Zodiac horoscope for male and female Taurus. Zodiac horoscope for Taurus men and women Lunar calendar for Taurus for a year

The coming year is preparing many changes for the representatives of this sign. Most of them will concern the philosophical rethinking of one's life and place in it. Passion for magic, occultism, exotic religions is not excluded. In the first half of the year, the topic of creativity and children will be relevant. However, the stars are advised to be more careful and rely solely on themselves in some creative projects. Those of them that were tied to other people's finances may fail due to the unfavorable aspect of Saturn. A significant event of the first half of the year will be the return to life of representatives of this sign of partners from the past in May or June. Someone will continue to be friends with them, and someone will enter into a passionate relationship.

In the second half of the year, especially during the last months, Taurus can expect a resounding career success. Due to the harmonious aspects of Jupiter, which will pass through the sector of your horoscope responsible for wage labor, Taurus will be appreciated in their work team. Friends can help with this. Many representatives of this sign are seriously interested in caring for their health.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus: love, family

The first half of the year is expected to be rich in events in personal life. In some couples, a crisis is expected due to a different worldview or issues related to other people's money, such as inheritance. However, this shake-up will only benefit. Those couples who are destined to be together will strengthen their love. Taurus, who parted with their partners, will soon meet their man. The most favorable time for new acquaintances is June and July. Some will reunite with their former lovers. In the second half of the year, the stars will give Taurus the opportunity to enjoy stability in relationships. However, in October, one should be wary of some kind of temptation for the representatives of this sign, which can be dangerous for their relationship. Read more.

Horoscope 2016 for Taurus: money, finances

The financial situation of Taurus will be stable throughout the year. The only thing is that in the first half of 2016 you should not borrow and generally rely on other people's money. It is also better to postpone large banking operations. June will be the most successful month in terms of money. A great time for major purchases and investments. In the autumn, you can expect a large increase in the salary of Taurus. And in recent months Fortune may please them by receiving money from an unexpected source. Someone from distant relatives may leave an inheritance or Taurus will make a good deal.

Horoscope 2016 Taurus: career, work, business

In the first half of the year, while one of the rulers of your career sector is retrograde, it is recommended to temporarily "lie low". This is a good time to review your goals and how to achieve them. It is better to postpone personal creative projects and devote more time to building relationships in the work team. A well-thought-out plan will now come in handy in the second half of the year, when the Taurus career will take off sharply. Even those representatives of this sign who work for themselves can receive a lucrative offer from employers that they cannot refuse. It will come from friends or a mature respected person, perhaps a foreigner. Working in a team is now preferable to independent work. At this time, you can not be afraid to take risks, it will only benefit, since the stars favor any Taurus projects now.

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Taurus horoscope for 2016 female and male.

In 2016, many Taurus will need sunglasses! And all because in 2016 Taurus very often will need to hide their eyes. At some moments they will crawl out of your surprise, and at some times they will run from embarrassment or from the fact that you were “caught” or misunderstood. The point is that, as shown horoscope for 2016 Taurus, next year will be very changeable in the life of your zodiac sign. At some moments, the events taking place in your life and events will cause you to shout “wow”, while at other moments you will need to hide not only your eyes, but also your thoughts, plans and motives. That is why horoscope for 2016 Taurus, from the site site and pointed you to dark glasses. Too many next year will want to look into your eyes to find out what's going on inside the Taurus. And most often, in those moments when you, without suspecting anything, are relaxed indulging in “goodies” or making grandiose plans for the weekend. So keep your plans for 2016 under wraps. No wonder they say that the greatest thing in the world is to be able to belong to yourself. And the most intoxicating state is the feeling of inner freedom. Therefore, in order not to lose this intoxicating state, when you are asked about your plans, make mysterious eyes and immediately start looking for something on your phone. And look hard until you are ... @ unfastened.

Moreover, as it shows horoscope for 2016 Taurus, all the same, far from all your plans for the next year are destined to come true. Especially in those cases when you think about how good it will be for you tomorrow. The secret is simple. Until tomorrow comes, you will never understand how good you were today. And the task of Taurus in 2016 is just to consolidate the good that you already have in this very “today” of your life. That is, try to save the good that is already in your life. But the bad, the 2016th itself will try to take out of your life, and most often even without your help. But, this does not mean that in 2016 Taurus should sit (or lie) on the couch and do nothing, and wait until all the bad things disappear from your life. Even if the sofa is the only good thing in your life, you don't need to lie on it and tell everyone about the inevitability of Fate. It would be too easy. Firstly, Fate is a very convenient word for those who never want to make decisions, and secondly, 2016 will be too chaotic or too active in your life. So in any case, he himself will throw you off the couch, and force you to deal with either your personal life, or home, or family, or business.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus indicates that your relationships with friends will play a very important role next year. Therefore, take a closer look at who you are friends with, and to whom you give your time and attention. Of course, it’s good to have such friends, and be friends in such a way that your children will be friends later. But, not everyone is so lucky. Therefore, to begin with, think about whether you are friends right? After all, true friendship is not when you arrive half an hour late, knowing that no one will be offended by you, because when she comes, no one is there yet. Friendship is an exchange. In 2016, many Taurus will be offered to change their friendship for something else. Think before making decisions. So that later in 2017 I won’t say - and a year ago I called these passers-by friends!

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus. The winter of 2016 will be held by Taurus in the care of strengthening everything that is in your life. You will strengthen your relationships, your home, your career, and even your reputation. Moreover, you strengthen yourself to the point that already in March and April 2016, some of your desires will begin to come true. So in the Spring of 2016, you can gradually start thinking about your dreams and desires. But, do not forget that you can’t say “I want!”, But you need to say: “I want!”, Because only desires are fulfilled, not desires ...

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus warns that in the periods close to your birthday next year you need to be very careful in financial matters. At this time, it is better for you not to take or give anything - neither money nor obligations. No risks.

In the summer of 2016, many Taurus will part with some illusions. Usually every woman has a couple of things in her closet in case “What if I lose weight!”. In the life of many Taurus, there are also usually many such unnecessary illusions hanging in the closet. And this applies to both Taurus-women and Taurus-men. The summer of 2016 will dot these illusions, well, or gently but firmly hint that it is time not to “fool yourself” and not waste free space, or thoughts in your head, on something that will never come true.

But in other way horoscope for 2016 for Taurus, suggests that it is July and August 2016 that will be the most successful months for Taurus next year. Moreover, this will apply to both issues of personal life, and the professional sphere and work. And this is despite the fact that in the summer the meaning of the word work is forgotten, just like the meaning of the word blend. And, by the way, the hood is a mine lamp, and it is it that will be most needed by many Taurus, who in the summer will dig like gnomes in the mines of the Lonely Mountain. While others will enjoy traveling like Bilbo the hobbit.

If Taurus does everything right in July and August 2016, then in the Fall of 2016 happiness will come into your life. And with a capital letter. Happiness is generally such a special fifth season that comes, not paying attention to dates, calendars and all that. And this season will last for most Taurus right up to the end of 2016. Of course, at this time you will have some worries and troubles. But, mainly related to improving your life, or improving the life of your loved ones. So you will continue to live no less rapidly and actively, but, as it were, more meaningful.

So, in principle, the horoscope for 2016 for Taurus indicates that next year you do not need to invent something, but simply observe the most simple rules. Think with your head, love with your heart, smell with your heart. And most importantly - do not confuse anything!

Well, what did Taurus like the horoscope for 2016 from the site site?

If, “yes” and you want to spend the whole 2016 year in a new and joyful way, click “like”, and may the force, cheerful mood and the site be with you all 2016!

Taurus is an earth sign, so its representatives are practical and earthy. It is very important for them to feel confident. By their nature, they are unhurried, soft, pleasant in communication. The zodiac sign is ruled by Venus. She endows creativity, love for art. Taurus are very fond of beautiful interiors, impeccable clothes and romantic knick-knacks. In 2016, the Red Monkey will encourage them to take bold and decisive action. Fate will constantly "throw" cases that will force them to take off their "rose-colored glasses". You will need to be friendly and patient, but at the same time be quite active. 2016 will be a truly “striped” year for Taurus. The white and black stripe will constantly replace each other. In order to withstand such a "swing" you need to communicate with your friends as often as possible and seek their support. Particular care must be taken in the second half of the year. At this time, the likelihood car accidents. However, in general, the year will be calm and very fruitful.

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign should dot the “and” in their relationship. This will outline their future prospects. At this time, all conflicts will be resolved quickly and easily. Do not be too stubborn, otherwise the relationship may fail. The Year of the Red Monkey will bring a lot of positive emotions for single Taurus. They will have a good chance to meet their destiny. Stormy emotions will completely seize their mind. Representatives of this sign will have a great opportunity to appreciate how much they are loved and needed. You should also not forget that in a relationship you need to not only “take”, but also “give”. If you ignore this simple rule, then family relationships will begin to deteriorate greatly.

Family Taurus will increasingly be visited by the thought that at one time they did right choice. Comfort and complete harmony will reign in their house. 2016 is a great time to plan for children and strengthen relationships with parents. The Red Monkey will give the gentle people of this sign the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of love feelings. In terms of personal relationships, you need to completely rely on yourself and refuse the advice of even your closest friends.

Money horoscope

Representatives of this zodiac sign they value material comfort very much, so the issue of money for them is quite acute. Taurus derive material benefits from even the most hopeless case. Unfortunately, in the coming year they will have to somewhat limit their cash spending. Especially carefully you need to plan expenses at the beginning of the year. Then things get a little better. In the summer, cash flow will recover, but astrologers still do not advise them to waste their money in vain.

At the end of the year, Taurus can count on a small cash surprise. Perhaps it will be a new project or a new, more profitable position. This is a great chance to improve your financial situation, so it should not be missed. At the same time, money may be needed for a new project or opening a business. In order to achieve success, it is important to carefully calculate everything. The year of the Red Monkey is very successful in terms of entrepreneurship, so they should pay special attention to this area. However, you should not grab everything. It may very well be that close friends or relatives will help you decide on the right direction. This is a great time to put your money in securities, stocks, play on the stock exchange, make deposits at interest.

Career horoscope

The beginning of the year promises to be fruitful. Representatives of the sign will plunge headlong into work. This will increase their self-esteem and give them pleasure. Efforts will be appreciated by the authorities, so Taurus may well count on a higher position. But in the summer, professionally, there will be a lull. It is better to devote this time to the family, because at the end of the year, career changes are also waiting for them. Professional growth of this Zodiac Sign will depend on his own activity, because the Red Monkey loves the daring and decisive.

Health Horoscope

The coming year will not bring major health problems to the representatives of the sign. Particular attention should be paid to the emotional sphere. This year, prolonged depression, insomnia, and increased nervousness are possible. It is worth paying attention to the liver and kidneys. Possible chronic and acute forms diseases. It is very good to go in for sports, cleanse the body, drink a course of vitamins.


2016 will bring Taurus a lot of joy and positive emotions. They are waiting for pleasant changes in all areas of life. However, succumbing to passions, do not forget about health. It may fail this year.

For fussy and hardworking Taurus, the horoscope of 2016 promises a decrease in the frantic rhythm of life, from which many are incredibly tired. Although you still have to work a lot, you will be busy with what you love and things that bring pleasure.

In winter, you should pay attention to your health, go in for sports. It is also a great time for home and family, so take care of home comfort and spend more time with family and friends.

From the beginning of spring, you will have to throw all your strength into work, this will soon help you achieve good results in your career, and if you work hard, you can safely count on a promotion or salary. This will improve your financial situation, which in 2015 was not always particularly pleasing. In April, you can have a good rest and even go on vacation, a business trip to another city and country will also bring a lot of positive moments. Just on one of these trips, lonely Taurus will be lucky enough to meet an interesting person and even fall in love.

According to the astrological forecast for 2016, it is highly undesirable for Taurus to make big purchases or lend money. Since in cases with a purchase, it can disappoint and turn out to be a dummy, and in cases with a debtor, you can’t wait for the return of the debt.

In the summer, the forecast for Taurus for 2016 promises replenishment in the family. And because some couples plunge into the world of motherhood and fatherhood. For those who are already happy parents, it is worth giving more time to children and helping in solving their problems. In addition, in June there will be a new take-off in the professional field, and you don’t have to be afraid to take risks, luck will definitely smile at you. Feel free to make big purchases in August, especially those related to real estate. In the same month, there may be misunderstanding and tension in relations with the second half.


According to the horoscope of 2016, the Red Monkey will completely change the arranged way of the Taurus man, while not only those around him, but he himself will be shocked by what is happening and his actions. But from the middle of the year, absent-mindedness will go away, and prudence will come to replace it, which will allow you to significantly succeed at work. Also, 2016 will be a great time for learning and self-development. New knowledge will help you find a better paying job. You will also be able to make useful contacts that will be very useful in the future.


The beginning of 2016 is far from the most successful period for a woman of this sign. It will be very hard at work, some may even lose their workplace, but for those who can cope with difficulties already at the end of spring, the stun will be easier, and everything will work out. in love and family relationships, it is important to learn how to compromise and give in. This will help avoid serious quarrels. The Year of the Monkey will be an ideal time for developing creativity, and even those who have never noticed any talents in themselves can easily find them.

Taurus love, career, finance and health in 2016

The main advice to the representatives of this sign will learn to compromise, be calm and reasonable, and then they will be able to cope with any difficulties.


As for married and established couples, love horoscope Taurus 2016 advises you to rethink your behavior and learn to give in and enter into the position of your partner. This is what will allow you to find mutual understanding, and some even maintain relationships. And here love forecast taurus 2016 lonely representatives of the sign will most likely be lucky and an acquaintance will occur that will develop into serious relationship and consequently marriage. In principle, there is no need to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. It will be a very romantic and stormy period of life. For those who are already sealed by family ties, it's time to think about the baby. For gentle and loving Taurus 2016, the love horoscope promises harmony and tenderness in relationships.


The first four months of 2016 will not be very happy with the financial condition. But then the situation will change thanks to new ideas. In the summer, the financial situation will return to normal, and the profit will be very good, but this is not a reason to scatter money and make unnecessary purchases. The end of the year will present good opportunities to further improve financial condition. You will be offered a good position or a very interesting and profitable project will turn up. Therefore, do not miss your chance and do not refuse advantageous offers.


The first months of 2016 will be difficult and will require full dedication to achieve the desired result. And if the authorities note your diligence, then you will definitely be encouraged with a salary or a new position. In summer, labor activity will decrease, so it’s better to devote yourself to your family. Do not be intrusive and do not break into a closed door, this will not bring any benefit. The best thing to do is start a new project. There will be a high probability that you will have a patron who will help in every possible way with work and career advancement, but be careful that nothing is required of you in the future in return.


No health problems are foreshadowed. But a bad mood and even depression will make themselves felt. Therefore, it is worth drinking herbal sedatives. In addition, it is important to spend more time on fresh air, fully relax, get enough sleep and do light sports. Pay attention to your diet, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, but it is better to refuse fatty and smoked foods, the same applies to alcohol. Be sure to monitor the kidneys and liver, and at the first warning signs, consult a doctor. At the end of the year, it's good to do a cleansing of the body.

Take the test

Whatever the year, Taurus always stands firmly on its feet. This is perhaps the most reliable, although a little mundane sign. And what do you want? Look at a cow or a bull, you will immediately understand where Taurus draws its strength from. On the other hand, Taurus is a very reverent, artistic being, accepting beauty in all its manifestations. A sign that combines perseverance, reliability and craving for comfort and beauty is quite attractive.

In addition to the fact that Taurus will always look for beautiful and unusual things, he himself is not averse to creating them. This is probably why there are a lot of fashion designers and designers among them. But everything that Taurus has, no matter whether he created it himself or acquired it, he is in no hurry to share. Taurus are big owners, and in personal relationships they are jealous. For the fact that Taurus gives to others, and he likes to give, he does not demand, but waits for reciprocal attention and recognition of his own merits.

It would seem that it is not easy to get along with such an owner and jealous. But it only seems. In fact, connecting his life with Taurus, a person can be sure, if not 100, then 95% that he will live with him all his life and will not regret it.

This year has a lot of surprises in store for Taurus. Moreover, pleasant and not very pleasant events will alternate like stripes on the skin of a zebra. The main thing is to hide the rose-colored glasses away. Perseverance, perseverance and a real look at everything that happens is a guarantee that Taurus will emerge victorious from all the troubles. Proven and reliable friends will become the backbone in these survival races. They will not let you fall into despondency and depression.

In the year of the Red Monkey, everything will be possible for Taurus: long and interesting trips, new acquaintances, promotion. The only condition is to remain calm and self-confident. Even if things do not go as planned, do not indulge your own emotions, especially negative ones. Grit your teeth, see the goal, go towards it with a bright head and a calm heart. However, someone, and representatives of this sign, do not need to be taught this, they know how to do this better than many others.

Taurus love horoscope 2016

From the very beginning of the year, Taurus should keep their own stubbornness. It is much better to calmly think about what is happening in his life. Perhaps in silence and without outside help, an understanding will come of where the legs grow from problems in personal life. If you take your time to put things in order in your own thoughts and feelings, then everything will be just fine. If you try to fully comply with your sign, that is, rest against the horn, then you can bring the matter to a complete break with your half.

If half is not there yet, then it's time to look for it. The stars say that at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to experience such love adventures, in the good sense of the word, that there will be something to remember later. The main thing, having plunged into the abyss of pleasure and adoration, is not to forget that love is mutual. Give your feelings, they will return and happiness will become even greater.

Those Taurus who have already decided in their personal lives will only become stronger in the opinion that they did the right thing at one time. Family is wonderful. In the year of the Red Monkey, the House of Taurus will be cozy and warm. But peace and quiet is the outer side. Inside, real passions will boil. But no one will be upset. The stronger the feelings and their manifestations, the more memories they leave for life. Time to have children, communicate with parents, but not the time to look back at strangers. Taurus should not care about idle opinion. Even the advice of best friends should not be used, it is not even worth listening to them. In matters of love and relationships, one must reckon only with the rhythm of one's heart and follow its lead.

Money horoscope - Taurus finances in 2016

Despite the fact that Taurus is one of the most pragmatic, but also lucky in financial terms signs, the Red Monkey will push him to reasonable savings. Especially at the beginning of the year. Do not be discouraged, all the sacrifices will not be in vain. By the middle of the year there will be more money, but it is not yet the time to relax. Without squandering, but not squandering, Taurus will calmly survive 2016, and by the end of it, finances will finally come to a state that will only please.

To increase cash flow in the future, feel free to take on new job, because at the end of the year there is a high probability of receiving profitable offers in the service. This may be a new position, and participation in a new project. No matter how fearful it may be, you can’t refuse, fate makes such offers not every day and even not every year. Miss it, then bite your elbows.

Take risks, but be smart. Calculate, consider, consult in the family circle. Perhaps the money invested now will become a springboard to a new, more prosperous life. 2016 whispers to Taurus: “Do something! Start your own business!" The results should be just great.

Career horoscope

The beginning of the year, Taurus starts actively and wins. The work in which you immerse yourself with your head will bring great pleasure. It is not a fact that it will be money or an increase, although it is very, very likely, but there is no doubt that you yourself will receive satisfaction from your work. Until the summer, Taurus will plow without rest. And in the summer it will be necessary to rest a little. Take care of yourself, your family, gain strength before the end of the year, which will require maximum stress.

After a quiet summer, you can safely take on everything. Whether it's a new direction or a completely different business that has nothing to do with what you were doing before. Most likely, you will feel help from the outside, maybe even without suspecting who is providing it. The invisible hand will lead higher and higher. Be carefull! Who knows what you will have to pay for the services rendered, and whether this fee will become exorbitant.

Dare, strive, but remember: whoever takes the initiative embodies it. Everything that you offer or conceive will come back to you.

Health Horoscope

The stars say that even representatives of this sign have limited health. Especially if you torment yourself with gloomy thoughts and soul-searching. Taurus! Do not think about the bad, do not punish yourself for mistakes, but rather analyze and draw conclusions. There is a high probability of sinking into depression, especially at the beginning of the year. Don't allow yourself this. Walk, sleep, eat well. A mild sedative will only help. Do not overload the kidneys and liver.

Ideally, you should generally give up alcohol and tasty, but heavy food. If you have enough willpower, then it's fine. If that doesn't work, consider reducing your consumption of both. When it is absolutely unbearable, allow yourself small indulgences, but it is small and quite rare.

In case of exacerbation of chronic sores, immediately go to the doctor. What seems not terrible can lead to the worst consequences. The sooner the doctor sees you, the less treatment you will have to take.

In general, the Red Monkey advises Taurus to work, not to indulge in despondency, listen to your intuition, love and be patient. At the same time, do not forget about your health. To be treated in time, to fully relax, to at least slightly limit all sorts of excesses in food and drink, to go in for sports and get enough sleep.