Which fitball is better. We choose a fitball - an effective simulator available to everyone. Universal or specialized

Fitball is a large gymnastic ball made of elastic latex, used to train various muscle groups in various sports: in fitness, aerobics, Pilates, as well as for rehabilitation physical education and gymnastics for pregnant women and infants.

Modern ball manufacturers offer the widest selection of models of various sizes, appearance and purpose, therefore, in order to choose a fitball, you need to correctly consider several factors, which will ensure the greatest effectiveness of your training with such sports equipment.

Miracle invention with healing properties

Fitball is a unique development that allows, with a minimum load on the legs, to develop all the muscle groups of the human body as carefully as possible. Due to the elasticity and the absence of sharp corners, the possibility of injury is reduced to zero, and the round shape and instability, forcing you to maintain balance during the entire training process, perfectly keeps all the muscles of the body in good shape.

Training with such a sports "companion" is allowed even in the presence of diseases of the joints of the legs and varicose veins.

Classes with a miracle ball are shown to people of any age and complexion. Fitball aerobics will help:

Improve posture and strengthen back muscles;

Develop flexibility and endurance;

Improve the vestibular apparatus and develop coordination of movements;

Due to constant balancing on the ball, it is good to massage internal organs, stimulating their work;

To put in order the nerves, improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Fitball exercises for weight loss

Aerobics with a miracle ball allows you to fight excess pounds without tiring workouts in the gym and riding an exercise bike. If there is no desire to wear sneakers and wind up kilometers on a treadmill or constantly diet, you should try to get rid of excess weight through special training with a miracle ball.

Fitball aerobics for weight loss is a set of simple and at the same time effective (due to intensity) exercises for weight loss that allow you to burn up to 300 calories per day without burdening your legs and spine. You can train in the gym, at home, in the country - half an hour a day is enough for you to see the result of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

Exercises for weight loss of the hips and buttocks on the fitball

1. Slim hips. Starting position - sitting on the ball with hands behind the head. It is necessary to move the hips back and forth, the legs should stand firmly on the floor, and the torso should be motionless. Do 15-20 approaches. Then perform ten rotational movements of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.

2. No stomach, yes - good posture! Starting position - belly on the ball, resting your palms and toes on the floor surface. Rotate your torso in different directions, fixing one arm and raising the other. Then lean on your hands and lift both legs. Do 15-20 sets.

Exercises for arms and chest with a fitball

These and other special exercises on the gymnastic ball are enough for you to see the result of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

What are fitballs?

Gymnastic balls are available in various sizes - the diameter mainly ranges from 45 cm to 85 cm, and are designed for a certain load. The surface can be smooth or pimply - depending on the type of latex material of the product. Sometimes a fitball is “with horns” - special comfortable latex handles will help you to sit more comfortably on the simulator, adding comfort when performing a certain set of exercises.

The fitball, designed for increased loads, is made of materials with the “anti-rupture” function, which guarantee protection against sudden damage to the product and is supplied with a special repair kit.

By what criteria to choose a fitball?

To choose the right gymnastic ball, you need to consider several main factors:

1. Human growth. The fitball is mainly produced in several standard diameters: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 cm. To select the optimal size, it is better to “try on” the simulator - just sit on it. If the angle between the thigh and lower leg tends to 90 degrees (feet should be firmly on the floor) - this is your ball. If this condition is not observed, it is impossible to achieve the correct posture when sitting on the fitball, which can lead to an unacceptable increase in the load on the joints.

Usually, with a height of 155-170 cm, the optimal diameter is 55 cm, for people with a height of 171 to 185 cm it is better to purchase a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. Taller people need a fitball of large diameters, and for children products with a parameter of 45 cm are suitable.

2. Reliability and individual characteristics of the fitball. It is necessary to know the level of load for which the ball is tested - a high-quality product is made of rubber or silicone and is always supplied with a passport, which indicates the main characteristics of the gymnastic ball. Fitballs are produced in the load range from 300 to 1000 kg - the choice must be made depending on the purpose of the simulator and the weight of the future owner.

3. Quality and appearance ball. The fitball should be elastic to the touch. With a slight pressure on the surface of a quality product, the palm springs, bouncing off the ball. The shape of the product, the type of surface (smooth, with relief or pimply, with or without "horns") must be selected depending on the planned use of the simulator.

The pimply fitball is intended for massage and rehabilitation gymnastics. Fitball - a jumper with a brace or "horns" is popular with children, helping to increase the child's interest in training or medical procedures, turning a sports activity or rehabilitation process into an exciting game.

The round model with a smooth surface has a versatile range of applications - it can be used as a simulator for fitness, aerobics, Pilates in the gym or at home, for sports exercises on fresh air, for physiotherapy exercises in groups of patients with various diseases and for post-traumatic physiotherapy.

The choice of the color of the gymnastic ball completely depends on the taste of the buyer - you can choose either a strict gray or blue fitball, or a soft pink or acid green product. If desired, you can pick up a whole set of balls of different diameters in a single color scheme.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women?

Exercises with a miracle ball are allowed for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy only after consulting a doctor. The choice of fitball for pregnant women must be approached with the utmost responsibility. In addition to the obligatory fulfillment of the “90 degree angle” criterion, it is important to carefully study the material from which the ball is made - the latex should be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

"Horns" or a brace on an inflatable ball can give confidence to a future mother and diversify exercises on a simulator (especially on recent months term). Oval balls are a great choice for a variety of exercises; they are more stable and distribute weight better. It is desirable that the fitball has an anti-fracture surface treatment - to ensure that in case of unforeseen damage it will not burst, but will gradually deflate.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

How to choose a fitball for babies?

In addition to all its wonderful properties, the gymnastic ball is a lifesaver for young parents - it will help to massage an infant and easily perform gymnastics with a crumb. For these purposes, a round or oval ball is perfect, made of high quality, non-toxic, odorless latex, soft and silky to the touch.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball for babies

On the surface of the fitball, notches, seams or irregularities that can damage the delicate skin of the baby are not allowed. The diameter of the ball for babies should be in the range of 6o-75 cm, balls with "ears" are applicable only for children older than 4 months. It is better to choose a bright color - it will attract the attention of the child and cheer him up.

Buy fitball for infant it is necessary in a specialized store where you can be guaranteed to purchase quality products from a conscientious manufacturer, reliable and safe for the health of the crumbs.

How to inflate a fitball?

Fitball is an inflatable sports equipment. To inflate the ball, a pump of any design with a nipple of the appropriate size is used: manual, foot or electric. In the absence of a pump, the fitball can be inflated through the hole like an ordinary inflatable toy: with the help of the mouth.

How to pump up a fitball

Most high-quality fitballs are equipped with a pump and instructions, where recommendations are given for the correct injection of air into the product. To achieve the highest level of elasticity of the ball, it is better to inflate it 5 cm more than normal, and then slowly deflate some of the air, reducing the simulator to the required diameter. The editors of the site hope that our article will help you choose the right fitball and be always in shape.
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A gymnastic ball is also called a fitball, it is made of elastic rubber and it helps for various physical and recreational exercises, for example, for developing the desired muscle group, correcting the spine, as well as for aerobics and fitness. It is suitable for everyone - it can be used by both slender people and those who are overweight. The ball unloads the body very well during exercise, so it can be used even with sore joints, pregnant women, all muscle groups are trained at the same time with this ball, this is the uniqueness of this sports equipment. But how to choose a gymnastic ball with a wide variety of shapes, sizes and manufacturers?

Types of fitballs

The pattern of choosing a size

How to choose the right fitball size based on height:

  1. With growth up to 155 centimeters, it is better to choose a fitball diameter in the range from 45 to 55 centimeters.
  2. For a person from 155 to 170 centimeters, the diameter of the gymnastics ball should be 55 centimeters.
  3. Growth from 171 to 185 centimeters implies the use of a fitball with a diameter of 65 centimeters.
  4. With higher growth, the diameter should also be larger - from 75 to a maximum of 95 centimeters.

When choosing by height, you can approach the issue of the size of the ball in this way - subtract one meter from a person’s height - this will be the approximate size of the ball. But in principle, you can adapt to the existing ball, you can also choose the size for a specific exercise, which is especially important in therapeutic exercises when you need a certain angle of inclination or a certain effort. You also need to take into account weight - for people who are overweight, the fitball should be chosen correctly from stronger rubber that can withstand up to 300 kilograms.

How to choose the right size based on the length of the arm from the shoulder joint to the tips of the extended fingers

  • up to 55 centimeters - size from 45 to 55 centimeters
  • from 56 to 65 centimeters - respectively, the diameter of the fitball is 55 centimeters
  • from 66 to 75 centimeters long - the diameter of the ball is 65 centimeters.

Newborns take different balls 45 - 75 centimeters, but, not surprisingly, it is right to choose a larger ball, it is safer for the baby, because it has a “smooth” surface and is more stable, it is easier to keep the child on it.

Other properties

There are many manufacturers, but the most professional among them are the following:

  • Gymnic (Italy)
  • Ledragomma (Italy)
  • Torneo (Italy)
  • Togu (Germany)
  • Spokey (Poland)
  • Alex (Taiwan)
  • Azuni (Taiwan)

These manufacturers make excellent balls. Of course, Italian and German ones are the most expensive, Polish ones are of the middle price category, the cheapest ones are from Taiwan, but they are also not bad, they are made by professionals.

Fitballs sometimes have an anti-burst ABS system, which helps to avoid an explosion when the shell breaks, the ball will slowly deflate. Of course, such shells are a little more expensive, but it is much better, because if you need the safety of exercises for pregnant women who are overweight or those who have limited movements, this property is a must.

This simple rubber ball is better than other shells - it engages all the muscles, makes a person more flexible, improves posture, helps to relax and even relieve stress. It also helps in the recovery of various human organs - hips, back, legs. fitness, aerobics, power types sports cannot be practiced by everyone, and fitball classes are available to almost everyone.

A gymnastic ball or "" is a sports equipment familiar to everyone who has been to the fitness room. Experts advise using it for everyone involved in fitness and aerobics, not only in the gym, but also at home. Fitball increases the effectiveness of training. It helps to improve coordination, allows you to evenly distribute the load exerted on the muscles, helps to get rid of fat in problem areas, makes the stomach flat, the body is slim.

To feel all the advantages of this sports equipment, you need to know how to choose and use the fitball correctly, for which it is best suited.

This sports equipment, which is also called Swiss, is a large elastic, durable, rubber ball designed for fitness and aerobics. It is great for both home workouts and gym use. The effectiveness of the exercises performed directly depends on the correctness of his choice. The fitball must correspond to the height, weight, goals of the athlete.

The use of a large sports ball has a multifaceted effect on a person:

  • develops dexterity, flexibility, coordination;
  • involves almost every muscle group;
  • corrects and corrects posture;
  • prevents the development and treats the initial stages of degenerative and dystrophic changes in the joints and spine,
  • gives the silhouette harmony without the use of complex simulators;
  • contributes to the rapid burning of calories.

The spherical shape contributes to the performance of exercises with a large degree of amplitude, and the instability of the fitball helps to maintain muscle tone. This projectile has no age restrictions, it has an affordable cost. Its purchase, unlike a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper, does not require large expenses. The large ball is excellent for strengthening the pelvic muscles, which has made it popular among pregnant women involved in aerobics and fitness.

The absence of excessive loads on the muscles of the legs allows the use of the projectile by both the elderly and those who suffer from joint problems, varicose veins, and overweight. The latter need to be especially careful in choosing a ball, which must be sufficiently resilient and durable to withstand the pressure exerted on it.

Classes with the Swiss ball strengthen the muscles of the press, get rid of the fat layer in the abdomen and other problematic parts of the body, reduce cellulite manifestations on the buttocks and thighs, and allow you to involve muscle groups that usually remain unused. Due to these advantages, the fitball is considered to be one of the safest, most versatile sports equipment available.

The history of the fitball

The “Swiss” ball owes its second name to the fact that Susan Klein-Vogelbach, a physiotherapist from Switzerland, was the first to use it in her work. Back in 1960, this simulator became part of rehabilitation program patients with spinal injuries. Later it was used in the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy.

Medical observations of patients led experts to the conclusion that a ball with a large diameter can serve not only therapeutic, but also preventive purposes. Classes with him on a regular basis strengthened the musculoskeletal system and stabilized the weight. This has not gone unnoticed. Already in the nineties of the last century, the fitball gained wide popularity as a simulator that promotes body shaping and weight loss, and Swiss ball aerobics has become a popular fitness trend.

Types of gymnastic ball

Each type of fitball has its own characteristics. This trainer is available in the following versions:

They are equipped with special handles that allow you to maintain balance, ride a sword. This model is especially loved by young children, perfect for beginners.

Products not only have all the advantages of a gymnastic big ball, but are also an excellent massager that helps in the fight against cellulite.

They can be used by everyone without restrictions, but are most suitable for pregnant women. They are used to perform both relaxing and intensive training.

They have a reduced diameter and a corresponding bright decor.

They differ in a peculiar shape that resembles a donut.

The cost of the projectile is determined by the size, design, equipment, brand and varies from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Criterias of choice

You can buy a gymnastic simulator for aerobics and fitness at a sporting goods store or order it through a similar online portal with delivery. A competent consultant will help determine the optimal size and give useful advice. So that the purchase does not turn out to be spontaneous and ill-conceived, the parameters of the ball should be considered in advance. It is better to independently study the main characteristics of the projectile, how they affect subsequent training.

This parameter depends on the physical characteristics of the athlete. You can select the dimensions of the projectile both by height and by arm length:

All data are given in centimeters, and the length of the arm is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

A small test allows you to finally verify the correctness of the choice. If the torso with the thigh, the shin with the foot form an almost right angle while sitting on the implement, the ball is chosen correctly.

For beginners who have not dealt with such simulators before, it is recommended to purchase a projectile with a diameter less than normal. This minimizes the risk of serious injury from a fall.

Qualitative indicators

A good fitball should be:

  • elastic and springy when pressed on it with the palm of your hand;
  • durable with perfectly made and invisible seams;
  • with high antistatic properties;
  • with a perfectly pressed nipple.

To eliminate the risk of serious injury when a projectile is punctured or cut, manufacturers of most modern models equip balls with an anti-burst system, the presence of which is indicated by the ABS mark in the technical parameters. It protects the fitball from an explosion, that is, the projectile is simply slowly blown away.

The maximum allowable weight exerted with a vertical load on the ball, as a rule, is also prescribed in the characteristics. It depends on specific model, but if this is a really good simulator, then it can withstand about 200-300 kilograms.

Terms of use

To protect the ball from mechanical damage, you need to work with it on a smooth surface. A pierced projectile needs to be repaired. Quite often, glue comes with it, which allows you to provide the damaged area with tear resistance. The fitball should be stored inflated, away from direct sunlight and heating appliances. In winter, it must be transported not in the trunk, but in the cabin of the vehicle.

  • Fitball is a gymnastic orthopedic ball with a diameter of 45 to 95 cm, depending on height. If your height is about 165 cm, then the optimal diameter of the fitball is 65 cm, if your height is greater - 75 or 85 cm. The ball can withstand a static load of up to 300 kg, the maximum user weight is 130 kg.
  • The ball must be equipped with an ABS anti-burst safety system. Those. in case of an accidental cut, the fitball will not explode, but will slowly release air. The ball can be easily inflated with an ordinary bicycle pump and just as easily deflated. Look at the markings, the ball must have special signs - ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality).
  • The size of the ball is equally important. The main criterion in this case is the angle between the thigh and lower leg of a seated person, it should be from 95-110 degrees. For example, for children from 5-10 years old, the diameter of the ball should be 55 cm. For children and adults with a height of 150 to 170 cm, a ball with a diameter of 65 cm is selected. For people with a height of 170-190 cm - 75 cm, for the tallest - 85 cm .
  • Use fitball necessary on a smooth surface, and avoid mechanical damage. If suddenly you accidentally pierced the ball, you can use special glue from the manufacturer's company and use the ball for practice again after reconstruction. Store the fitball in an inflated state on a rack, away from heaters and direct sunlight. Fitballs are not recommended to be stored deflated.
  • Another selection criterion is color. It is recommended to choose the one that your mental state requires. For example, red is suitable for those who need to increase vitality, stamina and immunity, and orange is for poor kidney function, hormonal imbalance and a feeling of internal discomfort. Many people choose the ball with the expectation that it will successfully fit into the existing color scheme of the room - in unison with other interior items or, conversely, act as a bright color spot.
  • How to inflate the ball? It is inflated with a hand, foot or electric pump with a suitable nipple. If there was no pump at hand at all, the fitball can be inflated without it. For example, just with a mouth, like an ordinary inflatable toy.
  • Prices for fitballs depend on the size, design features, configuration, color. Today, a fitball ball can be bought at a price of 300 to 1800 rubles.
  • Pay attention - the presence of handles on the ball, made in the form of two horns or staples. Handles allow you to feel more confident sitting on the ball. This is important primarily for inexperienced users and children, as well as for expectant mothers.
  • The balls are smooth - they are used mainly for pregnant women, as well as for infant charging of babies. And also the surface can be dotted with small, but rather hard spikes. Such balls are called massage (or sensory). They are designed not only for sports activities and relaxation, but also for independent provision of massage effects on all parts of the body.
  • To check the quality of the ball, sit on it with your back straight, fix your hands on it with your palms behind you, put your feet shoulder-width apart. The feet should be parallel to each other. After that, check if a 90° angle is formed between the torso and thigh, thigh and lower leg, lower leg and foot. If an acute angle is formed, such a fitball will increase the load on the joints, which is highly undesirable for varicose veins, arthritis, and especially pregnancy.

In order to tidy up the figure, there are many different simulators, but many of them work on a specific muscle group. One of the universal simulators can be considered, the purchase of which replaces half of the equipment of the fitness center hall. At the same time, after a workout, even a very intense one, you will not feel tired the next day. And the sensations in the muscles will tell you about the effectiveness of each exercise. In addition, the use of a gymnastic ball for fitness (or fitball) is useful not only in sports. So, some leaders of large Japanese companies have replaced chairs for employees with fitballs, which helps to strengthen the spine and reduce employee fatigue. And many mothers use this item while rocking a child in their arms. When choosing, before buying a gymnastic ball, you can get confused by the variety of offers, but if you know the basic parameters that determine the quality of the product, it will not be difficult for you to quickly find a suitable simulator. One of the main requirements for a fitball is its strength and elasticity. Quality is determined by the weight that can be maintained, it should be 200-1000 kg. It is better to choose an indicator from 300 kg, because. such a ball implies strength training. The next parameter is the choice of source material. It must not only be very durable, but also have an antistatic effect, i.e. do not become electrified, otherwise dust will constantly accumulate on the surface. In addition, the material should not be porous, otherwise it will absorb sweat and dirt. The elasticity of the material is checked with a regular pinch, the ball should smooth out, multiple folds indicate poor quality. In the inflated state, the ball slightly springs the hand when touched, the quality is also indicated by the outgoing feeling of warmth, the cold and slippery material is an indicator of the opposite. For manufacturing, in most cases, manufacturers choose latex and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). However, the material may be different, in any case, a quality ball is characterized by the presence of an anti-burst ABS system or an anti burst system. It provides safety in case of an accidental puncture of the fitball: it deflates gradually, and does not shatter into pieces like a balloon. Ease of use is ensured by the absence of seams and a protruding nipple. Some models are filled with special granules for greater stability, thanks to which the ball maintains a certain position. But these are specialized options designed for people with impaired ligaments or muscular apparatus, as well as for pregnant women. In other cases, such models will not have a positive effect, because balls are valuable precisely for the need for constant balancing. At the moment, gymnastic balls are represented by a wide selection of models with additional elements:

  • massage balls are equipped with rubber spikes, the impact of which on the muscles activates increased blood flow to tissues and organs and relieves pain;
  • orthopedic, equipped with special small horns that increase stability. Such balls can be used instead of chairs;
  • balls for beginners Their peculiarity lies in the presence of additional handles-holders for greater confidence when performing exercises;
  • jumpers, designed for children, they have a seat and handles.

Gymnastic balls are available in several variations, the choice of the appropriate size should be based on the height and weight of the individual. Before going to the store, measure the distance from the floor to the knee in a sitting position, with such a diameter, and select a fitball. 3 main diameters are common: 5.5 dm for growth up to 1.5 m, 6.5 - up to 1.65 and 7.5 - up to 1.8 m. For an average weight of 75 kg, a ball is calculated that can withstand a minimum of 200 kg load. The gymnastic ball, ideally, should include a pump, because. constant inflation on your own is quite difficult, and for a long time. Inflating is carried out to a state in which the ball flexes a couple of centimeters when pressed, the optimal size is usually indicated on the package. An overly inflated fitball loses stability, and incomplete filling with air, on the contrary, will not allow the muscles to work sufficiently. As for the muscles, training aqua programs in the pool have shown their effectiveness in strengthening them. Such loads on the body have a high fat burning effect, therefore they are of increased interest in women. You can enjoy a full range of wellness procedures by visiting the swimming pool in Nekrasovka. If you think over all the nuances of buying a gymnastic ball, pay more attention to the possible colors of the balls, because with the help of the color scheme you can regulate the state of a person morally and physically. Yes, for peace of mind nervous system Suitable for green or blue. The colors of the red spectrum fill with energy: yellow refers to mental stimulants, orange charges with positive, and also has a positive effect on hormonal balance, red shades can increase immunity and even endurance. Remember that all exercises are based on balance, so do your exercises on a flat, non-slip surface. Parquet, rocky floor and it is better to exclude. To prolong the life of the gymnastic ball, do not store it in close proximity to heating devices and direct sunlight. No need to inflate and deflate the machine daily, it is better to store it in working order.