Liventsov E.I. General Liventsov and the Supreme Intelligence Awards and titles

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Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
September 1962 - January 1963
Predecessor: Victor Ivanovich Makarov
Successor: the position has been abolished; himself as the First Secretary of the Chimkent Rural Regional Committee
January 1963 - December 1964
Predecessor: the position has been established; himself as the First Secretary of the Chimkent Regional Committee
Successor: the position has been abolished; himself as the First Secretary of the Chimkent Regional Committee
December 1964 - January 1972
Predecessor: position restored; himself as the First Secretary of the Chimkent Rural Regional Committee
Successor: Amanulla Gabdulkhaevich Ramazanov
January 1972 - January 22, 1985
Predecessor: Nikolai Ivanovich Zhurin
Successor: Yuri Nikolaevich Trofimov
Religion: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth: January 16(1914-01-16 )
White Waters, Syrdarya region, Russian Empire now Sairam district, South Kazakhstan region
Death: July 15(2004-07-15 ) (90 years old)
Moscow, Russia
Burial place: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Dynasty: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Father: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Mother: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Spouse: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Children: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
The consignment: CPSU(b)/CPSU (since 1942)
Education: (1935)
Academic degree: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Website: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Monogram: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Hero of Socialist Labor - 1981
The order of Lenin The order of Lenin The order of Lenin Order of the October Revolution
Order of the Patriotic War, II degree Order of the Red Banner of Labor Order of the Red Banner of Labor
Order of the Red Banner of Labor Order of the Red Banner of Labor

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Lua error in Module:CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

In 1954-1957 - head of the State Farm Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. During the period of development of virgin lands, he was directly involved in the creation of an entire network of grain-growing farms in the vastness of the republic. More than two hundred farms were created from scratch.

In 1957-1959 - second secretary of the Akmola, and in 1959-1961 - of the Alma-Ata regional committees of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1961-1962 - Chairman of the Dzhambul Regional Executive Committee.

Awards and titles

  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree

Write a review of the article "Liventsov, Vasily Andreevich"


  • Liventsov V.A. My time. Aktobe. 1999


  • 15px . Website "Heroes of the Country".

Excerpt characterizing Liventsov, Vasily Andreevich

I wanted to convince this stubborn woman at all costs to leave her wonderful baby alone! But I clearly saw from her sad, but very confident look that it was unlikely that at the moment I would be able to convince her of anything at all, and I decided to leave my attempts for today, and later talk to my grandmother, and perhaps, together, come up with something what could such a thing be done here... I just looked sadly at the woman and asked again:
– Please don’t take him to the doctor, you know he’s not sick!..
She just smiled tensely in response, and quickly took the baby with her and went out onto the porch, apparently to get some fresh air, which (I was sure) she really needed at the moment...
I knew this neighbor very well. She was quite a nice woman, but what struck me most once was that she was one of those people who tried to completely “isolate” their children from me and poisoned me after the unfortunate incident with “lighting the fire”! .. (Although her eldest son, we must give him his due, never betrayed me and, despite any prohibitions, still continued to be friends with me). She, who, as it now turned out, knew better than anyone else that I was a completely normal and harmless girl! And that I, just like she once did, was simply looking for the right way out of that “incomprehensible and unknown” into which fate so unexpectedly threw me...
Without a doubt, fear must be a very strong factor in our lives if a person can so easily betray and so simply turn away from someone who so badly needs help, and whom he could easily help if not for the same fear settled so deeply and reliably in him...
Of course, we can say that I don’t know what once happened to her, and what an evil and merciless fate forced her to endure... But, if I knew that someone at the very beginning of life had the same gift , who made me suffer so much, I would do everything in my power to somehow help or guide this other gifted person on the right path, so that he would not have to “wander in the dark” just as blindly and suffer greatly... And she, instead of helping, on the contrary, tried to “punish” me, as others punished me, but at least these others did not know what it was and tried to honestly protect their children from what they could not explain or understand.
And so, as if nothing had happened, she came to visit us today with her little son, who turned out to be exactly the same “gifted” as me, and whom she was wildly afraid to show to someone, so that God forbid, someone... then I didn’t see that her sweet baby was exactly the same “curse” that, according to her “ostentatious” concept, I was... Now I was sure that it didn’t give her much pleasure to come to us, but she wouldn’t refuse either she very much could, for the simple reason that her eldest son, Algis, was invited to my birthday, and on her part there was no serious reason not to let him in, and it would have been too rude and “not appropriate.” -neighborly” if she would go for it. And we invited her for the simple reason that they lived three streets away from us, and her son would have to return home in the evening alone, so, naturally realizing that the mother would worry, we decided that it would be more correct to invite her along with her for my little son to spend the evening at our festive table. And she, “poor,” as I now understood, was just suffering here, waiting for the opportunity to leave us as soon as possible, and, if possible, without any incidents, to return home as soon as possible...
-Are you okay, honey? – Mom’s affectionate voice sounded nearby.
I immediately smiled at her as confidently as possible and said that, of course, I was completely fine. And I myself, from everything that was happening, felt dizzy, and my soul was already beginning to sink into my heels, as I saw that the guys were gradually starting to turn around at me and, like it or not, I had to quickly pull myself together and “establish “Iron control” over my raging emotions... I was thoroughly “knocked out” of my usual state and, to great shame, completely forgot about Stella... But the baby immediately tried to remind herself.
“But you said that you don’t have friends, and how many of them are there?!..” Stella asked, surprised and even a little upset.
- These are not the real friends. These are just guys I live next to or study with. They are not like you. But you are real.
Stella immediately began to shine... And I, “disconnectedly” smiling at her, feverishly tried to find some way out, absolutely not knowing how to get out of this “slippery” situation, and was already starting to get nervous, because I didn’t want to to offend my best friend, but I probably knew that soon they would definitely start to notice my “strange” behavior... And again stupid questions would start pouring in, which I didn’t have the slightest desire to answer today.
– Wow, how delicious you have here!!! – Stella jabbered, looking at the festive table in delight. - What a pity, I can’t try anymore!.. What did they give you today? Can I have a look?.. – as usual, questions rained down from her.
– They gave me my favorite horse!.. And a lot more, I haven’t even looked at it yet. But I will definitely show you everything!
Stella simply sparkled with happiness to be with me here on Earth, and I became more and more lost, unable to find a solution to this delicate situation.
– How beautiful it all is!.. And how delicious it must be!.. – How lucky you are to have something like this!
“Well, I don’t get that every day either,” I laughed.
My grandmother watched me slyly, apparently amused from the bottom of my heart by the situation that had arisen, but was not yet going to help me, as always, first expecting what I would do myself. But, probably because of today’s too strong emotions, as luck would have it, nothing came to mind... And I was already seriously starting to panic.
- Oh, here’s your grandmother! Can I invite mine here? – Stella suggested happily.
- No!!! – I immediately almost screamed in my mind, but there was no way I could offend the baby, and I, with the happiest look that I was able to portray at that moment, joyfully said: “Well, of course - invite me!”
And then, the same amazing old woman, now well known to me, appeared at the door...
“Hello, dears, I was on my way to see Anna Feodorovna, but I ended up right at the feast. Please forgive me for the intrusion...
- What are you talking about, please come in! There's enough room for everyone! - Dad suggested affectionately, and very carefully stared straight at me...
Although my grandmother did not at all resemble my “guest” or “school friend” Stella, my father, apparently sensing something unusual in her, immediately “blamed” this “unusual” on me, since for everything “strange” that was happening in our house, I usually answered...
Even my ears turned red from the embarrassment that I can’t explain anything to him right now... I knew that later, when all the guests had left, I would definitely tell him everything right away, but for now I really didn’t want to meet my dad’s eyes , since I was not used to hiding something from him and this made me feel very “out of place”...
- What's wrong with you again, honey? – Mom asked quietly. – You’re just hovering somewhere... Maybe you’re very tired? Do you want to lie down?
Mom was really worried, and I was ashamed to tell her a lie. And since, unfortunately, I couldn’t tell the truth (so as not to scare her again), I immediately tried to assure her that everything was really, really absolutely fine with me. And I myself was feverishly thinking about what to do...
– Why are you so nervous? – Stella asked unexpectedly. - Is it because I came?
- Well, what are you talking about! – I exclaimed, but, seeing her gaze, I decided that it was dishonest to deceive a comrade in arms.
- Okay, you guessed it. It’s just that when I talk to you, to everyone else I look “frozen” and it looks very strange. This especially frightens my mother... So I don’t know how to get out of this situation so that it would be good for everyone...

In the late nineties, after three years of working at the newspaper "Third Eye", I understood a lot in life, including the fact that all the "friends" and heroes of our publication, namely magicians, healers, shamans, sorcerers, etc. were divided into exactly two categories - vile, cynical charlatans and simply crazy.
General Liventsov belonged to the minority - the crazy. Thank God - quiet and harmless. One morning he showed up at the editorial office and said: “Hello! I am a contactee and I have business with you. Who is your specialist on the Higher Mind?”

Oooh, welcome, dear! You will be taken to Ekaterina Solovyova, she has been dealing with these issues for a long time! - that’s how, with the light hand of the editor-in-chief and to the giggling of the entire team, I turned from an errand girl into an expert on extraterrestrial civilizations.
The tall, youthful old man actually turned out to be a retired general, I don’t remember which troops. He dumped six or seven thick A4 notebooks on the table in front of me, covered from cover to cover in a beaded handwriting that was completely impossible to understand.
- You must print this! This is a sensation, this is the voice of the Supreme Mind, recorded by me under his dictation! - from these shouts I almost slid under the table from a stifled laugh. In the next room, our friendly team, without hesitation, laughed out loud. But the general heard only himself and the Supreme Intelligence.
I tried in vain to explain to the former soldier that sixteen tabloid pages could not handle the volume of Anna Karenina. I was supported by my boss, who crawled out of his office practically on all fours and was red with laughter.
“That’s right,” the chief said seriously, but peals of laughter roared inside him. You can't print everything in a newspaper. But an interview, perhaps, is possible. Ekaterina, please, find time for a personal conversation with Mr. Liventsov! - winking treacherously, the boss set me up for the second time that day.

The general lived in Chertanovo and famously drove a red nine. I rushed around Moscow in the front seat of his car, hugging six notebooks containing “the exact dates of the Apocalypses and second comings.” He sat me down in the kitchen and began heating up the borscht. This will last for a long time - I realized. The borscht turned out to be delicious. Sauerkraut too. I thought it might never come to notebooks? Not so. For about three hours the military commander read out to me “selected passages from correspondence with alien friends.” My brain switched off and rested, categorically not perceiving this nonsense. I only remember that Liventsov, foaming at the mouth, assured me that on certain days, at strictly established times, he heard the Voice. The voice dictates to him a program that the general must convey to us, ordinary earthlings. What, they say, we are doing wrong and what we should do. In general, I really ended up with a classic “contactee” - a special caste of crazy people who have convinced themselves that they are intermediaries between Worlds. Liventsov tormented me until the evening and, at parting, in addition to a jar of sauerkraut (take it, take it - it’s charged!) He began to shove a three-liter jar of “charged” water.

He is also a follower of Chumak... - my brain said tiredly. I managed to reject the water (I couldn’t really drag it from Chertanovo to Pushkino under my own power!), and I couldn’t avoid the cabbage - but it’s a shame to complain, it crunched considerably.
I can’t remember exactly what kind of nonsense I wrote in an interview with the retired general, but the material was published, and the warrior, along with Reason and the readers, was pleased. In gratitude for this, the chosen one of the Other Worlds provided us with a classic Russian snack with vodka for the next six months, and all the cabinets were replenished with cans of energy water for a long time. I don’t remember if this affected the quality of the office tea and the state of the office flora. But the nickname “general’s wife” stuck to me for a long time.

Katya, don’t you want some cabbage, huh?

15 years have passed since the first meeting of Evgeniy Ignatyevich Liventsov, Major General, contactee - guide with the Higher Cosmic Mind, author of the book “Revelations of the Higher Cosmic Mind” (2001, 2011) with Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, founder of the field of space medicine, who worked for a number of years with the first Russian cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova and others.

This happened in August 1997 at the international Congress “Traditional Medicine. Present, past, future" in Moscow.

A witness to this meeting was a participant in this Congress, now professor Anatoly Aleksandrovich Trubitsyn. He took several photographs of this meeting (see photos). Before the start of the Congress, in the foyer of the Zheleznodorozhnikov Palace of Culture near the Kazansky Station, according to Professor A.A. Trubitsyn: “A man in a general’s uniform approached me and asked: Could you help me meet with I.P. Neumyvakin? I came specifically to meet him.” Since I was already familiar with I.P. Neumyvakin. and he was already not far from us, I pointed out him to the general.” This is how the meeting of these two people took place - the general, the contactee - conductor with the military and military complex and Colonel Neumyvakin I.P., who later became good friends.

Ivan Pavlovich helped Liventsov E.I. in the work of processing the information he receives from the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

The joint work was reflected in the books of Neumyvakin I.P. "Universe. Earth. Man", "Bioenergetic essence of man".

The first book by Liventsov E.I. “revelations of the Supreme Cosmic Mind” was published in 2001, a re-edition of the book with additions was released in 2011 and is sold through the online store -

(The computer is acting up, Photoshop is slow. Let me, I think, I’ll write a story from an old one. Believe what is written!)

In the late nineties, after three years of working at the newspaper "Third Eye", I understood a lot in life, including the fact that all the "friends" and heroes of our publication, namely magicians, healers, shamans, sorcerers, etc. were divided into exactly two categories - vile, cynical charlatans and simply crazy.
General Liventsov belonged to the minority - the crazy. Thank God - quiet and harmless. One morning he showed up at the editorial office and said: “Hello! I am a contactee and I have business with you. Who is your specialist on the Higher Mind?”

Oooh, welcome, dear! You will be taken to so-and-so, she has been dealing with these issues for a long time! - that’s how, with the light hand of the editor-in-chief and to the giggling of the entire team, I turned from an errand girl into an expert on extraterrestrial civilizations.
The tall, youthful old man actually turned out to be a retired general, I don’t remember which troops. He dumped six or seven thick A4 notebooks on the table in front of me, covered from cover to cover in a beaded handwriting that was completely impossible to understand.
- You must print this! This is a sensation, this is the voice of the Supreme Mind, recorded by me under his dictation! - from these shouts I almost slid under the table from a stifled laugh. In the next room, our friendly team, without hesitation, laughed out loud. But the general heard only himself and the Supreme Intelligence.
I tried in vain to explain to the former soldier that sixteen tabloid pages could not handle the volume of Anna Karenina. I was supported by my boss, who crawled out of his office practically on all fours and was red with laughter.
“That’s right,” the chief said seriously, but peals of laughter roared inside him. “You can’t print everything in a newspaper.” But an interview, perhaps, is possible. Ekaterina, please, find time for a personal conversation with Mr. Liventsov! - winking treacherously, the boss set me up for the second time that day.

The general lived in Chertanovo and famously drove a red nine. I rushed around Moscow in the front seat of his car, hugging six notebooks containing “the exact dates of the Apocalypses and second comings.” He sat me down in the kitchen and began heating up the borscht. This will last for a long time - I realized. The borscht turned out to be delicious. Sauerkraut too. I thought it might never come to notebooks? Not so. For about three hours the military commander read out to me “selected passages from correspondence with alien friends.” My brain switched off and rested, categorically not perceiving this nonsense. I only remember that Liventsov, foaming at the mouth, assured me that on certain days, at strictly established times, he heard the Voice. The voice dictates to him a program that the general must convey to us, ordinary earthlings. What, they say, we are doing wrong and what we should do. In general, I really ended up with a classic “contactee” - a special caste of crazy people who have convinced themselves that they are intermediaries between Worlds. Liventsov tormented me until the evening and, at parting, in addition to a jar of sauerkraut (take it, take it - it’s charged!) He began to shove a three-liter jar of “charged” water.

He is also a follower of Chumak... - my brain said tiredly. I managed to reject the water (I couldn’t really drag it from Chertanovo to Pushkino under my own power!), and I couldn’t avoid the cabbage - but it’s a shame to complain, it crunched considerably.
I can’t remember exactly what kind of nonsense I wrote in an interview with the retired general, but the material was published, and the warrior, along with Reason and the readers, was pleased. In gratitude for this, the chosen one of the Other Worlds provided us with a classic Russian snack with vodka for the next six months, and all the cabinets were replenished with cans of energy water for a long time. I don’t remember if this affected the quality of the office tea and the state of the office flora. But the nickname “general’s wife” stuck to me for a long time.

Katya, don’t you want some cabbage, huh?

Vasily Andreevich Liventsov(1914-2004) - Kazakh Soviet party leader. Hero of Socialist Labor (1981). First secretary of the Chimkent regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1962-1971), first secretary of the Aktobe regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (1971-1985). Deputy of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 7-11 convocations (1966-1989) from the Aktobe region (11th convocation).


Born on January 16, 1914 in the village of Belye Vody, Syrdarya region (now the village of Aksukent, South Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan).

After graduating from the Alma-Ata Agricultural Institute in 1935, he worked as a local agronomist and senior agronomist at a machine and tractor station. In 1938-1943 - senior agronomist, chief agronomist of the Alma-Ata regional land of the West Kazakhstan regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1942 he joined the CPSU(b)/CPSU.

Since 1943, at party work in the Kazakh SSR. In 1943-1944 - deputy head of the department of the Alma-Ata regional committee of the Communist Party (b) of Kazakhstan. In 1944-1950 - head of the agricultural department, and in 1950-1952 - second secretary of the Taldy-Kurgan regional committee of the Communist Party (b) of Kazakhstan. In 1952-1954 - second secretary of the West Kazakhstan Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.

In 1954-1957 - head of the State Farm Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. During the period of development of virgin lands, he was directly involved in the creation of an entire network of grain-growing farms in the vastness of the republic. More than two hundred farms were created from scratch.

In 1957-1959 - second secretary of the Akmola, and in 1959-1961 - Alma-Ata regional committees of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1961-1962 - Chairman of the Dzhambul Regional Executive Committee.

From September 1962 to January 1972 - first secretary of the Chimkent regional committee (in January 1963 - December 1964 - rural regional committee) of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.

From January 1972 to January 22, 1985 - first secretary of the Aktobe regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. He was the head of the region for exactly 13 years.

During this period, the regional center was dynamically and efficiently developed in the Aktobe region - new railway and air station buildings, residential areas were built, and trolleybus traffic was organized. Aktyubinsk has been transformed and acquired a modern look. Other cities in the region also grew and developed. With the active support and assistance of Liventsov, the first higher civil aviation flight school in the USSR (AVLUGA) appeared in Aktyubinsk in 1975, which became the third university in the region. In 1977, as a result of the disintegration of the former Kazakh railway, the West Kazakhstan railway was organized with management in Aktyubinsk. Personal contacts of the head of the region with the heads of relevant Union Ministries, departments and Departments of the CPSU Central Committee made it possible to solve many problematic issues in the region much faster and more fruitfully.

The first secretary of the regional party committee paid much attention to the development of agriculture. With Liventsov’s arrival in the region, work began on the creation of large livestock complexes; many large enterprises of the city were involved in this construction. For the procurement and storage of agricultural products in Aktyubinsk, by the beginning of the 80s, an elevator, a feed mill and a mill were built and put into operation. In 1980, a record harvest was harvested in the Aktobe region - 100 million poods of grain (1,664 thousand tons). This was one tenth of the annual harvest of the entire Kazakhstan.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 19, 1981, for the outstanding successes achieved in fulfilling plans and socialist obligations to sell a billion pounds of grain to the state in 1980 and exceeding the plans of the tenth five-year plan for the production and purchase of bread and other agricultural products, Vasily Andreevich Liventsov was awarded the title of Hero Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Since January 1985 - retired.

Lived in Moscow. In 1999, a book of memoirs by V.A. was published. Liventsov "My time".

Awards and titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor
  • three orders of Lenin
  • Order of the October Revolution
  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree
  • five Orders of the Red Banner of Labor
  • Honorary Railwayman (1978)