How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin. Rice porridge with pumpkin. Rice porridge with pumpkin in milk

Pumpkin porridge with rice in milk is soft and tender, with a beautiful golden hue. It can be eaten for breakfast, for lunch with meat or vegetables, diversifying the family's diet.

You will need:

  • granulated sugar- 55 gr.;
  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • pumpkin - 800 gr.;
  • a piece of butter;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt - 4 gr.;
  • rice - 90 gr.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove the peel and seeds from the pumpkin. We chop the pulp into small cubes and load it into a deep pan.
  2. Pour the pieces with water and cook on the stove from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes.
  3. Add milk and wait until the liquid boils again.
  4. Pour sugar with salt, mix the pumpkin mass.
  5. Under the tap, we wash the rice and load it with the products. It should be evenly distributed over the surface. You can’t mix it with pumpkin, otherwise the grits will burn.
  6. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for half an hour with the lid ajar.
  7. Now you can mix everything, while pressing the pieces of pumpkin with a spoon. So the porridge turns into a homogeneous puree.
  8. We put the oil and lay out the appetizing steaming porridge on the plates. Bon appetit!

Delicious breakfast option in a pot, in the oven

List of ingredients:

  • milk - 0.6 l;
  • pumpkin - 0.7 kg;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 6 gr.;
  • rice groats - 80 gr.;
  • a handful of raisins - 50 gr.;
  • sugar - 60 gr.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice:

  1. Drop raisins into boiling water. We are waiting 10 minutes. After that, rinse under the tap. It is considered a dark variety of raisins more useful.
  2. Cut the fresh pulp of the peeled pumpkin into pieces, load it into a blender and grind.
  3. Washed rice is added to the pumpkin mass.
  4. Sprinkle salt, raisins and sugar. We mix.
  5. For this volume of products, we need 4 pots with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
  6. At the bottom of each of them pour 50 ml of milk.
  7. Pour the pumpkin mixture on top and spread evenly over the pot.
  8. Pour 150 ml of milk into each container.
  9. Porridge should not be at the very edges of the dishes, as it will increase in size during baking. Therefore, this point should be taken into account.
  10. We arrange the pots on a baking sheet and close in the oven. We haven't warmed it up yet.
  11. We set the temperature to 180 degrees for half an hour, then translate the indicator to 150 degrees and cook for another 50 minutes.
  12. As soon as the porridge is cooked, spread a piece of butter and bake for another 10 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Main products:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • a piece of butter - 70 gr.;
  • milk - 0.32 l;
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.;
  • white rice - 160 gr.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice in milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Chop the peeled orange vegetable into small cubes.
  2. We spread the pieces on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  3. Fill with water and add oil.
  4. In the menu of kitchen appliances, click on the "Baking" button and cook for 25 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, add sugar, washed rice and salt.
  6. Pour milk, mix the products.
  7. We change the cooking mode: “Milk porridge” or “Stew”. Time - 50 minutes.
  8. After the porridge is ready, you can add any dried fruits you wish to it.

Millet rice porridge

Recipe Ingredients:

  • rice - 90 gr.;
  • sugar - 25 gr.;
  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • millet groats - 80 gr.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rinse millet several times under the tap.
  2. Dip it in a pot of water and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the washed rice groats to it, pour in the milk and cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. It remains to close the dishes with a lid and wait until the porridge is fed for about 10 minutes.

Pumpkin porridge with rice in milk for a child

Babies need softer, more tender, moderately fatty foods. For them, we will modify the recipe for ordinary porridge.

What to take:

  • water - 0.4 l;
  • pumpkin - 0.25 kg;
  • milk - 0.8 l;
  • round rice - 180 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 70 gr.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Remove seeds and skin from pumpkin. We chop the pulp into large pieces.
  2. Rinse rice grains several times with water.
  3. We spread it on the bottom of the pan and fill it with water.
  4. We pass the pieces of pumpkin through a grater with large links and combine with cereals.
  5. When almost all the water is gone from the pan with rice, pour milk at room temperature.
  6. Pour in the sugar. Honey can be used instead of sugar.
  7. We cook the dish for 15 minutes.
  8. Soft, tender porridge for children is ready!

Milk treat with pumpkin and apples

If you do not like too sweet porridge, add sour apples. They will give the dish a slightly sour taste and a delicate aroma.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • salt - to taste;
  • apples - 0.1 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 60 gr.;
  • pumpkin pulp - 150 gr.;
  • rice - 0.2 kg.

Action algorithm:

  1. We remove the thin peel, core and seeds from the apple. Everything else is chopped into cubes.
  2. Cut the peeled orange pumpkin into small pieces.
  3. We spread the chopped pumpkin on the bottom of the pan. Pour vegetable oil.
  4. We wash the rice several times and cook it in a separate bowl for 10 minutes.
  5. Add half of its amount to the pumpkin. Do not stir.
  6. Pour the apples on top, and put the remaining half of the rice on them. It turns out a multi-layered porridge.
  7. Separately, bring 200 ml of water to a boil, salt it and pour the contents of the pan.
  8. Cook the food until the ingredients are soft. Delicious beautiful porridge is ready.

You will need:

  • a handful of raisins;
  • pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • a little prunes;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • rice - 380 gr.;
  • sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a whole round pumpkin. Cut out the bottom with a knife and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
  2. Boil the washed rice groats in water. Don't forget to salt it.
  3. We wash the prunes with raisins under the tap and combine with rice.
  4. Sprinkle sugar to taste if desired.
  5. Fill the pumpkin with the resulting rice porridge. We close it with a hat, which was cut off.
  6. We put this miracle in the oven and bake for 45 minutes.
  7. If you do not want the dish to come out too dry, pour some milk or cream into the pumpkin. Bon Appetit everyone!

In autumn, a pumpkin appears in almost every home: it is easy to buy it on the market or receive it as a gift from friends. In order not to wonder how to use vegetable stocks, try diversifying your diet: cook delicious rice porridge in the morning. If cooked in water, it is suitable for dieting.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice

Like other dishescooking pumpkin porridge with ricestarts by selecting a list of products. The ingredients must be fresh to make the delicacy tasty and fragrant. The main ones are rice groats - round-grained, because it swells better, and pumpkin pulp. Honey varieties of pumpkins are excellent for cooking, they are distinguished by their bright color and rich sweetness.

The list of products includes low-fat or homemade milk, which is poured over rice and pumpkin flakes. Sugar, salt, butter or vegetable oil are added to taste. It will turn out especially tasty if the dish is seasoned with dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, or vanilla, nuts. It is allowed to supplement it with any any sweet fruit - apples, bananas, apricots.

The easiest way to cook a treat is in a saucepan. To do this, the pumpkin is cut into cubes, soaked and boiled for 15 minutes on minimum heat. Then you need to add milk to it, season with sugar, salt, boil and add washed rice. After re-boiling, the dish is infused for 20 minutes on the stove, and when served, it is seasoned with butter and powdered sugar. In addition to using a saucepan, there are options for cooking in a pot in the oven or in a slow cooker.

In a slow cooker

Would be a great breakfastpumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cookercooked with skimmed milk. It is easy to cook if you put steamed cereals on the bottom of the bowl along with pumpkin cubes, season with sugar and salt and pour milk or its mixture with water. All that remains is to select the appropriate mode - cereals, soup or stewing, so that the program starts and gives a signal when ready.

In the oven

Tasty option breakfast or dessert is servedpumpkin porridge with rice in the ovencooked in pots or whole pumpkin. Pots are preferable because they take less time. In each, you will need to put pre-washed rice, pumpkin pulp and spices. Water or milk is also poured there. A delicacy is prepared without a lid in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour and a half. Served with liquid honey or melted butter.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with rice

Any culinary specialist can findporridge recipe with pumpkin and rice, which would correspond to his level of professionalism. Beginners can easily handle simple recipe, which is based on milk or water, with the addition of raisins, apples, and other fruits. Experienced housewives will be able to cook a dish in pots, in a whole pumpkin, or diversify it with other types of cereals - millet, barley or semolina.

On milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milkconsidered nutritious and healthy breakfast for child and adult. It gives the right amount of energy for the coming day, fills you with strength for work and study. If desired, it can be supplemented with cinnamon, vanilla or limit the added sugar.


  • pumpkin - 750 g;
  • rice groats - half a glass;
  • water - half a glass;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove skin and seeds from vegetables, wash and cut into cubes.
  2. Rinse rice groats with cold running water a couple of times to make the water clear.
  3. Put pumpkin pulp in a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a boil over medium heat. After 10 minutes, pour milk, boil, salt, sweeten.
  4. Pour in rice groats, loosely cover with a lid. Cook over low heat for half an hour without stirring.
  5. Add butter to the finished snack, stir.

On the water

  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 58 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Pumpkin porridge with rice on the waterIt has a low calorie content, as a result of which it can be used in fasting or during a diet. It is also suitable for vegetarians, because it does not contain animal products. How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin is described in the recipe below.


  • pumpkin pulp - 1000 g;
  • rice groats - half a glass;
  • raisins - 2 handfuls;
  • water - half a glass;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pumpkin pulp, peeled, cut into slices, pour water, boil over low heat.
  2. Pour rice cereal, boil for 10 minutes, stirring.
  3. Add washed raisins, cook until the cereal is soft.
  4. Salt, sweeten, grind with a blender until smooth.
  5. Season with vegetable or butter, let it brew.

in a pumpkin

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 93 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

The pinnacle of culinary excellence isrice porridge in pumpkinwhich is being prepared long time. The result is a stewed dish with dried fruits and a milky creamy taste, which is great for lunch or breakfast for an adult or a child. How to prepare a delicious treat that is appropriate to serve on festive table guests, see below.


  • pumpkin - a fruit weighing 2 kg;
  • rice groats - 400 g;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • dried apricots - 20 g;
  • prunes - 25 g;
  • raisins - 30 g;
  • nuts - 20 grams;
  • apples - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the pumpkin, cut off the top, remove the seeds with a spoon.
  2. Rinse the rice groats several times, pour boiling water on the last one, set aside for five minutes to release the gluten and obtain a more crumbly consistency.
  3. Rinse dried fruits, cut apples into slices.
  4. Mix rice groats, fruits, salt, sweeten with sugar, honey or condensed milk.
  5. Put half of the butter on the bottom of the pumpkin, stuff ¾ of the filling with the filling, put the rest of the butter on top.
  6. Pour milk or cream, carefully close the lid, wrap in foil.
  7. Bake in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 210 degrees.
  8. Cool before serving, cut into portions, sprinkle with almonds, walnuts or cranberries.
  9. The pumpkin lid can be omitted if the opening is covered with foil.

in a pot

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Pumpkin porridge with rice in a potwill be an excellent dinner option that will replace the main course and dessert due to the increased calorie content and sweet taste. A whole pot can be eaten by an adult, but it is better for a child to give half or a third of it. Condensed milk, raisins and dried apricots add sweetness to the appetizer - a great combination of gourmet products.


  • round-grain rice groats - a glass;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • condensed milk - half a glass;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk - a glass;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. At the bottom of the pot put butter, cubes of pumpkin pulp, half of the rice cereal.
  2. Salt, put dried apricots, raisins, the second half of rice cereal.
  3. Pour condensed milk, milk, close the lid.
  4. Put in a cold oven, heat to 180 degrees, cook for half an hour.
  5. After turning off, leave for 20 minutes.

with raisins

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 79 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Recipe for rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins, below, will explain to hostesses how to prepare a delicious and quick breakfast for the whole family. The secret of making is in the combination of pumpkin pulp with raisins and butter. The result is a bright appetizing dish that delights the household with its aroma.


  • rice - half a glass;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort raisins, wash, pour water for softness.
  2. Rinse rice groats, add water, boil, boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes, send to rice along with milk and raisins.
  4. Salt, sweeten, after boiling, cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
  5. Garnish with berries or jam when serving.

For a child

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 81 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Pumpkin porridge with rice for a child, especially if it is small, should be cooked without adding sugar so as not to spoil the teeth. By itself, the pulp of the pumpkin is sweet, so the child will be happy to eat it for breakfast or lunch. A vitamin treat will come in handy in the fall to protect the children's body from colds, strengthen immunity and health due to great content useful substances.


  • pumpkin pulp - 2 slices;
  • rice groats - half a glass;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the rice, pour water two centimeters above the level of the cereal, boil, turn off the heat, let it swell.
  2. Coarsely rub pumpkin pulp, add to rice, salt.
  3. Boil the mixture, season with oil if desired.
  4. Serve chilled a bit.


  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 84 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Fast and a simple dish countslean rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker, which is prepared with time savings due to the absence of the need to follow it. The smart device does everything for the hostess on its own - all that remains is to prepare the components and pour them into the bowl, select the appropriate mode and wait for the signal indicating the end of the cooking process.


  • rice - a glass;
  • water - a glass;
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into slices, transfer to a slow cooker.
  2. Send sorted and washed rice there.
  3. Pour in water, sweeten, salt.
  4. Close the lid, set the mode of rice, cereals or pilaf. At the end of cooking and receiving a signal, insist in the heating mode for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve warm, drizzled with vegetable oil if desired.

with apples

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 90 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The sweet treat ispumpkin porridge with apple and rice, which can be used as a festive dessert. The perfect combination of fresh apples with a slight sourness and fragrant spicy cinnamon gives the dish a unique taste and rich smell.


  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g;
  • apples - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • round-grain rice - half a glass;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 3 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin and apple pulp into cubes, lightly fry in half the oil.
  2. Pour rice into pots, add fruits, sugar, salt, cinnamon.
  3. Pour boiling milk over, close the lids, rearrange in a cold oven.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, cook for 40 minutes.
  5. Serve garnished with berries or coconut flakes.

In the oven

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 96 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Has an unusual tasterice-millet porridge with pumpkin in the oven. It turns out at the same time sweet and not very, crumbly and fragrant. Dessert lovers will have to put more sugar in the dish, while the rest can use the appetizer as a side dish or an independent dish.


  • millet groats - half a glass;
  • rice groats - half a glass;
  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • milk - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 15 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash both types of cereals, soak in warm water for 20 minutes.
  2. Grate the pumpkin pulp, pour boiling milk over it, cook for six minutes.
  3. Add cereals, salt, sweeten, cook for eight minutes.
  4. Put the contents in a baking dish, decorate with pieces of butter, close the lid.
  5. Keep in the oven at 220 degrees for half an hour.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice - cooking secrets

To make it tasty and appetizingpumpkin and rice porridge, listen to professional advice. Here is what eminent chefs recommend about how to cook rice porridge with pumpkin at home:

  • before cooking, rice should be washed with running water a couple of times so that the liquid becomes transparent - this is how all the starch will come out, and the cereal will turn out to be crumbly and not stick together;
  • the dish goes well with lemon or orange zest, cinnamon and cardamom;
  • when adding dried fruits, they can not be soaked beforehand, because during the cooking process they will still swell;
  • the optimal proportion of liquid and cereals is 1: 1;
  • instead of sugar, it is allowed to use honey or condensed milk, which are put after cooking, so as not to lose beneficial features and not curl up;
  • it is good to decorate the finished dish when serving with crushed walnuts or almonds, add sourness with the help of cranberries or lingonberries.


Appetizing, juicy, fragrant pumpkin porridge with rice will be useful for adults and kids. You can cook it in a lean version or traditionally with milk and a variety of ingredients. By adopting several recipes, you can pamper your family every day with delicious sweet or hearty fragrant dishes from a juicy orange vegetable available on the market. all year round and rice served with meat or dried berries.

Pumpkin porridge with rice - a recipe for a very tender porridge.

Traditionally, pumpkin porridge with rice in milk is prepared from:

  • pumpkin pulp - 750 g;
  • pure liquid - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 280 ml;
  • rice cereal - 70 g;
  • a little butter for dressing;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

The juicy pulp of the orange fruit is peeled and cut into small cubes. Put it in a saucepan, add water and simmer over moderate heat for about 12 minutes. Next, the right amount of milk is poured in, sugar and a little salt are added. Rice groats, pre-washed, are added after boiling milk. Cook porridge until the cereal is ready, season with oil at the end and serve.

In a slow cooker

Cooked pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker has a rich taste and delicious aroma. This way of cooking will save time and get tasty dish- in a slow cooker, food will never burn, the food will be of the right consistency.

To prepare it is worth stocking up:

  • orange fruit pulp - 350 g;
  • white round-grain cereals - 150 g;
  • fresh milk - 350 ml;
  • water - 190 ml;
  • sugar - about 70 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil for filling.

Pumpkin pulp is cut into small cubes, placed in a multicooker bowl and filled with water. In the “Extinguishing” mode, cook it for about 8 minutes, then slightly suppress the pumpkin pulp that has become soft and the washed rice groats. Then send spices, sugar and salt, a little warm water and milk.

In the “Porridge” mode, cook the dish for about 45 minutes, then season it with oil and serve. It will be the perfect breakfast for the whole family.

How to cook porridge with pumpkin and rice on the water?

In fasting, you can cook porridge with pumpkin and rice on the water - the dish will not only diversify the diet, but also help improve the functioning of the immune system.

Appetizing, juicy, fragrant pumpkin porridge with rice will be useful for adults and kids.

It is prepared from:

  • pumpkins - 270 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • Sahara;
  • salt;
  • rice - ¼ cup.

Pumpkin should be peeled, cut, grated on a coarse grater. The prepared vegetable is folded into a saucepan along with washed rice, poured with water. Bulk components are sent next, and the dish is cooked over low heat for about 30 minutes until the cereal is ready. At the end, it is recommended to add a little honey and dried fruits.

With butter in a pot

Easy and healthy dish can be obtained from simple available products. In particular, porridge with rice and pumpkin cooked in pots will be hearty, nutritious and, in addition, have an excellent presentation.

For its preparation it is worth stocking up:

  • pumpkin - 0.7 kg;
  • rice - 90 g;
  • milk - 700 ml;
  • raisins - 40 g;
  • salt, sugar;
  • butter - 45 g.

For this amount of products you will need about 3 pots with a volume of 0.5 liters. If you take smaller containers, you will get more servings.

Pumpkin pulp is crushed in a blender, the cereal is washed. Both products are mixed together with granulated sugar, salt, pre-soaked raisins.

40 ml of milk is poured into each pot, the pumpkin mass is laid out and the rest of the milk is added. Do not fill the containers to the top - during the baking process, the volume will increase and the porridge can “run away”, staining the oven.

Put the pots on a baking sheet in a cold oven. Bake at 190 degrees for 25 minutes, then at 160 degrees for another 45 minutes.

Get it, put a piece of butter in each pot and send it to the oven for another 8 minutes.

Rice-millet porridge with pumpkin

Rice-millet porridge with pumpkin is an incredibly fragrant, attractive and tasty dish.

In the morning for breakfast, a light dish is appropriate from:

  • millet and rice cereals - 100 g each;
  • pumpkin pulp - 450 g;
  • salt, sugar;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • butter - 80 g.

Soak the grits for 18 minutes in separate containers. Peel the pumpkin pulp, chop and dip into boiled milk. Boil in milk for about 12 minutes, then add the soaked cereal without water, a little salt, granulated sugar, cook for another 10 minutes.

Not fully cooked porridge should be put in a baking dish, add oil and put in the oven for 35 minutes at 210 degrees. At the end, decorate with berries or dried fruits.

With raisins

An excellent tasty dessert can be obtained from the following products:

  • round-grain rice groats - 120 g;
  • pure liquid - 210 ml;
  • homemade milk - 240 ml;
  • pumpkin pulp - 270 g;
  • raisins - 55 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • sugar and salt.

Sort the raisins, wash and pour water. Rinse rice groats, add water and boil until tender. When the water is almost completely absorbed, crushed orange pulp, raisins and milk are added to the rice. Everything is seasoned with sugar, salt and cooked until tender. At the end, season with oil, put in portioned plates and serve. To prepare the dish, stock up on:

  • rice - 300 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • prunes - 70 g;
  • dried apricots - 70 g;
  • honey - to taste;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • salt.

Rinse white groats, soak in warm water for 30 minutes. Mix with grated pumpkin, honey and dried fruits, put in a baking pot, add honey and milk. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 60 minutes. Finish with oil and serve.

with apples

Pumpkin porridge with apples is a great option during the lenten period.

The dish is prepared from:

  • pumpkins - 550 g;
  • rice - 0.5 cups;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • raisins;
  • Sahara;
  • vegetable oil.

The pumpkin is cleaned, washed under running water, crushed in any convenient way. Rice groats are soaked in hot water, raisins - in a cool liquid. Apples are peeled and cut into small slices.

Boil pumpkin, add rice, sugar, salt and cook for about 15 minutes. Add apples, a handful of raisins, cook until cooked for another 12-20 minutes. Fill with oil, insist under the lid for 30 minutes, then serve.

Harmelon porridge is healthy hearty meal which is great for a family breakfast. Most often it is prepared sweet, but there are also neutral options. Garmelon porridge is rarely used as a side dish. Usually it acts as a full meal or dessert. Another advantage is that porridge can be easily introduced into the children's diet from the very beginning. early age. It will give the growing body the necessary vitamins and quickly saturate the baby.

Garmelon porridge is prepared from pumpkin pulp, and various cereals are also added to it. Mostly rice or millet is used. At the same time, the pumpkin is cut into cubes or grated and boiled immediately along with the rest of the ingredients. Candied fruits, jam, dried fruits, honey, fresh and frozen berries can be used as flavoring additives.

Garmelon porridge is cooked on the basis of water or milk. Usually the process takes very little time and does not require much control. Very simply, kale porridge is cooked in a slow cooker. Many modes are suitable for this, including “Cooking”, “Porridge”, “Baking”, “Soup”, etc. It all depends only on the model of the device.

Harmelon porridge can be made liquid by simply pouring a little more liquid into the saucepan. Salt, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla should be added depending on the desired taste of the dish. Serve the porridge slightly cooled after it has been infused in a slow cooker or saucepan. There are no special decorations for porridge. However, you can put pieces of fresh fruit or a little condensed milk on it.

Porridge with rice and pumpkin is very tender and fragrant, so your kids will surely like it. Especially if you add more sugar or honey to it. It is quite possible to use this dish for a hearty breakfast or as a healthy dessert. By the way, it is this porridge that is considered one of the traditional dishes in Turkey, where the benefits of pumpkin for the body are highly valued.


  • 700 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 100 g round rice;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes with a side of no more than a centimeter.
  2. Put in a saucepan, add milk and wait until it boils.
  3. Boil the pumpkin for 10 minutes, then mash it until pureed.
  4. Rinse the rice and put it into the same bowl.
  5. Boil rice for 10 minutes, then add salt and sugar to it, add butter.
  6. Mix everything well, remove from heat and leave covered for 20 minutes.

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Harmelon porridge without sugar with millet in milk

This recipe is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot eat a lot of sweets. For example, a dish will help diversify the children's diet. If you still want to add a little sugar, limit yourself to 1-2 tablespoons. You need to fill it up with salt. Millet, if desired, can be replaced with rice, or take half of either cereal.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 150 g of millet;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes.
  2. Rinse the millet and soak in hot water for 5 minutes.
  3. Bring milk to a boil in a saucepan.
  4. Put pumpkin and salt into boiling milk, boil again.
  5. Pour millet to the pumpkin, cook porridge over low heat for 20 minutes.

The cooking time for this porridge depends on your multicooker model. It is usually set automatically. However, if you do not have the appropriate program, cook the kale porridge in the "Baking" mode. This will take approximately 25 minutes. The calorie content of such porridge is low, because milk or any fatty foods are not used for its preparation. At the end, do not forget to add butter to the porridge.


  • 300 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • ¼ cup of millet;
  • ¼ cup of rice;
  • 1 ½ cups of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the millet, pour warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Also rinse and pour the rice in a separate plate.
  3. Grate pumpkin pulp, put in a multicooker bowl.
  4. Pour rice and millet there, mix everything.
  5. Add sugar and salt, mix again and pour everything with water.
  6. Cook in the special mode "Milk porridge" until the signal.

Now you know how to cook kale porridge according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Harmelon porridge is not a simple treat, but a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. This dish looks very bright and sunny due to the addition of pumpkin. At the same time, porridge turns out to be satisfying, because it is complemented by such cereals as millet and rice. There are no special secrets on how to cook kale porridge, but the following tips will come in handy for novice cooks:
  • Before cooking kale porridge, it is better to briefly pour warm water over both rice and millet. From this, the millet will not be bitter, and the rice will give off excess starch, and the porridge will not be viscous;
  • Be sure to add butter to the porridge. This can be done at the very end of cooking, or you can throw a piece of butter into the saucepan along with the rest of the ingredients;
  • If you are preparing kale porridge for small children, it is better to grate the pumpkin, but large pieces are also suitable for adults;
  • After cooking, it is better to let the porridge brew a little. To do this, wrap the saucepan with a warm towel and leave it in this position for 15-20 minutes;
  • Pay close attention to the consistency of the dish. If it is still dry and the water has already evaporated, add some more liquid.

Fall is here, and with it, pumpkin season. This means that at least once a week for breakfast we will have porridge with pumpkin and rice, my recipe is simple, I cook it on the stove, not in the oven. And I do everything in one pot or in a cauldron: first I boil the pumpkin, then I mix it with milk and add rice. The taste of rice porridge with pumpkin is even better than when the cereal is cooked separately and then combined with pumpkin puree. This is exactly the case where the simpler the better. I buy the most ordinary rice, unnamed, we sell it under the general name “round”, and I always take a bright, sweet pumpkin.

Recipe for porridge with pumpkin and rice


  • A piece of ripe bright pumpkin - 650-700 g;
  • round rice - 2 cups (faceted);
  • milk (3.5% fat) - 4 cups (one liter);
  • water - 2-2.5 cups;
  • sugar - 5-6 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • butter - 100 gr;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp (to taste).

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice

Let's do the pumpkin first. We clean it from the crust and seeds. If the middle is soft, fibrous, cut out this part. We have our own pumpkin, country pumpkin, with a very thin skin and a dense center. There is almost no waste, so I weighed the piece along with the crust. In its pure form, I think it turned out 550-600 grams or so. Cut the prepared pulp into medium-sized cubes.

Pour half a glass of water into a cauldron, put pieces of pumpkin, cover with a lid. On low heat, we darken it for about 15 minutes, boil it well, until soft. Mash with a masher into a puree. I do not make it completely homogeneous, I leave small pieces, then they still boil soft, knead when mixed. According to this principle, pumpkin porridge is prepared both rice and millet, although the option using a blender is also appropriate. But for him it is indispensable, you can’t get such a delicate creamy texture with a crush.

Pour pumpkin puree with boiled milk, bring to a boil again. If your milk is not boiled, be sure to boil it first to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of curdled milk.

Rice groats are washed. Pour into a large bowl, pour warm water, shake, change the water. And so on until the water is almost clean (it will not become transparent due to starch). There is another way - pour the cereal into a colander, rinse under running water. We shift into a cauldron with boiled milk, stir so that the rice does not stick to the bottom. We put a flame divider under the cauldron (this is such a metal circle with small holes), reduce the heat, steam the grits for 15 minutes. Pour in 1-1.5 cups of water, depending on the cereal. There are varieties that require a lot of liquid, and there are those that quickly steam out and become soft.

Pour sugar, salt, put butter. We stir. Steamed grains will immediately absorb sweetness and oil, rice porridge with pumpkin will have a balanced, very pleasant creamy taste.

Since childhood, I remember that ready-made cereals they always left it to brew, often even wrapped it in an old coat or fur coat and kept it for at least an hour. When I have time, that's what I do. When not, I let it stand in a cauldron for 10-15 minutes and arrange it on plates.

A couple of pieces of butter can be added to the plates, sugar is also added to taste in the finished porridge.

Look how appetizing porridge with pumpkin and rice turned out, you just want to try it! And there are even small pieces of pulp in it, everything we love. If there is a pumpkin left, do not put it off for a long time, cook it. Very tasty! Cook for health and with pleasure!