Young Japanese women of amazing beauty. Secrets of beauty, longevity and youth of Japanese women. Basic cleaning, including massage elements

In addition to their natural abilities, which are difficult to dispute, Japanese women know how to take care of themselves and eat right.

Balanced diet

An important factor helping to maintain youth is considered balanced diet. What principles do Japanese women adhere to?

  1. Typically, Japanese women sit down at a table with at least 5-6 different dishes on it, so Japanese women can eat up to 35 dishes at one meal. In addition, a special love for puddings makes it difficult to refuse this delicious dessert. Please note that each dish is served in a separate plate in very small quantities. Japanese women take their time, savoring every bite. It is this way of eating that helps you avoid overeating.
  2. In Japan, it is customary to cook food in steamers with a minimum amount of fat.
  3. In the land of the rising sun it is not customary to eat bread. Replacing bread with rice eliminates unnecessary calories.
  4. Lunch must be washed down with green tea, which is famous for its vitamins and antioxidants. Most importantly, Japanese women drink tea without sugar.
  5. Desserts in Japan are usually small. They are prepared without adding butter or milk.

It is known that good appearance indicates that a person is healthy from the inside. The nutritional principles followed by Japanese women make it possible not to overload the body, which is a very important factor for the good functioning of the body.

Proper care

Not only proper nutrition allows women to remain beautiful, but also proper care appearance.

  1. Hair care. It's no secret that Japanese girls use camellia oil to keep their hair shiny and healthy. One should heat one teaspoon of this oil, rub it into the hair for a long time, leave for 20 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Skin care. To preserve the beauty of their faces, Japanese beauties use white clay and crushed rice bran. Sometimes it is allowed to add chamomile, jojoba and rosehip oils, which are diluted with water to form a paste. The mixture must be rubbed in with gentle movements. This mask is washed off 15 minutes after application.

Popular Japanese folk remedy

Japanese ladies actively use apple cider vinegar for cosmetic procedures. It is customary to add vinegar to shampoo to eliminate dandruff and excessive oily roots. To keep your skin young, take baths with natural apple cider vinegar.

The beauty secrets of Japanese women excite many of our compatriots. And it’s not surprising: the fair sex of the Land of the Rising Sun knows how to look elegant, natural and younger than their years. Their figures are refined, their skin is porcelain-like and radiant, and their appearance, in general, is comparable to a flower. Is it possible for us to get closer to such an ideal? Of course! You just need to follow some very simple recommendations.

Lifestyle of women from Japan

Everyone knows that if you plan to significantly change your appearance in better side, it is necessary to change radically. Right down to the attitude towards lifestyle. Of course, this is not always easy to do, but you can get used to it. In addition, your overall well-being will significantly improve. So, where to start:

1) Proper nutrition. The Japanese have a peculiar attitude towards food - they prefer food with the fewest calories. In addition, the portion size is controlled. To do the latter, use a few secrets: first, place food in small plates, and second, slowly enjoy each bite. As a result, you will be surprised at how little you need to feel full. You should not go further than this limit, not forgetting that the feeling of hunger goes away 20 minutes after the last piece of food. Be sure to include rice, dairy products, meat, fish, beans and other foods containing amino acids in your diet. It is important to drink as much water as possible, and do not forget about green tea.

2) Avoiding tanning. Asian women have a different idea of ​​beautiful skin than we do. If our compatriots are ready to lie on the beach for hours and disappear in the solarium, then Japanese women, on the contrary, strive for snow-whiteness. To achieve this, they strive to spend as little time in the open sun as possible and to use cosmetics that block the production of melanin. Moreover, it is recommended to use such products not only in summer, but also in winter.

3) Active lifestyle. To maintain your youth and beauty, you simply need to strengthen your body. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun understand this like no one else. They spend a lot of time on fresh air When taking long walks in nature, they prefer a bicycle when it comes to transport, and they love dancing.

Personal care products for Japanese women

The beauty secrets of Japanese women include a special attitude towards makeup. Beauty is not just created - it must be maintained with special care. Therefore, in order not to spoil the skin, Japanese women do not put on a huge amount of cosmetics.

1) Preference is given to pearl white, which is made from pearl powder, egg white, water and acacia honey. This mixture remains on the face for no more than 20 minutes. After this, rinse off with warm water. The result is not long in coming - the skin becomes velvety to the touch and uniform in color.

2) To fight back wrinkles and dryness, they use camellia oil rather than chemical cosmetics. In addition, it perfectly strengthens nails and hair. This product perfectly nourishes, softens, moisturizes and soothes, and also relieves irritation and excessive sensitivity of the skin.

3) “Cosmetic water,” as the Japanese call it, is significantly different from the preparations we are used to. It does not contain emulsifiers, silicone, oils, or alcohol. The emphasis is on naturalness and benefits. An essential skin care product, this water is applied every day using wipes or cotton pads. The latter are moistened with plain water, wrung out, soaked in the specified product and applied for about 15 minutes. The sequence of application is important - first on the nose and lips, then on the forehead, cheeks and chin. Thus, if you are prone to allergies, it is detected immediately.

4) Japanese women use a variety of serums after 30 years. Until this age, girls only moisturize and cleanse their skin using products that do not burden the skin. The balance during this period is at the proper level - all that is needed is protection from sunlight and drying out.

6) Such a common product in Japan as rice is used not only as food, but also for cosmetic purposes. A decoction of it helps achieve that porcelain whiteness that is so popular among Japanese women. All you need to do is apply rice water in the shower using a washcloth on your body when taking water procedures.

7) Cosmetics are used exclusively natural and in small quantities. As for the lips, lipstick made from rose petals and vegetable fats is applied to them; melted caramel was used as gloss. The arrow has always been an integral element of eye makeup, done carefully to emphasize the look.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to adopt the methods of preserving the beauty of Japanese women. And, if you are ready to take your transformation seriously by regularly performing the simple techniques listed above, then be sure that you too will be able to radiate health and attractiveness.

According to statistics, the most centenarians live in Japan and most of these centenarians are women. In addition to the fact that Japanese women live long, they also manage to maintain beautiful skin until old age, slim figure, shiny Thick hair. How do they manage to look 25 at the age of 50 and at the same time manage to work, take care of their families and live at the fast pace characteristic of this country?

Japanese women have their own beauty secrets. This includes specific skin and hair care, and unusual recipes body care, and, of course, the traditional Japanese diet.

Japanese secrets of a graceful figure

Most Japanese women maintain an excellent figure until old age and this is not a stereotype, but a real fact. It’s difficult, almost impossible to see an overweight Japanese woman on the street, but how do they do it? The secret of the slimness of Japanese women lies in the peculiarities of their diet.

During each meal, Japanese women try a huge number of dishes; even the simplest meal can include about 30 names. But all these dishes are served in the form of very small portions on elegant and miniature plates. The total mass of food is small, but the nutrition is very varied.

Separately, it is worth noting the method of preparing food. In Japan, they practically don’t eat fried or fatty foods. Almost all food is not exposed to high temperatures, this allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances in the food. The most consumed foods in Japan are rice, vegetables, seafood, soybeans, and green tea.

Of course, it’s difficult for our average compatriot to start out like a Japanese woman; many dishes are simply impossible to prepare in a home kitchen, but some tips are quite applicable to our realities. For example, Japanese women practically do not eat bread, eating boiled rice instead, and they also do not eat fast food.

Proper nutrition allows you to eliminate the root cause of aging - wear and tear and clogging of the body.

Japan has a specific attitude towards sweets; they consume little flour products and practically do not eat sweets on the go, but during every meal they serve beautiful and delicious desserts made from fruits, agar-agar and other healthy and low-calorie products. In general, Japanese women eat three times less sugar than our compatriots.

Secrets for perfect skin (Video)

Many people admire the skin of Japanese women. Indeed, the majority of women in this country have amazingly smooth skin of a beautiful natural color. The main secret of such skin is the use of only natural and high-quality cosmetics. If you look closely at the faces of Japanese women, you will notice that they use decorative cosmetics to a minimum, trying to maintain the healthy and natural appearance of their skin. They also try to minimize the use of preservatives and dyes in cosmetics, preferring natural ingredients and.

Many Japanese women prefer homemade cosmetics, which they make themselves or buy from specialists. The composition of such cosmetics includes seaweed, various herbs, clay, rice or oatmeal, and oils. Great importance is placed on cleansing and moisturizing the skin, and such procedures can take up to several hours. To cleanse the skin, compresses with oils are used, as well as scrubs on a natural basis.

Rice can suppress the production of melanin, which helps achieve a porcelain skin tone, suppressing natural yellowness.

Moisturize the skin with traditional masks. To prepare one of them, you will need to mix equal parts of white cosmetic clay and rice bran, oatmeal and seaweed. Then add one teaspoon each of jojoba and rosehip oils to the resulting mixture. The resulting mass will be thick, so it can be diluted a little with water. You can also add some dried chamomile flowers to the mask. The finished mask is applied to the face and lightly rubbed for 10-15 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off with clean cool water.

One of the popular cosmetics is apple cider vinegar. From apple cider vinegar, oils and extracts medicinal plants prepare natural facial lotions that refresh, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin.

Japanese recipes for luxurious hair

The smooth, shiny, truly silky hair of Japanese women is also the envy of many women. The secret to such luxurious hair is careful and natural care. To cleanse hair, natural shampoos are used, which necessarily include a variety of oils, medicinal herbs and apple cider vinegar.

One of Japan's favorite hair care products is camellia oil. It contains a lot of useful substances. The oil can be applied to damp hair, left for a few minutes and rinsed off or added to hair masks.

For oily hair prepare a mask from rice bran and white clay, which are mixed in equal proportions. The dry mixture is diluted with warm water to a porridge state and applied to the hair. This mask must be left on the hair for 20-25 minutes under a terry towel and rinsed off.

Japanese women pay a lot of attention to protecting their skin from the sun, wear hats and use special creams.

For weakened hair, prepare a mask of sea salt with algae. You can use both fresh seaweed and dried seaweed purchased at the pharmacy. A mixture of salt and seaweed is slightly moistened and rubbed into the roots of the hair, then wrapped and kept on the head for about half an hour. Then the mask is washed off with warm water.

To restore damaged hair, use hibiscus infusion, apple cider vinegar and green tea. To prepare a healing remedy, tea rose (hibiscus) petals are poured with boiling water and left for an hour, then green tea and a teaspoon of vinegar are added. Rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.

Japanese body care recipes

A very important component of caring for their body for Japanese women is the fight against cellulite. For this, in the Land of the Rising Sun they usually use a special massage and anti-cellulite scrub. The main element of the scrub is sea salt. Salt is mixed with aloe juice and the resulting mixture is massaged into the skin in problem areas. It is better to do this during water procedures. You can also mix salt with cream. This scrub also nourishes the skin, making it softer and more velvety.

Japanese women attach great importance to massage. Traditional Japanese massage not only helps to relax the body and soul, its work is aimed at uniting and activating all the hidden reserves in the body to fight illness or simply to restore and maintain the body in good shape. At the same time, this massage allows you to minimize the impact of time on the body.

Green tea is not only a favorite drink of Japanese women, but also an excellent cleanser.

Rejuvenating baths are also very popular in Japan. A hot bath with persimmon leaves helps restore and rejuvenate the skin, making it more youthful and elastic. For such a bath, you need to pour a glass of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave. Then you need to add it to a hot bath and combine business with pleasure during water procedures.

Japanese women are rightfully considered one of the wonders of the Land of the Rising Sun: graceful, discreet, at thirty they look seventeen, and at fifty they look thirty. Some experts believe that the ideal “porcelain” skin of Japanese women is a gift from nature, while others believe that this is the result of special care.

It is likely that both are at play here. But if you can’t argue with nature, then adopt or at least get acquainted with the intricacies of Japanese women's skin care quite reasonable. And the book by a leading Japanese cosmetologist (Chizu Saeki) is intended to help with this. "Revolutionary Japanese skin care - how to make your skin beautiful at any age."

The author of the book, who has more than 40 years of experience in cosmetology, turned 68 years old, however, you just have to look at the appearance and perfect skin of this slender woman for the last doubts about the effectiveness of her skin care system to disappear. Chizu Saeki runs his own beauty school, participates in television programs, organizes seminars and trainings, including for specialists from leading European cosmetic companies.

What are the main secrets of Chizu Saeki?

Of course, it is impossible to talk about all the methods and techniques of the master in this article, but we will try to focus on the most basic ones. According to Chizu Saeki, cosmetics alone cannot make a woman beautiful unless she takes responsibility for her health and appearance. To help with this, the cosmetologist has developed 10 basic recommendations, using the centuries-old experience of Japanese women in self-care and the latest achievements in cosmetology. So, in order.

1. Sincerely strive to be beautiful

This is the main condition for the effectiveness of your work on your appearance. Chizu Saeki remembers that at the age of 13 she first saw a film with Audrey Hepburn in leading role, and was literally shocked by her beauty. Having started to copy the appearance and demeanor of the actress, the girl realized how nice it was to be beautiful. This influenced her desire to work in the beauty industry and help others become beautiful.

Each woman may have her own reasons for striving for external beauty. It doesn’t matter what motivation you have, the main thing is that it helps you in this endeavor, and that you spare no effort and time for this. As soon as you yourself feel beautiful, this feeling will definitely be passed on to others.

2. Get to know yourself and your skin better

To begin, Chizu Saeki invites everyone to look in the mirror. What do you see? Of course, yourself as you are today. Now lift your chin slightly. Do you remember? Yes, that's how you were ten years ago. Well, now lower your chin slightly and look in the mirror. This is what you will look like in another 10 years. If you didn’t like the last reflection, you need to get to work immediately.

And the first step should be to carefully study the properties of your skin, and for this you need a large and beautiful mirror that you will be pleased to look into. This will have to be done often in order to thoroughly know not only all the shortcomings, but also all the advantages and needs of your skin. “Learn to work with a mirror every day, make it your ally,” the master advises.

First, identify your weak side. As a rule, the face ages unsymmetrically: one side of the face ages and fades more than the other. To determine it, Chizu Saeki proposes a test. Smile with your mouth closed, without opening your lips and raising the corners of your mouth. More wrinkles form on one side and it is more vulnerable. To strengthen it, you need to sleep on this side of your face and chew on this side more often.

In general, according to Chizu Saeki, there is no need to be afraid of wrinkles, they are inevitable anyway. It is not wrinkles that age us, but dull and sagging skin, a dull look, a gloomy expression on our face. And what makes us younger is not the absence of wrinkles, but a smile, a lively look and, of course, well-groomed skin. And if so, then we continue.

3. Choose individual care that suits your skin

To determine your skin type and choose care based on it, it is best to first contact a specialist who will help identify the main problems. And then take care of it, carefully observing and asking your skin every day how much it likes your care for it, and whether anything needs to be changed.

Chizu Saeki suggests visually assessing your general form skin, and to check its moisture content, use the following method. Place your palms firmly against your cheeks for a few seconds, placing the pads of your thumbs behind your earlobe, and then lift them away. If the skin is sufficiently hydrated, your hands should “stick” to your face a little. If there is no such effect, the skin needs increased hydration.

To check the density of the skin, you also need to put your hands on your cheeks and slightly stretch the skin towards your ears, see if vertical wrinkles appear around the eyes or if existing ones become deeper.

You can test the elasticity of your skin by pinching your cheeks lightly and then observing how quickly your skin returns to its original state.

Observe your skin in the morning and especially after cosmetic procedures and change your care based on your observations, and not the general age recommendations of fashion magazines.

4. Take your desire for beauty into your own hands.

No wonder they say: "God has no other hands but yours", our hands are the main tool for self-care. Therefore, hands should always be warm, carry tenderness and care. Before applying cream, lotion, serum, or any care product to your skin, warm it thoroughly in your hands. And then forget about all your problems for a while, relax and, feeling every millimeter of your skin, apply the cream, enjoying it, admiring its aroma, texture and believing in its action.

5. Cleanse your skin thoroughly

Cleansing and moisturizing– . First of all, this applies to makeup - never leave even a minimal set of decorative cosmetics on overnight or unnecessarily. Chizu Saeki suggests several ways to cleanse your face.

Basic cleaning, including elements of massage.

Step 1. The cleanser needs to be warmed well in your hands and applied to five points on the face: cheeks, forehead, nose, chin.

Step 2. Then use the fingers of both hands to distribute the first portion from the chin to the ears.

Step 3. Using your palms, spread the product from the nose through the cheeks to the ears and from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples.

Step 4. Using your fingers, distribute the product from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose, then with your palms - from the middle of the forehead in both directions.

Step 5. Then we clean the nose: move your fingers from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose, carefully clean the wings of the nose and around the nostrils.

Step 6: Move down from the nose to the mouth and brush around the mouth, and then move your fingers up from the corners of the mouth to the ears and brush the outer shells of the ears.

It is advisable to repeat all these manipulations, except for applying the cream, 3 times.

Deep facial cleansing.

After washing, apply a towel soaked in hot water to your face, hold for a while to steam the skin, and then apply your usual peeling. On top of the peeling on your face, put on a shower cap, in which you have previously made a hole for breathing. Keep the peeling on your face for 10-15 minutes, then massage your face and wash with slightly warm water. This procedure can be performed for all types of peels, but caution must be exercised in the case of aggressive acid peels.

Contrast compresses.

They are used to improve blood circulation and revitalize the face. After washing your face, you need to apply a towel soaked in warm water, hold it until it cools down, and then replace it with a towel soaked in cool water.

This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times.

Water facial massage.

This massage improves blood circulation, tones the facial muscles, and helps maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It requires a bottle with a straw or a small hole in the cork, which will help create a thin but noticeable stream of water. You need to pour it into the bottle mineral water and massage your face with a thin stream of water, directing it along the massage lines. The strength of the jet can be adjusted by squeezing and releasing the plastic bottle.

By the way, mechanical scrubs are not popular among Japanese women, it is traditionally believed that well-moisturized and well-groomed skin does not require them.

6. Use lotion masks regularly.

Lotion - masks deserve a separate discussion, since they are one of the know-how of Chizu Saeki; they can be performed by every woman at home, and the results are comparable to those from expensive cosmetic procedures.

Here we should immediately clarify. Cosmetic lotion, or as it sounds in Japanese, “cosmetic water,” is fundamentally different from the lotions and tonics we are used to. It does not contain alcohol (this is emphasized by Chizu Saeki), does not contain oils, emulsifiers, silicones and waxes. In our understanding, this is more of a liquid, light translucent moisturizer, and for Japanese women this lotion is a basic care product.

Japanese women apply lotions and any other care products with cotton (cotton) napkins or discs, believing that cotton helps the product to be distributed evenly. In Japan today you can buy special multi-layer cotton napkins intended for cosmetic purposes. However, we can replace them with any other napkins made from natural fabrics; it is important that they do not contain synthetic threads.

The method of moisturizing lotion masks, which Chizu Saeki writes about in his book, is that small cotton napkins are moistened with water, wrung out, then soaked in lotion and applied to the face as a compress, which is kept for 3 to 15 minutes. The order in which the napkins are applied is important: first on the nose and nasolabial area, then on the forehead, on the cheeks, including the area under the eyes, and finally on the chin, covering the area of ​​the “double” chin.

This procedure significantly enhances the effect of the cosmetic product on the skin, and as a result there must be complete confidence that this product will not cause an allergic reaction. Even if you have already wiped your face with this lotion, hydrosol or cream, it is better to do a test mask on the crook of your elbow before applying the mask to your face.

The effect of this procedure can be enhanced by putting a shower cap on your face, as you have already read about above. Chizu Saeki advises doing such procedures while taking a bath.

7. If you are over 30, use cosmetic serums and fix their effect with cream

It should be clarified that for skin care up to 30 years old, the Japanese assortment includes only cleansers and moisturizing lotions. Chizu Saeki recommends that young people do not overuse cosmetics, since at this age the skin condition is balanced. Cleansing, sun protection and moisturizing – these should be the limits of healthy skin care up to 30 years of age.

After 30 years, serums and creams are introduced into the arsenal of skin care products. Serums are known to be much more active than creams; they penetrate the skin faster and begin to act. However, the effect of serums must be secured with cream. For what? We should not forget that in addition to saturation, the skin also needs protection. This is where a cream comes to the rescue, remaining on the face throughout the day, protects against dust and germs, prevents moisture evaporation and provides a basis for applying makeup. The active components of the cream are gradually absorbed by the skin throughout the day, creating a long-term “recharge”.

8. All year round protect your face from ultraviolet exposure

With ultraviolet Japanese women and Asian women in general have a special relationship. In Japan, beautiful skin means, first of all, white, pearly skin, so before Japanese women Cover your face with rice powder diluted with water. Now such exoticism is a thing of the past, however, components that suppress excess melanin synthesis are included in almost all Japanese cosmetic products: lotions, serums, creams. Chizu Saeki recommends using UV protection for the face not only in summer, but also in winter, since winter sun rays, although not harmful to our health, will leave a mark on the skin.

9. Once a week, have a “fasting day” for your skin.

During this day, it is advisable not to apply any care or decorative cosmetics to your face so that the skin can rest from the effects of any foreign substances. The only necessary care on such a day is cleansing. And at the same time, take a good look at your skin; a fasting day is ideal for observing the changes that occur to it.

10. Watch your diet, take vitamins, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day

Chizu Saeki believes that food consumption should be conscious and enjoyable; we should understand what we eat and why. The basis is fish and seafood, vegetables, rice, soy, tea. The poverty of the animal and flora The Japanese have long been taught to treat food with care and not to overeat. Japanese consume several times less fat than American or European women.

Of course, you shouldn’t start cooking right away; each region has its own food. However, it is worth thinking about your diet; it is better to exclude from your daily diet those foods that lead to aging and withering of the skin and the body as a whole: sweets, smoked foods, flour products. Include more vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil, fish, and whole grains in your menu. And, of course, adequate sleep is necessary, which does wonders for our appearance.

Japanese women are known for their beautiful skin. No matter how old a Japanese woman is - 20 or 50 - her skin is flawless. How do they achieve this? Is this quality due to racial differences - or do they know some secrets that allow them to maintain the beauty of their skin throughout their lives?

There is no beauty gene specific to a particular race or nationality. And you can’t even say that it’s all about some secret means and mysterious procedures. Asian skin types are also characterized by acne, enlarged pores, and age spots. But why can’t we see this among Japanese women? Here are a few secrets of youthful and beautiful skin, and I think some of them will surprise you, and all of them will benefit you.

1. The ritual of the “cosmetic ceremony”

Parents of modern Japanese women preferred simple and natural products: mild soap without fragrances for cleansing, moisturizing skin oils made from rice bran, red beans, brown algae and green tea extract. At night - moisturizer. And it's all. Modern Japanese girl experiments every day, using both traditional means proven by older generations and the latest high-tech developments. Daily skin care includes almost a dozen stages: from cleansing the skin to applying serums and creams. Japanese women apply cosmetics to their faces in layers, starting with toners and serums and ending with creams. And the lightest texture of most Japanese cosmetics allows you to avoid the “pie” effect on the skin. But even when using European cosmetics, you can adopt some of the rules of Japanese women.

  • Apply cosmetics in several stages: mandatory cleansing - toning - applying light serums or concentrates - applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  • Little things create the mood. Japanese women attach great importance to the aesthetics of a cosmetic procedure, in which everything is important: the color and aroma of a cosmetic product, the feeling of applying the product to the skin, the design of cosmetic packaging, bowls for preparing masks, brushes, sponges, napkins... Surround yourself with beautiful cosmetic accessories not only for visual pleasure, but also for the beauty of your skin.

2. Less makeup

When it comes to everyday makeup, less is more. Decorative cosmetics are used by Japanese women only as an addition to highlight natural features and disguise flaws - nothing more. Makeup tends to clog pores, which means that over time you will have to deal with the consequences of this. What for? This rule especially applies to older Japanese women. But young girls love to use spectacular decorative products and makeup techniques, especially when decorating the area around the eyes. But a Japanese woman of any age must carefully remove her makeup before going to bed - this is a strict rule.

3. Oil base

European and American women prefer oil-free skin care products. But Japanese women love butter. They are used for moisturizing and cleansing. But - a small nuance: no mineral oil! It clogs the pores and remains on the skin, and you still need to manage to remove it after the procedures. And the procedure for cleansing the skin of mineral oil also removes the natural oils of the skin, resulting in more harm to the skin than benefit from the procedures. The favorite oil of Japanese women is camellia oil, which not only preserves youthful skin, but also gives a mirror shine to hair. You can make your own Japanese face mask using camellia oil:

  • Mix equal parts rice flour and white clay. Dilute with flower water until creamy.
  • Add a teaspoon of pure camellia oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Stir thoroughly and apply to skin for 10-15 minutes.

Such a mask, with regular use, will give the skin that porcelain smoothness and whiteness that we admire so much about Japanese women.

4. Regular skin cleansing every evening, without pause

5. Hats and umbrellas are the best protection from the sun

But what about sunscreen? And like this. Better than no protection at all from the damaging effects of the sun's rays, but worse than the natural shade created by the brim of a hat or umbrella. The porcelain pallor of the skin is a cult in Japan, and most modern Japanese creams necessarily contain solar filters. But even the use of special sunscreens does not exclude additional mechanical protection. Sun protection not only protects the whiteness of the skin, but is also one of the main conditions for maintaining youthful skin: nothing destroys the natural protection of the skin as much as the scorching open sun.

6. Don't rub your skin!

You can buy the most expensive and innovative cosmetics, but if you apply them incorrectly, you seriously reduce their effectiveness. We were taught that creams should be rubbed into the skin in a circular motion. Japanese women do not rub cosmetics in - they apply them with light slaps, thereby simulating the flow of capillary blood to the skin and enhancing the natural processes of restoration and rejuvenation.

Japanese women accompany the application of cosmetic care products with a special ritual. Every time they use cosmetic products, they warm them up in their hands, giving them the energy of their desire to be beautiful. And only then apply the product to your face. Surprisingly, with this method of application the effectiveness of the cosmetic product increases significantly.

7. Green tea? Green tea!

Besides the fact that green tea is a common ingredient in Japanese cosmetics, Japanese women drink it instead of black tea. He contains a large number of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, thereby enhancing skin protection from solar ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. This means it eliminates the main causes of wrinkles and skin pigmentation.

8. Calm, only calm!

Cosmetics and procedures are good, but they are not enough to keep your skin beautiful and healthy. Japanese women are well aware that stress is one of the main enemies of skin health and make a conscious effort to remain calm. Beauty is not only an outer shell, beauty is also a way of acting, as Zabolotsky once expressed when discussing beauty:

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

9. Seafood

We have already written about seafood, the predominance of which in the diet can relieve many skin problems. Unlike the Western diet, which is dominated by red meat, animal fats, and high-sugar drinks, Japanese cuisine is based on seafood - fish, shellfish, algae, rich in substances that have the most beneficial effect on the health and youth of the skin.

So you've decided to follow Japanese skin care principles. Where to start? Increase the share of seafood in your daily diet, replace your usual drinks with quality green tea, and get rid of unnecessary cosmetics, most of which will do more harm than good. Your skin is able to cope with a lot of artificially created problems on its own; all you have to do is not disturb it - and help it a little with the appropriate means.

Only a holistic approach to maintaining health, simplicity and naturalness, coupled with quality skin care products will give you the most powerful results. And your reward will be clear, glowing and healthy skin.