Baked bananas benefits and harms. Bananas: benefits and harms to the body, varieties, storage conditions and delicious baking options. For diarrhea and heartburn


Almost everyone knows that eating fruits has a beneficial effect on the body. One of the most affordable exotic fruits is bananas, they are sold all year round, do not cause allergies, many people like it. It is worth talking in more detail about how this product affects health.

What is in bananas

It's hard to believe, but this plant is not a fruit, but a berry. Are bananas good for health? Yes, because they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, trace elements necessary for normal functioning. human body. Bananas contain:

  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • Apple acid;
  • pectin;
  • sucrose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • vitamin C (protects against infections);
  • fructose;
  • manganese;
  • serotonin;
  • copper;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1 promotes the digestibility of carbohydrates);
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamin PP (good effect on the brain, central nervous system);
  • carotene (positive effect on vision, skin, hair, nails);
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin B2 (helps wounds heal faster, has a good effect on the digestive system);
  • zinc;
  • magnesium (useful for the brain, nervous system, blood vessels);
  • iron;
  • choline;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6 promotes the production of gastric juice, strengthens the nerves, stimulates the production of serotonin);
  • potassium (beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, removes excess fluid from);
  • folic acid (useful for female genital organs).

Bananas - benefits and harms to the body

First of all, it is worth noting that it is recommended to use only fresh fruits. It is dangerous to eat overripe ones, and unripe ones are full of starch. What are the benefits and harms of bananas for the body? The list of positive properties that they possess:

  • beneficial effect on the digestive organs;
  • help with weight loss (in combination with sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • remove excess fluid;
  • together with milk and herbs help to cure bronchitis;
  • enhance the growth of muscle tissue;
  • make blood vessels stronger and more elastic;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • useful for the intestines, liver;
  • give energy;
  • help eliminate constipation;
  • normalize the intestinal-alkaline balance;
  • strengthen nervous system;
  • remove harmful substances.

It cannot be argued that bananas are harmful, but they have a number of contraindications. It is better to refuse them for those people who have diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, ischemia, increased blood coagulation, dysentery. It is advisable not to eat them for babies under one year old, and for mothers who are breastfeeding babies. The specific list of positive and negative properties of the fruit depends on its variety and processing method.

Green bananas - benefits and harms

The fruits of this variety are large. They have a slightly astringent taste, so they are more suitable for making stews, mashed potatoes, chips. They have a very positive effect on the digestive system. The benefits and harms of green bananas are due to the presence of indigestible starch in their composition. Thanks to him, a person feels full longer. Regular consumption of green bananas significantly reduces the risk of developing stomach ulcers and alleviates the course of this disease in those people who already suffer from it. In addition, the fruit has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system.

Dried bananas - the benefits and harms

Dried fruits have more calories than fresh ones. The benefits and harms of dried bananas should be carefully weighed before eating them. It is better to refuse such fruits for people prone to obesity, patients with diabetes those who have recently experienced a stroke or heart attack. They are prohibited with dispersion and increased flatulence. Their benefits are as follows:

  • have a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • help in the fight against constipation;
  • prevent anemia;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle.

Boiled bananas - the benefits and harms

During heat treatment, the fruits become sweeter, but lose some of the nutrients. In general, boiled bananas have the same properties as fresh or dried ones. However, only a very small amount and extremely rarely allowed to be used by people with diabetes. Some of the sugar leaves them, although this affects the taste in a positive way.

Benefits of Bananas for Women

The fair sex should definitely include this fruit in their diet. Useful properties of banana for women:

  1. When used, toxins are removed from the body, it is cleansed at the cellular level.
  2. Women who eat one banana every day have very beautiful skin. She looks young and fit.
  3. Bananas help with depression, relieve PMS, reduce abdominal pain during menstruation.
  4. It is useful to eat these fruits for the prevention of cancer due to the carotene and vitamin B they contain.
  5. Fruits are useful for the prevention of migraines. They reduce the intensity of the headache.
  6. When fruits are eaten, the body produces more oxytocin.
  7. If a woman eats this fruit during pregnancy, she will stop feeling sick. It is not necessary to abuse them, it causes bloating.

Benefits of Bananas for Men

Not only the female body has a beneficial effect on the use of this fruit. Benefits of banana for men:

  1. Fruits have a positive effect on the potency and health of the genital organs in general due to the tryptophan they contain. They increase sperm motility, which is very useful for couples who have problems conceiving.
  2. Fruits give energy. This is especially important for those men who play sports or engage in physical labor.
  3. The fruits contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue.
  4. Fruits lower blood pressure. This is very important for men because they are more prone to hypertension. They reduce the risk of blood clots.

The benefits of bananas for children

Many parents argue over whether or not to introduce these fruits into the diet of their babies. You can give it from 6 months, but it is better to wait a year. A child is unlikely to refuse such a treat. If the baby begins to swell or he develops a rash, then exclude this product from his diet for a while, and then introduce it again gradually, in small portions. Benefits of bananas for children:

  1. Eating fruits increases concentration, relieves fatigue.
  2. Fruits have a restorative effect, improve sleep.
  3. Helps to form bone tissue, muscles.
  4. Stimulate the work of the brain.

How many bananas can you eat per day

This question is very relevant for all sweet fruit lovers. You can eat bananas every day, but no more than two or three pieces. From this amount enters the body daily rate vitamins, nutrients. As for children, depending on their age, they can be given from a quarter to two fruits a day. For girls who are on a strict diet or who are prone to fullness, it is better to refuse bananas. With a strong desire, you can eat a small piece, but very rarely and only on an empty stomach for breakfast.

Banana peel - useful properties

Not only the pulp of the fruit is used. The benefits of banana peel are as follows:

  1. The peel is rich in minerals, antioxidants, wax, macronutrients, oils.
  2. Included in the composition of masks for the skin of the face, body. Removes irritation.

There are about 500 varieties of bananas, and an unusual berry is cultivated in the tropical countries of the Southeast region of Asia. The fruit can reach a length of about 25 cm and weigh about 180-200 grams.

There are these types of bananas:

Dessert (regular bananas that are suitable for eating raw)

Platano (requires processing before consumption)

This nutritious fruit contains a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins, necessary for a person. The nutritional value of 100 g of banana pulp reaches 96 kcal, that is, one banana accounts for about 150-200 kcal.

However, the calorie content of bananas can vary depending on the ripeness and how they are consumed. For example, a green banana is less nutritious than a ripe one. In the dried fruit, the nutritional value goes off scale - there are about 350 kcal per 100 g, and banana chips have a high calorie content - about 500 kcal per 100 g.


The harm of bananas

The availability and low cost of bananas contributed to the extraordinary popularity of this overseas fruit. However, there is also the harm of bananas, which many lovers of this unusual berry do not know about.

The harm of bananas is not excluded for people who are diagnosed with:

  • Diabetes
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Increased blood coagulation
  • Ischemia

Care should be taken when eating bananas for women during lactation. Together with breast milk, the baby can get substances that provoke flatulence, colic. Large amounts of vitamin K can lead to anemia (hemolytic) and kernicterus.

Fruits after chemical treatment can be dangerous. The harm of bananas in this case for a person is huge. Basically, all bananas entering our country are picked green and processed before long-term transportation. Phenol vapors are applied to them, which is a potent poison and even in small quantities can cause oncological ailments.


Composition of bananas

The benefits of eating bananas are due to the high content of valuable substances.

Ripe fruits contain:

  • Cellulose
  • Apple acid
  • sucrose
  • Proteins, carbohydrates, fats
  • Fructose
  • Vitamins PP, B1, B2, B6 (pyridoxine)
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Pectin
  • Amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, methionine)
  • Copper, selenium, iron, potassium, magic, zinc, sodium

Bananas are rich in potassium, necessary for the activity of the heart, and magnesium, a life-giving substance for the brain, blood vessels and human nervous system. These fruits are recommended for physical, mental stress, as well as during stress. Eating bananas will help those who intend to quit harmful smoking. Useful substances of this fruit will help to remove nicotine from the body, relieve irritability and anxiety.

One banana contains about 50 mg of magnesium, which is necessary for the body for energy, normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Bananas stimulate appetite and are gentle on digestion. After all, a banana is a source of prebiotics, which produce beneficial intestinal bacteria that protect the body from various infections and strengthen the immune system.

Banana can act as a natural sleeping pill, help with insomnia. Since it contains a special substance - tryptophan. And when combined with vitamin B6 (found in bananas), this amino acid helps the body produce melatonin and serotonin, thereby promoting quality sleep.

Benefits of Bananas

The benefits of bananas for humans are:

  • Aid in the digestion of food and the removal of excess fluid from the body
  • Excellent work of the heart muscles
  • Fortress and elasticity of blood vessels
  • The fight against constipation
  • Normalization of the functions of the nervous system
  • Cleansing the body of harmful compounds
  • Prevention iron deficiency anemia
  • Normalization of the pH balance
  • Saturation of the body with energy
  • Enhanced muscle tissue growth
  • Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight

A banana is very useful for the "weaker" sex. Eating fruit helps to normalize blood pressure, has a positive effect on the condition of the hair and epidermis. The introduction of bananas into the diet of a woman will have a positive effect on her sex life. The fruit enhances the synthesis of oxytocin, affects libido and sexual energy.

Bananas: benefits and harms for men

No wonder this fruit is often associated with the male genital organ. It has a huge impact on the potency and sexual health of a man; especially the use of a banana is relevant in old age.

The introduction of bananas into the diet of a man will have a positive effect on his reproduction. Fruits rich in potassium and magnesium can improve the quality of ejaculate, promote mobility and activity of spermatozoa. In addition, bananas are an excellent aphrodisiac. Their use leads to the establishment of the sexual sphere of a man, an increase in sensuality, an increase in libido and an extension of the time of sexual intercourse.

The harm of bananas for men can only be if he is prone to obesity, and also has problems with blood clotting. It is not recommended to take this fruit with diabetes and individual intolerance to the product.

bananas after workout

The nutritional qualities of bananas made it possible to include them in the diet of athletes and use them to prepare restorative energy cocktails. Sports and power loads contribute to the loss of glycogen stores, which leads to the destruction of muscle tissue, pain.

Eating bananas after a workout helps replenish glycogen, improves metabolism in muscle tissues, and restores their damaged structure. In addition, bananas fill athletes with energy, increase endurance and the body's susceptibility to physical exertion. Japanese athletes - giant sumo wrestlers, preparing for a performance, always include ripe bananas in their diet along with rice and other healthy foods.

The main amino acid, tryptophan, when ingested, is synthesized into serotonin and acts as a mild sedative. Therefore, taking ripe bananas after a workout has a positive effect not only on muscle growth and athlete recovery. Eating bananas improves mood, stimulates brain activity and relaxes tense muscles.

Dried bananas: benefits and harms

In terms of calories, dried bananas are ahead of fresh fruits. Their nutritional value is about 350-365 kcal, so the benefits and harms of dried bananas should be carefully checked before they are consumed.

Dried bananas should not be included in the diet:

  • With a tendency to obesity
  • Diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
  • After a heart attack or stroke
  • With dyspepsia
  • If there is increased flatulence

The benefits of dried bananas are a beneficial effect on digestion, getting rid of constipation and a minimum of harm. Also dried fruits are very sweet, extremely tasty and rich in iron. Their use will prevent the occurrence of anemia, help the woman's body cope with menstrual irregularities.

Also, a dried banana contains a huge amount of potassium (25 of the daily requirement). This substance has a positive effect on the work of the heart, normalizes blood pressure and restores the structure of muscles in the field of training.

banana diet

For those who want to quickly get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists have developed a special banana diet. Before you implement this weight loss program, preparation is necessary. The initial stage of the diet is fasting day. Smoked meats are excluded, fried foods, salt, fatty foods. During the day, only green tea and still water are accepted.

You can not buy unripe bananas for a dietary diet - they contain starch, which is poorly digested by the body. Also, dried bananas are not suitable for a diet - they are too high in calories. The best option is ripe fruits with a thin skin, small in size.

Banana diet rules (3 days):

  1. Reception of bananas is divided into 6 times a day
  2. You need to consume 1.5 kg of fruits per day
  3. You can alternate between water and unsweetened green tea.
  4. The last portion of bananas should be eaten 3 hours before bedtime.

Adhering to this diet, up to 3.5 kg is lost in 3 days excess weight.

How to store bananas

This exotic fruit is afraid of humidity and loves dark, dry rooms. However, banana storage rules depend on the state in which the product was purchased:

  • There should be no damage or very dark spots on the outside of the banana peel - this may indicate improper transportation of fruits and their staleness.
  • Also, cracks in the peel of bananas indicate improper storage. A sharp increase in temperature leads to this defect (bursting of their peel) - such early-ripening bananas will not be tasty.
  • You can buy slightly unripe fruits and leave them in a warm place. The very next day they will become appetizing, with a bright yellow peel.
  • You can't store bananas in the freezer. They will turn black and deteriorate.
  • The best option storage of bananas is to place it in a paper bag. The fruits should be allowed to get air, and the place where the bananas are stored should be slightly shaded.
  • best temperature banana storage - +12.+14 ° C.
  • Bananas bought in a bunch are perfectly stored. When the fruits are separated, their base is damaged, which affects the shelf life.
  • It is not recommended to store bananas in the refrigerator. Low temperatures contribute to the appearance of black dots on the fruits, visible darkening and lead to a change in taste.
  • Bananas keep well in a hermetically sealed container. plastic bag. This option is suitable for long-term preservation of fruits. They should be placed freely, without squeezing neighboring fruits.
  • Bananas do not tolerate the neighborhood of other fruits - some of them affect their safety. For example, apples speed up the ripening of bananas.
  • To increase the shelf life of bananas, their tails can be wrapped in foil.
  • If there are a lot of bananas and blackening of the fruit cannot be avoided, you can peel them, cut them into slices and freeze them in this form.

Bananas are bright representatives of plants that were cultivated by people in ancient times. Currently, bananas are considered a valuable food and fodder crop, the export of which is second only to rice and wheat.

Word " banana" in Latin means " fruit of the wise man”, translated from Arabic as “ finger". Therefore, a bunch of bananas is called a brush.

The birthplace of an exotic fruit is the Malay Archipelago. Like a pineapple A pineapple - beneficial features and contraindications. The composition of the fruit the nutritional value, minerals and vitamins. 12 most useful properties of pineapple for your body. Who shouldn't eat pineapple? Interesting Facts about fruit., the banana plant is an herb of the banana family. For food purposes, an artificially bred variety of fruit is used with creamy, white, orange or yellow flesh and a pleasant unusual taste and aroma.

Only ripe bananas should be eaten. Unripe yet green bananas contain indigestible starch What is useful corn starch for our body and how it can harm us. 8 useful properties of starch and ways to use it for treatment and in everyday life., which creates an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Ripe bananas are very easy to digest and rarely cause any allergic reactions, so they are often introduced as complementary foods for infants. From this article you will learn how bananas are useful for our body, for what diseases they are used and what contraindications exist.


The benefits of bananas are determined by their nutritional properties and the presence of many useful elements in their composition, the main of which are carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It is worth noting that in bananas contain 5 times more iron and vitamin A, 4 times more proteins and 2 times more carbohydrates, than in apples The article presents the 20 most useful properties of apples for human health, as well as their contraindications and harm. For what diseases is it recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss. . Eating two bananas a day, you can fill the body's daily need for potassium. The pulp of bananas also contains catecholamines - serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are important physiologically active substances.

A banana plant does not have a solid, inherent in all trees, trunk. At the same time, the stem of this giant grass, reaching a height of 10 m, can withstand the weight of up to 300 banana fruits, which is at least 500 kg.

100 g of banana pulp contains:

Banana - 15 Health Benefits

    Natural sugars, fiber and potassium All about the benefits and harms of potassium for human health. 14 beneficial properties of the mineral for the body, side effects and contraindications, deficiency and sources of potassium replenishment. make bananas a great source of energy. Scientists have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 90 minutes of hard work. This property is especially useful for athletes, when after a workout you can instantly replenish low blood glucose levels.

    Magnesium and potassium, which are part of bananas in sufficient quantities, protect the body from muscle spasms, help relax muscles and block the occurrence of cramps in the future.

  1. Brings blood pressure back to normal

    Potassium, which is rich in bananas, and sodium, which is minimal in fruits, help maintain normal blood pressure. Also, these two minerals maintain an optimal water-salt balance in the body and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  2. Maintain normal stomach acidity

    Due to the enveloping texture of their pulp, they cover the wall of the stomach and suppress the secretion of acid, which gives them the right to consider them effective antacids. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers. Thus, the inclusion of bananas in your diet will protect against stomach ulcers, heartburn and acidity.

  3. In Estonia, the first world banana eating competition was won by a participant who managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes, though he ate bananas with the peel, which is why he won. The world record for eating bananas is 81 bananas in one hour.

    18 banana recipes in traditional medicine for various diseases

    Bananas are often used to treat coughs. The recipes suggest using milk, honey, lemon Useful properties of lemon for the health of our body. The benefits of lemon and lemon water for skin and hair and all the recipes for its use. How it can be harmful and its contraindications. and other products. Avoid ingredients that may cause allergic reaction To relieve allergy symptoms, it is not necessary to immediately turn to Benadryl, Claritin or other medicines. You can alleviate the manifestation of the disease in a natural way at home.. In addition, do not abuse bananas, so as not to harm the figure.

    1. Bananas with milk for blood circulation


      • a glass of milk,

        honey (to taste)

      Make banana puree, pour in milk. Boil the resulting mixture for 2 minutes. Cool, add honey. Drink throughout the day in small sips. Course - 10 days.

      The agent envelops and warms the mucous membrane, normalizes blood circulation, prevents inflammation The article presents the most popular, natural foods that help the body reduce inflammatory effects in the body. These are mainly readily available, inexpensive and popular products sold in stores. .

    2. Bananas for cough


      Mix the ingredients in a blender. Drink morning and evening (but not before bedtime). Course - 7 days.

      Cocoa contains theobromine Scientific facts about theobromine and what effect it has on our health. What are the contraindications, what is the dosage of use and where is it contained. which suppresses cough. The effectiveness of the product depends on the quality of the powder, so you should not use a cheap product.

    3. During a cold


      • 100 ml of water

        5-10 g of sugar.

      Mash the fruit, add water and sugar 11 reasons why sugar is bad for the body. The article contains more than forty scientific research about him harmful influence on human health.. While stirring, heat the mixture in a water bath. Remove from heat as soon as the mass darkens. Use the product in a warm form.

      Syrups fight the symptoms of a cold, facilitate the release of sputum. Plus, they're sweet, which kids love.

    4. Bananas with chocolate

      Melt ¼ bar of bitter chocolate 10 scientifically proven facts about the benefits of chocolate for the body. What useful substances are contained in chocolate and what effect they have on our health. Which chocolate is the healthiest and how to choose it.. Banana cut into 4 parts, reheat in microwave oven. Drizzle fruit with chocolate. It is desirable to drink a delicacy with an infusion of herbs.

    5. With lemon


      Mix honey and banana puree, then add the rest of the ingredients. Lastly pour in milk Ten scientific studies confirming the benefits of milk for our body and five scientific studies indicating the dangers of milk. All about the beneficial properties and contraindications of cow's milk for our body. .

    6. Expectorant action

      The drink has an expectorant effect. To make tea, you need a dried banana. You can make it yourself or buy it at the store. It is necessary to pour 2-3 slices of banana with boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes. Honey can be added if desired.

    7. Kissel

      Mash 1 banana, add 1 tbsp. (with a slide) sugar, and a glass of boiling water. Mix thoroughly, leave for 30 minutes. Drink warm, ½ cup every 2 hours.

      This is interesting:

      Six unique beneficial properties of jelly for our body and to whom it can be harmful. Is store-bought jelly useful? Interesting facts from the history of jelly and the best homemade recipes for its preparation.

    8. Fried banana for a cold

      To prepare the original medicine, you will need a banana, honey and cinnamon. The spice kills germs, dissolves mucus and relieves a sore throat.

      Bananas cut into circles, fry in a pan. For each side, 1-2 minutes is enough. Mix honey and water to a viscous syrup. Lubricate them with ready-made bananas, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

    9. With hypertension

      One medium-sized fruit contains 400 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium. Both substances are necessary to maintain water balance in the body.

      With the regular use of 2 bananas a day, blood pressure is reduced by 10%. Reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension, leading to atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    10. When tired

      Due to the high concentration magnesium Top 10 unique beneficial properties of magnesium for the human body. Conducted scientific studies on the effects of this mineral. Side effects and contraindications., bananas have anti-stress And calming effect. The fruits are useful for increased anxiety, problems with concentration, chronic stress, fatigue, insomnia. The soft texture of bananas does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract in people suffering from stomach ulcers. The fruits help reduce acidity.

      There is an assumption that these fruits stimulate the growth of cells of the gastric mucosa and increase mucus secretion. They protect the mucous membrane from the harmful effects of digestive juices.

    11. For diarrhea and heartburn

      Diarrhea threatens to dehydrate the body. Pectins contained in fruits absorb toxins. This affects the formation of a more stable stool consistency and helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Prolonged diarrhea causes potassium deficiency. The use of bananas allows you to make up for the lack of a substance in the body.

      With heartburn, it is not necessary to immediately take pills, it is enough to eat a banana. The fruit will naturally eliminate the symptoms of heartburn and neutralize the acid in the stomach.
    12. With iron deficiency

      If anemia is caused by iron deficiency or folic acid, the presence of bananas in the diet can help. The iron content is low, but vitamin C The article presents the results of scientific research on the effect of vitamin C on the human body. Confirmed and unproven facts about the benefits of vitamin C. improves the absorption of this element.

      This is interesting:

      What is heme and non-heme iron? Which products greatest content iron, what supplements exist, how to take them. Products that improve and prevent absorption.

      Bananas contain:

      • potassium,
      • magnesium,
      • phosphorus,
      • selenium,
      • zinc,
      • sodium
      • and vitamin A, E, K, B vitamins.

      These nutrients contribute to a balanced and varied diet - the basis for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

    13. During physical and mental labor

      Bananas are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that provide the body with energy What foods can increase energy, relieve fatigue and invigorate? The article contains 27 products that will give you more strength and energy. required for work. Ripe fruits have less starch and more simple sugars, including glucose, the main fuel for the brain and muscles.

    14. To strengthen immunity

      Bananas are rich in vitamins C, E, B6, which play an important role in strengthening the body's defenses. These fruits are natural prebiotics What are probiotics and how are they beneficial to our health? The article presents the results of scientific research on the beneficial properties and contraindications of probiotics. They stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The fruits help to restore the balance of the bacterial flora of the intestine after taking antibiotics.

    15. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

      A healthy, balanced diet plays a key role in building strong bones. Bananas contain nutrients that have a positive effect on this process.

    16. Bananas for weight loss

      One of the most contentious issues Is it possible to eat bananas while losing weight? Despite the high energy value, yellow fruits help to get rid of extra pounds. Tryptophan is involved in metabolism, improves the absorption of vitamin B6 and manganese. In addition, bananas

        Remove excess fluid.

        They have a calming effect, which protects against overeating under the influence of negative emotions.

        Gives energy for intense workouts.

        Provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. The effect is achieved due to the high fiber content.

      This is interesting:

      The article presents the results of scientific research on the benefits of eating fiber for weight loss. How to take fiber correctly, what supplements exist and what effect you can get.

    17. To moisturize the body

      Bananas are 70% water. Fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. It transports oxygen and nutrients, participates in digestion, helps to remove toxic substances, and regulates body temperature.

    We are used to seeing bananas as yellow in color, but in nature there are more red bananas Red bananas are an exotic novelty on the shelves of our stores. How they are useful for our health, for which diseases they are recommended to use, 15 ways to use them. which are more gentle. And in the Seychelles, a special type of banana grows - golden And black. Such exoticism is used by the locals of the island in the preparation of gourmet dishes as a side dish for shellfish and lobsters.

    The use of bananas in cosmetology

    Bananas have found application not only in cooking and traditional medicine but also in cosmetology. Often the pulp of the fruit is used to make face masks. Such means:

      Improve skin elasticity, prevent wrinkles.

      Protect skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays.

      Nourish the epidermis with the necessary substances.

      Prevent dry skin.

      Help get rid of acne.

      Slow down aging.

      Remove bruises under the eyes.

    In custody

    Bananas strengthen the immune system, normalize digestion, improve mood. The maximum benefit can only be extracted from a quality product. The peel of a ripe fruit should be bright yellow. Large black spots indicate the process of decay. Don't eat unripe bananas, they contain "insoluble" starch, which can cause stomach heaviness and gas.

Since ancient times, the fruit has been valued for its nutritional and medicinal properties. The benefits of a banana are in quick saturation and recuperation, improving mood. The fruit envelops, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, has a mild laxative effect. In some cases, it is contraindicated, harmful.

banana varieties

About 70 varieties are known. Fruits (berries) with fragrant powdery pulp ripen in bundles, their weight reaches 30-50 kg.

Modern artificially bred varieties are divided into dessert and so-called plane trees - unsweetened and hard, with green or red skin. They go to feed the livestock.

Artificial varieties are incapable of self-propagation, defenseless against fungal diseases.

The most common are Cavendish, Robusta, Valerie, Indian Mysore, Rajapuri. For various reasons, the once popular natural varieties (Gros Michel) have ceased to be cultivated.

Collection and transportation

The fruits are harvested green, unripe - overripe lose their aroma and taste. Through the cracked peel, their flesh is affected by diseases.

To improve the safety before transportation, they are treated against the fungus with fungicides. Chemical substances toxic, their entry into the body causes. Therefore, wash fruits thoroughly before eating.

How to store bananas

Ripe fruits retain useful properties longer at a temperature of +10..+12C. They darken quickly in the refrigerator.

Unripe (green) fruits are stored at a higher temperature. It is better to hang the bundle, not to keep it in a bag.

The composition and calorie content of bananas

The weight of one fruit with the peel is 160-180g.

Pulp weight - 100-130g.

Calorie content of 1 banana without peel: 120 kcal * 130 g / 100 g = 150 kcal.

This calorie content corresponds to 130g chicken breast fillet.

Calorie content of 100g of the product - 120kcal.

A ripe banana is firm, with fleshy flesh, covered with a strong peel with brown spots without a trace of greenery.

As part of the pulp - pectin substances that improve digestion, remove harmful substances from the intestines. (7-20%), which, when ripe, turns into sugar. Proteins - up to 1.3%. – up to 25%, mainly sucrose.

The benefits of bananas are in the high content of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, as well as choline (formerly vitamin B4), it improves memory.

B group vitamins are represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3, nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), (B9).

The highest content of vitamins B3, B5, B6:

  • Vitamin B3 is involved in tissue respiration, fat and protein metabolism. It helps to reduce the level of "bad" (LDL) and increase the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL), improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.
  • Vitamin B5 is useful for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is involved in the production of histamine, cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, adrenaline, histamine, hemoglobin, and fats. Supports healthy teeth, gums, skin. The body loses it when taking contraceptives, stress. One fruit contains up to 30% of the daily requirement.

The benefits of bananas are high in phosphorus. Sodium, iron, copper, selenium less.

Potassium useful for the nervous system, heart, blood vessels. Normalizes heart rate, blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke. Together with sodium, it regulates the water-salt balance.

  • The daily intake of potassium for adults is 2-3g, it contains 3 fruits.

Potassium deficiency due to the accumulation of sodium by the kidneys increases cholesterol levels, increases blood pressure.

Magnesium normalizes heart rate, reduces blood clotting, eliminates spasm of blood vessels and smooth muscles.

  • The daily intake of magnesium for adults is 500-750 mcg. As part of 1 banana up to 50 mcg of a useful element.

Alkaline compounds neutralize acids, prevent the deposition of salts, the development of gout, osteochondrosis, and rheumatism.

Serotonin, which is part of the composition, calms the nervous system, bananas are useful for insomnia.

Benefits of bananas for the body

Chew the fruit thoroughly, eat in small portions, not on an empty stomach, do not drink water.

Daily consumption of 1-2 fruits improves mood, concentration, reduces fatigue, normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, increases the strength of heart contractions. The benefits of bananas are in the elimination of edema, inflammation, and the acceleration of healing processes.

GIT. Bananas weaken, stimulate peristalsis, prevent constipation, are useful for choleretic, diuretic properties.

Banana pulp has a sliding, enveloping, emollient effect, which is useful for scarring ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Stimulates the renewal of the epithelium and the secretion of mucus, which protects the inner wall of the stomach from damage.

Bananas are useful for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhage in the stomach and duodenum.

The crushed pulp of a ripe banana is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), colon mucosa (ulcerative colitis).

Destruction of helminths:

  • Cut the washed ripe fruit with peel, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for three hours.

Take a glass before meals for ascaris and hookworm. In China, the ashes of the plant along with the roots are considered an antihelminthic.

Bananas for lactating. The benefit of the fruit is to stimulate lactation.

Man and women. The benefits of bananas are to increase sexual desire.

Cough. The fruit is useful for dry, diseases of the throat and larynx, eliminates spasm of the broncho-pulmonary muscles.

Banana Cough Recipe:

  1. Grind with a fork or rub the pulp through a sieve.
  2. Pour a glass of sweetened warm water, heat.

Drink 1 s.l. in two hours.

banana diet:

  • Eat 2-3 ripe bananas and 3 cups of skimmed milk every day.

The duration of the diet is three days. Some lose weight by 2.5 kg.

Benefits of banana peel

Cracked heels, rash, bruise, abscess:

  • Put a compress on the affected area - apply a fresh peel with the inside.

Visual fatigue, eye fatigue:

  • Apply banana peel to eyelids.

Headache, migraine:

  • Place the peel on the forehead or back of the head.

Diseases of the oral cavity:

  1. Dry the banana peel.
  2. Add powder to toothpaste.


  • Boil fresh green peel.

Take a decoction of banana peel to lower blood pressure.


  1. Cut a 2 cm square from a fresh peel of a ripe banana.
  2. Drip juice or milk.
  3. Fasten with a plaster on the inside.

Change every morning.

Kvass Bolotova. Made from banana peels. The benefit is to increase the body's defenses, strengthen. Fermentation forms substances that prevent the development of tumors.

Fill a three-liter jar with boiled water at room temperature:

  1. Dissolve 1 cup of granulated sugar.
  2. Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  3. Add 2-3 cups of chopped banana peels.
  4. Close with 2-3 layers of gauze.

Leave for two weeks. In a warm room, fermentation is faster.

Pour 1 liter of finished kvass into a separate bowl. Drink 1/2 glass half an hour before meals. Keep refrigerated.

In a three-liter jar, add 1/3 cup of sugar and boiled water to the top, insist again.

When after 3-4 cycles kvass becomes weaker, put it again.

Bananas for face and hair

Dark spots, freckles, peeling skin:

  • Freeze water infusion of banana peel.

Wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning.

Banana masks for softening and smoothing fine wrinkles

  • Mash the pulp with a fork, add lemon juice.

Apply for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, apply a nourishing cream.

  • Crush the berries.
  • Add 2s.l. crushed dried bananas.
  • Add yolk chicken egg.
  • Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Mix everything.

Apply for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • Grind 1s.l. almond nuts.
  • Add 2s.l. dried banana powder
  • Add 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Add yolk.
  • Mix everything.

Apply for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Hair masks

  1. Boil the pumpkin, make a puree, let cool.
  2. Add 2s.l. crushed dried bananas, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. honey, mix everything.

Apply to damp hair, lightly massage into skin. Cover your head with a film and a towel for an hour and a half. Wash off with warm acidified water.

  • Stir 2 tbsp. dried bananas, chicken egg yolk, 1 tbsp. peach oil, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp vinegar.

Apply to hair, cover with a film and a towel for half an hour. Wash off with acidified water.

Perform cosmetic procedures 1-2 times a week for a month.

Dried bananas:

  • Peel ripe fruits, cut into slices.
  • Lay out on a baking sheet on baking paper.

Dry for 3-6 hours at a temperature of +40..+50C with the oven door slightly ajar, allow to cool. Store in a glass container.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits, sometimes bananas are contraindicated, harm the body.

The fruit has a slow digestion, it forms gases.

The harm of bananas is in the property to increase blood viscosity. Contraindicated in varicose veins, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, after a heart attack or stroke.

Due to the high calorie content, it is contraindicated in large quantities for those who are overweight.

When bananas eliminate a hypoglycemic attack. Their harm is to increase blood sugar levels.

The fruits cry out, therefore, gradually include them in the children's diet.

Bananas, especially green ones, are harmful with increased acidity of gastric juice. Some experts are convinced of the dangers of green fruits, their low beneficial properties.

Modified: 06/26/2019

Bananas are not only delicious food, but also extremely healthy, although quite high-calorie. 100 g of fresh bananas contain about 200 kcal, and in dried fruits this figure reaches almost 300. However high calorie content bananas are no reason to exclude them from the menu. Indeed, these yellow palm gifts contain a whole range of various vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin PP, as well as carotene, enzymes and various trace elements. Banana is a valuable source of potassium and fiber.

Bananas are native to Southeast Asia. Interestingly, from a botanical point of view, a banana is a berry. Bananas are an ancient food crop and are eaten all over the world. The fruits are eaten fresh and are also used to prepare various dishes. Bananas are fried, boiled, baked, canned, made into flour, syrups, wines, marmalade, consumed with or without peel. It is noteworthy that in Ecuador these fruits are the main source of nutrition for the population. In just one year, each Ecuadorian consumes about 73 kg of bananas, while in Burundi this figure reaches 189.4 kg. It turns out that bananas grow in Russia too. You can meet them in the Sochi region. However, they do not reach such maturity that they can be eaten.

Scientists have calculated that a person who eats 4 bananas a day covers 100% of the body's need for potassium and magnesium. But it's not a secret for anyone that these two trace elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Recent scientific evidence proves that bananas are fruits that need to be consumed for and normalize vision. It is very useful to eat bananas for people in the recovery period after an illness. Unlike many food products, bananas are allowed for patients with various pathologies of the digestive tract.

The pulp of bananas has a delicate structure, so they are allowed for children to eat. Fruits can be included in the child's menu already in the first year of life. It is recommended to start introducing such complementary foods into the diet of infants starting from 10-12 months. Bananas have a soft texture and sweet taste, so all kids eat them with pleasure.

What are the general benefits of bananas for the body?

The benefits of bananas for the body are very high.

There are many reasons why bananas should be eaten regularly, including:

    These fruits are natural antidepressants. After eating them, the body begins to produce serotonin. It's no secret that this hormone is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. Therefore, bananas are useful to eat daily for people prone to stress.

    Banana promotes rapid satiety, so it can be safely used as a tasty and healthy snack between main meals.

    Bananas contribute to the speedy removal of alcohol decay products from the body. Therefore, they can be consumed after the feast and during the holidays.

    Bananas saturate the body with potassium, vitamins B and C. All these substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    The pulp of bananas contains substances that can improve memory and increase efficiency.

    Bananas have a lot of fiber, but it is soft and does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, bananas can be consumed even with diseases of the digestive system, for example, with gastritis.

    Bananas contain a beneficial amino acid called tryptophan. It works like a natural sleeping pill. Therefore, bananas should be eaten by people prone to.

    Bananas are good for diarrhea. These fruits contain a large number of potassium, due to which the replenishment of electrolyte reserves occurs. At the same time, the pulp of the fruit will not irritate the already inflamed intestines, and pectin fibers quickly absorb moisture, which helps to reduce the processes of seething in the intestines. Moreover, a banana is the only fruit that doctors allow to eat with.

    Bananas are good for people with. The fruits contain substances that contribute to the destruction of bacteria that provoke ulceration of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. In addition, the fruit stimulates the production of mucus, which is necessary in order to envelop the ulcer.

    Banana is a product that quickly replenishes energy losses. Therefore, the fruits must be consumed by people engaged in heavy physical labor.

    Bananas are an excellent remedy for constipation. They contribute to the gentle cleansing of the intestines due to the high content of pectin, fiber and dietary fiber. Together, these substances increase intestinal motility, but do it gently and imperceptibly.

    Bananas should be included in your diet for people with and.

    Bananas act as natural probiotics, as they create a breeding ground in the gut for beneficial bacteria to thrive.

    Bananas help to balance the hormonal levels, which is especially important for women during PMS.

    With the help of bananas, you can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as this fruit contains an impressive amount of iron.

    Bananas, due to their unique composition, can strengthen the overall immunity of the body.

    It is useful to eat them for people with, as these fruits normalize the water-salt balance in the body, simultaneously saturating it with potassium and magnesium. Therefore, the inclusion of bananas in the menu is an excellent prevention of a hypertensive crisis and other diseases that occur at the peak of high blood pressure.

    Bananas are great helpers in the fight against smoking. Recent research suggests that incorporating bananas into your daily diet can help you overcome the “addiction barrier” faster.

The benefits of bananas for men primarily consist in increasing potency, because it is not without reason that this fruit resembles the male genital organ in shape. Regular consumption of bananas in food allows you to make an erection longer and more resistant. This is especially true for older men who want to maintain an excellent sexual shape.

Bananas also affect the quality of sperm. Thanks to their use, the number of spermatozoa increases, they become more active and mobile, which means that the chances of successful fertilization increase. Therefore, men planning to have a baby should regularly include bananas in their diet. In addition, bananas have a positive effect on male libido, as they act as a natural aphrodisiac.

For eating bananas to have a good effect on male potency, the fruits must be chosen correctly. It is necessary to give preference to those fruits that have a rich yellow and intact skin. Black spots on a banana are a sign of its ripeness, but these spots should not be large and occupy the entire surface of the fruit. Mold is a sign of spoilage of the fruit, eating such bananas is dangerous to health. How smaller size fruit, the sweeter it is.

A banana for a man is a valuable food product that must be present in his diet. Moreover, the fruits are useful both fresh and in various dishes.

Video: what happens if you eat bananas every day?

Bananas are very useful for pregnant women. Eating these fruits stimulates the production of oxytocin. This hormone contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, and also enhances the production of breast milk.

In addition, bananas are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements, so with their help you can saturate the body of a pregnant woman and a developing child with useful substances. You can use bananas to reduce the severity of toxicosis, as they normalize digestion and muffle the feeling of nausea. Bananas rarely provoke allergic reactions, which is very important for women in position.

Without exception, all women should consume bananas during menstruation, as they can ease muscle spasms. This fruit will be useful for women engaged in heavy mental and physical labor. You can include fruits in your diet to lift your mood and to get rid of depression.

Since bananas contribute to rapid satiety, they can be eaten even by those of the fairer sex who are on a diet and trying to lose weight. But at the same time, it is necessary to observe the measure.

What are the benefits of dried bananas?

Dried bananas are no less beneficial to human health than fresh bananas, however, the calorie content of such products is higher. 100 g of dried bananas contains about 346 kcal. Therefore, the use of the product must be abandoned to people with overweight. It is not recommended to include dried bananas in the menu of diabetics.

You can offer dried bananas to children as an alternative to chocolate and sweets. This dessert is sure to please the child to taste and also benefit the body. After all, the vitamins and minerals contained in fresh bananas from dried fruits do not go anywhere.

Dried bananas are an excellent source of potassium. Their use in food allows you to normalize the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Fruits are useful for nails, hair, skin. Dried bananas are a source of energy and strength. With their help, you can get rid of depression and improve your mood. Dried bananas very rarely provoke allergic reactions.

It is useful to eat dried fruits from bananas for people prone to anemia. This product can be included in the menu for diseases of the digestive tract. The fruits contain many ascorbic acid, which is an assistant to the body in the fight against infectious diseases.

People involved in active species sports or heavy physical labor, dried bananas will quickly replenish energy reserves. Their use in food helps to normalize blood pressure.

Cooks actively use dried bananas in various dishes. Fruits are added to cereals, they decorate cakes, pastries and other sweets.

Bananas are easy to dry at home. For this purpose, you will need to purchase ripe fruits, wash them, peel them and cut into thin slices. Then the bananas are laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment, and sent to the oven. The drying temperature should be around 50 °C, but no more. Cooking time for bananas is 3 hours. The oven door should be left ajar to allow air to flow in and allow the temperature to be adjusted.

After the required time has elapsed, the bananas are cooled and placed in glass jars for storage. Such fruits can be eaten in their pure form, and can be added to various dishes.

Do boiled bananas retain their beneficial properties?

Bananas are eaten not only fresh, but also subjected to heat treatment, for example, cooking. After exposure to high temperatures, the fruits become sweeter, but some of the vitamins are lost. Dietary fiber, fiber, pectin are preserved in boiled bananas, which makes it possible to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, boiled bananas are a source of energy.

In a very limited amount, people with diabetes can eat boiled bananas so as not to provoke a jump in insulin in the body.

Are green bananas healthy?

Green bananas are not unripe fruits, but special varieties, the so-called "plants" or "plantains". Before eating, such bananas must be exposed to high temperatures - fried or boiled. They can be cooked in sugar syrup, stewed and blanched. After heat treatment, green bananas are better absorbed.

Small green bananas are considered to be the most beneficial for the body. This variety is called "vegetable". Such fruits allow you to regulate the level of blood pressure, are a means for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

In green bananas, the content of potassium is increased, which protects the nervous and cardiovascular systems from external damage. Eating green bananas is good for the musculoskeletal system, as they do not interfere with the excretion of calcium from the body. Green fruits can be eaten against the background of stomach ulcers, constipation and diarrhea.

How can banana peels be useful?

Banana peel can be beneficial for human health. It contains the same vitamins and minerals as in the fruit itself, but the peel is an absolutely non-caloric product. It contains carotenoids and polyphenols, which can speed up metabolic processes in the body. It also contains serotonin to improve mood and lutein for.

However, many banana vendors treat the skins with various chemicals that can harm the human body to prevent spoilage. Therefore, before using the banana peel, it must be processed with high quality.

You can use the peel as follows:

    Prepare a decoction of banana peel. It must be placed for 10 minutes in boiling water, then remove the broth from the heat and cool. The peel must be discarded, and the resulting broth can be added to any juices, compotes or smoothies. This will make your favorite drinks more fortified.

    The peel can be used to whiten tooth enamel. To this end, after each brushing of the teeth, it is necessary to wipe their surface with the soft side of the banana peel. This will get rid of stains on the enamel of the teeth, and will also make it possible to reduce the harm from the use of toothpaste, which contains various chemical compounds. In addition, the peel contains minerals that will be beneficial for the teeth.

    You can use the peel of a ripe banana to improve the condition of the skin of the face. For this purpose, you need to gently massage your face with a peel, rubbing the soft contents into the skin. It is useful to perform such a massage 1 time in 3-4 days. Banana peel will act as a soft peeling, gradually whitening the skin of the face, evening out its tone, smoothing fine wrinkles.

    Banana peels can be used to get rid of warts. To do this, you just need to wipe the growth with the soft side of the peel every day before going to bed.

    The fruit acids, minerals and vitamins contained in the banana peel help to eliminate minor inflammations on the skin. To do this, simply wipe the problem area with the soft side of the peel. This method can be used to reduce itching and inflammation from the bites of various insects: mosquitoes, wasps or bees. In the same way, you can relieve skin irritation after shaving.

    If you put a banana peel on the bottom of the pan, and then fry the meat on it, this will make it soft and juicy. In addition, the product will not burn or deteriorate. Naturally, before using the peel, it must be washed well.

Why is it useful to eat a banana with milk and kefir?

You can often hear information that bananas should not be combined with dairy products, in particular, with milk and kefir. In fact, such a combination can really provoke bloating, indigestion and fermentation processes in the intestines, especially if a person already has diseases of the digestive tract.

However, there is a diet that is based on a combination of milk and bananas. People who follow it are recommended to eat 1 banana 3 times a day with a glass of milk. This will cleanse the body and saturate it with useful trace elements contained in the banana.

Do not stick to such a diet for a long time. At the same time, milk should not be too fat, it is recommended to use a product with a fat content of 1.5%. In parallel, it is necessary to drink plenty of water, which will prevent dehydration of the body. Amount drunk per day clean water must be at least 2 liters. It should be understood that such a diet is extremely extreme and in a short time allows you to get rid of several kilograms of weight.

Video: is it possible to squeeze juice from bananas?

What will be useful cottage cheese with a banana?

The combination of cottage cheese and bananas is often recommended to be included in the diet when following various diets. Thanks to these products, you can replenish the reserves of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in the body. In addition, after eating cottage cheese with bananas, the feeling of hunger does not come for a long time. For example, there is a diet, following which during the day you need to eat only 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese and 2 bananas.

For cooking healthy dish you need to mash the banana with a fork, and rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. The resulting ingredients should be mixed, divided into portions and eaten throughout the day. Such a diet will allow you to quickly get rid of a few kilograms, as well as saturate the body with useful substances. Eating cottage cheese with a banana throughout the day, a person will not experience hunger, if the interval between food breaks is observed at 2-3 hours.

Bananas can not only benefit, but also harm.

There are certain diseases in which bananas should not be consumed, among them:


    Increased blood viscosity.

People with bananas should not get too carried away, as these fruits have a rather high sugar content.

Although bananas rarely provoke allergic reactions, allergy sufferers should also not consume them in very large quantities. In addition, despite all their advantages, it remains quite high. Therefore, overweight people need to observe the measure in the consumption of these fruits.

You should not eat unripe fruits, as they have an increased content of starch, which is difficult for the digestive system to process. As a result, a person will experience symptoms of bloating, he will intensify the processes of fermentation and gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, if unripe fruits were purchased, you need to wait for them to ripen. Over time, the starch will turn into sugar.

As a rule, fruits lying on the shelves of stores are treated with chemicals. For this purpose, phenols E230, E231 and E232 can be used. They are used to keep food fresh for as long as possible. When ingested in high doses, these chemicals can cause various diseases, including cancer. Therefore, all fruits must be thoroughly washed before they are eaten.

Do not offer this product to very young children. Some doctors recommend refraining from introducing a banana to a child's diet for up to a year. This recommendation is based on the fact that eating a banana can cause bloating, upset stools and diarrhea. Banana is an overseas fruit, which means that if the child’s digestive system is imperfect, it can provoke allergic reactions. Moreover, the banana contains a high content of vitamin K. Its excess in the body of a child can lead to the development of hemolytic anemia and jaundice.

In many ways, the harm that bananas can cause depends on the way the fruit is stored and transported. All bananas are imported to Russia unripe, and they become ripe already in warehouses. To do this, they are fumigated with ethylene. This gas allows fruits to ripen faster, become softer and sweeter. The bananas are then treated with chemicals containing phenol. This makes it possible to increase the shelf life of already yellowed fruits. For the human body, phenol is extremely toxic, even its slight ingestion can provoke the development of cancer. Therefore, before you start peeling a banana, it must be thoroughly washed.

Bananas should not be consumed by people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. These fruits can further enhance unpleasant symptoms. Doctors do not allow bananas to be eaten by patients who have had heart attacks, patients with thrombophlebitis. This is due to the fact that bananas contribute to increased blood viscosity.

Unripe bananas are harmful even to healthy people. They contain a lot of starch in their composition, have an unpleasant taste and smell. Such bananas will irritate the intestines and harm digestion.

How to choose bananas and how many can you eat?

To choose bananas that will bring the maximum benefit to the body, you need to pay attention to the following signs and characteristics of the fetus:

    The shape of the banana should be streamlined.

    The peel should be smooth and matte.

    The color of the banana should be yellow. Green bananas are unripe, which means they are dangerous to eat. Such fruits should ripen, for which you can leave them in a warm place for several days.

    The peel of bananas may be covered with black dots, which indicate the ripeness of the fruit. However, you need to eat such bananas as quickly as possible.

    Large black spots on bananas are a sign of rot. Such fruits should not be bought.

    If the banana peel has turned gray, it means that the fruit has been frozen. Gray bananas are not edible.

Don't get too carried away with bananas. Healthy man non-obese should not consume more than 2 fruits per day. As for diabetics, the possibility of eating bananas should be discussed with the doctor.

Video: what is the difference between bananas for 35 rubles and for 2000 rubles?

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).