What do the symbols of the zodiac signs mean. And no less classic horoscopes for each sign

Symbols of the zodiac signs

Symbol Aries- conditional image of a sheep's head.
Aries (Aries). "First - Aries in his golden fleece". Fiery cardinal sign. Ruled by Mars. He begins the Zodiac, begins spring and symbolizes forward movement, indomitable strength, awakening processes. The potential energy of Aries is comparable to the power nuclear bomb, and this potential energy tends to turn into kinetic energy more often than its owner would like. Under negative circumstances, all this power goes into trifles, but under favorable circumstances, Aries is a pioneer, revolutionary, barricade builder and conqueror. His impulse is irrational, emotions are uncontrollable, inimitable in art, but often lacking where thoroughness and subtlety are needed. Aries is the spark thrown into the Zodiac so that it ignites and accepts new life.
Symbol Taurus resembles a bull's head.
Taurus (Taurus). "He (Aries) turns around and marvels at the mighty Taurus". And then comes Taurus - a fixed sign of the Earth. Ruled by Venus. At first glance, Taurus is an ideal variant of a preserving, holding beginning. However, one should not forget that the nuclear energy brought into the Zodiac by Aries does not disappear anywhere in Taurus. This energy is already stored by Taurus, who does not want to distribute and scatter himself as generously as his predecessor, but you should not translate it into kinetic energy. The result will not be weaker. If someone is curious to know what can come of this, then we can recall the Great French Revolution and Taurus-Robespierre at the head of the revolutionary government. However, Taurus rarely goes to such excesses. It is usually a variant of the Guardian, a vessel that contains harmony and knowledge.
Symbol Gemini- two horizontal lines with twisted ends connected by two short vertical lines. Gemini in the Zodiac correspond to two stars - Castor and Pollux.
Gemini. "He (Taurus) lies, threatening his head, and demands that the Twins rise up. Out of fear, they grab each other and hug each other". It is not for nothing that this sign begins the triad of Air: the mutable cross, by its nature, is closest to the air element. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. And their nature is due to the eternal transfusion from one hypostasis of Mercury to another: on the one hand, it is the wind, the messenger, the information flow, on the other, it is a cunning, changeable deceiver and merchant. This is not a struggle, this is a flow from one state to another, organically combined in Gemini. Gemini easily adapt and adapt others to changes in the subtle world. In art, they are good when they reflect the world around them, capturing the eternal flows in its information space.
Symbol Cancer- two inverted and twisted loops. The spirals of these loops resemble shells. Together they are like the shell of a cancer or a crab. This glyph also resembles the Chinese yin and yang symbols.
Cancer (Cancer). "And next to the Gemini, the shining Cancer moves with an indecisive step". The cardinal cross went on a new approach, and the water element had just begun. Cancer is the most "feminine" sign ruled by the Moon. Its area is the fluctuations of the subconscious. They are very clearly manifested in Cancer itself, due to which Cancer sensitively picks up similar vibrations in others. Cancer is water, it reflects, but does not save, there are circles on the water, but there is no one to hold them. However, the energy in Cancer is hidden. After all, the Moon, which controls it, does not tend to shine brightly, it only reflects the light of the Sun. Inner experiences come out rarely and ambiguously. However, they are the ones who rule Cancer. Cancer is a symbol of motherhood, a seed thrown into the ground, an emotional principle in a person.
Symbol lion looks like a bent hook. This is an image of a lion's tail and at the same time the movement of the Sun, which at this time of the year falls lower.
Leo (Leo). "Then the Lion raises his mane". The fifth sign of the Zodiac, the second fiery and the second fixed sign. The sign of the central position of the will, inner consciousness dominating the mind. He no longer distributes himself, like Aries, thoughtlessly, but it is still easy to receive from him: the fiery signs are initially tuned to bestow. Leo acts for the benefit of others, but is aware of himself in this movement. He has the ability to concentrate energy and direct it in the right direction, this is precisely what his vaunted organizational skills are. Ideal leadership in a critical situation is leonine. Energy reserves are less than Aries, but Leo's pride does not admit this, so this sign puts out more than it has, which leads to either exhaustion or borrowing from others (the latter also applies to Leo's skill). It is warm next to Leo, this sign is ruled by the Sun. Therefore, its ideal function is to shine for others, but Leo realizes this only at the highest levels of his development.
Symbol Virgin similar to the letter m, the third stick of which has a curl added. It is a symbol of the harvest. It resembles the architecture of ancient granaries.
Virgo. "And following him, the Virgin tames his fury". Virgo is a mutable earth sign. Means the highest culmination of empirical experience, borrowed from all the changing signs and transformed into self-consciousness. Again we see a sign ruled by Mercury, but this Mercury is not a writer, but a scientist, excellent systematizer of the accumulated and analyst. Virgo is the Earth cleansed of dirt, the refined Earth. It should not be forgotten that the sign is mutable. Therefore, the purpose of the Virgo is to analyze the accumulated experience and isolate the main thing, to separate the important from the unimportant. In Gemini, we saw the combination of the action of the mind and strength in order to free the soul (Virgo) from the enslavement of passions. Virgo at first could not yet be independent, she needed guidance and protection of the mind. Now she has become the head: she has placed her mind and strength in their proper place, that is, in a position of office. Having reached this heavenly point in its evolutionary movement, the soul is freed from the bonds of matter and from subordination to the body.
Symbol Libra, the seventh sign of the Zodiac, consists of two parallel, horizontal lines, the top of which is curved in the middle. This is a conditional image of scales. The glyph also resembles the Sun leaning towards the horizon. Libra is associated with autumn equinox and shortening of the day.
Libra. "Further, day and night are weighed on the scales, they are in balance for some time, but the cup of the night finally pulls". Well, what can I say? The only inanimate sign of the Zodiac. The element is Air, the cross is cardinal, the ruling planet is Venus. Libra symbolizes harmony. A certain detachment and observational nature of activity give this sign ideal abilities to comprehend the inner content of the Universe. Libra is a sign of cosmic harmony. This sign is marked divine from the very beginning, and woe to him if he renounces this divine purpose for the sake of the earthly one - the path of Libra will be broken. And such temptations constantly appear on the path of life, and the cup inclines first to one, then to the other. Libra acquires maturity and wisdom in return for thoughtlessly spilled energy.
Symbol scorpio resembles the sign of Virgo, only the third stick of the letter m is supplemented with an arrow. This arrow is directed upwards, to the sky, to the future, and symbolizes the hope for a good harvest next year, and therefore the careful selection and planting of seeds.
Scorpio (Scorpio). "And, increasing in weight, the heavier bowl bows and draws the brilliant Scorpio from the sign of winter". The element of Water, in combination with a fixed cross, creates an infernal mixture that can be both a poison and an antidote. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars. The path of the Scorpio is eternal war. This water does not know the liquid state, it is dry ice that can evaporate without melting. The energy of this sign is curious: for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, energy is given from the outside, Scorpio produces it himself, with his perpetual motion, as if rubbing against the walls of the universe. The brighter the virtues of Scorpio, the brighter his shortcomings. Just as a rotational movement makes any object stable and stable (for example, a spinning top), so the impressions of the soul of Scorpio form a pronounced, independent personality, in which, along with pride, perseverance, courage and practicality, ambition, malice, envy, jealousy are manifested. , hatred.
Symbol Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the Zodiac, is an arrow. pointing northeast. It symbolizes the fiery thought of man. which breaks through the sublunar world and strives into infinity.
Sagittarius (Sagittarius). "Following him is a Centaur with an eye aimed, his bow drawn and ready to shoot an arrow." And now Fire reaches its third, mutable manifestation. This is a vagabond, an arrow shot into the sky, not knowing its purpose. But this arrow is in search, it changes the spheres of being through which it passes. Sagittarius is a sign of synthesis, philosophy, broadening one's horizons, and it is not for nothing that it is ruled by the largest planet - Jupiter. If Aries splashes energy thoughtlessly, Leo distributes it at its own discretion, then Sagittarius is the source from which anyone can take, but take it on their own. The energy of Sagittarius does not initially go to others, it goes into uncertainty. Sagittarius is marked with the sign of wandering, this is a wandering fire. Ideally, Sagittarius is a teacher and philosopher, symbolizing Enlightenment.
Symbol Capricorn has the form capital letter V, from the right upper part of which hangs a thin stylized S. This is a conditional image of a goat with a fish tail or a waterfall.
Capricorn (Capricornus). "Then, with narrow horns, the strong-horned Capricorn appears". The tenth sign of the Zodiac, the third earth and fourth cardinal sign. The vibrations of Capricorn are of a pronounced earthly character: it is in him, thanks to ambition, that consciousness at the physical level awakens with all its might. Capricorn is the climber at the head of the trine of the Earth; nothing can compare with the influence it exerts on the material side of being. The sign gives the ability to accumulate empirical experience and experiences relating to objective reality. Capricorn denotes the accumulation of practical experience and the search for the natural essence of phenomena. hallmark Capricorn is the instinct that governs the action of those born under this sign in all areas, and especially in trade and politics. Capricorn's motto is selectivity. In relation to higher values, this means the materialization of ideas.
Symbol Aquarius- two parallel broken lines are the heat of the sun's rays, which melt the ice and turn it into water.
Aquarius (Aquarius). "Water flows from the urn of Aquarius". Fixed Air. Fixedness, which at first glance is not characteristic of Air, gives it depth and sharpness. This mountain wind. It is ruled by Uranus (revolutionary planet) and the quality of Aquarius is high humanism. It is 180° away from its opposite, Leo, but it is similar to it in many ways, except for one point: it does not matter to it whether it is in the center, whether it gives off energy. Aquarius does not give energy, he has little of it, but he shows the way how to get it. Man is the central concept of the Aquarius value system. Recall the work of Vladimir Vysotsky - this is a hymn to a person who is nearby. And his rebellion is not the beginning of Aries that sweeps away everything, but a relentless movement forward, along paths that are invisible to others. Thinking for Aquarius is a way of being. Therefore, his gait is outwardly light, but his steps are deliberate.
Symbol Pisces - two semicircles arranged vertically with convex parts to each other and connected in the middle by a horizontal line. These are two fish, one swims down, deep into the waters, and the other floats to the surface.
Pisces. "Approaching, cold Pisces moves in their favorite waves, touching Aries and completing the cycle". The twelfth sign of the Zodiac, the third watery and fourth mutable sign, symbolized by two fish swimming in the opposite direction. This changeable sign, which can be compared with the waters of Lethe (oblivion), means the re-entry of consciousness into material substance (into the higher spheres of being). Pisces symbolize the eternal liberation of the Spirit. Consciousness, embodied in Pisces, is alienated from the earthly shell and, soaring above it, merges with the Universal Consciousness. The mental warehouse of these people opens access to obsession, melancholy, hopeless despair in their soul. The sign is a symbol of passive and active sympathetic principles: mediumship, the fruitless life of feelings on the one hand, and on the other, active manifestation, the ideal of which is the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself." A distinctive feature of Pisces is their ability to pass all impressions through consciousness.

It is impossible to understand when the science of astrology was born. It must have been during the time of our primitive ancestors, when the guard of the camp or the shepherd, looking at the starry sky above his head, noticed that some clusters of stars form strict geometric shapes and cross the firmament without changing. The routes of movement of 8 planets were also noticed. Later, the ancients also came up with a horoscope, distributing zodiac signs in order and giving them names.

Astrologer's advice: The level and effectiveness of people's education is often reflected in the way certain qualities are manifested. The upbringing of the individual also contributes to the characterization of various properties of behavior.

Today, during flights into space, it is hard to believe in horoscope predictions. Well, how can a distant neighbor planet influence fate specific person Ivan Ivanovich? No way! On the other hand, the Moon causes ebbs and flows on Earth, hangs far away, but shakes the water! We humans are 80% water. Maybe the planet under which we were born is changing something in us?

Zodiacs in order:
Let's see Zodiac signs. In order comes first Aries (March 21 - April 20) . The planet of this zodiac sign is Mars. It is named after the ancient Roman god of war. The element of Aries is fire. It is clear that Aries by nature should be such lighters.

Astrologer's advice: Sometimes, a chance for a radical transformation of personal life into the best side occurs only once in a lifetime. Do not miss it - sign up for and check when luck will be in your hands!

Next we have Taurus (April 21 - May 20). Taurus lives under the auspices of Venus. Also a planet with the name of the ancient Roman goddess of love and everything pleasant that is associated with this feeling. Lovingness and high eroticism should be distinguished by the one whose sign according to the horoscope is Aries.

From May 21 to June 21, reign in the night sky Twins ruled by the planet Mercury. This is characterized by the duality of nature, some trickery and high enterprise of the Greek god of trade.
If we consider zodiac signs in order next, then the next one will be Cancer. Badge of honor for those born from June 22 to July 22. The Moon reigns in their lives, it reveals to people born under the constellation of Cancer the secrets of divination, magic and sorcery, gives them prophetic dreams and an annoying disease - sleepwalking.

Sign Leo (July 23 - August 23) in his subordinates he generates courage and courage, which feeds on the blazing sun.
Virgo (August 24 - September 23) favorably allows the same Mercury to patronize himself and manage his life. To what the guardianship of a swindler can bring, there is no need to explain.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) makes those born under it fluctuate in life at the slightest change in circumstances. Since Venus is also involved here, everything is not shaky in Libra's love affairs, not rolls.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). The most mysterious, esoteric and destructive sign of the horoscope. Mars rules its owners, but not only as a warrior, but also as a tireless lover. Such are scorpion men, and ladies born under this sign of the Zodiac are the erotic dream of any gentleman. Only they are very loving.
From November 23 to December 21, the fate of earthlings is ruled by Sagittarius in subjection to the distant and mighty Jupiter, mysterious and gloomy. Both the highest rise and the fall into the abyss can bring his patronage. And those born in Sagittarius should be wary of everything sharp: a knife, an arrow, a well-aimed word.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study horoscopes for a month, a year for all signs of the zodiac. Astrological forecast will allow you to make a favorable decision on any issues. Good quality and useful. Go to section

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) And Aquarius (January 21 - February 20), the following zodiac signs in order, test have a strong influence of Saturn on their destiny. Just as he surrounded himself with rings, so the people of these signs surround themselves with a veil of various robes and masks, deeply hiding their true essence. Only Capricorn is stubborn and persistent, while Aquarius is easily adaptable and a great conformist.

And finally Pisces (February 21 - March 20). Also ruled by Jupiter in combination with water element. Such a symbiosis gives rise to characters deep, filled and rich in emotions and creativity.

Astrologer's advice: Keep in mind that for an accurate description, it is necessary to take into account information taking into account the time, date and place of birth. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

Now the most important thing. Never believe horoscopes broadcast on radio and TV channels, published in glossy magazines and newspaper weeklies. For each person, his horoscope is a strictly individual thing, calculated up to the minutes of birth, taking into account astronomical changes and amendments. That is, made by an astrologer of the highest category only on specific data.

  • March 21 — April 20
  • Aries - first Zodiac sign. The image is the head of a ram.
  • Aries is the cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements. Fire.
  • steward- Mars, in exaltation - the Sun, in the fall - Saturn, in exile - Venus.

Zodiac sign Taurus (Taurus)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: April 21 — May 21
  • Calf - second Zodiac sign. The image is the head and horns of a bull.
  • Taurus is a fixed sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements Earth.
  • steward- Venus, in exaltation - the Moon, in the fall - Uranus, in exile - Mars, Pluto.

Zodiac sign Gemini (Gemini)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: May 22 – June 21
  • Twins - third Zodiac sign. Image - two trees connected to each other.
  • Gemini is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the elements. Air.
  • steward- Mercury strongly manifests itself as Uranus, since it acts as the highest octave of Mercury and Mars.

Zodiac sign Cancer

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: June 22 — July 23
  • Cancer - fourth Zodiac sign. Image - pincers, tending to close.
  • Cancer is the cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements. Water.
  • steward- The Moon, in exaltation - Jupiter and Neptune, in the fall - Mars, in exile - Saturn.

Zodiac sign Leo (Leo)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: July 24 - August 23
  • A lion - fifth Zodiac sign. Image - sperm.
  • Leo is a fixed sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements Fire.
  • steward- The Sun, in exaltation - Pluto, in the fall - Mercury, in exile - Saturn, Uranus.

Zodiac sign Virgo (Virgo)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: August 24 — September 23
  • Virgo - sixth Zodiac sign. The image is a sheaf of ears.
  • Virgo is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the elements Earth.
  • steward- Mercury, a strong influence of Saturn, in the fall - Venus, in exile - Jupiter, Neptune.

Zodiac sign Libra (Libra)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: September 24 – October 23
  • Scales - seventh Zodiac sign. Image - two scales.
  • Libra is the cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements. Air.
  • steward- Venus, in exaltation - Mars, in the fall - the Sun.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (Scorpio)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: October 24 – November 22
  • Scorpion - eighth Zodiac sign. Image - scorpion: paws and tail.
  • Scorpio is a fixed sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements Water.
  • day ruler- Pluto, night - Mars, in exaltation - Uranus, in the fall - the Moon, in exile - Venus.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (Sagittarius)

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: November 23 — December 21
  • Sagittarius - ninth Zodiac sign. The image is an arrow and a bow.
  • Sagittarius is a mutable zodiac sign belonging to the elements Fire.
  • day ruler- Jupiter, night - Neptune, in exaltation - Descending lunar node, in falling - Ascending lunar node, in exile - Mercury.

Zodiac sign Capricorn

  • From what date does the zodiac sign begin, dates: December 22 — January 24
  • Capricorn - tenth sign. The image is a goat with a fish tail.
  • Capricorn is the cardinal sign of the zodiac belonging to the elements. Earth.
  • Day ruler of the sign- Saturn, night - Uranus, in exaltation - Mars, in the fall - Jupiter and Neptune, in exile - the Moon.

Classical images of the signs of the Zodiac by Jan Hevelius

and no less classic horoscopes for each sign.

Jan Hevelius (German Johannes Hevel, Polish Jan Heweliusz, January 28, 1611, Gdansk - January 28, 1687, Gdansk) - Polish astronomer, telescope designer, mayor of Gdansk and hereditary brewer.

Here is some interesting information from Wikipedia about Jan Hevelius. Hereditary brewer, mayor of Gdańsk... and astronomer. Lived on funds from brewing; astronomy is an amateur occupation, a hobby. Beer "Jan Hevelius, brewer and astronomer" is still popular in Poland.
And he went down in history as an astronomer: he dealt with issues of lunar motion, measured the distance from the Earth to the Moon, the period of the Moon's revolution, the period of the Sun's own rotation, the periods of revolution of Jupiter's satellites. Engaged in observations of binary and variable stars. With the help of his sextant, he cataloged 1564 stars with an accuracy of 1 ′.
He discovered four comets and published in 1668 the treatise "Cometography", which outlined the history of observations of all comets known at that time; showed that some comets move in parabolic orbits.
In 1690, after the death of her husband, his wife Elizabeth published the famous star atlas Uranography, based on the catalog of Hevelius and containing magnificent images of the constellations.


The first sign of the Zodiac: the first Fiery and the first cardinal sign, symbolizing undifferentiated consciousness, excitement and various excesses. A chaotic, disharmonized sign, the most striking features of which are impulsiveness, spontaneity, instinctiveness. Its vibrations are clearly expressed, sudden, but with a complete lack of direction, and the action under the influence of a vital force that is not subject to the directing impulse of the awakened consciousness is closely related to the Zodiac itself. Aries is a sign of strength, struggle, power, energy.
People born under this sign are usually enthusiastic, pioneers, ambitious, entrepreneurs, self-confident and wayward. The worthy application of creative power within acceptable limits requires the controlling, endowing with constancy, stability of a fixed sign. Such a combination unusually enhances it.

In combination with a changeable sign, it becomes much less practical, possessing, however, the speed of perception, cognitive ability and subtlety. A distinctive feature of Aries is his activity, combined with the desire to lead and order. This is a sign of ambition and forward-looking energy.
The egoistic principle of Aries manifests itself mainly in the realm of ideas on the spiritual plane. Aries is in love with their own ideas, treating them like spiritual children. At the same time, he is not at all interested in caring for offspring in flesh and blood, since an increase in the family would become too burdensome a burden on the path to the realization of his Earthly mission. The whole being of Aries, immersed in his plans and ideas, rarely abandons the once taken course for their implementation, even if the impracticability becomes obvious. This makes Aries crazy and despot. The selfish beginning often manifests itself in him in the form of excessive demands, inaccessibility, lack of sympathy and tact in relation to others. Being demanding of himself, he considers himself entitled to be demanding of others. A sense of duty is in his first place. Suffering in itself exists for bliss in the abstract, he is not interested in the suffering of those around him, not having the ability to plunge into the concrete. From higher considerations, he is capable of anything to achieve the goal. His ambition is expressed in the desire to lead any business. With the natural qualities of a leader, he can do a lot.
Aries has a strong magnetic effect on others. Not limited financially, he is hospitable, generous and kind. Avarice is unknown to him, but he is not inclined to give alms and, although property interests in themselves do not occupy him too much, he is able to preserve and increase what is available from educational or diplomatic purposes.
Men are masculine. Women are endowed with a strong will. The erotic beginning of Aries tends to idealization and sublimation. Due to the desire for self-realization in the spiritual or artistic sphere, the family recedes into the background.
Aries governs the brain and spinal cord. With unfavorable aspects (especially with Mars) leads to hyperemia or neuralgia. In the case of an aspect with Saturn, it leads to hypertension.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Aries is iron phosphate, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to hyperemia, bleeding, inflammation of the lungs, meninges, meningitis. In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Aries will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: sardonyx, amethyst, all red stones. Stones of the constellation opposite to Aries (Libra stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: diamond, beryl, eye-spars, crystal, opal, tourmaline.
The ancients believed that the happiest talisman for Aries in January would be pomegranate, in February and March - amethyst, in August - sardonyx, in December - ruby.


The second sign of the Zodiac, the first Earth and the first stable sign, whose symbol is Taurus. Refers to the triad of the Earth. Provides stability and strength. The type of movement characteristic of Taurus is rotation. Taurus is hardy, has great endurance, the ability to keep secrets. A distinctive feature of this sign is its ability to save and save. This is the most restrained of all stable signs. Taurus has an unerring intuition in the conduct of financial affairs and commerce. His motto is common sense. The sign is identified with a coiled snake, symbolizing the huge potential of hidden energy.
The selfishness of Taurus is manifested in a certain stinginess in solving material issues. Taurus accumulates and saves what is available. He has an inexhaustible diligence in everything related to the sphere of material interests, and since it always seems to him that there are not enough funds, he tries with all his might to save them. Taurus is tolerant of others: without interfering in their affairs, he demands non-interference in his own. Not devoid of compassion, he gives alms, the size of which cannot be compared with the size of his fortune.

Acutely feeling the needs of others, he prefers to avoid direct contact with them, in the latter case, he often looks away from the just fear that his property may suffer as a result of excessive love for his neighbor. This sometimes leads him to sharp contradictions with himself. He seeks to obtain everything that can give him pleasure, and shows extravagance for the sake of luxury. In love, he is capable of big expenses. Not born an ascetic. Often he allows himself to be used by tricksters without receiving reciprocal guarantees. His knowledge of people, colored emotionally, often fails him. Sometimes, due to inappropriate complacency or excessive slowness, he may lose everything he has acquired.
Men are distinguished by pronounced sexual potency, prone to excesses and excesses. Although the erotic principle is difficult to sublimate, the decisive factor is still the urgent need to create a family in order to procreate. In love, they willingly remain faithful. Jealous. In the family, they often become despots and tyrants. They prefer to combine erotic experiences with other types of pleasures, especially gluttony. Unlike Libra, who needs an intermediary to realize erotic impulses in order to exacerbate the experienced sensations, Taurus are gourmets, but with the caveat that we are talking about “oral erotica” (a hidden erotic experience that accompanies the process of eating). Sigmund Freud argued that oral eroticism is peculiar to children.
Taurus carry it throughout their lives. The action of this sign is not limited to the control of the occipital region and may lead to some stagnation of the juices. Excessive food intake leads to various functional disorders, especially to the formation of stones and sand in the body. Those born under this sign often suffer from the formation of gallstones.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Taurus is sodium sulfate, the lack or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to diseases of the liver, kidneys, diabetes, and skin diseases.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Taurus will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: agate, carnelian, white coral, all white transparent stones. Stones of the constellation opposite to Taurus (Scorpio stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: topaz, amethyst, bloodstone. The ancients believed that agate would be the happiest talisman for Taurus in May and June.


The third sign of the Zodiac, the first Air and the first changeable sign, the symbol of which is the image of Gemini, expressing the dual nature of the sign. Associated with the spiritual expression of the Zodiac, and the variability of its nature serves as an expression of the transition of the spiritual or mental state to others (objective to subjective, abstract and vice versa). The sign is often depicted as two vertical columns, representing the gates of knowledge and the chambers of wisdom. In the objective world, the sign governs upbringing and practicality, in the subjective world it characterizes the higher mind and supersensory perception.
The esoteric symbols of the sign are two monkeys: stupid, blindly imitating others, and Divine, capable of cognizing higher transcendental roots, the mental level of which is inaccessible to an ordinary person.
Along with common sense, the sign gives a brilliant intellect, drawing ideas from the treasury of the spirit. A distinctive feature of Gemini is duality, expressed in a direct change of mood. Traditionally, Gemini is identified with the child, Aquarius with the father, and Libra with the wife and mother.

A striking example of the contradiction between selfish interest and generosity is Gemini, generous with promises that are often not kept just because their fulfillment does not promise any benefit. Giving, Gemini is guided by rational motives, and not by the call of the heart. Even in the case of self-sacrifice, Gemini finds a strong justification for their act in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. The selfishness of Gemini is manifested in the requirement of punctuality and accuracy from others and much less exactingness in relation to one's own person, when all broken promises and deceptions are justified. Gemini can even work a miracle, just not to see those around them dejected and boring. Gemini provides many services to friends. Their sanguine temperament makes them immensely wasteful - and all this is only for the pleasure of seeing joyful faces. The fulfillment of the need to bring joy leads Gemini to engage in art.
The Gemini's prudence often hinders the favorable conduct of business. To this is added indifference to the fate of others. If the world consisted only of Gemini, none of the SOS! help would not have been provided in a timely manner. The indecisiveness inherent in Gemini and striving for self-compensation often leads them to commit premature actions. The impulsive imbalance of Gemini gives others a lot of trouble. In disputes and discussions, Gemini defend their views with fanatical inflexibility, often to their own detriment.
Men are fragile, women are courageous. Both those and others are changeable, prone to diversity. Sympathy plays a decisive role in choosing a partner. They make contact only with those who are close to them in spirit. Erotic experiences are perceived by them, rather, on the mental plane than in the sphere of physiology. At the same time, the sexual capabilities of a partner do not matter much, as well as his gender. Not having a tendency to procreate, and those. and others are bisexual: men are prone to homosexuality, women - to lesbianism. It is those born under this sign, for the most part, that make up a glorious cohort of prostitutes, since the erotic, not colored by the color of the soul, easily submits to mercantile goals without compromising self-esteem in the complete absence of remorse. Many of them enter the path of prostitution out of curiosity and then leave it. Unlike Aries, idealizing and sublimating eros. The twins perceive the erotic as if implicitly, in parts, according to which their experiences are practically not subject to concentration and discharge in one direction. The erotic beginning of Gemini is initially suppressed by a strongly expressed logic, this ardent enemy of eroticism. It is obvious that a girl, at the moment of seduction, asks herself the question: “What will this give me?” - Born under the sign of Gemini. And if she nevertheless succumbs to the harassment of the seducer, then only out of curiosity or a thirst for novelty.
The most prominent representative of those born under this sign is the French nation. According to the famous French literary critic Lanson, the French nation is less sensitive than sensual and less sensual than rational, more inclined to enthusiasm than to passions, devoid of dreaminess and poetry, not very artistic, more gifted with architecture than music, greedy to logic to the detriment of metaphysics and mysticism... The striving for accuracy turns into dryness, clarity of thinking prevails over depth. Sane, she is at the same time fickle, frivolous, devoid of strong attachments. The sign controls the respiratory tract and the upper motor complex (shoulder girdle and arms). Those born under this sign are prone to respiratory problems. Under adverse conditions, angina pectoris or bronchial asthma may develop. However, even the most abundant food does not harm those born under this sign.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Gemini is magnesium phosphate, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to convulsions, spasms of the stomach and intestines, colic, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, tuberculosis, scrofula.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Gemini will be favored by stones associated with the zodiac constellation that prevails at the time of their birth: topaz, beryl, all colorful stones. Stones of the constellation opposite Gemini (Sagittarius stones), being in dissonance with their nature, can destroy well-being and life: hyacinth, pomegranate, turquoise, zircon, all red and green stones.
The ancients believed that the happiest talisman for Gemini in March and April would be jasper, in October - beryl, in November - topaz and beryl, in December - topaz.

The fourth sign of the Zodiac, the first Water and the second cardinal sign, symbolizing the ability to exist both in water and on land, in other words, the metamorphosis that Cancer undergoes in the first stage of its life. The sign is at the head of the trine, which can be called psychic, so that all forms of expression characteristic of it are due to this psychic basis. Cancer is capable of receiving and retaining the vibrations it picks up. Like water, it reflects in itself all the objects around it. It is a sign directly related to any sensory experience, an impression that affects the senses and the soul, from physical sensation to inner sensitivity, which is the fundamental basis of supersensory perception.

This is a sign that keeps in memory a whole range of impressions. Any impulse excites in it an increased oscillatory movement, which causes the inherent sensitivity of Cancer. The distinctive properties of the sign are endurance and a pronounced desire for sensations, fame and power. If Pisces rules the rivers, and Scorpio rules the seas, ices and lakes, then Cancer rules the Ocean. In addition, it is believed that Cancer is the receptacle of a permanent stream of astral matter containing images and forms and changeable, like the Moon, the mother of all living things, and Proserpina, the mistress realms of the dead.
Cancer has a great attractive power that allows him to subordinate to his will everything that is ready to obey. It is enough for Cancer to find out that someone needed the object, how he will seize the initiative into his own hands, without even having time to find out why, in fact, he himself needs this object. At the same time, Cancer willingly gives. He is able to give up prey for the pleasure of helping someone. Cancer is characterized by the desire to bring joy to others. He may give gifts "incognito" only because he does not want to be the object of enthusiasm for his charity. Cancer is capable of self-sacrifice. This is the type of ideal mother.
Cancer is characterized by extravagance, this peculiar form of perverted experience of "Ego". All selfish and selfless acts of Cancer, as a rule, are due to his mood.
Cancer shows special extravagance in relation to the biological resources of his body. He gives his strength as readily as he accumulates it. Being only a communicative center, Cancer seems to be imbued with the outside world, which causes the uncontrollable beginning of this sign. His feelings are beyond the control of the mind, which makes Cancer capable of unpredictable actions and deeds. The weakening of mind control often causes Cancer experiences of "Ego", expressed in the form of destructive actions. Rejected by the object of his passion, Cancer once and for all strengthens in hatred for him. All former ties of love and friendship are instantly torn. Precisely Cancers world history owes most of the bloodshed committed as a result of wounded pride.
Men are gentle. Women are charming and have magnetic power. Sensual but unpredictable. They suffer from unfulfilled dreams, and fulfilled desires are often perceived as far from ideas about them. They are in danger of self-depletion in the absence of knowledge about their capabilities in the field of erotica. The most reliable protection in this case is a long-term connection. Feelings are often defined environment and moment. In youth, they resort to masturbation or premature contact with members of the opposite sex, partly due to early puberty, partly due to the absence of deterrents that are not characteristic of their psyche (unlike Capricorn). Children born under this sign should not be left unattended for a long time, since their pronounced fantasy needs an object to which it could be directed, and in the absence of such, it is subject to outside influences. Prone to poetizing eroticism. As for the bodily constitution, the sign indicates the phlegm of the one born under it. Those born under this sign tend to be overweight, and their body needs to absorb a significant amount of water. The body's immune system is weakened. Of all the organs, the stomach is the most vulnerable. Under unfavorable conditions, disharmony of the sympathetic nervous system. Those born under this sign rarely live to old age.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Cancer is calcium phosphate, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to rickets.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Cancer will be favored by stones associated with the Zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: emerald, chalcedony, all white opaque stones. Stones of the constellation opposite to Cancer (Capricorn stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: onyx, chrysoprase, all black stones. The ancients believed that the happiest talisman for Cancer in May, June and July would be an emerald.

The fifth sign of the Zodiac, the second Fiery and the second fixed sign. A sign of the central position of the will, the inner consciousness that dominates the mind. The vital forces of the fiery element, manifested in the sign of Aries, reach maturity in Leo, acquiring direction and control. Chaos and unbridled energy flows turn into a state of harmony and order.

This sign is characterized by stability of life positions, consistency of mind and feelings. Distinctive feature the sign is an activity aimed at achieving, preserving and maintaining. This is a sign of power, strength, organizational skills. Leo is the main focus of "prana" or solar breathing. Eastern astrology usually refers to the concept of five "vital fluids", or streams of vital energy that permeate the body and are ruled by the corresponding planet. Therefore, Leo is characterized by much greater self-confidence than other signs. If Aries personifies the center of excitement and creative fire, then Leo is a vital and productive force. characteristic feature Leo is his spiritual generosity and imperious nature. He is prone to extravagance, has a sense of loyalty. This is a sign of organizing and cumulative energy.
Leo is generous, but gives more out of the desire to become famous, since he always needs to be in the center of events. In the absence of witnesses, the hand of his generosity noticeably wanes, although sometimes only one witness, himself, is enough for him, because. such actions elevate him in his own eyes. His generosity is genuine, as a rule, he does everything in his power. His experience of the "Ego" is expressed mainly in morbid ambition: he willingly speaks, willingly publishes. The lion is capable of great deeds, if only to be clothed in the purple mantle of the victor and crowned with a laurel wreath. This goal setting of his sometimes goes so far that it begins to seem to him that others share his tastes. At the same time, Leo believes that all his habits and needs are equally suitable for others. Wishing for the common good, Leo perceives it subjectively, egocentrically; while completely oblivious to the reality around him. Like the other two Fire signs - Aries and Sagittarius. The lion lives in a world of his own making, a world in which the suffering of those around him is seen through rose-colored glasses. If we are talking about a case, according to Leo, worthy of it. he is able to put his own life at stake.
Polarization is highly developed in both sexes of representatives of this sign. Love in their life plays a very important role, in love they are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. In love, they seek not so much pleasure and sensuality as the possibility of using an excess of internal potencies. Prone to sex, in which there is much more from sports than from pleasure. Sex is introduced from early childhood. They care little about choosing a partner, especially in their youth, but they behave with dignity and honesty. Subsequently, the desire to achieve a vital goal can capture them entirely, subordinating the sexual sphere to the service of this goal. However, unlike Aries, the solution of political and social problems does not come at the expense of the erotic principle.
Leo's eroticism is ordered, rhythmic, purposeful, internally healthy and alien to perversions. Leo men are the type of lover who seems to have stepped off the stage. Courtesans born under this sign have chosen an ancient craft due to an excess of vitality. More than anything. those born under the sign of Leo are not prone to asceticism. Having reached puberty very early, they join eroticism, which becomes in their life an impulse of the soul, their vital need.
The body of those born under this sign is strong, hardy. The most vulnerable organ is the heart, due to large overloads of the body. An obvious predisposition to inflammatory processes (fever, pneumonia, pleurisy).
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Leo is potassium sulfate, the lack or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to cardiovascular diseases, pleurisy, aortic dilation, fainting.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Leo will be favored by stones associated with the zodiac constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: ruby, jasper, hyacinth, sardonyx, chrysolite, all yellow stones. Stones of the constellation opposite to Leo (Aquarius stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: sapphire, obsidian.
The ancients believed that jasper would be the happiest talisman for Leo in March and April, sardonyx in August, and chrysolite in October.


The sixth sign of the Zodiac, often depicted as three spikelets. Means the highest culmination of empirical experience, borrowed from all the changing signs and transformed into self-consciousness. Virgo requires material purification, necessary for the formation and development of self-consciousness. This is a sign of diligence and its fruits, endowing with an analytical mindset necessary for comprehending higher wisdom.
Failure in the process of forming a highly developed consciousness causes the appearance of such traits as servility, servility (for those born under the sign of Virgo), vanity and pride (for those born under the sign of Capricorn), laziness and stubbornness (for those born under the sign of Taurus).
The truth of the spirit in the sign of Virgo recognizes its reflection in the outer world. In an undeveloped soul, this property causes blind imitation, slavishly copying all manifestations of the external world without its qualitative assessment under the influence of a strong personality or following the requirements of the time. In highly developed types, the ability to detail, statistics and blind recognition of authorities becomes a hallmark.

Virgo is often considered cold, not in need of self-affirmation, and although she is accused of materialism, she is capable of displaying philanthropy. Humanity finds its expression in its attitude towards the realization of the motivations of one's "I". Despite materialism and atheism, Virgo is capable of selfless acts that have nothing to do with the selflessness of idealists and subjectivists. The only requirement made by Virgo to the surrounding reality is logic. Virgo is able to part with part of the property if her mind is clearly convinced of the expediency of such an act. Virgo is not insensitive, prone to compassion, but hardly gives in to a momentary impulse. Noticing everything external signs, Virgo is always aware of the affairs of her neighbors. Virgo's selfishness is expressed in the desire to own real estate or engage in a profitable business. For many born under this sign, there is no connection between thinking and feeling. Until the emotional is transformed into the motivation of the mind, it will not be allowed to control actions.
Virgo is a subtly sensitive nature, self-suppressing her own intellect, in which there is no ambition or vanity. All that she strives for, having become like mollusks building limestone dwellings for herself, is building the material base of her existence. Towards the end of the journey, Virgo becomes less collected and more generous, but completely retains her prudence.
The sexual life of those born under this sign is very moderate. Among them there are many suffering from impotence, lack of impulsiveness, lack of erotic audacity. There is a habit to create a family under the strong influence of the arguments of reason. After thirty years, the erotic beginning tends to intensify. For most, erotic relationships do not go beyond a kind conversation, and this requirement is decisive in choosing a partner. At the same time, strong attachments are not ruled out, but the erotic principle continues to be suppressed. The sexual sphere and relationships with the other sex are never perceived as a sin. Virgo is internally pure, even plunging into the abyss of eroticism. Those born under this sign are good partners, subtly and highly appreciating the warmth of the soul. The nascent feeling turns into a connection if the partner is able to fill the emotional emptiness of the Virgo. The presence of sufficient arguments of reason can serve as a basis for marriage.
The most vulnerable organ is the abdominal cavity (intestine). In the body, the formation of autotoxins often occurs, which, penetrating from the intestine into the blood, affect the central nervous system, leading to neurasthenia; can also affect the spinal cord.
The chemical compound corresponding to the Virgo sign is sodium uric acid, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to drowsiness, chills, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Virgo will be favored by stones associated with the zodiac constellation that prevails at the time of her birth: emerald, jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, pomegranate. Stones of the constellation opposite to Virgo (Pisces stones), being in dissonance with her nature, can destroy well-being and life: alexandrite, red coral, aquamarine, sapphire.
The ancients believed that the happiest talisman for Virgo in January would be pomegranate, in March - jasper, in April - sapphire, in May - emerald, in June-July - emerald and sapphire.


The seventh sign of the Zodiac, the second Air and the third cardinal sign, symbolized by the two scales. This is the first sign of expansion or expansion, and its characteristic action is a subtle vibration.
If the Fire signs are associated with energy, the Water signs are associated with dynamics and receptivity, then the Air signs are with expansion and mentality. Air signs have a direct connection with the spirit and spiritual experiences. A distinctive feature of all forms of manifestation of this triad are human aspirations, free from the animal nature. The peculiarity of the movement, characteristic of the sign of Libra, leads to the differentiation of bodily feelings and the spiritual principle and their opposition on the scales, moreover, the vibrations of both bowls tend to balance and achieve a balance of consciousness. This sign, in which objectivity and subjectivity are balanced, makes people born under it inclined to a fair compromise.
A distinctive feature of the sign is communicativeness and conciliation, expressed in the desire to please, as well as in the form of piety from higher considerations.

The egoism of Libra is passive and concerns more the sphere of expectation than action, with a complete lack of focus on material goods. It is desirable for Libra to see his "I" in the brilliance of universal admiration; the desire to please makes them ready for any sacrifice. Vanity often causes some indifference towards others. The capacity for deeper empathy is rare, since Libra, who is madly in love with harmony, as a rule, is itself devoid of any depth whatsoever. Unlike Aries, who tends to pay no attention to others as much as not to demand attention from them, Libra cannot remain in the shadow for a moment, since their own existence is completely dependent on the harmony and well-being of the world around them.
Libra gives alms out of the need to establish balance, as if obeying a higher law. If the desire of Aries is that his beautiful ideas become the property of others, capable of spiritualizing them, then his antipode, Libra, on the contrary, strives to ensure that the beautiful act only on themselves, and the ideas of the people around them would be embodied in their own head. Libra crave worship, attention, admiration. At the same time, they have a sense of justice. They will never claim what is not rightfully theirs. Libra is true to this principle in everything that does not concern the intellectual or spiritual sphere, because in this case all means are good. However, if someone else's idea is borrowed, it is more from the desire to please at all costs than from malicious intent. Living as a reflection of the world around them, Libra is a mirror that reflects the spiritual perfection of the people around them. The apogee of Libra's aspirations is success, recognition, admiration. In this regard, their egoism often takes hypertrophied forms of rivalry, especially in the field of science and art. For those born under this sign, the erotic principle, not being an independent impulse, is expressed in the form of a feeling of beauty that arises at the moment of enjoying music, dancing, painting. At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere serves as a background for the manifestation of the sexual impulse, however, unlike Cancer, which, in the event of an incident, is lost in the labyrinths of its own feeling, completely dissolving in the erotic, which becomes all-encompassing for him, the erotic principle of Libra serves as a kind of dot over the "i" in while those born under this sign remain internally emotionally cold. Due to the natural attractiveness of Libra women, they are often in danger of being seduced or raped, but even in this case they retain their inherent purity. Erotic perception of the sexual act arises in them only under the influence of alcohol, drugs, music, dance, theatrical spectacles. The call of desires is practically unfamiliar to those born under this sign. Appearance partner, courteous treatment, gifts, especially Jewelry, furs and shoes are a peculiar form of perception by Libra women of an erotic impulse. In married life, monotony and routine are contraindicated for Libra. Along with the well-known greed, the joy derived from the variety of boulevard life, visiting restaurants and balls, the possibility of demonstrating toilets, furs, jewelry and other accessories of this lifestyle often pushes women born under this sign onto the path of prostitution.
The sign affects the area associated with the base of the spinal column, kidneys and groin. The kidneys serve as a balance to the body, keeping the body hydrated. In general, those born under this sign are distinguished by a relatively healthy state of the body, however, local disorders can lead to sharp deterioration well-being (dystrophy, insomnia, nervous breakdown).
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Libra is sodium chloride, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to metabolic disorders, functional disorders of the toxin-removing organs (glands, skin, kidneys), exudates, diphtheria, catarrhs.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Libra will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of their birth: diamond, beryl, eye spars, crystal, opal, tourmaline. Stones of the constellation opposite to Libra (Aries stones), being in dissonance with their nature, can destroy well-being and life: sardonyx, amethyst, all red stones. The ancients believed that beryl would be the happiest talisman in October and November for Libra.


The eighth sign of the Zodiac, the second Water and the third fixed sign, whose symbols are the snake, scorpion and eagle. The sign of latent energy, which governs the processes of transformation of liquid bodies into solids, and, indeed, the rotational movement inherent in Scorpio, causes a tendency to harden. The embryo of the soul, born of the oscillatory movements of Cancer, with the awakening of consciousness, comes to a stable state, unusually strengthening and stabilizing all the emotions and feelings of this sign. The sign emphasizes virtues and vices: no matter what Scorpio turns his attention to, he will be neither frivolous nor indifferent. Just as a rotational movement makes any object stable and stable (for example, a spinning top), so the impressions of the soul of Scorpio form a pronounced, independent personality, in which, along with pride; perseverance, courage and practicality, ambition, malice, envy, jealousy, hatred are manifested.

In the case of a developed inner life, Scorpio manifests to a large extent the ability for occult sciences and supersensory perception. His distinguishing feature is passion, the intensity of his experiences. Like every central or stable sign in any trine, Scorpio is that critical sign, the hallmark of which is the desire to implement their plans (will).
Scorpio is considered the most selfish of all the zodiac signs. This opinion is caused by the desire of Scorpio to realize the intended goal, on the one hand, and the dominant role that he plays in society, due to his ability to concentrate thoughts and will, on the other. The selfishness of Scorpio is usually derived from its energy-consuming nature, similar to all signs of the Water trine (Cancer and Pisces). The forces of Scorpio quickly burn out, which requires him to create a biological defense mechanism on the material level, and on the spiritual level - to fight secret enemies; often insidious ways. Perhaps you can’t call a self-centered Scorpio. The world owe him a lot. The egoism of Scorpio is directed not so much towards material wealth, as in Taurus, its antipode, but towards spiritual values. Scorpio constantly accumulates knowledge, fighting for authority and priorities. At the same time, he fights both against obvious and unknown opponents. Being dual in nature, Scorpio contains the enemy in his own psyche, projecting his image onto one of those around him. Scorpio is capable of anything for the sake of realizing the intended goal, not forgiving this quality to others. Willingly providing them with their daily bread and earthly goods, he is all the more jealous of their privileges. Ready to give to those in need, he scrupulously checks them, fearing to show inappropriate generosity. Scorpio is diplomatic, willingly shares his spiritual wealth, preferring to bestow gifts on people who are a step below him in his professional career or in terms of education, while leaving himself most of the knowledge. In relation to his equals and superiors, he shows severe restraint, hardly enduring their close proximity. Scorpios engaged in scientific or literary activities very rarely refer to their contemporaries in their works, making an exception only for recognized authorities. If the thirst for passion is satisfied, Scorpio will not pay attention to anyone's interests. For Scorpios, who are at the lowest stage of development of consciousness, all means are good for the sake of realizing the goal in relation to the object of desire.
In everything related to the sexual sphere, Scorpios are genuine egoists.
This sign is the personification of "great passion."
Those born under it are capable of fiery love of a dominant erotic quality. The erotic principle does not need to be stimulated by persons of the opposite sex. Perversions are possible, but inclination to homosexuality is rare. The sexual energy of Scorpio is inexhaustible. Passion often leads to excesses. The print of eroticism lies on all manifestations of those born under this sign, whether it is sensory perception, mental work or painting. Scorpios suffer more from prohibitions in the field of eroticism and suppression of their own impulses. Erotica for Scorpio is a source of superhuman creative power on the path of spiritual perfection. Their creativity is unmatched. Some of the Scorpions are capable of complete renunciation of sexual life in the name of self-improvement in the spirit. This sign has two faces (two-faced Janus), and in the field of eroticism, it is characterized by both the need to satisfy the lowest carnal instincts and the desire to achieve the heights of spiritual perfection. Managing all viscous liquids (oil, toxins, feces, swamp water, chemicals), Scorpio affects the state of the genitourinary system. Purulent diseases and malignant abscesses are also attributed to its influence. The psyche of those born under this sign is also very vulnerable. Intentional poisoning is possible.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Scorpio is potassium phosphate, a deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to a disorder of the central nervous system, neurasthenia, sclerosis, severe infectious (typhus, sepsis) and venereal (syphilis) diseases.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Scorpio will be favored by stones associated with the zodiac constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: topaz, amethyst, bloodstone.
Stones of the constellation opposite to Scorpio (Taurus stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: agate, carnelian, white coral, all white transparent stones.
The ancients believed that amethyst would be the happiest talisman for Scorpio in February and March, and topaz in November and December.


It is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. This is the third Fiery and the third mutable sign. Depicted as a centaur shooting an arrow. It has to do with the transformation of consciousness. A sign of vibration, transformation in an area that is the application of its forces.
The power of dispersion and differentiation inherent in the sign of Aries is united and concentrated in the sign of Leo and clothed in the light of spirituality in Sagittarius. The revelation of Sagittarius manifests itself in the form of a genius that transforms consciousness and brings it to the level of manifestations of brain activity. Sagittarius, being a sign of prophecy, binds together the life of the Spirit, soul and body. The forces of this sign, painted with the color of languor and self-giving, are directed to the higher spheres of being. The dual nature of the sign is manifested in the objective and subjective aspects of intuitive consciousness. Both forms interact through the vibration of energy flows. A distinctive feature of Sagittarius is his love of travel. And if Aries is a pioneer, an architect, Leo is an organizer, then Sagittarius is a worker.
The manifestations of egoism of this Fire sign are similar to the manifestations of the other two signs of the trigon of Fire - Aries and Leo. Sagittarius is distinguished by strong egocentrism and pronounced ambition. In an effort to dominate his environment, he is able to break through the wall with his head. The desire to dominate others can lead him to autocracy or megalomania, and in the event of a fiasco of all his ambitions, lead to suicide. In the role of a teacher, preacher or politician, Sagittarius does not tolerate objections and demands uncomplaining submission from others. The desire to suppress at all costs was born with him and is his innate quality. Sagittarius is a type of person who is able to subdue the flesh to his will, and shows some inclination to spiritual auto-training, suppressing the animal instincts of the "I", improving in spirit.

Being involved in religious or philosophical activities, Sagittarius is able to give a lot of value due to pronounced optimism. However, the richness of his imagination, manifested in the form of generosity, often causes confusion and confusion. He is prone to separatism, rebellion. Those around him have to put up with the fact that he looks down on them. Knowing well the weaknesses of those around him, he can calculate the optimal moment to attack. However, deeply shocked by the suffering inflicted on him, he seeks, if possible, to soften the blow. If Gemini, the opposite sign of Sagittarius, in this case acts by calculation or in order not to see the dejected faces of others, Sagittarius acts in accordance with the internal impulse. However, the emotional excitement he experiences at the same time is immeasurably greater than the practical help that he is able to provide, since the enviable dexterity of Sagittarius contributes to the realization of help, mainly at the expense of other people.
Being by nature a dependent person, he prefers to give others the opportunity to work instead of himself, continuing to revel in his own generosity. However, the intuition of Sagittarius sometimes contributes to the sublimation of his essence, leading to self-denial and self-sacrifice from higher considerations. A distinctive quality, equally characteristic of Gemini and Sagittarius, is their hesitation and instantaneous change of views. But if Gemini wastes words for any reason, then Sagittarius, a brilliant master of dialectics, stingy with words, shows eloquence only when necessary.
Representatives of this sign have a pronounced erotic beginning, which, unlike Scorpio, they are not inclined to waste. They have a sense of self-control and proportion. Impotence does not threaten this sign, but Sagittarius is not able to compare with Scorpio in terms of the power of sexual energy expenditure. Excesses in the erotic sphere usually end in severe depression. Sagittarius must maintain his inherent balance. Unlike Scorpio, Sagittarius is much easier to become an ascetic. If Scorpio's erotic principle is inextricably linked with his spiritual perfection, and his needs are in harmony with his possibilities, then the erotic principle of Sagittarius only permeates the spiritual, while erotic possibilities are determined by the state of health.
The functions of the sexual organs are perceived by Sagittarius as a creative act, which should be striven for, but which should not be abused. Every excess in this area leads to severe imbalances in the body. In this regard, representatives of the sign are prone to abstinence and platonic love. The nature of the erotic relationship of Sagittarius mostly depends on the choice of a partner, by the way, not always successful. A partner with a pronounced tendency towards erotica can cause a disorder in his health, an obstacle in building a career.
The mystery and tragedy of the erotic life of Sagittarius lies in the connection of sexual intercourse with the highest aspects of its perception. The musculoskeletal system as a whole is subordinate to Sagittarius. Those born under this sign can be good athletes. The consequence of the affected sign are accidents, hernia, severe injuries, inflammation of the joints. Excess is the enemy of those born under this sign, who are subject to severe nervous overload.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Sagittarius is sodium phosphate, the lack or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to an excess of lactic acid, uric acid diathesis, rheumatism of the joints, and hyperacidity.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Sagittarius will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: hyacinth, pomegranate, turquoise, zircon, all green and red stones.
Stones of the constellation opposite Sagittarius (Gemini stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: topaz, beryl, all colorful stones.
The ancients believed that the happiest talisman for Sagittarius in January would be hyacinth and pomegranate, in February - hyacinth, in May, June and July - emerald, in October and November - beryl.


The tenth sign of the Zodiac, the third Earth and the fourth cardinal sign, symbolized by Capricorn and sometimes the Crocodile. The vibrations of this cardinal sign are of a pronounced earthly character: it is in it, thanks to ambition, that consciousness on the physical level awakens with all its might. Capricorn is the climber at the head of the trine of the Earth; nothing can compare with the influence it exerts on the material side of being. The sign gives the ability to accumulate empirical experience and experiences relating to objective reality. The favorable and unfavorable sides of the sign are accessible to the understanding of those who are versed in the wisdom hidden in mythology and esoteric symbolism. If Capricorn is a symbol of the external nature of the sign, then the Crocodile, like an amphibious creature, serves as a symbol of its innermost essence. Capricorn denotes the accumulation of practical experience and the search for the natural essence of phenomena.
A distinctive feature of Capricorn is the instinct that controls the action of those born under this sign in all areas of activity and, especially, in trade and politics. Capricorn's motto: selectivity. In relation to higher values, this means the materialization of ideas.

Traditionally considered very selfish. The selfishness of Capricorn is due to timidity and cowardice, which determine the desire to protect the accumulated from possible losses. Capricorn is stingy. It is those born under this sign that form the gallery of the great misers. If Cancer, opposite to Capricorn, possessing a huge attractive force, inevitably parted with everything that gets to him, then Capricorn, who is significantly inferior to Cancer in attractive force and is able to accumulate a few pennies, easily retains everything that he possesses. Even with a certain stinginess of funds, Capricorn is able to gradually accumulate a considerable amount at the cost of incredible efforts, but as a result, he becomes the owner of what previously belonged to Cancer and was lost by him.
Capricorn is characterized by petty egoism in everything related to the material sphere. Annoyed at himself because of the loss of bread crumbs or other objects, Capricorn is very unassuming. He is a great enemy of luxury and extravagance, fearing them like fire. Capricorn is capable of sacrifice, but realizes its value only in the case of complete adequacy of the need, and at the same time always loses sight of the right moment. In matters of cultivation in the spirit, he is mainly guided by inner ambition. Recognizing neither public opinion nor fame. Capricorn strives to achieve their own goals. He is ready to kowtow to his superiors, if only he could have a quiet existence for months and years.
The lower types of Capricorns tend to be religiously reclusive. Those who are more advanced in their development are able to rise to the sight of the Son of God in true service to him. A big egoist and owner in the field of erotica, Capricorn demands freedom for himself, denying the same partner.
Those born under this sign are very restrained, but eroticism can cause a tense internal struggle in their soul. Perversions are possible. In early youth they are prone to masturbation. Dreams of an ideal being of the opposite sex often prevent the realization of a trivial feeling. The first half of life is frigid, after thirty years they catch up, being included in the active sex life. The complexes that the representatives of this sign suffered in their youth leave an imprint on their entire future life. In sex, they are very hardy and not prone to exhaustion. Naturally disposed to excesses that would not harm them. Capricorns avoid them due to an internal prohibition in relation to erotica. Those born under this sign are characterized by waiting, slowness, due to which they are always the last. This also applies to their relationship opposite sex. The emergence of complexes in youth is due to a similar reason - excessive slowness, however, false ideas about persons of the opposite sex also join it. Sometimes Capricorns find the strength to get rid of such complexes, which leads them to abuse: men become red tape, continuing the worthy traditions of Casanova. Others become fauns that have a magical effect on women. Women born under the sign of Capricorn tend to be quite balanced.
Traditionally, Capricorn is considered the ruler of the knee area. In case of damage by unfavorable aspects, it leads to indurations, obturations, nervous breakdowns, depression. People born under this sign often have a disproportionate body structure. The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Capricorn is calcium fluoride, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to bone diseases, hernias, atony of the abdominal organs, violations of the integrity of the skin, and the formation of exudates.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Capricorn will be favored by stones associated with the zodiac constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: onyx, chrysoprase, black stones.
The stones of the constellation opposite to Capricorn (the stones of Cancer), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: emerald, chalcedony, all white opaque stones.
The ancients believed that onyx would be the happiest talisman for Capricorn in July.


The eleventh sign of the Zodiac, the third Air sign and the fourth stable sign, symbolized by a Man with a jug from which water pours onto the ground.
Aquarius is characterized by concentration of thought and an attempt to keep the spiritual vibrations of Libra. The spiritual and material nature of this sign lies in the very symbol "Man". In movement around the circle of the Zodiac, it personifies the point of transition of the circle into a spiral, i.e. the point of the beginning of a person's improvement in the spirit and his achievement of stability inherent in a stable sign, stability that allows a person to overcome his animal nature and rise to a higher level of spiritual perfection. A distinctive feature of Aquarius is humanity and the desire for the synthesis of science and art. The symbol of this last of the stable signs are two snakes: the snake of Wisdom and the snake of the Earth (Adam Kadmon) - since this symbolism hides the secrets of the fate of mankind.
In a person born under this sign, "I" is completely suppressed, which is salient feature all air signs. The egoistic beginning of Aquarius is manifested in the tendency of his thinking to motivate actions and actions and the desire for self-affirmation at any cost in order to again feel this driven deep inside the "I". For this purpose, Aquarius needs bizarre and strange deeds, extraordinary actions, since the daily routine does not provide such an opportunity.

Often, Aquarius becomes the bearer of an idea that goes against the surrounding reality and the spirit of the times and destroys the traditional foundations of society. Thanks to the ability to self-sacrifice, which is absent from his antagonist, Leo, Aquarius is able to show a rare selflessness. At the same time, among Aquarians there are individuals who are prone to senseless, ridiculous, often criminal actions and extreme manifestations of cruelty. Aquarius is capable of monstrous deception for the sake of an insignificant benefit, and only because the very process of deception makes much more sense to him than the result, which makes him an incorrigible charlatan and cheater. The greatest attraction for him is the risk, the grotesque, the sudden impulse, on the verge of good and evil of the realized idea. Aquarius is prone to wastefulness.
Unlike its antipode, Leo, who feels himself to be the center of the whole world, Aquarius feels himself opposed to a certain center, scattered in the world space.
Aquarius is inherent in the quality of reflecting in itself the events of the surrounding world (the ability of all Air signs to mirror reflection of phenomena and events). By nature, he is an experimenter, but at the same time he experiments on the people around him and, without hesitation, cripples their souls, destroys happiness, deprives them of prosperity. Those born under this sign are prone to change in the field of eroticism and, for the most part, are very superficial. Sometimes excesses are possible, however, not due to an excess of vitality or a desire for reproduction, but due to the corresponding structure of the psyche, disposed to extreme experiences. Most often, Aquarians live one day, they are alien to calculations and plans. In the field of eroticism, they are prone to introspection. Those born under this sign have more frivolity than genuine passion, which makes them look like Libra. Aquarius, like the rest of the Air signs, is not in danger of falling into the mud, like the signs of the Earth, Taurus and Capricorn, or Water signs, Cancer and Scorpio. Most Aquarians are sensitive aesthetes, their behavior in the field of eroticism retains the high level inherent in this sign. In this case, perversions are possible, but for aesthetic reasons. Representatives of this sign often replenish the cohort of prostitutes, but not because of internal depravity, but because of frivolity or a conflicting desire to challenge society and trample on generally accepted moral principles. In youth, they are able to run away from home in the name of freedom of existence, not bound by any conventions.
Poorly placed and occupied by "evil" planets, Aquarius leads to degeneration. Many of those born under this sign are physically handicapped.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Aquarius is aluminum, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to spasmodic diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, and diseases of the joints.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Aquarius will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of his birth: sapphire, obsidian.
Stones of the constellation opposite to Aquarius (Leo stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: ruby, jasper, hyacinth, sardonyx, chrysolite, all yellow stones.
The ancients believed that sapphire would be a lucky talisman in April, May and September for Aquarius.


The twelfth sign of the Zodiac, the third Water and the fourth changeable sign, symbolized by two fish swimming in the opposite direction. This changeable sign, which can be compared with the waters of Lethe (oblivion), means the re-entry of consciousness into material substance (into the higher spheres of being). Pisces symbolize the eternal liberation of the Spirit. If in Cancer sensual impressions only awaken to life, in Scorpio they concentrate and deepen, then in Pisces these impressions dissolve in the consciousness, deep as an ocean, inexpressible and secret, expressed in manifestations of earthly love. Consciousness, embodied in Pisces, is alienated from the earthly shell and, soaring above it, merges with the Universal Consciousness.

The dual nature of the sign serves as an indication of the dangers associated with philanthropy. A failed attempt to enter the higher emotional spheres causes nervous stress in Pisces, before which most people born under this sign are powerless. The mental warehouse of these people opens access to obsession, melancholy, hopeless despair in their soul. The sign is a symbol of passive and active sympathetic principles: mediumship, the fruitless life of feelings, on the one hand, and active manifestation, the ideal of which is the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself,” on the other. A distinctive feature of Pisces is their ability to pass all impressions through consciousness. Pisces are traditionally considered to be devoid of their "I". Under the influence of compassion, they are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. However, such selflessness is largely limited to the realm of feelings.
Compassion is born in Pisces at the sight of the suffering of the people around them. However, Pisces is completely indifferent to all the tragic events and facts that take place somewhere beyond their attention. The experience of the tragic events that took place in history is more characteristic of the antagonist of Pisces - Virgo (a brilliant example: the stigmata of the nun Katharina Emmerich with the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune in Virgo). The experiences of Pisces are momentary. Living with feelings that dominate reason, Pisces suffer from the selfishness of the people around them. The self-sacrifices of Pisces are blind. Rarely wondering how appropriate and necessary their intervention and help is, Pisces often fall victim to deception and extortion. The pronounced egoism of Pisces is manifested in the field of erotica and sex. However, unlike Scorpio and Capricorn, this selfishness is more characteristic of the personal sympathies of Pisces than direct erotic experiences. Unlike Virgo, Pisces treat their partner in sex as their property, jealously guarding it. Since neither intellectual capabilities nor a logical system of thought are able to save Pisces from deep disappointments, they will never be able to free themselves from the shackles of their little "I", gradually becoming a victim of their own "Ego", the dominance of which they are not able to overthrow. Despite the fact that Pisces do not allow themselves to be unfaithful, such a life path often ends for them with hopeless longing and suicide.
Pisces is distinguished by a strong attachment to material goods, which is a consequence of the inability to improve in the Spirit and live in the future. The future from Pisces is hidden and therefore causes unaccountable fear. Pisces tend to live for today, and therefore selfish concerns about their own well-being are the center of their vital interests. Those born under this sign have sufficient erotic potential, are hardy and almost inexhaustible with the right partner. Not prone to perversion and abstinence. Their erotic life is characterized by uniformity and rhythm. Unlike Scorpio, the erotic beginning of Pisces is inextricably linked with a lover or beloved. However, in the absence of a worthy partner, the erotic principle does not bother them at all. Love and eroticism for the representatives of this sign is not conceived without the material foundations of existence: they never for a moment leave their concern for a happy marriage and the future of a family that is thought only of having many children. However, the initial target setting is: nest building - the happiness of the future family - sexual productivity. - in the second half of life fades and comes to naught. The erotic beginning of this sign is not characterized by either the desire to achieve high ideals, like Aries and Leo, or pronounced impulsiveness, like Taurus and Capricorn, it moves linearly on a plane, intertwined with love and care, self-sacrifice and devotion.
It is traditionally believed that the sign should control the feet, however, it mainly affects the metabolism in the body. Affected Pisces can lead to developmental disturbances, to fatty deposits, the formation of internal tumors, and ugliness of forms.
The chemical compound corresponding to the sign of Pisces is silicon, the deficiency or excess of which in the body of those born under this sign can lead to hair loss, connective tissue diseases, the formation of abscesses (furunculosis), gout, kidney disease, stone formation, eye diseases, and even complete loss of vision.
In achieving goals and fulfilling desires, Pisces will be favored by stones associated with the zodiacal constellation that prevails at the time of their birth: alexandrite, red coral, aquamarine, sapphire.
Stones of the constellation opposite Pisces (Virgo stones), being in dissonance with their nature, can destroy well-being and life: emerald, jasper, chalcedony, pomegranates.
The ancients believed that sapphire would be the happiest talisman for Pisces in April, May and September, and aquamarine in October.

The horoscopes used materials from the treatise "On the Influence of Stars on Man" (Ferdinand Schwab, first half of the 20th century). Additional materials of the treatise can be viewed
10. Compatibility of zodiac signs
11. Zodiac signs on Soviet postcards.

Business insight: How to attract clients to a photo studio? Invite them to appear in a new bright image and capture it on the camera. At least it works for girls. And if the images are not one, but as many as twelve? And all of them are amazing and unique, but at the same time they are part of the same semantic composition?

Photoshoot "Signs of the Zodiac" - this is what the heart of any beauty will not suit. Twelve photographs, each of which is SHE in different fantastic images. Yes, her friends will just be jealous when they see this on her wall in a social network.

And from a business point of view? An excellent business in which there is a place for a make-up artist, a costume designer, and, of course, a photographer.

Twelve unique images in the photo shoot "Signs of the Zodiac"

Stop checking your horoscope. Instagram makeup guru Setareh Hosseini has combined beauty and astrology to create breathtaking, incredible looks for every existing zodiac sign. And we can't even choose which one is the most violent. Yes, the best definition here would be the word "violent".

Setareh, under the username starlit_makeup, is a professional make-up artist based in Toronto, and this moment she has over ninety thousand followers on Instagram.

The series, where she portrays the signs of the zodiac, proved to be especially popular. This happened because she used a variety of techniques and devices (from fake horns to pencil-drawn freckles) to make each of the signs she depicted look more realistic than the previous one.

And what is your zodiac sign? Write in the comments and let us know if you would like to try out some of these daring looks.

Sagittarius (Sagittarius)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Sagittarius Sagittarius

Leo (Lion)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Leo Lion

Scorpio (Scorpio)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Scorpio Scorpio

Taurus (Taurus)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Taurus Taurus

Virgo (Virgo)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Virgo Virgo

Gemini (Gemini)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Gemini Gemini

Libra (Libra)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Libra Libra


Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Cancer

Aquarius (Aquarius)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Aquarius Aquarius

Capricorn (Capricorn)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Capricorn Capricorn

Pisces (Pisces)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Pisces Pisces

Aries (Aries)

Photo session "Signs of the Zodiac" - 12 unique images. Aries Aries http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1-Sagittarius-Strelets.jpghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1-Sagittarius-Strelets-300x300.jpg 2017-05-04T22:01:17+03:00 Business insight Art Services Photography horoscope, Signs of the Zodiac, art, makeup, services, photo, photography, photo shootBusiness insight: How to attract clients to a photo studio? Invite them to appear in a new bright image and capture it on the camera. At least it works for girls. And if the images are not one, but as many as twelve? And all of them are amazing and unique, but at the same time they are part of the same semantic composition? Photoshoot...Business insight [email protected] Administrator BUSINESS INSIGHT

Feel free to contact us if:

1. You are a creative person and know how to create such beauty. We will try to find clients for you.
2. You would like to order such a product or service. We have talented and responsible performers.
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