Meat in a pan. How to fry meat deliciously. Chef's Secrets. Meat with sour cream sauce

Fried meat is a dish that occupies a leading position in the gastronomic world in terms of popularity. It would seem that it could be easier than taking and frying meat in a pan. However, with an inexperienced approach, you can simply “kill” all the taste qualities of this dish.

Little tricks for housewives

One of the main secrets of deliciously cooked meat is its proper cutting. There are several rules:

  1. You need to cut the meat only in thawed form. A frozen piece will simply break;
  2. After complete defrosting, the meat should be allowed to “rest” in the air for 20 minutes. During this time, all the juice will be evenly distributed over the piece;
  3. Cut this product only with a well-sharpened long knife. It is not recommended to use embossed blades, as they break the texture, and the meat loses its juices when frying;
  4. It is advisable to use a wooden board, for safety reasons;
  5. It is necessary to cut the pulp, in most cases, only across the fibers, so that during heat treatment it does not lose its juiciness.

The pulp for frying is cut into small cubes or layers. The thickness of one piece should not exceed 1.5 cm. Otherwise, you will get a damp middle with an excessively fried crust.

Of course, if this is exactly the effect that is needed at the exit, then the pieces are cut thicker, for example, as for a medium-rare steak.

The pan for frying should have a thick cast bottom, such as cast iron or aluminum (with a non-stick coating). Dishes should match the amount of meat. If the pieces are too tight to each other, then it will turn out not fried, but a stew. If, on the contrary, there is too much space, then most of the juice will simply evaporate and the meat may acquire a bitter aftertaste.

Table. The cooking time of meat of different degrees of roasting.

Description Cooking time Temperature
Raw with blood 2-3 minutes 200 degrees
Medium raw with a predominance of pink 4-5 minutes 190-200 degrees
Medium rare with pinkish meat juice 6-7 minutes 180 degrees
Almost done 8-9 minutes 180 degrees
Fried to dry 8-9 minutes 190 degrees

How to deliciously fry meat in a pan with onions and other vegetables

The classic combination of fried meat with onions and other vegetables will never lose its relevance. It is not only very tasty and satisfying, it is also quite easy and fast.

Recipe for cooking meat slices with onions in a pan:

  • 500 grams of pulp cut into small cubes, about 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters;
  • 3-4 medium bulbs mode in half rings;
  • We heat the pan with vegetable oil poured into it;
  • First add the meat;
  • On high heat, stirring constantly, we wait until the pieces are covered with a golden crust;
  • Reduce the fire, add the onion;
  • Cook without a lid, stirring occasionally, until the meat is soft and the onion is golden.

Garnish can be absolutely anything.

To get a more tender dish, you can pre-marinate the meat with vegetables. It will take a little more time, but the result is worth it:

After the marinating time has elapsed, put the contents into a preheated pan with oil and fry until cooked.

It is important to lay out the meat with vegetables without juice, otherwise it will simply be extinguished.

How to fry pork meat with potatoes in a pan: cooking secrets

Great dish for any occasion. Firstly, economically, secondly, satisfyingly. This recipe calls for lean pork. Steps for cooking fried pork with potatoes in a pan:

  • 300 grams of fatty pork cut into cubes;
  • 6-8 medium potatoes cut into cubes;
  • Send the pork to a heated pan with butter or melted pieces of fat trimmed from it. Fry until golden brown;
  • After 10 minutes, add spices;
  • Then add chopped potatoes and mix everything thoroughly;
  • After 10 minutes, add more spices;
  • Cook until golden brown on potatoes.

If desired, you can add onion. In this case, it is cut into cubes and sent to the pan at the same time as the potatoes.

How to fry meat on a grill pan beautifully and tasty

The grill pan allows you to significantly expand gastronomic combinations. It is especially convenient to use it in cooking. meat dishes. The easiest recipe for cooking meat on a grill pan:

  • Cut the pulp into the desired pieces;
  • We rub with salt, pepper (you can use any spices) and vegetable oil;
  • Put on a hot grill;
  • Fry the pieces on both sides (processing time depends on the desired degree of roasting);
  • We remove the finished delicacy and wrap it in foil for 5-7 minutes.

Delicious and most importantly juicy dish is ready. It goes well with fresh or cooked vegetables according to the same principle.

To give the dish a more piquant taste, the meat can be pre-marinated in any marinade that you like best. An interesting marinade and part-time garnish can be obtained from vegetables. For this you will need:

We cut the vegetables into small cubes and sauté in a pan until half cooked. After 5 minutes, add well-suppressed (to a mushy state) cranberries and honey. We pass for another 3 minutes and turn it off.

Mix this mixture with chopped meat slices, add spices to taste. Sorrel will add a spicy sourness to the dish, but for this it must be added towards the end of the pickle.

We send the mixed ingredients to the refrigerator, preferably overnight. About two hours before frying, throw in the sorrel (crumpled in your hands or with a mortar) and mix everything thoroughly again.

Fry the meat on a grill pan until golden brown. We remove the finished steaks, add the marinade vegetables and bring them to the final readiness.

How to properly fry meat in a pan so that it retains its juiciness

Pro right choice pans and the placement of meat on it was described above. But this is not the only guarantee of success in preparing a delicious and juicy dish. A few more important rules for frying meat in a pan:

  1. Do not use meat that has been frozen. Only a freshly bought piece;
  2. Before the hottest, the pulp must be washed under running cold (!) Water and wiped dry with a towel;
  3. During cooking, do not cover the pan with a lid, the stewing process will begin.

You can check the pulp for readiness by puncturing with a toothpick. If clear juice stands out from the hole made, the dish can be turned off.

Important: it should be borne in mind that the fresh meat of a young animal and meat after a long pickling, is fried somewhat faster.

What is needed for cooking delicious dish? Meat, a frying pan and some cooking skills that will help turn even the most ordinary pan-fried meat into a gastronomic work of art.

Bon appetit!

Soft, roasted and flavorful.

Felix Ruchaevsky - chef, restaurateur, gourmet, poet - knows a lot about good food. And in what kind of food men like, he also understands perfectly. Therefore, we decided to give him the floor on the most reverent topic for the male stomach: how to fry meat deliciously?

It turned out that both great chefs and outstanding gourmets simply follow simple rules. However, they are never forgotten and do not change the laws of proper meat preparation. If you follow the advice of the chef, then victory will always be on your side in a culinary duel with meat.

Rule one. Choose Wisely

It is very important for this or that dish, especially if you want to fry or grill it. It is impossible to cook a decent steak (beef steak in Russian cuisine) from the pulp of the sternum or part of the leg. For frying in a pan or grill, you can use only fillet (in Russian terminology - tenderloin), entrecote (thick edge) or thin edge. The quality of the prepared dish also depends on the age of the animal: the younger the meat, the tastier it is.

Rule two. Marinade

It is better to marinate the meat before frying. The fastest and easy way- pepper and pour vegetable oil, after rubbing the meat with crushed garlic. I do not recommend salting beforehand, as salt causes premature release of meat juice, which reduces the taste of meat. Therefore, you need to salt the meat at the very end of frying.

A quick pickling method is good for frying pork, lamb, veal ribs. Cut the meat into portions (usually 150-200 g), beat them off, put them in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped onions, caraway seeds, bay leaves, parsley root. Then pour vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice in proportion - 5 g of oil per juice of a third of a lemon, pepper and salt.

Rule three. Do not turn

Meat should not be turned frequently when frying. Usually it is turned over to the other side only when the first side is almost ready.

Rule four. Degree of doneness

You must specify (deep-done - well done, medium-done - medium, with blood - rare and derivatives of medium-rare, or medium-well done) you want to get.

Only some beef dishes (roast beef or steak) can be semi-done, lamb, veal and pork are never cooked like that.

Rule five. Roast before serving

The taste of portioned pieces of meat deteriorates during storage. Therefore, the meat must be fried shortly before serving it on the table.

Chef's recipe. classic schnitzel

Schnitzel is a pounded turkey, chicken or veal steak, rolled in flour and baked until crispy. Schnitzels are widespread in Israeli cuisine. It is almost impossible to find such a restaurant, even an exclusive one, where you would not be offered this very simple dish.

Schnitzel is usually prepared from various types of meat: chicken, turkey, veal. Chopped schnitzel is offered less frequently, and only occasionally can you be offered a vegetable schnitzel. So, we follow the rules.

It is very important what kind of meat you eat. For schnitzels, veal is best - the flesh of the hind leg or fillet. And the bird has the chest part.

Schnitzels also differ in the way they are breaded. Classic ways - Parisian(the meat is rolled in flour, then in an egg, and fried in hot oil) and Viennese(still the same, only after the egg, the meat is also rolled in breadcrumbs, to which sum-sum, dry herbs and other additives are added for taste and beauty).

Schnitzels are beaten with a meat mallet and marinated in a mixture of lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper. Adjust the proportions to your liking.

While the meat is marinating, prepare the breading. Bread the meat.

Heat oil in a large heavy skillet. It should become so hot that a cube of bread is fried in it instantly. Carefully place the breaded schnitzels in the oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

After that, remove the schnitzels from the pan and dry on a paper towel.

It should be noted that Israelis always pour fresh lemon juice over schnitzel, so schnitzel is always served with half a lemon.

Unusual breading methods

Sprinkle the product with flour, dip in white sauce (a mixture of eggs and butter), salt, bread in breadcrumbs. Press down the breadcrumbs, then dip again into the sauce and bread again.

Add lemon juice, salt, pepper to olive oil and beat with a fork. Dredge the meat in flour, moisten with the prepared mixture and coat again in flour.

A very unusual taste is given by wetting schnitzels with a mixture of eggs and mustard and subsequent breading in fine rye crumb crumbs.

And men also love steaks - and not only eat, but also cook!

Famous chefs worked truly miracles, delighting the taste of rich and eminent hosts and guests by cooking fried meat.

Whole carcasses of young piglets, large and small birds were roasted in Russian ovens. These were simple and reasonable methods of frying - the meat was placed in the oven and poured over with the secreted juice and fat.

Thanks to this, the addiction of the Russian people to a delicious fried crust occurred much later. Today, few people use Russian ovens for cooking, but there are only more recipes from this.

Large fried pieces of meat are used in the preparation of various dishes - hot and cold. Small portions should be eaten immediately, and therefore they are fried shortly before eating. Pork, beef, rabbit, different kinds birds with the help of a frying pan or brazier and heated fat turn into ruddy appetizing pieces that can saturate any "meat-eater".

Large pieces are placed immediately in ovens, periodically pouring fat or juice, small ones can be fried simply in a pan.

The readiness of meat is determined by piercing with a fork - red juice will tell us that the dish is not ready yet, light juice determines complete readiness. Rare meat is allowed only for beef or lamb, pork and veal require good roasting. Pieces are placed in the pan in such a way that there are gaps, so the crust forms better and the juiciness of the meat is preserved.

Fried meat - food preparation

For frying, we take only high-quality meat, tender, without numerous films, we cut off all the tendons. The worst grades of meat after processing still remain hard and fibrous, minced meat is prepared from such pieces. Important! For frying, cut the meat across the grain. The thickness is regulated by the recipe of the dish. It is customary to give a certain shape to portioned pieces using a metal or wooden hammer. To get the most beautiful and aesthetic pieces, just press them down with your hand and shape them with a knife. Only fillets are cooked in a pan, in the Russian sense the word tenderloin is used.

Grilled meat - preparing dishes

Meat can be fried in in large numbers fat. In this case, use strong metal pans and metal spatulas. In a large amount of fat, pans can be used. Serve at the table in a dish that is recommended to be warmed up beforehand.

Recipe 1: Roasted meat in wine - sounds tempting!

A large fried whole piece of meat turns out to be incredibly juicy if you marinate it overnight in white wine. This is a very suitable dish for holiday table, decorated with a piece of carrot and sprigs of greenery looks great and is cut right at the table.

Ingredients: beef 1 kg, carrots (1 pc.), garlic, nuts, onions (2 pcs), Bay leaf, potato starch (1 tablespoon), dry red wine - 1 incomplete bottle, salt, pepper, cloves, dill cheese (50 grams), green pea(1 bank).

Cooking method:

So, marinate the meat in the evening. Coarsely chop the onion and carrots, parsley and break the bay leaf into pieces. We put the washed and dried piece of meat in a saucepan, add vegetables, rosemary, cloves and pour wine. After a few hours, fry the meat in olive oil in a pan on all sides so that a golden crust is evenly formed. Salt and pepper.

Strain the marinade. Peel the onion and stuff it with cloves and bay leaves. Add the onion to the meat, another whole carrot, pour the marinade over it and, under the lid, send it to the oven for 2 hours on a high fire.

Baste the meat with the juices from time to time. At the end, add starch and greens to the resulting sauce. It remains only to put it on a dish and serve it to the table.

Recipe 2: A real dish for men - pork neck steak

Want to be a great hostess? Diversify such a favorite and familiar pork steak with the help of the original sauce. Very little time is spent on cooking, but you can perfectly feed loved ones with their favorite dish.

Ingredients: pork neck steak, red onion (1 pc), cilantro, spice salt, Nasharab sauce, sauteing oil.

Cooking method

Sauté coarsely chopped red onion in oil, sprinkle generously with spices and add the sauce. Warm up until thickened. Separately, fry the steaks in a pan for three minutes on one side over high heat. Turn over, spread the resulting sauce on the meat, close the lid and fry for another 55 minutes. The dish is ready, rather serve it to the table with cilantro sprigs.

Recipe 3: Viennese Schnitzel

If everything is done correctly, we get thinly beaten, breaded fried meat. A minimum of time, a delicate taste - nothing complicated.
Ingredients: pork or veal (700-800 grams), eggs (2 pcs), flour, breadcrumbs, butter (3-4 tablespoons). Salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method

We cut the washed and dried meat across the fibers and cut the veins. We beat the meat well with a wooden mallet so that the layers of meat become thin, salt and pepper.

Beat the eggs, add 2 tablespoons of water to them. Roll the layer of meat in flour and, dipped in an egg, breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry in a very hot pan. Put the finished schnitzels on paper towels. Serve with boiled vegetables.

- It is known that meat will be fried better and faster if it is marinated for a while. The easiest way is to grind some sunflower oil with crushed garlic and pepper. It is not recommended to salt it in advance, otherwise the meat juice will stand out ahead of time. Salt the dish at the end of frying.
- Undercooked meat should not be turned over.
- If you have overcooked the meat and it has become tough and dry, hold it over the steam of a pot of boiling water.

This is interesting

Among the amazing recipes for fried meat that require true skill from chefs, incredible dishes of the imperial court have come down to us. Their preparation required great experience and culinary talent. Titled persons allowed themselves to enjoy the unusual tastes of complex dishes, for example, “Imperial Roast”:

Remove the bone from the fleshy olive and stuff it with a piece of anchovy. Stuff a lark with similar olives, enclose it in a partridge. Then something special happens - a partridge hides in a pheasant, a pheasant is placed in a fatted capon, and, finally, a capon is enclosed in a carcass of a suckling pig. Imagine such a pig roasted on a spit! Soaked in the finest aromas of meat juices, the olive is the main product in this incredible dish.

Washed in cold water and put to thaw in a deep glass or enamel bowl for 2-3 hours. It should be remembered: improper defrosting in heat or in water significantly impairs the quality of the product. Thawed meat is cleaned of tendons and films and cut across the fibers, then the pieces are lightly beaten. If the meat is intended for frying in a whole piece, it is wiped with a towel or napkin and sprinkled with salt.

A piece of meat is placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with heated fat and fried on all sides over high heat until a crust appears. After that, it must be put in the oven, pouring a little water on a baking sheet, and bring to readiness. This is done only with beef, and pork or lamb can be immediately put in the oven. Every 10 minutes, the piece is taken out of the oven and poured over with meat juice or broth. The duration of its preparation depends on the size of the piece and the quality of the meat - on average, it ranges from one and a half to two hours. To determine readiness, a piece is pierced with a fork: transparent juice oozes from the fried meat, and red juice from the undercooked meat.

Fans of meat "with blood" should know: only lamb or beef can be cooked in this way, while pork must be thoroughly fried. To the question of how to properly fry meat cut into portions (roast beef), the answer will be as follows: it must be laid out on a pan or baking sheet at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other. Otherwise, the roasting of the meat will fail - due to excess moisture, it will look like boiled. At the same time, its taste will also suffer: a crust on tightly packed pieces will not have time to form - the oil will quickly cool down and it will take time to warm it up again. The meat will turn out less tasty, since normally it is the crust that helps it retain its juiciness.

Portioned pieces of beef can also be fried in breadcrumbs (rump steak). To do this, chopped and beaten pieces of meat are peppered and salted, then moistened in an egg and rolled in breadcrumbs. Fry the rump steak until cooked in a very hot frying pan. Before serving, the dish is poured with oil. Another way to cook fried meat is to serve it in sour cream, adding onion and tomato sauce. Before frying the meat, it is cut and beaten off, sprinkled with pepper and salt. The pieces are fried in a very hot frying pan. Separately, you should fry the onion - it is cut either finely or in half rings. When it is browned, it is gently sprinkled with flour on top, fried a little more, then half a glass of sour cream, diluted with meat juice, which stood out during frying, is added. Before serving, the meat is poured with sauce.

Interesting meat in thin slices. Sliced ​​and beaten pieces are fried in a pan, after sprinkling with salt and pepper, until tender (8-10 minutes). Fresh peeled champignons or porcini mushrooms are cut into slices and fried separately in oil, then fresh peeled tomatoes are prepared in the same way. The meat should be served on the table, putting mushrooms and tomatoes on top of each slice and watering the dish tomato sauce, in which you can add chopped parsley, cilantro or garlic.

You can also cook a whole piece on a spit. To do this, a piece weighing about 300 g is washed, the tendons are cut out. Before frying the meat, it is salted and peppered (no need to beat). The tenderloin is put on a skewer and fried over coals for about 10 minutes - this time is enough. During frying, the skewer should be turned, while the meat is greased several times with butter.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to fry meat in order to preserve its taste and useful substances contained in it will be as follows: first of all, you need to defrost it correctly, and then fry it over high heat until a crust forms - this is how it will turn out tender, juicy and useful. Grilled meat is prepared just before serving. Boiled or green peas, corn are served as a side dish.

Meat is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product. It is loved by representatives of different age groups who do not classify themselves as vegetarians.

The component contains a huge amount of protein, which is necessary for the construction of muscle tissue. Also in the structure of the ingredient there is a considerable number of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body every day.

You can prepare such a product in any way possible: by frying, boiling, smoking, marinating, baking, and even on fire or grilling. Let's take a closer look at how to fry pork meat in a pan different ways so that it turns out not only tasty, but also juicy.

Features of the process of frying pork

Many chefs often share little secrets about how to cook pork meat in a pan. First of all, they are associated with the choice of the site of the carcass for cooking. As many recommendations say, the neck, carbonade and abdominal part are best suited for this purpose.

How to fry meat in a pan in pieces or a whole shmat without using fat or oil? To do this, most master cooks advise using only a non-stick pan. It is also recommended to choose such a tool in case of processing fillets with butter.

Before the frying process, the meat must first be beaten off - this is the key to the uniformity of its preparation.

How delicious to fry meat in such a way that it turns out juicy? To do this, you can pre-marinate it, which should be given at least half an hour - at the exit, the meat will turn out not only tender, but also very fragrant. This is where the secrets end.

Roasting frozen meat

It often happens that the piece that is planned to be roasted is frozen. Practice shows that the process of its preparation is quite long, which is associated with the density of its structure. In order to significantly reduce it, you should first beat off each piece and then marinate.

As a marinade, you can use lemon juice squeezed from fresh citrus, combined with your favorite spices and spices. If desired, you can replace the juice with citric acid.

How delicious to fry meat in a pan? To do this, do not stack the pieces too tightly to each other. Cooking masters say that in this case, the fillet will simply be steamed, and not fried. The process must be done on high heat. What should be its duration? For the preparation of frozen pork, previously marinated in sour sauce, it will take about 10-20 minutes. The state of readiness will be indicated by the release of clear juice when piercing a piece with a knife.

Roasting a fresh product

How to fry meat fresh? First of all, you need to understand that the process of preparing it in this way takes much less time than when the main product was taken frozen. If there is a desire to cook it in such a way that the coveted golden crust appears on the surface of the piece, it is necessary to put it in a pan with a copious amount of hot fat. The pieces should be fried on both sides until crusts form (once each), and then removed from the brazier.

There is also the option of preparing a fresh product on. In this case, a slightly dry fillet is obtained, which will also be covered with a delicious crust. It is also necessary to lay the meat on a hot surface and fry until the moment when blood appears on it. Once this happens, you need to salt and pepper the meat to taste, and then turn it over to the other side. After a couple more minutes, the pork will be ready - you can remove it from the heat.

Classic variant

How to fry meat deliciously so that it turns out juicy and appetizing? To do this, you can use the classic recipe.

To cook pork in this way, you should take half a kilogram of fillet, wash it and dry it with a napkin. Now you need to cut the fillet into sticks along the fibers and then beat each of them with a kitchen hammer.

In a separate bowl, grind a couple of clove seeds and mix it with a small amount olive oil. After thorough mixing, the mass should be set aside.

Pour a sufficient amount of olive oil into a hot frying pan and, when it bubbles, put the prepared pork. Fry the meat for 10-15 minutes until it is completely cooked. The degree of readiness can be determined by piercing a piece with a toothpick - if clear juice splashes out of it, this indicates the end of the preparation of the product.

Now you should put the meat on a serving plate, put a piece of butter on top of it and decorate with finely chopped herbs. All this should be poured on top with a mixture made from olive oil and cloves - it will give the finished dish some piquancy and a special taste.

With onion

Meat with onions is especially juicy and aromatic. How to fry it like this? To do this, take 500 g of washed and dried fillet and cut it into cubes of the same size (1 x 1 or 1.5 x 1.5 cm). Separately, it is necessary to chop 3-4 medium-sized onions into rings.

After the frying pan is heated over high heat, pour a small amount of sunflower oil into it and lay out the meat. How to fry meat in pieces so that they remain juicy inside? To do this, you must not miss the moment when they acquire a golden crust - at this time you need to add onions to them and continue the cooking process over low heat, stirring constantly. The readiness of dishes is determined by the softness of the meat.

With vegetables

In order to diversify the dish and make it more tender, you can cook pork with vegetables. How delicious to fry meat in a pan in this way? To do this, prepare the pork fillet, wash it and dry it with kitchen napkins. After that, it must be chopped into medium-sized cubes, and 3-4 onions cut into half rings. Separately, you need to prepare other vegetables: cut one carrot into thin slices, and a couple of bell peppers into rings. All ingredients must be combined in one deep bowl. To the resulting mass, add 5-6 cloves of garlic, cut into thin plates, a small amount of mayonnaise, as well as spices and salt to taste. After carrying out all the preparations, add the meat to the mass and mix well again and send it to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, closed. In the allotted time, the mass will be marinated, juice will stand out from it, with which the meat can be fed.

How to fry meat that has already been marinated? After the specified time, vegetables with meat should be put on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil added to it. You need to fry them until cooked.

Culinary specialists note that such a dish should be prepared without the use of juice, which will stand out during the pickling process. Otherwise, the mass will turn out not fried, but stewed.

with potatoes

How to fry pork meat in a pan with potatoes? To do this, you need to take 300 g of fatty fillet removed from the carcass of a young animal, and after washing it, dry it thoroughly with kitchen napkins. After that, the meat should be placed in a hot frying pan, into which you must first pour and heat the sunflower oil. Fry the piece until golden brown, 5 minutes on each side.

After the allotted time, 6-8 potatoes, previously peeled and cut into medium cubes, should be added to a piece of meat. Now the ingredients should be well fried, mixing them in parallel. After 10 minutes, add your favorite spices and spices to the mass. Cooking should be continued until a golden crust forms on the potato cups.

Meat in soy sauce

To prepare a very juicy, fragrant and tasty pork, you should take a piece of meat weighing about 700 g, wash it, dry it with napkins and cut into slices of the same size. After that, it should be put in a separate bowl, add the onion cut into rings, as well as a teaspoon of mustard and seasonings to taste. Adding to the mass of 3 tablespoons soy sauce, the ingredients must be mixed until evenly distributed, and then set aside in a cold place for an hour or an hour and a half, previously covered with a lid.

How to fry marinated meat after the allotted time? It should be put in a pan with hot vegetable oil and subjected to heat treatment, periodically turning over. The process is recommended to be carried out on high heat. After the pieces acquire a delicious golden hue, you need to reduce the heat to medium and continue processing for another 15 minutes. Juicy and tasty meat is ready.

Meat on a grill pan

Many people who are on a picnic often have questions about how to fry pork meat in a grill pan. In order to make it the most juicy, you should use one trick: you should first soak the pieces in the marinade.

Preparing a marinade for a dish is quite simple. To do this, take half a glass of white wine and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. The ingredients must be mixed - the marinade is ready.

Separately, you need to do the preparation of pork. It should be taken a little more than 500 g (you can have a couple of pieces on a rib weighing 300 g each). Sprinkle each piece with a mixture of seasonings made from coarse salt, chopped coriander, and herbs, including dried mint and basil. After that, the laid out pieces should be poured with the previously prepared marinade and sent to a cool place, after having covered it with a lid. After 1-1.5 hours of pickling, the ingredient can be turned over and let it brew for exactly the same amount.

When the meat is marinated, it should be put in a frying pan, greased with a small amount of oil. Fry should be over high heat for 15-20 minutes, turning the pieces several times.

Meat with gravy

How to fry juicy meat with gravy? To do this, take a piece of fillet weighing about 500 g, wash it and, after drying, cut into cubes of the same size. After that, put them in a hot frying pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. It should be fried until cooked, at the very end the fillet must be salted.

After it is ready, you need to pour one finely chopped onion and grated carrot into the pan. Within a few minutes, the mass should be fried, stirring. After that, evenly pour a tablespoon of flour and 3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste into the pan. The ingredients should be mixed very quickly and pour a glass of water.

Now the products must be salted and, covered with a lid, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

How to fry meat with herbs

To cook pork in a very piquant way, you should take a piece of meat and pre-treat it in the form of washing and drying with a towel. After that, the piece should be sent to a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. After frying on both sides for five minutes over high heat, the meat should be salted, peppered and a small amount of dried basil should be added to it.

After that, you need to prepare a plate for serving for him. On it you need to lay out a "pillow" of vegetables and herbs. To do this, at the very bottom you need to put a couple of tomatoes without skins, cut into slices, chopped parsley, as well as a few small pieces of butter. On top of all this should be poured with juice squeezed from a fresh lemon. The ingredients should be salted, pepper and put the fried meat on them.