Mushrooms mushrooms cooking. Fried mushrooms are the best ideas for cooking delicious mushroom dishes. Fresh mushroom salad

Ryzhiki - royal mushrooms have been valued at all times. However, nowadays not everyone knows how to cook mushrooms. And some do not even have an idea what this mushroom looks like and confuse it with other representatives of the agaric class.

What do redheads look like

The surest sign by which you can easily identify this mushroom is the orange juice on the cut of the leg. This juice leaves a red mark on the fingers. Young mushrooms are very similar to waves. There are two main varieties of mushrooms, the so-called:

  • pine and
  • spruce.

Pine trees are more beautiful, brighter and less wormy because they grow in dry places. But spruce, despite their less attractive appearance, are not less valuable mushrooms. In terms of taste and energy value mushrooms stand in one place with porcini mushrooms.

In addition, mushrooms are the only mushrooms that do not need to be boiled first. Otherwise, they are the same as the rest of the mushrooms.

How to cook mushrooms and is it possible to fry them

There is a very common and very misconception that mushrooms are mushrooms for pickling. Yes, of course, they can and should be salted.

If you are a fan of salted mushrooms, then consider this mushroom for you. Mushrooms are great for this cooking method and do not require any additional seasonings, as well as pre-soaking. They have their own wonderful aroma and taste.

But no less tasty (and maybe more) these mushrooms are fried. And I prefer this way of cooking.

  • Sort out the mushrooms. Unfortunately, wormy specimens are very common among mushrooms.
  • Wash them well so that all the forest "garbage" (moss, needles) departs. There is an opinion that they do not need to be washed, but, frankly, I have little idea how they can be cleaned well without water.
  • Throw the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain.
  • Slice the mushrooms very finely. Medium-sized gingerbread in 8 parts in a circle.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and put the prepared mushrooms.
  • On medium heat, wait for the liquid to stand out.
  • Do not reduce the heat, let the liquid boil and evaporate.
  • When all the water has boiled away, reduce the heat and fry, stirring for about fifteen minutes. If you want to fry with onions, then at this moment you can just add onion, cut into small cubes.
  • After the mushrooms have begun to "shoot", salt them. I do not add any seasonings to them so as not to overshadow their natural taste and aroma.
  • Roast for another five minutes. You can cover with a lid, you can leave the pan open, it does not matter. If you close, then give the mushrooms a couple more minutes to let the moisture go.

Fried mushrooms ready, enjoy!

The whole frying process takes approximately 40-45 minutes.

Mushrooms prepared in this way can be served both on their own and added to other dishes ( fried potatoes, vegetables, meat, fish). In this form, they can be harvested for the winter, read how to do it in

In our family, we always prepare a lot of mushrooms for the winter. We freeze them, marinate various varieties in jars and, of course, salt them. We prefer mushrooms to salt. We salt a little more volnushki and milk mushrooms, but we salt the saffron milk caps in a whole oak 20-liter barrel. We believe that they are salty - the most delicious.

There are several ways to pickle mushrooms. The main ones are the cold method, hot salting and the so-called fast method. When salting mushrooms in a cold way, they change their color and become dark, when hot and fast way salting - the color is preserved.

For salting in any of the ways you need fresh mushrooms. If you pick mushrooms yourself, then in order to have less work with them at home, inspect them when you cut them. Do not take wormy mushrooms, carefully cut off the remains of clay or earth from the legs. Remove large debris and leaves.

Of course, it is best to collect not very large mushrooms, with a cap diameter of no more than 5 cm. During salting, such mushrooms will completely retain their appearance, and they are a pleasure to serve and eat.

If you are lucky, and you collect boletus mushrooms, they will remain intact and beautiful in any size, practically without losing their beauty as a result of all the processing and manipulations with them. Such mushrooms grow in pine forests, they are dense, the stem is thick, the mushroom is fleshy, heavy, their hat is slightly closed down.

In spruce forests, mushrooms that are thinner in structure grow; it is better to collect such not very large ones. Large mushrooms during salting will need to be cut into 2-4 parts, and the lamellar hat will break during processing. Mushrooms will be tasty, but their appearance will suffer.

And so let's look at all the main ways of salting mushrooms, so that you, having familiarized yourself with them, can make the right choice.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way - a simple recipe

A feature of salting mushrooms in this way is that we do not subject them to heat treatment. And there are two ways of salting. The first is when we wash the mushrooms, and the second is the so-called “dry” method, in which the mushrooms do not have any contact with water.

Let's look at the first method first.

We will need (for convenience, the calculation is given for 1 kg of mushrooms):

  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • salt - 2 incomplete tablespoons (50 gr)
  • garlic -3-4 cloves (optional)
  • dill - optional
  • peppercorns - 15 peas
  • cloves - 4 pieces
  • horseradish leaf


1. To begin with, we sort out the mushrooms and wash them. We clean them from forest litter, cut off the darkened cut of the leg, remove the remnants of the earth from it. Remove worm mushrooms. Very often only the stalk is wormy, so the hat can be saved and the stalk cut off.

If it is a pity to throw out such mushrooms, then put them for 5-7 minutes in cold salty water. All available worms will come out of the mushroom. But it is best to reject such mushrooms already at the harvesting stage.

2. Put the mushrooms on a towel so that all the water is glass.

3. You can salt the mushrooms immediately into jars, or you can first pickle them in a saucepan, and only then transfer them to jars.

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The second method is more preferable, because the mushrooms will give juice and settle during the salting process. And it will be possible to put them into banks as much as you like. After all, if you store them in the refrigerator, then the place there in the fall is always worth its weight in gold.

4. Consider the method of salting in a saucepan. Lay half a sheet of horseradish on the bottom. Horseradish does not allow mold to develop, so I always put it in all pickles. All other greens can be used as desired. I always add dill. But many do not do this, because they want to preserve the natural taste of mushrooms. Personally, the light aroma of dill does not bother me at all, but I even like it.

For the same reason, someone adds, and someone refuses to put, currant leaves, oak leaves (this is always good), but as a rule, I immediately salt into an oak tub, and I don’t need to put leaves.

Garlic also causes the same controversial moment. I add a little bit of it for spice and spice. But someone thinks that garlic is useless when pickling mushrooms.

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And in Lately I began to add a sprig of heather and spruce sprig. I put it on the bottom and on top, and sometimes in the middle. This was suggested to me by one grandmother, with whom we somehow got into a conversation on the occasion. She said the twigs keep the mushrooms smelling foresty and prevent mold.

In general, what to add is a matter of taste! And tastes, as they say, do not argue. The main thing is mushrooms and salt! And everything else, as you like. I add only what I wrote in the composition of the ingredients. You can try all the same. And if you already have your own experience, then add, or vice versa, remove something from the proposed.

5. Divide spices and garlic into about 3 parts. One for the bottom, one for the middle, and one for the top.

6. And so the bottom is laid out, and we begin to lay mushrooms in the pan. Here, too, there is no consensus, someone lays them with their hats down, someone up. I consider this question not fundamental. As you think is right, so right!

Every two or three layers should be sprinkled with salt. Roughly divide the salt into the desired number of parts and lightly add layers to it. Then, when the mushrooms give juice, the whole brine will become the same taste and all the mushrooms will be salted evenly.

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It is believed that salt consumption should be 1.5 cups of salt per bucket of mushrooms. But to be honest, I never measure salt with spoons or glasses, I pour it “by eye”. But this can already be done when there is experience. And for starters, if you have never salted mushrooms, keep the proportions.

7. Put some more sprigs of dill, a little garlic, black peppercorns and clove buds in the middle of the layers.

8. Continue to spread the layers of mushrooms and sprinkle them with salt.

9. Put dill, horseradish and the remaining spices and garlic on top.

10. Put gauze on top in two or three layers so that it completely covers all the mushrooms. Put a plate on the cheesecloth and oppression in the form of a cobblestone or a jar of water.

After a while, the mushrooms will give juice, which will mix with salt, and salting will occur. It will take two weeks to keep the mushrooms in this position in a cool place. Every two or three days, you will need to rinse the gauze in hot water, or even better, change it to a new one.

11. After two weeks, it will be possible to transfer the mushrooms to jars along with the brine and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

And if there is a basement or a pit, then you can not shift, but store the mushrooms directly in a saucepan or barrel. You can eat in two weeks. That is, the total salting time is one month.

Dry method of pickling mushrooms

This method differs from the previous one in that when cleaning mushrooms, we do not wash them, but clean them dry. In principle, this is not difficult, especially if the mushrooms are upland. As I said, they grow in pine forests in moss, and when you collect them, they are clean and tidy. Of course, needles and leaves that fall from trees fall into the basket. It is from them that we clean the mushrooms.

Also make sure that there is no earth left on the leg.

The composition of the ingredients is the same as in the previous recipe. Basically, like the cooking process itself.

With this method of salting, it is recommended to lay mushrooms with caps up and salt each layer.

The salting process will continue for at least 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mushrooms will shrink a lot. And if you went and got more mushrooms, then they can be salted and reported directly to the same container.

Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, which also needs to be changed every three days. And oppression is also needed. Without it, the mushrooms will not give juice and the salting process will not occur.

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It should be noted that in both the first and second cases, the mushrooms will change their color and become green-brown. My dad called these mushrooms "frogs". Many are confused by this circumstance and they prefer to salt mushrooms using heat treatment.

Redheads for the winter - a hot recipe

According to this method, we salt mushrooms in our family. Just due to the fact that mushrooms retain their beautiful color. And despite the fact that according to the first method, mushrooms retain all their useful properties, since they do not undergo heat treatment, we still choose this method!

Therefore, I salt mushrooms with minimal heat treatment. My mother also salts mushrooms. And she, in turn, was taught to salt in this way by one grandmother, whom her mother met quite by accident, on the train. And now, for many years we have been salting mushrooms in this way. Many thanks to my grandmother, whose name we unfortunately do not know.

We will need:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg
  • salt - 250 gr
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • cloves - 7-8 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs
  • red hot pepper - optional
  • dill
  • horseradish leaf

And as I said above, recently I began to add a couple of branches of heather and a young Christmas tree. But this is optional.


1. Sort and wash the mushrooms, clear of forest debris, cut off the ground remaining there from the legs. You also need to select wormy mushrooms, it is better not to use them.

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I try to collect mushrooms in the forest and immediately clean them of dirt, and throw out the worms. And at home I pour them into a bucket, about half, and fill it with water. And then I just rinse, the grass and needles float up, I remove them, and all the mushrooms are clean. This greatly reduces their processing time. And this is very significant when you collect mushrooms in 4 large baskets, and they all need to be processed as quickly as possible.

2. Since I do everything “by eye”, I will tell in this category. I put about a five-liter bucket of washed mushrooms in a basin. I boil water in a five-liter saucepan. And I pour mushrooms in a basin with boiling water. At the same time, the mushrooms begin to crackle slightly.

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Gently, so as not to damage them, mix them with a slotted spoon, no more than 1-2 minutes. During this time, the crackling stops, which means the mushrooms are ready.

At this stage, mushrooms can be boiled. To do this, boil water and place mushrooms in it. Cook for 5 minutes, while skimming off the foam. However, mushrooms do not give very much foam, so there is nothing special to shoot!

But I reduce the processing time by two or three times, and therefore I only scald the mushrooms. The method is proven, do not be afraid that too little time is spent on scalding. Ryzhik can be eaten even raw, just salt them with salt.

3. And so after 1-2 minutes, carefully drain the water, which has acquired a red color. And then throw the mushrooms into a colander. Just be careful not to damage the look. From a bucket of raw mushrooms, two full scalded colanders are obtained.

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4. We give the opportunity to drain the water. And pour them back into the basin. Let them lie down a little and cool down, so that the hand endures when you touch them. Then pour salt. For this amount, I pour from 1.5 to 2 handfuls of salt. If the mushrooms are small, then you need two handfuls of salt, if chopped large, then one and a half.

Add 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 cloves, a small piece of red hot pepper.

Gently mix the contents with your hands so as not to crush the mushrooms with a spoon. And we taste the gingerbread. Not only can you eat it, but it's also delicious! It should be salty enough to taste, but not too salty. In general, you should like the taste so much that you want to try another mushroom, and then another one ...

This means that you salted everything correctly!

5. While the mushrooms are salting, we are preparing the dishes in which we will prepare them for the winter. I have a 20 liter oak barrel. Mushrooms are obtained in this - just overeating!

But, of course, not everyone has that luxury.

Therefore, you can salt immediately in jars if you store mushrooms in the refrigerator. Or in a large saucepan if you store it in a cool place. Ideal Temperature storage from 0 to 7 degrees.

6. Put a sheet of horseradish on the bottom of the prepared container. A sprig of heather and spruce sprig, if any. If not, then it’s not necessary, for many years I have salted mushrooms without them, and everything was also fine!

On top of them lay the sprigs of dill.

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7. We spread the mushrooms as they fall. Hats up or down, it doesn't matter.

8. Now we are engaged in the next batch. Everything is in the same order. Until we completely fill the entire container, whether it be jars, or a pan, or a barrel.

9. If the container is large, then put dill every two or three layers of mushrooms. Lightly press the layers with your hands to release the juice.

10. Be sure to lay out a sheet of horseradish and dill on top. And I also spread spruce twig and heather.

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11. Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, and lightly press the contents. All mushrooms should be covered with a deliciously smelling reddish brine. If for some reason the brine and juice were not enough, then add a little from the pan in which the colander stood and where the water from it was drained. You may need to add just a couple of glasses. Or maybe juice will be enough.

If you put heather on top, then press down, covering the contents with a flat plate, otherwise you can prick yourself badly. It is generally better to leave the plate in order to put a suitable oppression on it.

If salted mushrooms are not in a jar, then oppression must be mandatory so that the mushrooms are completely in the brine. The brine should retain a reddish color throughout the entire time. If it turns gray, then the air temperature is too high, and the process of mold formation has begun in it.

Of course, this mold is not terrible. You can always change the gauze on which it actually formed. And you can even wash the top layer of mushrooms, pour boiling water over them. These mushrooms are edible.

But you must admit, it’s better, when everything is done correctly, we store it correctly, and our mushrooms, on which we have worked so much, will not be inaccessible to any mold.

Try to have such oppression that you can cover the pot with salted mushrooms with a lid. If we store it in a jar in the refrigerator, then just close it with a plastic lid.

But now, if we store it in a basement or a pit, then here the cover is simply necessary and obligatory.

12. We lower the mushrooms immediately into the pit and do not touch them for a month and a half. So that they are well salted and become tasty, delicious.

13. After the allotted time, we take out our salted mushrooms, put them in a salad bowl, season with finely chopped onion and vegetable oil, or eat with sour cream. And there are no mushrooms tastier and more aromatic than mushrooms. Take my word for it!

A quick and easy way to pickle mushrooms

As you know, mushrooms grow in several layers, starting from mid-July, and ending in September, and sometimes even in early October. There is such a late layer when you go after them, and the ground has already been covered with light frost since early morning.

It is these mushrooms that are good to salt for the winter. It has already become cold in the pit, and the temperature for storing them is set just right.

But what to do when mushrooms were harvested in July? That's right, pickle in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Or make a quick salting and eat immediately, on the same day. How to do it?

And it's easy to make it! We take the amount of mushrooms necessary for salting. We wash them and clean them of forest debris. Then put in a saucepan, add the spices and herbs that you love and salt thickly.

Then mix everything and add a little more salt on top. Cover with a flat plate or saucer, depending on the size of the pan. And leave for 2 hours. No more time is needed, otherwise the mushrooms will oversalt and become very salty.

After the allotted time, rinse the mushrooms in cold running water. Drain in a colander and let all the water drain.

Now you can season the mushrooms with oil and sprinkle with fresh chopped onions. Everything beautiful tasty snack ready! You can eat it with pleasure, serving it with boiled potatoes and enjoying the wonderful taste and forest aroma!

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I will not now specifically dwell on the beneficial properties of mushrooms. Entire articles have been written about it. I will only say that

Mushrooms cannot be confused with any other mushroom. And this concerns not so much external as taste characteristics. Ryzhiki are wonderful both salted, and pickled, and fried, and boiled. Mushrooms mushrooms, the recipes of which are varied, will be a great addition to the everyday or holiday table. In terms of their nutritional qualities, the content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, they are superior to beef, chicken and eggs. At the same time, mushrooms are surprisingly easily accepted by the body, unlike other forest mushrooms which can cause stomach discomfort. They are low in calories (only 22 kcal per 100 grams), so they can be used even if you want to lose weight.

How to choose and collect

Going on a “quiet hunt” for mushrooms, you should rely on the fact that most likely it will not work to collect a full basket of a dietary product. These mushrooms are quite rare and in small groups. Very young specimens that did not have time to exude worms are considered especially valuable. Ryzhik love shady places and are most often found in young spruce forests, pine forests, in poorly lit glades and edges. Having collected their mushrooms, we will tell below), you can surprise your loved ones with healthy and tasty dishes.

Ginger can have both an orange color that justifies the name, and blue-green. However, in any case, red milky juice is noticeable on the cut of the mushroom, allowing an inexperienced mushroom picker to navigate the correctness of his find. You can collect mushrooms starting from last days July and ending with the first frosts. At the same time, mushrooms are good at camouflage, and in order to notice a delicious camelina, you should bend well.

simple recipe

If you are lucky enough to pick young and beautiful mushrooms, take the chance to fully enjoy the taste of amazing mushrooms without wasting time on cooking. To do this, you just need to read about mushrooms quickly and easily. It is necessary to thoroughly clean them from dirt, rinse and put them head down on a flat dish. It remains only to salt the mushrooms and leave for an hour and a half. The original snack with a slightly bitter aftertaste is ready.

Salted mushrooms

One of traditional recipes Moreover, mushrooms, is available even to a novice cook. The gifts of the forest prepared in this way will be a real gift for a gourmet. Cleaned of dirt and washed running water mushrooms must be poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes after boiling. All the time you should remove the resulting foam. Let the mushrooms drain in a colander and put them in a container (bowl, tub, bowl), sprinkling each layer with allspice (10 pcs.), Bay leaf (2 pcs.), Chopped garlic (3 cloves), dill (bunch) and salt ( at the rate of 4 teaspoons of salt per kilogram of mushrooms). Press the mushrooms with oppression and refrigerate for 45 days. After that, the mushrooms are packaged in small jars and covered with tight lids or left in a tub in the basement. The described recipe for salting mushrooms mushrooms is one of the simplest and most delicious.

How to store the finished product

The room in which mushrooms will be mushrooms (salting recipes are presented above) should be darkened, cool and well ventilated. best temperature- 5-6 degrees. At lower values, the mushrooms will freeze, and in a warm environment, mushrooms can turn sour and lose their unique taste. It is necessary to periodically ensure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms. When it evaporates, you need to add boiled chilled water to the dishes with the addition of a small amount of salt. If mold has appeared, then it can be removed with gauze dipped in hot salty water. Mushrooms mushrooms (how to cook these gifts of the forest, we consider in the article) are dense and tasty.


Their pickled mushrooms, described in this recipe) are distinguished by their rich taste and attractive appearance. They are able to decorate any holiday table. Pickled mushrooms differ from salted ones in a more refined taste, and in the absence of bitterness, which may be present in other cooking methods. Camelina made according to this recipe can be used to complement many dishes, such as salads and vinaigrettes. To prepare an original and hearty snack, you will need the following ingredients:

1 kg of mushrooms;

2/3 cup purified water;

a teaspoon of salt;

Citric acid (about 1/5 tsp);

A few peas of allspice.

More about the cooking process

Cleaned from forest debris, mushrooms must be poured with salted boiling water and immediately discarded in a colander. This procedure will provide the product with a delicate taste. Making the marinade is extremely simple - mix water with salt and citric acid and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. The resulting solution should be poured with the gifts of the forest, not forgetting to add peppercorns, and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the pickled mushrooms mushrooms from the pan and put them in sterilized jars. Pour strained marinade, roll up and store in any cool place. Such mushrooms can be stored on the balcony, in a cool cellar or in the refrigerator.

Spicy mushrooms

Mushrooms mushrooms, the recipes for which every mushroom picker has, can also be spicy. First of all, you need to decide on the storage temperature of a tasty workpiece. If the mushrooms stand in a cool and well-ventilated cellar, then 40 grams of coarse salt are taken per kilogram of mushrooms. If you plan to leave a snack in the apartment, then you will need at least 50-60 grams of salt. Spicy and spicy taste will be a real discovery for all mushroom lovers.

Spicy Snack Ingredients:

1 kg of mushrooms;

Horseradish leaf;

5-6 black currant leaves;

3 bay leaves;

A few peas of allspice;

0.5 tsp black ground pepper;

Preparing a savory snack

Mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned of debris, spread out in a single layer on a sieve and rinsed with boiling water. Immediately after this, the mushrooms should be cooled in ice water and allowed to dry. Spread evenly on the bottom of an enameled pan, bowl or tub, add parsley and peppercorns. Put the mushrooms upside down and cover in layers with salt mixed with ground pepper. Put horseradish on top, cover with a wooden circle (or plate) and leave the load. After a month of settling in a cool (+5 degrees) place, delicious spicy mushrooms mushrooms (how to cook them, you read in this recipe) can be put on the table.

fermented product

Camelina mushrooms (how to cook them in another way, we will describe below) differ from others in that they are even better absorbed by the body thanks to lactic acid. For cooking, specimens with a hat no more than 5 cm in diameter are suitable. Peeled and washed mushrooms are poured over with boiling water, allowed to drain and placed in glass jars, sprinkled with salt and adding filling. The latter is made from water boiled and cooled to forty degrees (one liter is needed), a tablespoon of sour milk, fifteen grams of sugar and thirty grams of salt. Water is calculated in such a way as to completely cover the product. The load is placed on top. Mushrooms are sent to a dark, cool place for ripening for two to three weeks. Bon appetit!

Ryzhik - representatives of the genus Lactarius, the main difference between which is the yellow-red-orange color and reddish milky juice.


Caps of mushrooms have an average diameter of 4-12 centimeters, their color varies from ocher yellow to dark orange. In young mushrooms, the edges of the caps are wrapped, but later they straighten out and become funnel-shaped. From the bottom of the hats there are many frequent thin plates of orange-red color, turning green when pressed.

The legs of mushrooms have a height of 3-7 centimeters and a thickness of up to 2 centimeters. Their color is the same as that of the hats or a little lighter. Towards the base, the legs taper, inside they are hollow, and on top they are covered with small pits.

The pulp of the mushroom is dense, yellow-orange in color, turns green at the break. Thick milky juice is plentifully allocated from saffron milk caps. It has a sweet fruity aroma and an orange tint that turns greenish in air.


Common types of mushrooms are:

real (ordinary)

It is also called pine and pine. Most often grows in groups in coniferous forests. Begins to ripen en masse by the end of July. Such a camelina has a denser leg, which is a plus for salting. In addition, the advantage of this type is the preservation of orange color in salted and pickled mushrooms.


Differs in smaller sizes (cap diameter up to 8 cm) and bitter aftertaste. Often found in spruce forests, ripens in late summer and autumn. In preparations often turns green.

Where does it grow

Mushrooms are fairly common mushrooms in the forests of our country. Since mushrooms form mycorrhiza most often with spruce and pine, therefore they grow in groups in spruce and pine plantations and forests, they love light, less often wet places. Spruce forms of the fungus are found in moss and in the grass of young spruce forests, pine forms - in dry places of pine forests.

Collection method

You can go to the forest for mushrooms already in July, setting off from a young pine forest or dense spruce forest. Since these mushrooms like cool weather, look for camelina in shady areas of lawns and near trees (look north). Mushrooms love to hide under fallen spruce and pine branches and under brushwood. They grow up in large families.

How to choose and where to buy

When collecting mushrooms on your own or buying this type of mushroom, it is important to know how it looks outwardly so as not to confuse mushrooms and waves. You can distinguish a camelina from a pink wave by the presence of pubescence on the hats of the waves, as well as by the milky juice (it is colorless in the wave).

If it is not possible to process mushrooms immediately, they can be kept for several days in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator (not washed).


  • Camelina is a tasty mushroom, which is most often consumed in a salty form.
  • Mushrooms ripen from July to October, giving the maximum harvest in August.
  • All types of these mushrooms are edible and nutritious (belong to the first category).
  • The juice of camelinas has a bright orange-red color and turns green in the air.
  • When salted, the camelina remains orange-red or becomes bluish-green, sometimes turning brown.
  • In some countries they are classified as delicacy mushrooms.

Nutritional value and calories

100 g of mushrooms contains:

Chemical composition

Redheads include:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates, including polysaccharides;
  • fats;
  • vitamins, including provitamin A;
  • minerals (salts of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other elements);
  • antibiotics;
  • antirheumatic substances.

Beneficial features

These mushrooms also note the following action:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antifungal
  • Antioxidant
  • Restoring metabolic disorders
  • Antirheumatic
  • bactericidal
  • Improve vision
  • Accelerating recovery from lung diseases
  • Stimulating bowel function


Ryzhik should not be used when:

  • Decreased acidity of gastric juice
  • Cholecystitis
  • The absence of a gallbladder
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • constipation
  • pancreatitis

After eating dishes with mushrooms, the urine may appear red. With excessive use of mushrooms, such unpleasant symptoms as decreased performance, muscle weakness and constipation are also possible.


In cooking

  • Ryzhik is consumed fresh, scalded with boiling water, and also stewed and fried.
  • Very often these mushrooms are salted and pickled.
  • Ryzhik goes well with various vegetables and potatoes.
  • They are often added to okroshka and salads.
  • You can make stuffing for dumplings from mushrooms.
  • The mushroom soup is different rich color and great taste.
  • Of these mushrooms, mushroom sauce is good, suitable for meat dishes.

How to cook

Soaking mushrooms before cooking is not required. It is only recommended to scald the mushrooms with boiling water. Cleaned mushrooms are washed and dipped in salted water. Cook mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.


Before salting, mushrooms are cleaned and wiped with a cloth (do not wash), put in rows in a bucket, sprinkling each of them with salt. Then the bucket is covered with a lid and oppression. When the salted mushrooms settle, fresh ones are added to them. You can eat such mushrooms after 2 weeks. Ready-made salted mushrooms can simply be served with garlic and onions, or added to salad, okroshka, vegetable dishes.

fast method harvesting mushrooms is dry salting. Mushrooms thoroughly cleaned of dirt are placed in a bowl with caps down and completely covered with salt. After 1.5 hours, the juice is drained, the mushrooms are washed and served. Salt requires about 40 grams for every kilogram of mushrooms. Mushrooms salted in this way cannot be stored for a long time.

Cold salting mushrooms provides for the use of:

  • Only salt (for each kg of mushrooms 40-60 g). Washed mushrooms are laid out with hats down and covered with salt, after which they are kept covered with a towel with oppression for 40 days.
  • Salt (for each kg of mushrooms 50 g), allspice (3 peas each) and onion(150 g each). Mushrooms are not washed, but only wiped and laid out with caps up, after which they are sprinkled with chopped onions mixed with pepper and salt.

hot salting longer, but can be used even for not very fresh mushrooms and will provide them with long-term storage. Pour chopped mushrooms completely with water and put on fire to boil for 5 minutes. After draining the water, we place the mushrooms in a bowl in which they will be salted, and then we fill it with salt and seasonings. For every kilogram of mushrooms you need to take:

  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 1 pea allspice;
  • Bay leaf ik;
  • 2 peas of coriander.

Having covered the container with mushrooms with a cloth, put oppression on top and hide the mushrooms for 1.5 months in a cool place (with a temperature of up to +8). Periodically, the fabric should be wrung out. The recipe can be varied by adding currant leaves. They are laid out on the bottom of the container with mushrooms, as well as on top of the mushrooms.


Washed mushrooms are poured with boiling water and salt and left in a sealed container for several minutes. After draining the water and letting the mushrooms cool slightly, they are laid out in jars, poured with chilled marinade and covered with lids. Such pickled mushrooms can be eaten after 30 days.

If you notice mold in the jars, rinse the mushrooms with boiling water, prepare a new marinade, place the mushrooms boiled in it in clean jars and pour the marinade over.

In medicine

Ryzhik can be used in the treatment of:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Rheumatism
  • Vitiligo
  • visual impairment
  • skin diseases

For medical purposes, both fresh mushrooms and powdered dried mushrooms are used. Also, camelina can serve as an excellent external remedy - fresh mushrooms are cut and applied to insect bites, sore joints, shallow wounds or boils.

IN ancient Rus' this legend was told by many generations of avid mushroom pickers - they say that the cap of the gingerbread actually belonged to a kind dwarf. The little man differed from his fellows in that, unlike them, he wore not a gray (inconspicuous) hat, but a bright, orange one. But the main difference was in his kindness - he helped people, scattering small handfuls of gold in the glades, but people needed more and more gold. The good dwarf was tired of the greed of man and one fine day he simply left his hat in the clearing and disappeared. Since then, under the hat of a gnome, a beautiful mushroom mushroom has appeared, as an eternal reminder that gold is expensive when you earn it. Many mushroom pickers, heeding the advice of the gnome, collect beautiful mushrooms and sell them freshly cut, salted, and pickled, while earning pretty good money. By the way, in the days of Tsarist Russia, they were valued more than the famous French champagne.

Ryzhik is a bright representative of russula

It is very easy to recognize mushrooms - by the rounded-convex shape of the mushroom cap, you should pay attention to the curved edges of the hat, which then straighten out. The hat, already an adult mushroom, is painted in bright red-orange or yellow-pink colors, it can be up to 17 cm in diameter. Bending over the camelina, you can see that the skin on the hat is even and a little sticky. The leg of the mushroom is cylindrical in shape, up to three centimeters thick in diameter, and no more than 9 cm high.

In the forests of Russia, only 6 species of camelina mushrooms are distinguished:

  • alpine or salmon
  • pine
  • fir
  • red ginger
  • spruce camelina
  • real camelina

These wonderful mushrooms grow on sandy soil, so they are easy to find both in the Urals and in Far East, in Siberia and the European part of Russia. young pines, Pinery, coniferous forests, larch and spruce forests are the most best places to collect mushrooms, look for them in fallen needles and thick grass, next to spruce trees and near moss. Leaning lower, you can immediately find a mushroom family, but take a closer look - it is better to cut off a young mushroom, and let the old ones eat up the worms. Don't believe? Pay special attention to the stem of the mushroom: in the old one, as a rule, it has already been undermined by a worm, leave it. To collect mushrooms mushrooms, they begin in the third decade of June, and end with the first frosts.

What attracts people to redheads

Avid mushroom pickers know that mushrooms are valued not only for their taste, but also for their high content of useful elements. In the composition of one mushroom, scientists found a large number of beta-carotene (in the human body it is transformed into vitamin A), B vitamins, ascorbic acid, as well as fiber, saccharides, various ash substances. Eating mushrooms mushrooms, you can see that over time, the appearance of a person improves: hair acquires a healthy shine, nails cease to be brittle, and skin color attracts the eyes of passers-by. Magic, many will think - no, mineral salts just start their work, of which there are a lot in these mushrooms. In addition to phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and potassium, scientists have found lactrioviolin in the composition of the fungus - a natural antibiotic that helps the body fight inflammatory processes, it stops the growth of bacteria (including tuberculosis).

Having tried salted, pickled or fried mushrooms for the first time, you understand that mushrooms may well be in the line of delicacies on holiday table. During the reign of Peter I, mushrooms were exported to France precisely as a delicacy. In terms of taste, many mushroom pickers put mushrooms and White mushroom in one row.

Not only a professional chef, but also an amateur can prepare dishes from saffron mushrooms. They do not need to be soaked for a long time, just rinse from debris and pour over boiling water.

Salted mushrooms

To pickle mushrooms, it is enough to wash the mushrooms, select good, dense mushrooms. The long legs of the mushroom should be slightly shortened, the prepared mushrooms should be put in a barrel, or makita, or an enameled pan. It is necessary to lay the mushrooms with their hats down, tightly enough, sprinkle each new layer with salt. When all the mushrooms are already laid, put oppression on top (it can be a wooden circle, a cleanly washed large stone, or just a lid on which put a three-liter jar of water on top). Juice will appear soon (usually in a couple of days), and after 40-30 days, you can serve a dish called “salted mushrooms” on the table. Store ready-made salted mushrooms in the refrigerator, after transferring them from a large container to jars.

To properly salt mushrooms, you need to remember that the mushrooms are tasty and not salted per kilogram, use only 50 grams of table salt.

Fried mushrooms

Put finely chopped bacon on a preheated pan, melt the lard, then add finely chopped onion, simmer it for a couple of minutes, then add chopped mushrooms and fry until tender. To improve the taste of the dish, stir the mushrooms frequently during the frying process. From proven experience, in order for the dish to be very tasty, remember:

for 400 grams of mushrooms, take 1 medium onion, 80 grams of bacon, salt to your taste.

The holiday is coming soon, and the usual salads are already fed up, and I want to surprise the guests, serve a hodgepodge to the table:

mushroom hodgepodge with mushrooms

cook quickly enough, and even an amateur can cope with such a recipe. Put butter on the bottom of the pan, when it starts to melt, add chopped cabbage, pour milk and leave to simmer for about 60 minutes. Add the mashed tomato there (you can replace tomato paste), sugar to your liking, lemon juice, bay leaf, a pinch of salt.

At the same time, in a frying pan, in oil, fry the chopped mushrooms. Add the fried onions to the mushrooms, salt and simmer for about 30 minutes under the lid.

We put the prepared ingredients on the bottom of a deep frying pan in layers, and first we grease the bottom with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Layers begin and end with cabbage. The finished cake should be sprinkled with oil, sprinkled with a little breadcrumbs and sent for 30 minutes in a preheated oven (up to 180 degrees).

For such a hodgepodge, you need to take:

  • mushrooms 400 grams,
  • half a kilo of white cabbage,
  • one ripe tomato or 1 paste tablespoon,
  • milk - 1 cup
  • sugar, take 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice - squeezed from half a lemon
  • bay leaf
  • any vegetable oil

Well, to completely surprise the guests, put on the table

fresh mushroom salad

The mushrooms must first be cleaned, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes (2-3), drain the water. Finely chop the onion, pass it for a couple of minutes in hot oil. Mushrooms, pre-finely chopped, add to the onion, salt and pepper - to your taste, mix the ingredients, pour sour cream and into the oven, do not forget to heat it to 180 degrees, the cooking process is 30-40 minutes. When you serve, do not forget to sprinkle the finished dish with herbs. For such an unusual salad, prepare in advance:

  • Redheads - 250 grams
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 100 grams
  • Any oil, vegetable

Salt, herbs and pepper - to your taste!

One more thing I would like to say: mushrooms mushrooms are very useful and nutritious. Although they are very low in calories, which is a big positive - you can eat a lot. But there is one thing - mushrooms are strictly prohibited for people with gastritis, cholecystitis, those who suffer from frequent constipation, after operations on gallbladder, pancreatitis.

However, do not be upset - when the time comes, feel free to go looking for little red gnomes, bending down each time, make a wish and enjoy the magnificent nature of your land.