Pedagogical support of the social formation of cadets of a military university. Corrective work of a psychologist at school

As a manuscript

Timonin Andrey Ivanovich


13.00.02 - theory and methodology of training and education

(social education in general education and higher education)

13.00.08 - theory and methodology

dissertations for a degree

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences


The work was carried out at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov

Scientific consultant: doctor of pedagogical sciences,

Professor Volokhov Alexey Vasilievich

Official Opponents: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor

pedagogical sciences, professor

Mudrik Anatoly Viktorovich

Chief Researcher

Institute of Social Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education

Plotkin Mikhail Markovich

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Khodusov Alexander Nikolaevich

Lead organization: State educational institution of higher vocational education

"Yaroslavl State

Pedagogical University them. K.D. Ushinsky

The defense will take place on "__" _________ 2008 at hours at a meeting of the dissertation council of the DM. 212.094.01 at the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov at the address: 156961, Kostroma, Novy village, 1, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, room No. 242.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the KSU. ON THE. Nekrasov at the address: 156012, Kostroma, st. May 1st, 14.

And about. scientific secretary

dissertation council S.K. Buldakov


Relevance research on the problem of social and pedagogical support professional development student in a higher educational institution is due to the need to train high-quality specialists who meet the requirements of state and world standards. In the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period until 2010, the following main goal of vocational education was fixed: “training a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, capable of effective work in the specialty at the level of world standards, ready for permanent professional growth, social and professional mobility; meeting the needs of the individual in obtaining an appropriate education. Higher education today is aimed at solving the most important tasks: the preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of society, the development of the value orientations of the individual at a crucial stage of its formation, the achievement of a high level of readiness for work and professional activity, its modification in constantly changing conditions.

An analysis of methodological and theoretical approaches to the study of socio-cultural processes in education gives grounds to believe that higher education is given the most important role in implementing the country's economic growth strategy and forming a democratic socially oriented society, in an environment where one of the state national projects is aimed at finding new forms, means , ways to modernize higher education in the context of the Bologna process.

The modern system of higher professional education is characterized by a transition from a "knowledge" to a personality-oriented paradigm, which is characterized by a consistent movement of pedagogical thought from a one-sided functional to a holistic view of the training of future specialists. In this regard, professional improvement is organically included in the process of social education of a person.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that the system of vocational education, which has the goal of “forming a specialist”, in Lately developed in a rapidly changing socio-economic environment, when changes in the structure of the economy and employment, the dynamic situation in the labor market require an increase in the professional mobility of a specialist and thereby make a number of such professionally important personal qualities as independence, creative approach to business, and the ability to cooperate , self-education, social and professional responsibility.

This explains the fact that more and more attention is being paid to the issues of professional education and upbringing in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The process of education and upbringing is considered as one of the factors in the formation of personal characteristics (properties) of the future professional in unity with the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities (E.V. Bondarevskaya, N.M. Borytko, A.M. Novikov, G.M. Romantsev , V. V. Serikov, V. A. Slastenin, E. N. Shiyanov and others).

The essential aspects of the professional development of the personality are reflected in the works of N.F. Basova, E.N. Volkova, E.F. Zeera, M.V. Kaminskaya, E.A. Klimova, T.V. Kudryavtseva, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina and other scientists. Particular attention of researchers is paid to the issues of formation professional competence(V.I. Baidenko, Yu.V. Vardanyan, I.A. Zimnyaya, Yu.V. Koinova, D.V. Lifintsev, S.B. Seryakova, A.M. Novikov, L.A. Petrovskaya, P .I. Tretyakov, V.D. Shadrikov), professional culture(E.N. Bogdanov, P.S. Gurevich, A.A. Kriulina), the specialist’s focus on continuous professional and personal self-improvement, transforming himself to solve the problems of creative professional activity (N.K. Sergeev), creating a specialist model for work in the conditions of innovative transformations in the field of educational activity (V.V. Davydov, M.V. Kaminskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, N.F. Talyzina, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.). The scientific searches of a number of scientists are aimed at developing approaches to professional education as an integral part of the process of professionalization (V.M. Basova, N.M. Borytko, N.M. Rassadin, A.N. Khodusov, etc.).

The analysis of the above psychological and pedagogical studies allows us to state that the study of the professional development of the individual as a field of scientific knowledge is actively continuing in the following areas: identifying factors that drive the professional development of the individual; determination of the pedagogical conditions conducive to the development by students of the norms of society and the profession in the process of education and upbringing in higher education; analysis of the influence of creative self-development (individual-semantic aspect), professional-personal self-affirmation (value-activity aspect) on the effectiveness of the formation of professionally important personality traits of future specialists; detection theoretical foundations management of the process of professional development of the individual.

Some aspects of the problem of social and pedagogical support are considered in the publications of E.N. Gevorkyan, Yu.D. Denisova, J.U. Duncan, I.G. Zainysheva, I.V. Eremina, G.P. Zhuravleva, Yu.M. Kanygina, L.I. Novikova, S.S. Nosova, V.F. Sytnik, M.V. Firsov, J. Stumpeter, G. Emerson and other authors. However, these studies are focused on the conceptual substantiation of approaches to the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students in a higher educational institution.

Thus, based on the analysis of modern scientific literature, summarizing the experience of a number of higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad, a retrospective analysis of the experience of their own pedagogical activity, we can conclude that the development of a theory and methodology of social and pedagogical support is relevant for solving the problems of social, professional, personal self-realization of a person specific pedagogical activity and substantiation of its content in relation to the goals of the professional development of students in a higher educational institution - in general, and those studying at the humanitarian faculties of the university - in particular.

Thus, we can fix the series contradictions:

Between sociocultural transformations, reflecting the transition to a democratic socially oriented society, and the current level of development higher education not ready enough to solve educational goals in new conditions;

  1. between the need of modern society for specialists who meet the requirements of state and world standards and insufficient attention to the development of a qualitatively new system of vocational education that ensures the readiness of future specialists to meet these requirements;
  2. between the need to develop higher professional education as a condition for the effective professional development of an individual in society and the unpreparedness of modern universities to solve this problem;
  3. between the functioning of a higher educational institution as a social institution focused on personal and professional development young man, and the lack of methodological, theoretical and methodological substantiation of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university;
  4. between the presence of a certain experience in organizing the socio-pedagogical support of the student's professional development and the lack of an optimal scientifically based system, problem solving overcoming the gap between theory and practice of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.

The totality of these contradictions determines research problem: what are the theoretical and methodological foundations of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university?

The solution to this problem is target research.

Object of study: the process of professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.

Subject of study: socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university.

Based on the analysis of theory and practice modern training students in a higher educational institution, their own experience and the results of the ascertaining experiment, the following was formulated hypothesis :

Sociocultural factors in the development of society naturally determine the transformation of the system of higher professional education, the main direction of which is the actualization of the existing connections, relationships, processes in it to achieve a high level of preparedness of future specialists that correspond to international and Russian state standards, and guaranteeing such in the implementation of the concept of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university; for the effective implementation of this process, it is necessary to attract personal, institutional resources, and the resources of the social environment, the functional purpose of which is to overcome the contradictions that arise in the process of the student's positional movement from the object of pedagogical influences to the subject of professional education and professional activity; the dominance of groups of personal, institutional and environmental resources varies depending on the stage of formation of the student's personal and professional position, the implementation of a complex of organizational and pedagogical forms that optimize this process (individual routes of professional development, Internet testing, competition methodological developments and technological modules, participation in the activities of electives, the inclusion of students in scientific research, participation in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, project seminars,), and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of social and pedagogical support (presenting students with the values ​​of the socio-cultural sphere, general cultural and professional activities , ensuring the variability of the content and forms of participation in social practice, providing individual assistance to the student in revealing his potentials, in his self-realization, stimulating reflection).

Based on the goal and hypothesis, the following research objectives:

  1. To identify and substantiate the set of provisions that make up the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.
  2. To identify and classify the main groups of resources that are necessary for the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.
  3. To identify and characterize the content of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.
  4. Develop a model and substantiate the method of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.
  5. To determine and confirm experimentally a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.
  6. To identify the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university.

Methodological basis studies are:

Conceptual approaches to the essence, mechanisms and patterns of manifestation of socio-cultural phenomena and processes in education (A.G. Asmolov, M.M. Bakhtin, A.P. Bulkin, S.G. Vershlovsky, L.S. Vygotsky, V.P. Zinchenko, M. S. Kagan, A. A. Makarenya, E. V. Piskunova, P. A. Sorokin);

Theoretical views of domestic and foreign scientists, revealing the essence of a systematic approach in social research (I.V. Blauberg, M.S. Kagan, L.I. Novikova, Yu.G. Markov, A.V. Petrovsky, L.F. Spirin , E.G. Yudin, G. Parsons);

Ideas of resource management in the theory of management, pedagogy, psychology and the theory of social work (E.N. Gevorkyan, I.N. Gerchikova, J.W. Duncan, I.G. Zaynyshev, A.M. Kondakov, H.H. Perlman , K. M. Ushakov, A. Fayol, M. V. Firsov, L. I. Fishman, G. Ford, J. Stumpeter, G. Emerson).

Theoretical basis studies are:

Theories and concepts of the personal formation of a person as an active subject, transforming the world and himself (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.I. Antsyferova, N.A. Berdyaev, S.G. Vershlovsky, A.A. Derkach, A.V. Petrovsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. I. Feldshtein, B. Berstein);

Scientific approaches in the study of modern education (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, N.B. Krylova, A.V. Mudrik, A.M. Novikov, S.A. Pisareva, A.P. Tryapitsyna, L .A. Shipilina);

Studies of the patterns of professional development of a future specialist (O.A. Abdullina, N.E. Astafieva, N.F. Basov, V.M. Basova, A.P. Belyaeva, I.A. Zimnyaya, E.A. Klimov, N V. Kuzmina, A. K. Markova, V. A. Slastenin, V. V. Serikov, A. N. Khodusov, I. S. Yakimanskaya);

The concepts of socialization and social education of the individual at different age stages (A.V. Volokhov, B.Z. Vulfov, N.F. Golovanova, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, M.M. Plotkin, M.I. . Rozhkov);

Theories of management in the field of education (V.A. Bolotov, B.S. Gershunsky, O.E. Lebedev, M.M. Potashnik, G.N. Serikov);

Ideas of pedagogy of individuality (O.S. Grebenyuk, T.B. Grebenyuk).

The solution of the tasks set was carried out through the use of a set of interrelated and complementary research methods, which include: theoretical (analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; systematization, classification, modeling); study, generalization of mass, advanced pedagogical experience and a retrospective analysis of one's own activities; empirical (participant observation, testing, questioning); experimental work.

base experimental work were the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov and its branches in Sharya, Kostroma region and Kirovsk, Murmansk region; Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University; Ivanovsky State University; Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Bialystok (Republic of Poland); educational institutions of the Yaroslavl, Moscow and Kostroma regions: Children's recreation camp "Porechye" of the Russian Academy of Sciences; municipal educational institutions secondary schools No. 3, No. 30, No. 36 of Kostroma, No. 4 of Nerekhta, Kostroma Region, No. 1 of Galich, Kostroma Region, Neverovskaya and Kosmyninskaya secondary schools of the Nerekhtsky District of the Kostroma Region; state regional social institution "Center for Assistance to Families and Children"; Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth; state regional institutions of the sphere of state youth policy of the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Administration of the Kostroma Region. In general, the pilot study covered 920 students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, 56 teachers providing training for students of various specialties, 167 specialists and managers of industrial practice bases. The control group consisted of students and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education and the Institute of Economics of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov.

The study was carried out in several interrelated stages:

At the first stage (1995-2000) the problems of the professional development of the personality during the period of study at a university in Russia and abroad were studied, the experience of the activities of higher educational institutions on the problems of the professional development of students was analyzed and generalized. A significant place at this stage was occupied by a retrospective analysis of the work experience of the dissertation student as the dean of the socio-economic, socio-pedagogical faculties of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasov.

At the second stage (2000-2002) scientific and educational literature on the problems of social and pedagogical support was studied, methodological approaches to the study of the problem of professional development of university students were determined, the conceptual apparatus was clarified, the conceptual idea of ​​the study was developed, and a hypothesis was formulated.

At the third stage (2002-2005) in order to test the hypothesis put forward, a pilot study was conducted, experimental work was organized and carried out, during which a methodology was developed, its results were comprehended, adjustments were made to the content and methodology of the study due to the introduction of a new generation of state educational standards, the main directions for improving the efficiency of social pedagogical support for the professional development of students.

At the fourth stage (2005–2008) the results of the study were summarized, a methodological and methodological basis was created for introducing the main provisions and conclusions of the study into the practice of higher educational institutions, the results of the study were published in refereed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, monographs were prepared and published, and the results of the study were drawn up in the form of a doctoral dissertation.

Personal participation of the applicant in obtaining scientific results set forth in a dissertation and in published works, is expressed in the theoretical development of the main ideas and provisions of the study, the rationale and scientific guidance for the implementation of experimental work carried out in educational institutions of higher professional and secondary general education to implement the concept of social and pedagogical support professional development of the personality, in the scientific management research work graduate students and applicants on various aspects of the problem under study, analysis and generalization of the results, preparation and testing of recommendations and their implementation in the practice of higher education.

Scientific novelty research is as follows:

A set of provisions that make up the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university has been identified and substantiated;

The content of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university was revealed and characterized;

A model of the process of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university was designed and scientifically substantiated;

The methodology of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university has been developed and implemented;

The criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university have been identified.

The theoretical significance of the study is that:

A holistic concept has been developed that reveals the essential characteristics, content and methodology of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university on the basis of a resource approach;

The main groups of resources that are necessary for the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university have been identified and classified;

Theoretically substantiated the methodology of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university;

The dynamics of the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university is analyzed;

A set of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university is substantiated.

Practical significance of the study associated with the development in the course of experimental research of scientific and methodological support, which can be used as scientifically based means of improving the professional development of a person based on the process of social and pedagogical support. The data and results obtained in the course of the study can be used by specialists of various levels in developing a strategy for developing the system of professional training of students and ensuring the effectiveness of the process of their professional development during their studies at the university. The results of the study can be used by pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and managerial personnel, as well as directly studying, at all stages of vocational education in order to improve the quality of educational, educational, professional, research and professional activities. Didactic and organizational and methodological materials, monographs, educational and teaching aids are used in the system of social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties, as well as in the activities of specialists and leaders social sphere and systems for advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Reliability and reliability of the obtained results provided with methodological validity and consistency of initial positions that implement socio-cultural, systemic and resource approaches, the use of a set of complementary and mutually validating research methods that are adequate to its object, purpose, tasks and logic; long-term nature and the possibility of repeating experimental work, comparing its data with mass experience.

Testing and implementation of research results were carried out in the author's speeches at meetings of the departments of theory and history of pedagogy, social work and social pedagogy of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov.

The conclusions of the study were tested and positively evaluated at scientific international and regional conferences and symposiums, including international conferences: "Phenomena of personality and group in a changing world" (Kostroma, 1998); "Innovative technologies and processes of personal and group development in a transitive society" (Kostroma, 2000); "Comparative analysis of models of training specialists in social work in Russia and Germany" (Bochum, 2001; Hannover, 2002 - Federal Republic of Germany); «Psychology of innovation management social groups and organizations” (Moscow, Kostroma, 2003); "Trends in the development of children's organizations and associations in the third millennium" (Chelyabinsk, 2003); "Social contacts of children" (Yaroslavl, 2003); "Modern models of training specialists in the field of higher professional education" (Bialystok, Republic of Poland, 2003, 2004, 2007); "Management of the system of social values ​​of the individual and society in the world of change" (Kostroma, 2004); "Social education in institutions of higher professional education" (Penza, 2004); scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Lutoshkin, "Psychology and Pedagogy of Social Education" (Kostroma, 2005); "Youth and Innovation in modern world: legal, acmeological and socio-psychological support” (Moscow, 2005); "Psychological and socio-pedagogical support of children and youth" (Yaroslavl, 2005); "Ensuring management activities of social work with youth" (Novosibirsk, 2006); "Pedagogical support of work with youth" (Yaroslavl, 2008); “Social education and staffing in the social sphere” (Moscow, 2008); at the annual conferences of teachers and graduate students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (Kostroma, 2003,2004,2005,2006, 2007).

The implementation of the results of the study was carried out during the design, implementation and examination of the university standard in the specialty "Social work", programs and plans of academic disciplines.

The materials of the dissertation research, monographs, teaching aids are used in educational process Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov, at advanced training courses for managers, specialists in the field of state youth policy, specialists from the Department of Education and Science and the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Kostroma Region. Theoretical provisions, methodological developments are used by applicants and graduate students of the departments of social work and social pedagogy of N.A. Nekrasov.

The main provisions put forward in the scientific study and its results are reflected in monographs, educational, teaching aids and recommendations.

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

1. Social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university is a specific pedagogical activity for managing the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources (personal, institutional, environmental) involved in the process of forming the personal and professional position of an individual, which involves determining the functional purpose of each resource, establishing the relationship of their functions in certain organizational and pedagogical forms.

2. System set of resources includes personal resources institutional resources environment resources(educational environment, establishing partnerships with other educational and social institutions, cultural institutions, public organizations, administrative bodies, enterprises and organizations in order to optimize the process of a student's professional development). Each of them can be in two states in relation to the subject of social and pedagogical support: actual (the resource can be used by the subject of social and pedagogical support without prior preparation for its use) and potential (the resource is updated in the mind of the subject of social and pedagogical support, but still not updated in pedagogical practice).

3. For the effectiveness of the process of professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university, three strategies of social and pedagogical support are used. In relation to actual resources, a use strategy is implemented (using an existing resource without additional preparation for solving the task) and a development strategy (building one group of resources at the expense of another, more developed at a particular point in time). In relation to potential resources, an actualization strategy is used, which involves identifying the potential for the development of the resource fund, predicting the resulting state and practical development of the resource as a socio-pedagogical tool.

4. The model of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university involves the creation of optimal conditions for the effectiveness of the process of professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university through the implementation of strategies for managing their resource fund; is determined by the logic of the passage of interrelated stages: diagnostic, analytical, design, organizational-activity and reflexive-evaluative, and includes a number of actions that correspond to the above stages, as well as ways of interconnection, interdependence and mutual actualization of available resources through structuring in a certain way time, space, quantitative and qualitative composition of participants and their interaction: diagnostics of the current state of the resource fund of the professional development of students; forecasting the potential state of the resource fund for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university, forecasting probable results; development of a program for managing the resource fund of the professional development of students, based on three strategies for social and pedagogical support; introduction of the program into the practice of the university; monitoring the state of the process of professional development of students.

5. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university are: presenting to students the values ​​of the socio-cultural sphere, general cultural and professional activities; ensuring the variability of the content and forms of participation in social practice; providing individual assistance to the student in revealing his potentials, in his self-realization; stimulation of reflection.

6. The effectiveness of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university can be assessed on the basis of a number of criteria.

orientational semantic, which implies a conscious attitude to professional activity, manifested through a combination of such indicators how: understanding and awareness of socio-cultural values ​​and values future profession in the system of society; understanding and evaluation of the goals and objectives of professional activity; recognition of the value of subjective relations; job satisfaction.

As indicators criteria are: the ability to joint educational activities; the ability to transform the surrounding reality by the methods and means of professional activity; the ability to organize the prediction of one's own and others' actions and deeds.

involves the ability of students to analyze their own activities and to reflect. indicators

Scope and structure of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 340 sources and applications.


In the introduction the relevance is substantiated, the problem, goal, object, subject, tasks, hypothesis are formulated, the stages and base of the study are characterized, its methodology and methods, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, the main provisions submitted for defense are outlined.

In the first chapter"Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of the problem of the professional development of a personality in a university" modern science in the conditions of modernization of the higher education system.

The analysis of philosophical, methodological, pedagogical and psychological sources indicates that in last years there is a noticeable increase in the attention of researchers to the problems of personal, social, professional development of students in the period of obtaining higher professional education, and in this regard, to the issues of professional development of the individual, which determines self-determination, enrichment, determination of its usefulness for society and the performance of professional activities on the basis of the most complete use of their own abilities and capabilities.

As a rule, the term "becoming" is used in three meanings: as a synonym for the category "development"; as an expression of the process of creating prerequisites, elements of the subject that arises on their basis; as a characteristic of the initial stage of an object that has already arisen, when there is a transition from the old to the new, the growth of this new one, its consolidation and transformation into an integral developed system.

In psychological and pedagogical research, the term “professional development of a personality” is widely used, which modern authors (A.A. Bodalev, L.I. Bozhovich, Yu.M. Zabrodin, E.A. Klimov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, S. P. Kryazhe, A. K. Markova, L. M. Mitina, Y. P. Povarenkov, N. S. Pryazhnikov, N. F. Talyzina, S. N. Chistyakova, etc.) that it is a multifaceted, multifaceted and extremely complex phenomenon. Becoming is considered in two contexts - personal and professional. Personal formation is a continuous purposeful process of progressive personality change (E.F. Zeer); formation of basic relations with the world and society (D.N. Zavalishina). Professional formation is the formation of the subject of labor (B.G. Ananiev); the process of gradual resolution of the complex of contradictions between the socio-professional requirements imposed on the individual and his desires and capabilities (Yu.P. Povarenkov); formation of professional motivation, competence, professionally important qualities (S.B. Seryakova).

In the works of foreign authors, a number of theories of professional development have developed: differential diagnostic (F. Parsons, G. Bogen), psychoanalytic (W. Moser, E. Bordin, E. Rowe), decision theory (H. Tome, G. Rees, D . Tideman), typological (D. Holland), theory of development (E. Sprager, S. Buhler, E. Gintsberg, D. Super). Professional development is considered by scientists as a process of mastering a profession unfolded in time, as an activity, a set of methods and means, where their following one after another has not a temporary, but a target determination.

In domestic research, professional development is most often understood as the formation of professional competence as a process of mastering the means and models for solving professional problems (A.I. Mishchenko, N.V. Chekaleva). Professional development in these works is considered from two positions: how component formation of the personality of a young person, including professional self-determination, the formation of an individual as a subject of professional activity, involving various stages aimed at understanding the social significance of work and the role of the profession in work, preparing him for conscious mastery of the profession, continuous professional development; and as a holistic educational process aimed at developing the personality of a future specialist as a subject of professional education and professional activity.

We are considering professional development of personality from the standpoint of the resource approach as a process of forming the personal and professional position of an individual, taking into account the whole variety of subjective and objective factors, which involves the implementation of strategies for managing the resources involved in the implementation of this process. Consequently, the goal of the teacher's activity is to manage the process of forming a personal and professional position, which we understand as a system of dominant value-semantic relations of a specialist to the socio-cultural environment, to himself and his activity.

The performed analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature indicates that the main conceptual approaches to the study of the professional development of a person have changed depending on the characteristics of a particular scientific direction, the requirements of the time period. Currently, the development of higher education around the world is under the influence of three leading factors of change, namely: the formation of a knowledge-based society, the information and communication revolution and globalization. The ongoing transformations significantly change the role, tasks, structure and conditions for the functioning of higher education as a social institution. Any educational practice should be based on norms and patterns mental development person at any given age. Student age is characterized, on the one hand, by familiarization with value-significant forms of activity, in particular, to the profession, and, on the other hand, by the actual gap between the ideal and reality, which can be overcome in real self-determination. A higher educational institution is designed to create an opportunity for students to develop their personality productively.

Admission to a higher educational institution causes a change in the social situation of personality development. In this regard, a number of scientists (A.S. Vlasenko, I.A. Zimnyaya, T.V. Ishchenko, L.Ya. Rubina, V.A. Yakunin and others) consider groups of tasks that reflect the specifics of this age period, the needs of the student and the university's ability to meet them. The first group is the tasks of actual development. These include adaptation to studying at a university and a new way of life, the realization of students' personal potentials, their self-expression and self-affirmation. The second group of tasks is the tasks of the nearest development. It is this group that is aimed at realizing the content of the professional development of students at the university. These include: expansion and refinement of ideas about the profession, professional activity, its axiological aspects, designing by the student of his own professional development based on the knowledge of his individual characteristics, harmonization of his own attitudes towards the profession, professional activity. The solution of these problems creates the basis for the formation of a personal and professional position. However, often the ideal goal - the professional development of students - remains unattained due to the fact that the traditional practice of professional education cannot always solve all the tasks.

In this regard, the question arises of the existence of a specific supporting activity that will solve the problem of the effectiveness of the formation of an individual's personal and professional position in the process of obtaining higher professional education. This activity is the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university.

In the second chapter of the dissertation "Conceptual foundations for the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university", the essence of the socio-pedagogical support is defined, the characteristics of the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students are given, and a model of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties at the university is presented. .

Based on a targeted study of a wide range of sources and literature on personnel, information, technical, social and other types of support, we have formulated our understanding of this term as a process of doing something through the creation a complex of special measures, means and methods that help in realizing the real possibilities of the social system and aimed at its regulation, functioning and further development. Potentials act as such possibilities of the social system. The concept of "potential" in recent years has become widespread in various fields of science and social activity. Many scientists (E.N. Gevorkyan, O.I. Genisaretsky, N.A. Nosov, B.G. Yudin, I.E. Yarmakeev and others) consider human economic, industrial, scientific and technical, educational and other potentials, necessary for the successful functioning of modern society.

In his work under potential we understand the totality of latent possibilities for the implementation of any activity. Potential is a qualitative characteristic of a particular natural or social system, reflecting the presence of any real opportunities (abilities) associated with the preservation (adaptation, reproduction), functioning and / or development (self-development) of this system.

Any individual has potentials, which, when carrying out any activity, can act as resources. The very concept of "resources" has several meanings and is used in various sciences. In our study resources- these are the sources of future action, internal capabilities, means attracted (used) to achieve a specific goal.

In general, based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, it was concluded that potentials and resources are completely different concepts. In order for the potentials (latent capabilities) of an individual to become resources, it is necessary to activate them, that is, to transfer them to a higher qualitative state. In this case, the potential becomes a means to achieve the goal, something with which it is possible to change the environment. When it comes to the use and activation of the individual's potentials, an intermediate stage of the individual's awareness of his latent capabilities is necessary. As a rule, this process occurs due to internal self-assessment and self-diagnosis. An individual turns to his internal conscious capabilities most often in the event of a difficulty or if he wants to be successful in any activity. After realizing one's own potentials, the moment comes to activate them, to achieve the set goal. In this case, the individual's potentials become his resources, that is, they pass into an active state.

The analyzed literature on issues of various types of support makes it possible to assert that the issues of ensuring the pedagogical process in order to increase its effectiveness were in the field of view of many authors (O.G. Levina, N.L. Lysakov, Yu.B. Podtserkovny, I.V. Protasova, E. V. Sechkareva, E. V. Titova, V. S. Torokhtiy, V. M. Fedotov, G. A. Shabanov, N. Yu. Shepeleva, V. T. Yusov). We, on the basis of an interdisciplinary analysis, are under the process pedagogical support we understand a specific type of professional activity that involves the activation of personal and institutional resources necessary to realize the effectiveness of a particular process. In this case, pedagogical support involves the personal resources of the pupil and institutional resources, which we understand as the resources of a particular social institution, set by the rules and norms of its functioning. Thus, pedagogical support is limited to the sphere of direct interaction of participants educational process.

At the same time, the expansion of the activities of teachers, the exit of this activity beyond the normative framework allows the educational institution to influence pupils not only through institutional resources, but also through the use of opportunities environment, through the relationship that develops between all participants in the educational process and the process of professional development of the individual. Based on the foregoing and on the basis of an analytical generalization of the relevant works, it is necessary to talk about social and pedagogical support.

Social and pedagogical support- this is a specific pedagogical activity for managing the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources involved in the process of forming an individual's personal and professional position. Social and pedagogical support involves determining the functional purpose of each resource, establishing the relationship of their functions in certain organizational and pedagogical forms.

In a dissertation based on generalization personal experience the author and a number of scientific studies conducted under the guidance of a dissertator (A.V. Afanasov, L.M. Bochkova, A.F. Dranichnikov, T.E. Korovkina, E.V. Lignovskaya, Yu.A. Polarshinov and others) , it is concluded that it is advisable to consider the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university as the management of the functioning of a systemic set of resources intended and used to solve the problems of forming a student's personal and professional position. The totality of resources for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university consists of:

- personal resources: life experience, personal potential, the formation of professionally and socially significant personality traits, the level of personal competence, professional expectations, professional orientation;

- institutional resources: the content of a certain level of education and the teaching technologies used; qualification characteristics of the teaching staff and features of the professional skills of teachers; the presence of innovative activities in the university; the psychological climate of the team; features of educational process management; state of the art methodological activity at the university; structure educational institution and organization of the educational process in it;

- environment resources: the presence of other educational institutions, social institutions, cultural institutions, public organizations, administrative bodies, enterprises and organizations with which the university interacts in order to optimize the process of the student's professional development, as well as the experience of interaction between the university and the subjects of socially significant activities of the microdistrict; availability of joint programs and areas of work; personal relationships and business ties between representatives of the university staff and employees of other organizations and institutions.

An analysis of the experimental work showed that personal resources are the most important type of resources, since their mobilization and effective use, their development is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the entire education system. The resource of an individual is determined, on the one hand, by the personal characteristics of this person, his inclinations, abilities and the extent to which he has enough skills, perseverance and other qualities to develop and realize these inclinations and skills. On the other hand, resources are also determined by the external conditions in which this person finds himself and in which his inclinations and abilities can be realized to a greater or lesser extent, and sometimes not at all. Disclosure, development, use of the resource in existing conditions - this is the main task of the teacher.

The analysis of advanced pedagogical experience and experimental work carried out by us allows us to state that the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of a student of the humanities faculties of the university is aimed at developing the subjectivity of students in professional activities and is characterized by the uniqueness of the resource fund of each student. To substantiate our concept at the theoretical level, it was necessary to develop a specific model to optimize the process of professional development of students of the humanities departments of the university through the implementation of resource management strategies.

This model provides for a number of interrelated stages, in accordance with which a methodology was developed for the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students: diagnostic(aimed at a consistent solution of the problems of identifying the dynamics of development and changes in the resource fund and involves diagnosing the current state of the resource fund of the professional development of students); analytical(aimed at consistently solving the problem of identifying specific contradictions and problems that arise situationally in the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students at a university and involves predicting the potential state of the resource fund for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at a university); design(aimed at solving two main tasks: to determine the range of changes and clarifications that need to be made to the processes of updating and implementing the resource fund, to work programs, social practices that allow testing the possibilities of professional activity; to determine the range of necessary activities aimed at self-development and self-education of students; and includes predicting likely outcomes); organizational and activity(aimed at the consistent solution of a number of technological tasks: to select and adapt appropriate educational and upbringing models to the intended goals of professional development; to coordinate them with existing models of the university; to introduce into the program developed at the previous stage the actualization of the student's resource fund with the aim of his professional development based on three strategies resource fund management); reflective-evaluative(aimed at the formation and development of the student's professional and semantic self-relationship, his abilities for value-semantic self-determination and self-development and involves monitoring the state of the process of students' professional development).

Due to the fact that the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university is the management of the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources, we note that a certain group of resources dominates in each student's course of study. The use, development and updating of resources, that is, the implementation of resource fund management strategies, occurs at different courses in different ways in the process of involvement various ways interconnections, interdependence and mutual actualization of available resources through structuring in a certain way time, space, quantitative and qualitative composition of participants and their interaction.

The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university are:

- presenting to students the values ​​of the socio-cultural sphere, general cultural and professional activities, which involves the transmission to students of basic knowledge about the socio-cultural sphere, future professional activity, the formation of an emotional attitude to objects included in general cultural and professional activities, as well as the presentation of behavioral patterns based on the activity implementation of the internalized values ​​of society in general and the profession in particular;

- ensuring the variability of the content and forms of participation in social practice, which is based on the principles of humanistic orientation and individualization of education, as well as on understanding the specifics of socio-pedagogical support as management of the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources involved in the process of professional development of an individual;

- providing individual assistance to the student in revealing his potentials, in his self-realization. We believe that the process of providing individual assistance to a student involves creating conditions for him to realize his own problematic situation that arises in the course of solving age-related problems, and assisting in overcoming the difficulties associated with these tasks through updating the resources available to the student;

- stimulation of reflection is based on the provisions on the dependence of the effectiveness of socio-pedagogical support of professional development on the degree of student activity in this process, on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of student age, which, on the one hand, determine the possibilities, and on the other hand, the needs of a young person in self-knowledge, introspection, search semantic foundations of one's own behavior and activities, value orientations for assessing the surrounding reality.

The effectiveness of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university can be assessed on the basis of a number of criteria.

The leading criterion is orientational semantic, which implies a conscious attitude to professional activity, manifested through a combination of such indicators how: understanding and awareness of socio-cultural values ​​and the value of the future profession; understanding and evaluation of the goals and objectives of professional activity; recognition of the value of subjective relations; job satisfaction.

As activity-practical criterion the ability for independent educational activity, indicators which are: the ability of students to joint educational activities; the ability to transform the surrounding reality by the methods and means of professional activity; the ability to organize the prediction of one's own and others' actions and deeds.

Estimated-analytical criterion involves the ability of students to analyze and reflect on their own activities. indicators this criterion are: the ability to assess the phenomena and processes of the surrounding reality and one's own social situation; the ability to analyze their educational and socio-professional activities; the ability to value-semantic analysis of oneself as a person and one's own professional actions.

In the third chapter « Pilot-experimental work on socio-pedagogical support of professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university” reveals the stages and content of experimental work on the socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students of the humanitarian faculties of the university; the monitoring of its effectiveness is characterized and the obtained results are presented.

The methodological basis of the experimental work was: a normative-oriented approach, according to which the achievements of each student were compared with the achievements of other students; a criterion-oriented approach that allows collecting complete and objective information about the achievements of students individually and the group as a whole; a criterion-level approach that provides an opportunity to reflect the dynamics of the transition of students from one level of professional development to another - a higher one, which, in turn, served as an indicator of the effectiveness of the process and the result of the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students at the university.

Experimental work consisted of a number of stages.

Preparatory stage assumed the diagnosis of the current and potential state of the resource fund.

In order to achieve the conformity of the results of diagnostics with reality, the theoretical part of the diagnostic complex was based on the organizational and didactic principles of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis and assessment of students' achievements (A.S. Belkin, B.P. Bitinas, P.P. Blonsky, M.A. Vesna , K. Ingenkamp, ​​A. I. Kochetov, B. V. Kulagin, Yu. Lobanov, P.I. Obraztsov, I.P. Radchenko, L.F. Spirin, V.S. Tokarev, N.I. Shevandrin and others). The diagnostic technique was determined by the content-conceptual content of the very concept of "professional development" and was carried out along the line of revealing the dynamic characteristics of the degree of severity and direction of its structural components. At the same time, it was taken into account that professional development as an integral characteristic of a specialist’s personality cannot be directly diagnosed on the basis of any one method, and only a comparison of data obtained in various ways gives the most accurate result, therefore, the study of the process of professional development and the effectiveness of the socio-pedagogical support of this process was carried out using an appropriate complex of various methods.

The current state of the resource fund of the professional development of students was revealed as a result of diagnostics using the following methods: "Motivation of professional activity" by K. Zamfira value orientations M. Rokeach, a battery of test methods that measure the level of development of communicative, organizational and creative abilities of students.

The results of diagnostics according to the test method "Motivation of professional activity" by K. Zamfira, modified by A.A. Rean, carried out in two sections (2002, 2007), showed the shifts in the motivational complexes of students in favor of internal motivation and external positive motivation. In the experimental groups, the number of students with an optimal motivational complex that contributes to successful professional development more than doubled. The changes that occurred in the control groups, where the model of social and pedagogical support of the process under study, developed by us, were not implemented, also occurred. But the increase in the number of students with an optimal motivational complex in relation to their professional development cannot be called significant.

To achieve high results, we implemented a set of forms that helped to optimize the process being studied: methodological classes, seminars on the scientific organization of student labor, meetings with teachers of departments, ring lectures, an educational seminar "Introduction to the profession", fact-finding practice, motivational workshops, organizational and activity the game "Me and my profession", individual consultations, the system of supervision of undergraduate students, instructive and methodological collection of 1st year students.

Using such methods as the test of M. Kuhn and T. McPartland "Who am I?", compiling socio-pedagogical passports of students, questionnaires for students "Satisfaction with the educational process in the IPP", we assessed the potential state of the resource fund for the professional development of students and predicted likely outcomes. At this stage, we implemented a set of organizational and pedagogical forms that optimize the process of social and pedagogical support for professional development. These include: participation in olympiads in academic disciplines, individual consultations of teachers, a newspaper competition about the profession, participation in the work of the discussion club “I and my profession”, a workshop on the psychology of organizational activity, participation in business councils for the preparation of comprehensive programs for extracurricular activities, participation in the activities of student associations, participation in social events, the system of supervision of teachers, participation in the work of the School of a professional counselor, participation in the work of scientific and pedagogical teams.

On the basis of diagnostics, we have developed a program for managing the resource fund of the professional development of students, based on three strategies for social and pedagogical support: updating, using and developing specific types of resources. During this stage, it was found that at the moment the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology has created a sufficient resource fund for the development and improvement of the process of professional development of students. The structure of the university, its strategy and mission take into account the needs of the region. The program of professional development of specialists is determined by the requirements of the region.

Main stage. At this stage, we carried out ascertaining and forming experiments. The ascertaining experiment revealed, on the one hand, the differentiation of categories of respondents according to the levels of diagnostics of personal resources (students who entered the university have a different degree of formation of professionally and socially significant personality traits, a different level of professional orientation, a level of personal competence), on the other hand, demonstrated the need in improving the institutional and environmental resources that can be involved in the process of professional development.

In the course of the formative experiment, students were involved in complementary activities: educational, socio-pedagogical, research and methodological. Also at this stage of experimental work, interactive forms were used academic work, inclusion of students in extracurricular (social and pedagogical) activities, organization of research and independent work of students, development individual routes professional development. To this end, within the framework of experimental training, the range of educational programs offered to students for mastering (additional specialties, specializations, retraining programs) was significantly expanded, innovative technologies were introduced, organization and methodological support of independent work of students, methodological support of the educational process (creation of educational and methodological center), the inclusion of students in scientific research; strengthening the professional component in extracurricular activities.

Much attention was paid to stimulating the participation of students in socio-pedagogical activities, which was based on the promotion of the student from the subject of extracurricular activities to the subject of socio-pedagogical activities in the region and assumed: Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (festivals, educational and methodical gatherings); organization of studio associations of students (methodological associations, dance studio, vocal studio, social design bureau, findraising group, professional counselor school); organization of social and pedagogical projects in the region: creation and maintenance of the activities of scientific and pedagogical associations (author's camps, clubs of high school students); organization of animation groups; carrying out social actions that stimulate the inclusion of students in socially significant activities; implementation of social projects in the youth sphere together with the Committee for Youth Affairs; scientific and methodological support of socio-pedagogical activities, which consists in the preparation teaching materials and their publication, in the creation of the Information and Methodological Center, educational seminars, creation of a scientific and methodological expert council

The purpose of the organization of scientific research activities students as a means of their professional development was the transition from the study of topical problems to the integration of scientific areas on the basis of interdisciplinarity and the implementation of research results in social pedagogical activity region. The implementation of this goal assumed: the organization of scientific research: regional scientific grants and research, the main participants of which are students (organization of experimental sites based on social and educational institutions); organization of scientific areas: analysis of research, identification of interdisciplinary links, generalization of the results obtained (creation of an educational and scientific center, student scientific laboratories, temporary scientific teams), publication of collective monographs, holding student scientific meetings; implementation of research results into practice. To do this, on the basis of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, a resource center was created for preparing methodological recommendations, technological modules, promoting the methodological products of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology in the region.

In the course of the formative experiment, we developed individual routes of professional development, which were the student's activity program for the period of study at the university and allowed him to determine the degree of his participation in the life of the institute and in the process of his professional development. The routes were created based on the results of the diagnostic and analytical stages of the process of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university and were a description of the individual trajectory of each student's activity.

Any individual route of professional development was an opportunity for each specific student to choose his own way of moving along the path of satisfying interests, developing abilities, and becoming professional. To design individual routes of professional development, it was necessary to fulfill a number of conditions: the presence of a variety of activity programs at the university; interaction of teachers based on the unity of goals and values; a certain level of training of the teaching staff; the presence of several completed stages of preparing students for the implementation of activities for their own professional development, giving them the opportunity, at the end of the semantic stage, to choose a further option for promotion.

During the experiment, two options for preparing students for the implementation of individual routes of professional development were developed. The first option can be represented in the following development logic:

The initial course of classes, which are based on versatility. Classes are taught by different teachers. The objective of this course is to determine and develop the needs and interests of the student, to try himself in different areas of educational and socio-pedagogical activities;

Self-determination of the student, choice of a further path, profile of the training program based on their own interests and needs;

Deepening and expanding knowledge in one direction (for example, comprehensive training in a specific educational program);

Choice of further path (continuation of the route or its completion);

Individual improvement of knowledge, methods of activity.

A variant of such an organization of the process of socio-pedagogical support of professional development has become a system of educational and developmental classes (in addition to the main educational program) with the aim of student-oriented information support for the inclusion of a student in the activities of the university. This system includes workshops, the task of which is to form the student's knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for organizing activities at the university); master classes, during which students receive information about the features of the organization of specific forms of activity and master the methods and techniques of organizing each of the forms); institute-wide events (conferences, extracurricular activities programs, etc.), which become a logical continuation of workshops. The student independently determines the position that he occupies in relation to the organized activity. At the same time, it should be noted that on the way of passing an individual route of professional development, a student receives individual assistance from teachers or undergraduate students in organizing their own activities.

The second option for organizing an individual route of professional development is a range of classes within the same area of ​​activity, but according to different programs, which are relatively complete stages, but at the same time remain the basis for further professional development. An individual route involves: an initial course of studies, deepening and improving skills, mastering individual programs professional development.

Realizing this option individual route, a student at the initial stage of studying at a university could see the prospects for his advancement in the process of professional development. At the end of the student's preparation for the implementation of an individual route, the choice of the route was made. At this stage, not only personal and institutional resources were actively involved and updated, but also environmental resources, which, on the one hand, allowed students to realize their individual routes in line with their future professional activities, and on the other hand, gave students the experience of interacting with subjects of socially significant activity. which they will need after graduation. We used such forms of organization of students' activities as integrated industrial practice, development of social projects, implementation qualifying works in the specialty, participation in the activities of classrooms and laboratories, participation in student scientific grants, participate in the work of the youth employment service, trainings for confident behavior in the labor market, job fairs, meetings with employers, management of methodological associations, participation in the activities of student self-government bodies, creation methodological products, conducting project seminars for undergraduate students, organizing and conducting regional events, participating in activities regional bodies student government.

The final stage experimental work involved the analysis of the results obtained, the identification of the dynamics of changes in the student's resource fund and, consequently, the effectiveness of the developed concept of social and pedagogical support. At this stage, we used a survey of graduates of the institute and their employers: "Employment in the specialty", a questionnaire for employers "Expectations from an IPP graduate", a questionnaire for employers "Satisfaction with the professional activity of an IPP graduate" and others. In addition, we used participant and third-party observation of the participation of students in various activities at the institute and built a rating of students' achievements in educational, extracurricular and research activities. The success of the social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students at the university was assessed by us according to the indicators of employment in the specialty after graduation from the university (at the Institute this figure is 68%).

Based on the results of studying the motivation of students to receive education and master professional activities, the following results were obtained:

Dynamics of the motivational complex of students of experimental and control groups in the process of their professional development

Motivational complex

Incoming Diagnostics

Final diagnostics




The final sections recorded in the experimental groups a significant increase in the effectiveness of professional knowledge and skills, the formation of professionally and socially significant personality traits, an increase in the level of personal and professional competence and, as a result, an increase in the proportion of respondents corresponding to the optimal level of formation of a personal and professional position (60.4% ). In the control groups, this figure was 46.7%.

The results of the experiment showed that the application of the developed concept of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of humanitarian specialties of the university contributes not only to the improvement of the system set of resources, ensuring the process of its professional development, but also expands the range of its professional opportunities, adapting students to the conditions of future professional activity.

Summarizing the main results of the study, we can state that the results of theoretical and experimental work confirm the validity of the originally put forward hypothesis and allow us to make the following conclusions.

1. The professional development of a person from the standpoint of the resource approach is the process of forming the personal and professional position of an individual, taking into account the whole variety of subjective and objective factors, which involves the implementation of resource management strategies involved in the implementation of this process. The goal of the teacher's activity in this process is to manage the process of forming a personal and professional position, which we understand as a system of dominant value-semantic relations of a specialist to the sociocultural environment, to himself and his activity.

2. Social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university is a specific pedagogical activity for managing the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources (personal, institutional, environmental) involved in the process of forming the personal and professional position of an individual, which involves determining the functional purpose of each resource, establishing the relationship of their functions in certain organizational and pedagogical forms: individual routes of professional development, Internet testing, competition of methodological developments and technological modules, participation in the activities of electives, the inclusion of students in scientific research, participation in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, project seminars and others.

3. In the study, based on the generalization of personal experience and a number of studies conducted under our supervision, it was revealed that the socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university presupposes the existence of a “resource fund”, which is a combination of actual and potential funds intended and used to solve the problems of forming a student's personal and professional position. The resource fund for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university includes: personal resources, institutional resources and environmental resources.

4. The study found that the system set of resources includes personal resources student (life and social experience, the formation of professionally and socially significant personality traits, the level of personal competence, professional expectations, professional orientation), institutional resources(implemented educational program university, features of the professional skills of teachers, the qualifications of the teaching staff, the presence of innovative activities at the university, the teaching technologies used, the psychological climate of the team, the traditions of organizing joint activities, the style of team management, the level of development of methodological activities at the university, the prevailing motives for the professional activities of team members), environment resources(educational environment, establishing partnerships with other educational and social institutions, cultural institutions, public organizations, administrative bodies, enterprises and organizations in order to optimize the process of a student's professional development). Each of the resources can be in two states in relation to the subject of social and pedagogical support: actual (the resource can be used by the subject of social and pedagogical support without prior preparation for its use) and potential (the resource is updated in the mind of the subject of social and pedagogical support, but still not updated in pedagogical practice).

5. The dissertation provides evidence that the dominance of groups of personal, institutional and environmental resources will change depending on the stage of formation of the student's personal and professional position, on the implementation of a complex of organizational and pedagogical forms that optimize this process (individual routes of professional development, Internet testing , the competition of methodological developments and technological modules, participation in the activities of electives, the inclusion of students in scientific research, participation in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, project seminars), and external circumstances that contribute to the launch of the resource fund management mechanism and allow to activate the system set of resources (presentation students of the values ​​of the socio-cultural sphere, general cultural and professional activities, ensuring the variability of the content and forms of participation in social practice, providing individual assistance to the student in revealing his potentials, in his self-realization, stimulating reflection).

6. The results of the experimental work indicate that for the effectiveness of the process of professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university, three strategies of social and pedagogical support are used. In relation to actual resources, a use strategy is implemented (using an existing resource without additional preparation for solving the task) and a development strategy (building one group of resources at the expense of another, more developed at a particular point in time). In relation to potential resources, an actualization strategy is used, which involves identifying the potential for the development of the resource fund, predicting the resulting state and practical development of the resource as a socio-pedagogical tool.

7. The thesis presents a model of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university, which involves the creation of optimal conditions for the effectiveness of the process of professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university through the implementation of strategies for managing a systemic set of resources; the model is determined by the logic of the passage of interrelated stages: diagnostic, analytical, design, organizational-activity and reflective-evaluative, and includes a number of actions that correspond to the above stages, as well as ways of interconnection, interdependence and mutual actualization of available resources through structuring in a certain way time, space , quantitative and qualitative composition of participants and their interaction: diagnostics of the current state of the resource fund of the professional development of students; forecasting the potential state of the resource fund for the professional development of students of humanitarian faculties at the university, forecasting probable results; development of a program for managing the resource fund of the professional development of students, based on three strategies for social and pedagogical support; introduction of the program into the practice of the university; monitoring the state of the process of professional development of students.

8. The study found that the effectiveness of the implementation of the concept of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university is associated with the following pedagogical conditions: presenting students with the values ​​of the socio-cultural sphere, general cultural and professional activities; ensuring the variability of the content and forms of participation in social practice; providing individual assistance to the student in revealing his potentials, in his self-realization; stimulation of reflection.

9. In the course of the experimental work, we developed options for individual routes for the professional development of students, which assumed: the presence of a variety of activity programs at the university; well-established interaction of teachers based on the unity of goals and values; the presence of a high level of training of the teaching staff; the presence of several completed stages of preparing students for the implementation of activities for their own professional development, giving them the opportunity, at the end of each semantic stage, to choose a further option for their own advancement.

An analysis of the results obtained during the study made it possible to identify a number of trends that can be considered as directions for further scientific work: socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of natural science faculties of the university; socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students in a two-level system of higher education; socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of students of various forms of education.


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  2. Timonin A.I. Involvement of youth in society. Presentation of the hypothesis of Russian scientific research: collective monograph / Ed. S.S. Gil. - M .: Publishing house of the RSSU, 2007. T.1. - 15 p.l. (author's share 2.1 p.l.)
  3. Timonin A.I. Conceptual foundations of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of university students. - Kostroma, 2007. - 9 pp.
  4. Timonin A.I. Social and pedagogical support for the professional development of students of the humanities faculties of the university. - Yaroslavl, 2008. - 11 pp

Articles in journals included in the list of periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for publication of works reflecting the content of doctoral dissertations

  1. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of personality self-determination // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. - 2006., No. 11 - 0.4 p.l. (co-authored).
  2. Timonin A.I. The system of university training of future specialists in social work // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. - 2006. V.12., No. 1 - 0.3 pp. (co-authored).
  3. Timonin A.I. Model of spiritual and value orientation of children in out-of-school associations // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. Series humanitarian sciences: Pedagogy. Psychology. Social work. Acmeology. Juvenology. Sociokinetics. - 2006. V.12., No. 1. - 0.4 p.l.
  4. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of students // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. - 2006. V.12., No. 2 - 0.6 pp.
  5. Timonin A.I. Methods of socio-pedagogical support of professional development of students of humanitarian faculties of the university // Kazan Pedagogical Journal. - 2008. - No. 5. - 0.6 p.l.
  6. Timonin A.I. Theoretical approaches to the substantiation of the concepts of "potential" and "resource" in pedagogy // Educational Economics. Scientific and methodical journal. - 2008., No. 3 - 0.5 pp.
  7. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of professional formation of students in the conditions of socio-cultural transformation of modern society // Scientific socio-theoretical journal. - Rostov-on-Don. - No. 5 - 0.6 square.
  8. Timonin A.I. Modeling the process of socio-pedagogical support of professional development of students of humanitarian faculties of the university // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. - 2008., No. 4 - 0.7 pp.

Textbooks, study guides and guidelines

  1. Timonin A.I. Instructive-methodical collection: a program for all specialties. - Kostroma, 1990. - 0.1 p.l.
  2. Timonin A.I. The content and methodology of the work of the class teacher: guidelines to help students. - Kostroma, 1991. - 1 p.
  3. Timonin A.I. Igroteka: methodical recommendations for the organization of gaming activities. - Kostroma, 1992. - 2.1 p.l.
  4. Timonin A.I. What to do with children in a country camp: Toolkit. - M., 1994. - 10.7 p.l. (author's share 3.5 pp)
  5. Timonin A.I. Pedagogical alphabet. To help the organizers of children's leisure. - N. Novgorod, 1997. - 5 p. (author's share 2.5 pp)
  6. The program of the regional camp of high school students. A.N. Lutoshkin "Komsorg-2000". - M., 2000. - 1 pp. (author's share 0.7 pp)
  7. Timonin A.I. Theory of social work: textbook. - Kostroma, 2000. - 0.3 p.l. (author's share 0.1 pp)
  8. Timonin A.I. The system of preparation of university students for socio-pedagogical activity: textbook. - Kostroma, 2002. - 5.5 pp.
  9. Timonin A.I. Advanced training of specialists in work with youth: Educational and methodological manual. - Kostroma, 2004. - 5 pp.
  10. Timonin A.I. Social education of children and adolescents in suburban children's centers: experience of activity. - Kostroma, 2004. - 3.5 pp. (author's share 2 pp)
  11. Timonin A.I. Social forecasting, design and modeling / Fundamentals of social work. Tutorial for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. N.F. Basov. - M. .: Publishing house "Academy", 2004. - 16.5 pp. (author's share 0.6 pp)
  12. Timonin A.I. Regional camp for high school students named after A.N. Lutoshkin "Komsomol organizer": teaching materials for the instructor of the detachment. - Kostroma, 2004. - 4 pp.
  13. Timonin A.I. Regional camp for high school students named after A.N. Lutoshkin camp program and methodological materials. - Kostroma, 2004. - 3 pp.
  14. Timonin A.I. Innovations in social work / Fundamentals of social work. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. N.F. Basov. - M. .: Publishing house "Academy", 2004. - 16.5 pp. (author's share 0.6 pp)
  15. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical approaches to the organization of work at the place of residence in the conditions of the regional center / Spiritual and value orientation of children and adolescents in out-of-school associations: Collection of scientific articles / Scientific editor A.I. Timonin. - Kostroma: "Avantitul", 2004. - 0.4 pp.
  16. Timonin A.I. Spiritual and value orientation of children and adolescents in out-of-school associations: a collection of scientific articles / Scientific editor A.I. Timonin. - Kostroma, 2004. - 6 pp.
  17. Timonin A.I. Homelessness and homelessness / Lexicon of social work: Textbook / Ch.ed. CM. Kibardina, T.A. Poyarov. - 3rd edition, revised. and additional - Vologda, 2005. - 25.7 pp. (author's share 0.2 p.l)
  18. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of personality changes: Sat. scientific works of students and graduate students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology / Ed. A.I. Timonin. - Kostroma: GOU VPO KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2005. - 6.5 p.
  19. Timonin A.I. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KSU N. A. Nekrasova: first steps / comp. E. E. Smirnova, scientific. ed. N. F. Basov. - Kostroma: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2006. - 10 p. (author's share 2 pp)
  20. Timonin A.I. Pedagogical support of social work with youth / Social work with youth: Textbook / Ed. d.p.s., prof. N.F. Basov. - M., 2007. - 15.6 p.l. (author's share 0.5 pp)
  21. Timonin A.I. Pedagogical support of social work / Social work: Textbook / Ed. d.p.s., prof. N.F. Basov. - M., 2008. - 17.3 pp. (author's share 1 pp)
  22. Timonin A.I. Methods of research in social work / Social work: Textbook / Ed. d.p.s., prof. N.F. Basov. - M., 2008. - 17.3 pp. (author's share 0.5 pp).
  23. Social work and pedagogy: a dictionary-reference book / ed. N.F. Basov. - Kostroma: KSU im. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2008. - 10 p. (author's share 1 pp)
  24. Dissertation council on social pedagogy: first work experience / author-compiler A.I. Timonin. - Kostroma, 2008. - 5p.

Scientific articles, abstracts of reports at scientific conferences

  1. Timonin A.I. Methodology for the use of outdoor games / To the squad leader of the camp (CS SPO FDO). - M., 1991. - 0.4 p.l.
  2. Timonin A.I. S.T. Shatsky on the problems of collective creative education of children / Topical issues of methodological, psychological, pedagogical and special training of teachers in higher education. Kostroma, 1991. - 0.3 p.l.
  3. Timonin A.I. Inclusion of students in the activities of a temporary children's team as a way of mastering pedagogical experience // Preparing students for educational work at school / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Kostroma, 1992. - 0.1 p.l.
  4. Timonin A.I. Formation of the readiness of the future teacher to use the game as a pedagogical tool // Results of research work for 1994 KSPU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova / Materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Kostroma, 1994. - 0.2 p.l.
  5. Timonin A.I. To the problem of understanding the phenomenon of "playing pedagogical position" // Young scientists of Russian education / Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Kostroma, 1995. - 0.2 p.l.
  6. Timonin A.I. Experience in building a model of an educational institution // Development of the individual and the formation of individuality / Collection of materials. - Yaroslavl, 1996. - 0.1 p.l.
  7. Timonin A.I. On the problem of projective creativity in education // Innovative technologies and processes of personal and group development in a transit society. - Kostroma, Moscow, 2000. - 0.2 p.l.
  8. Timonin A.I. Pedagogical support for the activities of temporary youth associations // Theory, history of methods of children's movement. "Press solo". - 5 edition. - M., 2000. - 0.3 p.l.
  9. Timonin A.I. To the question of the structural-functional model of reflection in the educational process // Problems of the theory and methods of social education / Collection of scientific articles of graduate students. Kostroma, KGU, 2001. - 0.2 p.l. (author's share 0.1 pp).
  10. Timonin A.I. Ausbildung im Sozialwesen an der Nekrassow Universitat in Kostroma // Der Weg zur Sozialen Arbeit. - Bochum-Wologda, 2001. - 0.2 p / l.
  11. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of the upbringing process // Social contacts of children / Materials of the international symposium - Yaroslavl, YaGPU. K.D. Ushinsky, 2003. - 0.1 p.l.
  12. Timonin A.I. Participation social institutions in raising children at the place of residence // Work with children at the place of residence: experience, problems, prospects: Materials of the scientific and practical conference / Ed. ed. L.V. Vakhaev. - Part 1 - Kostroma, 2003. - 1 pp.
  13. Timonin A.I. To the question of understanding the essence of social and pedagogical support // Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of formation and development of the individual. - Kostroma, 2004. - 0.5 pp.
  14. Timonin A.I. Socio-pedagogical support of the personal development of a professional specialist in the process of becoming in a university // Psychological and socio-pedagogical support of children and youth: Materials of the international scientific conference: in 2 volumes. T.12. Yaroslavl, 2005. - 0.1 pp.
  15. Timonin A.I. Pedagogical support of the social development of youth // Youth and innovation in the modern world: legal, acmeological and socio-psychological support: Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Moscow Institute of Innovative Technologies / Ed. ed. I.E. Piskareva, D.P. Piskarev. - Kostroma, 2005. - 0.7 pp.
  16. Timonin A.I. Independent work of students in the process of research activities in the social sphere // Preparing future specialists for social activity: a collection of scientific works of teachers / N.F. bass. - Kostroma, 2006. - 0.8 pp.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 // Bulletin of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Higher professional education. - 2002. - No. 2.- P.15.

The demand for pedagogical support of social work with youth is due to the peculiarities of the position of this category in society. This problem has always attracted the attention of practitioners and theorists, however, as a scientific phenomenon, it began to be considered more closely only in recent decades.

Many experts agree that the pedagogical support of social work with youth is a system of measures, a set of activities, resources and conditions, a type of activity. Provision in social work manifests itself simultaneously: as a complex of emergency assistance; as a specific activity in the sphere of human relations; as a process of restoring one's own potential; as a specific means of intensifying and increasing the efficiency of a particular type of human activity, communication (V.S. Torokhtiy).

Revealing the essence of pedagogical support, many authors proceed from a number of ideas developed by modern science that are at the interdisciplinary level, generated by the interpenetration and complementarity of various branches of human knowledge. First of all, these are separate provisions of the concept of educational systems (scientific school of L.I. Novikova), according to which youth centers can be considered as a self-organizing socio-pedagogical system.

Another basis for the process of social and pedagogical support is the consideration of education as a purposeful management of the process of personality development (H.J. Liimets).

In modern scientific literature, the understanding of management as a special kind of activity aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of the system has been established. The main feature of social management is that the subject and object in it is a person. The essence and purpose of this process can be represented by:

Firstly, as maintenance, preservation for a certain period of time of the parameters (characteristics, values, results) that are characteristic of the managed object;

Secondly, as an improvement, development, improvement of the parameters of an object, system, as a result of which they move into a new, desired state;

Thirdly, as deterioration or reduction "to zero" of the parameters of the system, that is, its reorganization or disorganization, liquidation. Accordingly, we can talk about the management of the functioning (or conservation strategy) and the management of development (development strategy) of the system.

The traditional idea of ​​management is revealed in such characteristics as the purposeful influence of the subject on the object of management, the influence of the management system on the managed one in order to transfer the latter to a qualitatively new state, the introduction of elements of the scientific organization of labor. Today in management there is a transition from the "philosophy of influence" to the "philosophy of interaction", cooperation, reflexive management. In this context, management theory attracts with its personal orientation. In turn, in science there is an understanding of management as the management of various kinds of resources.

Pedagogical support is considered as the management of the functioning and development of a systemic set of resources involved in the implementation of the process of social work with youth. A resource here refers to the means that can be used to achieve the goal. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups.

TO personal resources include social status, social roles, personal position, life experience, motivational needs sphere, individual properties of a young person and their level of development. TO institutional Resources include the content and technologies of a certain level of education, the structure of an educational or social institution and the organization of the support process in it, the availability of specialists whose functional duties include the implementation of the supporting process. To the group subcultural community resources include a specific set of value orientations, norms of behavior, interaction and relationships of its carriers, as well as a status structure; a set of preferred sources of information; certain hobbies, tastes and ways of free time; folklore, specific signs and symbols inherent in the community. The following group of resources is referred to as resources social environment, referring to them not so much the presence of material objects, other educational, social institutions, industrial enterprises, cultural institutions, public organizations and political movements, administrative bodies, as the interaction with them of participants in the process of pedagogical support of social work.

Pedagogical provision of social work with youth is connected with the resolution of two groups of contradictions. Some are connected with the organization of social work with this category of the population. Others directly affect the personality of a young person.

The first group combines contradictions concerning the choice effective forms, techniques, technologies for organizing social work with youth.

Relevant is the contradiction between the need to introduce into the activities of institutions implementing the state youth policy, new social technologies created specifically to work with such a specific socio-demographic group as young people and the lack of specialists with not just sufficient, but a constantly increasing level of professionalism, and who have individual experience of involvement in innovative forms of work as participants in programs and projects.

An analysis of existing experience shows that the traditional forms of work with youth are: courses and ongoing seminars, workshops, round tables methodological associations, scientific and practical conferences. Innovative forms of work include: a competition of professional skills among youth workers, a competition for the best social youth institution, creative problem laboratories, various forms of cooperation between teams of institutions, internships, organizational and activity games, certification. But, unfortunately, these forms are not exhaustive, and the organization of a special system for advanced training of specialists working with youth is required.

For the effective organization of social work with youth, it is important to resolve the contradiction associated with the need to improve the skills of youth workers and the existing traditional forms and methods of retraining, which for the most part are focused mainly only on the transfer of knowledge and the formation of private skills, which does not always meet the modern needs of youth. The staff of the state youth policy is currently formed at the expense of employees of youth affairs bodies; employees of local governments; employees of institutions and organizations working with youth; employees of non-state sector institutions providing social services to youth; activists of youth public associations; teachers and consultants of educational institutions implementing programs of secondary, higher and additional professional education in the field of state youth policy. This does not allow for the high-quality implementation of the state youth policy and requires better training of specialists in working with youth.

Besides, in existing system further training, the following disadvantages can be identified:

    insufficient public funding;

    underdevelopment of the target component of advanced training, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of this process, orientation towards gross indicators;

    imperfection of the tools for analyzing the effectiveness of the professional development process;

    weakly expressed substantive aspect of continuity in the field of personnel training at different levels of the system;

    episodic professional development of specialists;

    unification of the content and forms of advanced training;

    insufficient staffing of the advanced training system in relation to the selection of personnel, their training, placement, professional development;

    underdevelopment of a system to stimulate the improvement of a specialist in the youth sphere of their own professional qualifications;

    Decreased motivation for the participation of youth workers in professional development activities.

At the same time, as a positive point, it should be noted that in all subjects Russian Federation there are youth affairs bodies with more than 2,000 employees. More than 2,000 youth social service institutions, 1,750 youth and adolescent clubs (centers), more than 2,000 young family clubs (centers), more than 7,000 centers for recreation, health improvement and employment of children and youth operate under the youth affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Thus, about 100 thousand people work in the infrastructure of the state youth policy, who need more effective professional retraining.

At the same time, today there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the youth industry. In this case, by qualified personnel we mean persons with a higher education in the humanities (for example, we include persons with a higher pedagogical education in this category).

This implies the need to develop a system of advanced training, which includes the training of managers, specialists of youth affairs authorities, employees of regional and municipal youth institutions, leaders of public associations, and volunteers. At the moment, it is advisable to use such forms of work as lectures (orienting, instructive, systematizing, problematic); project seminars; moderation. These forms of advanced training actively contribute to the development of professional self-awareness of specialists working with youth, increasing demands on themselves, they are closely related to the university stage of obtaining qualifications and with its further improvement.

The second group of contradictions associated with the organization of pedagogical support for social work with youth relates directly to the personality of a young person.

For example, the contradiction between the requirements for the personality of a young person, determined by the new social status, in connection with his transition to a new age stage, his responsibility for himself and his actions, and the unpreparedness of yesterday's adolescents to implement them, is quite clearly manifested. Its resolution should involve all the resources of the individual and the social environment, a number of institutional opportunities (the method of organizing the educational process in the youth center and the availability of teachers who carry it out) and subcultural resources of the community (a set of value orientations, norms of behavior, status structure, preferred ways of organizing free time, folklore, signs and symbols). The interconnection, interdependence and mutual actualization of these opportunities is carried out through the training of the asset, which is organized by many committees on youth affairs.

The next is the contradiction between the needs of a young person's personality in self-realization, self-affirmation, protection, acceptance and change in a life situation, entry into a new community with a peculiar structure, values ​​and opportunities. In resolving this contradiction, personal resources are involved (needs due to age characteristics, position occupied by a person, life experience, individual properties and their level of development), social environment resources and a number of community subcultural resources (a set of preferred sources of information and ways of spending leisure time, status structure , a set of value orientations and norms of behavior). The functional purpose of these resources is realized in the following forms: an annual gathering of youth activists, project seminars, a curatorship system, scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers.

Today, there is a sharp contradiction between the high requirements for skills and self-organization of a young person, in connection with his entry into adulthood and the current level of their development. In resolving this contradiction, all personal and institutional resources are used, as well as the possibilities of the subculture of the community (preferred sources of information, folklore): the annual gathering of youth activists, problematic lectures organized by teachers of higher educational institutions.

The next is the contradiction between the age-related needs for personal and professional self-determination, the search for ways to implement it and the lack of knowledge about oneself, one's capabilities and the capabilities of the environment for the implementation of these processes. Overcoming such a contradiction is possible thanks to personal resources, subcultural resources of the community, as well as a number of institutional (a way of organizing educational work in a youth center, the presence of teachers who carry it out, the technology of educational and social work with youth), resources of the social environment. This contradiction can be resolved through the use of the annual collection of youth activists, problematic lectures, scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers.

There is also a contradiction between the accumulated experience of interaction with youth workers, which a young person has, the image of the future life and scientific knowledge about these areas of social life, broadcast by youth centers. This contradiction can be overcome thanks to personal and institutional resources and a number of community subcultural resources (a set of preferred sources of information, a set of value orientations, norms of behavior and interaction, certain hobbies, tastes, specific signs and symbols) and resources of the social environment. The potential of problematic lectures of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, which are organized in youth centers by members of scientific and pedagogical teams and associations that are organized at youth centers, make it possible to realize the functional purpose of these resources.

The analysis of the experience of various youth centers, the traditions of education in them, the existing technologies for working with various categories of youth, and the features of personality formation in the system of youth centers can help determine the content of the pedagogical support of social work with youth. Thus, it is possible to formulate the elements of pedagogical support for social work with youth.

Programming the activities of the youth center, which implies the existence of regional projects, programs for the organization of education in the conditions of youth institutions. These documents are developed in accordance with the purpose of activity and directions of work of each specific youth center. Programs and projects that are implemented in youth centers go through two stages: development and examination. It is advisable to develop them based on the needs and demands of the region and the characteristics of the economic, personnel and administrative state of each specific youth center. One of the effective forms of software development is project seminar. Its use contributes to the resolution of a number of contradictions in the existing practice of social work with youth. This is a specially organized form of interaction between participants in the learning process, focused on in-depth consideration of the problems of the existing practice of social work with youth and involving the design of their activities in order to solve existing problems. This form provides for the use of various methods of cognition and activity, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, an independent search for seminar participants, the creation of situations of individual problematization during the course, and so on. The main task of the seminar is to put forward new ideas and bring them to the stage of projects. In the future, their authors can independently find funding and translate their ideas into reality, in addition, financial support from various government agencies and funds is possible.

A project is an activity management tool, the most concrete and feasible form for a youth centre. It usually includes the following steps:

- introduction (analysis, clarification of relevance, novelty in comparison with analogues, indication of the scope, functional purpose, identification of a specific, local and solved problem);

setting goals for activities and specific, measurable and achievable goals;

managerial and personnel aspect (who can implement the project);

characteristics and method of evaluation of the planned results;


At the examination stage, the pros and cons of the proposed material and the possibility of implementing the project in a particular region are identified. The council includes representatives of municipal youth policy bodies, highly qualified specialists in the field of work with youth. According to the results of expert evaluation, a particular project receives funding and is implemented in the activities of the youth center.

As an example, in this regard, we can consider the activities of the State Institution "Regional Center for Support of Youth Initiatives" in Kostroma, the main area of ​​​​activity of which lies in the field of identifying, developing, supporting youth activity and initiative. The purpose of the Center is to implement priority areas of state and regional youth policy, including: creating conditions for supporting and developing youth initiatives, creativity, prevention of asocial manifestations in youth environment, the formation of mechanisms to support young families and students. The Center consists of 7 departments: administrative, financial, economic and 4 departments that implement the programs of the Center: Department of Social Programs; Talented Youth Support Department; Young Family Support Department; Department of social health prevention. The activities of the Regional Center highlight the main areas of work focused on supporting the initiatives of young people in a particular area of ​​development of youth and children's public associations, youth consultative and advisory structures, student self-government bodies. Within each direction, technologies are used, combined in single system work with youth in each of the areas.

The institution builds its activities in accordance with the implementation of the following programs:

1. "Support for students of the Kostroma region";

2. Talented youth support program "Success is in your hands";

3. "Build Russia for the young";

4. "Prevention of asocial phenomena among the youth";

5. "Support for a young family";

6. Regional program "State support of children's and youth public associations";

7. Regional program "Children of the Kostroma region" direction of prevention of homelessness and juvenile delinquency;

8. Regional program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking."

Information and methodological support for specialists working with youth- this is a system of pedagogical actions associated with the neutralization of predictable difficulties at the stage of preparation for work, the provision of prompt assistance in the implementation of joint activities. The most frequent obstacle in the work of a youth worker is the lack of knowledge necessary for the education of young people: about the individual and age characteristics of a young person's personality; about the difficulties that arise in the organization of the social experience of young people, the content of personal problems, ways to solve them, about the methods and techniques of providing individual pedagogical assistance to a teenager; about the technology of creating software for the activities of the youth center; about forms and methods of optimizing interpersonal relationships. The existence of a system of special training and retraining of specialists for working with youth contributes to overcoming these obstacles: organization of problematic seminars for youth workers; refresher courses; regular certification of heads and specialists of specialized institutions of youth policy bodies; moderation, which is a form of advising and guiding the activities of a group of adults in the process of professional development, limited in place and time and allowing the use of internal reserves (potentials) of each participant and, accordingly, the group to increase the efficiency of the process of developing ways to solve problems.

Currently, in the Russian Federation, more than 100 educational institutions train personnel for work with youth (first of all, these are universities that implement the state standard of higher professional education in the specialty "Organization of work with youth"). The object of their activity are: state and municipal employees; employees of institutions and organizations, social services for youth; employees of non-state sector institutions; activists of youth public associations. Training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in working with youth is carried out within the framework of a number of specialties and areas of training (“Management”, “Social work”, “State and municipal administration”, “Jurisprudence”, “Management and economics at enterprises”, “ Personnel Management"). However, the curricula of these specialties, as a rule, do not provide for specializations in youth issues and the implementation of state youth policy. At the same time, practically in all universities where personnel for work with youth is being trained, the necessary teaching staff has been formed, scientific research is being carried out, candidate and doctoral dissertations on youth issues are being defended.

At the same time, the analysis of practical experience indicates that there is still a shortage of specialized psychologists, sociologists, social educators, social workers, specialists in medical and social problems of youth, lawyers and specialists in the rights of children and youth. A significant part of the staff of youth structures lacks the necessary professional qualifications and practical experience. There is a discrepancy between the quantitative composition of employees of bodies for youth affairs, the volume and nature of the tasks they solve, the scale and pace of social change.

Thus, the personnel resource of youth policy is insufficient for further improvement of the youth policy mechanism.

Synchronization of educational influences on personality at different levels of interaction: the first level - within the youth association; the second level is between youth associations; third level - between youth centers; the fourth level is within the region. Synchronization of educational influences on the personality is carried out through cooperation, organization of joint activities; inter-age interaction, through collective creative affairs and social projects; by harmonizing relations with the community, others, and oneself. Effective synchronization of educational influences presupposes the existence of a single goal of personality education, a common understanding of the essence of this process at different levels. At the same time, the means, ways, forms, technologies of educational influences can be different, depending on a number of circumstances (the capabilities of the center, the level of training of specialists, the characteristics of financing, the political, economic, ideological situation of the region, and so on). The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, with the support of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, annually holds the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Seliger".

In terms of content, the Forum represents a wide range of educational events, programs in the field of entrepreneurship, career guidance, creativity and innovation. Seliger is focused on a healthy lifestyle and contributes to the development of the creative, scientific and professional potential of young people, their active involvement in the implementation of socio-economic transformations in the country, instilling a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility among young people. Over 20,000 best youth representatives from more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation annually gather at the Forum within the framework of 7 thematic sessions. They develop social youth programs, publish youth newspapers, hold round tables and conferences on topical issues youth. In fact, this is a “direct access” of young people to investments, grants, funds of the largest private companies and state corporations, and government programs.

Pedagogical supportyouth in the process of joint and individual activities. Accompaniment is understood as providing a young person with a set of funds aimed at his successful development in a particular type of activity. The specialist directs the movement, helps the individual to overcome difficulties, but the choice of goals and means to achieve them remains with the young person, taking into account his individual, age and psychological characteristics, existing social experience. Accompanying is realized in the interaction of specialists in the youth sphere, the implementation of complex activities to develop socially significant qualities of a young person's personality, the formation of culture in the process of communication, stimulating the reflectivity of consciousness, critical thinking, and creativity orientation. The worker of the youth sphere in the course of pedagogical support solves the following tasks: organization of youth initiatives; development of communicative relations; providing emotional comfort within the group; stimulation of the working creative state; formation of a proper attitude to work, work, strong-willed personal qualities; creation of conditions for adequate experiencing of experience, development of one's own life principles, attitudes, professional intentions; formation of an external culture of behavior (politeness, attentiveness, culture of speech, etc.); cognitive help. Pedagogical support for young people includes the following stages: individual and group diagnostics in the increment of individual and social experience by young people, monitoring the effectiveness of the use of variable programs built on an activity basis and carried out with the personalization of pedagogical interaction, and others.

The subject of diagnostics carried out by teachers is: emotional and psychological comfort in a youth association; level of communicative relations; the degree of activity of participants in the ongoing process; attitude to information coming from youth workers; the degree of expansion of knowledge in the system of socio-cultural relations.

Thus, the organization of pedagogical support for social work with youth is a process carried out during the passage of the following stages:

Diagnosis of the potential and current opportunities of a particular youth institution; opportunities of the region in pedagogical provision of social work with youth;

Determination of institutional resources (youth association, institution, region) and environmental resources characteristic of the object under study;

Determining the optimal set of resources necessary for effective pedagogical support of social work with youth (at the same time, it must be borne in mind that resources should be used to overcome existing contradictions, both at the level of a young person’s personality and with the organization of social work with youth);

Special training of youth workers for effective pedagogical support of social work with youth;

Activation of personal and institutional resources through the creation of special developed and tested regional projects, programs for organizing education in youth institutions;

Obtaining feedback, monitoring the results, which is carried out, as a rule, within the framework of various competitions of youth centers, competitions of professional skills for youth workers.


The work is devoted to the implementation of a practice-oriented orientation in the preparation of a future lawyer in a higher educational institution, the mechanism of which is pedagogical support. Pedagogical support is understood as a special type of professional and pedagogical activity aimed at activating and updating the educational resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process. It is emphasized that pedagogical support as a phenomenon is characterized by the properties of dynamism, multidimensionality and multilevelness. As a set of resources and conditions, the concept of pedagogical support has a philosophical dualism. Depending on the specific educational tasks, system or process qualities prevail in pedagogical support. It is noted that socialization in the process of pedagogical support is carried out through the interaction of participants with society and among themselves; interaction occurs in various forms and by different methods.

pedagogical support

practice-oriented orientation

pedagogical conditions

resource approach.

1. Abramova G.S. Introduction to practical psychology. - Yekaterinburg: Business book, 1995. - 224 p.

2. Izmailova V.V. Pedagogical support: the essence and structure of the concept // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. - 2012. - No. 2. (vol. 2).

3. Romanov N.N. Pedagogical support for the integration of the content of general and vocational education: Ph.D. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences. - Yakutsk, 2004. - 20 p.

4. Korovkina T.E. Socio-pedagogical support of the professional development of the future teacher at the initial stage of education at the university: dis. … cand. ped. Sciences. - Kostroma, 2004. - 211 p.

5. Timonin A.I. Conceptual foundations of socio-pedagogical support for the professional development of university students. - Kostroma, 2007. - 216 p.

6. Shepeleva N.V. Pedagogical support of the process of socialization of students in a non-state educational institution: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Kostroma, 2004. - 211 p.

7. Protasova I.V. Pedagogical support of the process of accumulation of social experience by students in the conditions of a gymnasium school: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Kostroma, 2001. - 235 p.

8. Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. – M.: TsK FL RAO, 1997. – 248 p.

9. Ignatova V.V. Pedagogical factors of spiritual and creative formation of personality in the educational process: monograph. - Krasnoyarsk: SibGTU, 2000.

The system of modern higher education should ultimately ensure the accelerated socialization of each graduate - the future lawyer, confident entry into the independent working life of each young specialist, lay a solid foundation for building a successful professional career for a young lawyer.

Special civic significance practical activities of a lawyer inevitably determines a system of extremely high requirements for the quality of training of a future lawyer. In turn, we argue that the quality of training of a future lawyer largely depends on the pedagogical support of the practice-oriented orientation of training.

The social order to the system of vocational education orients higher educational institutions, including those of a legal profile, towards the intensification and informatization of education using modern approaches and technologies, an increase in the share of independent and practical work of students, and due to this, an increase in the quality of professional training of young specialists.

In the general case, provision is commonly understood as the creation of a system of measures, means, methods and methods for realizing the potential of a certain social system in order to regulate its functioning and development.

Pedagogical support is usually understood as a special type of professional and pedagogical activity aimed at activating and updating the educational resources required to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.

Describing pedagogical support, the researchers of this phenomenon emphasize that it is characterized by such properties as dynamism, multidimensionality and multilevelness.

A.I. Timonin considers socio-pedagogical support and understands it as a special pedagogical activity, which consists in managing the functioning and development of a set of environmental, institutional and personal resources involved in the process of forming the student's position. This activity involves identifying the functionality of each specific resource, establishing functional relationships that manifest themselves in given pedagogical conditions.

There are two interpretations of the concept of "pedagogical support":

1) through a resource approach;

2) through a set of pedagogical conditions.

Within the framework of the resource approach, pedagogical support is presented as social and pedagogical support and can be defined as the management of a set of resources, its functioning and development.

Due to the fact that the external social environment, along with other resources, has a significant impact on the formation of professional competencies and the development of the student's personality, the management system of an educational institution should actively use resources external environment. At the same time, under the outer social environment we understand the conditions of human life - spiritual, material and social.

Pedagogical support is called upon to assist in the successful purposeful socialization of all students in accordance with their age and personal resources. Socialization in the process of pedagogical support is carried out through the interaction of participants with society and among themselves. Interaction occurs in various forms and by different methods.

In the works of Protasova I.V. the following interpretation of the concept under study is used. Pedagogical support is considered as an integral set of resources and conditions. Resources are divided into internal and external. Internal resources presuppose the existence of an educational environment. The educational environment creates opportunities for self-realization of the student through diversity and continuity various kinds educational activities .

Among the conditions of pedagogical support, we single out the planning of the activities of an educational institution, as well as partnerships between the participants in the process, the reflexivity of educational activities, and the dialogue of interaction.

Thus, the process of pedagogical support by the listed authors is understood as a special type of organizational and pedagogical activity aimed at creating conditions and activating resources in order to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process.

An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical practice shows that the problem of pedagogical support for the practice-oriented training of lawyers in the process of studying at a university, including efficient technologies formation of a modern scientific outlook and creative competencies in future specialists for the implementation of professional activities in difficult conditions of an avalanche-like increase in the volume of regulatory and legal information, as well as intensive and very significant changes in law enforcement practice.

The need for pedagogical support of a practice-oriented orientation in the preparation of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university becomes even more relevant due to the fact that recently the level of preparation of applicants, their readiness to study at a university is highly heterogeneous.

A certain part of yesterday's schoolchildren has a weak motivation for learning or a low level of intelligence, many lack dedication and strong-willed qualities. At the same time, young people often do not adequately assess their capabilities and abilities. Such applicants are not ready to master new knowledge, independent learning activities and fulfill the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Another part of the applicants is not ready for an independent choice of a profession, for responsibility for the result of their education.

The global trends of modern education, the transition to new standards, increasing the practical orientation and independence of the educational process, along with the heterogeneity and general unpreparedness of applicants, also dictate the need for timely qualified assistance to the student at almost every step of the educational process. At the same time, this assistance must not be allowed to turn into direct guidance, a return to the loss of independence and self-determination.

Adequate assistance to the student can be pedagogical support of a practice-oriented orientation in the preparation of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university. Pedagogical support is designed to optimize the process of forming professional competencies as integrative qualities of the student's personality and the socialization of his personality. Pedagogical support causes the actualization of resources through the structuring of study time, study space, composition of participants and methods of their interaction.

The model of the system of pedagogical support for the practice-oriented orientation of the training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university includes:

The goal is to form the professional competencies of a future lawyer at a given level;

The result is the formation of the professional competencies of the future lawyer at a given level;

Principles of organizing a practice-oriented educational process for future lawyers at the university;

Stages of practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Forms, methods and means of practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Methodological support for the practice-oriented formation of professional competencies of a future lawyer;

Criteria and indicators, as well as the levels of formation of the professional competencies of the future lawyer in terms of the components of the structure of pedagogical support of a practice-oriented orientation;

Organizational and regulatory support of the social partnership of the university, employer and student;

Directions, forms, methods and means of mentoring experienced professionals.

Thus, by pedagogical support we mean an interconnected system of factors and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the process of their deployment through special pedagogical forms, methods, procedures and techniques (technologies).

The above study of the concept of pedagogical support allows us to conclude: as the totality of resources and conditions of pedagogical support has philosophical dualism, this duality is manifested in the presence of characteristic properties of both the process and the system in this phenomenon. As a set of resources, pedagogical support expresses the characteristics of the system. As a set of conditions - the characteristics of the process. Depending on the specific educational tasks, system or process qualities prevail in pedagogical support.

The result of the pedagogical support of the practice-oriented orientation of the training of a future lawyer in the process of studying at a university should be the formation of the professional competencies of a young lawyer at a level not lower than required.


Yarychev N.U., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of Social Work, Chechen State University, Grozny;

Muskhanova I.V., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Social Work, Chechen State University, Grozny.

The work was received by the editors on November 18, 2014.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

MS of the school (Deputy for water resources management Panacheva I.E) Director

No. 1 dated 10.09.2007 _______________ O.A. Kulikova


Basic primary, basic general and secondary (complete) education

2007- 2012

Educational program

MOU Uysko - Chebarkulskaya sosh

The structure of the educational program.


2. SECTION I. Information sheet.

3. II SECTION. Curriculum and its methodological support.

4. SECTION III. Social order and priority directions.

5. IV SECTION. Innovative activities of the school.

6. SECTION V. Action plan for the implementation of the educational program.

7. VI SECTION. Monitoring the completeness and quality of the implementation of the educational program.

8. VI SECTION. Program management


This program defines the main directions and backbone principles of functioning and development for the period up to 2012 MOU Uysko-Chebarkulskaya sosh as a developing educational system. At the same time, the school becomes a developing educational institution in the process of implementing holistic educational programs that comprehensively affect the change in the philosophical foundations of the school, fundamentally changing the nature of pedagogical relations, the content and forms of organizing life and work of both the teacher and the student.

In accordance with the law "On Education" (Article 14, paragraph 5, Article 15, paragraph 1), the educational program of the Uysko-Chebarkulskaya Sosh should be understood as normative document, which determines the content of education of the corresponding level and direction and characterizes the specifics of the content of education and the features of the educational process and management of the MOU Uysko-Chebarkulskaya sosh.

The educational program is a local act, which was developed by the deputy director for water resources management, adopted at Pedagogical Council and is implemented at school on the basis of state educational standards and in accordance with OBUP.

The educational program is an intra-school educational standard, determined both by the federal educational policy and the logic of the development of the regional and municipal education system, and by the educational needs of students and their parents, taking into account the features and capabilities of the school.

The educational program is adjusted and updated annually in accordance with changes in education.

Based on the fact that the educational program is an intra-school standard for the content of education, and its purpose is determined:

Firstly, this educational program helps to ensure the realization of the right of parents to information about educational services and to choose educational services and guarantees the quality of the services received.

Secondly, for the teaching staff, this educational program determines the priorities in the content of education and contributes to the integration of the activities of school teachers, reveals the continuity of education.

Third, for municipal and government agencies management of education, this educational program is the basis for determining the quality of the implementation of state educational standards by the school.

Target: Determination of the general strategy for the development and functioning of the educational system at school, determination of the role and place of the school in the educational sphere of the district, bringing the education system at school into a state adequate to the needs of society and the individual.


Ensuring the quality of education based on updating the content of education, developing means of supporting and accompanying the advancement of students;

training of teaching staff capable of using modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process;

· Creation and implementation of modern educational and methodological complexes, teaching aids into the educational process.

Strategic priorities of the educational process. Global processes in public life demanded significant changes in all its institutions, including schools. And although the purpose of the school as public institution quality education remains, the meaning and content of this concept have changed significantly. In modern society, the main goal of education is high-quality basic training, mastering the methods of self-acquisition of knowledge, ensuring the ability to change profession throughout life. The content of education is a didactically adapted social experience of solving cognitive, ideological, moral, political and other problems.

School development strategy- this strategy, called in the literature the strategy of modular changes, involves the implementation of several complex innovations, which, however, are not interconnected, although the actions of many performers can be coordinated within the module. This strategy occurs, for example, when primary school some new pedagogical system is being mastered (Vinogradova, etc.), at the middle level the teaching of subjects of the natural science cycle is being reconstructed (but without connection with what is done in elementary school), and at the senior level, an expansion of any subjects is introduced, also without connection with changes in previous links.

The purpose of the organization of the educational process is the creation of conditions for the formation of students' experience of independent solution of cognitive, communicative, organizational, moral and other problems that make up the content of education.

Evaluation of educational results is based on the analysis of the levels of education achieved by students at a certain stage of education.

Raising the level of education, which would correspond to modern social expectations in the field of education, should be:

1. In expanding the range of problems that school graduates are prepared to solve:

In preparation for solving problems in various fields of activity (labor,

socio-political, cultural and leisure, educational, family and household, etc.);

In preparation for solving various types of problems (communicative, informational, organizational, etc.);

2. In increasing the complexity of the problems that school graduates are prepared to solve, including those caused by the novelty of problems.

3. In expanding the possibilities of choice effective ways problem solution.

The strategy of changes in the education system was legally reflected in the Law "On Education". The concretization of new ideas in the field of education was carried out in other legal acts:

· Law “On state educational standard»,

Law “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans”,

Model Regulation "On State Educational Institutions",

Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia "On the approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions Russian Federation implementing programs of general education”,

Concepts of profile and pre-profile education,

· National projects in the field of education.

New normative base gave the school the opportunity to pursue its educational policy, taking into account the specifics of a particular institution, to determine priorities and strategy.

On the other hand, students and their parents, along with teachers, having become subjects of education, received the right to choose an educational institution, the form of education, as well as the selection of its content and technologies.

These changes made it possible to transfer the educational institution to the development mode, which ensures the competitiveness of the school, protects the right of every student to modern quality education and development.

Educational program is a set of curricula corresponding to the curriculum; a set of programs of extracurricular activities, interconnected with curricula.

OP priority is the organization of activities that contribute to the self-realization of both the personality of students at each level of education, and the personality of the teacher in the process of their joint activities.

Achieving the goal of the educational program requires the creation of the necessary conditions for the development of educational institutions, namely:

· staffing;

· motivational support;

· scientific and methodological support;

· logistics support;

· legal security;

financial support.

The implementation of the priority idea of ​​the EP is seen by the teaching staff of the school

through achievement strategic goals:

solving the problems of content, including creative education (filling the school component with specific content);

· modeling a balanced distribution of efforts of teachers in the work on the formation of a self-determined personality;

search for a rational balance of forms of implementation of the educational process at school (including elements remote technologies learning).

The fulfillment of these goals, as a strategy for the development of the school, requires the solution of the following tasks:

at the student level:

determine and specify the requirements for the educational achievements of students in accordance with the State Educational Standards;

· to implement a differentiated individual approach to learning at all levels of the school;

create conditions for the formation of self-determination skills;

at the teacher level:

filling the content of educational-methodical and educational-didactic complexes (school component), conditions for the formation of students' self-determination skills and conducting the educational process in a creative mode;

search for a rational balance of various forms of organization of the educational process (including elements of distance learning technologies);

at the management level:

create an optimal curriculum that works to implement the priority idea;

· to explore trends in changing the social and vocational-educational (motivational) priorities of teachers, students and their parents;

· monitor the educational process;

· maintain a system of optimal material and technical (including informational) support of the educational process at school;

· to implement reflexive measures to understand the roles of the participants in the educational process (motivational aspect).

The achievement of these tasks by the teaching staff of the school involves complex changes in educational practice and educational results:

ensuring the implementation of technology for the development of a creative personality and the conduct of the educational process in a creative mode:

updating the content of education in accordance with the new State Educational Standards;

creation of an educational and didactic complex for all educational areas, including the school component;

In learning technology:

development of new information technologies education in primary and secondary schools, distance learning;

· mastering the technologies of pre-profile and profile education in the primary and secondary schools.

In the organization of the educational process:

development of local acts of the school, providing a regulatory framework

the educational process;

· Implementation of pre-profile training programs.

In scientific and methodological support:

system formation methodical work schools;

Improving the level of professional competence of school teachers;

· implementation of scientific-methodical and experimental work of the team.

In the control system:

formation of an extensive management system of a new organizational


Improving the efficiency of the system of intra-school educational

monitoring the results of the activities of participants in the educational process;

creation of a system for assessing the educational achievements of students.

In motivational support:

understanding by the participants of the educational process of their roles (motivational aspect);

In educational work:

creation of favorable conditions for the formation of a graduate capable of carrying out creative creative activity;

creation of conditions for the formation of student self-determination skills.

In logistics:

· Creation of a system of optimal material and technical (including informational) support of the educational process at school.

The transition of an educational institution to the development mode is, therefore, an urgent need of the time and determines the school's definition of a priority development idea, a strategic goal and a system of tasks for its implementation for the period 2007-2010 (if there are unresolved tasks, an extension until 2012 is possible).

I SECTION. Information sheet.

Organizational and pedagogical support and characteristics of the educational process.

a) The management structure of the OS.

An analysis of the current situation in the field of education leads to the need to find effective ways to transform the management of the development of the education system towards democratization, to involve the public in this process.

Involvement of teachers, students, parents in management helps to achieve the best results with the least “losses”.

Joint activity provides for general planning, meetings, distribution of "spheres of influence" in the educational process, joint preparation for events.

BASIC EDUCATION implies a certain socially necessary and obligatory for all level of education, personal development, which subsequently allows each person to take advantage of any educational opportunities provided by society. Basic education should also provide the opportunity for self-employment immediately upon completion.

It provides:

Mastering educational competencies defined by federal and regional education standards;

Mastering a number of subjects at an expanded and in-depth level;

Assimilation of universal methods of cognition, mastery of the means of mental activity, which make it possible to engage in active creativity;

Formation of a holistic vision of the world, humanistic relations.

PRE-PROFILE TRAINING and profile training is a means of differentiation and individualization of education, which allows, due to changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, to more fully take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, create conditions for the education of high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions for continuing education. At the same time, the possibilities of building an individual educational trajectory for students are significantly expanded.

It allows:

Create conditions for differentiating the content of teaching high school students,

building individual educational programs;

Provide in-depth study of individual academic subjects;

Establish equal access to full-fledged education for different categories

students, expand the possibilities of their socialization;

Ensure continuity between general and vocational education.

Increase interest in acquiring knowledge;

Development of skills of self-education, conscious self-determination;

Formation of an individual educational trajectory.

ADDITIONAL EDUCATION is a means of social protection, it helps to create starting opportunities in the labor market and vocational education. Its specificity is determined by the needs and creative potential of a particular teaching staff.

It promotes:

Increasing erudition, expanding horizons;

Optimal disclosure of the creative potential of students;

Professional self-determination;

Formation healthy lifestyle life, general physical development;

The development of spiritual culture and morality of the individual, familiarization with universal


c) Updating the content of education.

Updating the content of education occurs with the development of new organizational forms of education, educational technologies, formation of educational-methodical and didactic complexes. The formation of educational, methodological and didactic complexes ensured the creation of a bank of psychological and pedagogical findings that allow developing Creative skills students. Updating the content of education and the content of training is aimed at the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, the integration of subjects of the general education cycle.

Updating the content of education requires new forms and methods of educational activities. In general, the new in the teaching methodology can be formulated as follows:

Introduction of new pedagogical technologies;

Development of methodological support for new programs;

Development of individual educational programs for students;

Changing the system and methods of assessing students.

In the learning process, the following elements of pedagogical technologies are used to form and develop the abilities of students, which are a necessary condition for their further professional activities: developmental education; problem learning; collective system training (CSR); research methods in teaching; project teaching methods; technology of modular and block-modular education; lecture-seminar-test system of education; technologies for use in education game methods: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; training in cooperation (team, group work); information and communication technologies; health-saving technologies; system of innovative assessment "portfolio", etc.

The lesson form of the organization of educational activities is aimed at achieving general level education. It is represented by all types of training sessions: a lesson, a lecture, a study tour, etc.

An extracurricular form of organizing educational activities serves to expand knowledge in subjects and increase the level of intellectual activity. It is represented by the following types of educational activities: olympiads, electives, elective courses, individual consultations, oral journals, subject weeks, etc.

School adapts new forms of final assessment of students

d) Training programs. Methodological support of educational activities.

In the process of educational activities of the MOU Uysko-Chebarkulskaya sosh as a developing education system implements the educational program of primary general education "School of the 21st century" at the junior level of education, project manager N.F. Vinogradova ; on levels of basic education - for grades 5-9, educational programs of basic general education are implemented that meet state requirements, an educational program of pre-profile training that meets regulatory requirements; at the senior level - an educational program of secondary (complete) general education for universal classes that meets state requirements.

d) School hours.

Five-day school week. The school works in two shifts, the beginning of classes - 8.30, the end of classes: in elementary school - 16.00; in basic school - 15.10; V high school - 15.10.

The duration of the lesson in all classes, except for the first - 45 minutes, in the first class - 35 minutes.

The work of circles and sections is carried out according to a special schedule, classes begin after the end of the lessons.

Information note on the psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of the main general education program MBDOU

The main goal of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of the pedagogical process in MBDOU is the creation of conditions aimed at the full psychophysical development of children and ensuring their emotional well-being. For the successful activity of a teacher-psychologist in preschool it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical activities. The conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical activities include: material and technical support for this area of ​​work, information and methodological support. Logistical support includes: an office of a teacher-psychologist, corners of psychological unloading in groups. The effectiveness of the functioning of the psychological office of the kindergarten "Petushok" is based on the requirements for the methodological and organizational support of the office of a teacher-psychologist, and is also supported by the necessary technical equipment and equipment. Taking into account the tasks of the work of a child psychologist, the premises geographically include several zones, each of which has a specific purpose and appropriate equipment.

  1. The waiting area . Equipped with a rack for the location of literature, memos, information stands.
  2. Advisory zone: mupholstered furniture, coffee table, memos, literature, sheets - questionnaires, questionnaires, folders - shifters.
  3. Work zone: desk, chairs, computer, cabinets for teaching materials, didactic games and toys.
  4. Zone of direct educational activity: children's with table and chairs, easel, didactic games on the development of cognitive processes, a card file of emotions, material for the development of fine motor skills.
  5. Psychotherapeutic area:shelving for storage of visual materials and sets of toys.
  6. Zones of relaxation unloadingare available for every age group and are equipped with mats, poufs, pillows, “dry rain” made of satin ribbons, sensory bags with different fillings (cereals, sand), material for the development of tactile sensations, reflective boards, various lights with sound effects, sets of bells, a tape recorder , audio library.

aim psychological and pedagogical activity is to ensure the mental health of children and promote their full development. The teacher-psychologist in his work decides the following tasks: taking into account in their activities with children the possibility of development of each age; development of individual characteristics of the child; creation of a climate favorable for the development of the child in kindergarten; providing timely psychological assistance to both children and their parents, teachers; preparing children for schooling.

Forms of work psychological and pedagogical support: diagnostic activity, directly educational activities teacher-psychologist, advisory work, psychoprophylactic, educational, organizational. adaptation activity.

1. Diagnostic activity. The Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Council of the MBDOU takes part in the diagnostic activity, which allows us to consider the personality of the child, taking into account all its parameters. As a result of an integrated approach of all kindergarten specialists, the following tasks are solved: Identification and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of children; Identification of children in need of additional assistance from specialists; Formation of recommendations for parents and teachers on organizing assistance to children by methods and methods available to the teaching staff to ensure an individual approach in the process of correctional and developmental support; Tracking the dynamics of development and effectiveness of individualized correctional and developmental programs; Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of an educational institution and specialists. Diagnostics is carried out twice a year (September and April). As a result of the diagnosis, children with developmental disorders are identified.

2. Directly educational activity is based on forward planning which includes: Elements of psycho-gymnastics for children junior group; A cycle of game techniques and exercises for the development of emotions “Let's live together” and elements of the program “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boast and rejoice” for children of the older age group; The use of games and training exercises aimed at successful adaptation to learning at school. The direct educational activity of a teacher - psychologist in MBDOU also involves the use of such forms of work as: The use of elements of play therapy; The use of art-therapeutic elements (drawing, modeling, appliqué); Use of didactic fairy tales and stories. One of the current trends is gender-role education. To do this, a block of events is held, which includes: conversations “our relationship”, “who am I”; games "Who is stronger", "defenders of girls"; reading specially selected literature and productive activities, theatrical activities. In my work I adhere to the principle of an individual approach to each child, taking into account his inner world, personal qualities and position in the children's team, which helps the child to adapt and socialize in public life.

3. Consultative work includes: questioning of parents; seminars - workshops for teachers; thematic presentations at parent meetings, individual consultations for specialists and parents, conferences, seminars, question and answer evenings, business games with the participation of a psychologist, teachers, parents.

4. Educational work. The education of parents and teachers occupies an important place in the system of psychological support of the educational process. Since it is of a warning nature, i.e. prophylactic. The kindergarten teacher-psychologist provides parents and teachers with timely information about the current state of the child, possible problems that may arise in the future.

5. Particular attention in the psychological and pedagogical support is given to the psychoprophylaxis of violations of the child's psycho-emotional sphere. In this direction, successive work is being carried out with music director, instructor in physical education, speech pathologist. With the teaching staff, the pedagogue-psychologist conducts trainings on the use of "relaxation pauses", "psycho-muscular warm-ups". The teacher-psychologist organizes observations during the day - how the activities of children are regulated, in order to identify adverse factors.

6. Organizational and methodological work involves: participation in RMS, replenishment of benefits, registration of psychological documentation, study of new literature.

7. An integral part of the work of a teacher-psychologist at MBDOU is the psychological support of children during the period of adaptation. To this end, a regulation on the adaptation period has been approved, which includes: general position, the organization of the activities of a teacher-psychologist in the adaptation period, the organization of the activities of educators in the adaptation period, the duties of parents. For each newly arrived child, an adaptation card is created, where the emotional state of the child, social contacts, sleep and appetite are recorded. The dynamics of development and the effectiveness of the use of the chosen methods and forms of work is reflected in individual map child.