Regular kiss. What types of kisses exist: what do they mean, and also how to kiss in French? How to blow a kiss with a passionate promise

Even if right now you have absolutely no one to kiss, you should not close this topic for yourself. It’s like in sports: even if you don’t participate in competitions today, training is still important. They will allow you to be on top at the right time.

Practice on your arm

  1. Make an OK gesture with your left hand. Follow to thumb lay on top of the index nail.
  2. Put your thumb in the resulting letter "O" right hand. Squeeze your "O" so that it tightly wraps around your thumb.
  3. Remove your right thumb. Now your "O" looks like a pair of lips parted in anticipation of a kiss. You can proceed to the main phase of training.
  4. Touch your lips to "O". Start lightly kissing fingers closed in a circle, experimenting with force, pressure and light biting.
  5. Track exactly what your fingers feel. It will feel about the same when you finally move on to real kisses. Do your fingers hurt? Are you kissing not too wet? Control the sensations and, depending on them, change the tactics of kissing.
  6. Experiment with your tongue by running it inside the "O" and caressing your fingers with it.
  7. Practice kissing more softly and more firmly. Such workouts will make you more confident when it comes to kissing a real partner.

And on fruits and vegetables

  1. Take a soft fruit with a delicate skin - a peach, a large apricot, a mango ... Some recommend a tomato - also an option. Choose to your taste - the main thing is that such kisses are pleasant.
  2. Bite off a small piece so that the bite is about the size of someone's mouth. It will be your trainer.
  3. Begin to gently kiss the juicy "lips", experimenting with pressure and rhythm.
  4. Grab your lips first at the top of the "mouth", then the bottom. Make grabbing movements with your lips to bring them to the level of automatism.
  5. Remember to work your tongue, running it inside the fetus.

How to kiss your partner the right way

First of all, consider: kissing is an extremely intimate and subjective matter. So be sure to track his (her) reaction!

Someone likes deep kisses, someone does not tolerate someone else's tongue in their mouth, someone can be annoyed by excessive moisture. As a rule, people are embarrassed to talk about discomfort. But next time they will try to avoid the "wrong" kisses. Try to make your kisses meet the expectations of a particular person.

Act confidently, but from afar

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Don't ask permission. If this is your first kiss and you're not completely sure of the reaction, start with a kiss on the forehead. Or at the tip of your nose. If the partner does not mind, then pull him to you - and gently kiss on the lips.

Marissa Nelson, popular American sex therapist

Sexologist Claudia Six recommends How to French Kiss: 9 Sex Therapist-Approved Tips start with a significant setting and only after that move on to kissing from afar.

Learn to relax your lips

Initially, the pressure is inappropriate. Let your lips be as relaxed as possible - then the partner will feel a gentle and soft touch. This will cause him anticipation and excitement. Only then can you tighten your mouth: the contrast between the former softness and strength will make the one you kiss understand that he arouses passion in you.

It may not be the best way to kiss overall, but one of the best is to start the passionate phase. Just grab one of your partner's lips (it doesn't matter, upper or lower) with your own and start making gentle sucking movements.

There are legends about the French kiss (the same one, deep, with the tongue). However, this is a rather controversial type. Not everyone likes such a deep penetration. So remember the algorithm:

  1. Without removing your lips from your partner's lips, open your mouth wider. The partner will feel emptiness and freedom of action and, perhaps, will be the first to decide to penetrate deeper with the tongue.
  2. Press your partner's lips with your own, so that they are between yours. Then gently run the tip of your tongue along the inside of the bottom lip of the person you are kissing. Make one smooth and quick movement. If your counterpart likes this type of kiss, he will respond.
  3. Get ready to back off. If, despite the fact that you carefully followed the steps from the previous paragraphs, you did not receive an answer, do not insist. Save the French kiss for another time and focus on the previous techniques.

use your hands

Kissing is a complex physiological process that is not limited to the mouth area. Gently touching your partner's shoulders, arms, torso with your hands, you will increase his degree. Start touching the hips, and then slowly raise your hands along the back to the neck and shoulders. Then, if you do not meet resistance, you can grab your partner's face with your palms. This will make your kisses even more intimate and passionate.

Kiss is ancient art, which, like many classes, comes with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does it timidly and uncertainly, because this phenomenon is new and unknown to him, this is something that he had only heard and observed before, but did not do it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is often timid and insecure. The fact is that if a kiss happens for love or falling in love, then the people who are going to kiss value each other very much and are afraid to do something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always gentle, timid and insecure. Also, this kiss is short, not sucky, but reminiscent of the touch of lips to lips.

People kiss because nature is arranged in such a way that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves the convergence of bodies. At first, it usually manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other's lips.

This intimate place, which, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone responsible for sexual desire.

With a kiss, people of the opposite sex also get acquainted with their bodies. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) and thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people disperse, they realize that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of mankind. This is a natural action that serves people for procreation.

If after the process of acquaintance with lips and sniffing, people realized that they are suitable for each other, then their relationship develops into more intimate ones and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only in humans, but also in animals, kissing also takes place in life. However, each animal kiss occurs in its own way. Many animals simply sniff, some look closely, while others intuitively find a mate.

Kisses, if they occur between people who love each other, should bring pleasure from touch. Therefore, it is better for those who do not know how to kiss to learn this in order to further give the opportunity to enjoy kissing themselves and their partner (partner).

Features of kissing passionately

Suction kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, characteristic of passionate love and attraction. It is considered indecent to engage in such activities in public. After all, a kiss is intimate occupation, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

Kissing passionately is an art that requires some preparation. After all, there is a technique for kissing passionately that allows it to be correct.

Since ancient times, girls have learned to kiss on tomatoes, as they are approximately similar in shape to lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But it does not mean at all that if a girl or a guy has not trained to kiss on tomatoes, then he will not be able to do it beautifully with the opposite sex. Many people are born with the ability to kiss.

From how well a person knows how to kiss, his temperament depends. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. And melancholic and phlegmatic people, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

You can kiss passionately in two ways:

  • with tongue;
  • without language.

Both of these options are correct.

The opinion that it is necessary to kiss passionately only with the tongue is erroneous. Often people confuse a passionate kiss with a French kiss.

Indeed, in a French kiss, there is a participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a kiss with a suction, then this means touching the lips tightly, sucking a little on each lip in turn and without sticking out the tongue.

In order not to be in an idiotic situation, a passionate kiss must follow some elementary rules. If you take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not fail, but will be able to kiss his partner with special pleasure, even if this is his first kiss in his life.

The rules of kissing passionately:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use a mouth freshener or chewing gum;
  • relax completely;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • do not overdo it with the suction of the lips, otherwise you can hurt your partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, but the person has enough practice in this matter and by mutual agreement, the partners can experiment with a kiss in rather rougher tones, that is, with sucking the lips. In this case, they should be prepared for the fact that after such kisses traces may remain, for example, bruises or smudges.

Pain may also remain. After all, the area of ​​​​the lips is very delicate and therefore sudden movements can injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are, passionate kissing, especially with the participation of the tongue, is generally considered taboo. Many religions forbid doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others, there is no sexual relationship without kissing with the participation of the tongue. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, so each kissing technique has its own and there are no rules and restrictions here. For everything to go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Kissing technique with tongue: rules and techniques

A kiss involving the tongue is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You can’t do this thoughtlessly, because further relations with a partner may depend on how well the kiss is made.

How to kiss passionately with tongue:

This technique is most common among lovers of passionate kisses. If the partner takes the initiative, it will be easier to sort out this situation together, even if both partners have never kissed before.

After all, nature is arranged in such a way that the bodies, touching in a kiss, must themselves control the situation. And a person only has to help them with his mind a little, following simple rules.

The kissing technique depends on how ready the partners are for the kiss. Many facts depend on how passionate and protracted the kiss is:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • condition of the skin of the lips, personal hygiene.

For a kiss to be unforgettable, the partner must ensure that her lips are in perfect condition. Not only oral hygiene should be in order, but also lips. If it's cold outside, then the lips must be moisturized with a balm.

In no case should you try to kiss a partner if there is any cut on the lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare the partner. It is better to wait until the wound heals and proceed with the first kiss with confidence.

How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss passionately worries every teenager, because sooner or later it will have to be done.

If the student did not have time to learn how to kiss at school, then entering into adulthood, he usually becomes embarrassed at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, and this has never been done before. In order not to get into a mess, you need to properly prepare for a passionate kiss.

Rules for kissing without a partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and stiffness;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • for the imitator of a partner, you can choose several options for objects: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or something else that comes to hand.

An apple and a tomato are great for sucking kissing exercises.

  1. stand in front of a mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it with your mouth slightly open;
  4. gently suck the apple with your lips, grabbing it a little between your lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but the lips of a partner;
  6. closing your eyes, gently move your lips over the apple, slowly tilting your head to the left, then to the right.

If you follow all the rules, then there should be nothing complicated in a kiss.

If people fit and like each other, then the process of the first kiss should go smoothly.

How to kiss on a first date

The first date is a quivering and very important event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

The first date should leave some understatement to the partner so that he (she) can look forward to the next meeting and look forward to it.

At the first kiss, in principle, as with the second and third, you can not be tense, otherwise the lips will be hard and the kiss will not bring any pleasure. You can’t rush and be distracted by anything, otherwise the partner will see that his partner is not thinking about the kiss, but just kissing “for show”.

What Not to Do While Kissing

  • you can not bite and strongly suck the lips of a partner. This may result in injury. In addition, delivering pain to a partner, a kiss can be the last for both;
  • Do not eat garlic or onions before kissing. These insidious vegetables will turn breathing into a very unpleasant one, and when kissing, the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • you can’t use force and, without listening to the wishes of the partner, continue the kissing technique to your taste. You always need to listen to the desires of a partner, and listen - this is in a figurative sense. After all, a couple during a kiss does not talk and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, with eyes and touches, you need to learn to understand each other's desires.

Whatever happens, whatever the situation, you need to follow the basic rules in kissing.

Partners can always help each other find an idyll and retire, bringing unforgettable pleasure from the touch of the lips.

And more information on the topic - in the next video.

A kiss can mean so many things... It's a signal of love or gratitude, acceptance into a family, or a gesture of courtesy. It all depends on how exactly you were kissed (and most importantly - where!).

A kiss can be one of the most magical events in your life. It shows how connected you are with the person. Perhaps you are just friends or passionate lovers, strangers or acquaintances at the time of greeting. Kissing is not just for the face, because there are so many places on the body open for this warm gesture!

They say that kiss is the language of our souls. Here are collected together 20 various types gesture. Want to know what they mean?

1. Right on the forehead

It's a gentle expression of admiration. Usually friends give each other such a gesture, but often a kiss can be found among lovers who have just entered the stage of development of their relationship.

2. Allow your pen, madam

This is a gesture where the partner gently holds your hand by the fingers and gently kisses the outside of the palm. This was done by knights in medieval times to express admiration, passion or recognition. Often they kissed the hand of noble people who were higher in rank. It was a gesture of respect and reverence for their status.

3. Eskimo and cold

No, this is not the touch of partners' lips. The Eskimo kiss is two people gently rubbing their noses against each other. Often this is an affectionate gesture, meaning the love and care of a parent for his child.

It is believed that the Eskimo kiss allows you to talk about your feelings, especially if you live in a harsh, cold climate. The reason is simple: there is a risk that your lips will begin to crack, or even completely freeze to the skin of a partner!

4. In French, with passion

Oh that French kiss! The complete opposite of the Eskimo. Here skill and skill are already in use, because the partners show each other how much they know how to speak their language.

Of course, the technique of French kissing is very difficult to master, because it requires regular training. However, this is a great way to show passion, romance and desire for partners.

5 Narcissistic Kiss

This is another type of kiss that is meant for those who are probably very fond of themselves. All that is needed is to suck the lower lip with the upper lip (or vice versa). Sometimes this kiss can show that the partner is ready for sexual contact with you. Most importantly, learn to correctly recognize such a gesture!

6. Plexus of souls

This all-encompassing kiss targets the erogenous zone. You can give your partner an unforgettable experience if you start to gently bite your ear. Such a kiss means that there is probably a subtle romantic and romantic relationship between you. intimate relationship, which will definitely result in something more - passionate and hot.

7. Kiss of Spider-Man

Remember when Spiderman kissed Mary Jane for the first time? At that moment, Spider-Man was hanging upside down, and his beloved approached him, lowered the mask slightly and kissed him gently on the lips.

Of course, for security reasons, it is not necessary to repeat Spiderman's actions. It is enough just to lie down on the sofa and lower your head so that your partner can kiss. Perhaps this epic and historical gesture will make you the strongest couple!

8. Fluttering butterfly wings

This is a rather unusual kiss when two people are so close to each other that their eyelashes touch. Such a gesture means that the partners are madly in love or passionate.

9. Long kiss

A lingering kiss, as a rule, lasts at least 5-10 minutes. It is full of strong emotions and passions, and often means one thing - your relationship is only getting stronger.

10. "Smack" - a kiss

These are short kisses that give warmth to the cheeks, shoulders and arms. The meaning of such a gesture depends on where you are on the planet. For some cultures it means hello and for others it means goodbye.

11. Kiss "Leave a trace"

This kiss is famous for the girl putting on lipstick and then kissing her partner. Accordingly, a bright or dark mark remains on the cheek, neck or lips. Perhaps she does it on purpose, playing like a cat. But it happens that girls just forget about painted lips!

12. Kiss "Secret Message"

Do you want to receive a hidden message? Then just practice french kissing. The "secret message" is the process of having your partner gently touch you with the tip of their tongue.

You should not send messages if you are not very close to each other. Perhaps you may be misunderstood or considered that you are pestering and insisting on intimacy!

13. Like snakes

Remember how lizards and snakes stick out their tongues? They do it so fast that you barely have time to follow the process. Imagine that you are the lizard at the moment of the kiss.

During a passionate kiss, the tongue should quickly move in and out of the mouth, creating small bumps. Such a gesture is ideal for hot and passionate lovers who have no shyness in front of each other!

14. Transfer by air

Air kisses can be seen in old movies, especially during greetings. This is done as if a flirtatious girl, with a characteristic sound "Muaaa", transmits a sweet "smack" through the air.

Imagine a picture when two familiar people want to say hello, but do not want to touch each other's lips. To do this, they simply approach each other with their cheeks, make a sound and bow. Such a kiss can be seen among celebrities, as well as strangers or relatives. This is not a romantic, but a friendly gesture.

15. Angel Kiss

It is a gentle kiss on someone's eyelids, a sweet gesture between two people who love each other deeply. A mother can do this to her child or a husband to his wife. And even though it is believed that kissing the eyes leads to separation, it looks pretty cute and innocent!

16. Seductive kiss

Such a gesture is very reminiscent of a kiss with a tongue from the true French. Only partners at this moment are not very fond of playing in the mouth. From such a kiss, the knees bend, the heart begins to beat furiously, and passion and fire are kindled inside.

17. Straight to the chin

This is a very gentle and sensual gesture when you kiss your partner's chin. It is meant for those who are very close to each other.

From the outside, such a kiss may seem strange, especially when it is customary in society to "smack" on the lips or cheeks. But who cares when a real fire burns between you, eclipsing everything around!

18. Don't be afraid of footprints

If you are a fan of Twilight or other vampire stories, then you will definitely like this kiss for one simple reason: the partner will sexually dig into your neck, lightly biting the skin. This gesture is very popular in an intimate setting.

At the same time, do not be afraid if traces remain on your skin. But make sure society accepts your passion, because in many places it is shameful and unethical to appear with "hickeys". However, foundation creams, gorgeous scarves, cozy sweaters and turtlenecks with a high collar always come to the rescue!

19. Like little dogs

Light bites can make you shiver with pleasure. The reason is that they affect the thinnest places on the face - the nose, cheeks, chin, neck. This is a sensual kiss, and sometimes spontaneous, that can occur between people. Such a gesture means intimacy, eroticism and sexual contact.

20. Warm up

This gesture can last for hours. And it begins with passionate hugs and a kiss on the lips. Gradually, the partner begins to move lower and lower, exploring every centimeter. This gesture, as a rule, is an excellent prelude before sex and is dedicated to those who want to feel every cell of their partner!

Many articles and books have been written about how to kiss properly. This is not surprising, because a kiss is not only a manifestation of love and tenderness for each other, but also a whole art. It allows you to increase immunity, cheer up and avoid stress.

During the process, about 30 facial muscles are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps prevent wrinkles. It has been proven that not only knowledge of how to kiss correctly, but also the number of kisses - at least 7 per day - play a significant role.

In contact with

Types of kisses on the lips

There are so many kissing techniques that they are studied by a separate science - philematology. She considers the process from the point of view of physiology and psychology. Based on these criteria, different kinds kisses.

It is this type of lip contact that has gained the greatest popularity. Its key feature is the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth. This makes the process more sensual, but more technically challenging. Before trying it out in practice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to kiss correctly:

  1. You need to prepare in advance. The success of a kiss largely depends on the freshness of breath, the pleasant smell of the body and hair, and neatness in appearance. Immediately before contact with lips, you should use chewing gum or candy.
  2. It's better to start with a light kiss. Haste is not the best friend in how to kiss properly. Light touches should develop into a passionate French kiss gradually, and it is recommended to increase the pace slowly.
  3. Give in to emotions. Only a sincere gesture will bring real pleasure. How to kiss on the lips in many ways will prompt emotions and feelings.

honing French technology may require extensive training. However, the simplest kiss with the tongue is within the power of lovers without experience. The main thing is mutual attraction and sympathy, and knowledge of how to kiss correctly will be applied.


Surprisingly, in France, the famous love gesture is called the “English kiss”. According to the assumptions of some historians, this name of the French method was obtained due to the celebration of Kiss Day. The custom originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and is still celebrated every year on July 6 to this day. Two decades ago, the holiday officially received international status.

Between how to kiss on the lips - in English or in French, there is no difference.


Italians are famous for their passionate behavior, both in everyday life and in love. However, the Italian kiss is quite different and is also known as the "flirting kiss". The gesture is soft, gentle, romantic. How to kiss in Italian:

  1. Touch lips. This must be done slowly and gently. Before kissing, it is better to moisten the lips or use hygienic lipstick. In this case, they will be the softest and give the partner maximum pleasure.
  2. Movement should not be abrupt. Lips should be driven carefully. Excessive passion is not acceptable with an Italian kiss.
  3. Don't use the language. In this case, the Italian kiss turns into a French one.
  4. It's important to make time. The main feature of the Italian method is duration. This is a great way to kiss passionately without a tongue, if you have a few hours of free time. Such a protracted kiss can drive even the most persistent and reasonable people crazy.

No tongue

Lip contact without the participation of the tongue is typical for couples who have just started dating or for young lovers. However, even in family relationships a kiss of this kind can add novelty and romance, because it exudes naivety and tenderness from him. How to kiss without a tongue:

  1. Preparation. Before kissing without a tongue, it is important to freshen your breath. Before a date, you can not eat onions, garlic, horseradish and other foods that have a strong unpleasant odor. It is advisable to use perfume, but in moderation.
  2. Lip condition. Smooth skin of the lips is an essential condition. It is better to take care of her condition in advance: make a scrub, lubricate with oil, use other moisturizers.
  3. Process. A signal that the partner is not against a kiss can be a long look into the eyes. It is necessary to slowly approach the face of a lover or beloved, touch your partner's lips with your lips, close your eyes. important points in how to kiss correctly, are relaxed lips.

After mastering the touch with the lips, you can proceed to the next stage - kissing with the tongue. This is the same French method, in which two varieties can be distinguished:

  1. "Dry". How to kiss in French was indicated above, but the dry method has its own characteristics. This gesture does not tolerate excessive salivation, the kiss should be moderately wet. This is a better option for young couples, unfamiliar lovers or conservatives.
  2. "Wet". In addition to the traditional French method of tongue penetration, the process is accompanied by copious salivation. Not every partner will approve of this gesture, but there are true fans of wet kisses.


Passionate kisses can be with or without tongue. How to kiss passionately:

  1. Start. Approaching the partner, you need to touch his lips with your own. It is worth moving slowly, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Complication. The lips of a lover can be sucked, bitten or run over them with the tip of the tongue.
  3. With tongue. If the partner opens his mouth towards you, then you can carefully enter your tongue. Do not do it abruptly, you need to accelerate in stages.
  4. Important. When answering the question of how to kiss correctly, it is worth noting that other gestures also play an important role. You need to hug your beloved, you can grab his head with your hands, run your hand through your hair. This will allow you to feel emotions brighter.

How to kiss?

For this case, spontaneity is much more important than rules. In order for a kiss to be remembered and enjoyable, it is important:

  1. Choose the right person. It is this, and not the possession of numerous techniques, that is the key to success. A kiss with a loved one or beloved is a priori successful.
  2. Don't be nervous. Embarrassment or worries will not let you relax, which means they will spoil the whole impression of a kiss. Get rid of thoughts about how to kiss properly, should be in advance.
  3. You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. It is impossible to make a mistake in a kiss if it comes from the heart, unlike the phrase “how to kiss properly”, which many users mistakenly drive into the search box.

The benefits of kissing

A single algorithm for kissing has not yet been developed by more than one scientist. To get an idea of ​​how to kiss on the lips, you can:

  1. Hone your skills on your own. Many people got their first knowledge of kissing with the help of tomatoes. Other smooth vegetables or fruits will work as well. It will not work to rehearse the French way, but it is quite possible to feel more confident when kissing without a tongue.
  2. Cinema and video. Romantic movie characters know better than anyone how to kiss properly. It is quite possible to adopt their experience by including a tape about love.
  3. Educational videos. Suitable material can be found on request on the Internet. In such videos, they not only tell how to kiss lips on the lips or with the tongue correctly, but also give valuable comments.

The most important thing is practice, practice and more practice. Regular kisses with a loved one will allow you to quickly learn all the secrets.

The first kiss is a special and crucial moment in the life of a girl or a guy. It is he who will remain in memory, it is he who cannot be repeated or changed. How to kiss for the first time if:

  1. You are a guy. The main task is to choose the right moment. If you try too early, you can scare the lady of the heart. However, a long delay can have a similar effect. As soon as the girl begins to give signs, hold her gaze on her lips for a long time, look into her eyes, you can act.
  2. You are a girl. Women's waiting position is more beneficial for those who do not have practical knowledge about kissing. You need to show the guy your readiness for the process. If he does not decide in any way, then it is not forbidden to take the initiative into his own hands.

Most men take the first step on their own. The girl only needs patience and openness. There are a number of secrets that will bring this moment closer:

  1. Open face. You should not cover your face with your hands, scarf or turn away from the guy. Such behavior will certainly be regarded as an attempt to move away.
  2. Eye to eye. Making eye contact is the first step to lip contact.
  3. Give an answer. During the kiss itself, you should reciprocate the guy, even if you have not had to kiss before.

With regard to the fair sex, it is better to act boldly and decisively. However, excessive zeal can cause resentment or aggression in the lady of the heart. You should not persuade her to kiss if she is not ready or does not want to.

How to kiss a girl the right way:

  1. You shouldn't do it in public. A quiet square, a non-crowded cafe or the last rows of a cinema will do. Extra eyes do not add self-confidence.
  2. Better scout the situation. A light touch on the cheek, neck or hair will help to understand the readiness of the beloved. If she does not move away, then you can act.
  3. Be gentle. You do not need to immediately turn on a passionate macho, a gentle kiss is suitable for the first time. In the process, it is better to observe how the girl reacts.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you?

Some timid young men are too shy to kiss a girl for a very long time. In this case, you can try to do it yourself. How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you:

  • he keeps his eyes on the neck or lips for a long time;
  • the guy often comes close, but retreats at the last moment;
  • in conversation, he bites his lips or touches them with his tongue.

In order for it to come to a kiss, you need to prove yourself on a date, namely:

  1. You need to prepare for the date. Neat appearance, neat clothes, unobtrusive perfume will create a pleasant impression at first sight.
  2. Place. It is better to choose a location based on your own preferences. In summer, it's good to just walk through the park or sit on the open veranda. In winter, you can go to the cinema or anti-cafe.
  3. In progress. Do not swear, talk very loudly, smoke. It pays to be polite and calm. A good sense of humor is not forbidden.
  4. After a date. Regardless of how the evening goes, you need to thank the girl. With a favorable outcome, you can immediately discuss the next meeting.

Useful video

How many types of kisses do you know? Air, French kiss ... This video contains the most common types of kisses:


  1. It is quite difficult to say how to kiss with tongue and lips correctly.
  2. The best solution would be to take as a basis any technique you like, but act according to the situation.
  3. It is worth remembering that a kiss is not an exam, but its main goal is pleasure, which means there is no need to be nervous.

This article will look at different types of kisses, and will also pay attention to how to kiss correctly.

Meaning: “I want to get to know you better.”

A kiss on the cheek may seem more like a manifestation of platonic feelings, or a respectful attitude towards your relatives, but it can also be applied to your other half.

Your lips should be soft and relaxed. Bring them close to your girlfriend's or boyfriend's (if you're a girl) cheek, as if you're picking the perfect spot for a kiss. Then gently touch your cheek with your lips.

A kiss on the cheek can turn into a kiss on the earlobe, which is a very sensitive point for the touch of the lips, tongue and breath. You can bite your earlobe, just do it with your lips over your teeth.

“I feel good around you.”

Move your lips to the closed eyes of a loved one and, lightly touching, kiss them. You can also kiss the eyebrows and corners of the eyes.

This is an especially nice way to kiss someone you really love. No wonder the kiss of the eyelids is also called the kiss of an angel.

"I care about you."

This is a sincere kiss that promotes a sense of security, which is created specifically to express concern for each other.

"You are cute."

Kisses on the back or inside of the hand are very sensual.

And even though this is not the most passionate kind of kisses, they always reflect your care and desire to be around.

“Every part of you is amazing.”

This kiss resembles the bite of a vampire, but that does not make it any less pleasant and amazing.

"I like your face."

Consists of kissing the chin from ear to ear. You already know what can be done with the earlobe.

“You are gentle and affectionate.”

Kissing on the nose will seem quirky and cute, making both of you smile.

"Let's continue."

The back of the neck can be an interesting target for a kiss. Your other half will definitely appreciate it.

“Each part of you is better than the last.”

Try this type of kissing by touching your lips to the pads on your fingertips.

10. French kiss (sucking)

“You awakened my feelings.”

The touch of the lips is great, but kissing using both lips and tongue is something even more intimate.

The French kiss is one of the most popular types of kisses that breaks out between two very close people.

It is best to start slowly. Touch your loved one's tongue with your tongue. Keep your tongue relaxed and try not to salivate too much.

“I like to play with you.”

This is a gentle kiss, which is designed specifically to seduce the other person.

Kiss either the lower or upper lip of your partner, without using your tongue. This type of kiss can be mixed with a French kiss.

12. Break the ice

"Let's light it up."

This is a very mischievous and fun kiss, which can be used in the process of drinking drinks with ice.

Place an ice cube in your mouth and place it on the tip of your tongue, then kiss the girl (guy) and pass the ice cube with your tongue.

Find out how long it takes for the ice to melt.

13. Hot and cold

“I'm slowing down, but I'm going to speed up.”

While kissing your partner, pull away sharply, and then gently hit his lips with your lips, provoking an explosion of feelings.

"I miss you."

Kiss your lower lip, remembering to use your tongue.

"I want you."

Get close to kiss your partner, but instead run your tongue over their lips.

Now kiss them.

"Let's experiment."

You gently kiss your partner's tongue.

“Next to you, I become better.”

When you are as close as possible face to face, open and close your eyes, touching the cheeks, nose or lips of the girl (guy) with eyelashes.

Let your lashes have some fun too.

"You make me smile."

Touch your partner's nose with your nose, moving up and down, as well as from side to side.

"You are mine."

Gently kiss the girl's neck for pleasant emotions.

“Let's try something new.”

Try the legendary kiss from the movie "Spider-Man" when your face is upside down in relation to your partner.

You can use this type of kissing while in bed or on the edge of the bed.

“Let's add some fun.”

This kiss is like melting ice, only sweeter.

Put a berry or piece of fruit in your mouth, then move on to French kissing. As soon as your lips meet, pass the fruit with your lips and tongue to your partner.

“Thanks to you, I feel good.”

This kind of kissing is done by sucking your partner's lips as if you are trying to suck the soul out of him. In terms of duration, it is not long.

“No one will know about our secret.”

Take a little sip of your favorite drink and leave drops on your lips. After that, kiss your partner, sharing your favorite taste.

“How passionate you are.”

To make this kiss come true, touch each other with the tips of your tongues.

“You are delicious.”

Almost any kiss can be made more fun by adding a bit of nibbling to it, by gently grasping, for example, your partner's lip or earlobe.

Remember to perform such a kiss very gently, making sure that it does not hurt.

“I have fun with you.”

Choose a part of your partner's body, let's say the back. Start kissing in the form of letters of the name of the girl (guy), or depicting another figure, for example, the sail of a yacht.

"Your body is excellent."

The collarbone is a very sensitive part of the body.

You have the option of kissing your partner gently, harshly, or using your tongue.

You can move the kiss from your collarbone down your belly, or move up to your shoulders and face.

“It’s calm and pleasant with you.”

The belly is a nice, soft place to kiss.

"Your hands are attractive."

Why stop at the palm and wrist? Continue kissing all the way to the elbow.

“I would eat you whole.”

Shoulders can become interesting choice for a kiss.

You can kiss the shoulder directly, or you can reach it by making a line from the earlobe or elbow.

Work your way across your partner's chest and then towards the lips.

"I like you."

This type of kissing is perfect for a couple who greet each other in the morning or when someone goes outside the house.

It can also be suitable for first kisses in new couples when one party doesn't know how the other feels.

32. "Mua" or air kiss

"I want to be next to you."

This kiss should be used during a telephone conversation or while at some distance.

Just say "mua!"

"I think of you."

When your partner is not around, you might want to send a virtual kiss via text message.

Write something like “I would love to kiss you right now…” or “This text message will turn into a kiss when I see you.”

“I like spending time with you.”

The shoulder is a rather unusual target for a kiss.

If you decide to kiss the back of your neck, think about the back of your shoulder, also sometimes called an angel's wing.

"I'm holding you."

This kiss happens when the guy is tight, which lifts his feet off the ground and floats in the air.

36. Adventure kiss

“Tonight will be fun.”

Try kissing a girl from a moving car. At the same time, try to follow the rules of the road.

"You are charming."

This type of kissing has already been considered in tandem with others, but now its solo release has come.

Take your partner's earlobe with your lips and gently pull it down. To increase the degree of attraction, engage the tongue, using a gentle movement in combination with the lips.

It's a very passionate kiss. Your partner will not only feel it, but also hear and feel your warm breath.

“You move great.”

This kiss is for dancing couples. Against the backdrop of a slow sounding composition, it is very romantic.

"And let the whole world wait."

Have you ever surprised your girlfriend with a kiss in the rain? Hug her around the waist unexpectedly and give her a romantic kiss.

Every time it rains, your girlfriend will remember you.

“You are very attractive.”

In fact, this is the same kiss on the lips without a tongue, on the cheek or on the nose, only the context is different.

You can use it anywhere, but it gets its special specificity when you are in public.

With this kiss, the play of the eyes is of great importance. The couple looks at each other with a passionate look, slowly approaches and, finally, one of them quickly kisses on the lips, cheek or nose.

“Nowhere to retreat.”

Want to add more passion? Then try this kind of kissing.

Just gently push the girl to the next wall, and while holding her, start kissing her on the lips.

42. Secret kiss

Close your girlfriend's (boyfriend's) eyes, tell her that she's in for a little surprise, put some candy on your tongue and give her a French kiss.

“It seems that happiness will never end.”

Kiss twice as slow as usual or at one quarter of your normal speed.

It's amazing how slow motion speeds things up so fast.

How to kiss

1. Take the first step

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Each of us is personally responsible for our own pleasure, and there is no reason to wait until the other person decides to kiss you.

Don't ask if you can kiss a girl. Alternatively, start with a kiss on the forehead, then kiss the tip of your nose, then move on to French kissing.

The best time for the first kiss is when you are alone, there is a pause in the conversation, and you both look into each other's eyes.

Push the situation to this point by escaping from the crowd to a place where you feel comfortable.

Stand or sit next to your partner, make eye contact, and let the conversation come to a natural point of passion. You will know when that moment comes.

2. Take your time

Probably, best advice before the first kiss is calmness and lack of fussy movements.

If you're feeling anxious about your kissing abilities, that anxiety can create insecurities and frantic attempts to get things right, which will only make things worse.

As a result, you will begin to behave unnaturally, making unnecessary movements, or your actions will seem somehow abrupt and inappropriate to the situation.

Kissing is supposed to be romantic and relaxing, so try to be gentle and slow.

3. Optimal intensity

Another problem that can be faced before learning how to kiss properly is the intensity of kissing, since it should not go to extremes.

Some people kiss too aggressively, which can lead to their partner's teeth colliding, pushing them away, or backing away and taking a step back.

Others, on the contrary, are too shy and timid, as a result of which their kisses become insipid and lifeless.

Remember handshakes. It will probably be strange if someone squeezes your hand so hard that the bones crackle.

Therefore, pressure and intensity in kisses and hugs should be present, but within reason.

4. Use the language correctly

Another characteristic of a “bad” kiss is too much use of the tongue.

When you first start kissing your partner, you don't have to use your tongue right away. Increase love tension gradually.

Focus on different ways of kissing with lips only. When it comes time to use the tongue, do it carefully.

At first, tilting your head slightly to the side, try to lightly touch the girl's (guy's) tongue. Imagine your tongues gently caressing each other.

Don't press too hard with your tongue and don't try to fill your partner's entire mouth with it.

If you are not sure how to use the language, try to practice on reverse side your palm. play with different ways moving your tongue over the skin of your hand.

This practice may seem silly, but it's really an easy way to understand how things are.

5. Remember to breathe

You will not be able to kiss properly if you do not breathe through your nose during the kiss.

In addition, such a maneuver will slow down the romantic process a little, increasing the level of passion.

6. Variety

Don't let your lips or tongue stay in one place for more than a couple of seconds.

The excitement of a first kiss is exciting, but things can get terribly boring if you don't change your own style even a little.

Use your tongue to carefully explore all the sensual places in your partner's mouth, alternate kissing styles, but try not to be too bossy or open your mouth too wide.

7. Use your hands and your whole body

The best kiss is one that turns on your whole body, not just your lips.

Hug the girl (guy) or stroke her arms, shoulders and back with your hands. Move your arms up and down your body. Hold your partner tightly. Place your hands on the girl's face or run your hands through her hair.

In addition, you can take a break from kissing on the lips by focusing on the neck or earlobe. Use your whole body to create variety.

When doing this, be sure to remember that a slow pace makes the kiss even more sensual.

8. Playing while kissing

You can diversify kisses with playful actions:

  • Pull away from the kiss and look your partner in the eye while smiling playfully.
  • Gently run your finger over the girl's lips.
  • Pull away from the kiss and, keeping slightly parted lips close together, inhale and exhale together.
9. Adapt your technique

In order to kiss properly, you can use various methods, but do not forget that each person has their own style of kissing.

So when you kiss someone, pay attention to your partner's actions, as well as what he responds to best.

How actively does the partner use the language? Do you feel that he is uncomfortable when you bite his lips?

As passion builds and momentum increases, you can start kissing with more momentum while continuing to gauge your partner's reaction.

As a result of the feedback received, try to adapt.

10. Open your eyes sometimes

Most people associate kissing with closed eyes. But occasional eye contact before and during the kiss can make it even more passionate.

11. Stay in the moment

Try to enjoy the moment and just feel what is happening.

If you try to keep your attention only on technique all the time, the most piquant thing in a kiss, and this is nothing more than passion, will be crumpled and will take on faded shades.

12. Finish the kiss smoothly.

When you're about to complete a French kiss, it's easiest to just pull away from your partner and stop kissing. But this may seem a bit harsh.

Perhaps the best scenario would be to stop using the tongue and seek help from a tongueless kiss before the kiss is complete.

It is better if the very first kiss is not too long.

13. Discuss how you like kissing best.

When it comes to any criticism, most people take a defensive stance caused by a sense of vulnerability.

So do not criticize, stating that the partner does not know how to kiss properly.

It is much better if you explain to your loved one what you like and what you don't.

14. Don't neglect kissing

The effort a couple puts into a long-term relationship communicates to the partners their sincere care, love, and respect. And this is really important.

But, unfortunately, the longer the couple is together, the less importance the lovers give to the French kiss. They begin to think that it is not so important.

However, even in long term relationship kiss french kiss should remain a priority.


First of all, try to focus on the types of kisses and recommendations reviewed that you like and suit best. Remember that the right kiss is when it's fun and pleasant.

Pay attention to how you feel, as well as the signals coming from your partner, and most likely the kiss will turn out even better than you expected.