Predatory fish in the Amazon. The most dangerous monsters from the Amazon (10 photos). Common vandellia or candiru

The growth of the catfish is clearly not successful; as a rule, there are no specimens larger than a matchstick. The body is thin and thin, so the fish is almost transparent. Having become hungry, the candiru begins to look for a victim, and chooses a larger fish. Even in the opaque Amazon, an excellent sense of smell helps to find it. When the candiru fish senses the characteristic stream of water that the prey throws out through the gills when breathing, and catches the smell of ammonia (a metabolic product of fish, partially eliminated from their body through respiration), it rushes forward.

Victim attack

Having found the fish, the candiru crawls into the gap directly under the gill cover and then becomes well attached to the gills of the victim. The catfish does this with the help of spines located on the fins, so much so that it is impossible to get rid of it by any force; even the most powerful stream of water that passes through the gills does not help.

Now the candiru fish begins its meal. With skill, she bites a hole in the tissue of the fish gills, and blood begins to ooze out of it, which the catfish feeds on. This explains another name for candiru - “Brazilian vampire”. The fish eats quickly, the time from the start of food intake to complete saturation ranges from thirty seconds to two minutes. The candiru then detaches from the victim and swims away.

Danger to humans

Something terrible happens when a catfish makes a mistake when choosing an owner. The victim may be a person or another mammal, and then the consequences can be the most serious.

Injuries to humans are very rare, but for the victims the consequences are extremely severe. IN human body The candiru feeds on surrounding tissues and blood, which causes bleeding and severe pain in the victim. If the victim is not given medical assistance in time, a catfish infection can lead to death.

Once in the human body, the candiru (fish) cannot get out of it on its own, since people are not typical hosts for catfish. Often, it is not possible to remove the fish from the human ureters without surgical intervention. This is how the catfish keeps the natives living along the shores of the Amazon at bay.

Indian method

Features of behavior

Zoologists have made different assumptions regarding what exactly attracts catfish to human genitals. The most plausible version is that the candiru is a fish that is extremely sensitive to the smell of urine: it happened that it attacked a person just a few seconds after he urinated in the water.

However, the catfish does not always penetrate the victim. Sometimes, having overtaken the prey, they bite through the skin with their long teeth and begin to suck out the blood. This causes the body of the fish itself to swell and swell. After eating, the catfish sinks to the bottom.

Treatment and consequences

If a person who is struck by a candiru fish does not undergo surgery in time, he may die. In most cases, surgical intervention occurs without serious consequences. Residents of the Amazon coast traditionally use traditional treatment. They inject the juices of two plants, in particular, genips, into the place where the catfish attaches. As a result of this, the candiru dies and then decomposes.


So now you know that the most dangerous vertebrate in the tropical rivers of South America is the small candiru fish. It does not occur in Russia. If a person commits troubled waters The Amazon process of urination, the catfish feels the characteristic flow of water, as well as the smell of ammonia contained in human urine. The fish mistakes it for the gills and makes a fatal mistake, penetrating the human body.

The waters of the Amazon are teeming with even more dangerous monsters that will not leave you the slightest chance. Still want to visit this place? For you, we have prepared a list of the 10 most dangerous animals living in this river.

Black caiman

This is the hunk of the alligator world. The largest individuals reach 6 meters in length. Such creatures have the reaction of a mongoose and the strength of a tiger. The most dangerous predators of the Amazon, which will tear to shreds anyone who falls into their huge jaws.


Another huge predator that lives in local waters is the anaconda. This is the world's largest snake, weighing up to 250 kilograms. Anacondas are 9 meters long and 30 centimeters in diameter. If such a creature wraps itself around a person, he will no longer be able to escape. These monsters love shallow water, so they spend most of their time in the tributaries of the river.


These giants have armored scales, so they don’t even care about piranhas. Arapaima hunt mainly for more small fish and birds, but is not averse to eating human flesh. The fish grow up to three meters in length and weigh up to 90 kilograms. The monsters are so ferocious that they even have teeth on their tongues.

Brazilian otter

Even the otters here are gigantic. These 2-meter animals hunt fish and crabs. However, there is strength in numbers: when they gather in flocks, they kill adult anacondas and even caimans. If for these creatures, which are called river wolves, it is not a problem to kill such strong animals, then humans are just a snack for them.

Common vandellia(Brazilian vampire)

Small individuals enter the human body through the anus, vaginal opening and even through the penis. Having settled inside the body, they can cause hellish pain. The poor fellows who have felt such torment pray to doctors for salvation.

Bull sharks

Such cute little animals most often live in salty ocean water. Unfortunately, sometimes they swim into fresh waters and terrify local residents. Their jaws provide a bite force of 589 kilograms. After meeting with them, usually no one survived.

Electric eels

I would not recommend picking up these babies. Two-meter eels can strike victims with a charge of up to 600 volts. And this, by the way, is almost 3 times more than in your outlet. It seems like a killer tension, but it's not.

It's not the discharge that kills. The victim simply stops breathing from the painful shock and drowns in the water.

Common piranhas

These little creatures often appear in Hollywood horror films. And it’s not without reason that they gained fame as ruthless killers. The sharp teeth of these fish close together and tear the flesh to shreds.

It is noteworthy that piranhas are scavengers. But they do not hesitate to enjoy fresh meat.

Mackerel hydrolic

These underwater bloodsuckers have truly vampire fangs. Only these fangs are located on the lower jaw of hydrolics. The victim is impaled on them like a stake, and can no longer escape anywhere. There are even special holes in the palate of hydroliks to hide such long fangs.

Brown pacu

These fish with human smiles are relatives of the previously mentioned piranhas. Although pacu prefer fruits and nuts, they are not averse to biting someone. There have been cases when these stupid fish literally chewed off the testicles of men swimming naked. I would never want to be in their place.

The beautiful and majestic Amazon is fraught with many dangers. It attracts lovers of extreme recreation who pay for the experience with their health and even their lives.

The Amazon rainforest is a vast ecosystem that provides habitat for such strange and beautiful creatures as the jaguar, the poison dart frog, and the helmeted basilisk. But this environment is home to more than just animals that prowl, swing and slide through the trees. The murky waters of the Amazon River, the deepest river in the whole world, are home to such amazing and terrible creatures that the sight of their jaws is more terrible than some jaws floating in the marine environment.

10. Black caimans (lat. Melanosuchus niger)

Photo. Black caiman

The black caiman is like an alligator on steroids. It can grow up to six meters in size and has a larger, heavier skull than the same Nile crocodile, placing it at the top of the food chain in Amazonian waters. What this means is that they are primarily kings of rivers, eating almost anything they can get their teeth on, including groupers, piranhas, monkeys, anacondas and deer.

And, of course, they are capable of attacking people, which happens periodically. In early 2010, biologist Diis Nishimura was attacked by a caiman while cleaning fish on her houseboat, and although she managed to fight it off, she lost one of her legs. This particular caiman had been waiting for her under the houseboat for nine months, apparently waiting to strike.

9. Giant anacondas (lat. Eunectes murinus)

Photo. Green anaconda

Continuing the theme of gigantic reptiles, we should remember the largest snake in the whole world, living in the Amazon: the anaconda. Although reticulated pythons are actually considered to be the longest snakes, green anacondas are much heavier; females are generally larger than their male counterparts and are capable of growing up to nine meters (over 29 feet) in length, gaining 250 kilograms (550 pounds) in weight, and reaching 30 centimeters (12 inches) in diameter. Is not Poisonous snakes, but instead of venom, they rely on their enormous muscular strength to squeeze and strangle their prey, which can include capybaras, caiman, deer and even jaguar. She likes shallow water, which allows her to stealthily sneak up on her prey. As a rule, these snakes live in the tributaries of the Amazon, and not in the main channel of the river.

8. Arapaima (lat. Arapaima)

Photo. Caught arapaima

Arapaima according to the IGFA world record is biggest fish living in bodies of water. Arapaima, also known as "pirarucu" or "paiche", are giant carnivorous fish that live in the Amazon and nearby lakes. Being studded with armored scales, they do not hover and live in waters saturated with piranhas, since they are quite agile predators that eat fish and randomly passing birds. As a rule, arapaima are located near the surface because they need to breathe regular air and also obtain oxygen from the water using their gills. They make a characteristic cough when they appear on the surface. The arapaima's proximity to the surface of the water makes it vulnerable to human hunters, who can easily attack with harpoons. Some indigenous communities consume the meat and tongue of the arapaima, turning it into jewelry and other items.

They grow up to 2.6 meters in size and weigh around 90 kilograms (200 pounds). These fish are so dangerous that even their tongue is studded with teeth.

7. Giant otters (lat. Pteronura brasiliensis)

Photo. Giant otter

The name itself says it all, these animals are very large, and they are indeed very large otters. They are the longest of the 13 otter species, with adult males measuring up to two meters (more than six feet) in length (from head to tail end). It is difficult to distinguish between male and female giant otters because there is no fundamental difference in head or body size. This species can make up to nine different sounds and it can be very loud.

Their diet primarily consists of crabs and fish, which they catch in family groups of two to seven individuals, and are capable of eating up to four kilograms (nine pounds) of seafood in a day. Don't be fooled by their cute faces, they are more deserving of being on this list than any other animal as they have been observed to kill and eat anacondas in groups. They are also capable of giving a serious rebuff to a caiman. One day, a family of otters was spotted eating a 1.5-metre (5-foot) caiman, which took them approximately 45 minutes. Although their numbers are declining, largely due to human activity, they are among the most advanced predators in the Amazon rainforest.

6. Common Vandellia (lat. Vandellia cirrhosa)

Photo. Kandiru

However, candiru prefer other fish; with the help of spines they attach themselves inside the gills of larger individuals and feed on the blood of their host.

5. Blunt sharks (lat. Carcharhinus leucas)

Photo. Snout shark

Considering that, technically, animals that live in the ocean cannot be in fresh water, this does not apply to blunt-nosed sharks, since they thrive in both sea (salt) and river (fresh) water. They were found very far in the depths of the Amazon, almost 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles) from the sea. This fish has special kidneys that can recognize differences in salinity and adapt accordingly. And you definitely don’t want to meet such a fish in river water. They typically grow to a size of 3.1 meters, and these sharks have been reported to weigh 312 kilograms (690 pounds). Like many sharks, they have several rows of sharp, triangular-shaped teeth and extremely powerful jaws, capable of clenching with a force of 589 kilograms (1,300 pounds). It's also worth mentioning that this species of shark is particularly unfriendly towards humans, as they are one of the top three sharks that attack humans most often (along with great white and tiger sharks). Also given their habit of swimming near densely populated areas, this has led many experts to call them.

4. Electric eels (lat. Electrophorus electricus)

Photo. Experiments with the electric eel

In fact electric eel much closer to catfish than eels, but you probably don't want to be near one to find out. Reaching a size of 2.5 meters (8 feet), they are capable of generating discharges of electricity using special cells called electrocytes located on their sides. These electrical discharges can reach up to 600 volts, this discharge is enough to cause a horse to give way and fall. While shock alone is not enough to kill the average healthy person, multiple shocks can cause the heart and lungs to collapse, and shock is usually what causes people to drown. That's why .

Most of the disappearances reported in the Amazon have been linked to eels, which put their victims into a state of shock and leave them to drown in the river. Fortunately for us, this type of eel tends to adhere to a diet consisting of amphibians, fish, small mammals and birds. They find their prey by emitting small 10-volt electrical discharges from their electrocytes, after which they stun or kill them.

3. Common piranhas (lat. Pygocentrus nattereri)

Photo. Piranha

This is the true horror of the Amazon River, this animal is so feared that it has inspired many dubious Hollywood films. But in fact, the common (red-bellied) piranha feeds on carrion. But this does not mean that they are not capable of attacking living beings; after all, it is worth considering that they are capable of growing in lengths in excess of 30 centimeters (12 inches) and swimming in large groups. Like all piranhas, red-bellied piranhas have incredibly sharp teeth, lined up in a single row on each of their powerful lower and upper jaws. These teeth compress with great force, which is why they are ideal weapons for tearing and eating flesh. Their fearsome reputation is largely fueled by rumors of their "mad feast", where a group of piranhas gather around an unlucky victim and devour him to the bone in a matter of minutes. Such attacks rarely occur and are usually the result of starvation or provocation.

2. Payara (vampire fish, lat. Hydrolycus armatus)

Photo. Payara teeth

Anything called a “vampire fish” is automatically associated with a scary animal, and the payara is no exception. These fish are incredibly ferocious predators, capable of eating fish up to half their size. Considering that they can reach up to 1.3 meters (four feet) in length, this does not mean that this is the limit. They mainly like to eat piranhas, which may give you some insight into how tough these sharp-toothed beasts can be. They get their name from the two fangs that grow from the lower jaw and they are capable of growing up to 14 centimeters (six inches) in length. The fish use them to literally impale their prey, and then viciously tear them to pieces. In fact, their fangs are so large that they have special holes in the upper jaw designed to prevent themselves from being pierced.

This voracious carnivore is fast and aggressive. They, as a rule, leave small fish in their mouths, and then, skillfully maneuvering, begin to swallow. However, if the prey is too large, payaras may cut it into smaller pieces first and then swallow it.

1. Pacu (lat. Colossoma macropomum)

Photo. Paku teeth

Certainly more dangerous to males than females, this animal is the pacu, which is larger than its closest relative, the piranha, and is known for its distinctive human-like teeth. They are very similar to the piranha, but have flatter, stronger teeth designed for crushing, and one fisherman reportedly died after having his testicles bitten off.

Fish expert Henrik Karl said pacu are not usually dangerous to people, but they do have a "pretty serious bite". He said: “There have been cases in other countries, such as Papau New Guinea, where some men have had their testicles bitten off. They bite because they are hungry, and the testicles are good for that. They usually eat nuts, fruits and fish, but human testicles are just a natural target."

Oh, and don't worry if you can't get to the Amazon to see these monsters, they can already be found in Europe, where they have already begun to breed.

Amazon is the most big river On planet Earth, its waters and coastal areas are home to a huge number of different animals. There you can find both small and beautiful birds and deadly snakes, wild cats. Some animals are dangerous to humans, but get along well with each other. We present to you the ten most common and terrifying animals of the Amazon.


The largest cat living on the banks of the Amazon. The jaguar's diet includes all kinds of land inhabitants of the jungle, ranging from small mice to deer. The average weight of jaguars fluctuates around 90-100 kilograms, but there are individuals that grow up to 120 kilograms. For humans, jaguars do not pose a direct threat, because they do not attack people of their own free will, only for the purpose of self-defense.


Piranhas have become the main characters of horror films many times. But the truth is that they initially feed on carrion. However, this fact does not exclude the possibility that they cannot attack other animals. Each piranha can be 30 centimeters in size. Their weapons are straight teeth on both jaws, which can close completely, allowing them to tear off pieces of flesh. Piranhas live in large groups and therefore pose a great danger to most animals.
Many different snakes can be found in the Amazon forests, but the South American rattlesnake- one of the most dangerous snakes for humans. Its bite can easily result in death if help is not provided to the victim in time. The snake lives in the Amazon jungle far from the river itself. It feeds on small mammals, rodents and amphibians. According to statistics, a tenth snake bites V South America belongs to these snakes.

Spotted dart frog

A frog belonging to the genus of dart frogs. Inhabits deciduous trees of the Amazon. The frog's appearance is as impressive as its venom. Although the frog itself is very small, only 5 centimeters in length, its poison is enough to kill 10 adult men. It feeds on all kinds of insects. Even with a motley appearance, the poison dart frog is not afraid of predators and does not need camouflage, since the motley appearance indicates danger, and those who do not believe will have to taste deadly poison.

Electric eel

The creatures prefer muddy bottoms. Their length is within 2-3 meters, sometimes slightly exceeding this figure. The mass of an eel can be more than 40 kilograms. Eels prefer to feed on small birds, fish, small mammals and amphibians. Eels hunt thanks to special organs that generate a discharge of electricity, delivering a blow of sufficient power to kill or stun prey. For humans, acne does not represent mortal danger, because the power of its discharge is not enough to kill a person, but it can lead to a heart attack or loss of consciousness.

Bull shark

Even being inhabitants of salty ocean waters, sharks can thrive in fresh water. Therefore, there are times when formidable ocean predators swim into the waters of the Amazon. It happened that sharks were encountered near settlements along the Amazon, which is quite a distance of 4,000 kilometers from the ocean. Thanks to the special structure of their kidneys, sharks quickly adapt to the salt balance in the water. “Bulls” are often over 3 meters long, and their body weight can exceed 300 kilograms. The bite force of such a monster is 589 kilograms. Sharks eat everything, they don’t disdain human flesh either, this is the type of shark that most often devours people. Due to the fact that sharks are very dangerous and live near densely populated areas, they are considered the most dangerous among all sharks in the world.


Anaconda is the largest snake on Earth. Although there are species of pythons that are longer than the anaconda, their weight is much greater than that of longer snakes. An anaconda can weigh over 200 kilograms, reach a length of up to 9 meters, and the snake’s body reaches a diameter of up to 30 centimeters. An anaconda can catch a caiman or a jaguar, but at the same time risks becoming lunch itself. Often its diet consists of capybaras and deer. The anaconda prefers to hunt in shallow water, where it can easily get close to its prey unnoticed.

Black caiman

Black caimans are the largest predators in the Amazon River. Caimans can grow over five meters in length. Being the rulers of the waters of the Amazon, caimans feed on absolutely everything that falls into their mouths: monkeys, big fish, anacondas, jaguars, carrion - everything that a huge reptile can swallow. For people, caimans are also very dangerous; they willingly attack onlookers, so when swimming along the river, you need to be on alert. Once upon a time, caimans were on the verge of extinction, but a law prohibiting hunting of them increased the number of inhabitants of the river.


Arapaima - huge size predatory fish, living in the waters of the Amazon. The scales of a fish are very durable and serve as excellent protection for it. Therefore, no piranhas are afraid of the arapaima. The fish's diet includes mainly fish and sometimes birds. An underwater predator often swims at the surface of the water, because the oxygen received through the gills is not enough for them, and they take breaths, floating to the surface of the water. The average length of the fish is about 2 meters, but sometimes it reaches 3. The maximum weight that has been recorded is 200 kilograms. It also poses a danger to people. There was a case when a fish attacked two fishermen, as a result of which they died.

Brazilian otter

The Brazilian otter is the largest otter of the mustelid family and the genus of giant otters, living in freshwater. They most often eat fish and crustaceans that inhabit the waters of the Amazon. Otters grow up to 2 meters in length (from snout to tip of tail). The hunt takes place in communities of up to eight representatives. Many people think that otters are very cute and harmless, but this is far from the truth. Otters are capable of catching an anaconda in a flock and tearing it to pieces; there have been cases of reprisals against caimans; the killed otters are immediately eaten. Although the number of Brazilian otters is declining, due in part to poachers, they are considered one of the Amazon's strongest predators.

South America, spread over nine countries, is home to the Amazon Rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world. It covers an area of ​​55 square kilometers and contains a wealth of biodiversity, including species that have not yet been fully studied. The Amazon River flows through the forest and supports thriving animal and plant life. These forests are known as the "lungs of the Earth" because they absorb greatest number carbon dioxide on earth and release oxygen. These forests are also home to some of the most dangerous animals known to man. Here's our list of the 15 most dangerous animals in the Amazon rainforest.
This is an Alligator found in the Amazon, which is one of the largest species in the world. This Amazonian tropical animal is a very skilled hunter and kills its prey by approaching it from under the water and then crushing it with its powerful jaws. He then drags the catch underwater until it suffocates. It kills everything from small fish, otters, dogs and deer to jaguars and other caimans. Caimans can grow up to 6 meters in length. The black caiman's body is covered with hard scales that act as armor, however the color can vary between olive green, grey, brown or black. The species has bony ridges above the eyes. They have excellent hearing and vision and are equipped with strong teeth used for crushing food. You can also read about

This animal is not actually an eel, but a fish that looks like an eel. It has three organs that can generate five times more electricity than a normal plug point. This makes it one of the. It uses this electricity to shock and immobilize its prey before eating it whole. It also releases electricity as a method of defense to scare off an attacker. People are usually attacked by eels if they are accidentally stepped on. Most deaths are not due to shock itself, but due to subsequent paralysis and drowning. This method of killing its prey has earned the eel a place on this list of the ten most dangerous animals of the Amazon rainforest. The species has about 6,000 cells to produce electrocytes, and can generate 600 volts of power, which is about 5 times stronger than the electricity generated in a standard electrical outlet. The shock can knock a horse down instantly. It can kill a person in two or three hits, but people come into contact with eels very often. The species can live 15 years in wildlife and 22 years in captivity.

This large cat, native to South America, is the region's top predator. The jaguar lives alone over large areas, similar to leopards or tigers in India, and hunts small land animals. It rarely comes into contact with people, and when it does, it is usually because it is trying to attack livestock. Although it rarely attacks, this cat is a dangerous animal due to its speed, stealth, strong jaw and sharp teeth that can pierce even turtle shells and the human skull. However, their numbers are declining due to habitat loss and hunting. It is also considered one of the strongest animals on planet Earth. Jaguars love to eat monkeys, crocodiles, deer, sloths, fish, frogs and anything else they can catch. Jaguars are solitary animals that love to live and hunt alone, however, this does not apply during mating season.

The most dangerous of all species, the red-bellied piranha is a scavenger and usually eats dead animals. It is only known to attack live animals if it feels threatened or if there is little food in the area. People have been attacked by piranhas, but these attacks do not result in death, only injury due to the fish's sharp teeth. Piranhas exhibit cannibalism and are known to eat other members of their species. It is also one of the deadliest fish in the world. Talking about appearance, they have a silver body covered in red spots that serve as camouflage in murky water. The pointed and sharp teeth of the piranha are arranged in one row and bite through the silver hook. The piranha's jaw bone is the strongest and can crush human hand in 5-10 seconds. Local residents use piranha teeth to make weapons and other tools. Like sharks, piranhas are also equipped with a special organ that can sense blood in the water. They live up to 25 years in the wild and 10-20 years in captivity.

This Amazon rainforest animal is a brightly colored frog that secretes poison from glands on its skin. This poison is very toxic and causes heart failure if it enters the body in large quantities. The golden poison dart frog is a rare species because it can kill twenty adults. It is known that some tribes in tropical forests The Amazons use the poison of this frog to coat the tips of their arrows, which they use to hunt other animals. Due to depletion of tropical forests poisonous frogs are endangered, and the blue poison dart frog is endangered due to its popularity in the animal market.

This shark is one of the three most dangerous species sharks and often attacks people who violate its territory. She lives in the muddy waters of the river and hunts other aquatic animals such as fish, dolphins, and snakes. Because it swims in shallow, dirty water, people cannot see it, and if they get too close, the shark attacks them. A shark bite can be fatal because it drags its victims into the water and they either drown or die due to loss of blood. The species can grow up to 2.1 meters in length, however, females have been seen growing to an average of 2.4 meters in length and weighing 130 kg. Males are smaller compared to females and weigh around 94 kg. They are a type of shark that can grow in salt and fresh water. The bull shark can switch between salt water and fresh water and vice versa. The bull shark will be able to survive even if the water level is only 60 cm, and this is why they often come into contact with people. Additionally, female bull sharks prefer to give birth in shallow water because this will prevent larger sharks from eating their babies.

One of the largest snakes in the world, the green anaconda can grow up to 9 meters in length - twice the size of a giraffe. They live in water and can silently sneak up on prey and strike it with force, squeezing it with their powerful body until it suffocates and dies. They then swallow the prey whole. They usually hunt wild boar, deer, capybaras, and sometimes jaguars and people. You can also read about the most. Anaconda is a non-venomous snake. They spend most of their time alone, but males seek females to mate with between April and May. Sometimes several species of male green anaconda will pursue the same female. This phenomenon is known as "breeding balls", where dozens of males are wrapped around one female and all try to mate. Sometimes green anacondas engage in behavior where female green anacondas eat smaller males.

It’s not for nothing that this animal was included in the list, because the spider has one of the deadliest poisons in the world. This is a ground spider that hunts at night. It can sting people who venture too close, and the venom causes severe pain and can eventually cause paralysis. The spider with the deadliest venom in the world is found throughout the entire jungle. However, during the daytime they hide under rocks and in crevices, in places that are dark and damp. Additionally, they are mostly visible where people have untouched items, clothes they are not wearing, or piles of wood or any items stored in a closet or garage, so people need to be careful. One of the most aggressive types of spiders will fight other spiders for territory if the population in the area is high.

As the name suggests, this centipede is a giant – it grows up to 30 centimeters. It is an experienced predator that kills small animals such as spiders, mice, small birds, bats, lizards and snakes. It is not poisonous, but hunts by wrapping itself around its prey and eating it as it slowly dies. Although it cannot kill people, the bite causes severe pain, fever and weakness. However, it is a ferocious and dangerous animal of the Amazon rainforest. This species has powerful jaws that can very easily bite through skin and inject very painful venom. Speaking of appearance, the entire body is divided into 23 parts, each with its own pair of legs. Amazonian giant centipedes do not breathe through their mouths, instead they have small holes in the side of each segment that allow them to take in oxygen to keep them alive. They are among the fastest runners because they are almost blind and love to eat insects, tarantulas, small lizards, frogs, small birds, small snakes, rodents and even bats. The species is widespread throughout South America and several Caribbean islands. This is one of the.

This tiny ant—which grows to about 2 centimeters—gets its name from its ant, which is likened to a bullet. It also injects venom into the bite site and can kill small animals. These ants hunt in groups and can paralyze or kill large animals with many bites. The bite is not fatal to humans, but causes severe pain and can lead to temporary paralysis of the area around the bite. They have the most painful insect bites in the world and its bite contains a neurotoxin. It is located on the abdomen of the ant. They mainly nest in bushes, trees and in the ground.

This venomous viper species has been mainly spotted off the coast of Sao Paulo state in Brazil. It can be recognized by the light yellowish-brown color of its underside and the shape of its head, characteristic of the genus Bothrops. The species can grow to a length of 70 cm, however it sometimes also reaches 118 cm. There are various color combinations, such as a pale yellowish-brown base color that is covered by a series of spots that may be triangular or quadrangular.

It is the most powerful predator found in the Amazon rainforest, and is also one of the largest existing species eagles in the world. This species is mainly found in tropical lowland rainforests Central America. Additionally, in Brazil, the harpy eagle is also known as the royal-hawk. The harpy eagle is the national bird of Panama and is featured on the coat of arms of Panama.

Bats - however, vampire bats have even more interesting feature, they are mammals that can only survive on blood. In addition, these species live in places of complete darkness, usually in caves, old wells, hollow trees and buildings. Nocturnal creatures are most active in the early nights. The only species of bat that can "adopt" another young bat, if something happens to her mother.