Regulations on anti-alcohol policy at the enterprise. There's nothing better than vodka. history lessons and ways to improve

The problem of alcohol consumption in Russia and the external effects of excessive alcohol abuse. Public policy to reduce alcohol consumption. External effects of alcohol consumption and their relationship with anti-alcohol policy. Most of the authors are based on foreign data, but on this moment There are already a number of works devoted to the characteristics of alcohol consumption by the Russian population and assessing the effectiveness of measures anti-alcohol policy in Russia...

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In Chukotka, Magadan, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Sakhalin and Komi, the problem of alcoholism is acute. And the most “sober” regions are traditionally Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Unsolved problems include youth alcoholism, rising crime, a high proportion of counterfeit goods and “irresponsibility of officials.” According to experts, it is necessary to introduce additional legislative restrictions and improve the quality of life in the regions - “people do not drink because they have a good life.”

The rating was compiled on the basis of open data from Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Statistical Database and EMISS. The final score of the region was calculated based on six criteria. In particular, the number of people who died from alcohol and registered alcoholics was assessed. As well as the number of crimes and offenses committed while intoxicated related to the illegal production and trafficking of alcohol. Another evaluation criteria was the volume of alcohol sold and an analysis of regional legislation in this area.

Thus, for the fourth year in a row, Chechnya (12.78 points), Ingushetia (12.82) and Dagestan (14.18) have been recognized as the most sober regions. Karachay-Cherkessia also improved its position in the ranking: in 2015 it was 25th, but since 2016 it has firmly occupied fourth place (20.02).

Next comes Kabardino-Balkaria (20.70), which has always been among the top ten “sober” regions. Also this year, the leaders were the Belgorod (22.51) and Tyumen (22.52) regions, the Stavropol Territory (23.61), the Volgograd Region (24.24) and Kalmykia (26.48).

The main problems in the implementation of anti-alcohol policy, according to the authors of the rating, are youth alcoholism, an increase in crime and a high proportion of counterfeit goods. The process is also slowed down by the “irresponsibility of officials” - for example, attempts to legalize the sale of alcohol at gas stations and trade via the Internet, as well as the lack of proper control.

Local anti-alcohol legislation should be tightened, the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Valery Ryazansky.

According to the expert, the authorities of some regions should think about it, since “people don’t drink because they have a good life.” And it is necessary to think not only about prohibitions, but also about solving related problems, raising the quality of life of citizens, the political scientist believes.

The Russian way of anti-alcohol policy

Attempts government regulation alcohol market in Russia were undertaken repeatedly back in tsarist times. In 1896, under Emperor Nicholas II, a state “wine monopoly” was introduced, eliminating almost all private sales of alcohol in the country. During Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905 there was a complete ban on the sale of vodka in a number of regions, which lasted until 1907. Later, in 1914, due to the outbreak of the First World War, the sale of alcohol was prohibited throughout the country by government decree. This made it possible by 1915 to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to 0.2 liters per person (in 1913, this indicator was 4.7 liters per person). As a result, the “prohibition law” introduced by Nicholas II lasted in Russia until August 1923.

Subsequently, the Soviet government also made repeated attempts to introduce various restrictions on the sale of alcohol. Thus, in 1958, a resolution was adopted according to which the sale of vodka was prohibited by the majority of public catering establishments located in the area of ​​train stations, airports, in recreational areas for citizens, as well as in the immediate vicinity of industrial enterprises, educational and healthcare institutions. In 1972, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol were introduced in the USSR: the sale of alcoholic beverages with a strength of 30 degrees and above was allowed from 11.00 to 19.00, i.e. before the official closing time of stores selling alcohol.

In 1985, the largest anti-alcohol campaign in the history of the USSR was launched, during which the rules for the sale of alcohol became even stricter, and many retail outlets were closed. In the same stores where the sale of alcoholic beverages was allowed, alcohol could only be sold from 14.00 to 19.00. In addition, a ban was introduced on drinking alcohol in parks, squares, and long-distance trains. The economic crisis that began in the country in 1987, as well as mass dissatisfaction of the population with the campaign measures, forced the government to curtail the fight against alcoholism. However, temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol were not lifted and were in effect in the country until mid-1990. According to available estimates, per capita sales of alcoholic beverages fell by 60% over the years of the campaign. At the same time, during these years, the “shadow” alcohol market began to actively develop in the country, the volume of moonshine and illegal production of alcohol increased, and the number of poisonings with alcohol surrogates increased.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the USSR, anti-alcohol policy was not among the priorities Russian government. In the conditions of rapidly developing market relations, the state lost both its monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol and control over the time of its sale. In the 1990s, many manufacturers and sellers entered the alcohol market, including large international companies. According to Rosstat, alcohol sales in liters of pure alcohol per capita of the adult population increased sharply from 7.1 in 1990 to 10-11 in the 2000s.

Researchers emphasize the negative role of weakening state anti-alcohol policy. Treisman notes that the increase in mortality observed in Russia in the early 1990s was caused by the current alcohol pricing policy (the low relative price of vodka), and not by social stress from the country's political and economic reforms. Other authors consider the end of Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign to be the main cause of the so-called “Russian mortality crisis.”

Recent years, however, have been characterized by increased attention on the part of the Russian government to regulating the situation on the alcohol market. The key document in this regard was the “Concept for the implementation of state policy to reduce the level of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population,” adopted in 2009 Russian Federation for the period until 2020." The document, in addition to legislative regulation measures, also contains economic measures aimed at both limiting the affordability of alcohol (increasing excise taxes on alcohol, establishing minimum retail prices) and reducing its physical availability (reducing points and times of alcohol sales). The goals and directions of the state’s anti-alcohol policy were subsequently recorded in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 598 “On improving state policy in the field of healthcare.”

Since July 2011, uniform restrictions on the night time sales of alcoholic beverages have been introduced throughout the country - from 23.00 to 8.00. According to the law, from January 1, 2013, the ban on the night sale of alcohol was extended to beer. The unified federal restrictions introduced in 2011 turned out to be quite mild compared to those previously set by individual regions.

In 2011, a significant increase in excise taxes on alcohol, introduced back in 1992, began. So, in 2010 they amounted to 231 rubles per 1 liter of anhydrous ethyl alcohol with a strength of more than 9%, in 2011 - 254 rubles, in 2012 - 300 rubles, in 2013 - 400 rubles, in 2014 - 500 rubles, and from January 1, 2015 increased to 600 rubles.

New government policy measures for Russia include the legislative establishment of a minimum price for vodka. One of the main reasons for the introduction of this mechanism was the reduction in the price of vodka relative to the average salary, which many researchers explain the increase in alcohol consumption observed in Russia over the past 20 years. The relative price of alcohol in the country has steadily declined over the years, making it increasingly affordable. Thus, in the mid-1990s, the average salary could buy 25 liters of vodka or 100 liters of beer, and in 2009 – already 79 and 358 liters, respectively. Changes in the minimum price of vodka and the availability of alcohol in relation to the average salary are shown in table. 1. In 2010, the minimum price of vodka was established for the first time and at a fairly symbolic level - 89 rubles for a half-liter bottle. But subsequently the price increased several times, and by August 1, 2014 it had already reached 220 rubles.

Table 1. Minimum price of vodka relative to average wage

Date of introduction

Minimum price, rubles per 0.5 l

Average salary, rubles

How many bottles can you buy?

However, from February 1, 2015, the minimum retail price of vodka was reduced for the first time to 185 rubles (or by 16%). Among the reasons for this fact, experts highlight both the freezing of the vodka excise tax rate for 2015 and 2016, and the increase in the shadow sector of the alcohol market.

Thus, among the most noticeable measures to regulate the alcohol market in last years This includes the introduction of a minimum retail price for the sale of vodka, an increase in excise taxes on alcohol and the establishment of temporary bans on the sale of alcohol. As one would expect, official statistics show, since 2010, a steady decline in sales volumes as alcoholic drinks in general (in terms of pure alcohol), and vodka. Beer sales, having increased slightly in 2011, began to decline again, and in 2014, per capita sales of alcohol, beer and vodka were below the level of 2010 (Table 2).

Table 2. Dynamics of sales of alcoholic beverages in Russia, 2010-2014

Total annual sales:

All alcoholic beverages, in million dcl of alcohol

Vodka, million dl

Beer, million dkl

Per capita adult per year:

All alcoholic drinks, in liters of alcohol

Is it possible to say that the positive changes observed at the macro level are a consequence of the anti-alcohol policy pursued by the state? Considering that similar economic measures have been actively used by governments of different countries for many years, let us analyze well-known studies assessing their effectiveness.


The problem of alcoholism and anti-alcohol policy in Russia: the state and society suffer huge losses due to alcohol mortality

The words of the Russian writer Viktor Erofeev, “You are not drinking vodka, you are drinking your soul,” often come to mind when you are faced with another victim of the “green serpent,” a human misfortune, a disease called “Chronic alcoholism.” About the problems of people who abuse alcohol, society’s position on the problem of alcoholization of the population, alcohol policy in Russia - a conversation with the chief narcologist of the Omsk region, the chief physician budgetary institution health care (BUZOO) Omsk region "Narcological dispensary" S.S. Titov.

– What losses does the state and society suffer from alcohol?

Alcohol consumption in Russia is one of the highest in the world, and in terms of consumption of strong drinks, Russia, according to experts, is a world leader.

Alcohol is a destructive demographic, social and economic development countries. Research shows that severe alcohol problems are main reason that the mortality rate of Russians is catastrophically high. Moreover, young able-bodied men are dying. Alcohol-related mortality is not limited to alcohol poisoning and includes a significant proportion of murders, suicides, road traffic accidents, deaths from cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, pancreatitis, respiratory diseases, and cancer of the digestive system.

According to A.V. Nemtsova (Alexander Vikentievich Nemtsov, leading Russian expert in the field of alcohol mortality and alcohol policy, Doctor of Medical Sciences (1977) - website editor's note), alcohol losses modern Russia include about 30% of male deaths and 15% of female deaths, which in some years amounted to 600-700 thousand people. That is, the state and society are suffering huge losses that can be prevented, if not completely, then for the most part.

– What is the reason for the so-called alcoholic excess mortality in Russia?

In 1992, the alcohol industry was radically liberalized, the state monopoly on alcohol and the ban on moonshine were lifted, and the market was filled with cheap vodka and other liquids with a high ethanol content. At the same time, the lifting of the ban on moonshine, combined with the systemic socio-economic crisis in the village, led to an unprecedented increase in moonshine. In Russia there are 15 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year (A. Nemtsov). Hence the answer: using all available measures it is necessary to reduce the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages.

– Are alcohol substitutes the main source of mortality in Russia?

Of course, reducing the consumption of alcohol substitutes is mandatory, although not the only condition for reducing mortality.

– Is the state interested in eliminating the most important destructive factor in Russia’s development?

The goal of the state alcohol policy is to reduce mortality, morbidity and social problems associated with alcohol. The interests of the budgetary sphere of the state and national producers of alcoholic products are taken into account only to the extent that they do not contradict the main goal.

Another important principle of modern alcohol policy is its focus on society as a whole, and not exclusively on heavy alcoholics. Alcoholism is a social disease, and to treat it it is necessary to influence the entire society, since all cohorts of alcohol consumers in society influence one another.

Most victims of alcohol-related deaths are not alcoholics. A significant proportion of alcohol-related deaths, accidents and crimes are associated with a state of severe intoxication, which is regularly achieved not only by alcoholics. Of course, the mortality rate among alcoholics is very high, but the main losses come from the largest risk group - normal “respectable” citizens who periodically (for example, on weekends) take dangerous doses of alcohol. It is also an important priority to reduce alcohol consumption among young people as much as possible. In our opinion, without solving the problems of alcoholism of the population at the state level, it is impossible to improve society, economic, social, and demographic development.

– How does society relate to the problem of alcoholism? It’s no secret that the main justification from any mouth is: “Everyone drinks?!..”

Public support greatly facilitates the implementation of alcohol policy measures. Research shows that promoting sobriety and moderation alone has little effect on people's behavior. However, carrying out such work is necessary, as it contributes to the formation of public support for the state’s alcohol policy, without which it is impossible to achieve the effect of measures such as reducing the availability of alcohol, especially strong drinks, economically, in space, in time and by age. Such measures include a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night.

In most northern countries, alcoholic drinks are also not sold on one of the weekends, most often on Saturday afternoons. In Russia there is no such ban, and on weekends there is an 8-11% increase in mortality due to accidents and deaths from diseases of the circulatory system.

Effective measures of the state's alcohol policy include measures aimed at reducing the number of outlets selling alcohol. If you go far to the nearest point selling alcohol, then not every time a person will go to buy a bottle. If, when going into a store to buy bread, a person sees alcohol on the shelves, this often provokes the purchase of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol problems have placed a heavy burden on Russian society. Almost every Russian has relatives who have died or suffered from alcohol, many families have been destroyed, many lives have been crippled. In this regard, dissatisfaction with the situation has matured in Russian society. According to surveys, among the problems that concern Russians, the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction regularly takes second or third place.

Of course, support for alcohol policy is not uniform across all population groups and across all policies. Thus, women are more likely to positively evaluate the fight against alcoholism than men. A certain problem is that the most effective restrictive measures of alcohol policy (for example, increasing prices for alcoholic products) are supported by a smaller share of the population than ineffective educational measures (for example, anti-alcohol education in educational institutions). However, it should be remembered that public opinion on this issue often changes.

– Experts from various departments claim that alcoholism has become “younger.” How can you comment on this statement?

Numerous studies show that the later a young person starts drinking alcohol, the less likely he is to have problems with alcohol. That is why the legislation of most countries sets a minimum age for the legal purchase of alcohol. What is relevant for Russia is not so much raising this age as meeting this standard. Too lenient punishment and the inactivity of the authorities responsible for implementing these standards lay the foundation for the formation of new cohorts of alcoholics. According to medical statistics And sociological research There is a trend towards rejuvenation of patients in the narcological service. The same process is observed when analyzing the age of the first samples of psychoactive substances.

– Is beer an alternative to strong alcoholic drinks or not?

Russia is in many ways unlike other European countries in terms of the dynamics of the alcohol market. If in European countries an increase in beer consumption is accompanied by a decrease in the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages, then Russia has not lived up to the hopes of supporters of the idea of ​​​​increasing beer sales.

For example, for the period from 1997 to 2005. Beer production in the Russian Federation increased 4 times, and its consumption almost 3 times. The level of production and consumption of vodka and alcoholic beverages remained almost unchanged during this period. The main reason for the growth in beer consumption is its high availability. More than half of adult Russians drink beer, and there has been an increase in beer consumption among teenagers of both sexes. At the same time, the risk of developing alcohol dependence among beer consumers is higher than among consumers of wine or strong alcoholic beverages. In addition to accessibility, the reasons for the increase in beer consumption include the absence of pronounced behavioral and performance disorders when drinking beer, the conviction of a significant part of the population in the safety and even usefulness of this drink, and a loyal attitude towards it in society.

– When considering alcohol problems, we and society also touched upon the state, but at the same time we have not yet said anything about the position of each person, about his choice: to drink or not to drink?

Every person goes through stages of becoming acquainted with alcohol in life: in childhood and adolescence - absolute non-use. A young man or girl gets his first experience of drinking by trial and error and makes a decision - he will be a teetotaler or a consumer of alcohol. In the future, each consumer runs the risk of becoming a participant in the alcohol process: through moderate alcohol consumption to abuse and illness - chronic alcoholism.

At each stage, a person makes a choice “to drink or not to drink?” And a lot depends on the correctness of the choice: both his fate and the happiness of his children, loved ones and loved ones.

With abbreviations, full text published according to the edition:
Titov S.S. Alcohol policy in Russia (newspaper article)
// Prevention of drug addiction diseases. - Omsk: BUZOO "Narcological Dispensary", 2009. - P.41-44.

The problem of alcohol consumption in Russia and the external effects of excessive alcohol abuse. State policy to reduce alcohol consumption. Assessing the impact of anti-alcohol policy measures on the dynamics of juvenile delinquency.

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