Competition program for March 8 for girls

Competition program for girls,

Beautiful girl.

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

The fairest and whitest of all?

What will you tell me in response?


You are beautiful, no doubt

But they live in our district

Those who are both sweeter and more beautiful,

And blusher and whiter.

And even more modest.

Beautiful girl.

Oh, you vile glass!

You're lying to spite me.

Is there anyone sweeter than me?

And blusher and whiter?


Well, if so, let's start,

And we will choose the worthy.

So, the participants of our game are invited to the stage. Today they have to prove that they are the best, the smartest.

Introduce youreself.


Our participants will have to compete in several competitions. They will be evaluated by a jury consisting of:

Each correct answer will earn the team 1 point. Fans will be offered several tasks today. They can give their point to any team before the jury announces its verdict.


Various cereals are poured on the plates: semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice.

Task: write on pieces of paper what kind of porridge can be cooked from these cereals.

Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

"Help Mom"

In the morning, my mother prepared the groceries and went to work. You decided to help her. Here is a list of products. What do you think mom wanted to cook?

1st set: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, green pea, sunflower oil.
(the vinaigrette)

2nd set:
3 glasses of milk, 2 glasses of flour, 2 eggs, 25 g of sunflower oil, 0.5 teaspoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt.
(pancake dough)

3rd set:
mayonnaise, onion, boiled carrots, boiled egg, boiled potatoes, green peas, boiled beef.
(Olivier salad)
Task for fans: (Auction) name as many products as possible starting with the letter K (coffee, cocoa, kvass, jelly, potatoes, cabbage, sausage, ketchup, kefir, kiwi).


Now we’ll check if our girls know how to clean up.

Relay race.

Using a dustpan and broom, move the trash from one wall of the classroom to the other (along the aisle).

"Queen on Caramel"

Several caramels are placed on a stool and covered with an opaque scarf. The participants' task is to guess the number of candies while dancing on a stool. Participants compete in pairs, 1 from each team.


There are objects on trays in front of you. Remember the proverb, catchphrase, interesting phrase associated with this subject. Which team will name more and faster?

Needle – where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

An apple – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; apple of discord

Rope - no matter how much the rope twists, the end will come

Mirror - there’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked

A spoon is a precious spoon for dinner.

Kalach – if you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove.

Assignment for fans.

To the glory of m.r. choose feminine words:

Cook-cook, merchant-merchant's wife, tailor-dressmaker, drake-duck, elk-moose, dove-dove, ram-sheep, gander-goose, rooster-hen, tiger-tigress.


Who among us doesn't love flowers? But now we’ll check to see if you know them.

(based on the principle of the game “Field of Miracles”)

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun!

Answer: Forget-me-not

One team member pulls out a card with a word. Task:
Explain this word written on the card to the other team. They must guess what they are talking about. Time is recorded for each pair; when explaining, you cannot use words with the same root, or point to an object if there is one in the room.

Pie - they bake it, sometimes with meat, sometimes with potatoes

grandmother - mother's mother
deuce - five upside down
tears - sometimes when they are upset, they are shed
grandfather - there is grandmother, and there is...
plate - they eat from it, it breaks easily, it can be deep and for the second

Everyone knows that there are several styles of clothing. In front of you is a wardrobe. What do you think is the unnecessary thing here? (one team was offered an office style, the other a sporty one).


That's right, well done

A jack of all trades.

Where can I chase them?

I'll quit competing.

Let the jury count the points

He chooses the best team.


Come on, dear jury,

Tell us the whole truth:

Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

More dexterous and more dexterous.

Ved. So, before the jury speaks, I turn to the fans. Which team are you giving your points to?

The jury's word.

Beautiful girl.

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

The fairest and whitest of all?

What will you tell me in response?


You are beautiful, no doubt

But they live in our district

Those who are both sweeter and more beautiful,

And blusher and whiter.

And even more modest.

Beautiful girl.

Oh, you vile glass!

You're lying to spite me.

Is there anyone sweeter than me?

And blusher and whiter?


Well, if so, let's start,

And we will choose the worthy.


That's right, well done

A jack of all trades.

Where can I chase them?

I'll quit competing.

Let the jury count the points

He chooses the best team.


Meanwhile, the moment has come to choose the best of them.

Come on, dear jury,

Tell us the whole truth:

Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

More dexterous and more dexterous.

In March 2017, in the city library No. 14 of the Central Library System of Vologda, a competition program for 1st grade girls “For mischievous, kind, sweet, dear girls!” was held, dedicated to International Women’s Day - March 8. At the event, girls, divided into two teams, participated in competitions related to cooking, handicrafts and housekeeping.

Description: this competitive program can be used by teachers primary classes, teachers additional education, librarians for holding events dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8).

- creating a festive mood;
- popularization of public holidays;
- fostering a value-based attitude towards motherhood and the role of women in society.

Decor: colorful event title, Balloons for decorating the hall, beautiful illustrations depicting girls and women.

Equipment: see competitions.

Progress of the event

Hello, dear guys! We meet with you today on the eve of a wonderful holiday - March 8th.
March 8 is Mother's Day.
Knock-knock - knocking on our doors.
He only comes to that house,
Where they help mom.
We'll sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
Let's help her cook dinner,
We will sing and dance with her.
We paint her portrait
We'll draw you as a gift.
"They're unrecognizable, that's it!" -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always, and we always,
We will always be like this. (A. Berestov “March 8”)

Today we will hold a competition program “For girls who are mischievous, sweet, kind, dear!” All girls in your class will participate in the program. Our competitions will not be easy, but will be for women, related to handicrafts, cooking, and housekeeping.

(All girls in the class participate in the competitions. They are divided into 2 teams).
So, let's start the competition.
First, you girls need to guess the name of your team.

Team 1.
I must warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so tender
What's in a thousand feather beds
One pea
I'll feel it all night
And I still won’t fall asleep! (The Princess and the Pea --- Princess Team)

Team 2.
I'm from the royal ball
Once I ran away
And the glass slipper
Accidentally lost it. (Cinderella --- Cinderella Team)

1 competition “Little Housewives”
(2 scarves; 2 plates; rice and beans)
Guys, listen to the poem “Little Hostess” (N.A. Mayer):

I got up early today -
I have a lot of worries:
The doll needs to be combed
Tie a bow beautifully,

Sweep the kitchen floor
Bring dad a book
Water a flower on the window,
Wind up a ball for grandma,

To put on Seryozhka's shoes,
Pour milk for the cat,
Help mom cook soup,
Have tea with grandpa.

Oh, I'm completely tired.
I'll sit and eat some candy.
I'll shoot four more
For comfort throughout the entire apartment!

Yes, this hostess has a lot to do. You also have to work hard now.
Exercise: There is rice on a plate, and there are 10 beans in it. You need to blindfolded and select all the beans. Whoever does it faster will win.

2nd competition “Mom’s portrait” (One girl per team)
(2 scarves; board, 2 chalks)
Guys, you are probably all familiar with the poem “Mom’s Portrait”:
I'll wipe the glass and frame
Because in the frame is mom.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I love my mother very much! (G. Vieru)
Now you also have to draw a portrait of your mother.
Exercise: Blindfolded, draw a portrait of your mother with chalk on a blackboard. The one who draws faster and more accurately wins.

3rd competition “When I’m a mother...” (One girl per team)
(2 baby dolls; 2 diapers; 2 nylon tapes)
All girls are future mothers. By playing with dolls, they learn to care for future babies: dress and undress them, feed them, put them to bed.
When I'm a mom
I will be the kindest:
Let my daughter get dirty
And the little son
draws on the wallpaper...
And let there be two of them. (V. Lisina)
Exercise: You need to swaddle the doll in a diaper and tie it with a ribbon. Whoever does it faster and more correctly will win.

4th competition “Grow, braid, to the waist...” (Two girls per team)
(2 hair ties)
The decoration of any girl is beautiful hair. But they need to be looked after: washed, trimmed, combed and braided. Previously, when they braided a braid, they said the following words:
Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't lose a hair.
Grow, braid, to your toes -
All the hairs are in a row.
Grow up, braid, don't get confused -
Mom, daughter, listen.
Exercise: One of the contestants lets her hair down. The other girl must braid her hair and secure it with an elastic band. The one who braids the braid faster and more accurately wins.

5th competition “Big Laundry” (One girl per team)
(Rope; 20 handkerchiefs, 20 clothespins)
Now, guys, we're going to do a big wash.
Wash it in the bathtub
A shirt for Anna,
A dress for Olechka,
Panties for Rings,
Blouse for Marinochka,
Handkerchief for Irina. (G. Lagzdyn)
Our handkerchiefs have already been washed. You need to hang them out to dry.
Exercise: There is a rope stretched across the hall. Each participant is given 10 clothespins and 10 handkerchiefs. Whoever hangs all the handkerchiefs on the rope faster and more accurately wins.

6th competition “Fashionistas” (One girl per team)
(2 scarves; 2 cosmetic bags, each of which contains lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder, nail polish, cotton swab, mirror, etc.)
All girls want to be beautiful and fashionable like their mothers. To do this, sometimes they take my mother’s cosmetics without asking.

Mom is the most beautiful in the world -
It's important for me.
Without a cosmetic assistant
Not a day goes by.
I'll try for my mother
To be at least a little similar
And I’ll become that cosmetics
Apply makeup.

I'll draw arrow eyebrows,
Eye contour and lip contour.
Red shadows on eyelids
And a purple circle of blush.
I found my mother in the bathroom:
-Look what I am!
Mom didn't find out right away
In this form of me.
<…>(Yu. Belyakova “Mom’s cosmetics”)

Let's now check how well you know what is in your mother's cosmetic bag.
Exercise: Each girl is given a cosmetic bag containing lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, powder, a cotton swab, a mirror, etc. The presenter takes turns naming one of the items in the cosmetic bag. The girls are looking for them blindfolded. Whoever finds everything quickly and correctly will win.

7th competition "Craftswomen" (One girl per team)
(2 balls of thread, a riddle inside the balls)
In addition to cooking, cleaning and washing, all girls, as future housewives, should be able to embroider, sew, knit, that is, be craftswomen and needlewomen.
A very important activity
Sew the canvas onto the dress,
Frills came into play
From grandma's curtain.
Grandma swears
But still he smiles.
This must happen,
Granddaughter-craftswoman! (N. Hilton “The Craftswoman”)
Exercise: Each participant is given a ball of thread, their task is to rewind the ball, at the end of the ball there is a note with a riddle in it that needs to be guessed. The winner is the one who rewinds the ball faster and guesses the riddle correctly.
Riddle for 1 team:
I'm an artist in your hands -
I love to embroider and sew!
But be careful with me
How offended I’ll prick. (Needle)
Riddle for team 2:
Two slender sisters,
In the hands of a craftswoman.
We dived into loops all day...
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Knitting needles)

8th competition “Flowers for Mom” (All team)
All gifts are good. But it’s best to give your mother flowers on March 8th. You probably all know the words from the famous children's song:
Today is mother's holiday,
Today is mother's day.
I know my mother loves me
Carnation and lilac.

Do you know the flowers that your mothers love? Let's check it out.

In a green cape -
beautiful ballerina,
Jumps on one leg
In a yellow top
Yes to the white pack. (Chamomile)

Behind a barbed fence
the princess is sitting,
Sad, sad.
Everyone strives for her -
Yes, they are afraid of thorns. (Rose)

funny girl
in a red skirt
Walking across the field
Hassle and worries are unknown.
The skirt flutters
The girl smiles. (Poppy)

Vasily is standing,
Young and strong
In a green army coat,
In a bright blue wig,
Everyone is looking at him
Yes, they admire it. (Cornflower)

The kids came out
White strong ones,
Under the green umbrella
Standing on the bridge
Holding hands
They bask under the May sun. (Lily of the valley)

Simple dress
Blue eyes,
They look clearly and openly:
Nothing is forgotten! (Forget-me-not)

The sun was shining
Until it became white,
And how white it turned -
White feathers
It flew across the sky. (Dandelion)

Perky bangs,
Green girl
Sitting in the woods
She folded her arms over her chest,
Purple suit -
Yes, there is a clear ray of light in my heart. (Violet)

White under white
The blanket has melted -
The feather bed has bloomed. (Snowdrop)

Stepan became proud:
He is wearing an al-kaftan,
On a green boat
Goes to the pullet.
Al caftan opened -
The black shirt is visible. (Tulip)

This concludes our competition program. (The jury sums up the results and announces the winners).
Girls, I congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday - March 8! You are all so different - kind, beautiful, charming, and sometimes funny and mischievous. Always be so beautiful, kind, sweet! And most importantly, be the happiest! Happiness to you and spring mood!

"Happy Bachelorette Party"

The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping
He rushed towards us, so mischievous.
Get out the bouquets, boys,
Congratulations to your classmates on spring
Where there are flowers, there the frosts will recede,
So that the streams ring near schools.
Don't forget to add mimosas
In the morning to the teacher's desk.
The trees have exposed their crowns,
Forgetting your winter dreams.
Freckles sparkled provocatively
There is springtime laughter on the face.
The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,
Bird chirping floats from above,
From the smiles of Merry March
Flowers are appearing everywhere.
Telegrams, postcards, greetings -
March is approaching its eighth day
Don't forget, boys, bouquets,
Congratulations to your classmates on spring!

February has passed and the sun is back
And spring has definitely come.
Birds, fish, animals woke up,
Nature has awakened from sleep.
It smelled like March and spring,
But winter holds fast.
The number eight is not simple -
The holiday is coming to our homes.

A world full of fabulous flowers,

A world with a wondrous rustle of winds
Embrace this spring day!
Peace with the wonderful song of the nightingale,
A world with the ringing voice of a stream,
Peace with the song of the March drop
Embrace this spring day!

We are starting the competition program “FUNNY BACHELOR PARTY”
Teams are invited to the stage.
1 team

2nd team

1st part: I am Spring, I have come for this evening.
After all, now we are celebrating
Day March 8, evening of the meeting.
We will show a holiday - a competition,
Well, there is no competition without judges.
I will introduce you to today's jury.
Their eyes burn with hot fire.
Chegodaev N.V.
Klochkov A.V.
Bayev A.E.
Ryzhkov Vladimir

Part 2: Competitions will be judged without flaw.
Applaud loudly for the jury -
Order will be restored in the hall!

Oh, women, darlings of spring!
It’s not for nothing that your holiday coincided with nature’s renewal.
We congratulate you.
Be cheerful.

Let's start the competition.

1 competition. "BUSINESS CARD" (give a name to the team, introduce each participant). Findings and creativity are assessed.

While the teams are preparing, we will test the intellectual abilities of the fans in the hall. We ask a question, your task is to answer correctly. We answer by raising our hand. There is a prize for the correct answer.

1. What happened tomorrow and what will happen yesterday? (present day)
2. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
3. When is a person a tree? (when he comes from sleep)
4. When you buy a horse, what kind of horse is it? (wet)
5. There are teeth, but no mouth. What it is? (saw)
6. Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail? (ball of thread)
7. In which fields does grass not grow? (on the brim of the hat )
8. What do milk and a hedgehog have in common? (ability to roll up)
9. In which month does chatty Mashenka speak the least?(in February, it is the shortest)
10. How many months of the year have 28 days?(all months)

2 competition. "WARM UP"

There are so many good girls
How many affectionate names
And the quiz will help you
Find out who is strong in the competition.

1. Only two prepositions, but they have a lot of hair. (Us)
2. The first is a note, the second is the same, and the whole looks like a pea. (Beans)
3. The first is the note, the second is the game, you will find the whole at the carpenter. (Bit)
4. You will find the first syllable among the notes, and the second is carried by the bull;
If you want to find the whole, look for it along the way. (Road)
5. With the letter “e” – I am hot weather, with “o” – board game. (Summer, lotto)
6. To guess, have patience,
With "l" - part of the face, with "b" - plant. (Forehead, bob)
7. What did the Wolf see through the porthole in the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”? (Earth)
8. Where can you come if you walk along the path for a long, long, long, long time? (To Africa)
9. What type of transport runs, sways and picks up speed? (Blue carriage)
10. This song is about a once strange and nameless toy. (About Cheburashka)
11. In which song was there a leaf hanging on the fence that swayed in the wind? ("The Dog Is Missing")
12. What is more expensive: half a kilogram of two-kopeck coins or a kilogram of ten-kopeck coins? (A kilogram of kopecks. A kilogram of any metal is always more expensive than half a kilogram of the same metal)
13. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)
14. How to become a millionaire as a result of large financial losses? (You need to be a billionaire before this)
15. Where is cheese and sausage always free? (In a mousetrap)
16. What does it mean when the “new” or “improved model” label appears on a product? (The fact that the price of this product has already jumped)

3 competition. "FOR ALL OCCASIONS"
The French have a saying: “A woman can make three things out of nothing:
salad, hat and scandal." We'll make the salad later, we'll try to avoid a scandal, but about the hat... Your task, using available materials, is to dress one participant for a business meeting, a second for a party, a third for a ball, and a fourth for going to the store to buy bread. Each participant must also have a corresponding hairstyle. Good luck to you!

The jury evaluates originality.

Competition for spectators.

Jump over the straw.

4 competition. "INTELLECTUAL"
Make up poems from the suggested rhymes:

hairstyle - comb,
very sharp eye,
eyebrow - blood,
makeup - boarding.

5 competition. Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There, various treats were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “K”. Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible foods on pieces of paper. How many dishes are listed - each team gets so many points.

And now we meet the boys of 8th grade, who have prepared congratulations for the girls of the whole school.

6th competition "OCTATHLON"
The first team member inflates a balloon, the second draws a face on it, the third takes out a scarf hanging in the room, the fourth ties a scarf to the balloon, the fifth secures the balloon, the sixth cuts a dress out of paper, the seventh paints the dress, the eighth attaches it to the balloon. Then the team comes up with a name for the heroine, explains her appearance at the holiday: who she is and why she came.

7 competition. "GET DRESSED"
One of the participants needs to fasten the robe with all the buttons. All participants fasten the buttons in turn, passing thick mittens to each other. Who is faster.

Part 2 of the competition.
Team members line up. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first one, how it turns out (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, etc. The last player ties the penultimate one and triumphantly shouts “ready!” The entire team turns to face the opponent.


8 competition.
Captains are invited. They stand opposite each other. You must remove the candy from the bowl of flour.

Ved.: Our holiday program is ending. And friendship won!

Be happy!
Be loved!
Be lucky in everything
So that all sorrows pass by,
To bring only joy to your home!
So that the sun smiles
Friends were true
Everything was decided
Everything came true
Forever - from "A" to "Z"!

We wish you everything that life is rich in:
Long life!
Let this holiday be March 8th
It will leave a mark on your soul for a whole year!

Oleinik I.V.


Competition program for girls “You are the best!”

Goal: Create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.

1. Development of memory, attention, organization, independence, skills to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain age-appropriate difficulties.
2. Formation of a team, eliminating disunity between boys and girls.

Preparing for class:
1. Preparation of presentation, selection competition assignments.
2. Decoration of the class (clouds and rainbow fragments cut out of colored paper are pinned on the stand, preparation of places for competing girls, for the jury (boys).
3. The boys prepare congratulations for the girls. Formalized congratulations are placed on a closed board.
4. Preparation of team decals, musical accompaniment, crayons, and other props.

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am very pleased to welcome you to the festive competition program dedicated to our lovely girls.(Slide No. 1)

Presenter 1
Today is the pre-holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day! On this spring holiday, all girls and women are birthday girls! And I want to remind you that you don’t forget to congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters and all your relatives and friends on the holiday! And we didn’t forget to congratulate our girls and we’ll do it right now!(Slide No. 2)

Presenter 2

Today we have gathered to hold a competition among girls “You are the best!” and choose the most skillful, courageous, charming, charming and simply super-cool.

It's been spring for a few days now. We associate it with such words as charm, life, beauty. And it is not surprising that it is at this time that the favorite women’s holiday is celebrated. And we decided to hold an original, unforgettable competition for our girls.

The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: just as beautiful, delicate, and blooming. Their beauty captivates us. But it seems that we don’t know our participants well enough, but we have a great opportunity to get to know them.

And so, meet lovely ladies.(Music sounds. Participants exit.)

Meet Esmira

So sweet and so beautiful.

She's always busy...

She is the eldest in the family.

Here comes number one.
The sparkle of her beautiful eyes
Directs straight to the heart
And makes you fall in love.

Presenter 2

We are very glad to see Nastya,

But she is easy to offend.

Nastya in the classroom is just a treasure

Everyone should know this

Number two - madam, what do you need!
And the whole audience is happy with her.
Let's clap her hands
May it be a good day.

Presenter 1

They know there and they know here:

Lera is the coolest friend!

If necessary, she will be sweet,

And if you offend, you’ll become obstinate.

Here he comes to our stage,
Knowing exactly your worth, -
Number three, business
And the girl is like that!

So, all the participants are on stage. Today you and I have to find out that our lovely girls are beautiful, beautiful, smart, artistic and...” That's what they are like, that's what we'll see. And the skill of our contestants will be assessed by a competent jury consisting of our gentlemen - boys from their classmates. But the boys today are not just the jury, they are also the authors of the competition tasks. But each task is hidden behind a certain color of the rainbow. And as you probably already guessed, there will be seven tasks, exactly as many as there are in the men’s class.

Presenter 1
We are starting our competition program “You are the best...”

All competitions are assessed on a five-point system


In order to get to know our participants better, we help them as homework They let me prepare a short story about myself, that is, a business card.

And ours We called the first competition “Minute of Fame”.

Our participants are ready, and the moment of glory begins for participant number one -Esmira Ismailova (Slide No. 3)

The moment of fame begins forAnastasia Zinchenko (Slide No. 4)

The moment of fame begins forValeria Rychok (Slide No. 5)

(speech by participants). The jury evaluates the performance.

Presenter 1

And now it’s time for you girls to choose the task of the color that you liked the most and if in this competition you score the most points, you will earn a BONUS - an extra point. (Slide No. 3)

(Girls choose a certain color and the author of the task appears in front of them (the boy who proposed this competition), and the task itself)

Competition "Graceful Walk"
Everyone knows that the girls of the East have the most beautiful posture and graceful gait. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will be convinced of this. Participants must walk around the circle with a book on their head without dropping it.

No matter who the woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion. The most necessary accessory to complement your look is, of course, a handbag. Here's oursthe next competition is called"Handbag"

Competition "Lady's handbag." Many young people are wondering what the secret of this accessory is, because at the right moment completely unusual objects appear from it. By the way, girls sometimes themselves cannot understand where such a treasure comes from in their purse and do not always quickly find something they need.
Let's find out what secrets this accessory hides.

You nIt is already possible to form a word from a set of letters. For each word guessed, the contestant is awarded 1 point


(Lipstick, powder, varnish, threads, keys, check, perfume, hairpin, mirror, ring, scissors, needle, cream, pen, belt, mascara)

Competition for boys

And while our participants are working, the boys will remember songs that contain women's names

Competition "PIR"

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There, various treats were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “K”. For 3 minutes, each participant writes down possible foods on pieces of paper. How many dishes are listed - so many points each girl gets.

Competition for boys “Do you know women?”

    Which colors have the same names as female names? (Rose, Lily, Violetta)

    What is the name of the work in which main character turns into foam due to unrequited love(Mermaid).

    What was the name of the Russian heroine folk tale"Princess Frog"? (Vasilisa)

    Name the first woman to use an unconventional aircraft to travel? (Baba Yaga)

    The name of a young lady who wished to receive a flower as a gift, and then fell in love with a monster (Nastenka)

    The name of the first female tractor driver (Pasha Angelina).

    In which fairy tales do young creatures wake up from the kiss of a prince (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

Competition “And I also...”

They say that girls are resourceful and smart people, especially when it comes to certain things. Getting ready for school, going on a trip, or going to the theater is not a tricky thing for them; they will definitely take with them everything they need, and maybe a little more.

The girl’s task is to continue the phrase, using as many words as possible, listing all the things that can be put on or taken with you. If a participant can no longer continue the row, then other girls have the opportunity to earn additional points by continuing the list. The girl with the largest vocabulary wins.

Competition "About sport..."

Everyone knows that girls follow a very strict diet and watch their figure. And sport, of course, helps them with this. The tasks that they will need to complete will help us see not only dexterity and accuracy, but also flexibility of mind.

First, the participants answer the proposed questions. The first participant has the right to answer questions until the first mistake. This right then passes to the next contestant. For each correct answer - 1 point.

    How many years must pass from one Winter Olympics to the next?

Four years

2. At what air temperature can the skating rink be filled?

Not above zero

3. What were the very first skates made of?

From the bones

4. What mass is the female nucleus?

Four kg

5. Is the hammer thrown at a distance or at a height?

To the distance.

6. How many attempts is given to an athlete to perform a running high jump at each new level of the bar?


7. At diving competitions, athletes jump from springboards and towers. Which of these projectiles is 1 m high?


8. Sport competitions fencing takes place on epees, sabers and....What weapons are missing?


9. What is attached to both ends of the barbell to increase its weight?


10. What sports discipline uses an object consisting of: a handle, shoulders and a bowstring?

About archery

11. Are chess competitions included in the Olympic Games?


12. What is a “bullet”?

In ice hockey, a free throw

13. Where on the football field does the goalkeeper stand?

At the gate.

14. Is it possible for a game to end in a draw in basketball?


15. What sport combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting?


16. Why are gloves needed in boxing?

To avoid injuring your hands

17. Is show jumping overcoming obstacles on a horse or horse racing over a certain distance?

Overcoming obstacles.

18. Do women participate in ski jumping competitions?

Yes, since 2010

19. In what sport do athletes slide down an ice chute on a sled?


20. How many players are on the volleyball team?


21. Motto of the Olympics.

Faster, higher, stronger

Competition "Theater Star"

Girls are a treasure trove of talent.They are born actresses! And the competition they have to go through is:to show without words how one of the animals behaves. Well, other guests of the holiday need to guess what animal the girl is showing. In this competition, young beauties can demonstrate their playfulness and acting skills.

Competition "Drawn Song"

Yes, girls can do everything: sew, cook, clean, wash, iron, sing, dance, draw! But I wonder if they can draw a song?

The goal of the game: to draw the plot of the song so that the jury guesses what work we are talking about as quickly as possible.

Presenter 1

The competition program has come to an end. The jury now has to sum up the results and determine the titles of our participants.

Presenter 2

In the meantime, the most exciting stage of our competition is underway, our girls will give us their dance.

(The results are summed up, the girls are given titles; “You are SUPER!” “The BEST” “You are the best”

Presenter 1

And now, dear participants, a surprise song from the boys sounds for you.

Presenter 2 We congratulate all participants on their victory, wish them happiness, good luck, creative success, joy and laughter! Be cheerful and energetic, cheerful and pretty!

Presenter 1 On this day, March 8, we wish you goodness, armfuls of flowers, and spring warmth. A lot of joy, health, always be beautiful, so that a happy smile does not leave your face!

SCENARIO competitive program for 3rd grade girls, dedicated to International Women's Day MARCH 8

Target: developing the ability of students to speak publicly in front of large audience;

development of creative abilities;

formation of a class team

Tasks: 1) create a festive mood in children.

2) give students the opportunity to demonstrate their Creative skills, skill to work in team;

3) cultivate love and respect for mother, grandmother, classmates...




Good afternoon dear friends!

March 8th is truly the most extraordinary day of the year! At any time, in any weather, as soon as we think about him, our souls become warmer and brighter.

But when this day comes, a real manly commotion begins in our homes: all dads and sons think about only one thing: what to give and how to congratulate their beloved women.

On this day, we send congratulations to representatives of the most charming, most beautiful, most tender and kind half of humanity - mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates...


1 young man:

2nd young man:

You are all so beautiful today
So charming and gentle!
Look, it will immediately become clear -
There is a breath of spring all around.

3rd young man:

So, be happy, healthy,
Take on everything with passion
And we are ready to set you up
Your reliable shoulder

4th young man:
We wish you good luck in your business,
Happy and big love
You smile, which means

Everything will be fine in life!

5th young man:

On this day, March 8th, we wish you well,
And armfuls of flowers and spring warmth,
Lots of joy, health, always be beautiful,
So that happy smiles do not leave your face!

6th young man:

Let the first ray of March
Happiness is rushing to your bright home.
May the spring day be bright,
Carries good gifts!



Music from the movie about Sherlock Holmes is playing.

Gentlemen come out (white scarves around their necks, a flower in their hands).

J. 1 Our dear ladies!

Classmates and mothers!

Our entire team is male

Congratulations on spring.

J. 2. March 8th is a day when every man, regardless of age, is simply obliged to be a gentleman.

J. 4. Wash the floors, clean the carpets, take out the trash, wash the dishes, go to the store, put your toys away...

J. 4. What's this! Did you know that a true gentleman does this every day?

All: Woohoo!

The song sounds to the tune of “If you, frowning...”

If you, frowning,

Argue with things

If it has accumulated

So many problems

Let him always help

To you in household matters

Adult or youth

A true gentleman.

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly it touches your eyes.

AND good mood

Will not leave you again.

J. 2. Dear ladies! We wish you to always be surrounded by real gentlemen!

    Teacher:- On this day we always congratulate mothers and grandmothers. But there are still young ladies who are also full-fledged heroines of this holiday. These are our girls! And today we will congratulate them too.

A boy reads a poem

What are the girls anyway?

They don't look like boys.

Ribbons, bows, all kinds of rubbish

And secrets in the corners.

Curious Noses

They climb everywhere themselves, SA-MI!

You can go to any of them

They call you names: “Groom!”

That's when the canary

Change batteries

Ostriches will whelp,

My sister will grow a mustache,

Then it is quite possible.

Gradually, carefully

I'll change a little

And I'll probably get married.

    DITS performed by boys

Listen up, girls,

We'll sing ditties for you.

If we pull together together,

You clap for us!

We respect girls

We can confidently tell you:

Very difficult tasks

We will decide for them.

Our girls have blossomed,

Like daisies in a meadow.

Well, they sing songs,

Like little birds in the garden.

Here I am sitting in class,

I'm turning in all directions,

How many beautiful girls -

I can't stop watching!

We wish you only happiness,

And it’s no longer a secret,

What are these cool girls?

And not on the entire planet!

We tried to sing ditties,

And you groaned over it.

We offer all guests

Let us clap!

    Teacher: - The day before women's holiday, we are holding a competition

“Come on, girls!” Today, every girl performs not alone, but with a support group consisting of boys from our class. The help of this group will be required during some competitions.

(The girls create a support group in advance.)

The work of the groups will be assessed by a competent jury consisting of our mothers.

I wish everyone victory. I wish you success!

Competition program.Warm-up

Listen to the poems and finish the line with the words “boys” or “girls”.

1. Bouquets of dandelions in spring

You will see our...

2. Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

3. Skates drew lines on the ice

They play hockey in the morning...

4. We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

5. Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course everyone loves...

6. Silk, lace and ringed fingers,

Going out for a walk...

And now we are starting a competition in which the beautiful half of our class, our lovely girls, is taking part!

1. Competition "Intuition"

Leading:- Everyone knows that women have well-developed intuition...

Using intuition and intelligence, each girl will find a card with her name

Signs with girls' names written on the board are hung

vice versa.Exercise: find a sign with your name as quickly as possible.

2. Competition "Princess and the Pea"

Leading:- Every girl is a little princess. And we know what a princess should be like from a fairy tale.

- So, sitting on a chair and dancing at the same time, the participants must determine how many candies are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

It is necessary to place chairs without upholstery in a row or in a circle, according to the number of expected participants. A certain number of caramels, preferably lollipops, are placed on each chair. For example, on the first chair - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The seats of the chairs are covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on chairs.

The music turns on.

3. Competition "Khokholki"

Leading:- Every girl always has her own view of how she and those around her look. Therefore, each of them is an image maker...

Each participant chooses a boy from her support group and makes him the most “ruffled” one. For this purpose, participants are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from the boy’s hair using elastic bands.

4. Competition "Royal Feast"

Leading:- Every girl from childhood dreams of becoming a good housewife who, first of all, knows how to cook well...

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There, various treats were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “K”.

Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible foods on pieces of paper. How many dishes are listed - so many points each team gets.

5. Competition "Poetry"

Leading:- What woman doesn’t like it when poems are dedicated to her?..

    with a stutter,

    "in a foreign manner"


Participants can be offered any children's poem, for example:

“They dropped Mishka on the floor,

They tore off Mishka's paw.

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good."

6. “Female Artists” Competition

Leading:- Every girl is a creative person, we were convinced of this today...

Now let's draw a cat.

Blindfolded girls draw elements of a cat in accordance with the words of the poem

Let's draw a big circle,
It's small at the top
There are two ears on the top of the head -
This will be the head.
Let's draw for beauty
Give him a fuller mustache.
Here fluffy tail ready.
You are the most beautiful of all cats!

    Summarizing. Presenting gifts to girls from parents

Over to you, dear members of the jury!


I wish all of you girls

May you always be healthy.

To laugh and joke.

Have a joyful and tender spring.

Happy days and pink dreams.

May March give you gifts, even snowy ones

Your smiles and flowers.

This concludes our event.

Dear women!

Always be beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, healthy and loved!

Now accept gifts from your children!

To the music, children present gifts - postcards to their mothers.