Which ocean to go to in September. Vacation in September: the best places to relax by the sea. Do I need a visa to Abkhazia

September is almost the most best time for a holiday on the sea coast. At the beginning of the velvet season, the weather is usually fine, but the suffocating summer heat is no longer there, the sea becomes especially gentle, and the evenings delight with pleasant coolness. At this time, colorful holidays and festivals are held in many resort areas, usually lasting more than one day, so you will have a great opportunity not only to have a wonderful rest, but also to have fun. So, where can you relax on the sea in September?

Why not take a cruise? Prices are very affordable! , .

The festival of young wine is also held on the opposite coast mediterranean sea- in Tunisia. Winemaking traditions have existed here since the time of the Roman Empire, and are preserved even despite the fact that now Tunisia is a Muslim country, and the followers of the Prophet, as you know, do not drink wine. And if the locals refrain from consuming this drink, then nothing prevents European tourists from enjoying Tunisian dry wines, which have a very pleasant taste. Distinctive feature of the holiday is also the fact that wine is served here not on the streets, but in “wine castles” specially built for the festival.

There are quite a lot of tourists in Turkey, except that you will not meet students and schoolchildren. The weather at this time is wonderful. The air temperature during the day rises to 30 C, and at night it is 21-23 C, so you can sleep in hotels with open windows. The Black Sea cools down to 22-23 C, and the Mediterranean remains warm - 24-25 C. You can put a couple of warm clothes in your suitcase for evening walks. But you should not take an umbrella - there are practically no rainy days at the beginning of autumn.

In Turkey, all cafes, discos, clubs, water parks are still open. Even if you are relaxing in a quiet place, each hotel will arrange for you to travel to larger cities. In addition, the first month of autumn is perfect for excursions. Undoubtedly, you will remember the ruins of Troy and the temple of the beautiful goddess Artemis. Recall - the temple is one of the seven wonders of the world. Holidays in Turkey are the most affordable, so you should prefer an all-inclusive system that takes into account all the nuances of your stay in the country.

Let's start with Italy, here in Naples, there is a traditional pizza festival - Pizzafest. The holiday lasts 11 days, and during all this time, everyone can buy a ticket for a tasting for a few euros and enjoy the amazing creations of Italian pizzaiolo all day long. During the festival, all the most famous chefs come to Naples, who not only compete with each other in skill, but also give public master classes for everyone.

The central event of the festival is the competition for the title of the best pizzaiolo in the world, which is approached here with all seriousness, up to modern equipment for voting and the subsequent counting of votes. In addition to gastronomic pleasures, during the days of the festival you can get a lot of other unforgettable experiences. The city hosts a wide variety of concerts, shows, theatrical performances, dance evenings and fairs where you can buy unusual souvenirs. You definitely won't be bored, and don't forget to vote for your favorite pizza.

September is rich in events in Spain. But local holidays have a completely different atmosphere. At the end of the month, Barcelona hosts a grand festival in honor of the Holy Virgin of La Merce, that is, Our Lady of Mercy, who is the patroness of the city. According to legend, back in 1637, Barcelona was subjected to a cruel invasion of locusts, and only the icon of the Holy Virgin could save the townspeople from this terrible scourge. It was carried around the city and at the same moment all the locusts disappeared. Since then, in memory of this miracle, the people of Barcelona have been organizing noisy and cheerful festivities.

Another famous entertainment during the days of the festival is the parade of giants. A colorful procession, consisting of huge figures in magnificent robes, passes through the central streets of the city. But perhaps the most unforgettable sight of the holiday is the Correfoc marathon. Main actors this action are devils, devils and fire-breathing dragons, which, with a terrible scream and howl, rush through the streets of the city, and the incessant roar of firecrackers and firecrackers completes the hellish picture. The main rule of the marathon is to make as much noise as possible and light as many fires as possible, this is how you can scare away all evil spirits, which is the goal of this crazy event.

Another famous wine festival takes place at this time in Cyprus. The holiday lasts here as much as 20 days, and the municipal park of the city of Limassol becomes its main arena. A huge number of people flock here every day to taste the famous Cypriot wine for free, which, according to legend, Jesus and his disciples drank at the Last Supper. Tasty treats are served with wine, and visitors are entertained by street dancers and musicians. Everywhere there is an atmosphere of celebration, joy, friendliness and, despite the abundance of wine, you will never meet drunk and aggressive people here.

If you are planning to take your children with you on vacation, and want them to get a vivid and unforgettable experience, good choice Croatia will turn out, where a big Pirate Festival is held annually in the city of Zadar in the middle of the month. Many theatrical groups of the country take part in it, and they play scenes from a pirate life right on the streets of the city. Held interesting contests, for example, a team of daredevils must go to sea on a ship and complete some task - save a girl from trouble or find a well-hidden treasure.

Spectators can watch everything that happens from the shore. And when evening comes, the inhabitants of the city also dress up in costumes of pirates, and noisy fun begins, with songs, dances and delicious treats. There is no doubt that the children will be delighted with such a holiday and will remember the trip to Zadar for long years, but adults will also definitely get a lot of pleasant impressions.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the resorts of the north of Europe, in particular, about Normandy. Of course, it is much cooler here, and there is no need to talk about a beach holiday, however, the beginning of autumn is a great time to see the many sights of this region. One of the most popular tourist sites, without a doubt, is the famous castle-monastery of Mont Saint-Michel. This amazing monument of the Middle Ages is located on the island, and you can get to it by a narrow dam.

But once a year, usually in September, an amazing thing happens - the waters of the bay separating the monastery from the coast recede so far that Mont Saint-Michel can easily be reached right along the seabed. This is exactly what pilgrims did in all centuries, before the dam was built, and today there are also a large number of people who want to repeat their path. Traveling can be interesting at any time of the year, it is only important to decide what impressions you want to get from your vacation and choose the country in which your desires can be realized in the best possible way.

In Bulgaria, the velvet season is the best time for a beach holiday. During the day, the air temperature reaches 28 C, at night it drops to 16 -18 C. A thermometer lowered into sea water will show 22-23 C. Popular resorts - Sunny Beach and Sozopol - are waiting for you. Here, as in summer, you can swim, sunbathe, go diving. It gets much colder - up to 8 C - only in the mountains. When going on excursions to the mountainous regions, do not forget to take warm clothes. The advantages of resting in early autumn are obvious: there are no school-age children and students on the beach, it becomes much quieter on the streets, and queues disappear. At the same time, discos, clubs, night bars are still working. Prices are reduced by about 20%.

It is at this time that the peak of the harvest falls, you can enjoy vegetables and fruits, especially grapes. The absence of heat makes it possible to get acquainted with the sights of the country with pleasure, go on excursions that take several days. On September 22, guests of the country can watch a light and music program in the city of Veliko Tarnovo. Also passes International Festival honey. Rest on the "all inclusive" system will allow you to get rid of all the resort worries and enjoy every day.

Hot days give way to pleasant warm weather in Greece. The air temperature does not exceed 28 C, dropping to 18 C in the evenings. The water remains heated to 24-25 C. You can not only dive into transparent waves, but also enjoy water sports - the heat will not hurt. To plan beach holiday it is still better in the first weeks of the month, since at the end of the month storms are possible at sea. Otherwise, at this time of the year, even small children can be brought here without fear that they will burn in the sun. As for adults, they will be very comfortable seeing the sights of the country, getting acquainted with its archaeological masterpieces.

While on excursions, look into rural taverns. It is there that unique Greek dishes are served, made from local vegetables and fruits. The Wine Festival is underway. Prices begin to decline at the beginning of the month, discounts reach impressive sizes in the second half of the month. Choosing an all-inclusive tour, you can fully devote time to leisure and getting to know the country, forgetting about all other problems.

The air temperature in the first autumn month reaches 31-35 C, and the water in the Mediterranean and Red Seas warms up to 25-27 C. There are no sandstorms. What to do in Israel? The choice is large. You can prefer a beach holiday or get acquainted with the cultural attractions of the country. If you are a believer, then you will probably go to worship shrines. And if you need treatment, get the help you need here. Staying on the beach becomes more comfortable than in summer: you can not only lie under the sun, but also afford active species recreation, such as beach volleyball. Tourists spend a lot of time on the shores of the Dead Sea, alternating swimming in the healing water with sunbathing.

In addition to traditional excursions, this month you will also be offered seasonal ones. So, birds from the northern countries fly to Israel for the winter, and in national parks you can see the most unexpected inhabitants. The exhibition season in museums begins in September. In the first days after opening, there is no fee for visiting. In a word, beach holidays become more comfortable, and cultural life becomes more active. Add to this an acquaintance with the huge spiritual heritage of Israel - and you are guaranteed a wonderful vacation. And the all-inclusive tour will allow you not to save a penny, but to enjoy every day.

The climate in this European country is mild and pleasant. September is no exception. If you want to extend your summer, but cannot stand the heat, then Montenegro is just right. The air temperature in early autumn reaches 24-26 C, water - 23-24 C. Local cafes and markets will please huge selection fruits - from grapes to pomegranates. In general, the rest will turn out to be quiet and calm. You can spend warm days on the beach, enjoy swimming in the sea. Usually, tourists bring home with them a lot of beautiful colored shells collected during scuba diving. And you can consistently get acquainted with all the sights of a small country.

Prices for excursions here are affordable. In the second half of the month, the sea cools down a bit, storms can begin, so it’s better to focus on excursions and wellness treatments. If you are going to Montenegro at this time, stock up on warm clothes. The best hotels in Montenegro, as a rule, work on an all-inclusive basis. Prices in early autumn are 10-20% lower compared to the high season.

You should not count on the fact that with the beginning of autumn in the Emirates it will become cooler. If in the summer the thermometer column regularly stopped at around 45 C, now it will freeze at 40 C - and nothing more. Still, September is a good time here. Firstly, the air becomes drier, which means it is easier to breathe. Secondly, it gets dark quite early - at 19:00. And after sunset, the temperature drops to 25-26 C. Thirdly, it ceases to seem that the sea is about to boil, the water is warm and pleasant. Fourthly, the high season has not yet begun, and the prices are encouraging. And finally, you can afford something other than a beach holiday, especially in the evenings. For example, get out to Dubai and get acquainted with its stunning architecture, which seems to have come from the future.

Admire the jets of the dancing fountain, the highest in the world, and go shopping, buying souvenirs to remember this beautiful country. Rest on the "all inclusive" system makes it possible to stay in the best hotels, with a high level of comfort, to taste the best dishes local cuisine. And all this at reasonable prices.

September holidays here are a great choice for those who want to extend the summer. The sun is still hot, the temperature is around 30 degrees. It is best to choose Samui or Pattaya for relaxation at this time: conditions are more stable here, rains, if they happen, are short-lived. At the same time, the rainy season begins in Phuket, but this does little to stop numerous tourists, especially since the prices for tours at this time are record low. Thailand attracts not only beach lovers, sightseeing hunters, but also surfers.

At the end of the month - beginning of October, the Phuket Vegetarian Festival takes place. For the duration of this ancient holiday, Thais refuse alcohol, meat and foul language in order to achieve the mercy and blessings of the gods. In terms of brilliance and entertainment, the festival may well compete with the Brazilian Carnival. Another noteworthy event is the polo on elephants. The King's Cup is held every September in Hua Hin.

Vietnam is still in the rainy season. However, in the south of the country, where the main resorts are located, up to 9 rainy days fall in the first autumn month. And on sunny days the temperature reaches 32 degrees. After the rains it becomes very humid, not everyone can endure such weather, but in the evening it becomes cooler. The water in the sea warms up to 24 and even 28 degrees, but because of the wind there can be big waves. The undoubted advantages of holidays in Vietnam are low prices and the absence of a huge number of tourists.

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival (Children's Festival and Moon Festival). This is a very ancient festival. Its main characters are children, as it is believed that they are close to God because of their innocence. On this day, younger family members are allowed to walk all night with adults, participate in masquerades. The most noisy and grandiose festivities are held in megacities, but in order to better feel the atmosphere of the holiday, it is better to meet it in the seaside city of Hoi An, where the Lantern Festival is held on a full moon.

The velvet season is coming to the Black Sea resorts. And on the land of ancient Colchis, this is the most fertile time for relaxation: the vacation season is ending and the beaches are empty, the exhausting summer heat subsides, humidity decreases, and the sea remains just as warm and gentle. The abundance of fruits, delicious wine and the hospitality of the locals make the rest here homely and comfortable. The air temperature, especially in the first half of the month, stays around 30 degrees, and in the evening it becomes noticeably cooler.

It almost never rains. They begin to fall towards the end of the month, but are short-lived. The sea warms up to 26 degrees, by the end of the month the water becomes noticeably colder - no higher than 22 degrees. At this time, a beach holiday in the resorts of Abkhazia can be diversified with a rich excursion program: see numerous cultural and historical monuments, visit the mountains, see the famous Ritsa Lake, visit the Monkey Nursery in Sukhumi or enjoy the silence and tranquility of the Alpine meadows near the mountain village of Avadkhara.

Jordan is hot and dry in summer. It almost never rains. This is a great time for a beach holiday. Clean white sand beaches and warm sea, the fantastic underwater world of the Red Sea attracts divers from all over the world. Traditionally, there are many vacationers at the medical resorts of the Dead Sea. There is almost no rain in early autumn. The sun shines brightly all day, warming the air up to 32 degrees, and the sea up to 29. Only in the evening, after sunset, it becomes cooler - 18-20 degrees.

Jordan is rich in historical sights. The most famous of them is, of course, the ancient Petra. September is not the best time to explore the past of this kingdom due to the heat. However, those brave enough to visit Petra will have an unforgettable experience. In Petra itself, it is much cooler due to the difference in altitude. Holidays in Jordan will appeal to those who easily endure the heat, but with children, lovers of historical sites or the elderly, it is better to go here on vacation by the end of the month or already in October, when the temperature becomes more comfortable.

High season ends on Hainan Island. Resorts are becoming empty, prices for tours are also becoming much lower. This is one of the main advantages of resting during this period. The weather becomes very unpredictable. Heavy rains can begin, and a squally wind often rises, which can ruin a vacation. The air temperature is about 29 degrees during the day, and in the evening it drops to 21. The sea is very often restless, which just attracts lovers of water extreme sports here this season.

Beach holidays can be combined with excursions or improve your health: go to thermal springs, visit centers of traditional Chinese medicine. You can devote time to studying Chinese folk crafts: see how tea is grown, visit a silk factory, etc. In the second half of the month, tourists can take part in the “World's Strongest Man” festival, held on the island. Strong men from all over the world come here to compete in their power and identify the strongest.

Small, amazingly beautiful land of medieval knights is a great place for any holiday. It is not very popular among our tourists because of the high prices. You can rest here all year round, but the best time is the beginning of autumn. In September it is very warm here - up to 30 degrees, and in the evening about 25. The sea remains warm and comfortable. It almost never rains, sometimes winds rise, but they just help to survive the heat more easily.

Maltese cities are all small, elegant and very cozy, and the country's capital, Valletta, is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the entire Mediterranean. September is a great month to explore the city.
In the evenings, you can go to one of the student parties in St. Julians in the north of the island. There are many bars, clubs, casinos and restaurants, although the town itself is tiny, slightly larger than our Red Square. Since 1878, the greatest show has been organized in the bay - a regatta (a race of sailing sports ships). You are guaranteed an unforgettable, fantastic spectacle.


Morocco is perfect for a beach holiday. In coastal areas, the air temperature warms up to 26-30 degrees, there are no strong winds, so the beaches are still full of people who like to take air baths. The water in the ocean is quite cool - no higher than 22 degrees, so with children and those who like "hot" it is better to go north, to the Mediterranean coast.

The ocean at this time attracts lovers of active water entertainment. There are many surfers, divers who want to try their hand at yachting, etc. Beach holidays can be diversified with excursions and shopping. There is something to see and what to take home with you. Plenty awaits you in Morocco interesting events. Tangier hosts an annual jazz festival that attracts performers from all over the world.
One of the brightest events is the marriage festival.

Visiting this holiday is a great opportunity to experience the culture and spirit of the Berbers. At the end of the month, you can get to the Erfoud Date Palm Festival. You can take part in dances and processions, listen to folk music and, of course, eat dates and local sweets.

Portugal is definitely the perfect holiday destination. It was at this time that representatives of the world cultural and financial elite. Therefore, if you dream of meeting a star, you will have the best chances to fulfill this dream of yours precisely on the picturesque Portuguese embankments. In addition, prices for accommodation in hotels are noticeably reduced with the beginning of autumn, which can make holidays here even more attractive. Not only stars, but also fishermen come to Portugal from all over the world. This month is considered the most favorable for fishing. Everyone can rent a yacht with all the necessary equipment for a moderate fee, and go on a quiet hunt for tuna, moquel or marlin.

And if fishing is of little interest to you, you can just enjoy your vacation on half-empty beaches, and sit in a restaurant, without fail ordering some kind of fish dish, since the fish here are simply amazing at this time. And yet the most important events of the first month of autumn in all Mediterranean countries are the holidays dedicated to young wine. It all starts again in Portugal, where the Wine Festival starts on the island of Madeira in late August - early September. At this time, the doors of all the numerous wine cellars of the island open, tables are set right on the streets, generous treats are prepared, and a fun holiday begins, at which wine literally flows like water.

September is an opportunity to have time to visit the sea, bask on the beach, enjoying the warm sun and light sea breeze. In the world, fortunately, there are plenty of states where every Russian can go on vacation without issuing visa permits. You can easily go there and have a great rest at sea without a visa.

There are more than a hundred countries where Russian citizens can visit without a visa. In addition, there are states where they will quickly open a visa right at the airport.

Visa-free countries for Russians on the world map

Table: countries that will please with weather conditions in September

Air temperature during the day

Water temperature

United United Arab Emirates +36° С …+38° С +25° С …+26° С
+31° С …+33° С +28.4° С … +29.4° С
Indonesia (Bali) +28.4° С …+32.3° С +26.5 °С….+28.4°С
Morocco +27.6° C …+32.6° C +20.4°C …+22.0° C
Abkhazia +19.6° C …+25.8° C +24.8°C…+28.9°C
+17.8°C … +25.5°C +24.7° C …+24.9° C
Cuba +31° C …+32° C +27°C …+29°C
Dominican Republic +31° C …+33° C +28.4°C…+29.3°C
Maldives +28° С … +30° С +28. 4° C… +29° C
Seychelles +28.9° С … +29.6° С +27.4° С…+27.5° С
does not exceed +34 °C up to +28 °C
+30 °C maximum up to +30 °C
not lower than +30 °C not lower than +25 °C
not higher than +32 °C +24°C
from +30 °C to +32 °C up to +28 °C
Montenegro up to +26 °C up to +23 °C
Vietnam from +29 °C to +33 °C Up to + 27 °C

Main tourist destinations

So, where to go in September? The palm is shared between Egypt and Türkiye. Israel closes the top three. Russians do not need a visa to enter these countries. The weather here in early autumn is still quite warm and conducive to a beach holiday.

A well-developed tourist service will please demanding vacationers. In addition, to get to your destination, you do not need to endure a tiring long journey. A flight to Egypt does not take much time, and Turkey can be reached not by air (for those who do not like to mess with airplanes), but by the Black Sea.

These resorts offer excellent opportunities for family holidays. Children of any age will not be bored.

And also an important plus for those who decide to relax at sea in September without a visa will be that most merchants and service personnel in the resort areas of Egypt and Turkey can speak Russian with visitors from Russia, because there are most of these tourists.

In Israel, the Russians are quite friendly, as many Israelis came to the Promised Land from former USSR. So you most likely will not feel the language barrier.

Great Egyptian Pyramids of Giza

Egypt has many wonderful resorts and magnificent sights. However, it is in September that Sharm el-Sheikh, located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula on the coastline of the Red Sea, is especially popular. By the way, it is in this resort city that you can stay for 15 days, in general, without visa permits.

In September, the weather in Egypt pleases and gives comfort, the sun warms, and the sea is so warm that you can swim in it even at night. Here you will find only a pleasant stay.

September in the Republic of Turkey is the only month of the year when the temperature indicators of air and water are kept at about the same level, and the sea becomes especially gentle and calm. Those who cannot yet afford to show off and overspend will be pleased with affordable prices in hotels and when ordering excursion programs. Holidays will cost much less than in another country, as the influx of tourists decreases.

Turkish resorts delight their guests with an all-inclusive system. In addition, here you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also find entertainment to your liking, as the tourist infrastructure is quite well developed. Active tourism, sightseeing of unique sights - anything for the soul.

For those who choose a beach holiday, the Ulcinj Riviera is the most suitable. lovers active rest can go hiking in the natural park on Mount Lovcen, and music lovers can go to a jazz festival.

Well, those who love the drive can participate in various sports competitions, for example, in the Adriatic Cup in parachuting. Those who are inspired by sailing, windsurfing, diving and, of course, fishing will also find something to do.

Video: entry to Montenegro for Russians

Find out from the video:

  • Do Russians need to apply for a visa?
  • what documents are required for entry.

To visit one of the most famous resorts in the world - the UAE - Russians do not need to apply for a visa. The permit is issued directly at the airport upon arrival. You do not need to pay anything for a visa stamp. According to the legislation, representatives of the Russian Federation can stay in the UAE without a visa for 30 days.

The UAE is a resort washed by the Persian and Oman gulfs. The most famous resorts in the UAE are Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Fujairah. The last resort is the most suitable for surfers. The weather in September in the UAE pleases. A low percentage of cloudiness (0.8% - 1.4%) and the absence of rain this month help to spend an unforgettable vacation.

But it is worth remembering that going to the UAE, you will have to face very high temperatures. So, in Abu Dhabi, the daytime air temperature is kept at around 39.2 ° C, and at night it is not lower than 32 ° C. The water in Abu Dhabi is the warmest (the average water temperature is 33. 3 ° C).

The less hot emirates are Fujairah (day temperature - 35.4 ° C, night - 30.1 ° C) and Korfakkan (day - 35.0 ° C, night - 30.7 ° C). In Dubai, the air temperature is kept at around 39 ° C for almost the entire September. Similar weather is observed in Sharjah, Palm Jebel Ali, Jumeirah and Ajman.

Beach in the Philippines

Table: weather conditions at popular resorts in the Philippines

Resort name

Average daily temperature Average night temperature Cloudiness number of rainy days

Water temperature

Bacolod 31.3°C 25.3°C 37.4% 19 29.0°C
Boracay 31.8°C 27.0°C 33.2% 10 28.8°C
bohol 32.0°C 26.4°C 35.0% 11 29.4°C
Davao 30.1°C 20.6°C 39.3% 20 29.0°C
Dipolog 32.0°C 24.8°C 32.1% 10 29.0°C
Cagayan de Oro 31.5°C 23.1°C 28.6% 13 29.4°C
Quezon City 33.0°C 25.8°C 38.6% 15 29.3°C
Luzon 31.0°C 22.1°C 34.6% 22
Mactan 31.6°C 26.6°C 36.6% 13 29.5°C
Manila 33.0°C 25.9°C 38.2% 13 29.4°C
Marinduque 32.0°C 28.1°C 31.8% 17 29.1°C
Palawan 31.7°C 26.3°C 36.0% 18 29.1°C
Panglao 32.0°C 27.9°C 31.6% 14 29.2°C
Cebu 32.6°C 26.6°C 34.3% 17 29.2°C
Tagbilaran 32.0°C 27.9°C 31.5% 14 29.2°C


Indonesia is an island paradise in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The most famous resort in Indonesia - Bali - attracts tourists with luxurious beaches, extraordinary local traditions, volcanoes and a pleasant climate.

September is a great month to spend your holidays. The weather is hot this month. But lovers of surfing and diving will not be able to relax in September due to the fact that it is in this month that the low tide season begins.

In September, in Bali, the daytime temperature stays at + 28 ° C, and at night it drops to + 21.8 ° C. In September, there is practically no rain, and cloudiness does not exceed 32.4%.


Morocco is the most politically stable country in North Africa. This is a unique place to spend your holidays. Morocco is famous for the Sahara desert, the cleanest beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, amazing culture and unusual architectural buildings.

Cloudiness Water temperature Agadir 30.9°C 23.4°C 7.7% 20.4°C Casablanca 28.2°C 21.7°C 13.2% 22.0°C Mohammedia 28.1°C 21.3°C 11.8% 22.0°C Rabat 29.5°C 20.8°C 12.1% 22.0°C Tangier 27.6°C 19.5°C 11.3% 21.4°C El Jadida 27.6°C 20.9°C 13.9% 21.7°C Essaouira 28.1°C 21.6°C 7.1% 19.5°C


In September, the rainy season in Cuba, precipitation mainly falls in the afternoon. But these are not long and heavy rains. Usually in September it rains for no more than 20-30 minutes, after which the sun comes out again.

In September, in the city of El Cobre, a celebration is held in honor of the black Madonna (patron of the island). Tourists can watch the procession and thus get to know the traditions of Cuba better.

Dominican Republic

September in the Dominican Republic is the month of rains. It is also the hottest month of the year in this republic. People go to this country for the purpose of a beach holiday on the Caribbean coast. Despite the fact that the Dominican Republic is considered one of the most expensive resorts in the world, thousands of tourists visit it every year.

Love at first sight. Dominican Republic

Table: weather conditions in the Dominican Republic in September

Resort name Day air temperature night air temperature Cloudiness number of rainy days Water temperature
Arena Gorda 30.8°C 26.0°C 33.2% 5 29.0°C
Boca Chica 31.5°C 23.6°C 37.9% 6 29.2°C
Cap Cana 31.0°C 25.6°C 32.0% 5 29.0°C
La Romana 31.9°C 23.5°C 39.6% 6 29.2°C
Maymon Bay 30.9°C 24.1°C 29.0% 5 29.0°C
Playa Bavaro 30.8°C 26.0°C 33.3% 5 29.0°C
Punta Cana 31.0°C 25.7°C 31.7% 5 29.0°C
Puerto Plata 30.9°C 24.1°C 29.0% 5 29.0°C
Samana 30.8°C 25.2°C 35.6% 9 29.1°C
San Pedro de Macoris 31.5°C 23.4°C 41.0% 7 29.2°C
Santo Domingo 31.3°C 23.3°C 34.4% 8 29.2°C
Juan Dolio 31.5°C 23.4°C 41.2% 7 29.2°C

September in many resorts of the world is a velvet season. Where will it be possible to go on vacation in September 2019 abroad at sea, so that it would be inexpensive and without a visa?

Beach holidays in September without a visa in 2019

Russia has a visa regime with almost all European countries. But there are also countries with sea coasts where a visa regime is not needed. Among all Türkiye remains the most popular. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to go on vacation in September 2019 abroad at sea, then this country is always waiting for its guests.

For Russian tourists, entry into the country is visa-free. A big plus for many is the all-inclusive program, which operates in almost all hotels. It allows you to enjoy a comfortable stay at a reasonable price.

yandex_ad_1 September is the best month to visit this country, the average air temperature is +28⁰, while the sea is still warm +25⁰С.

The price of a tour in 2019 will cost for two from 55,000 rubles for two for a week's vacation.

There are many advantages of holidays in the resorts of Turkey, among them:

great service;

affordable ticket price;

no visa regime;

fast flight.

Disadvantages that may catch your eye:

pestering and obtrusiveness of merchants;

incomprehensible mentality of local residents.

But the owners of resort areas and hotels do everything to make guests feel comfortable, so places to stay are under round-the-clock protection.

Tunisia is a country where you can go in 2019 to relax abroad inexpensively. A very beautiful country, and the advantage is that it is ready to accept Russian tourists without a visa and very cheaply. Tunisia is an African country summer months constantly hot desert winds blow, but in autumn you can relax here in comfort.

The air temperature in September does not exceed 30⁰ C, the water in the sea is also very warm + 27⁰ C. There is another significant plus of the September holiday - a relatively low flow of tourists, and, accordingly, housing prices and, of course, services.

The price of a tour for 7 days will cost from 55,000 rubles for two, the last price must be checked with tour operators, as it will vary depending on the category of the selected hotel.

Vietnam and Thailand

In September, Asian destinations abroad by sea are especially popular in 2019. When the end of the beach seasons comes in Europe, the Asian resorts are just beginning to receive guests.

For Vietnam and Thailand, autumn is the most favorable time for a comfortable vacation, the air temperature is about +30 ⁰ С, the water in the sea is + 28-29⁰ С. .

yandex_ad_2 But in September it is advisable to choose the southern resorts of these countries, since the seasonal rains are already coming in the north. Prices for tours in 2019 for September will cost for two people from 60 thousand rubles, depending on the hotels chosen.

Thailand and Vietnam are exotic countries for us with a lot of advantages:

well-developed tourism industry;

good-natured population;

an abundance of different fruits;

high service;

a lot of entertainment;

the cleanest beaches;

low prices;

possibility of rest with children.


Best Visa Options in September 2019


Even the most avid traveler will find something to marvel at in Indonesia. This exotic destination will leave a lasting impression on lovers of nature and beaches. Festivals and holidays are held here almost every day, the islanders love them very much.

The daytime air temperature on the islands rarely rises above +30⁰ C, at night it does not drop below +20⁰ C. The water near the ocean is very warm and comfortable - +30⁰ C.

Holidays on the islands of Indonesia for two will cost 135 thousand rubles.

Among the advantages can be identified:

30-day visa free of charge for citizens of the Russian Federation;

excellent and mild climate;

friendly locals;

accommodation is relatively cheap.

a very long flight, and even with several transfers;

expensive flights.

Greece in September 2019

As they say, "Greece has everything!" and partly this is true. Wonderful climate, wide sandy beaches, many monuments of ancient architecture, convenient and comfortable living conditions in hotels, simply amazing nature, local wine and delicious Mediterranean cuisine - all this is only here.

Thrill-seekers choose to relax on the coast of the Aegean Sea, families mostly go to about. Crete.

Sea water in September is very warm and clean + 25⁰, air temperature + 32⁰ C. A week's vacation will cost 40-45 thousand rubles.

Pros of holidays in Greece:

fast flight;

very high service;

and of course shopping.

the presence of a visa;

there is no all inclusive program.

4 places abroad for families with children

If you don’t know where to go on vacation in September 2019 abroad at sea with your family and children, we offer 4 best places.

For families vacationing in foreign countries, certain places are allocated where parents can relax without their children. In addition, for an additional amount, you can find any service from the outside, for example, a nanny who will look after the baby while adults decide to spend their time at a romantic dinner in one of the prestigious restaurants.

But, for older children there are playrooms. But that's not all! In any tour you can find something special for yourself and for your beloved children. So, for example, in some of them in September it is proposed to visit the water park, as well as swim with dolphins.


Tours are the cheapest:

68,000 rubles for 7 nights for 4 family members;

from 80,000 rubles will be required if you want to rest for 11 days;

from 84,000 rubles will be needed to fill your days for up to two weeks.

The good news is that for the all-inclusive service it will be necessary to pay only from 8 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. The water temperature in the sea heats up to 25⁰С, and the air temperature can reach 40⁰С.

Resorts in Spain are simply designed for a family with a child who do not like the heat, but at the same time prefer the warm sea. It is because of the mild climate in September that the Mediterranean coast of Spain is very popular with those who like to relax on the sea abroad. This is a country where you can safely go on vacation in 2019.

The average air temperature in the resorts is about 26-25⁰ C, but the sea also has time to warm up to 24-26⁰ C.

The price of the tour for three will be from 90 thousand rubles, the cost will depend on the category of the hotel. Please note that Spanish hotels very rarely offer an all-inclusive service.

Excellent Alternative option beaches of Europe in September 2019 - a sea beach holiday with a child in China. The country has a huge border with the sea with different climatic zones. Therefore, when choosing a vacation in China, it is necessary to take into account that the weather conditions in different parts countries are not the same.

At the beginning of autumn, summer continues only in the southern part. The Yellow Sea heats up to 27-28⁰ C, and the air to 33-35⁰. September is the monsoon period in China and therefore the sky is often covered with clouds. Do not be upset, as tropical showers usually pass at night, and during the day the usual warm weather.

Teacher's Day;

Shaolin Martial Arts Festival;

Festival of Ancient Arts;

It is often the process of obtaining a visa that repels Russians from traveling abroad. In order for the vacation to remain a real vacation, it is better to save yourself from unnecessary worries by going to the Black Sea resorts of Russia, where everyone can go to relax in September without a visa.

And yet, a resort abroad always seems more exotic. And in our country there are not so many places where the air temperature in September contributes, for example, to a beach holiday. In fact, this is not a problem, because there are quite a few countries where visa-free entry is open for Russians. Buy a ticket and go on a trip: you can fly or drive - it doesn’t matter, nothing will stop you from relaxing at sea without a visa. Where is it possible to go in September without a visa?

The list of countries that do not require a visa is quite extensive.

In general, it includes over a hundred countries of the world. The list of countries to which you can travel without obtaining a visa includes those states for which it is possible to obtain a visa when entering the territory.

Several countries with an open border for Russians so that you can relax in September:

  • Montenegro;
  • Argentina;
  • Brazil;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Cuba;
  • Egypt (issued upon arrival);
  • Tunisia;
  • Madagascar;
  • Maldives;
  • Singapore;
  • CIS countries;
  • some Balkan states.

In general, it can be noted that the most popular holiday destinations in September can offer Russians the opportunity to travel without a visa to their open spaces. Who knows, maybe that's why they are so popular?

Most Popular Destinations

Which of the countries that you can visit without a visa attract tourists from Russia most of all in September-October? Of course, you can go to Egypt and Turkey. Israel can also be mentioned. What is it connected with? There are a number of very obvious reasons for this.

  • Attractive climatic conditions. In September, there is little to say about the onset of the first autumn month. The air temperature continues to match the beach holiday season;
  • Good travel service. Of course, tours to Egypt and Turkey look much more attractive than tours to Tunisia or Morocco. This is largely due to the fact that the tourist infrastructure in these countries beloved by Russians, where you can go on vacation without a visa, is very well developed;
  • Affordable prices. Probably, it will not be a secret for anyone that holidays in Egypt are much cheaper than holidays in the Maldives. Although you can go to each of the states to relax without a visa, tours to Egypt will be much cheaper. This, of course, is very suitable for anyone who wants to save money on their trip;
  • Close distance. When buying a plane ticket, many tourists are worried that it is very scary to fly for a long time, so they prefer the train and other modes of transport. However, a short flight often seems less dangerous, which is also attractive in Turkey and Egypt. If we talk about Turkey, then this country can be reached at all along the Black Sea;
  • Lots of opportunities for families with children. In particular, Egypt and Turkey seem to be created so that everyone can relax with the whole family. They are rich in safe resorts where you can be absolutely calm about your kids. In addition, in such places they will definitely not be bored;
  • Warm attitude towards the Russians. This factor is also not unimportant when trying to answer the question of where to go on vacation. Not only that in the numerous resorts of Egypt and Turkey, almost every merchant speaks Russian, but also most of the tourists are Russians. And in Israel, Russians can even feel at home, because a significant part of the local population comes from the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Of course, this is far from full list factors that influence the popularity of these countries, but we can dwell on it. It's time to move on to the description of specific countries.

It has already been noted above that a visa to Egypt is issued after entering its territory. You will need to pay $25 for this service. This country boasts wonderful resorts and magnificent sights. Sharm el-Sheikh is especially popular in September.

Worthy competition to Egypt in September can be, perhaps, only Türkiye. Asking the question of where to go in September, many opt for this country, in particular, on its coast, which washes the Mediterranean Sea. And this is due, of course, not only to the fact that you can go here without a visa. Reasonable prices and comfortable conditions of rest make themselves felt.

In addition, this ancient state rich in various unique sights, places that many connoisseurs of antiquities and admirers of beauty dream of visiting. So this place is great for families with children by the sea, and for active tourism. Everyone has the right to choose what he likes best.

Israel is an amazing country in which citizens Russian Federation can also travel without a visa. In many ways, this is why the Jewish state receives so many Russians every year. The Holy Land, of course, has much more to offer its guests than just the opportunity to travel here without a visa. Christian monuments and temples, places where Christ and His apostles walked, cannot but attract millions of pilgrims here. In addition, a lot has been created here in order to provide tourists with the opportunity to relax with their children. And the cost of a ticket to Israel is quite affordable. All this makes it possible for him to take pride of place among the countries that are in special demand among Russian citizens.

Greek islands

Greece also provides citizens of the Russian Federation with the opportunity to travel to some of its islands without a visa, despite being a signatory to the Schengen Agreement. However, here it is worth noting a number of conditions:

  • Thus, you can only go to strictly defined islands, such as, for example, Rhodes;
  • It is impossible to fly to them from third countries, this opportunity is open only to those who go to these islands directly from Turkey;
  • You need to leave the territory of the islands in the same way as you arrived on them, that is, bypassing mainland Greece and its islands that are not included in the list of those that you can go to without a visa.

And yet, this is a good opportunity to visit Greece in September without a visa. In addition, the weather conditions on the islands are much better than on the mainland, especially in the first month of autumn.

Serbia and neighboring Balkan countries

Slavic countries also hospitably meet Russian brothers. Of course, only those of them that are not included in the list of countries participating in the Schengen Agreement. You can travel without a visa, in particular, to Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Croatia recently left this list, joining the European Union, following Bulgaria.

Serbia and Montenegro will also offer many opportunities for holidays in September. True, it is better to travel here without small children, since the most interesting thing is to conquer ancient monuments, which, admittedly, children do not really like.

CIS countries

And of course, speaking of where you can go in September without a visa, one cannot fail to mention Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries neighboring Russia, which were once part of Soviet Union. In some of them (for example, in Belarus and Kazakhstan) you can go without a passport at all. Such a trip is unlikely to be expensive. Each of the states listed above boasts a wealth of unique culture, for which it is really worth going there.

Far countries with a visa-free regime

Speaking of distant countries that you can travel to without obtaining a visa, we mean all those that were not mentioned above. Of course, there will be more of them. An impressive list shows how many opportunities Russians have to go somewhere without a visa.

Here, Tunisia and Morocco can be especially noted, the peoples of which carefully preserve their Arab culture. Also not to mention the Maldives and the Seychelles, which are ideal for anyone who wants to go on a beach holiday in September. You can't do without Madagascar here, unique nature which will not leave anyone indifferent. And, of course, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that Russians can travel without a visa to almost every country. South America. It would certainly be a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Summing up, it can be noted that answering the question of where you can go in September without a visa can be answered for a long time. There are many, many places like this on earth. The main thing is that the person himself understands well how and where he wants to spend his September.

For most, September is the time to get back to work, but in some areas this month is the peak of the “velvet season”. Basically, there is a decline in the tourist flow to hot countries, but this does not cancel the beach holiday. In many resorts, the sea only warms up by the first month of autumn, while prices, on the contrary, are falling. In this publication, we will take a closer look at where it is better to relax in September.

Holidays at sea in September 2020

Despite the beginning of autumn, beach holidays have not been canceled. Although in some resorts the weather and water temperature are much lower than in the summer months. For example, in the Crimea and in the south of Russia it is no longer as warm as in summer, but you can still swim and sunbathe. In Bulgaria, Montenegro and Croatia, the average daily temperature is also starting to drop.

But the south of the Mediterranean may well please tourists with warm waves. An unforgettable "velvet season" begins at the beach resorts of southern Europe and Turkey. Africa in September will delight you with the heat: the beaches of Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt will hospitably welcome vacationers from all over the world.

Of particular note are Israel and Jordan. It is still quite hot on the beaches of the Red Sea in September. When planning a trip to Southeast Asia, it is worth exploring the weather in more detail due to the tropical rainy season.


Hospitable Türkiye attracts millions of Russians every year. The country is famous for its beach holidays. September is especially attractive, as the heat begins to gradually subside and spending time in the sun becomes much more comfortable than in the summer months. A big plus is Turkey's all-inclusive system, which from year to year pleases vacationers with its abundance. For the sake of a beach holiday, it is worth rushing to the southern part of the country.

Other helpful information about Turkey:

  • Visa is not needed.

Prices for tours to Turkey in September 2020: from 30,000 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Turkey here:


Currently, tours to the resorts of Egypt are available only with a flight through Cairo, which significantly affects their cost. The opening of charters to the resort towns is expected.

Egypt has always been the most popular destination for Russians because of the cheapness of tours. Many who follow the discounts managed to get a ticket to this country very profitably. In most regions of Russia, September brings a rather noticeable cooling and rains, while Egypt, in turn, is the complete opposite. Compared to the summer heat, the weather becomes a little milder, but the heat is still present.

Other useful information about Egypt:

Prices for tours to Egypt in September 2020: from 71900 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Egypt here:


With the advent of spring, Greece delights guests not only with educational, but also with a beach holiday. In September, colorful events begin in Greece Religious holidays and festivals. by the most the best place for sunbathing and sea bathing will be the island of Crete. Temperature indicators begin to drop only in the middle of the month, so you can not be afraid of a good beach holiday in its first half, and a special rich blue tint of the sky will allow you to take unforgettable photos.

Other useful information about Greece:

Prices for tours to Greece in September 2020: from 33300 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Greece here:


Along with Greece, Cyprus is one of the most popular destinations for a beach holiday. September for swimming on the island is no exception. The climate in general, as well as the weather in early autumn, are conducive to a pleasant pastime on the beaches of Cyprus. Numerous culinary festivals that are held in September will be a nice addition to a beach holiday.

Other useful information about Cyprus:

Prices for tours to Cyprus in September 2020: from 46300 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Cyprus here:


With the end of summer, the weather in most of Italy begins to deteriorate. The air temperature drops by only a few degrees, but it is quite noticeable. In turn, the south of Italy pleases with delayed summer, hot sun and bathing water temperature. Italy is an amazing country with a rich history. Beach holidays here will be especially nice to combine with a visit cultural events and sightseeing of centuries-old sights.

Other useful information about Italy:

Prices for tours to Italy in September 2020: from 48000 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Italy here:


In September, you can safely go to Tunisia without fear for the weather. A beach holiday will allow you to enjoy the thirty-degree heat and the absence a large number vacationers in connection with the beginning of the academic and working year. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the coral bottom and bright exotic fish species. With the beginning of autumn, maritime festivals start in Tunisia with octopus fishing, contests and prize competitions.

Other useful information about Tunisia:

Prices for tours to Tunisia in September 2020: from 48100 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Tunisia here:


September for a beach holiday in Morocco is rightfully " velvet season". The high temperature is stable, the sea does not have time to cool down, swimming here in early autumn is in full swing. The main attraction of the ancient African culture is nature itself. Local species amaze with their untouchedness and a touch of centuries, and lush vegetation delights with the brightness of colors.

Other useful information about Morocco:

  • Visa - not needed

Prices for tours to Morocco in September 2020: from 44600 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour in Morocco here:


In September, it becomes a little less hot in Israel than in the summer months. The beaches of the Mediterranean, Red and Dead Seas are available for swimming. It is interesting to combine a beach holiday with a visit to Christian religious shrines, local parks and reserves.

Other useful information about Israel:

  • Visa - not needed

Prices for tours to Israel in September 2020: from 77500 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Israel here:


With the advent of calendar autumn, the air temperature in Jordan begins to decrease by several degrees, but this, in fact, has little effect on the quality of a beach holiday. The water temperature fluctuates around +30°C, there is no precipitation. Surprisingly, in the evening, the air temperature drops slightly below the water temperature. Jordan is located next to Israel, and also pleases travelers with the exotic of the Dead Sea. In the second half of September, the temperature column drops by several degrees, which leads to some cooling of the water.

Other useful information about Jordan:

  • Visa - not needed

Prices for tours to Jordan in September 2020: from 54700 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Jordan here:


Spain in September offers to enjoy the warmth on the southern coast of the country. In the southern part, the temperature at the beginning of autumn has not yet begun to drop, the water is conducive to swimming, it becomes calmer on the beaches due to the beginning school year. Bright and always lively Spain pleases with the missing warmth. Relaxing on the beach can be combined with a visit to cultural attractions, of which there are a great many in the country. Spain gave the world the architecture of Antonio Gaudi, bullfighting, incendiary dances and wonderful cuisine - all this splendor is available to travelers at any time of the year.

Other useful information about Spain:

Prices for tours to Spain in September 2020: from 36000 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Spain here:

Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

In Tenerife in September continues beach season. The Atlantic Ocean is warmed up to +24°C. Compared to the northern part of Africa, these temperatures may seem very low, but in fact, a beach holiday on the island in September is very comfortable. The Atlantic Ocean is famous for its restlessness; Tenerife attracts a lot of surfers from this coast. In September, religious parades in honor of the saints and a folklore festival will start, which will be a pleasant addition to a beach holiday.

Other useful information about Tenerife:

Prices for tours in Tenerife in September 2020: from 57800 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour in Tenerife here:

United Arab Emirates

In early September, it is quite hot in the UAE. The air temperature here reaches +40°C and it becomes quite difficult to be on the beach under the open sun for a long time. But in the second half of September, the air temperature goes down and spending time on the beaches becomes much more comfortable. It should also be noted that the second half of the month is marked by an influx of tourists and the beaches can be a little crowded.

Other useful information about the UAE:

Prices for tours in the UAE in September 2020: from 58600 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour in the UAE here:

Where else to relax on the beach in September 2020:

  • Croatia (Middle and South Dalmatia)

Rain season

In September, not every traveler dares to spend a long-awaited vacation at some popular exotic resorts. In Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Maldives, the rainy season continues in September. Beach holidays are also unlikely to be enjoyed in the Dominican Republic and Cuba, where storms and gusts of wind close to hurricanes are possible. Typhoons periodically rage in Hong Kong from May to the end of September. Beach holidays are unlikely to be a joy. Nevertheless, if you still decide to relax in the countries of Southeast Asia in September, it will not be superfluous to study the weather forecast and reviews of tourists by months.


September in August is still considered the wet season, and before you go for very reasonable prices, you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast in detail. In combination with a high level of humidity, high air temperature creates the effect of "sticky stuffiness", which should be taken into account by weather-dependent people. Perhaps a trip to Vietnam for a beach holiday should be postponed until a more suitable time, because the rainy season will soon come to an end.

Other useful information about Vietnam:

Prices for tours to Vietnam in September 2020: from 123500 rubles*

You can choose and book a tour to Vietnam here:


In Thailand, the rainy season is still going on in September, but in some places a beach holiday is still possible. The least precipitation falls at this time in the north of the country. Koh Samui is perfect for relaxing by the water in September. The weather here is changeable, but this will not cause inconvenience. Rains are rare and short. Cloudiness increases only in the second half of the month. Due to the rainy season, prices for holidays in Thailand are declining. Before you go to Thailand in September, you should read the reviews of the vacationer and check the current weather forecast at a particular resort in the country.

Weather: in September, the rainy season continues in Thailand, high humidity persists, the air warms up to + 30 ° C, and the water up to + 28 ° C. Read more -