Bake the fish in the microwave. Dishes with pike in the microwave. Products needed for cooking

To cook fish deliciously according to culinary recipes for the microwave (MW), you need to know some of the features of cooking fish dishes for the microwave (MW). Cooking fish dishes in this case will not take you much time, and fish dishes will be delicious. Both fresh and frozen fish are suitable for cooking in the microwave (MW). Fresh fish does not require any special preparations: it must be cleaned, washed and cut, if necessary, into portioned pieces.

You can defrost frozen fish in the microwave (microwave), just keep in mind that this should be done immediately before cooking it, following the following procedure:
Put the fish in a defrosting dish or on a dish, wrapping it with a paper towel. At the same time, place the large parts closer to the walls, and put the thin ones in the middle so that they overlap each other. In order for the thin parts not to burn, it is advisable to cover them with pieces of foil. Set the microwave power control (MW) to a lower than average level (approximately 25-30% of full power).

The thawing time depends on the weight of the fish, its size and other factors, but on average the process takes from 2 to 6 minutes, so it is desirable to keep it under control. You can determine the readiness of the fish by its condition: it should bend, but not heat up.

After defrosting, let the fish stand for another 5-7 minutes until the final thaw, and then treat it the same way as with fresh fish: clean, rinse and cut into pieces of the desired size.

It is undesirable to salt the fish before cooking, as this can make it tougher. Cook fish in a sealed container with a hole in the lid or completely covered with liquid. Choose the minimum cooking time, and only then bring the fish to full readiness in the switched off microwave (microwave).

The readiness of the fish can be determined by the ease of its separation into fibers and the loss of translucency.

We offer you two culinary recipes for cooking fish dishes in the microwave (MW).

Boiled fish
Products: 400 g of any fish, salt.

To prepare a fish dish according to this recipe, lay out the pre-prepared fish in a cooking dish so that thick pieces are located against the wall, and pour in some water. Salt, cover the dish with a lid and cook in the microwave (microwave) at maximum power for 3-5 minutes, depending on the type of fish.

Fried fish
Products: 400 g of any fish, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter.

To prepare a fish dish according to this culinary recipe for a microwave oven (MW), grease the pieces of fish with melted butter and place in a preheated dish in thick parts closer to the walls. Lightly press each piece with a knife or spatula. Take the open dish with the prepared fish to the microwave and fry at maximum power for 3-5 minutes. After the fish turns golden, do not forget to turn it over.

Bon appetit!

Fish cooked in the oven is very tasty and looks like a real holiday dish. But often there is simply not enough time for this. This is where the microwave oven comes to the rescue - an ideal assistant for busy housewives. With it, you can quickly create a real masterpiece even on a weekday. It only takes a few minutes to cook pike in the microwave.

Braised fish

A low-calorie dish that will be appreciated by everyone who loves to eat tasty food, but keeps their figure.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 medium fish;
  • carrots (1 large or 2 smaller);
  • onion (pair of heads);
  • bell pepper (1 pc.);
  • butter (2 - 3 tablespoons);
  • salt, spices for fish.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Onion cut into thin rings. Put one part on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Grate carrots (large). Add a little to the onion. Peppers cut into thin strips will also go here.
  3. Salt vegetables and add seasoning for fish. Put pieces of pike and butter on top. Next up, the spices. Then another layer of vegetables. The fish should complete the composition.
  4. Now you need to add water to the pan (about 1/3 of the height of all layers);
  5. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Furnace power is average. Check the dish. Next, increase to the maximum and simmer for another 10 minutes. The fish itself cooks quickly, but the vegetables take longer. The taste of the dish is perfectly emphasized by boiled rice cereal or potatoes.

Important! After the time has elapsed, the dish needs to be kept in the oven a little more. It will come to full readiness. Even if you make stuffed pike in your sleeve.


A delicious variation on a traditional dish. If your oven has this function, cook fish according to this recipe. Grilled pike in the microwave, you will definitely like it.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 fillets;
  • 6 art. l. mayonnaise;
  • spices and special seasonings for grilling.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour the spices into the sauce and mix. Dip all the pieces of fish into the resulting marinade and leave for an hour.
  2. Arrange the fillet on the highest rack. Be sure to put a plate under the bottom, where the juice will drain.
  3. Bake for 3 min. at maximum power. After that, go to combi-1 mode for 10 minutes for one side. Then turn over all the pieces, transfer to the grill and cook for another 5 minutes.

When decorating a dish, you can show your imagination. A special knife for curly cutting vegetables will help with this.

Delicate pate

Fragrant tender dish will conquer everyone. If you are looking for what you can cook from pike in the microwave, this is the best option.

Required Ingredients:

  • pike fillet (0.5 kg) + 200 g any oily fish(for example, salmon);
  • cream (250 g);
  • half a lemon and a whole lime;
  • eggs (2 pcs.);
  • white pepper, salt;
  • ½ bunch of dill and a couple of sprigs of tarragon;
  • butter (to grease the mold).

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour the pike pulp with lemon juice, salt and cool slightly.
  2. Using a blender, turn the fish with egg whites into a homogeneous mass, slowly pouring cream from the bag.
  3. Add salt, pepper and a teaspoon of lime zest.
  4. Place the mass in the refrigerator.
  5. Set aside some of the greens for decoration. Chop the rest.
  6. Salmon fillet (or other fish) cut into oblong thin strips.
  7. Grease a rectangular shape well with oil.
  8. Put ½ part of the mixture on the bottom, add seasonings.
  9. Then there are salmon strips and the remaining minced meat.
  10. Gently level the mixture with a spoon. To fill all the voids in the dishes, lightly tap it on the table. Cover the top of the mold with cling film.
  11. Set the oven power to 600 W and cook the pate for 4 minutes. Then increase to 360, and time up to 6 - 8 minutes.
  12. After this period, turn off the microwave, but do not remove the form for a little more.
  13. Let the dish stand for 5 minutes.
  14. Drain off excess liquid and tip the mold onto a wide flat plate.

Thin slices of lime and tarragon sprigs will serve as decoration. This gourmet appetizer is served with good white wine. Another option is with small crunchy croutons (made from a French baguette).

With onions and sour cream

This is a recipe for pike in the microwave for those who want to cook quickly, but very tasty. The simplest components create a real masterpiece.

Required Ingredients:

  • for one pike carcass (less than 2 kg) - 2 onions and 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • spices to your taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the pike: clean, get rid of the insides. Also cut off the head and fins (they can become the basis for the fish soup).
  2. Separate the fillet from the bones. Chop the onion not very finely.
  3. Take a saucepan with a lid, put the vegetable in it. Add half of sour cream, butter, spices. Mix everything.
  4. Put the pan in the oven for 4 minutes (at a power of 600 watts).
  5. Cut the fillet into small pieces and season. Remove the onion from the pan, put the fish in its place, pour over the sour cream, and smooth the onion on top with a thin layer.
  6. Cook the dish in two stages: 7 minutes at 800 W and 9 minutes at 600 W.

Important! The container for cooking should be with a lid, in which there is a special hole for steam to escape. If there is no such dish, fill the pike with sauce completely.

During the cooking process, the onion will release a lot of fragrant juice. The fish will be very soft and tasty.

A simple pike recipe can be found in the video:

Fish in the microwave cooks quickly and easily. A household appliance makes the process easier and more convenient; they began to use it not only for heating ready-made meals, but also for preparing full-fledged dishes from raw ingredients. In this case, it is worth adhering to certain proportions and sequence of actions.

How to cook fish in the microwave?

To make a dish like fish in the microwave, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The frozen product needs to be thawed, but at the same time to catch the moment so that it remains cold.
  2. If getting rid of ice occurs in the microwave, you need to cover the fish with a paper towel and turn it over once to the other side.
  3. The fish does not need to be salted first, otherwise it will become tough during cooking.
  4. It is necessary to choose dishes that have a hole in the lid.
  5. In most cases, the fish after cooking should be brewed a little in order to reach full readiness.
  6. In the microwave, you can cook packaged fish, for this it is laid out together with the bag on a dish, several holes are made in it through which liquid will be released.
  7. If there is a desire to cook fish in foil, then you need to use a special microwave oven.

How to cook fish in the microwave?

One of the most simple ways is cooking fish in the microwave using boiling. To do this, it is recommended to take special dishes in which you can conveniently place the main product. It must be cut into pieces and put in a container so that the larger parts are located near the walls. Depending on the type of fish, the cooking time may vary.


  • fish - 400 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Cut the fish into pieces, put in a bowl, add oil, salt, pour in a little water. Close the container with a lid.
  2. Set the maximum power, the fish in the microwave will be ready in 3-5 minutes.

How to bake fish in the microwave?

Grilled fish in the microwave comes out extremely tasty, the function of the oven is often used to cook mackerel. Ingredients such as lemon and onion will help to give the dish an unsurpassed taste. The prepared main product must be put in a heat-resistant dish, after sprinkling it with vegetable oil.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon -0.5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Defrost mackerel. Cut off the head, cut open the belly and gut the insides. Rinse in cold water. Carefully profile the fish and remove all bones.
  2. Onion thinly cut into half rings.
  3. Lemon cut into rings. Salt the fillet, put the onion and lemon in the middle.
  4. Microwaved fish will be ready in about 15 minutes.

How to cook fish in the microwave in a bag?

Without undue time and effort, fish is cooked in the microwave in a baking bag. The marine product can be preliminarily prepared in the “defrost” mode, which is set for 20 seconds, then it can be left in the chamber for a minute to reach. The dish acquires an additional rich taste through the use of all kinds of spices.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 10-15 g;
  • mayonnaise - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • cheese - 50 g.


  1. Clean the fish from the bones, put on a dish, salt.
  2. Put the onion, pre-soaked in lemon juice, on top.
  3. Season the fish with spices, grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  4. Put the fish in a baking bag, put the dish in the microwave at maximum power for about 4 minutes.

Fish in the microwave with onions and mayonnaise

Many housewives are very popular fish in the microwave with onions and mayonnaise. These auxiliary components, which give the main product a unique taste, will also give it juiciness and protect it from drying out during cooking. Before serving, you can decorate the dish with chopped dill.


  • fish fillet - 600 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • grated cheese - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper;
  • dill - 1 bunch.


  1. Sprinkle fish pieces with salt and pepper.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, put on top of the fish. Lubricate it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  3. Fish in the microwave with a crust comes out using the "Grill" mode, turn it on for 15 minutes.

Fish stew in the microwave

Another way to cook fish in microwave oven, - extinguish it. It is often made along with a side dish, which can be potatoes, rice, buckwheat or all kinds fresh vegetables. The latter can be either cut into large circles or chopped with a grater.


  • fish - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 400 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices, salt;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.


  1. Cut the fish, rub with spices.
  2. Add chopped onion and let it soak for half an hour.
  3. Boil rice until half cooked.
  4. Grate carrots.
  5. Grease the dish with oil. Put the fish in the middle, pour rice on the sides, and sprinkle carrots on top.

Red fish medallions in the microwave

The most delicate dish that will please even sophisticated gourmets is red fish in the microwave. It can be served with various sauces or vegetable side dishes. You can give the dish additional freshness if you sprinkle it with chopped herbs. The result will not be inferior to that prepared in the traditional way.


  • salmon steaks - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. Salt and pepper the steaks.
  2. Lubricate the fish with mayonnaise, put in a glass dish.
  3. Fish in the microwave will be ready in 15 minutes.

Pie with fish in the microwave

A very unusual way to cook fish fillet in the microwave is to use it as a filling for a pie. This process will occur much faster than in the oven. The main product can be used different types, it harmonizes perfectly with green onions.


  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • fish - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Mix the ingredients for the dough: flour, butter, water, salt, egg. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  2. For the filling, finely chop the fillet and onion.
  3. Roll out two thin layers of dough. Place the filling between them.
  4. Place the pie in the microwave for 15 minutes.

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The simplest and fast way cook tasty dish for lunch or dinner of fish is to use the microwave. The fact that cooked fish in the microwave is in no way inferior in taste to cooked fish, I think it is not necessary to prove.

Add to this the savings in cooking time and effort, you can safely "change" the stove and cook the fish in the microwave. Moreover, you can cook it in different ways: fry, and bake, and stew.


  • pike - 1
  • carrots - 2-3 (or more depending on the size of the fish and "love" for stewed vegetables)
  • onion - 1-2
  • sweet pepper - 1
  • butter - 50-60 grams
  • fish seasoning of your choice

I have not a simple fish - I have a pike. Thinking for a long time what to make of it, I decided that stewing with vegetables in an oily sauce is what you need for slightly dry fish. So, pike is being prepared in the microwave for dinner. Products need the simplest.

Cut the onion into very thin rings or half rings. Place some in the bottom of a deep microwaveable saucepan.

Cut the carrot into thin strips or grate coarsely. Add some onion to the pot.

Pepper, which was previously peeled from the core, cut into thin strips and also put a part in the pan.

Vegetables can be lightly salted and sprinkled with seasoning for fish.

On top we lay a row of pike cut into portions. We lay it freely, that is, we do not try to put all the fish in this row.

Salt and sprinkle with spices.

Cut the butter into small pieces and put a few pieces on top of the fish. This is the first layer.

Pour some water, about 1/3 of the laid out layers and, having covered with a lid, send the pan to the microwave.

We will cook for 15 minutes at medium power and 10 minutes at full power. After the first 15 minutes, look at the readiness of the fish and adjust the time, maybe 10 minutes at full power will be enough. The fish will cook very quickly, you need to watch the readiness of vegetables, especially carrots.

We leave the finished dish in the microwave for about five minutes, after which you can take it out and call the family for dinner.

You can cook in this way not only pike, but absolutely any fish. Gentle cream sauce and vegetables, and the fact that the fish was stewed in the microwave make the dish not only very tasty, but also healthy. Great light dinner.

Fish can be served with mashed potatoes, which are poured with fish sauce or steamed (boiled) rice. By the way, there will be fresh vegetables or a salad of fresh vegetables.

Fish in the microwave, read all the recipes in the section, because fish can be made in different ways. Moreover, you can cook both fish fillets in the microwave, and in pieces, and even whole small fish. But I prefer to cook fish fillets, even if I don't cook in a microwave oven. It can be eaten without thinking about the bones. And it is especially suitable if you cook for guests who will be embarrassed to get the bones and for children who still do not quite know how to do it. For example, with fillet is preparing.

Cooking fish in the microwave with paprika (sweet pepper)


  • four pieces of fillet, the weight of which is 150 g each;
  • two red and yellow peppers (Bulgarian, sweet);
  • 50 g butter or margarine butter;
  • lemon juice from one lemon;
  • 125 ml dry white wine of your choice;
  • a bunch of green onions and dill.

It will take cling film for MVP.

Wash the fish and dry it with a paper towel.

Remove the seeds from the pepper, wash and chop finely. Fold, preferably different forms, add half a cup of water, salt and freshly ground pepper. Cover with foil, cook for four minutes at moderate power.

Lubricate the form for cooking fish with oil, fold the fish fillet in one layer, pour over the lemon juice and wine, and also pepper and salt to taste. Cover with parchment paper and bake for 5 minutes at high power. Without opening, leave in warm place minutes for 7-10.

While the fish is infused, peel the onion, bake it in a deep container with a little water, salt and pepper, covering with a film (3-4 minutes in time).

Sweet pepper, also separately, grind with a mixer or blender to a puree state. Salt to taste and season with fillet juice.

Put the fish fillet cooked in the microwave on mashed potatoes, overlay with baked onions, sprinkle with coarsely ground pepper and finely chopped herbs.

Herring in the microwave

You will need:

  • two bulbs;
  • three carrots;
  • 1 herring;
  • spices.

Peel the herring, cut into 5 parts, put in a microwave-safe pan.

Grate carrots.

Onion cut into half rings.

Pour the herring with carrots and onions, pour half a glass of water, pepper, close the lid. Put in the microwave for 10-15 minutes.

You can also fry fish. Yes, yes, fry it.

Fried fish in the microwave

For 4 servings:

  • fresh fish - 800 g;
  • butter or any vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - to taste.


Cut the fish into thick pieces, grease on all sides with vegetable or butter. Heat an open roasting pan at full power for about 5 minutes. Place the prepared fish in the dish tightly against the walls, lightly press it down with a spatula or knife. Cook fish for 3-4 minutes. until golden brown, flip and bake for 3 minutes.