How to choose the right voltage stabilizer for the boiler. Which voltage stabilizer is better for a gas boiler: we use a voltage power calculator for gas boilers. The best relay-type stabilizers for gas boilers

In this article, we will talk in detail about how to choose the right voltage stabilizer for the boiler and the individual heating system as a whole. Today, this is a very relevant issue, since most owners of gas boilers sooner or later face the problem of providing their devices with electricity of the proper quality.

It is worth noting that below are not only answers to questions that arise when choosing a stabilizer, but also all types of stabilizers are analyzed and the best stabilizer is determined for working with heating boilers.

Why is voltage stabilization important for a gas boiler?

Modern gas boilers are, in fact, automatic mini-boiler rooms, the most important element of which is an electronic control unit. In most cases, it performs the following functions:

  • control of the main parameters of the system (temperature, pressure, coolant level, fuel consumption, etc.);
  • support for installed temperature regime, and in the presence of several circuits - a separate mode for each circuit (regulation of the height and intensity of the flame, as well as the number of burners involved in the operation);
  • safe shutdown in case of an emergency (draft drop, smoke exhaust failure, low gas pressure, internal malfunction, etc.);
  • support of the set temperature regime, and in the presence of several circuits - a separate regime for each circuit (regulation of the height and intensity of the flame, as well as the number of burners involved in the operation).

In premium class boilers equipped with intelligent control systems, this unit additionally provides:

  • protection of the system from defrosting (in case of prolonged downtime - automatic short-term starts for heating and pumping the coolant);
  • independent change of the temperature regime depending on the time of day, day of the week or the set timer;
  • selection of the optimal operating mode to create the most comfortable microclimate in the room (temperature analysis environment and comparison of the received data with the program installed by the user);
  • the possibility of remote control of the heating system (from a phone, tablet, personal computer).

From the above, it can be seen that the control unit takes on almost all the work of organizing hot water supply and heating in the house, freeing its owner from the need to constantly monitor this process.

The only drawback of both such a unit and the entire automation of a gas boiler is dependence on the quality of the power supply. Moreover, the owners often ignore this drawback, not believing in its seriousness - the question is widespread on various forums: “Why do we need a voltage stabilizer for the boiler? After all, modern technology is quite resistant to network drops and deviations.

Unfortunately, it is not. The foregoing can be considered partially true regarding devices with switching power supplies (characterized by wide limits of permissible input voltage). As for heating boilers, their electronic components are extremely sensitive and react even to small deviations in the parameters of the electrical network from the norm. A ten percent voltage drop in magnitude or its slight distortion in form is enough to fail the “fine” settings and violate the programmed mode of operation. In case of a more serious fluctuation, which may occur, for example, due to a line failure or at the time of peak consumption, the boiler is likely to turn off or, in the worst case, fail.

By the way, the manufacturer's warranty does not cover damage to electronics due to poor-quality power supply. All repair costs are borne by the owner of the device, and the cost of restoring the control unit with burned-out boards is close to the cost of a new boiler!

It should be said separately that the greatest problems with the quality of electricity are observed in the private sector and suburban areas, and it is there that the vast majority of individual heating systems based on gas boilers are operated.

What to choose to protect a gas boiler: a UPS or a stabilizer?

One of the common solutions is to connect the boiler to the power grid through a specialized protection device: a 220V voltage regulator for the boiler or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

A modern and high-quality voltage stabilizer will completely solve the problem with the power supply of the boiler and guarantee the reliable operation of the heating system even in conditions of very low quality of network electricity. It copes well with mains voltage fluctuations, costs many times less than a UPS of the same power and is a more compact device, taking up less space during installation. The absence of battery cells in the stabilizers does not allow for autonomous operation of the heating system in the event of a network failure, but simplifies the maintenance of the device.

Note! Not all stabilizers are equally effective. Connecting an outdated type of appliance may adversely affect the functioning of a gas boiler, which works worse with some stabilizers than without a stabilizer at all!

UPS, on the contrary, guarantee uninterrupted power supply to the heating system, however, not all models of uninterruptible power supplies protect against increased mains voltage.

The advantage of uninterruptible power supply inherent in the UPS is not always of primary importance for two reasons:

  • voltage fluctuations in networks occur much more often than accidents with a complete power outage;
  • even with a complete cessation of power supply, a sharp cooling of the premises and defrosting of the heating system is unlikely, since the house (any other building in which the heating boiler is installed) acts as a heat accumulator and maintains an acceptable temperature for a long time.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the option of connecting the heating system boiler through a voltage stabilizer for the boiler is more convenient and economically feasible than purchasing an uninterruptible power supply for these purposes. Please note that this statement is true for electrical networks that meet two requirements:

  • the amplitude of voltage surges does not exceed the limit range of the stabilizer operation;
  • long-term power outages are absent or occur infrequently.

Criteria for choosing a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler


Gas boilers for a private house are mainly designed to be powered by a single-phase electrical network with a nominal value of 220 - 230 V. Accordingly, a single-phase voltage stabilizer is suitable for such devices.

If the boiler provides for connection to a three-phase network for 380 - 400 V (as a rule, these are very powerful devices), then two solutions are possible:

  • use of a three-phase stabilizer;
  • installation of a separate stabilizer for the boiler for each of the three supply phases (in some cases, three single-phase devices are cheaper than one three-phase one).

The requirements for the phase of the supply network are indicated in the characteristics of the boiler on the website or in the manufacturer's catalog, as well as in the technical data sheet of the product.


The output power of the stabilizer must be greater than the maximum electrical power that the load fed from it can consume. In our case, this is a boiler and related electrical equipment of the heating system (if any). Based on the total value of their capacities, one should select suitable model stabilizer.

Usually, for the organization of heat supply to a private house, a boiler is purchased with a built-in circulation pump. On average, its power is 150-200 watts. Sometimes the heating system involves an additional external pump, and this is another 50-60 watts.

How to find out the maximum power of the boiler and pump?

    See the technical specifications in the device passport.

    • P is the desired value in W;
    • I is the current strength, which is measured in amperes (A) and, as a rule, is indicated on the nameplate of the device;
    • V - rated voltage (220 or 230 V).

Attention! The pump during start-up consumes several times more energy than during normal operation (the reason is the starting currents). The technical documentation sometimes indicates both the nominal and the maximum possible - starting energy consumption, and sometimes only the nominal. In the second case, it is necessary to multiply the rated power by at least three - the resulting value will be the maximum power of the pump.

What boiler power do we use?

The electric power of a boiler is often confused with its thermal power, which characterizes the amount of heat it produces (both values ​​are usually present in the technical documentation). The first is measured in watts and is in the range of 50 - 200 W (for domestic gas boilers). The second is presented in kilowatts and has a much larger value: from 10 to 100 kW! Such a mistake will almost certainly lead to the purchase of a more expensive stabilizer with a power higher than necessary, so it is important to use the value of electric power measured in W in the calculations.

How to calculate the total power consumption of the boiler and additional pump?

Attention! When choosing a stabilizer for power supply of complex heating systems consisting of multi-circuit boilers, several circulation pumps and digital controls, it is better to resort to the help of a specialist.

What happens if you choose the wrong power stabilizer?

If the power of the stabilizer is less than the power of the connected heaters, then it will either not turn on (for example, in a situation with unaccounted for starting currents), or it will work with constant overload, which will inevitably affect its durability.

A stabilizer with a power much higher than necessary will simply be underloaded. You will spend more money on the purchase, and this will not bring any benefits, except that in the future it will be possible to connect additional electrical appliances.


The speed of the stabilizer is determined by two indicators:

  • response time - the time interval, in milliseconds, required to respond to a change in the network signal;
  • stabilization speed - measured in volts per second (V / s) and reflects the time spent on correcting the output voltage when the input fluctuates.

The risk of damage to the boiler automation by surges in the supply network decreases with an increase in the stabilization speed and a decrease in the stabilizer response time. The faster the stabilizer is triggered when the parameters of the supply voltage change, the less likely it is that a disturbing effect will be transmitted from its input to the output.

Experts often claim that a gas boiler works successfully with stabilizers, the speed of which is within 10 ms. Indeed, in most cases this is the case. Nevertheless, the fact remains that even a short delay in the operation of the stabilizing device can lead to a sharp power surge, and for the boiler, any surge is a risk of damage to the control unit. Only a stabilizer with instantaneous speed will completely secure an expensive part, which completely eliminates the influence of network problems on the magnitude and shape of the output voltage.

Output voltage waveform

In addition to the nominal or closest to the nominal value, the sensitive electronics of the boiler also require a sinusoidal form from the supply voltage (shown in the figure below).

Ideal voltage sine wave

Therefore, a properly selected stabilizer should provide a clean sine output. At the same time, it is desirable that the device not only introduces distortions into the network sinusoid, but also, if necessary, corrects it, bringing it to an ideal form. Otherwise, various errors and malfunctions in the electronics of the heating equipment are possible.

Input voltage range

This is an important characteristic that indicates the acceptable input voltage limits for the stabilizer, or, in other words, the smallest and largest actual voltage that it can bring to the nominal value. A truly reliable protection can only be provided by a device whose input voltage range covers the entire amplitude of network fluctuations characteristic of the place of its operation.

In the domestic power system, especially outside the city, there are often extreme network deviations, both up and down. Therefore, to work with a heating system, it is recommended to choose a stabilizer with the widest possible input voltage range.

Operation at the maximum permissible values ​​of the mains voltage causes a decrease in the power of the stabilizer! If the supply voltage goes beyond the permissible limits, the load will be de-energized. Some stabilizers for boilers, including those, are equipped with an important option - the restoration of power supply when the mains signal returns to normal, which allows you to restart the boiler automatically after a shutdown.

When choosing a device, also pay attention to the availability of modern emergency protection. In its absence, network surges exceeding the limit range can disable the stabilizer. But even in this case, the cost of repairing or buying a new stabilizer will be much lower than the cost of restoring the efficiency of a gas boiler!

Output voltage accuracy

This parameter reflects the efficiency of the device and shows how many percent of its actual output voltage can diverge from the set value.

It is usually said that stabilizers with a tolerance of ± 10% are suitable for working with gas boilers. However, we advise using more accurate models, since a long-term 10% error in the power supply, firstly, can lead to malfunctions of the boiler, and secondly, it significantly reduces the working life of its electronic components.

Other characteristics

Along with the characteristics discussed above, when selecting a stabilizer for heating system equipment, the following factors must be taken into account:

Presence of protection

The device must have modern system protection that will automatically turn it off in case of overheating, overload, short circuit and network failure, including those caused by a lightning strike.

Restart function

Automatic restart of the stabilizer after the cause of the protective shutdown has been eliminated will restore the operation of the heating system without user intervention.

Noise filtering

The ability of the stabilizer to neutralize interference coming from the network and induced by the load will provide favorable working conditions for both the gas boiler and other consumers of electricity powered by the same network.


Stabilizers are available in housings different types: some are designed for hanging on the wall, others for installation on a flat horizontal surface (floor, table, etc.). There are models designed for mounting in a telecommunications rack, but they are unlikely to be practical in domestic use.

The selection of a specific design is individual and in each case and depends on the installation location of the device. Sometimes it is more convenient to mount the stabilizer on the wall in the immediate vicinity of the boiler, sometimes it is easier to put it on the floor.

In order to avoid unnecessary problems and difficulties, we advise you to decide in advance, before buying a device, how it will be placed and connected. This topic is discussed in more detail in this one.

The presence of "through zero"

Direct connection of the neutral conductor of the input network with the neutral conductor of the stabilizer output important condition correct operation of phase-dependent boilers.


The means of indication of the stabilizer should, at a minimum, inform the user about the state of the input network, the presence of the output voltage and the occurrence of an emergency.

It is better to give preference to models with LED indication and / or LCD display, since pointer instruments are an outdated solution and, firstly, they are poorly visible in the dark, and, secondly, they tend to reduce the accuracy of readings during operation.

Duration of operation

A high-quality stabilizer should work continuously for at least 8 years without any specific maintenance and replacement of consumables.

Operating temperature range

Usually, the stabilizer working with the boiler is installed in a living room with a comfortable temperature for it (+15 °C - +25 °C). If the installation is planned in an unheated auxiliary room, then you should make sure that the product can operate at an appropriate ambient temperature for this room (usually +5 °C - +10 °C).

Noise level

The operation of most stabilizers is accompanied by certain sound effects, the volume of which depends on the presence of moving contacts in the device and the type of cooling system.

The noise level from some models can disturb a person's peace of mind, so they are not recommended to be placed in a living room.

For "quiet rooms" suitable stabilizers with natural cooling and a power circuit, free from moving parts.

Generator Compatibility

Before organizing the power supply circuit of the boiler, in which it is planned to connect the stabilizer to the generator, it is necessary to make sure that the chosen model of the stabilizer will improve the quality of the electricity coming from the generator (not all stabilizers successfully cope with this task).

Types of voltage stabilizers for gas boilers

On the electrical equipment market there is a large selection of stabilizers for boilers, different in principle of operation and degree of efficiency, we will briefly consider each of the main types.

  • ferroresonance stabilizers. Built on the effect of ferroresonance between the transformer and the capacitor. They are practically not used to work with gas boilers in the domestic sector, as they have a small control range, large dimensions and are not able to work with overloads.
  • Electromechanical (servo). Voltage correction is carried out by moving the slider along the transformer winding, driven by a servo. A number of serious drawbacks: low speed (with the exception of some models), high noise level, unreliability and wear of mechanics, as well as sparking during operation, make these stabilizers not the most optimal solution for protecting a gas boiler.
  • Relay. A special relay switches the coil windings, choosing the circuit whose voltage is closest to 220 V. A significant drawback of relay devices is stepwise regulation, as a result: sinusoidal distortion and not the best stabilization accuracy of 6-8%. This value may not be sufficient for particularly sensitive electronic components of the boiler.
  • Semiconductor (triac and thyristor). According to the principle of operation, they are similar to relay devices, only instead of relays, electronic keys are used to switch between windings: triacs and thyristors. Stabilizers of this type are superior to many analogues, but are not capable of producing an ideal sinusoid and are sensitive to various interference and overloads.
  • Inverter. They are built on the basis of a unique, progressive principle of double conversion of energy. Structurally, inverter stabilizers are completely different from devices implemented on the basis of the outdated operating principles described above, and, ahead of them in all the above characteristics, are the standard of protection for heating systems.

Advantages of inverter voltage stabilizers:

  • response to input voltage change – instantaneous, 0 ms;
  • output voltage stabilization - continuous;
  • the output signal shape is an ideal sinusoid, independent of any network distortion;
  • input voltage range - 90 - 310 V;
  • stabilization accuracy - ± 2%;
  • emergency protection - multilevel electronic with recovery from short circuit, overload, overheating, network failure;
  • Efficiency - up to 97%.

To work with wall-mounted gas boilers, it is recommended to use single-phase inverter stabilizers: made in the form of blocks with LED indication, a mains switch and a European standard socket. Placement is allowed both floor (desktop) and hinged.

Floor-mounted gas boilers have high power; the following models of Stihl stabilizers are suitable for their protection:. Structurally, these devices are products with a liquid crystal display and LED indication, a mains switch and two European standard sockets (or a terminal block in models IS2500 and IS3500). Placement is possible both desktop, and hinged.

Today, the advanced inverter stabilizers of the InStab series are the ideal solution for protecting heating system equipment from high-voltage surges and input voltage dips, frequency fluctuations, harmonic distortion and electrical interference in the supply network.

Operating conditions of the stabilizer for the boiler

Subject to certain operating rules, the stabilizer works for a long time and does not require maintenance. For such equipment are undesirable:

  • prolonged excess of the load capacity (if the power of the device is correctly determined and the features of the electrical network are taken into account, this problem is not so significant);
  • placement in damp and dusty rooms;
  • proximity to combustible, explosive and chemicals;
  • high and low temperatures environment;
  • lack of ventilation (air is needed to remove the heat generated during operation).

Inverter voltage stabilizers "Calm" for a gas boiler:

A modern gas boiler is a complex device that consists of two electrical components - an electronics board and a circulation pump. If the electronics quality models has at least entry-level protection against power surges, the pump does not. Therefore, an external voltage stabilizer is used to prevent the failure of these nodes. At the same time, it is not recommended to buy an electromechanical model for a gas boiler.

Purpose of the device

The gas boiler is a heating device, in which thermal energy formed due to the combustion of fuel in a gaseous state. To automate all processes and ensure uninterrupted operation, a complex electronic circuit based on a microcontroller is used. In addition, the device uses an electrical part to maintain the required water pressure - a pumping unit. This unit and the electronics board are powered from a 220 volt network, and for their correct operation it is necessary to maintain both the shape of the supply signal and its magnitude.

In accordance with GOST RF, the voltage in the network must be within ± 10% of the voltage of 220 volts. That is, values ​​in the range of 198-244 volts are considered normal and safe for using any type of electrical equipment. For most radio devices, signal drops in the allowable gap are completely imperceptible, but when you leave it, the electronics begin to fail and may fail.

Most important advice when buying a voltage stabilizer

With an increased voltage, the power reserve of the radio components is exceeded, they begin to overheat, which leads to a change in their electrical parameters and burnout. And with reduced voltage, the load on the water pump increases. This is due to the fact that his work is designed for a certain power, which should remain unchanged.

This power depends on two quantities: current and voltage. Since the voltage has decreased, in order to compensate for the power drop, the pump increases the current consumption, which leads to heating of the contact groups and electrical connections of the device and reduces its service life. In this case, a situation may arise in which the pump will not start, but a large current will be supplied to the motor and the device will burn out.

The causes of fluctuations in the electrical network are both internal and natural factors. The first include the quality of the wiring and its connections, phase imbalance due to uneven load, accidents at power plants, and the second - natural disasters, for example, a break in power lines, lightning.

Voltage regulator. How to choose. Which is better. Which is like.

To maintain the output signal level in a safe range, voltage stabilizers for gas boilers are used. But it should be understood that their task is only to maintain an acceptable voltage at the output.

Principle of operation and types

To protect the device from drops in the input signal, Various types devices. But it is the stabilizer that makes it possible for the gas boiler to work without turning off when the input voltage goes out of the permissible limit. The stabilizing device is based on its ability to track changes in the signal level at the input and correct it at the output. This is achieved in two ways: using a transformer with multiple output windings and using pulse-width modulation.

Transformer stabilizers contain part of the windings, working to increase the voltage, and part, working to decrease. With the help of electronic control, depending on changes at the input, additional windings are connected to the output of the device, thereby maintaining the signal level in the range of 220 V ± 10%. The operation of digital devices (inverter) is completely different. They use the principle of energy storage with its double conversion. A choke or capacitor is used as a storage device, and stabilization occurs by changing the shape of the signal pulses.

Resanta ASN-500N/1-Ts short review and adjustment of indications

Industry-produced voltage stabilizers for boilers are:

There are also hybrid stabilizers that use thyristors and resistors in relay switching circuits. This approach helps to extend the life of the relay by protecting its contacts from wear.

Device characteristics

Like any complex device, stabilizers for gas boilers are characterized by various parameters. Therefore, when choosing a device, first of all, the requirements for them are taken into account. In addition to technical parameters, there are also qualitative ones that determine the reliability and durability of the device, as well as the convenience of its use.

The main characteristics of the stabilizing device include:

Why Do You Need a Voltage Stabilizer for the Boiler. Oberig

Except specifications, gas boilers differ: by the type of location - floor or wall, the number of phases - single or three-phase, ergonomics - the convenience of the information screen, sound alarm, appearance.

How to buy a stabilizer

A stabilizer is always needed for a gas boiler, but choosing a model can be difficult. Primary selection criteria include power, input voltage range, and waveform. All other parameters are also important, but their values ​​are not critical. But simply choosing a device according to its characteristics is not enough - the declared parameters must correspond to the actual ones. Therefore, it is worth choosing products from well-known manufacturers.

After all, buying a model from a famous brand, you can hope for good warranty and post-warranty support, if necessary - quick repairs, safety in use. Indeed, often the use of "noname" does not lead to the protection of the boiler, but to the creation of dangerous working conditions.

Manufacturers Overview

The circuitry of voltage stabilizers has not changed for a long time, and it is difficult for manufacturers to stand out here. The main focus is on reducing the cost of production. Therefore, domestic manufacturers can compete almost on an equal footing with leading companies, since the cost of their models is lower due to transport logistics.

Today, the entire production market is connected with China, which is why all companies can be divided into two groups: the first ones buy finished products and simply label them with their name, the second ones purchase the necessary blocks and assemblies, and they assemble them at their own facilities.

The largest Russian manufacturers are: NPP "Inteps", "Polygon", "Shtil". IN Lately the products of the Energia company, which produces its products under the name Progress, become popular. Good reviews are also received by stabilizers manufactured by the following companies: Bastion, Elektromash (Tiraspol), SibStab (Novosibirsk).

But Chinese manufacturers dominate. More than half of it is occupied by Resanta, followed by Voto, Rucelf, Powerman. It should be noted that many of these brands do not advertise their country of origin, an example of this is Resanta.

Voltage stabilizer for the pump. Selection advice.

European models are also deservedly popular, although in pricing they lose to both Chinese and domestic manufacturers. Companies stand out: Ortea (Italy), Salicru (Spain), NTT Stabilizer (Turkey), Irem (Italy). The stabilizers of these manufacturers are characterized by a minimum number of failures, as well as flawless assembly.

Selection algorithm

The thyristor device gives the best output signal shape, but the relay type provides the best accuracy. The servo drive is distinguished only by the smoothness of adjustment, but for use in conjunction with the boiler, this does not really matter. That's why the best choice there will be a thyristor type, and in terms of price / quality ratio - a relay one.

The choice of a stabilizer for the boiler has the following algorithm:

It is worth noting that many manufacturers of gas boilers strongly recommend the use of stabilizers with their devices. And if the breakdown of the boiler is associated with power surges, then such a case as a warranty is not considered, and repairs will have to be carried out at their own expense.

Voltage stabilizers have long been a companion product for various boiler equipment. After all, the quality of the power supply is not a one-time problem, difficulties arise from year to year, all the time. And you probably already know that during installation, boilers are often not even guaranteed if voltage stabilizers are not installed. Therefore, when buying a gas boiler, sellers are advised to purchase a voltage stabilizer for it.
How justified is such an acquisition?
The fact is that the automation of many boilers is very sensitive to voltage deviations from the norm of 220 volts.
During power surges, the electric boiler can even turn off, not to mention the fact that low and high voltage shortens its service life. Even if nothing burns out, due to power surges, boilers often go into error. And if the boiler turns off at night, then the whole house will wake up in the cold.

Which voltage stabilizer to choose for the boiler?

gas boilers need a voltage stabilizer
    The market offers a huge number of stabilizers for the boiler, which can be divided into 3 groups:
  1. Relay stabilizers. Are the best option in terms of price / quality ratio. Differ in small dimensions, small weight, fast operation. Manufacturers offer relay stabilizers of varying degrees of accuracy, which depends on the number of autotransformer windings. The higher their number, the greater the accuracy and cost of the device. On average, the stabilization error for this type of instrument is 8%.
  2. Electromechanical stabilizers. These models smoothly regulate the supply of electricity to the boiler using a current-collecting brush, which must be changed approximately every 5 years. Electromechanics is distinguished by a high degree of accuracy of the output voltage, but at the same time, by a buzz, charring of incoming dust on the transformer. The advantages of electromechanical stabilizers, in addition to high accuracy, include operation without phase loss and resistance to overloads and voltage drops.
  3. Thyristor/triac stabilizers. They are the most expensive of all presented. Instead, manufacturers offer devices that are distinguished by high accuracy and degree of operation, quietness in operation, and a long service life.
  4. Inverter stabilizers. These are the most modern stabilizers, the demand for which is growing from year to year.
    Many customers have already appreciated the advantages of the inverter circuit stabilization by double voltage conversion. For such stabilizers, the input voltage level does not really matter.
    Even if the voltage drops sharply from 250 volts to 100! The equipment connected to it will not notice this in any way. At the output, as it was 220 volts, it will be so! With the most minimal error - up to 2 volts.
    Also, this type of stabilizer corrects the shape of the signal, which is not subject to competitors. They can easily operate both from generators and in conjunction with uninterruptible power supplies.
Electronic and electromechanical voltage stabilizers
    Criteria for choosing a stabilizer for the boiler:
  1. power electric current consumed by the boiler- a standard unit operates with a power of 100 - 200 W, but experts recommend choosing a device that does not fully follow the characteristics indicated in the technical data sheet, but with a small margin (for longer and more comfortable operation of the stabilizer);
  2. operating voltage range- non-compliance with this criterion threatens to break the boiler. Before buying a stabilizer, you need to consider the input voltage limits, based on daily fluctuations;
  3. appearance- dimensions and ease of operation are important criteria for a good stabilizer. The choice of mounting method - wall or floor - will allow you to optimally mount the heating system in the room.

Most voltage stabilizers for boilers have at least 2 sockets

For most gas boilers enough power 0.5-1 kW. It makes sense to take a device of greater power if there is a strong voltage drop. For example, with an input voltage of 140V, you need to do double stock stabilizer power.

Stabilizers Stihl

Inverter stabilizers Stihl Instab

Stabilizers Optivolt

Stabilizers Teplokom

TEPLOCOM ST-400 INVERTOR and - 2 inverter models produced by Bastion.
These are phase inverter stabilizers, i.e. it doesn't matter how you connect the plug to the socket. There is a display showing the input voltage, and LED indication will notify you of the absence of grounding or the presence of potential on the ground. If the potential on the ground is above 30 volts, then the LED will notify you.
If the stabilizer is overloaded, there is an overload or a short circuit, then the LED here will also light up.
Moreover, the stabilizer will not fail in this case. It will simply turn off and continue its work when normal parameters are restored.

Stabilizers Norma

Model Norma SNS 1000-R is a high-quality single-stage relay stabilizer of Russian production, power 1 kW. The main disadvantage is the large voltage stabilization error. It is advisable to purchase with a reduced mains voltage of 170-180 volts.

Volter Stabilizers

Volter 2C SLIM - the Volter brand itself belongs to the class of thyristor stabilizers and has been known for a long time, and the SLIM modification was developed relatively recently, specifically for connecting the automation of heating boilers and pumps.
With an input voltage of 140-250V, the output will be 209-231V. Dimensions: 340x310x120 mm.
Warranty 5 years.

Gas appliances are often equipped with electronic control. Such heating boilers are connected to the network, therefore they are sensitive to the quality of the electrical supply. It has been proven that every fourth failure occurs due to network instability. Service centers refuse to repair equipment after such breakdowns. Therefore, you need to install a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler.

How to choose the right device so that it protects the boiler to the maximum? We'll tell you in the article.

Do you need a stabilizer

Many models of heating equipment "" (Baxi), "", "" include electronic control and an automation unit. This includes the main module with sensors controlled by it. The latter control the operation of the boiler units, ensuring the safety of operation.

Automation is sensitive to voltage quality. For its normal operation, a pure sine wave is required, which we wrote about in the article "". That is, the current supply must be constant and stable. If the board burns out during the next jump, the replacement will cost 30–50% of the total cost of the equipment.

Installing a stabilizer is simply necessary to protect the device. It corrects the frequency of the current, so all systems function without overloads and breakdowns.

Some users still operate old Soviet units with manual ignition and a complete lack of security systems. They argue that the additional connection of protective devices is just a waste of money. One of the typical objections sounds like this: “In our area (house), network jumps rarely happen. They are not so significant as to cause harm to technology.

Here are the facts for this:

  1. No one is immune from natural phenomena: a storm, a hurricane, a strong wind, a thunderstorm - all this can break the transmission line.

  1. The number of consumers connecting to the line is growing, this may cause the supply to be unstable. And if the neighbors started repairs and turned on the grinder, then your network is guaranteed to get a “jump”.
  2. The human factor plays a role: the unscrupulous work of an electrician, damage to wiring during repairs - all accidents cannot be avoided.

Did you know? When connecting the boiler without a stabilizer, the company has the right to refuse warranty repairs.

Which safety device is right for you? Let's start by getting to know their varieties.

Types of stabilizers

Consider the types according to the principle of operation.

Relay or electronic. Connect to a network with a range of 135–315 V. One of the cheapest devices. The advantages of the relay type include:

  • Good response speed (100 ms).
  • Compact and light weight.
  • stable sinusoid. Output current accuracy 7.5%.
  • Quite noisy operation (clicks are heard).
  • When switching windings, the light may flash.
  • Short service life.

Electromechanical or servo driven. The voltage is regulated by a brush that moves around the electric motor.


  • High accuracy (3%).
  • Work in a wide range.
  • Smooth adjustment of output frequency.
  • Small cost.


  • After three or four years, the adjustment brush will have to be replaced.
  • The device will not function in a cold room.
  • Slow response.
  • Due to the principle of operation, it can openly spark.

Triac or thyristor. For today it best device, although its cost is higher than that of the previous two. High actuation accuracy of 2–3% due to a large number windings. Run - 214–226 V.

  • High speed (10–20 ms) and accuracy.
  • Stable and quiet operation.
  • High price.

Double conversion (inventory). A separate type of protection, which can be called the most reliable. Initially, the device converts alternating current to direct current, and then again to alternating current with a pure sine wave. The operating range is 120-300 V. Instantly responds to a surge or decrease in voltage.

Among the shortcomings, the high cost of the device can be distinguished.

Pulse width (PWM). The device is based on the operation of a pulse generator. It produces an accurate output current. Allows full synchronization with the gas boiler. Recommended for connection to a low frequency network.

Which device is better to choose also depends on the number of phases. You can choose a device with a built-in battery that will keep working during a power outage.

Number of phases

The choice of the number of phases depends on the network parameters. If it is single-phase, then the protective device must be of the same type.

single phase. Suitable for hanging and floor heating equipment. It is often installed in houses and apartments with network values ​​of 220 V. It serves to rectify power up to 135 kVA.

three-phase. It is used more for industrial purposes for connection in boiler rooms. Power range 380–400 V. It can also be used at home if the connection parameters correspond to the declared ones.

What to consider when choosing

To choose the best model, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Boiler power. Electric models of different brands "", "", "", "" have a different operating range - it can be 10 or 24 kW. This must be taken into account when choosing.
  • Response time. Specified in milliseconds (ms). The parameter will tell you how long the stabilizer will equalize the voltage during the jump.
  • Input voltage. Recommended range is 140-260W.
  • Output correction accuracy. So you will find out how well your boiler “feeds”.
  • Working temperature. This refers to the ambient temperature at which the equipment normally works. Usually it is +5 - +40 degrees.
  • Placement method. Wall-mounted options are lighter and more compact, occupying a minimum of space. Floor mounted are more often used for industrial purposes for high power equipment.

How to connect a stabilizer

Before installation, read the instructions and technical documentation of the device.

  • The device is located in a dry room with the temperature indicated in the passport.
  • The unit is placed away from combustible substances.
  • Do not place the device in closed cabinets, cabinets. It is important to ensure proper air circulation.
  • Connection to the boiler is carried out through a socket with grounding.

See diagram below:

Where to buy the device? You can do this in the online store or stores household appliances.

Most often, the protective device breaks when long work with low voltage (170 V). When connecting, observe the operating voltage at the input.

Why are clicks heard during operation?

This question is often asked by users on the forums. There are several reasons for this:

  • Clicks are audible when the power is incorrectly selected. When the energy values ​​go beyond the allowable limits, the stabilizer turns off. At the same time, a click is heard. The way out is to choose the right device.
  • Bad soldering contacts. More common in inexpensive versions. During use, a crack occurs at the soldering point, which causes extraneous sounds.
  • Mechanical type of equipment. There are clicks during mode switching.

Now you know what to look for when choosing, compared the advantages and disadvantages, the principle of connection. It remains to deal with the choice of model, its parameters and cost.

Rating of popular models

The review is based on consumer feedback.

"Resanta ASN-500 N / 1-C"

Single-phase relay type stabilizer. The compact body fits well on the wall. Provides equipment protection during voltage surges in the 220/380 V network. The built-in filter eliminates interference, the current frequency is automatically adjusted. "Resanta" works in a wide range of temperatures, but does not tolerate high humidity in the room.

Price from 2,000 rubles.


I bought "Resanta" for a boiler with a circulation pump. Conducted a test, tried to connect a TV and a microwave to it - suitable for any technique. After connecting to the heating equipment, it has been working stably for a year, without shutdowns. There were no problems with the instructions, I connected everything myself. Now I don’t worry that the electronics will fail, because repairs are expensive. I recommend to all my friends.

Spire InStab IS3500

The model of the InStab inverter converter from the Russian manufacturer Shtil. A single-phase device is perfect for protecting gas double-circuit boilers, refrigeration, household appliances. Available in wall and floor versions. The LCD display and LEDs help keep track of the current mode.

  • Instantly responds to network fluctuations.
  • Does not distort the voltage in the primary network.
  • Performs a double conversion.
  • Built-in protection against short circuit (short circuit), overheating, overload.
  • Forced cooling by a fan.
  • Noise filter installed.

The cost is from 22,000 rubles.


Initially I was looking for an inverter option. It is more reliable and produces a high-quality sine wave, unlike relays. While normally functioning, it is on the floor in a horizontal position. True, it makes noise during operation, which is annoying. Probably due to forced cooling by fans. It is better to secure the equipment once than to call the master and overpay later. While satisfied with the purchase, the main thing is that everything is protected.

"Bastion Teplokom ST-5552"

Wall-mounted single-phase relay type device. Protects electrical appliances, improving the quality of power supply.

It can be installed in the private sector, apartment, office, enterprise. The housing is simply attached to the wall thanks to the three-point brackets. The LED backlight gently illuminates the panel at night.

Short circuit protection, automatic shutdown in case of emergency.

Price from 3,000 rubles.


I have a double-circuit Buderus unit at home for a long time. He heated the water and the room perfectly, until one day he broke. It was autumn, winter was approaching, so the master was immediately called. After diagnosing, he reported that he had flown electronic board. It turned out that the part is sensitive to deviations in the network. Recommend installing a stabilizer. I opted for the budget option Teplocom St-555. He made me happy clear instructions, light body. There are mounts for hanging, but I have it on the floor. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 5 years!

The connection is easy: the plug is connected to the mains, and the socket is on the cable to the boiler. I've been using it for 2 years now, and no problems with the equipment. "Teplokom" is always on, most often instability occurs at night. The only inconvenience is the short wires. But if you consider how much the device costs, this minus can be ignored.

After realizing all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as familiarizing yourself with the varieties of protective devices, you can go shopping. Follow our recommendations, correlate the power of the heating unit with the parameters of the stabilizer. Consider the amount of connected equipment. Good luck choosing!