Thoughts are material. Quotes. Quotes about the secret of attraction. Great people about reality Quotes about cruel reality

“It’s not that communism is bad in itself, but in America it all seems to be even less connected with reality than Catholicism in England" (from a 1930 letter).

The revelation of God and the world of invisible things is not yet their knowledge. Knowledge comes from man. Man cognizes the revelation of God and the invisible world. Revelation gives reality, facts of a mystical order. But the cognitive attitude of man to these realities and facts are not revelation itself. It's already a philosophy.

The spirit is not only not an objective reality, but is not being as a rational category. The spirit is nowhere to be found as a real object, and never is. The philosophy of spirit should not be a philosophy of being, not an ontology, but a philosophy of existence. Spirit is reality not only other than reality natural spirit than reality objects, but reality in a completely different sense. Using Kantian terminology, we can say that reality there is a spirit reality freedom, not reality nature. Spirit is never an object, and reality there is no spirit reality object. In the so-called objective world there is no such nature, no such thing, no such objective reality which we might call spirit. And that's why it's so easy to deny reality spirit. God is spirit and therefore not an object. God is the subject.

Reality spirit is not objective, not material, but reality different, and disproportionately large reality, more primary reality. ... The spirit is a different, higher quality of existence than the existence of soul and body.

“Genuine mysticism is realism, it is turned to primary realities, to the mystery of existence, while orthodox theology deals only with symbols that have acquired social significance. Mysticism is, as it were, the “revelation of revelation,” the revelation realities behind the symbols.

“Mysticism is associated with spirituality, and not with soulfulness, and involves the penetration of spirituality into soulfulness. Mysticism is the awakening of the spiritual man who sees reality better and sharper than a natural or spiritual person. Mysticism is the overcoming of creatureliness.

“Creativity is creativity out of nothing, that is, out of freedom. Critics attributed to me the absurd idea that human creativity does not need matter, the materials of the world. But I never claimed anything of the sort. The creative act of man needs matter, he cannot do without the world reality, it takes place not in a void, not in an airless space. But the creative act of a person cannot be entirely determined by the material that the world provides, there is a novelty in it that is not determined from the outside by the world. This is the element of freedom that enters into every genuine creative act. This is the secret of creativity. In this sense, creativity is creativity out of nothing. It only means that it is not determined entirely from the world, it is also an emanation of freedom, not determined by anything from outside. Without this, creativity would be only a redistribution of the elements of the given world, and the emergence of novelty would be illusory. I was disturbed and interested most of all by the topic of how being arises from non-existence, how non-existent becomes existing.

Our consciousness is arranged arrogantly: it considers as existing only what it already knows. However, what is already known, and what is still unknown, and what will never be known, is a single, undivided reality, in which, in fact, there is nothing more, but something less important. I am sometimes seized with a little laughter at the idea of ​​what a shapeless, crooked and obliquely gnawed piece of knowledge we contain in our head as an idea of reality. This piece seems to us, however, quite smooth and round - containing in itself. Assumption reality absorbing a grain of our information, and there is a scientific feat. spiritual meaning scientific discovery not in expanding the sphere of knowledge, but in overcoming its limitations.

In the words and behavior of some of Dostoevsky's characters, we sometimes feel that they live on two planes at once - on what we know, and in some other reality into which we will not be allowed.

To the human herd, the world seems normal in the most abnormal situations. Good and evil exist only in your perception; reality no, there is visibility. And this appearance remains with you even when you are driven into a dead end, but in a dead end you no longer need it.

... Religion itself is devoid of content, its origins are not in heaven, but on earth, and with the destruction of that perverted reality, theoretical expression which she is, she perishes by itself.

Weakness has always been saved by faith in miracles; she considered the enemy defeated if she managed to defeat him in her imagination through spells, and lost all sense reality because of the inactive exaltation to the skies of the future awaiting her and the feats that she intends to accomplish, but which she considers to be premature to report.

A diploma is a very tricky thing. It creates the illusion that you have no problems at all. Instilling in you a false sense of superiority over people without higher education and desensitize reality. It starts to seem that everything is working out, that tomorrow you will go uphill and be able to solve any problem, but this is just an illusion.

Talking about non-material existence is talking about nothing. To say that the human soul, angels, God are non-material is the same as admitting that they are nothing, that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I can't think any other way... without getting bogged down in an abyss of baseless dreams and fantasies. Satisfies and occupies me enough reality to agonize and worry about things that might exist but that I don't know exist.

That we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas-shrouded planet, revolving at a distance of ninety million miles around a nuclear fireball, and we believe that this Fine, without a doubt - evidence of a colossal dislocation of our perception reality.

Faith in life, in oneself, in others must be built on a solid foundation of realism, so to speak, on the ability to see evil wherever it is, to see fraud, destructiveness and selfishness, not only where they are obvious, but also under many masks. and in various modifications. Indeed, faith, love and hope must go hand in hand with such a passion to see reality in all its nakedness, that an outsider would be inclined to call it "cynicism."

The world I explore is truly a world of ghosts. But I affirm that these ghosts are not only not powerless, but influence life in the most decisive way...

One of the philosophical schools of Tlön came to the denial of time: according to its reasoning, the present is indefinite, while the future is real only as a thought about it in the present.

The world that we perceive is only a tiny part of the world that we can perceive, which, in turn, is only a tiny part of the entire universe accessible to perception ...

Through my experience with LSD, I came to a new picture of reality, I became aware of the magnificence of nature. I began to relate differently to what will happen to nature and to us in the future.

Medieval images and symbols are great food for the imagination. They try to describe the universe as if it has more logic and order than it actually does. And this idea sinks into the head much better than the real world.

The era of the psychedelic revolution was a watershed in the destinies of the culture of the 20th century. Acid colors, music and, most importantly, an "acid" attitude towards people and things came out of the world of hallucinations and became part of reality.

There are many great romantic moments in life. And they are worth living for. But there is one problem: moments pass. And from around the corner of these moments, a cruel, unshaven asshole is already peeking out, whose name is reality.

How I Met your mother

What is so special about this Bella? Edward is so excited.
- You have to read the first book first, otherwise the plot is lost.
- Oh, I miss Ann Rice. She wrote much more truthfully.
Why don't you sparkle?
- Because I live in the real world, where vampires burn in the sun.

The Vampire Diaries

A lot of stupid things happen in a dream. But the current reality of dreams is slowly catching up.

Objective reality - there is delirium caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood.

Johnny Depp

The real world for those who can't imagine anything better.

The Simpsons

The disadvantage of fairy tales is that they lead to disappointment. IN real life the prince stays with the wrong princess. (The problem with fairy tales is that they set the girl up for disappointment—princes sometimes leave with another princess.)


What's going on in my head is much more interesting than what's going on outside.


When I wake up, I have to convince myself that my dreams are not real and my reality is not a dream.

Cecilia Ahern. I love your memories

Reality does not fit well with dreams ...

Paulo Coelho. eleven minutes

My plush world turned out to be woven from synthetics.

Maria Sveshnikova. Beemine

Do you know the difference between reality and fantasy? The fact that when dreams come true, everything is not as you imagined.

Dmitry Emets. Methodius Buslaev. Mage of Midnight

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain, and as a substitute they bring pleasure. For this, we must accept without complaint when, in conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

Sigmund Freud

We no longer live in the real world. We live in a world of conventions.

Chuck Palahniuk. Suffocation

Who called?
- The real world, it hasn't disappeared...

One tree's hill

The dream ship sank when it collided with the iceberg of reality.

Dmitry Emets. Tanya Grotter and Aphrodite's curl

Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward ...

Elchin Safarli. …no memories without you

Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.

Sigmund Freud

…people are deeply connected in their lives to what they accept as truth…that’s how they define “reality”…but what does “truth” mean? indefinite concept. which means that their "reality" is perhaps only a mirage...

Naruto hurricane chronicles

A person's life is determined by what he considers true and right. This is what shapes our reality. Just what is truth? Just a concept, and reality can be a mirage. Or maybe people live in a world of their own illusions?

Everyone has dreams, but only a few make them come true. All the rest of us are cowards.

Veronica decides to die

Tom was walking towards her apartment. He was intoxicated with hopes and dreams. And he thought that this time his dreams would coincide with reality...

500 days of Summer

When everything collapses - and it always collapses - the dreamer returns to the world.

Chuck Palahniuk. Diary

True selfless love consists in the readiness to lie, to deceive in order to make another person happy, in order to create for him the reality that he is looking for if he does not like the one in which he lives.

Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged

What you believe in becomes your reality forever.

Dennis Lehane. Shutter Island

… the paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning.

Daniel Pennack. Like a novel

We humans are more powerful than we think. Whether we like it or not, each of us is forced to live in the reality that he has chosen for himself. The tragedy is that almost no one makes this choice consciously.

Max Fry

I had an accident.
- So. What accident?
- Faced with reality.

Martin Page. Maybe a love story

Thought is real and matter is illusory.

Where Dreams Lead

The real world is not real at all.

Experiments Lane

If reality and fiction are equal, then any reality you don't need can be called an illusion.


Inability to wake up from dreams or inability to dream - which do you think is worse?

Dark Butler

If you want to change your reality, then you must change your thinking.

Robert Kiyosaki

Everything is possible if no one has proven that it does not exist.

Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

If you couldn't wake up, how would you know what is a dream and what is reality?

We accept reality as it is presented to us. Elementary.

The Truman Show

My grandfather taught me that the reality that we see is created by our consciousness, that it is a phantom, a complex illusion, a kind of mirage. But a dream is a true reality. We do not know the true nature of things; moreover, we do not understand ourselves. It only seems to us that we know our true self, but in reality this is an illusion. A person is much more complex than he thinks about himself. But the main thing is that it is fragmented, divided. Our dream is a kind of performance in which all the roles are divided between our constituent parts. And only if a person manages to establish genuine connections between the elements of his dream, he recognizes his "I".

Angel de Coetier. All your life you've been waiting

Don't strive too hard for perfection. Otherwise, you will stumble over reality and ruin your ambitions.

If my dream doesn't come true, I don't want to wake up.

Betrayal knows my name

Life is like a chess game. Only blacks are not completely black, and whites are not completely white. It doesn't matter how many pieces you've lost. The game continues until the King is declared checkmate.

Code Geass: Risen Lelouch

It's great when the reality is better than the dream.

Reality is a circle. A loop that will never end.

Chuck Palahniuk. Invisibles

You are awake, Neil, perhaps for the first time in your life.

IN Lately I often dream of the sea.
- In fact, the sea is wet and salty, and you definitely won’t like it!
- Not! In my dreams it is completely different! Therefore, I like dreams more than "really."

Oleg Tishchenkov. Cat

Face reality when hate makes you blind.

When you look for a job, be realistic, you are not suitable for super-agents, and there are no vampire killers in the world.

Dreams are when you think that it will be better than it will be.
Nostalgia is when you think that it was better than it was.
Reality is when there is what is.
And happiness is when you don’t think about what is, what was, and what will be.

Everything… Unreal?
- What is reality? And how to define it? The whole set of sensations: visual, tactile, olfactory - these are receptor signals, electrical impulses perceived by the brain.

We make up horror stories to help us deal with reality.

People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak one lives in this world of hers and her fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases.

I realized one thing: I can not be judged or disqualified. Only I am my own judge. I cannot refer to the past and repeat that the judges, parents, coach are to blame. We are the only ones responsible for everything. This is all real reality.

Do you know how fairy tales appeared? Nobody wants to believe in reality.


Every morning we face a choice: continue to sleep and have beautiful dreams, or get up and make these dreams come true.

To suspect is worse than to know. Reality has limits, but imagination is limitless.

Love is when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is better than a dream.

Reality is sometimes like a kick in the face..

Time that has become the past loses all reality in the minds of people. It comforts, frightens, and inspires indifference.

Erich Maria Remarque

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction must make sense.

Enjoy life and music that helps you hide from cruel reality peace, even if only for a few minutes.

Ville Valo

The charm of our life depends on our perception of the reality in which we live.

Alexander Manukhin

Neighbors were invented in order to turn the fairy tale of owning real estate into a harsh reality.

Why did wars start? - They began when the magicians of a clan declared someone else's reality villainous. They showed themselves a movie about others, then they pretended that it was news, they worked themselves up and started bombing these others.

Viktor Pelevin's. N.U.F.F.

A love that cannot stand up to reality is not love. But in this case, the inability to love is the privilege of noble hearts.

Albert Camus

You don't exist and neither do I. No future, no time, and we don't exist either. There is only a nine-year-old boy who runs after the train and holds out his hand. And it's up to you to decide whether to raise your hand in response.

Mr. Nobody

I believe that happiness is the harmony between what we want from life and the reality in which we exist. When our expectations and reality match, we are happy. Only they coincide, to put it mildly, not always.

As soon as the dream disappears, it means that reality takes its place.

Anna de Stael

Common sense is not to come to terms with reality, but to change this very reality in accordance with your needs.

The main advantage of reality is that it works, even if you do not believe in it.

There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations. Once at a neighbors party, Lacy asked her husband what would happen if there were no expectations, because you can’t divide by zero. Does this mean that if you meekly accept all the blows of fate, then you will never be happy? Later, when they were returning home, Lewis accused her of trying to make him look like a fool.

Ideals and reality are not the same thing.

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions.

Dmitry Antonov

Someone who has been happy will need very little hope in return. Conversely, an optimist is an optimist because he wants to believe in something better than reality.

If you dream about something alone - it's just a dream; if you dream about it together - it's a reality.

What do you know about reality? I am referring not only to your own reality, which is made up of your ideas about it, but to reality as a whole. Probably not as much as you would like? But she definitely looks a lot like what you think of her, doesn't she? However, even what you see, hear or feel with the organs of smell or touch is only a small part of what surrounds us. So, if we talk about visible light, then beyond our senses is a huge range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. If we talk about sound, then very low and very high frequencies of sound waves are also inaccessible to us. And if we take into account dark matter and dark energy, about which we know almost nothing, then it turns out that our knowledge of reality is much more limited than we ever thought. However, we will not delve into science, I bring to your attention a number of quotes about reality, from which you will learn what historical figures thought about what surrounds us.

Quotes and phrases about reality:

  • 1) Reality leaves a lot to be desired for the imagination.
    John Lennon
  • 2) It seems that the older I get, the more unreal the world becomes.
    Rufus Wainwright
  • 3) The future has not yet happened, the past is no more. So I think the only moment we have is here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I am in.
    Annie Lennox
  • 4) Reality is the best cure for dreams.
    Roger Starr
  • 5) When we dream alone, it is only a dream, but when dreams come together, a new reality begins.
    Friedensreich Hunderwasser
  • 6) The present moment is all we have. Everything that has ever happened to you, and everything that will ever happen to you, is just a thought.
    Wayne Dyer
  • 7) There is only one excellent shape imagination: the imagination is so strong that it creates a new reality that makes things happen.
    Sean O'Faolain
  • 8) I have everything I need to enjoy the here and now - as long as I don't let my mind overwhelm me with its demands and expectations based on a dead past or imaginary future.
    Ken S. Keys, Jr.
  • 9) Very slight changes in our habits are enough to destroy the meaning of our daily reality, and the reality of the world around us, the moment we get rid of our habits, we get rid of constancy and routine.
    George Moore
  • 10) Meet reality as it is, not as it was or as you want it to be.
    Jack Welch
  • 11) You know you love it when you can't sleep because reality is ultimately better than your dreams.
    Dr. Seuss
  • 12) Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing, mixing the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • 13) I reject your reality and replace it with mine.
    Adam Savage
  • 14) The desire for certainty ... is in every human mind. But, confidence is usually an illusion.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 15) He who encounters a paradox exposes himself to reality.
    Friedrich Dürrenmatt
  • 16) Comparison is more than reality, makes people happy or unhappy.
    Thomas Fuller
  • 17) Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Level up your performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, then do whatever it takes to make it a reality.
    Ralph Marston
  • 18) Reality is just an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
    Albert Einstein
  • 19) I think that the particle should have a separate reality, regardless of the dimension. That is, the electron has a spin, a location, and so on. even if it is not measured. I like to think that the moon exists even if I don't look at it.
    Albert Einstein
  • 20) Do not confuse facts with reality.
    D. Ballard
  • 21) Reality is a matter of point of view, the farther away from the past the more concrete and plausible it seems, but as you get closer to the present, it inevitably seems incredible.
    Salman Rushdie
  • 22) Reality does not bite, our perception of reality bites.
    Anthony J. D'Angelo
  • 23) One who cannot change the very fabric of his thought cannot change reality, and therefore will never make progress.
    Anwar Sadat
  • 24) Reality is wrong. Dreams are real.
    Tupac Shakur
  • 25) Let's live for the beauty of our own reality.
    Charles Lamb
  • 26) The human soul has an even greater need for the ideal than for reality. It is by reality that we exist, and it is by the ideal that we live.
    Victor Hugo
  • 27) Reality is a crutch for those who can't handle drugs.
    Lily Tomlin
  • 28) Reality is main reason stress among those who touched it.
    Lily Tomlin
  • 29) Reality is nothing but a collective premonition.
    Lily Tomlin
  • 30) Reality is not what you want it to be, and not what it seems to you, but what it really is.
    Robert Ringer
  • 31) There are people who live in a fantasy world, there are those who face reality, and finally, there are those who turn into each other.
    Douglas H. Everest
  • 32) The reality of the other person is not what he reveals to you, but what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you understand him, you listen not to what he says, but to what he does not say.
    Kahlil Gibran
  • 33) Reality is determined not by what scientists or other people say or believe about it, but by what the evidence shows us.
    Alan Hale
  • 34) The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination is limitless.
    Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • 35) The main tool for manipulating reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who should use those words.
    Philip K. Dick
  • 36) Reality only manifests itself when illuminated by a ray of poetry.
    Georges Braque
  • 37) Interpreting our reality through other people's patterns only serves to make us even more uncertain, even less free, even more alone.
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • 38) Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be tested.
    Soren Kierkegaard
  • 39) Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away.
    Philip K. Dick
  • 40) Either you deal with what is reality, or you can be sure that reality will deal with you.
    Alex Haley
  • 41) A person reduces himself when he speaks in his own name. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 42) Society exists only as a mental concept, but in the real world there are only physical persons.
    Oscar Wilde

Reality is what you encounter every day, it can be neither good nor bad, it is what it is with all its relative pluses and minuses. Many people label the world around them by naming different things, it's probably easier that way, and life becomes much clearer from this, but this is in no way true, and not only because the world is constantly changing, but rather because your opinion is simply simply wrong. No one will ever be able to fully understand reality, such is the world, too complicated to understand, and too simple to be taken seriously. I hope the quotes about reality will help you in acquiring a better understanding of the world around you, success to you and all the best!

Oleg Akvan

// Quotes and phrases about reality

Our world is relative, its reality depends on our consciousness. Albert Einstein
We create our own reality.
Alison Noel
Reality, I thought. This is where I will stay.
Haruki Murakami
Reality is what you believe.
Bernard Werber
The audience doesn't care at all that every illusion is real.
Neil Gaiman

Reality is not subject to anyone's desires.
Terry Goodkind
This is how the world works - everyone sees his own reality in it.
Oleg Roy
Reality exists unconditionally and uncompromisingly.
Max Luscher
Reality has a way of laying siege to any of us.
Nancy McWilliams
Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.
Sigmund Freud
Everything is possible if no one has proven that it does not exist.
Joanne Rowling
Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
John Lennon
Reality is not a movie.
Haruki Murakami
Reality is infinitely complex for our knowledge. We must simplify.
Aldous Huxley
No matter how strange the reality may be, sooner or later it becomes obvious.
Tanith Lee
Man is transient, man is fragile, earthly life is only an illusion, and the Great Reality lies beyond it.
Lobsang Rampa
Vision, accustomed to standards, is not always ready to see another reality behind the obvious.
Elena Usacheva
Reality creates the mind.
Bernard Werber
Reality has nothing to do with the words you use to describe it. Carlos Castaneda
As long as the laws of mathematics remain definite, they have nothing to do with reality; as soon as they have something in common with reality, they cease to be defined. Albert Einstein
We do not allow reality to exist. We come into the world with beliefs, and if reality contradicts them, we will do everything to misunderstand it.
Bernard Werber
Reality, and she - yes, right here, nearby, around, everywhere, if only there was enough strength to enjoy.
Max Fry
The need to go astray, to be destroyed is an exclusively personal, long-standing, violent and haunting truth that has nothing to do with what we call reality.
Georges Bataille
What destroys you is not the reality of what is happening, but the uncertainty of this reality.
Karen Marie Moning
People cling so loosely to reality, remembering only what they want to remember.
Anthony Burgess
As soon as the dream disappears, it means that reality takes its place.
Anne-Louise Germaine de Stael
Paranoids weigh reality on more sensitive scales.
Tonino Benakvista

If you don't make your dreams come true, reality will take your dreams away.
Eric Pio
The mind imposes on everything a certain form, which it calls reality. This arbitrary form is completely independent of what our senses tell us.
Frank Herbert
You create your own reality, so make sure it's a happy reality.
Richard Bach
But, seeing reality, you must understand where you are now and make your life complete, otherwise you will never be able to stand firmly on your feet.
Aya Quito
People rarely see what is really there, and not what it seems to them. They only see what we let them see...
Joanne Harris
The original is incorrect in relation to the translation. Reality is one of the hypostases of sleep.
Jorge Luis Borges
The fact that we see matter as the primary quality of reality leads to the emergence of a world that is so far from reality and is completely unreasonably called Being.
Adin Steinsaltz
The desire to go crazy is sometimes a completely adequate reaction to reality.
Philip Dick
In psychosis, the fantasy world plays the role of a pantry, from where psychosis draws material or samples for building a new reality. Sigmund Freud
Reality is a refuge for those who cannot cope with drugs.
Lily Tomlin
The seemingly gloomy reminder [of death] does not lock us in the snowy monastery courtyard at all. It opens the way to freedom, awakens us to reality.
Amadeu Inacio de Almeida Pradu
You have to look beyond reality or you will never find the answers.
No matter how shabby reality may seem, we always create it with our own hands.
We do not understand much in this world. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Why perfection if it cannot be real?
If you don't control reality, it starts to control you.
It's a strange feeling when in reality something happens the way you imagined it.
Thought is real and matter is illusory.
Do you know how fairy tales appeared? Nobody wants to believe in reality.
What is fantasy for some is reality for others.

The main rule of reality is not to get lost in your illusions.
For four thousand years, we have not been able to prove to ourselves that reality exists outside of the first-person observer.
Peter Watts
The only time you get real reality is when you sit alone in the toilet and do poop.
Henry Miller
Reality is nothing more than an illusion, yet the illusion is so strong and universal that no one can resist it. Samuel Butler
Turning to the supernatural is only a compensation for a lack of imagination, a search for an easy way, a childish desire to avoid real difficulties and real miracles.
Ian McEwan
Reality emphasizes the greatness of man with its inhumanity.
Albert Camus
A dream, if given free rein, will always overcome reality.
Stanislav Lem
Most often you have to reckon with reality when there is nothing to pay.
Boris Krutier
It is impossible to console a person if reality does not give any grounds for this.
Lawrence Durrell
Possibility awakens reality, and there is nothing more ridiculous than to deny it.
Robert Musil
We must learn to accept reality as it is, instead of cherishing our egocentric pride, feeling humiliated.
Max Luscher
If you dream about something alone - it's just a dream; if you dream about it together - it's a reality.
Yoko Ono
Reality is that which continues to exist after it is no longer believed.
Bernard Werber
Reality decides what it wants to be. And then he looks for the right tool.
Max Fry
Reality is something that periodically steps on your back.
Terry Pratchett
Reality is one of the options for what is happening, which I can’t ignore in any way.
Leonard Cohen
What others think of you should not become your reality.
Les Brown
Whoever does not hide his head from reality in time, it will break his skull. Wilhelm Schwebel
The only way to be honest is to observe reality.
Bernard Werber
We make up horror stories to help us deal with reality.
Stephen King
Reality, wherever you throw it, is a very lonely and cold thing.
Haruki Murakami
The disease of twentieth-century culture is the inability to feel one's reality.
Jim Douglas Morrison
There is reality, and there is reality, and some things are more real than others.
Neil Gaiman
Dreams are more powerful than reality. And how could it be otherwise, if she is reality itself? .. She is the soul of existence ... Anatole France
There is no such human fantasy that reality would not surpass effortlessly.
Patrick Suskind
Pleasure may be based on illusion, but happiness rests on reality.
Nicola Chamfort
Madness is the best path to the true hidden reality.
Irvine Welsh
Dreams are reality. The main thing is to really want and take a step forward ...
Elchin Safarli
Most of what is real within us is not conscious, and what is conscious is unreal. Sigmund Freud
Reality is what most people think it is. It is not always the best or the most logical, but it is adjusted to the desires and aspirations of society. Something is based on common sense, but something has to be corrected, and that's it. more people think that's how it should be.
Paulo Coelho "Veronica Decides to Die"