Rabbit tenders: kidneys and other offal (step-by-step recipe with photos). Rabbit tenders: kidneys and other offal (step-by-step recipe with photos) Rabbit kidney dishes recipes

Olga Kartunkova, who lost 32 kg, shocked the audience: “I burned off all the normal fat. “


Recipe description:

I called this dish “rabbit tenderness” for a reason. The point is that I want to show how I cook rabbit kidneys, lungs and heart. And these components of the animal’s carcass are considered a true delicacy. In Tsarist Russia, rabbit kidneys were only served on the table. royal family. And this is not surprising. After all, to assemble a decent portion of a dish, you need more than one rabbit carcass.

I cook this dish very rarely. Usually, as rabbits arrive in my refrigerator, I separately collect the kidneys, lungs and heart. As soon as I collect enough to feed the whole family, then I cook. My family loves these rabbit treats.

Although personally, I have never in my life tried what I cook. I can’t overcome myself and start eating heart, lungs and kidneys (not just rabbit). But, according to relatives, and judging by how quickly the rabbit’s tenderness disappears, one can judge that the dish is delicious. And I suggest serving rabbit tenders with beans, the recipe for which I told earlier.

Cooking steps:

1) Prepare the beans. I once told you in detail how to make it delicious.

2) Wash and dry the kidneys, heart and lungs of the rabbit.

3) Heat the frying pan. Lubricate it with vegetable oil or melted rabbit fat. Lightly fry the offal on all sides. Frying time – no more than 2 minutes. During frying, they must be constantly stirred.

4) In a separate frying pan, lightly fry the champignons, cut into medium-thick slices, and onion.

5) The onion has lost its bitterness and has become translucent, which means it’s time to transfer the vegetable and mushrooms to the cast iron. Offal is also sent here.

6) Fill with water until slightly covered. Cook until boiling. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

7) Add spices: allspice and black peppercorns, cloves (several pieces), Bay leaf, coriander seeds. Cover with a lid and continue simmering until done. Approximately it will take about 10-15 minutes. Ready! All that remains is to transfer the rabbit tenders to a plate and serve along with the previously prepared beans.


Rabbit by-products (lungs, heart, kidneys) 400 g, champignons 300 g, onions 1 pc., beans (ready stewed) 300 g, water 2 cups, spices (indicated in the recipe) to taste, vegetable oil (can be replaced with melted rabbit oil) fat) 10 ml, salt to taste.


Rabbit offal with onions and carrots

Rabbit offal I decided to cook the best in a simple way– fry with onions and carrots.

I already wrote how to cook a rabbit, and today we have rabbit liver and other rabbit offal. Since the rabbit’s heart and kidneys are small, and the liver is much larger, when preparing it I was guided by it.

Rabbit liver recipe

  • rabbit liver (heart and kidneys, if available)
  • carrot
  • salt, pepper, spices
  • vegetable oil

How to cook rabbit liver

I peel and wash the carrots and onions. I cut the onion into quarters of rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Place in a frying pan on heated vegetable oil.

Wash the rabbit liver, heart and kidneys, cut off all excess (films, ducts, fat) and cut into small pieces.

When the onions become transparent and the carrots give up their color to the oil, I send them the rabbit offal.

Salt, pepper and spices also come here.

I fry for a few minutes, then add a little hot water and cover with a lid.

In ten minutes rabbit offal ready.

They go very well with mashed potatoes, rice or plain boiled potatoes as a side dish.


how to cook rabbit kidneys

8 small champignons

black peppercorns

2 clove buds

1 head frisee lettuce

100 grams rice vermicelli

100 milliliters vegetable oil

50 milliliters cream 33%

50 milliliters olive mayonnaise one teaspoon soy sauce

pinch of chili powder

Recipe: cabbage soup with fern

White cabbage - 300 grams

Fern (salted) - 200 grams

Vegetable oil - three tablespoons

Onions - two pieces

Stew (beef or pork) - 1 ban.

Black pepper (ground)

2.5 liters beef broth

400 grams of beef kidneys

2 celery stalks

one carrot

1 medium onion

Recipe for mixed meat hodgepodge

1-1.5 kilograms shank 200 grams brisket 1-2 pieces smoked sausage 2-3 pieces sausages 1 piece chicken legs 2 pieces onions 2-3 pieces pickled cucumber 3-4 tablespoons tomato paste 3-4 teaspoons butter 10-15 pieces capers 10-15 pieces olives

Recipe – hodgepodge, with tongue and kidneys

beef kidneys two pieces

large onion

1 large onion

four pickled cucumbers

tomato sauce two tablespoons

olives stuffed with lemon

lemon, juice only

fresh chopped parsley

Recipe – solyanka “Selyanka”

Beef heart - 300 grams

Beef kidneys - 300 grams

Light veal - 300 grams

Potatoes - 10-12 pieces

Carrots - two pieces

Onions - three pieces

Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces

Spices (salt, ground black pepper, to taste)

Tomato paste - one tablespoon

Recipe: mixed meat solyanka

meat bones – 250 grams meat (pulp) – about 100 grams

boiled ham (ham with skin) – about 50 grams

sausages – 2-3 pieces

onion – 1 small onion

pickled cucumbers - two medium-sized pieces

capers – 20 grams

olives – 5-7 pieces

olives – 2-5 pieces

tomato puree - two tablespoons

butter - one tablespoon

sour cream – 2-3 tablespoons

lemon – 1/5 part

bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs - to taste

Recipe: meat solyanka

500 grams of bones,

100 grams of boiled ham (ham with skin);

70 grams of sausages,

120 grams of boiled kidneys,

200 grams of onions,

100 grams of pickled cucumbers,

180 grams of capers,

80 grams of olives,

80 grams of tomato puree,

50 grams of butter,

100 grams of sour cream,

allspice black pepper (2-3 peas),

parsley and dill.

Recipe – homemade solyanka

Ham 20 grams

Beef (kidneys) 50 grams

Potatoes 60 grams

Onion 40 grams

Pickled cucumber 30 grams

Sour cream 10% fat 30 grams

Special sausages 20 grams

Beef, tenderloin 70 grams

Edible beef bones 100 grams

Tomato puree. Canned food 25 grams

Ghee 15 grams


Beef ( scapular part) or horse meat 32 grams Lamb (shoulder part) 31 grams

Beef kidneys or beef tongue 42 grams Animal butter 10 grams Pickled cucumbers 35 grams

Prunes 15 grams Tomato puree 20 grams Sour cream 20 grams Broth 400 grams Onions 45 grams

Recipe – pickle with kidneys in beef broth

2.5 liters beef broth

400 grams of beef kidneys

2 celery stalks

one carrot

1 medium onion

vegetable oil two tablespoons three tablespoons rice

0.5 cups cucumber pickle

salt, ground black pepper to taste

Recipe – pickle

kidneys 500 grams

onion 1 piece

potatoes 5 pieces

bunch of greenery 1 piece

pickled cucumbers 2 pieces

two tablespoons oil

salt 1 pinch (to taste)

ground pepper 1 pinch (to taste)

Number of servings: 2-3

Recipe – Moscow rassolnik with nights

Beef broth 350 milliliters

Beef (kidneys) 70 grams

Leek 30 grams

Onion 20 grams

Butter 10 grams

Milk 1.5% 75 milliliters

Pickled cucumber 30 grams

Parsnip 30 grams

Parsley 50 grams

Celery 15 grams

Spinach 20 grams

Sorrel 20 grams

Chicken egg (yolk) 60 pieces

Recipe – Leningrad rassolnik

Beef edge, beef kidney, pearl barley, pickled market cucumbers and tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, salt, black pepper and allspice, bay leaf.

Recipe – chicken giblet pickle

500 grams of chicken giblets

3 pickled cucumbers

0.5 cups cucumber pickle

three potatoes

one carrot

50 grams of celery root three tablespoons of rice

bay leaf (small)

4 black peppercorns

2 allspice peas

Recipe – pickle with kidneys

2.5 liters beef broth

400 grams of beef kidneys

3 pickled cucumbers

0.25 cups pearl barley

flour one tablespoon

1 parsley root

one carrot

vegetable oil two tablespoons

0.5 cups cucumber pickle

0.5 cups sour cream

chopped parsley

large onion

Recipe – pickle with kidneys

Meat broth (cooked in advance from a piece of veal with a bone)

Beef kidneys (large) - two pieces

Potatoes (medium) - 3-4 pieces

Carrots (medium) - one piece

Onion (medium) - one piece

Pickled cucumber (medium) - 3-4 pieces

Greens (I used dill and parsley)

Bay leaf - two pieces

Ground black pepper (to taste)

Sunflower oil for frying

Recipe – pickle

Pork kidneys - two pieces

Potatoes - three pieces

Pearl barley - 100 grams

Onions - two pieces

Cucumber (salted) - three pieces

Tomato paste - 50 grams

Broth (meat) - 2 l

Black pepper (peas and ground)

Recipe – canned pickle

Cucumber (fresh) - 3 kilograms

Onions - 1 kilogram

Carrots - 1 kilogram

Tomato paste - 0.6 l

Sugar - 250 grams

Vegetable oil - 200 milliliters

Salt - four tablespoons

Vinegar (table, 9%) - 100 grams

Pearl barley (or rice) - 500 g

Recipe – pickle with kidneys

500 grams of beef kidneys, 2 cucumbers, 2 parsley and celery roots each, 1 onion, 100 grams of sorrel, 5-6 potatoes, 40 grams of fat.


How to cook rabbit kidneys

Simply Delicious – Kidneys in Chinese – Recipe / Second Course – Duration: 15:01. Take a bag and place the rabbit and cooked brine in it, release the air from the bag and tie it in a knot and leave it. Cut the meat intended for filling from the shoulder blades, neck and chop well along with the kidneys, liver, lard, fried carrots and onions. After the marinating procedure, it is not necessary to rinse the meat in water, this will make the dish prepared from rabbit even tastier. Dry the pieces with paper towels, cover the belly, tenderloin and kidneys with bacon, and secure with skewers.

Recipe for preparing rabbit kidneys at home.

Solyanka recipes with photos on RussianFoodcom 295 recipes. How to fry meat in a frying pan Recipe for cooking meat.

After the marinating procedure, it is not necessary to rinse the meat in water, this will make the dish prepared from rabbit even tastier. Dry the pieces with paper towels, cover the belly, tenderloin and kidneys with bacon, and secure with skewers. As you know, rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also an excellent dietary product. cherry tomatoes milk pig kidneys Poshekhonsky cheese seasonings gingerbread spices powder sugar wheat wheat sprouted whole wheat. For the filling: rabbit shoulder, kidneys, liver, lard, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 1 egg, 2 slices white bread, 2/3 cup milk for soaking, 1Instructions: I made this dish when I only knew how to fry eggs or fried potatoes and it turned out very tasty the first time.

Take a bag and place the rabbit and cooked brine in it, release the air from the bag and tie it in a knot and leave it. Cut the meat intended for filling from the shoulder blades, neck and chop well along with the kidneys, liver, lard, fried carrots and onions. After the marinating procedure, it is not necessary to rinse the meat in water, this will make the dish prepared from rabbit even tastier. Dry the pieces with paper towels, cover the belly, tenderloin and kidneys with bacon, and secure with skewers.

As you know, rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also an excellent dietary product. cherry tomatoes milk pig kidneys Poshekhonsky cheese seasonings gingerbread spices powder sugar wheat wheat sprouted whole wheat.


Classic borscht recipe with beef

  • Once upon a time, cranberry was a cure for many diseases: stomach diseases, colds, rheumatism. It was even used as a sputum remover. Cranberry helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restores metabolism, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Cranberry fruits contain a substance called pectin, which helps remove harmful substances from the intestines and reduces cholesterol in the blood. Cranberry juice also removes from the human body heavy metals and various unnecessary waste. In addition to all this, cranberries contain phenol. Cuts, burns, and various wounds treated with cranberries heal very quickly. Cranberry juice treats sore gums, improves the functioning of the pancreas, the fruit is very useful for diabetics. That is why in ancient Rus' these berries were called “rejuvenating” berries.

    Beneficial properties of cranberries for kidneys

    Cranberries and juice made from them have long been known to everyone as medicines against kidney diseases.

    The juice of these berries prevents the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. It acts as a bactericidal agent, restores metabolism, and protects the urinary system from various microbes entering it. The antibacterial properties of these berries contain very a large number of organic acids.

    Cranberry is necessary for the kidneys and bladder; it contains a huge amount of vitamins B, P, C. The fruits contain a lot of citric acid (it adds alkali to the urine), this is very useful for urate-oxalate kidney stones. Cranberries are used for different types kidney stones, due to the content in it various types acids Cranberry juice is recommended to drink for urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

    A medicine such as Monurel is made based on cranberry extract, which helps in the treatment and prevention of cystitis. But people with kidney stones should know that the composition contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, and this can enhance the process of stone formation.

    If you drink cranberry juice, then know that when prepared at home, it is much healthier than store-bought. How to make cranberry juice?

    Recipes for making cranberry juice at home

    1. A glass of cranberries is washed and ground in a container convenient for you. Pass the crumpled cranberries through a sieve and squeeze out using gauze. We remove the resulting juice in the other direction, and pour about 4-5 tbsp into the porridge-like mass. l. water and put on gas for 5-6 minutes. Strain the resulting mass, add the remaining juice and a couple of tablespoons of honey to the already cold broth.
    2. We wipe the same amount of berries and pour about a liter of boiling water, put it on gas for a couple of minutes, then add sugar and honey to taste. The cooled fruit drink is filtered.
    3. The washed cranberries are filled with water and cooked for 10-15 minutes. Initially, cook over high heat, then, when the berries begin to burst, reduce the heat, gradually reducing it to low. After 8-10 minutes, add honey, strain and cool. Next, add sugar and freeze. If desired, cut off and dilute with boiling water.
    4. Fruit juice is prepared using a slow cooker; it retains all the vitamins. We wash the berries thoroughly, wipe them, pour the required amount of sugar into the multicooker, pour out the juice and the resulting mushy mass. Pour boiling water over the entire contents, mix well and close. Leave for 3.5-4 hours, then strain. Morse is ready.

    Cranberry juice is beneficial for both adults and children; everyone drinks it. It tones and lifts your mood. Drink fruit drink 2-3 times a day, a glass, during or after meals.

    Why are oats so effective for treating kidneys?

    How many of us know when we eat a plate of delicious food in the morning? oatmeal that oats are not just a tasty, healthy cereal, but also an excellent medicine for the kidneys, lungs, stomach, liver and other internal organs.

    Possessing a huge pile beneficial properties, oats act as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, improve brain function, metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increase immunity, strengthen bone structure, act as a laxative, as a remedy for insomnia and smoking, diathesis and eczema, soothing, normalizing heartbeat.

    Oats contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and silicon, fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, K, F, B and E.

    Dissolving and removing stones

    Ever since Ancient Greece, with the help of the wonderful healing properties of oats, various diseases were treated. In particular, its effect is simply invaluable in the presence of stones in the kidneys and ureter.

    Of course, to dissolve kidney stones, as well as their further removal, there are quite a large number of remedies, both medicinal and folk. However, it is oat products that are safe and occupy one of the most honorable places.

    The tincture is actively used to treat urolithiasis. To prepare it, green oat stalks (300 grams) are crushed in a meat grinder, half a liter of vodka is added and, shaking occasionally, infuse for about three weeks in a dark place.

    Then filter and drink three times a day, adding thirty drops to 5 grams of water.

    When removing sand, a special recipe is used for the kidneys from medicinal herbs. It is prepared from club-shaped floater, corn silk, leaves of green bean pods and oat forage.

    All components are filled with a liter of water. Then you must first let it stand, then boil the mixture just a little, cool and take one teaspoon every 30 minutes for three hours.

    If you suffer from urate stones, you need to eat whole grain oats. They are washed, poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for a whole day. After draining the water, they eat it in the morning.

    300 grams of oat grains, infused throughout the day, helps with calcium stones. The resulting extract is consumed one hundred milligrams 15 minutes before meals.

    To dissolve kidney stones, you will need: a kilogram of unrefined oats, a tablespoon of chopped rose hips, 10 grams of natural honey and ¼ cup of aloe juice.

    Boil the oats in 5 liters of water, when after a slow boil of water no more than 4 liters remain, add all the other ingredients. The finished decoction is drunk 250 milligrams after meals, alternating with whey.

    There are cases when excess uric acid is detected during kidney disease. Then you need to mix 2/3 of currant leaves, strawberries and 1/3 of the knotweed.

    Pour exactly 3 grams of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water, brew and drink 10 milligrams 60 minutes before meals.

    Cleansing recipes

    • nagging pain and discomfort in the lumbar region;
    • swelling of the face;
    • frequent urination;
    • feeling of weakness and malaise.

    However, it should be remembered that the grains used for planting are treated with special chemicals in order to improve storage.

    Therefore, their use will be more harmful to your health and will only aggravate the situation with your kidneys.

    Therefore, oats should be purchased either in pharmacies or in specialized stores, paying attention to the integrity of the grains, without mold or stains.

    To cleanse the kidneys or for preventive purposes, 2 tablespoons of oats are poured with water - half a liter - and boiled until a thick mass is formed.

    To achieve the greatest effect, you need to drink the decoction for at least a week.

    Oatmeal is used for the same purpose. They fill a liter jar with it. Place the jar in a saucepan, add two thousand milliliters of water and leave for about two hours.

    Afterwards, take 125 milligrams in the morning, lunch and evening. By the way, for effectiveness, it would be a good idea to take a decoction with a few drops of calendula.

    In case of illness, taking oats with milk will be very effective for the kidneys. There are two ways to prepare this mixture.

    Either adding milk to the prepared oat broth and boiling, or simply pouring milk over the oat grains (a tablespoon of unrefined grains per glass of milk) and simmering over low heat for about an hour.

    And of course, we should not forget that there are contraindications for which consuming oats is unacceptable. And the most important of them is gallstone disease.

    And if you have cholecystitis and liver disease, you need to consult your doctor before consuming oats.

    Use of oats in kidney treatment

    Oats have long been known to mankind for their healing properties. Treating kidneys with oats is one of the most popular methods of using cereals. The presence of many useful macro- and microelements makes it suitable for both prevention and treatment of existing kidney and other diseases.

    Useful properties of cereals

    Oats - cereal crop. Due to its unpretentiousness to climate and soil, it is grown everywhere and is easily available for purchase. The benefits of oats are explained by its rich composition, which includes:

    • amino acids;
    • proteins;
    • carotene;
    • fiber;
    • phosphorus;
    • silicon;
    • sodium;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium;
    • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9);
    • vitamins A, E, H, K, etc.

    It can be used to treat heart disease and nervous system, lungs, stomach, some skin diseases. It also helps to get rid of insomnia and nervous tension, and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is known as an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. If you have any kidney disease, then you should pay special attention to oats, because the presence of silicon, phosphorus and potassium in it makes it extremely useful in the treatment of kidney diseases. It is recommended to use oats for:

    • urolithiasis;
    • the presence of urate and calcium stones;
    • presence of sand;
    • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
    • excess uric acid, etc.

    It is important to pay attention to the condition of the beans before purchasing. They must be intact, free from stains and mold. It is better to buy in specialized stores or pharmacies, since grains are often chemically treated to increase shelf life, which kills many minerals and vitamins in their composition.

    Use in therapy

    Typically, oats are used in the form of a decoction, extract or infusion. It is not difficult to prepare such a drug; everyone can choose the optimal recipe for themselves. Although eating oats has no contraindications, in case of existing acute or chronic diseases, it is better to consult with your doctor.

    1. Recipe for a decoction to normalize kidney function. Decoction is the best form of consuming oats. To prepare it, you need whole grains (rolled oats will not work) and water. You need to mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1 cup of unpeeled oats to 1 liter of water. Simmer on fire for 3 hours, then strain and place in the refrigerator. This decoction should be taken warm, half a glass 1 hour before meals.
    2. Decoction for cleaning the kidneys. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of milk. l. oats, stir, boil for several minutes. Take 1/2 glass per day. The following recipe is also used to cleanse the kidneys: pour 2 cups of oat grains into 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
    3. Oatmeal jelly against kidney stones and sand. Grind the oat grains into cereal and place in a 3 liter glass jar. Fill with water at 30-40°C. To obtain jelly, the mixture must be fermented. You can speed up the process by adding kefir. Fermentation will take about 2 days, after which the mixture must be strained. The resulting mass is washed with cool water and left overnight in a dark, cool place. You will need glassware as containers. After the mixture has infused, you need to drain the liquid that has formed on top. The resulting dense mass white place in the refrigerator. Consume throughout the day.
    4. Oat herb tincture to improve kidney condition. In addition to grains, medicinal properties oat grass also has. You should take 300 g of oat grass and mince it. Pour 500 ml of vodka and store in a dark place for 3 weeks. The dishes should also be chosen so that they do not allow light to pass through. At the end of the specified period, strain the infusion. It should be consumed as follows: dilute 30 drops with 1 tbsp. l. water and take 3 times a day.

    Oats are good for the kidneys not only in tinctures and decoctions, but also in the form of porridge. Its regular consumption has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. By introducing oats into your diet, you will strengthen your immune system and significantly reduce the likelihood of kidney disease.

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    How to cook rabbit kidneys

    Rabbit kidneys

    A rabbit is a small animal of the hare family. Rabbit meat is a dietary product, very useful for feeding people after illness. Chefs from many countries include rabbit meat in their menus; rabbits are especially loved in France and Spain.

    Rabbit kidneys have always been considered a delicacy, despite the slight specific smell that disappears after soaking the kidneys in water and cooking them in several waters.

    Chemical composition rabbit kidney contains: vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, B12, C and PP, as well as essential to the human body minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, chlorine and sulfur, iodine, phosphorus and sodium.

    In principle, rabbit kidneys can be prepared like any other offal; they are boiled, stewed, fried and baked. “Twisted rabbit kidneys” were served at the royal table in Rus'. The rabbit fricassee recipe includes kidneys as an essential ingredient. To surprise and delight your loved ones, prepare rabbit kidney julienne.

    Rabbit kidneys, previously soaked for several hours in water or milk, boil and cut into strips. Chop the champignons and fry with plenty of onions, add the kidneys, add a little flour and add milk or cream in small portions, stirring continuously. Place the julienne into cocotte bowls or other forms, sprinkle hard grated cheese on top and place in the oven until the cheese is baked. If desired, use sour cream instead of milk or cream, then dilute the flour with water.


    KIDNEY RECIPES: Pork, beef, lamb, rabbit kidneys. Recipe for pickle and solyanka with kidneys.

    Recipe: Pork kidneys.

    To prepare pork kidneys, take two pork kidneys, three onions, two cloves of garlic, freshly ground black pepper, a pinch of thyme, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, a handful of green peas, half a small spoon of curry powder, salt, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.

    Let's start cooking pork kidneys. Some people believe that it is not necessary to soak pork kidneys in water, but in our opinion, if they are not soaked, there will still be a specific smell, so we still recommend putting them in milk to soak for one hour. Wash the kidneys, cut them lengthwise, remove the ducts and cut them into narrow slices.

    Thinly slice the onion into half rings, fry it in a heated frying pan with oil, add chopped garlic and salt the mixture. Once the onion has softened and become transparent, place it on a plate.

    In the same frying pan, fry the thyme and mustard seeds, adding a tablespoon of oil, add the chopped kidneys, sprinkle with curry powder and pepper, fry for five minutes, stirring all the time. Let's add green pea. After the kidneys are cooked, add a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately turn it off.

    Recipe: Beef kidneys.

    To prepare beef kidneys, take six hundred grams of beef kidneys, a tablespoon of butter (butter), for the sauce - fifty grams of butter (butter), a teaspoon of cinnamon, the same amount of chopped parsley, the same amount of lemon juice, salt and pepper.

    Let's start cooking beef kidneys with sauce. We clean the kidneys from films, rinse them and dry them with a towel. Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the kidneys to it and fry over high heat on both sides, then add salt and fry for another twenty minutes so that the kidneys do not become bloody, but do not become overcooked. Place the kidneys on a hot dish, quickly chop them, and immediately pour over the prepared sauce, prepared a little earlier.

    To prepare the sauce, take a baking sheet (in which the kidneys were prepared), add mustard, chopped parsley, butter, pepper, lemon juice, salt. Heat the sauce and pour it over the hot kidneys. This dish is served with hot croutons.

    Recipe: Lamb kidneys.

    To prepare lamb kidneys, we take a dozen lamb kidneys, two lamb livers, a lamb mesh (this is the fat located under the chest, very similar to a mesh, hence the name) - the amount of mesh should be such that you can wrap all the products in it, seasonings to taste (sumac, salt, pepper are suitable here), onions (it’s more for decoration).

    Let's start preparing this dish. Let's prepare the liver and kidneys first. Cut the liver into medium-sized pieces, pepper and salt them to taste.

    We take a piece of liver and each kidney, wrap it in lamb mesh, cut it off, wrap the next batch, and so on until the end of the products.

    Let's put it all in the oven on grill mode, then the fat from the mesh will melt evenly and not fry. Bake until the dish is completely cooked.

    After preparing the mesh, sprinkle it with chopped rings onions and sumak. So we prepared such an unusual dish. Bon appetit!

    Recipe for pickle with kidneys.

    To prepare pickle with kidneys, we need one hundred grams of veal kidneys, one parsley root, one celery root, one onion, forty grams of sorrel, forty grams of pickles, one egg, one liter of water.

    Let's start preparing the pickle with kidneys. We rinse the kidneys, cook them in a saucepan with water for about ten minutes, pour out the water, rinse the kidneys again and pour them in again clean water, this time cook until the kidneys are fully cooked. Cut the cooked kidneys.

    Cut the parsley, onion, and celery into small cubes and fry in oil. Peel the cucumbers and chop them finely.

    Put cucumbers and other vegetables into the boiling broth, cook for fifteen minutes, then add chopped washed sorrel and cook for another five minutes. Then we salt the soup, pepper it and now we can put the chopped egg and chopped kidneys into the soup.

    Recipe: Rabbit kidneys.

    We advise you to prepare julienne from rabbit kidneys. To do this, take three hundred grams of rabbit kidneys (or other animals - pork, beef), three hundred grams of ham or ham, two hundred grams of champignons, two onions, one hundred grams low-fat cheese, one glass of ketchup, four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    We begin to prepare julienne from rabbit kidneys. Boil the kidneys in salted water, and if we take lamb or veal, cut them raw into strips and fry until tender. Lightly fry the boiled kidneys in a frying pan. Cut the onions and mushrooms into strips, fry them in a frying pan with butter until tender. We also cut the ham into strips, add it to the kidneys, mix with onions and mushrooms, add ketchup, mix everything thoroughly, fill the julienne molds with the mixture, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and put in the oven to bake at one hundred and eighty-five degrees until the cheese becomes rosy.

    Recipe for solyanka with kidneys.

    To prepare hodgepodge with kidneys, we take forty grams of pork, fifteen grams of sausage, ten grams of kidneys, the same amount of lard, twenty grams of sauerkraut, ten grams of tomato paste, fifteen grams of onions, ten grams of carrots, five grams of parsley root, ten grams of rutabaga, five grams of flour, black pepper powder, herbs and salt.

    Let's start preparing hodgepodge with kidneys. Stir tomato paste With sauerkraut and broth, let it simmer, add pre-chopped and fried onion, carrots, parsley root, rutabaga, cut into slices and fried in lard, pork, sausage and kidneys. Simmer all the ingredients, season wheat flour, fried in a frying pan, salt and pepper. Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped dill or parsley.

    Previous articles: How to cook chicken hearts? CANDY RECIPES: Truffles, “Raffaello”, “Korovka”, “Bird's milk”. Chocolate candy recipe. Sugar candy recipe. Canapé recipes Yeast dough recipes: pie, buns, sausages in dough, pizza. Uzbek recipes: pilaf, lagman, flatbreads, samsa, manti, Uzbek shurpa. CAKES: Biscuit, waffle, honey, milk. Recipe for cream for cakes. Shortbread recipe. Beats. Recipe: meat, semolina, chicken, potato, rice and fish. Zrazy: potato with meat, with mushrooms, with chicken, with cabbage, fish. CAKES: Recipe for custard cakes. Potatoes, Eclair, Basket, Meringue, Sausage.


    Rabbit liver recipe

    I decided to cook rabbit offal in the simplest way - fry it with onions and carrots.

    I already wrote how to cook a rabbit, and today we have rabbit liver and other rabbit offal. Since the rabbit’s heart and kidneys are small, and the liver is much larger, when preparing it I was guided by it.

    • rabbit liver (heart and kidneys, if available)
    • carrot
    • salt, pepper, spices
    • vegetable oil

    How to cook rabbit liver

    I peel and wash the carrots and onions. I cut the onion into quarters of rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    Place in a frying pan on heated vegetable oil.

    Wash the rabbit liver, heart and kidneys, cut off all excess (films, ducts, fat) and cut into small pieces.

    When the onions become transparent and the carrots give up their color to the oil, I send them the rabbit offal.

    Salt, pepper and spices also come here.

    I fry for a few minutes, then add a little hot water and cover with a lid.

    After ten minutes, the rabbit's giblets are ready.

    They go very well with mashed potatoes, rice or plain boiled potatoes as a side dish.

    Have a pleasant taste experience!

    This is delicious too:

    ← Rabbit stewed in sour cream Beef stew with potatoes →


    Hunter's offal (step-by-step photo recipe) - VashVkus

    Hunting cuisine and its traditions are gradually becoming a thing of the past. It becomes available only to a narrow circle of people. Just 100 years ago, the secrets of cooking game dishes filled half the cookbooks.

    Energy value:

    For 1 serving

    Technique used:

    Frying pan


    Step-by-step instruction:

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    More similar recipes

    I called this dish “rabbit tenderness” for a reason. The point is that I want to show how I cook rabbit kidneys, lungs and heart. And these components of the animal’s carcass are considered a true delicacy. In Tsarist Russia, rabbit kidneys were served only to the royal family. And this is not surprising. After all, to assemble a decent portion of a dish, you need more than one rabbit carcass.

    I cook this dish very rarely. Usually, as rabbits arrive in my refrigerator, I separately collect the kidneys, lungs and heart. As soon as I collect enough to feed the whole family, then I cook. My family loves these rabbit treats.

    Although personally, I have never in my life tried what I cook. I can’t overcome myself and start eating heart, lungs and kidneys (not just rabbit). But, according to relatives, and judging by how quickly the rabbit’s tenderness disappears, one can judge that the dish is delicious. And I suggest serving rabbit tenders with beans, the recipe for which I told earlier.


    Image="" src="https://pechenuka.ru/380/2013_4/krolichi-nezhnosti/krolichi-nezhnosti-8-500pech.jpg" alt="7) Add spices: allspice and black peppercorns , cloves (several pieces), bay leaf, coriander seeds. Cover with a lid and continue simmering until done. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Done! All that remains is to transfer the rabbit tenders to a plate and serve along with the previously prepared beans." width="500"> 7) Добавить специи: душистый и черный перец горошком, гвоздику (несколько штук), лавровый лист, зерна кориандра. Накрыть крышкой и продолжить тушение до готовности. Приблизительно потребуется около 10-15 минут. Готово! Остается лишь переложить кроличьи нежности на тарелку и подать к столу вместе с приготовленной ранее фасолью.!}

    How to cook rabbit kidneys? and got the best answer

    Answer from Artem Dzyuba[guru]
    Heat the butter in a saucepan and
    fry chopped bacon with whole
    onions. Remove them from the pan and
    lightly fry the resulting fat
    prepared kidneys. Peeled
    fry the potatoes in a second spoon of oil (the potatoes should not brown),
    if necessary you can add a little water.
    Combine bacon, onions and potatoes with
    kidneys. Season with pepper, salt and
    bake in the oven without covering
    cover until done. If necessary, add a little water. At the end add
    mashed juniper and after 5 minutes. pour in
    gin. Serve the dish in pots.

    Answer from Victor[guru]
    Recipe: Rabbit kidneys.
    We advise you to prepare julienne from rabbit kidneys. To do this, take three hundred grams of rabbit kidneys (or other animals - pork, beef), three hundred grams of ham or ham, two hundred grams of champignons, two onions, one hundred grams of low-fat cheese, one glass of ketchup, four tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    We begin to prepare julienne from rabbit kidneys. Boil the kidneys in salted water, and if we take lamb or veal, cut them raw into strips and fry until tender. Lightly fry the boiled kidneys in a frying pan. Cut the onions and mushrooms into strips, fry them in a frying pan with butter until tender. We also cut the ham into strips, add it to the kidneys, mix with onions and mushrooms, add ketchup, mix everything thoroughly, fill the julienne molds with the mixture, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and put in the oven to bake at one hundred and eighty-five degrees until the cheese becomes rosy.

    Answer from Nastya Eremeeva[expert]
    You can boil the rabbit so that the meat can be easily removed from the bone. then remove the meat from the large bones and fry in a frying pan in butter for about 15 minutes...then pour sour cream sauce, to prepare the sauce, mix medium-fat sour cream with water and any seasonings you wish... and simmer over medium heat for 35 minutes, stirring lightly... at the end add fresh herbs... bon appetit))

    Answer from Mine[guru]
    Just like any other buds... they have a specific smell and therefore need to be well soaked in cold water, or better yet in beer. Then either fry with onions or simmer with sour cream.

    Answer from 3 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to cook rabbit kidneys?