Weird things guys do before a date. How to clean up before a date: beauty treatments Before a date, the fair sex smells

The strongest influence of a person is not the color of the suit and not the shape of the hairstyle, but the smell. Women intuitively feel that men choose them according to and therefore they love perfume so much. But it’s not enough to understand good smells, you need to be a pro at bad smells, those that scare a man away rather than mosquito smoke.

Food influences the natural smell of a person

If you had a hearty lunch with meat with a huge amount of spices, ate cake and pampered yourself with fruit, your liver cries bitterly ... It’s good if it is healthy and, experiencing incredible overload, still more or less successfully copes with all this. And if not?

Then your natural body odor may change. The smell of what you ate (but not fresh, but in a significant "processing") will seep through the pores of the skin, treacherously fly out of the mouth and perineum. A man will inevitably feel this and, surprised, will stop his frisky run towards your bedroom. Advice: before a date, remember the laws of separate nutrition.

Scented candles are not always a true friend

Aroma candles give a pleasant, but for many people - too distinct, heavy smell. Be careful with them! Before you light a candle, the annotation to which says that its smell is a wonderful aphrodisiac, ask if your loved one is allergic to smells. Or prone to asthmatic attacks. And in any case, be careful when mixing the smell of several candles, heavy smells repel not only insects.

Don't turn your bedroom into a dining room

If the smell of potatoes fried with garlic seeped into the bedroom, you can’t dream of romantic sex, you won’t be able to tune in to this wave. At best, you will have sex in a missionary position. Check out the apartment!

Change your perfume regularly

Learn the iron rule: change one favorite perfume for another once every year and a half. What is such a change - only women know. A year and a half to find the next one and only smell is very little!

But the walking one will master the road: remember that a man very quickly gets used to the smell of your perfume and at some point they may seem to him something very nasty. Don't wait for it - change your perfume!

Leave him a slight smell of your body as a memory.

Before you let your loved one go to work, put on his sweater for a minute. Hold his cell phone to your chest, hold the car keys in your hands. This light, barely perceptible smell at the subconscious level, will remind your man of you, maintain an invisible connection between you.

The summary of all of the above: people, although civilized, are still animals. And this is not an insult, but praise, recommends Sex-news.

As reported, the results of the new, conducted by the American, once again confirmed that the eternal desire of the fair sex to get rid of excess weight and achieve the maximum, completely unreasonable. It has been proven that . Moreover, these are not at all model parameters 90-60-90, which are considered to be the standard ideal of beauty.

A date is an exciting moment. So you want to impress, to be on top, to look dazzling. With your beautiful dress and special occasion lingerie ready, it’s time to focus on what matters most: tactile sensations. The smoothness of the skin, the softness of the hair, the smell of the body - that's what sets the tone.

However, it is worth remembering that many beauty procedures, and not only salon ones, require time for rehabilitation. Therefore, resolutely refuse, waxing (waxing), coloring, haircuts, any beauty injections, aggressive cleansing. And what are the procedures to say "yes"?

5 beauty treatments before a date

Relaxing bath

A warm bath is the perfect way to find harmony between body and soul. When immersed in warm water, the muscles relax, blood flow improves, the skin begins to actively take in useful substances from the outside. Therefore, it is necessary to add some miraculous composition to the water. Cleopatra, for example, made a good advertisement for milk baths. Just one liter is enough to make the skin soft and velvety after the bath. Pour the milk into warm water (37-38°), stir in 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and aroma composition from essential oils(about 20 drops). Take a bath for 20 minutes.

How to enhance the effect? Subdued lighting will contribute to complete relaxation. Light at least one candle and enjoy the moment.

Fragrant peeling

Exfoliation will help make the skin soft and increase its sensitivity. You can use any composition - ready-made, classic homemade based on kefir, etc. But if you are already tuned in to a wave of pleasure, then make a special peeling with the most delicate aroma of cocoa, which belongs to aphrodisiacs. To prepare it, combine 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and sour cream from Art. a spoonful of cocoa. Start the procedure immediately after preparing the composition. Apply peeling in small portions massaging in a circular motion - start with the legs and gradually move to the body. Wash off the peeling with warm water, pat dry with a towel.

How to enhance the effect? To nutrients and the aroma of cocoa managed to nourish the skin, do not rush to wash off the peeling. Hold the composition on the body for 10 minutes.

Energy massage

Any massage activates the body, helps to relieve fatigue, get rid of internal tension. An oil foot massage will help not only awaken the necessary energy flows in you, but also serve as a good care for the capricious skin of this area, making the feet softer and smoother. So, rinse your feet with cool water, start with the lower leg. Art. Pour a spoonful of almond, olive or sesame oil into a saucer. Picking up a little oil in your hands, massage the foot along the entire length, not forgetting about the fingers. At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel soaked in hot water.

How to enhance the effect? If the relationship is conducive to this, do not forget to pamper your man with such a massage. He will be very grateful to you!

Magic rinses

Whether you've styled it or not, making sure your hair is clean, silky, and exudes a subtle, pleasant fragrance will help you feel great. You can make them just like that with the help of a special rinse.

For cooking, you need two lemons and 500 ml of cool water. Combine lemon juice with water and rinse your hair with this composition after conditioner. For oily strands, do not wash off the composition, but for dry strands, leave for a couple of minutes and rinse. Such a conditioner will give your curls a dazzling shine, volume, make them silky and obedient.

Nourishing masks

Before applying makeup, you need to take care of the skin of the face, eliminate circles, bags, swelling under the eyes. This may include the following recipes:

  • Beat the yolk with a teaspoon. honey and 1/4 tsp. olive oil, stir in the juice of half an orange. Apply the composition on the face, soak for 15 minutes, wash your face.
  • Soak cotton pads in cool milk and hold in front of your eyes for 1/4 hour. You will definitely like the result.
  • Connect Art. a spoonful of flour and yolk, dilute the mixture with cold green tea to the consistency of sour cream, grease her face and neck. After 20 minutes, rinse and use a nourishing cream.

Makeup before a date

Perfect makeup in 15 minutes

IN even out skin tone. Conceal dark under-eye circles and imperfections with a concealer. Apply foundation with SPF. Set with powder. IN highlight the cheekbones. With a fluffy brush, apply a matte bronzer to the cheekbones, temples and chin. But the area above the cheekbones and the notch above the upper lip is a highlighter. R blur the shadows. Apply golden cream eyeshadow to the eyelid. On the crease of the upper - brown shadows, blend to the outer corner. W darken the corners of the eyes. To add expressiveness to the eyes, apply brown shadows of a deeper shade to the lower and upper corner of the upper eyelid. P color your lashes. Draw a thin arrow with black eyeliner. Coat your lashes with multiple layers of mascara.

Or apply false eyelashes. With them, the look becomes deep and charming. And it's not hard to use.

  1. Choose the ones that will look as natural as possible. The most popular are bundle cilia, nodular and with a flat base. With their help, you can experiment with the length, density, shape and wear even every day. Tape lashes are much easier to use and more common in the market.
  2. Fix any cilia to your own lash line with glue. To do this, choose a colorless dark-colored glue that matches the color of your native eyelashes.
  3. Glue lashes in the corner of the eye (5 lashes on each side). After the glue has set, line the lash line to hide the traces of lash sticking.
  4. If you are applying tape lashes, first try them on (attach to the eyelid) and, if the length is longer, carefully trim the excess with nail scissors.
  5. Using tweezers, carefully take the tape with eyelashes, apply glue to it with a cotton swab and attach it as close as possible to the place where your natural eyelashes grow.
  6. To remove the lashes, simply pull on the outer edge of the lash strip. Then immediately clean it up. Any makeup remover or micellar water will work for this. When the eyelashes dry out a little, put them in a special box, where they will not be wrinkled, and you can use them again.

  • In summer, use cosmetic products with SPF. Don't forget to cleanse your skin first. And as a quality, use a moisturizer with a UV filter.
  • Burnt, reddened, flaky nose? Do not use a scrub, it is better to nourish the skin well with. A beige color corrector without pink pigments will help to mask the redness. It will make peeling less noticeable foundation with reflective particles. And be sure to use sunscreen.
  • Are you planning on depilation? Before shaving, dip the razor in ice water for a few seconds, and then lubricate the skin with soothing milk - this will minimize irritation. A good and “lazy” way to get rid of hairs is depilatory cream in the shower: apply it a minute before water procedures and then remove with a sponge.

Any woman is worried before a date, be it the fifth or even with her own husband on the tenth wedding anniversary. This excitement prevents you from being yourself, enjoying the moment.

Remember: preparing for a romantic meeting, how you will look on a date - this is all not for a man, but for you. Give pleasure first of all to yourself! Turn on pleasant music, pour a glass of champagne ... and go. You already have an action plan.

How to kiss a girl: 10 tips that are guaranteed to help + 3 life hacks that will make your kiss unforgettable.

Late in the evening I was returning home from the rocking chair. Ahead loomed the prospect of spending the night in the company of textbooks, because in 2 days I have an exam. I kicked fallen leaves and thought about the perishability of being, so my sour physiognomy was by no means ready to meet her.

She is a barista in a coffee shop. Their coffee is amazingly delicious, and she is incredibly beautiful. Burning red hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders. A neat nose is covered in freckles, and green eyes radiate with positive and calmness. Every evening I pass by her coffee shop. Sometimes she goes outside for coffee when the last guest has left.

Today she also stood with a glass of coffee, throwing a jacket over her fragile shoulders. I was about to walk past, pretending not to notice, when suddenly...

"Hello!" ' she said defiantly, peering into my face.
"Mmm..." I mumbled, not expecting this turn of events. Well, disgraced!
"I'll take that as a welcome!"- she giggled - “You pass here every day, you all look at me. When are you going to invite me for coffee?
“You probably already drink coffee every day.” I blurted out and blushed. Well, I've been embarrassed again. Blockhead!
"You are funny!" she laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Tomorrow I finish at nine. Will you wait for me?"
“I will,” I said in a barely audible voice, and in the meantime my legs were becoming wadded.
"Great. And my name is Marina! she called back to the coffee shop.

Fuuuh! What a twist! God, what an idiot I am! She probably thought I was a total idiot! And what is this, a date? How about dating? What to talk about with her? All these hectic thoughts were spinning in my head, when suddenly: what if it comes to a kiss? I'm serious. How to kiss Marina? At all, how to kiss a girl?

It is clear that I will spend tonight in thought, not for books. Perhaps my thoughts on this will help you.

Before kissing a girl, you need to be sure that she also wants it. After all, the fact that in this particular case she invited me for coffee does not mean at all that she is ready to make closer contact and kiss.

Remember: there is nothing worse than trying to kiss a girl who does not want to.

So first make sure that the girl you want to kiss is interested in you. Some little tricks will help you with this.

A clear sign that the girl does not mind moving to the “new level” with you if she:

  • looks at your lips;
  • twists his hair around his finger;
  • touches his neck, waist, hips with you;
  • biting his lower lip;
  • breathes deeply, peering intently into your face;
  • does not observe the "generally accepted distance", i.e. lets you close to him;
  • or she herself seeks to be closer;
  • speaks more quietly, leans closer, provoking you to lean towards her in the same way.

These are just a few indicators by which you can understand - the girl wants you to kiss her. Of course, there are hundreds of little "bells" in addition to those listed above.

Biting and deep breathing is not always an indicator. The girl may just be out of breath, hurrying on a date. And lip biting is sometimes just bad habit. Still, try to feel more with your heart whether it is appropriate to kiss this girl right now.

We've all watched movies where first the thunder and lightning flash, the guy and the girl quarrel so that feathers fly, and then he grabs her and kisses her passionately. Music, subtitles!
And in life, I would categorically not advise using this technique.

To kiss a girl, you need to create the right mood, both for her and for yourself.

When you decide that this is it, the evening when you were going to kiss her, you should avoid:

  • Vulgar compliments.
  • Trash jokes about her.
  • Sharp topics. If you know that in some place your views drastically diverge, it is better not to start such conversations.
  • Stories about her exes, questions about her past. It can just be great to spoil the mood for both you and the girl.

    Who wants to listen to stories about exes?

  • Aggressive and impudent behavior towards her or towards others. Not enough adrenaline and self-affirmation?

    Leave your testosterone in the gym, not on a date with a girl.

Instead, to make it easier and more appropriate to kiss a girl, try this evening:

  • Be polite and gallant: skip ahead, help take off / put on a coat, give a hand.
  • Listen more. Show interest in the girl you want to kiss.

    Ask questions about her hobbies, friends, leisure and work, music.

  • Protect from discomfort. The fair sex likes to feel protected, while remaining independent from the guy.

    Lightly hug her by the shoulders (no, below the waist - not suitable) in crowded and noisy places. give way the best place at the table.

    Ask if you can pay for your dinner.

  • Invest in her subconscious only positive attitudes about yourself. After all, it remembers and analyzes all the information that enters it.

    So, try this evening, when you are going to kiss a girl, talk only about the positive aspects of your life.

    About sports, about what you are proud of, about promotion.

    But avoid boasting, of course!

  • And if you make the girl you want to kiss genuinely laugh, you can be sure that everything is going as it should!

Of course, it is necessary in the evening when you mustered up the courage and decided to kiss beautiful girl. After all, the mood and the opportunity to kiss the girl as a whole depend on a well-chosen environment.

This evening it is better to refuse:


    Loud music, a lot of dancing people around, pushing you from all sides.

    But, as an option, it can be a great kiss after the concert if you fully enjoyed your favorite band.

    Sports events, such as an MMA championship or football.

    Firstly, the girl may simply not be interested. Secondly, aggression and competitive spirit can set her in the wrong direction.

    You know how sensitive these girls are!

    Yes, kissing a girl at home can be convenient. But this can give rise to unnecessary temptations ahead of time.

    Do not rush things, our goal is to kiss the girl, and not run into the phrase “hold your horses” and logical discontent on her part.

    Noisy parties, meetings.

    A bunch of people around, noise and confusion ... It will not be very comfortable.

    In addition, a girl may think that by kissing her in front of everyone, you are doing it in public.

    Meeting with relatives.

    You understand - not the best evening if you and the girl will listen to the landing fruit trees or fend off the questions “When is the wedding?”

But a great place for a kiss would be:

    Coffee houses, cozy bars.

    In almost every such place there is a cozy corner "for lovers" - a secluded table where the lights are dimmed and candles are lit.

    Ideally, if you book such a location in advance in a suitable cafe.


    Yes, kissing somewhere on the last row a beautiful girl with whom you have a date is already bad manners.

    But it's still great!

    Park, walk.

    Of course, the place should not be very crowded.

    Imagine: twilight, the first lights are just turning on, the city breathes autumn coolness, wet leaves under your feet ... The romance of the twilight city, as it is.


    You can kiss your girlfriend on the Ferris wheel, for example.

    A great option: a view of the city, you alone soar at a height.

    On the way home.

    The standard option, as for the first kiss with a girl. Offer to take her home, and already at the entrance, muster up the courage and do it.

Any . Even the most icy heart can be melted with warm words, thereby arranging the chosen girl to yourself.

Don't forget to compliment the lady you want to kiss more often. Talk to her about how beautiful she looks, how pleasant her voice is. Praise her organizational skills. Yes, whatever.

But, of course, compliments must be sincere! You should not tell a lie, just to win over a girl and kiss. As a rule, they notice insincerity on the male side.

Also note:

Yes, do not forget: girls perceive not only WHAT you say to them, but also HOW you say it.

If you feel courageous, don't be afraid to whisper something pleasant in the girl's ear. For example, "You have an incredibly pleasant perfume". And then, attention! Watch your lady's reaction.

If she…

  • smile,
  • blush,
  • lower your eyes...

you have every chance to kiss this girl tonight.

If she:

  • recoil,
  • get scared
  • will turn her around,
  • laugh it off
  • move away from you...

that's bad. Better leave your attempts until the next time or even think about getting to know another girl.

If you decide to kiss a girl tonight, prepare for this action in advance.

You must:

    Be carefully shaven.

    Of course, if your image does not imply a beard or mustache. But if a regular “hairstyle” is a smooth face, then do not forget to shave well in the morning.

    So that the girl does not have irritation on her face, which will reduce the likelihood of a second kiss to a minimum.

    Take a shower.

    Be sure to take a shower before a date with the girl you want to kiss. After all, you plan to be in close contact with her.

    Unpleasant smells can not only ruin the moment, but also kill any desire to kiss you in the future.

    Brush your teeth.

    Also worth stocking up chewing gum or mints. Comments, I think, are superfluous.

    Do not smoke immediately before the planned kiss.

    Firstly, the girl may not tolerate the smell of cigarettes, which will prevent you from kissing her. Secondly, by doing this you will show your disrespect for the girl.

    Remember that the olfactory system and taste buds are more developed in the opposite sex. Therefore, what for you can be a “light smell of cigarettes” for her is an infernal ashtray.

    Wash your hands.

    If you manage to kiss a girl, you will surely touch her face. But in front of these hands, you ate nuts, smoked and stroked the dog on the way to a date?

    Have respect for the girl, wash your hands before kissing.

Let's suppose that Marina and I were in a cafe. And the candles are burning, and the music is unobtrusive, and there are few people. I gave her a lot of compliments about her fiery hair and striking appearance. She laughs, I laugh. What's next? How to kiss a girl?

Everything starts with a look. As a rule, at this moment the couple falls silent. Strong eye contact is established, and the world around seems to disappear. You tune into each other. We are not even aware, but at such moments we begin to breathe in time, and our hearts also adjust one to the other.

If the evening with the girl you want to kiss dragged on, all topics were discussed, and you both laughed heartily, it's time to start this method. Shut up and look deep into her eyes. If the girl you want to kiss keeps talking, just shut up and make eye contact.

She will definitely shut up and, perhaps, even be embarrassed. Be prepared if the lady asks if you're all right. After making eye contact, move on to the next step to kiss the girl.

You made eye contact with the girl you like. Congratulations! She no longer looks away, does not ask why you suddenly fell silent and you are comfortable doing such an intimate thing as looking at each other. Go ahead.

It's time for light touches. Tactile contact will help establish a physical “connection” with the girl you want to kiss.

This is a very important point. Since if you don’t make tactile contact, she may get scared, twitch (from nerves, out of habit) and the moment to kiss will be missed.

Light touches to the shoulder, arm, elbow.Brazenly grab the girl by the hands, forcibly hold her hand in hers if the girl resists.
Take hold of the waist.Hug around the waist, lowering the hand further to the thigh or buttocks.
Embrace your shoulders.Press your shoulders against the wall, copying scenes from your favorite movies. Frightened, call the police.
Remove the hair from her face, run her hand through her hair, touch her face with her fingertips.Grab by the hair, imitating a male. Slap your hands on your face, wave them in front of your nose.

I think you got my point. If you want to kiss a girl, be sure that all your touches are gentle and accurate. The manifestation of passion and strength is excellent. But not the moment you decide first kiss the girl you like.

Now it's time for an active fight. The girl allows herself to be touched, does not remove her hand from your hand, and her lips are like a magnet for you? Congratulations. This is the most lucky moment to kiss this beautiful girl.

Go to action. You can:

    Move your face closer to hers.

    Slowly, to give her a choice: turn away or continue. When there are only a couple of centimeters between you and the girl you want to kiss, stop and enjoy the moment for a few seconds.

    Feel her breath, the heat from her face and look at the lips you want to kiss. And for her, this will again be an opportunity to stop everything if she is not ready for a kiss.

    Touch her face with your hand and slowly pull it towards you.

    Slow down, Carl. Leave sharpness and accuracy for the second kiss.

    Hug the girl by the waist and gently pull her towards you so that your bellies touch.

    After that, be sure to pause and try to feel: is the girl you want to kiss comfortable?

    If she does not remove your hands and continues to look into your eyes - do the job, guy.

    Can you directly say: "I want to kiss you".

    Of course, if the moment allows. Probably, the girl will answer: "Well, what's stopping you?".

    Then feel free to kiss.

Of course, you can be an Experienced Kiss Master. But then why did you need instructions on how to kiss a girl?

Therefore, I consider it my duty to remind you (just in case) the basic rules for the first kiss with a girl:

Here is your kiss done! You managed to kiss the girl you liked for so long. It is necessary to end the kiss just as beautifully.

Don't just break the kiss abruptly. It is better to remove the tongue first, continue kissing with lips alone. Slow down the pace (probably the kiss became more intense over time, the breathing quickened, and you both "parted"). After a few minutes of soft touching your hot lips, let your hug loosen up. This will make it clear to the girl that the kiss is coming to an end.

Probably, the girl will be the first to want to end the kiss. Then catch signs from her side:

  • removed the tongue
  • loosened her arms;
  • removed her hands from her shoulders;
  • begins to instinctively lean back;
  • too often removes lips, demanding a "breath".

All this indicates that the kiss can be considered over. But this does not mean at all that the girl did not like kissing you or she regrets that she let herself be kissed. Just for the first close contact, it is important not to overdo it.

How to kiss a girl or 3 life hacks that will make your kiss unforgettable

Life hack 1.

During the kiss (did you manage to kiss the girl you want?), make gentle pauses.
Gently pause the kiss, and whisper something very pleasant. For example: "How long have I been waiting for this".

The girl you kissed is guaranteed to feel goosebumps running through her skin. She will be very pleased to hear how pleased you are with your kiss and how much you wanted it.

First kiss. How to choose the right moment for a kiss?

The best tips to avoid rejection.

Life hack 2.

Of course, adding passion will help make the first kiss memorable for a girl. A little, just a few seconds of an assertive and passionate kiss! Girls like to feel wanted. But it is important not to cross the line where your kiss becomes intrusive, vulgar and obliging.

For example, at the moment of the kiss, suddenly pull her closer to you, allowing the kiss to become a little deeper and more intimate. Feel the girl's reaction. If she continues to kiss you in bewilderment at the same pace as before, slow down.

If a girl catches your wave and gives herself passionate kiss, do not overdo it! Enjoy the hot process for a few seconds, then move on to tenderness again.

Life hack 3.

Vary the kiss. You can lightly bite her lip or tongue at the right time. Very weak, but playful. So she will feel that you are relaxed and relax to the end herself.
Then, when the girl will describe to her friends how you decided to kiss her, she will be full of admiration!

I looked at the clock - 04:45. Well, there are 14 hours and 15 minutes left before the meeting with Marina. I didn't prepare for the upcoming exam. But, I have all day to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the topic " how to kiss a girl". And I feel that tonight we will have an unforgettable date.

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Men do not always speak directly about their feelings and emotions. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is going on in his soul, and how he treats his chosen one! If this is the beginning of your acquaintance, pay attention to his gestures. Luckily, a man's body language is text that's easy to read!

Here is a list of signals that indicate his interest.

1. Pay attention to his pupils, they are enlarged. This is a typical reaction of the brain when it likes something (or someone)!

2. His eyebrows are raised, especially when you are talking. He subconsciously makes this gesture to increase his field of vision.

3. He smiles, baring his teeth. Men smile in this way only when they are really happy.

4. The man smiles from ear to ear. A sincere smile in men, in particular, causes forehead wrinkles and squinting of the eyes. If a man smiles in this way, it means that he wants to attract female attention.

5. Focuses his gaze on your face. He is guaranteed to like you if he devotes 80 percent of his attention to looking at your eyes, nose and mouth.

7. He takes a deep breath when he sees you. The intake of air leads to the fact that the chest expands, and the waist narrows. This is a sign that the guy subconsciously wants to be attractive to you.

8. He leans towards you a little when you say something, even if he hears you perfectly. This means a deep interest in your words.

9. When he turns towards you, puts his hands on his hips with his elbows out. A man thus shows that he wants to focus your attention on himself.

10. When he removes a hair or a speck from your blouse, it means that he is trying to initiate physical contact in order to see your reaction. Wants to be closer to you.

11. Sits with legs wide apart. Thanks to this position, he shows his very sensitive "masculinity". This is a subconscious way to show not only the openness of the personality, but also mental activity.

12. Moves (carefully) a little closer if you are sitting next to him. This means that he is after you.

13. Involuntarily directs the toe of the shoe in your direction. However, if you touch his shoulder and you notice that his legs are moving away from you, this means that he has lost interest.

14. Swinging legs - an attempt to attract attention. If a man crosses his legs or stretches, this means a lack of interest on his part. If he shifts from foot to foot, but the rest of his body is facing you, this means shyness.

15. Approaches you when you say something. This is a sign of interest.

16. If during a conversation he does not focus his eyes on you, this means that he is looking out for someone else. However, if he asks a lot of questions and seeks common features, and at the same time his gaze wanders, this can mean simple shyness.

17. Touches his neck. This can mean not only interest, but also fear about your relationship. It depends on the context.

18. When he holds your hand, interlaces his fingers around yours, this means that he wants to get to know you better.

19. Touches you with his hand when he speaks. This means that he wants your attention, wants to be heard. There is a desire to impress.

20. Casually touches your leg, but quickly removes his hand. This means that the man is interested in having sex with you. If he removes his hand slowly, and at the same time smiles, this means that he loves you very much.

21. Walks next to you, and at the same time does not notice the road ahead of him. However, if he walks a few steps ahead of you, he is more focused on himself.


The first date is a wonderful feeling of butterflies in the stomach, slight excitement, thoughts “suddenly he is the one” and “I hope I want to invite him to my place”. However, for your counterpart, waiting can mean something completely different: complex hygiene rituals, increased sweating and stress. Guys put a lot of effort into getting ready for a date, and here are some of the wildest things they've done:

Shaving everywhere

Immortalized in the comedies "American Pie" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" process. In the UK, they conducted a survey and found that shaving the pubis is one of the top three rituals for preparing for a date. And 3% of guys do Brazilian hair removal! Ridiculously, this survey also found that 25% of guys get injured from this kind of shaving. Heroic act, right? By the way, not everyone needs these feats: 45% of women say that a man should be quite hairy in intimate places.

Buying new underwear

The same study also included the purchase of underwear in the list of important rituals. Wouldn't it be easier to wear a clean pair?

Popular department store Debenhams regularly conducts surveys and states:

The average man only buys new underpants if he is about to start a new relationship.

Yes, a rather disturbing generalization, and one would like to hope they are wrong. But this study also says:

Men are not responsible for their underwear. First, his mother buys it, and then his wives and girlfriends.

This may mean that guys treat buying panties like buying paper napkins if they meet a lot of women. But, as soon as the relationship develops into a serious one, they stop thinking about it.


Muscles don't grow from one workout, right? But some, apparently, think that this is not so, and rush to the gym the day before the meeting. Of course, if a man is constantly training, another unscheduled lesson will improve the situation: it will increase self-esteem and self-confidence. But if he usually lies on the couch like a sack of potatoes, no magical burpees will fix the figure of a sloth in one evening. Moreover, if you rush to the gym after months without training, you can get injured or seriously sore muscles, which is for sure. What are the guys thinking about?

Little hand work

Believe it or not, but to distort before a date is a sacred thing. Sexologists confirm that it reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer, which is why guys are so willing to take care of themselves on the eve of an important event. As long as he hasn't traded work or appointments for such prophylaxis, there's nothing to worry about. And if he was late for a date, know that he had a good reason.

Tries to smell like her father

This is the most strange habit in this list. A little anecdotal, but a few guys on Buzzfeed and Reddit say they've been trying to figure out what cologne the girl's father uses to smell familiar.

There's a scientific reason for this: The University of Chicago has confirmed that women subconsciously prefer a scent similar to their father's cologne. For girls who do not suffer from this fad, such behavior may seem wild. How does this relate to physical attraction? But this function of our body implies that the genetic markers of the immune system seek out their own kind in order to develop resistance to disease. in other words, if it smells familiar, then you will be happy.

“Sorry, I'm late. There was no way I could buy a bottle of your father's cologne, and I had to sneak into the house and steal it so that you would consider me sexual on a subconscious level, ”until I received such an SMS, there is nothing to worry about.

Cleans up history

Some guys have another unusual ritual: clearing the phone's memory before going on a date. What if the new girl sees something unpleasant? Even your Instagram search history needs to be cleared. Completely stupid - why even build a relationship with a girl who can go crazy because he looked at photos of models with buttocks like a nut? At the same time, according to surveys by MobilePhoneChecker, on the first date, every second girl looks into the phone of a new acquaintance. There is definitely cause for paranoia.

Read how to communicate

Yes, meeting a new person is unnerving, but some go as far as looking for conversation instructions. Dating gurus advise one topic: the environment. Have you ever heard: Pleasant evening"? That's because his brain goes over topics intensely, but can't find anything to discuss. Men's Fitness follows a similar concept and offers original questions: "What do you want to do before you die?" or “What was the best year of your life?”