The youth of the future is in your hands. Composition “Youth is the future of the country”. Value Orientations and Preferences of Modern Urban Youth

The younger generation is always a hope for the future, or rather, it is the future itself, because generations replace one another, and it is very important to pass on to the youth all the knowledge and experience accumulated by older people, so that then the younger generation will pass on the accumulated and multiplied knowledge to their followers.

In our country, the educational and upbringing process begins with kindergarten. At the school and university levels, these are school and student self-government, respectively. Various state structures for working with youth have been organized, aimed at attracting as many young people as possible to social activities(an example of such organizations is the Young Guard, the Association of Youth Governments, the Russian Union of Youth, etc.).

Such work helps the younger generation to understand that it is important to act creatively not only at an older age, but even now, while you are full of energy, desires, aspirations and strength. Such organizations solve the problems of young people, act as intermediaries between the older and younger generations.

Each of us, representatives of the youth, should also understand: in order to step into a common bright future, we must act today and start with ourselves first of all. Nobody will decide anything for you. We are the masters of ourselves and our lives. Most of us have common values ​​and principles: love, respect, mutual assistance, work. If we follow these principles, be responsible for our actions, constantly educate ourselves and strive forward, then our Country will always be strong, independent and proud!!!

Updated: 2017-10-24

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Young people are the future of any country. Despite this, state policy is rarely aimed at maintaining and developing this stratum of the population. A person who is looking for himself can step on a slippery path that will lead him to no one knows where. What is the role of youth in modern society? Read about it below.

social role

Young people are the backbone and future of our country. Do they know about it? They probably guess. What is the role of youth in modern society? First of all, the main task of the younger generation is to become worthy citizens of the country in which they were born. A person who has embarked on the path of growing up is always faced with the question of self-determination. He is trying to find himself and his path. Based on this, over time, he understands what role he will play in society. Every person should aim to improve his country and help people. This is what will help make the state stronger and better. The social role of youth in modern society is the development and change of established standards. The older generation is mostly conservative. People do not want to change either the technical equipment or their views. Young people perceive change as something natural and very logical. Schoolchildren, students and graduates of the university are happy to receive new knowledge and are in a hurry to put it into practice. Improving your skills - that's the true goal Every person strives for self-realization. And why does he do it? To find their place and role in modern society. Young people strive to bring something new into the world, invent something or improve something.

What else does society require from the younger generation? Preservation of traditions and values ​​that have been shaped by ancestors over the centuries.


If the role of youth in modern society is quite clear, then it is not clear to everyone what else is required of the younger generation. Preservation and enhancement of knowledge? Certainly. But still, the main task is to preserve universal human values. What applies to them?

  • Humanity. In the age of automated technology, people must preserve what distinguishes them from machines. For many of our compatriots, it does not reach that a person should remain sensitive, sincere and understanding. In many European countries, young people are required to hide their emotions and put on smile masks. In our country, this is not yet common, but the influence of the West can already be observed in some large cities. People should keep their humanity and their emotions. Young people should be responsive, sensitive and understanding.
  • upbringing. Speaking about the role of youth in modern society and the values ​​that need to be preserved, it should be said that over time it goes into oblivion. Education is a sign of respect. Young people should help people of the older generation and come to the aid of each other. IN Lately even the elementary norms of upbringing are forgotten. Young people do not always give up their seats in transport to the elderly, and guys rarely open their doors to girls and women.
  • Diligence. Today, work has become something shameful. Young people want to earn money without making any effort. In honor of businessmen and entrepreneurs. People who used to be called speculators are now becoming role models. If a young man goes to engineering, his friends may look askance at their acquaintance. According to most, it is unreasonable to spend most of your life inventing something that does not exist. Such a profession today will not bring a calling and does not promise large fees. This is sad.
  • Honesty. It seems strange, but frankness between people is dying. Today, young people want to appear better than they really are. A person is not trying to somehow grow up, but he is trying to throw dust in his eyes. Social media promote secrecy. People seem to live openly, but this life is not real, but ostentatious.
  • Kindness. Such a simple and understandable quality seems almost repulsive. If one person offers help to another, a catch will be looked for in this action. It is hard to imagine that in our time you can get free help that will come from a pure heart.

Positive traits

The role of young people in modern society is determined by what is interesting and what they strive for. What positive qualities do modern youth have?

  • Self-education. The fact that most teenagers can’t decide on their true purpose for quite some time instills the habit of studying what they are really interested in on their own. Young people are happy to go to courses or draw knowledge on the Internet. Specialized books and magazines are being used. Any source that can give useful information, will be used as intended.
  • The desire to understand this world. Young people want to know the world in which they live. People study art, culture, politics. Teenagers are interested in the mores and customs of not only the inhabitants of their own country, but also the inhabitants of foreign countries. Knowledge of the world today occurs more often not through books, but through television programs and through various YouTube channels.
  • Striving for self-organization. Planning and time management are in vogue. It is not surprising that most of the youth devotes a lot of time to studying this science. A person appreciates every minute of his life and wants to make his everyday life more productive. This helps young people find out which values ​​are considered authentic for them and which are artificially instilled.
  • Organization of your leisure. The openness of the world allows young people to spend their weekends not in front of the TV screen, but on all kinds of excursions and extreme travel. People try to diversify their leisure time with all sorts of activities. This can include various intellectual games, extreme sports or general educational excursions.
  • Love for cultural events. Museums, art galleries, theaters and conservatories have rarely seen so many young people among their audiences and fans. Every self-respecting teenager chooses the area of ​​art that is closest to him, and becomes a zealous fan of it. Some people go to concerts of their favorite musical groups, others do not miss a single art exhibition.

Negative qualities

Young people not only participate in the development of society. The younger generation strives to know all aspects of life and sometimes the methods chosen for learning are very reprehensible. When a person writes an essay about the role of youth in modern society, he usually embellishes the situation. What are actually negative qualities in youth?

  • Dependencies. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs are the things people try between the ages of 14-30. The teenager seems to bad habit will make him more mature and more significant in the eyes of his peers. Few people think that pampering can turn into addiction, from which it will then be impossible to get rid of.
  • Idleness. Despite the fact that many teenagers today have goals and even plans to achieve them, laziness is still present to one degree or another in the life of every person. But adults, burdened with family and work, cannot afford to sit back all day. But teenagers can. And well, if only one day. Thanks to the Internet and its time-consuming nature, young people can procrastinate for weeks, sometimes months.
  • Uncertainty. At school age, not all teenagers can decide on their purpose. Many young people listen to the advice of their parents and go to study for prestigious professions. And then, in the 3rd or 4th year, people realize that they are in the wrong place. Parents do not allow me to leave the institute, so I have to finish my studies in a profession in which there is no interest. What to do with such individuals after the institute is not clear. Some go to work in the profession they have received, some choose those specialties that do not require special skills, and only a few find the courage to go and get a second higher education.
  • Indifference. Uncertainty and incorrect choice breed indifference. People do not find, and do not look for their goal, they just go with the flow. Therefore, it is so important at the stage of personality formation to help a person understand his destiny and identify his strengths and weaknesses.


How to understand the role of youth in modern society? Values ​​and passions speak louder than any other analysis. What is the next generation doing today?

  • Sport. Beautiful body today it is considered not only a sign of health and attractiveness, but almost a cult. Almost every wealthy teenager has a subscription to Gym. People are really passionate about sports. When considering the role of youth in modern society, interests and hobbies play an important role. The situation in our country is such that soon we will have a lot of good and strong athletes, as young people will instill in their children a love of sports.
  • intellectual clubs. Someone may say that young people are becoming stupid before our eyes, but this is not so. Intellectual entertainment is in honor today. All sorts of quizzes, lectures, seminars are in great demand. Often people gather in clubs of interest. For example, book clubs are opening across the country, where young people enjoy reading both the classics and the works of their contemporaries. Hobbies and the role of young people in modern society are interconnected. People strive for knowledge and knowledge, which means that hope for a brighter future does not disappear.
  • Quests. There are rooms from which you need to find a way out by solving logic puzzles in almost every major city. Young people visit all kinds of locations with pleasure and successfully overcome them. This way of entertainment prevails over gatherings at home or in a cafe.
  • Trips. Since travel around the world has become available, young people consider it their duty to get to know the beauties and culture of those countries that have been studied through the pages of textbooks. Traveling is a favorite hobby for many people, and for some even the purpose of life.
  • Learning languages. Traveling the world would be impossible if people did not strive to learn foreign languages ​​and cultures. Young people study English not only for a good grade in the certificate or diploma, but also in order to use the language throughout their lives.
  • Creation. The expression of one's individuality today is possible in various formats. People draw, create their own musical groups, open ateliers and come up with all kinds of creative workshops. Creativity for some is not just a hobby, but a favorite work and life goal.


How does the role of young people in the development of modern society differ from the role played by the older generation? People who have a lot of life experience are less likely to make mistakes, which means they experiment less often. Young people, due to inexperience, can afford to go off the beaten path, but look for new vectors of development. In politics, such a movement is called liberal. Youth parties are trying to convey to the government those demands that older comrades are afraid to voice. It is young people who can openly announce problems to which everyone is accustomed to turn a blind eye. Teenagers are more expressive, so they can make decisions quickly, without much burdening themselves with reflections on the result of their activities. And it is this property that helps to make life better. You don't have to wait 10 years for innovation. Yes, maybe the first pancake will be lumpy, but after the process is launched, it’s already easier to act.

What other features of the role of youth in modern society are there? The revision of the values ​​of the older generation makes society more open. People of all countries are becoming more united and can work together. They will have no problems with language, no racial disputes. Such symbiosis gives rise to new ideas and helps to make grandiose discoveries.


The role of youth in the development of modern society is determined not only by people's hobbies, but also by their belonging to a particular company. Subcultures today are not clearly identified, but still they exist behind the scenes. What are they?

  • Gamers - young people love computer games. They like to spend their free time building cities, strategizing to take over an enemy camp, or simply chasing the enemy. On the one hand, such a pastime seems useless, but on the other hand, such a rest helps to relax, engage the brain and improve logic. But remember that everything is good in moderation.
  • Bikers. Young people riding motorcycles around the city instill fear in the elderly. Guys in black leather jackets adorned with chains listen to rock, move with a deafening roar and love noisy parties. But nothing prevents such guys from being smart and enlightened young people.
  • fashion subculture. Girls who follow the new collections of famous designers fall into a separate subculture. Fashionistas often wear unthinkable things in non-standard combinations. Girls belonging to this subculture do not have a great mind or developed intellect - this is what the older generation thinks. Not everyone is ready to give a lot of money for clothes.
  • football subculture. The interests and role of young people in modern society are formed under the influence of the environment. And if parents are ardent football fans, then the child will become one too. Such a passion does not carry anything bad. The love for sports, which has been instilled since childhood, helps a person to quickly find allies in any environment.
  • Cosplay. A modern subculture that includes anime fans. People love all sorts of fairy tales so much that they even transform into their favorite characters. Cosplay lovers are preparing for the event in advance. They sew a suit and completely think over the image.


The social role of youth in modern society is not only the transformation of the state into better side. Often, young people face problems that older generations can avoid. What are these problems?

  • Misunderstanding. Young people are rarely understood by the older generation. Moreover, parents and relatives, as well as older colleagues, force young people to be more down to earth. They call far-reaching plans a dream, and interesting ideas - nonsense. With such support, it is difficult to stay with your ideas and not say goodbye to them at the embryonic stage. Misunderstanding extends not only to the sphere of study and work. Young people may be eager to travel while their parents will yell at them to start a family and not waste time on stupid things.
  • Lack of money. Rarely any of the teenagers have money. In general, young people start working quite early. And since students study and work at the same time, they usually have little money. Few can realize grandiose ideas without a budget. And by the time when material well-being comes to a person, sometimes there is no strength left to implement ideas.
  • Search for yourself. Youth can search for their vocation until the age of 30. A person will try himself in sales, marketing, creativity, or in the exact sciences. Only by changing a few jobs and trying yourself in different roles, you can find your place in life.
  • Absence of idols. play an important role in the lives of today's youth. Society does not always provide people with idols. Today it is difficult to find among the older generation a person whom the youth could look up to. If a person does not have a role model, there is a possibility that he will choose false idols.

What influences development

At school and at the institute, teachers often set the topic for an essay: "The role of youth in modern society." What can be written in the paragraph about the impact on the younger generation?

  • MASS MEDIA. Magazines, television and radio are the sources of information that young people consume. Thanks to the media, the younger generation is forming a view of the world and problems that should be considered important. For this reason, parents should talk more often with their child about the role of youth and the environment in modern society. If the right values ​​are not instilled in the older generation, then the children may get the wrong idea about the true problems that exist in modern world.
  • Internet. Social networks are what is popular today. It is from them that adolescents, and indeed all young people in general, receive new information. Bloggers also have a great influence on the representation of the picture of the world.
  • Parents. The older generation should be an authority for the youth. But unfortunately, not all children are lucky with their parents. After all, education doesn't end at 14. You need to talk to young people and warn people against mistakes.
  • Teachers. Young people are more lucky with parents than with teachers. But it is these people who form the idea of ​​the world and the role that the younger generation plays in it.

Development conditions

What influences the role of youth in modern society? development conditions. What are they?

  • If the family has a good income, then the teenager is more likely to become a good man and a specialist.
  • Territorial position. Young people who live in the capital are more likely to develop than their peers living in the provinces.
  • Personal ability. What else determines the role of youth in modern society? The conditions that affect the development of each person are personal qualities and talent.
  • The level of education among young people is different, which means that aspirations and values ​​are different.
  • Environment. A person is shaped by his social circle. If young man If you are lucky, then on the way he will meet experienced teachers and mentors who will help with self-determination.

Often the term "youth" is associated with energy, joy, enthusiasm and charisma. Youth and the future are interconnected, one cannot exist without the other. A country that does not invest in the development of its youth is doomed. Youth is the main representative of the strength and power of the country. It is the building material for building a nation. The stronger the youth, the more developed the country, and this is a fact. Youth plays a leading role in the creation and development of the nation. Countries that pay great attention to young people and use their potential correctly develop faster. The energy and clarity of mind of young people "illuminate" the path of the country's development. Conversely, those countries that do not realize the importance of youth lag behind in all spheres of life. If the youth is not on the right track and does not care about the future of the nation, then it becomes a burden for the country.

Young people hope for a world without poverty, unemployment, inequality and exploitation of one people by another. They want to see a world without discrimination based on race, color, language, or gender.

Countries where young people are active and contribute to the development of the nation are more developed. The success of the country depends entirely on the youth. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state to provide young people with everything necessary for the effective achievement of goals. Parents also have a great responsibility. They need to instill a sense of patriotism in their children. Patriotic young people will lead the nation forward.

Youth plays a leading role in development and is responsible to the country.

  • It is necessary to provide the youth with a proper and complete education.
  • It must take part in ensuring the well-being of the country. To carry to the masses knowledge about the rights and duties of a citizen.
  • Help other young people build self-confidence and achieve their goals.
  • Advise newcomers on any issues.
  • Carry a positive image of your country in front of other countries of the world.
  • Use your skills and talents for the development of the country.
  • To eradicate all the negative that is in our society.
  • To develop the culture, tendencies and traditions of the society.
  • Help the state in the implementation of policy.
  • Youth can play decisive role in the fight against terrorism.
  • Young people are full of fresh ideas. Their ideas can help put the country on the path to prosperity.
  • Young people have the enthusiasm to try new things and the patience to learn from their mistakes. By giving them the opportunity to plan, decide and act, the country prepares them for the harsh realities of life.
  • Young people should definitely take part, because this is the power of the nation. Young people see problems and solve them. This is the power of social movements.

Factors contributing to the spread of crime among young people

Below are several factors that push young people to commit crimes:

  • Insufficient education
  • Unemployment
  • Manipulation and violence
  • Disillusionment with life
  • Competition

Despite multiple problems, the state still has a chance to take the necessary measures. The state should not treat young people as a burden, but rather as a valuable assistant. We should remember that "The fate of the country is in the hands of the youth."

Given this fact, we can suggest some steps for productive interaction with young people.

  • Only worthy teachers should inspire and lead the youth in the right direction.
  • No politics in educational institutions.
  • The media needs to organize a campaign to promote education as the only way to achieve well-being. We need 100% literacy of the population.
  • Among educated people, the opinion was entrenched that after receiving an education, all young people will leave the country. The state has an obligation to prevent brain drain by eradicating unemployment and to act as a magnet for bright minds.
  • Parents should teach young people patience in the face of difficulties and perseverance.
  • A wide range of opportunities should be provided to test and evaluate skills in various areas.
  • The right people should be in charge.
  • Young people must clearly imagine their future.
  • Young people should stay away from bad company.

In conclusion, I would like to say that today's youth can really build a bright future for their country. With all the modern technologies of the computer age available, where everything seems possible, will the youth not be able to surpass the achievements of previous generations? Heroes of the past seem to us usually unshakable ideals. But today's youth, using modern technologies should become that ideal for the future.

The future of the country is in the hands of the youth.

Patriotic education is of great importance in the socio-civil and spiritual development of the personality of each person. Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of a person's personal development, pointed to its many-sided formative significance. For example, K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also a powerful pedagogical tool: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for fighting against it. bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.

In modern society, the patriotic education of young people is of particular importance.meaning. An important step towards the revival of the system of patriotic education was the document - Messages of the leader of the nation - Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan, expressed in the strategy "Kazakhstan-2050".As noted in the Message - "The new Kazakhstani patriotism is the basis for the success of our multinational and multi-confessional society and the foundation of Kazakhstani patriotism should be the equality of all citizens of Kazakhstan and their common responsibility for the honor of the Motherland."

Citizens of our republic want to live in a free, economically developed country, with fair laws, equal opportunities, regardless of social origin and nationality.

In his Address, the President gives us the goal of building such a political system, in which every citizen of Kazakhstan must be firmly confident in tomorrow not to look for a better life in a foreign land, but to benefit their country and prosper in their homeland. Every Kazakh citizen, regardless of nationality and social origin, should feel like a master on their land.

Patriotic education of youth is a part of the state youth policy of the country.To be a patriot of one's country is always a great honor for any person who has pride and dignity. But patriots are not born, they are made. Moreover, patriotic education in a steadily developing state should not beevaluate, only as a creative process. It is also the struggle for youth, the future of the country, the struggle against such negative phenomena as forced migration, the growth of crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and extremist sentiments.

Patriotism has always been the spiritual basis of a multinational and multi-confessionalKazakh society. IN last years VKazakhstanMuch is being done to strengthen the spiritual and moral values ​​traditional for our country. Our state, which is undergoing profound transformations in all spheres of life, today especially needs the formation of a society consisting of their citizens - patriots.Raising in every person a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in the achievements of the country, readiness to stand up for its interests, is a strategic task of the state. Onlyshaped by the younger generationa sense of responsibility for maintaining the might of one's Fatherland, its honor and independence, increasing the spiritual and material assets, can guarantee the overcoming of the ideological crisis and the revivalspiritual and moral unity of society, and hence the national security of the country.

The foundations of patriotic feelings should be laid in every person from childhood. Therefore, the role of kindergarten, school, any other educational institution as an integrating center for joint educational activities of the teaching staff, families and society as a whole.It is up to those who are now sitting at school desks to implement this strategy.

The mission of the school is aimed at educating a civilly active person. The school must play a decisive role in educating the younger generation of high moral principles, a culture of democracy, and a patriotic sense of responsibility.

There are many personalities - true patriots of our people: Sultan Beibarys, khans - Kasym, Yesim, Tauke, Abylay, Kenesary, batyrs - Bogenbai, Kabanbai, Nauryzbai, Olzhabai, biys - Tole, Aiteke, Kazybek, poets - Abai, Shakarim, Magzhan, Sultan Mahmut, representatives of the national intelligentsia - Shokan Ualikhanov, Grigory Potanin, Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov and others.

The feeling of patriotism harmoniously combines the best national traditions of the people with devotion to serving the motherland. The well-known words remain relevant: "Do not ask what your Motherland can do for you - ask what you can do for your Motherland." These words should be the motto of every citizen of Kazakhstan.

Patriotism is inextricably linked with internationalism; nationalism and separatism are alien to it. Patriotic education should be aimed at creating conditions for the national revival of Kazakhstan as a dynamically developing country that claims to enter the3 0 most developed countries peace.

Jobourschools in the direction of patriotic educationwas under constructiontaking into account the preparation and holding of the celebration20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 170th anniversary of the birth of Abai Kunanbayev.Administration, Council of High School Students together with public organizations developed and held a number of festive and festive events dedicated to thisthemYesthere.

Students actively participated in all socio-political and cultural events schools, villages,district.

At the initiative of high school students, a series of meetings at the "round tables" dedicated to state language, national currency, issues of statehood. Each class has a unique approach to celebrating a special date in the history of Kazakhstan - Independence Day. This and " round tables”, and theatrical performances, and concerts, and disputes. Olympiads on knowledge of national history and legal Olympiads have become regular.

Teachers of Russian language and literature instill in students an interest in poetry native land. Traditionally, circles of “Lovers of Literature” are held, where poems by poets of the East Kazakhstan region are heard: Mikhail Chistyakov, Samat Mukanov, Sergey Kiselev, Evgeny Kurdakov. Here, once again, the focus is on ecological problems our region, district, village.

Young correspondents of our school publish their reflections, poems, articles on topical issues, cover the events that took place in our village.

Members rejoice in their successliterarymug "Aksunkar", annually taking an active part and winning prizeson variousregionalscontestOhartistic reading.

Our school pays special attention to the implementation of the Zhasyl el program: schoolchildren plant seedlings with their own hands, making our village greener and more beautiful. Every year, students take part in the action "Live, spring" for sanitary cleaning and improvement of springs. Under the guidance of biology teachers, the available springs were studied and described, and a chemical analysis of water was carried out.

important integral part patriotic education are the lessons of the NVP, aimed at the formation of readiness for military service as a special type public service. Military-patriotic education is aimed at a deep understanding by each citizen of his responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of the upcoming military service, conviction in the need to form qualities and skills to perform military duty in the ranksSunRK. Every year, 10th grade students go to field training camps, where they show good physical fitness.

SchoolproudAndwith their pupils: masters of sports brothers Seilkhanov Ruslan and Yerlan, Bairkenov Dauren, Khalelov Serik, Tulebaev Serzhan, Amrenov Talgat, Amrenov Sanat, Salmenbaev Yernar, Kasengazin Nurhatand etc.,physical education teacherseducate students by example. Today their pupils are repeatedchampions andprize-winners sports competitions volleyball, athletics, judo, table tennis, checkers.

Veterans take the problems of the younger generation close to their hearts.Members of the Great Patriotic War , home front workers,warriors-Afghans are frequent visitors to the school, teaching courage, telling the truth about the history of the war. Their narrations always arouse keen interest and educate the younger generation in the spirit of love for their Motherland, arouse pride in the heroic deeds of their countrymen, and often relatives.

Acquaintance with the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people takes place at the Nauryz holiday. There is a competition for best cooking nauryz-kozhe, everyone tastes this dish with pleasure, praising its taste. Students get acquainted with their own hands and make objects of folk arts and crafts used for decorating the yurt at labor lessons. Best works provided for the exhibition.

However, in order to strengthen patriotic education, the range of methods and techniques used should be constantly expanded. Today's our schoolchildren are the future elite of Kazakhstani society,Athe future of the country belongs to the patriots.

Selivanov Oleg

Youth and elections are two inseparable words. And now, more than ever, much attention is paid to the issue of youth participation in elections, because the future of our country depends on right choice made by the younger generation.



Municipal formation "Novooskolsky district"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Trostenetskaya secondary school of the Novooskolsky district of the Belgorod region"


11th grade student

Selivanov Oleg Nikolaevich

29.09. 1997

Trostenets village, 2014

Composition "Youth and elections"

"You may not be a poet,

But you have to be a citizen"

N.A. Nekrasov

In the life of every person sooner or later comes the time of choice. Growing up, a teenager begins to consciously choose friends, what to devote his free time to. And only at the age of 18 each of us is given the opportunity to fulfill our main public law choose those on whom the fate of our country actually depends.

The peculiarity of our time lies in the fact that the electoral system of the state guarantees us a real right to participate in the political and economic revival of the country. We can participate in this process. After graduating from school, great opportunities open up before us, where, in which branch of the country's life to apply our efforts. We also get the opportunity to directly elect and be elected to all levels of government, and, therefore, to influence the internal and foreign policy of their homeland. It is a great thing to be a full-fledged part of such a powerful state. The right to elect and be elected gives a feeling of belonging of a citizen to his society, awareness of his importance as a person.

An important role in shaping the awareness of the need to take part in the life of the country through voting among young people is played by scientific disciplines studied at school, such as history, social science. In addition, at the lessons of literature, we get acquainted with the civic position of the great people of our Fatherland. Back in the 19th century, N.A. Nekrasov said: “You may not be a poet. But you have to be a citizen." Let's go even further, deep into the centuries, and turn to Aristotle. He wrote: "A citizen in the general sense is one who is involved in both domination and subordination." I agree that a person cannot be considered a full member of society without having a civic position, without taking part in the life of his country.

We, the generation of the 21st century, live in unique time and in an amazing country - Russia. Russia - great country. And the country's leadership, realizing that the future belongs to the youth, makes great efforts to create conditions that would allow young generation receive proper knowledge and be in demand by society in the future, both for the good of the state and for the good of the person himself.

Today's youth strive for knowledge. She chooses the light of knowledge instead of the darkness of ignorance. And it is right. Only an educated person can correctly solve important problems.Young people are all different, from upbringing to ideals and values, but despiteit is we (the youth) who must decide for ourselves which country we want to live in in the near future, and this can be done only by taking a direct part in the elections, using our active suffrage. By not participating in elections, we thereby entrust our future to other people who will make the choice for us, and who knows how can it become?

We must not think that our votes do not decide anything. They decide... How they decide and are of great importance. And if we let everything take its course and “give” our voice irresponsibly and thoughtlessly, then politics will really take care of us, and not we. But we have democracy, therefore, the source of power is the people, the citizens of Russia. Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads: “1. citizens Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the state both directly and through their representatives. 2. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to bodies state power and local governments... Thus, no one has the right to treat elections recklessly.

Elections are not only a way of expressing the will of citizens, but also one of the stages in the formation of a person's personality. A person who knows how to think, choose and fight for his happiness future is real personality. Therefore, elections for young people are an important stage in life.

Participation in elections is not just a constitutional right, but also an event requiring political responsibility from the voter. To choose means to compare, compare, study the activities, programs and views of various candidates and parties, to draw a conclusion about who will be more useful to society. And how can you judge things in which you are poorly versed? To make the right decision, you need to be a legally literate person. Otherwise, the participation of an incompetent voter in the elections will do more harm than good. When choosing a candidate for any post, we must remember that we endow our chosen one with power. And the fate of the whole country depends on how he uses the power given to him.

Youth and elections are two inseparable words. And now, more than ever, great attention is paid to the issue of youth participation in elections, because the future of our country depends on the right choice made by the younger generation.

I can say with confidence that everyone who has the right to vote should exercise his right to choose if he considers himself a patriot and a citizen, if he wants to see his country prosperous and strong, a country that he can be proud of.

We, the young generation of Russia, must not forget that we live in this vast and great country and we have to choose. We are full of strength, energy, initiative. “When it is necessary to make a choice, but you do not make it, this is also a choice,” said W. James. It is impossible not to agree with these words! We have the right to choose, we must choose! The fate of the Russian state depends on us, young voters.

Everything depends on us. How we are brought up, learn, create, create, this will be the future of our country. The better people live, the stronger the family, the richer and stronger the state. Therefore, all the efforts of our generation should be aimed at improving their lives through work and, as a result, at increasing the power of our state.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn: we, the youth, have a great responsibility in determining the future of our country. I am sure that our generation cherishes democratic values ​​and will be able not only to preserve them, but also to contribute to their development.

For myself, I have long decided that participation in the elections is my civic duty. As early as the eighteenth century, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote that "only the ability to vote constitutes the qualification of a citizen." The right to elect and be elected gives a feeling of belonging of a citizen to his society, awareness of his importance as a person.

IN this moment I can say that I am proud of my country and happy that I was born in Russia, in a country with a unique history, culture and nature! I love the country where I live! I care about how the future of Russia will develop, who will govern it and how! I also feel like a full-fledged citizen of my country, responsible for its future ... Therefore, in the elections to form government agencies power I will actively participate!

I believe that our future, thanks to our joint efforts, will be happy and cloudless. Let's together make our country the way we all want to see it - the great and beautiful Russian State.