring.
March, March - I'm glad to see the sun.
April, April - the door will open.
May, May - walk as much as you want!
Hostess: -Aw, aw, let's go! We call, we call for spring, but it’s in no hurry. Apparently she was delayed somewhere. And I really want warmth. Let's call the sun. It will warm the earth with its rays, melt the snow - spring will come faster.
The game “Sun” is played (coordination of speech with movements)
Sunny, (children stand in a small circle, step back, Bell, expanding the circle, holding hands). You get up early, (hands up, stretching on tiptoes)
Wake us up early. (hands down)
We should run into the field (they run in a circle, holding hands)
Let's welcome spring.
-It seems that it has become warmer, the sun is warming up. Soon the birds will arrive. What bird appears first in our area? (rook).
People say: “The rook is on the mountain - spring is in the yard.”
Has the rook arrived? (they look for a rook on the flannelgraph)
Following the rooks, other birds gather. Which ones should you try to guess?
There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk,
The palace is on stake, there is a singer in the palace.
What's his name? (starling)
-Look, is there a starling among the birds?
-And when it gets warmer, this bird will fly:
Guess what kind of bird, little dark one,
White from the belly. The tail is spread into two tails.
She flies faster than anyone else, and there are plenty of midges on the go.
If she flies towards us, it means spring has begun. (martin)
-What kind of bird is this?
If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings, sings. (lark)
-Which birds are left? (wintering)
-How can you call all these birds in one word? (migratory)
-Let's play a game. I will say a sentence, and you will add a word.
-A flock of... (sparrows) flew into our yard.
There were many red-breasted bullfinches sitting on the mountain ash tree.
A little... (tit) flew up to the feeder.
...(starlings) have returned to our region.
-In the old days, peasants greeted the arrival of birds from distant lands with calls and songs. Very soon, on March 22, there will be another national holiday - Magpies. According to signs, it is from this time that the magpie begins to build a nest and puts 40 sticks in it, 40 different birds return to their native lands from the south, and spring comes. They also baked larks from the dough. Their shape could be different, depending on the taste and skill of the hostess. But it was considered important that the spread wings of birds were always depicted as flying. To make the cookies tasty, the birds' eyes were made from raisins, nuts or other berries. Then the baked lark was given to the children. The kids ran out into the street, threw them high into the sky, and asked the birds to fly in and bring spring with them. Let's try to mold larks from dough and call for spring once again.
The children are seated at the tables.
-As I already told you, the figures could be different shapes: flying lark, lark with chick, curled in a spiral, tied in a knot.
(pictures are shown).
-You and I will try to make a lark like this - tied in a knot. First, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics is performed:
Lark, lark, (thumb for each line Dear lark, greets twice with one
Where have you been? finger, starting with What did you come with? index, first on
-I’ve been overseas, with my right hand, then with my left hand). I got the spring.
I carry it, I carry it
Spring is red.
-What is this? (dough), what is it? Touch it, remember. (soft, pliable).
We roll the sausage, the sausage is tied in a knot. On one side of the sausage sticking out of the knot, we pull out the lark’s beak, on the other, the end is flattened and cuts are made, reminiscent of feathers on the tail. The eyes are the highlight.
(Children repeat the sequence along the chain.)
Place the birds on a baking sheet.
- These are the kind of lark people baked in the old days. And while you were visiting me, I also baked larks for you. Let us, according to the custom of our ancestors, call for spring. We take the lark in our cupped hands, lift it up towards the sun and try to call it.
1. Larks, come,
Spring - bring red,
We're tired of winter
Let spring come to us.
Bring on the spring
On your tail.
2.A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
The sandpiper brought nine locks.
- Sandpiper, sandpiper,
Close the winter
Unlock spring -
Warm summer.
3.Larks, larks,
Fly from across the sea
Bring a piece of health,
We will help you,
And you give us a bag of money!
4.The larks flew in,
Spring - the red was unlocked.
The gray snows rolled down,
Water appeared in the rivers.
Don't touch the sand
Don't dull your toe.
Your sock will come in handy
On a spike of oats.
- Do you hear, guys? (recording of “Voices of the Spring Forest”)
- Spring, spring, red, spring has come, clear.
The birds are singing loudly. They don't let me sleep for a long time.
The spring sun glanced through the window,
The hut lit up and made everyone happy.
- Let's have fun, dance in a round dance, and treat the guests.
Round dance "Vesnyanka" is held
And the sun is already clear (children walk in a circle, holding hands, It’s hot, it’s hot. They slowly raise their hands)
And there is gold everywhere (they walk in a circle holding hands, slowly Spilled, Spilled. They lower their hands)
Streams along the street (they run in a circle, in the opposite direction, everyone is murmuring, everyone is murmuring on their toes, hands on their belts) Cranes are crowing (they are walking in a circle in the opposite direction And they fly, and they fly. side, raising their knees high,
waving his hands.)

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