Are there Martians: is there life on Mars. Secrets of ancient Mars: How the Red Planet died Hypotheses what happened to Mars

Mars: a disaster that was not noticed

Interest the mighty of the world this to our neighbor - the planet Mars- significantly exceeds even the interest in the Moon, although, from all points of view, the development of an undeservedly forgotten satellite would give much greater effect. Yes, and Venus could be a much more interesting object of research: it is closer, it is easier to fly to it (towards the Sun), it has a dense atmosphere (it is easier to “venerate”), and there are more mysteries there. But Mars beckons NASA, forcing money out of the pockets of taxpayers.

The history of the study of this planet is full of mysteries. So my father told me that, as a child, he saw a film about Mars in the planetarium, where they showed frames with canals, caps and seas. The polar caps were melting and shrinking before our eyes, the channels were turning green, and the wave of darkening was rolling up to the "seas".

Now it is rather difficult to find references to the Martian channels on the Internet, and even then only in the form of a scientific incident and delusion. Meanwhile, the famous researcher Felix Siegel wrote in 1951:

“In 1924, Trumpler at the Lick Observatory obtained a large series of beautiful photographs of Mars. About a hundred channels were clearly distinguished on the original negatives. The figure below is a photograph of Mars compiled by Trumpler. It captures many of the channels that were previously observed with the naked eye.

Rice. 1. Trumpler Robert Julius

The photographic plate spoke decisively in favor of Lovell and Schiaparelli. On the first photo map, everyone will be able to see the geometrically correct network of channels covering the surface of Mars. At one time, supporters of the illusory nature of channels considered the drawings of double channels obtained by Lovell and Schiaparelli to be one of their strongest arguments. They claimed that the defenders of the Martians were simply seeing double.

Fig.2. Schiaparelli.

In 1926, double channels were photographed for the first time on Mount Wilson's 60-inch reflector, and modern images of Mars show a lot of them. Mars was especially successfully photographed during the great opposition of 1939. In the pictures taken by Slipher, more than five hundred channels came out, and just in those places where they were previously distinguished simply by the eye. Moreover, the photographic plate recorded seasonal changes in the channels, in full accordance with Lovell's conclusions.

IN last years The channels of Mars have been observed at all major observatories in the world. Gradually, one after another, all those observatories where the channels were considered non-existent “saw the light…”

Fig.3. Map of Mars according to Flammarion and Antoniadi

Nowadays, talking about Martian canals is considered frivolous. Meanwhile, on the eve of the above conclusion, there was a long scientific dispute. Even at the end of the 19th century. Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli announced the opening of the channels for the first time. Many scientists have tried to disprove it. But the American diplomat Lovell dedicated his entire life and sacrificed his career to establish the truth. In 1908, Lovell created a map of the Martian canal system and fully confirmed the discovery of his Italian colleague.

Rice. 4. Network of Martian channels according to Lovell.

However, if we look at a modern image of Mars, then we will not see any channels there. Where did the channels go? Or are they an illusion?

Fig.5. Modern look Mars.

I have never been a supporter of making idiots out of our ancestors. If people have spent their whole lives researching and drawing some conclusions, then they probably had certain reasons for this. Perhaps they were wrong, but if one, two, three or more scientists were wrong, if they confirmed their mistakes with factual data, if there are material artifacts, then their voices should be heeded.

But, more interestingly, do you see that the planet is crossed by a huge rectilinear pothole? This Mariner Valley, length 4500 km, width - up to 200 , and the depth to 11 km!

Fig.6. Mariner Valley.

But the most important thing is that the Valley is almost straightforward, it is not just an ordinary geological formation, it is a trace of the impact of a cosmic body of colossal force.

Fig.6A. "Scratch" Mariner.

The path of this giant furrow is visible, traces of impacts from the irregularities of the rotating body, ruptures of the crust at the beginning of the impact.

Fig.7. Breaks in the Martian crust at the beginning of the Mariner Valley.

How could scientists in the 20th century. not notice such a large formation on a neighboring planet? Why wasn't it in the pictures? And was it even more recent? The fact is that for our science Mars in general is a planet of mysteries. That's how Graham sees them Hancock and John Grisby in "Secrets of Mars"

“Fact 1. It has an elliptical, highly eccentric orbit that annually brings it close to the Sun and then takes it very far from it.

Fact 2. The rotation speed of the planet is much less than it should be.

Fact 3. It has almost no magnetic field.

Fact 4. For long periods, its axis of rotation writes wild “pretzels” in space, radically changing its angle of inclination to the Sun.

Fact 5. There is evidence that in the past, the Martian crust could, on several occasions, slide entirely around the inner layers of the planet, when its masses moved from the poles to the equatorial zones, and vice versa.

Fact 6. The vast majority of Martian impact craters, much more than they should be according to statistical probability, are crowded in the hemisphere south of the so-called "dividing line" (see Chapter 3).

Fact 7. The northern hemisphere is much less cratered and is a continuous basin 3 kilometers lower in height than the southern hemisphere.

Fact 8. The dividing line between north and south is physically marked on the surface of Mars by the slope of the mountainous southern hemisphere. This unique section runs around the entire planet in a huge uneven circle that crosses the equator at an angle of about 35 degrees.

Fact 9. A unique sign of Mars is the monstrous abyss of the Mariner Valley dug into its surface, 7 kilometers deep and 4 thousand kilometers long.

Fact 10. Last but not least, the deepest and widest in solar system craters - Hellas, Isis and Argir, successfully "compensated" on the other side of Mars by the bulges of Elysius and Tharsis, from the eastern edge of which the valley of the Mariners begins ... "

It would seem that close-up pictures of the planet's surface and, finally, the rover's travels through its deserts should have resolved all issues. But it was not there. New ones have been added to the old secrets, and even peppered with NASA's attempts.

So the topic is being vigorously discussed on the network falsifications by American scientists the true color of the planet being studied. The public's attention was drawn to a photo showing an agency employee against the background of two monitors, where the colors of Mars are very similar to those on Earth: blue skies, gray and brown rocks.

Fig.8. NASA employee.

Independent researchers fished out photos of rovers in NASA laboratories and on Mars. The inscriptions, the colors of the American flag, and other surfaces of the device were strikingly different. I myself was not too lazy to check some photos with Photoshop. Alas, indeed the pictures were subjected color correction.

Fig.9. Color change.

The public also remembered the scandal at the very beginning of the research, when in live the first pictures from the Mariner were shown. At first everyone saw quite earthy landscapes, blue skies, but NASA staff fussed, rushed to the instruments, and soon the familiar red motifs appeared on the screens.

I recently read an extensive article where the author, who wished to remain incognito, awkwardly tried to justify himself for the Americans. They say the images from Curiosity and Opportunity are specially color-corrected and in order to get as close as possible to the color range of our planet, so that geologists can better recognize the rocks and soils on Mars.

More nonsense could not be imagined. I noticed and wrote a long time ago that falsifiers from science very badly earn their money. Sometimes their fake is balancing on the verge of insanity. Only the very narrow-minded can accept it. So it is with geologists: how can they correctly identify rocks if their colors have been color-corrected?

With American flags and a brown instead of blue "NASA" sign, things are no better. It has been stated that everything on Mars is covered with a layer of red dust, which changes the tone. However, any student will say - no matter how you sprinkle the blue letters with red powder, they will not turn brown.

The version that Opportunity photographs simultaneously with three cameras and three colors does not stand up to criticism, like an artist of the early 20th century. Prokudin-Gorsky. Such pictures will not allow you to get any detail, and why this return to the Stone Age?

There are also pictures that generally hit the Internet by accident and were immediately given. For example, these:

Fig.10. "Lid".

Fig.11. Animal on Mars.

But that's the trouble with modern times, that the technologies of the 21st century. allow information to spread almost instantly. And it is very difficult to clean objectionable facts from the Web. In a word, distrust of NASA prompted researchers (by no means scientists) to more thorough searches.

But back to channels. The latest data and these photos clearly indicate the presence in the past huge amount of water on Mars.

Fig.12. River on Mars.

At the same time, scientists have already recognized that this planet has undergone an indescribable disaster. Colossal water flows washed deep canyons, and in terms of volume, these rivers filled reservoirs comparable to the Mediterranean Sea in a matter of hours.

Here is what Hanhock writes about this:

“The largest canal system in the Chrys Plain is up to 25 kilometers wide and over 2,000 kilometers long. It arose as a result of a sudden catastrophic flood, which not only formed sheer walls of channels, but also hollowed out "cave-like voids several hundred meters deep" and turned "tear-like" islands up to 100 kilometers long.

The flow rushed at an extraordinary speed, so that the "peak flow rate" of water reached millions of cubic meters per second. Even the dense atmosphere of the Earth cannot quickly enough give a similar flow of water from a catchment area of ​​comparable size ... Only dam breaks gave flows that cause such significant macro-erosion ... "

Channels found only underground. Covered with sand and soil, scientists recognized their existence, but attributed them, according to an old habit, millions of years ago.

Habits, techniques, the same ways - that's how we can determine the work of forgers. An event dated back millions of years no longer worries the reader so much. What was there and when? Does this concern us? And was it at all?

However, some facts are very difficult to hide. Why is everything 50 years ago astronomers did not notice the scar on the face of Mars, crossing the entire planet? Where did the channels that watched, photographed and even filmed hundreds of scientists disappeared? How are things in the springs on Mars, when the caps began to melt, and the streams of water spread through the channels at a speed of 40 km per day and made the waterways and seas darken?

Water, thank God, was found. It turns out that there is so much of it in one southern cap that it is possible to cover the entire planet with a layer of 11 m. They tried to forget about the channels. With the rest, along the way, something will come up.

Here it is appropriate to quote one more quotation from Siegel's book:

"On the night of December 9, 1951 one of the Japanese astronomers conducted regular observations of Mars. In the field of view of the telescope, slightly trembling from the movement of air, one could see the reddish disk of a neighboring planet. Its orange deserts seemed as unchanging and infinitely distant as the bluish-green patches of the Martian seas. Even the sparkling white polar cap of Mars, melting in summer and growing again in winter, did not change in any way over the long hours of observation.

Fig.13. Felix Siegel.

Suddenly the astronomer leaned closer to the eyepiece of the telescope. It seemed to him that in one of the Martian seas some kind of bright white dot. The phenomenon was so unexpected that the astronomer could not believe his eyes. However, the bright dot did not disappear. Two, three, four minutes passed, and a tiny white cloud appeared around the mysterious point, resembling clouds formed during strong explosions. After shining for five minutes, the bright dot disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, but the strange cloud continued to be visible for some time.

During one revolution around the center of the galaxy (26 thousand years), our system crosses dense arms four times. It is possible that during these periods the pressure on the Earth drops very strongly. It turns out that this happens approximately every 6-6.5 thousand years. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps because of severe radioactive exposure, or poisonous fallout from the tail of a comet, but our ancestors were forced to hide from the elements underground. That is why we find so many underground cities, dungeons, passages and tunnels.

Discovered underground passages on Mars.

Fig.16. Underground passages.

They are covered with some kind of transparent structures, apparently to preserve the atmosphere under the domes. Martian architecture is closer to natural, biological than our purely technocratic. It is very likely that, having survived a terrible catastrophe or war, our neighbors hid underground. They are in no hurry to communicate with us. Yes, and why? Any contact with Humanity will result in war. We need to survive and defeat the era of greed, otherwise no one will want to deal with us.

Mars: puzzles surfaces

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

American ufologist Scott Waring, widely known for his hypotheses about aliens in the protection of the US president and the artificial origin of the Saturnian moon Enceladus, recently suggested that the NASA Curiosity rover saw an underground portal of Martian civilization.

According to him, the artificial light source recorded in the photo, beating from somewhere in the depths, may mean that intelligent Martians are hiding in the depths of their planet. Perhaps the Martians are signaling to someone, using light signals to communicate with their satellites - Phobos and Deimos.

In support of his words, Waring cites many years of observations of various lights and flashes on the Red Planet. At the same time, the ufologist strongly rejects the official version of NASA about the natural nature of the glow, which is the sun's glare from a shiny stone surface.

After NASA experts moved on to the theory of a defective camera, Waring, in turn, started talking about a new Martian "conspiracy theory." According to the ufologist, NASA specialists deliberately withhold information about all the unusual phenomena that Martian missions encounter, and even correct the data, changing and destroying information about artifacts and UFOs.

Of course, the "pillar of light" is not the first Martian anomaly. Prior to this, starting with the famous “face of the sphinx”, ufologists periodically found in photographs all sorts of “turtles”, “iguanas” and even “Martians”, frozen on a rock fragment in thoughtful poses.

In the beginning there were "Martian channels" discovered in the century before last by astronomers J. Schiaparelli, P. Lowell and E. Antoniadi. Then, in the middle of the last century, observations of strange seasonal color changes and very rare flares followed, greatly fueling interest in the processes on the Red Planet. But here the space age has already begun, and numerous interplanetary stations rushed to Mars.

High-quality orbital images of the Martian surface generated a real stir among ufologists, who found on them both the “face of the sphinx”, and the figure of the “sitting humanoid”, and the “monolith” with “caves” ...

Finally, the time has come for the most serious studies of the surface of the Red Planet, and the "toy" Spirit and Opportunity rovers were replaced by the Curiosity rover ("Curiosity") with the onboard chemical laboratory SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) on board. There has never been such a scientific landing in the history of astronautics, and the discoveries were not long in coming. Recall that the mission reached the surface of Mars on August 6 this year. On board the super rover there are 10 scientific complexes with a total weight of about 75 kilograms. All this should have allowed the rover to determine whether there was life on Mars and whether at least some of the simplest organisms remained from it today.

The mysterious planet has attracted the attention of astronomers since ancient times. It was observed by N. Copernicus, T. Brahe, I. Kepler, X. Huygens and other prominent scientists. Ideas about the habitability of other worlds were expressed by the ancient Greek sage Epicurus, the Roman philosopher Lucretius, the great heretic Giordano Bruno, thinkers I. Kant and P. Laplace. Unexpectedly, the hypothesis of the presence of intelligent life received strong confirmation.

In 1859, while observing Mars, astronomer A. Secchi noticed thin straight lines on its surface, which he conventionally called “channels”. However, at first the astronomical world did not pay much attention to this.

Canal Legend

In 1877, during the great opposition of Mars, the Italian astronomer Schiaparelli discovered what he called "sapaM" on the surface of the dark Martian "land". IN Italian this word has many meanings, but English translation It was the "canals" that got into the picture as artificial irrigation facilities. Schiaparelli himself at first did not at all put such a meaning into these Martian formations. An Italian astronomer compiled a map of the hemispheres of Mars, on which he drew a grid of thin straight lines of 113 channels connecting the dark spots of the seas.

Diagram of the "channels of Mars"

For many years, Schiaparelli observed Mars during oppositions, opening periodic “floods” and “bifurcations” of channels. It was only after the great confrontation of 1892 that Schiaparelli came to the conclusion that the canals were artificial. At the same time, the American astronomer W. Pickering discovered Martian "oases" at the confluence of the channels. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the American astronomer P. Lowell took up the study of Mars.

He compiled a globe of Mars and wrote a number of articles and books in which he argued that the Martian channels are of artificial origin and, therefore, there is highly organized life on Mars. According to Lowell, the geometrically correct network and straightness of the channels did not allow them to be interpreted as riverbeds or cracks. Lowell believed that the grooves on the Moon and Mercury are cracks, but the Martian channels are the result of the work of intelligent beings.

Since the channels darken in the direction from the poles to the equator during the summer, during the melting of the polar snow caps of Mars, Lowell argued that water was deliberately launched into the channels and vegetation appeared along them. In the oases, located among the Martian desert, there are settlements.

Lowell's fantasies received unexpected support from the outstanding Russian astronomer G.A. Tikhov. During the great confrontation of the Red Planet in 1909, the staff of the Pulkovo Observatory found out that the Martian polar caps have a greenish tint and look like ice. Based on this, Professor Tikhov suggested that the polar caps melt in the spring, causing waves of darkening of the "channels" and "seas" from the poles to the equator. Consequently, the scientist believed, the "seas" are covered with vegetation, which, together with the melting flood, blooms along the Martian channels.

Today, the task of searching for life on the Red Planet is reduced only to the discovery of its indirect signs or traces in the distant past, which in itself would be a tremendous success. But there are no Martians and there have never been in the history of the Red Planet, so that intelligent beings who created a network of irrigation canals will remain only in science fiction novels.

Wonders of nature?

Recent robotic rover missions have shown that the Red Planet was once warmer and had liquid water. And it is possible that the traces of the Martian civilization, so many times and colorfully depicted by science fiction writers, will someday be found. Unfortunately, today no traces of life have been found either in the soil or in the rock of Mars. The situation can be clarified by the forthcoming international expedition of a manned spacecraft to this planet. It must take place in the first quarter of our century.

Today we can imagine how, somewhere over 365 million kilometers, a strange six-wheeled vehicle the size of an average SUV slowly but steadily climbed an exposed layer of dry and cracked rock covered with reddish-brown sand. Stopping on a hillock under kilometers of rocks, piercing into a dirty yellow sky that hides the pitiful remnants of the once dense atmosphere, he twisted the metal turret for a long time, examining with several lenses the area called Yellow Knife Bay in Gale Crater.

Then the mechanism was moved by a articulated manipulator, at the end of which a drilling device gleamed. Having penetrated several centimeters into the soil, the iron hand, after a couple of minutes, removed a small container filled with gray powder from the well. A few more movements, and the metal crane-manipulator lowered the samples into the body through a narrow opening. There, the gray powder fell into a laboratory cuvette and was subjected to a long series of all sorts of tests.

At this time, long columns of numbers and symbols were running across the monitors of the NASA Mars Mission Control Center. The specialist planetologist, who was deciphering them directly from the screen, cried out in surprise. The sample clearly contained a special kind of clay - smectite, which on our planet can be found on swampy plains, abundantly washed by monsoon showers.

So, it turns out that only detailed soil samples that have preserved traces of a hypothetical civilization can put the last point in the reality of Martian artifacts. It appears that Curiosity has indeed found traces of the planet's rich geological past. It is possible that a curious rover really stumbled upon a place where living organisms could once live. Sometimes such analyzes really carry a lot of unusual things. This may be an anomalous concentration of heavy water, reminiscent of some kind of atomic catastrophe, or traces of the decomposition of some creatures in the depths of the soil.

It is difficult to say what the ancient Martians were like - bacteria, mosses, lichens or real humanoids, but one thing is clear - for the first time an oasis was met outside the Earth, where some kind of life could once really exist ....

The further deep the Martian missions in sand dunes and the rocky plateaus of the Red Planet, the louder the questions of specialists, enthusiasts and ufologists sound. How to solve the riddle of life, and at the same time artifacts on the surface of the Red Planet?

Any astronaut with a crowbar and a small set of equipment could provide answers to these and many other questions, but, apparently, manned missions will not land on the surface of the Red Planet anytime soon. In the meantime, the next NASA rover can only record more and more mysterious artifacts and phenomena.


). One of the brightest elements of the Martian surface are the already mentioned giant meteorite craters Argyre and Hellas, located in southern hemisphere on the continent of Tsarsis, as well as the crater of Isis, located slightly north of the equator. It was once a gulf of the Great Northern Ocean, reminiscent of the Gulf of Mexico on Earth. The diameters of these craters are colossal and are respectively 700 km, 2000 km and 1000 km. All these craters were previously filled with seas, the depth of which reached six kilometers in the craters of Argyre and Isis and eight or nine in the Hellas crater.
Of greatest interest is the crater of Hellas. It has the largest dimensions and depths on Mars - a diameter of about 2000 km, and a depth of up to 9 km - and is characterized by a regular cup-shaped shape with steep sides. It seems that it was in this place that Mars took the impact of the largest of all asteroids, the size of which could reach several tens of kilometers. Such an asteroid could well even break through the Martian crust. Two other craters are also traces of a collision with the planet of huge boulders, although slightly smaller.

Phobos and Deimos - asteroids that did not fall on Mars?

Traces of a powerful meteorite bombardment of Mars by asteroids ranging in size from several meters to several tens of kilometers allow us to pay close attention to its two satellites - Phobos and Deimos, whose names literally mean Fear and Horror in Greek. They are asteroids captured by Mars' gravity, not moons that once formed near the planet.
Phobos and Deimos are shapeless and quite small. Their dark, like most other asteroids, surface is covered with numerous craters and pitted with furrows. According to astronomers, both moons of Mars belong to the carbon-rich so-called C-type asteroids. Their density is 1.9 g / sq. cm, which suggests that Phobos and Deimos are a mixture of rocks and ice.
Phobos, the larger moon of Mars, orbits at a distance of only 5920 km from the surface of this planet. Its orbit is very close to the so-called Roche limit - that critical distance at which gravitational forces tear the satellite apart. Astronomers believe that it is doomed and will crash to Mars in a few million years.
The most striking feature of the relief of Phobos is the Stickney crater with a diameter of about 10 km. The impact during which this crater was formed was so strong that it almost split Phobos apart. As a result of such a strong impact, numerous trenches with a width of 100 to 700 m and a depth of 10 to 90 m and stripes on the surface of Phobos were formed.

The presence of the Stickney crater on the surface of Phobos led to the emergence of numerous hypotheses that it was formed during ... a nuclear strike that was inflicted ... by Martians with particular precision and in such a way as not to destroy Phobos, but to make it rotate around the surface of Mars at a distance slightly greater than the Roche limit.

According to the hypothesis of the Russian geologist Professor A. Portnov, there used to be at least one more satellite of Mars - Thanatos (Death). Thanatos passed through the Roche limit several million years ago, and its fragments destroyed all life on Mars.
Perhaps Thanatos was an asteroid that crashed into this planet near the Hellas crater. In this case, in addition to it, there should have been two more large asteroids and many small ones.
It is possible that the blocks of rocks that crashed into Mars were formed as a result of the split of some larger celestial body, destroyed by the atmosphere, gravitational interaction with Mars or ... Martians. But nothing could save Mars from the terrible fate that awaited it.

Readmy work "How did Phaeton die?"

The study of high-resolution images of large areas of the surface of Mars makes it possible to identify many relief elements on it - single and grouped into zones up to several hundred kilometers wide abysses, gorges, trenches, ravines, uplifts associated with fault zones and cracks that have a length from several hundred to several thousand kilometers. Similar formations especially widely developed in the northern hemisphere of Mars. The largest of these are the Tractus, Tantalus, and Tempe fault zones, located east of Alba Volcano and on Tempe Land. These zones practically do not differ from the newly formed rift zones, splits, cracks and other linear structures, discovered at the end of 2004-2007, except for their large size. by the American interplanetary station "Cassini" on Saturn's satellites Dion, Rhea, Iapetus and Enceladus, as well as from the troughs and bands on Phobos.
As mentioned above, the formation of all these structures is associated with the collision of the listed celestial bodies with asteroids. Apparently, the extended zones of faults and cracks on Mars have the same origin.
This conclusion is very great importance to understand the driving force of deep, endogenous processes on Earth. He puts an end to the eternal dispute between supporters of continental drift (the so-called "mobilists"), vertical movements of the earth's crust (the so-called "fixists") and the ring structure of the Earth.
Apparently, the root cause of most endogenous processes on Earth was the restructuring of convective currents in the mantle (transfer of molten matter in the interior), which occurred as a result of the collision of our planet with large asteroids. Each such collision in previous geological epochs was accompanied by a restructuring of the system of rift zones, the breakup of continents, the formation of new oceans and mountain-fold belts, and areal trap (basalt) volcanism.
Thus, knowing the geometry of rift zones and other deep faults in the past, it is possible to determine the places where the Earth collided with asteroids.

Read my work "Great catastrophes in the history of the Earth"

Arabic numerals and pyramids in Cydonia?

Perhaps the main evidence in favor of the existence of a Martian civilization today is Cydonia. This most interesting and most mysterious region of Mars, located on the border of the plains of Acidalia and Arabia - on the coast of the Great Northern Ocean I have highlighted - has long attracted the attention of many researchers.
Back in 1976, the Viking Orbiter 1 orbiter took images of a hill with a human face, which was soon dubbed the "Martian Sphinx",as well as severaldozens of other "artificial" formations - "Martian pyramids". These "pyramids" form the so-called "city" and "city" square. Interest in them was so great that in
During 1997-2000, the American Global Surveyor Orbiter made a series of unplanned maneuvers with the sole purpose of taking detailed photographs of the area.

After repeated flybys of Cydonia, more than a dozen high-quality images of the Martian surface have been obtained.
All images clearly show the ancient coastlines of the Great Northern Ocean, land areas with highlands and mesas, which have flat tops, alluvial fans, as well as areas of the continental shelf. In some photographs, river valleys cut into the rocks stand out, in others - numerous islands, bays and straits. It seems that this area had a changing coastline.
Perhaps, The most interesting elements of the relief of Cydonia are numerous formations of round and triangular shape, surprisingly reminiscent of pyramids.- both simple, similar to Egyptian ones, and with a truncated cone, similar to Mexican ones.
The size of such formations is from ten to one hundred meters in diameter. There are "pyramids" and more - 200-300 m. Many of them are grouped into lines, triangles and other geometric shapes. Most of the "pyramids" are located on ancient land.
The opinions of researchers regarding the origin of the "pyramids" are divided. Some consider them natural formations, formed as a result of the weathering of volcanic or sedimentary rocks. Others see in their education the will of reason. The controversy continues to this day. Probably, they will stop only after manned expeditions to Mars and a detailed study of this region.
However, an analysis of the images presented on the NASA website allows us to conclude that the "pyramids" and the mesas are two completely different forms relief. "Pyramids" are much smaller than mesas.
On a number of images it is clearly seen that they have the correct faces of an equilateral triangle, and the truncated "pyramids" are, moreover, completely flat surfaces. But even more interesting is that
in the lower part of some pyramids, round holes are clearly visible, which can be entrances to them. So, after all, the Martians ...?
In addition to the "pyramids", in photographs of the surface of Mars there are numerous round and oval "wells" with walls rising above the surface ranging in size from several tens to a hundred meters or more. They are markedly different from the craters found in the same region and may also be artificial formations.
The hypothesis of an ancient Martian city received an unexpected development in January 2004, when several draft images of the Martian surface transmitted by the Spirit rover were able to discern the Arabic numerals 194 on one of the stones.
Of course, the image quality leaves much to be desired. Perhaps this is just a game of nature. But still ... After all, on Earth, too, one can often see inscriptions and numbers drawn on a rock or building. And if this rock or building collapsed ... An accidental find, of course, is unlikely, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible ....

Since the seasonal melting of the Martian polar caps was discovered, it has been believed that on the Red Planet there is water, which means life is possible. Whether there is life on Mars, scientists have been arguing for a long time.

In contact with

Was there life on Mars

Many scientists believe that life once existed on Mars. And there are many reasons for this:

  1. Traces of water corrosion were found on the planet, dry riverbeds and lakes. The evidence was found solid state water.
  2. Robots find organic matter , and in particular methane and its connections. The presence of these components indicates that conditions for the origin of life were on the planet.
  3. It has been established with a high degree of certainty that the temperature on the planet used to be higher. It had a magnetic field and a fairly dense atmosphere.

If we talk about intelligent life, then there is no evidence that it was there. Whether they will be discovered in the near future is unknown. So far, limited areas of the surface and airspace have been explored.

Important! Periodically, photographs appear in the media, taken by space telescopes and orbital stations, with man-made structures depicted on them. However, scientists are skeptical about them. Most often it is only visual illusion, the play of light and shadow. This is proved by images taken at other times of the Martian day.

Is life possible there?

If everything is more or less clear with the question of whether there was life on Mars, then another question arises.

Is it possible to revive the planet? We can safely say that she will soon will be populated natives from the earth.

There are several programs for its colonization. Such developments are not only in the United States, but also in China and Russia.

What is on the planet

What is there on Mars for which it makes sense to go on a long journey? Is it worth it to explore the planet, to search on it the beginnings of civilization(if they were) or life? There no oil deposits or gas, rare metals, diamonds or gold. At least they are still not detected. The reasons why the planet attracts earthlings:

  1. Mars is a kind of noah's ark". Stephen Hawking argued that earthlings need at least one more planet in case the first one turns out to be unusable.
  2. Processes are taking place on the planet that may take place on Earth in the future or have occurred in the past. This will allow you to calculate the time and build by that time roomy shelters.
  3. If there there was a civilization or there are highly developed humanoids on the planet, it’s not a sin to communicate with them and learn from them useful for earthlings technology.

Whatever the goals of governments and space agencies, ordinary people want to know if we are alone in the universe. If not, then why aliens from other planets do not want to communicate with earthlings.

Are there Martians

As for life forms like animals or humanoids, then it is more likely they are not there. So far, none of the sent robots have found no animals, no footprints. As for other life forms such as bacteria or lichen, then perhaps they live in deep mountain breaks and gorges: where water can be in a liquid state. But scientists refute that theory, because with the pressure existing there, which is 150 times less than the earth, water boils at +10 degrees. Under such conditions the origin of life is impossible.

It is possible that there there are living beings, different from habitual forms for earthlings. For example, breathable not oxygen, but carbon dioxide with a completely different chemical composition. These are the forms of life for which climatic conditions Mars are natural. For earthlings, this fact should not be fantastic. After all, plants breathe carbon dioxide, but can Martians breathe like that? There are places on earth where living conditions are no less harsh, but adapted species live there bacteria, mosses and lichens. Therefore, the discovery of living beings on the Red Planet can not be surprised.

Was Mars inhabited

The fact that Mars was an inhabited planet is evidenced not only by landscape features.

In the pictures taken from the Viking-7 rover, you can see on the rocks traces of water corrosion. This suggests that it often rained there in the past.

Yes, and the red color of the planet acquired due to the high content in iron oxide soil. Therefore, on Mars there was a high level of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Therefore, it is more likely it used to be inhabited: it was inhabited by animals and plants close to the earth. The same elements participated in their breathing, metabolic processes in the body.

According to American scientists, this planet 4 billion years ago was inhabited by gigantic insects and bacteria. Tall, like earthly eucalyptus, trees and grasses grew. But there was a catastrophe on a planetary scale, and they all died out. As evidence, the found in Antarctica asteroid. This piece came to Earth from the Red Planet. It was found to have hardened the remains of bacteria, similar to the earth, but only larger.

Do bacteria live there?

In 2005, the Curiosity rover landed on the planet, which experimented with soil and took the analysis. The robot sent the received data to Earth. The results of the analysis shocked scientists and became another reason for heated debate. The scores were higher than they would have been in the absence of life, but less than this enough to confirm its presence. However, scientists hope that at least bacteria and protozoa, but there is no 100% confirmation of this. The question: "Is there life on Mars?" remains open for now.

What was he like before

IN Lately it has become fashionable to model the appearance of the planet with various computer programs before there was a disaster. The model of the past is being built based on earthly experience and ideas about what conditions were there, what vegetation covered the bottom of the seas and oceans, what its inhabitants looked like.

Scientists can only speculate about what the planet used to be. In reality, it will be possible to speak about the study of Martian history only after successful colonization. Information about the planet does not allow us to answer with accuracy whether there was or Is life possible on Mars?.

Before the planet bombed huge asteroids, she was favorable for the origin and development of life. This information about Mars is obtained from the analysis of landscape images. The catastrophe testifies huge craters in the southern hemisphere and the fact that it is smaller than the northern. Part of the planet was "knocked out" of the gravitational field and scattered across space. Will it be inhabited again? Quite possible.

Important! Some fragments flew to the Earth. In total, about 30 fragments were found and more are being found. It is possible that some of the Martian aliens, bacteria and protozoa, who flew to Earth in this way, settled and live here. But we don't even think about it.

What is interesting on Mars will become known after receiving data from rovers and research probes.

Will there be life on the red planet

The fact that people will populate Mars is no longer a fantasy. But there is a fear that as soon as they put in residential modules to receive earthlings, “real Martians” will start up in them. That is, bacteria, lichens, mold will wake up from many years of hibernation.

As you know, on Earth there have already been ice ages when almost the entire planet was covered with a crust of ice. But life is reborn new species of animals and plants appeared.

It is possible that an attempt to "warm up" the neighboring planet will turn around for the colonists and earthlings of the present "War of the Worlds".

According to astronomers, recently the temperature on the red planet is rising. This means that she enters into new era its development. According to calculations made by American scientists from the NASA space agency, the temperature on it will reach terrestrial parameters in 360-390 thousand years.

Attempts by earthlings to somehow speed up this process can turn around for Mars another planetary catastrophe. Therefore, scientists are trying to convey to the world community possible consequences planned activities.

Do humanoids live there?

As opposed to astronomers and physicists, ufologists come forward, arguing that there there are living and intelligent beings. They do not live on the surface, where they would die from high levels of radiation, but deep underground. As proof, they show pictures taken by orbital stations on which wells with a diameter of 150 meters are visible.

According to ufologists, humanoids long ago went deep into the planet, since the conditions on the surface no longer safe. Alien technology allows them to live in underground bunkers. While no one can hypothesize neither disprove nor prove. The technique that earthlings use not enough to conduct a full study. Therefore, whether life on Mars is possible not on the surface, but in the depths of the planet - the question remains open.

Information about the planet

Mars belongs to the planets terrestrial group. He is on fourth position from the sun. Almost twice the size of the Earth. Has a weak magnetic field and rarefied atmosphere. A day is equal to 24 hours 37 minutes. A year is twice as long and is 687 days. Tilt relative to the equator similar to the earth.

temperature at the poles in winter -89 degrees, in summer -39 degrees. At the equator it reaches +18 degrees. The temperature rises evenly from the poles to the equator. summer happens melting polar ice caps. Happens in spring and autumn dust storms.

Was Mars inhabited?

Can humans survive on Mars?


While technology not allowed to settle neighboring planet. One of the ideologists of human migration to other planets, Stephen Hawking, predicted that by the end of this century, people will start to colonize other planets. Whether life is possible on Mars, time will tell.