Tourist associations. The role of associations in the tourism business. Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region

At present, associations have begun to appear in the tourism industry of Ukraine, which is a natural stage in the development market economy Ukraine and its formation as a democratic and legal state with a developed civil society.

Relevance of this study due to the need to determine the areas of work of associations in Ukraine.

The works of domestic scientists are devoted to marketing issues in tourism: Beznosyuk V.D., Bobarykina O.M., Vedmid N.I., Zhukova N.L., Kharycheva V.V., Shulgina L.M. and foreign scientists: Durovich A.P., Kotler F. . Bystrov S.A. was engaged in the description and classification of associations in tourism. , Vorontsova M.G., Kvartalnov V.A., Dracheva E.L., Zabaev Yu.V., Ismaev D.K. and others. At the same time, it should be noted that there is no single point of view on specific forms of work of tourist associations in Ukraine within the framework of the marketing information system.

The purpose of the study is to determine the place and role of associations in the tourism business. To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve a number of tasks:

To characterize tourist associations and organizations;
- develop a classification of tourism associations;
- to reveal forms of work of associations in tourism, to suggest new directions.

Usually, tourist associations and organizations solve those issues that an individual member of the association cannot solve on his own, or such a solution would be unreasonably expensive for him. By joint efforts, tourist associations and organizations can effectively and in a relatively short time to solve the common problems of their members. Tourist associations and organizations can take on some of the functions of state tourism management bodies. Tourist associations and organizations are created to promote the development of tourism, exchange and contacts between tourism industry enterprises, joint development of tourism policy and active lobbying of their interests, conducting marketing research and promoting a tourism product. Tourist associations and organizations can be used to build some elements of a marketing information system.

Marketing Information System (MIS, Marketing Information System - MIS) of a tourist enterprise- a set of resources and procedures used to collect information with a given accuracy and frequency, its processing, sorting, analysis and evaluation with timely bringing it to the competent persons to make effective marketing decisions.

The marketing information system allows:

Get competitive advantages;
- reduce financial risks;
- determine the market opportunities of the enterprise;
- identify favorable conditions;
- assess the state of the internal and external environment;
- evaluate and increase customer confidence in the company's services;
- confirm or refute management's assumptions;
- increase the efficiency of activities;
- be able to detect potential threats early;
- Evaluate and monitor the implementation of plans, as well as promptly carry out their adjustment.

The marketing information system usually consists of the following subsystems:

Subsystem of internal information;
- subsystem of external information;
- marketing research subsystem.

In addition, an important element is the timely delivery of the received and interpreted information to interested parties. At the same time, the cost of information should be controlled so that it does not systematically or always (depending on the type of information) exceed the benefits from its use.

The subsystem of internal information allows you to accumulate and analyze the necessary information within the tourism enterprise. This information is generated by the activities of the enterprise and is constantly changing in connection with it. In this subsystem, it is important to coordinate the work of enterprise departments in order to obtain timely, complete and reliable information describing the specified characteristics. This task can be done faster and more efficiently using software products for automation various kinds activities, including solving problems of accounting automation (financial and managerial), accumulation of other information necessary for marketing services at tourism enterprises, data presentation and management at the enterprise.

Sources of inside information can be:

Accounting information ( financial statements, accounts of synthetic and analytical accounting, source documents, management accounting data);
- complaints and reclamations of consumers;
- business correspondence;
- contracts with buyers, suppliers and contractors and the history of relationships with them in various sections and groups;
- data on the payment discipline of counterparties;
- data on booking and the state of the number of rooms;
- data received directly from guests through questionnaires, phone calls, personal conversations, etc.;
- verification by a "mystery guest".

The subsystem of external information is divided into information about the macro environment and the micro environment (competitive environment). In external environment it is important to monitor and evaluate innovations and trends in a timely manner.

The macro environment, as a rule, is outside the sphere of influence of the company itself, but at the same time, the macro environment can have a significant impact on the tourism industry. To analyze the macro environment, the STEP-impact model (social, technological, economic and political impacts) is used.

Sources of external marketing information can be:

Regulatory framework;
- exhibitions, conferences and presentations;
- consulting firms;
- statistical information;
- personal contacts of managers;
- surveys;
- Internet.

The marketing research subsystem includes:

Problem definition and goal setting;
- research planning processes;
- collection and analysis of data;
- interpretation and presentation of research results.

Tourism enterprises can build IIAs themselves, but some elements of IIAs can be obtained from associations in the tourism business. At the same time, associations will be able to ensure the relevance and reliability of information with greater cost-effectiveness of information for each specific member of the association.

Within the framework of the IIA, tourism associations can be involved in the internal information subsystem for checking by a “mystery guest”, for summarizing information by business tourism experts in each accommodation facility, etc.

In the subsystem of external information, associations in tourism can be involved in almost all elements. External marketing information allows the tourism company to monitor trends in the tourism market and respond quickly to them. Associations in the tourism business are best suited to identify a potential and available market, assess and forecast overall market demand, and conduct international marketing research. in this direction, there may be specific difficulties associated with the language barrier, differences in traditions, legal regulation, level of development information technologies, organization of separate licensing procedures and standards, etc. For example, the Association of Crimean Resorts annually publishes its marketing research to assess satisfaction with rest and treatment, price-quality compliance, ways to attract tourists during the off-season, etc.

In order to achieve a competitive advantage, in addition to marketing research conducted by associations, it is advisable for a tourism enterprise to conduct its own research of the microenvironment (for example, assessing customer satisfaction) and partly of the macroenvironment (for example, to predict market share).

The Association can accumulate information about unscrupulous tour operators, their managers and owners and put them on the so-called "black list". This will avoid or reduce in the future the number of conflict situations between tourists and accommodation facilities that arise through the fault of tour operators. For example, it is not uncommon for from one or two to several dozen tourists to arrive at the accommodation facility during the day, who paid for accommodation and meals at the accommodation facility to the tour operator, who, in turn, did not transfer this money minus the commission to the accommodation facility. In such a situation, if the accommodation facility does not accommodate them, then it incurs reputational losses, albeit unreasonable, because. the fault lies with the unscrupulous tour operator. If the accommodation facility accommodates such tourists, then financial losses may occur if the accommodation facility does not ultimately receive payment for this - in the amount of the cost of accommodation of such tourists and profit if opportunities were missed to accommodate another group. The fact that arriving tourists can be foreigners, even from neighboring countries, and their tour operator is not a resident of Ukraine and he directly concluded an agreement with an accommodation facility without intermediaries, can add a special urgency to the situation. In this case, in addition to the above-mentioned losses, there may also be sanctions for non-return of foreign exchange earnings (the service was provided, but the currency was not received), in addition, the foreign economic activity of the enterprise may be paralyzed.

Within the framework of associations, it is relatively easy to carry out research by the method expert assessments. Associations can become the basis for creating joint on-line booking systems. Currently, a number of important indicators in the tourism industry in general and in business tourism in particular are not collected in Ukraine, namely: revenue per room (RevPar), operating income per room (GovPAR), average cost per room (ADR ) by categories of accommodation facilities. These indicators would make it possible to make comparisons with foreign markets, identify problems and look for ways to solve them. Associations in tourism, until the transition to the collection of these data at the state level, could calculate them on the basis of information from their members.

The activity of associations depends on their type. It is proposed to classify tourism associations and organizations as follows:

1. On a territorial basis:

- international regional;
- national;
- regional.

2. According to the degree of participation of state bodies:

Official (intergovernmental);
- informal.

3. Depending on the statutory goals and objectives:

- specialized.

4. By size of participants:

Associations uniting small market players (Association of small hotels and apartments of Ukraine);
- associations uniting major market players;
- mixed.

5. By type of participants in the tourism services market:

On the demand side (Association of cyclists);
- on the supply side:
- associations of accommodation facilities;
- associations of tourist intermediaries;
- mixed.

6. By type of tourism:

Crimean Association of Rural Green Tourism;
- Association of Business Tourism of Ukraine;
- and etc.

On present stage development of tourism in Ukraine, business tourism is of particular interest, since the volume of the Ukrainian business travel market in 2011, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, amounted to $2.883 billion and is projected to grow to $6.116 billion by 2021 in 2011 prices. At the same time, the volume of the Ukrainian market private travel in 2011 - $6.271 billion and is projected to grow to $9.349 billion by 2021 in 2011 prices. The business travel market will develop more dynamically than the private travel market. their growth rate is one and a half times higher than that of private travel.

In February 2007, the Business Tourism Association of Ukraine was organized as a "non-profit association of Ukrainian enterprises whose activities are related to business tourism and the meeting industry, as well as enterprises and legal entities interested in the development of business tourism in Ukraine" . The Business Tourism Association of Ukraine proposes to use the Qpeople Project (Qualify people) system to solve the problem of the black list.

For business tourism, associations could accumulate information on holding various kinds of MICE events (average duration of the event, geography of participants, additional services that were in the greatest demand, etc.) and generalize the experience of organizing them for experts in working with business tourism in accommodation facilities . This will facilitate meetings with the best level of organization, and allow some events, by raising their level of organization, to be repeated in the long term. In the book Meeting Architecture, a manifesto by Maarten Vanneste, "Meeting Architecture, a manifesto" is dedicated to "meeting architect as a new profession". Marten Vanesti defines a Meeting Architect: “A meeting architect is an individual who focuses on the purpose of a potential meeting, its format and design, as well as the conceptual and practical blocks for building a meeting, aimed at better learning, exchange of professional information and motivation event participant. He or she also knows how to measure meeting results up to Level 5 - ROI. The meeting architect as described by me does not yet exist here. The ultimate goal is formal education, certification and a master's degree in meeting architecture". The five levels of meeting outcomes are described as follows: “I see these levels as a flow: we need to see a happy (level 1) participant to open up to learning (level 2) so that after the meeting they can apply what they have learned, (3 ) and, therefore, have an impact on (4) the business, which, ultimately, generates an increase in income or a decrease in expenses (5) ” . In Ukraine, tourism associations and universities, combining the strengths of each other, in the context of a steady growth in business tourism in absolute and relative terms (the share of business tourism in the amount of private travel and business tourism), should develop partnerships to train graduates and improve the skills of employees meeting the requirements of the meeting architect.

According to the results of the study, the following can be done conclusions:

Tourist associations and organizations are created to promote the development of tourism, exchange and contacts between tourism industry enterprises, joint development of tourism policy and active lobbying of their interests, conducting marketing research and promoting a tourism product. Tourist associations and organizations can be classified according to various criteria.

Associations in tourism within the framework of the marketing information system can be involved in the study and analysis of the subsystem of external information, the competence of associations in conducting international marketing research, compiling a "black list" of unscrupulous tour operators, their managers and owners is especially clearly traced. Within the framework of associations, it is relatively easy to carry out research by the method of expert assessments. Associations can become the basis for creating joint on-line booking systems. Currently, a number of important indicators in the tourism industry in general and in business tourism in particular are not collected in Ukraine, namely: revenue per room (RevPar), operating income per room (GovPAR), average cost per room (ADR ) by categories of accommodation facilities. These indicators would make it possible to make comparisons with foreign markets, identify problems and look for ways to solve them. Associations in tourism, until the transition to the collection of these data at the state level, could calculate them on the basis of information from their members.

The article suggests:

Classification of tourist associations;
- checking the quality of the services provided by the accommodation facilities for the members of the association as a "mystery guest";
- recommendations for associations to carry out, together with universities, the training of employees to the level of the Meeting Architect described by Marten Vanesti;
- areas of work to improve the system of indicators in tourism.

Thus, associations in tourism can become the basis for the sustainable development of the tourism industry in Ukraine. They can implement what individual participants in the tourism market cannot implement, or it would be economically impractical or not at the required quality level.

The work of travel associations with tour operators has been chosen as a direction for future research.

Sources and literature

1. Durovich A.P. Marketing in tourism / A.P. Durovich. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003. - 496 p.
2. Durovich A.P. Marketing research in tourism / A.P. Durovich. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 384 p.
3. Kotler F. Marketing. Hospitality / F. Kotler, J. Bowen, J. Mackenz. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. – 1063 p.
4. Bystrov S.A. Tourism: macroeconomics and microeconomics / S.A. Bystrov, M.G. Vorontsov. - St. Petersburg: Ed. house "Gerda", 2007. - 464 p.
5. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism: textbook. / V.A. Quarterly. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006. - 336 p.
6. Economics and organization of tourism: international tourism: textbook. allowance / E.L. Dracheva, Yu.V. Zabaev, D.K. Ismaev and others; ed.: I.A. Ryabova, Yu.V. Zabaeva, E.L. Dracheva. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: KNORUS, 2007. – 576 p.
7. Business Tourism Association of Ukraine: [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
8. Project Qpeople (Qualify people): [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
9. Maarten Vanneste. Meeting Architecture, a manifesto / Maarten Vanneste. – Printed by Vestagraphics, Manufactured in Poland, 2008. – 157 p.

In a modern capitalist society, for the stable development of tourism, only state assistance in the form of federal programs is not enough. Travel agencies themselves are looking for ways to solve problems. To do this, they unite in unions, societies, etc. One of the most famous is the Russian Union of Travel Industry.

The Russian Union of the Travel Industry (PCT) is the largest business association in the industry, which includes more than 1000 organizations of the travel business, hotel industry, sanatorium and resort complex, as well as transport, insurance, consulting companies, educational institutions, regional associations and tourism management bodies, mass media information, regularly covering the issues of tourism development.

The organization was established on July 25, 1993 and until 2002 was called Russian Association travel agencies (RATA). In accordance with the decision of the VIII Congress of RATA, the Association was transformed into the Russian Union of the Tourist Industry. This decision was dictated, firstly, by the actual composition of the members of the organization, and secondly, by the nature of the economic and legal relations that have developed in the field of tourism as an intersectoral economic complex.

As a non-profit organization, the PCT protects the corporate interests of its members and the rights of the clients they serve. The Union considers its most important task to be the creation of a civilized tourism market in the country and the promotion of the development of the domestic tourism industry at the federal and regional levels.

The PCT has 14 regional branches: Buryatsk, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Crimean, Nizhny Novgorod, Primorsk, Rostov, Samara, North-West, Stavropol, Tver, Udmurt, Khabarovsk and Central Chernozemnoye. There are representations in Great Britain, Germany, Israel, the USA and Canada. Within the framework of the PCT, committees and commissions work: for domestic tourism, for inbound tourism, for children and youth tourism, bus, air transport, sanatorium and resort, etc.

One of the main activities of the PCT is participation in the formation of the legal framework for the development of the tourism sector. Adopted in 1996, the federal law “On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation” was largely prepared by Union experts. On the basis of the model law on the development of tourism at the regional level, developed by the North-West Branch of the PCT, relevant legislative acts were adopted in almost a third of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The PCT actively participates in the development of other regulations, including by-laws, federal and regional tourism development programs.

Other main areas of the Union's work include participation in resolving conflict situations arising on the market, improving the system of tourist formalities, training, the sectoral system of statistical accounting and reporting, accounting and taxation, attracting investments for the development of tourism infrastructure, advertising and information support for promotion Russian tourist product in the domestic and foreign markets.


Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Educational program

tourist association


Designed for children from 11 to 16 years old.

Implemented within three years.

Teacher of additional education for children

D. Osintsevo

Explanatory note.

Tourism resources are huge and have not yet been fully explored. But wherever there is a tourist association, where tourist gatherings or trips are skillfully organized, there is a positive impact of tourism on the health of children, on the development of their self-confidence and knowledge. At the present stage of the life of our society, the problem of the health of the nation, and in particular the health of school-age children, occupies a special place. Every year more and more children come to school with various diseases. When children finish school, the percentage of sick children increases. School tourism can improve the health of children. Distracts them from addictions (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) and criminal gangs. It helps to rally groups of different ages into a single team, to develop such qualities necessary in later life as cohesion, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, helping the weak, the ability to navigate in various extreme conditions.

Tourism in high school develops in direct connection with general educational tasks. Part creative association includes children from grades 5 to 11. In our time, a teenager is often deprived of the possibility of self-realization. Large workloads at school, aggressive psychological pressure from the mass media, often form in him an egoistic, consumerist attitude towards the world, make him defenseless against real life. Tourism helps to develop a personality out of a teenager. And at this age, children have an interest in themselves, in their abilities, self-esteem is formed. The child tries to take his place in the team. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to engage in some type of activity, otherwise it is difficult to expect a teenager to have a proper appeal to people, to himself, to professional skills and duties. One of the most effective means of tempering one's character and acquiring moral and ethical life values ​​and guidelines is tourism.

So school tourism is inseparable from a deeper study of nature. native land, folk traditions and customs. And this means that work is underway not only to improve health, but also to patriotic, aesthetic education of students. Careful attitude to the surrounding world, native nature, native land, to each other, to the Motherland is brought up. Courage, patriotism, the ability to achieve what was conceived, to defeat an opponent and one’s weaknesses, to “take a hit” (lose) are brought up. The teacher's personal example is great. In tourism, the teacher is not an observer, but an active participant, with all his behavior he constantly teaches and educates. In the process of passing this program, the pupil learns to navigate the terrain, recognize medicinal and poisonous plants, set up and assemble a tent, kindle fires, cook food in field conditions, and provide first aid to the victim. It should be noted that additional education really complements school education at a practical level. It is well known that knowledge of theory, not supported by practice, is worth nothing. In addition, students receive concepts about various new sciences, such as toponymy and others. Tourist training at school is the most important factor in the comprehensive education of the younger generation and their involvement in work.

The Pathway program is educational and developmental in nature and is aimed at revealing the individual psychological characteristics of students, mastering tourism skills that allow them to live freely and navigate in nature, independently prepare and conduct a trip. This educational program for tourism on the basis of the Osintsevskaya secondary school of the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, taking into account its location, the surrounding landscape and the material equipment of the association with tourist equipment. This program is relevant, especially for our area and is in demand. Not enough attention is paid to tourism work, so the Tropochka program will help to deal with this issue more closely. Will try to raise the tourist work to the proper height.

Tourism work is carried out in our school for 4 years, classes are held in the classroom and in nature. The work is carried out with pupils who have a medical permit for tourism. The composition of students is constant, because the children are interested. Here, children from low-income families feel comfortable, students who are weak in their studies, who are offended at school, have found their place, because. they are more adapted to life in the street environment and we only direct their interests in the right direction. The enrollment of children is free, children come to us of their own free will. Form of employment: group, collective, individual.

All children, regardless of age, are united in a common group. The training program is designed for 3 years.

Methods: At each stage of the implementation of the program, the widest range of methods is used to ensure the most effective assimilation of the material by each pupil. I choose specific methods of work according to the composition of the group, its training, personal capabilities. So, it is reasonable to conduct theoretical classes in the form of conversations, lectures - consultations, using visual materials, combining theory with practice, field classes - seminars, workshops (including individual), creative, experimental practical work on the ground. Great importance for the tourist and local history circle has an excursion method. The very word "excursion" indicates an exit, a departure from home. From this point of view, even a 10-minute exit with students to the school garden, there is already an excursion. The excursion expands the horizons, enriches with new knowledge. The knowledge gained on the excursion is preceded and accompanied by a number of motor sensations - from walking to running, climbing and all kinds of movement in general. They say that a person is known on the road.

In the classes preceding the excursion, it is necessary to give preliminary information on the issues that will be raised during the trip. You can give the task to read certain books.

When studying the topic "Nature Protection", it should be borne in mind that the time allotted by the thematic plan is only the foundation for further work. Students should understand that security natural environment and rational use of natural resources is one of the topical, global problems. When studying the native land, one should use the memories of old-timers, museum materials. Having shown the territory of the native land, we can say that the native land is a very broad concept. Throughout life, people carry love for him.

When studying the tourist topic, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the material base necessary for conducting hiking trips. The main purpose of the classes on this topic is to teach young travelers to choose the right equipment and use it depending on the type of tourism and travel area, season, complexity and duration of the trip. Depending on the specifics of local history tasks performed on the route.

Target: Education of a healthy, communicative, independent personality, a person who consciously makes decisions through tourism activities.


1.Educational :

- Teaching children the ABC of tourism - giving them basic information on

organization, preparation and conduct of campaigns, basic information about the region,

knowledge of the basics of topography, hygiene, medical care, etc.

Ability to independently calculate the trip.

- Formation of knowledge about hiking. Knot tying skills, settings

tents, breeding and kindling a fire, etc.

Improving sportsmanship through practical and theoretical

3. Developing:

- Develop cognitive interest, independence, observation,

curiosity, personal activity, communication skills.

To form a sustainable need for a healthy lifestyle.

Develop the ability to work with special literature.

Develop a sense of responsibility for your actions, for the assigned work.

2. Educators:

Education in schoolchildren of patriotism, respect for the natural

and cultural heritage of the native land.

- To educate students on the heroic examples of our countrymen, heroes

Great Patriotic War and labor heroes.

Ways of checking and summing up.

The results of work at each stage are determined by the degree of mastering practical skills based on the acquired knowledge. The criterion of success is determined by the result of the group's participation in competitions of the school and regional ranks, as well as the individual results of the group's competitions in orientation, tourism techniques, everyday life and other issues of the content of the program. In addition, we track the results of individual psychological growth. We also hold conferences, exhibitions, KVN and other events, at which we also test the tourist knowledge and skills of pupils.

The following equipment is used for theoretical and practical classes:

    compass-3 pcs.

    tent x 3

    honey first aid kit-1 pc.

    topographic maps-3 room.

    weather observation tables-1 series

    methodological aids.

1 year of study - "Tourist"

2nd year of study - "Tourist"

3rd year of study - "Experienced tourist"

Working mode:


"Experienced Tourist"

3 year of study

group "Tourist"

1 year of study

"Experienced Tourist"

3 year of study

group "Tourist"

1 year of study

Educational - thematic plan of the 1st year of study.


Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Orientation on the ground

Hiking technology

The health of the hikers

Tourist knots

topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

History of tourism development from the period ancient world:

dating games;

Filling out questionnaires;

Acquaintance with the work plan;

Methods: conversation, questioning, story.

Theme 2 Orientation on the ground:

Orientation methods (according to local characteristics, according to natural characteristics);

Compass, compass device, types of compasses (school, liquid);

Azimuth (direct, reverse);

Orientation by legend (compass);

Orientation in a given direction;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Compasses, multimedia equipment.

Theme 3 Hiking technique:

Organization of self-insurance;

Mounted ferry;

Parallel ropes;

Descent, ascent in a sports way;

Overcoming the swamp over bumps;

Log crossing with self-insurance;

pendulum crossing;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Equipment: Ropes, carabiners, jumar, safety system, poles, log, multimedia equipment.

Theme 4

Tourist equipment:

Tourist equipment on a hike (personal, group, storage, delivery).

Special equipment:

Ropes (types of ropes);


Insurance system.

Practical lessons:

Packing a backpack;

Setting up a tent;

Breakdown of the bivouac in field conditions.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Theme 5 Health of the hikers:

Norms of personal and public hygiene;

Ecology and tourism.

environmental requirements.

Ecological work on the trip.

Poisonous plants.

The main functions of a physician.

First aid kit: composition and storage.

Typical injuries on a hike, their prevention and first aid for: colds, cuts, bleeding, bruises, fractures, abrasions, burns, poisoning.

Rules for transporting the victim

The choice of medicines from the first aid kit and the provision of first aid in case of conditional injury.

Distinguish poisonous plants from non-poisonous in practice.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Theme 6 Tourist nodes:

From the history of the node;

Knot tying rules;

Node elements.

Node types:

Knots for tying ropes;

Knots for mounting on a support;

Nodes are conductors;

Control nodes;

Grasping knots.

Knot tying technique.

Application in practice.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Theme 7 Topographic preparation:

Definition of the term "Topography, terrain".

Topographic signs;

Topographic maps (legend, scale).

Practical lessons:

Topographic dictation;

Determining the distance on the map;

Drawing up a plan of the area of ​​the route of the campaign.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Theme 8 Hiking trips:

Tourist opportunities of the Chanovsky district;

Organization and preparation for a weekend trip;

Acquisition of a tourist group;

Distribution of responsibilities in the group;

Tourist group equipment;


Camping first aid kit;


Theme 9 Educational work:

Excursion to the regional Chanovsky museum.

Theme 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents in order to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a weekend trip.

Expected results.

1 year of study

1. The order of organizing and conducting a weekend trip.

1. Move along roads and trails as part of a group.

2. Fundamentals of tourist technology.

2. Organize a camping life, draw up a food layout for a weekend trip.

3. Fundamentals of topography and orientation.

3. Overcome simple, natural obstacles.

4. Know dangerous and poisonous plants.

4. Navigate with a map and compass in easy terrain.

5. Methods for the prevention of typical diseases and the main methods and means of providing first aid.

5. Provide first medical aid.

6. Rules of conduct outside settlements.

6. Apply this knowledge in practice.

7. Safety requirements in the campaign.

7. Perform the general duties of a participant in the campaign.

8. List of group and personal equipment and rules for caring for it.

9. Rules for cooking.

10. Rules for arranging a bivouac.

11. Norms of personal and public hygiene, environmental requirements for the group.

Educational - thematic plan 2 years of study.


Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Orientation on the ground

Hiking technology

Material and technical base of the campaign.

The health of the hikers

Tourist knots

topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

Filling out questionnaires;

Acquaintance with the work plan;

Results of the summer campaign;

Safety briefing.

Forms: collective.

Equipment: Photo albums, multimedia equipment.

Theme 2 Orientation on the ground:

Map, scale and its types

Azimuth (direct, reverse), determination of azimuth on the map and on the ground;

Orientation according to the legend (compass) - fixation;

Methods for determining distances to inaccessible objects;

Features of the terrain image on orienteering maps;

Rules for conducting tourist competitions - indicative stages;

Breakdown of the route for orientation.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Theme 3 Hiking technique:

Basic methods of insurance;

railings on speed and quality;

Safety system (solid, chest, harness), basic and

auxiliary ropes;

Carabiners, jumars;

Rules for passing the technical stages of the tourist obstacle course:

1. ascent and descent with a grasping knot;

2. hinged ferry;

3. parallel ropes;

4. descent, ascent in a sports way;

5. overcoming the swamp over bumps;

6. crossing a log with self-insurance;

Educational and training sessions in the field to develop elements of hiking technology.

Hiking safety techniques

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, application in practice.

Equipment: Ropes, carabiners, jumar, safety system, poles, log, multimedia equipment

Theme 4 Material and technical base of the trip:

The main functions of the outfitter, navigator, cartographer, photographer, medic,

camp commandant;

Group equipment: list, storage, care, issue, acceptance.

The main functions of the deputy head, supply manager, repair master;

Safety precautions for storage of sharp and combustible objects;

Catering for hikes of various durations;

Rules for hanging, packaging and storage of products;

Rules for preparing camp meals;

Docking by weight of equipment and food.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, exercise, show

Equipment: ropes, carabiners, harness, backpacks, tents.

Theme 5 Health of the hikers:

Water purification in extreme situations;

Manufacture of personal hygiene items;

Surveillance of the environment;

medicinal plants;

Typical injuries during a hike, their prevention and first aid for: colds, cuts, bleeding, bruises, fractures, abrasions, burns, poisoning (fixing);

Manufacture of devices for the transfer of the victim;

Applying a tourniquet and stopping bleeding, types of bleeding;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, exercise, show, cards.

Equipment: first aid kit, cards, stretcher.

Theme 6 Tourist nodes:

Nodes - classification by use;

The use of knots in medicine;

Knitting knots for speed and quality;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, demonstration, testing.

Equipment: Ropes of various lengths and thicknesses, multimedia equipment.

Theme 7 Topographic preparation:

Topographic signs;

Methods for depicting relief on topographic maps and sports maps


Practical lessons:

Methods for compiling topographic maps;

Topographic dictation;

Development of a hiking route on the map

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Topographic maps, tablets.

Theme 8 Hiking trips:

Development, preparation and implementation of a 2-day trip;

Filling out the itinerary;

Development of the route, determination of the goals of the campaign;


Meteorological measurements and observations.

Theme 9 Educational work

Water surveillance. Ecological observations.

Theme 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents in order to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a 2 day hike. Conversation "Improvement of children on campaigns"

Expected results.

2 year of study.

1. The procedure for preparing multi-day trips.

1. Organize a camping life, make a layout of products for a multi-day trip.

2. Ways to overcome various natural obstacles.

2. Own self-insurance techniques.

3. Several travel songs.

3. Apply multiple knots.

4. Medicinal plants.

4. Provide first medical aid.

5. Basic principles of photography, reportage and landscape photography.

5. Write a description of a one-day hike.

6. Functions of all participants at all stages of preparation and conduct of the campaign.

6. Participate in all stages of competitions in the technique of hiking.

Educational - thematic plan 3 years of study.


Number of hours




Introductory lesson

Orientation on the ground

Hiking technology

Material and technical base of the campaign.

The health of the hikers

Tourist knots

topographic preparation.

Hiking trips

Educational work

Working with parents


Topic 1 Introductory lesson:

General questions of organization of work;

Conditions for participation in hikes, requirements for participants;

Filling out questionnaires;

Acquaintance with the work plan;

Prospects for the work of the tourist association;

Acquaintance with the "Regulations on the campaign";

General information on the preparation and conduct of campaigns;

Study of individual psychological characteristics of students;

Safety briefing;

Development of safety standards during field training;

Completing a summer trip report.

Forms: collective.

Methods: conversation, questioning, storytelling, briefing.

Equipment: Photo albums, multimedia equipment.

Theme 2 Orientation on the ground:

Team and individual passage of the control and tourist route (orientation according to the legend, in a given direction, along the route indicated on the map, along the marked distance, along the azimuth, by choice);

Drawing up a technical description of the route;

Map correction;

Route topographic survey;

Orientation in conditions of changing weather;

Orientation in time;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, storytelling, explanation, practical exercises, competitions on the ground.

Equipment: Compasses, multimedia equipment, route sheets, rulers, pencils, watches.

Theme 3 Hiking technique:

Standards and types of loads, the pace of movement, planning and development of the route;

Practical training of the elements of the tourist obstacle course for quality and time (mounted crossing, ascent and descent in a sports way, ascent by the capture method, ascent and descent with the help of a prusik on a grasping knot, ascent with the help of a jumar, traverse, overcoming a log, rhombus, square, overcoming a swamp over bumps, overcoming a swamp with the help of poles, a pendulum, a butterfly) as part of a group;

Transportation of a conditionally injured person through technical stages;

Overcoming a tourist obstacle course with homing and removal

railings on speed and quality;

Putting on a safety system for a while;

Rules for passing the technical stages of the tourist obstacle course:

Technique of safe behavior in the campaign;

Work at CP.

Forms: collective, individual.

Methods: conversation, practical exercises, competitions.

Equipment : ropes, cords, safety systems, poles, carabiners, jumar, prusiks, multimedia equipment.

Theme 4 Material and technical base of the trip:

Preparation of menus and product layouts for a 2-3 day trip;

Distribution of weight on the route;

Equipment repair;

Development of the route 2-3 - day hike;

Study of tourist songs;

Bivouac work.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, questioning, story, exercise, show

Equipment: ropes, carabiners, harness, backpacks, tents.

Theme 5 Health of the hikers:

Drinking regime and maintaining the water-salt balance in the body;

Clarification and disinfection of water;

General measures prevention;

Ways to make fire without matches;

Fundamentals of rational nutrition and diet;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, exercise, show, cards.

Equipment: first aid kit, cards, stretcher.

Theme 6 Tourist nodes:

Tourist knots, application in practice in tourist life during the organization of crossings;

Knots for tents and stretchers;

The study of nodes not previously studied;

Knotting for speed and quality, both in the team standings and personal;

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method, demonstration, testing.

Equipment: Ropes of various lengths and thicknesses, multimedia equipment.

Theme 7 Topographic preparation:

Conventional signs according to their purpose (large-scale, off-scale, explanatory);

Determination of traces of vehicles;

Study of footprints of a pedestrian;

The choice of the route of movement;

Determining the age of the trace;

Some rules of the tracker;

The behavior of animals and birds as a sign of the appearance of people.

Forms: Individual, group, combined.

Methods: conversation, story, explanation, example method.

Equipment: Topographic maps, tablets.

Theme 8 Hiking trips:

Fulfillment of standards for physical training;

Repair and manufacture of equipment;

Organization and conduct of a hike with an overnight stay in the field, standards

on the “Tourist of Russia” badge, from the history of campaigns;

Acquaintance with the route book;;


Passage of the commission in the rural feldsher obstetric station;

Safety briefing;

Full mastery of the campaign preparation algorithm;

Forms: collective, group.

Methods: conversation, practical exercises.

Equipment: tables of standards, maps of the Chanovsky district.

Theme 9 Educational work

Organization of a school tour. rally. Visiting school museums in the area.

Theme 10 Working with parents:

Individual conversations with parents in order to analyze the activities of students, their successes and mistakes. Preparing for a 2 day hike. Joint trip of parents and children "Mom, dad, I am a tourist family"

Expected results.

3 year of study.

1. Discharge standards for sports tourism.

1. Independently prepare and conduct a multi-day trip and draw up a report on the trip.

2. Rules for the preparation and organization of multi-day trips.

2. Carry out the necessary environmental protection measures.

3. Rules for participation in tourist competitions, conditions for the implementation of tourist categories.

3. Provide first aid for all types of injuries and diseases.

4. Participate in competitions in tourist all-around, carry out various technical actions.

5. Participate in the simplest rescue and transportation operations.

6. Perform the functions of any participant in the campaign.

7. Freely navigate nature.


1. Yu.A. Shalkov "Health of the tourist"

3. "Medicinal plants" House of health education.

4. S. Balenko "Textbook of survival" (experiment elite special forces)

5. I.V. Balabanov Knots. Reference edition.

6. V.A. Shkenev "Sports applied tourism"

7. V. G. Volovich "How to survive in an extreme situation"

8. A.I. Gomonchuk "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge"

Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation
About the ministry. Documentation. Press center, news. Competitions and tenders. Calendar of events. Links.

Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (Rostourism)
News. Legislation. Unified federal register. International activity. Exhibitions. Conferences and seminars. Classification of accommodation facilities. Statistics. Education.

· Committee State Duma By economic policy and entrepreneurship
Information about the structure and composition. Directions of legislative activity, events, link to the website of the Chairman of the Committee. The Committee consists of: Subcommittee on Tourism, Expert Council on the Development of the Tourist Services Market, Expert Council on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, resort, recreation and hotel activities
Regulations on the Committee. Structure. Work plans. Reports. Meetings. News and events. Legislative activity. Public policy in the field of tourism development, resort business in Russia.

Expert Council under the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the development of competition in the field of tourism
Regulations on the Council. Compound. Meeting minutes.

Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT)
On the union and its projects. Types of tourism. Information about the tourist possibilities of the countries and regions of Russia, maps. Legislation, legal online consultation. Tips for tourists. Section for professionals of tourist business. News. Special offers. Air and railway schedules. Jobs in the tourist industry. Exhibitions, forums. Documents and articles. Links.

Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR)
On the association and its projects. News. Legal service. Articles. Analytics. Seminars and exhibitions. Information and advice to tourists. Jobs in the tourist industry. Special offers. Forum. Links.

Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Industry
Composition of the commission. News.

Association of Active Tourism (AAT)
News. Tour search. Routes. Recommendations. Activity. Descriptions of the types of active tourism. Photo gallery.

Association of Business Tourism (Russian Business Travel Association - RBTA)
Advisory, expert-analytical and educational forum of business tourism market and MICE industry in Russia.

Association of resorts and tourism of the Stavropol Territory
On the edge, cities and regions. Types of tourism. Tourism infrastructure and resources. Development of tourism. Calendar of events. News. Cards. Forum. Photo gallery. Links.

Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (TSSR)
Types of sports tourism. Events calendar. News. Training of tourist personnel, documents. Personalities. Competitions, hikes, travel. Photo exhibitions.

National Academy of Tourism (NAT)
Association of scientific and practical workers in the field of tourism.

Non-commercial partnership "Sancurtour"
Catalog. treatment profiles. Medical consultations. Search. Reviews. Documentation. Forum. Links.

Russian Hotel Association(RGA)
News of association, tourism and hotels. Hotel catalog and booking service. Archive of the magazine "Parade of hotels".

Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers of Russia (FRIO)
Member directory. Activity. Press center. Legislation.

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Directory of member countries. Programs. Regional representations. News. Activity. Statistics.

World Association of Travel Agencies (WATA)
Member directory. Activity. Forum. Special offers.

· World Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA)
News. Membership. Congresses. Press releases. Events. Links.

World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA)
Membership. Information. Trainings. Publications. conventions. Photo gallery. Links.

World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Member directory. News. Activities and events. Activity. Research. Center for Documentary Sources. Statistics.

Interactive Travel Service Providers Association (ITSA)
Member directory. Press releases. News. Information.

Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE)
Member directory. Programs. Events calendar. Reviews and official documents. Publications. Data bank for personnel selection.

International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators
About the association, membership rules, documents. Reviews by types of tourism in the Arctic, statistics. Photo gallery. Press releases.

Confederation of Youth, Student and Educational Tourism (WYSET)
Member directory. Publications. Press releases. Participation in events.

International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Member directory. Working groups and committees. Activity. Services and consultations. Events. Trainings. Press center. News.

International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST)
Member directory. Conference minutes. Journal "Tourist review". Links.

· International Tourism Exhibition Association (ITTFA)
Member directory. Exhibition calendar. Reference book for organizers of exhibitions.

· international organization By vocational training in Tourism (AMFORT)
Links to research, educational and training centers, scientific sources. Publications. Vacancies and selection of personnel. News.

International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA)
On-line search for directions, tour operators, accommodation facilities, airlines and other calendar of events. Press releases. Statistics. Advertising. Video recordings.

· International Federation bus tourism (RDA)
Membership. RDA newspaper. Events. Activity. Links.

International Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET)
Member directory. FIJET newspaper. Photo reports of events. Events archive.

International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO)
Member directory. News and publications. Links.

International Bureau of Social Tourism (BITS)
About social tourism. News and information. References, documents, bibliography. Member directory. Photo gallery.

International Travel Alliance (AIT)
Promoting types of tourism. International travel documents. Membership.

Society of Incentive Tourism Leaders (SITE)
Branches. Educational programs. Events. Membership. Forum. Photo gallery. Press releases. Links.

World Student and Educational Tourism Confederation (WYSE)
about the confederation. Mission. Publications, press releases, documents. Activity.

European Travel Commission (ETC)
Member directory. Annual report. Promotion of Europe abroad. Statistics. Events. Ecotourism. Press releases. Links.

European Federation for Farming and Rural Tourism (Eurogites)
Directory of member countries. News.

Confederation of national associations of hoteliers and restaurateurs of EU countries (HOTREC)
Member directory. Politics and strategy. News and publications. Classification of categories of hotels in EU countries.

African Tourism Association (ATA)
List of events. Photo gallery. Releases and publications. Links. Membership. Travel online magazine.

Arab World Tourism and Travel Association (AWITTA)
Information on countries. Membership.

Confederation of Tourist Organizations of Latin America (COTAL)
Member directory. Congresses. Reports of the executive committee. Exhibitions.

Pacific Travel Agencies Association (PATA)
News. Events. Information. Publications. Member directory. About the Asia-Pacific

On one's own

17. Transport support for tourism

Tourism involves the movement of people from one place to another, both within the country and abroad. The laws of a number of European countries include transportation among the main services provided to the traveler, along with accommodation services.

The standard international classification of means of transport, developed on the basis of UN proposals, is given in the Recommendations on Tourism Statistics (WTO, 1994). This classification can be used for both domestic and international tourism. It consists of two levels - a category (mode of transport) and a category that defines the vehicle.

1. Air transport: scheduled flights; flights outside the schedule; other air transport

2. Water transport: passenger lines and ferries; cruises; others.

3. Land transport: rail transport; intercity and city buses, other public transport; private cars for up to 8 people; rental of vehicles; other means of land transport.

Railway transport. The advent of railroads revolutionized travel. The railroad offered cheap and fast transportation compared to horses and ships. Some years railways were used exclusively for the transport of goods before the thought of transporting people arose.

The basis of the activity of railway passenger transport is the implementation of international and domestic transportation between cities or regions, i.e. provision of transportation services. According to international rules, the services of sleeping cars are classified as services of collective accommodation facilities, and the services of dining cars are classified as catering services.

The cost of transportation services includes: payment for the right to travel on the road for a certain distance according to the transportation tariff; the cost of a reserved seat (the right of a passenger to a sleeping place in carriages of various classes); insurance payment; commission fee for advance ticket sales services, etc.

Service quality on railway transport depends on the type of train (postal, passenger, fast, company) and the class of accommodation (in a common car, reserved seat, hard, soft, as well as in a sleeping car of direct communication of the 1st class).

Bus transportation. Combined in a huge network of intercity and city routes, buses carry more people and serve more settlements than trains and planes combined. The bus industry makes billions of dollars every year transporting travelers long and short distances. In recent years, it has been focused on the development of programs related to tours.

To attract passengers, many bus companies offer tour packages and a bus rental service. The following types of tours are offered:

  • charter - usually used by clubs, organizations or other formed groups for a day trip to a sports competition, museum, shopping center, etc. They usually include accommodation, meals, excursions. On a charter trip, the group is usually not accompanied by anyone;
  • accompanied – trips of planned groups. Accompanied tours lasting from five days to four weeks include accommodation in hotels and in most cases meals. During the entire trip, the group is accompanied by a leader;
  • Independently formed groups - visits to several cities or interesting places on regular buses. Excursions and hotel accommodation included;
  • flexible - a direction in the industry of bus tours, characterized by a combination with other modes of transport.

The main attractive feature of buses, in comparison with other types public transport, their low cost remained for a long time. However, despite the fact that the bus is still cheaper than the train, air fares in Lately dropped significantly to compete with bus companies, especially when traveling over 500 miles.

Instead of continuing to compete with airlines for passengers, several bus companies decided to join them by developing a system of "flexible tickets", i.e. the airline may offer a ticket that includes air travel to the main airport and transportation of passengers by bus from the airport. Bus tickets can be purchased through several distribution channels. For short distances, passengers buy tickets directly at stations before departure or from drivers. Many bus companies join computer reservation systems, thus accepting applications well in advance of the departure date. Tickets for bus trips - escorted, charter, independently formed, flexible - can also be purchased from travel agents or through a tour broker.

Car rental. Car rental companies are divided into two main types of operation: corporate and licensed. Most large firms operate corporately. They buy cars and rent them out to consumers. After a car has been driven 18,000 to 25,000 miles, companies sell it at used car prices directly to the consumer or used car firms. In addition, under the “sell back” program, used vehicles are returned to manufacturers.

Large car rental companies have offices in cities and suburbs, but most of them are still concentrated in airports. The location of the company, convenient for customers, significantly increases the number of cars for rent.

Sea travel(cruises). The cruise industry took a significant place in the tourist market in the early 1970s. and continues to develop. The number of operating routes has increased significantly over the past decade. Cruise routes pass through all possible coastal places - from Alaska to the ice of Antarctica and meet the most diverse requests. All major routes offer flexible pricing to appeal to travelers of all income levels. Many cruise lines offer off-season discounts if the client has booked a trip in advance or if they are returning to the cruise.

A cruise is a unique tourism product that combines transportation and a program (destination). Almost every cruise ship calls at several ports during the journey. This represents the product's transport element "cruise". On most cruises, the main attraction is the ship itself. The ship provides the tourist with the service of a resort hotel and the pleasure of relaxing on land. Large liners have up to ten or more decks. Passengers are usually accommodated on the lower decks, above are common areas, swimming pools, etc. On ships cruising in warm countries, the upper deck is open. Cabins can be "external" and "internal". The "external" ones have portholes, while the "internal" ones, facing the central corridor, have no natural light. Cruise operators currently prefer ships with as many "outside" cabins as possible.

There are four main factors that determine the price of a cruise: the length of the cruise; season; the location and size of the cabin; ship type.

Air travel. The plane has become a symbol of travel. Air transport, linking the world, opened new horizons for millions of people, allowed residents different countries and different continents to meet face to face, relax on distant islands, participate in international events and projects.

In the past, airlines were classified as local, regional, national and international. Currently, the classification is carried out according to the annual turnover. The largest carriers have a turnover exceeding 1 billion dollars, national carriers - from 100 million to 1 billion, large regional carriers - from 10 million to 100 million, medium - less than 10 million dollars.

Air carriers provide both scheduled and non-scheduled services. Most airlines operate according to a schedule, i.e. each departure and landing takes place in known time. Flights operated outside the schedule, the so-called charter flights, provide air transportation at lower prices than regular flights. Aircraft can only be used as charter or leased on scheduled airlines.

Aviation general purpose provides both conventional and special services. Six categories are distinguished: air taxis operating as charters (these can be special aircraft at airports, even single and twin engines); aircraft belonging to enterprises and firms for the transportation of production personnel, as well as helicopters; special aircraft for aerial photography, fire, medical, etc.; aircraft for training professional pilots; private jets for business and travel; sports aircraft.

When buying an air ticket, an air transportation agreement is concluded. According to the agreement, the aviation company (carrier) undertakes to transport the passenger and his baggage (of a certain weight) to the destination, providing a seat on the aircraft making the flight indicated on the ticket, and in the event that the passenger checks in the baggage, to deliver the latter to the destination and issue it to the person authorized to receive.

Transportation documents are: when transporting passengers - a ticket; when transporting the passenger's belongings as baggage - a baggage receipt.

Each airline determines the rules for the transportation of people and goods independently. These rules must comply with the national legislation of the country through which the travel route passes, and international bilateral and multilateral agreements.

In any airline in the world, there are three main classes, each of which has its own letter designation on the ticket: the first (P); business class (C); economy class (U). The cost of an air ticket depends primarily on the fare. There are normal and special rates.

general meeting founders

Protocol No. 1 dated March 15, 2008
(with amendments and additions dated 04.02.2009 protocol No. 1)


U s t a v

Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land", hereinafter referred to as the Club, is a public organization that unites tourism enthusiasts on the basis of their common interests in the field of physical and spiritual development, active rest, propaganda healthy lifestyle life, strengthening civil society, based on membership, created to achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

1.2. Club members can be individuals who have reached the age of 14, as well as legal entities - public associations that support the goals and objectives of the Club.

1.3. The Club is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state is not liable for the obligations of the Club.

1.4. The Club is not liable for the obligations of its members, and the Club members are not liable for the obligations of the Club.

1.5. Full name of the Club: Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land". Short name: Club "Wild Land". English name: "Wild region Club".

1.6. The Club carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 1995 No. 82 - FZ “On Public Associations”, other current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.7. The club builds its activities on the basis of the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and democracy.

1.8. The club is not a legal entity and operates without state registration and is considered established from the moment the founders decide to create it.

1.9. In the event that the General Meeting of the Club's founders subsequently decides on the need for state registration of the Club and the acquisition of the status of a legal entity, the public association will be subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law.

1.10. The club's office is located at: Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sibay, st. Industrial highway, 4/1, MAU FOK "Berkut". Email: [email protected] Phone: +7 927 347 02 21.

2. Goals and objectives of the Club

2.1. The club is created for the following purposes:

  • communication, exchange of experience of recreation and travel;
  • joint travel, outdoor recreation and other types of communication;
  • creation of joint bicycle, auto, water and hiking routes;
  • enhancing the role of sports tourism, related disciplines and outdoor activities in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, health promotion and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

2.2. The main tasks of the club:

  • creation and implementation of programs and events aimed at promoting and developing tourism, related disciplines and outdoor activities, respect for environment, prevention and health protection, achievement of high sports results;
  • organization and holding of sports competitions and expeditions;
  • participation in sports events held by other organizations, both in Russia and abroad;
  • formation of the Club's combined team, designed to represent it at official sports competitions;
  • development of cooperation with various organizations, institutions, enterprises, individuals, both domestic and foreign, on the basis of sponsorship and charity;
  • holding cultural events;
  • monitoring the environmental situation in the region;
  • representing the interests of tourism and travel enthusiasts and members of the Club in the bodies state power Russian Federation, in regional government bodies, in local governments, public associations associated with the recreation industry and the development of tourism activities.

3. Rights of the Club

3.1. To achieve the goals, the Club has the right to:

  • exercise in full the powers provided for by the Federal Law "On Public Associations";
  • freely disseminate information about their activities;
  • represent and protect their rights, the legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in government bodies and public associations;
  • enter into public organizations as a member, as well as jointly with other non-profit organizations to form unions and associations;
  • maintain direct international contacts and communications;
  • create their own structural divisions (organizations, clubs, departments or branches and representative offices, etc.).

3.2. The Club may also exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the statutory goals and objectives.

4. Membership in the Club

4.1. Membership in the Club is voluntary.

4.2. Members of the Club are individuals, public associations, Foreign citizens who share the goals, objectives and principles of the Club, who are ready to comply with the requirements of the Charter of the Club, who have submitted a written application for joining the Club.

4.3. Honorary members of the Club can be persons who contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives, who have made a great contribution to the activities of the Club. The status of an honorary member is awarded by the decision of the Founders.

4.4. A candidate member of the Club is an individual or legal entity who is a fan of tourism and travel. Admitted to the club, if there is: a submitted application to the head of the Club, paid an entrance fee. Admission of legal entities - public associations, is carried out on the basis of the decision of the authorized body of the legal entity on joining the Club, a copy of the certificate of registration and a copy of the Charter.

4.5. Members of the Club have equal rights and bear equal responsibility for their obligations within the framework of the activities of the Club.

4.6. Members of the Club have the right to elect and be elected.

4.7. Club members also have the right to:

  • - to participate in the activities of the Club;
  • - use the property and equipment of the Club to participate in hikes, competitions, festivals;
  • - receive information about ongoing events, studies, seminars, cultural and sports programs of the Club;
  • - choose any club duties according to abilities, interests, inclinations;
  • - independently choose which hike to go (taking into account experience);
  • - when gaining experience, to manage campaigns;
  • - know what the club's money is spent on.

4.8. A Club Member has the right to voluntarily leave the Club at any time by sending a written application to the head of the Club.

4.9. In the event of any event requiring financial participation, a Club member who decides to take part in this event undertakes to make a financial contribution to the holding of this event.

4.10. A Club Member may be expelled from the Club for committing an unlawful or unethical act, in the event of a Club member systematically violating his duties, as well as in case of a gross systematic violation of internal regulations and safety regulations by decision of the Club Council meeting by a simple majority of votes.

4.11. A member of the Club is considered to have left the Club if he has lost contact with the club and does not participate in its activities for more than 2 years.

4.12. The Club Member is obliged to:

  • comply with the Charter of the Club;
  • attend meetings of the Club;
  • take part in all activities of the Club;
  • at least once a year go on hikes of varying degrees of difficulty and duration;
  • carry out any public club work, treat it responsibly and creatively;
  • improve their educational and cultural level, learn tourism skills and technology;
  • promote the activities of the Club, attracting new people;
  • take care of the property of the Club (in case of damage or loss of club property, a member of the club is obliged to compensate for the loss);
  • actively contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Club;
  • take care of the traditions created in the Club, relations between members of the Club and their initiatives.

5. The structure of the Club, the governing and auditing bodies of the Club

5.1. The supreme governing body of the Club is the General Meeting of the Club's founders, which meets as needed, but at least twice a year.

5.1.2. The founders of the Club are individuals who convened a general meeting at which this Charter was adopted and governing bodies were formed.

5.1.3. The competence of the General Meeting of the Club's founders includes:

  • solution of any issue of the club's activities;
  • adoption of the Charter of the club and amendments to it;
  • election of the head of the Club, treasurer and auditor of the Club and approval of the order and sequence of rotation of these persons;
  • approval of the estimate of expenses and income of the club (in the event that events are planned that provide for the financial costs of the Club or cash receipts to the Club);
  • decision on early removal of powers from the head of the Club, treasurer and auditor of the Club in case of violation of the Charter, committing an illegal or unethical act.

5.2. The management of the current activities of the Club is carried out by the Council of the Club.

5.2.1. Members of the Club may be elected to the Council of the Club.

5.2.2. Members of the Council of the Club are elected for a period of one year and can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

5.2.3. The competence of the Council of the Club includes the following issues:

  • drawing up plans for organizational and methodological work and educational and sports activities of the Club, ensuring the implementation of these plans;
  • drawing up programs of the educational and training process;
  • holding intra-club sports competitions and qualifying exams;
  • maintenance of the register of Club members;
  • exclusion from the members of the Club in cases specified in clause 4.10. of this Charter;

5.2.4. Meetings of the Council of the Club are held as necessary, but at least once a month.

5.2.5. The Council of the Club makes decisions by a simple majority of votes.

5.2.6. The Council of the Club is considered authorized to make decisions if at least two thirds of the full membership is present at its meeting.

5.2.7. The Council of the Club provides the General Meeting of the founders of the Club with a report on the activities of the Club at least once a year.

5.3. The general management of the Club is carried out by the head of the Club, elected by the founders of the Club for a period of one year, and one deputy head, who is selected from the members of the Club by the head himself for a period of one year, who can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

5.3.1. The leader performs the following functions:

  • managing the activities of the Club, acting without a power of attorney;
  • maintains contact with the members of the Club and informs them about the events held by the club;
  • coordinates the activities of club members;
  • organizes the work of the Club to solve the problems facing the Club;
  • represents the interests of the Club without a power of attorney in state and municipal authorities, state and non-state, commercial and non-profit organizations.

5.4. Deputy Head of the Club:

  • provides the necessary assistance to the head in his work;
  • is responsible for the field of activity entrusted by the head, acts without a power of attorney;
  • during the absence of the head, performs his duties, by order of the head.

5.5. The Club may hold events related to the financial participation of Club members

5.5.1. Collection of funds and their disposal is carried out by the treasurer, elected by the General Meeting of the Club's founders for six months, by a simple majority of votes;

5.5.2. The financial and economic activities of the Club are controlled by the auditor, also elected by the General Meeting of the Club's founders for six months, by a simple majority of votes.

6. Symbols of the Club

6.1. The club has its own approved symbols:

6.1.1. Logo with the image of a wolf, made in dark brown and inscriptions: to the left of the image "tourist sports club", to the right of the image "Wild land". The inscriptions are made in the same color as the image of the wolf;

6.1.2. The flag is beige with the logo printed on it.

7. Sources of formation Money and property of the Club

7.1. The General Meeting of the Club's founders has the right to decide on the formation of the Club's property and making entrance and membership fees to the Club.

7.2. If such a decision is made, the General Meeting of Founders will be obliged to approve the "Regulations on the sources of formation of funds and property of the Club and on their use."

8. Termination and reorganization of the Club's activities

8.1. Termination of the Club's activities can be carried out by liquidation.

8.2. The Club is subject to liquidation if the number of Club members becomes less than two.

8.3. Reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) and liquidation of the Club is carried out in accordance with and in the manner prescribed by the Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Signatures of the founders of the Club

Kharrasov Farit Biktimerovich

Nesterov Alexey Pavlovich

Biryukov Sergey Anatolievich

Kunakov Ilgiz Kuvandykovich

This Charter was adopted at the general meeting of the founders of the public association "Tourist sports club "Wild Land" on March 15, 2008.