Mui Ne sand dunes. White dunes in Mui Ne - my review. Observation deck in the fishing village of Mui Ne

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are one of the most popular holiday resorts in Vietnam. There was a separate article about these towns. Be sure to read it so as not to make a fatal mistake when choosing a place to stay in Vietnam:

And this article is about what to see in the vicinity of Mui Ne (Phan Thiet), if fate wanted to bring you to the south of Vietnam.

I already wrote about, which are literally five kilometers from the resort, and today an article about another attraction of Vietnam - the White Dunes of Mui Ne. They differ from the red sand, are much further from Mui Ne, but, in my opinion, are much more spectacular.

White dunes are hills of white sand about 70-80 meters high and about 10 km in area. They are located far from the resort area of ​​Phan Thiet (35 km), so they are not as popular as the red dunes.

If you have already decided to get out into the desert, then it is better to spend an extra two hours and go not only to the red, but also to the white sands. There are almost no people there, and the area of ​​sand formations is quite large. It seems that you are in the Sahara, and not in the south of Vietnam.

You have to climb on your haunches with the help of legs and arms

From the parking lot of the bike to the White Dunes, you need to walk about 10-15 minutes.

On the way we admire the Lotus Lake

You can rent a quad bike and drive on the hills on it.

I really liked the White Dunes of Phan Thiet. I have long wanted to see the desert again, and the wish finally came true in Vietnam. I'm lying on the sand, bastard:

It is important to know:

1. If you go to the White Dunes in the place where the signs on the road lead (from the south of the sandy massif), then the entrance there is paid - 20,000 dong for two. You can park your bike there.

2. During the day, the sand is hot, it is better to cover the body. Long pants and an off-the-shoulder T-shirt are more suitable than a swimsuit.

3. Be sure to take a hat, sunscreen, glasses and a bottle of water.

White dunes of Mui Ne, how to get there?

Type in White Sand Dunes Muine in Google, you will immediately be given the location. The white dunes are located 35 km from the center of Mui Ne. You need to go towards the fishing village and further north along the coast.

There is no public transport, but you can buy a tour in the resort area. The most convenient way to get there is by bike. The round trip takes just over an hour. First we go along the highway along the sea

Road to the White Dunes along the coast

If you are in Mui Ne for kitesurfing, you can take a kite with you. Somewhere in the middle of the way to the white dunes, you can go to the beach, where many ride

Part of the way (a couple of kilometers) will need to drive along the sand along the Lotus Lake.

Dry streams to the right and left
On the way we pass the cemetery
Part of the road runs along the sand along the Lotus Lake
Near the Lotus Lake, locals live in a hut made of planks
Life of poor Vietnamese

In the next article I will talk about the resort of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in the south of Vietnam. Finally, a video where I am in a strange headdress, but without sunstroke. Please be understanding :)

But also throughout Southeast Asia, thanks to the unique local climate.

The configuration of the wind rose and undercurrents here is such that it leads to strong wind constantly blowing towards the coast. This wind causes steady and high waves, which are very much appreciated and.

Also, the unceasing wind in Mui Ne created unique natural formations: Red and White Dunes. For thousands of years, tons of sand have been blown off local beaches and settled on several sections of the coast, gradually forming two local deserts with high dunes.

Interesting! They look so atypical and surprising among the local jungle vegetation that people who first got there have the impression that they found themselves in the Sahara or the Gobi Desert.

How to get there, how much it will cost and what to expect from such a trip in general, is described in detail in this article.


Fascinating excursions for vacationers and travelers in 350 cities around the world: is a service of unusual excursions from local residents and guides who can tell you about the most interesting things in their cities in an interesting and exciting way.

red dunes

These dunes have several names: red, pink, gold, orange, yellow and even sunny. But on maps, tourist booklets and guides, they are indicated as red. They occupy a more modest area than the white dunes, but no less beautiful.

It is worth noting that in fact the local sands are not red at all, but rather orange or deep yellow. But at dawn or at sunset, for half an hour they acquire a bright crimson hue that can amaze even a person indifferent to natural beauties.

In addition to walking among the dunes, tourists can entertain themselves skiing from the sandy mountains. Props for such a trip in the form of a sledge upholstered in linoleum or basins can be rented from local children who come here every day to have fun.

Payment for renting a "sports equipment" is modest and amounts to only a couple of thousand dong or $ 0.5-1 dollars. Although small "rentalers" can insistently demand a large amount.

Important! While skiing or taking pictures, it is not recommended to leave valuables under the supervision of local children, as they are able to steal them from a gullible tourist.

There are several near the dunes from the side of the city, as well as use the toilet or secure parking (the latter factor is especially important for owners of rented bikes).

Where are they?

The Red Dunes are located in the northeast of Mui Ne, just 3.5 km from the city center, just behind the largest suburban street (freeway): Vo Nguyen Giap. To get there, just cross this road.

How to get there?

12Go.Asia provides online booking of all types of transport on one platform, in the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

You can get there from Mui Ne on a rented bike, bicycle, bicycle taxi, on a normal Taxi or on a regular city bus, which every 20 minutes runs between Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. If you do not want to spend money on equipment rental or payment for transportation services, then you can simply walk. The path from the center of the village to the dunes will take only half an hour of leisurely walking on foot.

You can get from Phan Thiet by city bus or by rented motorbike. You need to go along Vo Nguyen Giap street. It starts in the city center and ends at the east side of the dunes.

Note! When ordering an excursion, the tour operator will provide a transfer from the customer's hotel. Even in any hotel or from local travel agencies, as well as from entrepreneurs throughout Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, you can rent a jeep with a driver for 4-5 seats, which for $ 27-40 will ride along the Red and White dunes during a comprehensive tour.

Cost of visiting

The cost of visiting is completely free. You will only have to pay for the fare, and even then if you are too lazy to go there on foot.

Reference! In order to fully enjoy the beauties of this place and take beautiful pictures, you should visit it during sunset. But it is recommended to arrive there at least half an hour before sunset and take a secluded place somewhere on the northern edge of the dunes. Otherwise, hundreds of other tourists taking pictures will fall into the frame. You can still get there before sunrise, but then the color of the sand will be golden, not crimson.

white dunes

The White Dunes are the most Mui Ne famous landmark and perhaps the entire province, mainly because their landscape is almost identical to that of the Sahara.

The small desert occupies a fairly large area and has length over 10 km, and is also far from the resort area of ​​Mui Ne. Therefore, here you will not meet crowds of tourists with cameras that spoil the frame.

Important! Most of them are traveling on their own vehicles, which, due to inexperience, do not reach the White Dunes at all, mistaking ordinary sand formations along the way for them. You need to drive more than 30 km to full-fledged white dunes.

If there is no desire to walk around this area, then you can take a picture of the dunes from the road, which also offers a magnificent view of nature. But to get more experience, it is recommended walk deep into the miniature desert to be amazed by the contrast compared to the usual evergreen and luscious nature of Vietnam.

Also in the remote corners of the desert, you can make plenty of photos without unnecessary attention from other tourists.

Note! As in the case of the Red Dunes, it is better to come here before sunset or at dawn, when the sand turns into unusual colors.

Experienced tourists who have been there, and local guides, it is recommended to leave the rented vehicle in paid parking lots, which are located in the southern part of the dunes. Otherwise, vehicles can be found with a flat tire or some kind of hooligan trick. Thus, paid parking with the help of local "teach a lesson" to budget travelers.

Entrance to the parking lot costs about 20,000 VND ($1).

A small rental station on the southern part of the dunes houses several cafes and travel agency offices. Here you can rent an ATV, an enduro bike or even a buggy to ride on the sand dunes.

The cost of riding 20 minutes on a small quad bike is from 200,000 dong ($ 17), on a large one - from 400,000. rental time.

Not far from the rental station is one of lotus lakes, which is also worth a look if necessary.

Where are they?

The White Dunes are located on northeast of Mui Ne, 30 km from the village. Therefore, walking there or taking a cheap bus, as in the case of the Red Dunes, will not work.

How to get there?

One highway leads to the White Dunes from Mui Ne along the coast. If you plan to go there on your own, then during the trip you need to use a navigator, or a map of the area purchased at any local gas station.

Unknowing people may not reach the dunes at all, mistaking for them the usual sandy hills that are visible from the highway. To get to the White Dunes, you need to be in a certain place turn off the highway to the right onto a dirt road that leads to the rental base.

You can also take advantage of a $10 Minivan tour or a $30 trip from Mui Ne in an open top jeep. In the latter case, the SUV will drive passengers along the dunes for a couple of hours.

Cost of visiting

Access to the dunes is completely free, but you will have to pay for parking at the rental base.

Reference! The entire coastline along the White Dunes consists of tens of kilometers of wild sandy beaches, where not a single living soul is usually found. This is a great place for a wild holiday away from civilization or nudism.

Fairy Creek, White Dunes, Red Dunes, Red Canyon is a jeep tour to the small fishing village of Mui Ne, which began to turn into a popular resort more than 20 years ago. Now thousands of tourists come here, but some locals are still engaged in traditional craft. Near the village there are beautiful natural landscapes with mountains, lakes and even sand dunes. I regularly organize excursions to these places and invite you to join an interesting journey.

Below are the basic conditions for organizing a trip, taking into account the fact that you are either in Mui Ne or in the neighboring resort of Phan Thiet. When leaving from other areas, the cost and time of the tour may change.

You can adjust the time of the walk and the duration of your stay in each of the proposed places at your discretion. I will tell you more about prices and conditions for organizing an excursion at the end of the page. In the meantime, I would like to briefly describe how our trip will go and what places we will visit.

How is the tour

On the eve of the trip, we will agree with you the start time of the tour. But I suggest leaving the hotel early in the morning. Why? The thing is that the surroundings of Mui Ne are a popular place among tourists. The closer to dinner, the more people there. Also, the sand on the dunes underneath midday sun very hot, so walking on it will not be very pleasant, if at all possible. And these places at dawn look much more beautiful than during the day.

The tour includes the following objects:

  • White Dunes and Lotus Lake
  • red dunes
  • Mu ine fishing village
  • red canyon
  • fairy stream

White Sand Dunes and Lotus Lake

First, we will get to the White Dunes (Đồi Cát Trắng). This is a real piece of the desert in the south of Vietnam. The area is located 30 km from Mui Ne. The length of the dunes is about 10 km, the height reaches 70-80 m. appearance they are somewhat reminiscent of the Sahara desert in miniature. The sand here is light, fine and deep enough, so walking on it is not so easy. But, for a fee, you can ride an ATV directly from a high hill. The rental price is about VND 1,000,000 for half an hour.

Next to the dunes, century-old pines grow, kindly giving their shade. For a semi-desert place, the infrastructure is quite well developed here. There are rental shops, small stalls with food and drinks. On weekends, many locals come to the White Dunes to have picnics here.

Lotus Lake is located next to the dunes. In fact, there are two ponds here, which used to be one body of water. The locals call it Bau Ba, or Bau Trang. The lakes occupy an area of ​​about 70 hectares, have a depth of 5 m to 19 m. Their surface is covered with lotus leaves.

The flowering time of aquatic plants is from early July to late September. If you come to this interval, you can admire a beautiful picture. From the very shore and almost to the middle of the lake, its surface is covered with pleasantly scented white and pink flowers. If desired, you can rent a boat. There are a lot of fish in the lake, and some locals offer tourists to go fishing with them.

Red Dunes

The Red Dunes (Đồi cát bay Mũi Né) are located at the northeastern tip of Mui Ne village. Their area and height are less than those of the White Dunes. The sand here, in fact, is not red, but yellow-orange or light brown. But at dawn and dusk it turns pink. The Red Dunes make for great photos.

Walking in this place is easier than on the White Dunes. Wear comfortable sandals or sneakers on your feet, as the sand is very hot closer to dinner.

You will see a lot of kids among the dunes offering to rent "sleds". This is an ordinary thick film, on which it is convenient to roll over the sand. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, the impressions from the descent are really amazing.

Muine Fishing Village

A visit to the fishing village of Mui Ne is scheduled in the middle of the trip. It is located in a small bay where local fishermen traditionally used to hide from storms. Life here has hardly changed over the past decades, although the proximity of a popular tourist resort is felt.

Hundreds of fishing boats are moored off the coast. You will see traditional, even round Tum chai, which have become a symbol of Vietnam. Most often they are metal, although there are also old wicker ones. On such boats, they do not go far into the sea and are used to check nets thrown near the shore.

A beautiful panorama opens from the observation deck. From here you can see the entire harbor with boats on the water, the promenade and the beach. If you turn the other way, you can admire the bamboo groves, gardens and rice fields. There are many restaurants on the coast serving traditional dishes, fish and seafood. All of them are fresh, because the fishermen deliver the goods in the early morning.

Red Canyon

The Red Canyon is an old river bed, which has now turned into a small stream. Many call this place a miniature copy of the Grand Canyon in the USA. The walls of the ravine are formed by limestone and red clay deposits. They formed bizarre ledges and cornices, covered with cracks. In the rays of the rising and setting sun, they play with red, fiery red, pink colors.

In some places, white limestone stalagmites rise from the bottom of the canyon, like in real caves. The shores are partially overgrown with bamboo, coconut palms, pomelo, lemons and rare tropical shrubs. If you take comfortable shoes, you can climb the slope and look at the beautiful landscapes from above. It also offers ostrich rides.

In some places along the route there are small cafes. But general impression this does not change from place to place, and the Red Canyon remains a corner of almost untouched nature.

We will end our tour with a visit to Fairy Creek (Suối Tiên Mũi Né). This romantic name is given to a small river flowing along the bottom of the Red Canyon. She is the remnant of that large stream that once formed a unique ravine with red walls. The depth of the stream is not more than half a meter, but in most places the water level barely reaches the ankles. You can walk along the bottom, after taking off your shoes.

The length of the river is about 2-3 kilometers. One side of the shore is the walls of the Red Canyon, the other is bamboo thickets, and in some places the real jungle. More often exotic birds are found there, you can also see small monkeys, lemurs and other animals. There is even a small petting zoo at the end of the route. Squirrels, crocodiles, lemurs, porcupines live in it. Animals are allowed to be fed.

Closer to lunch, we will finish the trip and go back to the hotel or any other place in the vicinity of Mui Ne that you specify.

I will carry you in Jeep, Willys or UAZ open-top cars. Where we are going, there are no normal roads in places. Therefore, a reliable car is useful to us. And thanks to the open top, you get a better view of the surroundings and ride with the breeze.

Attractions included in the tour on the map

1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km

no categories found

Building a route...

Cost and conditions

I offer options for excursions for a different number of private traders. Prices largely depend on this.

Here are the main types of tours:

  • Private tour
  • Group tour for 3-5 people
  • Group tour for 6-40 people

Now I will tell you more about each.

  1. Private tour
    This option is convenient for those who travel alone. It is also suitable for two people. I will pick you up from your hotel in a comfortable Ford Everest air-conditioned vehicle.
    Cost - $ 70 (regardless of whether one person is traveling or two)
  2. Group tour for 3-5 people
    A group tour is suitable for those traveling in a small group of up to 5 people. The advantage of such an excursion is that for each subsequent participant the cost will be lower. The more people go, the less each of you will pay.
    Here are examples of prices:
    – For 3 people – $84 ($28 each)
    – For 4 people – $100 ($25 each)
    — For 5 people – $100 ($20 for each)
  3. Group tour for 6-40 people
    I can organize tours for larger groups as well. In this case, we will go by tourist buses. It is also possible to organize a trip by Ford Transit minibus (for a group of up to 15 people).
    We will need to discuss the cost of such an excursion separately during the preparation process, since the price depends on the number of participants and other conditions.

Regardless of the size of the group, the cost of services includes:

  • Russian speaking guide services
  • Transfer from the hotel and back
  • Entrance tickets if needed
  • Mineral water

Duration - 5 hours:

  • Start – 06:00
  • End - 11:00

These conditions are relevant if you are in Mui Ne or Phan Thiet. If you want to go on an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City or any other resort in South Vietnam, we will discuss the cost and conditions separately. For example, it takes about 4 hours to drive from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne (distance 200 km), so such a trip can take 1-2 days.

You can find a list of all my excursions in the section Excursions in Vietnam.

Excursion to national park Kattien (Nam Cat Tien, Cat Tien, or Nam Cat Tien) is a trip to a nature reserve located on the plains of South Vietnam, at the foot of the Central Highlands. The park is a unique natural attraction that has retained its original appearance.

Mui Ne is not only a very popular Vietnamese resort on the Yellow Sea. There is more to see here: stunning white and red dunes, a lotus lake and a magical fairy stream.

In general, all this can be visited in one day, but in Mui Ne it is worth staying for a couple of days to take a break from moving around the country, to swim in the sea. You can even try to learn how to surf or kitesurf.

The climate here is very pleasant - the air is sea, but there is no damp, suffocating heat, there is a breeze all the time.

Plus, inexpensive pleasant hotels, supermarkets in neighboring Phan Thiet, fruits, seafood, and only 6 hours from Saigon ... perhaps that is why this place is so chosen for wintering.

In this guide post, we will tell you everything about Mui Ne: when is the season, what to do and where to go, how best to get to Mui Ne and ride on it, which beach to swim on, where to settle and eat seafood and fruits, and of course we will show our photos and videos .

Below there will be a map with all the sights of Mui Ne in Russian.

There are a lot of Russians here. Everywhere signs in Russian, the menu in Russian. locals who have travel business, many speak Russian. For those who do not know English well - excellent.

If you do not want to see compatriots during your vacation, then Mui Ne is not for you, you can try to go, for example, to. This is a paradise for European / American backpackers, and there is a minimum of people from the CIS roasting in the sun.

Information about the city of Mui Ne

Mui Ne (Mui Ne, in Vietnamese and English Mũi Né) is a small city in the southern part of Vietnam in the province of Bình Thuận, but actually the outskirts of a larger city called Phan Thiet.

The population is only 25,000 inhabitants (according to Wikipedia). But at the same time there is no impression that you are in the city, Mui Ne feels like a small cozy village.

Mui Ne is 20 km long, and its width is only 200-300 m. There is only one central street, on which all resort life and traffic are concentrated. On the first line - on the beach - there are more glamorous and expensive hotels. On the other side of the road - cheaper guesthouses, restaurants, shops, travel agencies, massage parlors, etc.

The history of Mui Ne is simple: back in the early 1990s, there was a fishing village here. On October 24, 1995, crowds of scientists came here to observe solar eclipse. They liked it here, although there was no infrastructure, but the enterprising Vietnamese quickly established a tourism business here, and Mui Ne turned into a full-fledged resort.

Video from Mui Ne

We also shot a short video in Mui Ne:

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Things to see and do in Mui Ne

Mui Ne White Sand Dunes

There are three entrances to the White Dunes: two are free, one is paid (10,000 dong). First, there is an arch on the left, there it is free, after 100 meters there is a sign to the dunes, there is a fee, after another 100 meters there is no check-in signs, the entrance is free and they ride ATVs.

it's the same the best place for sunset in Mui Ne.

There are a lot of people here, especially at sunset, but if you wander to the more distant dunes, but there is no one there.

We are trudging... It is difficult to go up on loose sand... And the wind pours sand all the time, so we put a buff on our heads, a motorcycle muzzle on our faces, glasses on our eyes. And still sand everywhere :)

It seems that Seryoga will fly away from us now :)

No, it did land.

The dunes are constantly moving due to the wind

By the way, this wind can very quickly damage photographic equipment, so we photographed all these dunes with a small cheap soap box. Gopro in a protective case is also suitable.

lotus lake

It is located on the road to the white dunes. Lotus bloom time is July, August and September. You can admire the flowers from the shore or swim among them on a boat.

It is a pity that we missed such a spectacle, because we were in Mui Ne in January-February.

Mui Ne Red Dunes

The entrance is free. On the maps they are drawn a little to the west of the circle, in reality the entrance is 100 meters to the east (that is, if you go from the sea, then to the right).

It is also great to come here at sunset.

In fact, these dunes are not as red as, for example, or, but there is a red tint.

Traditionally, I protect myself from sand:

And Serega even decided not to take off his helmet (and he still had to wash his head from the sand AHAHAHA!)

Fairy Stream and Red Canyon (Fairy Stream)

The motorcycle can be left on the side of the road that is closer to the sea. Behind the bridge there is a pointer to the stream, we walk along it literally 5-10 meters, to the left there are steps to the stream, take off our shoes and pass for free. If not along the stream, then we pay 10,000 dong. The bottom is good. There are no crocodiles, snakes and leeches.

We went to the creek with friends who at that time lived or came to Mui Ne, we gathered there 8 people.

Beaches and sea in Mui Ne

It is windy in the western part of the resort, and the depth immediately begins. This is where all the athletes graze - kiters and surfers.

The eastern part is more protected from the winds, the sea is shallow and suitable for families with children.

Please note that there are no romantic tropical beaches with postcard palm trees and perfectly clear sea!

To do this, it is better to go to Thailand on, or Koh Chang, to Indonesia to the islands and, or to Malaysia on or. in Vietnam best beaches in bounty style are located on the island of Phu Quoc (Phú Quốc).

Kitesurfing, surfing, windsurfing

There are several kite and surf schools on the beach. Probably, for an advanced kiter, it will be fine to ride in Mui Ne, the wind is stable there, but for beginners it will still be better to learn in a shallower place and without waves - for example, in.

What else to do in Mui Ne

I'll tell you more about some entertainment in Mui Ne and the surrounding area.

1. If there is absolutely nothing to do, then you can go look at Cham towers 8th century. Such ruins, compared to or even we were not interested at all.

2. Go to Mount Ta Ku (Ta Ku) with a statue of a reclining Buddha.

3. Visit the Ke Ga Lighthouse.

4. See how the dragon fruit (aka pitahaya, or pitahaya) grows. Plantations are located along the road to the south - towards Vungtao.


5. In a supermarket in Phan Thiet, buy all sorts of delicacies for dinner: something like snakes, frogs, worms ...

We bought a snake. They also discussed whether it was fresh or not. When the saleswoman tried to get it out of the aquarium, it turned out that the snake was not only fresh, but ultra-fresh :) The three of us barely caught it! Butchered right there, so we didn't have to race for the snake in the kitchen of the guesthouse. Tastes somewhere between fish and chicken.

6. Eat fruit at the local market. In shops and stalls, fruits are expensive, and if you go to the market in the morning, you will be pleased with the choice and prices.

7. Buy yourself a ski suit. Seriously! On the main street there are several shops with ski suits and warm jackets. They are sewn here in Vietnam, so we decided, what if we manage to sell something directly to northern tourists :)

8. Go to the gym :) It is called Vegeta Gym, located near the fruit market.

9. Visit the mini-zoo near the fairy stream.

Transportation in Mui Ne

From Phan Thiet to Mui Ne, there are ordinary city buses of the "minibus" type that travel along the entire city. The ticket price depends on the distance (from 6000 to 16000 dong).

  • white No. 1 from CoopMart supermarket,
  • red #9 from LotteMart supermarket.

Also full of taxis and motorbike taxis.

But it is most convenient to rent your motorcycle. On a bike, you can go wherever you want, whenever you want, instead of haggling with cunning taxi drivers.

Bike rental in Mui Ne

International, Russian, Ukrainian, Thai driving license in Vietnam

Since 2014, Vietnam has acceded to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, so it now recognizes IDPs (international driving licences). This is the kind of booklet that you must carry along with your national driving license. It can be obtained from the traffic authorities of your country (traffic police, traffic police, etc.).

Since 2015, it is possible to obtain a Vietnamese driver's license, but only if you are a Vietnamese citizen or have a permanent residence permit in Vietnam.

Motorcycle travel insurance

If you are going to Mui Ne on a two-wheeler, then keep in mind that ordinary policies do not cover riding motorcycles and mopeds, neither in Vietnam nor in any other country! Separate sports insurance is required. The best option- is to buy an insurance policy for active days from - this is international insurance, issued online, even if you are already on a trip, and covers riding a motorcycle.

How to get to Mui Ne

By plane

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet do not have their own airport. The closest airports to Mui Ne are:

Most flights, especially international ones, arrive at Ho Chi Minh Airport.

To find cheap flights, I usually compare prices using several aggregators. They all have the same principle - they look for tickets in the databases of hundreds of airlines, but their databases may differ, so the price will be better in one or the other - check everything at once.

  • - unrealistically flexible search, and there is a guarantee of connection, even if you fly with low-cost airlines and the first flight is delayed!
  • - the best prices for tickets from Russia and Kazakhstan, a convenient calendar of low prices.
  • - there are good prices for tickets from Ukraine.

By the way, KIWI gives 20 euro coupons for airline tickets to new users, but they can only be received by email. Who needs - I can send an invitation.

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Airfare low price calendar:

How to get from Ho Chi Minh / Saigon to Mui Ne

Distance 215 km.

Option 1. Bus or train.

The most common and inexpensive way is to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne by bus: regular with seats or slipbus (sleeping bus).

There are three rows of seats in the sleepbus, and the distance between the aisles is microscopic, we could hardly squeeze through. The seats do not recline completely, and at the bottom there is something like a plastic leg pocket that goes under the seat in front of the seated passenger. People of high stature and with a foot size of 38 will not be very comfortable. For the tall ones, there are 4 seats without leg pockets: two at the top and two at the bottom in the rearmost 5-seat row - they are located between the aisles, so you can hang your legs into the aisle.

But just because you bought a sleeper bus doesn't guarantee you will get one, this is Vietnam. It is better to look at the reviews about the carrier, and not try to save a couple of dollars and then suffer.

Travel time 5-5.5 hours. The ticket price is from $6 dollars per person, depending on the bus company.

The train is faster (3.5-4 hours) and costs a little more: from $10. Coupes in Vietnam are very decent.

See schedules and ticket prices at. There are also reviews of tourists and ratings of carriers.

Option 2. Individual taxi transfer.

Taxi is a more expensive way to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne, but you don't have to wait in the heat, worry about luggage, shake in a smelly bus in an uncomfortable seat, and you will be taken directly to your hotel in Mui Ne.

It happens that buses in Vietnam run without a break: some passengers got off - others immediately got on. You sit on the bus - and there is stuffy, it stinks of socks, there is garbage on the floor :(

Travel time by taxi is 3.5-4 hours, depending on traffic in Ho Chi Minh City.

In order not to bargain at the airport, a taxi from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne can be ordered in advance online:

Taxi travels 4 hours, costs from $77 to and from $99 to.

From Dalat to Mui Ne

You can get from Dalat to Mui Ne by bus or taxi.

The distance is only 125 km, but there is a mountain serpentine, so you have to drive 4-5 hours. More interesting during the day - it's beautiful on the way :) And stock up on motion sickness pills.

We drove from Dalat to Mui Ne on a rented bike for 5-6 hours - then everything hurt. But they could stop anywhere for a photo.

If you come to Mui Ne via Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang, it's all the same :)

Tours in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

If you are reluctant to travel on your own, you can buy a package tour.

Now there are online supermarkets for tours to different resorts in the world, where you can choose and pay for a tour on the Internet without visiting a travel agency. From Ukraine, I didn’t find such tours to Vietnam, but from Russia, the choice of tours in Mui Ne / Phan Thiet is large, with flights from different cities:

Accommodation in Mui Ne: hotels, guesthouses, villas

Mui Ne is full of hotels of different quality and for any budget. In any case, your accommodation will be close to the sea, because Mui Ne is a narrow strip of buildings along the highway.

If you don’t want to listen to the noise and beeping of cars and bikes, then it’s best to rent housing on the first line with a sea view, or vice versa - in the depths of the city away from the sea.

Hotels with kitchens are popular in Mui Ne. Usually this is a shared kitchen for several rooms, but there will be just any kitchen utensils that you can imagine. Also often in the rooms there is a small refrigerator and a kettle.

I have made for you a selection of hotels on booking for different categories of tourists, all with good reviews:

And these are all the hotels in Mui Ne on the map. As you zoom in, more options appear.

When to go to Mui Ne: seasons and weather by months

Mui Ne is located in one of the driest regions of Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia, so it is relatively dry here even during the rainy season - they are just not as strong as, for example, in the north of the country.

Sea water temperature 23-30°С all year round but due to the wind it can be chilly to go out.

The average air temperature is 22-32°C, but the heat is not felt as strong as in the same Thailand or Cambodia or even in Ho Chi Minh City, because the air is drier here.

  • High season: from December to April, peak in December-January.
  • For surfing and kitesurfing: from November to March (during these months there is the strongest wind).
  • In September, the Mui Ne Half Marathon is held here.
  • In January-February TET - Vietnamese New Year(dates change every year) - at this time, all the Vietnamese go to relatives, and it's really difficult to buy tickets for any transport, you need to book very early.
  • Rainy season: May to October.

We were in Mui Ne at the end of January - beginning of February. It was quite dry, but very windy and waves. There were few tourists in the city, and on the beaches, and on the dunes, and on the stream of fairies we were generally alone.

Restaurants in Mui Ne

If you know good places where to eat in Mui Ne, then please write in the comments at the bottom of the post, I will add them here and on the map.

Mui Ne on the world map + all attractions

Here is a map where I have marked all the interesting and useful places in Mui Ne: here are white and red dunes, and a fairy stream, a market, Bokeh and others. If you reduce it, you will see where Mui Ne is located on the map of Vietnam and the world.

Our reviews of your stay in Mui Ne

Should I go to Mui Ne? Answer: yes. We liked Mui Ne.

1) nature: white and red dunes, fairy stream. 2) mild climate and fresh sea air. 3) calmness and comfort, there are no crowds of tourists here. 4) surfing and kitesurfing. 5) seafood and fruits.

If you decide to travel all over Vietnam, then it’s worth spending a couple of days here to see all the sights and eat delicious treats.

But if you expect to find some interesting historical and cultural sights of Vietnam here, then they are not here.

If they talk about the sandy desert, then the association immediately suggests the Sahara. And few people know that there are also a lot of sand dunes in Vietnam. There are whole deserts, sandy elements stretched for many kilometers. Their beauty is no less impressive than the mountains ...

We visited four places where you can see this natural splendor. Three places are quite famous among tourists. One was accidentally found by us in search of adventure. I will tell you about each in detail.

Today my story is about red, rather, even brick sands with a rich red-orange hue.

Fairy Stream, Mui Ne

Coordinates: 10°57"04.7"N 108°15"23.2"E

This place is not far from Mui Ne, you can easily get there on a rented bike or bike. Or even on foot if you like to walk in the heat.

It is curious that at the entrance tourists are urged to hand over their shoes, and, as far as I remember, for a small bribe. Say, the place is holy and in general you pass to the stream through our small courtyard-temple. We refused to hand over our shoes, hanging them on backpacks, and we don’t advise you, especially if you want to take a walk along the surrounding dunes in addition to the stream bed. There is plenty of rubbish and thorns!

Traveling along the stream passes right along its bed. It's quite exciting to paddle on the sandy and sometimes rocky bottom, covered with a thin layer of warm water, and look at the beauty around you! We had fears that under water you could run into something sharp, for example, broken glass, but nothing happened.

The stream is also interesting because along its banks you can see bizarre sandstone washing formations. When there are heavy tropical downpours, the water literally carves out figures that look like stalagmites from the sandstone.

The water in the stream is not particularly clean, but it does not smell like rotten meat, like some other rivers in it. However, drinking this water or using it to wash fruits and vegetables is absolutely not worth it. Only bottled water if you value your health!

When you enjoy the views of the stream, and they are gorgeous, climb up the paths up the mountain. This is where prudently not handed over shoes will be very useful to you!

Views of both the sands and the landscapes opening from the mountain to the sea will not leave you indifferent ...

After walking up, you can go down back to the stream and spank to the exit. There will be many options for the descent, some of them are quite intricate!

Red Dunes

Coordinates: 10.949032, 108.296708

This place is also located in the vicinity of Mui Ne and is very popular among tourists, it is easy to get to. Of course, for this reason, there are many retail outlets and eateries, you can often see a cluster of tourist buses. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any photos of all this “magnificence”. And why are they, looking at picturesque dunes is much more pleasant!

The dunes themselves are relatively small, but very beautiful.

Seryoga and I were lucky, there were absolutely no people at all.

But there were girls who, well, very persistently offered us to participate in unusual fun ...

In my opinion, it is very similar to shots from the movie "White Sun of the Desert". Only in the role of Sukhov - Seryoga =)

And they offered Vietnamese girls to ride on the sand, aka on a sled!!! Of course, they tried to “divorce” for money, which probably happens with most tourists. But it didn’t work out with the experienced Seryoga: at first he bargained for a long time, then fixed the price of the “deal”, and only then I went to use the service.

Perhaps it is more like an ice cube or cellophane under the booty! In childhood, we often had so much fun when we saw a knurled hill. We put an accelerator under the fifth point and let's goiiiiii ... From the hill. But sandy!!!

So, my impressions after sand rides. Is it worth a try? Of course yes! It's unusual! But do not forget to put on goggles before descending, or at least close your eyes, as the sand flying from under the ice gerbil will be literally everywhere !!! In the eyes, hair, nose, mouth and every fold of your garments. Yes, he will also get into underwear, do not hesitate!

But as for the sensations: it does not capture the spirit, as when descending from an icy mountain, the speed is not the same. Still, our entertainment is somehow more like me ...

Although I didn't appreciate the sand attraction, the sands themselves not only sank deep into my hair and clothes, but also firmly settled in my heart. Who knows, maybe I used to be a Bedouin? Well, or a camel plowing the sand dunes, amazing in their rebelliousness ...