Pitted cherry plum jam with orange. The most delicious and simple recipe for making cherry plum jam for the winter. Cherry plum jam in a bread maker

The golden beauty of cherry plum - the basis of delicious cherry plum jam with oranges - is found everywhere in the south, costs mere pennies and is distinguished by its high yield. And in some places it is found growing wild, so you can pick it in any quantity completely free of charge. And prepare a fragrant, thick jam that will be perfectly stored for several years (due to the fact that the seeds are completely removed from the cherry plum). Orange gives the jam not only a pleasant, refreshing citrus taste, but also a delicate, subtle aroma - everyone will certainly like the jam, I guarantee.

Five-minute cherry plum jam with orange pitted

The easiest way to make jam from small yellow cherry plums.


  • 1 kg cherry plum;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1 kg sugar.


The most difficult thing to deal with is oranges: they need to be washed, freed from peels, seeds, and films. Leave only the pulp. Then mix with half the available sugar, pressing down lightly with a spoon, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5 minutes, always stirring. Cool at room temperature. Wash the cherry plum and remove the seeds, cook with the orange mixture for another 5 minutes. Leave for a couple of hours and then resume cooking after preparing the jars. I roll five minutes of cherry plum and orange into the smallest jars I can find.

Before storing the jam, bring it to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

Cherry plum jam with oranges without cooking

This preparation cannot be called a full-fledged jam, rather a dessert. I close it in clean jars under nylon lids, store it in the refrigerator for 4-5 days maximum, use it as a layer for baking and a filling for puff pastries, bagels, and envelopes. Cherry plum jam can also be frozen without cooking.


  • 500 grams of cherry plum;
  • 1 large ripe orange;
  • 2 cups sugar.


Rinse the cherry plum under the tap, dry it, remove the seeds. Using a blender, puree it, then rub through a sieve to remove any skins. Add sugar to the cherry plum puree and stir.

Wash the orange first hot, then cold water, cut into pieces along with the zest, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the cherry plum with sugar, arrange raw jam into jars and refrigerate.

Recipe for thick cherry plum jam with orange and pectin

In this case, I add a thickener to the jam - the result is a fragrant, golden, thick preparation, similar to jelly. An excellent filling for pies and puff pastries, and also a delicious dessert for tea. You will need very ripe cherry plum yellow color.


  • 1 kg cherry plum;
  • 5 glasses of sugar;
  • 2 medium sized oranges;
  • 1 tablespoon pectin.


Wash the jars in advance and rinse with boiling water. There is no need for sterilization - the product contains a lot of sugar, and it takes a long time to cook. Wash the cherry plum, let it dry slightly, remove the seeds, mix with sugar and cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring and removing the foam. At the end of cooking, add the peeled orange pulp, cook for another 5 minutes, cool. Resume cooking after 5-6 hours, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes and add pectin. Stir until it is completely dissolved, cook for another 3 minutes, put the jam in jars and screw on sterile lids.

Having eaten your fill of yellow plum to your heart’s content, you don’t mind using it to make jam for the winter. With or without seeds, the dessert always turns out amazingly aromatic, with a slight sourness. Our housewives have many recipes for plum jam from yellow fruits. In my notebook there are cooking options with lemon, cinnamon, apples, oranges, pears. If you like jam in slices floating in amber syrup, there is a recipe for it too. Choose and start preparing.

A simple recipe for pitted yellow plum jam

A classic option for preparing delicacies for the winter. The dessert comes in slices soaked in syrup. Stunningly soft amber color. For cooking, take strong fruits that are not too ripe. Save the weak ones for jam.

  • Plums - kilogram.
  • Sugar - kilogram.

How to cook the delicacy correctly:

  1. Rinse the fruit, dry it, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave it on the table to let out the juice and soak in the sweetness.
  3. When there is enough juice, set to cook. Boil the mixture over high heat.
  4. Take a break for 6-8 hours.
  5. Put it back to cook. When the dessert boils, remove from the stove for a couple of hours. During this time, the slices will be saturated with syrup and become amber and transparent.
  6. Do the third and final brew. Fill the jars, tighten, cool. Store the workpiece in the pantry or cellar.

Yellow plum jam with orange slices

Oranges, like other citrus fruits, are friends with plums of any color. The dessert turns out aromatic and tasty. Keep the recipe for making jam in slices boiled in syrup.

  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Orange.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water - a glass.
  • Baking soda – 5 gr.
  • Water for soaking drains - liter.

How to make jam in slices:

  1. To preserve the integrity of the plum slices during cooking, they must be soaked in a soda solution. Take 5 grams per liter of liquid. baking soda. Dissolve, add fruits with seeds into the solution. After 2-3 minutes, drain and rinse the fruit under running water.
  2. Remove the core, dividing the fruit into segments.
  3. Pour water into the cooking vessel and add granulated sugar. Place on the stove and cook the syrup.
  4. When the sweetness has fully blossomed, add plums. Wait until it boils vigorously, remove from the burner. Take a break from cooking for 10-12 hours.
  5. After the set time has passed, turn on the gas again. After the mixture boils, cook for 2-5 minutes, no longer. Remove from the stove and pause again for 10 hours.
  6. Before carrying out the third cooking, remove the zest from the orange and cut into arbitrary sizes. Add to dessert. In our family, the zest is prepared in advance, in winter. We never throw away the zest, dry it and put it in a jar.
  7. Let the delicacy boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Skim off the foam and let it boil vigorously. Place into jars. You can close it with screw, nylon, or iron lids; the dessert is perfectly stored in an apartment.

Plum jam with lemon and cinnamon – video recipe

Plum jam with pitted nuts

A simple dessert recipe, the most labor-intensive part is removing the kernels from the walnuts.

  • Plums – 2 kg.
  • Nut kernels – 200 gr.
  • Sugar – 6 glasses.
  • Water – 50 ml.

How to make delicious jam:

  1. Sort the fruit, removing the stems and seeds.
  2. Remove the walnut kernels from the shell. Fill with cool water for half an hour. Chop large grains with a knife first.
  3. Place the fruits in a cooking container, add about 50 ml. water. Turn on the gas. Wait for it to boil, cook for 20 minutes. Skim off the foam, don’t forget, this is important.
  4. After the specified time, add sugar and stir the plum mixture.
  5. Continue cooking for 40 minutes, stirring the contents of the pan occasionally.
  6. Drain the liquid from the nuts and let them cook.
  7. From the moment the mass boils, time it for 10-12 minutes. After the time has passed, immediately fill the jars and tighten.

Recipe for plum jam with apples

According to this recipe, you can cook yellow fruits with homemade pears that ripen at the same time. For cooking, choose ripe apples and hard pears.

  • Apples (pears) – kilogram.
  • Plums - kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 800 gr.
  • Citric acid – ½ small spoon.
  • Water – 100 ml.

How to cook dessert for the winter:

  1. Wash the fruit, select the middle, removing the seeds and seeds. Cut the apples into slices and plums into halves.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Pour syrup over sliced ​​fruits. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove foam. Leave to infuse for 4-5 hours.
  5. Repeat the procedure three times. Cook for 10-15 minutes during the last cooking time. Add citric acid, hold for 5 minutes, boil strongly.
  6. Pack into jars. Cork, cool, transfer to a pantry or cellar.

Five-minute yellow plum jam

An excellent recipe that many housewives choose for the opportunity to preserve vitamins in dessert.

  • Plums - kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.
  1. Remove the seeds from the fruit and cut large specimens into slices. Small fruits need to be divided into halves.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and leave until the juice is released in the amount required for cooking in syrup.
  3. After a few hours, set the treat to cook. If there is not enough syrup, add a little water to the pan.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the burner and skim off the foam. Leave to cool.
  5. After 3 hours, repeat the process. Then transfer to jars and roll under an iron lid. Keep refrigerated.

Thick jam from small plums

In fact, the size of homemade plums for cooking dessert does not matter. But if the fruit is substandard, make jam with a thick consistency.

  • Fruits – 3 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
  • Gelatin (or any gelling crystals) – 2 sachets.

How to cook for the winter:

  1. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Wipe in any way (sieve, colander), removing seeds and unnecessary skin.
  3. Return the mixture to the pan. Let it boil again. Dilute gelatin according to the instructions written on the package. Enter in dessert.
  4. After boiling, add sugar and stir. Cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  5. Distribute into jars and screw. Move to winter storage.

Video recipe for delicious cherry plum jam

Keep the recipe for winter jam from yellow plums with seeds and a step-by-step story. Good luck with your preparations.

Seedless yellow plum jam - simple jam recipes for the winter

Yellow plums are rare, very sweet. Unlike their blue brothers. The fruits are tasty both fresh and prepared. The preserves from them are bright, sweet, without sourness or bitterness.

I have already shared with you how to prepare a dessert from pitted blue plums. The same varied line of dishes has been invented for hybrid fruits. Jams and jams made from them turn out incredibly tasty. An ideal sweet for those who do not like sour desserts.

I offer you several options for pitted yellow plum jam. Each of them is good in its own way. There is a five-minute recipe and a classic method that takes several days to cook. Sweets with additives of orange, lemon, cinnamon, and nuts are presented.

To make the delicacy tasty and the jars of preparations to be stored for a long time, I will share with you some subtleties. Read about them at the end of the article.

Pitted yellow plum jam - a simple five-minute recipe

A delicious, amber dessert made from the fruits of a hybrid plum. If they are already overripe, then it is better to make jam from them. And the vigorous berries will be used for jam. It turns out tasty, with a slight sourness. The pulp of the fruit is soaked in sugar syrup.

What to prepare:

Cooking sequence:

1. Wash the fruits under running water. Dry and remove the stalks. Separate the pulp from the seeds.

2. Transfer to a cooking pot. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and leave on the table. We will wait until the fruit pulp releases juice.

2 Place the pan over moderate heat and bring to a boil.

The more juice in the pan, the greater the likelihood that the jam will not burn.

Let it simmer for 5-7 minutes and remove from the stove.

3. Pour into prepared jars. Be sure to turn it over onto the lid and cover it with a blanket. Until completely cooled.

That’s why jam is called five-minute jam. It cooks from the moment it boils, only 5-10 minutes. This dessert is best stored in the refrigerator or cold cellar.

How to make jam from pitted yellow plums for the winter

For long-term storage - for the winter, the dessert is boiled according to classic recipe. In two or three short doses. Between which they take breaks from 2 to 6 hours. Allowing the fruit to soak in the sugar syrup.


  • 1 kg of fruit;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 50 ml water;


We wash the fruits. We give them the opportunity to dry. Cut each berry into halves and remove the seeds. Add sugar. Leave for several hours to allow the plum to release its juice. The mass stood for 6 hours. The berries gave a lot of juice.

At this stage we see that there is no need to add water at all. The sugar has almost dissolved. When heated, the mass will become more liquid.

Place the pan on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat. And we send the jam to rest, for 6-7 hours. Until completely cooled. After a pause, put the pan back on moderate heat.

Place the pan back on moderate heat. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes. That's it, the amber dessert is ready. We package it in jars.

Yellow plum jam with oranges

This incredibly tasty delicacy is prepared in two ways: with cooking and without cooking. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first preparation option is live jam. It is prepared without heat treatment.


How to cook:

Wash the fruits thoroughly. Remove the seeds. Grind the berries in a meat grinder along with the orange. First cut the orange into slices. We take out the seeds and inner white veins.

Add sugar to the puree mixture. Mix everything well until it is completely dissolved. Divide into jars.

Live jam. Therefore, it is filled with vitamins and biologically active substances. But it can only be stored in the refrigerator. And then, for quite a short time.

Recipe No. 2. Jam from yellow plums with oranges (with cooking)

The second method, compared to the first, has advantages in storage. Heat-treated dessert can be stored at room temperature for more than a year. Provided there is good sealing. But during cooking, some of the vitamins are destroyed. I usually cook both, but little by little.

We will need:

  • 2 kg yellow plums;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 3 large oranges;

Cooking sequence:

We wash the berries. Place in hot water for about 5 minutes. Their skin should crack. Soften the pulp well. This is necessary in order to rub the pulp through a sieve, freeing it from the skin and seeds. Mix plum puree with sugar.

Wash the oranges well. You can even use soda. To wash off the waxy coating from the peel. Cut into slices. Select all the bones. Puree in a blender bowl.

Mix the orange and plum mixture. Place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 30 minutes.

Pour the finished orange-plum dessert into jars. Seal with lids. Set aside to cool, covered with a warm towel.

Preparing thick jam from yellow plums with lemon

I really like making jam with different additives. Hybrid plums are not included in the exceptions. Lemon can be placed in slices with peel. You can only use the zest. In both cases, it will be filled with a combination of double taste and aroma.

We will need:

  • 3 kg yellow plums;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 vanilla pods;
  • 2 lemons;

How we will cook:

Fill the yellow fruits with water. We wash, removing the stalks. Rinse under running water. And let it dry. Or we blot with a towel.

Separate the pulp from the seeds. If necessary, cut the halves into quarters. Transfer the fruits to a saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar. We'll also add vanilla pods here.

Mix the contents. Since the fruits are cut into pieces, they quickly release juice. You can leave the container with fruit for an hour and a half. During this time, some of the sugar will dissolve and become saturated with the aroma of vanilla. Place the pan on low heat. While the contents are heating and boiling, prepare the citrus fruits.

Wash the lemons well. Squeeze the juice from one fruit into a cup. Cut the second fruit into slices. Remove all seeds immediately. After the brew boils in the pan, add lemon and juice. While stirring, cook the dessert over low heat for 30 minutes.

Pour the finished treat into sterilized jars and close with lids. It is convenient to take small jars. So that after opening it can be eaten in one or two sittings.

Yellow plum jam recipe is to die for

This option is interesting for two important reasons. It uses little sugar. Too sweet jam is not for me. And further important point. Heat treatment of fruits is short. This means that there are more vitamins left in the treat.

And as a result, we get an incredibly tasty dessert: plums in jelly. So delicious you'll lick your fingers!

What is necessary:


We will prepare the jam in two stages. Wash the berries, cut them into halves and remove the seeds. Add sugar and leave for several hours. It is important that the fruit gives juice.

After time has passed, put the bowl of fruit in sugar syrup on the fire. Heat and bring to a boil. And we shoot right away. Now let's pause. For what?

Multi-stage heating and cooling of berries promotes the release of pectins and other substances. In syrup, they interact with each other and form a thick mass - jelly.

A jelly-like consistency can be obtained by settling the hot mass. The photo shows what plums look like at the cooling intermediate stage.

Put the brew back on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer for just 1 minute. Transfer the finished jam into sterilized jars. Roll up the lids. When cooled, the dessert turns out very thick. The berries seem to freeze in jelly.

How to make thick plum jam with cinnamon

Bright and juicy jam, filled with the aroma of cinnamon. It’s so tasty that everyone likes it, and it’s eaten very quickly. The consistency of the dessert is similar to jam. You can not only eat it with a spoon, but also spread it on a piece of bread. Use for filling pies and buns.

We take:

  • 2 kg yellow plums;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 cinnamon slices;
  • 200 ml water;


Place clean fruits in a saucepan. Fill with water. We put it on the stove. Cook for 5-7 minutes until the pulp begins to separate from the seeds.

Let the brew cool a little and rub everything through a sieve. Add sugar to the plum puree and mix. Put it on fire again.

Cook the contents for 30-40 minutes. We do not close the lid. The contents should boil down a little and thicken. About 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon. Pour the hot dessert - jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Pitted yellow plum jam with nuts

Thick, aromatic and very tasty jam. It is perceived as a dessert that you want to eat with spoons. Not only sweet, but also quite filling. Take 100 grams of walnuts per kilogram of berries.

What you will need:

  • 1 kg yellow plum;
  • 900 g sugar;
  • 100 g walnut kernels.

Cooking process:

Cut the washed plums into halves and remove the pits. Add sugar to the berries to separate the juice. and leave for 8-10 hours. How time will pass, put the pan on the fire. And after boiling, we will cook for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, steam the nuts in hot water. Soft kernels will better absorb sugar syrup.

Transfer the nuts to the pan and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Until the kernels are soft. We pack the hot dessert into jars. Close hermetically.

The line of yellow plum varieties was obtained by crossing a wild and cultivated tree. Hybrids turned out to be more hardy. Easily tolerates frost and unfavorable conditions. Unpretentious in care. One of the plum varieties has taken root in the harsh conditions of our region. For several years we have been preparing desserts for the winter from hybrid varieties. I have already gained some experience.

To make the jam transparent, it is better to take slightly unripe fruits. Leave overripe fruits for jam.

If the dessert is too runny, drain off the excess syrup. You can make jelly from it. Some housewives use pectin or gelatin to thicken the treat. They even add starch. But all this needs to be done only during the cooking process.

To keep winter preparations for a long time, it is better to sterilize the jars. You can, of course, simply wash them with a soda solution. But then, only serve hot dessert. Afterwards, be sure to wrap them in something warm. Let them cool slowly.

What to do if the plum product has fermented? I always add less sugar than indicated in the layout. I don't like desserts that are too sweet. Therefore, this happens sometimes. But there is no reason to be upset.

Open the jar. Pour the contents into a saucepan and add sugar. Boil the contents over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Replace the lids.

Seedless yellow plum jam is a delicious, aromatic delicacy. Choose the recipe you like and delight yourself and your loved ones with an amber dessert.

Plum and orange jam

An unusual delicacy - homemade plum and orange jam - will certainly add a touch of Mediterranean flavor to everyday life. Fragrant, tender and tasty - this is how everyone who tries it at least once will remember it, and then they will definitely ask for the recipe.

How to make plum and orange jam

Proper jam begins with the choice of food raw materials, in this case, oranges and plums. The fruits should be:

  • ripe and dense;
  • without damage or signs of deterioration;
  • preferably seasonal (for oranges this is early to mid-autumn).

Fruits need to be washed in several waters, pitted and, if necessary, cut into quarters if the fruits are large. To achieve a pleasant jam consistency, the plums need to be peeled by immersing them in boiling water for 30-40 seconds. This must be done before removing the seeds. Scald citrus fruits with boiling water and dry. Their further processing depends on the specific recipe.

So that, instead of real jam, you don’t end up with an incomprehensible sweet mixture of boiled fruits, you need to follow some rules.

  1. All plum fruits must have the same density.
  2. Fruit slices are boiled in syrup for a short time (according to the “five-minute” principle), and in between they are infused and imbued with sweetness and aroma.
  3. The amount of sugar in the syrup for jam must strictly correspond to the recipe.
  4. The foam that forms during cooking must be removed only with plastic or wooden utensils.
  5. Orange and plum jam usually contains enough acid from citrus fruits, but in some cases synthetic acid can be added to the recipe. This is also a preventive measure against jam sugaring during storage.

If you decide to boil plums without removing the skin, then it is useful to know that there is a good way to not only effectively remove any contaminants, including pesticide residues, traces of preservatives and even worm eggs, but also to improve the permeability of the fruit to sugar syrup. This is ordinary baking soda, which is used as a soaking solution. You need to dissolve 1 tsp. soda in 1 liter of warm water and pour this liquid over whole fruits. After 15 min. drain the solution and rinse the plums clean water and remove the seeds. You can do the same with citrus fruits, but make the soda solution hotter.

Recipes for plum and orange jam

The combination of flavors in recipes for such jam is a win-win thanks to the delicate texture and gelling properties of plum and the easily recognizable citrus note of orange.

Classic plum and orange jam

A good recipe instantly becomes a classic. And all thanks to the harmonious combination of fruits used.

  • 1 kg of ripe Renklod or Hungarian plums;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 kg sugar.

For this recipe, you need to peel the plums by pouring boiling water over the prepared fruits for a few minutes. Then cool slightly and remove the seeds. Carefully and thinly remove the zest from the orange using any acceptable method. Then peel the fruit from the white partitions so that bitterness does not transfer from them to the finished jam. Grind the orange pulp, removing the seeds.

Combine fruits in a wide, low saucepan. Add sugar and leave until the plum releases its juice. Now you can put the dishes on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, skimming off the foam.

After bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low and cook the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and leave in a cool place until it cools completely. Next, add the zest to the jam and bring to a boil, boiling for 5-10 minutes. Immediately pour the finished hot jam into jars and, after rolling up the lids, put them away for storage.

Plum jam with orange zest and juice

Delicious and healthy jam thanks to the maximum concentration of orange juice in his recipe.

  • 1 kg of yellow plum (or cherry plum);
  • 1.3-1.5 kg of oranges;
  • 1.3 kg sugar.

Remove the zest from prepared citrus fruits with a sharp knife or a special tool in the form of a thin long straw or spiral. You can grate the zest using a regular grater, but the first option looks great in a jar with ready-made jam.

Squeeze the juice from peeled oranges. The amount of citrus fruit indicated in the recipe should yield about 800 g of pure juice. Next, you need to put sugar in it, bring to a boil and slowly boil the syrup until it is a third less than it was at the beginning.

Pour hot (but not boiling!) syrup over the prepared plums and leave until cool. After this, bring to a boil, but do not boil, and let cool again. Repeat the cycle 2-3 times, intervals between cooking can be up to 12 hours. Add the zest at the last time.

Small glass containers must be thoroughly washed with soda, sterilized with hot steam and dried. Immediately after boiling, pour the hot jam into warm jars and close with screw caps or a key.

Honey jam from plums with orange

This is a real treasure trove useful vitamins and a lifesaver during the season of colds and ARVI.

  • 1.5 kg of cherry plum or yellow plums;
  • 0.5 kg of natural honey (preferably buckwheat);
  • 1.3-1.5 kg of oranges.

Sort out the ripe plums, wash and blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, piercing each fruit several times with a skewer or toothpick. After this procedure, drain the fruit in a colander and place it in ice water to cool quickly.

Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, bring to a boil and add honey to it, do not heat any more! If the honey is thick, it is better to melt it in a water bath in advance. Be sure to remove the foam. Pour the prepared hot syrup over the plums and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then pour into dry, heated jars.

Vitamin-medicinal jam according to this recipe is stored in the refrigerator or cellar. The remaining zest can be used to make homemade lemonade or dried to flavor tea.

Spicy jam from plums and oranges in the Caucasus

An unusual jam that will be appreciated by lovers of non-standard recipes with an authentic taste. The composition of the products captivates with its originality:

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1.3 kg peeled oranges (slices);
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • 50 g orange zest;
  • 100 g walnut kernels;
  • 20 g fresh ginger root;
  • 2-3 g cinnamon;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cut the peeled zest into thin strips. Remove the seeds from the washed plums and cut them into quarters so that they are approximately the same size as orange slices, which must be pricked in several places with a sharp stick or hairpin. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater, and chop the nuts finely, but not into dust.

Boil syrup from water and sugar. Place the plums one by one into the boiling syrup, then the orange slices, cook for 1 minute, remove from the heat and cool quickly. To do this, place the pan with jam in a wide bowl with ice water.

When the mixture has cooled completely, put it back on the fire and, bringing it to a boil, add all the other ingredients according to the recipe into the jam. Don't boil! Just mix and pour hot into prepared containers.

This aromatic Caucasian jam with a spicy note of ginger and a nutty taste should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for a maximum of 6 months.

Orange and plum jam in the oven

This recipe differs from others in its slight bitterness and special consistency, reminiscent of jam or marmalade.

  • 2 kg plums;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Prepare the plums as usual and cut into quarters. Cut the oranges and pass them together with the zest through a meat grinder or smash them with a blender.

Combine the prepared fruits, layering them with sugar. Wait until the plum releases juice, then place the bowl with the fruit in an oven preheated to 180°C. Bring to a boil and then reduce to low. Stirring frequently, simmer over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Pack the finished jam into jars while hot.

Thanks to the even heating of the oven, the jam according to this recipe turns out thick, like jelly, and is perfect as a filling for homemade baked goods.

Exotic plum jam with orange and bananas

This recipe successfully combines plums, oranges and aromatic bananas.

  • 1 kg plums (preferably yellow);
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Remove the zest from the citrus fruits in a thin layer and chop into strips. Cut the prepared plums into quarters, orange and lemon slices into 3-4 pieces, bananas into rings. Everything is separate.

First of all, cover the plums with sugar and leave for a while so that they give juice. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, reduce and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the zest, slices of bananas and citrus fruits, boil for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the hot mass into sterilized jars and seal.


Each plum and orange jam recipe gives you the taste of a summer orchard and energizes you with its citrus aroma. And due to the fact that both plums and oranges can be available at any time of the year, jam can often be made from them. A detailed recipe for plum-orange jam from the chef is in the video below.

Plum and orange jam

Plum and orange jam is aromatic, with a memorable sour-sweet taste. Any person who loves plums and homemade preparations from them will like it. You can learn how to prepare plum-orange jam from this article.

Rules for making plum jam with oranges

It will not be difficult for young housewives who are just starting to practice canning to make plum jam, because this process is simple, and preparation for it does not take much time. When starting to prepare plum jam with orange, you need to remember the following:

    Jam with seeds can be made from medium and small plums, which are ideal for this.

You can store plum jam either in a cool cellar or in the refrigerator, so the jars can be closed with either tin or thick plastic lids.

Classic recipe for plum and orange jam

To prepare classic plum jam, you will need:

  • 1 kg of fruit and sugar (or more, but you need to adhere to the recommended ratio);
  • 1-2 oranges (medium to large).

You can cook it with or without seeds.

  1. In the first case, after preparing the plums, put them in a saucepan, cover with sugar, and then leave until the juice appears.
  2. Place the fruits on the fire and cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Set aside until cooled to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Cook again for the same amount of time, adding orange juice, let cool and cook again.
  5. Close in sterilized jars and, after complete cooling, transfer to a cold cellar, where they will be stored throughout the winter.

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits from the centers. If the plum halves are large, you can cut them crosswise once or twice.

If you prepare the jam correctly, the syrup and pieces of plums in it will have a consistency similar to jelly. This structure is considered the most acceptable.

Honey jam from plums and oranges for the winter

For this jam, yellow or light-colored plums are best suited, of which you need to take 1 kg.

The remaining ingredients included in this preparation:

  • juice from orange fruits in a volume of 0.75 l;
  • 0.5 kg of honey of any kind, but it is best to have a light color.
  1. Cut the plums lengthwise with a sharp knife, remove the pits and, if desired, cut each slice crosswise again.
  2. Boil the juice, put plums in it and cook them for about 15 minutes.
  3. 5 minutes before readiness add honey.
  4. Remove the dish from the heat and immediately pour the plum jam into prepared jars.

How to make plum jam with oranges in the oven

Cooking this jam in a gas or electric oven is very convenient and quick. You will need a shallow and fairly wide bowl in which to cook the fruit.

The components for the preparation will need to be taken as follows:

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 large ripe orange.

Cook in the following sequence:

  1. Wash the plum fruits, remove the pits and cut them into even quarters.
  2. Transfer them to an enamel bowl, carefully sprinkling them with sugar.
  3. Grind the orange in a blender along with the skin.
  4. Add the pulp to the chopped plums, mix everything.
  5. Preheat the oven to at least 180°C.
  6. Simmer the plums in it for at least 2 hours, stirring them with a spoon at least 2-3 times during this time (more is possible).

Plums in orange syrup for the winter

To prepare plum-orange jam according to this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg plums (white or blue);
  • 0.75–1 kg sugar;
  • orange juice – 1 glass;
  • 1 lemon – optional.
  1. Remove the seeds from the fruit, place in a low saucepan, sprinkle with granulated sugar, add a little warm water to dissolve it faster.
  2. Leave for half a day so that the juice can release.
  3. Pour the plum juice into another bowl, place over low heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour it over the plum and leave it to steep until completely cooled.
  5. Drain the syrup, add orange juice, bring to a boil and pour boiling liquid over the plums.
  6. Cool, boil the drained liquid a third time, add lemon juice, and then cook the fruit for 5–10 minutes.
  7. Distribute into steamed jars, and after cooling at room conditions, take them to the cellar for storage.

Recipe for Caucasian plum jam with oranges, nuts and spices

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 large orange or 2 small ones;
  • seasonings (cloves and star anise - 2 pcs., cinnamon stick);
  • 200 g nuts.
  1. Place fruits with the seeds removed and sprinkled with sugar for several hours so that they can produce juice.
  2. After that, put them on the fire, add chopped nuts and cook as described in previous recipes.
  3. After the third boil, add orange juice and spices and cook a little longer than the usual recipe.
  4. Pack the finished jam while still hot into steamed jars and seal them.
  5. After cooling, move to a cold and dry cellar or refrigerator, where the preparations can be stored throughout the long winter.

How to make plum jam with oranges and bananas

Ingredients you will need to make jam according to this original recipe:

  • blue plum fruits – 1 kg;
  • orange 1–2 pcs.;
  • sugar – from 0.75 to 1 kg;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 lemon (optional)

Prepare the plums as usual, that is, rinse and remove the pits.

Place them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and wait until the juice is released.

Cook for 10 minutes first, then add the banana and orange pulp and cook for another 10 minutes.

Place the prepared product in jars sterilized over steam and seal immediately.

Leave to cool and then transfer to the cellar or place in the refrigerator.

Delicious jam from plums, oranges and lemons

Both light and dark plums are suitable for this jam.

You will need 1 kg of berries, from which you need to remove the seeds, sugar in the same volume and 1-2 lemons and oranges.

The production method is classic (add lemon to the last cooking).

Amber jam from yellow plums and oranges

Ingredients: 1 kg of fruit and sugar, 1 large orange.

  1. Grind the plum in a meat grinder, as well as the orange (separately) until smooth, cover it with sugar and put it on the stove to heat.
  2. When it boils, cook for 5 minutes, add orange pulp to the mixture and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Place the hot puree into heated jars and roll up.

Storage of preparations - in a cold cellar or in a household refrigerator.

Three in one, or a recipe for jam from plums, apples and oranges

A 3 in 1 combination is always a win-win: after all, the mixture of sweet plums, sweet and sour apples and aromatic citrus fruits will appeal to most.

You will need: all fruits and sugar in equal quantities (1 kg each), 1 large ripe and juicy orange.

Here's how to prepare plum-apple jam:

  1. Remove all seeds from sorted and washed plums, peel apples and oranges and cut into small pieces.
  2. Mix the 3 components in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar in layers.
  3. After 2-3 hours, when a little juice has released, put it to cook. Cooking time – 15 minutes.
  4. Then the finished plum jam should be placed in jars of a suitable size and rolled up.

Storage - in the basement, cellar or in a household refrigerator.

Plum-orange jam with cinnamon

You can make this recipe by following the previous recipe, that is, use the same ingredients, except apples. Instead, add a cinnamon stick to the plum-orange jam to give it a unique aroma.

Delicate plum jam with orange zest

You can cook it according to the classic recipe, but instead of orange juice, add only ground zest to the mixture for smell and taste.

Use 1-2 citruses, based on personal preference.

Terms and conditions of storage of plum jam

Plum fruit jam in combination with orange juice or zest must be stored in a cool place, preferably dark. Cellars and basements, which are available on almost all private plots, are ideal for this.

In urban environments, you will have to keep plums in the refrigerator or pantry. Shelf life is maximum 2–3 years.


Plum and orange jam is no worse than any other jam made from these fruits. It’s not difficult to prepare, just choose any recipe you like and stick to it.

Seedless yellow plum jam - 5 simple recipes with photos step by step

The yellow plum is much sweeter than its cousin, the red plum. The choice of plum for jam or compote is a matter of taste, but yellow plums make any product sweeter. For jam, this is an ideal option, which is suitable for people who do not really like acid in jam. We want to offer you five different recipes for yellow plum jam, each of which is good and aromatic in its own way.

Classic yellow plum jam

Cooking time – 36 hours

Number of servings – 1.5 liters

An excellent tasty jam that cooks quite quickly, but requires some additional manipulation with the fruit. This simple jam is great for pancakes and pancakes, as well as just for tea. Try it!

  • Plum 1 kg (yellow)
  • Granulated sugar ½ kg

Five-minute pitted yellow plum

Five-minute jam is known to everyone for the speed of its preparation, and in addition, during such cooking, a maximum of vitamins are preserved. The longer a product is subjected to heat treatment, the fewer beneficial microelements remain in it.


Cooking process:

  1. First, decide on the amount of sugar you will use when making plum jam. The more sugar you add, the sweeter the final product will be, so the optimal ratio is 1 part sugar to 2 parts plums. Wash the fruits thoroughly, peel and remove the seeds.
  2. Next, you need to put the plum pulp in a container that is suitable for making jam. This could be an old saucepan, a large enamel bowl, or a non-stick pan. Add sugar to the plum and place the container on the stove, turning on medium heat.
  3. Bring the jam to a boil, stirring occasionally. When the product boils, skim off any foam that has formed and reduce the heat to low. You can add a couple of pinches of any spices to your taste, for example, cinnamon, cloves, vanillin and others.
  4. Boil the jam for literally five, maximum seven minutes after boiling, then immediately remove the dish from the heat. Jars for seaming should be prepared in advance, since during the process of making jam you will not have time to sterilize them.
  5. Pour the finished jam into sterile small jars and quickly tighten the lids. Due to the fact that the cooking time is very minimal, pieces of fruit are preserved even if your plums are slightly overripe. This jam will not be thick and is perfect for soaking desserts. Bon appetit!

Yellow plum jam with gelatin

Jam is a type of preserve, but with some special features. The jam has a fairly dense, homogeneous consistency, making it easy to spread on White bread, cookies, buns and pancakes. The gelatin in the composition helps speed up the process of making jam.


  • Ripe plum – 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 300 gr.
  • Edible gelatin – 8 g.
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. First, you need to thoroughly wash the plums and remove their skins. Also remove the seeds from the fruits, finely chop the berries themselves or grind them using a blender and place them in the pan or bowl in which you plan to cook the jam.
  2. Add about half the sugar and lemon juice to the plums, mix well and leave for about one hour at room temperature. Meanwhile, soak the gelatin in cold water, following the directions on the product package.
  3. After the allotted time, move the container with the plum mass onto the stove and turn on low, closer to medium, heat. Stir the contents of the container vigorously, add the remaining sugar and continue cooking the jam.
  4. The duration of cooking plum jam is difficult to say exactly, so be guided by the fact that when a drop of jam can retain its shape if dropped onto a plate or into a cup, you can begin the final preparation manipulations.
  5. Squeeze out the gelatin that you soaked at the very beginning of cooking and place it in a container with jam. By this time, the fire must be extinguished, and the mixture must be mixed very thoroughly so that the gelatin is completely dissolved in the plum puree.
  6. Distribute the jam, always still hot, into small jars that you have washed and sterilized in advance. You can screw the lids on the jars, or you can seal them with thick nylon lids. The main thing is that all instruments are sterile. When the jars have cooled, you can move them to the pantry or cellar for storage.

Yellow plum jam with oranges

Orange is one of the most common additions to classic recipes for various jams. You can also make aromatic jam from ripe sweet plums by adding orange along with zest. Orange will add a characteristic sourness and amazing aroma to your sweet preparation.


  • Yellow plum – 1 kg.
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 800 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin, carefully sort and wash the fruits of the plum tree. Break each berry in half, then remove every single seed from the fruit. Place the yellow plum halves in a saucepan or bowl that you use for making jam.
  2. Oranges should be those without too thick peel. They need to be rinsed and then scalded with boiling water. After some kind of sterilization, orange fruits can be cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape without removing the zest from them.
  3. The plum along with the orange should then be passed through a meat grinder or blended until smooth using a blender. How large or small the pieces of fruit in the jam will be depends on your own taste preferences.
  4. Transfer the fruit mixture into the container in which you will cook the plum jam with orange and add granulated sugar there. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for half an hour to an hour so that the fruit releases its juice.
  5. After the required time, place the container with a mixture of plums, oranges and sugar on the stove, turn on medium heat and carefully bring the jam to a boil. When it boils, the heat will need to be reduced to minimum and the mixture simmered for ten to fifteen minutes.
  6. Pour the finished hot jam into sterile small jars, seal tightly and leave to cool completely at room temperature. After the jars have cooled completely, you can put them in the pantry for long-term storage.

Plum-chocolate jam

An appetizing, delicious jam that can be easily made from any ripe plum variety. Made from yellow plums, this jam will be sweet and delicate, and guests will simply be delighted with the color and taste of the dish. Be sure to try making a couple of jars of this jam!


  • Ripe yellow plum – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 600-700 gr.
  • Cocoa powder – 50 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort through the plums and make sure that all the fruits are ripe, fresh and free of rotten or bruised parts. Carefully wash the berries in a colander, let the water drain and carefully remove the seed from each berry.
  2. Prepared berries can be crushed in a blender or cut into small pieces using a knife. Place the fruits in the bowl or pan in which you are going to cook the jam, add granulated sugar, stir and leave for an hour at room temperature.
  3. When the berries begin to release juice, you can start making jam. Place the container with berries and sugar on the stove and turn on medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring as you go. Remove the foam that forms when the berries boil and boil the jam for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After the allotted time, add cocoa powder to the saucepan or bowl with the cooking jam and boil the mixture for about 10-15 minutes. You can simmer longer if you want a more viscous jam as a result.
  5. When the pitted yellow plum jam with cocoa is ready, distribute it into small jars, being sure to sterilize them before doing so. Seal the jam and leave to cool at room temperature. Place cooled jars in a pantry or cellar for long-term storage. Bon appetit and culinary success!

Making jam is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to preserve the cherry plum harvest for the winter.

Sweet and sour, viscous, aromatic cherry plum jam will decorate any winter tea party. The jam has a rich taste and aroma, is undemanding to storage conditions, and its preparation does not require much effort from you.

Both options will not take up much of your time, and the result - aromatic and tasty homemade cherry plum jam - will delight you on long winter evenings and brighten up your anticipation of spring. Let's get started?!

Prepare your ingredients. To prepare cherry plum jam with pits, you will additionally need a cup of water (250–300 ml) to prepare the sugar syrup.

Prepare the cherry plum. Wash, sort and remove all spoiled and wrinkled fruits.

To make pitted cherry plum jam, cut the fruit in half and remove the pit. If the cherry plum is ripe and soft, the seed can simply be squeezed out of the fruit by pressing it with a pencil or other small-diameter handy object.

Lay the cherry plum in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

Leave for several hours until the plum releases its juice.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the jam until completely cooled.

Repeat the procedure two to four more times, gradually boiling the jam to the thickness you need.

To prepare cherry plum jam with pits, pour hot water over the prepared fruits. The water temperature should be about 80 degrees; if the water is too hot, the skin of the fruit will burst. I don't have a thermometer, so I just cool the boiled water a little (a few minutes) before pouring it over the fruit.

After 3-4 minutes, drain the hot water and, after rinsing the fruits with cold water, pierce them in 2-3 places with a needle or toothpick.

Combine sugar and water. Over low heat, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves. Turn off the heat and place the cherry plums in the hot sugar syrup.

Leave the fruits in the syrup for 4-5 hours, then repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. Each time, bring the syrup to a boil, turn it off and leave the berries to cool in the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil for the last time and simmer over low heat for 10–20 minutes until the syrup reaches the desired consistency and thickness.

Place hot jam in sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids.

Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Cherry plum jam with and without seeds is ready. Bon appetit!

Cherry plum has small fruits, mostly yellow, but there are green, pink, red, and less often purple. It is rich in vitamin C, A, organic acids, and pectin. Perfectly retains its benefits and taste during heat treatment. It is used to make compotes and make marshmallows. The preparation of cherry plum jam, as well as jam and jelly, occupies a special page in the culinary sections, since these delicacies turn out to be very tasty.

In order for the dish to be aromatic and pleasant to taste, it is necessary to observe simple but important features of the cooking technology:

  1. Only ripe fruits are selected. Unripe fruits are sour, and jam is made from overripe ones.
  2. Sugar needs about 60% of the amount of fruit, otherwise the delicacy may turn sour.
  3. To preserve the integrity of the pieces, the cherry plum is placed in hot syrup and left for 4-6 hours. If the jam is made from red cherry plum, you can immediately put it in hot syrup and cook further.
  4. If the jam is made from cherry plum with seeds, it is pierced in several places. For convenience, you can take a cork from a wine bottle and insert a few needles into it. Using such a simple device, the work can be done faster.
  5. Jam made from yellow and green cherry plums is amber in color, and added lemon and orange will give the dish new colors and flavors.

Preparing cherry plum for making jam

The cooking process does not take much time:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove any debris or spoiled ones (if any).
  2. Remove the tails, wash and dry, remove the pits if necessary.

Cherry plum jam in a slow cooker

This technique has become simply an indispensable assistant for housewives. She will cope well with this dish, although she does not have such a regime. The quantity of products is designed for a bowl volume of 3-5 liters.

Required components:

  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 350 grams;
  • vanilla – 2 grams;
  • water – 70 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Set the “Cook” mode for 5 minutes, pour granulated sugar into the bowl, pour out the water and, stirring, prepare the syrup.
  3. Place fruit in it, add vanilla, set to “Simmer” for 1 hour.
  4. After the end of the regime, place the finished product in a dry, sterilized container and close tightly.

Puree cherry plum jam without cooking

The non-cooking cooking process allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful components.

Required ingredients:

  • cherry plum – 950 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 950 grams.

Preparation procedure:

  • Remove the stems from the fruits, wash and dry thoroughly.

Important! If moisture remains on the fruit, the jam will ferment.

  • Remove the seeds and grind with a blender. For this jam, you can use fruits ground through a sieve.
  • Add the specified amount of granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved. You need to stir the mixture periodically.
  • Prepare sterilized dry containers and place “Vitaminka” (this is also the name of this dish) in them. Sprinkle a layer of sugar on top, 0.5 centimeters thick. Close with a plastic lid. Store delicacies prepared in this way only in the refrigerator.

A simple five-minute recipe

A simple and easy to prepare dish.


  • cherry plum – 950 grams;
  • vanillin – 2 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave for 2-3 hours until the juice separates.
  2. Add vanillin, boil, simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Place in previously sterilized jars and close tightly.

Pitted cherry plum jam

This delicacy can be prepared in two ways. In the first case, the pieces will partially lose their integrity, in the second it will be candied fruits in a clear syrup.

Required components:

  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams.

First way

Action plan:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and dry. Remove the seeds.
  2. Place the fruit in the container where you plan to make the jam and cover with granulated sugar. Leave for 5-6 hours until the juice separates.
  3. Boil and set aside again. Carry out the next boiling after 5-7 hours. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.
  4. Bring to a final boil and simmer for at least 15 minutes, more if a thicker consistency is required.
  5. Place in prepared dry, sterilized containers and seal tightly.

Second way

Action plan:

  1. Boil syrup from the specified amount of granulated sugar and 120 milliliters of liquid.
  2. Place the fruit in it, removing the seeds first.
  3. Leave for 5-7 hours. The fruits will release some juice. Drain the liquid into a separate container and boil.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and leave again for 5-7 hours. Repeat this manipulation 3-4 times.
  5. Bring the whole mixture to a final boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Place the finished product in a sterilized container and close using airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with seeds

You can’t eat jam prepared according to this recipe quickly in winter. The delicacy is intended for leisurely, long tea drinking, because it has seeds.


  • cherry plum fruits – 950 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • water – 110 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Pour granulated sugar into a container where the jam will be cooked, add water and prepare syrup.
  2. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the stems and prick them with a needle in several places.
  3. Place in hot syrup. Leave to infuse for about 5 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, boil and, after boiling for 5 minutes, leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  5. Boil the jam for the last time, boil for a quarter of an hour and place in the prepared container; it must be sterilized and dry. Close with airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with cloves

The finished delicacy will have a pleasant aroma of Eastern spices. If you add cinnamon, cardamom or star anise, the jam will become a real oriental sweetness.


  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • lemon (juice) – 70 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • cloves – 2 inflorescences;
  • water – 120 milliliters;
  • cinnamon – 2-3 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems, dry and remove the seeds.
  2. In a container intended for cooking, prepare syrup from the specified amount of granulated sugar and water.
  3. Place the fruit in the syrup and leave for 3-4 hours.
  4. Boil, add spices, lemon juice and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Place in sterilized jars. They must be dry. Close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with pears

The combination of sweet and sour cherry plum and sweet pears is amazing. Cooking such a delicacy is not difficult, and the result is excellent.


  • cherry plum – 870 grams;
  • pear – 700 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 950 grams;
  • water – 120 milliliters;
  • vanillin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits. Remove the stems and seeds from the cherry plum. Core the pears and cut into slices and cubes (optional).
  2. In the prepared container, boil syrup from water and granulated sugar.
  3. Place the fruit in the hot syrup and leave to brew for about 4-5 hours.
  4. Boil, add vanillin and simmer for half an hour.
  5. Place in dry, sterilized jars and close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with oranges


  • cherry plum – 750 grams;
  • oranges – 340 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • water - 110 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds.
  2. Pour water into the container where the jam will be cooked, add granulated sugar and prepare syrup.
  3. Place the cherry plum in the hot syrup and let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash the orange, chop with a blender and add to the cherry plum.
  5. Boil for about half an hour, stirring, to avoid burning.
  6. Place in a dry, sterilized container and close with special airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with zucchini

Do not be surprised! Exactly with zucchini. This vegetable, boiled in sugar, is a candied fruit; the main thing is to prepare it according to technology.


  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • zucchini (preferably not young) – 650 grams;
  • sugar – 850 grams;
  • water – 110 milliliters;
  • vanillin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut it, remove the core and cut it into cubes.
  2. Boil syrup from sugar and water and place zucchini in it for 2-3 hours. They will release a lot of juice. Drain the syrup, boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, add to the zucchini and pour boiling syrup over them. Leave to soak for 3-4 hours.
  4. Boil, cook for half an hour and place in a sterilized, dried container, close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with vanilla

Making jam with vanilla means delighting yourself with a fragrant delicacy all winter. Ideally, it is advisable to use a vanilla stick. If you don't have it, vanillin will do.


  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • sugar – 450 grams;
  • vanilla stick (vanillin) – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and remove the seeds.
  2. Place in a container where the jam will be cooked, cover with sugar. Leave for 3-4 hours until the juice separates.
  3. Boil, simmer for a quarter of an hour. Add the stick or vanilla, cook for another 5 minutes, stirring.
  4. Place in a dry, sterilized container and close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with pectin

This jam is a jam or confiture that is perfect for pancakes, pancakes and other dishes.


  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • sugar – 450 grams;
  • pectin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Place in a container, add a little water, cover and boil for 5 minutes. Let cool.
  3. Rub through a sieve or colander.
  4. Pour sugar into the resulting mass and boil for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Add pectin according to package directions. Boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Place in dry, sterilized jars and close. The jam will acquire a thick consistency after cooling.

Cherry plum jam with lemon and cinnamon

Lemon and cinnamon go well together in sweet dishes. The first will give the finished product a pleasant tropical sourness, and cinnamon will give it an original oriental aroma.


  • cherry plum – 750 grams;
  • lemon (juice) – 120 milliliters;
  • sugar – 650 grams;
  • cinnamon – 5-7 grams.

Action plan:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds. Place in a container where you are planning to cook the jam. Add sugar, pour in lemon juice and leave for 3-4 hours until the juice separates.
  2. Boil, boil for 5 minutes and leave for 5-7 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, boil, cook, stirring so as not to burn, for about half an hour.
  4. Place the finished product in a container that has been previously sterilized and dried. Close with airtight lids.

Jam with cherry plum and apples

A wonderful combination of flavors. Cherry plum will add its own touch of flavor, and instead of the usual apple jam you will get a new delicacy.

Not so long ago, jam was made in basins so that there would be enough for the whole winter. Nowadays they don’t prepare much, but, nevertheless, it’s nice to have a couple of jars of different berries and fruits. It is especially versatile and can be used as a filling or for cookies; it can be spread on bread and served with tea. This is exactly what we will be preparing - seedless cherry plum jam, the recipe is simple, the most delicious, because it is prepared without repeated cooking. The taste is sweet and sour, the consistency is very thick, like jam. And when it sits, it thickens like jelly. You can make jam from yellow or red cherry plum, the only difference will be in the amount of sugar - for red cherry plum, add a little more.

The simplest recipe for cherry plum jam is prepared in one step: boil the fruit, wipe it, boil it again with sugar and roll it up. In winter, you will have an excellent addition to your morning cheesecakes, pancakes, and pancakes.


  • yellow cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 gr;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to make pitted cherry plum jam. Recipe for the winter

It is not necessary to take overripe fruits; even unripe cherry plums will do, but you will have to add more sugar and cook a little longer. Fill the collected cherry plum with water and rinse thoroughly. If there are traces of dirt on the skin, wash it off under a strong stream of water. There is no need to remove the pits or remove the skin. Place in a bowl with a thick bottom. Pour in water - at first, before the cherry plum bursts, the water will prevent it from burning and will contribute to the rapid boiling of the pulp.

Heat the cherry plum over high heat to an intense boil. A lush foam will begin to appear almost immediately; there is no need to collect it; it will gradually subside on its own. Reduce heat, cover the pan and leave to simmer. As it boils, the skin will move away from the pulp, and the cherry plum will become soft and loose. Remove from the stove and let it cool slightly so as not to burn yourself when we wipe it.

We take a dish of suitable diameter and place a colander on it. Add about a third of the fruit puree along with the liquid. Using a spoon, rub the cherry plum until only the seeds and pieces of skin remain. We throw away the waste, rinse the colander and add the next portion.

As a result, we will get a medium-thick puree with pieces of pulp. If you want to get a more homogeneous mass, beat with a blender.

Pour the puree back into the pan. Add sugar. Heat over low heat, stirring until the sugar grains dissolve. We taste it - if it is too sour, add it until it reaches the desired taste.

After boiling, the jam will become amber in color, and a lightish thick foam will begin to form on the surface. Now we collect it with a spoon, driving it from the edges to the middle.

Stirring, cook for 10-15 minutes. Due to the high content of natural pectin, cherry plum jam will thicken quickly, so do not leave it unattended to prevent it from burning.

We will prepare containers of 250-350 ml in advance. Be sure to wash it with soda, rinse and steam or sterilize in another way. The lids should also be clean and hot; keep them in gently boiling water. Pour the hot jam into jars and seal tightly.

It is not necessary to wrap the cherry plum jam; let the jars stand on the table until they cool. Then we put it away for storage in a dark place; in the light the jam may turn dark.

The color of yellow cherry plum jam is very beautiful, amber. And the taste is amazing: rich, moderately sweet with a characteristic sourness - just what you need for baking, tea drinking and pancakes. Good luck and delicious preparations to you!

You can watch the cooking process in video format

Cherry plum is known to gourmets not only as a dessert. The fruit is used to make the famous tkemali sauce, which is served with fatty meat. Wine is also infused from the juicy fruit, juice and kvass are prepared. The kernels are used to produce oil, which useful composition and the properties are not inferior to almond. They can also be added when cooking dessert.

Which variety to choose

You can make jam from different varieties of cherry plum. Each crop differs not only in the shade and volume of fruits, but also in culinary qualities. Sweet, juicy, ripe, elastic fruits are ideal for jam. It is better to leave overripe plums for jam. The table describes the most common varieties of cherry plum for making jam.

Table - Description of varieties

VarietyWhen it ripensPeculiarities
Kuban cometEnd of July- Large fruits (40 g) red, burgundy, light purple;
- dense, rich yellow pulp;
- sweet taste
July roseEarly July- Large fruits (30-35 g) dark red;
- yellow pulp with fibers;
- sweet and sour taste
TsarskayaEnd of July- Medium fruits (20 g) bright yellow;
- rich yellow pulp;
- sweet taste with a sour aftertaste
LamaMid August- Medium and large fruits (15-40 g) dark red, purple;
- juicy fibrous red flesh;
- small, easily separated bone;
- sweet and sour taste;
- almond aftertaste
globeMid August- Large fruits (100 g) burgundy, lilac, purple;
- rich yellow pulp;
- sweet taste
SonyaEnd of August- Large yellow fruits (50 g);
- juicy, dense yellow pulp;
- sweet and sour taste;
- the bone does not separate

Many hybrid varieties of red cherry plum are easily confused with plums. Plum jam is no worse than cherry plum jam and is often prepared according to the same recipes. If you need cherry plum, then it is better to choose yellow fruits.

Cherry plum jam with and without seeds: 15 options

Before cooking, prepare the necessary dishes and utensils. It is recommended to use a copper or enamel pan. It is not necessary to sterilize storage containers. It is enough to wash, dry and scald the container with boiling water before laying out the jam.

Eliminate overripe, rotten and green fruits. Unripe cherry plum is quite sour and hard, so the jam will turn out tasteless. On average, 60% sugar is needed from the total amount of fruit.

If jam is made with seeds, it is recommended to blanch the fruits. Place the plums in a colander and place in hot, but not boiling, water for five minutes, then place in a container of ice water. Be sure to pierce the skin in several places so that the fruit does not crack and gives more juice.


Description. Traditional cherry plum jam with pits for the winter is prepared in several steps. The fruits retain their shape, become soft and sweet.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 600 ml.

How to cook

  1. Sort and wash the cherry plum and dry.
  2. Prick each fruit with a toothpick or fork.
  3. Pour water over the fruit and heat to about 80°C (do not bring to a boil).
  4. Drain the liquid into another pan, and pour an arbitrary amount of cold water over the fruits.
  5. Add sugar to the broth, put on fire and stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Wait until it boils.
  7. Drain the water from the cherry plum and pour hot sweet liquid over the fruit.
  8. Leave for four hours.
  9. Put on fire, cook until boiling.
  10. Leave to steep again for four hours.
  11. Repeat the boiling and infusion procedure twice.
  12. Boil the jam for the last time for ten minutes.
  13. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

To prevent whole fruits from cracking during cooking, place the pierced plums in a 1% solution of baking soda. Let stand for about 20 minutes, then start cooking.


Description. Pitted cherry plum jam is soft and has a jammy consistency. You can cook regular dark plums in the same way.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.

How to cook

  1. Sort, wash, dry the fruits.
  2. Cut into two halves and remove the seeds.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and place cherry plum slices in layers in a deep bowl.
  4. Leave for three to four hours.
  5. Place the fruits that have released plenty of juice on the stove and cook until boiling.
  6. Reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes.
  7. Leave to cool for two to three hours.
  8. Boil for ten minutes and cool.
  9. Repeat the procedure several more times until the excess liquid has evaporated and the jam has acquired a uniform thickness.
  10. Pour into containers and seal.

In syrup

Description. A very simple recipe for cherry plum jam that does not require long cooking. The bones can be removed if desired.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • boiling water.

How to cook

  1. Sort through the fruits, rinse, and prick each plum.
  2. Scald the fruits with boiling water or soak for five minutes in hot water (80°C).
  3. Boil water, add sugar.
  4. Bring to a boil and pour over the fruits.
  5. Soak the cherry plum in the syrup for three to four hours.
  6. Place on the stove and simmer for half an hour, skimming off the foam that forms after boiling.
  7. Once you have the desired thickness, pour the jam into containers.

"Five Minute"

Description. Pyatiminutka jam is prepared quickly and easily. The taste remains fresh and rich, and the fruits retain most of their vitamins and beneficial properties.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the cherry plum and prick each fruit with a toothpick.
  2. Place in a saucepan.
  3. Add sugar and water.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Place on low heat and wait until it boils.
  6. Boil for five minutes.

Yellow treat

Description. Thanks to great content pectin - a natural thickener - yellow cherry plum jam turns out thick, reminiscent of marmalade. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, it is necessary to wipe the boiled fruits. If the dessert is made from dark plums, it is recommended to additionally add a liquid thickener.

What to prepare:

  • yellow cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • cinnamon stick.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruits and place in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in water and place on low heat.
  3. Cook until soft.
  4. Rub the softened fruit through a sieve to retain the skin and seeds.
  5. Add sugar to the resulting puree and stir.
  6. Simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes to dissolve the sugar grains.
  7. Throw in the cinnamon stick and boil for another quarter of an hour to evaporate excess moisture.
  8. After removing the cinnamon, pour the jam into jars.


Description. The aromatic jam has a characteristic sour taste. The seeds must be removed from all fruits.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 500 g;
  • apricot - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruits, halve them and remove the seeds.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and layer first the apricot slices and then the cherry plum slices.
  3. Leave for three to four hours.
  4. Let it cook, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Wait for it to boil, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Leave for two to three hours until completely cooled.
  7. Boil after boiling for ten minutes.

The highlight of the jam can be apricot kernels or almonds. Before adding the kernels to the brew after boiling, taste them. It is better not to use bitter seeds.


Description. Tasty and aromatic jam goes well with spices. Pear fruits should be quite dense, but it is better to take ripe and juicy cherry plums.

What to prepare:

  • pear - 1 kg;
  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vanilla - half a teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - tablespoon;

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruit well and dry.
  2. Remove the seeds from the cherry plum, cutting the pulp into two halves.
  3. Remove the seeds from the pear fruit.
  4. Remove the skin if desired.
  5. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  6. Place the prepared fruits in a cooking pot.
  7. Pour in water, add sugar.
  8. Leave for five to six hours.
  9. Add spices and cook over low heat.
  10. While stirring, wait until it boils, remove the resulting foam.
  11. Cook for 15-20 minutes until thick.
  12. Place in jars and roll up.


Description. An unusual combination of fruits produces a sweet, delicate jam. Fresh juicy cherry plums and frozen plums are suitable for cooking. You don’t have to add cocoa so as not to interrupt the delicate fruity aroma.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 600 g;
  • banana - two pieces;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • walnut - 100 g;
  • cocoa - a tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the plums and remove the pits.
  2. Place in a saucepan or saucepan.
  3. Add sugar and leave for half an hour until the fruits release juice.
  4. Place over high heat and boil for ten minutes until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Rub soft fruits through a sieve or puree in a blender.
  6. Return the resulting puree to the cooking container.
  7. Cook until excess moisture evaporates and the jam becomes thicker.
  8. Crush the nuts and add to the mixture.
  9. Mash the banana pulp into a puree and add to the brew.
  10. Add cocoa and mix well until smooth.
  11. Wait for it to boil and cook for two to three minutes.
  12. Pour into jars and seal.

Taste the jam before placing it in containers. Season the sour taste with sugar. If the fruit mixture is too sweet, add lemon juice to taste.


Description. Red cherry plum jam with orange has a beautiful color and pleasant aroma. You can use tangerines instead of oranges. Citrus fruits are used with the peel, so before cooking they must be washed well with soap and scalded with boiling water. Any dirt that gets inside can cause mold to form.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1.5 kg;
  • oranges - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook

  1. Cut the washed oranges into slices.
  2. Remove the seeds and grind the pulp and peel with a blender or other device.
  3. Remove the seeds from the cherry plum and combine the pulp with orange puree.
  4. Add sugar and leave for half an hour.
  5. Boil the mixture and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Stir occasionally and skim off the foam.
  7. Having achieved the desired thickness, remove the brew from the stove and pour into jars.


Description. A bright, “sunny” delicacy with a fresh and invigorating aroma can be combined with cottage cheese and pancakes. The liquid component is well suited for soaking cakes. For taste, when serving dessert, it is recommended to add a little cognac or liqueur in portions.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • star anise - four pieces.

How to cook

  1. Fill the washed cherry plum with water.
  2. Add sugar and stir.
  3. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the cherry plum along with the spicy stars.
  4. Stir and cook over low heat.
  5. After boiling, simmer for five minutes.
  6. Leave for three to four hours.
  7. Repeat boiling for five minutes.
  8. Cool, boil a third time.
  9. Pour into containers.

To avoid damaging the cherry plum, use a long-handled wooden spoon to stir. For better soaking, prick the fruit before cooking.

"Wine" confiture

Description. The combination with elderberry produces cherry plum jam for the winter with the smell of Burgundy wine. The consistency of the jam is more like jam, but this does not make it any less tasty and aromatic. It is better to use dark ripe cherry plum.

What to prepare:

  • elderberries - 1 kg;
  • cherry plum - 900 g;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the berries, add 250 ml of water and cook.
  2. Leave the boiled berries to strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve overnight.
  3. Pierce the washed plums with toothpicks and place in the remaining water.
  4. Cook until the fruits are soft and the seeds are separated.
  5. Collect the seeds near the surface of the water.
  6. Chop a few pieces and return the kernels to the brew.
  7. Add berry juice to soft plums.
  8. Add sugar, stir until smooth.
  9. Cook until required thickness.
  10. Pour into containers and roll up.


Description. A bright delicacy with a delicate aroma will pleasantly surprise gourmets. The dessert is prepared quite quickly and easily. It is recommended to use yellow plum, but you can also make it with purple plum.

What to prepare:

  • melon - 500 g;
  • cherry plum - 200 g;
  • sugar - 300 g.

How to cook

  1. Cut the washed melon in half and remove the seeds.
  2. Trim the pulp and cut into cubes (the size of a plum).
  3. Cut the cherry plum and remove the seeds.
  4. Mix plum halves with melon cubes.
  5. Add sugar and mix well.
  6. Leave for three hours.
  7. Place on the stove and wait until it boils.
  8. Boil for 12 minutes, stirring.
  9. When the fruit pieces become soft, pour the liquid jam into jars.

Spicy in the oven

Description. An original way to prepare a fruit dessert. Spices will add aroma and make the taste richer.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • carnation - two buds.

How to cook

  1. Cut the washed plum lengthwise and remove the pits.
  2. Place in a heatproof saucepan with a lid.
  3. Add sugar, add spices, pour in juice.
  4. Stir and leave to infuse for two to three hours.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the oven.
  7. Simmer for an hour and a half, periodically opening the lid and stirring the fruit.
  8. Place in sterile containers and roll up.

In a slow cooker

Description. A multicooker will help you quickly prepare this tasty amber delicacy. Depending on the desired consistency, you can set the “Stewing” or “Baking” mode. It is recommended to stir the brew two or three times during cooking so that the fruit slices cook evenly and do not burn.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • boiling water.

How to cook

  1. Scald the fruits with boiling water or boil for five minutes.
  2. Pierce each fruit.
  3. Place in a bowl and add sugar.
  4. Stir, set the “Baking” mode for 45 minutes.
  5. After the signal, pour the dessert into sterile containers.


Description. Cherry plum has a sour taste, especially if you cook it with the skin. Therefore, it is difficult to do without sugar. However, instead of the usual white sugar, you can use a natural sweetener, for example, xylitol, sorbitol, stevia. The substances give a sweet taste, reduce calories and are approved for diabetes.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 4 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • any sweetener - 800 g.

How to cook

  1. Wash the plums, cut them in half and remove the pits.
  2. Boil water, pour in the fruit pulp.
  3. Cook over low heat for an hour.
  4. Add sugar substitute and cook until thick.
  5. Pour the hot treat into containers.

If there is no sugar, store the jam only in a cool place. It is recommended to sterilize the jars and then pasteurize them along with the contents.

Simple recipes for cherry plum jam will help diversify your winter tea drinking. Cherry plum contains vitamins C, E, PP, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. After heat treatment, most of the beneficial substances remain in the fruits. The dessert can be stored in a cold place for up to two years. If the containers remain in the room, it is better to use the jam within nine months.

Cherry plum is a relative of plum and has similar properties. The fruits are useful for the prevention and normalization of blood pressure, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the circulatory system. The plant is grown in warm climates; varieties have been developed with yellow, orange and red colored fruits and weighing from 30 to 60 grams. For jam, use cherry plum with pits or remove them first.

Sugar is used as a preservative and to enhance taste. Cherry plum jam is boiled in its own juice or syrup of 25-35% concentration. Before heat treatment, the fruits are pricked with a pin so that they are saturated with sugar and do not burst.

The rules for making cherry plum jam are the same as for other preserves. Use jars with lids that have been washed and sterilized by steaming or in the oven. They are usually boiled in several passes and rolled up hot. Before use in winter period the preparations are stored in the cold and without access to sunlight.

For jam, use ripe fruits, but not too soft. First sort out the cherry plum, remove the stalks and wash.

Time – 10 hours, including infusion. Yield: 2 liters.


  • cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • cloves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Blanch the prepared fruits for 3 minutes in syrup from 1 liter of water and 330 g. Sahara.
  2. Drain the syrup, add the rest of the sugar according to the recipe, boil for 5 minutes and pour over the fruit.
  3. After standing for 3 hours, boil the jam for 10-15 minutes and leave to soak overnight.
  4. During the last boiling, add 4-6 cloves and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
  5. Pack the hot jam into jars, seal it airtight, cool away from drafts and store.

In medium and small fruits, the seeds separate more easily. To do this, cut the berry lengthwise with a knife and divide it into two slices.

This jam is thick, so be sure to stir constantly while cooking to prevent it from burning. It is better to use aluminum cookware.


  • cherry plum – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the pit from the washed berries, place in a basin, sprinkle with sugar, leave for 6-8 hours.
  2. Place the container with jam on low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring gently.
  3. Soak the jam for 8 hours, covered with a towel. Then boil for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rely on your taste, if the jam is too rare, let it cool and re-boil.
  5. Seal the canned food tightly with lids and cool, turning it upside down.

Amber jam from yellow cherry plum for the winter

The yield of preservation depends on the boiling time. The longer you cook, the more moisture evaporates, the more concentrated and sweeter the jam.

Time – 8 hours. Yield: 5 liters.


  • yellow cherry plum – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare syrup from 500 gr. sugar and 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Prick clean fruits in several places, place in parts in a colander and blanch for 3-5 minutes in low-boiling syrup.
  3. Add 1.5 kg of sugar to the hot syrup and bring to a boil. Place the blanched cherry plum and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the jam until it cools completely.
  4. Add the remaining sugar and, stirring gently, cook at low boil for 20 minutes.
  5. Fill the steamed jars with hot jam, tighten and cool, covering with a thick blanket.

Cherry plum jam for filling pies

A fragrant filling for any baked goods. For this recipe, soft and overripe cherry plums are suitable.

Time - 10 o'clock. Yield: 3 liters.


  • cherry plum fruits – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2.5 kg;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the pits from the sorted and washed cherry plums and cut each into 4-6 pieces.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials with sugar, place on low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Stir constantly, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave the jam overnight, covering the container with a clean towel.
  4. Prepare clean and steamed jars. For a puree-like consistency, you can puree the chilled jam in a blender.
  5. Boil again for 15-20 minutes, add vanilla sugar, pour it hot and roll it into jars.
  6. Cool at room temperature, store in a cool place.

I highly recommend preparing this preparation to be able to taste the most delicious sweet and sour sauce for pancakes and pancakes. Cherry plum and orange jam, if mixed with sour cream or cream, turns out extraordinary.

Jam is excellent for recycling unformatted cherry plum if you have already prepared enough tkemali, or you also have cherry plum jam, or you just want something new.


  • small cherry plum 1 kg
  • water 25 ml
  • orange 1 pc.
  • sugar 2 cups

How to make cherry plum jam with citrus flavor

Sort out the small yellow cherry plums and wash them well in water. Pour the cherry plum into a saucepan and add water. Cook the cherry plum over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spoon, for about 5 minutes. It is necessary for the fruit to become soft and release juice, after which you can cover the container with a lid and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

Using a wide metal sieve, strain all the cherry plums. You can make compote from the cake by simply pouring boiling water over it and adding sugar to taste, stirring and covering with a lid - in an hour the compote will be ready.

Pour the pureed cherry plum puree into a ladle, add the grated zest of one orange.

Squeeze the juice from the orange, combine it with the fruit puree, mix and place on the stove.

Pour sugar into a ladle and cook the jam over low heat.

Stir the jam all the time with a wooden spatula. After the jam boils, carefully remove all the film.

After the jam has simmered for 20 minutes, remove it from the heat. After 2 hours, put the jam on the fire for another 10-15 minutes. To check its thickness, pour a little of it on a saucer and put it in the refrigerator. If the cooled jam thickens, it is ready, otherwise cook it a little more.

Let the cherry plum and orange jam cool, pour into sterilized jars, and screw on the lids. This preparation is stored in a cool place.

Cherry plum is a relative of plum and has similar properties. The fruits are useful for the prevention and normalization of blood pressure, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the circulatory system. The plant is grown in warm climates; varieties have been developed with yellow, orange and red colored fruits and weighing from 30 to 60 grams. For jam, use cherry plum with pits or remove them first.

Sugar is used as a preservative and to enhance taste. Cherry plum jam is boiled in its own juice or syrup of 25-35% concentration. Before heat treatment, the fruits are pricked with a pin so that they are saturated with sugar and do not burst.

The rules for making cherry plum jam are the same as for other preserves. Use jars with lids that have been washed and sterilized by steaming or in the oven. They are usually boiled in several passes and rolled up hot. Before use in winter, the preparations are stored in the cold and without access to sunlight.

For jam, use ripe fruits, but not too soft. First sort out the cherry plum, remove the stalks and wash.

Time – 10 hours, including infusion. Yield: 2 liters.


  • cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • cloves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Blanch the prepared fruits for 3 minutes in syrup from 1 liter of water and 330 g. Sahara.
  2. Drain the syrup, add the rest of the sugar according to the recipe, boil for 5 minutes and pour over the fruit.
  3. After standing for 3 hours, boil the jam for 10-15 minutes and leave to soak overnight.
  4. During the last boiling, add 4-6 cloves and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
  5. Pack the hot jam into jars, seal it airtight, cool away from drafts and store.

In medium and small fruits, the seeds separate more easily. To do this, cut the berry lengthwise with a knife and divide it into two slices.

This jam is thick, so be sure to stir constantly while cooking to prevent it from burning. It is better to use aluminum cookware.


  • cherry plum – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the pit from the washed berries, place in a basin, sprinkle with sugar, leave for 6-8 hours.
  2. Place the container with jam on low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring gently.
  3. Soak the jam for 8 hours, covered with a towel. Then boil for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rely on your taste, if the jam is too rare, let it cool and re-boil.
  5. Seal the canned food tightly with lids and cool, turning it upside down.

Amber jam from yellow cherry plum for the winter

The yield of preservation depends on the boiling time. The longer you cook, the more moisture evaporates, the more concentrated and sweeter the jam.

Time – 8 hours. Yield: 5 liters.


  • yellow cherry plum – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare syrup from 500 gr. sugar and 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Prick clean fruits in several places, place in parts in a colander and blanch for 3-5 minutes in low-boiling syrup.
  3. Add 1.5 kg of sugar to the hot syrup and bring to a boil. Place the blanched cherry plum and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the jam until it cools completely.
  4. Add the remaining sugar and, stirring gently, cook at low boil for 20 minutes.
  5. Fill the steamed jars with hot jam, tighten and cool, covering with a thick blanket.

Cherry plum jam for filling pies

A fragrant filling for any baked goods. For this recipe, soft and overripe cherry plums are suitable.

Time - 10 o'clock. Yield: 3 liters.


  • cherry plum fruits – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2.5 kg;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the pits from the sorted and washed cherry plums and cut each into 4-6 pieces.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials with sugar, place on low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Stir constantly, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Leave the jam overnight, covering the container with a clean towel.
  4. Prepare clean and steamed jars. For a puree-like consistency, you can puree the chilled jam in a blender.
  5. Boil again for 15-20 minutes, add vanilla sugar, pour it hot and roll it into jars.
  6. Cool at room temperature, store in a cool place.

The harvesting season is in full swing, so we continue to replenish our reserves of sweet vitamins for the winter and make yellow cherry plum jam. I am sure that lovers of sweet and sour desserts will appreciate it, since this jam, or it would be more correct to call it that way, has a pronounced aroma of cherry plum and the pleasant sourness that is inherent in this berry.

For jam you will need:

  • 1 kg yellow cherry plum
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 2 glasses with a volume of 250 g of plain water

How to make pitted yellow cherry plum jam

If you don’t make this jam just because you need to spend a long time with cherry plums, removing the seeds, I hasten to please you. We won't get anything. All that is required in the first stages of preparation is to thoroughly wash the berries, let them dry a little and transfer them to a large container: a basin, a saucepan, a pressure cooker, a multicooker bowl. We will make jam in it.

Now we will move away from the usual process of making jam, when we put in the berries, cover them with sugar and put them on the fire. We need to get rid of the seeds, what a jam with them! Therefore, pour water into the pan, stir and send the cherry plum to simmer over medium heat.

Don't worry, 2 glasses of water will be enough. During stewing, the berries will release their juice and for the most part will be boiled/stewed in it, and we pour in some water so that they do not burn when we put them on the fire. Simmer the cherry plum, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.

During this time, we look for suitable jars, wash them and put them in the oven for sterilization. For jam, I choose a very small container, so to speak, for one time use, so that I can open it and eat it right away.

While the pan is on the stove, the cherry plum will boil, the skin will peel off the fruit, and the seeds will separate from the pulp. Next, rub the mixture through a colander or sieve.

We do this carefully so that only bones and unnecessary pulp remain in the colander at the exit.

Place the grated cherry plum back into the pan, add sugar, stir and place on high heat.

After boiling, reduce it and cook the jam for 40 minutes.

Remember, you need to add more sugar to cherry plum if you don’t want to get very sour jam. The consistency of the jam will depend on how much you boil the mixture. To make it look like jelly, leave it for 45-50 minutes. If you remove from heat after half an hour of cooking, you will get a thinner jam.

Pour the prepared jam into jars and close the lids tightly. Don't forget to boil them first.

Cherry plum is the closest relative of the familiar plum; their only difference is in size and place of growth. The fruits of the cherry plum have a sweet and sour piquant taste; they can be eaten fresh, but most often aromatic jam, as well as sweet and sour jam and marmalade, are prepared from cherry plum.

Benefits and harms

Cherry plums are not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy fruits. They contain a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, pectins, tannins, as well as fiber, which is necessary to maintain normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. During heat treatment, cherry plum does not lose its properties, so fruit jam made from it has very useful properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins, impurities and waste;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • improves metabolism and nervous system activity;
  • has a slight choleretic effect;
  • reduces the severity of headaches;
  • increases immunity, optimizes the body's protective functions;
  • relieves symptoms of colds, such as sore throat and cough, as well as runny nose;
  • significantly improves skin condition and prevents early aging.

There is evidence of the positive effects of cherry plum on the body in diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and liver.

Due to its high content of vitamins, cherry plum jam can be an excellent means of combating winter vitamin deficiency, since even after processing this fruit remains a particularly valuable source of minerals, fructose and organic acids.

At the same time, we should not forget that cherry plum jam contains a large number of refined sugar, excessive consumption of which causes heart problems and vascular system, leads to the development of diabetes, as well as obesity and metabolic disorders.

Nutritionists have proven that sugar is often very addictive. human body, which in terms of severity can be compared even with a narcotic one. As soon as sugar enters the body, it immediately begins to produce a special hormone responsible for the feeling of pleasure - dopamine. At the same time, the human body clearly remembers the connection “sugar – pleasure” and simply forces it to consume more and more in order to achieve maximum production of the hormone. You've probably noticed that few people can easily stop at just one candy or a sip of lemonade - the same thing happens with cherry plum jam and jam.

However, this does not mean that fruit preserves should be excluded from your diet. Far from it, jam from these aromatic fruits can be eaten every day, but it is necessary to achieve such a ratio of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the menu so that sweet jam and other “unhealthy” products make up in general no more than 20% of the diet, and the remaining 80 % accounted for fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and eggs.

Nuances of preparation

Certain types of cherry plums are almost impossible to separate from the pits without special treatment, so they are widely used for compotes in which they are preserved together with the pits. However, juicy and aromatic fruits make jams and jams especially tasty, in which case the fruits should be prepared first.

If you buy varieties for winter preparations that can quickly open into two parts, then you need to clean them in advance - in fact, this is the only thing that should be done at the stage of preparing for cooking the main dish. There is no need to remove the skin, since during heat treatment it becomes quite soft.

For winter preparations, you should use only fresh fruits without dents or signs of rotting fruit. The fruits should be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then you can proceed directly to preparing cherry plum jam.

Cooking options

As a rule, 700 grams of white sugar are required to make jam per 1 kg of fruit. However, this ratio may vary, since certain varieties of cherry plum have a slight sourness, and taste preferences everyone has their own. So, lovers of sweets can safely take the necessary ingredients in a 1 to 1 ratio, but if you take a sweet fruit, then you should add three or four slices of lemon or a couple of orange slices to it.

From red cherry plum

Jam from red cherry plum varieties is prepared according to the classic recipe, it requires the following ingredients:

  • pitted cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • refined sugar – 1 kg;
  • filtered water – 1 glass.

First, you should wash the fruits and, if possible, remove all the seeds they contain. If you can’t get rid of them, then simply prick the skin of each fruit with a fork or toothpick, otherwise during heat treatment it will crack and simply separate from the pulp.

Then you need to prepare a syrup from water and sugar, bring to a boil, turn it off, and then add fruit to it. Ideally, of course, the cherry plum should steep in the prepared syrup for 8-10 hours, but many housewives simply wait until the mixture cools down and immediately continue preparing the sweet preparations.

The cooking container is placed on low heat and brought to a boil, while it is necessary to periodically stir the jam with a wooden spatula and be sure to skim off the foam. After it starts boiling, keep the pan on the fire for another five minutes, then remove it from the burner and let it cool.

Then the jam should be brought to a boil again and then checked for readiness. To do this, drop a drop of sweet syrup onto a dry, clean plate and tilt it.

If it remains in its place, the jam is ready, but if it has spread, you should simmer it a little more over low heat.

Another original jam recipe is spicy jam prepared in the oven with the addition of cinnamon and cloves.

You will need:

  • red cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • refined sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 2-3 tbsp. l.

The fruits are pitted and placed in a large saucepan or basin, the rest of the ingredients are added there, kneaded well and allowed to brew for 3-4 hours.

The oven should be preheated to 180-200 degrees, after which cover the pan or other container with a lid and place in the roasting pan for 1.5-2 hours. The sweet mass should be stirred every 30 minutes.

The finished red cherry plum jam is poured hot into sterilized dried jars, covered with a lid, and after cooling, placed for storage in a cellar or other cool place.

From yellow fruits

Experienced housewives recommend preparing jam-honey from the yellow fruits. The product turns out to be very aromatic, with a rich taste and a pleasant amber color. This dessert will always complement a sweet table. For honey-jam from yellow varieties you will need:

  • yellow cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • refined sugar – 3 kg;
  • water – 1.3 l.

The fruits should be washed, mixed with water and cooked for about 15-20 minutes. until soft, after which the mass must be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of seeds and skin. Then you should strain the broth in which the fruit was previously boiled, and mix it with the mashed puree, add sugar and place the cooking container on moderate heat.

The jam must be brought to a full boil, then continue to cook over low heat for another 50-60 minutes, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass thickens, you can remove the pan, pour the hot jam into jars and cover with plastic or glass lids.

With bones

Unfortunately, not all varieties of cherry plum easily part with their seeds, but you can get aromatic jam even in this case. It requires:

  • cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 tbsp.

The cherry plum should be thoroughly cleaned, sorted, remove bruised and unripe fruits, and get rid of worms. Then you need to remove the stems and rinse thoroughly with cool water.

The prepared cherry plum is placed in small batches in hot water and blanched for 3-5 minutes, after which it is immediately cooled in pre-prepared cold water. After this procedure, each fruit is pricked in two or three places and placed in a large saucepan. At the same time, the syrup is being prepared; for this, sugar is poured with water and, stirring, brought to a boil, and then boiled for 5-7 minutes.

Pour the prepared syrup over the cherry plum and leave for 4-5 hours to soak. After the specified time, the syrup is carefully poured into a cooking container and boiled again for 15 minutes over medium heat, after which the fruits are again poured with a slightly boiled solution and again left for 4-5 hours. Then the syrup is drained again and boiled again for half an hour. Then pour the cherry plum again and keep it on medium heat for about 15 minutes.

This year I cooked for the first time simple recipe your good friend. Before this I had only cooked it, but this jam amazed me not only with its appearance, but also with its taste. By by and large we can say that such seed jam is something between jam and cherry plum compote. The technology of its preparation itself consists of boiling cherry plum berries in sugar syrup.

Cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter, step by step recipe which I want to offer you, will be very aromatic, due to the preliminary boiling of mint sprigs in syrup. The main “trick” of the jam is that the cherry plum berries should not burst too much and lose their shape. Based on this, in order to get cherry plum jam with seeds, which will consist of whole berries, give preference to slightly unripe fruits. In addition, there is another little secret with which the berries will not be overcooked.

This cherry plum jam with seeds It is not very suitable as a filling for pies, rolls, or as a layer for cakes, but it is very useful for decorating homemade baked goods and all kinds of recipes.


  • Cherry plum – 1 liter,
  • Sugar - 800 gr.,
  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Mint – 2-3 sprigs.

Cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter - a simple recipe

Sort out the cherry plum berries. Set aside beautiful berries without external defects for pitting. Wash them. After that, take a pin and pierce each berry with it. This procedure is also used when making royal gooseberry jam, when it is necessary to ensure that the berries remain intact.

Pour sugar into the pan. Fill it with water.

Add mint leaves.

Boil the syrup for 10 minutes. While it cooks, prepare and sterilize the jars. Pour hot water into a separate pan. Place a special ring for sterilizing jars over steam. Steam the jars over steam. Place the lids in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Set the prepared jars and lids aside. After 10 minutes, remove the mint from the syrup.

Place the cherry plum in the syrup.

Stir it lightly. Boil yellow cherry plum jam with bones just 5 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove. Pour the jam into sterile jars. The most convenient way is to put cherry plum in jars and then fill it with syrup. Close the cherry plum jars with screw or tin lids. Place the jam jars upside down on the prepared surface. Cover with a warm blanket or rug. Store in a cool place - basement or cellar. Having prepared several jars of such bright jam, you will always have on hand not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert for home tea drinking.

Cherry plum and orange are a harmonious couple.

They are perfect friends in jam.

Cherry plum gives a pleasant taste, and orange gives an extraordinary aroma.

But what's the best way to make them friends?

Selection best recipes sunny jam.

Cherry plum jam with orange - general principles of preparation

There are different types of cherry plum. Yellow varieties are most often used for jam. The seed does not always leave the fruit easily. If it does not separate, use a knife to trim the pulp. There are recipes for a sweet delicacy that uses a whole cherry plum along with the pit. There is one below.

The orange is cut into pieces, ground, or only the zest is used. Citrus juice may be added. Sometimes some water is poured into the jam, since the cherry plum is quite dry. Sugar is added immediately. It is advisable to let the ingredients sit together until the juice appears and some of the sugar melts.

The workpiece intended for long-term storage is laid out in clean containers while hot. If the jam cools down or the jars are not sterile, the delicacy may turn sour. Great importance For storage it has a sealed container.

Cherry plum jam with orange “Sunny”

To prepare this jam, yellow cherry plum is used. The quantity indicated is seedless.


1.4 kg cherry plum;

0.5 kg of oranges;

1.5 kg of sugar.


1. The cherry plum needs to be washed, pitted, and placed in a saucepan or basin convenient for making jam.

2. Add sugar to the main product and stir. Leave it for a while.

3. Oranges must be thoroughly washed, cut into pieces, and all seeds removed. Then the citrus needs to be chopped. This can be done using a meat grinder or blender. There is no need to remove the skins.

4. Transfer the orange mixture to the cherry plum, stir and leave the jam for three hours. During this time, some of the sugar will melt and the cherry plum will release juice.

5. Place the container with jam on the stove and bring to a boil. Periodically remove the thick foam that will appear on top.

6. Cook cherry plum jam for 25 minutes after boiling.

7. Using a clean and dry ladle, pour into sterile jars. We seal it and put the cherry plum preparation away for storage.

Cherry plum jam with orange slices

For such jam you do not need to grind the orange; the citrus is put in pieces, like cherry plum. The preparation turns out beautiful, bright, appetizing. The jam is prepared in three steps.


1 kg cherry plum;

1.1 kg sugar;

1 glass of water;

2 oranges.


1. Pour water over sugar and leave for a while while preparing other ingredients.

2. We disassemble the cherry plum into halves or cut it into pieces.

3. Scald the oranges with boiling water, cut them together with the peel into segments, then each slice into triangles. You will get beautiful pieces.

4. Turn on the stove, prepare syrup from sugar and water. It is important not to bring it to a boil quickly; heat it over low heat so that the grains slowly dissolve. If the oranges have released a lot of juice, you can also add it to the syrup.

5. Transfer the cherry plum to boiling sugar, immediately add the oranges. Cook, adding heat, for exactly five minutes.

6. Turn off, cover so that nothing accidentally gets into the workpiece, leave until it cools completely.

7. Then boil again for five minutes, cool. Each time the foam must be removed.

8. Cook for the last time and pour the boiling cherry plum jam into jars. Let it cool and take it to the basement.

Twisted cherry plum jam with orange

Wonderful jam, thick, easy to prepare. This recipe will especially appeal to those who have difficulty separating cherry plum from the seeds. You'll have to take a knife and use it to separate the pulp.


1 kg cherry plum;

1 orange;

120 ml water;

1 kg sugar.


1. Free the cherry plum from the seeds.

2. We also cut the orange, but there is no need to remove the skin. We throw away the bones.

3. Twist everything together; you can use a large or fine mesh in a meat grinder. Do as you like.

4. Add water, sugar, stir.

5. Place the jam on the stove and bring the meleno to a boil. The mixture needs to be stirred constantly, as it is quite thick and can easily burn.

6. Boil the twisted cherry plum for 20-25 minutes.

7. Place in containers and seal the sweet preparation with airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with orange (with zest)

For this jam you do not need the oranges themselves. It is enough to remove the zest from the citrus fruit, which contains the aromatic substances.


2 oranges;

1.2 kg cherry plum;

1 kg sugar;

0.5 cups of water.


1. We disassemble the cherry plum into halves. You can cut into smaller pieces if you want.

2. Place the main product in a container for making jam. Add sugar and water and leave for an hour.

3. First wash the oranges, then pour boiling water over them.

4. Take a regular grater and remove the thin skin from the citrus fruits. The zest can be immediately added to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Turn on the stove, stir the jam and, periodically removing the foam, begin to cook.

6. After half an hour of slow boiling, the cherry plum preparation can be poured into jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange and zucchini

A variant of an unusual, but amazingly tasty and bright cherry plum jam with orange. If you don’t say that zucchini is added, then no one will guess about it.


0.7 kg zucchini;

0.2 kg orange;

0.7 kg cherry plum;

1.5 kg of sugar.


1. If the zucchini is young, then there is no need to peel it. We just take out the insides and cut them into small cubes of about five millimeters. The recipe indicates the weight of the pure zucchini, that is, the pulp.

2. Cover the zucchini with sugar and let the vegetable release its juice.

3. During this time, you need to prepare the cherry plum. If the seeds pop out easily, then take them apart in halves, then cut them into quarters. The pieces should be slightly larger than those of zucchini.

4. You can immediately transfer the cherry plum to the zucchini, let them release the juice together.

5. Grate the zest from the orange, as we did in the previous recipe. Transfer to jam.

6. Cut the pulp into small pieces and add to the jam. Discard the white skin and seeds.

7. Place on the stove, stirring the ingredients well.

8. Boil the zucchini with cherry plum for 40 minutes. Do not let the sweet preparation actively boil. Spread while the jam is hot and seal.

Cherry plum jam with orange and apples

A recipe for mixed cherry plum and orange jam, for which you will also need apples. We will not add them right away in order to maintain the shape of the pieces.


1 kg cherry plum;

0.5 kg orange;

0.5 kg apples;

400 ml water;

2 kg sugar.


1. Prepare syrup from water and granulated sugar.

2. Cut pitted oranges into pieces. Add to syrup.

3. Next, add pieces of cherry plum, bring the mass to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 15 minutes.

4. During this time, cut the apples into slices and put them into the cherry plum preparation.

5. Bring the sweet mass to a boil again and remove the foam again.

6. After the second boil, cook the jam for 20 minutes.

7. If the consistency is not satisfactory, you can extend the cooking time.

8. Place in jars.

Cherry plum jam with orange in a slow cooker

The recipe for cherry plum preparation, which turns out to be unusually aromatic, is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. To make jam using this option, you do not need to remove the seeds.


1 kg cherry plum;

1 orange;

250 ml water;

1 kg sugar.


1. Remove the zest using a grater or any other method and chop it.

2. Pour water into the multicooker, add washed and chopped cherry plums, and throw in the zest.

3. Cut the orange and squeeze out the juice. We make sure that no bones get into it.

4. Pour orange juice into the remaining jam ingredients.

5. Stir with a spatula.

6. Set the “Baking” mode for the sweet treat.

7. Cook in a slow cooker for 35-40 minutes, put into containers until the mixture has cooled down.

Cherry plum jam with orange, lemon and spices

For such jam with cherry plum and oranges, in addition to citruses, you will also need spices. It is advisable to use natural vanilla and a cinnamon stick. Synthetic fragrances do not give the desired smell.


1 kg cherry plum;

1 cinnamon stick;

1 star clove;

1 kg sugar;

1 orange;

1 g vanilla.


1. We disassemble the cherry plum, freeing it from the seeds. You can cut it smaller.

2. Add sugar, leave for 5 hours, or overnight.

3. Wash the citruses, remove the zest from the lemon and orange. Transfer to cherry plum.

4. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits and also pour it into the jam.

5. Grind the cinnamon stick, pour it into the main mass, throw in the whole cloves, add vanilla.

6. Stir and place on the stove.

7. Cook for half an hour.

8. Then you need to catch the carnation star. It is better not to add it to jam, so that a specific bitterness does not appear.

9. Pour the boiling delicacy into jars. Seal tightly or close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Water is often added to jam recipes. You can use citrus juice instead.

The jam becomes thicker as it cools. To test the consistency, you can drop a small amount of syrup onto a cold plate. Experienced housewives place several plates in the freezer in advance.

You can put not only fresh zest into jam, but also dried zest. The preparation of aromatic raw materials can be done in winter, when store shelves are bursting with citrus fruits. Dried zest is perfectly stored for several years in a dry, airtight container.

Cherry plum goes well not only with apples. You can make jam with the addition of pears, quinces, and berries, but they should not be very sour.