Why is the plate falling? A week of broken plates. Interpretation of signs by day of the week

Plates are one of the main items of household utensils. They are in any, even the most modestly equipped kitchen. In one house - these are exquisite creations made of porcelain, in the other - ordinary glass products. In any case, the sign of a broken plate comes true in the same way.

There is a common statement that the dishes beat fortunately. It is partly true, but if you take a closer look at the issue, then many nuances are quickly revealed that turn a good omen into its opposite. All this fully applies to plates. Often they are broken quite by accident, and sometimes quite intentionally. The significance of belief directly depends on this, and also on who and under what circumstances broke the dishes, how much was the result of fragments.

Happy Omens

  • Everyone knows that an accidentally broken plate will bring good luck to a clumsy household in all endeavors, both in business and in matters of the heart. Every housewife knows that the sound of broken dishes will drive all misfortunes out of the house.
  • If a person breaks a plate on his birthday, then this promises him not just luck, but a truly happy year.
  • Even greater luck awaits the whole family if the dishes break into one of church holidays. The sign “works” especially well at Christmas and Epiphany.
  • Happy changes will be outlined in the fate of the young girl who broke the plate. And they will be connected with a new romantic acquaintance. It remains only not to miss your fate and eventually get an engagement ring on your finger.
  • Young people who break a piece of kitchen utensils can hope for rapid career growth. Indeed, for them, in the first place is always Mercury, personifying profit, and not Cupid, igniting love passion in the heart.
  • If the plate cracked without any outside help, then this is also considered a very good omen. She just collected all the negativity from your life and, in the end, could not stand the stress. At the same time, negative energy was dispelled, having cleansed the house of all filth!

bad omens

  • For married women, broken plates portend a complication of marital relations. Often this happens due to the fact that the family idyll is broken by everyday difficulties or the appearance of a rival.
  • If the dishes break married man, he should soon expect trouble at work.
  • For older people, broken plates promise significant costs and a general deterioration in their financial situation. Indeed, the purchase of new dishes can make a significant gap in a pensioner's modest budget.
  • Plates deliberately broken in a fit of anger when a showdown between spouses will become a sure sign of long strife, troubles and mutual disappointments.
  • If you broke a plate from someone else's service while visiting, then do not expect anything good in the future. After all, you took on a particle of the problems and difficulties of another family.
  • A broken plate made of transparent glass, symbolizing the purity and sincerity of relationships, is considered a particularly negative phenomenon. If one day they turned into fragments, then regaining the trust of a spouse or spouse will not be easy. In such a situation, one should not ask what caused it, but simply try to “glue” what is left with the help of warmth and care.

Divide the plate by day of the week

The value of the prediction can be affected not only by the situation of the event and the number of fragments, but also by the day on which the incident occurred.

  • If you pick up small fragments or large shards from the floor in Monday, then, despite material damage you are very lucky. After all, it is on this day that the plate incident guarantees that fortune will cover you with its wide wing for the whole week. You will succeed in adventures undertaken on Tuesday, unexpected luck will visit on Wednesday, luck will accompany from Thursday to Sunday.
  • In Tuesday a broken plate promises one of two things. The first interpretation promises good news that will come from an unexpected source. The second explanation of the sign will please those who are engaged in business. After all, it promises a significant increase in sales.
  • A pile of fragments formed on the floor in Wednesday, does not portend special happiness. She warns of a significant reduction in income due to a conflict with superiors or business partners.
  • If your awkwardness caused the death of the plate in Thursday, you will have to prepare for a series of minor troubles like a broken nail or an arrow on a stocking. However, if you do not attach serious importance to them, getting annoyed over trifles, then all problems will disappear by themselves.
  • Dishes accident that happened in Friday, has a very paradoxical interpretation for a clumsy hostess. For her, the sign will be a confirmation that in fact she is doing a great housework, and a minor incident is just the very exception that only confirms the rule.
  • Saturday, marked by the loss of part of the crockery, predicts that soon you will have to take a large number of guests and arrange a noisy celebration.
  • The most unpleasant prediction of a "judicial incident" falls on Sunday. If the plate slips out of your hands on this very day, then you should not hope for peace and prosperity in the family in the near future.

wedding rituals

Very often, the happiness that broken plates bring to the family is lured intentionally, dropping them on purpose. However, this sign only works on the wedding day. So what rituals with dishes do newlyweds need so that love and harmony do not leave a new family?

  • To begin with, the bride and groom are advised to jointly smash a special wedding dish on the ground. The larger and more elegant it is, the better for future family well-being.
  • The witnesses must collect the resulting fragments, count them and tie them into a tight bundle. It’s good when there are a lot of them and an even number. If it turns out that the fragments cannot be divided equally, then the newlyweds must throw the extra piece together, and then by all means kiss each other. A bundle with fragments of a wedding dish is carefully kept for the first year of marriage as a family amulet, and then solemnly buried.
  • With the help of a plate, even at a wedding, you can find out who will be the head of the family. The young woman should stomp on it with her foot in a shoe. If the dishes remain intact, then the husband will command the family ship, and the wife will get a subordinate role.
  • Intentional breaking of dishes at a wedding is welcome, but if the bride breaks a plate during a gala dinner by accident, then she will not avoid cracks in her future family life.

How to neutralize bad omens

If the plate crashed in such a situation that unpleasant consequences are very likely, then you should not be upset ahead of time. There are sure ways to defuse prediction.

  • Be sure to carefully collect all the fragments and wrap in thick cloth or paper.
  • Never touch the trash with your hands. If you cut yourself with such a fragment, then the signs portend a serious illness to the “hurry-ups”. And from the point of view of ordinary sanitation, this is not safe, since any pathogenic microbes can be on the remains of dishes.
  • The bag with fragments of the plate must be taken out of the house and be sure to bury it as deep as possible, and then quickly leave without turning around.

Knowledge and observance of rituals is a useful thing. However, remember that the surest way to get rid of bad expectations is simply not to believe in them. Always be firmly convinced that the dishes in the house beat only for happiness, and trouble will bypass you and your loved ones!

There is no hostess who can do without dishes. Plates, saucers, cups - these elements and many others are present in any kitchen. And this is not strange, since such household items could acquire a large number of signs.

Almost all people know that the dishes are broken to great happiness. But in a dream, everything is completely different. According to many dream books, broken dishes will certainly lead to discord in relationships. But do not fit all dreams to these interpretations. Do you want to know for sure what broken dishes indicate in a dream? Clarify every nuance of what happened using various dream books.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The famous medium interprets the meanings, taking into account the emotional state of the person who is sleeping. Did you dream that you break dishes during a quarrel? This will lead to the fact that luck will smile at you and your relationship with your loved one will be strengthened.

  • Did you break your favorite cup in a dream? Then you will soon disperse with your loved one
  • Did you break the crystal glassware? The friend or comrade you've always tried to trust will betray you.
  • Your hopes will not be justified if in a dream you see a chipped cup with a cloudy liquid.

Freud's dream book

Freud is a famous psychoanalyst. He is well versed in dreams in which there are broken dishes. In his opinion, broken dishes in a dream express a failure in the inner world.

  • If a person dreams of fragments of a cup, then the person is constantly tormented by conscience for having committed a crime.
  • Such a dream can also symbolize problems associated with intimate life.
  • Dissatisfaction in waking sex can very often be a cause of nervous tension

Miller's dream book

  • Did you see a beautiful but broken service in a dream? Pay attention to a short-term favorable period of time during which success will always be with you: in business, love.
  • In the event that the broken dishes were dirty from the very beginning, then you do not need to mess with those people in whom you are not sure at all.
  • Clean, washed, but broken dishes speak of a household scandal in the family.

Varieties of broken dishes in a dream:

Interpretations of dreams with broken dishes offered by dream books may differ. It all depends on what kind of utensils were broken.

  • Broken glass - disagreements with a loved one due to the incompatibility of their habits
  • Broken saucer - a quarrel of those people who live in the same house
  • Broken cup - discontent in their actions
  • Broken vase - cooling feelings for close friends
  • Broken pan - lack of ideas in the most difficult moments

Broken dishes material:

Broken dishes even in a dream different types made from a variety of materials.


  • If in a dream you dreamed of broken cups or porcelain plates, then in reality you can offend your best friend.
  • Porcelain plates in a dream are clean, but broken - an unintentional insult
  • Broken dirty plate - a friend will speak out in your direction very sharply, and in return you will insult him

Glass, crystal:

  • In a dream, drinking from a glass chipped glass - a break in relations from unwillingness to compromise
  • Drinking from a glass of crystal covered with small cracks - trust in your own partner

Clay, ceramics:

  • To see in a dream a lot of fragments of clay - soon you will have to forget about the implementation of your own ideas;
  • A dropped ceramic bowl in a dream - suggests that you can cope with problems if you concentrate on business.

Metal, wood:

  • A split cast-iron pan in a dream - money problems await you.
  • Broken wooden utensils - you will listen to the recommendations of professional colleagues.
  • A damaged aluminum pan is a waste after unexpected guests arrive.

Break dishes: a sign

The life of every person, without exception, is built on all sorts of signs. They are passed on from one generation to another generation. Signs and superstitions were invented by the people themselves, after various incidents happened to them.

Broken plate

Most signs indicate that a broken plate or saucer is the beginning of significant life changes. If you want to understand the nature of future changes and prepare for them, look at the moments of what happened.

  • An accidentally broken plate is the approach of happiness in life.
  • A broken plate on purpose - resentment will not recede, the conflict will last a very long time.
  • A broken plate on New Year's Eve - a good year awaits you ahead, which will delight you with pleasant moments.
  • A plate broken for a birthday - a long and happy life awaits you.
  • The plate broke during the wedding celebration - in the future, the newlyweds will face a scandal due to the betrayal of their spouse. For neutralization given value, the bride must step on the fragments of a broken plate with her left foot.

Broken glass, cup, glass:

  • A broken glass at a wedding entails natural changes in fate that are associated with a marriage
  • A glass filled with wine is broken - the broken person will need to answer for the misconduct that others will commit
  • The groom who broke the glass at the wedding may become a drunkard in the future

Broken kettle:

The broken teapot says the following:

  • There was a split on an empty teapot - a small upset
  • A filled kettle crashed - portends a quarrel
  • The kettle fell and broke in a hurry - profit
  • A girl who is not married breaks a teapot, soiling herself with tea leaves - a close wedding

When does broken dishes bring happiness, and when does it do the opposite?

Dishes can beat both to great happiness, and to trouble and misfortune. Let's consider both options in more detail.

Broken dishes unfortunately:

  • Appears on a cup, saucer or mug crack is a very bad omen. She can portend trouble.
  • Before some kind of trip, sometimes a porcelain mug breaks - such a sign indicates that it is desirable to postpone the trip, to abandon the planned trip.
  • Breaking a cup while in a sleepy state is a bad omen. As a rule, such a sign indicates the following - a very large amount of effort has been spent in order to achieve empty goals.
  • Broken dishes filled with food, which was previously whole - portends misfortune. Perhaps people who are married are waiting for widowhood.

  • A plate that is broken unexpectedly by the bride is also considered a bad omen. Such a marriage will crack in the future.
  • So that misfortune from broken dishes does not happen in the house after the move, you need to collect the fragments and throw them away before lunch of the next day.
  • Very bad omen- broken dishes at the wake. If this happens, you need to immediately sweep the fragments onto the scoop, put them in a bag. Add food from the table to the fragments. When it gets dark, you need to throw the bag away where there are no people at all. But upon returning, you should wash your hands with cool water, preferably holy.

Broken dishes fortunately:

There are a lot of nuances that directly affect the interpretation of an event. It is difficult to list them all, but we will try to describe those that bring people good luck and happiness.

  • Since ancient times, people at a wedding celebration have smashed plates and claimed that it was “fortunately”. Such a sign indicates the following - the marriage of the young will be strong and long-term.
  • broken dishes Previously, people were afraid of diseases. They believed that such a process was considered a "medicine" that helped fight convulsions and fevers.

  • Broken cup on the floor means that the family will be able to experience good events very soon.
  • Broken plate on the floor- guests will come soon, there will be good change expect nice gifts and surprises.
  • broken saucer says that a good friend will come to the house soon.

Why can't you store broken dishes?

One hundred percent of each dwelling has crockery with cracks and other minor damage. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to part with your favorite mug, even if there are quite noticeable chips on it. And such sentimentality can be fraught with great troubles and danger.

  • Keeping dishes that have cracks can attract loneliness. Have you ever heard that a broken cup cannot be glued together? This is especially true for married couples.
  • Dishes that have defects, as we wrote above, tend to scare away good luck and luck. A plate on which a crack was seen attracts poverty.

Try to quickly throw away broken or chipped dishes. Throw it out of your apartment or house, so you can get rid of trouble and save your family from trouble. Do this preferably at night, during the new moon.

Wrap broken dishes in a clean piece of cotton material, take it very far, preferably to where there is a wasteland. Leave it there and say a special prayer.

Why is the dishes in the house beating?

There is such an opinion - if some dishes break in housing, then home awaits happiness and joy. But does this superstition always work?

There are quite a lot of signs about why the dishes break at home. After all, this question may contain some nuances, for example, why the cup broke, what does it mean, and so on.

Often, dishes do not break on purpose, not on purpose. And all because someone is, at times, careless and ridiculous. So what signs are associated with broken dishes at home?


  • The plate crashed for some kind of celebration - the imminent acquisition of wealth
  • The plate that broke on Monday - the whole week will be filled with troubles and problems
  • The plate that broke at the end of the week next week will be difficult
  • A plate broken by a single woman - happiness

Cup, glass, glass:

  • The wife broke the cup, which her husband loves very much - this means that the wife has a rival. The husband, at the same time, sometimes does not even know about it and is faithful to his beloved. However, that other woman at this time can make plans to win the heart of a married husband.
  • A cup of a child has broken - someone can jinx the baby.
  • If a glass or a glass in which red wine was poured is cracked, very soon the one who broke it will want to take the blame of another. A broken glass of water brings success at work, good deals, winning the lottery.


  • A broken vase does not carry something bad.
  • A vase accidentally broken into small pieces - good luck in all matters for at least 5 years
  • A fallen vase that broke in its place - the family will replenish very soon, and a lonely heart will meet its love

Other signs:

  • The dishes were broken in the bedroom - a bad omen. She talks about the fact that someone in the family may have health problems;
  • The dishes are deliberately broken - financial problems, waste of money;
  • A mug broke under the dining table - loss of money, someone may have to lend money;
  • A ceramic teapot has broken - guests will come soon, distant relatives, or maybe a meeting with an old comrade will just happen.

Why do dishes break at work?

It is not surprising that business people are most often subject to various signs and superstitions. Perhaps the reason is that they have at stake a constantly large amount of money, huge projects, the well-being of employees and colleagues, which number in many enterprises in the hundreds and thousands.

It’s not just that the ringing that arose from broken glassware is taken by people as a good omen. Even before, when the goods were transported only on ships, they were not allowed in until a bottle of champagne was broken on board.

Consider the most common signs with broken dishes that happen in the workplace:

  • If the boss or an ordinary employee dropped a glass at the workplace, breaking it into small fragments in which there was water, then this person will be lucky. Any business he starts will bring him big money.
  • In the workplace, everyone likes to drink tea or coffee. If the cup will break- don't get upset. Such a small incident means the beginning of a change in career growth. It is necessary to prepare for them and not to miss the luck.

  • broken glass is a more complex situation. Someone's present broke - it means you need to part with the owner of this item or move away from him. Because he is neither sincere nor devoted.
  • A broken glass can also mean the following - in the future, the person who broke it is expected to establish relations in the field of business. You should try to use such connections to the maximum. The most important thing is that the chance received is not lost.
  • In the event that there was water in a broken glass, it means that a person will be lucky during the transaction or a profitable purchase of real estate.

Dishes break on their own

It happens that the dishes begin to break and crack just like that, without anyone's help. In such a situation, you need to prepare for difficult tests. It may even happen that you will be overcome by difficulties related to money.

  • The cracks that appear on the dishes tend to absorb the energy of a person and a house, plus good luck and luck. However, a person who is warned is well armed, therefore, you should not give up. Act according to your heart, no matter the circumstances. Fight, you'll see, bad luck will leave you very soon.

  • In some situations, dishes can not only crack, but also break just like that, without human help. Many people believe that the brownie himself is doing this. Do you want your dishes to never break again? Appease the brownie, for example, put a saucer filled with milk in the corner of the kitchen. And next to this saucer put sweets. In the morning, give sweets to birds or pets.
  • There is a second version of this process - the dishes beat themselves, as it is considered a kind of conductor. It absorbs the negative energy that accumulates in the house. And when there is a lot of such energy, the dishes begin to crack and beat, thereby freeing the rooms from bad power and all kinds of troubles.

Dishes keep breaking

Have you noticed that glasses, plates, cups and other utensils break very often in your house? We advise you to pay more attention to this fact. Here's the thing - perhaps in your home constantly there is bad energy. Consequently, everything in your house will regularly deteriorate, that is, “work” not in your favor.

It is worth paying attention to signs, but not fully involving them in your life. Take care of your nerves and dishes in the house, keep comfort and understanding with your loved ones and, believe me, everything in your life will be wonderful!

Video: “Why the dishes are beating - signs”

A quarrel between a couple in love can quite often end with the sound of breaking glass. Some psychologists consider this method of psychological relaxation to be really effective, since it relieves stress, accumulated negative emotions, and calms the nerves. However, our ancestors associated a large number of signs with dishes that can somehow change the life of an entire family.

According to legend, an accidentally broken plate “collects” all the negativity, all the negative energy of the house, so it must be thrown away immediately. Broken dishes on a holiday promises profit and longevity.

In addition, any adept of magic will say that it is forbidden to drink from damaged, cracked dishes, because in this way you attract poverty, misery, and disease to your home.

Esotericists believe that the broken integrity of materials can negatively affect subtle bodies, especially astral, ethereal bodies suffer. Therefore, you should not expect benefits from food that is consumed from broken dishes, if the plate accidentally broke, burst - immediately get rid of it.

Hitting cymbals is not always a bad thing, but eating one is almost always a mistake that can create a number of unpleasant problems. There is also a medical explanation for the signs: dirt is clogged into the crack, which is difficult to wash, bacteria multiply, and the food that lies on this plate can be poisoned.

If the plate were broken

We know about the existence of a sign to break a plate for happiness, but it should be understood that a positive development of events should be expected only if the dishes are not intentionally broken. A plate broken during a quarrel or in anger hardly means happiness, although in some way it still removes the intensity of passions.

An accidentally broken plate in your hands on New Year's Eve, Epiphany, Christmas predicts a happy, successful, successful year. If this happens on your birthday, you should expect new happiness, profit, longevity.

A broken expensive, beautiful plate means positive changes, new things in the house.

Thinking about the question of what will happen if you break a new plate and what it is for, it is worth remembering that first of all you need to get rid of the fragments. After all, if there are negative consequences, by throwing away the glass, you can reduce their consequences. If a plate breaks at a guest's wedding, family well-being should be expected. And if this happens to the bride or groom, and by accident, this is a bad sign, meaning the fragility of the marriage, which corresponds to long-term observations.

If a crack went on the plate

Why the plate breaks, it became clear, but what about the dishes, which only cracked, chipped? There are times when the dishes do not break when they fall from the table, but simply crack, pierce - this is a bad omen, in such cases, adepts of magic say "life will crack."

If the plate fell and cracked at the wedding of the newlyweds, in this case, a split should also be expected in married life.

Ancestors considered cracks in any dishes as a negative sign, radiating dark energy. Therefore, you need to get rid of the dishes as soon as possible, which for one reason or another cracked, otherwise you can wait serious consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible by throwing it into the garbage chute. Or pick up a cracked plate, smile and translate the omen from negative to positive, breaking the damaged dishes on purpose.

In ancient times, dishes were not considered something ordinary. A high-quality container for water, milk or cooking was not a very frequent phenomenon, as was the utensils associated with the adoption of food. In addition, plates and saucers were sacred symbolic dishes. These are objects that meant a warm hearth and a strong family. What a sign can tell about - plates or dishes have broken: the utensils from which we eat our food. What to prepare for when a household item is broken?

Is it fortunate

In most cases, dropping a saucer and inadvertently turning it into a pile of shards, you can hear a soothing: "Fortunately!". Is this really so, and if not, what is there to fear for a person whose plate has broken, according to the sign? In order to more accurately explain such an unpleasant situation, let us recall what it means to beat dishes in a particular situation.

Israeli wedding ceremony

Remember the sign: a plate or other dishes broke at a wedding (by newlyweds) - to their happy future? It was (and is still relevant) popular not only among our people. For example, an Israeli bride and groom must break a plate during a celebration. So the newlyweds remind the guests and remember themselves about the destruction of Jerusalem. The custom is aimed at resurrecting hope in the hearts of believers for better times. This is a kind of sign that says: everything will be fine with the young.

European omen

The plate broke into small pieces - this sign has also been going on since ancient times. English and German newlyweds, counting the fragments, suggest how much happiness heaven has given them. The more shards, the stronger and richer the family will be.

The roots of this superstition are in the distant Middle Ages. European newlyweds in some countries treated beggars in a very specific way. They threw a huge dish of pastries out of the window. All the poor people immediately took food to their shacks. It was believed that by blessing the young and thanking them, the beggars called for good luck in their lives. Over time, the rite has changed slightly and instead of throwing dishes with food out of the window, the newlyweds simply split the empty dish on the floor so that, according to the sign, the plate breaks into many parts.


A dish made of ceramics or porcelain, breaking on the floor, promises good times to all the inhabitants of the dwelling.

An unmarried young lady, accidentally releasing a plate from her hands and breaking it, may expect a marriage proposal. If a girl doesn't have a lover yet young man, a sign: a plate fell and crashed - hints at the imminent appearance of this person in the life of a lady.

The birthday girl (or birthday boy) accidentally breaks the dish - to be very happy for her (him) exactly one year later.

The young man dropped the saucer and broke it - the circumstance promises profit in financial plan for him.

Bad times warning

Not only does the explanation lead to good things, when the plate itself broke, there is also a more unfavorable interpretation of this sign. Sometimes the dish seems to turn into shards on its own even with a light touch on the surface of the table. Such a sign is considered unfavorable. A lot of negative energy has accumulated around the creator of the shards (instead of a beautiful plate). The wisest Universe hints to a person that he carefully peered into his own environment and would certainly remove envious and deceitful subjects from it. It is these people who attract trouble to him and are very happy when a person receives cracks from the Universe.

Guests and plates

Away, too, there are unpleasant incidents associated with breaking dishes. It is especially inconvenient for the guest when the action turned out to be unplanned. But there are clues here too:

  • The plate was broken into two parts by a guest at a wedding feast, one of those present will soon find the other half. It is possible that people will meet at this wedding and decide to unite their destinies by marriage.
  • If you came to visit (no longer for a wedding) and you managed to spoil the master's property in the form of a dish, cup or plate - a bad sign, superstitious people considered at all times. By breaking the dishes, the guest takes on some part of all the negativity directed at the hosts' housing or themselves.
  • However, everything is not so simple. And the same sign is easily interpreted by the owners of the feast as follows: the guest will bring trouble to this house in the future. What's in this moment you have a wonderful warm relationship with him, does not at all justify the unfortunate visitor to the feast.

Week of broken plates

  1. On Monday, the dish is broken by the lucky ones and the lucky ones. Even if you are not considered very lucky man, but managed to split the vessel on the first day of the week, all seven days luck will accompany you.
  2. Tuesday speaks in two: an omen for good news or for profit in business affairs.
  3. The bosses or colleagues will be unhappy with you - the dishes hint. Sign: a plate fell and did not crash on Wednesday, it is not terrible, but it cannot be called pleasant either.
  4. Damage to household utensils on Thursday will turn into small unpleasant things. But in general, nothing serious will happen.
  5. Friday breaking dishes - your home is hospitable and cozy.
  6. A plate broke on Saturday - a sign promises an invasion of visitors to your house and noisy feasts.
  7. On Sunday, clumsiness portends peace and harmony.

Other interpretations

Often beating, including dishes with cups, can talk about a bored brownie. This is how the grandmother's sign was interpreted in distant and ancient villages. The owner of the house - the brownie wants to have fun or pay attention to something in your home. Perhaps families should treat their home more respectfully and not leave dirty dishes lying in mountains on the surfaces of a sink, table or bedside table. Moreover, a saucer that crashed in the bedroom is a sign of upcoming problems in marriage and various ailments.

Glass plates, broken, are also harbingers of sorrows, not only for the one who did it, but for all household members. To prevent bad omens from having a chance in your apartment, do not eat in bed unless there are compelling reasons for this. Have family meals together more often to socialize and create a positive atmosphere in your home. Do not leave dishes unwashed (especially overnight). Most likely, subject to the above, you will soon notice that fine weather has reigned in the house and such an action as an unplanned breaking of dishes will leave your apartment.

Neutralization of bad energy

It is known that every broken thing transmits a negative into the Universe and, having increased several times, it returns to the object from which it was once sent. So that the return does not turn out to be too destructive for you in terms of family, health, finances and everything else, remove broken dishes from your everyday life. All plates and cups, even with inconspicuous chips, will not bring good during their use. It is believed that the negative and splashes from these cracks.

And if the dishes left behind only fragments, then you urgently need to collect them with a broom and a scoop, pack them in a whole bag (or bag) and send them away from your place of residence.

By the way, it is strictly forbidden to sigh and lament over broken plates. Even if it was your favorite plate from a very expensive service, the survivor is all alone. Don't be upset. It's time for this cute little thing to leave you. It is believed that the saucer absorbed as much negativity as it could. Everything else is beyond its capabilities. But the plate saved you as best it could.

Superstitious people interpret different events, referring to signs. This is especially true for incidents related to household items. Breaking a plate in a dream or in reality portends a series of events. To interpret them, you need to pay attention to the circumstances, the day of the week and a number of other phenomena.

Why is the plate beating

Since ancient times, everyday items have symbolized home comfort, strong family relationships, so a lot of signs are associated with a broken plate. The reasons why dishes break are different:

  • poor location on the furniture: the dishes are on the edge, it is easy to catch them;
  • the habit of taking glass objects with wet hands;
  • careless behavior with easily breaking things (especially if there are children at home).

There are different interpretations of the signs of a broken plate.

Break up at the wedding

There is a belief that newlyweds should break a plate together. The more fragments, the happier their life together.

But at almost every wedding, crockery breaks by accident. In this case, you should pay attention to who broke it and how it happened. If the mother-in-law or mother-in-law became the culprit, the omen is bad: the young will swear a lot, it will not be possible to build good relationships with relatives.

If the bride breaks the plate, this indicates her husband's infidelity. To neutralize the signs, she must step on the largest fragment.

smash houses

Most often, a plate beats in the kitchen, such a sign promises happiness. Dropping a plate, but not breaking it, is good news.

Breaking a plate in a fit of anger - to failure in work.

Breaking a lot of plates portends family members a change in life, a move or an improvement in the financial sector.

If the dishes burst or split in the hands of a girl, marriage awaits her. If someone broke a plate on a holiday, a sign promises wealth.

The interpretation of the omen is positive if a plate breaks before an important event: this indicates that all undertakings will end successfully, its owners will receive significant profits.

Breaking dishes at work - to move up the career ladder. We must prepare for change, otherwise you can miss your luck.

Drop a plate at a party - to the birth of a child.

If the dishes crack

It happens that the plate cracks on its own. Dishes tend to accumulate bad energy in the house. It cracks if there is a lot of negativity in the family or a conflict is brewing. To prevent this, you must do the following:

  • carry out wet cleaning of the whole house with salted water;
  • light a candle consecrated in the church, and walk through all the rooms without going around the corners.

Cracked dishes should be especially alert if an important event lies ahead. She can warn the owner of something bad, so it's better to postpone your plans for a while.

Dishes with chips or cracks should not be kept in the house. When the plate cracked on its own, it begins to absorb the positive energy of good luck. You should not save damaged dishes at home for several reasons, they are:

  • attracts loneliness, therefore it is a special danger for spouses;
  • scares off luck;
  • encourages poverty;
  • lures evil spirits into the house (according to ancient beliefs).

You can prevent failure on the night of the new moon. To do this, items are wrapped in cloth and taken away. It is desirable that the place of release is in a wasteland. It is worth pronouncing the following words: “Bito-stab, ground with misfortune, I will leave it in a wasteland, I will send happiness to the house. As he said, so be it. Amen!"

Seeing a broken plate in a dream

Seeing in a dream how another person breaks a plate is a bad sign, it promises conflicts and troubles.

If you break a plate and the item falls to the floor, this portends financial difficulties.

If a lot of dishes beat at once in a dream, a pleasant meeting awaits a person, good news.

Crying in a dream because of a broken plate is a surprise from loved ones.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

People noticed that great importance has a day on which the dishes broke. There are many signs about this:

  • Monday - will attract good luck, we must wait for good events in the coming days.
  • Broken dishes on Tuesday portend a meeting with an influential person, which will end positively.
  • The incident happened on Wednesday - joyful events await: a good deal or profit.
  • The plate cracked on Thursday - it is worth waiting for the visit of the guests.
  • Friday - getting attention from the opposite sex.
  • If something breaks on Saturday or Sunday, a person will have great success in the future.


If the dishes break, there are different interpretations of this action. They have developed over centuries of observations.

It is easy to get rid of negativity, while imagining that all life's misfortunes are shattered into pieces. This will help to discharge emotionally and let go of the situation. Accompanying the incident with a smile, you can call for joy and happiness.