Useful properties of apricot jam. Apricot jam benefits and harms - recipes. You may also like

Summer is the time for fruits and berries. However, we not only enjoy their use, but also try to stock up on tasty fruits for the future, so as not to leave ourselves and our loved ones without vitamins. For this purpose, we prepare jams, jams, marmalade and, of course, jam. The latter variety of natural sweet dessert is especially popular. This article will focus on apricot jam. You will learn the benefits of apricot jam and get acquainted with a variety of recipes for a delicious fruit dessert.


Nature endowed apricots with a wide variety of organic and mineral compounds. For this very reason, fragrant fruit jam also carries enormous potential for human health.

Natural fruit dessert contains enough biologically active substances. This applies to vitamins E, A, group B (B1, B2, B3) and beta-carotene. Contains apricot jam and proteins with carbohydrates. There are especially a lot of the latter in the dessert - almost 72 g per 100 g of the product. But you will not find fat in a vegetable delicacy, no matter how hard you try, however, and cholesterol too. Dietary fibers make up 1 g of the total mass of apricot jam, ash substances - 26 g.

Of the mineral compounds, fruit delicacy boasts an impressive amount of potassium: here it is about 152 g. There was a place in the dessert for magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, even iron. However, there are very few of these compounds in apricot jam.


Jam made from fragrant orange fruits has a number of healing properties. Regular consumption of this dessert improves bowel function, making it easier to release it from food waste. At the same time, toxins are removed from the internal environment of the body, in other words, the body is detoxified. A delicacy of apricot jam has a positive effect on the state of immunity. protective barriers human body under the influence of apricot jam, they are strengthened, as a result of which the risk of catching a bacterial or viral infection is reduced under concomitant conditions. Among other things, apricot jam cures cough, thins phlegm in the bronchi and lungs, reduces the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks, and removes fever.

Due to the presence of beta-carotene and retinol, fruit dessert has a beneficial effect on the visual function of the eyes. The latter get tired less, twilight vision improves, blood circulation in the retina increases, and the mucous membrane is moistened. An additional effect on the condition of the eyes is exerted by the lutein pigment, which is also plentiful in the fruit dessert.

The iron present in apricot jam increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby preventing the development of anemia. Potassium and magnesium, together with B vitamins, take care of the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of stroke and myocardial infarction, normalizing heartbeat. A treat with a fruit dessert is an excellent measure for preventing atherosclerosis and improving blood composition, protecting against nervous breakdowns and increase the level of stress resistance.


In some people, apricot jam causes individual intolerance. Such subjects should not consume fruit dessert. The same applies to those individuals who suffer from a painful reaction of the body to eating apricot delicacies in the form of skin rashes, itching, redness, and even more so - swelling of the mucous membranes. It is forbidden to feast on apricot jam for diabetics and victims of obesity, otherwise they risk aggravating their own well-being. However, even healthy people in no case should you enjoy the taste of this dessert without measure, since in this way it is very easy to acquire serious metabolic disorders, plus ruin your teeth, provoking the development of caries. You should not eat apricot jam if you have acute diarrhea and gastric upset - the delicacy will further increase the existing ailment.


Nowadays, any jam can be easily bought at the nearest supermarket. But, of course, it will not be as tasty as a dessert prepared by yourself completely from natural ingredients. Therefore, we bring to your attention several recipes for homemade apricot jam - you just have to choose the one you like.

Classic apricot jam. Ingredients: 2 kg of apricots, 0.5 cups of water, 1 kg of granulated sugar.
How to cook. Wash the fruits well, dry. Then cut each in half, remove the bones. Divide the prepared fruit into pieces. Place the vegetable raw materials in a saucepan along with sugar, and fill it all with water. Place the container with the future jam on a medium-intensity fire. Boil the fruit dessert for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the jam from the heat, cool until room temperature and repeat the cooking procedure again. Do this three times - this measure will allow you to get a delicacy of a thick consistency at the exit. Pour hot dessert into jars, which should be rolled up with lids.

Seedless jam. You will need: 1 kg of ripe apricots, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 tsp. citric acid.
How to cook. Free the washed and dried fruits from the seeds. To do this, divide each apricot into two halves. Then lay them with the resulting hole up in a deep pan in layers, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar. Leave the pot of apricots overnight in the room. In the morning, boil the dessert over medium heat, stirring constantly. When the delicacy boils, reduce the flame under the container and cook it for another half hour. Do not forget to remove the foam from time to time. After the specified period, add citric acid to the dessert. Remove the jam from the stove after 5 minutes. Pour the delicacy hot into glass jars, close with plastic lids. Once the dessert has cooled, send it to the refrigerator, where you store it.

Jam "Five minutes". Components: 0.6 kg of granulated sugar, 2 kg of apricots.
How to cook. First you need to wash the fruit and remove the seeds from them. After completing this procedure, put the fruits in a container for cooking dessert. Sprinkle a layer of sugar on top. Let the apricots stand indoors for one night - this is required in order for the fruits to release their juice. With the onset of the morning, boil the delicacy on a strong flame until it boils. Then sweat the dessert over low heat for five minutes. Put the finished apricot jam into jars, after sterilizing them, and roll them up. You should put the jam containers upside down. When cool, send jars of fruit dessert to the refrigerator.

If you are watching your weight and do not eat sugar, but really want apricot jam, cook from sunny fruits diet jam. To do this, you need only 1 kg of juicy fruits. Wash them, remove the bones from the fruits. Turn the fruit into a puree, place it in a container with a deep bottom. Boil the treat after boiling for five minutes. Arrange the finished apricot dessert in jars, roll them up with lids. Store jam in the cold.

Take note apricot juice recipe. You also don’t need sugar here, but you will have to prepare, in addition to 1 kg of apricots, also 0.5 cups of water. Choose fruits with a sour taste, rinse them thoroughly. Cut the fruit into two halves each, remove the seeds from them. Place this plant material in a deep saucepan, pour water into it. Heat the container with the indicated contents over low heat, closing the container with a lid. Boil the fruits until they begin to release juice. When this happens, put the apricot halves in glass jars, fill them with the resulting juice, cover with lids on top. In this state, place the container with jam in the water up to the shoulders and sterilize as soon as it boils, for about 15 minutes over low heat. Now you should roll up the jars with lids, cool the delicacy. Apricots in their own juice can be stored all winter in the cold.

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China is considered the birthplace of the apricot. The fruit with a thousand-year history received its name from the ancient Arabic word, which means “early ripening” in translation. Indeed, already in the second decade of summer, you can enjoy bright orange sweet fruits with might and main. What kind of varieties breeders did not bring out: Honey, Melitopol, Tsar, Pineapple, Saratov ruby. They differ in terms of ripening, in weight, in appearance. Apricot does not lose its taste qualities even during heat treatment. Apricot jam has occupied a leading position among home preserves for many years.

With proper cooking, fragrant fruits retain their beneficial properties in a sweet treat. You can cook jam, confiture, and mashed potatoes for the winter. However, most often they say to all these dishes they simply and habitually say “apricot jam”.

Bright yellow fruits are valued for their content of vitamins A, B, C, E, P, PP and microelements such as:

  1. Potassium.
  2. magnesium.
  3. Phosphorus.
  4. sodium.
  5. Gland.
  6. Yoda.

Useful properties of apricot jam

  • Improves intestinal peristalsis, that is, problems such as flatulence and constipation disappear.
  • Work is stimulated of cardio-vascular system.
  • The processes of detoxification of the body are accelerated. This is a special merit of pectin, which promotes the removal of cholesterol and metabolic products.
  • Immunity increases and hemoglobin increases thanks to ascorbic acid and vitamin E.
  • Reduces fever and helps to get rid of cough.
  • Helps relieve asthma.
  • Serves prophylactic for anemia and atherosclerosis. This happens due to the fiber of the fruit, which is not destroyed during cooking.
  • Moisturizes the retina of the eye, thereby improving vision.

Apricot jam can make up for the lack of potassium. This is especially important when using diuretics.

During the Cold War, there was an opinion that jam with nucleoli fruits develops resistance to radioactive radiation. Indeed, the thermal effect on the nucleolus promotes the release of a number of useful substances. However, modern studies have not proven the benefit of apricot kernels for resistance to radiation. Also, scientists came to the conclusion: sweet-tasting grains can be consumed in moderation. But the bitter-tasting bones are dangerous to health. They contain special poisons, which decompose in the intestines, have toxic properties.

Interesting fact: apricot kernels contain cyanide.

Is apricot jam harmful?

Like any product, apricot jam has a number of contraindications. Anyway consultation with a physician is necessary. Do not rely on traditional medicine and treat psoriasis or bronchitis with this dessert!

The abuse of jam can adversely affect the figure, because it is a source of fast carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is 238 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, the calorie content, for example, of cherry jam is 256 kcal, raspberry jam - 273 kcal.

If you cook jam without sugar, then its calorie content will be much lower. But the sweetness will remain, because the fruits are sweet in themselves.

Like any other sweets, the product negatively affects the condition of the teeth - an invisible film appears between them, which serves as an excellent environment for the formation of bacteria. To neutralize it Negative influence, it will be enough to rinse the mouth with warm water after eating.

The use of apricot sweets should be limited:

  • If you are allergic to apricots. They are classified as strong allergens. The severity of the body's reaction to the allergen is individual. The disease may not manifest itself for years, and then suddenly make itself felt. Symptoms of apricot allergy are typical: itching, rash, swelling of mucous membranes, nausea, runny nose, increased lacrimation. If at least one of these signs appears, not only apricot jam should be excluded from the diet, but also cosmetics containing an extract of this fruit. Most often, an allergy to apricots goes away after two to three years. A repeated allergy test will help confirm or refute this fact.
  • In the presence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and liver, for example, increased acidity of the stomach, kidney failure, gastritis, ulcers.
  • Obese people because the sugar content is quite high.
  • People with hypotension, since apricot has the ability to lower blood pressure.

original recipes

There are a lot of recipes for apricot jam. Apricot jam is especially original:

  • With walnuts.
  • With redcurrant.
  • With strawberries / strawberries.
  • With cherry plum.
  • With kiwi.
  • With cognac/rum.
  • With oranges.
  • With peanuts.
  • With tea rose petals.
  • With lemon zest.
  • With carrots.
  • With almonds.

To keep the fruit intact when removing the pits, it is recommended to use a wooden stick (such as a sushi maker) to push the pit out.

To make the dessert as juicy as possible, the apricot needs to stand with sugar before cooking. 5-6 hours until the juice comes out.

The prepared jam is packaged in glass jars or earthenware vessels of the required volume. More often - 0.5 liters. Banks are corked only upon cooling. In this case, the shelf life of the product is about four months. If you roll up the jar with a can key, then the shelf life will increase to 1 year.


The use of apricot treats should not exceed 8-10% of the daily diet. Be aware of diabetes! If the body is healthy, then thanks to the B vitamins, the use of jam will have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

In everything you need to know the measure! Moderate consumption of treats is useful for pregnant women and the elderly. Iodine compounds, which are not destroyed during cooking, have a positive effect on the performance of the brain. This is facilitated by the release of serotonin, which occurs during the digestion of the product. And as, since serotonin is a hormone of joy, then the mood after a couple of spoons of apricot jam will definitely rise!

Many people like to eat apricot jam just like that, with tea, or use it as a filling for homemade fluffy pies, various pastries, pancakes, layer cakes. In addition, jam can be added to.

Apricot jam, the benefits and harms of which largely depend on personal taste preferences, retains all its beneficial properties after heat treatment. Another advantage of jam is that it does not spread like others when spread on bread or cake. So it’s a pleasure to have a bite to eat before work, as well as put it on the table for guests for tea.

What is useful apricot jam?

The rich taste of apricot jam is due to the ingredients.

The product contains:

  • sugar;
  • fruit pectin;
  • citric acid;
  • apricots.

Apricot jam - good or bad?

The benefits of apricot jam for the body are in its composition. The jam has the whole set beneficial vitamins(A, B, C, E, P, PP), nutrients and trace elements. It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. Apricot jam helps digestion, especially if a person suffers from constipation. A sweet delicacy of sunny apricots is recommended for those who want to cleanse the intestines of toxins. In addition, the benefits of apricot jam or jam are that it stabilizes the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, relieves arrhythmias and helps in the fight against asthma. Also, thanks to apricot jam, you can cope with colds, lower the temperature with tea with jam, and get rid of coughs. IN traditional medicine herbal teas are prescribed with the addition of apricot jam for anemia, to improve blood composition and to prevent atherosclerosis.

Is apricot jam good for everyone?

No. Apricot jam also has several disadvantages. The product does not pose any particular harm, but individual intolerance must be taken into account. Eating jam jars at a time is certainly not recommended. This will lead to the development of diabetes. It must be remembered that jam is a source of fast carbohydrates, so an immoderate amount of the product affects the figure. Jam can also affect the condition of the teeth. For those who have already been diagnosed with obesity or diabetes, it is better to refuse apricot jam altogether. Sometimes eating apricot jam can cause an allergic reaction. Perhaps this is due to the reaction to the composition of the fruits themselves. Apricot jam should not be eaten when there is an upset stomach, diarrhea. Jam will only enhance the "effect".

Generally, useful properties apricot jam has much more.

Man has long been familiar with the sunny fruits of apricots. For several centuries, people have been quenching hunger and thirst with them, and have also been used in the treatment of ailments. They are filled with vitamins, microelements, give vitality, strength, efficiency, tone up the body. But for the use of fruits to be beneficial, you need to use only ripe fruits. By the way, very useful dried apricots are also prepared from ripe apricots.

So how to determine the ripeness of an apricot, a description of the benefits and harms, the use of fruits for healing the body, what? Today I will tell you about it:

What does an apricot look like? Description of tree and fruit

It is a deciduous tree living in a suitable climate for up to 100 years. Its height is average, under 8 meters. The bark of an adult tree is cracking along the growth of the tree, gray-brown. New shoots are glabrous, shiny, reddish brown. The leaves are petiolate, rounded, alternate, ovate, at the apex attenuated, double-toothed or finely serrated, under 9 cm.

Flowers on short stalks or sessile solitary, under 30 mm in diameter, five-dimensional, with 5 dark red, oval sepals, bending down when flowering. White petals with pink veins. Stamens from 25 to 45 pcs. The flowers open before the leaves open in March-April.

The fruits are round - elliptical, with a groove dividing it into two parts, juicy, yellowish-reddish from one side, the color of a drupe with one stone. The bone is smooth, thick-walled. The skin is pubescent like velvet. The pulp of the fruit is sweet. Fruit weight from 3 to 80 g depending on cultivation and variety. Fruiting in June - August.

Why is apricot useful? The benefits of fruits

Ripe orange fruits contain a large amount of iron, potassium and B vitamins. Therefore, they are recommended to be used more often for anemia, cardiovascular diseases and other pathological conditions caused by a deficiency of these substances. The fruits are also rich in vitamin A. Therefore, they are very useful for bones, skin, and also improves vision.

The use of apricots has a positive effect on the state of the liver, gallbladder, and has a moderate choleretic effect.

Pour water into the pan to the fruits (about 200-250 ml) and add sugar. Cook fruit with sugar over moderate heat. Stir the mass regularly with a wooden spatula, but with special care. Cook until all the sugar is dissolved in the liquid, but not burnt. If you suddenly overlooked a little, then you can add a little hot water.

Having boiled the syrup with apricots in this way, let it cool. After that, pour the syrup into a separate bowl and return it back to the stove. Pour fruit with boiling syrup. Then, when it cools, drain again and bring to a boil. The procedure is repeated at least 3 times. Look at the saturation of the jam.

When the jam has acquired the desired density and taste, it can be laid out in sterile jars and corked. Sunsets are immediately wrapped in a towel, which was previously soaked in water. In the cellar we remove the already cooled workpiece.

The recipe involves making apricot jam with slices of soda so that the fruits do not boil soft and retain their shape.

The recipe will require some attention and diligence. Required products:

  • Fruit - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

From the washed fruits, remove the seeds and divide the fruits into slices. So that during the thermal treatment the fruits do not fall apart, you need to pour the slices for 5 minutes with a soda solution. We dissolve soda in 1.5 liters of water.

Separately, we prepare the syrup, with which we fill the apricot slices. Let them cool, then drain the syrup back and boil again. Pour the boiled syrup again into the pan with apricots and cool again. This procedure must be repeated 4 times. For the last time, let the jam cool completely, and distribute it in sterile jars.

You can easily and quickly prepare apricot jam with slices in a slow cooker. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fruits (apricots) - 0.6 kg;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 pc.

Dry the washed fruits with a kitchen towel and remove the seeds from them. Next, cut the apricots into slices and put them in the multicooker bowl. From above we fall asleep our fruits granulated sugar, add lemon juice mix well but gently. We select the “extinguishing” mode and set the equipment for an hour of work.

Please note that if the mode is set to “stewing”, then you can cook with the lid closed, if “baking”, then do not close the lid. Periodically stir the jam for the first 15 minutes and constantly for the last 15 minutes so that it does not burn.

When time will pass- the jam is ready and it can be poured into clean steamed jars. Having rolled up the blanks, turn them over, wrap them and leave them to cool. The recipe can be slightly modified to your liking, for example, adding nuts or apricot kernels. Happy tea!

If a lot of unripe fruits have come across from a crop or a purchased apricot, you should not be upset.

You can make amazing jam from unripe apricots with an original shade and aroma. For him we take:

  • Green apricots - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Half a lemon (juice);
  • Water - 3 tbsp.

Walnuts in apricot jam are so delicious that I first choose all the nuts from the jar, and then proceed to eat the jam itself. Therefore, I select the components according to the principle "the more nuts, the better."

Here is a list of the minimum number of ingredients:

1 kg apricot (pitted)
- 300g shelled walnuts (or 1 kg unshelled)
- 600g sugar

I made jam for 8 kg of apricot. I give a photo of the ingredients "in miniature".

Cooking time: 4-5 hours (excluding breaks in cooking - 2-3 days)
Difficulty: medium

I remove the pits from the apricot. This time I was lucky - the bone was easily separated.

I sprinkle fruit with sugar.

I mix. I leave for a few hours so that the apricots release juice. This time I left it overnight.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. I let it sit for a few hours. Bring it back to a boil and simmer for a bit.

And for the third time I repeat this procedure. The fruits were slightly greenish, with dense pulp, so without much effort the apricot halves remained intact and did not boil.

I shell the required amount of nuts.

Thus, I destroy all my last year's stocks of nuts, preparing the pantry for a new harvest.

I break very large pieces of kernels in half.

I bring the jam to a boil for the fourth time and pour in the kernels of the nuts.
I mix. This is the last brew.

Jam boils for 20 minutes along with nuts.

I pour hot into pre-sterilized jars and cork. The jam still needs to be insisted so that walnuts well soaked in apricot syrup.

So you have to look forward to winter or look for another excuse to enjoy such an amazing dessert.

Apricot jam with kiwi

This is the most unusual recipe for making apricot jam, which has an original and very pleasant taste.

- 450 grams of kiwi,
- 1.3 kilograms of apricot,
- 130 grams of brandy,
- gelatin,
- A few tablespoons of citric acid,
- 1.6 kilograms of sugar,

Kiwi and apricots need to be peeled and pitted. Cut the apricots and kiwi into small pieces of the same size, after which the fruits need to be covered with sugar so that they are completely covered with it, add a little citric acid and put them on the fire to cook. Bring the mixture to a full boil and cook the jam for another ten minutes, stirring the jam all the time. Dissolve some gelatin in water and pour into jam, and bring to a boil once more. When the apricot jam is completely ready, it must be removed from the stove, add brandy, mix everything and arrange in pre-prepared jars.

The easiest to prepare apricot jam recipe which is given below, does not require special skills and knowledge.
To prepare it you will need:
- 1 kg of ripe and juicy apricots;
- 1.4 kg of granulated sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid;
- 0.5 l. water.

Fragrant apricots are thoroughly washed and punctured in several places with a wooden toothpick (or a wooden hairpin). Then the prepared fruits are sent for one minute in boiling water, after which they are quickly cooled. Apricots of small size can be cooked whole, large fruits - you will need to divide them in half along the groove in advance, removing the stone.

Apricots are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup and boiled in several stages: fruits with stones - in 3-4 doses at intervals, without stones - in 2 doses.
During cooking, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam, so that later the delicacy does not become candied and does not lose its taste.

Another popular recipe for apricot jam will require:

1 kg of ripe fruits;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Fragrant ripe apricots will need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly in running water, dry on a napkin, remove the bones from them and divide into parts along the groove. Then, on the bottom of the cooking utensils with wide and low sides, put the halves of the fruit upside down with cups, cover with sugar so that all the halves are filled with sugar. Next - lay another layer of apricots - and again cover with sugar. Do this until all the fruits are in the cooking pot. After finishing all the work, the dishes with apricots sprinkled with sugar must be left for a day.

Next, the container with apricots is sent to the fire and, gently stirring, dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. The jam is brought to a boil over low heat, constantly removing the foam that has come out. About half an hour before removing the jam from the heat, add citric acid to it and mix well.

Unusual apricot jam with ginger, almonds and carrots

For this beautiful, unusual and very tasty jam, you will need 100 grams of peeled and grated carrots, 600 grams of fresh apricots, 5 cm grated piece of ginger, 400 grams of powdered sugar, juice from one lemon, 50 grams of chopped almonds.

Put the grated carrots in a saucepan and pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer until the carrots are soft. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pit and add to the boiled carrots. Cook everything together for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Add ginger, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Drop the almonds into the hot jam. Let it cool a little and put it in sterilized jars.

Over one year old

Apricots are very tasty fruits with a pleasant aroma, which, in addition, have many advantages. Many delicious dishes can be prepared from these fruits - pies and pies, jelly, juice, compote and jam.

With the approach of winter, many housewives make preparations - they preserve vegetables, make jam. Apricot jam is one of the most delicious, and its beautiful color and wonderful aroma make it even more seductive.

Cooking apricot jam in general is not at all difficult. Let's look at a few recipes.

Ripe apricot jam recipe

How exactly to cook jam is a matter of taste, each housewife has her own recipe or even several. Someone likes jam from slightly unripe fruits, the other prefers a delicious delicacy from ripe apricots. So, jam from ripe apricots.

A kilogram of sugar is traditionally taken per kilogram of fruit, but in this case the jam will be very sweet, so you can put 700-800 grams of sugar per kilogram of apricot. Choose fruits in which the stone is easily separated from the pulp, otherwise peeling the apricot from the stones will turn into torment.

Apricots must be thoroughly washed, pitted and put in a container where you are going to cook them. Pour the ripe fruits with sugar and leave overnight to release the juice. The next day, the jam must be boiled for the first time.

If it turns out to be a lot, it is better to cook in an aluminum basin or bowl, in enameled dishes it can burn. If you are cooking a kilo of fruit or a little more, an enameled bowl will do. You can start cooking jam on high heat, and when it boils, make the fire smaller. The fruits must be stirred periodically so that the mass is homogeneous. Usually for the first time it is enough to boil the jam for 15 minutes.

The second time it can be boiled on the same day in the evening or the next day, also boil for 15 minutes. If you boil several kilograms of apricots in a large container, it will take longer to boil.

Ripe fruits are boiled soft and it turns out something like apricot jam. Immediately after you have boiled the jam for the second time, you need to roll it up in jars (previously sterilized) and put it to cool. Both metal and plastic lids can be used. So that the jam does not sour and mold does not occur, the lids should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, for this it is convenient to use metal tweezers.

Some housewives, before rolling up the finished jam, sprinkle it on top with a small amount of sugar already right in the jar, and then roll it up or close it with a plastic lid. This also helps prevent mold.

Jam from unripe fruits

There are also a lot of fans of this version of apricot jam. Unripe fruits during the cooking process do not boil soft like ripe ones, but remain intact. They harden slightly and float in a very tasty apricot syrup, so both of these options are very good in their own way. We choose apricots by no means green, but simply hard, but already juicy and having the taste of a ripe fruit. We clean it from bones, put it in a container for cooking and cover it with sugar. Unlike ripe apricots, unripe apricots will release little or no juice.

This jam can be left overnight, or you can add a little boiled water to a basin or bowl and immediately start cooking. As the jam heats up, it must be thoroughly mixed so that the sugar dissolves in the water and the fruits begin to release juice over time. After you have boiled it enough, leave the jam to cool until the next time. In the evening of the same for or the next day, the jam must be boiled again, put into jars immediately after cooking and closed.

There is another tempting cooking option for non-lazy housewives. If you have time and want to make the jam a little unusual, you can do the following. After you have boiled the jam for the first time and are going to cook it again, remove the fruits from the cooking container and transfer them to another. Start cooking only the syrup separately, when you boil it for 10-15 minutes, put the fruits in the hot syrup.

You can boil it for a couple of minutes in syrup or immediately turn off the gas. In this case, the jam should brew a little. The result will be something like candied fruits - the fruits will be hard, soaked in syrup, you will get a very tasty and unusual apricot jam.

Another option is apricot jam.

Ripe fruits are more suitable for jam, they can also be mixed with slightly unripe ones, the jam will not get worse from this. Apricots need to be washed, pitted and twisted in a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. You can put less sugar if you don't like too sweet

You need to start cooking jam on low heat, it is much more likely to burn than jam. It can be boiled once, only carefully, for 20-25 minutes. For a guarantee, you can boil the mass twice, just try not to digest it. In this case, the color of the jam will be very dark and an unpleasant aftertaste may appear.

After cooking is over, the jam should be put into jars and rolled up, just like jam.

Apricot jam with lemon and orange

Apricot goes well with citrus fruits, so you can cook such a combined option. For a kilogram of fruit, you will need one lemon and one orange. Wash citrus fruits, no need to peel them. Then we twist them in a meat grinder and add to the washed and peeled apricots. Next, cook the jam according to the above scheme, mixing thoroughly, removing the foam when it boils for the first time.

Walnuts can also be added to this jam. You need to add them when the jam boils for the second time and then boil it for another 10-15 minutes. Many also really like the contents of apricot pits, you can not throw away the pits, but chop them with a hammer and extract the kernels.

They can be added to jam instead of walnuts. In this case, it will acquire a characteristic aroma and taste. In general, choose any of the options you like and enjoy this wonderful delicacy!

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A spoonful of apricot jam can turn any porridge into a real delicacy, and cottage cheese into a dessert. True, when buying such a jam, one must be able to choose tasty and beautiful.

I must say that the owners always try to save delicious apricot jam for guests. True, jam is not only made from apricots. They are dried, dried, candied fruits, marshmallows are made and compotes are cooked. Women in the Caucasus roll fruit puree into thin layers, dry them in the sun, cut them into pieces and wrap crushed walnuts with honey in them. It turns out a wonderful sweetness that can give a head start to any snickers.

And compote from apricots turns out to be tasty, fragrant and viscous. In large industries, even apricot kernels are not thrown away, which are used to make oil, which is used in the cosmetics industry.

To cook good apricot jam, you need to choose the right fruits. Only in this case, the delicacy will be useful and tasty. Apricots contain vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, potassium, calcium, silver, magnesium, iodine, copper, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon. Apricots will be useful for those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous disorders and reduced immunity. In addition, if you use apricot regularly, you can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin and improve skin condition. True, this berry contains a lot of sugar, so patients diabetes apricots are not recommended.

To make the jam perfect in taste and smell, it is necessary to use only varietal apricots for its preparation, which do not have spots on their surface. To make jam, apricots are usually chosen, which taste slightly sour. And in order to cook the most delicious jam, which is called "Royal", you need to add walnuts, pine nuts and almonds to it.

However, when using apricot jam, which was purchased at the store, one of the troubles is the preservative. Ascorbic acid is often used as a preservative. At one time it was obtained from rowan juice. However, now this method of obtaining ascorbic acid not used. Most often, this preservative is obtained synthetically. This acid is called additive E200. There is an opinion that E200 is not harmful to the body, but on the contrary, it is useful. True, for some reason, a norm was created for adding this preservative to products, they say, so that there is no allergy to it.

In addition to E200, benzoic acid E210 is also used for preservation. This preservative blocks the growth of molds and yeasts. It seems that his mission is good, but if an overdose of E210 is allowed, then this is fraught with a strong “blow” to the liver and kidneys.

In general, it must be said that there is permission to produce jam with preservatives, but they must be indicated in the list of ingredients. True, in some jars with purchased jam, you can detect the remains of sulfur dioxide, which also does not add health. This anhydride gets into apricot kernel jam if they were treated with sulfur dioxide before cooking. This is done so that the fruit does not darken before cooking. But such processing also has positive side, which consists in the fact that such a "processed" jam will never be covered with mold and there will be no toxins in it.

Of course, toxins are not good, so you can’t eat that jam that is covered with a white crust of mold on top.

If appearance jam will be too dark, this is the result of a long boil. And this will also affect the usefulness of the product, because. during long-term heat treatment, hydroxymethylfurfural may appear in fruits, which in our country is rationed so far only in honey. It appears when the honey has been subjected to intense heat. So choose the right apricot jam or cook it yourself.