Characteristics for children of the younger group PMPK. Pedagogical characteristics for a lagging student aimed at PMPK

Characteristics for a child

FULL NAME. child, year of birth, entered the group of ______ years, did not attend other kindergartens. Brought up in a complete family.

The child was hard to get used to the new environment, the period of adaptation was interrupted by frequent illnesses. For the whole year he attended kindergarten for a total of two months.

program junior group kindergarten, the child learned at a level below the age norm. Self-service skills are not developed enough: he does not know how to dress himself, eats selectively, often refuses to eat. In the classroom, he accepts the educational task selectively, with difficulty understands simple monosyllabic instructions, when working with handouts, the child is often distracted, begins to play (constructs from it). Can count, but can't remember numbers. Has no idea about the ratio of numbers to quantity. In the speech development classes, the answers are slurred. It is difficult to perceive the assigned tasks, poorly remembers the sequence of actions, and traces the behavior of hyperactive children.

FULL NAME. choose games by age. He likes to fold a variety of buildings from all types of constructor. He chooses calm games, eschews noisy group games, likes to play alone. In collective games, he takes the position of a follower. Guys love to play with him and often involve him in role-playing games, but it is difficult for him to cope with the assigned role. The child easily switches from one type of activity to another, is able to complete the game without the help of a teacher.

Speech at F.I.O. slurred, therefore, in communication she meets surprise and misunderstanding of her peers. He does not enter into conflicts, he expresses his protest in silence, he can sit on a chair alone for about half an hour.

FULL NAME. he himself realizes that he is not talking like all the guys, therefore, meeting misunderstanding, he falls silent and steps aside. The boy is very open, kind, non-conflict, positive, smiling.

Parents are familiar with the characteristics: ___________ / ______________ /




Starikov Alexander Andreevich. 01. 10. 1996 year of birth, lives in the State Budgetary Institution KO "Yurginsky orphanage-boarding school", studies under the program for severely mentally retarded children for 1 year of study.

Entered in June 2012 from a correctional school of the VIII type, Tashtagol, Kemerovo region. The status of the child is OBP.

The adaptation period was slow and difficult. A teenager does not have a complete amount of knowledge about the world around him. Knows information about himself, the name and patronymic of the mother. Experiencing difficulties in establishing simple causal relationships between the phenomena of reality. General motivation is social. Educational and cognitive motivation is poorly developed. Attention is unstable, often distracted, the amount of attention is insignificant. Accepts the instruction manual, but cannot work on it independently. Cannot independently find and correct an error in his work. It is difficult for Sasha to express his elementary judgment, to draw a simple logical conclusion. Fine motor skills of the hands are well developed, it does not experience difficulties in orienting in notebooks for counting and writing. Follows the daily routine.

Self-service skills are formed. The pace of activity is fast, meaningful.

Calm in class, participates in class. Can answer the question. Understands learning objectives. The ability to volitional effort is reduced, often does not bring the work begun to the end. Sasha's skills and abilities are not sufficiently formed to master the educational material Mastering the program material:

According to the account - he mastered the ordinal and quantitative, counting backwards and in pairs within 10 knows and recognizes numbers. writes them in a notebook correlates numbers with the number of objects, understands the relationship between numbers within 10 establishes equality and inequality of groups of objects knows geometric shapes and sees them in forms environment correctly names the parts of the day, knows the seasons, distinguishes time concepts, recognizes the right and left hand, denotes in words the position of the object in relation to itself, performs counting operations with numbers using abacus.

In writing and reading - can write off from the board, writes off sentences from printed cards, short stories, can independently divide words into syllables, carry out word wrapping, characterizes consonant sounds, reads, the reading technique is very low, memorizes verses and immediately forgets them, retells texts, answers questions on content.

According to the world around - knows and names wild and domestic animals, their signs, similarities and differences. Can independently name wild and cultivated plants. Distinguish between horticultural and horticultural crops.

In terms of subject-productive activity and visual activity, he copes with the program in full: he draws well, sculpts, cuts out, constructs various voluminous crafts from paper. His works are exhibited at exhibitions both inside the house and across the city.

Labor skills are instilled: he is involved in work in the garden, in the work of a janitor, loader, household work. Attitude to work is not always conscientious, often there is a manifestation of laziness.

By nature, the boy is calm, sociable, makes friends with the guys, but often is a provocateur of conflict situations. With adults tactful and polite. Bad habits eradicated.

Educator: Pisarevich L.A.

tell me how to write a psychological description for a 5-year-old child for PMPK. The child has communication problems.

Natalya Berdennikova Student (176), closed 8 months ago

Marina******* Sage (11965) 4 years ago

An approximate scheme for compiling a psychological and pedagogical characteristic for a child preschool age

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the pupil (tsy) _____________ group _______________ I / s

1. General information about the child:

Full name of the child

Date of birth Home address

Date of admission of the child to the preschool institution from where he entered (from the family, from another preschool educational institution). were there long breaks in the visit preschool, for what reasons

2. Characteristics of the family

Full name of parents, year of birth, place of work

Family composition: full, incomplete, large, the presence of brothers and sisters

Who is responsible for raising the child (mother, father, grandmother, others)

Is enough attention paid to the upbringing and education of the child

3. Features of the appearance of the child: (posture, gait (motor awkward, clumsy). gestures, facial expressions, the presence of salivation, etc.)

4. Somatic health (he rarely gets sick, often suffers from colds, has

chronic health disorders, eating poorly, sleeping difficultly and restlessly)

5. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the child:

5.1 Attention characteristic: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

During classes, he cannot be attentive and concentrate on something for a long time.

Constantly distracted

Able to concentrate on a task for a long time; diligent and accurate in completing tasks

what kind of attention prevails: voluntary or involuntary

Other __________________________________________________________

5. Characteristics of perception: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) Form perception: - correlates objects in shape

highlights geometric shapes

has no idea about the form (does not distinguish a circle from a square) Color perception: - recognizes and names primary colors

distinguishes colors (selects by word)

there is no idea of ​​color Perception of size: - relates objects by size

No concept of size

Familiar with the concepts: long-short, most

5.3. Memory characteristic: (select the appropriate option (one or more)) remembers slowly and forgets quickly remembers quickly and forgets quickly

Difficulty memorizing poems

retelling the content of a fairy tale, story, introduces fictitious borrowings (something that is not in the text)

concentrates on secondary objects, not capturing the main idea of ​​the content

The predominant type of memory: visual, auditory

5.5. Characteristics of thinking: (select the appropriate option (one or more))

Poor understanding of the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, from, under, above, etc.)

- (does not) carry out the simplest classifications (by pattern or word for various reasons (who lives where? Who flies and who runs? etc.)

Galina Rakova Enlightened (40961) 4 years ago

Psychological - pedagogical characteristics

Full name of the child, 06/08/2006

Brought up in a complete family.

Both parents work.

There are 4 people in the family.

Housing conditions: favorable.

The family has a younger sister.

Parents pay enough attention to raising their son, the family has a prosperous microclimate.

Andrey entered the kindergarten from home, adapted well in the group, but suffered from colds a lot and often.

The child has a speech disorder.

Parents are interested in the formation of correct speech in their son: they listen to the advice of educators, correct speech errors, and do a lot of work.

Interested in classes, mastered all sections of the program. In communication with children and adults, he is active, friendly.

Can play with a group of peers, likes leading roles.

Prefers plot - role-playing and outdoor games. Quickly switches from one activity to another.

Self-service skills are formed.

Daytime and night sleep- norm.

Educator. _____________________

Source: describe communication problems in your own words. This is how we do it.

Sample characteristics for PMPK

Student characteristics

1 "____" class


Full name ____________________________, ______________ year of birth, living at _________________________________ street, has been studying at this school since September 01, _______. Before school she attended MDOU Kindergarten ____.

Lives in an incomplete family (mom and dad are divorced, currently lives with a partner, has a second child). The family is registered with the KDN, PDN. The family is dysfunctional, the mother is currently coded, there are breakdowns.

The girl is sociable, the level of mental development is low, she is often distracted during the lessons and distracts her neighbors. ______________ is very inattentive, cannot understand the task the first time, most often can only copy from the board, copy from classmates.

When conducting pedagogical diagnostics scored 5 points out of 21 possible. I could not convey the shape of the figure, I made mistakes in the task with spatial representations, I could not solve the problem of finding the remainder. Does not know how to compare sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skills). Disorders of phonemic hearing, inability to find the number of sounds in a word were revealed.

During the school year, she is passive in the classroom, often distracted by extraneous things (leafing through a textbook, sorting out pencils from a pencil case). Attention is unstable, memory is poor. Fine motor skills are poorly developed, but _________________ is left-handed. There is no desire for good grades.


Oral counting is slow, counts with fingers.

Does not know how to draw up work, a brief record of the task, does not orient in space (notebook)

Does not understand the terms "sum", "difference" and the name of the components when adding and subtracting

Cannot solve problems, both simple and in two steps.

Cannot understand the mechanism of subtraction and addition of single-digit numbers within 20 with a transition through a dozen.

Russian language:

Passing, replacing letters when writing

There are a lot of errors on the rules "Unstressed vowel at the root of the word", "Paired consonants in the middle of the word and at the end", "Capital letter selection"

Cannot independently perform the task "Deformed text" - divide the set of words into sentences, indicate the boundaries of sentences, make sentences from words.

Reading syllabic, for a very long time I could not learn to read, read by letter. Many additional individual lessons were held with a teacher, but there was no reading skills at home.

Characteristics for a child for submission to the institution's PMPK


for a pupil of the MOU "Xxxxxxxx"


Хххх (хх.хх.хх year of birth) has been attending MOU "Xxxxxxxx" since 2005. In 2008-2009 academic year the boy attended classes in the preparatory speech therapy group.

The general level of development is average.

Mental processes:

  • The volume and concentration of attention and perception, switchability from one task to another, arbitrariness of attention - in general, at the average level, when distracted, he often returns to the interrupted task, less often - according to the teacher
  • level of visual-figurative thinking - medium, uses visual analogies intuitive-visual analysis and synthesis - difficult (help is used situationally) makes the transfer of a simple algorithm of actions to another situation
  • Abstract, verbal-logical thinking is very poorly developed: uses speech antonyms with the help of situational opposition, performs speech classifications according to insignificant features in speech analogies - does not understand the connection between words, has significant difficulty completing sentences
  • · volume visual memory- average, auditory memory - weak, long-term memory - average level.

Motor area:

  • General motor skills are developed within the age norm (the level is below average), general muscle hypotonia is observed
  • hand motor skills have improved: it has become more accurate to hatch, draws images on its own, plot pictures prints letters, writes its name, simple words, however, the volume and accuracy of movements are still insufficient, when copying, the composition is simplified
  • · in a state of oral praxis: doing the basic exercises of articulatory gymnastics (slightly reduced accuracy, volume, activity of movements, observed - instability of the muscles of the tongue in static, minor synkinesis of the lower jaw).

Speech development:

  • very often in spontaneous speech there is fuzziness of speech production: in situations of excitement or emotional stress, omissions of syllables, partial nasalization of the voice, lexical agrammatisms are observed
  • a slight violation of the auditory-pronunciation differentiation of oppositional sounds in syllables
  • in sound pronunciation - softening of the sound L (due to reduced muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus)
  • minor improvements in the sound-syllabic structure: omissions, replacements of sounds and syllables in multi-frequency words and phrases are still frequent
  • possesses the simplest skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis
  • Intermediate vocabulary, passive vocabulary wider than active vocabulary, makes simple generalizations, has difficulty finding antonyms
  • in spontaneous speech - phrases up to 5 - 7 words: simple, common, with complication, occasionally - agrammatic in stories based on plot pictures, highlights 2-3 parts, reveals micro-themes mostly sequentially, briefly, accurately enough, uses little expressive means, sometimes there are lexical and structural agrammatisms retelling - close to the text
  • Lexical and grammatical skills are not yet sufficiently developed: there are difficulties in the formation of relative, qualitative, possessive adjectives, some prefixed verbs unstable errors in the formation of nouns plural Genitive case, obscure plural nouns nominative case, diminutive form of nouns in agreement of nouns with numerals in the use of prepositional case constructions
  • in impressive speech: has difficulty in differentiating prefixed verbs, in understanding complex prepositional-case constructions, complex comparisons, inversions, constructions in the instrumental case, multi-link instructions, abstract concepts, figurative and hidden meaning, sentences with complex lexical and grammatical structure
  • reads simple words and phrases (when reading, optical and undifferentiated errors are observed)
  • writes block letters his name, under the dictation of simple words, writes off printed words (mistakes are often observed: omission and replacement of letters on an optical basis).

Mental development.

  • · Consciously counts up to 20, tens up to 100 the composition of the number - on a visual basis, with a little guiding help from the teacher.
  • · From geometric shapes knows circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • · Knows basic and tint colors.
  • · Knows the concepts: up, down, forward, backward, right, left top left, bottom left (etc.).
  • Uses temporary concepts - today, now, yesterday, tomorrow, parts of the day, seasons, days of the week, months.
  • · From the values ​​independently allocates "big - small", height, length in a choice situation determines the width, thickness.
  • · Does not always listen to works of fiction attentively, answers questions about the content, sometimes with a little help from a teacher.
  • Cognitive interest and performance - depend on the complexity of tasks and their understanding. With simple tasks, cognitive activity and working capacity are high, with complex tasks, the boy is not able to hold a goal for a long time, shows an unexpressed desire to achieve results and overcome difficulties, uses external means of mobilizing volitional efforts (closes his eyes, takes his head, turns away, puts his legs up on a chair) . Thus, the limitation of the zone of proximal development is revealed.
  • · Motivation for learning depends on the understanding of the material of the task, an unstable interest in the final result is manifested.
  • · The nature of the activity - reproductive, productive uses guiding, pointing, teaching assistance.

Communication, features of gaming activities:

the boy is contact, in the group he prefers to play with children, participates with pleasure in role-playing games, in outdoor games, he worries if for some reason one of the children does not want to play with him, tries to solve this problem on his own.

Emotional-volitional sphere:

  • There is a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere: impulsivity, getting stuck on inadequate reactions (most often on tearfulness), motor disinhibition
  • the boy's energy resource (vegetative coefficient) - in general, at a good level, optimal performance - provided that the task is understood and the loads correspond to the child's abilities with the complication of mental activity - after 8 minutes there is a sharp drop in productivity, a manifestation of lethargy, inertia, fatigue
  • in diagnosing the level of motivation for schooling an immature position is visible: external motivation prevails ( play activity at school, communication with children) in the forecast - if expectations are not met, then there may be a reluctance to attend school.

Speech therapy conclusion: OHP (III level): exit from sensory alalia.

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student ... class MBOU "Secondary School ...", g. ...

.. 25.02.2002 birth,

residing at:

For health reasons refers to II medical group, is registered with a neuropathologist. The girl often complains about headache, abdominal pain. Even with a short load, Tanya quickly gets tired. The child has low vision, eats poorly, needs the help of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist.

Prior to entering school, she attended a kindergarten of the usual type.

The development of thinking, memory, attention, perception, speech, emotional and volitional spheres are slowed down and noticeably lag behind the norm.

The girl slowly and with difficulty focuses her attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distraction. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.

Short-term memory - slowly remembers and quickly forgets - mainly visual, therefore it experiences special difficulties in Russian and English language, mathematics. In the same subjects, he has the greatest gaps in knowledge. To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors. The student understands the material with great difficulty only after additional classes, but the next day he can no longer remember what was sorted out and studied. However, with considerable efforts of will, conscientious homework, and constant monitoring and assistance from parents, these difficulties could be overcome to a large extent.

.does not know how to concentrate and overcome difficulties in the performance of educational tasks. Involuntary attention prevails. Works slowly. Efficiency is very low - after 10-15 minutes from the beginning of the lesson, increased fatigue occurs. In a state of increased fatigue, the child's answers become thoughtless, absurd.

Fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate.. usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare. Differs in general passivity, inactivity, lack of initiative. She does not like being criticized, is offended and withdraws. Sometimes he tells lies for his own benefit.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in many areas school life. The exception is the lessons of technology, on which she works with concentration and interest. And in extracurricular activities, the girl prefers to engage in arts and crafts activities: drawing, embroidery, appliqué from various materials. This work she does creatively and accurately.

Limitations of mental and cognitive abilities do not allow ... to successfully cope with learning objectives. As a rule, she does not show interest in acquiring knowledge, she does not know how to distribute her work in time, she does not know how to rationally organize and observe the daily routine, she wastes a lot of time.

Existing knowledge, skills and abilities …. do not meet the requirements school curriculum. Progress in basic school subjects (mathematics, Russian, English) is unsatisfactory.

The girl is hardly involved in educational activities, with great difficulty and belatedly mastered the initial skills of writing and reading, counting. It is characterized by childish spontaneity in behavior, unformed school interests, inability to concentrate when performing educational tasks.

Mathematics. In the 4th grade, he hardly adds and subtracts even within 10, he performs all actions only with the help of printed addition and subtraction tables. Confuses mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. I haven't been able to memorize the multiplication table yet. Tasks are solved only by the simplest ones, and then extremely slowly and with help, blindly using known "templates". Abstract thinking is practically not developed. Although ... performs geometric constructions well, but tasks of geometric content are given to her with difficulty. … even with significant efforts and individual additional assistance from the teacher, she never learned to correlate units of length, mass, and time.

Reading By the end of the first grade, the girl remembered the letters with great difficulty. Despite the fact that she also studied with a speech therapist, she began to read smoothly in syllables and more or less consciously ... only in the second grade. When reading, Tanya makes mistakes in endings, stress, and distorts words. Even in the 4th grade, she has a reading rate of 40 words per minute (against the norm of 80 words per minute). With such slow reading, she has difficulty distinguishing main idea read, with difficulty answering questions about the text. But if the text is read by adults or a well-read child, then the girl is already able to express her own opinion about the actions of the characters and answer direct questions to the text. The girl does not read the literature that is recommended by the teacher for reading in the summer.

Russian language. … well mastered graphic writing skills. Does the job neatly and cleanly. But literacy is poor. She admits a large number of mistakes not only when writing from dictation, but also when copying. It makes mistakes of a different nature: skipping and replacing letters, underwriting and distorting words (this also happens because of a poor vocabulary and a narrow outlook, so sometimes even the simplest words do not understand the meaning). Lots of mistakes and spelling. Even if ... and knows some rules, he does not know how to apply them practically in independent activities.

Vocabulary is very poor, speech is quiet, with hesitations. The girl often raises her hand to answer, but when you ask her, she formulates her thought with great difficulty, and sometimes she cannot express her thoughts in words even at the everyday level.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others (usually he simply cheats from a neighbor on his desk), does not want to make efforts. Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

New concepts, methods of action with minimal help from the teacher, other students do not immediately learn. It takes a very long time period of constant repetition of the same material, and individually, in silence, in order for ... to learn it at least in a general way.

The girl does not have any difficulties in communicating with classmates, although she communicates with a limited circle of children. . With adults, she is polite, mostly adequately takes into account the situation.

Social and household skills are formed according to age. … has self-service skills, is always neat and tidy. Keeps personal belongings and school supplies in proper order. Helps to put the blackboard and desks in order in the classroom.

But it is worth noting that gaps in learning and gaps in the knowledge of the child could be minimized with more careful and serious control by parents.

Mom, ..., systematically attended parent meetings, often came to individual consultations with the teacher at school, expressed concern about the academic performance of her daughter Tanya, but still, the recommendations of the teacher, the speech therapist were not properly implemented, the child's daily routine was not balanced. Parents often followed the child's emotions, allowing the girl to manipulate them.

Thus, the inability to sustain purposeful activity, the predominance of gaming interests and gaming motivation, instability and pronounced difficulties in switching and distributing attention, inability to mental effort and tension when performing serious school assignments, underdevelopment of voluntary activities and insufficient, unsystematic control and assistance from parents, caused large gaps in knowledge in basic school subjects.

All of the above problems in learning ... allowed the teacher to assume that the child needed not only the help of a teacher, but also the advice of some specialist doctors. On the advice of the teacher, parents in the 2nd grade showed the child to a neurologist. According to my mother, the doctor prescribed treatment. But the education and development of the child is still not age appropriate. Psychiatric consultation recommended.

Characteristics of the student.

F., I. pupil _________________________________________________________________

Date of birth ____________________ Age ___________ Grade ________________

2.1. The level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, attention, memory), learning forecast


Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in the lesson, he does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.

Listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. It is rarely distracted, sometimes there are errors due to inattention.

Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.

He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, does not always correct them when checking.

As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.


When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easy to memorize.

When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously figured out, what he understood. Material that requires rote memorization is given with difficulty.

The material that requires rote memorization is very easy to assimilate, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.

When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but he expresses the meaning accurately.

To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors.


Quickly grasps the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

He understands the material quite quickly, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.

Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions.

Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

He understands materials only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.

2.2. Motivation for learning and selectivity.

2.3. Possession of rational methods of organizing educational work.

2.4. General education skills.


Arbitrary attention is quite stable, it can quickly turn on the work and keep working during the lesson. Memory development corresponds to the age norm. The learning prognosis is positive. Able to study subjects of the educational cycle. He has a satisfactory level of diligence, shows diligence and perseverance in educational activities, but needs help and support, positive stimulation. The pupil has a desire to understand and assimilate the educational material. The main problem of the pupil is the large gaps in knowledge in all subjects of the educational cycle. However, within 2 months of the pupil's stay in special. PU, thanks to the perseverance and attention of teachers, managed to eliminate a number of significant gaps, especially in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle, for the study of which the pupil showed special abilities. The main concerns of teachers are the study of mathematics by the pupil. The current level of knowledge in this subject corresponds to the mark "2". On this moment the pupil partially possesses general educational skills, reads in accordance with the age norm, knows how to retell, tries to write correctly. Does not have computational skills, does not know how to productively use a textbook and others study guides, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions and generalizations. At the moment, she cannot independently organize her educational work, as long as she needs the constant help of adults.

2.5. The level of knowledge in subjects.

Successfully studies in the following subjects: ______________________________________________


The study of what subjects is difficult, for what reasons _________________________________


Manifestation personal qualities in the behavior of the child.


The student always performs any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.

As a rule, he willingly takes up the work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Rarely willing to take on the job.

Most often, he tries to evade any work.

Always evades any task.


Always well and on time performs any task entrusted to him.

In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.

Often does not perform on time (or performs poorly) the work entrusted to him.

Very rarely does the work assigned to him.

He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.


Always keeps his belongings in perfect order. He always walks neatly, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

Keeps in proper order own and loaned to him things (books, abstracts). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.

Does not show a great desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school untidy, sloppy dressed. Indifferent towards those who damage public property.

Often does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books; things, does not protect public property, even spoils it.

He does not care at all about keeping his things in proper order, always untidy, slovenly. On occasion, without hesitation, spoils public property.

Attitude towards people:


He always shows concern for acquaintances and strangers, tries to help and support anyone.

Tends to take care of strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.

Often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.

As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.

He considers it superfluous to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto: "Mind your own business."

Honesty. Truthfulness.

Always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is unprofitable for him.

Almost always truthful in relation to educators, teachers and comrades.

He often tells lies for his own benefit.

Almost always tells a lie if it suits him.

Always inclined to tell the truth.


Actively fights what he considers unfair.

He does not always fight what he considers unfair.

Rarely speaks out against what he considers unfair.

Doesn't seek justice.

Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.


In his actions he is always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or other people, and not to his own benefit.

Almost always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or to other people.

He is rarely guided in his actions by considerations of benefit, and not his own benefit.

In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.

In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.

Sociability .

Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.

As a rule, he enjoys talking with people.

Strive to communicate with a limited circle of people.

Prefers individual forms of work and rest.

Closed, uncommunicative.

Politeness, tact.

All his actions and words testify to respect for other people.

Almost always shows proper respect for other people.

Often times, impolite and tactless.

Often unacceptably harsh, rude. Often starts quarrels.

Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and in communication with elders. In a quarrel, insults others, is rude.

Self attitude:

Self confidence

Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

Performs all tasks, assignments without the help of others. Asks for help only when really needed.

Sometimes, performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can handle it.

Constantly, even in simple matters, he needs encouragement and help from others.


He always listens with attention to fair criticism, persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.

In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.

Sometimes he listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.

Critical remarks, advice are treated inattentively, does not try to correct shortcomings.

Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.

Striving for excellence and excellence.

Always and in everything strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently achieves this.

Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.

Strives in one thing, especially of interest to him, to achieve recognition, success.

It is very rare to strive for success in any activity, it is easily satisfied with the position of the "middle peasant".

Never strives to be the first in anything, gets satisfaction from the activity itself.

Self control.

Always carefully weighs his words and deeds.

He does not always carefully control his words and actions.

For the most part, he acts thoughtlessly, counts on “luck”.

Almost always acts thoughtlessly, insufficiently carefully controls himself.

He constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck”.

Volitional personality traits


Always joins the fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.

In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.

In most cases, retreats before the force.

Always retreats before force, cowards.


Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.

Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

Rarely dares to make any responsible decision.

Unable to make any responsible decision on their own.


He always achieves what he has planned, even if long-term efforts are required, he does not back down in the face of difficulties.

As a rule, he tries to fulfill the intended, even if there are difficulties in doing so. Opposite cases are rare.

Brings to the end the plan, only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended.


Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Sometimes he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions.

Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.

He has poor control over his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.

The position of the child in the children's team.

The position of the pupil in the team:


He is the favorite of the class, he is forgiven some shortcomings.

In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.

Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.

Enjoys the sympathy of some guys.

The class doesn't like him.

General emotional tone:

Constantly lively, very active in all areas of school life, interferes in everything, takes on all cases.

Lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.

Lively, active only in some areas of school life.

Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

Emotional balance:

Always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.

Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.

Emotionally balanced.

Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations.

Hot-tempered: frequent strong emotional outbursts on minor occasions.

Strengths of the pupil: __________________________________________________________


Problematic aspects of the pupil (area of ​​​​special attention) ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________


Individualized pedagogical work:





"______" _______________________ 20____

Classroom teacher ______________________ /_______________________________________/

Characteristics for the PMPK examination

The main document from which members of the commission receive important and essential information about the child is a psychological and pedagogical presentation. Depending on whether the child is a preschooler or a schoolchild, it is recommended to use one of the two following forms of presentation.

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at the PMPK (for a preschool child)

Completion date _____________________ 20__

Surname, name, patronymic of the child Date of birth "___" __________________

institution preschool education ___________ type ___________ group _____ type of group

Length of stay in this preschool

At what age did he enter Where did he enter: from a family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Evaluation of the child's adaptation in the group: a) good; b) satisfactory; c) insufficient; d) bad; e) other

Features of lateralization: a) right-handed; 6) left-handed; c) ambidexter

Features of gaming activities: a) games are age-appropriate; b) games correspond more early age; c) manipulative games predominate; d) there is no play activity; e) other

The main difficulties noted in training: a) masters the program well; b) assimilates the program satisfactorily; c) the program learns with difficulty; d) does not master the program; e) other

Perception: a) corresponds to age; b) there are violations of visual perception; c) there are violations of auditory perception; d) complex disorders of perception; e) other

Attention: a) stable; b) insufficiently stable; c) unstable

Memory (prevailing modality): a) visual; b) auditory; c) motor; d) mixed

Features of memory (problems): a) without pronounced features; b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets; c) quickly remembers and quickly forgets; d) other problems

Thinking: a) correspond to age; b) not smart enough; c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) _____________; d) other

Motility: a) corresponds to age; b) the child is awkward, clumsy; c) fine motor skills are poorly developed; d) other

The main difficulties in communication: a) there are no difficulties; b) does not know how to support the game; c) prefers to be alone; d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children; e) is conflicted; e) other

Speech development: a) speech is age-appropriate; b) speech is slurred; there are difficulties in pronunciation of sounds; c) poor vocabulary; d) speech is grammatically incorrect; e) hesitations in speech; e) there is no speech; g) other

Social skills: a) age-appropriate; b) insufficiently formed; c) are practically not formed; d) other

Orientation in space and time: a) corresponds to age; b) insufficiently formed; c) there are violations (indicate which ________); d) other

Attitude to classes, features of activity: a) corresponds to age; b) unable to control their activities; c) restless, does not bring the matter to the end; d) interferes with the teacher, children; e) gets tired quickly; e) other

The pace of activity: a) corresponds to the age; b) sleepy and lethargic during the day; c) the pace of work in the classroom is uneven; d) works slowly with inattention; e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is "chaotic and stupid"; e) other

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick; b) often suffers from colds; c) has chronic diseases; d) poor appetite; e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly; e) other

Other features of the development of the child:

General assessment of the development and behavior of the child, the teacher's suggestions:

Head of preschool educational institution

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at the PMPK (for a school-age child)

Completion date __________________ 20__

Surname, name, patronymic of the child

Date of birth "__" __________________________

Educational institution

Class (group) ____, _______ (general education, KRO, compensatory)

Story preschool development: a) attended (did not attend) preschool educational institution (if attended, then which one: ordinary type, speech therapy, correctional group, correctional type preschool institution) _______ b) other Entered _____ class in _______ month of _______ year. Was left for a second year of study (yes, no, in which classes)

Home address

General impression of the child:

Characteristics of general awareness and social orientation (information about yourself, your family, the immediate social environment, the level of current development)

Characteristics of the features of psychophysical development: (working capacity, development of large and fine motor skills, visual-spatial orientation, visual and auditory perception, features of attention, memory)

The degree of development of learning skills

General assessment of the state of educational skills (compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the program)

Mathematics (mental counting, the nature of the difficulties in solving examples, problems, geometric constructions)

Reading (type, pace, awareness, typical errors in reading)

Writing (features of graphics, accuracy, stability of handwriting, design features of works)

The nature of errors in writing (when copying, when writing from dictation, in creative works)

Features of oral speech (clearness of pronunciation of sounds, pace, fluency, vocabulary, grammatical and intonational design)

Labor skills and abilities (self-service labor)

Individual features of learning (how quickly he learns new concepts, methods of action with minimal help from a teacher, classmates, etc.)

Emotional and behavioral features (problems in communication, relationships with parents, students, teachers)

Signature of the class teacher "___" ______________

Head teacher

An example of a characteristic for a 4th grade student
4th grade student MOU ""
FULL NAME. student date of birth
lives at:

FULL NAME. studied in the 1st grade and 1st quarter of the 2nd grade at the MOU "", then moved to boarding school No. , for orphans and children left without parental care. Then he again came to study at school No. at the end of the 3rd grade. Didn't stay for retraining.
Currently studying under the program "School of Russia"
Results of certification for the 1st quarter:
No. Items Grades for the 1st quarter
1. Russian language 2 (unsatisfactory)
2. Literary reading 3 (satisfactory)
3. Mathematics 2 (unsatisfactory)
4. Natural science 3 (satisfactory)
5. Labor training 4 (good)
6. Physical Culture 5 (excellent)

In mathematics, computational skills are poorly formed. Confused in the multiplication table, out-of-table multiplication and division; wrong in comparison. He solves compound problems with the help of a teacher or independently according to a short note, an already compiled table or drawing.
According to the Russian language, he memorizes the rules, but cannot put them into practice. He is able to express his thoughts in his own words, but he makes many grammatical errors, there are a lot of weed words in his speech. When writing from dictation, he makes many spelling mistakes. Difficulty in parsing words by composition.
Reads consciously, 69 words per minute in syllables and whole words; tries to keep intonation. But reading is not emotionally colored. Retells satisfactorily.
Experiencing difficulties in retelling an article in a textbook on natural history.
The family is incomplete. Mom (full name), was not involved in raising her son in the first years. The boy was raised by his grandmother, then he studied and lived in a boarding school. Now the boy lives with his grandmother and mother. Mom works a lot, in the absence of a mother, grandmother is engaged in upbringing.
In the lessons the boy is not active, he rarely answers. He is embarrassed to work at the blackboard in front of the whole class, he begins to stutter. At the moment of special effort or interesting work, the boy can sing without noticing it.
Able to work on educational material only with the help of a teacher. The level of independence in educational activities is low - homework performs with the help of parents.
Students often get distracted in class. Attention scattered, unstable. In the classroom, he can do other things, for example, draw. Difficulty switching from one activity to another. Works in slow motion during class. Slowly learns everything new, only after repeated repetitions.
Sound pronunciation is disturbed, vocabulary is poor.
Attitude to their successes or failures is indifferent.
In the classroom, the boy does not enjoy the attention and authority of his classmates, but he himself reaches out to them, willingly accepts the invitation to participate in the game. There are no close friends in the class. The boy is peaceful, non-conflict, obedient, affectionate.
The boy is lost in a large group.
We ask you to resolve the issue of transferring a student to a special (correctional) class of type VII.


Director ________________

Oksana Startseva
Characteristics for a child 4–5 years old for submission to the PMPK


Per pupil "MADO". r. living in address:.

Family Composition: mother -. r., education. place of work -. ; father -. ,. city ​​of birth, education., place of work -.

Attends kindergarten and this group since July 2014. Has no chronic diseases. Kindergarten visits with desire. There is a good relationship with the guys in the team.

By character. - modest and polite child; easily comes into contact with children; helps comrades to carry out various assignments of adults, responds with pleasure to the requests of comrades; kind and considerate. She dresses herself, always watches her appearance, toys and books. She loves to be praised.

With the program of the middle group. copes. Differentiates the concept "one-many", distinguishes, recognizes and names primary colors, orients itself in space and time. The girl knows the right and left sides, the seasons. Parts of the day and days of the week are still difficult to name correctly.

Has difficulty speaking in full proposals. During classes, the girl listens to the speech of the teacher, tries to remember new material. Speech consists of simple proposals words are not clear.

The development of fine motor skills is age appropriate.

Easily switches from one activity to another.

When performing tasks on application, design, modeling and drawing, he compares his work with the model, tries to bring what he started to the end. In case of difficulties in completing tasks, she willingly accepts the help of adults, carefully monitors the actions of the educator.

A girl can attract comrades to the game to interest, assign roles. The game uses items - substitutes, conducts a dialogue with all participants, corrects the actions of comrades, collects toys after the game and attracts those who played with her. Most attention. pays plot - role playing, but also enjoys board games.

In the event of conflict situations in the game, he tries to resolve the conflict on his own, in case of failure, he turns to an adult.

Active on a walk, with interest, together with other children, participates in observations. The girl has developed self-service skills in accordance with her age. She is neat, knows how to dress, undress, fasten buttons and zippers on her own, helps her comrades. Leading hand right.

During daytime sleep, he falls asleep immediately. Sleep is calm.

He is brought up in a complete family, where both parents participate in the upbringing.

The teachers of the group are concerned about the backlog in speech development child.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the PMPK.

educators: ___

Head of MADOU No. ___

WITH characteristic parents are familiar with ___ / ___ /

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