Fortune telling numerology by date of birth. Karmic debt by name and date of birth. Destination is not a profession

Fortune telling by date of birth is very close to every person. This is due to the fact that each person has his own magic number, which is not characteristic of all other people. The number (which is also called assigned to each person, accompanies him throughout his life and quite often determines the characteristics of character and behavior. Knowing this number, you can fairly accurately characterize a person, talk about his compatibility with other people, look into the past and make sure of the present. Having carried out fortune telling you can find out the lucky day for marriage or even the expected time of birth of your first child. By numbers you can determine successful days for business and leisure, as well as many other things that most people are interested in. Numerology is not only a science, but also one of the options knowledge of the future, which is becoming increasingly popular.

When conducting fortune telling by date of birth, you can try to analyze what will happen to a person in the future. This is based on the character of each individual, which is directly related to the magic number. After all, we can say with confidence that almost all a person’s actions and decisions depend on his temperament and behavioral characteristics. Folk sign suggests that character is a guideline for fate. Knowing the interpretation of the number of fate a certain person, one can draw conclusions about his behavior in a certain situation. Therefore, it becomes possible in some situations to avoid failures and failures associated with character.

Depending on the date, fortune telling can have several directions and techniques. For example, a prophecy may be based only on the date of birth, or may include the year and month when the person was born. The result will depend solely on the correctness of the calculations. Since ancient times, it has been widely used to solve certain problems and difficulties, helping to get out of extraordinary and unexpected life situations. Fortune telling by date of birth passed from one generation to another, acquiring new meanings and helping people look at their lives from the outside.

Let's take a look at the most common option, which offers fortune telling by date of birth.

  • For fortune telling you will need the most basic things: paper and pen.
  • You need to write your digital date of birth on paper. Let's use the following date as an example: May 24, 1989. You should write it down as follows: 05/24/1989
  • Next we calculate the sum of all numbers. It should look something like this: 2+4+0+5+1+9+8+9=38, then 3+8=11, and then 1+1=2. Ultimately, you should get one number, which is the number of the fate of a given person.
  • Also, a series of numbers, in our situation 2, 4, 0, 5, 1, 9, 8, 9, will indicate the presence of certain qualities in a person. If in a given series one or more numbers appear several times, this indicates the presence in the character of a certain trait that significantly prevails over all others. In our situation it is 9, and accordingly intelligence. Let's get acquainted with the meanings of each number, focusing on the interpretations given below.

Number 1 indicates a large amount of vital energy. The person is full of strength and always ready for active actions.

Number 2 indicates that a person does not feel comfortable being alone. Having company is the key to happiness.

Number 3 speaks of a person’s spirituality. About his faith in higher power.

Number 4 indicates good health and strong immunity.

The number 5 means that a person is capable of love and strives to be loved. He is ready to open his heart and soul.

The number 6 indicates an unusually developed intuition, which has repeatedly helped out in a variety of situations.

Number 7 is a number characteristic of talented people who, as a rule, become discoverers and scientists.

The number 8 indicates the difficult fate of a person, and a large number of difficulties that must be overcome in order to achieve success.

Number 9 - reduction of great intelligence. As a rule, people born under this number earn money with their minds, not with their hands.

The number 0 means that the person is nothing special, but is only an average person.

Since the time of Pythagoras, numbers have been of great importance in people's lives. Numerology believes that numbers predetermine not only a person’s fate, but also his character traits, talents and weaknesses. You can lift the veil of secrecy by making simple calculations, thereby calculating the numbers of fate and name.

Numerology will answer the question of how to find out your destiny.

The destiny number, otherwise known as the life path number, will tell you about the purpose of your human incarnation, about the strengths and weaknesses of your character, and will point out those traits that you do not recognize in yourself or refuse to notice.

If you decide to predict your destiny, be prepared not just to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the received figure, but to work on yourself, analyze whether you are following the right path, whether you are not fatal errors etc.

The life path number is calculated quite simply, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth, for example, the date: 01/01/1990, the calculation is 1+1+1+9+9=21, and we continue to add up the numbers 2 and 1, we get 3. Destiny number – 3.

All two-digit numbers must be reduced to single digits.

Characteristics of numbers

After you have added up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can begin to characterize. Each number carries its own vibrations, which influence a person’s character, his preferences, bad habits etc.

The resulting number is also even or odd, so you should pay attention to this before starting the interpretation.

If the number of fate is odd, this characterizes its bearer as a very active person, constantly striving for change. This type of person cannot stand monotony, he is bored in ordinary everyday life, his aspirations are aimed at constant changes, be it travel, relocation, love affairs or areas of activity.

He tends to “invent” reality for himself and live in it. If his beliefs are “on the same wavelength” with public opinion, he is capable of becoming a bright leader who will be listened to a large number of of people.

Possible political activity, which will be directed towards global changes. People with an even “code” of fate are purposeful, strong individuals who are able to pave new paths and lead people.

Even numbers carry vibrations of a different plane - creativity, gentleness, and sometimes infantility. They may say about such people: “Behaves like a child.” An even number inclines a person to manifest creative approach in many areas of life, he has a tangible need to create.

In extraordinary situations, when a quick decision is required, such people can get lost, but in ordinary measured life, they are wise and fair. An even number of fate vibrates with justice; such people usually do not want to compromise their principles; “honesty” is not an empty word for them, but a life credo.

Behind the creative gentleness, it is difficult to discern the “core” in such people, but in protecting important things they are able to show courage and perseverance, which even an odd number would envy.

Once you have determined your fateful number, proceed to characterization.

  • The number one represents leadership, will, the desire to be first.

“One” is able to start new things and successfully achieve results; she is not afraid of difficulties.

TO negative traits include self-confidence, denial of criticism, such people can consider themselves always right, their self-confidence is unshakable. In some cases, selfishness and excessive stubbornness are observed.

  • The number two stands for calm, spirituality, cooperation and tolerance.

Two is ideal in a family, in a team; she will become a loyal friend who will value a good and honest attitude. Such people are comfortable walking along an already trodden path, without inventing anything new, since they are cautious, but not cowardly.

They are not prone to narcissism and selfishness; on the contrary, they would rather infringe on themselves in something than cause inconvenience to anyone. Even if the deuce takes a leadership position, she will remain true to her principles and will be a fair and calm boss.

  • Three carries vibrations of frivolity and an easy attitude to life.

Such people can live today without thinking about the future. They choose easy paths, without unnecessary turmoil and difficulties, so working alone is fraught with failure.

At the same time, this number gives its bearer extraordinary mental abilities, sometimes they manifest themselves quite early.

To achieve success, they need to find a reliable partner who will not allow them to choose “what is easier.”

  • The number four carries vibrations of struggle, victory and leadership.

Such people are not afraid of difficulties and can work as much as necessary to achieve their goals. They have high performance.

Most often they become managers, but even in middle positions they are able to show high results.

Their credo is consensus and cooperation; if they manage to resist the temptation to impose their opinion, success comes quickly enough.

  • The number five represents free spirit, straightforwardness and independence.

Restrictions and strict routines weigh on them, so they strive to become independent. Excellent speakers, they often have entrepreneurial abilities.

The disadvantages include the inability to obey requirements and routines, and the reluctance to take responsibility.

  • The number six carries the desire for harmony and represents family values ​​and tranquility.

Such people become good family men, friends who are able to listen and help with advice. They should not take other people's problems and pain too personally.

  • “Seven” has a sharp mind, but is prone to excessive nitpicking of itself.

She knows how to observe and use information at the right time. Such people do not believe until they investigate everything thoroughly. Sometimes, they are characterized by isolation and shyness, which must be overcome for a successful life experience.

  • The number eight carries strength and wealth; it can give a person power, success, and vice versa - an abyss if he is not ready to overcome difficulties.

These people are strong by nature, have a strong-willed character, and are destined to lead and dominate. Their goals are usually global. They have a penetrating mind and can “read” people.

  • Nine is a creative number.

Such people are talented in writing, have a good style, and become architects. Any creative profession in which you need to create will suit them. A special look at the world helps you achieve success. Such people are honest and fair, they will not sacrifice their principles for the sake of easy money.

How to find out fate by the number of your name

In addition to the “code” of the date of birth, which cannot be changed, each person has a name, which also influences fate.

Under ideal circumstances, the name should be selected according to the date of birth so that their vibrations coincide and “make life easier” for a person, but more often than not this does not happen.

This is why stars and writers choose pseudonyms for themselves - many choose them in accordance with the vibrations of the destiny number.

Calculating the number of your name is very simple, you can use numerous online resources, just enter your name and get the number. Remember that the full name is not only considered full name, but also a surname and patronymic.

If your name is often abbreviated or your name is slightly distorted, you should calculate two numbers: with the full correct name and the one that is most often called. After reviewing the two characteristics, you will choose the one that is more similar to you.

Today the Russian alphabet is interpreted as follows:

Calculation algorithm: write down in block letters your full name (full name) and sign the corresponding number above each letter, checking the sign.

Next, count which numbers you have more, it is their vibrations that predominate in your character. The number of your name will not help you unravel your fate or meet your loved one, but it will indicate the strengths or weaknesses of your character.

Character qualities that correspond to numbers:

  1. Activity, desire for new things, leadership;
  2. Gentleness and tendency to submit;
  3. Luck, external attractiveness;
  4. Dejection, attracting difficulties and misfortunes, poverty;
  5. Sportiness, nervousness and adventurism;
  6. The desire to create a family home, inertia;
  7. Philosophical mindset, constant reflection;
  8. Efficiency, desire for wealth, will;
  9. Spirituality, the desire to know the truth.

Now that you have unraveled the secrets of your numbers and name, you can judge how correctly you have chosen your path and whether you are making mistakes.

Don’t forget that any information is not accidental, and if at a certain period in your life it occurred to you to find out your purpose, listen. Don’t ignore useful messages, even if now they seem meaningless and unnecessary to you.

Analyze your characteristics, of course, your calculation will be approximate, but you will receive it for free, but if you want to understand the “code” of fate more thoroughly, you will have to start studying numerology or turn to a professional.

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When we are born, each of us receives a certain scenario for the life awaiting us. And it is our date of birth that is a kind of secret code, by revealing which we get the opportunity to find out the fate that awaits us.

And the right name is important condition, thanks to which a person will have a long and quite prosperous life. Or, on the contrary, he faces a negative scenario (if the name was chosen incorrectly and the harmony was disrupted under the influence of its destructive vibration). Indeed, if the name is incompatible with the digital code of the day and year of birth, its influence will not be very positive. We invite you to find out your destiny by date of birth and name in this article.

In order to find the key to our secret, we need to calculate, which we will do later in the article.

What is a life path number

Your number is the sum of the ordinal number of the month in which you were born, the day and year of birth.

  1. Add all the numbers: 2+5+5+1+9+9+4=35.
  2. Next we add 3 and 5 together to get a single digit number.
  1. Unit. This is a person with an active lifestyle. He is full of energy and desire to create. His abilities have no boundaries, and his approach to creativity is unusual and original. That is why such people often become pioneers in various fields. They are born leaders who often achieve great success.
  2. Two. You have many different interests. You can say that you are interested in everything in this world. From creative activity to computer design. You will achieve success in any area of ​​life. And your communication skills will help you make a career as a lawyer or journalist or realize yourself in other professions related to communication.
  3. Troika. This is definitely a creative person. His calling is art. He needs to show a lot of perseverance and work in order to fully reveal his abilities and achieve success. But his efforts will definitely be rewarded.
  4. Four. Often these people are overly punctual and demanding of others. But they are great workers who achieve everything through their own efforts and do not spare themselves. Therefore, they cannot be considered too tough and heartless, they simply strive for everything to be perfect. As a rule, these people become organizers and talented leaders. But they must not forget about human qualities.
  5. Five. You have the gift of oratory and you have no equal in your ability to communicate with people. You are friendly and open-minded and easily find contact with others. Any activity in the field of journalism, politics, medicine, economics is perfect for you.
  6. Six. Your goal is to help those in need. You cannot remain indifferent if your help is needed somewhere. It is hardly possible to find a more truthful and trustworthy person in the world. But don’t forget to think about yourself, because excessive sacrifice takes too much energy from you, you need to love yourself and provide yourself with sufficient rest.
  7. Seven. A born researcher. A deep analysis of the issues that interest him is important to him. He doesn't like to stop until he puts everything in its place and finds the right solution to the problem. His main field of activity is science and research.
  8. Eight. Life often likes to test your resilience, but you cope with the most difficult tasks, and this only makes you stronger. You are a strong leader, capable of taking full responsibility upon yourself. Among these people there are many big businessmen and politicians, which can lead the millions of people who rely on them.
  9. Nine. Often these people are very sociable and take an active social position. They are honest and the interests of others are important to them. They have original, creative thinking and the ability to see the world in their own way. Therefore, such people often become architects, artists or writers.

The influence of a name on fate

The name also has a huge impact on fate. Each name carries certain vibrations that endow a person with certain qualities.

Important! When choosing a name for your child, pay enough attention to its sacred meaning if you want his destiny to be happy and successful.

Find out how your name influences your destiny from the following video:

Also, if you are not satisfied given name, you can change it, after which your destiny will also change dramatically. There are many examples of this phenomenon, but we will talk in more detail about the influence of a name on life and destiny in the following articles.

From birth we receive a specific destiny that endows us with various positive and negative qualities, as well as giving us specific talents and abilities. We hope that this material has helped you shed a little light on the features of your life and it will now be easier for you to make important decisions and choose the right strategy of behavior.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The first people on earth predicted the future by signs, observing the behavior of animals, birds and insects. This is how they ensured their safety by anticipating floods, frosts and earthquakes in advance. When man separated from nature, knowledge took over and weather prediction ceased to be relevant. But the need for knowledge of the future has not been exhausted! And then they popularized fortune telling with cards and other materials to predict love, success or failure.

The first people like Vanga appeared - seers, psychics. With the development of mathematics, more scientific methods of predicting fate appeared, and one of them is Numerology. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim, physician and philosopher, described it this way:

“Each number has a power that the number or symbol for representing a number expresses not only quantitatively. These powers lie in the occult connections between the relations of things and principles in nature, of which they are expressions.”

Character Definition

Each number in numerology has a meaning by which you can predict a person’s fate, compatibility with other people, life schedule, presence of children, future of relationships without Vanga's talents and fortune telling cards. Knowing the numbers from 1 to 9, you can add a complex number, as well as vice versa - adding them together to arrive at a simple number.

Over time, numerology became part of fortune telling on cards. The letters also acquired a digital meaning, giving meaning to the first and last names, which affects the presence and number of children parents have.

  1. We write down the date of birth in the form: 02/15/1973 - day, month and year.
  2. Add all the numbers together: 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+3=28
  3. We add the resulting number using the same principle, reducing the result to one digit: 2+8=10=1+0=1
  4. Result: 1 - we read all the characteristics and compatibility corresponding to this figure.

This is how we get the main, leading characteristic of a person and compatibility with people. When fortune telling by date of birth, it is also important to pay attention to the numbers it consists of. In our example, there are no 4, 6 and 8. The corresponding qualities are almost or completely absent in a person, which can unknowingly frighten the parents of children born on such a day. But each person is given his own set of qualities - the only one that needs to be developed.

Number Character Weakness Compatibility
1 Individuality. The center of the company, a bright and energetic personality. He is distinguished by his willfulness and ability to defend his point of view and lead. There is a risk of contracting star fever. In the absence of philanthropy - an upstart, a braggart. 2, 4, 7
2 Soft. Loves children. Easily adapts to life circumstances. Avoids conflicts. Values ​​family and friends. Infantility. Needs support. Avoids responsibility. 1, 3, 4, 6
3 Optimist. Flexible and energetic. Responsible and active. Always ready to help, but demands respect in return. Spiritual. The assistance provided to them may be a disservice. 6, 9
4 Contradictory. Revolutionary, but all for the benefit of others. Kind and loving. Makes decisions quickly and gets down to business. Strong. Shrew. Any rules make him furious. As a child, it is important to show him the responsibility that follows his actions. 1, 2, 7
5 Experimenter. A lively and sharp mind, does not accept boring everyday life. It does its job easily and quickly. Stands out from the crowd. Evokes love. Any
6 They get discouraged if something doesn't work out. Only a new project brings them out of the blues. Arrogant, frivolous. Defiant behavior is typical. Hysterical. 4
7 Compassionate. A brilliant philosopher. Prone to mental work. Talented. It’s hard to start any activity or relationship. Avoid conflicts. 2
8 Lonely. Lover of order. Realist, strives for independence and prosperity. Coldness and lack of emotionality scares away the people whose love he needs. 2
9 Organizer. Active and hardworking. Always strive for success and goals. Erudite and independent. There is a risk of underestimating your abilities and failing. Merciless. 3, 6

Number of reincarnations

Fortune telling by date of birth makes it possible to find out not only personal characteristics, simplifying the work of parents and helping in relationships and love. Calculations can show how much reincarnation this is. There are only 15 lives, so when we get a larger number, we sum up its parts to a number ranging from 1 to 15.

  1. To do this, we write the date again (02/15/1973), without dots and zeros: 1521973
  2. When adding numbers we get 10, and when adding 1+0=1. We add both numbers to the existing numbers: 1521973 10 1
  3. From the third number (10), subtract the first digit of the first number (1521973) multiplied by 2: 10-(1 x 2)=8
  4. If you get a two-digit number, enter it. Then reduce it to one digit by summing, as we have done so far, and enter the last option, obtaining such a construction. 1521973 10 1 8 …
  5. We remove the zeros and sum up the numbers in the bottom row - this is the number of lives a person has lived. 1+1+8=10

Life schedule

Calculating the graph will help determine our energy capabilities in accordance with the 12-year life cycle. To do this, you need to multiply the numbers from the date of birth (02/15/1973): 15 x 2 x 1973=59190

The ordinate (Y) axis of the graph is a scale from 0 to 9. The abscissa (X) axis is a time scale with 12-year time periods. IN in this example, the X axis will correspond to the following series of dates: 1973 - year of birth. Then every next 12 years - 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, etc.

From the example it follows: number 5 corresponds to the year of birth (1973), number 9 - 1985, and so on, until you get a graph that clearly displays our energy state in life.

Vanga’s prediction based on a person’s date of birth (table) has interested many people who want to know their future. Unlike astrological forecasts, which should be done almost every day of the year, the Bulgarian blind seer made a magic rectangle, putting in it the values ​​of numbers from 1 to 40, assigning each number its own meaning.

The result is a kind of collection of advice on what to do in life.

Date of birth as a way to find out purpose: Vanga’s table

The chaotic, at first glance, arrangement of numbers helps everyone, according to their year and month of birth, to find out their life purpose, following the indicated direction of which they can achieve success and prosperity.

How the blind woman managed to draw her table and calculate its value remains a mystery. The age of clients who can find out why they came into this world is limited to the years of birth from 1940 to 1995. Either Vanga did not have time to extend her prediction table, or did not want to.

Or maybe she just thought that this particular category of people would be interested in their future. One can only guess what awaits those born after 1995.

The magic of numbers has always attracted clairvoyants and astrologers, who wanted to prove that using the numbers that make up the date of birth of a certain person, one can see the pattern of events in the life of each person that is unique to him. Numerology is the science of the dependence of numbers on the main events in the life of each individual.

Vanga's prediction by date of birth table is a clear example of how the Bulgarian seer used the science of numbers.

Interpretation of table numbers

  • 1. Achieve everything you want. The road is clear.
  • 2. Chance, circumstances or people who appear at the right moment will help you get what you want.
  • 3. Well, there will be many obstacles along the way. Be patient and persistent.
  • 4. Success awaits those who do not give up. Those who persevere will succeed.
  • 5. There is power in knowledge. Accumulate them.
  • 6. Take your time. Everything will work out if you don't rush things.
  • 7. During difficulties, do not lose your head. This will help you cope with your problems with dignity.
  • 8. Circumstances favor you. Add a little of your courage and willpower.
  • 9. Be patient and remain calm, the rest will not help you.
  • 10. You will have to achieve everything yourself. Help from other people can only do harm.
  • 11. You will get what you want unexpectedly. Pleasant surprises.
  • 12. Realistically assess your strengths and skills. Otherwise you will be in trouble.
  • 13. Periods of depression. During these periods, it is better not to make efforts, but to postpone desires until a more opportune moment.
  • 14. Everything has its time, you will get everything.
  • 15. Frequent misunderstanding of others, which will interfere with the fulfillment of desires. Single.
  • 16. Your strong point is surprise. Don't plan, improvisation will be more effective.
  • 17. Think about your desires - do you really need it?
  • 18. Wait for favorable moments. Outside of their desires it will be impossible to fulfill.
  • 19. You create your own life. Take advantage of every chance that fate gives you.
  • 20. Absolute harmony with the world - you get what you give.
  • 21. What seems interesting will be abandoned. Life itself will give you direction for development.
  • 22. Egoists will have a hard time. Get over it. You need to be more diplomatic and look for allies.
  • 23. The fulfillment of your desires benefits not only you, but also those around you.
  • 24. Your ideas will be brought to life.
  • 25. There is dissonance between your expectations and reality. Think over several ways to achieve and choose the optimal one.
  • 26. You can be a leader in your own family. It may happen that you have no other option. Embrace this turn.
  • 27. There is no limit to perfection. Therefore, you will always have to engage in self-improvement. And it's good for you.
  • 28. Be more optimistic and look at problems from the outside - then you will find unexpected solutions.
  • 29. You will always be in contact with people. This is your strength.
  • 30. Be tactful with people - this will help you achieve success.
  • 31. You can realize even the impossible - if you catch it good timing.
  • 32. During a crisis, do not lose your head. You may have to completely change your lifestyle. But it will be beneficial.
  • 33. There are times when you don’t believe anyone, not even the mirror. In times like these, don't start new things.
  • 34. Sometimes, to fulfill your desires, you will have to invest more than you will receive in the end.
  • 35. The more zealously you strive to reach the top, the slower you will go to it. Do not take unnecessary actions - one, but calculated blow is much better than ten “in the milk”.
  • 36. People envy you, but don’t worry, spiteful critics are only capable of gossip.
  • 37. The love of spending money is not the best best quality. Learn to save.
  • 38. Just wanting is not enough. We'll have to do the work ourselves.
  • 39. The right information received at the most opportune moment helps you.
  • 40. The more you work, the more you get.

Years of birth in the table are paired with dates separated by a period of 28 years, which in astrology is considered the third part of the 84-year cycle of revolution of the planets, except Pluto and Neptune, around the Sun. Every 28 years are characterized by personal growth of a person associated with the influence of certain planets.

No one can change the nature of the influence of planets and its results. Considering Vanga’s table from this point of view, the seer invented a way to calculate the meaning of life for every person living on Earth. It is enough to take into account the cyclicity of 28 years.

The 12 months at the top of the table correspond to the zodiac signs representing the animals of the Chinese astrological calendar. Using the meaning of each sign, the emotional and psychological background of events occurring throughout life, common to a certain circle of people, is determined. An inclination is not necessarily formed into specific life situations, but these characteristics are inherent to all people from the selected category.

Prediction clairvoyant Vanga How to determine a person’s life purpose by the person’s date of birth, a table compiled by the seer helps to reveal. If you know the pattern that is embedded in every cell of the picture, then you can easily continue the prediction by adding later or earlier dates of birth of people.