What are the main qualities in the characterization of Aksinya. Characteristics and image of Aksinya Astakhova in Sholokhov's novel Quiet Don essay. Actresses who played Aksinya

Aksinya Astakhova is one of the main characters in M.A. Sholokhov's novel The Quiet Don, which takes place in the Tatarsky farm and reveals the life of the Don Cossacks.

Aksinya is a Cossack woman with a very difficult and even tragic fate. She is very beautiful, perhaps this is what creates problems for her and changes her fate. The author says that Aksinya's beauty is very vicious and destructive for herself. The neighbors are jealous of Aksinya, because the men look at her. Yes, and it’s hard not to look, because black eyes, plump, cherry lips, a swarthy face, beautiful posture and thick curly hair Aksinya involuntarily attracts the eye. In the entire description of Aksinya's appearance and feelings, the author himself feels tenderness for her.

There were few joyful events in Aksinya's life. As a very young girl, she was raped by her own father, and after it became known to her relatives, they beat her father to death. This was the beginning of a series of troubles and misfortunes that haunted Aksinya throughout her life, and she blamed herself to the last for the death of her father, even despite what he did to her.

Later, she was married off, but her husband almost immediately after the wedding began to beat her, even when she was expecting a child, the beatings did not stop. The child did not live even a year, and with the death of the child, the beatings from the husband resumed. He absolutely did not want to appreciate and understand Aksinya, although she coped very well with the household, was not even afraid of men's work, whitewashed, winged the house with straw, she herself mowed the grass and drove the bulls, got up at dawn and fed the cows. At work, Aksinya tried to hide her bad thoughts and not think about anything.

Perhaps this attitude of her husband was the reason that Aksinya fell passionately in love with Grigory Melekhov, who showed her a little attention and understanding. She seemed to lose her head from these new feelings. No one treated her like Gregory, so she is ready to follow him even to the ends of the world. The whole farm knows about the love of Grigory and Aksinya, even to her husband Aksinya admitted that she fell in love with another, although she knew that she would be beaten again, but she is an honest woman, therefore she cannot hide it.

Together, the lovers left the farm and began to live like husband and wife, and soon their daughter was born. It would seem that here it is - happiness, but fate decided differently again: the daughter became very ill and died. From grief, Aksinya loses her mind and gives herself to the owner, for whom she and Grisha worked and lived.

Grigory could not forgive Aksinya for this and left her, and she had to return to her unloved husband, who forgave her betrayal, because he realized that he loved her when he lost, although he continued to behave like a master towards her. Grigory soon married a Cossack woman, Natalia. Only Grigory and Aksinya did not stop thinking about each other, so Aksinya decided to fight for her love and still managed to take Grisha away from the family.

Only their happiness was again short-lived, Aksinya tragically dies in the arms of her beloved, and the inconsolable Grigory loses the meaning of life.

Composition Characteristics of Aksinya Astakhova

“Quiet Don” is one of the outstanding creations of M.A. Sholokhov, received worldwide recognition. The work has been translated into foreign languages, filmed four times. And, most importantly, the author was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The plot of the novel reveals the life of the Don Cossacks. The action takes place in the Tatar farm. One of the most striking and unforgettable characters in the work is Aksinya, who was married to Stepan Astakhov. The heroine loved Grishka Melekhov with all her heart. Her life path was not easy, her fate was tragic. As, however, with most of the characters in the novel.

Already in her youth, Aksinya began her tragic path. The rape and tragic death of his father seem to have led to a series of misfortunes. Marriage also did not bring her happiness. From the first day until the child was born, the husband brutally beat the heroine. The baby died, and the abuse of her husband began to continue. Love for Grishka Melekhov became an outlet for Aksinya. She needed it like a breath of fresh air.

She knew that her husband, returning from the service, would beat her harder than before. But this did not frighten Aksinya. The love that lived in her heart gave her strength. Only when she found out that Grigory was marrying Natalya, everything turned upside down in the soul of the heroine. Pain and resentment washed over her. But Aksinya, determined to fight for her happiness, takes Grigory Melekhov away from the family.

Having left their native farm, Aksinya and Grigory live together as husband and wife. Soon their daughter is born. And Aksinya, pleased that Grigory was by her side, could have been quite happy. But fate presented her with a difficult test. Her little daughter became seriously ill and died. Grief seems to take away the mind of the inconsolable heroine. Maybe that's why she gave herself to the owner, for whom she and Grigory worked and lived.

Grigory, after all that had happened, left Aksinya. She had to return to her hated husband. But all her thoughts are only about Gregory. Only with him can she be happy. Grigory, forced to leave his native place, takes Aksinya with him to a foreign land. Only now they were not destined to be together. Aksinya's happiness did not last long. She tragically dies in the arms of a loved one.

Option 3

Many people of different ages have heard about Mikhail Sholokhov's novel Quiet Flows the Don. The work is large, has a huge number of storylines and characters. One of the main characters, "drawn" by Mikhail Alexandrovich, is Aksinya Astakhova.

So who is this Aksinya? A girl who was raped by her father at the age of sixteen. For this, he was killed by his own son, Aksinya's brother. This is a girl who, at the age of seventeen, was married not for love. One misfortune was followed by another. Stepan Astakhov was not the most ideal husband. For several years, he severely beat his wife. Because of these tortures, Aksinya lost her child. Stepan was cunning, he never hit his woman in the face, so that the villagers would not suspect anything.

We can say that Aksinya is the brightest character in the novel. She always felt guilty for the death of her father and child. She didn't know true love. And when she met Grigory Melikhova, she was a distrustful woman who did not trust anyone. Aksinya could not imagine that someone could love her, give her the purest and most tender feelings. But having thought over the current situation several times, she completely surrendered to this “madness”.

Sholokhov draws the heroine-lover. Who is both a sinner and a saint. Aksinya's immorality is redeemed by her all-consuming love. It seems that even the author does not condemn her, but on the contrary, puts the heroine on a pedestal. Sholokhov knowingly describes Aksinya as a beautiful and intelligent girl.

It was love that changed the character of Aksinya Astakhova. She was able to drown out the pain of losing a child. I was able to forget about all the bruises inflicted by Stepan's hand. Her inner core is combined with femininity and devotion. And she was indifferent to public opinion about her love. She was able to give her tenderness to the children of Melikhov.

The love of Aksinya and Grigory saved their lives. She, married woman, beaten by her husband, found the strength to love and see the world in new colors. Aksinya was able to keep her sincere and wonderful feelings for life.

It is she, Aksinya, who is the embodiment of holiness and sin, the pool of desperate female love, to which she sacrificed herself completely without a trace.

The image of Aksinya

Who is she, Aksinya? She is not a wife, no, she is the mistress of Grigory Melekhov. It would seem that the heroine should be perceived as the embodiment of immorality, but no. Everything is redeemed by love, greedy, suffering, sinful, denied by society love for Gregory.

Sholokhov does not condemn Aksinya. On the contrary, he writes about this love with passion, depicts the relationship between Aksinya and Grigory as a breath of life-giving moisture that saves both from inevitable despair that would ruin their lives.

In the novel The Quiet Flows the Don, Sholokhov intentionally makes Aksinya beautiful (she has plump lips, black eyes, curly hair, a beautiful, strong body) - this beauty, as it were, is the death of the heroine.

All her life she pays for her with her misfortunes, pays for this gift, in which she is not to blame and which she did not ask for.

Characteristics of Aksinya

When she was sixteen, Aksinya was raped by her own father, who was then "beaten to death" by Aksinya's mother and brother. But this was only the first misfortune of the heroine. A year later, she was married to Stepan Astakhov. And about this seemingly joyful event, Sholokhov writes as about another misfortune.

Aksinya's husband, after the wedding night, began to beat his young wife mercilessly. And he beat her every day for a year and a half, until the birth of a child who did not survive. And then he began to beat again. Sholokhov writes that Stepan beat him severely, but not in the face, so that people would not see signs of beatings.

So Aksinya lived - in beatings and humiliation, with a sense of guilt for the death of her father and unshed grief from the death of a child. Is it any wonder that this woman at first reacted with distrust and wariness to Gregory's advances.

She, as it were, doubted that she, such, could be loved. And then she gave herself to this love without a trace, strove for that a short time that they were allowed to fall in love for the rest of their lives, to absorb this love and tenderness and passion, and then, if Stepan beats him to death, then what? But she lived! But she loved!

Tragic in the fate of Aksinya

Love changes Aksinya's character. She does not hide her sinful passion. She proudly carried her “shameful head” to the envy of all the women and girls of the Tatarsky farm. Love awakened in Aksinya the soul of a real Cossack woman - proud, honest and courageous. She did not humiliate herself in front of Stepan and beg forgiveness for her love. She was no longer afraid of him, so she didn’t play around, but declared directly to her unloved husband: “Beat! I’m not hiding, the sin is on me, ”and then she suffered beatings with“ dry eyes ”.

Aksinya is strong in spirit, but at the same time she is endowed with absolutely feminine qualities: she is gentle, compassionate, patient, distinguished by sensitivity and kindness. Aksinya throughout the novel does not hold a grudge against anyone. Her speech is full of diminutives. She says “kids”, and “my spikelet”, calls her son Grigory from his legal wife Natalia nothing more than “Mishatka”. She is deeply worried about the death of her second child - the daughter whom she gave birth to from Gregory and pours out all her unspent maternal tenderness on the children of her beloved.

Yes, and the children respond to her love and begin to call her mother, although Aksinya is a little frightened by this and is in a hurry to prove to Grigory that it was not she who taught them, but they themselves, themselves ... But with all her femininity and tenderness, Aksinya becomes an indomitable warrior if she has to protect Gregory. Then her speech is filled with rude expressions, she becomes absolutely adamant.

The main character traits of Aksinya Astakhova are:

  • Freedom and honesty. (She is not ready to lie for her own protection. She is honest in her love)
  • Femininity (She is kind to children, ready to sacrifice herself and everything she has for the sake of love, abandons her house and household, leaves with Grigory)
  • Devotion (Having fallen in love, Aksinya remains true to her love and is ready to endure any hardships for the sake of Gregory).

Actresses who played Aksinya

In the cinema, the image of Aksinya Astakhova was embodied by Elina Bystritskaya, in the film adaptation of Sergei Gerasimov in 1957, as well as Dolphin Forest in the film version of the novel by Sergei Bondarchuk in 1991-92. In the new film version of the book by Sergei Ursulyak in 2015, the role of Aksinya went to Polina Chernyshova.

In Sholokhov's novel Quiet Flows the Don. She became at the same time the personification of sin and holiness, the embodiment of a woman's desperate love, for which she is ready to sacrifice herself. She gave herself to this love completely, and without a trace.

The image of Aksinya in the novel Quiet Don

Aksinya is a woman with a difficult fate. As a child, her father raped her. Later, Aksinya was married to Astakhov, who raised his hand to her every day, because he did not believe in the purity of his wife. But she suffered and could not get through to her husband. With his cruelty, he pushed his wife away, who directed her unspent love to another. Grigory Melekhov became this other. The woman completely dissolved in love feelings, which she was not going to hide from others. The only pity is that her happiness was short-lived, and the life of the heroine ended tragically.

How does the reader see the image of Aksinya in Sholokhov's novel Quiet Don? Quotes from the work will help answer the question. In general, the author does not give a specific description of the heroine. However, the overall picture of Aksinya's image can be summed up from individual phrases. So, at the beginning of the novel, we see a twenty-year-old girl. As the centurion says, this is a beautiful woman. The stately figure of Aksinya is not spoiled even by pregnancy. The neck is swarthy, the eyes are black, and the lips are plump and shamelessly greedy. The beauty of a woman is immediately evident, she is destructive in her depravity.

Although Aksinya has aged over the years, she has not lost her beauty. And although the autumn of life endowed her cheeks with faded colors, silvered individual strands of hair, dimming the light in her eyes, the same alluring beauty is read on her face.

Characteristics of Aksinya

If we talk about the characterization of the image of Aksinya in the novel, then I would like to say about her difficult fate. Aksinya has to live with guilt over her father's death. Living in constant beatings, with mental oppression from the death of a child, she doubts that there is love in the world, and that she can be loved. And then, like a ray of sunshine, the feeling that she experienced with Melekhov comes to Aksinya's hopeless life. She is drowning in this love, she is in a hurry to fall in love, realizing that there is no forgiveness for her betrayal. Aksinya hurries to absorb passion, as if feeling how short the human age is.

Aksinya is a strong-willed woman who has all the best feminine qualities. A gentle, patient, compassionate heroine who does not hold a grudge against anyone. Aksinya is proud and has a character, so she can rebuff anyone. She is honest, and therefore does not hide her love for another from her husband. Aksinya is ready to fight for her own love, and does not want to give up her Grishka to anyone.

The female images of the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" are unusually expressive: the proud and courageous Aksinya, the industrious and meek Natalya, the majestic and wise Ilyinichna, the spontaneous and young Dunyasha. This work, created by Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, was published in parts from 1928 to 1940. The image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet Don" will be considered in this article.

Briefly about Aksinya

Aksinya in the work was first a mistress, and then an illegal wife. She accompanies him throughout the novel. This girl is a native Cossack who was accustomed to hard peasant labor and was fully subject to the prejudices of her estate. Aksinya is a whole, strong nature with an emotional, direct character. She is capable of decisive actions, cannot lie and be content with easy relationships. In her life, the main thing is the realization of her feminine essence. This is briefly Aksinya ("Quiet Flows the Don"). The characteristic can be supplemented with various details. Let's present it in more detail.

The appearance of the heroine and her inner essence

Describing the image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don", one should certainly dwell on her appearance. This heroine is a woman of great charm, captivating inner and outer beauty. She has plump, greedy lips, plump shoulders, a swarthy chiseled neck. The girl is proud of her alluring, defiantly bright beauty. However, not the appearance, but the spiritualized, passionate and strong nature, the inner wealth of the heroine, great power her love is poeticized in the work of Sholokhov.

Status in the Aksinya family

Aksinya has been unhappy since childhood. She knew very early the bitterness of the slavish position of a woman in a difficult pre-revolutionary time. Life with Stepan Astakhov, an unloved husband, was a continuation of such a bleak fate. Issued for beatings and abuse, hard labor and humiliation, the girl did not want to submit to the tyranny of her husband.

The beginning of an affair with Gregory

During the first meeting at the Don with Grigory, and then in the episode of fishing, the heroine removes the caresses of this man, she is afraid of the persistence with which Grigory Melekhov flirts with her. However, she soon discovers, to her horror, that she is drawn to this guy. Aksinya was frightened by a new feeling that filled her whole. She is unable to overcome him and therefore comes to Gregory herself. Since then, the girl seemed to be reborn. Love straightened her out. She now walks proudly, carrying her happy head high, not hiding and not ashamed of people.

Aksinya's great determination and determination are combined with integrity and subtlety of feelings, with human kindness and sensitivity. The image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet Don" would be incomplete if not to mention how she takes care of children. She treats her little daughter with tenderness, deeply experiences her death. With maternal care and affection, Aksinya bribes Mishatka. She will truly replace the mother of Grigory's children after the death of Natalya.

Aksinya's speech

The image of Aksinya (the novel "Quiet Flows the Don") can be supplemented with a characterization of the speech of this heroine. In Aksinya's speech, warmth and immeasurable cordiality are felt. It is filled with diminutive words ("my friend", "my spikelet", "kids", "Mishatka"). The heroine's speech changes dramatically when she defends her lover, fights for Gregory. In a fit of anger, Aksinya in the novel "Quiet Don" does not skimp on rude expressions in which her inflexibility and perseverance are felt.

Aging Aksinya

Sholokhov speaks with gentle lyricism about the experiences of his heroine as she begins to age. The image of Aksinya in the novel "Quiet Don" at this time is changing. The writer compares the heroine with a withering lonely lily of the valley. Aksinya examines through her tears a dying flower, but suddenly bursting into flame under the sun. She inhales the smell of lily of the valley, sees that mortal decay has touched him. The heroine recalls her own youth, a long life poor in joys. Aksinya falls asleep, burying her tear-stained face in her hands.

The writer notices noticeable changes in appearance heroine of the novel "Quiet Flows the Don". The image of Aksinya is complemented by new features. Before meeting Grigory, she looked excitedly at her aged, but still beautiful face. "Alluring beauty" remained, but the autumn of life had already thrown faded colors on her cheeks, turned yellow her eyelids, and spun gray cobwebs into them. Mournful fatigue looked out of his eyes, which Sholokhov notes ("Quiet Flows the Don"). Aksinya is no longer the blooming girl we meet at the beginning of the novel.

The attitude of the heroine to the revolutionary events

In her own way, this heroine tried to find a way to a better life. Aksinya was far from participating in revolutionary events. However, her fate depended on their outcome. Aksinya longed for freedom. For her sake, she was ready to sacrifice at any time the economy, peace, to leave "fuck to the ends of the world" from her native places. However, the heroine we are interested in was blinded by love. This limitation of hers, born of the conditions in which the girl grew up, is reflected in the novel Quiet Flows the Don. The image of Aksinya is such that she lives outside the interests of society, does not know other ways to fight for her own happiness, for a fair attitude towards herself, except for consistency and sincerity in love for Grigory Melekhov, faith in him, selfless devotion to her beloved. For her, there was nothing but Gregory. When he was absent, the world died for her and was reborn when Gregory was near. Aksinya, not interested in what Melekhov is fighting for, follows him blindly, thinks only of him and loves him alone.

Devotion to Aksinya

Aksinya, with growing tension, was imbued with more and more anxiety for the person with whom she connected all her life, all the hopes of finding happiness. She shares with all adversity. Aksinya, in search of "her share," goes recklessly with him into the unknown, beckoning her with "illusory happiness." The heroine admits honestly that she was "twisted" by longing for her lover. Aksinya herself, not knowing what awaits her ahead, why and where she is going, admits that she is ready to go even to death with Grigory. She shed many tears during sleepless nights. However, the whole world again seemed bright and jubilant to her after Gregory returned.

The image of Aksinya is such that even love for a child is for her a continuation of her passion for Melekhov, and not a feeling that is rooted in patriarchal family relationships. The tragedy is aggravated by the death of a child and a lack of understanding of the social upheavals taking place in society. As a result, Aksinya finally loses the possibility of "rooting herself in the family" - that which is the main thing for women in her environment. Aksinya also believes this time that she will find "her share" with a loved one, and dies tragically with this belief on the way.

The meaning of the image of Aksinya

A sympathetic attitude towards Aksinya's passion has long been established in literary criticism. Her forbidden love in the 1930s was interpreted as a protest against the social norms of the old world, even as a hymn to free love. The image of Aksinya is among the heroines who love selflessly, but due to tragic circumstances, they are unable to connect with their beloved. Those who give their beloved a sense of the meaning of life and its fullness. Such is Aksinya ("Quiet Flows the Don"), whose characteristics were presented in this article.

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The Quiet Flows the Don is without a doubt one of the largest Russian novels of the 20th century: it is an epic written by Mikhail Sholokhov and includes 4 volumes. The action of the novel unfolds in such a way that it spans several generations.

It is noteworthy that the plot of the work opens with a not entirely positive event, namely: the lynching of a Turkish woman who manages to give birth to a child before her death - Pantelei. In the future, events along one of the lines are built around his son, Grigory, and the latter's connection with Aksinya Astakhova.

We are interested in this case precisely in the features of the image of Aksinya, one of the central characters of the epic. Its characterization requires that we pay special attention, on the one hand, to its appearance and, on the other hand, to her inner world.

Dear readers! We offer you to get acquainted with Mikhail Sholokhov.

M. Sholokhov does not believe that appearance and moral portrait are separated from each other: we will see that the transformation inner world reflected in the appearance of the character, as in a mirror.

The appearance of the heroine

It is curious that in the novel there is not a single holistic description of the appearance of Aksinya. But we can notice, meanwhile, many individual details of the heroine's appearance, which, folding into a single image, allow us to get a general idea of ​​​​how Aksinya looks like.

She is described as a woman of rare beauty. However, we should note that this type of beauty is rather close to the Dutch image, because at the time that the author refers to in the novel, strong women who were able to cope with the hardships of the household were valued. Hence, Aksinya has a powerful body, full shoulders, her whole appearance indicates that this woman is strong not only spiritually, but also physically. Her hands were rough from hard and constant work, Her hair was dark and a little curly. The eyes of the heroine are sad and dark, and the look differs even in terrifying depth. Those eyes can drive you crazy. In a word, M. Sholokhov describes a real Cossack woman, who was Aksinya.

Aksinya is attractive with that beauty that has something wild in itself, it beckons, attracts. If men like this intoxicating beauty, then it pushes other women to the blackest envy.

It is not for nothing that the novel is called an epic: it covers so many years that the reader can observe the birth of life - in children who come into this world, spring and flourishing - in the beauty and youth of the characters, the maturity of life and autumn - in how the years leave their mark on the appearance of a Cossack woman, as well as the sunset - when people die, as Pantelei's mother and Aksinya's daughter passed away. It is interesting that all these stages are connected in a ring - a cycle that is constantly repeated. The story begins and ends with death.

Aksinya's autumn is visible in the gray of her hair, in the dark tone of her skin and in her eyes, which have become even deeper and sadder. There was weariness in her eyes. M. Sholokhov uses the same metaphor as N. R. Gyuntekin when he describes the appearance of a woman who has known suffering. Both authors refer to the comparison of fading beauty and lily of the valley (violets - from the Turkish author), the time of flowering of which has passed.

The appearance of the heroine changes every time she meets her lover - Gregory. Her posture becomes more straight, her facial features more lively, and Aksinya begins to perceive the world in colors. Then, however, the world fades anyway.

The internal specificity of the image of Aksinya

As a child, Aksinya experienced a real psychological trauma: at the age of 16 she became a victim sexual abuse by his own father. For this offense he was killed by his son and wife. However, despite this, Aksinya has dreams associated specifically with the family, with the birth of children.

Aksinya and Stepan

On the one hand, the character embodies impulses of passion, instincts, but, on the other hand, Aksinya is very conservative and lives guided by family values. However, here she does not get happiness, because having married Stepan, who loved her very much, the woman feels that she is unhappy in this marriage. Stepan's love was restless, crazy, jealous love.

He reproached Aksinya for what happened to her in childhood. Once, in a fit of jealousy and anger, Stepan even beats Aksinya: so hard that she is barely alive. In fact, Aksinya gets married at the request of her mother, and not of her own free will.

Aksinya was distinguished by her courage of character, because she openly told Stepan about her connection with Grigory, despite the fact that her husband's temper could even threaten her with death.

Aksinya and Grigory

Being married, Aksinya meets her true love - Gregory. They are tied romantic relationship. As a result, love for him pushes Aksinya to leave Stepan.

Aksinya and Grigory live together for some time, not being afraid of condemnation in the village. But this love was not always the same.

At first, it was rather revenge for all the grievances of the past, for the fact that the heart of a woman had completely dried up in an unhappy marriage. Revenge on Stepan and selfish love. That is why the author so often in the first parts of the novel characterizes Aksinya with the words "vicious." But then her feelings undergo a transformation. Especially these changes become noticeable with the birth of her daughter - Tanya.

This idyll ends when Gregory is called to war, and their daughter dies with scarlet fever.

After Tatyana dies, Grigory returns to his wife, Natalya, because he, like Aksinya, was also married. Natalia had two children from Gregory: Polyushka and Mishutka. But soon Natalya dies from a bullet of the Red Guard, and Aksinya takes care of her children. It is worth saying, however, that Natalya's love for Grigory was also at first selfish, but then she begins to show great femininity and tenderness towards him. Even for her husband herself, she feels love, similar to a mother's.

Aksinya often tries to forget Grigory and her love for him, but her efforts, as a rule, do not end in success. Their meetings are accompanied by a passion of the same strength as at the beginning of the novel.

Aksinya and Eugene

In the novel with Yevgeny Listnitsky, Aksinya is saved from the grief of the death of her daughter and the loss of Grigory. Eugene has long been interested in a woman, and this connection turned out to be fatal: Grigory is very disappointed in Aksinya, considering her act a betrayal and not understanding its reasons.

As a result, Aksinya returns to Stepan and, living in an unhappy marriage, gradually plunges into her autumn.

Last Journey

Aksinya realizes that the only thing that can bring spring back into her life is the return of Gregory. And he really comes to her - along with the children. Aksinya replaces their mother, and gives them all the accumulated tenderness.

Grigory invites his beloved to go to the Kuban to start a new round of life. The reason for the decision to move to the Kuban is not the most rosy: it was an escape, an escape from the bandits with whom Grigory accidentally contacted.

But we should not forget the original setting of the novel: the heroine we are describing is a tragic character, having a very difficult and painful fate. She knew that running away with Gregory would not bring her relief, because he was in disfavor with the new government, but still agrees to leave with him, because only Gregory was hers. real love and passion.

But while crossing the steppe, Aksinya dies from an accidental shot by the military at the outpost. In the arms of Grigory Aksinya accepts his death.