What are olives good for? Olives: benefits and harms of canned fruits for the human body. Olives are a berry, fruit or vegetable

Good afternoon, dear readers! Olives and olives are the oldest product used by people as food and they grow on the olive tree, which is distinguished by its life expectancy. Now this exotic fruit has become available to us, though only in canned form.

To use a tasty product for the benefit of your health, it is important to know the full information about the fruits that they can bear. The fruits are not eaten fresh because of their hardness and bitterness.

Where they grow, they are soaked and salted; the correct canning process, without violating technology, preserves the rich composition of the fruit. Today in the article you will learn the difference between olives and black olives, how they are useful and what harm they can cause to the body.

What's the difference between olives and olives?

The olive tree (Olea europaea) grows in a subtropical climate and is cultivated in all Mediterranean countries, including on the Black Sea coast. The evergreen plant belongs to the genus Olives ( Olea), olive family ( Oleaceae). Therefore, many people call the fruits of this tree olives.

The tree is unique in its lifespan, because it lives for more than 2000 years, begins to bear fruit only after 20 years of age and bears fruit once a year - olives.

Many people consider olives and olives to be the fruits of different trees. But that's not true. This is the same fruit. Olives are unripe fruits that have... For some reason, it is customary to call the ripened fruits of the olive tree olives, and depending on the degree of ripeness, they can be from purple to black. Although, this still to some extent depends on the species of a given genus.

Therefore, the difference between olives and black olives lies in their degree of ripeness and species, but in no case in their usefulness or composition.

Olives: benefits and harm to the body

The benefits and harms of olives are constantly of interest to consumers, and this is no coincidence, because this product, although in canned form, can be seen in every store. They have become available and this is good news, since the fruits of the olive tree are of great benefit.

What is the chemical composition and nutritional value

Calorie content of fruits: Canned fruits contain 114 calories per 100 g of product, olive oil - up to 900 kcal. Unripe, green fruits have slightly lower calorie content than ripe ones, which contain more than 160 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value: Olive fruits contain a high fat content, up to 30 g, up to 7 g of carbohydrates and up to 1 g of proteins, so this tree is considered an oilseed crop.

The amount of oil in olive fruits is not always the same; on this basis, they are classified into two groups: those with a rich oil content and those with a less rich content. Oil fruits, which is 90%, are used for processing to obtain oil, and from the second group - for canning. Oilseeds are identified by the size of the seed; it should be smaller in size.

Fruit composition

Olives, the benefits and harms of which we are considering, contain a lot of chemical elements periodic table Mendelev: copper and zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, selenium and sodium, iron, calcium and potassium.

Green olives, as well as black ones, are rich in:

Pectin, which plays an important role in the functioning of the digestive organs and the removal of harmful substances and salts from the body.

Unsaturated acids, protecting the body from the formation of malignant cells, regulating the content of cholesterol in the blood, taking part in the synthesis of hormones.

Linoleic acid, regulating fat and protein metabolism in the body, participates in the synthesis of hormones that affect the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems, heart and other organs.

Squalene, necessary for a person to maintain health and beauty. Squalene supplies cells of all organs and tissues with oxygen, has fungicidal, carcinogenic, and antimicrobial properties.

Rich in vitamin and mineral composition:

Vitamin C, which in fruits contains up to 0.94 mg/per 100 g. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the destructive effect of free radicals on the human body.

Vitamin E, up to 0.013 mg, which is a source of youth and beauty, energy potential.

VitaminD , up to 87 mg, regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, slowing down skin aging Vitamin D is important for the heart, bone, and immune systems of the body, especially for small children.

Calcium, up to 1.2 mg, supporting the human skeletal system, dental health, heart function and nervous system, strengthening blood vessels and immunity.

Magnesium, up to 1.2 mg, supporting up to 300 biochemical reactions of the body, which determine the functioning of all internal organs.

Iron, up to 0.66 mg, involved in cellular respiration, supports the functioning of the brain, thyroid gland, and nervous system.

In addition to the listed beneficial substances, the content of thiamine and niacin, pyridoxine and riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, triterpene and phenolcarboxylic acids, choline (vitamin B4) is noted...

Benefits of olives

What benefits do olives bring? ethnoscience Greece claims that everyone who constantly eats olives becomes more resilient and resilient.

Due to its rich composition, the fruits have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. They have low acidity, are quickly digested and easily absorbed. Help regulate the balance of carbohydrates and fats.

And the fatty acids contained in the fruit inhibit the development of tumor cells in the intestines and promote tissue regeneration in cases of gastric ulcers. Therefore, canned olives can be eaten daily, 5-6 pieces.

It’s curious that... Olive pectins bind waste and toxins, salts heavy metals in the intestines and remove them from the body, improving the microflora. It is no coincidence that when preparing alcoholic cocktails, olives are often added, which neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.

If you eat several fruits of olives every day, they will help prevent heart diseases, because they contain vitamins necessary for the heart muscle and blood vessels, useful substances for strengthening the nervous system and immunity.

Thanks to squalene and acids contained in fruits, the body receives additional energy, vigor, good mood, improving the appearance of skin and hair.

Scientists, studying the fruits of the olive tree, claim that they help inhibit the development of cancer cells. Statistics show low rates of breast cancer among Mediterranean women. Scientists believe that oleic acid contained in fruits plays an active role in this process.

This acid is also the main component of olive oil, which is why it is so popular and recommended by nutritionists for all diets.

The role of unsaturated fatty acids, which predominate in these fruits, is also known. They are like healers, restoring damaged cell membranes, restoring their vital functions and helping to prolong their life. Therefore, it is recommended to include olives in food more often, as well as olive oil, as a preventive measure for diseases of internal organs and systems, blood vessels, skin and mucous membranes.

Are olives beneficial for women?

As noted above, olives inhibit the development of cancer cells not only of the digestive tract, but also of breast cancer.

The presence of vitamin E in the fruits does not leave any woman indifferent to olives. By taking vitamin E along with olive fruits or oil, women maintain youth and beauty for a long time. It confirms appearance hair and skin beauty of the Mediterranean inhabitants.

And in synergy with antioxidants, vitamin E prevents premature aging of the body.

Oleic acid, with its constant use, reduces wrinkles by 25%

Scientists note that the fruits are beneficial for pregnant women. Indeed, during this period, women need to replenish their bodies with vitamins and minerals, and olive fruits help regulate this balance.

And for men?

Undoubtedly. Who wouldn't want to improve their health? internal organs: heart, blood vessels, digestive organs... But there are also statements that vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and active biological substances of these fruits have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system of men, and women too. Thereby increasing fertility.

Benefits of olive seeds

I came across a statement that olive pits also have many benefits. What has been proven by medicine is that they are perfectly digested in the body and, like a sorbent, help cleanse the gallbladder, its ducts, kidneys and bladder of all unnecessary deposits (sand and stones).

They have a beneficial effect on the recovery of people suffering from lung diseases, shortness of breath and asthma. Therefore, it is recommended to eat 10 canned olives daily, along with the pit.

The fruit of the olive is a drupe, and drupes (in my opinion) are not digested by the body. Maybe they need to be ground into flour first? Dear readers, if anyone knows something: is it healthy to swallow olive pits whole, write in the comments.

Although, again, based on feedback from forum members, I learned that in Mediterranean countries it is customary to swallow an olive along with a pit, like a pill.

There is no doubt about the benefits of the composition of the seeds. After all, the main part of the oil is concentrated in the seeds. And it contains: triglycerides, polyphenols, tocopherol, squalene, Omega 3 and 6, catinoids, phenolic compounds, a lot of different vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and proteins, and even active compounds that are not found in fruit pulp.

Therefore, the composition of the seeds will only bring benefits to the body. The question is how to use them. Maybe, indeed, swallow it along with the pulp...

Are canned olives healthy?

Canned olives have just as many benefits as fresh ones. But the thing is that fresh olives are completely unsuitable for consumption. They are hard and bitter, so they can be cooked.

Processing includes salting and pickling of fruits with the addition of spices, lemon, anchovy and various fillings.

We are given the opportunity to enjoy only canned olives.

How are they made?

The fruits are collected unripe, that is, green. So that they lose their hardness and bitterness, they are soaked. Some unscrupulous manufacturers use caustic soda to speed up the process. Then they go to preservation, where various seasonings are added.

With black olives things are much more serious. Previously, ripe black fruits (olives, as we call them) of natural origin could be found on sale.

Now, producers have learned to artificially blacken olives. To do this, green olives are placed in a salty solution for 5 months and kept during this time at a temperature of plus 10 degrees.

After this, the solution is drained and the fruits are placed in tin containers for oxidation. Under the influence of tin, iron oxide is produced in the fruits during the oxidation process, which turns the fruits black.

Modern technologies are carried out with time saving in mind. Therefore, after keeping the olives in a salty solution, they are treated with O2 for a week and iron gluconate, which is called stabilizer E579, is added. As a result of the reactions occurring inside the fruits, they change their color to black, but acquire a special taste and softness.

Excess stabilizer has a harmful effect on human health and can cause disruptions in the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys.

Harm of canned olives

When choosing canned olives (olives), be prudent. It is important to understand whether these fruits are ripened on the tree or have been subjected to artificial blackening.

Artificially blackened fruits contain excessive doses of iron, and some studies also show the presence of a small amount of tin.

A one-time use of such a product will not cause any particular harm to the body, but still, it is better to buy green olives.

Do not try to buy olives stuffed with anchovies, in other words - a small anchovy fish. Instead of this fish, manufacturers often put a paste of dubious origin, containing a sodium alginate thickener. Which contains a large amount of monosodium glutamate and stabilizers.

This delicacy is especially dangerous for people prone to cholecystitis, with upset stomach and intestines.

How to choose canned olives

First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the jar. It is better to buy olives in metal jars, but not in glass jars, where the vitamin is destroyed under the influence of light. The jar must be in good presentation, without dents or rust.

Do not buy fruits with additives; they are usually full of stabilizers, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

If you want to buy olives, pay attention to their color. Natural fruits have a heterogeneous color. There are more reddish-brown shades with an admixture of brown, but not black.

The healthiest olives and good quality come from Spain and Italy.

Now you know the benefits and dangers of olives and what is the difference between them. Nutritionists say that 10-12 olives a day will only benefit the body. Therefore, feel free to buy olives, taking into account the described warnings and eat them for your health!

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Most Mediterranean dishes use olives in their composition - their excellent taste allows them to be added to many recipes. Olive is recommended for both men and women due to its medicinal properties.

Where do olives grow?

Olive europaea, whose fruits are olives- a heat-loving plant growing in southern countries. Most often it is found in Mediterranean countries: Greece and Turkey, Israel, Italy and Spain. Spain is the main supplier of olives on the world market, which has not been inferior to its leadership for many years.

In addition to the main habitat, olive trees are grown in Iraq and Iran, Turkmenistan, India, Peru and Mexico. IN Soviet times European olive was grown on the Black Sea coast and in the Crimea, as well as in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Are olives a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are often classified as berries and fruits: they are small seed fruits that resemble cherries or plums. From a botanical point of view, they belong to the group of drupes: these are fruits that have only one seed and are not considered berries.

Olives belong to the group of drupes

Olives are similar to berries in size, fruits in structure, and vegetables in taste. But at the same time, they do not belong to any of these groups: olive fruits are allocated to a separate family “Oliaceae”. The genus of this plant is “Olive”, and the species is “European olive”.

Why are olives black and olives green?

Olives and olives are the fruits of the same tree, which is called the “European Olive”. The difference between them lies in the degree of ripeness: green color indicates immaturity, and dark color indicates complete ripeness of the fruit.

Olives, known in European countries as “black olives,” are not actually black in color: their rich dark hue is closer to purple or brown tones. One side of olives is often darker than the other, and the pit is not removed.

Olives and olives grow on the same tree

On sale you can more often find pitted olives of a uniform blue-black color. This shade is obtained artificially by adding chemical preservatives to unripe green olives. After such processing, there are no beneficial properties left in pseudo-olives.

Chemical composition of olives and BJU

The beneficial effects of olive fruits on the body are due to the components in their composition.

A table with the composition of black and green fruits, which takes into account calorie content, dietary fat, the amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

Green olives Black olives (olives)
Calorie content145 kcal115 kcal
Squirrels1 g0.84 g
Fats15.3 g10.68 g
Carbohydrates3.8 g6.26 g
Cellulose3.3 g3.2 g
Vitamin A0.019 mg0.02 mg
Beta carotene0.231 mg0.237 mg
Beta-cryptoxanthin0.009 mg0.009 mg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin0.51 mg0.51 mg
Vitamin B10.021 mg0.003 mg
Vitamin B20.007 mg
Vitamin B414.2 mg10.3 mg
Vitamin B50.023 mg0.015 mg
Vitamin B60.031 mg0.012 mg
Vitamin B90.003 mg
Vitamin C1.5 mg
Vitamin E3.81 mg1.65 mg
Vitamin K0.001 mg0.001 mg
Vitamin PP0.237 mg0.037 mg
Potassium42 mg9 mg
Calcium52 mg94 mg
Magnesium11 mg4 mg
Sodium1566 mg735 mg
Phosphorus4 mg3 mg
Iron0.49 mg3.32 mg
Manganese0.02 mg
Copper0.12 mg0.25 mg
Selenium0.001 mg0.001 mg
Zinc0.04 mg0.22 mg
Fatty acid
Omega-3 fatty acids0.092 g0.065 g
Omega-6 fatty acids1.215 g0.847 g
Palmitic1.691 g1.179 g
Stearic0.338 0.236 g
Palmitoleic0.123 g0.086 g
Oleic11.144 g7.77 g
Gadoleic0.146 g0.032 g
Linoleic1.215 g0.847 g
Linolenic0.092 g0.064 g
The chemical composition depends on the specific variety of fruit and the method of processing. Canned, pickled and salted olives contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones.

Useful properties of olives

The benefits of olive fruits for the human body are invaluable.

Due to their composition, rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, they are indispensable for many diseases:

  1. For atherosclerosis: vitamin PP and fiber regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood, helping to cope with its excess.
  2. For cardiovascular diseases: the high content of potassium, vitamins B6 and PP lowers blood pressure and strengthens vascular walls.
  3. For metabolic disorders: the composition is low in sugar, high in fatty acids, as well as vitamins B6, C and E, which lower blood sugar levels and speed up metabolism.
  4. For disorders of the nervous system: normalize cerebral circulation and have a mild sedative effect, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and PNS.
  5. For anemia: black fruits contain a lot of iron and vitamin C, which improves its absorption and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  6. For arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and gout: phosphorus and calcium in the composition strengthen bones and joints.
  7. For digestive problems: fiber improves the digestion and absorption of food, helps with constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  8. When losing weight: low calorie content product, as well as vitamins B6 and C in its composition, which regulate metabolism, allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight.
  9. At infectious diseases: vitamins C and E increase the activity of the immune system, providing preventive and therapeutic effect for colds.

Olives are also very useful for children and adolescents: fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the growing body.

For men

The benefits of olives for men include the following effects:

  1. Vitamin E improves blood circulation and sperm quality, and also prevents the destruction of testosterone by insulin.
  2. Fatty acids cleanse blood vessels and improve blood flow to all parts of the body, including the genitals.
  3. Vitamin B9 prevents early baldness and stimulates new hair growth.
  4. Vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminating circulatory insufficiency.
  5. Zinc increases testosterone levels in the blood.

In order to achieve best effect when fighting erectile dysfunction, men should consume 10-15 fruits per day.

Olives cleanse blood vessels

For women

Benefits of olive fruit for women's health due to the following:

  1. Vitamins C, E and selenium prevent the spread of free radicals, slowing down aging and reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Vitamins A and B improve the condition of hair and skin: hide wrinkles and inflammation, strengthen hair, accelerate its growth and give it shine.
  3. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen nail plates and teeth.
  4. Monounsaturated fats, vitamins A and E promote fertility and increase the chances of conceiving a child.
  5. Vitamin B6 thins the blood and strengthens blood vessels, prevents varicose veins and thrombosis during pregnancy.
  6. Low calorie content allows you to eat the fruit on a diet.

Olives for women are useful not only when taken orally: the fruits and oil from them can be used externally as part of homemade masks for the face, hair and body.

Olives prevent thrombosis

The benefits of different forms

Regardless of the form in which olives are sold, they have a beneficial effect on the body.

Each storage method has its advantages:

  1. Fresh olives: contain the maximum amount of useful substances, but are unsuitable for food. Fresh fruits are very bitter and have an astringent property.
  2. Dried: prepared by drying in the sun. Unlike pickled and salted fruits, they do not contain salt or potentially harmful preservatives, and retain greatest number vitamins and minerals.
  3. Pickled: less healthy than fresh or dried fruits, but with the correct cooking technique they retain most of their beneficial properties. Canned and salted fruits last longer, taste better and often contain healthy spices.
  4. Olive oil: used internally both independently and as part of various dishes. It is also used in face and hair masks, creams and scrubs, for wiping and cleansing the skin, and as part of cleansing enemas.
  5. Olive leaves: Used in cooking as a seasoning and also brewed as a tea. Relieves tension and anxiety, prevents cardiovascular diseases, tones and strengthens the immune system.

Olive leaf tea is beneficial for of cardio-vascular system

Methods of application

Olive fruit is the most common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, found in almost every recipe. Their use is unlimited: olives are used in recipes for pizza, pasta and focaccio, in many salads and soups, as part of pesto and a variety of meat and fish dishes, fried or baked in the oven.

Olive fruits are often used as a decorative element for hot dishes - they look aesthetically pleasing and do not interfere with the taste of the dish. They also decorate alcoholic cocktails: if you snack on alcohol with olives, they will begin to resist toxins and reduce hangover symptoms.

Olives counteract alcohol toxins

Another use for olives is as a snack. They can be present in canapés or consumed on their own: canned, dried or salted. It is acceptable to eat 7-10 fruits per day.

Harm of olives

Black olives in a jar can harm the body. If these are not real olives, but artificially colored fruits, they contain harmful additives. These are caustic soda, in a solution of which olives last for a week, and iron glutonate, which gives blackened pseudo-olives a stable color.

Both of these additives can cause allergies in the consumer, in addition, after prolonged treatment with them beneficial features olives are disappearing. If the canned product contains the color stabilizing additive E579, you should not purchase it.

Also, excessively salty brine in which it is stored can cause harm to the body.

You should not eat olives if you have stones in your bile ducts.

Question answer

Which olives are healthier - green or black?

Black olives, or olives, contain vitamin C and manganese, which are absent in green fruits. Olives are also lower in calories, and they contain more copper, zinc, calcium and vitamin A. Otherwise, green olives are superior to black fruits: they contain more vitamins, macro- and microelements, and various fatty acids.

It is preferable to eat both types of olive fruits: this way the body will receive the greatest amount of useful elements.

Why do you want olives?

Cravings for certain foods can occur due to illness and lack of nutrients. The desire to eat olives appears as a result of a lack of sodium salts in the body.

This may also indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

A strong desire to eat olives may indicate a thyroid disorder.

Can you eat olives with pits?

Olive pits are considered a very useful product: they contain no less useful substances than the fruit itself. Due to their large size, they are difficult to swallow and difficult to digest, so most often the seeds are consumed orally after grinding with a blender or coffee grinder.

Olive pits are rich in beneficial elements

Black and green olives are healthy fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. They have a positive effect on his work, have an excellent taste and fit perfectly into many dishes.

Olives, also known as olives (they are actually the same thing), are the fruits of the olive tree, which is native to the Mediterranean. Today, however, this tree is cultivated in other parts of the world.

The olive fruit consists of a thin, smooth skin (epidermis), fleshy pulp of varying textures and a pit. The fruit pulp of the olive is rich in lipids, the concentration of which varies depending on the ripening of the fruit. Many varieties of olives are used only for production olive oil, however, we will talk about olives that can be eaten raw.

For reference: there are two types of olives, green and black. In fact, these are the same olives, it’s just that green olives are harvested unripe, and black olives are harvested fully ripe. Therefore, the pulp of green olives is denser and sour, the pulp of black olives is softer and less sour.

Nutritional composition

Olives are rich in fats, especially oleic acid and omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, olives are an excellent source of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron), vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamin E, D, K), antioxidants, bioflavonoids and fiber. Olives in brine are high in sodium. The presence of all these substances determines the beneficial properties of olives, of which, believe me, there are quite a lot.

Benefits of olives for the heart

Thanks to their high content of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, olives have many health benefits, especially for heart health. For example, the monounsaturated fats and polyphenols contained in olives help prevent cholesterol oxidation, which means they have a remarkable protective and preventive effect against atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

In addition to this, polyphenols have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevent the formation of blood clots, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This leads to reduced wear and tear on the heart and improved cardiac function.

Anti-cancer and cleansing effect

These same polyphenols, vitamin E and beta-carotene are very important antioxidant substances found in olives. The antioxidant activity of these substances is of particular importance: thanks to them, the action of free radicals is neutralized, which prevents the occurrence of cancer, heart disease, many other types of degenerative and chronic diseases, as well as premature aging.

Another beneficial property of olives is that they improve liver and intestinal functions. Due to their high fiber content, olives help cleanse the colon and help prevent or manage constipation. All of these effects lead to increased detoxification and elimination of toxins from the body, which improves the functionality and health of the entire body as a whole.

Also, due to their high mineral content, olives are an excellent natural alternative to all kinds of artificial additives that give the body energy, strength and nutrients.

Healthy bones, skin and vision

And that’s not all that medicine knows about olives – the beneficial properties of this product are even broader and more voluminous. For example, olives are rich in vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, which together play an important role in the growth and development of bones and prevent various bone dysfunctions - such as rickets in children or osteoporosis in adults.

A very important benefit of olives for women is that the antioxidants contained in this product have a beneficial effect on skin health as they help prevent damage caused by free radicals in the skin tissue. Olives also contain relatively high amounts of beta-carotene, which plays an important role in stimulating skin regeneration and providing skin protection. Thus, this combined effect can help keep the skin healthy, smooth and youthful, which is what many women dream of.

The vitamins and antioxidants contained in olives are beneficial not only for healthy skin, but also for normal vision, especially in low light conditions. If you want your vision to be perfect and your eyes to be healthy, include olives in your diet more often.

The genus Olive includes about 25 species. These are trees and shrubs, among which there are ornamental plants, as well as species of economic importance.

In the little-known species of Cape olive (O. capensis) and golden-leaved olive (O. сhrysophylla), wood is used. The most valuable is the European or cultivated olive (Olea Europaea).

Where and how olives grow

These are heat-loving plants. They are suitable for the temperate and tropical climates of South Asia, the Mediterranean, North Africa, and Australia. The European oil tree is cultivated here. Its fruits are known among us as olives.

Other species are not suitable for food: wild olive forms low-growing forests and is a good honey plant and decorative element of the southern landscape.

Olives are a berry, vegetable or fruit

It is not customary to call fruits growing on a tree a vegetable. It is also difficult to classify them as fruits, at least based on the characteristics of culinary use. In everyday life you can hear that the fruit of an olive is a berry. It grows on a tree, is small in size, similar to or.

But botanists do not consider this a good reason; for them, its structure is more important. The fruit of the olive tree is called a drupe.

Olives and black olives - what's the difference?

The name "olives" is used only by residents of Russia and post-Soviet space. We usually call dark-colored fruits olives, and greenish ones - olives.

In other countries, both are olives. Manufacturers only specify the color of the product. Both species grow on the same tree. But they are collected at different times. This is not the only difference between olives and olives.

How olives are made

The bitterness is removed from green fruits by soaking them in a solution of caustic soda, then salted or pickled. Dark color often obtained by additional oxygenation with the addition of ferrous gluconate and subsequent fixation of the pigment with ferrous gluconate.

Types of olives

There are two groups of dark fruits. Some ripen on the tree, others are harvested green (obtained black artificially). Ripe in a natural way the fruits rarely have a uniform color. They are purple, reddish or brown. When canning, the seeds are not removed from them, since the pulp is too tender and does not hold its shape.

If you bought black fruits with seeds, then you have oxidized fruits - black oxidized olives, that is, green, but changed their color as a result of chemical reactions. The famous black olives of Halkidiki are also produced in this way. Although, there are varieties that, after ripening, are fermented naturally (for example, Kalamata olives).

Composition and calorie content

There are three groups of fruits: oilseeds, canned (table) and combined (canned-oilseed) olives. The benefits and harms for the body of all groups depend on the method of use and chemical composition pulp.

Chemical composition of table olive varieties

100 g of product contains the following substances:

  • proteins – 1 g;
  • fats – 6.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.1 g;
  • insoluble fiber – 2.5 g;
  • water – 83.34 g.

The vitamins present in olives are mostly fat-soluble. The pulp contains alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) – 1.65 mg, vitamin A – 17 mcg. Almost all B vitamins have been identified, ascorbic acid(vitamin C) and niacin (vitamin PP).

Macroelements are represented by sodium (898 mg), calcium (94 mg), potassium (9 mg), magnesium (4 mg), phosphorus (3 mg). There are significant quantities of iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese and other trace elements.

Energy value

The calorie content of canned olives depends on the variety, caliber, time and place of harvest. Fruits picked green are lower in calories. 100 g contains about 115…140 kcal. Tree-ripened fruits contain more fat. Their calorie content is higher - from 140 to 180 kcal/100 g.

Olives - benefits and harm to the body

Even after processing, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties. However, this does not mean that they can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The benefits of canned olives are evident when consumed in moderation.

You can eat 7 medium-sized fruits per day. Preference is given to natural products. The beneficial properties of olives canned without food additives are most expressed.

Useful properties of olives

  • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle– the pulp contains monounsaturated fats, which reduce inflammatory processes in tissues and improve blood pressure.
  • Positively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract– the product contains a lot of fiber, which improves the digestion process.
  • At iron deficiency anemia improve blood formula– relieve cells from oxygen starvation.
  • They prevent the formation of malignant cells in the body – antioxidant properties are well expressed.
  • The product has known antihistamine properties.– it helps to remove the manifestations of allergies at the cellular level.
  • Neutralizes toxins and removes heavy metal salts– pectins in the product normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent harmful substances from being absorbed into the blood.

Cautions and Limitations

Having learned the benefits of canned black olives, we must not forget about contraindications. The product produces a mild laxative effect. It is contraindicated for diarrhea.

It should not be included in the menu for cholecystitis, as its choleretic effect is known.

Canned fruits can be harmful to people suffering from increased swelling and kidney disease, as they contain a lot of salt.

There are many speculations about the benefits of olive pits. Nutritionists claim that it is not digested in the body, and its benefits are questionable.

Are artificially blackened olives healthy?

It is important to control the content food additives E-579(iron gluconate) in olives, The preservative may be harmful if the norm is exceeded (150 mg/kg).

In moderation, the iron in this drug is not dangerous. However, the jar contains its daily norm, if regularly exceeded, important organs can be affected: liver, heart, kidneys.

The benefits of olives for women

Nutritionists recommend this product for women. The benefit of olives is that they But you can’t get carried away - one or two things will be useful, but an eaten jar.

With regular use, the product improves the condition of hair and skin and prevents premature aging.

Olives during pregnancy

Since fruits dried without preservatives are still rare in our country, it is important for expectant mothers to know whether canned olives are healthy while pregnant. Potential harm depends on these same preservatives. The more there are, the higher the risk of weakening the pregnant woman’s immunity.

Caution should be exercised when consuming fruits with vinegar. You need to carefully look at the salt content in canned food - this mineral retains water in the body, and this is the path to swelling.

Can you eat olives while breastfeeding?

In the absence of a contraindication, olives for breastfeeding begin to be eaten when the child turns 3 months. At this age, the baby's digestive system becomes more stable.

Under the hot southern sun, truly magnificent plants and trees grow, giving people their invisible gifts. A clear confirmation of the generosity of the southern sun are olives, whose benefits significantly outweigh their harm, and their calorie content does not limit consumption. Mediterranean cuisine abounds in national dishes with these oilseeds, using them in combination with vegetables, meat or pasta.

Olive tree or Olive tree is an oil tree that produces small fruits. They can be called both olives and olives. They differ only in ripeness. Simply put, olives are ripe olives. When talking about the benefits and harms of olives, we are talking about the benefits and harms of olives, and vice versa! To the question of what is healthier – olives or black olives, the answer is clear: they are equivalent in their nutritional value and properties!

It is worth adding that there are varieties of olives (rich in oil), and there are table varieties - for consumption, mainly in canned form. Universal varieties of olives are grown for any purpose. Table olives are characterized by smaller seed pits and thicker, meatier flesh. It is the table varieties that are used for canning.

Another point that I would like to highlight is the technology for canning the fruits of olive trees. Ripe olives are sent mainly for oil production, and those black olives that we eat with pleasure are unripe fruits that are subject to chemical treatment during production.

At the same time, oxygen is supplied to the container where the unripe fruits are soaked, which oxidizes them, as a result of which the green olives acquire a dark color - from brown-violet to blue-black.

One of the impressive characteristics of the olive tree fruit is that it does not lose its health benefits when preserved. Whether canned or pickled, stuffed or not, any olives are healthy! Fresh fruits are very tart, sour and hard, and therefore practically unsuitable for consumption without preparation.

Olives are rich in B vitamins – B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), folic acid(B9). They also replenish our body with choline, which prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver. In addition to the listed vitamins, olives provide our body with vitamin E in significant quantities, vitamin K (phylloquinone).

In addition to vitamins, the harvest of olive plantations replenishes our body with sodium (852 mg per 100 g!), magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. There are also enough trace elements necessary for humans: iron (3.3 mg), copper (251 mcg), zinc, selenium and other trace elements. Olives (by definition) are rich in unsaturated Omega-6 acids, which interfere with metabolism and normalize it.

To understand whether olives are actually healthy, you should know that most of the substances found in these beautiful berries are in a biologically active form. Therefore, the beneficial properties of olives are difficult to dispute, and we should eat them daily, at least a few berries a day - fortunately, their choice in retail chains is now unlimited.

Olives are very resistant fruits to various influences. They pass on their resilience to us. Our health is strengthened by taking on the resilience of these wonderful gifts from the Mediterranean.

  • The product contains pectins, which are “scavengers”, sweeping out human body slag deposits, heavy metal salts and toxins. Therefore, residents of large cities polluted with exhaust gases should always have a jar of olives in the refrigerator.
  • The pulp of olive crops contains fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and improve the intestinal flora.
  • The saturation of the product with B vitamins will help with depressive mental states, bad mood, and for the improvement of the entire nervous system.
  • Vitamin E will help women become even more beautiful, improve the functioning of the reproductive organs, and activate the body’s self-healing. Eating olive fruits on a daily basis reduces the risk of female breast diseases by 50%! We are talking, first of all, about malignant neoplasms in the breast and mastopathy.
  • To replenish the body with iron, women expecting the birth of a baby should definitely eat olive berries in quantities of up to 20 pieces per day.
  • Men are also recommended to eat 10-15 olives a day to improve potency and sperm activity.
  • Potassium, which has a high concentration in these magnificent small berries, helps to improve the cardiovascular system and increase the elasticity of capillaries.
  • The complex of healing substances in olives, especially unsaturated fatty acids, helps remove cholesterol from the bloodstream, prevents thrombosis and blood thickening.
  • Unsaturated acids nourish cells, restore their damaged membranes, and thereby strengthen our immune system.
  • Scientists have proven that olive products contain a complex of natural elements that prevent the formation of malignant tumors and prevent their growth.
  • Olives are rich in calcium in bioactive form, which is why they are useful for strengthening bone tissue.

Olive consumption rate for healthy people– 7-8 fruits per day, and for active and active people or people involved in sports – up to 15 pieces. per day.

The olive pit, the benefits of which have been proven many times, is as useful a product as the pulp of the fruit.

The main benefit that consuming seeds (even without crushing them) can bring is the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys, gall or bladder. It is enough to eat 10-15 olives with pits twice a day (on an empty stomach). Tartar will also dissolve if you eat (swallow) whole or crushed olive pits.

It’s surprising that the benefits of olive seeds for the intestines are undeniable! They, like a broom, clean out stale feces and waste from the intestines. The stomach digests drupes just as well as pulp! Therefore, for constipation and intestinal atony, olive pits with pulp are a real cure!

Olive seeds help in the complex treatment of sore muscles and damaged ligaments, as well as pain associated with pinched nerves. It is recommended to eat them for the prevention or treatment of osteochondrosis.

Crushed olive pits are used as a scrub for the skin of the body and face.

Harm of olives

Any canned product cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities! This harm of canned foods must be taken into account since we only eat canned olives. They contain a lot of salt, which can negatively affect your well-being. It is not advisable to eat olive berries if you have diarrhea and cholecystitis (acute stage).

Calorie content of olives

Olives, whose calorie content is only 143 kcal, are a dietary product due to their healing effects on the human body.

Canned medium-sized olives have an even lower calorie content per 100 g - 115 calories. As a rule, olives are packaged in jars with a capacity of 165 g net, and the calorie content of a whole jar of canned olives is only 190 calories. Eat for your health!

  • Decorating dishes

Olives have a very beautiful appearance, which chefs all over the world actively use to decorate a huge number of the most different dishes. Their universal shape and density allow you to make beautiful cuts of any kind.

  • Hot and cold soups

Olive berries add flavor to any soup. Solyanka, kharcho soup - ideal only with olives! By adding at least a few olive fruits to any hot or cold soup, you will get a dish with an unusually bright taste!

  • Salads and sauces

The fruit of olive trees as a salad ingredient will make any salad very piquant! Greek salad, vegetable, meat or seafood - olive crops will fit everywhere! Black berries in combination with cheese have a particularly bright taste, so if there is cheese in the salad, then olives must be there!

Pasta sauces often contain olives - this national peculiarity Mediterranean dishes. In general, sauces, gravies, dressings, and decorations are often accompanied by the fruits of olive trees. Black olives are served with meat and poultry; they go harmoniously with white wines. Green olives are served with fish and seafood; they are better suited for red wines. These oilseeds go well with cheese.

Basically, you can find canned olives on sale from two countries: Spain and Greece, and less often from Italy. At the bottom of the jar, the size of the fruit is indicated through a fraction - the minimum and maximum number of fruits in 1 kg. Those. the smaller the caliber numbers, the larger the fruits. The gradation is something like this (depending on the manufacturer):

Very large fruits - from 70/90 to 101/110;

Large – from 111/120 to 141/160;

Average – from 161/180 to 231/260;

Small - from 261/290 to 351/380.

Knowing this indicator, you can choose the size of berries that suits your purposes.

It is very difficult to find olive crops in the consumer market of post-Soviet countries High Quality, not subjected to chemical treatment to give them a rich black color. As we wrote above, the black color of olives indicates their ripeness, but the canned food may not contain ripe olives, but olives treated with the E579 stabilizer.

Ferrous gluconate is a chemical compound (only these numbers may be indicated on the jar) that prevents olives that have been subjected to oxidation from regaining their green color. Those. The jars that contain this ingredient on the label are not olives, but green olives treated with a stabilizer.

Often retail chains offer olive fruits not in jars, but in bulk in containers. It is easier to determine their quality in this case: ripe fruits are unevenly colored, for example, on one side they are dark purple or brown, and on the other they are paler or green. Olives ripen unevenly, like any fruit or berries. If you see such a product on sale, buy it - this is natural olives that bring health to your home.

As for the canned product, read the label before purchasing and avoid artificially blackened fruits - there is very little benefit there! Although marketers and manufacturers prove to us that iron gluconate is completely harmless to humans and even replenishes our body with iron, solving problems with low hemoglobin. You decide!

If you bought oilseeds by weight, ask the store staff about the expiration date. But can we rely on the honesty of our sales workers? At home, rinse the fruits, place them in a clean glass jar and add a few tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice. Close the jar and twist it in your hands several times in different directions to distribute the oil and juice. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

The shelf life of an opened can of olives is up to 3 days, although here too we recommend transferring the berries to a glass container if the jar is made of tin.

We looked in detail at the benefits of olives, whether they are harmful, their calorie content and their use in cooking. By choosing your favorite brand of product and using it daily in various dishes, you will very soon notice an improvement in your well-being and a surge of vital energy!