What a personalized model of professional development. Designing a model of personalized advanced training. Collection output

Advanced training courses are updating the knowledge and skills of persons with professional education, due to increasing requirements for the level of their qualifications and the need for them to master new ways of solving professional problems. Professional retraining is the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills in accordance with additional professional educational programs that include the study of scientific and educational disciplines, branches of technology and new technologies necessary for the implementation of a new type of professional activity. A personalized model of advanced training is advanced training that provides the opportunity for students to choose individual educational programs, the financing of which is carried out from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Draft Regulations on conducting an experiment on personalized financing of a system of advanced training, see PERSONA, female (Latin. persona) (book) - person, personality. Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary Personification (from Lat. persona “face”, Lat. facio “I do”) representation natural phenomena, forces (for example, in the form of angels), objects, abstract concepts in the image of a person, or recognition of the listed human properties. Common in mythology/religion, fairy tales, parables, magic and exotica. cults, as well as fiction(see also Allegory, Personification, Anthropomorphism). Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.lat. angelsmythologyreligionmagicAllegoryPersonification Anthropomorphism PERSONIFICATION (from the Latin persona - person and...fication), representation of natural phenomena, human properties, abstract concepts in the image of a person. Widespread in mythology, fairy tales, and parables. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary PERSONIFICATION, w. (Latin personificatio) (book). Personification, representation of something. an object or abstract concept in the image of a face, in the image of a person. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary CONCEPTUAL DICTIONARY

RELEVANCE “The key to professional success can no longer be knowledge acquired once in a lifetime. What comes to the fore is the ability of people to navigate in a huge information field, the ability to independently find solutions and successfully implement them” (V.V. Putin) A teacher’s conscious order for his own professional development process becomes extremely important, because only the implementation of your own order for advanced training can help satisfy their individual educational needs, stimulate Professional Development and therefore improve educational work at the preschool educational institution.

GOAL Individualization and personification of the professional development of teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, ensuring their inclusion in innovative activity in the context of the implementation of FGT 1. Identification of the personal level of professional competence and professional needs of teachers. 2.Development of a system of personalized professional development. 3. Formation of teachers’ need for continuous professional improvement. Objectives Expected result Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the context of updating the content preschool education

PERSONALIZED MODEL OF IMPROVEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS OF MANAGERS AND TEACHERS OF PRECAUTIONARY INSTITUTIONS IN CONDITIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF FGT Analysis of the information received Development of a system of professional development. Joint development of recommendations for teachers based on analysis of the information received Development of a system of professional development. Joint development of recommendations for teachers based on the analysis of the information received Federal level Forms and methods for improving the competence of teachers Self-diagnosis: identifying the problem field, formulating advanced training tasks (testing, questioning) Self-diagnosis: identifying the problem field, formulating advanced training tasks (testing, questioning) Generalization of experience work, creation of an individual methodological system Mentoring Participation in professional competitions Mentoring Participation in professional competitions Expected result: Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the context of updating the content of preschool education Incentives value orientation on pedagogical creativity, innovation Individual educational program. Individual educational route. (place, terms, form) Individual educational program. Individual educational route. (place, terms, form) Regional level Municipal level Full-time, part-time, combined form of PC. Traditional events: CPC, consultations, seminars, workshops, etc. Remote and multimedia technologies: webinars, forums, etc. Experimental, internship sites, work of creative groups. Targeted educational programs Full-time, part-time, combined forms of PC. Traditional events: CPC, consultations, seminars, workshops, etc. Remote and multimedia technologies: webinars, forums, etc. Experimental, internship sites, work of creative groups. Targeted educational programs Diagnostics: studying the dynamics of changes in the level of professional competence of each preschool teacher Adjustment individual route

EXPLANATORY NOTE TO THE PERSONALIZED MODEL OF IMPROVEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS OF MANAGERS AND TEACHERS OF PRECEPTION OUCHES IN THE CONDITIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF FGT Purpose of the model: Individualization and personification of the professional development of teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, ensuring their inclusion in innovative activities in the context of the implementation of FGT. Objectives: 1. Identification of the personal level of professional competence and professional needs of teachers. 2. Development of a system of personalized professional development. 3. Formation of teachers’ need for continuous professional improvement. Expected result: Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the context of updating the content of preschool education. This model presents the following blocks: Diagnostic - self-diagnosis of teachers; Design – analysis of the information received, development of a system of professional development; Activity-based – drawing up an individual route, choosing a place, form, determining the timing of advanced training; Control – studying the dynamics of the professional competence of each teacher; Corrective – making changes to the individual route. The professional development process organized according to this model becomes continuous, personalized and relevant. The personalized model is a universal form of advanced training for teachers and heads of preschool educational institutions; the algorithm presented in the model can be used to improve competence for any individual request.

Oksana Novikova
“Personalized model for advanced training of preschool educational institutions managers and teachers”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 32

« Personalized professional development model

managers and teachers of preschool educational institutions»

“An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete.” K. Simonov

Currently, the same idea was expressed by V.V. Putin, saying that ““The key to professional success can no longer be knowledge acquired once in a lifetime...”.

We, teachers, also should not stop there.

In our preschool educational institution one of the possible options for such CPD models for directors and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of this model is: Creating conditions for .

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Identify the problem area leader or teacher based on analysis of diagnostic results (monitoring, as a request for the content of educational services;

Organize personalized promotion through the implementation of individual educational routes.

System advanced training as a form of continuing education teacher V Lately is undergoing a number of positive changes.

Success advanced training is determined by how much teacher subjectively included in this process. The role of a performer is not enough for him; he acts as an author, “a scriptwriter of his actions, with certain preferences, ideological positions, and the determination of a creator.”

However, in order for him to take a subjective position in learning, it is important that the acquisition of education becomes personally significant, and internal needs and motives act as a motivation for activity in this direction. This is optimally achieved in personalized model of professional development(PPK).

Personalized professional development in the presented model begins with an analysis of the state and social order for the content of competence leader or teacher, since it is precisely this order that dictates the requirements for a professional in accordance with modern government policy and regulatory documents.

The next step is diagnosis (monitoring) difficulties leader or teacher of a professional nature in order to determine requests for educational services, as has already been repeatedly emphasized in various sources that training will be effective, the content of which will correspond to the needs, needs, problems that everyone has teacher.

It should be noted that when choosing forms advanced training it is necessary to give preference to the so-called "active learning methods"(master classes, pedagogical trainings, business games, brainstorming, etc., since they are built mainly on dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions on ways to solve a particular problem, on independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of active cognitive activity. Also, the PPC forms may contain full-time and correspondence, distance courses, and therefore it becomes necessary creation individual website.

Advanced training can take place on various levels: intra-garden, municipal, federal.

When comparing AUC leader and teacher, it becomes clear that head the emphasis will shift to the municipal and federal levels, while teacher all three levels will be present.

To bring the selected material into the system, it is necessary to create an individual educational route, which is not a frozen fact. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational route and make timely adjustments.

The result of mastering this models of personalized professional development is compliance with professional competence, qualifications of managers and teachers requirements of the modern educational space.

To the presented models An explanatory note has been developed.

Main components models are:

Conditions under which it occurs personalized professional development for managers and teachers;


The purpose of this models: Creating conditions for personalized approach to advanced training for managers and teachers.

The result is achieved in a few stages:

Diagnostics (monitoring) difficulties leader or teacher of a professional nature in order to determine requests for educational services (questionnaires, testing, cross-sections, questionnaires, conversations, work observation teacher with children and parents).

The development of an individual route is based on drawing up a plan for solving the problem, choosing forms, locations for events at different levels (within the preschool educational institution, municipal, regional, federal levels) . When choosing forms advanced training preference is given to active learning methods, in which the student’s activity is productive, creative, exploratory in nature (master classes, pedagogical trainings, business games, brainstorming sessions, full-time and correspondence courses at various levels, online seminars, individual website).

At the final stage:

-teacher and leader evaluates his professional growth himself, with the help of independent expertise, expert assessment, estimates head of preschool educational institution, passing the CCP, self-esteem;

They demonstrate their successes at different levels (within preschool educational institutions, GMOs, PDS, generalization and dissemination of experience, publications of experience, professional skills competitions at the regional and federal levels).

Result: Compliance with professional competence, qualifications of managers and teachers requirements of modern educational space

This model has a variety of forms of PC, while the emphasis is on the use of active teaching methods, taking into account individual requests, since this is precisely the approach increases teacher’s personal motivation and provides high efficiency advanced training for managers and teachers, professional growth and its competitiveness in the educational services market.

“The key to professional success can no longer be knowledge acquired once in a lifetime. What comes to the fore is people’s ability to navigate a huge information field, the ability to independently find solutions and implement them successfully.”
(V.V. Putin)

Conscious order of a specialist for his own professional development process becomes extremely important because Only the implementation of one’s own order for advanced training can help satisfy the individual educational needs of specialists, stimulate their professional development and, therefore, improve educational practice.

In this regard, in Arkhangelsk regional institute retraining and advanced training of education workers, a model is being implemented continuous, personalized and relevant professional development according to individual educational programs (hereinafter referred to as IEP) using Internet resources and tutor support.

What is the essence of a model of continuous, personalized and relevant professional development?

Schematically, this model is presented as follows:

Model of continuous, personalized and relevant professional development includes four elements.

First element of the model - authorization on the “IEP Training” website. A specialist from an educational institution who decides to improve his qualifications in IEP must register and/or log in Online. Each site user has a personal page, which includes the following sections: “Diagnostics”, “Work Experience”, “Training”.

Second element of the model - "Diagnostics" includes materials that allow the listener to evaluate his/her professional competence. An education worker undergoes self-diagnosis, selects a problem field, and formulates educational objectives for advanced training.

Third element of the model - direct training.

The basis for the development of an individual educational program for advanced training is the professional difficulties of an educator identified during self-diagnosis.

A student who decides to improve their qualifications in IEP using the “Individual Educational Program Designer” proceeds as follows:

  • undergoes diagnostics in selected areas and identifies the problem area;
  • selects by keywords educational modules that are relevant for yourself, referring to the modular depository of JSC IPPK RO and other training events (regional and municipal level);
  • prepares an individual educational program;
  • together with the tutor, on his personal page, draws up an individual educational route (hereinafter referred to as IOM) by choosing the place, timing and form of studying modules and other training events (regional and municipal level) included in the individual educational program;
  • is included in the learning process in accordance with the IOM, implementing the IEP.

The fourth element of the model - experience- involves an analysis and description of one’s own effective teaching experience, identified from the results of self-diagnosis. To describe his own pedagogical or managerial experience, an employee can use the “Description of Pedagogical (Managerial) Experience” constructor located on his personal page on the website of JSC IPPK RO.

The “Description of Pedagogical (Managerial) Experience” constructor is a wizard for developing a document to describe experience. By filling out the fields of the constructor, the teacher (supervisor) analyzes his own professional activities and describes his experience. The results of the student’s work are posted in the “Materials for Public Expertise” database, which is also located on the “IEP Training” website. Education workers in the Arkhangelsk region have the opportunity to get acquainted with the presented teaching experience and evaluate it on the following questions:

  • is the experience relevant (for me, for the educational institution, for the municipal education system, for the regional education system);
  • Is the main idea of ​​the experience clear?
  • Can this experience be considered innovative?

Based on the results of the public examination, the material is assessed by professional experts and placed in the bank of advanced pedagogical experience of the Arkhangelsk region.

Another option for disseminating the best experience of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the Arkhangelsk region is to participate in a competition for advanced training module programs. This competition is held by JSC IPK RO among educational institutions of the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in order to develop the practice of advanced training for education workers on the basis of educational institutions and create conditions for demonstrating the innovative experience of teachers and heads of educational institutions. Module programs that have passed the competitive selection are entered into the regional modular depository, and the educational institution receives the status of a basic educational platform for advanced training. Thus, the educational environment for building an IEP is expanding.

When implementing an individual educational program for advanced training, a teacher may encounter new professional interests and difficulties that he can solve by again turning to the regional modular depository. The professional development process organized according to this model becomes continuous, personalized and relevant.

Never assume that you know everything

what do you already have there is nothing more to learn.

The other day a teacher came to work to apply for a job. primary classes, apparently, a person interested in new educational innovations owns information technology(Moreover, we met her through communication on the blog). The conversation turned to course retraining, they say, I studied according to a personalized model. What is this? The question threw my interlocutor into a stupor. This is what I want to talk about today.

At the core personalized The model is based on a social order, an order from a specific teacher (institution) to the system of advanced training. For many years, the prevailing approach in the professional development system was that teachers (once every five years) were given the same content in the same form, the only difference being the subject taught. At the end of the training, the teacher received a certificate, and that was enough. For what? Mainly for certification purposes. Now the period has come when the teacher himself is interested in improving his qualifications and professional retraining. People of different experience, different ages, with different goals, different motivations come to study courses (full-time, part-time, distance learning), and they need completely different knowledge and the level of obtaining it. The transition to a personalized system of advanced training is a general strategy public policy in this direction. So what is a personified model? What are its components

The first is a general pedagogical component, which is implemented through modular courses addressed to those who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of sociology, pedagogy, psychology, education, additional education of students, management, economics, and in teaching their subject. In a word, this is a targeted training system focused on a specific teacher, his needs and perceived deficiencies in professional competencies.

Second point. The education system is personalized from the point of view of the task for advanced training that is set by each educational institution (in particular, the school) depending on the development program, on the characteristics of the projects that are being implemented at the school, in which the teacher is included (and not only in the educational organization, but also in the district, city, region, etc.) This is, indeed, personification at the level of activity of each individual teacher, the functions that he bears both as a subject teacher, and as a member of the teaching staff, as a member of the teaching community . For example, courses for methodologists, tutors, courses for candidates to become members of the Unified State Examination commissions, courses Unified State Exam experts, courses for members of the State Examination Committee, courses for ShVR specialists, etc., and, of course, courses for subject teachers.

Where are such courses available? Yes, practically everywhere. And here we have the Krasnodar Regional Institute of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education, one of the largest centers for advanced training of education workers in the south of Russia, where there are budgetary and extra-budgetary courses. As a rule, admission to budget courses is based on an application prepared by the educational institution in advance for the calendar year (funds are allocated for this). There are not enough places, a new teacher has arrived, there is a need for training - we are looking for funds, sending teachers to extra-budgetary courses.

But if the teacher himself decided to study, then this can be done remotely. I would like to note that teachers have become more demanding in their choice of courses and in the institution that conducts advanced training courses and professional retraining according to a personalized model. Distance learning significantly expands the range of courses and, most importantly, gives the opportunity to freely and independently choose them. In addition, organizing such training does not require large expenses, and you can study without leaving home.

The purpose of my article is to focus specifically on the features of a personalized model of advanced training and course retraining, but if you want to improve your qualifications remotely, choose an interesting module for self-education, then I advise you to read the material on the blog Geography teacher Liliya Pavlovna Kazantseva

And I liked the colleague who came to school, and she liked our school too. If nothing disrupts our plans, we will begin cooperation in August.




1. Professional development of teachers in
process of modernization of education
Personalized model
advanced training
3. Models for teacher professional development
in the education system of the Altai Territory

Policy documents revealing
content of educational policy
The Government of the Russian Federation defines as
central task of the modern stage
school modernization - provision
continuity of renewal processes. By
in essence, the core of modernization of education is directly
transforming almost all of it

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

Models have currently been developed
ideas about the two most significant
changes in modern Russian education:
first – modernization of the structure and
content of general education
second - the development of new pedagogical

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

And it is in the context of these two changes
traditional themes associated with “increasing
qualifications of education workers", with
improvement of some means already
existing pedagogical work, must be
radically rethought within the framework of the new
problem area: conditions and mechanisms
professional development of teachers in
the process of modernization of education.
There is no doubt that this is a strategic move in
reforming professionalization processes
teachers, educators, methodologists, managers.

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

Modern high school Russia and its regions
ceases to be defined only by those of the same type,
regulatory and organizational requirements that are the same throughout the territory (although in essence,
we still have classics everywhere
Soviet secondary school with
rudimentary forms of profiling,
normatively and professionally, by the way, weak
This task has been set, but serious
studies of the profiling problem
There are still very few high schools.

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

True professionalism of the teacher for
“our new school” ceases to be defined
only a set of plans and
methods of educational work,
which he owns within his
highly specialized competence.

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

The main goal of professional development
teacher and his activities are related to
radical rethinking of the
content of education, its structure and
forms of organization.
Achieving the set goal and maybe on our
look, promote personalized
professional development model.

Implemented in the Altai Territory
personalized promotion model
teacher qualifications, which are based on:
- identification of individual professional
- formation of a system of educational and professional
tasks within the framework of advanced training courses,
- building an individual educational
route ending
- preparation of the final project, which has
practical relevance for quality improvement

Personalized professional development model

The offered program includes an internship
practice for mastering innovative experience
testing and introduction of federal
state educational standard
general education in pilot schools in the region.

Personalized professional development model

Personalized promotion process
qualifications creates conditions for the manifestation
subjective position of the student teacher in
in accordance with their
own needs,
by selecting modules (from those published on
AKIPKRO website for an annotated list of educational
ways to independently solve educational problems.

Personalized professional development model

Successful organization of activities
designing a complex of such individual
trajectories is associated with sequential
by each teacher going through the entire
a set of special professional positions:
theoretical and methodological,
design and methodological,
professional activity,

Personalized professional development model

Responsible acceptance of these positions in the regime
special training, specific developments and
their implementation in educational process just
and is designed to ensure the formation of new
pedagogical competencies, what is in the language
vocational education is possible
designate as
mastery of culture by each teacher
research, design,
project and management activities.

Personalized professional development model

It should be noted that conscious and practical
acceptance of the indicated positions is in
according to the following steps
design in education:
reflective and expert.

Personalized professional development model

1. The motivational stage is associated with joint
discussion of conditions and expected results
cooperation between educational subjects, with
correlating them with one’s own life experience,
their values ​​and personal meanings in
everyone's professional activities.
2. The conceptual stage is the discovery of meaning and
content of the upcoming work; collective
the subject must master the position of the theorist,
methodologist, philosopher of education, questioners
foundations for designing educational
program or individual project.

Personalized professional development model

3. At the modeling stage,
development of a set of regulatory subprograms –
managerial, pedagogical, service and other
as co-organized activities of different
subjects of education.
4.-5. Individual project implementation stage
closely related to the reflexive-expert stage,
which as an independent one can
highlight only logically, since specific steps
its implementation are accompanied by ongoing
reflective diagnostics and examination
results and consequences that allow
make the necessary adjustments to the individual
the project as a whole, and in its individual sections.

Professional development of teachers in the process of modernization of education

Next is the second, conceptual
the position associated with the first is the conditions
in which such a thing is possible
rethinking. The main thing, but not the only one
these conditions are new, expected
professional competencies
modern teacher; their composition and
cultivation means.
But this is another problem and another topic, which
also requires special consideration...

Personalized professional development model

Third - and in this sense final
the conceptual position is the structure itself
and technology for implementing educational
professional development programs
teacher - his consciousness, activity and
professional community.
It is obvious that its construction is largely determined
those required competencies that
necessary for designing educational
program (or separate subroutine) in
own educational institute.

Personalized professional development model

Description of variable increase models
teacher qualifications in the education system
Altai Territory:

1. Part-time model

equalization of starting opportunities for students
at the first – correspondence – stage of training due to
execution of a package of differentiated tasks in
depending on those identified during self-diagnosis

information basis of the teacher’s activities.
Contents and forms of passing the correspondence stage
the student chooses independently.
During the correspondence stage, the student receives a network
advisory support.

Models for teacher training in the education system

At the second stage – full-time training
organized in a group form, which
provides opportunities
joint pedagogical design of new
ways and means of professional activity
and ends
protection of the individual final project.

Models for teacher training in the education system

2. Part-time/part-time model of personalized
advanced training involves
at the first – full-time stage of training, identifying
professional difficulties and deficits in
information basis of the teacher’s activities in
during diagnostics,
joint pedagogical design of new
ways and means of professional activity.

Models for teacher training in the education system

The second – correspondence stage of training is focused
independent training of individual
final project and implementation of mastered methods
pedagogical activity into work practice
The correspondence stage ends with self-analysis
results of advanced training and
changes in professional activities.
During the correspondence stage, the student receives
network advisory support.

Models for teacher training in the education system

3. Network model of personalized
advanced training is based on
organizing regular interaction
teachers and students remotely
access based on the use of information and communication technologies and ICT tools for
mastering the program.
Features of training in the network model format
is its simultaneous focus on
achieving the goals of developing professional pedagogical competence of primary teachers
classes and the development of his ICT competence.

Models for teacher training in the education system

Tempo, timing, content and forms of promotion
qualifications the student agrees with
The teacher carries out ongoing monitoring
completing assignments and evaluating the final project in

Models for teacher training in the education system

4. Remote model
personalized professional development
provides maximum degree
student independence based on
providing an opportunity
- selection of content,
- deadlines and
- rate of professional development from the published
on the AKIPKRO website for an annotated list
training modules.

Models for teacher training in the education system

Remote model provided
information and methodological materials
AKIPKRO and the network of its resource centers.
Training is built both on the basis of use
information and communication technologies
and ICT tools, as well as through educational cases.
The teacher evaluates the final
project (as presented to students).

Models for teacher training in the education system

5. Cascade model of personalized
advanced training involves
training in close proximity to the site
work of students (on the basis of municipal
education or educational district) within
school teams (teaching staff) with
maximum consideration of the specific conditions
carrying out their professional activities.

Models for teacher training in the education system

The model is effective in cases of preparation for
implementation of large-scale projects requiring
collective participation (level of educational
institutions, municipal, intermunicipal,
district, etc.).
Participate in organizing training
teacher-tutors certified in AKIPKRO,
and in the learning process the principle “all
learn from everyone."

Models for teacher training in the education system

Mandatory component of the cascade model
is the development of innovative experience
institutions and (or) teacher-leaders of the regional
education systems.
Tutors carry out ongoing monitoring
completing assignments, AKIPKRO teachers -
evaluation of the final project.


These are in general outline conceptual framework
formulation and solutions to the problem
content and professional development
teacher in modern innovative
education within the framework of modernization based
personalized promotion model


To summarize, let us emphasize:
namely professional development and
personalized model in the system
developmental education today are capable of becoming
a genuine alternative to ideology
natural maturation and social
molding an individual teacher according to patterns and
schemes of modern, cash and extremely
confused social consciousness.