Is it worth it to buy fresh vegetables in winter for a child. What fruits and vegetables should not be eaten in winter What vegetables can be eaten in winter

How to replenish the vitamin supply in the winter, when the choice of fresh is limited? There are, of course, greenhouses, but, as experience shows, they solve the problem of vitamin deficiency somehow sluggishly.

It is not surprising - overseas fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits), as a rule, are not rich, and besides, they are stuffed with fertilizers and all that sort of thing. Yes, they look like the picture. But the benefits are debatable.

No matter how trite it may seem, your eyes in winter should be turned primarily to vegetables containing phytoncides.

Onions and garlic, when used regularly, can protect a weakened body from colds, boost immunity and help “hold out” until the first spring greenery.

Onions, especially green ones, are a real storehouse of useful substances in off-season times. It is a living source of vitamins C, E, B, carotene, thiamine, nicotinic and folic acids, as well as mineral salts. In addition, both onions and garlic are excellent anti-sclerotic agents that can suppress cholesterol synthesis and regulate blood pressure. The anti-cancer activity of onions is also known. According to the recommendation of the State Educational Institution of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the consumption rate of onions per year for an adult is 10 kg, of which 2 kg is in the form of fresh herbs.

Just do not forget: fresh onions and garlic in in large numbers not recommended for peptic ulcer, diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. For those who cannot bear onion, you can offer leek, it does not contain so many essential oils and is considered dietary.

White cabbage is another indispensable crop in winter. In pickled form, it is the leader in content ascorbic acid among vegetables. The anti-ulcer vitamin U was first found in cabbage, and the leaves contain tartonic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Carotene, despite the fact that it is most in carrots, is absorbed better from leafy vegetables (which include cabbage).

In addition, this vegetable is rich in sugars, fiber and potassium. Therefore, cabbage can rightly be considered a medicinal crop. To get the maximum benefit, it should be consumed fresh or pickled, since after heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed.

You should not get involved in a cabbage diet with an exacerbation of peptic ulcer and kidney diseases. In other cases, it is advisable to eat 300 g of cabbage per day. As an alternative to white cabbage, Beijing, or Chinese, cabbage is suitable.

"Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage will not allow dashing" - says the Russian folk proverb. Horseradish, although it refers more to spices, can rightly be attributed to the most useful winter vegetables. Rhizomes are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP, have a pleasant burning taste, stimulate appetite and are a proven antiscorbutic and bactericidal agent. Horseradish activates the secretion of gastric juice, so it is used as a seasoning for fatty protein foods.

Radishes are useful all without exception. In winter, most often you can find the traditional black radish, Margelan radish with dark green pointed roots and daikon. Root crops contain many vitamins C and B1, they are rich in potassium and magnesium, phytoncides and essential oils (especially black radish).

Good "rare" cuisine for gout, kidney stones and high cholesterol in the blood. And black radish juice with honey is a famous folk recipe for coughs and colds. You should not get carried away with radish only for diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and heart.

Given that proper storage vitamins are stored for a long time in the roots of carrots, beets, celery, and also in pumpkins.

The ten most useful vegetables and fruits in winter.

The orange color of its pulp indicates a large amount of beta-carotene. This substance, a derivative of vitamin A, strengthens vision, stimulates the renewal of lung and bronchial cells.

Help relieve cough milkshake with persimmon (whisk half a liter of milk with two peeled ripe fruits in a blender).

Also, persimmon contains a lot of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which helps fight fatigue and is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin, our natural antidepressant.

But the main “trick” of persimmon is vegetable sugars, which are good for the heart and do not harm the figure. Scientists from the University of Munich found that persimmon helps to normalize blood pressure without the use of drugs in the initial stage of hypertension.


On a cold morning, the body will wake up faster if you drink tea infused with Antonovka slices. In the baked form, apples improve the functioning of the stomach. Apple juice stimulates metabolism.

Green apples of sweet and sour varieties contain a lot of iron. This trace element is very important for blood, fights fatigue and anemia.

In the seeds of "winter" apples, for example, antonovka, there is a lot of iodine: 5-6 apple seeds cover the daily requirement. Iodine helps to overcome hypersensitivity to cold.

Antonovka has long been used as a remedy for winter beriberi: by spring, it retains up to 90% of vitamin C, while in other fruits its content drops to 40-30%!

On the day you need to eat 2 large apples or 3-4 smaller ones.


Eating one pomegranate or drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day is a great way to “cleanse” the blood after a cold and flu. It contains enzymes that help the production of erythrocytes - red blood cells.

Pomegranate contains four essential vitamins: C - strengthens the immune system, P - blood vessels, B6 - nervous system, and B12 improves the blood formula.

Pomegranate astringents help to get rid of a painful cough in bronchitis, and also stimulate the pancreas. But with increased acidity of the stomach, pomegranate juice in its pure form is contraindicated - it is better to dilute it with carrot juice.

But the cores in a concentrated form should not drink this juice - it increases blood clotting and can damage if prone to thrombosis.

On the day you can eat one ripe pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice.


Grapefruit juice helps to gently lower blood pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take 1/4 cup of grapefruit juice 20-30 minutes before meals. Also, this fruit contains the substance bromelain, which enhances lipid metabolism, in other words, helps to “burn” fats.

Orange juice lowers cholesterol levels.

Out of breath on the subway? Buy a bottle from the pharmacy essential oil grapefruit - it relieves attacks of lightheadedness and dizziness.

Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain: beta-carotene or vitamin A, which is important for the skin and digestion, B6, which fights derpessia, ascorbic acid, and also many folic acid important for hormonal metabolism.

Immunologists advise eating half a grapefruit a day or two oranges a day in winter to prevent colds.


Scientists call it the "snow queen" among berries. Still: if it is hit with frost, there is only more vitamin C in the marsh berry!

So when frozen, it does not lose any useful properties.

Cranberries contain acids that act like real antibiotics. Cranberry juice helps fight inflammation of the kidneys, recover faster after the flu and SARS.

Cranberry juice is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones. And soaked cranberries relieve fever, quickly relieve fever. So be sure to keep a bag of frozen cranberries in the fridge in case of winter colds.

In addition to ascorbic acid, it contains a lot of potassium, which is important for vitamin H, which is necessary for immunity, and phosphorus, which gives muscle tone and strength to bones and teeth.

It is advisable to drink half a liter a day cranberry juice prepared from

a couple of glasses of fresh or frozen cranberries.


Cabbage 2-3 day salting, which is most often sold in stores, is not very useful. But real sauerkraut has the most vitamin C and antioxidants among winter preparations. It is better to eat sauerkraut not earlier than 10 days after salting (during this time, harmful compounds - nitrites - break down in it). There is more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in fresh!

And scientists also call white cabbage a “minus-calorie” product. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives calories from it!

Also in cabbage (and in ordinary white cabbage and broccoli) there is a lot of unique vitamin K, which helps our immunity to defend against cancer. But this vitamin is fat-soluble, that is, it is absorbed by the body only with fats. So cabbage salad is best seasoned with vegetable oil.

To get your daily requirement of vitamin K, you need to eat about 250 grams of fresh or sauerkraut in a day.


Its freshly squeezed juice is good for metabolic disorders, diabetes. A glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach will help get rid of cardiac or renal edema. There are a lot of zinc salts in pumpkin, and they increase male potency(so treat the faithful with pumpkin pancakes more often). Vitamin E smoothes and moisturizes the skin.

Pumpkin seeds are a recognized choleretic agent. Helps the liver if you overeat or drink too much. In addition, the pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D, which is especially valuable in a short daylight hours. It is needed for the strength of bones and teeth and is produced by the body only under the influence of sunlight.

Eat up to 250 grams of pumpkin pulp per day or drink 2 glasses of pumpkin juice.

Tomatoes and tomato juice

The best source of the antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, it is better absorbed not from fresh fruits, but from stewed, baked, and also from tomato paste. The daily preventive dose of lycopene is 10-15 mg. It can be obtained from a choice of: 200 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 2 glasses of tomato juice, or 3-4 tablespoons of natural tomato sauce.

Tomatoes in all forms are very rich in potassium, and this is good for the cores ( daily rate Potassium is found in a glass of tomato juice).

Tomato juice gently reduces arterial and intracranial pressure, it is useful to drink it in case of hypertension and glaucoma.

But tomatoes are high in fiber and acids. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of tomato dishes with gastritis with high acidity and inflammation of the gallbladder.

Drink a glass of tomato juice a day or eat two or three tomatoes in their own juice.


Our natural "antibiotic" - it is rich in antimicrobial substances. The bitterness contained in it has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, they are involved in the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol. The radish is well stored and holds the title of champion among vegetables in terms of preservation of vitamin C over the winter. It also has diuretic properties, which is useful for vascular edema and high blood pressure.

Grated radish with honey is one of the best recipes From cough. Green radish (daikon) salad with sunflower oil and will help to cope with winter asthenia (loss of strength).

But because of bitterness, radish is contraindicated in inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and kidney stones.

To maintain immunity during the beriberi season, it is enough to eat 150 grams of radish salad per day or take two tablespoons of radish juice with.

Green pea

In addition to magnesium, zinc, proteins (there are more of them, by the way, than in), nicotinic acid PP, which is important for heart function, there are a lot of two important B vitamins in green peas.

- B1 (thiamine) strengthens the nervous system, is involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline.

– B2 (riboflavin) provides cells with energy. This is important for maintaining normal thermoregulation, including our response to cold. Its lack causes chilliness, a feeling of lack of air.

These vitamins are lost during long-term storage, but are preserved during conservation. So if you are frozen and come home from work on your nerves, open a jar of your favorite peas from Soviet times, but under a glass. This is where it gets warmer.

In winter, on the shelves of shops you can find a lot of imported and greenhouse vegetables and fruits. But not all of them are equally useful. Let's figure out which gifts of nature are better to eat in the cold season.

Which fruits to choose

In winter, the risk of developing acute respiratory diseases increases. Not the last role in this is played by a decrease in immunity. Therefore, when choosing fruits, you should pay attention to those that contain plenty of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the body's defenses.

  • Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines) are an affordable source of ascorbic acid, although not a champion in its content. In addition, oranges are recommended to be used to normalize bowel function and cleanse the liver.
  • Avocado - in addition to vitamin C, this fruit contains unsaturated fatty acids. A nice bonus: if you eat avocados, you will notice that the skin dries much less in winter.
  • Quince - is rich not only in vitamins, but also in many microelements. With regular use of this fruit, you can not be afraid of winter beriberi.
  • Pomegranate - contains a large amount of vitamin C and fruit acids. Main beneficial features- strengthening of immunity, normalization of a metabolism, strengthening of walls of vessels.
  • Banana - it contains B vitamins, carbohydrates, potassium, carotene. This very high-calorie fruit is useful during the recovery period after an illness.

Of course, no one says that in winter you can eat only these fruits, and postpone all the rest until the summer. Just the above products will be especially useful in the cold season.

Which berries to choose

In addition to fruits, berries help fight winter beriberi. Some of them are real natural multivitamin complexes.

  • - contains vitamins C (a lot!), A, K, E, B1 and B2, as well as folic acid and flavonoids. Rose hips have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Black currant- practically a champion in the content of vitamin C. Perfectly strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.
  • Black elderberry - contains not only vitamins, but also anthocyanins. Thanks to this, the berries have an antifungal effect, which is important in the cold season.

In winter, it is very difficult to buy fresh berries, so it is better to harvest them in the warm season. Dried and frozen fruits will save the situation. Berries preserved by shock freezing practically do not lose their useful properties.

Which vegetables to choose

It is impossible to talk about good nutrition without including vegetables in the diet. In winter, you also need to choose them carefully, taking into account the basic needs of the body.

  • Garlic is considered a natural antibiotic. It not only reduces the body's susceptibility to various infections, but also helps to cope with an already developed disease.
  • Cabbage - in winter it is better to use sauerkraut. Such a dish can replace a multivitamin complex: it contains vitamins A, C, K and group B, as well as rutin. In addition, sauerkraut contains lactic acid bacteria necessary for correct operation intestines.
  • Black radish - like garlic, it contains phytoncides - substances with antifungal and antibacterial action. In winter, it is recommended to use it to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections.
  • Beets - helps fight beriberi. This vegetable also helps to increase red blood cells in the blood and improves the general condition of the blood.
  • Onion - not only helps fight diseases, but also increases the body's resistance to colds, and also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. In winter, this vegetable must be included in your diet.
  • Red bell pepper- contains more vitamin C than any other vegetable. It will be a healthy and tasty addition to a fresh salad.

Vegetables can be consumed both fresh and after a little heat treatment. The main thing is to include them in your daily menu, and then you can not be afraid of winter colds.

How to choose fruits and vegetables in winter

When buying fruits and vegetables in the store in winter, you should pay attention to their seasonality. It is in seasonal fruits that contains the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals.

  • In December, it is better to buy quince, pomegranates, oranges, persimmons.
  • In January, you can add avocados, lemons, kiwi to this list.

Many supermarkets sell local fruits preserved from autumn. But in the case of long-term storage, their useful properties decrease. Therefore, apples and pears are not always useful in winter as well as in summer.

When choosing fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. Sometimes, due to improper transportation and storage, they deteriorate, and then instead of being useful, you can get health problems. For this reason, it is also not recommended to buy fruits in large quantities: we cannot always provide at home right conditions storage.

IN winter diet vegetables and fruits must be included. Regular consumption of wholesome plant foods will help you survive the cold season in good mood and excellent health.

middle on the calendar December but the weather outside is not at all wintery. It snows a few times, and after a week it melts. If you believe the forecasts, warming is expected again in a couple of days ... We, of course, are no strangers to warm winter, we have long adapted to the vagaries of nature, accustomed to various weather misfortunes, but this applies only to external protection. Internally, we are very weather-sensitive and instantly pick up various sores when, instead of Christmas frosts, it is raining and slush outside.

An unusually warm winter threatens our health, many people exacerbate chronic diseases, and overcast and solid gray causes exacerbation in people prone to depression. There is little sun, no pleasing snow ... However, each of us has a different attitude to a warm winter. Someone dreams of a snow-white landscape outside the window, while another rejoices that there are no cold weather, and no one is sick with the flu.

No matter how you feel about abnormally warm winter, In any weather human body needs fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Fortunately, now there are as many fruits and vegetables on store shelves in winter as in autumn and summer. Of course, they are inferior in content beneficial vitamins and trace elements to those that have just been taken from the garden or taken from the tree.

What to eat in winter

Russia is an unpredictable country when it comes to temperature fluctuations throughout the year. In the summer we suffer from the heat, and in the winter we suffer from a terrible cold. Severe Russian frosts make us wait for the next winter with fear and trembling. Coping with such a climate is not easy for any organism.

Of course, we can say that we have adapted to the vagaries of nature, accustomed to various weather misfortunes, but this only applies to external protection. Internally, we are so vulnerable that we instantly pick up various sores, suffer from exacerbating chronic diseases. To strengthen the internal defenses of the body, it is necessary to eat right, especially during the winter months.

So what should you eat in winter?

We answer the question

Understand for yourself that eating right is not at all difficult. It would be, as they say, desire. Entering the winter "path", you need to reconsider your taste preferences and eating habits. Outside the window is winter, which means that your body will have a hard time. He still needs to receive trace elements and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal course of vital processes, maintaining energy balance. However, this is a problem in winter!

Start with food restrictions: reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet, replacing them with vegetable fats. Instead of meat, eat fish, cereals, legume dishes, because scientists have long found out that our body is focused more on plant foods than on animal products. Most useful in winter, and in the rest of the time, herculean or buckwheat. They are tasty, well absorbed by the body and provide undoubted benefits. Reduce your daily intake of salt to 1 teaspoon - health will only increase!

Potatoes and cereals in winter

In winter, the body needs more calories, since a lot of energy is spent on maintaining heat balance. What can quickly saturate, give the required number of calories and not require special financial costs? Of course, these are various cereals and potatoes. Cereal dishes occupy an important place in the daily diet due to the huge benefits. Potatoes are the source complex carbohydrates giving fast and persistent saturation. The figure of potatoes and cereals will not hurt only if you are moderate in food.

Oatmeal provides the body with fiber, which is so necessary for normal digestion. It envelops the gastric mucosa and facilitates the flow of digestive processes. Buckwheat is a supplier of a large number of trace elements and vitamins. Rice is a healthy cereal, but too high in calories, and yet in winter you can treat yourself to boiled rice grains with sauces and vegetable dressings. It is best to use brown rice, which retains most of the nutrients. But forget about semolina: this is a refined product, heavy and practically useless for our body.

In winter, we move little, therefore, in order not to get better and be healthy, White bread should be replaced with whole grain bread or crispbread. These foods provide the body with dietary fiber and B vitamins.

As for potatoes, eating too much of it leads to inevitable weight gain in winter. How to avoid it? Everything is extremely simple! Soak peeled potatoes in water overnight. So more starch will remain in the water. Dishes from prepared potatoes will also be tasty, but already safe for curly outlines.

Vegetables and fruits in winter

Winter does not compare with summer in terms of the number of healthy vegetables and fruits, but regardless of the season, we must support ourselves with fresh natural delicacies. Of course, winter vegetables and fruits are not as rich in minerals and vitamins as summer stocks, but they also have benefits. Winter vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines, removes metabolic products, and heals the digestive system.

Natural fruit juices are quickly absorbed by the intestines, which provides an instant supply of nutrients to the blood. Great support for the body in winter vegetable stew and fruits are for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable and fruit salads, compotes are no less useful. Thanks to vegetables and fruits in winter, hypovitaminosis can be avoided.

Drinks in winter

In winter, it is important not only to eat right, but also to adhere to correct mode drink. The desired tone is maintained with a daily intake of 2 liters of water. It is a mistake to think that a large amount of water is the cause of edema. Edema is the result of disturbances in the activity of some body systems. If your metabolism is disturbed, then edema may appear at first, but after the work of the kidneys will improve, and the fluid will not linger.

Watch not the amount of water you drink, but its quality. The fluid you drink should be fresh and clean, aided by water filtration. Introduce green tea into the winter diet (it is desirable that the tea is good), natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks. Drink green tea separately from meals, enjoying it without sugar, sweets, baked goods.

A delicious tea drink is a treat in itself. It is useful to limit yourself to coffee consumption in winter, but it is better to refuse it altogether. winter period. If coffee is your weakness, then allow your body no more than one cup of coffee drink per day.

Always listen to your body, learn how to eat right - you are provided with energy even in a difficult winter period. Take care of yourself!