“Features of speech therapy work with children with moderate mental retardation. Features of speech therapy work with mentally retarded children System of speech therapy work with mentally retarded schoolchildren

In preschool institutions for mentally retarded children, a variety of work is carried out on speech development.

Serious attention is given

Pronunciation corrections,

Dictionary expansion,

Constructing a phrase

Compose simple stories based on pictures.

To advance mentally A retarded child in general development, in his assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, requires specially organized, corrective-oriented education and training, built taking into account the positive opportunities available to him.

Created for such children special educational institutions.

In special children's institutions attended by children with mental retardation, the learning process is carried out according to specially developed programs and methods, with small groups.

All mentally retarded children preschool age have pronounced speech underdevelopment.

In a special kindergarten Systematic classes with a speech therapist are conducted, both frontal and individual.

Acquired speech skills are consolidated in classes with teachers.

Specifics speech therapy work in a special preschool institution is caused, on the one hand, by the nature of the disorder of higher nervous activity, the psychopathological characteristics of a mentally retarded child, primarily by a decrease in the level of analytical-synthetic activity, on the other hand, by the characteristics speech development and the structure of the speech defect.

Features of speech therapy work with mentally retarded preschoolers:

In mentally retarded children, the leading disorder is underdevelopment cognitive activity, the entire process of speech therapy work should be aimed at the formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and generalization. Thus, when eliminating violations of sound pronunciation, a large place is given to differentiation of phonetically similar sounds. The pronunciation of each sound is carefully analyzed from the point of view of its auditory, visual, and kinesthetic image. The sound and articulation of two sounds are compared, their similarities and differences are established.

Taking into account the nature of speech disorders, speech therapy work is carried out on the speech system as a whole. At each speech therapy session, violations of not only the phonetic-phonemic, but also the lexical-grammatical aspects of speech are corrected.

Features of speech therapy work with mentally retarded children are the maximum inclusion of analyzers, the use of maximum and varied clarity.

Of utmost importance is a differentiated approach, which involves taking into account the characteristics of the child, his performance, the peculiarities of motor development, the level of immaturity of speech, the symptoms of speech disorders, and their mechanisms.

Correction of speech disorders must be linked to the general motor development and predominantly fine manual motor skills of a mentally retarded child. Considering the close connection in the development of manual and articulatory motor skills, it is necessary to include exercises of fine hand movements and elements of speech therapy rhythms in speech therapy classes.

Due to the fact that old conditioned reflex connections in mentally retarded children are very conservative and difficult to change, it is necessary to especially carefully work out the stages of consolidating correct speech skills.

A characteristic feature of speech therapy work with mentally retarded children is the frequent repetition of speech therapy exercises, but with the inclusion of elements of novelty in content and form. This is due to the weakness of the closure function of the cortex, the difficulty of forming new conditioned reflex connections, their fragility, and rapid extinction without sufficient strengthening.

The correct speech skills acquired in the speech therapy room in mentally retarded children disappear in other situations, on other speech material. In this regard, it is very important to consolidate correct speech skills in different situations(dialogue with children, talking on the phone, retelling what you read, etc.)

Taking into account the rapid fatigue and tendency to protective inhibition of mentally retarded children, it is necessary to frequently change types of activities, switching the child from one form of work to another.

A feature of speech therapy work with mentally retarded children is the careful dosage of tasks and speech material. The specificity of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded children necessitates constant complication of tasks and speech material.

For the effective acquisition of correct speech skills by mentally retarded children, a slow pace of work is required.

It is necessary to maintain a mentally retarded child’s interest in correcting speech and influence his emotional sphere.

Due to the fact that speech disorders in mentally retarded children are persistent, speech therapy work is carried out over a longer period of time.

The weakness of volitional processes in mentally retarded children necessitates close communication between the work of a speech therapist, teacher and parents. It is necessary to organize the pedagogical process in such a way that not only speech therapy classes, but also in the group, the reinforcement of correct speech skills, control and assistance of teachers and parents in the correction of disorders was carried out.

The speech therapist works in close connection with medical personnel in order to implement an integrated medical and pedagogical approach to eliminating speech disorders and correcting speech pathology against a favorable background.

The main tasks of correctional speech therapy works are:

Practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical connections of the language;

Formation correct pronunciation;

Development of coherent speech.

Speech therapy classes are one of the main forms of correctional education, in which the development of all components of speech and preparation for school is systematically carried out.

are divided into the following types .

Classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language: classes on vocabulary formation;

Formation classes grammatical structure. development of speech understanding; clarification and expansion of vocabulary; formation of enriching concepts; formation of practical skills of word formation and inflection; ability to use simple common sentences and some types of complex ones.

Classes on the formation of the sound side of speech. The main objectives of these classes are: formation of correct pronunciation of sounds; development of phonemic hearing and perception; pronunciation skills of various words sound-syllable structure; control over the intelligibility and expressiveness of speech; preparation for mastering basic skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Classes on the development of coherent speech.The main task These classes are training in independent expression. It is possible to form coherent speech in those children who initially did not speak detailed statements, replacing them with naming objects, actions, or a set of inconsistent, grammatically unformed phrases.

Corrective focus of speech therapy work

with mentally retarded schoolchildren

The structure of speech defects in children with SLI.

Limited ideas about the world around us, weak speech contacts, immaturity of interests, and a decrease in the need for verbal communication are significant factors that determine the slow and abnormal development of speech in mentally retarded children.

Speech disorders are systemic in nature, i.e. speech as an integral functional system suffers. With mental retardation, all components of speech are impaired: phonetic-phonemic side, vocabulary, grammatical structure. Students primary classes There are gross violations of oral and written speech. Children in this category experience persistent difficulties in mastering the writing curriculum due to insufficient development of speech function and psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities.

Violation of the phonetic-phonemic component of the speech system.

1.Defective pronunciation of oppositional sounds of several groups. Substitutions and confusions predominate (often distortion of sounds). Up to 15 sounds are pronounced incorrectly.

2. Insufficient formation of phonemic processes.

As a result, children in this category experience:

a) insufficient formation of prerequisites for the spontaneous development of skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word;

b) insufficient development of prerequisites for successful mastery of literacy;

c) difficulties in mastering writing and reading (presence of specific dysgraphic errors against the background large quantity various others).

Violation of the lexical and grammatical component of the speech system

    The vocabulary is limited to everyday topics and is qualitatively defective (illegal expansion or narrowing of the meanings of words; errors in the use of words; confusion in meaning and acoustic properties).

    The grammatical structure is not sufficiently formed. There are no complex syntactic constructions in the speech; there are multiple agrammatisms in sentences of simple syntactic constructions.

As a result, children in this category experience:

a) insufficient understanding of educational tasks, instructions, instructions of the teacher;

b) difficulties in mastering educational concepts and terms;

c) difficulties in forming and formulating one’s own thoughts in the process academic work;

d) insufficient development of coherent speech.

Psychological characteristics.

    Unstable attention.

    Lack of observation in relation to linguistic phenomena.

    Insufficient development of switching abilities.

    Insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking.

    Insufficient ability to memorize predominantly verbal material.

    Insufficient development of self-control, mainly in the field of linguistic phenomena.

    Insufficient formation of voluntariness in communication and activity.


a) insufficient development of psychological prerequisites for mastering full-fledged skills of educational activities;

b) difficulties of formation academic skills(planning upcoming work, determining ways and means to achieve educational goals, monitoring activities, ability to work at a certain pace).

Main areas of work

    Development of the sound side of speech. Formation of full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes and skills in analysis and synthesis of the syllable-sound composition of a word. Correction of pronunciation defects.

    Development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech:

– clarification of the meanings of words available to children and further enrichment of vocabulary both through the accumulation of new words related to various parts speech, and due to the development in children of the ability to actively use different ways word formation;

– clarification of the meanings of the syntactic structures used; further development and improving the grammatical design of speech through children’s mastery of word combinations, the connection of words in a sentence, and sentence models of various syntactic structures.

3. Formation of coherent speech:

– development of skills in constructing a coherent statement; programming the meaning and semantic culture of the statement;

– establishing logic (connectivity, consistency), precise and clear formulation of thoughts in the process of preparing a coherent statement; selection of linguistic means adequate to the semantic concept for constructing statements for certain purposes of communication (proof, reasoning, transmission of text, plot picture).

4. Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:

– stability of attention;

– observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

– ability to remember;

– switching ability;

– skills and techniques of self-control;

– cognitive activity;

– arbitrariness of communication and behavior.

5. Formation of full-fledged educational skills:

– planning upcoming activities (adopting educational task; active comprehension of the material; highlighting the main, essential things in the educational material; determining ways and means to achieve educational goals);

– control over the progress of one’s activities (from the ability to work with samples to the ability to use special techniques self-control);

– work at a certain pace (the ability to quickly and efficiently write, count; carry out analysis, comparison, comparison);

– application of knowledge in new situations;

– analysis, assessment of the productivity of one’s own activities.

6. Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning:

– the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher-speech therapist, not to switch to extraneous influences; subordinate your actions to his instructions (take the position of a student);

– the ability to understand and accept a learning task posed in verbal form;

– the ability to be fluent in verbal means of communication for the purpose of clear perception, retention and focused execution of a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;

The ability to purposefully and consistently carry out educational activities and adequately respond to the control and assessments of a speech therapist.

7. Formation of communication skills and adequate situations in educational activities;

– answers to questions in strict accordance with instructions and assignments;

– answers to questions during the course of study with adequate use of learned terminology;

– answers in two or three phrases in the course and results of educational work (beginning of the formation of a coherent statement);

Application of instructions when preparing a detailed statement on the course and results of educational work;

Use of acquired educational terminology in coherent statements;

Contacting a teacher - speech therapist or groupmate for clarification;

Formation of tasks when performing collective types of educational work;

Compliance with speech etiquette when communicating (appeal, request, dialogue: “Please tell me,” “Thank you,” “Be kind”);

Composing oral coherent statements with elements of creativity.

An integrated approach to overcoming a speech defect requires the active participation of parents in it. All knowledge, speech skills, skills acquired by children during classes with a speech therapist, teacher and educator must be consolidated in the process of everyday life (walks, excursions, visits to the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country).

Speech mode in school and home.

Speech therapy classes are held twice a week, groups are formed taking into account the homogeneity of children’s speech defects and the formation of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. The total workload per student per week does not exceed one academic hour. Individual speech therapy classes are conducted by a speech therapist, both in the first and second half of the day, lasting 20-25 minutes. Group classes on the technology “Correction of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech based on the formation and expansion, semantic fields of words, the development of their valences, inflection functions” are held once a week for 35-40 minutes.

The school holds speech five minutes ( exercises for the development of melodic and intonation aspects of speech, voice, breathing ) before the first lessons every day and after school hours, after walks, before doing homework.

Underway relationship notebooks, in which the teacher, speech therapist and educator plan work with each child on a monthly basis. The speech therapist has speech cards for children, which are filled out three times a year (at the beginning school year, before the council and at the end of the academic year).

Also, speech mode is carried out through "speech corners" who are in the classrooms. In these corners, the child can independently control the level of speech development (houses, flowers, ladders, reminders - supports). In addition, the class has "sound pronunciation screens", which reflect the speech development of children (for teachers). Held once a week consultations for parents, their visits to speech therapy classes are organized. Various forms of extracurricular activities are organized throughout the year (reader competitions, choir competitions, etc.)

The main cause of abnormal development and speech disorders in mentally retarded children is underdevelopment of cognitive activity. Children with ID experience all forms of speech disorders, just like normal children (dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, alalia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, stuttering, aphasia, etc.). The predominant one in the structure of systemic speech disorder is a semantic defect. Speech disorders in UO children are characterized by persistence; they are eliminated with great difficulty, persisting until the senior grades of auxiliary schools. They are based not on one, but on a number of reasons: underdevelopment of cognitive activity, immaturity of speech-auditory differentiation, violations of speech motor skills, anomalies in the structure of the articulatory apparatus. Correction of sound disorders in children with disabilities is a longer and more complex process than in normal children. The work is complicated by the characteristic weakness of the closure function of the cortex for these children, the difficulty of forming new conditioned reflex connections, which determines the slowness and duration of the formation of a new sound. The longest is the introduction of sound into speech, i.e., the automation stage. Sometimes 3-5 lessons are enough to set the sound, but its automation ends only after 1-1.5 years. The main reason is the peculiarities of the higher nervous activity of the children's brain, the lack of control over their own speech and the correct pronunciation. In speech therapy work to correct sound disorders in auxiliary schools, the comparison technique is widely used. So, at the stage of sound production, correct and incorrect pronunciation is compared. At the automation stage, this sound is compared with phonetically distant ones. When differentiating, a comparison is made of the sound being practiced with phonetically similar ones. During the correction process, the sound composition of different words is compared by the number of sounds and the place of the sound being practiced in the words. Much attention is paid to the development of general and speech motor skills, the education of auditory perception, attention, memory, i.e., the normalization of all those factors that underlie sound disorders in mentally retarded children and determine the characteristics of their manifestation. In the auxiliary school there is a close continuity between speech therapy work and literacy training. When correcting disorders in schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their mental processes (slowing down the pace and narrowing the field of perception, instability of attention, weakness of motivation and interests, control). A feature of speech therapy work to eliminate sound defects in a auxiliary school is its individualization. The PRELIMINARY stage of eliminating violations of sound pronunciation is longer and is characterized by a qualitatively different content. The development of general, manual, speech motor skills, the development of auditory perception, attention, and memory are carried out. The development of art motor skills in mentally retarded children is carried out in two directions: the development of the kinetic basis of movement and the kinesthetic basis of art movements. With the development of kinesthetic sensations, the work is carried out without a mirror, the student reproduces the position of the lips and tongue after their passive movement by the speech therapist according to speech instructions. Children are taught to distinguish speech units by ear, to remember a sequence of words, first with the help of pictures, then to repeat syllables without it. At the preliminary stage, the development of elementary forms of sound analysis and synthesis is carried out. Children learn to isolate vowels and consonants from a series of isolated ones, a stressed vowel from the beginning simple word(oh, mustache, ah, ay, Olya). A feature of the SOUND PRODUCTION STAGE will be the maximum use of multimodal afferentations: visual image of articulation, auditory image of sound, kinesthetic, tactile and tactile-vibrational sensations. Sound production in mentally retarded children is carried out using mixed methods. In the process of ATOMATIZING sounds, it is recommended to develop the prosodic side of speech: work on stress in syllables, words, on lexical stress when automating a sound in a sentence, on intonation when fixing a sound in a sentence, connected speech. A feature of this stage is lesson planning and distribution of topics. In the educational institution, a poverty of vocabulary, inaccuracy in the use of words, difficulties in updating the dictionary are more significant than normal, the predominance of a passive vocabulary over an active one, an unformed structure of the meaning of a word, disturbances in the process of organizing semantic fields. Thus, speech therapy work in a auxiliary school is characterized by great specificity, which is determined by the characteristics of higher nervous activity, psychological characteristics mentally retarded children, as well as the nature of the symptoms, mechanisms, and structure of the defect in these children.

26..Speech therapy work for mental retardation.
The modern and promising aspect of considering the issue of the structure of speech defects in children with mental retardation is determined by the close connection between the processes of development of the child’s speech and cognitive activity, the relationship between speech and thinking in the process of ontogenesis. According to (E.V. Maltseva): 3 groups of children with mental retardation; group 1 – incorrect pronunciation of 1 group of sounds. They have formed only simple forms of phonemic analysis. In children with uncomplicated infantilism, speech features associated with the uniqueness of the emotional-volitional sphere are revealed. These children are verbose and easy to communicate with. The speech of such children is largely determined by the presence of an emotional component. Group 2 – children who have been diagnosed with FFN. The peculiarities of speech in these children are manifested in the poverty of the lexical-semantic side of speech, in the limited volume of the vocabulary, and in the inaccurate use of words. Coherent speech is at a lower level than in children of group 1. Group 3 – children with systemic underdevelopment of all components of speech. Speech therapy work is carried out in the following areas: Development of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Development of visual perception, analysis, visual memory. Formation of spatial relationships. Correction of motor development disorders, especially manual and articulatory motor skills. Correction of sound pronunciation disorders, distortions of sound syllable structure. Vocabulary development. Formation of the morphological and syntactic system of the language. Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations. Formation of analysis of sentence structure. Development of communicative, cognitive and regulatory functions of speech. Speech therapy influence is complex and differentiated. Features of speech therapy work with children with disabilities (types of disabilities). Violations of the phonetic side. Speech is monotonous, inexpressive, devoid of subtle emotional nuances, in some cases it is slow, in others it is accelerated, and in those who are inhibited, the voice is quiet. Weak, unmodulated, in excitable people - noisy, harsh. Vocabulary disorders In children with secondary education, a poor vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, difficulties in updating the dictionary, the predominance of a passive vocabulary over an active one, an unformed structure of the meaning of a word, and a violation of the process of organizing semantic fields are revealed. The dictionary is dominated by nouns with specific meanings; there are no general words. They use only a small number of words denoting the characteristics of objects. There is some inaccurate use of words. Passive vocabulary is difficult to update. Violations of grammatical structure. There is an immaturity in the grammatical aspect of speech, which manifests itself in agrammatisms and in difficulties in performing many tasks that require grammatical generalizations. Turn out to be insufficiently formed morphological forms inflections and word formation, syntactic sentence structures. Distortions in the use of cases are revealed. Children incorrectly use the form R.p. plural . make mistakes when performing tasks to agree an adjective with a noun in gender, number, and case. Violations of coherent speech. The formation of coherent speech in the UO occurs slowly and is characterized by qualitative features. They long time delayed at the stage of question-answering and situational speech. The transition to independent speech turns out to be very difficult and drags on until the senior grades of the auxiliary school. The contextual form of speech is especially difficult. Situational speech is carried out much easier by them. UO children often do not realize the need to clearly and clearly convey the content of an event, i.e. they do not focus on the interlocutor. Coherent statements are poorly developed and fragmentary. Retelling is easier than a story, but they skip important parts of the text and convey the content in a simplified way. Reading disorders in UL schoolchildren. The process of mastering reading among schoolchildren proceeds slowly and is characterized by qualitative originality and certain difficulties. In the process of mastering reading, students go through the same stages, but they last 3 times longer. Each stage is characterized by certain difficulties. Mastering letters for first-graders presents the greatest difficulty. A particularly difficult task is merging sounds into syllables. The ability of sound-syllable synthesis is often reduced, and recognition and understanding of the read word is delayed. Writing disorders in schoolchildren. accompanied by common spelling errors. Dysgraphia most often manifests itself in complex form, in a complex, in a combination of various forms. Speech therapy work on the development of phonetic processes. Correction of sound pronunciation disorders in children with LD is a longer and more complex process than in children with N. The longest process is the introduction of sound into speech, i.e. automation stage. The main reason is the peculiarity of GNI, the lack of control over one’s own speech. Correction of sound pronunciation defects should be associated with the development of cognitive activity, the formation of operations of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The method of comparing correct and incorrectly pronounced sounds is widely used. Much attention is paid to the development of general and speech motor skills, the education of auditory perception, attention, and memory. Correction of sound pronunciation disorders is associated with the development of speech function in general, with the development of the phonemic side, vocabulary, grammatical structure. When working with schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their mental processes. A feature of speech therapy work on sound pronunciation correction is its individualization. Specificity in planning, classes should be narrow, the tasks set by the speech therapist should be accessible to the child. The preliminary stage in a auxiliary school is longer and has a different content. The development of general, manual, speech motor skills, the development of auditory perception, attention, and memory are carried out. Needs work on getting it right speech breathing. The development of articulatory motor skills is carried out in 2 directions: the development of the kinetic basis of movements and the kinesthetic basis of articulatory movements (without a mirror). The peculiarity of sound production is the use of multimodal afferentations (visual, auditory, tactile, tactile and vibration sensations). At the automation stage, work is carried out on complex shapes sound analysis and synthesis, the ability to isolate sound in a word and determine its place. It is recommended to work on the development of the prosodic side of speech. An obligatory step is the differentiation of sounds. The work is carried out in 2 directions: clarification of pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, development of auditory differentiation. Speech therapy work on the development of the lexical side. During the impact, work is carried out to enrich the vocabulary, clarify the meaning of words, develop the semantics of the word, and form a lexical system and semantic fields. Predicative vocabulary, verbs and adjectives require special attention. Mastering adjectives begins with words denoting colors, shapes, and sizes. Next are words denoting height, thickness, length, width, etc. Then adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes are worked out. The vocabulary is enriched through pronouns, numerals, adverbs and other parts of speech. An important place is given to working on the meaning of a word with a gradual transition from the specific meaning of the word to the assimilation of its grammatical meaning in a phrase or sentence. Speech therapy work on the development of grammatical structure of speech. Great importance takes into account the ontogenetic principle. The sequence of work on grammatical forms is carried out as in normal ontogenesis: from concrete to abstract, from semantically simple shapes to more complex, from productive to unproductive, from simple in grammatical design to more complex. The following sequence of work on cases is recommended: differentiation of units. and plural, V.p., R.p., D.p., T.p., prepositional-case constructions, plural case forms. The development of the verb inflection function is carried out first in present tense, then in adverb tense, then in everyday tense. Work on word formation should begin with diminutive forms, then the formation of adjectives from nouns, verbs with prefixes, and related words . When forming the structure of a sentence, special attention is paid to the assimilation of deep semantic relations within a speech utterance, which gradually become more complex and are included in the structure of the sentence. Speech therapy work on the development of coherent speech. Work on coherent speech is first carried out on the material of dialogical, situational speech, and later on contextual, monological speech. In the process of developing coherent speech, much attention is paid to the formation of internal programming of coherent utterances with their gradual deepening and expansion. It is also necessary to work on the grammatical design of coherent speech. The development of coherent speech in UO should be associated with the development of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization. Speech therapy work on the correction of written speech disorders in a auxiliary school. When eliminating violations of written speech, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of high mental functioning and the psychopathological characteristics of children with mental disabilities. That. Speech therapy work in a auxiliary school is characterized by great specificity, which is determined by the characteristics of the GNI, the psychological characteristics of the educational system, as well as the nature of the symptoms, mechanisms, and structure of the defect

In the course of training this category of students in schools of the VIII type, the following tasks are solved: searching for ways of their possible socialization through instilling norms of socially adequate behavior, searching for ways of their possible socialization through instilling norms of socially adequate behavior, developing self-service skills, accustoming to elementary forms of work, development self-service skills, accustoming to elementary forms of work, increasing the level of their communicative competence. increasing the level of their communicative competence.

The low level of proficiency in the verbal form of communication is due not only to the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with moderate and severe forms of mental retardation - gross organic damage to the central nervous system, general systemic underdevelopment of speech, but also a low level of their communicative competence in general.

Children with moderate and severe mental retardation exhibit unformation of the entire speech system, and not its individual aspects and functions: weakness of motivation, weakness of motivation, programming violation, programming violation, difficulties in implementing a speech program and control, difficulties in implementing a speech program and control, expressed and persistent disturbances in sound pronunciation (R.I. Lalaeva, V.I. Lipakova). pronounced and persistent disturbances in sound pronunciation (R.I. Lalaeva, V.I. Lipakova).

Levels of sensory underdevelopment Levels of sensory underdevelopment The first level may include children who do not understand the speech of strangers, but hear and perceive the speech of their closest relatives who constantly care for them. The first level may include children who do not understand the speech of strangers, but hear and perceive the speech of their closest relatives who constantly care for them. The second level includes children who perceive the speech of others in the form of separate short phrases and instructions. A longer phrase or readable text they do not perceive and respond adequately. The second level includes children who perceive the speech of others in the form of separate short phrases and instructions. They do not perceive a longer phrase or readable text and do not respond adequately. The third level includes children who perceive everyday speech, follow instructions, listen to short texts, and maintain dialogue. But they also have insufficient perception of complex speech structures and text. They get tired quickly and get distracted without listening enough interesting story. The third level includes children who perceive everyday speech, follow instructions, listen to short texts, and maintain dialogue. But they also have insufficient perception of complex speech structures and text. They quickly get tired and distracted, not having heard an interesting story.

Levels of motor underdevelopment The first level includes “speechless” children. Some are indifferent to environment, do not use speech. Other children constantly utter one monotonous sound that is not a means of communication. Some use non-verbal means. This group is the most difficult in terms of speech, regardless of age. The first level includes “Speechless” children. Some are indifferent to the environment and do not use speech. Other children constantly utter one monotonous sound that is not a means of communication. Some use non-verbal means. This group is the most difficult in terms of speech, regardless of age. The second level includes children who have individual babbling words or phrases pronounced with various phonetic distortions. Phonetic disorders are dysarthric in nature, which significantly complicates the formation of the pronunciation side of speech. The second level includes children who have individual babbling words or phrases pronounced with various phonetic distortions. Phonetic disorders are dysarthric in nature, which significantly complicates the formation of the pronunciation side of speech. The third level of speech development includes children who have a household vocabulary and phrasal speech. Some children are verbose and use extensive phrasal speech with elements of impaired sound pronunciation. Other children use short phrases and agrammatisms are noted. The sequence of presentation is difficult. The third level of speech development includes children who have a household vocabulary and phrasal speech. Some children are verbose and use extensive phrasal speech with elements of impaired sound pronunciation. Other children use short phrases and agrammatisms are noted. The sequence of presentation is difficult.

In terms of the degree of independence and activity in the communication process, this category of children is covered by L.M. Shipitsyna. divides into 3 groups: 1) The first group includes children whose independent participation in any practical work impossible. Contact with them is difficult. When working with “non-speaking” students, comments are mainly given by the teacher. 2) The second group consists of students who experience significant difficulties in communicating with gestures and in understanding the task. With limited individual assistance from an adult, they are able to independently complete the assigned task. 3) Students of the third group complete tasks completely independently. An adult helps children control themselves.

Objectives: 1. Formation of socially significant communication skills of interpersonal communication. 2. Development of oral speech: stimulation of children’s speech activity in all types of activities; the formation of both expressive and impressive sides of speech; vocabulary enrichment; improving the grammatical structure of speech; consolidation of already formed functions and forms of speech (in particular, dialogical speech); teaching children the action of planning in storytelling (work on a phrase using external supports: teacher questions, diagrams, series of plot pictures, etc.); development fine motor skills; development of auditory attention, memory, phonemic hearing; formation of intonation expressiveness of speech (within possible limits).

Work with children in this category begins with diagnostics: observation in educational and extracurricular activities; observation in educational and extracurricular activities; conversation with a student; conversation with a student; conversation with the teacher and educator; conversation with the teacher and educator; speech therapy diagnostics: performing speech tests; speech therapy diagnostics: performing speech tests; speech therapy diagnostics: performing speech tests; speech therapy diagnostics: performing speech tests; filling speech cards per student; filling out a speech card for a student; construction of an individual graph of the level of current speech development of the student. construction of an individual graph of the level of current speech development of the student. construction of an individual graph of the level of current speech development of the student. construction of an individual graph of the level of current speech development of the student.

The main directions of correctional speech therapy work: Development of the ability to concentrate attention and respond to the treatment of others. Developing the ability to concentrate attention and respond to requests from others. Formation in children of the ability to listen, listen, and distinguish the sounds of the surrounding reality. Formation in children of the ability to listen, listen, and distinguish the sounds of the surrounding reality.

Each speech therapy session includes the following stages: Development of the ability to concentrate attention and respond to the treatment of others. Developing the ability to concentrate attention and respond to requests from others. Work on developing the ability to listen, listen, and distinguish the sounds of the surrounding reality. Work on developing the ability to listen, listen, and distinguish the sounds of the surrounding reality. Development of manual motor skills. Development of manual motor skills. Development of speech motor skills; prolonged exhalation without speech. Development of speech motor skills; prolonged exhalation without speech. Development of basic pronunciation skills. Development of basic pronunciation skills. Development of understanding of addressed speech. Development of understanding of addressed speech. Relieving psycho-emotional stress through organizing a dynamic pause. Relieving psycho-emotional stress through organizing a dynamic pause. Development of active speech. Development of active speech. Summing up the lesson in order to receive feedback from students, which involves an emotional and cognitive assessment of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Summing up the lesson in order to receive feedback from students, which involves an emotional and cognitive assessment of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

During correctional speech therapy classes, the following tasks are solved: to encourage the child to look the speaker in the face, to respond to an address to him; encourage the child to look the speaker in the face and respond to the address to him; teach children to understand the teacher’s spoken language, which reflects the everyday life and way of life of children; teach children to understand the teacher’s spoken language, which reflects the everyday life and way of life of children; develop finger motor skills, preparing the ground for the subsequent formation of speech; develop finger motor skills, preparing the ground for the subsequent formation of speech; develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus; develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus; develop and consolidate basic pronunciation skills, achieve clear pronunciation of syllabic complexes and words with different intonation and tempo (based on imitation); develop and consolidate basic pronunciation skills, achieve clear pronunciation of syllabic complexes and words with different intonation and tempo (based on imitation); teach adequate reactions and actions to the address of familiar people (come up, smile, wave, etc.) teach adequate reactions and actions to the address of familiar people (come up, smile, wave, etc.) teach to use accessible sign systems (own speech, gestures ) for implementation in games, in everyday life, for communicating information about one’s condition, expressing requests, etc. learn to use accessible sign systems (one’s own speech, gestures) for implementation in games, in everyday life, for communicating information about one’s condition, expressing requests, etc. etc. consolidate basic social skills in communication: greeting, farewell, gratitude; consolidate basic social skills in communication: greeting, farewell, gratitude; learn to repeat and carry out simple instructions following verbal instructions; learn to repeat and carry out simple instructions following verbal instructions;

Learn to say your first and last name, first and patronymic of parents, teachers; learn to say your first and last name, first and patronymic of parents, teachers; teach the child to name the objects around him that are most necessary for his life; teach the child to name the objects around him that are most necessary for his life; learn to classify objects using a visual model, know simple generalizing words; learn to classify objects using a visual model, know simple generalizing words; name the simplest actions with objects; name the simplest actions with objects; teach to act on the basis of imitation of the teacher’s motor and speech pattern; teach to act on the basis of imitation of the teacher’s motor and speech pattern; accompany different types activities with accessible types of speech production: sound complexes, words, simple phrases; accompany different types of activities with accessible types of speech production: sound complexes, words, simple phrases; learn to clearly express your requests and desires; learn to clearly express your requests and desires; teach the child to participate in a conversation specially organized by the teacher; teach the child to participate in a conversation specially organized by the teacher; learn to recite poems and nursery rhymes by heart, and participate in short dramatizations; learn to recite poems and nursery rhymes by heart, and participate in short dramatizations; practice constructing simple phrases based on the actions demonstrated, based on plot pictures, based on the teacher’s questions. practice constructing simple phrases based on the actions demonstrated, based on plot pictures, based on the teacher’s questions.

The main idea of ​​correctional speech therapy work is the merging of two types of activities - play and learning, and on its basis the purposeful organization of interaction between children and the teacher within the framework of a speech therapy lesson. The main idea of ​​correctional speech therapy work is the merging of two types of activities - play and learning, and on its basis the purposeful organization of interaction between children and the teacher within the framework of a speech therapy lesson.

Objectives of educational and gaming activities: the formation of an information and communication component of the activity, which consists of introducing children to the basic techniques for exchanging information, learning the ability to process it, and finding what is vital in it to solve any problems; the formation of an information and communication component of activity, which consists of introducing children to the basic techniques for exchanging information, teaching them the ability to process it, and find what is vital in it to solve any problems; generating an interactive component communicative activities– establishing interaction and cooperation between members of the children’s team; formation of an interactive component of communicative activities - establishing interaction and cooperation between members of the children's team; formation of the perceptual component of communicative activity - the formation of an image of another person in children with moderate and severe mental retardation. formation of the perceptual component of communicative activity - the formation of an image of another person in children with moderate and severe mental retardation.

In conditionally improvised communication situations created in speech therapy classes, thanks to game modeling of lessons, we have the opportunity to train all components of communication skills (information-communicative, interactive and perceptual) and at the same time develop speech.