Anti-alcohol and anti-drug policy. Anti-alcohol policy. Anti-alcohol legal policy

Critically assessing the experience of the past, including the negative consequences of the last decade, it is necessary to highlight the urgent task of the modern development of Russian society, the long-term goal of which should be to gradually eradicate the causes of mass drunkenness and minimize its negative consequences.

The main direction in achieving this goal should be the prevention of drunkenness. The main thing in prevention is the elimination of the causes that give rise to this phenomenon and a positive impact on the circumstances that act as conditions that give rise to the emergence and action of causes.

When talking about the prerequisites for overcoming drunkenness, several circumstances should be taken into account:

First, achieving positive results in anti alcohol policy is possible only under the conditions of an integrated approach to the problem of drunkenness and alcoholism;

Secondly, it is necessary to keep in mind that the underlying causes of these phenomena lie in the socio-economic ill-being of Russian society;

Thirdly, the importance of strengthening the effectiveness of anti-alcohol policy goes far beyond the fight only against drunkenness and alcoholism, helping to protect the health of citizens, promote a healthy lifestyle, and fight crime.

Taking into account the fact that drunkenness is a social evil, the fight against it can only be successful if the entire system of social and legal influence is actively used, including a complex of organizational, preventive, educational, medical, and economic measures.

1. Improving federal and regional anti-alcohol policy as a means of solving general social prevention of drunkenness.

The connection between drunkenness and other problems of life is put forward as a fundamental requirement for the organization of such work; its multi-purpose nature. That is why anti-alcohol policy is an integral part of the general social policy of the state. Due to the multi-purpose social nature of anti-alcohol policy, on the one hand, and the lack of real regulatory legal framework, which protects the interests not of domestic producers of alcoholic beverages, but of the majority of citizens, - on the other hand, it is legitimate today to raise the question of developing a targeted state anti-alcohol doctrine.

The main objectives of anti-alcohol policy should be to prevent, eliminate or mitigate the consequences (including criminal) of alcohol consumption by the population, reduce the level and structure of alcohol consumption and prevent its use by young people, more effective control over the production, trade and consumption of alcoholic beverages, and protect public health .

Considering the state of the alcohol situation in Russia and most of its regions, the main goals of anti-alcohol policy should be:

General anti-alcohol education and sober education of the younger generation, the formation of anti-alcohol public opinion;

Consistent measures to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population under a state monopoly;

Prevention, elimination or mitigation of socially negative, including criminal, consequences of alcohol consumption among the population;

Ensuring the protection of the interests of citizens, families, society and the state both from the process of alcoholization and from its consequences, incl. from drunkenness and alcoholism;

Protecting the health of the population, especially young people, preventing the deterioration of the gene pool of the people, stabilizing and improving the socio-demographic situation.

The main subjects of anti-alcohol policy, as domestic and foreign experience shows, should be government agencies Russian Federation and its subjects, municipal authorities, public associations and movements, legal entities, as well as citizen activists.

As a first organizational step to ensure interaction between state and public organizations, it seems justified to create a State Committee for the implementation of anti-alcohol policy in the Russian Federation. Considering the preventive focus of coordination, it was desirable to involve the heads of ministries that ensure development in the work of the State Committee social spheres; heads of law enforcement agencies, the State Commission on Wine Monopoly, representatives of public organizations.

The most acute situation dictates the need for the State Duma of the Russian Federation to establish a Commission on Anti-Alcohol Policy as part of its standing commissions and periodically at its meetings consider the prepared legislative documents and the progress of anti-alcohol policy.

The activities of all subjects of anti-alcohol policy require the creation of a coherent legal system as the legal basis for the activities of the State Committee and its regional bodies for the implementation of the goals of the state's anti-alcohol policy are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, updated legislation (including norms of civil, administrative, criminal codes). Considering that modern legal basis suffers from the absence of many norms and lags significantly behind the realities of Russian reality, the speedy adoption of a special law “On the fundamentals of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation” and other legal acts of federal bodies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments within their competence is required. Anti-alcohol policy must be carried out in strict compliance with the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, provided that the rights and freedoms of others are not violated. The main form of work with the population should be education, training and persuasion. Prohibition and coercion are applied only in those cases and in relation to those persons when there is a violation of established laws and legal norms.

Considering the multiplicity and hierarchy of subjects of anti-alcohol policy, one of the first real steps to solve the problem could be the development of a Federal Comprehensive Anti-Alcohol Program. The components of such a program, decided at the level of the Russian Federation, should be:

Scientifically based development of a set of measures for anti-alcohol, sober education of children and youth using all the capabilities of preschool and school institutions, books and the media, theater and cinema;

Effective provision of the state monopoly on the turnover of alcoholic products and state control over this turnover;

Development of measures for state regulation of prices for alcoholic products (including imports);

Development of a set of measures to prevent the socially negative consequences of drunkenness and alcoholism, including the activities of law enforcement agencies and the courts;

Introduction of preferential taxation and provision of other benefits to legal entities and individuals, public associations directly related to social rehabilitation and anti-alcohol work with the population;

Security for federal level banning advertising and promotion of alcoholic products and bringing those responsible to justice;

Providing medical care to the population, medical, social and social rehabilitation of persons suffering from alcoholism;

Development of a regulatory framework for the preventive work of all bodies involved in the implementation of anti-alcohol policy tasks.

In our opinion, the main directions of anti-alcohol policy decided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments could be:

Development and implementation within the framework of the Comprehensive Anti-Alcohol Program of the Russian Federation of activities related to the jurisdiction and territory of the constituent entities of the federation;

Coordination of work on the implementation of anti-alcohol policy on its territory;

Regulation of certain issues in the sphere of circulation, import and sale of alcoholic products;

Carrying out cultural, educational and educational activities aimed at developing clear anti-alcohol beliefs among citizens, especially children, youth, women;

Implementation of measures for social rehabilitation of patients with alcoholism;

Holding legal and individuals guilty of offenses related to illegal trafficking alcoholic beverages, violations of public order while intoxicated.

An important direction of anti-alcohol policy is to ensure effective state and public control over the sale of alcoholic products and restrictions on their production. In this regard, it seems necessary to revise the requirements for the examination of wine and vodka products and revise the current GOST standards. The production and sale of alcoholic beverages without a license and in excess of the established quota should be completely prohibited. It is necessary to achieve the restoration of the practice of applications from domestic producers for high-quality alcohol, abolished under pressure from the IMF, thereby ensuring a higher quality of sales through retail trade alcoholic drinks.

Advertising of alcoholic beverages through the media should be completely prohibited. Promotion of alcoholic products is prohibited, i.e. formation among the population of ideas about the usefulness and admissibility of its use on the occasion of celebrations and other acts.

The main directions of anti-alcohol policy listed above, in our opinion, successfully combine forms of general social prevention. At the same time, they are the most promising, in comparison with punitive measures, since they are associated with an educational, educational impact on the beliefs and behavior of the population of a large number of subjects of anti-alcohol policy.

2. An important direction in strengthening anti-alcohol policy, in our opinion, should be measures to improve the legal framework for combating drunkenness.

Realistically assessing the situation of increasing nihilism, impunity and permissiveness in the public consciousness in the country, the ineffectiveness of the application of administrative and criminal penalties, in our deep conviction there is a serious need to increase the validity of the application of criminal law, administrative law, civil law and family law norms and means of preventing illegal behavior due to drunkenness.

In this regard, there is a particular need for further improvement of the criminal legislation regulating relations arising in the sphere of combating criminogenic manifestations of drunkenness and alcoholism. In the adopted new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on January 1, 1997, according to the developers, many internationally recognized value systems were taken into account and many inconsistencies of the sanctions system with the requirements of justice were eliminated. However, along with them, articles were removed from the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which, from the point of view of prevention, previously played an important role in the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.

Comparing the official text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on May 24, 1996 and put into effect on January 1, 1997, with the model Criminal Code adopted at the seventh plenary meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on February 17, 1996, one should make conclusion: Russian legislators did not take into account many recommendations that would have contributed to more effective preventive work of law enforcement agencies.

For example, while recognizing the criminal liability of persons who committed a crime while intoxicated (Article 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the application of the provision that the state of intoxication in the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (general part) is not recognized even as an aggravating circumstance (see .: Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, in the new Criminal Code, the state of intoxication under certain conditions is interpreted as a circumstance mitigating liability.

In connection with the above, the author makes a proposal on the need to supplement Art. 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that circumstances aggravating responsibility and punishment, along with the positions listed in the article, also include “committing a crime while intoxicated by alcohol, drugs or under the influence of toxic substances.”

The fight against the spread of the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages among adolescents and young people, which was and is not being carried out decisively enough, deserves special attention. It is the consumption of alcoholic beverages that seems to be a circumstance that actively produces crime among minors.

In accordance with current legislation, there is a legal norm (Article 151 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) regulating the fight against the involvement of minors in the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages. The purpose of the article is obvious - to help preserve the health of younger generations by legal means, stop the process of rejuvenation of the age at which alcohol consumption begins, and prevent the danger of complications in the future of the socio-criminological situation.

However, in the investigative and judicial practice of recent years, there is virtually no consideration of cases involving the involvement and drugging of minors. There were practically no criminal cases under Art. 210 of the old Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: “Bringing a minor to a state of intoxication by a person on whom the minor was in official dependence entails criminal liability for this person in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or correctional labor for the same period, or a fine.” In the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this article (Article 151) is amended to allow such actions up to 3 or more times (systematic use).

Apparently, it should be taken into account that underestimating the public danger of crimes associated with the involvement of minors in drunkenness significantly narrows the possibilities for special prevention of this negative phenomenon among young people and undermines the overall authority of legislation aimed at strengthening the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.

In the system of legal measures to combat drunkenness and alcoholism, an important role should be played by the arsenal of available administrative means of suppressing offenses that encroach on public order and related to behavior in public places and work, and upbringing in the family.

In this regard, it should be recognized that the modern assessment of the effectiveness of the articles highlighted above, introduced into the Code of Administrative Offenses in the period 1985-1987, can be considered very low and ineffective. First of all, this situation is associated with a completely different situation that has arisen as a result of the departure from the targeted anti-alcohol policy of the current federal leadership. In conditions of superabundance of alcoholic beverages at relatively low prices, Art. Art. 160, 1601, 1602, which calls into question the need for their preservation in the Code. Apparently, they require a revision towards increasing the size of the fine for offenses provided for in Art. 162. 163. So, for example, for drinking alcoholic beverages on the streets, stadiums, squares, parks, in all types public transport... or appearing in public places while drunk, insulting public dignity and public morality, fines of only 1/3 or 1/2 of the minimum wage are provided.

3. Special preventive measures aimed at implementing anti-alcohol legislation.

Today, when outdated anti-alcohol legislation is practically not in effect, and in the preventive work of services and departments of internal affairs bodies the importance of the fight against drunkenness is underestimated, the question urgently arises of updating departmental regulations on organizing the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism.

The fight against drunkenness and alcoholism involves the constant and consistent use of special preventive measures aimed at implementing anti-alcohol legislation. The leading place in this work belongs to the internal affairs bodies, in particular the police services. Among the main directions for the special prevention of drunkenness, the following should be highlighted:

Suppression of drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as being drunk in public places;

Establishment of dens and persons providing premises for drug addicts, substance abusers, drinking alcoholic beverages and debauchery, involving minors in drunkenness;

Identification of persons violating the established rules of trade in wine and vodka products, producing and storing for the purpose of sale without special permission (license), excise stamps alcoholic beverages;

Prevention of family and household drunkenness;

Targeted anti-alcohol propaganda, etc.

Among the categories to be prevented, in our opinion, the main attention should be paid to adolescents and young people, since this category of the population constitutes the social part of society whose actions, under the influence of alcohol, most often cross the criminal line.

4. Measures to improve the system of anti-alcohol education and propaganda. Immorality, lack of proper general and legal culture, legal nihilism are the subjective side of the genesis and development of antisocial phenomena, including drunkenness. Among the measures to overcome mass drunkenness and alcoholism an important condition advocates the development and improvement of the system of anti-alcohol education, education and propaganda. The main target of this work should be children, adolescents, and young people. To develop a system of anti-alcohol education, education and propaganda, it is necessary to develop a new Concept of anti-alcohol education and awareness; use of positive domestic and foreign experience organizing temperance campaigns; involving social movements in this work for healthy image life, scientists; ensuring, through the media, active counteraction to the propaganda of drunkenness, immorality, and drinking traditions. Committees should play an organizing and coordinating role in the development of the Concept State Duma Russian Federation, Ministry of General and vocational education, relevant departments (committees) of local authorities in the regions, academies of pedagogical and medical sciences, as well as organizations within the public temperance movement.

Anti-alcohol propaganda in youth environment should be carried out simultaneously and in parallel with anti-drug propaganda. In the meantime, there is a clear “preponderance” in favor of the latter, although, as is known, the World Health Organization and the current GOST in Russia recognize alcohol as dangerous to health as drugs.

Among the measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, anti-alcohol education of young people in all educational institutions is an extremely important condition. This work must be carried out in preschool institutions, in whose work today one can find numerous examples of the formation of alcoholic ideas in children already at the age of 3-4 years.

In the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism, anti-alcohol propaganda should play an important role, which is especially Lately requires significant activation. Here, law enforcement agencies must play a more active and targeted role, especially since the RSFSR Law “On the Mass Media” of December 27, 1991 created all the conditions for this work.

It is necessary to promote in every possible way the development of the anti-alcohol initiative of the population, to involve societies and sobriety clubs in this work. A special role here belongs to the Union for the Struggle for National Sobriety, within the framework of which regional organizations operate in almost all major cities in the Russian Federation.


Relevance research topics. Negative Impact
the state of national security is being intensified by attempts to revise views on the history of Russia. Since the 16th century, the myth of eternal Russian drunkenness has been systematically and aggressively propagated. However, in historical documents there is not the slightest mention of production or import
alcoholic products to Rus'. And Russia entered the Middle Ages as
and came out of it, sober. Our people have been one for centuries
from the most sober peoples of Europe, until the 1960s of the twentieth century. Then the critical level of alcohol consumption of 8 liters was overcome
per capita per year, followed by the irreversible decline of the ethnic group.
Currently, the level of alcohol consumption at 18 liters has led
to a public health crisis that the World Health Organization (WHO) has called unprecedented in the industrial developed country in peacetime.

The topic of preserving and improving the health of the population of the Russian Federation is now particularly relevant and comes out on top among the priority sectors that require state regulation. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 defines the massive spread of alcoholism as one of the main threats to national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation. Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation
for the period until 2025, the main objectives are strengthening the health of the population. In accordance with the Implementation Concept public policy to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, alcoholism is one of the factors of the demographic and social crisis in Russia
and represents a national threat at the level of the individual, society, and state.

as a rule of law state, where a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value and are subject to protection by the state. The most important human right is the right to health.

The non-state system of ensuring national security is integral integral part an integral overall system for ensuring the national security of any democratic state. Behind last years creation of public associations as subjects of ensuring national security
at the level of the non-state system, has become widespread. However, the mechanisms for their interaction with the state remain insufficiently effective. Only constructive interaction between representatives of the state and public (non-profit) sectors will help overcome the threat of alcohol. And for this it is necessary to improve the legislative and conceptual support for the place and role of public associations operating
in the sphere of implementation of anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation.

Thus, it is necessary to analyze the prerequisites for the emergence, content and role of anti-alcohol (temperance) movements in ensuring national security. In addition, it requires an assessment of both the position of public associations in the non-state system of ensuring national security, and the problems of the functioning and development of public associations in the sphere of implementing the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation using the example of a specific reality. current organization. This systematic approach
to the study of ensuring national security will contribute not only to the increase in knowledge, but will also allow the development of practical recommendations, the implementation of which will help overcome the consequences of the demographic catastrophe in Russia and, thus,
ensure national security at the proper level
Russian Federation.

The degree of development of the problem. There are a huge number of works on the problem of alcoholism. However, no research has been conducted on the role of anti-alcohol movements in ensuring Russia's national security. Also, practically no attention is paid to the study of the activities of public associations in the field of ensuring national security. Currently,
in the context of a catastrophic decline in the population of Russia, the area of ​​activity of public associations in the implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation, given its extreme importance, remains poorly studied. That is why the author of this work decided to conduct a corresponding study.

Object of study This work is about the role of anti-alcohol (teetotaling) movements in ensuring the national security of Russia.

As subject of research the place and role of public associations in the implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation in modern stage.

The purpose of the study This work is to develop practical recommendations about ways to overcome the alcohol catastrophe in Russia based on the priority of anti-alcohol policy among the means of ensuring national security and the leading role of public associations in its implementation.

Research objectives are as follows:

  1. Disclosure of the prerequisites for occurrence, content and role

anti-alcohol (teetotaling) movements in ensuring the national security of Russia.

  1. Description of the activities of public associations

to ensure national security, identifying the mechanism
their interactions with state and public institutions.

  1. Analysis of problems that hinder effective

functioning of public associations in the sphere of implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation and development

proposals on ways to overcome them.

Practical significance this work consists
in the possibility of using its results in developing the anti-alcohol policy program of the Russian Federation and the program for reforming the non-state system of ensuring national security.

Chapter 1 The role of anti-alcohol (teetotaling) movements

in ensuring national security:
historical context

1.1 The first (1858-1860) and second (1885-1904) temperance movements.

Official date the start of the temperance movement counts
On October 11, 1858, when Motiejus Valančius, a bishop from Lithuania, addressed the priests with a call to begin introducing sobriety as a way of life throughout the Samogitian bishopric, influencing
on parishioners, first of all, by personal example. In November 1858, the temperance movement had already covered almost the entire Kaunas province. The prerequisites for the emergence of the movement were the desire of tax farmers to obtain maximum profits from the sale of wine. All sorts of means were invented to get the people drunk. In particular, initiatives were put forward to transfer rubles per bucket for the purchase of land
and to pay arrears. It was during this time that the Statute of Temperance Societies, prepared by M. Valančius, was disseminated. The charter required that those who joined the society not drink alcohol throughout their lives. First of all, the painful nature of this addiction was explained to the relatives, requiring Christian mercy and understanding of one's neighbor. Then temperance societies were created in 32 more northwestern, central, Ural and Volga provinces of Russia. And without any persuasion, without any outside interference, the people themselves stop drinking wine. An elder was elected to oversee sobriety in the villages. In other places
no societies were formed, just people gathered, discussed among themselves and swore not to use. In the Vilna province they exhibited free wine - and no one drank it. In the Serpukhov district, tax farmers paid arrears for the peasants so that they could only use them. But no one
didn't use it.

A mass temperance movement arose in our country
as a protest of the population against the tax-paying system of alcohol distribution. The main reason for refusing to drink was the high cost of wine. Participants in the movement at first were state peasants,
which were joined by landowners and appanage peasants, the urban lower classes and retired soldiers. The results of the temperance movement speak for themselves. In many villages it was difficult to find even one drunkard. The prosperity of farms increased, duties were regularly paid.
An atmosphere of general intolerance towards drunkenness prevailed among the people.

However, both the founders of temperance societies and the people had to overcome serious obstacles both from the administrative authorities, which received huge profits from the sale of alcohol, and from local landowners who owned distilleries and taverns and sold alcoholic products. As a result of repeated appeals to the authorities, tax farmers achieved the issuance by the Minister of Finance of an order to destroy agreements of urban and rural societies on abstinence from drinking alcohol and to prevent future meetings for these purposes. Performances
in defense of sobriety were suppressed by troops. The first stage of the temperance movement has ended.

On January 1, 1863, the taxation system was replaced by excise taxes. The fall in price of alcohol led to a sharp increase in drunkenness among the people. The consequences of alcoholism for moral
and the economic side of the life of the people were the subject of special attention from zemstvo institutions. The government did not remain indifferent to the need for measures to curb drunkenness. But in these measures it felt bound by those limits, beyond which the fear of a decrease in alcoholic income, which continued to be one of the most significant foundations of the financial system, did not allow it to go.

Since 1885, a system of local prohibitions has been introduced in Russia. Residents of settlements at their meeting could decide to ban the sale of alcohol on their territory. This gave a powerful impetus to the development second stage of the temperance movement. The outstanding teacher S.A. played a huge role in the rise of the movement. Rachinsky. Native
from a noble family, his mother, sister of the famous poet E.A. Baratynsky, instilled in him a great love for the Motherland and the Russian people. In 1875 S.A. Rachinsky, being the director of a rural school, comes to the conclusion about the need to organize a student sobriety society. He was deeply convinced that this society should include
and teachers who, by their personal example, will instill in schoolchildren
the need to lead a sober lifestyle. According to Rachinsky himself, his 16-year sober activity had some success. Of all the teachers he trained (about 40), only one
It was not possible to prevent him from drinking wine.

In the second half of the 19th century, L.N. Tolstoy created the organization “Consent against Drunkenness.” And his famous work“Why do people get stupefied” was widely used in public speeches
and in educational work.

In 1889, the Decree of the Holy Synod was issued to inform the Synod about the existence of temperance societies, their influence on the religious and moral state of both those belonging to them and
on the surrounding population. After this decree, the number of temperance societies began to grow rapidly. By 1912 there were about 2,000 of them with a population of more than half a million people, with parochial societies predominant. Only one Orthodox temperance society, Priest A.V. Rozhdestvensky in St. Petersburg, after five years of existence, had more than 72 thousand permanent members in its ranks. These societies gradually became full-fledged institutions additional education and extracurricular activities, a club, a people's house, a theater, and a library.

In 1892, the Kazan Temperance Society was organized. The society published a number of brochures: “What people die from,” “Wine is poison,” “The role of the zemstvo doctor in the fight against popular alcoholism,” “Alcoholic drinks are a human misfortune.” The baton of teaching about sobriety in education was taken up by Hieromonk Pavel (Gorshkov), who in 1905 created the first sobriety school in Russia. This initiative was welcomed by the sovereign Emperor Nicholas II himself. The goal of the school was formulated by its founder as follows: “in order for future citizens to be more capable of work, it is necessary to develop our children, first of all, physically, then infuse them with a stream of hard work, and then, so that they do not go off these strong rails of life, warn them about the disastrous consequences drunkenness."

Since 1909, the doctrine of sobriety was taught in theological seminaries, and since 1910 - in parochial schools; temperance textbooks were published. Scientific and methodological work in sobriety societies was carried out along the lines of developing religious, moral, scientific and organizational foundations for the fight against drunkenness in national life, studying the problems of children
and school alcoholism, preparation of religious, moral, scientific and fiction anti-alcohol orientation, magazines, newspapers and leaflets dedicated to this problem. The organization of all collective events included sermons, lectures, readings and conversations that revealed the harms of drunkenness and the benefits of a sober lifestyle; opening of libraries and specialized bookstores stocked with anti-alcohol literature; creation of Sunday schools for members of temperance societies and their children, as well as kindergartens
for the youngest members of teetotaler families; organization of healthy
and moral leisure of teetotalers; creation of anti-alcohol museums and exhibitions; organization of sober tea and canteens; creation of free outpatient clinics, as well as hospitals for patients with alcoholism. A particularly important area was the training of personnel to carry out sober work in theological and teacher’s seminaries
countrywide. Legislative work was carried out under the leadership of the bishop Orthodox Church Bishop Mitrofan (Krasnopolsky) of the Commission on Measures to Combat Drunkenness in the State Duma.

Thus, the prerequisites for the emergence of temperance movements in the second half of the 19th century were a significant deterioration in the religious, moral and economic condition of the population
as a result of the desire of tax farmers, and then the state, to obtain maximum profits from the sale of alcoholic products. Emerging
Temperance societies were mainly engaged in educational activities and publishing printed materials in church parishes. Societies become full-fledged institutions of additional education, clubs, theaters, and libraries. Temperance schools are opening, and appropriate textbooks are beginning to be published. As a result, household income increased, crime decreased, and the moral climate in society improved. It should be noted that the 1st stage of the temperance movement (1858-1860) coincided with the abolition of serfdom in Russia,
and during stage 2 (from 1885), the country began to rapidly develop industry and accelerated growth of economic potential.

1.2 Third (1910–1921) and fourth (1928–1933) temperance movements

Third temperance phase started in Russia
as a result of the work of the First All-Russian Congress of Anti-Alcohol Activists, which took place on the border in 1909-1910. and made a number of important decisions to intensify the temperance movement. The result of the report of Archpriest P.A. Mirtova “On the question of the course of teaching on sobriety”
for theological seminaries" there was a proposal to introduce a teaching course in schools
about sobriety as a separate subject, create a special section of the school pedagogy course. In 1910, the Holy Synod issued a decree according to which special sobriety lessons were introduced in parochial schools. In 1912, the All-Russian Congress of Practical Workers on Combating Alcoholism was held in Moscow, where out of 53 reports read, 10 were devoted to teaching the doctrine of sobriety in schools. By 1914
There were already 400 temperance societies in Russia. They were active in promoting a sober lifestyle. Posters, special calendars and memos were published, books and magazines were published. Society activists gave lectures and held conferences. An anti-alcohol museum was opened. Literally the entire Russian intelligentsia rose up against the alcohol policy of the tsarist government, among whose representatives one can name I.P. Pavlova, N.E. Vvedensky and others.

On March 11, 1914, the Minister of Finance expanded the possibilities for rural societies to close drinking establishments. Despite the resistance of many members of the State Council, the trade in alcohol was stopped in Russia on July 19, 1914. All distilleries were closed, all warehouses were sealed. The penalty for moonshine was 5 years in prison and 1 year of disqualification.

The influence of a sober life quickly affected the improvement of people’s health, the state of society, the work of enterprises, and order in cities
and villages. Summarizing a year's worth of sobriety, M.D.
A. Mendelson writes: “...further voluntary sober life received an argument in its favor, which had no equal in the history of mankind.”
The results of the measures taken were stunning. In 1915, alcohol consumption dropped to 0.2 liters per capita. Labor productivity increased by 9-13%, despite a large number of drafted into the army. Absenteeism decreased by 27-30%. Occupational injuries have decreased significantly. The number of people arrested while drunk in the second half of 1914 decreased by 70%. The number of people taken to sobering-up centers decreased by 29 times. The number of suicides due to alcoholism in Petrograd fell by 50%. Similar results were obtained for 9 more provinces of Russia. Number of cash deposits
in savings banks increased; the increase amounted to 2.14 billion rubles, against 0.8 billion rubles. in previous years, before the ban was introduced. The people, for the most part, warmly supported the idea of ​​universal sobriety, the approval of which was most clearly stated in the bill of peasant deputies “On the approval of sobriety in Russia forever.”

On November 8 (October 26), 1917, the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee (VRK) issued an Order that read: “From now on
Until further notice, the production of alcohol and any alcoholic products is prohibited.” In 1918, all alcohol reserves that had been stored since 1914 were liquidated in Petrograd. On December 19 (06), 1919, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the RSFSR adopted a Resolution
“On the prohibition in the RSFSR without permission of the production and sale of alcohol, strong drinks and non-beverage alcohol-containing substances.”

This is what the first People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR N.A. reported in the “Collection against drunkenness” in 1926. Semashko: “The results were immediately felt after the ban. Drunkenness disappeared, and with it fights, murders, fires in villages, accidents in factories; the number of deaths on which drunkenness has a harmful effect (pneumonia, consumption, syphilis) has decreased, and there are fewer mentally ill (crazy) people.”

At the same time, it must be recognized that in the period from 1921 to 1924. There was an increase in moonshine production. Based on this, attempts are being made to recognize all legislative measures taken by the government during that period as untenable and ineffective. However, if in 1913, at the time of the introduction of restrictions, per capita consumption was 4.7 liters, then in 1923, together with moonshine, it was almost
6 times less. If we take into account only state alcohol, then the level of its consumption in 1913 was reached only
by 1963. That is the effect of restrictive measures did not affect 10
and not 20, - 50 years!

Fourth wavetemperance movement took a ride
throughout the country since 1928. At this time, the “Struggle Society” was created
with alcoholism,” the magazine “Sobriety and Culture” and a number of others were established. Schoolchildren organized rallies and demonstrations. On paydays, they picketed the entrances of factories and factories with posters: “Dad, bring your salary home!”, “Down with the wine shelf, bring in the bookshelf!”
“We demand sober fathers!” This brought a tangible effect. The state has reduced the production of alcoholic products. Points of sale of alcohol began to close. On the pages of Izvestia
M.G. Krzhizhanovsky announced that in the second five-year plan it is proposed not to plan the production of alcoholic products at all.

It should be noted that the government, which with one hand opened the way to getting the population drunk with cheap alcohol, still tried to fight drunkenness with the other. These measures had some effect, although
not as significant as expected. The point is the authorities’ ambivalent position towards drunkenness: on the one hand, its negative social consequences were obvious, and on the other, income from the sale of alcohol constituted a significant budget item. In this regard, the task of combating drunkenness was transferred to the shoulders of the public. This allowed, if necessary, to make a sharp turn
in alcohol policy in the opposite direction, or at least control the anti-alcohol campaign from the outside, giving it the necessary direction and severity.

The first cell of the Society for the Fight against Alcoholism was created
in Orekhovo-Zuevo in 1926. The decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued in the same year
“On immediate measures in the field of treatment, preventive and cultural-educational work against alcoholism,” in addition to the fight
with moonshine and the development of anti-alcohol propaganda, provided for the introduction of a system of compulsory treatment of alcoholics. Mandatory anti-alcohol education classes were introduced in schools. In March 1927, in a number of cities of the RSFSR, some restrictions were introduced on the sale of alcohol to minors, persons
drunk, on weekends and holidays, in buffets of cultural institutions.

Prominent scientists took an active part in the campaign against drunkenness. For example, in 1927 a book by V.M. Bekhterev "Alcoholism"
and the fight against it”, in which, in particular, the “sobering up of the working people” was considered as “the work of the working people themselves” and was associated
with a sufficient cultural level of the broad masses. However, the general tone of the anti-alcohol campaign of that time was set by an article by B. Didrikson
in the magazine “Sobriety and Culture” with the very characteristic title “Drunkards - to the wall!” The proposed measures, in addition to organizing courses for agitators and propagandists, envisaged the creation of special squads
and light cavalry units to combat drunkenness. It is no coincidence that in 1927 S.M. was elected chairman of the military section of the All-Union Council of Anti-Alcohol Societies. Budyonny.

In the first year of operation of the Society for the Fight against Alcoholism, more than 150 local branches were created, whose members studied issues of drug addiction and the fight against it, organized lectures, reports and rallies
on anti-alcohol issues. The company achieved the official adoption of the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated January 29, 1929 on the prohibition of opening new outlets selling alcohol and trading in it
on holidays and pre-holidays, on paydays
and in public places, sell alcohol to minors,
and also conduct teetotal propaganda. In January 1928, a radio rally “Trade Unions in the Fight against Drunkenness” was organized.
and in the Tretyakov Gallery the Society and the People's Commissariat of Education held a widely publicized anti-alcohol exhibition.

The fourth attempt of the people to throw off the alcoholic yoke ended by 1933 with the abolition of the “Society for the Fight against Alcoholism” and the closure of the magazine “Sobriety and Culture”, whose position on the pages of the central press was called “narrowly sober,
out of character current moment" Some of the organizers and activists of the anti-alcohol movement were sent to prison.

Thus, the third and fourth stages of the temperance movement, unlike the previous two, were largely initiated “from above.” During the First World War, it was necessary to intensify and effectively use the mobilization resource of the state, which was problematic to do in an alcoholic country. The fourth stage of the temperance movement
was characterized by the authorities balancing between the fight against drunkenness
and “drunk” budget revenues. Choosing financial revenues from the sale of alcohol as a priority made it possible to soon curtail the anti-alcohol campaign, applying harsh measures to its organizers and most active participants, including criminal prosecution. Obviously, the authorities were not familiar with one of the basic laws of sobriology (from the Latin words “sobrietas » - sobriety
and “logos” - teaching, science) - the science of sobriety. It says: the economic damage to the state from the consumption of alcohol by the population many times exceeds the income from its sale. The evidence base for this law will be presented in the second chapter of this work.

1.3 Restrictive measures during the Great Patriotic War. The emergence of the fifth temperance movement in 1981-1988.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, alcohol consumption increased to 2 liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year.
Without trying to find out the true state of affairs, some pseudo-experts allow themselves extremely cynical statements: “Narkomov’s” hundred grams played no less a role in the Great Patriotic War,
than tanks, planes or Katyushas. The presence of vodka at the front cannot be denied. However, one should not blindly believe the claims that the army was drenched in alcohol, and only thanks to it were glorious victories over the enemy achieved. Documents from the war period will help in an impartial assessment.
So, by Resolution of the State Defense Committee (GKO) of August 22, 1941 No. 562, from September 1, 1941, the distribution of vodka in the amount of 100 per day per person (Red Army soldier) was established.
and the commanding staff of the front line of the active army.
Those. vodka was given only to those who were on the front line; Not a single ounce was intended for the rear units. It should be noted that the possibility of obtaining vodka and its actual consumption are two very different indicators: historical documents do not contain evidence of alcohol consumption by everyone, without exception, who had the right to do so. On May 11, 1942, by Decree of the State Defense Committee No. GOKO-1727, the procedure for issuing vodka was changed. On May 15, 1942, the daily mass distribution of vodka to active army personnel was stopped. The issuance of 100 g per person was only allowed
on revolutionary and national holidays.

It would be useful to find out the opinion of front-line soldiers. This is what the famous director and war participant P.E. wrote. Todorovsky: “The foreman was walking
along the trench with a bucket and a mug, and those who wanted, poured themselves. Elder
and the experienced ones refused. The young and unshelled drank. They are
and died first.” But here are the memories of another front-line soldier, director G.N. Chukhraya: “Once at the very beginning of the war we drank,
and suffered great losses because of this. Then I made a vow to myself not to drink
until the end of the war. We managed without the “hundred grams”. Everyone was young
and fought for a just cause." Hero Soviet Union, army General
N.G. Lyashchenko writes: “Some called these treacherous hundred grams “combat.” It’s hard to imagine greater blasphemy! After all, vodka objectively reduced the combat effectiveness of the Red Army.” It is worth noting that many victories of the past were won in absolute sobriety. The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov won dozens of significant victories and was a convinced teetotaler.

Thus, the position about the highest level of alcohol consumption by participants in the active army during the Great Patriotic War is unfounded, not confirmed by historical documents and does not correspond to reality.

Our country reached the pre-war level of alcohol consumption only in 1952. Then drunkenness gradually increased, and in 1980 the level of alcohol consumption amounted to 11 liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year.

Many contemporaries began fifth stage of the temperance movement called the publication of famous Politburo documents
Central Committee of the CPSU and the Government of the USSR in 1985 and combine this movement
with the beginning of perestroika. Other experts correlate the beginning of the fifth teetotal rise with the holding of the All-Union Interdepartmental scientific-practical conference"Prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism in an industrial city."
At the conference, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, holder of two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor F.G., gave a report “On the medical and social consequences of alcohol consumption in the USSR” in defense of a sober healthy lifestyle. Angle The named events are the main milestones of the fifth stage of the temperance movement in our country. However, it should be noted that the impetus for this rise was the work of sociologist I.A. Krasnonosov “The path to sobriety.” It was written in the early 60s, presented to the country's decision-making bodies and distributed among the anti-alcohol community of the USSR.

In the first half of the 80s, temperance clubs and societies began to form throughout the country. By 1985 there were already more than two hundred such associations. The report began to be widely circulated
F.G. Uglov, lectures by other activists of the temperance movement.

The regulatory framework for restrictive measures on the production and circulation of alcohol in the mid-80s. The twentieth century was made up of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU “On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism” dated 05/07/1985, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism” and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
“On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism, eradicating moonshine” dated May 16, 1985. Measures to reduce alcohol consumption by the population were: reducing state production of alcoholic products, a sharp increase in alcohol prices, reducing places and times for the sale of alcoholic products.

In 1985, according to the resolution of the CPSU Central Committee, the “All-Union Voluntary Society for the Struggle for Sobriety” (VDOBT) was created,
The governing bodies of which, with rare exceptions, included people who were alcoholics, who did not believe in sobriety and who hindered the development of the teetotaling movement. As an alternative to this society, on the initiative of F.G. Uglova, in 1988 the “Union of the Struggle for People’s Sobriety” (SBNT) was established. Many serious and gifted scientists came to the teetotaling movement: academician, Doctor of Chemical Sciences S.I. Zhdanov; Academician, Doctor of Economics B.I. Iskakov; Doctor of Medical Sciences, now chief psychiatrist of the Volga Federal District A.M. Karpov; Doctor of Historical Sciences V.P. Krivonogovzh Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.G. Zagoruiko; Doctor of Sociological Sciences V.V. Korchenov; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences N.A. Grinchenko
and many other people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland. The idea of ​​sobriety was widely supported by the medical community, sending an “Appeal of 1,700 doctors” to the highest authorities (Appendix 1).

Leningrad was one of the powerful centers of sobriety in those years. In addition to F.G. Uglova, a candidate of biological sciences worked there
G.A. Shichko, student and follower of the great physiologist I.P. Pavlova. Gennady Andreevich developed a unique method called
subsequently named after him. The method allows, with the help of psychological and pedagogical techniques, to rid a person of alcohol and other types of addictions.

Of particular importance for the temperance movement is the book by feeder I.V. Drozdov “Gone with Vodka” - about real events
and people, clearly showing the destructive role alcohol plays among the creative intelligentsia.

Academician F.G. Uglov, who headed the All-Russian “Union of the Struggle for National Sobriety” from 1988 to 2008, was
not only its leader, but also the leader of the entire temperance movement in the country. Over the years, he has not become merely a symbol or banner of the temperance movement. His books "Truth and Lies"
about legal drugs" (Appendix 2), "Lomehuzy", "Suicides", "From Captivity of Illusions" helped many people get rid of alcohol prejudices and make the choice of a free person.

Despite the fact that the 1985 program was based on public opinion about the need to counter the threat of alcohol, society
the whole truth about the scale and depth of the alcohol problem was not communicated, which led to a misunderstanding of the actions of the country's leadership
and protest manifestations among certain groups of the population. However, despite all the miscalculations and malicious actions of individual leaders, the anti-alcohol campaign of 1985-1988. led to a significant improvement in demographic and social indicators. This is what he writes
about this F.G. Uglov is an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the only
on planet Earth, a surgeon whose surgical experience is more than 70 years: “In 1986-1987, when the consumption of alcoholic beverages was almost halved, 500-600 thousand more children were born in the country,
than in each of the previous 46 years. During these years, 200 thousand fewer people died per year than in 1984, i.e. before restrictions are introduced. The mortality rate of the working age population has decreased, for men by 37%. The average life expectancy of the population has increased, especially for men - by 2.6 years. The total amount of lost working time was reduced by more than 30%. Overall crime has decreased by almost a quarter, and serious crimes have decreased by a third.”

Below is illustrated the dependence of the demographic situation in Russia on the level of state sales of alcoholic products for the period from 1984 to 1991.

Chart 1 – State sales of alcohol in liters of absolute alcohol
per capita per year

Chart 2 – Life expectancy (in years)
Chart 3 – Birth and death rates (per 1000 population)

The graphs clearly show that the decrease in state sales of alcohol in 1986 was accompanied by an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in mortality, and an increase in the birth rate. These demographic indicators began to worsen in early 1988, when the anti-alcohol campaign was curtailed. It showed the inconsistency of only administrative and restrictive measures in the fight to sober up the nation. To create a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to create
in humans (especially younger generation) motives of behavior, the main thing
of which - absolute abstinence from alcohol.

Thus, the anti-alcohol campaign of 1985-1988. showed that the introduction of restrictive measures on the production and sale of alcohol brings a tangible effect in improving socio-demographic indicators. For more effective implementation of anti-alcohol policy, extensive educational work is necessary
to inform the population about the harm caused by alcohol,
and the formation of motivation to lead a sober healthy lifestyle.

Chapter 2 Anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation
at the present stage. The place and role of public associations in its implementation

2.1 Public associations as subjects of ensuring national security

Currently, the central strategically significant problem for the existence and development of the Russian Federation is the problem of ensuring national security. National security is understood as the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in various spheres of life from internal and external threats, ensuring the sustainable progressive development of the country.

In each of the spheres of life of Russian society today, specific transformations are taking place. And in these conditions, the role of the non-state (public) system of ensuring Russia’s national security is increasing, one of the most important subjects of which are public associations. A public association is a voluntary self-governing non-profit organization created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to achieve common goals specified in the charter of the public association. Public associations can be created in one
from the following organizational and legal forms:

  • public organization;
  • social movement;
  • public fund;
  • public institution;
  • public initiative body;
  • Political Party.

Range of tasks solved by public associations
in the field of national security is quite broad. Among them are the following:

  • conducting examinations and risk assessments in the field of security of individuals, society and the state;
  • direct response to situations that threaten the life and health of citizens, their property, habitat, and law and order;
  • assistance government agencies in the fight against terrorism;
  • the fight against moral and moral vices of people, official irresponsibility and incompetence of civil servants;
  • participation in the development and examination of legislative acts, concepts, and national security policies;
  • formation of public opinion and interests of the individual, society and state on the basis of national values, interests and goals;
  • development of creativity, initiative, selfless spirit, and a sense of patriotism among citizens;
  • exercising public control over the activities of government bodies;
  • training, retraining and advanced training of citizens to work in non-state structures for ensuring national security;
  • citizen involvement through public associations
    in practical activities to ensure national security, etc.

Despite the rather complicated and lengthy registration process,
In recent years, the creation of public associations has become widespread. According to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as of October 1, 2011, more than 110,000 public associations are registered in Russia, and their number is constantly growing. Moreover, every fifth association operates in the healthcare sector. One of the largest associations operating in the field of public health is the All-Russian public organization “National Health League”. It is important to note,
that among the four programs of the League, “Alcohol-free Russia” was also named. Many organizations are directly addressing the problem of alcoholism. Really operating, based on scientific data and defining
as the main goal of restoring sobriety in personal, family and public life, significantly less. Among them are the All-Russian public organization “Union of Struggle for National Sobriety”, the International Academy of Sobriety, the All-Russian Association “Optimalist”, the Russian public movement “Sober Russia”, which includes many regional sobriety organizations.

However, for all its importance, the activities of public associations do not currently have a serious impact
to ensure national security. This is based on limited powers and capabilities that do not allow us to effectively counter threats to national security. Among the reasons for such limited functioning and development of public associations are the following.

From the authorities:

  • inconsistency, instability and inconsistency of policies in relations with the sector as a whole;
  • fear of “color” revolutions, the initiators and/or participants of which may be public associations;
  • corrupt interests of civil servants that conflict with public interests;
  • underestimation of the qualifications of sector workers and overestimation of the risk of poor-quality execution of social services
    when transferring part of their powers to them.

From the citizens:

  • priority of solving individual problems, strong atomization of society;
  • disbelief and lack of understanding of how decisions can be influenced and implemented;
  • low trust in various institutions, including public structures, and lack of information about them.

From the associations themselves:

  • lack and instability of sources of financing activities;
  • fragmentation, poorly developed infrastructure to support activities (including own networks, media, education, available consulting resources, etc.);
  • poorly established system for transferring experience among organizations;
  • insufficient level of transparency, accountability, democratic governance, self-regulation;
  • lack of influence and lack of respectability (lack of symbolic and reputational capital) of most public associations, lack of mass public support for their activities from citizens.

Thus, at present, the role of public associations as subjects of ensuring national security at the level of a non-state system is insignificant. At the same time, in different types security presence share civil society and, in particular, public associations as its most important component, should be different. Maximum possible – in the healthcare sector
and demographics. The state alone is not capable of ensuring security at the proper level. But from the state of security it is
in these areas, not only development, but also the very existence of both the individual citizen and the state as a whole depends. To strengthen the role of public associations in ensuring national security, a set of coordinated actions of the state, public associations and individual citizens is required. At the same time, the state is required to
at a minimum, the integrity of the policy regarding public associations; from the associations themselves - infrastructure development, increasing the level of transparency and respectability; from citizens - priority in solving public security problems, self-confidence and trust in public associations.

2.2 Moscow regional public organization “Union of the Struggle for National Sobriety” as a subject of ensuring national security: problems of functioning, development and path
overcoming them

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines Russia
as a rule of law state, where a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value and are subject to protection by the state. The most important human right is the right to health care, which is enshrined in Art. 41 of the Basic Law. The state of health of the population is a determining factor on which the development of the state in the long term depends. It is no coincidence that in his Address to the Federal Assembly
in 2009, the President of the Russian Federation noted: “The indicator of personal success should rather be a person’s health, and not the amount of money he earns.” Serious threat national security is created by the consumption of alcohol by citizens of the Russian Federation, which is the main factor in the demographic, economic, and social crisis
in Russia.

“Alcoholism has acquired the character of a national disaster in our country. Our current demographic problems are largely related to alcohol consumption,” with these words on August 12, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev opened a meeting on anti-alcohol policy measures.

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation
until 2020 defines the massive spread of alcoholism as one
of the main threats to national security in the healthcare sector
and the health of the nation.

According to the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025, the critical mortality rate in our country is largely due to the prevalence of alcoholism.

Concept of healthcare development in the Russian Federation
until 2020 (the project) calls alcohol consumption one of the four main risk factors; Moreover, alcohol consumption ranks first in terms of its impact on the number of years of life with loss of ability to work.

In accordance with the Concept of Implementation of State Policy

In order to assess the influence of the alcohol factor on the demographic, socio-economic situation in the country, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation prepared a report “Alcohol abuse in the Russian Federation: socio-economic consequences and countermeasures”. When developing the report, the works of experts from the Russian Academy were used civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, among whom V.L. Romanov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Civil Sciences; YES. Khalturina – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Civil Art. The report contains the following provisions.

“Alcohol is the main factor in Russia’s catastrophic population decline. Alcohol consumption leads to the premature death of about half a million people every year. Every fourth death in Russia is directly or indirectly related to alcohol - about 30% of deaths among men
and 15% among women. Alcohol mortality includes not only accidental alcohol poisoning, but also 2/3 of deaths from accidents
and violence, ¼ of deaths from cardiovascular diseases and much more. In two-thirds of Russians who died of working age, post-mortem autopsies reveal elevated alcohol levels
in blood.

Alcohol consumption - main reason the fact that life expectancy among men in Russia is lower than in dozens of incomparably poorer countries, such as Yemen, Bangladesh, Mauritania, Honduras, Tajikistan, Senegal. In Russia, more than 80% of teenagers consume alcoholic beverages. A third of underage boys
and girls drink alcohol daily. At these rates, only 42% of twenty-year-old men have a chance of living to sixty.

About 80% of murderers in Russia are drunk at the time of the murder. Drunk
at the time of the murder, more than 60% of those killed. 50% of suicides are committed by people
while intoxicated. More than 60% of those fatally injured in road accidents on Russian roads have elevated blood alcohol levels. Wherein official statistics
for drivers detained while intoxicated is underestimated by an order of magnitude.

Economic losses amount to at least one trillion seven hundred billion rubles per year, exceeding state revenues
from the production and turnover of alcohol by 26 times. At the same time, according to the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010”, the total volume of federal budget expenditures was set at seven trillion rubles. In other words,
in 2008, every fourth ruble from the federal budget was spent on eliminating the causes associated with alcohol consumption by the population. Economic damage is associated with increased mortality, loss of life expectancy healthy life, loss of ability to work,
with a decrease in labor productivity, associated treatment costs
with alcohol diseases, social payments from the state to disabled people, orphans, damage from fires, road accidents, costs of maintaining prisoners, and the fight against crime and homelessness.

Thus, alcohol consumption is the main factor in the demographic and social crisis in Russia, a national threat at the level of the individual, family, society, state and, consequently, a threat to national security.”

On August 12, 2009, at a meeting on measures to reduce alcohol consumption in Russia, the President of the Russian Federation outlined the need for systematic work in this direction: “We need a whole range of measures.
On the one hand - restrictive, on the other hand - explanatory, promoting a normal, healthy, sober lifestyle."
Following the meeting, the President issued his Instruction No. Pr-2426
dated September 10, 2009, obliged the Government of the Russian Federation to carry out
on an ongoing basis, with the involvement of public organizations, a nationwide information and propaganda campaign aimed at informing the population about the harm caused by alcohol to health, family well-being and spiritual integrity of a person, and about anti-alcohol policy measures. On December 30, 2009, by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2128-r, the Concept for the implementation of state policy to reduce the level of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 was approved, which provides for providing broad support to public organizations in carrying out activities to implement initiatives aimed at fighting for a sober healthy lifestyle.

To implement the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation
In order to ensure national security, activists from among the sober youth of the Moscow region decided to create
and registration of the Moscow regional public organization
"Union of the Struggle for People's Sobriety" (IOOO "SBNT").

The main goals of the organization are:

  • restoration of sobriety in personal, family and social life;
  • building a socially just society, free
    from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

The main objectives of the organization are as follows:

  • sober education of the younger generation and protection
    his involvement in the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs;
  • informational preparation of society for the formation of sober beliefs;
  • expansion of the social layer of conscientious abstainers;
  • promoting the adoption of laws that ensure the restoration of sobriety;
  • restoration of the physical and spiritual-moral health of the population based on a sober lifestyle, historical
    and cultural traditions.

The organization operates in the following main areas:

  • holding lectures in educational institutions;
  • organizing presentations by leading sobriologists, veterans of the temperance movement and deliverance specialists
    from alcohol, tobacco and other drug addiction;
  • promotion of popular science films “Common Cause”
    and social advertising videos “Take care of yourself” on regional and local TV channels;
  • interaction with heads of administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Moscow region on the development and implementation of anti-alcohol policy at the municipal level;
  • placement of social advertising of a teetotaling orientation in crowded places (Appendix 3);
  • distribution of video discs and printed products among the general population, primarily among young people, managers and government officials state power, local government, education workers
    and healthcare;
  • control over compliance by entrepreneurs with the Federal Laws “On State Regulation of Production”
    and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products”, “On limiting tobacco smoking”
    regarding the sale of alcohol and tobacco products near educational and other organizations;
  • holding an annual educational school-gathering of the temperance movement.

When carrying out activities, MOOO "SBNT" interacts
with various state and public institutions. Despite all the differences in understanding the causes of security threats and the contradictions associated with them, ensure national security only at the expense of one’s own forces and means
neither the state nor the public sector is capable.

Interaction with government authorities is carried out on a wide range of issues. The Moscow regional public organization "SBNT" interacts with the State Duma of the Russian Federation. At the opening of the first regional school-gathering of the temperance movement near Moscow-2011, one of the organizers of which was the SBNT, was attended by the Chairman of the State Duma (GD) Committee of the Russian Federation for Relations with Public Associations A.V. Ostrovsky. In the near future, the State Duma of the Russian Federation is scheduled to hold round table on the topic “Interaction between the public sector and the authorities in the implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation.” MOOO "Union of the Struggle for National Sobriety" interacts with Federal service on regulation of the alcohol market in terms of identifying violations of the Federal Law
“On state regulation of the production of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The Moscow regional public organization “Union for the Struggle for National Sobriety” interacts with the Government of the Moscow Region - on the activities of the Coordination Council for the protection of the population of the Moscow Region from the threat of alcohol under the Governor of the Moscow Region;
with the Ministry of physical culture, sports, tourism and work
with the youth of the Moscow region - on the organization of educational school meetings.

Interaction with local authorities is carried out through the submission of proposals by the heads of administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Moscow region on the development and implementation of anti-alcohol policy at the municipal level.

Conducting an awareness-raising campaign
on the formation of a sober healthy lifestyle among the population of the Russian Federation, MOOO "SBNT" carries out jointly
with various advisory bodies, television channels, information portals.

MOOO "Union of Struggle for National Sobriety" actively cooperates with other public associations and organizations that share the position of MOOO "SBNT", primarily with organizations engaged in similar activities: Regional public organization for promoting a healthy lifestyle "Union of Struggle
for People's Sobriety" (Moscow), the International Academy of Sobriety, the Interregional Social Movement "Youth for a Sober Russia" and others.

It should be noted that the functions of health protection, healthcare development, development of state policy in the field of

demographics are the responsibility of the Ministry of Health
and social development of the Russian Federation. And the formation of a healthy lifestyle is listed as a special project of the Ministry.
To ensure the implementation of these functions, significant funds are allocated from the federal budget - about 350 billion rubles for 2012. However, there is no need to talk about health care at the proper level and the development of healthcare. The main criterion indicators of this area: mortality rate and life expectancy of the population
have not undergone any significant changes in recent years
and remain unprecedented for a developed country in the 3rd millennium. At the same time, the amount of support for public associations seeking to level out the shortcomings of state policy in the field of health care is not commensurate with the amount of funding for ministerial programs. Thus, in accordance with the Order of the President of the Russian Federation “On ensuring in 2012 state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions”, for the protection of public health and development environment only 100 million rubles were allocated.

It is not always possible to establish constructive interaction with representatives of various sectors. But at the same time, it is necessary to realize that, despite differences in vision of the causes of threats,
and the necessary actions to neutralize them, ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is not only a matter for the state,
but also of the whole society and each citizen individually. Only if this condition is met is it possible to successfully solve the entire complex of complex problems to ensure Russia’s national security
in the 21st century. First of all, stop the catastrophic population decline due to the use of alcoholic beverages.

The main reason preventing the effective implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation by public associations, including the Moscow regional public organization “Union of Struggle for National Sobriety” by expanding
their powers and capabilities are the corrupt interests of representatives of public authorities, which are in conflict with state and public interests. The concept of state policy to reduce the level of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 establishes that the main principles for the implementation of state anti-alcohol policy are:

  • ensuring the priority of protecting the life and health of citizens in relation to the economic interests of participants in the alcohol market;
  • interaction between government bodies, public organizations, business representatives and citizens not associated with the alcohol industry.

However, an analysis of the norms of the Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” indicates the priority of the economic interests of representatives of the alcohol business in relation to
to the national interests of the Russian Federation / Thus, paragraph 1 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law establishes that state regulation is carried out in order to protect morality, health, and economic interests of the Russian Federation. At the same time, alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of death from cardiovascular diseases, accidents, and injuries. Severe alcohol problems in Russian society contribute to the deterioration of children's health. Russia has a very high level of alcohol-related losses: according to expert calculations, 26% of all deaths are related to alcohol to varying degrees.
And the official statistics are underestimated by an order of magnitude, if you compare them
with the results of forensic medical examinations.” In 2008, the economic losses of the Russian Federation from alcohol consumption by the population amounted to at least one trillion seven hundred billion rubles, exceeding state revenues from the production and circulation of alcohol by 26 times. Among the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of previous convocations there were people who previously held senior positions in companies representing the alcohol industry (for example, V.F. Zvagelsky - co-founder of the Yat company, former deputy general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom, etc.).

Experts in the field of national security note the significant role of the information component in ensuring security. A significant reduction in the prevalence of alcoholism is facilitated by increasing awareness of citizens through the media about demographic, social, economic problems related to alcohol consumption and anti-alcohol policy measures. In February 2009, the “Common Cause” project was launched on the First Channel of Russian Television: a number of popular science films and videos of social anti-alcohol advertising “Take care of yourself” were shown (Appendix 4). For the first time in long years The problem of alcoholization in society was discussed on television with the involvement of experts from a variety of fields. We received a huge number of positive responses from grateful viewers with urgent requests to continue the project. However, instead of the planned 12 films and about 90 commercials, viewers saw only 2 films
and barely a fifth of the videos. The project was taken off the air. It should be noted that simultaneously with the launch of the “Common Cause” project in Russia, the production and sale of alcoholic beverages was reduced, for the first time
over the past few years of observations.

Thus, at present, the interests of individual representatives of government bodies and businesses, through their actions (or inaction) supporting participants in the alcohol market, lead to the impossibility of carrying out an effective anti-alcohol policy on the part of both government bodies,
and public associations. Without changing event priorities
to reduce the scale of the alcohol threat, including initiated
at the highest state level will be only declarative in nature.

The second most important reason preventing the expansion of the capabilities of the International Public Organization "SBNT" in ensuring national security is the underestimation of the level of alcohol threat from the individual, society and the state. In contrast to expert research proving the existence of colossal economic damage
from alcohol consumption by the population, A.L. Kudrin, being Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, stated the significant role of alcohol
in solving social problems facing the state. “People should feel: whoever drinks vodka will contribute more to the state.” Lack of understanding of the problem of alcoholism on the part of an individual manifests itself in the form of systematic pro-alcohol actions and the transfer of the corresponding behavior model to other persons, primarily to their children. As a result, the child is already in preschool age a consciousness is formed that is programmed to drink alcohol, and when the accessibility barrier is removed, a person is exposed to the whole range of risks associated with its use. Pro-alcohol consciousness in people is formed under the influence of myths about alcohol, disseminated mainly through television, print media, and films, propagated and cultivated by representatives of the alcohol business.

The consequences of the above reasons are numerous restrictions on the activities of the Moscow regional public organization “Union of Struggle for National Sobriety” in addressing national security, primarily from the authorities. When carrying out their functions, government agencies must be guided by national interests, excluding the influence of personal interest on the performance of their duties. It is necessary to reconsider your attitude towards public associations
how to initiate “color” revolutions and conduct relations
with the sector consistent and consistent policies based on trust and mutual support. The position of the authorities will have an impact
and to increase citizens' trust in temperance organizations, expanding their information field, will contribute to the active participation of citizens in their activities. In turn, this will lead
to the development of the infrastructure for the activities of public associations, the stability of funding sources, and the increase in reputational capital.

The elimination of obstacles in the activities of public associations in ensuring national security will be facilitated by simplifying the procedure for registering associations with the justice authorities, as well as eliminating subjectivity in the interpretation of legal norms
and provisions of constituent documents by employees of registration authorities.

Considering that alcohol is the main factor in the catastrophic decline in the population of Russia, and also requires huge costs to eliminate the consequences associated with its use,
In order to ensure national security, it is necessary to immediately take the federal law on priority measures of state anti-alcohol policy and ensure its strict implementation. The basis for the law can be the corresponding Program developed by the Public Council of the Central Federal District (Appendix 5). This Program received positive conclusions from the Department of National Security of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President
Russian Federation.

The law must provide for mandatory
on an ongoing basis with the involvement of public associations of a national awareness-raising campaign aimed at informing the population about the demographic, social, economic problems caused by alcohol consumption, the harm caused by alcohol to health, family well-being and spiritual integrity of a person, and about anti-alcohol policy measures.

The law must contain provisions on the need for an anti-alcohol component of general education, on the implementation
V educational institutions preventive programs aimed at preventing the consumption of alcoholic products by children and adolescents, and such a component has already been created. President of the International Academy of Sobriety A.N. Mayurov developed a kit teaching aids for grades 1-11 “Lessons in the culture of health.” The textbooks received the highest pedagogical award in Russia - the Janusz Korczak Medal, and are being successfully implemented in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to amend the Federal Law

to the economic interests of alcohol market participants. The Federal Law “On Advertising” also needs to be amended, which should stipulate the inadmissibility of advertising of alcoholic products of all types.


The author’s analysis of the role of anti-alcohol (temperance) movements in ensuring the national security of Russia showed that restrictive measures regarding production
and alcohol sales have always led to improved demographic, socio-economic and moral indicators of life for an individual, society, and the country as a whole.

Anti-alcohol policy is most effectively implemented
with mutual interest in the sobering up of the nation on the part of the state, society and specific person in particular. Historical experience proves that the necessary components of such a policy should be both administrative and restrictive measures (on the price, time and place of sale of alcohol, etc.), and large-scale educational programs informing about the harmfulness of alcohol consumption and forming motives for leading a sober healthy lifestyle .

An assessment of the place and role of public associations in ensuring national security showed that public associations are a significant subject of security, an integral element of the system for identifying and preventing
and countering threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and state.

Public associations could play a more significant role
in ensuring national security. At the heart of limitation
Their powers and capabilities lie in a complex of reasons that create obstacles to functioning on the part of authorities, individual citizens, and public associations themselves. Representatives of government bodies often find themselves under the influence of personal interests that conflict with national interests, as a result of which they pursue contradictory policies towards public associations. The activities of public associations in this case, due to the narrow information field of their work and often undeveloped infrastructure, become unknown to citizens, which does little to promote the active participation of citizens in the activities of associations
and confidence in achieving a favorable result.

In different types of security, the presence of public associations should be different. The maximum possible - in the field of healthcare and demography, since not only development, but also existence itself depends on the state of security in these areas
both the individual citizen and the state as a whole. A serious threat to national security is created by the consumption of alcohol by citizens of the Russian Federation, which is the main factor in the demographic, economic, and social crisis in Russia. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 defines the massive spread of alcoholism as one of the main threats to national security in the field of healthcare and the health of the nation. According to the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025, the critical mortality rate in our country is largely due to the prevalence of alcoholism. The draft Concept for the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation until 2020 names alcohol consumption as one of the four main risk factors.
In accordance with the Concept of Implementation of State Policy
to reduce alcohol abuse
and prevention of alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation
for the period until 2020, alcoholism represents a nationwide threat at the level of the individual, family, society, and state.

According to the report of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “Alcohol abuse in the Russian Federation: socio-economic consequences and countermeasures”, alcohol is the main factor in the catastrophic population decline in Russia, more than 500,000 people annually. Economic losses amount to at least one trillion seven hundred billion rubles per year, exceeding state revenues
from the production and turnover of alcohol by more than 20 times. In 2008, every fourth ruble from the federal budget was spent on eliminating the causes associated with alcohol consumption by the population.

Overcoming the threat of alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation is greatly facilitated by the implementation of an effective state anti-alcohol policy, the need for implementation of which is recognized at the highest state level.
Public associations are called upon to play one of the leading roles in the implementation of such a policy. The President of the Russian Federation, by his Order No. Pr-2426 dated September 10, 2009, obliged the Government of the Russian Federation to carry out
on an ongoing basis, with the involvement of public organizations, a nationwide information and propaganda campaign aimed at informing the population about the harm caused by alcohol to health, family well-being and spiritual integrity of a person, and about anti-alcohol policy measures. The concept for the implementation of state policy to reduce the level of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 provides for the provision of broad support to public organizations
in their implementation of initiatives aimed at
to fight for a sober healthy lifestyle.

The example of the Moscow regional public organization “Union of Struggle for National Sobriety” shows that it is possible to effectively implement anti-alcohol policy only through interaction
with various state and public institutions,
since neither the state nor the public sector is capable of ensuring national security only at the expense of its own forces and resources.

The main reason preventing the effective implementation of the anti-alcohol policy of the Russian Federation by public associations, including the Moscow regional public organization "SBNT", is the corrupt interests of representatives of government bodies, which are in conflict
with state and public interests.

The second most important reason preventing the expansion of the powers and capabilities of the SBNT LLC in ensuring national security is the underestimation of the level of alcohol threat from the individual, society and the state, which occurs under the influence of myths
about alcohol, propagated and cultivated by representatives of the alcohol business through television, print media, films
and other sources.

To effectively counter threats to national security, government structures need to reconsider their attitude towards public associations and conduct relations
with them a policy based on trust and mutual support.

Considering that alcohol is the main factor in the catastrophic decline in the population of Russia, and also requires huge costs to eliminate the consequences associated with alcohol consumption,
In order to ensure national security, it is necessary to immediately adopt the Federal Law on priority measures of state anti-alcohol policy and ensure its strict implementation. The basis of the federal law can be the corresponding Program developed by the Public Council of the Central Federal District and approved by the Department of National Security of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. The law should provide for the mandatory conduct on an ongoing basis, with the involvement of public organizations, of an information and educational campaign aimed at
to inform the population about demographic, social, and economic problems caused by alcohol consumption. The law should contain provisions on the need for an anti-alcohol component of general education based on textbooks for grades 1-11 “Lessons in the Culture of Health”, developed by the President of the International Academy of Sobriety A.N. Mayurov.
It is necessary to amend the Federal Law
“On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products”, establishing the priority of protecting the life and health of citizens in relation to
to the economic interests of alcohol market participants. The Federal Law “On Advertising” also needs to be amended, which should stipulate the inadmissibility of any advertising of alcoholic products of all types, with the exception of places of specialized sale.

At the level of the National Security Strategy, it is necessary to consolidate the health of the nation, reducing mortality and increasing the birth rate of the population as strategic national priorities.

The results of this work can be used as the basis for the anti-alcohol policy program of the Russian Federation
as a priority means of ensuring national security
and programs for reforming the non-state system of ensuring national security, taking into account the leading role of public associations as subjects of such a system.

List of sources used

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (including amendments dated December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ, No. 7-FKZ) // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 12.25.1993,
    № 237.
  2. Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” dated November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2011 No. 253-FZ) // Collection legislation of the Russian Federation, November 27, 1995, No. 48, art. 4553.
  3. Federal Law “On Public Associations” dated May 19, 1995
    No. 82-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2011 No. 169-FZ) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 05/22/1995, No. 21, Art. 1930.
  4. National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 No. 537) //
    Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 05.18.2009, No. 20, art. 2444.
  5. Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation
    for the period until 2025 (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
    dated 09.10.2007 No. 1351) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 15.10.2007, No. 42, art. 5009.
  6. Concept for the implementation of state policy to reduce the level of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period
    until 2020 (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation
    dated 12/30/2009 No. 2128-r // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 01/11/2010, No. 2, Art. 264.
  7. Draft Concept for the development of the healthcare system in the Russian Federation
    Federations until 2020 //
  8. Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to reduce alcohol consumption in Russia” dated September 10, 2009 No. Pr-2426 // http://president.rf/instructions/5428.
  9. Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2009 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta,

13.11.2009. № 60.

  1. General theory of national security: Textbook / Under general. Ed.
    A.A. Prokhozheva. – Ed. 2nd, add. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2005. - 344 p.
  2. Socio-political security of Russia: textbook /
    M.A. Rodionov. – M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2009. – 146 p.
  3. Report of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
    “Alcohol abuse in the Russian Federation: social and
    economic consequences and countermeasures" (approved
    Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation 05/13/2009) //
  1. Report of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “On the state of civil
    societies in the Russian Federation for 2011" //
  2. Deryuzhinsky V.F. Police law. – St. Petersburg: Senate Publishing House
    printing house, 1908. - 552 p.
  3. Kiryushchenko A.G., Petrova F.N. Anti-alcohol legal policy
    and anti-alcohol legislation of the Soviet state: lessons
    stories and ways of improvement. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House
    St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. – 97 p.
  4. Mendelson A. Results of forced sobriety. – Petrograd,
    Publication of the Russian Society for the Fight against Alcoholism, 1916. – 54 p.
  5. Pryzhov I.G. The history of taverns in Russia in connection with the history of Russian
    people. Kazan: Publishing house Young Forces, 1868. – 292 p.
  6. Sobriology / Ed. Mayurova A.N. – N. Novgorod: Publishing House
    Gladkova O.V., 2009. – 440 p.
  7. Uglov F.G. Truths and lies about legal drugs. – M.: Publishing house
    LLC "NTC Forum", 2004. - 43 p.

  8. struggle for national sobriety" on the website of the portal "Social Map
    Russian Federation"
  1. Page of the Moscow regional public organization "Union
    struggle for national sobriety” on the website of the NGO portal Mendelson A. Results of forced sobriety. – Petrograd, Publication of the Russian Society Publishing House RAGS, 2009, P. 46.S. Sablin: local self-government – ​​slavery or freedom?

In Chukotka, Magadan, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Sakhalin and Komi, the problem of alcoholism is acute. And the most “sober” regions are traditionally Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Unsolved problems include youth alcoholism, rising crime, a high proportion of counterfeit goods and “irresponsibility of officials.” According to experts, it is necessary to introduce additional legislative restrictions and improve the quality of life in the regions - “people do not drink because they have a good life.”

The rating was compiled on the basis of open data from Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Statistical Database and EMISS. The final score of the region was calculated based on six criteria. In particular, the number of people who died from alcohol and registered alcoholics was assessed. As well as the number of crimes and offenses committed while intoxicated related to the illegal production and trafficking of alcohol. Another evaluation criteria was the volume of alcohol sold and an analysis of regional legislation in this area.

Thus, for the fourth year in a row, Chechnya (12.78 points), Ingushetia (12.82) and Dagestan (14.18) have been recognized as the most sober regions. Karachay-Cherkessia also improved its position in the ranking: in 2015 it was 25th, but since 2016 it has firmly occupied fourth place (20.02).

Next comes Kabardino-Balkaria (20.70), which has always been among the top ten “sober” regions. Also this year, the leaders were the Belgorod (22.51) and Tyumen (22.52) regions, the Stavropol Territory (23.61), the Volgograd Region (24.24) and Kalmykia (26.48).

The main problems in the implementation of anti-alcohol policy, according to the authors of the rating, are youth alcoholism, an increase in crime and a high proportion of counterfeit goods. The process is also slowed down by the “irresponsibility of officials” - for example, attempts to legalize the sale of alcohol at gas stations and trade via the Internet, as well as the lack of proper control.

Local anti-alcohol legislation should be tightened, the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Valery Ryazansky.

According to the expert, the authorities of some regions should think about it, since “people don’t drink because they have a good life.” And it is necessary to think not only about prohibitions, but also about solving related problems, raising the quality of life of citizens, the political scientist believes.

The meaning of ANTI-ALCOHOL POLICY in the Encyclopedia of Sober Living


- the sphere of society’s activities related to the elimination of drunkenness and alcoholism. Any problem acquires a political character if its solution is connected with the interests of society, the problem of power. A.p. has a high degree of independence and has a strong influence on the economy and other areas of society. Exploiting regimes, trying to delay its progressive development, are pursuing a policy of soldering the people. Thus, Tsarina Catherine II repeatedly emphasized: “It is easier to govern drunken people.” Under socialism A.p. was aimed at eradicating alcohol products from the population. In our time, alcohol problems have arisen again in Russia, which were characteristic of both pre-revolutionary Russia and a number of Western countries.

More information about anti-alcohol policy is described in the video lectures in the “Alcohol Genocide” section.

Encyclopedia of a sober lifestyle. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what ANTI-ALCOHOL POLICY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • POLITICS in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2008-11-26 Time: 09:26:58 * Those who stand high and in full view of everyone should not allow themselves to make impetuous movements. (...
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    PRICES AND INCOME - anti-inflationary policy pursued by the government of the country, the main instrument of which is limiting income in order to reduce monetary ...
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  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    TAX - see TAX POLICY...
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  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • POLICY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    UMBRELLA - a policy of monopolistic regulation of production volume in order to maintain prices set by the leading firm. Conducted with the assistance of companies supporting…
  • POLICY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek politika - state or public affairs from polis - state), a field of activity related to relations between social groups, the essence...
  • POLICY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Greek politiko - state or public affairs, from polis - state), a field of activity related to relations between classes, nations...
  • POLICY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    This term denotes: 1) one of the social sciences, 2) the totality of real facts studied by it, and 3) the so-called. political art. ...
  • POLICY in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • POLICY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek politika - state or public affairs, from polis - state), a field of activity associated with relations between classes, nations and ...
  • POLICY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? This term denotes: 1) one of the social sciences, 2) the totality of real facts studied by it, and 3) the so-called. political...
  • POLICY in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -and, only food. , and. 1) Field of activity related to relations between nations, social strata, etc.; activities in...
  • POLICY in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    ((gr. polltike art of statecraft) the activities of social classes, parties, groups, determined by their interests and goals, as well as the activities of bodies ...
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Question: ...The organization has adopted a local regulatory act “Company Anti-Alcohol Policy.” Its provisions stipulate that an employee will be fired for drinking alcoholic beverages in an organization. Citizens hired are familiarized with the document at the same time as the internal labor regulations, and already employed workers are forced to sign the document under threat of dismissal. Is it legal to introduce the act? (Expert consultation, 2007)

Question: The organization, signed by the head of the organization, has adopted a local regulatory act “The company’s anti-alcohol policy.” Its provisions stipulate that for drinking alcoholic beverages in an organization both during working and non-working hours, or appearing at the company’s office in a state of intoxication even during non-working hours, an employee will be fired. Citizens hired are familiarized with the specified document simultaneously with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations, and already employed workers are forced to sign the specified document under the threat of dismissal. Is it legal to introduce such an act?
Answer: The document called “Anti-alcohol policy of the company” belongs to the category of local regulations, that is, acts containing rules of law and issued by the management of the organization within the powers granted to it. Such an act relates to the sources of labor legislation only if it contains labor law norms, that is, norms regulating labor relations (relations based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal performance by the employee for payment of a labor function (work according to the position in accordance with staffing schedule, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; the specific type of work entrusted to the employee), the employee’s subordination to internal labor regulations while the employer provides working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations acts, an employment contract (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or other directly related relations on labor organization and labor management, employment with a given employer, professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers directly with a given employer, social partnership, collective bargaining, conclusion of collective agreements and agreements, others (Art. 1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Local regulations containing labor law norms should not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms; norms of local regulations that worsen the situation of workers in comparison with established labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements are not subject to application (Part 4 of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
In the specified local regulatory act, an obvious error is the condition that it be signed by all employees; as a general rule, the introduction of a local regulatory act does not require its signing by employees. To apply a local regulatory act, a procedure is necessary such as familiarizing those to whom the act is intended with its provisions.
Familiarization of employees with the provisions of a local regulatory act can be carried out in various forms (oral, written, combined), different ways and whether or not to have it in writing.
The refusal of a person hired to put a mark on familiarization with the company’s anti-alcohol policy (in the familiarization sheet or other document) cannot be grounds for the employer’s refusal to conclude an employment contract: according to Part 1 of Art. 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract; An unreasonable refusal will be considered a refusal for reasons not related to the employee’s business qualities.
An employee’s refusal to attest to familiarization with the company’s anti-alcohol policy cannot have any legal consequences.
The measures of responsibility established by this local regulatory act are distorted in comparison with those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, pp. "b" clause 6, part 1, art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for employee liability for the employee’s appearance at work in a state of alcohol, narcotic or other toxic intoxication.
An explanation of the application of this norm is given in the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated 03/17/2004 N 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” (as amended by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 12/28/2006 N 63). According to paragraph 42 of the Resolution, when resolving disputes related to the termination of an employment contract under paragraphs. "b" clause 6, part 1, art. 81 of the Code, courts must keep in mind that on this basis, employees who were in a state of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication during working hours at the place of performance of work duties may be dismissed. Moreover, dismissal on this basis can also follow when the employee during working hours was in such a state not at his workplace, but on the territory of this organization, or he was on the territory of the facility where, on behalf of the employer, he had to perform a labor function.
Relationships outside of working hours, that is, time that the employee has the right to use at his own discretion, are not labor relations and cannot be regulated by labor legislation, much less local regulations.
The undesirability of employees appearing in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and even more so drinking alcoholic beverages, is resolved through other legal means. For example, by introducing a pass system, in which it will simply be impossible for a particular employee to appear at the workplace outside the established working hours. If the presence of an employee on the territory of the organization during non-working hours should be limited, then for this it is not necessary to introduce an anti-alcohol policy, but it is sufficient to reflect the ban on the appearance of an employee on the territory of the organization outside of working hours in such a local regulatory act as internal labor regulations.
L.V. Shchur-Trukhanovich
Consulting and Analytical Center
in accounting
and taxation