In which medical centers does the oncologist accept. Oncological operations at affordable prices. Radiation surgery clinic "Oncostop"

The registry of the polyclinic of the Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology is the “hottest” place. Very long queues are understandable, after all, the Federal Center, patients come from all over the country. The workload of front desk workers is enormous. But you understand us patients. It is also not easy for us to spend time in line at the registration desk for 4 or even 7 hours. The situation is very difficult, I don’t know how sick people can stand it. And the receptionists are very different, I'll tell you. On October 15 this year at the terminal, I took a ticket for a consultation with a specialist, and after waiting in line for 4 (!) Hours, I went to window No. 10. I had in my hands a referral from the attending physician for a consultation with a specialist and a patient's passport. The receptionist asked me for the patient’s medical record (I’ll immediately note that in many places of the clinic, reminders are placed in a conspicuous place that the patient’s medical record is the property of the Blokhin National Medical Research Center!). I replied that I did not know where the map was. And this is logical, because this is the property of the NMIC, therefore, the employees of this institution should know where the patient's medical record is located! After looking at the computer, I was told where the map was, and I was sent there. I tried to object, saying that we had previously been issued a coupon for a consultation without a medical card in the direction of the attending physician. I was told that they have new rules every day. At the same time, the employee advised me to look for a map, and then go to it without a queue. I do not know the name of this employee, since she did not have a badge. Yes, she was not rude to me, but just calmly drove me for another two hours! Finally, I found a card from the attending physician, it is in my hands (And now it is no longer the property of the NMIC, because I can just take it home). The receptionist began to examine the medical record and found that there was no record of the attending physician about the referral of the patient to another specialist (at the same time, we have a coupon-referral of the attending physician for a consultation). Of course, I replied that it was not in my competence to check the records of the attending physician. So my opponent advised me to go to the attending physician and ask her to correct her oversight by making a note about the referral to a specialist. I have already begun to ask for a paid consultation, but no, and you can’t get a paid consultation without the attending physician’s entry in the patient’s medical record. What is this called? And it's simply called bullying! It is good that some patients have someone to take a hit from such employees of the NMIC, as in our case. The patient would not have survived! It all ended with me just going to another registry window and there, without any medical records, they issued me a referral for a consultation with a specialist in the direction of the attending physician. And it was done in just half a minute. But on the 10th window of the registry on October 15, 2019, I spent 7 hours of personal time! I'm talking to the management of the clinic. Monitor [...] the condition and adequacy of some of your employees. We have enough grief without them.

Are you looking for information about which clinics in Moscow you can get effective treatment from cancer and want to know where exactly to turn?

In the list here, in the first part, you will find state
clinics and centers
who accept patients for treatment. For each medical institution provided brief information about the conditions of treatment.

In the second part of the list you will find the main non-state (private) oncology clinics Moscow or clinics where (among others) cancer treatment is carried out in Moscow.

  • In what situation should you look for a private clinic? With the answer to this question, a small information block will help determine.
  • Why and for what purpose do people go abroad for treatment? The following are the most common reasons for patients to visit clinics in other countries for cancer treatment and information on several foreign centers, which most often go to for treatment from Russia.

Cancer treatment in Moscow: State clinics and centers

Russian Cancer Research Center. N.N. Blokhin RAMS

  • For applicants for the provision of high-tech medical care, it is necessary to have a coupon-direction to the *VMP (Quota)* of the territorial health authority (TOUZ).
  • Hospitalization occurs only after the examination, consultation of specialists in the clinic and a positive decision of the Commission on Hospitalization.
  • Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are hospitalized if they have a quota and an insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance. High-tech services (a separate category of services), services for persons with benign neoplasms and services for foreign citizens.

Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after P.A. Herzen (MNIOI named after P.A. Herzen)

  • To obtain a quota for free antitumor treatment at the oncological institute, you must contact the institute's polyclinic for an initial examination.
  • High-tech services (a separate category of services), services for foreign citizens (stateless persons and those who are not insured under compulsory health insurance) are paid. Also, services provided on conditions other than those stipulated by the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens, territorial programs of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens and (or) targeted programs; when self-referencing medical services.

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Center for X-Ray Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FGBU "RNTSRR" of the Ministry of Health of Russia)

  • High-tech medical care can be obtained here in order and at the expense of quotas.
  • Hospitalization is possible at the expense of the federal budget. Hospitalization is carried out according to the decision:
  1. Commission for the selection of patients for examination and treatment for high-tech types of medical care, approved by order of the Director of the Center in pursuance of the annual orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia on the provision of high-tech medical care to the population, financed from the federal budget.
  2. Commissions for the selection of patients for examination and treatment in the direction of the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation in the health sector;
  3. Commissions for the selection of patients for thematic hospitalization in accordance with approved plans scientific works Center and educational programs of the departments working on the basis of the Center.
  4. Center guidelines.

Federal State Budgetary Institution Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia (SSC)

  • It provides diagnostics and treatment of patients with tumors of the lymphatic system, diagnostics and treatment of patients with all diseases of the blood system and border areas in almost all diseases that occur with unclear changes in blood parameters.

Federal Research and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev

  • Patients are children, adolescents and young adults.
  • In case of indications for planned hospitalization, the patient must:
  1. have a correspondence or face-to-face consultation with the specialists of the Center;
  2. submit documents and results of laboratory tests according to the list;
  3. positive decision of the Commission on Hospitalization.

City Oncology Hospital No. 62

  • 25% of cancer patients in Moscow and the Moscow region pass through the hospital.
  • The hospital operates under the system of compulsory medical insurance and its services are free for Muscovites. High-tech medical services are provided free of charge in the presence of a quota, in other cases - on a paid basis.

State Budgetary Health Institution of the Moscow Region "Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary" (GBUZ MO "IOOD")

  • The selection of patients for hospitalization in IODE departments, as well as in other medical institutions of the Moscow region, is carried out by the IODE polyclinic department.
  • Medical assistance is provided to all insured persons who applied to the dispensary department of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Region "IODE".

Along with Mr. state medical institutions, private oncology clinics are intensively developing. Cancer treatment in Moscow free of charge or at minimal cost does not become a reality for everyone.

What does an appeal to private cancer clinics in Moscow give?

  • Reduction of terms of assistance.
  • No paperwork.
  • More chances for an attentive attitude to the patient.
  • In many cases, you can count on new technologies, new high-quality equipment and highly qualified specialists.
  • There are technologies that are only available in private institutions.
  • There are well-known specialists who accept only in certain private clinics.

Non-state (private) clinics and centers for cancer treatment in Moscow:

  • "Onkostop" at the Russian Cancer Research Center. N.N. Blokhin RAMS
  • Cancer Center Sofia* of the Meditsina Clinic
  • European clinic
  • Institute of Oncology and Hematology of the European Medical Center
  • Women's Health Center
  • MC First Surgery
  • Clinic "West" - and a number of others.

Why do many cancer patients go abroad for treatment? Why is cancer treatment not in Moscow and other cities of Russia, but in Israel, Germany, Switzerland becoming more and more in demand?

Here are the main reasons why cancer patients choose cancer treatment abroad:

  1. In Russia, the ratio of the mortality rate to the incidence rate for this moment continues to be consistently high. It is higher than in all European countries for almost all types of oncological diseases (for example, in Israel after treatment, 80% of patients recover completely).
  1. Abroad, the responsibility of a doctor is strictly regulated, and thus the possibility of corruption, abuse, misinformation and professional failure is practically reduced to zero.
  1. In most foreign centers, those operations that are considered exclusive in Russia, practically worked out and put on stream. Therefore, the guarantee of a successful result is several orders of magnitude higher.
  1. In the USA, Israel, Germany and other European countries, the approach to cancer treatment is completely different - therefore, the results of treatment are incomparably better. The essence of this approach is personalized medicine: the treatment protocol is based on a comprehensive assessment of the patient's body condition and the course of the disease, and not on generally accepted schemes, as is currently being done almost everywhere in Russia. Personalized medicine works for effective treatment, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the patient. While this approach is practiced in Russia only pointwise- Patients will go abroad for treatment.
  1. In most cases in Russia, the patient can't get urgent highly qualified assistance which is often life-saving.
  1. Lack of transparency of the financial side of treatment, the lack of confidence in what exactly the patient will receive for a certain amount of money.
  1. Too much role in the provision of medical services is played by the subjective factor. Blurred the scope of doctor's responsibility for treatment: you can encounter both conscientious and not conscientious specialists within the same medical institution.
  1. Abroad, things are much better with the use of high technologies and the latest high-quality equipment in the treatment of cancer patients. High competition and financial participation of the state (for example, in Israel the development of the medical industry is considered a priority) allows maintaining the equipment of clinics at the highest level, conducting research and promptly introducing the latest developments in medical and rehabilitation practice.
  1. The level of training of specialists(including those who work on modern complex equipment) generally much weaker than abroad, where clinics have the opportunity to invest heavily in the training of highly qualified personnel.

IMPORTANT: often the cost of cancer treatment in private clinics in Moscow and in foreign clinics is PRACTICALLY THE SAME.

As a rule, Germany, Austria, the USA and Israel are chosen for cancer treatment abroad. Israel leads in terms of the number of tourists from Russian-speaking countries, since such parameters as value for money, as well as geographical proximity and the absence of a visa regime are often decisive.

To make the right choice of an oncology clinic, to compare your plans and opportunities offered for cancer treatment in Moscow and abroad, you can take advantage of a free consultation with the specialists of the Hadassah Clinic - and weigh everything.

Hadassah Clinic in Jerusalem, one of the largest and most respected in Israel and the Middle East, is known as the world leader in medical research. The history of "Hadassah" has already over 100 years. The hospital serves as the clinical base of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Jerusalem, in its centers are made scientific discoveries, new methods of treatment and diagnostics are being developed.

With a free consultation, you will learn:

  • what advanced methods are used to treat the disease in your particular case,
  • what is the estimated cost of treatment,
  • what are the possibilities for accommodating foreign citizens during treatment.

To get answers to these questions In one hour, carefully fill out the form,

This section contains reference Information about the best cancer centers in Moscow with addresses and phone numbers. The institutions provide services on a paid basis, are equipped with modern diagnostic complexes and radiotherapy systems, and are focused on the use of highly effective treatment regimens. The staff of private Moscow oncology clinics employs specialists who have completed training in Germany, the USA, Spain, Israel and other countries with a high level of cancer care. Most medical centers have established direct cooperation with leading foreign specialists, which allows you to quickly resolve issues in difficult situations.

A brief comparison of the capabilities of private metropolitan oncology clinics and excerpts from the reviews of patients treated in them are given in the table below. Detailed information about cancer centers in Moscow: work schedule, information about specialists, services, prices, promotions and patient reviews can be viewed by going to personal pages.

The best private cancer clinics in Moscow: paid services
Center contacts and specialization Methods of treatment and diagnostics

Address: Moscow, 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskoy lane, 10

Telephone: +7 499 322-26-14

The oncology center treats cancer of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system - the esophagus, intestines, gallbladder, liver. The clinic's specialists also provide assistance to patients with cancer of the lungs, breast, prostate, pancreas and thyroid glands, bladder, kidneys, testicles and ovaries, uterus, and skin. In addition, the Sofia Oncology Center treats patients with sarcomas and melanomas, metastases of various origins and localizations.

  • Imaging methods – .
  • Laboratory researchdetermination of tumor markers.
  • Surgery.
  • Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy.
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT).

"... A deep bow to Stanislav Nikolaevich Zakharov and all the staff of the radiation therapy department from the former submariner, rear admiral of the reserve for excellent treatment ..."

“... The warmest words of gratitude to all the staff of the radiotherapy department! Special thanks to Stanislav Nikolayevich Zakharov, my doctor…”

“... My dears, if you have oncology and you need help, without the slightest doubt, come to these doctors with any problems ...”

Address: Moscow, st. Obrucheva, d.21A

Telephone: +7 499 450-66-76

The oncology clinic specializes in the treatment of various malignant neoplasms, including cancer of the cervix and other tumors of the female reproductive system, cancer of the prostate, pancreas, head and neck, genitourinary system, etc. Patients with brain tumors, melanomas, lymphomas, and sarcomas are also treated here. bones and soft tissues.

  • Imaging methodsCT, MRI, mammography, radiography.
  • Laboratory researchdetermination of tumor markers, molecular diagnostics (PCR, cytogenetics, FISH, etc.), immunohistochemistry.
  • Radiosurgery and conformal radiotherapy with the TrueBeam system.
  • Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy.

Excerpts from patient reviews:

“... I was treated in July-August, completed a course of IMRT with IGRT. side effects I didn’t notice even against the background of not too good condition after the previous operation…”

“... He was treated by Dr. Sergey Vladimirovich Usychkin, underwent a course of remote radiation therapy. I feel good, my PSA levels are normal…”

“... Doctor Usychkin S.V. literally brought me back to life after a relapse of prostate cancer ... "

Onkostop is a paid oncology center in Moscow based on the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center.

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoye highway, 23, building 4

Telephone: +7 499 490-49-91

The clinic employs doctors specializing in malignant tumors of the central nervous system in children. In addition, Oncostop treats liver cancer (primary tumors), localized peripheral and central non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic neoplasms, localized prostate cancer, localized kidney cancer in inoperable patients, primary and secondary tumors of the spinal cord. Patients with recurrences of retroperitoneal and pelvic neoplasms, tumors of other localization are accepted for treatment. limited size, solitary and single metastases to the lungs, liver, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, etc.

  • Radiosurgery with CyberKnife.
  • RT on Clinac 600B radiotherapy system.
  • Combined radiation treatment with CyberKnife and Clinac.

Excerpts from patient reviews:

“...Before contacting Oncostop, she underwent a course of chemotherapy and treatment at a traditional radiotherapy stop. The tumor first decreased, but then began to grow again, the operation was not indicated ... "

“... We found out the prices in Germany, but they turned out to be unaffordable. By coincidence, I was lucky to get to Moscow, on exactly the same apparatus, to Dr. Arutyunyants Svetlana Andreevna ... "

“...Together with the tumor, it was necessary to remove almost half of the face - the right eye and the upper jaw. In search of an alternative, on the recommendation of the attending physician, they turned to Onkostop to Nazarenko A.V. He said that there is a chance to remove the tumor with CyberKnife without surgery ... "

Institute of Oncology EMC

Address: Moscow, st. Shchepkina, 35

Telephone: +7 499 490-46-57

EMC treats prostate, penile, testicular and breast cancers in men; treatment of cervical, endometrial, ovarian, breast cancer in women. The doctors of the center accept for treatment patients with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, skin, lungs, ureters, liver, esophagus, thyroid gland, various parts of the intestine, etc. The competence of the oncologists of the clinic includes helping patients with lymphomas and melanomas.

  • Imaging methodsPET, MRI, CT, scintigraphy, SPECT.
  • biopsy under control Ultrasound, CT, MRI.
  • Laboratory researchdetermination of tumor markers.
  • Radiosurgery on TrueBeam and Trilogy units.
  • Remote conformal radiation therapy.
  • intraoperative RT.
  • Surgery.
  • Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy.
  • Palliative care.

Excerpts from patient reviews:

“... I regret that I didn’t know about EMC before, otherwise I would never have gone to Israel, there is a very “practical” approach, and the quality is the same ...”

“...Professionals work here upper class, caring, considerate!!! Thanks to Evgeny Libson…”

“... A professional approach to treatment, in the truest sense of the word scientific. Thank you doctor…”

The rating of Moscow cancer centers is determined by the quality of treatment, which directly depends on the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostics, the qualifications of oncologists, the equipment used, and the introduction of advanced technologies and methods. Equally important is the competent organization of the treatment process and an integrated (multidisciplinary) approach.

It needs to be clarified that official rating There are no best oncology clinics in Moscow, because, firstly, their number is limited, and, secondly, the professionalism of doctors and the effectiveness of treatment are difficult to compare for a number of objective reasons.

So, for example, the capital's cancer centers are equipped with radiotherapy and radiosurgical units. various types. In some cases, optimal results can be achieved with the help of local high-dose irradiation with the CyberKnife, in others with irradiation with modern systems for conformal radiotherapy such as TrueBeam or Clinac 600B.

At the same time, TrueBeam can be used for both radiosurgery and low-dose RT. Thus, with some types of tumors, it is better to contact Sofia, with others - to Oncostop or Medscan.RF. It is very important to take into account the main specialization of oncologists. For example, an extra-class specialist in the field of prostate cancer treatment may have only general ideas about the features of oncotherapy in patients with brain tumors.

Therefore, it is more correct to make a decision on the issue of applying to a particular medical center not on the basis of a very conditional rating of oncological clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region, but taking into account specialization, professional competence and practical experience of the doctor to whom you will initially get.

Location of centers on the map

Private center or public hospital: where is the best treatment in the capital

Highly qualified oncologists of various profiles work in both public and private centers. First of all, this applies to oncosurgery, since this area least of all needs expensive innovative medicines, equipment and technologies. As for radiation and drug therapy, the possibilities of clinics providing oncology treatment in Moscow on a paid basis are much higher. Since the private medical center does not depend on state funding, its management can independently decide on the purchase of diagnostic and therapeutic systems, drugs for chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and hormone therapy. This allows doctors to use the most advanced techniques and medicines working in strict accordance with international standards.

Moreover, thanks to the introduction of modern methods and protocols, in terms of the possibilities and results of cancer treatment in Moscow, non-state sector clinics are practically in no way inferior to cancer centers in Israel, Germany and other countries with a high level of oncological care.

Of course, there are certain problems in paid clinics, but managers find ways to solve them. Thus, Medscan.RF does not have a surgical unit, so patients in need of this type of assistance are referred for operations to leading specialized oncosurgeons in other medical institutions. Oncostop does not have its own diagnostic service, however, direct cooperation with the Russian Cancer Center on a contractual basis allows specialists of the private cancer center to conduct additional examinations at the Blokhin Institute, if necessary.

Free online consultation

To immediately get detailed advice from leading oncologists, upload your documents: extracts, results of PET CT, MRI, CT, tumor markers.