How many years has Princess Diana been gone? Diana: Princess of Wales, Queen of People's Hearts. Gave scandalous interviews

“They say it’s better to be poor and happy than rich and unhappy. Well, what about a compromise – moderately rich and moderately capricious?” - Princess Diana.

Princess Diana Spencer born July 1, 1961, on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk. Diana was perhaps the most beloved and respected member of the British royal family, earning herself the nickname "The People's Princess." She was born into a family of English aristocrats - Edward John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and Frances Ruth Burke Roche, Viscountess Althorp (later Frances Shand Kydd).

Both of Diana’s parents were close to the royal court, and in Edward’s biography there was even an episode with his marriage proposal to Queen Elizabeth II, which she did not immediately reject, promising to “think about it.” However, to the great disappointment of Diana's father, Elizabeth soon met the Greek Prince Philip, with whom she fell madly in love and whom she eventually married. However, despite unfulfilled hopes, Edward maintained warm, friendly relations with Elizabeth, thanks to which the Spencers always occupied a special position at court.

Diana became the third daughter in the Spencer family, while her father desperately wanted an heir. male. Therefore, the birth of another girl was a huge disappointment for both parents. “I should have been born a boy!” - Lady Di admitted with a bitter smile many years later.

However, an heir did appear in the family, but by that time the relationship between the spouses was so undermined by mutual discontent that the marriage soon broke up. Frances remarried wallpaper business owner Peter Shand-Kydd, who, although fabulously rich, did not have a title, which caused her mother's endless displeasure. A true aristocrat and devoted royalist, Frances's mother could not believe that her daughter left her husband and four children for the sake of some “upholsterer.” She confronted her daughter in court, and as a result, Edward received custody of all four children.

Although both parents tried their best to brighten up their children’s lives with trips and entertainment, Diana often lacked simple human attention and participation, and sometimes she felt lonely.

She received an excellent education, first in private school Riddlesworth Hall(Riddlesworth Hall), and then to prestigious boarding school West Heath(West Heath School).

Lady Diana Spencer acquired the title after her father inherited the title of Earl in 1975. Despite the fact that Diana was known as a shy girl, she showed a genuine interest in music and dancing. But, alas, the future princess’s dreams of ballet were not destined to come true, because one day, while on vacation in Switzerland, she seriously injured her knee. However, many years later, Diana demonstrated brilliant dancing skills when she performed a number on the stage of Covent Garden paired with professional dancer Wayne Sleep, on the occasion of her husband's birthday.

In addition to dancing and music, Diana enjoyed spending time with children: she happily looked after her younger brother Charles and took care of her older sisters. Therefore, after graduating from a boarding school for noble maidens in Rougemont, Switzerland, Diana moved to London and began looking for work with children. Eventually, Lady Di received a position as a teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico, London.

Generally speaking, Diana never shunned any, even the most menial, work: she worked as a nanny, a cook and even a cleaner. The future princess cleaned the apartments of her friends and her older sister, Sarah, for $2 an hour.

In the photo: Lady Diana and Prince Charles

Since the Spencer family was close to the royal family, as a child Diana often played with Prince Charles's younger brothers, Princes Andrew and Edward. At that time, the Spencers rented Park House, an estate that belonged to Elizabeth II. And in 1977 elder sister Diana - Sarah - introduced her to Prince Charles, who was 13 years older than the young lady.

As heir to the British throne, Prince Charles has always been the subject of intense media attention, and his courtship of Diana certainly did not go unnoticed. The press and public were fascinated by this odd couple: a reserved prince, a big fan of gardening, and a shy young girl, passionate about fashion and pop culture. On the day the couple got married - July 29, 1981 - the wedding ceremony was broadcast by television channels around the world. Millions of people watched the event, hailed as the “Wedding of the Century.”

Marriage and divorce

On June 21, 1982, their first child, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, was born to the family of Diana and Charles. And 2 years later, on September 15, 1984, the couple had a second heir - Prince Henry Charles Albert David, known to the general public as Prince Harry.

Shocked to the core by the pressure that befell her along with her marriage, and the relentless attention of the press to literally her every step, Diana decided to defend the right to her own life.

In the photo: Princess Diana and Prince Charles with their sons Prince William and Prince Harry

She began supporting many charities, helping the homeless, children in need, and people suffering from HIV and AIDS.

Unfortunately, the fairytale wedding of the prince and princess was not the beginning of a happy marriage. Over the years, the couple grew apart and both sides were suspected of infidelity. Being unhappy in her marriage, Diana suffered from bouts of depression and bulimia. Ultimately, in December 1992, British Prime Minister John Major announced the separation of the couple, reading the text of the royal family's address in the House of Commons. The divorce was finalized in 1996.

Death and legacy of Diana

Even after the divorce, Diana remained popular. She devoted herself entirely to her sons, and also participated in humanitarian projects such as the fight against landmines. Lady Di used her worldwide fame to raise public awareness of pressing issues. However, its popularity also reverse side: Diana's romance with Egyptian producer and playboy Dodi Al-Fayed in 1997 caused a real stir and incredible hype in the press. As a tragic result, on the night of August 31, 1997, a loving couple died in a car accident in Paris when the driver tried to break away from the paparazzi pursuing them.

In the photo: Memorial in honor of Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed
at Harrods store in London

Diana did not die immediately, but only a few hours later in a Paris hospital as a result of her injuries. Diana's lover, Dodi Al-Fayed, and his driver also died, and the guard received serious injuries. There are still many rumors surrounding Diana’s death: it was even rumored that she was killed by British intelligence services at the direction of the royal family, which supposedly could not come to terms with the fact that the mother of the heirs to the throne had a relationship with a Muslim. By the way, Diana’s mother, Frances, was also not happy with this relationship, once calling Diana a “whore” for “getting mixed up with Muslim men.”

French authorities conducted their own investigation into the car accident and found a high level of alcohol in the blood of the driver, who was subsequently found to be the main culprit of the accident.

News of Diana's sudden and absurd death shocked the world. Thousands of people wanted to pay their last respects to the “people’s princess” at the farewell ceremony. The ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey and was broadcast on television. Diana's body was later buried at her family estate, Althorp.

In 2007, 10 years after the death of their beloved mother, Diana's sons, Princes William and Harry, organized a concert dedicated to the 46th anniversary of her birth. All proceeds from the event were donated to charities that Diana and her sons supported.

Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton also paid tribute to Diana by naming their daughter, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, who was born on May 2, 2015, after her.

The Memorial Fund in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales continues her endeavors. Established after her death, the foundation provides grants to various organizations and supports many humanitarian causes, including caring for the sick in Africa, helping refugees, and ending the use of landmines.

The memory of the Princess of Wales and her good deeds still lives in the hearts of millions of people. And no other title in the world has such high value as the title " Queens of people's hearts", forever assigned to Diana.

In the photo: Princess Diana devoted a lot of time to charitable work

Based on materials from Part of the photo taken from

The beautiful Princess Diana, who passed away so suddenly and tragically... People still remember and love her. The biography of Princess Diana sheds light on why she became an ideal for many people. Her story is an illustration of a person’s encounter with such powerful force, like royalty, duty, monarchy.

In the list of one hundred great Britons, Princess Diana surpassed Darwin, Newton and even Shakespeare, taking third place after Churchill and Brunel. Who is she? And why is Princess Diana's death still controversial? What difficulties did the wife of the heir to the throne of Great Britain encounter? How did she manage to earn such respect from citizens as to surpass Shakespeare himself?


The Princess of Wales (nee Diana Spencer) was married to Prince Charles, the son of the Queen of Great Britain, for fifteen years. Her birthday is July 1, 1961. On this day, in the county of Norfolk, a girl was born into the family of Viscount Althorp, who had an unusual fate awaiting her. She was the third daughter in the family (her older sisters were Jane and Sarah).

Later, Diana's parents had a son, Charles. Three years after her birth, at Charles's baptism, fate had already crossed the little Spencers with the Queen of England: she became godmother to Diana's brother.

Life at Sandrigham Castle, where Diana spent her childhood, would seem like paradise to most people: six servants, garages, a swimming pool, a tennis court, many bedrooms. An ordinary aristocratic family. The girl was also raised in full accordance with traditions.

What is traditional English education famous for? The distance between children and parents, as well as the refusal to cultivate vanity in children, pride in what they themselves have not yet achieved. For a long time, the little Spencers did not understand how privileged they were.

Perhaps the kindness and generosity of the adult Diana is a positive consequence of such upbringing and, of course, the result of the influence of her paternal grandmother, whom the future princess loved very much. She helped those in need and did charity work. When the princess was still just Diana, her biography had already added a sad page: her parents’ divorce hit the girl at the age of six. The children remained to live with their father.

Since childhood, Diana preferred dancing (she studied ballet at the boarding school) and swimming, and she was successful in drawing. Diana had difficulty in exact sciences, but liked history and literature. Her achievements in ballet aroused the admiration of others.

London and adult life

U During her years at West Heath School, the future queen of hearts showed miracles of kindness, helping the sick and elderly, and also went to a hospital for the mentally ill, where volunteers looked after children suffering from physical and mental disabilities. Perhaps this is what helped the girl realize how important it is to help those in need, and to confirm that her calling is caring for others. Her responsiveness and ability to sympathize with people did not go unnoticed at school: Diana received a badge of honor in her graduating class.

After graduating from school, Diana decided to live an independent life in London. She worked in low-paid jobs: as a nanny, as a waitress. At the same time, she learned to drive, and subsequently to cook. The girl did not drink alcohol or smoke, did not like noisy entertainment, and spent her free time in solitude.

Then Diana competed for a position as a ballet teacher for primary school students, but a lower leg injury soon put an end to this activity. Then she went to work as a kindergarten teacher, and also worked as a housekeeper for her sister.

Life in London was distinguished by both the girl’s great employment and pleasant, easy and cheerful entertainment. She had her own apartment, which her parents gave her. She lived there with her friends, they often had tea parties, played pranks like children, and played pranks on their friends. For example, once a “cocktail” of flour and eggs was smeared on the car of a young man who did not arrive at the appointed time.

Dating and marriage

“You shouldn’t expect much from life, it leads to disappointment. Accept her for who she is, life is much easier this way.”

Initially, the one who, more than thirty years later, would set a record for waiting for the British crown, entered Diana’s life as a friend of her sister Sarah. The story of young Spencer and the thirty-year-old heir to the throne did not begin immediately.

The prince was characterized as a rather selfish person. He never adjusted to the tastes of the girls he seemed to be courting. In fact, could it really be called courtship if the servants even sent flowers for him? However, this is quite understandable, given his status as the most eligible bachelor in the whole world.

Perhaps the prince himself would have preferred to remain free, but the situation obliged. And he decided to choose his wife for purely rational reasons, knowing that divorce was impossible, but at the same time wanting to keep his lifestyle unchanged.

From mid-1980, the prince began to show increased attention to Diana. And after him, reporters began to pay increased attention to her, and the boundaries of private life disappeared. Even then, Diana saw how close the Parker-Bowles family was to Charles.

Six months later, on February 6, 1981, the prince proposed to Diana. Diana began to immerse herself in the life of the royal court, which meant she had a need to look impeccable, and besides, she was now one of those who personified the monarchy. Then Princess Diana's style began to take shape. She realized that her outfit should always satisfy the tastes of the most picky and be impeccable in any conditions.

In Buckingham Palace she was deprived of everything: independence, privacy, the possibility of self-realization, sincerity - in fact, the status of the prince's bride deprived her of freedom. Noisy gatherings with friends, spontaneity, a lot of communication and work - now all this is a thing of the past.

More and more hints about the prince’s close relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles added fuel to the fire. Andrew Morton, in his book about Diana, said that right on the eve of the wedding, she wanted to break off the engagement because of the discovery of a bracelet that was bought by the prince as a gift to Camilla.

On July 29, 1981, Diana became a princess. Her husband, even during the honeymoon, gave cause for concern. Princess Diana discovered photographs of Camilla, and then cufflinks, according to Charles, given to the one he once loved.

The story of Princess Diana was turning into a tragedy. She developed bulimia nervosa. Her married life was not all smooth sailing: her husband’s attitude left much to be desired, and the inability to have a heart-to-heart talk with anyone made the situation hopeless. But these are the rules of the court, where duty is above all, and feelings must be kept in check. She had no one to turn to, she was left alone and faced with the need to live up to the image of a beautiful princess and an exemplary wife in a love triangle situation.

Gradual disappearance of illusions

“Don’t try to look serious – it won’t help anyway”

Princess Diana's children were to be raised in the traditions of the English court - under the supervision of nannies and governesses. But their mother insisted that her sons not be cut off from her and from a normal way of life. Princess Diana had a surprisingly strong position on children and their upbringing. She breastfed them herself and actively participated in the process of their development and education.

The princess gave birth to her first child, son William, on June 21, 1982. Although the princess was infinitely happy about the birth of her first child, nervous exhaustion and a feeling of hopelessness made themselves felt with emotional outbursts. And then it turned out that the husband’s parents have an extremely negative attitude towards conflicts in the family of Prince Charles and are ready to allow him to file for divorce. To the eyes of respectable persons, brought up in strict rules, she, apparently, seemed to be an ordinary hysterical woman.

As Diana herself later said, the Queen said almost directly in conversations with her that perhaps Diana’s problems were not the result of an unsuccessful marriage, but the unsuccessful marriage was the result of the girl’s mental problems. Depression, deliberate self-harm, bulimia nervosa - could these all be symptoms of the same disorder?

Diana became pregnant again. The husband wanted a girl, but on September 15, 1984, “Princess Diana’s daughter” turned out to be a boy. Diana hid the ultrasound results until the birth of the child.

Did Princess Diana have any lovers? It is noteworthy that the press and society looked at any friendly relationship between the princess, and even just an acquaintance, as a reason for censure, but no one seemed to notice the obvious connection between Prince Charles and Camilla.

Complete break

“There are more important problems than ballet. For example, people dying on the street"

The fairy tale of Princess Diana and Prince Charles ended before it began, but their tragedy lasted ten years. Her husband was not interested in Diana’s inner life, her experiences and fears; she could not count on his support.

Slowly but surely, Princess Diana searched for inner support. Well, it was not for nothing that Diana herself told her that without the ability to suffer, you will never be able to help others. Pulling herself together, Diana began the journey to herself. She meditated, studied various philosophical movements, looked for answers to questions regarding the world and man’s place in it, fears, was fascinated by psychology, etc.

When Princess Diana found herself, she began to pay a lot of attention to people who were not lucky in life. She visited hospitals for the seriously ill, homeless shelters, and an AIDS department. Count Spencer, Diana's brother, in a conversation with biographer Morton, spoke of the princess as a strong-willed, purposeful and firm person who knows what she lives for, namely, to be a conduit for good, using her high position.

Later, when William suffered a head injury, the whole world could see the indifference of his father, who went first to Covent Garden and then on an expedition related to environmental problems. How this resonated with the behavior of the mother, who was ready to help many people!

Does the Lord protect the righteous?

“I want to be with those who suffer, wherever I see them, and help them.”

The scandal, apparently, was inevitable. At the end of August 1996, the ill-fated prince and princess received their freedom. After the divorce, Diana retained the title of Princess of Wales and received large compensation (17 million pounds and 400 thousand every year).

After the official breakup, Diana took a very active civic position. She was going to make films, fight illiteracy and the evil existing in the world. In addition, she tried to build new relationships: first, Dr. Hasnat Khan became her chosen one, and then producer Fayed. But the death of Princess Diana suddenly put an end to her wildest dreams.

The princess died as a result of an accident at the age of 36: on August 31, 1997, a car accident occurred in a tunnel. In the car was not only Princess Diana, but also Dodi al-Fayed, the son of an influential billionaire. Subsequently, Mohammed Fayed spent a lot of effort to shed light on the death of Princess Diana and his son. Many still believe that the tragedy was planned by the royal court to stop the princess's "indecent" behavior.

A short biography of Diana seems to be a story not about a princess, but about an ordinary woman whose life was far from simple. There is no doubt that Diana had a big, generous soul, and this woman deserves the fondest memory. After a difficult day, Diana always told herself that she did everything she could. It seems the same can be said about her earthly life. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Biography and episodes of life Princess Diana. When born and died Diana, memorable places and dates of important events in her life. Princess Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Princess Diana:

born July 1, 1961, died August 31, 1997


"Farewell English rose,
The country that is left without your soul says goodbye to you.
Who will be bored, inspired by your compassion,
More than you could imagine."
From Elton John's song "Goodbye English Rose"


She once admitted that she loves to sing and dance, but listening and watching it is impossible. That didn't stop her from dancing rock 'n' roll at the White House with John Travolta. This was all Princess Diana - kind, modest, unsure of herself and at the same time cheerful, loving and wanting to be loved.

The biography of Princess Diana is the life story of a good girl from a noble but modest family. Diana Frances Spencer was born in Sandringham, the daughter of Earl Spencer. Even as a child, she was faced with her parents' divorce. When Diana turned 18, she moved to London, to an apartment given to her by her parents, and at the same time began working in a kindergarten. Charles knew Diana for several years before he began to show interest in her as a potential bride. Diana's biography seemed like a fairy tale - in 1981, her wedding to Charles took place and Diana was truly in love with the prince, dreaming of children and a happy family.

What Diana did not know at first was that Charles had long been in love with a completely different woman, whom his parents did not approve of marrying - Camilla. And, as it became known later, he did not interrupt contact with her even when he was married to Diana. The prince's parents chose Diana as his wife the way they choose horses - young, beautiful, healthy, noble, why not a princess? Every woman envied the life of Princess Diana: she gave birth to sons for the prince, did charity work, visited hospitals and orphanages and always looked delightful and stylish, but few knew how unhappy and unloved she was in her own home. Finally, Diana herself could not resist and fell under the spell of first one man, then a second, and then found the strength to cope with depression, bulimia, became interested in yoga and, finally, decided to free herself from the falseness of the royal house. And Charles was tired of being in the shadow of his more beautiful and beloved wife. The couple officially announced their separation in 1992. And five years later, the UK and the whole world were shocked by another tragedy, the death of Princess Diana.

It seemed that she had finally found personal happiness. It is unknown whether she actually had an affair with heartthrob Dodi Al-Fayed or they were just close friends, but one way or another, she looked very happy next to him. They arrived in Paris for just a day and hurried to the Ritz Hotel to have dinner, as always pursued by the paparazzi. Everyone is still wondering whether it was an accident, whether the photographers who blinded the drivers with flashes were to blame, or maybe it was the murder of Princess Diana, which was ordered by the royal family, who could not stand Diana’s shameful affair for them? If Princess Diana had not had an accident, she might have lived a lot longer. for long years Having finally learned what the love of a beloved man and family happiness are. Upon learning of Diana's death, Prince Charles stood up for her for the first time before the Queen and personally flew to Paris to pick up her body. ex-wife, and then insisted that Diana's funeral service be held at St. James's Palace with full royal honors. 6 days after the accident, Diana’s funeral took place. Princess Diana's grave is located on a secluded island on Diana's family estate, Althorp House.

Diana looked very happy marrying Charles

Life line

July 1, 1961 Date of birth of Diana Frances Spencer.
1975 Receiving the title "lady".
1977 Meeting Prince Charles.
1978 Moving to London.
February 24, 1981 Official news about the engagement of Diana and Charles.
July 29, 1981 Princess Diana's wedding.
June 15, 1985 Diana's visit to Moscow.
June 16, 1985 Presentation of the International Leonardo Prize to Princess Diana at the British Embassy in Moscow.
August 31, 1997 Date of death of Princess Diana in a car accident.
September 6, 1997 Funeral of Princess Diana.

Memorable places

1. The city of Sandringham in the UK, where Diana Spencer was born.
2. St. Paul's Cathedral in London, where the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles took place.
3. Buckingham Palace, the official residence of British monarchs.
4. The scene of Princess Diana's accident in the Alma Bridge tunnel.
5. Salpetriere Hospital, where Princess Diana died.
6. St. James's Palace, where the farewell service for Princess Diana took place.
7. Diana Althorp's family estate, where Princess Diana is buried.
8. Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park, London.
9. Princess Diana Memorial Foundation.
10. Memorial to Dodi and Diana at Harrods.

Diana dances with John Travolta at the White House

Episodes of life

Diana did not blame only Charles for the divorce; she said that she was ready to take half the blame for the fact that their marriage broke up. But she also admitted: “There were three of us in the marriage, and I don’t like crowds.”

When Diana moved to London, she not only worked in a kindergarten, but also cleaned apartments, did laundry and ironing to pay for her living.

According to Diana, William and Harry were the only men in her life who did not let her down


"Hugging can do a lot of good - especially for children."

“If you have found someone you love in your life, then grab onto that love.”

Documentary film “The Alchemy of Love No. 17. Princess Diana”


"Diana proved that she doesn't need any royal titles to continue to radiate her special magic."
Earl Charles Spencer, Diana's brother

“Only with her look or gesture, which spoke much more than any words, Diana revealed to all of us the depth of her compassion, her humanity. She was the people's princess and that is how she will remain forever in our hearts and memories."
Tony Blair, 73rd Prime Minister of Great Britain

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Princess Diana is a stronghold of purity and an example to follow. She has a number of behavior patterns that are familiar to the royal family, and her style is still copied. However, we want to talk not so much about Diana, Princess of Wales, but about Diana Frances Spencer - a woman not so familiar to us outside the royal image.

We are in learned about another, more human and dramatic side of Lady Di's life. Two motives were invariably intertwined in her fate: the desire to give happiness and the impossibility of becoming happy herself. This is exactly what the facts we discovered indicate.

One of the first to draw attention to the problem of AIDS and debunking myths about this disease

At the opening of the UK's first AIDS ward, Princess Diana defiantly took off her gloves and shook hands with every patient. This gesture was intentional: Lady Di was trying to dispel myths about people infected with AIDS, which were stigmatized at the time. Subsequently, she visited sick children many times, transferred funds to relief funds, and also did not shy away from personally communicating with HIV-infected people.

Since childhood I have not been my mother's favorite

Diana Spencer was not rich enough to neglect her work. The entire inheritance of Earl Spencer was passed down through the male line, which is why Lady Di, who had not yet been married, unlike her sisters, earned as much as she could. She cleaned friends' houses, taught dance lessons to teenagers, and worked as a nanny's assistant and kindergarten teacher.

She was worried about her weight and developed bulimia before the wedding.

After 13 meetings with her future husband and the decision to get engaged, Lady Diana became seriously concerned about her weight and began to fall into unhealthy states. It all started with a thoughtless phrase from the groom, and ended with an eating disorder - bulimia. By the time of the wedding, the girl’s waist had decreased in girth by 20 centimeters; it “melted from February to June.” Diana's condition was also influenced by endless jealousy: she saw Charles secretly exchanging gifts with his first love, Camilla.

The honeymoon turned out to be not a fairy tale, but a horror

“By this point, my bulimia was completely uncontrollable. The attacks were repeated 4 times a day. Everything I could find, I immediately devoured, and after a couple of minutes I felt sick - it exhausted me.”

Princess Diana

“Wearing a protective vest, I tried to walk along a strip that was obviously cleared of mines and I can say that it was very scary. What is it like for those who have neither vests nor miners, who have to risk their lives every time they go for water, those who are simply forced to live among minefields?!”

Princess Diana

In one of the cities of Angola, a few days before the arrival of the princess, teenagers playing football were blown up on a field that had not been completely cleared. It was through such a field that Lady Diana walked, wearing a bulletproof vest and a protective mask against bullets - this is how she spoke out in support of the movement against anti-personnel mines.

Problems in marriage haunted everyone: from bed to social events

After the wedding and honeymoon spent together, it became obvious: Charles and Diana, who was 13 years younger than him, had nothing to talk about. The girl had specific, if not limited, tastes in literature, was not interested in her husband’s hobbies and ridiculed his piety. In matters of love, as Lady Di admitted, the prince “had no need”: for 7 years they secluded themselves three times a week, which seemed insufficient to her, and then that too disappeared.

Hug the leprosy patients she visited in India

Along with the myths about HIV-infected people, Princess Diana tried to dispel rumors about people with leprosy. She first visited them at Mother Teresa's leper colony in India and hugged each one, and then became a patron of The Leprosy Mission.

Cheated on her husband as revenge

An unhappy marriage and a husband who was in awe of another woman pushed Princess Diana to try to find out what true love is. Her lovers include many men: from a riding instructor to a heart surgeon. The most famous is the bodyguard Barry Mannaki - it was about his removal and, as the princess herself believed, her faked death that she recalled, calling it the biggest blow of her entire life.

Regularly visited children with cancer

Diana, Princess of Wales (English Diana, Princess of Wales), née Diana Frances Spencer, since 1975 Lady Diana (English (Lady) Diana Francis Spencer, July 1, 1961, Sandringham, Norfolk - August 31, 1997, Paris) - since 1981 by 1996 the first wife of Prince Charles of Wales, heir to the British throne. Popularly known as Princess Diana, Lady Diana or Lady Di. According to a 2002 poll conducted by the BBC, Diana was ranked third on the list of the hundred greatest Britons in history.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961 at the Royal Estate of Cendrigham in Norfolk. She was the third daughter of the future Viscount and Viscountess Althorp. Diana's father, Edward John Spencer, served in the court of King George VI. Her mother, Frances Ruth, was the daughter of Lady Fermoy, a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother.

The father was in for deep disappointment. For him to continue the most noble, with seven hundred years! - the nobility of the family required, of course, an heir, and then a daughter was born again. The family already had two daughters, Sarah and Jane. The girl was given a name only a few days later. She will become her father's favorite, but that will happen later. And soon their son Charles was born.

Diana spent her early childhood years in Sandrigham, where she received her primary education at home. Her first teacher was governess Gertrude Allen, who also taught Diana's mother. Diana's early childhood was filled with happiness; she grew up as a kind and sweet girl. The children received an upbringing more typical of old England than of the mid-twentieth century: strict schedules, nannies, governesses, pheasants for dinner, long walks in the park, horse riding. Diana did not work out with horses - at the age of eight she fell from a horse and was badly injured; after three months of treatment, Diana fell out of love with horse riding forever.

The Spencer estate borders the royal estate of Sandringham. The Spencers are well acquainted with the royal family and are part of the court circle. So the girl, in accordance with aristocratic traditions, received a proper upbringing.

The Spencer mansion from the Green Park side of the capital.

Her life was overshadowed by the discord of her parents (Lady Speser left four children with her father, going to another man whom she loved), and their secret rivalry. Her parents' divorce had a particularly serious effect on Diana: she withdrew into herself and began to be afraid to appear in public. And she told her nanny: “I will never get married without true love. If you are not completely confident in love, you may have to get a divorce. And I never want to get a divorce.” Soon a stepmother appeared in the house, who disliked the children.

Diana's education continued in Sealfield, at a private school near King's Line, then at preparatory school Riddlesworth Hall. At the age of twelve she was accepted into the exclusive girls' school at West Hill, in Sevenoaks, Kent. Soon Diana became everyone's favorite among both teachers and classmates. Although she did not show special diligence in the intricacies of science, she adored sport games and dancing.

She became "Lady Diana" in 1975, when her father assumed the hereditary title of Earl. During this period, the family moved to the ancient ancestral castle of Althorp House in Nottregtonshire. In the winter of 1977, shortly before leaving to study in Switzerland, sixteen-year-old Lady Diana meets Prince Charles for the first time when he comes to Althorp on a hunting trip. At that time, the impeccably brought up, intelligent Charles seemed to the girl only “very funny.”

Her education ended at the age of 18, she was unable to pass the exams for the basic elementary course even on her second attempt. From a prestigious Swiss boarding school - after begging her parents to take her away from there, Diana moves to London to start an independent life. At first she lived with her mother, took cooking classes and ballet classes. And soon she - using the inheritance she received from her great-grandmother - bought a small apartment on Colgern Court. Like many people who have a home but no money to maintain it, Diana shared an apartment with friends. She worked part-time for her rich friends, cleaning apartments and babysitting children, and then went to work in kindergarten"Young England".

The Prince of Wales, by the time he met Lady Spencer, was an established, quite mature man, who had received an excellent education and had charming manners. He seemed too withdrawn and reserved. Diana may not have taken him seriously at first - he was courting her sister Sarah. But one moment decided her entire fate.

She was sitting on the hay in one of the summer days. Invited guests wandered around the estate. Among them was Prince Charles. He came up and sat down next to him, turning off the path. They were silent for some time. Then Diana, overcoming her shyness, spoke first, expressing sympathy to the prince for the death of his grandfather, Earl Mountbatenna, who was killed by terrorists recently..." I saw you at a service in the church - she said... You walked down the aisle. You looked so sad face! You seemed so suffering and lonely to me... Someone should take care of you too...".

All evening, the Prince of Wales did not leave Diana a single step, showering her with such signs of respectful attention that it became clear to everyone: he had chosen. Diana, as always, was charmingly embarrassed and blushed, lowering her eyes. Literally the next day the press started talking about it, photojournalists began hunting for Lady Di, her photographs appeared in magazines and newspapers.

In February 1981, the press service of Buckingham Palace officially announced the engagement of the Prince of Wales and Countess Diana Frances Spencer. On July 29, 1981, the wedding took place in St. Peter's Cathedral in London. Thus ended the novel of the century, which opened a new page in the history of England and the entire Windsor dynasty.

It was a very complex marriage of two extraordinary and bright personalities... No matter what they write or say, there was a huge mutual attraction between the two of them. It was difficult for the princess to adapt to the external isolation of the royal family, the impenetrability of emotions, coldness, flattery and naked hypocrisy. She was different. She was timid in front of everything new, unfamiliar, and sometimes got lost. She was only twenty years old. She was young and inexperienced. She was preparing to become a mother. She was not afraid of open emotions, tears, outbursts of spiritual warmth. She tried to give a piece of this warmth to everyone around her... They often did not understand her and shied away from her like she was the plague...

She knew from her own experience what a lack of attention to emotional openness in the family meant. She tried not to repeat her parents' mistakes in her... But it was so difficult for her to build her own world in the family that soon after a difficult birth (her first son, Prince William, was born on June 21, 1982), she fell into depression. The first signs of rapidly progressing bulimia, a disease of the digestive system, appeared. Prince Harry was born two years after his first child, on September 14, 1984.

From the very beginning she tried to ensure that her children lived as simple a life as possible, ordinary life. When it came to primary education sons, Diana opposed William and Harry being raised in the closed world of the royal house and they began to attend preschool classes and regular school. On vacation, Diana allowed her boys to wear jeans, sweatpants and T-shirts. They ate hamburgers and popcorn, went to the movies and attractions, where the princes stood in a general queue among their peers.

In the early 90s, a blank wall of misunderstanding grew between the most famous spouses in the world, in particular due to Charles’s ongoing relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles (later, after the death of Diana, who became his second wife). In 1992, the tension in their relationship reached its climax. She tried to take revenge on him in a purely feminine way, hence the unsuccessful romance with Hewitt, which even the queen gave up on, and her flirtation with James Gilbey. She was looking for a soul to whom she could entrust all her wounds and tears and could not find it. She was betrayed by everyone - lovers, doctors, astrologers, girlfriends, secretaries, relatives and relatives. Even the mother, who told the press all the secrets of Lady Di’s childhood and minor shortcomings. She was left alone. Only her children were faithful to her - two adoring and adored sons.

Five suicide attempts by Princess Di. This has been discussed a lot and at length, but we’d better trust her herself: “My soul was screaming for help! I needed attention...”. She will tell you later. She will judge and evaluate everything herself: “We were both guilty, we both made mistakes. But I don’t want to put all the blame on myself. Only half...”. And no less mysterious words spoken to his sons William and Harry: “I still love your father, but I can no longer live with him under the same roof.” The marriage broke up in 1992, after which the couple lived separately, and ended in divorce in 1996 on the initiative of Queen Elizabeth II.

The princess increasingly went into search of the spiritual meaning of life and charitable causes. She founded hundreds of foundations in the country and around the world for children and the sick, the homeless and lepers. She chose a spiritual mentor for herself - Mother Teresa and walked next to her, following her philosophy of help: “Do not allow even one to remain unhappy after meeting you!”

Hundreds of children called her their guardian angel. She supported and founded projects for opening cancer centers for terminally ill patients in all countries of the world, including here in Russia. Few people remember her visit to Moscow in 1995. She took one of the Moscow children's hospitals under her protection. Forced to change the policy of entire states in relation to the most terrible weapons, which so easily enriched hundreds of dirty souls - anti-personnel mines.

With what pain she said in almost her last interview: “I have always been and will be only a humanitarian figure, I only want to help people as much as I can, that’s all... The world is sick with a lack of philanthropy and compassion more and more.. . Someone needs to come out here and love people and tell them that." Shortly before her death, in June 1997, Diana began dating film producer Dodi al-Fayed, the son of Egyptian billionaire Mohamed al-Fayed, but apart from the press, this fact was not confirmed by any of her friends, and this is also denied in the book of Lady Diana’s butler, Paul. Barrel, who was a close friend of the princess.

On August 31, 1997, Diana died in Paris in a car accident along with Dodi al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul.

At Diana's funeral, both boys behaved with the calm dignity of grown men. Their late mother would no doubt have been proud of them. On that sad day, among many other mournful images, many remembered the wreath leaning against the coffin. On it was a card with one one word: "Mom." Princess Diana was buried on September 6 at the Spencer family estate of Althorp in Northamptonshire, on a secluded island in the middle of a lake.

In 2006, the biographical film “The Queen” was shot, which describes the life of the British royal family immediately after the death of Princess Diana.

She tried to say. Even with your Death. She tried to love to the end. And be needed. She was lively and kind, warm, bringing light and joy to people. She was sinful in some way, but she did a lot more than others who were seemingly sinless and paid for her mistakes at a high price, loneliness, tears and general betrayal and misunderstanding.