Year of the Monkey constellation Taurus. Child Taurus Girl. Taurus born in the year of the monkey

To find out something about a person’s character, you need to study his horoscope, focusing not only on the month and date, but also on the year of birth. Taurus-Monkey is a contradictory nature and it surprisingly combines opposing character traits.

Taurus-Monkey is a woman who is capable of surprising and delighting. Representatives of this zodiac sign are unusually smart, calculating, but at the same time have a very easy-going disposition. People around them love and appreciate them for their carefree nature, their ability to always come to the rescue in Hard time.

Taurus Monkeys are talented peacemakers. They can reconcile even the most malicious opponents. At the same time, each participant in the conflict will get the impression that it was he who won and achieved his goal.

Taurus-Monkeys often reach serious heights in their careers. They are very fond of creative professions, as well as leadership positions. As bosses, they are strict but fair. At first, their subordinates may not perceive them very kindly. Such women are very demanding of themselves and those around them. Over time, people begin to understand that the severity of Taurus is not so terrible and all comments are fair.

Taurus-Monkeys love to be admired. They cannot live without compliments, which is definitely worth adopting for those who want to win their favor.

Representatives of this zodiac sign very sensitive. They are capable of being offended even by some not very significant little things. These women can accumulate resentment within themselves, but at a certain moment they express everything that has accumulated in their souls. At this moment they may be overly emotional.

Despite their natural vulnerability, Taurus sometimes do not think about the feelings of their loved ones and acquaintances. These women are too straightforward. When people begin to take offense at some words, they sincerely do not understand what their fault is. After all, representatives of this sign believe that they are providing their acquaintances with an invaluable service by directly speaking about their shortcomings and mistakes.

Taurus-Monkeys are influenced by different planets. On the one hand, they do not like change and happily devote their lives to their husband and children. Like all Taurus, these women are unusually economical and value the comfort and warmth of the home. They know how to create it all with their own hands. On the other hand, Monkeys sometimes want to experience some new feelings and emotions, go out into the world and show themselves in all their glory. These women often flirt, but, as a rule, they do not allow themselves more. If everything is good in the family, such ladies will not even look away and think about changing their partner. They don’t need it at all and aren’t even interested in it.

Taurus and Monkey - a woman who loves to read and educate herself. These ladies love to communicate with people who can carry on a conversation. They are very erudite and value a good education even more than the opportunity to earn money.

The personal life of Taurus-Monkeys most often develops quite successfully. In their youth, such women are extremely popular among the stronger sex. This gives them the opportunity to select the most suitable candidate.

Like all Taurus, these ladies are quite pragmatic. But, unfortunately, in love affairs they often focus only on their own feelings. Sometimes this makes it difficult to choose the person who is most suitable in character and temperament. But Taurus-Monkeys are unusually patient. They are willing to do anything to save their marriage and relationships. These women are monogamous. When they marry their chosen one, they sincerely believe that it will be forever. But it's not limited to dreams. Such people make every effort to make their partner feel at ease and comfortable with them. Taurus-Monkeys may even give up their career in order to save their family. Their husband and children will always come first. These women are courteous and quite soft. In certain situations they can demonstrate their most best qualities. Their husbands can only be proud of them.

Taurus-Monkeys are very stubborn. They don't quit halfway. Often, stubbornness interferes with their friendship and love. These women do not want to admit their own mistakes unless they feel guilty.

Representatives of this zodiac sign know how to earn and count money. They do not like to spend what they earn on fleeting entertainment and useless things. In this regard, such people are quite pragmatic. That is why in marriage, most often it is Taurus women who manage the family budget.

Taurus-Monkeys rarely travel, as they are more inclined to a sedentary lifestyle. But astrologers believe that they definitely need to change the situation. If such women do not go anywhere for a long time, do not go out into the world, they do not feel entirely comfortable. The interesting thing is that these ladies may not even understand why they are constantly in a bad mood. All this happens on a subconscious level.

Taurus-Monkeys are very attached to their parents. Their potential husbands should take note of this. To please such a woman, you need to find mutual language with her mother and father. Bad relationships with father-in-law or mother-in-law often become the reason for family scandals. This situation hurts Taurus and makes them think about the correctness of the choice they made.

Taurus-Monkeys know how to keep secrets. They are distinguished by their devotion. Their friends are extremely lucky, since these women are always ready to come to the rescue in difficult times. Sometimes you don’t even need to ask them about it again. They themselves offer help.

Taurus-Monkeys are women who love to be in the center of attention, but at the same time value home comfort and warmth. Their characters are quite contradictory. They find their happiness in their personal lives, but also achieve certain successes professionally.

Philosopher, mathematician, logician Bertrand Russell was an opponent of religion (“Why I am not a Christian”). This is correct, because the Monkey is a mystic. He believed that man deals with sensory data. Writer James Barry is the author of the famous fantasy about a man who did not want to grow up - “Peter Pan”.

Also in this group is an adventurer who tried to create a Central American empire. This is William Walker. And here is the knight, humanist, ideologist of chivalry, with such concepts as romance, honor, sense of duty, Ulrich von Hutten.

It should be noted the scope and thoroughness of the mental activity of the representatives of this astrological “tribe”. Let's list the most famous names in public life and science: the founder of Zionism, writer, politician Theodor Herzl; philosopher, teacher, founder of scientific pedagogy Johann Herbart; statistician, founder of scientific demography John Graunt.

And also an optical physicist, the founder of his own theory, Jean Fresnel; the astrophysicist who discovered helium, Joseph Lockyer; physiologist, biochemist, founder of a new direction in biology Mikhail Tsvet; nuclear physicist Stefan Meyer; creator of launch vehicles Nikolai Pilyugin; chemist, inventor of nylon Wallas Carothers.

In music, this is the founder of the musical movement named after his name, glitter rock, Harry Glitter, who chooses bright stage costumes and theatrical performances, and blues and pop rock performer Joe Cocker.

In cinema - actor, film director Boris Yashin (“Nine Days of One Year”); actors Alexander Belyavsky (“The meeting place cannot be changed”) and James Stewart (“The Philadelphia Story”); film director, producer Jim Abraham (“Airplane”, “The Naked Gun”, “Hot Shots”), actor Jean-Pierre Leaud (“Last Tango in Paris”).

In politics we have such sonorous names: English King Edward II; French Fronde leader Jean Gaston; Field Marshal, Chief of Staff of Kutuzov, Commander of the Russian Army Pyotr Volkonsky; Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev; head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Vyacheslav Trubnikov; politician Sergei Shakhrai; politician and president of the Union of Industrialists Arkady Volsky.

Other no less remarkable persons: architect Benjamin Latrobe (Capitol building); painter and sculptor Jean Jerome; landscape artist Nikolai Krymov (“Morning”); poet Robert Browning; writer, hero civil war in Spain Mate Zalca; chess player Wilhelm Steinitz; boxer Ray Leonard; industrialist, “cannon king” Alfred Krupp; businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved about a thousand Jews from Auschwitz; African explorer Hugh Clapperton; Pope John Paul II.

Taurus-Monkey woman horoscope

The life of such persons is very dependent on emotions and implies the indispensable presence of bodily joys, often to the extent of vice. At the same time, Taurus-Monkey can look at things soberly and manage his mind well. These charming creatures need a lot from life, and they try to get it, sometimes sacrificing internal content for the sake of bright packaging. They understand the “light” genre more than the drama, which they studiously avoid.

Tracy Lorde is a former porn star and now just an actress. “Back when I was doing porn, it was a back door business, not like it is now,” she says of her tumultuous past. She began acting in porn films at the age of 14 and even received moral satisfaction, realizing her fall. Alcohol and drugs helped her “work.”

By the age of 18, Tracy had become a drug addict and had to undergo treatment, which was fortunately successful. She was lucky again: since she acted while underage, films with her participation were withdrawn from sale, and Lorde was able to start a film career and life with clean slate. Which he is proud of. At first she had to play in second-rate action films. She was faced with a choice: either take off her clothes or shoot. She chose to shoot. Then Tracy starred in Cry Baby and gained self-respect.

However, the past reminds itself from time to time. For this reason, she simply does not get many roles.

Singer Rita Coolidge started out in a country ensemble, then took up solo career. Trying to combine variety shows, opera singing and country music, Rita completed her activities in the field of pop music, turning to disco.

Other women: pop singer, actress, dancer Pia Zadora; actress, wife of Albert Finn Anouk Aime (“A Man and a Woman”); actresses Maya Bulgakova (“Crime and Punishment”) and Natalya Andreichenko, ex-wife Maxim Dunaevsky and the current one - Maximilian Schell (“Mary Poppins, goodbye”, “War Romance”, “Sibiriyada”); swimmer Brooke Bennett.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

This Monkey is most likely not in a hurry and gives the impression of complete inner calm. She is imposing, loves entertainment and is ready to spend not only time, but also money on restaurants, cozy cafes, and other recreational places where she can talk leisurely, look at others and show herself off. The Taurus Monkey is prone to a varied but comfortable life. Everything that interests her should be somewhere “close by”. She will not want to walk or travel far in search of adventure.

The horoscope of Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, is characterized by curiosity, active social life, the desire to stand out from the crowd and reveal oneself creatively. Monotonous hard work does not attract this person. They should not force or break themselves to please others when choosing future profession. The Taurus Monkey must decide for itself what it will do!

Monkey-Taurus Character

People of this combination of signs are smart, prudent in everyday life, charming, and often inventive. They are always loved among friends, relatives, and colleagues. They are full of ideas, but are not always ready to implement them on their own. And this feature of the Monkey-Taurus should be kept in mind when choosing a professional activity. Everyone should do what they can do better than others! Monkey-Taurus is good provided that it is slightly guided, maybe corrected, but nothing more. She is effective in partner work; Quite patient and careful, always shows a creative approach.

In love, the Monkey-Taurus is devoted to his partner. She can be capricious, she can be playful, and she has a good sense of humor. She knows how to take care of her family. Knows when to be flexible and when to be persistent. In general, this person is very adequate in close relationships. This is a wonderful partner and family man!

Monkey-Taurus Man

The Monkey-Taurus man always knows what he wants. He is interested in life in itself and is ready for new discoveries. True, his fuse can quickly pass or he will suddenly turn in a completely different direction - to where it will be even more interesting...

The complexity of the Monkey-Taurus man can manifest itself in intolerance and the desire to exclude any external pressure on himself. Cut off from opportunities to look at himself from the outside, he embarks on a difficult path in life. Lack of flexibility in relation to one's own views on life and the environment is fraught with misunderstanding and rejection of new people and situations.

If the Monkey-Taurus man is able to overcome the rigidity of his rules and guidelines, he is able to become truly successful and truly happy. In love, the Monkey-Taurus man is a rare owner and jealous. He can afford a lot, but his wife should be a role model. If he at least somehow compensates for his demandingness by common interests with his wife, intellectual entertainment and general liveliness of nature, then in general such a character will be adequate for a normal family life.

Monkey-Taurus Woman

The Monkey-Taurus woman is also not as simple as it might seem at the first meeting. This woman is quite proud and always dictates her terms. Only, she prefers to act using dexterity and ingenuity. Her power cannot be immediately determined - there is too much tinsel and distracting paraphernalia. She has excellent taste, she probably has artistic talent, she knows how to dress beautifully and create coziness and comfort around herself. This woman will captivate anyone...

There are also more straightforward women of this combination of signs. True, all the same, the Monkey-Taurus woman is too busy with herself and her many ideas to persistently and persistently pursue the same life line. You can negotiate with her, but she will never go wrong... An interesting woman who will never go unnoticed!

The union of the thorough Taurus and the cunning Monkey is a combination of strength and dexterity. People of this combination of signs are distinguished by sociability and inexhaustible optimism. They love noisy companies and have a good sense of humor. At the same time, they are resourceful, enterprising, hardworking: always on the job. According to the combined horoscope, Taurus-Monkey is a strong, reliable person who stands firmly on his feet. He knows how and loves to work, and has a responsible approach to business. Although sometimes he fulfills his duties carelessly: the influence of the eccentric Monkey affects him. However, under any circumstances, it retains its positive attitude. Those around him note his spiritual sensitivity and kindness: you can always rely on Taurus-Monkey.

Characteristics of Taurus Monkey

The cheerful, active Taurus-Monkey has a light disposition. Does not like to sit alone, strives for communication. Spends money on entertainment with great pleasure and without regret. True, he doesn’t like fuss, he tries to spend time usefully. He even thinks through his leisure time in the most careful way. Usually Taurus-Monkey has fun in a comfortable environment. This prudent man gives great importance to your surroundings. Tries to limit communication with dishonest people. Although he is quite capable of maintaining superficial, non-binding relationships with them. Doesn't like to quarrel and swear: tact and politeness come first. Therefore, he has a reputation as a good-natured, sociable person.

Smart, assertive Taurus Monkeys know how to achieve their goals. They act decisively, quickly grasp the essence of the matter, and are not distracted by unnecessary details. At the same time, others get the impression: Taurus-Monkeys are lucky and darlings of fate. They are so easy to communicate: they never complain or try to arouse sympathy. People love their optimism, cheerfulness and resilience. The main feature of the Taurus-Monkey sign is equanimity. It is impossible to piss off a person of this combination: he is always calm and full of self-esteem. He does not get lost in difficult situations, he is full of ideas on how to improve his life. Extremely independent in judgment, does not like to listen to the advice of others.

People like the calm, tactful and always polite Taurus-Monkey. He sincerely rejoices at every new acquaintance and loves spending time in the company of friends. However, he shares his secrets with few people: his personal life is not subject to discussion. Reasonable, intelligent and insightful, although he gives the impression of a good-natured, sociable person. According to the combined horoscope, Monkey-Taurus is a leader, but still needs leadership. Under the influence of a wise mentor, you can become even more successful. Although this proud person does not admit his weaknesses, he is still sometimes rude, unrestrained and irresponsible. Therefore, he misses profitable opportunities, which greatly upsets him and deprives him of self-confidence.

Taurus Monkey Compatibility

In their personal life, Monkey-Taurus are patient, caring and attentive to their partner. These people love to talk about love and take marriage seriously. Capable of unpredictable actions, they know how to stand out from the general crowd of fans. However, for the most part they are distinguished by their softness and delicacy: they look after them tenderly and reverently. The secret of love compatibility with Taurus-Monkey is complete trust and respect. Even a strong feeling will not keep him from parting with a selfish and hypocritical person.

Taurus-Monkey is an exemplary family man: home and loved ones always come first. Moreover, this is not a stern parent and a demanding partner, but a merry fellow and an entertainer. He is the initiator of all family entertainment. Feels responsible not only for material wealth, but also for the peace of mind of loved ones. He gets along well with children and showers his significant other with gifts. Knows how to be different: demanding and flexible, eccentric and serious. All his actions are aimed at the benefit of the family.

Taurus Monkey Career

For every Taurus, work is an important part of life, and for the dexterous and cunning Monkey, it is a way to show their talents. A person of this combination not only fulfills his duties responsibly, but also receives great pleasure from his work. He gets along well with all his colleagues and enjoys the trust and respect of his superiors. Thanks to his quick thinking, sharp mind and natural dexterity, Taurus-Monkey easily copes with assigned tasks. In addition, it is simply overflowing with various ideas on how to improve your workflow.

Taurus-Monkey can do everything: lead a large team, work subordinately, manage their own business. However, it needs competent leadership. The path rarely lets his colleagues down: he quickly loses interest in work and does not complete the work he has started. He cannot stand monotony and monotony, therefore he is quite successful in creative professions. He can become an actor, musician or designer, the main thing for him is comfortable conditions that do not limit the free flight of imagination. Literary activity is suitable for Taurus-Monkey; here he will be able to express all his emotions and feelings.

Decisive, purposeful man Taurus-Monkey is not used to giving in to difficulties. This is an excellent organizer, he can find an approach to any person, and he acts gently and tactfully. At work he is valued for his friendliness and rare hard work. Taurus-Monkey man is cheerful and sociable, loves to spend time in noisy companies. He can safely be called a favorite of women; a charming and interesting interlocutor inspires confidence from the first minutes of the conversation. In addition, he is a gallant and attentive gentleman. The truth does not try very hard to prove the seriousness of his feelings with real actions. In the hands of a skillful, experienced woman, over time it will become ideal husband. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them, despite her busy work schedule.

The Taurus-Monkey woman is not as simple and sweet as it seems at first glance. A charming person who can turn heads with just the movement of her eyelashes is actually very smart and calculating. She understands perfectly well what goals she sets for herself; it is important for her to live in comfort and prosperity. She is distinguished by perseverance and hard work, she is capable of solving the most complex problems. But he will not refuse the man’s help, or rather, he will skillfully push the admirer to the right decision. IN love relationships The Taurus-Monkey woman is a faithful woman, she tries to surround her one and only with love and care. The truth can be stubborn, touchy, and needs care and attention. She is very attached to her children and enjoys participating in their games and amusements.

Harmless Calm Monkey.

Eastern horoscope- Monkey

Zodiac horoscope - Calf

Persistent Taurus enhances the already remarkable mental abilities of the Monkey. Such people are more persistent than other Monkeys and can successfully solve one task at a time, without getting scattered or distracted.

In Chinese astrology, the Monkey is known for its sociability. Thus, Monkey-Taurus men and women are the most communicative of all individuals born under the sign of Taurus. The ability to disseminate information and love for knowledge of all types is at a high level among these people.

This smart people with quick thinking. They have excellent problem solving skills. In their work, they use all their talents to achieve their goals and are considered conscientious workers. They are usually always up to date with all the latest events and are often the first to propose new ideas in work, and their friendliness makes it easy to get along with other people.

The Taurus Monkey is an inventive and creative person. Many are interested in their artistic creativity and love of planning. They are proud of their home and generally love it. Their favorite pastime is to relax in a cozy environment.

In personal relationships, these people tend to be immensely loving and expressive. Their persuasive speech does them a great service in their personal relationships. They are responsive, warm and do not need to be persuaded to open up emotionally. These people like to talk about their feelings, but not show them. They need a partner who will be a good listener and will understand all their verbal expressions in their love and devotion.

The main weakness in the personality of such people is that they may forget to think before saying something, so at times they may accidentally offend a person. As they go through life, life experience often teaches them to choose their words more carefully.

They say about people like the Taurus monkey: “Calm as an elephant.” This is true, although there is not enough elephantiasis in the monkey’s outwardly calm and even slightly lazy body. These people are romantic and easy-going, which is expressed in their desire for entertainment. But you can’t force them to run too long distances.

Monotonous work tires the Taurus monkey and forces him to look for employment in something more attractive. To do this, she has enough intelligence and ideas that can find understanding both among employers and among relatives, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues.

With the implementation of ideas and plans among men and women of Taurus monkeys, the situation is much more complicated. They are not too persistent in fulfilling their plans and require supervision and partnership. But in subordination, the Taurus monkey is loyal and is able to show patience, accuracy and perseverance in work. Considering these qualities, we can say that the Taurus monkey is an ideal partner, both in personal life and in business.