The best replay in world of tanks. The file is not loading

2 years and 9 months ago Comments: 1

Hello everyone, dear friends! Kirill Oreshkin and the “Best Replays of the Week” program are with you! Today we will meet a pair of impenetrable Mouses, see survival hide and seek and see how professional fireflies work. And don’t forget that on Saturday you can listen to the players themselves on Wargaming FM radio. And we, according to tradition, will start with a warm-up!


Let's start warming up without haste, with the player Anarchist94 on Mouse. At the very beginning of the battle, he confidently declared: “I’m going to the center. Keep pushing until they kill me.” Still would. The map is Lasville, the art is not, the battle is with nines, and the LBZ-15 will not make itself. Well, he went. About halfway through, he dug in behind a stone and began to absorb. And not only absorb, but also snap at the city. Moreover, the central passage was blocked and illuminated. And although the allies pushed through the city, three people approached the base at once from the gorge. I had to change plans a little, return to the circle and carefully click on the impudent ones - Grill, Mouse and E100. Finally, you can return to your native stone. Along the way, we managed to absorb a little more on the LBZ, but in the end the enemy was left alone. And that one with 5 units of strength. In order not to take another risk, our hero switched to landmines and ended the battle. In the end, the man said it, the man did it. He dealt 8 thousand, blocked 14 - that was also enough for the LBZ. We continue to warm up on Winterberg with player Stryker56 on Leopard 1. The battle went smoothly, our hero managed to show himself well, shot a ton of damage and took 3 kills. The only thing that was a little sad was that it had 143 hit points, and that after the fourth enemy was destroyed, Object 140 was dangerously close. But it’s not enough to get close - you still have to hit it. And the Soviet ST had difficulties with this. The stupid house stubbornly sheltered the German - no matter how you look at it. The object was sure that the difference in strength was too great, so it persistently circled with our hero, hoping for one confident shot. It was not possible to do anything - the Leopard snapped so desperately that it accidentally dismantled the enemy STS. But there is also the IS-7! Will he really risk playing carousel with the champion of the round-robin races of this yard? And... took a risk! But if even the nimble Object failed, then what chances does the IS have? Maybe changing your home will improve your chances? The answer is no. The leopard completely disappeared from view and drove up to the strand from behind. An unexpected hit in the stern - and Leo pulls out an impossible victory. Let's move on. Our warm-up is completed by player Nessor on . Storming the Siegfried Line is no easy task. And our hero’s team quickly proves this. After ten minutes of battle, only the KV-5 survived from the attackers. With three frags and six enemies. But despair is not about him. Our hero confidently went in search of adventure and found Pinocchio. While I was breaking the art, the rest came along. Trouble? Service! You won't have to look for them all over the map! The enemies tried in every way - one by one, all at once, from behind, from the side - but still they died faster than the Soviet heavy fell apart. Only FV207 managed to escape from the merciless extermination. And even then - not for long. The battered and very warlike KV-5 also took the self-propelled gun. It’s just a pity that I lost the radio operator... And that’s all with the warm-up, let’s move on to the nominations!


This week's scout was the player Insidious Shmoo on a T-54 lightweight. In the battle on Prokhorovka, light often decides the outcome of the battle, so our hero did not make rash breakthroughs to the rear and did not even climb the hill. He returned to the central hill and began to carefully lean out in search of enemies in the alley. He stuck his head out and back, until he got it like this ninety-year-old. Another circle - and the unexpectedly nimble Tortoys appeared in the alley. The firefly threw it at the turtle for good measure and retreated again. Meanwhile, the allies shot the Frenchman who appeared in the bushes, and then the British calmed down. In order not to run into trouble, the fifty-four went to the other flank - reconnaissance there would also not be superfluous. But still, the most juice for the firefly is always in the alley. The next drive - and a broken IS-4 and a fresh E100 lit up on the radar. But the four didn’t last long, and Type 4 Heavy also got caught in the spotlight. Another circle - and the allies again have somewhere to shoot. The Japanese leaves the exposure straight to the hangar. Smack - and a large piece fell off. Whoosh - a little more... Whoosh - and the German joined all the other heavy men in the alley. But there are still PTs left. And here they are, by the way! YagdPZ E100 melted before our eyes. A moment later, Grill also set sail. Batchat rushed after the daring firefly, but he was unable to either save the artu or avenge it. The British large-caliber log launcher did not leave the Frenchman a single chance. Victory! Thanks to clear and regular reconnaissance, our hero’s team finished the battle with a score of 15-5. And the Insidious Shmoo himself, for his perseverance, patience and 14 thousand flash damage, earned the title of this week’s Scout. And gold for an excellent job. The winner in the category “Excellence of the Week” was a player with the nickname Zelas 2112 on . Christmas tree in Westfield? And even in a battle with blind people of the sixth level? It’s a sin not to shine! And our hero went to the bushes on the eastern hill, where he immediately found the enemy Leopard. Smartly using camouflage, a stereo scope and poor visibility of its opponents, the firefly even managed to shoot covertly from the bushes. The M8A1 turned out to be too daring, and the T-28 followed it into the hangar. It's time to push. The leopard didn’t really put up any resistance, and neither did the T-34-85. Only now the Allies gave up their entire left flank, and the base was left unprotected. We need to sort it out. The American STshka did not expect an ambush and was left smoking in an open field. But T67 managed to get pretty annoying in the end - Yolka only had 25 units of strength left. By the way, did I mention that the Allies only gave up their left flank? Forget it! There is no one left on the team at all! And now Yolka had a difficult task - to recapture the base from Japanese O-I. By oneself. Under fire from three artillery destroyers. A few maneuvers, a couple of stealth shots and getting to close range. The heavy didn’t even understand what happened, and our firefly continued to circle around the base in search of the remaining opponents. I drove higher, looked further away - and there was the M4A3E2. A shot - and immediately change position - the artillery could destroy the unfinished Frenchman even with a cover. Second approach... Oh, and here comes the unexpected M44. Land mines were exploding all around, but our hero quickly and confidently drove the self-propelled gun to the rear and made the seventh frag. Now is definitely the time to break the hold. The American thought that he was hiding, but that was not the case. A shot, another change of position - and the enemies were left with only art. For a firefly, this is usually a matter of technique, but I didn’t want to take any more risks in such a situation. Our hero chose the most winding route, miraculously avoided shelling and ended up at the enemy base. He did not rush and opened fire only when both self-propelled guns lit up. Two clear shots – victory! In an extremely intense battle, Zelas 2112 showed miracles of composure and used all the capabilities of the nimble and invisible tree to the maximum. He managed to shine the light, shoot 10 kills, save the base, outwit the artillery, and almost single-handedly decided the outcome of the battle. For this - an Excellence medal and a little gold. Congratulations!

Steel wall

This week's winner of the Steel Wall category is Z Kurt Cobain on Mouse. To his great joy, there was no artillery in this battle on the Fire Arc. Therefore, Mouse fearlessly went to hold the slide and throw at the invaders. Along the way, the German made several successful shots, but at the top of the hill he encountered serious resistance. In order not to fall apart prematurely under fire, our hero began to play from the relief and diamond. At first everything went well, but the lonely Mouse on the outskirts was too tempting for the opponents. They flew from all sides. Soon the radio operator and driver were gone, and the tanks and caterpillars were damaged. But for now there was enough strength, and we managed to take the enemy E-100. It's not that bad! The ricochets had already begun to merge into a ringing melody, but our hero did not lose composure. A well-aimed shot - minus Leopard. Descent from the mountain - and a gift was sent to E-fifth from afar. The next client is Grill Sr. An annoying ninety was discovered behind him, but Mouse decided not to take risks - he did not turn his sides and stern to more dangerous opponents. It was wiser to turn back and wait for the allies to help with the firefly. When the Frenchman stopped annoying, our hero entered into a duel with the nimble Skoda. The opponent received a shell on the side and tried to spin the Mouse, but did not take into account that the difference in mass and armor was too great. Several successful turns of the body - and the sloppy ST fell apart from the collisions. Going to the base alone, straight into encirclement, is not best idea. The German posted himself behind the skeleton of the Leopard and began to wait. Neither team had a reliable way to win; the matter had to be decided by a fair three-on-one shootout. And although the opponents tried to attack from all sides, our hero made the most of his armor and cover - even the desperate move of the E-100 ended in nothing. There are only a few seconds left until the end of the battle. In principle, our hero could no longer win. The main thing is not to give up victory, to pull out, to survive. Last moments... Survived. Mouse remained standing as an impregnable colossus. And The Kurt Cobain, for his tenacity, excellent knowledge of the machine, non-suicide and 23 thousand blocked damage, receives the title of this week's Steel Wall. And gold to boot.


This week's Defender title went to a player with the nickname Propeller 328 on the MT-25. In this battle in the Sacred Valley, our hero decided to look around first and occupied a convenient hill on the left flank. He even managed to grab a nimble anti-tank gun, but other opponents were in no hurry to get into the passage. It was decided that we must take the initiative into our own hands. Our hero drove the same self-propelled gun to the rear and, together with his allies, finished what he started. The enemy Bishop was too slow to react even by art standards. In the end, he shot somewhere, but paid for it with his life. And MT-25 decided not to push ahead and first resolve issues in the rear. Under the cover of an AT-15A, the firefly, in a dashing maneuver, sent three enemies in a row into the hangar with several accurate shots. True, I had to give away a repair kit to restore the engine and lose most of the strength, but it was clearly worth it. To climb the E-25 head-on in such a state would be pure suicide, so our hero went to shoot down the capture. The frags aren't going anywhere. And here comes the self-propelled invader! A deft maneuver on the verge of death, going to the rear - and the enemy has no chance. The base has been saved for now. How are things going with the allies?.. In the sense of an ally. Having fun on the other side of the map. This means there is time to organize a raid on the rear. But before our hero could get to the art, he was the only one left on the team. The loneliness was brightened up by Lorraine and a quick German dumpling. Both turned out to be twisted and disassembled - like clockwork. Three more left. The long road to the rear of the home base ended with the discovery of a KV-2. It's a pity for the poor fellow... He was never able to look the danger in the face - it stubbornly stayed behind. The base is recaptured, it's time to change position. The agonizing minutes of waiting dragged on. Where will the enemy appear? Who will shine first? MT-25 circled the flank for a long time in search of survivors, but they were found already near the base. And again - no rash direct confrontations. Only cunning and maneuvers. A deft exit from an unexpected direction - and away we go. The armor miraculously held back the enemy shells and our hero quickly dismantled the Crusader. Without cover, the PT is not so dangerous, but you cannot relax. Careful detour - the main thing is not to accidentally crash on it - gusla and... It seems that's all! The AT-15A crew only had to drink tea while waiting to be sent to the hangar. And Propeller 328 calmly ends this battle with victory. For his confident defense of the base from three waves of invaders and the competent use of mobility and rate of fire, he receives the title of Defender of the Week and, of course, gold. Congratulations!


This week's warrior is the player "Oh Sweet" at Object 252u "Defender". The battle at Winterberg at first seemed unremarkable. Our hero immediately went to a small town and on the way threw cucumbers into the KV-13, and with fatal. The T-34-85 and Bulldog also received gifts, and then the KV-2. Straight into the birdhouse. It's time to sort things out in the town itself. The T-150 and T-43 tried to unwind and surround the heavy mass, but too slowly - our hero finished off both of them and headed for the lights of the big city. There is fun, the sound of a siren and, behold, Cromwell is riding. But an unaccepted invitation from IS-3 to a party arrived. We'll accept it later. But the city is a city, and it’s still better to calm the SU-122-44 while there is an opportunity. Fifth frag. Ahead is the battle for the base. During the firefight, the capture was still broken down, but there were almost no allies left. Moreover, enemies began to surround us. Well, at least not everyone is looking at the minimap. They park in dangerous places and give away capture points for free. After a short resistance, the IS still went to the hangar, but the KV-85 immediately took revenge for it. A well-aimed hit deprived our hero of a fire extinguisher. However, this still did not save the KV-85. 7 frags, but it’s too early to rejoice - there is no one else left in the green team, and there are four opponents. Will they really leave the LT in capture and the three of them will go to surround the lone Defender? Oh, no, everything's fine. Here he is - Bulldog. At full speed he flew around the corner to fight with the terrible heavy weight. His cry “LET’S GET NIBIRI” echoed already in the hangar. However, the rest of the opponents did not even think about playing it safe. Everyone gathered to fight the Object. T-44 regretted this especially quickly, but Troika and T-34-85 decided that it would be better to suffer first. The heavyweights butted heads and exchanged shots with varying degrees of success. Through joint efforts, the opponents managed to drive our hero into a dead end, knock out his driver, bend the cannon and tear off the track. They bullied us as much as they could. But our guy is not so simple. He endured all this stoically and even deftly picked up the STshka. But then a new problem emerged. Our hero only has one shell left. And there were no guarantees that he would be able to implement it in the clinch. Well, careful aiming, shot!.. No. survived the hit. Well, that's it, all that remains is to wait for a couple of mercy shots from the enemy heavy and go to the hangar full of regrets... But for some reason the IS-3 was in no hurry to shoot. Does he really have nothing too? And such an intense fight will end with six minutes of standing before a draw? But it seems our hero decided to use the hidden potential of the car. The same thing secret weapon, not specified in the tank description. Yes, it is the button accordion behind the tower. Otherwise, I cannot explain why they both suddenly stopped butting heads and went to capture. It was definitely a dance battle challenge. And it was in a dance duel to the accordion that the fate of this battle was to be decided. The weights silently went into a circle. Our hero's first trick didn't work. But as soon as they accelerated a little more... Handbrake, blow, victory! 11 frags, a bunch of medals and a victory in the first and last Vinterberg dance battle earn “Oh Sweet” the title of this week’s Warrior! Keep the gold and the LRN medal!

Well, that's all for me. Remember that I expect even more cool fights from you. So good luck on the battlefields! Well, Kirill Oreshkin was with you. Thanks to all! Bye everyone!

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How to upload a replay to the site?


Uploading a replay

By checking the “Make available via “secret” link” checkbox, you can post the replay on the site and only those with whom you share the link will be able to see it.

The replay file is located in the game folder, in the "Replays" subfolder.

Editing a replay

Modification of Replays Manager for managing replays

This mod will allow you to manage and view replays directly from the game client: Replays Manager


When will gold be awarded for the competition?

KTTS! This may take from a few days to two weeks from the end of the competition.

How to send a replay for OSR or FBR transmission NO COMMENTS?

On the page of the replay you uploaded there is a button "CONTESTS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT". Click and you will see the “FBR NO COMMENTS” and “OSR” buttons if your replay is suitable for the competition. Replays older than two weeks and replays that were not completely recorded are not suitable.

How to submit a replay to the VoTReplace competition?

All replays uploaded to the site participate in competitions on the VoTReplace website. True, at any given moment we hold competitions only for a part of the tanks. But all replays with these tanks are included in the competition. You just need to upload the replay.

Problems with replays

No information about the fight

If you leave before the end of the battle, the replay is not completely recorded. You can view it, but you cannot download information about the results of the battle from it. And it is also impossible to check whether the results of the battle have been falsified. Therefore, information is not downloaded from such replays and they cannot participate in competitions. We don’t write videos for them either!

How to delete a replay?

Go to the replay page and click on the "CONTESTS/REPLAY MANAGEMENT" button. Please note that you cannot delete a replay sent to OSR or FBR NO COMMENTS programs if the replay has already been reviewed by the moderator.

The file is not loading

We are very meticulous about what is uploaded to our site. Therefore, you can only upload replay files and only if they are recorded correctly. Unfortunately, in game World of Tanks there is a very difficult to detect and rarely reproduced bug, when even a replay recorded to the end turns out to be recorded incorrectly. This can be understood if the file size is significantly larger than 1 megabyte. Such replays cannot be uploaded to us either.

How can I watch a replay of an outdated version?

To view a replay of an outdated version of the game, use the appropriate version of the client:
Client versions for viewing replays (requires forum login)


How do you choose replays for video recording?

We have launched an automatic video selection process. First of all, we select replays of the winners of WoTReplays competitions. And then we focus on the following criteria:

  • Replays uploaded by players of top clans. In this case, the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 4 or more opponents are destroyed. Such fights are often useful and interesting to watch. The list of clans may change and be supplemented depending on the situation in the game;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 5000 battles and have statistics wn8=2500 or more. Additional terms: the battle is victorious and the “Master” class badge is received;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2400 to 2500. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 4 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 10,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2300 to 2400. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 6 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays from players who have played more than 15,000 battles and have wn8 statistics from 2200 to 2300. Additional conditions: the battle is victorious, the “Master” class badge is received, 7 or more opponents are destroyed;
  • Replays that were included in the selection on the site, but selectively;
  • Replays sent by our participants

Good evening friends! Kirill Oreshkin once again pleases us with his ideas, his new (joint with WG) project. Best replays of the week is an entertaining show in which we will look at the most interesting, fun, educational and simply funny moments from the game. Well, you will learn the details from the video.

The best replays of the week. Issue #79


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will see how the tree drifts for Kolobanov’s medal, object 140 punishes art, and the sixth object shows off his new skin. Enjoy watching!

Other issues

Issue #77


Today you will see how CC races through the dunes, the IS-3 pulls out the fight for the whole team, and Patton epically defends the base. Enjoy watching!

Issue #77


Today you will see two incredible battles of seven-lunar rovers! A game of a platoon of third and fifth ISs, as well as a random battle between an e-sportsman on IS-4! Enjoy watching!

Issue #76


Today you will see a tense duel of Czech and French drums, IS-4 in a difficult situation, as well as the most spectacular, the most epic of the epic, simply the most incredible fight on a leopard. Enjoy watching!

Issue #75


Today you will see how the sixth IS hunts a lion, an exemplary game at object 140, and the simply epically lucky bulldog himself. Enjoy watching!

Issue #74


Today you will see how the horned borscht defends his pants, object 140 incredibly takes revenge on his offenders, and a completely unexpected outcome in the battle of SU-101. Enjoy watching!

Issue #73


New Year is already around the corner. And today's episode will not be quite ordinary. You will see how the T95 drags through battle with pure magic, how the clumsy coward O-Ho becomes a daredevil and a thug, and how the ST-1 wreaks havoc in the chicken coop. Enjoy watching!

Issue #72


The KV-5 is on the verge of death, the unstoppable T62A, and the T-10 under terrible artillery fire! Enjoy watching!

Issue #71


Today you will find: an AMX 50B in an ambush, an excellent battle on Leopard 1 and a simply enchanting battle performed by a platoon of heavyweights. Due to the nature of shooting from a replay not from the player’s perspective, the effect of re-synchronization of aiming points occurs.

Issue #70


Today you will find: an exciting battle of T34 against zombies, a small tree against a huge Japanese heavy, and a furious battle between the IS-5 and a lion. Enjoy watching!

Issue #69


Today you will find: the most epic capture of the base on T110E5, Jagdtiger 8.8 against Estashek and artillery, a noble duel of the third IS with half of the enemy team. Enjoy watching!

Issue #68


A powerful alliance of Isa-4 and E100, a battle between a cunning Frenchman with an unexpected ending and the seventh Isa against an entire army. Enjoy watching!

Issue #67


The fight of the formidable steppe hamster, the sixth IS against everyone and the luckiest waffle in history. Enjoy watching!

Issue #66


T110E5 against two Yags, FV215b, which was left alone against seven, and a crazy ending in the battle E25 on the sandy river. Enjoy watching!

Issue #65


A warlike tree at Khimki, another fight on the Spitz and a huge amount of damage on the seventh Isa. Enjoy watching!

Issue #64


An exemplary game of E100 at Khimki, boxing lessons from object 430, and for dessert an enchanting fight performed by the world champion from the Hellraisers team! Enjoy watching!

Issue #63


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will find: a great fight on the IS-3, a deadly platoon of butchats and 9 thousand damage at the ninth level. Enjoy watching!

Issue #62


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will find: E25, who defeated everyone again, two Pt and LTTB, three dancing tango, and T-54 with a split personality. Enjoy watching!

Issue #61


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will find: a tortoise that took dozens, an excellent fight on the T-62A and a simply fantastic amount of damage on the FCM 50t. Enjoy watching!

Issue #60


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! And today you will find: the enchanted Object 140, the virtuoso T32 and the biting upstart Spitz. Enjoy watching!

Issue #59


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will find: object 430 of the second sample with eleven frags, incredible luck of the baby T-34 and just an excellent fight performed by the second IS. Enjoy watching!

Issue #58


OSR is again ready to delight you with cool battles in the world of tanks! Today you will find: an insane amount of damage on the 140th object, 13 frags on E50 and AMX 30 with art against nine enemies! Enjoy watching!

Issue #57


OSR is back on the air! Today you will find: a small but proud T67, which remained against seven enemies, incredible tanking on a super pershing and the most warlike royal tiger! Enjoy watching!

Issue #56


The new OSR is already on the air! Today you will find: the T-54, the first example in the “invader” category, a platoon of light tanks in “brothers in arms” and an incredibly cool warrior in Khimki. Enjoy watching!

Issue #55


Today you will find: a real fight between the seventh IS and the batch boy in the category excellent, AMX 50 B with 12 thousand damage and the most daring defender in the nineties.

Issue #54


Today you will find a real hit parade of rare tanks! T28 concept in the category excellent, support on Pershing and warlike object 907! Enjoy watching!

Issue #53


Do you want OSR every week? Then Kirill’s competition is for you! If the WGTV channel reaches one million subscribers by September, then OSR will be released every week from the new season! Subscribe, invite your friends and help us do OSR more often and better. And today you will find: the warlike E25, a defender with 13 thousand damage and a real drama in the excellent category. Enjoy watching!

Issue #52


Today you will find: seven thousand damage at the eighth level, a defender who did not protect and a master class on T71 in the support category.

Issue #51


Today you will find: almost 10 thousand damage from E50, an invader without shells and the most unusual platoon of benders!

Issue #50


Kirill Oreshkin and the fiftieth anniversary edition of “Best Replays of the Week” are with you! Today you will find several experiments, a platoon of my favorites and a real classic in the scout category.

Issue #49


Today you will see a warrior on the IS-7, learn how one second can decide the outcome of a battle, and learn how to fight alone against nine enemies.

Issue #48


Hello everyone, dear friends! Kirill Oreshkin and the program “ Best Replays Weeks! Today you will learn how to truly humiliate the enemy, whether it is possible to drag out a battle with a score of 0:9 and how to take an invader on art!

Issue #47


Today you will find: as many as three replays with fifteen frags, a long-not-appearing nomination for invader of the week, and a real artillery hell in the “armored fist” category. Interesting? Still would!

Issue #46


Today you will find: a special eight-bit excellent student, the story of the knight in the steel wall and the most calculating invader of the week!

Issue #45


Today we have a festive New Year's episode, and we decided to make it experimental! The fact is that all of today's winners are not just players - they are employees of a wargaming company! A player with the nickname Single Van (S1ngle_One) pushed us into this experiment. We express our special thanks to him for this.

Issue #44


Today you will find: the militant AMX 50B, a platoon of nines who could and the most unusual excellent student of the week!

Issue #43


Today you will find: a truly crazy warm-up, the return of the impenetrable sneaker and the most militant platoon of brothers in arms.

Issue #42


Hello everyone, dear friends! Kirill Oreshkin is with you and the best replays of the week! Today you are waiting for: very lucky snipers, a lesson in team play from the invader and another new nomination!

Issue #41


In this issue, we will see the IS 4 nanogusli in action, find out how in the “Defender” nomination he turned out to be “not a defender” at all, and warm up with unusual ways to carry out the battle.

Issue #40


In the new 40th anniversary issue you will find the return of the Sniper nomination, its impenetrable sister - the Steel Wall and the two most stubborn defenders, in two different nominations.

Issue #39


In this issue you will find a master of psychological warfare, art that almost made it, another new nomination and the most mysterious warm-up in my memory.

Issue #38


Hello everyone, dear friends! In this issue of the Best Replays of the Week you will find a platoon that farmed more than expected, original tactics for art and more, as well as a new unusual nomination.

Issue #37


"Best replays of the week" are back! The main news is that now you choose the best replay yourself, by an honest vote, and today there is someone to compete for the honorary title: the most cunning art, the most friendly platoon of borscht mafia, the most calculating Butchat - in general, let's go! The best replays don't watch themselves!

Issue #36


The moment has come - we are going on a break. But don’t despair, because we have prepared a very unusual release for you. Press play and see what Kirill Oreshkin has prepared for the final episode of this season!

Issue #35


Today you will find a truly enchanting release. After all, the hero of almost every nomination could easily become a warrior of the week! A lot of frags! This is what we will see today!

Issue #34


Kirill Oreshkin and the “Best Replays of the Week” program are with you! Today we take a fresh look at the “Support of the Week” nomination, once again feel the full thickness of the T95 armor and find out how a platoon of three tanks can drag!

Issue #33


Kirill Oreshkin and the “Best Replays of the Week” program are with you. Today you will see a lot of strange and interesting things. For example, how a Frenchman can become a steel wall and how a level eight tank can drag against tens. By the way, we remember that everyone’s towers have been flying off in the game for a long time. But this is not a reason to leave cool replays from 8.11 without rewards! Enjoy watching!

Issue #32


The best Replays of the World Of Tanks World Week are again in a hurry to surprise you with unusual situations! Today you will find a warlike hellcat, an impudent and impenetrable T95 and the safest place on Windstorm!

Issue #31


The best replays of the week and Kirill Oreshkin continue to delight you with the most interesting battles from the world of tanks. In the new, 31st issue, you will learn how to make the batchat invisible, why the 704th object is the most dangerous in the Wild West, and finally, how to win without shells against four opponents. Enjoy watching!

Issue #30


Hurry up and watch the anniversary issue of OSR! You can't miss a special surprise from the creators of the program!? But that's not all! See in the issue: a story about heroic artillery, 14 kills in one battle and a shot named after Alexander Fadin. Enjoy watching!

Best Replays of the Week - a weekly program with Kirill Oreshkin as the host, where gold is awarded to the most epic and challenging fights sent by players.

  • - The Great Belarusian Random is an analogue of the OSR, where users are rewarded with gold for the battles sent, but the main difference between this program is the battles accepted there - unusual jumps, falls, bugs and other non-standard moments. Recently, it has not been voiced by Oreshkin and is published in the “No comments” format.
  • Do you consider your successful fight to be a bend worthy of getting hit in wot? Do not rush!

    How replays are selected

    The Wargaming video department selects many replays sent to wotreplays for lrn and vbr, but 99%, according to Oreshkin himself, do not meet the requirements, or simply do not reach the title of the best.

    In order to get into the LRN in world of tanks, you need to decide on the nominations:

    • Warm-up - a short episode with incredible luck, skill or a funny incident.
    • Warrior - awarded for greatest number frags among the replays sent by the time the issue was created. If the number of frags matches, the skill level is taken into account.
    • Defender - awarded for a masterful game built on protecting one's own or neutral base. The capture can be lost repeatedly and from many tanks. Of particular advantage are replays where a successful capture of a base by the enemy could lead to defeat.
    • Invader - awarded for a beautiful, funny or skillfully executed capture of an enemy base. Replays where victory would be impossible without capturing the base receive special benefits.
    • Sniper - awarded for the most beautiful, accurate shot or series of shots. It is especially appreciated if the shot helped you get out of a difficult situation and the team achieve victory.
    • Support - issued for a victorious battle carried out by the player at the bottom of the list (the level of the combat vehicle is the minimum acceptable for this level of battles), and the player’s actions actually brought victory to the team.
    • Steel Wall - awarded to a player who used the advantage of his armor during the battle and thanks to this earned victory. The correct use of the terrain and placing the tank at the correct angle to the enemy counts. A large number of potential damage received will help to receive an award, but is not required for nomination.
    • Scout - awarded for the miracles of camouflage and detection, thanks to which your team was able to gain an advantage. What counts is choosing good positions, counteracting enemy light, and the ability to survive until the end of the battle.
    • Brothers in Arms - issued to a platoon of players who competent game led the team to victory. When choosing from several replays, the number of frags per platoon is taken into account, as well as the level of equipment at which the battle took place.
    • Armored Fist - awarded to a team of players that wins the “Team Battle” mode thanks to unusual tactics and/or the skill of individual fighters, while initially being in an “uncomfortable” situation.
    • Clan Wars - awarded to participants in battles in the "Clan Wars" mode for interesting and unusual tactics that led their team to victory. The more tanks needed to be used to apply the tactics, the better.
    • Itlichnik or Free nomination - non-standard replays that do not fit into any of the nominations or affect several nominations at once.

    In order to get into the FBR wot, it is not necessary to accumulate incredible numbers of damage or frags, it is enough that something unusual happens in battle.

    Do you still think that your replay should be sent to Kirill Oreshkin? Then read on.

    How to prepare and send a replay to OSR and VBR

    If you are still sure that you should submit a replay to the Best Replays of the Week, then you need to follow the instructions:

    Tense battle. You already have 10 frags in your account. There remains one enemy full of health on the IS-8 while you are on the damaged IS-3. But for some unknown reason, you miraculously defeat him, and the battle ends! You want to show your great results to your friends. They are surprised, but demand a video as proof. "Which video??? I didn’t install any programs for this! Where can I get it from?” There is no need to download any programs, because the developers foresaw this situation and created an automatic recording replays world of tanks! Where can I download it, you ask? No need to download it, it comes with the game client! To start recording a game, you need to go to the settings of the game itself and in the “Game” tab, check the box next to “record battles.” And the recording of the next battle will immediately appear in the replays folder (only battles are recorded, the hangar will not be present in the replay). How can I watch it and where can I download the player? The developers also took care of this by cramming a player into the client specifically for World of Tanks replays. To look video world of tanks, just double click on it. If the computer does not detect the format, right-click on the replay, select “Open with”, find “World of Tanks” and launch the program.

    • Attention! The replay will not play if the game itself is running!

      Another main feature of automatic recording of replays is the ability to control the camera, slow down/speed up the video, remove the game interface (press V), which allows you to take beautiful screenshots of a tank explosion, a projectile flying out, funny moments, etc. In addition to the “free camera” mode, there is a “saved camera” mode, which allows you to see the battle as the player saw it. The only problem is that there is no way to observe other players and combat actions throughout the map. Let's hope this gets fixed soon.

      How much does a video about World Of Tanks weigh?

      By the way, all replays weigh relatively little - only 800 kilobytes, which allows you to store a huge number of replays on your computer without emptying the folder from time to time.

      Became popular among tankers world of tanks video fun, where people, with the help of others, act out funny scenes from real life.

      World of tanks video guides are also very popular. You can read more about video guides in the article “” on our website.

      You can try recording your world of tanks videos. What is needed for this? Nothing at all - an interesting idea and good mood! That's the whole secret of popular tank videos on the Internet!