Competition program for girls on March 8

Olga Burakhina
"Cool girls!" Competitive program for students elementary school for the holiday of March 8




Development of creative abilities of students;

Increasing interest in learning, in school life;

Developing healthy ambition in students through competition;

Aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

Event progress.

1) Introductory conversation.

Every year at the beginning of March

They talk about miracles.

We do not sit at the desk,

And snowdrops - in the forests.

The planet will celebrate

The best holiday on earth.

I'm waiting for your answer, friends -

Help me remember!

Waiting for his start today

Ladies' Holiday...

All: March 8th!

For us, March 8 is, first of all, a holiday for mothers. Mom is the very first word a person utters. And everything in our life begins with my mother, her gentle and affectionate hands.

(Children read a poem by A. Maykov)

Who loves you, kids,

Who loves you so tenderly

Without closing the eyes of the night,

All take care of you?

All: Mom dear!

Who shakes the cradle for you,

Who amuses you with a song

Or tells a fairy tale

Who gives you toys?

All: Mom is golden!

If you kids are lazy

Disobedient, playful,

As it happens sometimes

Who is shedding tears then?

All: That's it, dear!

We dedicate today's Cool Girls contest to this joyful, solemn mother's day - March 8th. After all, every girl in the future will also become a mother and should be quick-witted, smart, cheerful, a good hostess and find a way out of any situation. And now we will check whether our girls have these qualities. Two teams are invited to participate in the competition. Our meeting will be judged by a jury consisting of ... It will take into account the speed, dexterity, accuracy of the task, ingenuity, humor, laughter, which should become your companions. The jury will also take into account the discipline of teams and fans. So let's start our competition.

2) Competitive program.

COMMANDS PRESENTATION. Each team should line up, pronounce their name and motto in unison.

Team: Cheerful girls.

Our motto: Cheerful, laughter,

We are great girls!

Team: Craftsmen.

Our motto: We do everything without boredom

Masters of all trades!

WARM-UP. This competition will test how well you know fairy tales and their heroines.

I persuaded my brother

Big sister:

“You don’t drink from a puddle

Muddy water."

The boy did not listen.

He turned into a goat.

(Alyonushka from a Russian folk tale

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

The girl walked through the forest

And ran into the house.

Sees that there are no owners

There is lunch on the table.

She drank from three cups,

She lay in three beds.

(Masha from Russian folk say

"Three Bears")

Granddaughter went to her grandmother

She brought pies.

Walking along the path

Sings a song loudly.

Suddenly towards a gray wolf,

What knows a lot about the paths.

(Little Red Riding Hood Ch. Perrault)

In the castle of the Snow Queen

Found a sweet brother

Kindness warmed him

From anger, greed saved.

(Gerda from the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen

"The Snow Queen")

Pinocchio sheltered

And healed and taught

When did he start to get pissed off?

I had to punish him.

(Malvina from a fairy tale

A. Tolstoy "The Adventure of Buratino")

Strictly ordered capricious princess

Bring flowers from the forest in winter.

Who in the winter was able to collect those flowers.

Do I remember that girl?

Do you remember?

(Stepdaughter from a fairy tale

S. Marshak "Twelve months")

HOSTESSES. You know that a woman spends most of her time in the kitchen and her uniform is an apron. At my signal, the first participant runs to a chair at the opposite end of the class, puts on an apron, takes a spoon and returns to his place. The competition continues with the next participant, and so on, until all the girls wear aprons.

INTERESTING RECIPE. Well, both teams are fully prepared. Time to get down to business. A good hostess must be literate in order to understand various recipes for cooking. The next contest will check if you are literate. Each team needs two members. In front of you is a puzzle. It is necessary to mark the first sound in the word with a letter and read the new word.

CULINARY. Now it's time to start cooking. Each team is invited to one participant. Whoever peels the banana faster and more accurately, cuts it into 7 equal parts, according to the number of team members, beautifully arranges it on a plate, is the winner.

GET ORDERED. Everyone knows the proverb “Cleanliness is the key to health”. Our next contest is "Clean Up". At my signal, the first team members run up to the box with candy wrappers, choose their own candy wrapper (for each team, the same candy wrappers for the number of participants, run and put it in the “urn” at the opposite end of the class, return to the team. The second participant takes over the baton, then the third and etc., until all participants complete the task.Whoever does the job faster and more accurately is the winner.

What kind of work do not our mothers do. And they have enough time, energy, patience for everything. Today for mothers words of love and gratitude are heard.

Our own mother

Congratulations on Women's Day.

And a song about mom

Today we will sing.

About mine and yours!

About loved ones

Our dear mothers!

(Children sing a song about mom)

CAREFUL. An important quality of a good hostess is accuracy. Whether you have this quality, we will check with the next competition. At my signal, the first participants take the capsule from under the chocolate egg with a spoon, go through the “door” with it (the hoop, put it in a plate on a chair at the opposite end of the class, return, pass the spoon to the next participant. He performs the same task, etc. .until all capsules have been transferred.

YOUNGER BROTHER. Some of you have younger brothers and sisters. And, you, of course, help your mother manage them. Our next competition will show how you succeed. Each team is required to have one member. It is necessary to prepare the younger brother for a walk: turn out the jacket, put it on the “brother”, fasten it, put on a hat, tie a scarf. Whoever does this job faster and more accurately is the winner.

Now guess the riddle:

Who in big family master?

Everyone of us knows this.

There can be no doubt here:

Will tell and help everyone,

She has great talent

Tie a pretty bow

Reconcile mom and dad

And beautifully set the table,

caress, kiss,

Tell a story at night! (Grandmother)

Guys, do not forget to find some warm and affectionate words for your grandmothers on the holiday of March 8. After all, they just, and sometimes even more, care about you.

Our grandmother is very kind.

Our grandmother is getting old.

Our grandmother has many wrinkles.

With them, she is even better and more beautiful.

If your favorite doll is sick,

She will cure the doll right away.

If a lump appears on the forehead,

There are no buttons, the coat will tear,

Or another misfortune will happen

Grandma always helps us!

Grandma will knit warm mittens,

Grandma will tell a story in the evening.

We are ready to listen to it for hours,

Whatever she forgets, let us tell her ourselves.

(Children sing the song "Golden Wedding")

The girls prepared a dance for the grandmothers.

BEAUTIES. What girl doesn't love to dress up! In the next contest you will be given such an opportunity. Each team needs one girl. At my signal, you need to put on beads, attach clips, make up your lips. Take a mirror and, admiring yourself, seriously say: “Oh, what a beauty I am!” Whoever does it faster and more gracefully is the winner.

FLOWER FOR A LADY OF HEART. Well, how not to fall in love with such beauties! And our next competition will be for boy fans. Each boy must choose a lady of the heart. At my signal, you cut out a flower from paper and, getting down on one knee, hand it to the chosen girl. Whoever does it faster, more gallantly, is the winner.

And now for the boys.

The girls have a holiday today,

Gotta say congratulations

Boy classmate again

It will break your head.

How many great girls

In our class, no doubt:

Kind, smart, energetic,

Like a holiday bouquet.

Long thought, wondered

Here are the couplets written.

Put your ears on top

We will sing ditties to you.

(Boys sing ditties)

1) Soon the girls have a holiday,

We need to sing ditties

Oh guys, in my ear

As a child, a bear came.

2) I will not sing! Me too!

I'm shy! I'm afraid!

And let's sing together

Let them laugh.

3) It's not easy to be a girl,

Gotta get up early

Half an hour every morning

Braids must be braided.

4) We envy girls

They love to play

And for this, guys,

Need to buy dolls.

5) While mom is at work,

To beautify your face

Her red lipstick

You can color your lips.

6) And also in mom's closet

Can I take her shoes?

And secretly from mom at school

Show off your heels.

7) Our girls offended

We won't give today

Not even a stranger

Let's not get close to them!

8) We sang ditties to you,

Don't be offended

Clap your hands louder

Smile wider!

(Boys give gifts to girls)

On the day of March 8, all people, and, it seems, nature itself praise the golden hands and tender hearts of our women. On this day, it is customary to give gifts to all women. And our guys made their own hands Greeting Cards for mothers and grandmothers.

(Children give cards to mothers and grandmothers)

CAPTAIN COMPETITION. WINDERS. At my signal, each captain begins to wind the cord around the stick with both hands. Whoever gets to the middle first is the winner.

3) Summarizing.

While the jury is summing up the final result, I want to sincerely congratulate mothers, grandmothers, girls on the holiday and wish happiness, joy, health, family warmth and well-being on this spring day. Let the birds sing louder, the spring sun shines brighter. Smile to each other good mood has not left you.

(Summing up, awarding the winners)

We end the competition

We wish mom

To always be healthy

To laugh and joke.

We want our mothers

Became even more beautiful

To make everyone happy

All: Our mothers are dear.

Scenario extracurricular activities by March 8 for girls primary school: "Seven peas for princesses."

Author: Salmanova Alesya Alexandrovna, primary school teacher of the State Educational Institution " high school No. 46, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus.
Most little girls dream of trying on the image of a princess from their favorite fairy tales, an integral part of which is a beautiful dress and a crown, as well as everyone's attention and admiration. Fulfilling such a dream is not at all difficult, especially on the eve of March 8!

Target: congratulate the girls on the holiday of March 8 and bring joy to the children.
Tasks: to promote the development of creative activity, unity of the children's team.

There are seven paper green peas on the board, and under each of them is a portrait of a Disney princess:
Snow White

Witch: I have bewitched many princesses. And if you want to help them, you need to pass the tests. They are not simple. Each pea is an enchanted princess. There are seven of them, which means there are seven princesses too. Help them regain their beautiful appearance. Ready for a challenge?

Pea №1
- Which princess was bewitched by the sorcerer first, we learn from the riddle:
Skin as white as snow
Sponges are like corals.
That she is the prettiest of all
The mirror said
Helped the gnomes in the house
But the witch found out
I gave an apple with poison,
And the princess died.
Only the prince's kiss
Brought her back to life.
(Snow White)

Wizard's Quest:
- And you need to earn Snow White's pea! Well, tell me, what kind of dwarf was not in the fairy tale? Listen carefully: Clever, Grumpy, Merry, Jumper, Shy, Chihun, Dormouse, Simpleton.
Trial: The sorcerer hates animals. But there is one creature that he simply adores!
- Guess who it is (you need to connect the numbers from 1 to 33 with lines, you get a SNAIL)

Witch: Yes, I love snails so much! They are so slippery… I love it!
Outcome: Princess Snow White is disenchanted. A portrait of a princess appears instead of a pea.

Pea №2
A palace stands among the deserts,
The Sultan sits on the throne.
And his beautiful daughter
All the followers love it.
Her hands asked the Sultan
Wealthy princes and viziers.
But I gave my love
She is a simple poor man.
And she is happy only with him,
Princess named...

Wizard's Quest: I will give a pea only for a cheerful dance, because Princess Jasmine loves to dance very much.
"Dance with balls": a boy and a girl hold a ball with their stomachs and dance, the boy's hands are on his belt, the girl holds the dress.

Trial: Tell the sorcerer who stole his beloved parrot!

As a rule, the task confuses even adults, so help a little. You just need to flip the picture, and you will see .... Indian. This is the answer. The Indian stole the parrot!

Outcome: Princess Jasmine is disenchanted. A portrait of a princess appears instead of a pea.

Pea №3
Wizard's Quest: The sorcerer offers one of the players of each team to find all the shells in the bowl (to do this, mix beads, coins, buttons and shells (5 pieces). You need to search with your eyes closed.

Daughter of the king of the seas Triton
Do not sit, bored, at home.
Only to her at the bottom of the sea
Every corner is familiar. Guess it as soon as possible,

What is the name of the princess?... (Ariel)

Trial: After completing these tasks, the Sorcerer gives the pea to Ariel with new riddles - you need to make words and find marine life(FISH)

Outcome: Princess Ariel is disenchanted. Instead of a pea, a portrait of a princess appears on the board.

Pea №4
She is not afraid of work
Beautiful and very sweet.
All the time in labor and worries
My stepmother was mean.
But the fairy godmother one day
Helped her get to the ball.
There she met the prince
And she lost her shoe there. But with the help of this shoe
Our beauty has been found.

Wizard's Quest: Cinderella's pea must also be earned! Divide into teams, but everyone take off one shoe! There will be a relay race for Cinderellas!”
For the relay race, prepare two plates on which mix 10 coffee beans with rice, beans and peas. Divide the children into two teams. You need to run to the plate, take one coffee bean, bring it to the team. Runs another "Cinderella" in one shoe. If there are few children, you can participate several times to collect all 10 grains.

Trial: Crossword

Outcome: the princess is disenchanted. A portrait of Cinderella appears instead of a pea.

Pea №5
Witch:- Who has the longest and strongest braid? Rapunzel
“You don’t have such long hair, I want to see how you can tie strong ropes.”
Task of the Sorcerer: We divide into teams. We give each team the same number of ropes or laces (40-50 cm). From them you need to make one long rope, tying the ends. Timed for 2 minutes. We measure who made the rope longer.

Trial: There is a drawing on the sheet. You need to find 5 differences.

Outcome: Princess Rapunzel is disenchanted. A portrait of a princess appears instead of a pea.

Pea №6
In a dense forest in a hut
Our princess grew up.
Three fairies hid her
From an evil sorceress terrible.
And here in the forest your fate
Once I met
Although a magical dream to fall asleep
Should have been first.
But the kiss of her love
Wake up again, no doubt.
And find your love

Wizard's Quest:
Not everyone managed to bewitch,
And who, I ask you to know ...

1. I go to my grandmother through the forest, I sing a sonorous song
I bring her pies and cookies for a treat.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

2. I ran away from the theater
My friend is a poodle Artemon,
I have blue hair
And Pierrot is in love with me.

3. I can handle all tasks.
I'm not afraid of Koshchei
I'll throw off the skin of a frog
And I will turn into a princess. (The frog princess)

4. For insects, fleas, flies
Baked pancakes and buns
Boiled the samovar.
The spider nearly ate me.
Evil intentions destroyed
Heroic Mosquito

5. And the road is far. And the basket is not easy
Sit on a stump
Eat a pie (Mashenka)

6. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower
And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail
The girl slept in a nutshell
That was such a sweet girl. (Thumbelina)

7. There is neither a river nor a pond. Where can I get a drink of water?
Very tasty water. In the hole from the hoof (Alyonushka)

8. Grandfather and woman lived together,
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

Outcome: Princess Aurora is disenchanted.

Pea №7

Lived in a small village
And I was waiting for adventure, I read a lot.
And then one night
Father rushed to save
And ended up in a castle.
But a terrible monster
She wasn't afraid.
I found many friends there.
Did you guess? This -.
.. (Belle) "Beauty and the Beast"

Wizard's Quest: Pass the maze.

Outcome: Princess Belle is also disenchanted. A portrait of a princess appears instead of a pea.

Witch: Yes, I did not think that you are such smart and quick-witted girls. Yes, and so beautiful ... And I will turn you into ... ... ... ... .... PRINCESS! (Puts crowns on heads)

What should be a princess? (Answer yes or no).

Maybe confused?
Maybe happy?

Now it is clear to everyone that real princesses must be both beautiful, and diligent, and graceful, and smart. Just like the girls in our class. I invite everyone to the Royal Ball (disco, sweet table).

Contest"Little Princess - 2015"

Cheerful music sounds, the presenter comes out.

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our hall, where an unusual contest"Little Princess-2015". On this competition we will choose a princess who will combine a smile and good manners, charm and self-presentation, i.e. such girl, which will enchant you from the first minute and will not disappoint you until the end of our competition. Exactly like this girl we will award the title - "Little Princess-2015".

So, where can I find you a princess?

Walk around the world and find yourself a princess!

The Tsar enters the hall and sits on the throne (he is sad, Queen:

Queen: What are you, my King, sad,

What did you hang your head on?

Tsar: Our son decided to get married.

Queen: Get married!

Tsar: Well, where can I find the princess?

Real princess?

Queen: My dear, do not be sad,

We have competition ahead.

Tsar: Pray tell me, is everything ready for the ball of young princesses?

Queen: Your Highness all the guests have arrived, the musicians are ready,

princesses from different kingdoms have already arrived at the ball and they are all beautiful and charming, charming and musical.

presenter: Attention! Attention!

Hurry to the palace to us.

Today in the fairytale palace

The ball will be merry.

Beautiful and smart

Cheerful and noisy

Singers, craftswomen,

Beautiful girls!

We invite princesses to the palace!

presenter: I ask everyone - attention!

The important moment has come:

Under your applause

The princesses are led into the hall.

Palms not sparing

Meet soon!

The song is a cheerful tune.

Under it go girls next to each other. The host meets them with verses. Meanwhile girls parade around the stage, show their outfit and how they can move on stage.


Here comes to us on the stage,

Knowing exactly your worth, -

Dasha, business,

The princess is like this!

Tanya is a princess, what do you need!

And the whole audience is happy about it.

Let's clap her hands

She has a nice outfit.

It's Vika's turn

She smiles

And laughs and laughs

Wants to be the first princess!

Next, Arina goes.

Proudly carries his head.

Look how slim

And she's not stupid.

Here is Katya! Heart on the heels!

What the girl, guys.

If you look closer -

You can just be amazed.

presenter: And now, girls come to me and we will draw lots.

Participant numbers are announced.

presenter: Evaluate the skill of our contestants will be independent, an incorruptible and fair jury, composition:

And so the girls calmed down a bit let's do a workout.

Each participant will be given 1 question:

Question Options:

1. (member name, what will you be when you grow up? (Answer)

2.. what are you called at home mom, dad, grandma, grandpa? (Answer)

3. What do you promise. , mom, when she collects you in kindergarten? (Answer)

4! What would your toys say about you? (Answer)

5! What flowers do you like? (Answer)

6! What is the name of your favorite fairy tale? (Answer)

7! What names do you call your dolls?

8! If you… had a magic wand, what wish would you make? (Answer)

presenter: Well, honey girls, you were original in your answers.

Thank you for an interesting conversation.

You can go backstage and get ready for 1 competition.

presenter: Bye girls getting ready, our fans, from senior group, perform the number


presenter: And so the first contest"Business card". Each girl I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about myself. The jury evaluates skills: stay on stage, present yourself to the audience.

1 contest"Business card"

presenter: And so, we meet the participant at number one (Name girls) .

presenter: We applaud 1 participant.

presenter: And I invite 2 participants to the stage (Name girls)

presenter: Clap loudly. 3 participants will now present their business card () etc.

presenter: Thank you girls for the performance and while you are preparing for 2 competition, girls from preparatory group will perform a song "Rain".

presenter: We are good toys:

Dolls, bears and crackers,

They are fun to play with

But don't forget:

Toys are not people

And everyone understands.

And they really don't like

When they are broken.

Let the toys be friends with us

We won't offend them.

Let's play later

We'll put everything in place.

presenter: You friends understand what 2 will be about contest. Now our girls talk about their favorite toy.

2 contest"My favorite toy"

presenter: Thank you dear contestants. You, well done! get ready girls from the next competition and on our stage "Merry Dance" from the preparatory group.

Performing "Merry Dance".


I'll put on my suit

And I'm going to the carnival.

My outfit is the best here

So that no one knows!

presenter: I announce the third contest"Costume Carnival". The jury evaluates how girls they know how to present their costume, the ability to move beautifully, plastically and expressively to the music. We meet with thunderous applause 1 participant competition.

3 contest"Carnival"

3. etc. 4 contest"Visiting a fairy tale"

The leader asks each in turn girl questions about fairy tales. They must find out what kind of fairy tale and who is the hero.


1. Where was Cheburashka found? (In an orange box);

2. Where did Cheburashka first live? (in a phone booth);

3. What was the name of the mischievous old woman? (Shapoklyak)

4. What was the name cartoon girl"Swan geese"? (Masha);

5. Who helped Mashenka find the way to Baba Yaga? (Hedgehog)

6. What advice did the cat Matroskin give to Uncle Fyodor in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" about the sandwich? (Place the sandwich with the sausage side down);

7. What was the name of the cow in the cartoon? (Murka)

presenter: Great, you recognized all the characters, you know fairy tales, and, in my opinion, not bad! I ask you to, girls go backstage and get ready for the last, responsible homework. And on our stage girls with song"Sun in the palms".

A song is being performed "Sun in the palms"

presenter: The final task - "Creative". This homework in which mothers also took part. Let's greet our participants with thunderous applause.

Sounds, cheerful music on the background of it the presenter speaks.

presenter: So the exciting and solemn moment has come, in a few minutes we will know the winner competition"Little Princess-2015" I ask all participants to come to the center of the hall. Applause! We invite our competent jury. Let them read their verdict. Silence in the hall, all attention on the jury.

The King, Queen and Prince enter the hall.

Tsar: Well, son, go meet

And you reward princesses.

Jury presentation.

There is an award contestants.

Princess Charm___

Princess Charm___

Princess Grace___

Princess Tenderness___

Princess Modesty ___

Jury: Ranks "Little Princess" honored (Name girls)

Little Princess ___

presenter: Well, honey girls, you were original not only in costumes, but also in answers. Thank you for your interesting presentation.

presenter: Up to what smart girls, sociable, beautiful. Just a sight! I want to thank your parents who helped you in your performances and in preparing competitions.

presenter: After all, all the miracles and transformations of our little participants are yet to come. We believe that a real fabulous future awaits them, and princes are only from good fairy tales.

Additional material for competition"Little Princess 2015". It can be used for competition"Visiting a fairy tale" or play with the audience.

Second task: "Visiting a fairy tale"(Fairy "Fairy tale")

(riddles are guessed: each girl - on a riddle

1. I’m going to my grandmother through the forest,

I sing a ringing song.

I bring her for a treat

Pies, compote, cookies. (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. I am a servant of my stepmother,

Ashes on my cheek.

But yesterday I danced in the castle

At the King's Ball! (Cinderella)

3. I ran away from the theater

My friend poodle Artemon.

And the hair is blue

And Pierrot is in love with me! (Malvina)

4. I own the kingdom of snow,

The Ice Palace is my home.

Cold, pride and deceit

In my heart of ice! (The Snow Queen)

5. I can handle all the tasks,

I'm not afraid of Koshchei!

I'll throw off the skin of a frog,

And I will turn into a princess! (Princess Frog)

6. For insects, fleas, flies

She baked pancakes and buns.

Boiled the samovar

A spider almost ate me

Evil intentions destroyed

Heroic Mosquito! (Fly Tsokotukha)

MOU "Vidimskaya Sosh"

Competitive game program


teacher - organizer

Goals and objectives

  • involvement of students in grades 5-7 in active leisure activities;
  • fostering a responsible attitude to the task assigned;
  • development of independence;
  • development of communication skills;
  • to form a sense of beauty;
  • develop aesthetic taste.

Attributes:tables, plates for peas and beans, cards from 1 to 6, “garbage” (torn paper), fruit on a tray, a knife, 6 sheets for answers, 6 sheets for autographs, 6 pens or felt-tip pens, a scarf, chairs for participants

The hall is decorated with paper daisies.

Music sounds, the leader comes out.

Leading:Friends and girlfriends, our comrades!

This hall is decorated with flowers for you.

For all ages this joyful evening!

For you our songs, for you our meetings.

Good afternoon dear friends!We are glad to see all of you at our meeting.

Leading:Who does not know Cinderella - the heroine of the old fairy tale? Allknow.

We are sure that they are just as kind, sweet, funny

and smart girls like Cinderella still exist today. And among us.

But how to find them?

And so we decided to hold a competition called "Cinderella". Participating in our competition: (surnames and names of participants are listed)

I ask the contestants to go on stage.

(Participants take the stage to the music)

Moderator: So, the participants are assembled. And now I represent

you our competent jury: (the jury is listed)

The jury is presented and we begin our competition.

Leading: The first competition "Acting skills". Each participant had to prepare her own number of amateur performances. We are happy to see the participants of our competition on stage.

Leading: Our jury evaluates the performances of the participants, and we move on to the next, second competition "Hostess". Going to the ball to the king, the stepmother told Cinderella to sort out the beans, lentils, peas and beans. You have to do the same now, only we have beans and peas. And our jury will send someone to see which of our Cinderellas can do it faster.

Leading:While our Cinderellas are working, we will think with the audience how we can help our contestants. I think that for each correct answer of yours, the jury members will give 1 point to the participant in whose favor you will give your answer. Unite by members. In turn, for each participant, so as not to be offended, we draw lots. So, listen to the task, and do not shout, because we will not be able to add this 1 point to everyone at once.

The task is:

Name the fairy tales, in the titles of which there is a female name.

Who has number 1? You name one.

(Ch. Perro "Cinderella", G. Andersen "Thumbelina", "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", L. Carroll "The Adventures of Alice", A. Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking", W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".)

Leading: We would like to hear from the jury the results of the first three competitions.

Leading: And now I ask our participants to take part in the next competition "Hairstyle". Remember, no one knew how skillfully, like Cinderella, to curl a curl for sisters. And even more so to do a hairstyle for the ball. We ask assistants to go to the stage. Our Cinderellas are given 10 minutes to make a masterpiece of hairdressing art. I remind you that we create a hairstyle in order to be able to go to school with her.

Leading: In the meantime, our girls are working, we will play a game called "Teapot", let's first learn the words and music:

Teapot, lid.

Lid, pimp.

Pimpka, hole.

Steam comes out of the hole.

Steam goes, a hole.

Hole, pimp.

Pimpka, lid.

Lid, teapot.

teapot - palms parallel to each other;

lid - palm right hand folded with a lid;

pimpochka - cam;

hole - fingers in a ring (OK sign.)

steam goes - circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.

As they sing (to the tune of “The Heart of a Beauty”), the words are replaced by hand movements.

Leading:So, look at our wonderful hairstyles! The jury members evaluate the skills of the participants, and we continue.

Leading: Fifth competition - "Hostess"

Cinderella was very hardworking, her rooms were always tidied up, and we have a mess, let's start cleaning our premises, whoever collects more garbage will be given more points by our respected jury.

One two three four five

Start cleaning up!

Let's count the amount of garbage collected by the girls. And the jury members will tell us about the results of previous competitions.

Leading:Let's move on to the sixth contest - "Sweet Tooth"

Which festive table no fruit? You all know and love these fruits: apple, orange, banana, kiwi (fruits are shown whole). Do you recognize them by smell? We will cut the fruit in half, the blindfolded participants will have to identify the fruit by smell. Everyone will go out the door. The bravest one goes first.

Leading: Since our competition is held at school, of course, we must also find out the intelligence of our Cinderellas. Our next contest is called "Know-it-all", you will have to answer my questions so that it is not offensive, and there is no talk that it is easier for someone, and for someone it will be harder for everyone to answer the same questions, take paper and pens, write your answers, and then give them to the jury:

1. In what female name are thirty "I"? (Zoe)

2. You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us? (Two)

3. When the boy is called female name? (When he sleeps for a long time - Sonya)

4. What was the name of the Fairy from the fairy tale "Cinderella"?

5. How many times do you need to take the letter A to get a bird?


Leading:There are always many guests at the ball, and we have guests and fans. We will give our Cinderellas the following task: you must collect as many autographs from the audience and fans in 30 seconds. Whoever collects how much, he will receive so many points. Fans can put their autograph on any of the participants, but you can leave it with each girl once!

Leading:Well done guys, they did a great job. This is our last competition and now let's listen to the jury.

Leading:Well friends, it's time to say goodbye.

It's good that your faces glow with a smile!

Wish you all the best! See you soon!

SCENARIO competitive program for girls grade 3, dedicated to International Women's Day MARCH 8

Target: the formation of the ability of students to speak publicly in front of large audience;

development of creative abilities;

formation of a class team

Tasks: 1) create a festive mood in children.

2) give students the opportunity to demonstrate their Creative skills, skill to work in team;

3) to cultivate love and respect for mother, grandmother, classmates ...




Good afternoon dear friends!

March 8 is truly the most extraordinary day of the year! At any time, in any weather, we only have to think about it, as our soul becomes warmer and brighter.

But when this day comes, a real male commotion begins in our homes: all dads and sons think only about one thing: what to give and how to congratulate their beloved women.

On this day, we send congratulations to the representatives of the most charming, most beautiful, gentlest and kindest half of humanity - mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates...


1 young man:

2 young man:

You are all so beautiful today
So charming, gentle!
Take a look, it will immediately become clear -
Around the breath of spring.

3 young man:

So, be happy, healthy,
Take it all in stride
And we are ready to substitute you,
Your reliable shoulder

4 young man:
We wish you good luck in business,
Love happy and big
You smile, which means

Everything will be fine in life!

5 young man:

On this day, March 8, we wish you well,
And an armful of flowers and spring warmth,
A lot of joy, health, always be beautiful,
So that happy smiles would not leave your face!

6 young man:

Let the first March beam
Hurry to you happiness in a bright house.
May the spring day be bright
Carries good gifts!



Sounds like music from a movie about Sherlock Holmes.

Gentlemen come out (white scarves around their necks, flowers in their hands).

J. 1 Our dear ladies!

Classmates and mothers!

Our entire team is male

Congratulations on spring.

J. 2. March 8 is a day when every man, regardless of age, is simply obliged to be a gentleman.

J. 4. Mop the floors, clean the carpets, take out the trash, wash the dishes, go to the store, put your toys away...

J. 4. What's this! Did you know that a real gentleman does this every day?

All: Oooooh!

The song sounds to the motive "If you, frowning ..."

If you frown

Argue with things

If accumulated

So many problems

May it always help

to you in household matters

adult or youth

A true gentleman.

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

J. 2. Dear ladies! We wish that you are always surrounded by real gentlemen!

    Teacher: On this day we always congratulate mothers and grandmothers. But there are still young ladies who are also full-fledged heroines of this holiday. These are our girls! And today we will congratulate them too.

Boy reading a poem

What are the girls up to

They don't look like boys.

Ribbons, bows, all sorts of rubbish

And secrets in the corners.

curious noses

Everywhere they climb, SA-MI!

Go to any of them

Called: "Groom!"

That's when the canary

change batteries,

ostriches cub,

Sister will grow a mustache

That's quite possible then.

Gradually, carefully

I will change a little

And I'll probably get married.

    Chastushki performed by boys

You listen, girls,

We will sing ditties to you.

If together we tighten,

You clap us!

We respect girls

We can safely say to you:

Very difficult tasks

We will decide for them.

Our girls blossomed

Like daisies in the meadow.

Well, they sing songs

Like birds in a garden.

Here I am in class

I turn in all directions

How many girls are beautiful -

I won't look at all!

We wish you only happiness

And it's no longer a secret

What are these cool girls

And not on the whole planet!

We tried to sing ditties,

And you groaned over it.

We offer all guests

To clap us!

    Teacher: - the day before women's holiday we are running a contest

“Come on, girls!” Today, each girl performs not alone, but with a support group consisting of the boys of our class. The help of this group will be required for some competitions.

(The girl's support group is created in advance.)

The work of the groups will be evaluated by a competent jury consisting of our mothers.

I wish everyone victory. I wish you success!

Competitive program.Warm up

Listen to the poems and complete the line with the words "boys" or "girls".

1. Spring bouquets of dandelions

You will see our...

2. Bolts, screws, gears

Found in your pocket...

3. Skates drew lines on ice

They play hockey in the morning...

4. Chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

5. In front of everyone, measure strength,

Of course everyone loves...

6. Silk, lace and fingers in rings,

Going out for a walk...

And now we are starting a competition in which the beautiful half of our class, our dear girls, takes part!

1. Competition "Intuition"

Leading:- Everyone knows that women have a well-developed intuition ...

Using intuition and ingenuity, each girl will find a card with her name

Plaques with the names of girls written on the board are hung out.

vice versa.Exercise: find a sign with your name as soon as possible.

2. Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

Leading:- Every girl is a little princess. And what a princess should be, we know from a fairy tale.

- So, sitting on a chair and dancing at the same time, the participants must determine how many sweets are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

It is necessary to put chairs without upholstery in a row or in a circle, according to the number of expected participants. A certain amount of caramels is placed on each chair, preferably candy. For example, on the first chair - 3 sweets, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. From above, the seats of the chairs are covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are finished. Those who wish are called. They are seated on chairs.

The music turns on.

3. Competition "Crests"

Leading:- Each girl always has her own view on how she herself and those around her look. Therefore, each of them is an image maker ...

Each participant chooses a boy from her support group and creates the most “ruffled” out of him. To do this, the participants are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to make as many "tufts" as possible from the boy's hair with the help of rubber bands.

4. Competition "Royal feast"

Leading:- Every girl from childhood dreams of becoming a good housewife, who, first of all, knows how to cook well ...

Imagine that you have been invited to a royal feast. There, various treats were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “K”.

Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible dishes on pieces of paper. How many foods are listed - how many points each team receives.

5. Competition "Poetic"

Leading:- What woman does not like when poetry is dedicated to her? ..

    with a stutter

    "foreign style"


Participants can be offered any children's poem, for example:

"They dropped Mishka on the floor,

Mishka's paw was torn off.

I won't leave him anyway

Because he's good."

6. Competition "Artists"

Leading:- Every girl is a creative nature, we were convinced of this today ...

Now let's draw a cat.

Blindfolded girls draw cat elements according to the words of the poem

Draw a big circle
Small one on top
At the top of the ear are two -
This will be the head.
Draw for beauty
Bigger his mustache.
Here fluffy tail ready.
You are the most beautiful of all cats!

    Summarizing. Giving gifts to girls from parents

Word to you, dear members of the jury!


I wish all of you girls

To always be healthy.

To laugh and joke.

Spring to you joyful and tender.

Happy days and pink dreams.

Let March give you, even snowy

Your smiles and flowers.

This concludes our event.

Lovely women!

Be always beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, healthy and loved!

Now accept gifts from your children!

To the music, children give gifts - postcards to their mothers.