Who can't become president. Requirements for a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation

I Make sure you are 35 years old. It is assumed that youth, innocence, excellent potency and one's own teeth are beautiful in themselves, and having all this wealth, it is not necessary to be the President as well.

II But even the extreme degree of decrepitude will not save you if for the last 10 years you have lived not in Russia, but somewhere else (holiday trips do not count). It is also important not to be officially recognized as crazy, not to be in prison and not to be the President of Russia (for the second term in a row). If you do not belong to one of these three categories of unfortunates, then you are a suitable candidate.

III You need to find 500 supporters who will officially nominate you and gather them in some special rented place - for example, a hotel or a concert hall. Dress warmly - at the last moment it turns out that the walls in the hotel went on strike, and a space toilet from a dismantled orbital station fell into your meeting room, so you still have to meet on the street.

IV The members of the Central Executive Committee, who have been warned by you in advance, will come to your meeting in order to count you. Since CEC members have a very tense relationship with arithmetic, it is better to gather not five hundred, but a thousand people. Give each of them a large plate with a number in their hands. Arrange them in a straight rectangle. And let them loudly count themselves while you are filming the process on a video camera, at the same time pressing the necks of the CEC representatives with their knees to the asphalt so that they do not try to escape. Your assistants should at this time raise the eyelids of the CEC representatives so that they do not squint.

V By the way, the election campaign will need money. Candidates from the Duma factions feel good, their expenses are paid by the state, and self-nominated candidates will have to collect coins on their own. The maximum that can be spent on an election campaign is 400 million rubles, but it should not be just 400 million, but pious ones.

1 From your own piggy bank, you can only shake 40 million, all the rest of the money should be donated to you by kind people.

2 Good people must not be foreign nationals. If at least one rotten tugrik is transferred to your account from abroad, then this is a reason to remove you from the race. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about who sends you funds and from where.

3 It is not forbidden for a candidate to beg for money from pensioners on the porch, but to take money from persons holding posts in government organizations, he can't.

VI If you are allowed to collect signatures, then you have about 6-7 weeks to collect two million. And no more than 50,000 from each subject Russian Federation. That is, you need to immediately organize at least forty headquarters (better - more) in the regions. Since the voter needs not just to sign, but to indicate in the signature list all his intimate data, including the passport number, the process of hunting for signatories turns into an exciting event. The law prohibits bribing signatories with money or sweets, and the stickiness and importunity of your staff officers become the main currency in these relations. Signature collectors attack citizens in shops, train stations and bus stops, they wander around apartments and try to enter enterprises. Since they usually hold your portraits in their hands, by the end of the signature collection period, the whole country knows perfectly well how much hair sticks out of your left nostril.

VII Having collected two million signatures (or eight is better, because we remember where the CEC is, and where is arithmetic), double-check the maximum number of signature sheets. You will understand what abysses of humor are hidden in our gloomy-looking fellow citizens when you find out how many Winnie-the-Poohs Savaofychi signed for you.

VIII Having handed over the sheets obtained with blood to the CEC, go to pray. Only a miracle can now force the CEC to recognize them as genuine. No, of course, you can later prove in court that the CEC experts made a mistake in handwriting estimates ... Just in time for the next elections, you may be able to get the court to recognize the first 200 disputed signatures as slightly similar to real ones.

IX If a miracle happened for some reason, start the election campaign. Write a program in which you promise everyone everything at once. Hire speechwriters who can use the word "effectiveness" frequently and almost appropriately. Go to all the interviews and to all the debates that you are invited to, having previously come up with ten witty and subtle answers to the most frequently asked question: “So when you sold out to the Jewish-Communist State Department - before you got carried away with pederasty or after you robbed our people ?

X Make a beautiful hairstyle and try to make an impression with it. Get used to reading with a kind smile in the newspapers and on websites the stories of the mistresses beaten by you about how you rob shelters for disabled babies. Hire someone to taste your food. Yes, just in case.

XI Win the election and become president. Joke.

This paragraph XI

Having received the final data from the CEC, according to which minus eight percent of the voters voted for you, collect documents and evidence of falsifications, and then go to court. Joke.

In fact, the present paragraph XI

Never again get involved in such adventures. There are far more ways to contribute intelligently and with dignity to the planet, such as feeding starving crocodiles in the Zambezi.

What do you need to do to become president.

Tough question: how to become president may not be so difficult. This is just a goal that is difficult to achieve, but quite real, if you show persistence, diligence, and decency on the way to the goal. Work out for yourself a plan for the next steps, what it takes to become president. First, study what the Constitution of the Russian Federation requires of you, and then gradually act. Remember, the President of the Russian Federation may be over 35 years old, permanently residing in Russia for more than 10 years. The right to be presidents of the Russian Federation can be deprived only by a court order. But for more than 2 terms in a row, the same person cannot hold the office of president. A person can nominate his candidacy himself, as, for example, Prokhorov did not so long ago. A candidate is nominated in the Central Electoral Commission with the mentioned petition. Party candidates can be nominated for the post of president of the country, as was done with Medvedev, Putin and Zhirinovsky. Each candidate must be approved by the Central Election Commission. Then the process of pre-election campaigning of people for their candidacy begins. You also need to put your program on the Internet. The program must be reported to the Central Election Commission:

- provide information about the program,

- specify the address of the program on the Internet,

- bring a copy of the text of the program in electronic form.

Then it remains only to call for help from friends and relatives, agitate people to vote for you, and wait for the results of the vote. All in your power, you can try to prove yourself in the next elections.

Is it difficult to be a president, is it worth choosing such a profession.

In fact, becoming president is not only difficult, and sometimes not possible at all, but every citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the necessary requirements has such a chance. But the question is not even whether you will fit, whether you can pass the elections and become the choice of the whole country. Few people understand how difficult it is to be the president of a country! It's just sitting at home with family or in the company of friends, on forums, etc., it is very easy to condemn the actions of the head of state. Sometimes we cannot cope with our personal lives, we are killed because of failures in love or study, and here the whole state is under your responsibility. It is necessary to keep track of each individual person and leader, which is simply impossible.

We laugh that during checks everyone is taken to the right places, where everything is repaired, etc., but not everyone understands this, especially after a lot of money has been allocated for the restoration of the city. How can you "accidentally" and unexpectedly check the heads of departments or cities, when everything is intertwined and someone always has time to warn those being checked.

Everyone can laugh and condemn, but only a few can become presidents. Sometimes, even after becoming deputies, people get lost, because in the role of voters they believed that a lot can be achieved and much can be corrected, and when they become managers, having delved into a complex system, they begin to understand how difficult it is to manage, manage and do everything the way wanted. Therefore, let's make it a rule not to think about how everything could have been, let's think better about how everything has already turned out, how you can help in this or that situation, etc. If every citizen of our country participates in its life, then everything will change for the better, but you need to start with yourself!

How to become the president of Russia?

What does it take to become president of Russia? (There is a video with a detailed story at the bottom of the page)

The future president of Russia must meet the following criteria.

He should not be declared legally incompetent by a court decision.

He must not be less than 35 years old.

He must be a citizen of Russia and have lived in our country for 10 years or more.

The candidate for the presidency must not have a second citizenship or residence permit in another country.

A person who has already held this post for the second consecutive term cannot apply for the presidency of Russia.

If you have an outstanding conviction for extremism or for grave and especially grave crimes (or 10 or 15 years have not passed since the date of repayment, depending on the severity of the offense), then you will be denied registration as a presidential candidate ( it is on this point that Navalny does not pass).

In the event that a potential candidate was arrested for promoting Nazism or manufacturing extremist materials, then by the time of voting, the period of arrest must end, or you must have paid all administrative fines.

presidential candidate can not become a prisoner.

How to become the president of Russia? Step one.

The entire registration procedure is divided into two main stages.

For any applicant the next course of action is to follow.

For applicants from parliamentary parties, the nomination procedure has been simplified.

If you are not a member of a party, then you can be nominated by a group of voters. There must be at least 500 of them. They also hold a meeting and at least 5 days before it notify the CEC, which can send its representative. This decision, together with the candidate's consent to run, is submitted to the CEC no later than 20 days after the date of announcement of the election.

Among the required documents are also information about the income of the candidate and his spouse for 6 years (in the case of the 2018 elections for the period 2011-2017), expenses for three years and property ownership, even if it is registered with minor children and is located abroad.

In addition, the candidate must not have foreign bank accounts at the time of nomination. Before submitting documents, you also need to open a special electoral account.

The first stage ends with the registration of authorized representatives of the candidate. The CEC must register them within five days after the submission of documents, or refuse with a reason.

If you do not agree with the refusal, complain to the Supreme Court.

The second stage of registration of a presidential candidate. Collection of signatures.

Our candidate for registration needs to collect from 300 to 315 thousand signatures of voters in his support. At the same time, there should be no more than 7,500 signatures from each region.

Competing parties will need from 100 to 105 thousand signatures - up to 2500 thousand in each region. Parties included in State Duma(and we have 4 of them) signatures can not be collected.

The protocol on the collection of signatures, together with the financial report and a written notice of the absence of accounts in foreign banks, are submitted to the CEC. The CEC checks the signatures and execution of documents, and within 20 days makes a decision on the registration of the candidate.

How are signatures verified and why are they considered invalid?

Candidate signatures are checked randomly.

The signature lists, which are subject to verification, are determined by lot. They must be at least 20% of the total number of candidates required for registration, and their number must be the same for everyone, according to the federal law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation." Previously, when all candidates collected about 2 million signatures, it was true - 400,000 signatures were checked.

Signature on the signature sheet may be invalidated in the event that you incorrectly indicated your last name, first name or patronymic, and also provided the wrong address of residence. Also, the signature is considered invalid if you made it twice for the same candidate, regardless of whether on the same signature list or on different ones.

But you can put your signature for another candidate without fear that your first signature for another presidential candidate will be considered invalid.

How many will be tested in 2018 is still unknown, since the old version of the CEC resolution on the random sampling procedure is still in effect.

To verify information, the voter register and electronic system GAS "Vybory". Each signature in the sample is either valid or invalid.

If 5% or more are invalid, then another 10% of signatures are additionally verified. If even then the total share of invalid signatures is at least 5%, then the candidate is denied registration.

How much money can you spend on an election campaign and where can you get it?

400 million rubles is the maximum that, according to the law, a candidate can spend. Of these, no more than 40 million can be personal funds, 200 million - party funds,

and the maximum amount of a donation by a legal entity or a citizen cannot exceed 28 million and 6 million rubles, respectively.

Anonymous donations must be transferred to the federal budget within 10 days after receipt.

Contribute money to the candidate's fund can not:

foreigners, foreign organizations and Russian organizations with a share of foreign capital of more than 30 percent;

state and municipal bodies and institutions;

charitable and religious organizations;

military units and law enforcement agencies.

All money goes to a special electoral account, which the candidate opens before registration. It also pays for all campaign costs.

Conducting election campaigning and propaganda

Campaigning can start right from the moment of nomination, but your appeals can appear on television, radio and in print only 28 days before the vote.

Free time should be given to candidates equally and during prime time. In addition, up to a third of the total airtime is provided to the parties whose candidates scored on the previous presidential elections more than 2% of the votes.

Campaigning stops at midnight the day before voting day, when the day of silence comes.

Restrictions on campaigning in elections

Have no right to campaign for candidates:

federal, regional and municipal authorities and employees, with the exception of candidates;

military units and organizations;

charitable and religious organizations, as well as members and participants of religious organizations when performing rituals and ceremonies;

Foreigners, international organizations and social movements;

media representatives in the course of their professional activities;

Violation of the rules of campaigning threatens with a fine: up to 1.5 thousand rubles for a private person, up to 3 thousand - for an official and up to 30 thousand rubles - for a legal entity.

Who is recognized as the winner in the presidential elections in Russia?

The winner is the candidate for whom more than half of the voters who came to the polling stations gave their votes.

The winner of the election takes office six years after the previous president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, took office, that is, not earlier than May 7, 2018.

The term of office of the president elected in 2018 will expire in 6 years, that is, in 2024.

On this moment there are the following presidential candidates, some of which have not yet publicly expressed their desire to participate in the elections.

What you need to run for president of Russia - video

On setting the date for the election of the head of state on October 15, and thus launched the election campaign. From the next day, June 15, it was allowed to nominate candidates for the presidency of Kyrgyzstan.

The Central Election Commission told about the schedule of the main events of the race and what the candidates need to collect.

The editors have prepared the material in connection with the fact that a number of important changes have been made to the Law on Elections of the President and Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh. In particular, the old version stipulated that elections should be held in November.

Who can run for president?

A citizen of Kyrgyzstan not younger than 35 and not older than 70 years old, who has lived in the country for at least 15 years in total. He must own state language above average level. Convicted persons and those with outstanding convictions are not allowed to vote.


  • until August 1 - nomination;
  • until August 25 - collection of signatures and submission of signature lists to the CEC (minimum 30,000 signatures);
  • By September 1, an exam in the state language is to be held. In case of successful passing (the level of knowledge of Kyrgyz is above average), candidates are issued a certificate;
  • until September 1, submission of documents for registration of candidates: an application for self-nomination or a protocol of the decision of the political party, information about the candidate with biographical data, a copy of the passport, a certificate from the place of work or study, a document confirming the payment of an electoral deposit, a certificate of proficiency in the state language and two photographs 3x4 cm;
  • until September 5 - verification of signatures;
  • until September 5 - verification of documents submitted by candidates;
  • until September 10 - check for compliance with the procedure for nominating candidates;
  • until September 10 - registration of candidates or refusal to do so;
  • from September 10 to October 13 inclusive (35 days) - campaigning period;
  • October 14 is the day of silence;
  • October 15 - presidential elections in the Kyrgyz Republic (the third Sunday in October, in the old version - the third Sunday in November);
  • until November 4 - the deadline for summing up;
  • until November 7 - the deadline for the official publication of the results;
  • before December 7, the elected president must take the oath.

If there is a second round?

If the results are summed up on November 3 (deadline), then the second round will be held no earlier than the 18th. As one of the drafters of the law, the deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh, Dastan Bekeshev, explained, after the second round, the results should be summed up within 20 days, and within another three days they should be officially published. After that, within a month, the elected president must take the oath.

How accurate are the timings?

In most cases, deadlines are set in the material.

Can the dates change?

Yes, but after the elections and only if the voting results are appealed in court. Determination of election results is suspended until their final consideration by the court.

About the electoral deposit

The size of the electoral deposit is 1 million soms. It is returned to the winner or candidate who receives at least 5 percent of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting. Previously, the electoral deposit was equal to 100,000 soms, that is, now it has increased 10 times.

About the election fund

The candidate must create his own election fund to finance the election campaign. The size of the fund is unlimited, in the old edition, the upper threshold was 50 million soms:

  1. candidate's own funds - no more than 15 million soms (previously no more than 1.5 million soms);
  2. funds allocated to a candidate by a political party - no more than 50 million soms (previously no more than 5 million soms);
  3. voluntary donations individuals, each of which cannot exceed 50 million soms (previously not more than 5 thousand, increased by 10 thousand times);
  4. voluntary donations legal entities, each of which cannot exceed 50 million soms (previously not more than 500 thousand, increased by 100 times).

Who is an authorized representative and what are his functions?

One of the main assistants to a candidate is an authorized representative who submits signature lists and other documents to the relevant election commission for registration of a candidate and performs a number of other powers.

When can an election result be contested?

Within three days after summing up.

Who is declared the winner?

The work of the president of the country is responsible and difficult: the head of the Russian Federation, V. Putin, once compared it to the labor of a slave in a galley. But there are many who dream of taking this post. So, it makes sense to figure out how they become presidents.

About the Constitution

A person who has looked after the presidential position for himself, first of all, should study the Constitution of his state. It is in the Constitution that the procedure for electing the head of state and the main requirements put forward to the applicant for the post are prescribed. So a high school student who is considering how to become the president of Russia should at least wait a bit: persons under 35 cannot apply for this position. Nothing will come of it for a foreigner, even the most talented: only a citizen of Russia who has lived in the country for at least 10 years can be president of Russia.

Learn history!

The next recommendation for presidential hopefuls is to study history and personal experience heads of different states. The polling stations are the last stage of the presidential race, people come to the ballot boxes with a ready-made decision. And before making their choice, the population compares the candidates for the post and evaluates not only them election promises how much real merit to the country and society.

Wealthy Virginia planter D. Washington (the first American president) was elected unanimously to his office. But, of course, not for a good harvest on his estate. D.Washington was brilliant politician, a true patriot of his country, a fighter for its independence.

About D. Washington

Now few people remember this, except for the Americans themselves, but almost until the end of the 18th century, America was not independent state The Americans reaped the bitter fruits of colonialism to their heart's content: from unfair taxes imposed by the British side to other (rather severe) oppressions perpetrated by the mother country. From 1775 to 1783, the military confrontation between the American rebels and the British continued for the independence of their country. The American Continental Army was led by an experienced Colonel D. Washington, who had managed to prove himself heroically before. It is unlikely that he thought then how to become the President of the United States - D. Washington simply did everything in his power for the country. And the result of this confrontation is the independence of the American states, the Constitution of the country, which this outstanding person also took an active part in the development of, and only then his well-deserved election as the first head of state.

So a young man who is thinking about how to become the president of the Russian Federation, perhaps, should first formulate his desires in a slightly different way. For example, think about what he can do for his country. In the days of the USSR, a song was popular with the words: “Before, think about the Motherland, and then about yourself.” Since everything Soviet is now back in fashion, it would be nice to borrow the best slogans of those times.

About electoral systems

And yet, how do they become presidents? Differently! Here again it makes sense to turn to legislation. For example, in the same president is quite complex, although quite transparent. Elections are not direct - the head of state is elected in the Electoral College. Each state elects representatives (their number is fixed), the same, in turn, voting for the president, represent the will of their state (although, it happens, they vote differently). The purpose of such a complex process is not to bring any dictator to power. And, it must be admitted, the system has worked properly so far: there have been different presidents in the United States, but there were no tyrants among them.

An indirect system of elections is also available in other states. Is it good or bad? Probably, in each case the answer will be different. For example, the idea was voiced that the president of Ukraine can also be elected in the Rada - by the votes of people's deputies. But this idea was not developed, as it seemed undemocratic. Knowing the peculiarities of Ukrainian politics, one cannot but agree with this.

About elections in Ukraine

By the way, quite recently extraordinary elections of the main person of the state took place in Ukraine - P. Poroshenko became it. The Ukrainian situation is now very difficult: society is split, the country is teetering on the edge civil war, cities are being shelled, people are dying, the economy is collapsing. The spiral of changes unwinds very rapidly, painfully, unexpectedly. It is unlikely that until recently P. Poroshenko seriously thought about how to become the president of Ukraine. The steps that the new head of state will now have to take cannot be called easy. To reconcile the warring forces, to unite the country, to boost the economy, to establish normal relations with neighbors - this is far from full list upcoming cases. I really want Poroshenko to have the wisdom, responsibility and strength to honorably stand at the helm of the state in such a difficult time.

On the history of the presidency in Russia

But, of course, it is more interesting for a Russian citizen to know how they become presidents in Russia. Let's talk about this in more detail.

In Russia, it was established on April 24, 1991 (the republic was still part of Soviet Union), and the first elections Russian President took place on June 12, 1991. Boris Yeltsin was elected, who then received 57.3% of all electoral votes. B. Yeltsin's rivals were such well-known personalities at that time as V. Zhirinovsky, V. Bakatin, A. Tuleev, N. Ryzhkov. Why did Yeltsin win? The answer will become clear if we go back to those years, remember the history of the country and the biography of the first Russian president.

Why he?

It seems that two factors helped Boris Yeltsin to win. First - his close relatives were not complained Soviet power. Grandfather Yeltsin, a hard worker, was considered a fist, his father, a builder, was also repressed. Boris Yeltsin himself in those years among the party elite was also considered a dissident. He had a sincere desire to change the country, to make it democratic. This is what was most in demand then in society.

And the second factor - behind B. Yeltsin was a rich biography of a prominent Soviet and party leader, manager, and therefore his election is quite natural. This is partly the answer to the question of how to become president of Russia. Yeltsin's steps, his actions were concrete, understandable, and the people appreciated them. After all, many politicians and simply caring people put forward brilliant ideas, but do nothing to implement them. And voters cannot be deceived - they are trying to vote for those who have already distinguished themselves in a real deed.

How did Putin become president of Russia?

B. Yeltsin's personality can hardly be called unambiguous, and his presidential activity is also ambiguous. In 1996, he became the head of the Russian state for the second time, and was to remain in power until the 2000 elections. But it happened differently.

On the eve of 2000, B. Yeltsin announced that he was leaving the post of Russian president. It was a very touching appeal to fellow citizens: the president asked them for forgiveness, and in his eyes (according to the cameraman) there were tears. B. Yeltsin explained his decision by a combination of factors, and V. Putin (then head of government) was approved as acting. And again the question is why?

It is not easy for ordinary people to comprehend the intricacies of political cuisine. Still, attempts to understand how Putin became president should again begin with a digression into history. Military operations in Chechnya and Dagestan, explosions of residential buildings, numerous casualties and instability... V. Putin, during his premiership, showed himself to be an energetic organizer who managed to repulse the militants. On March 26, 2000, the Russians elected V. Putin head of state, thus fully confirming the decision of B. Yeltsin. They pinned their hopes on restoring stability, order and prosperity to the state with the young president. They are still tied up today: on March 4, 2012, V. Putin won for the third time, gaining 63.6% of the electoral vote already in the first round.


The president is the leader of his state, therefore, in this post, voters want to see a wise and responsible person who faithfully defends the interests of his state and respects its citizens. And also - charismatic, as they say now: who knows how to say a word, and smile, and express sympathy. Therefore, elections (if, of course, they are democratic) are won by those who, by their qualities, managed to win over the voters. Do presidents always justify the aspirations of their citizens? This is another question.

And further. Presidents are people too. They have shortcomings and weaknesses, they may not like them very much, their activities can be condemned or approved. But almost everyone who was once elected head of state has one thing in common - they are personalities! And this is the main answer to those who are trying to understand how they become presidents. If you want to become a leader - educate yourself as a person!