The child and sexual abuse. Sexual abuse of children How children are raped

A terrible case is being investigated in St. Petersburg:. According to psychologists,A child who has been abused tries, on average, 17 times to tell adults about what happened before they finally hear and believe him. What words and changes in behavior should alert parents?

Tell directly

Sexual abuse of children in 70% of cases is committed by relatives or acquaintances. It turns out that the rapist is not some abstract villain from the street, but one whom the parents know well. Therefore, it is doubly difficult for a child to talk about the horror experienced.

But any child who has been raped still tries to do it. Often he does this not directly, but veiled. For example, he can tell a story and say that it did not happen to him, but to some other girl or boy.

Children can disguise their own stories as stories from books or cartoons, says Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova Anna Skavitina. - Adults usually do not attach any importance to these stories or dismiss them altogether: "Don't talk nonsense."

No zoo, no cinema

The behavior of a child who has experienced violence is changing, - said family psychologist Irina Obukhova. What you used to enjoy is no longer enjoyable. There is a clear apathy towards everything in the world.

According to the specialist, the baby can become abruptly indifferent to his favorite toys and games. He also refuses walks and entertainment such as a game room or a movie.

From scratch, such changes usually do not happen - most likely, psychological trauma is hidden behind this.

More than bad manners

One of the signs that a child has experienced sexual abuse is unexpected overly sexual behavior.

The little girl gets up, pulls up her dress and shows everyone what kind of panties she has. She clearly expects that others will admire this, - said the director of the center for helping survivors of sexual violence "Sisters" Maria Mokhova. - This means that the child perceives such behavior as the norm.

According to Maria Mokhova, adults often attribute such oddities to bad manners or the influence of cinema. Thus, they make a big mistake.

draw trouble

The drawings of a child are a reflection of him internal state. If yesterday they were joyful and bright, and today they are gloomy and dark, this is a reason to think.

Children who have experienced violence often paint using red and black colors, - said the director of the Vetka Ivy Center for Victims of Violence Claudia Nikitina. - Black is associated with traumatic events, red is the color of pain and blood. Also, the drawings can be in gray tones, fuzzy. The brain of children perceives difficult memories schematically, without separate details.

Keeping a terrible secret, children often draw what happened to them - directly or indirectly.

It happens that the sex scene is depicted directly, or in men the penis is drawn in the picture, Anna Skavitina said. - Violence can be depicted symbolically, for example, it is a fight or a beast entangled in nets.

You can suspect something is wrong by watching the game of the child. He reproduces sexual intercourse using dolls or soft toys.

He himself may not even understand and not know what it is. He will repeat what the rapist did to him, - said Claudia Nikitina.

According to psychologists, while no one hears the child, he carries a psychological trauma. He is unable to survive it alone, and this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Now every TV channel covers sexual abuse of children. Sometimes it seems that we even get used to the intonation with which the commentator speaks about the next case, and we forget that behind each such message there are broken destinies, the pain of children and parents whose lives will never be the same. You need to know the enemy by sight in order to prevent new cases. This article describes what are the causes, signs and consequences of sexual abuse.

Causes of child sexual abuse

Where does the pathological attraction to the child come from? A person does not choose what he wants and what not, all desires are dictated to him by his psyche. Any disgusting and illegal desires are a sign that a person has a serious delay in psychosexual development. Distinguish people according to their inner desires, predict what they are capable of special person, allows the training "System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan". There are 8 vectors in total, a different combination of which determines the variety of mental types. Each vector has its own specificity of desires.

Rapists are only people who have an anal vector in their mental makeup. Far from all, but only those in whose upbringing in childhood gross mistakes were made. Such people have a powerful libido and a complex sexuality. When they are in a developed and realized state, then children are sacred for them, those who need protection and care. Often such people professionally devote themselves to children: teachers, educators, teachers, pediatricians. To transfer your experience and knowledge, to educate and take care of is the natural desire of a person with an anal vector. This the best people in a world that the next generation can be trusted with. Janusz Korczak is an example of a person who, throughout his life, proves devotion and high love for children.

Why is one person with an anal vector a model of caring for children, and another becomes a rapist? The main causes of child sexual abuse are psychological trauma, the underdevelopment of people with an anal vector and an anal-visual ligament of vectors.

Human sexuality is limited by several taboos. Naturally, we feel that we should not take a woman without her consent, we should not enter into intimate relationships with close relatives, with minors. These prohibitions are protected by law. Break the law, get punished. In an undeveloped person with an anal vector, the unconscious desire breaks the taboo and he experiences an irresistible desire to have sexual intercourse with a girl or boy. A person who cannot create anything in life, does not have lofty goals and desires, is content only with instincts.

Sexual abuse in the family

If you do a little analysis, it becomes obvious that often the rapist is a person from the immediate environment. Neighbor in the country, house or family member: stepfather, cousin older brother, who came to visit, husband older sister. These are the people with whom the victim often contacts, knows and is not afraid to be alone. Such people prefer to have sexual intercourse only in a familiar environment, when trusting communication has already developed, and this person is well received in the family. He studies the interests of the child, disposes him to himself, becomes an older friend, a pleasant comrade, for whom the victim is ready for a lot. Especially if the rapist also has a visual vector, then he can psychologically manipulate the child in such a way that that child does not understand that he is being seduced and they want to do harm.

By taming a baby, such a manipulator creates an emotional attachment. Communication always reinforces what is especially pleasant: sweets, joint games, secrets. Thus, he creates conditions for himself under which, after violent actions, the child will never tell anyone about what happened. After all, it will be a joint secret, which they agreed on in advance. And yet, sexual intercourse with children is always violence, not the choice of the child.

Sometimes, instead of becoming an affectionate friend, a man in the family (for example, a stepfather) shows aggression towards children. First, in the form of unfounded reproaches and nit-picking, then reproaches turn into slaps and beatings. And the next step could be sexual abuse. In this case, the stepfather will do this on the grounds that the stepson irritates him with his presence, and will throw out all the aggression, due to sexual and social unfulfillment, in the form of violence against those who are weaker than him and cannot fight back. And so that what happened is not made public, the rapist will not resort to "secrets" - he will simply threaten with reprisals. In this case, we are talking about anal men without a visual vector with severe developmental delays and, as a rule, completely unrealized in society and personal life. In such states, alcohol disinhibits conscious control and may push them to commit crime.

Statistics show that most often children are subjected to violence at home in the family - relatives and friends. Often - for a long time, and no one even knows about it. All this complicates the trauma, suppresses the development of the child's psyche for many years.

Signs of sexual abuse

The first signs will be abrasions, bruises, scratches, soiled and bloody baby clothes. And signs that are found during a medical examination. This can hardly be overlooked. But violence is not always brutal and "disposable".

But what are the signs of regular sexual abuse? After all, children can hide it for various reasons? They can give a “friend” a promise not to tell anyone. Or they don’t know how to tell, because they don’t fully understand what is happening to them. This applies primarily to children. preschool age. But attentive parents will not be difficult to notice the changes. For example, he was sociable and talkative, but from some point on he became unsociable, secretive, and stiff. Another sign - there was a detachment and distrust of adults; alienation from brothers and sisters, from peers. Hysterical or aggressive behavior appeared. Cruelty to toys and younger children is also a sign to look out for. Or vice versa, non-resistance to violence and mockery of oneself, resignation, humility, inability to defend oneself. The same sign will be the fear of undressing in front of others, and for this reason - the child may refuse to attend physical education and swimming classes at school or in kindergarten.

The signs of sexual abuse can be diseases of the genitourinary system: frequent and painful urination, bleeding and discharge from the genitals, as well as signs of sexually transmitted diseases.

Even if there are no obvious signs of abuse on the child's body, their behavior can suggest whether they are being sexually abused. It is important to notice, respond correctly and protect the child from further attacks and consequences.

Otherwise, ahead is a crippled life not only of the victim of violence, but of the whole family. Broken mother-father-brother-sister relationship. The inability of the raped girl to create a family in the future, to communicate freely with other people. She will remain so for the rest of her life, as if crushed by a “granite slab” of violence, general condemnation and abuse from the family and the inability to talk about this topic. The listed signs of violence can be noticed by any attentive parent.

Consequences of child sexual abuse

Sexual abuse in childhood is a serious psychological trauma, as a result of which a sense of security and safety is lost, and subsequently psychosexual developmental delays appear, everyone is different.

Children with anal vector

A child with an anal vector will experience guilt and resentment. If violence was committed by a family member, then there is a resentment that he will unconsciously carry through his whole life. Resentment against relatives, against men, against one's destiny, against life in general. Will treat himself as someone dirty, will consider himself inferior to others. As a result, there is a desire to disown the family in which he lives; he cannot start his own family as an adult. Relationships and family will be perceived as sources of great suffering, so for him, family is where he felt humiliated and scolded. Subsequently, in addition to the internal rejection of the family, there is a desire to take revenge on everyone who was involved in what happened or did not come to the rescue.

Closed from family and relatives, allegedly punishing in this way. Resentment, feelings of guilt, a feeling of disgust in relation to oneself, in relation to opposite sex and everything related to sexuality will accompany people who were sexually abused in childhood throughout their lives. In terms of damage to physical health they have arrhythmias and other signs of heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. Here is a list of consequences for children with an anal vector who have been sexually abused in the family.

Children with visual vector

Most often, girls and boys with a visual vector become victims of violence.

The consequences of sexual abuse of children with a visual vector are, first of all, problems in the emotional sphere. Fear is a feeling with which a visual child is born, a huge emotional amplitude is also their innate property. Under favorable conditions, such children develop from a state of fear into a state of love. Consequences of sexual abuse visual child will become a delay emotional development stuck in fear. Subsequently, fear will develop into panic attacks, anxiety disorders, nightmares at night, sleepwalking. Created for love, they become unable to love. At the very least, it is almost impossible to overcome humiliation and depression in order to open your heart to a man.

There are signs of emotional coldness and callousness. They cannot empathize and empathize with other people. As adults, they are often unable to create relationships. Signs and consequences are difficulties in making emotional connections.

At the physical level, these are various psychosomatic diseases - from conjunctivitis to a serious deterioration in vision. Violation of development in the emotional sphere leads to fixation on oneself, on one's own fears. This is expressed in whims, scandals, emotional blackmail, demonstrative suicides. And another consequence of sexual violence is the formation of a victimological complex - when a woman regularly becomes a victim of deceit, theft, bullying and repeated sexual violence. All this is worked out at the training "System-Vector Psychology". Participant feedback is inspiring:

«… This terrible day... Barely fell asleep with anticipation tomorrow. September 1, the first time in the first class ... I wake up in the morning from the fact that my stepfather climbed into my panties. My life has completely turned upside down. Every day he fell on me, how I screamed, begged my mother for help, and she was in the kitchen, and she didn’t care ... Each deuce was imprinted by a soldier’s buckle on my skin. He beat with and without a reason, taught the mind, as he said ... God, when will my little body grow up ... I will kill ...
…First introductory lecture in August 2013. Here are all the answers, a balm for my wounded soul. Passed training with 37 group. Fears, phobias, suicidal thoughts left at the very beginning of the training. The resentment towards the parents also left, all the anchors of sexual harassment by the stepfather were removed. Mom, I love you very much! I realized the nature of the relationship between a woman and a man. Gone is the feeling of guilt that haunted, the complete understanding that a child without a father will grow up as a fully realized person and depends on his mother.
For the first time there was a desire to get married, she ceased to be afraid of men and build relationships ... "

Ekaterina A., economist-manager, Moscow

«… This happened 43 years ago (it turns out that there is no statute of limitations for the psyche) and who would have thought that I lived my whole life under the impression of this unspoken and unexperienced childhood horror - rape. I will not rewrite my entire life scenario now - well, it is “not very good”. I want to write so that my result catches the eye of someone and come to the training, if there was a training in those distant times, or at least people nearby. This event cannot be removed, erased from the psyche - only training in System-Vector Psychology. It was so closed - I didn't even remember it. For training, for training...
... My perception of the world has changed, I would really like other people not to suffer for years, but to undergo training ... "

Elena G., manager, Sochi

Children with skin vector

Children with a skin vector are especially sensitive to touch and caress, they have sensitive, delicate, velvety skin. The consequences of violence against such a child are manifested in the fact that he refuses to let himself be stroked, caressed, eschews caresses and touches, perceiving any stroke with a threat to his safety. In such children, a “script for failure” and masochistic inclinations are formed. As an adult, such a woman will unconsciously choose a partner who will mock her. And in professional terms, the victim in childhood will also unconsciously choose a situation of failure, failure, humiliation, not realizing that he enjoys failures and financial losses.

On the physical level, the effects are manifested by tics, eczema and other skin diseases, problems with the spine, scoliosis and even a psychogenic hump.

Children with sound vector

Children with a sound vector face serious consequences for the psyche, up to deep withdrawal into themselves, depression, suicidal thoughts.

For any set of vectors, the main consequence will be the loss of a sense of security and safety. The victim loses confidence in the world around him, feels a constant threat to himself and is forced to defend himself in order to survive.

How to survive violence with the least consequences for mental and physical health?

If this tragedy happened to your child and he was sexually abused, then you should know that under no circumstances is the child at fault. The child was a victim of what happened, and the reason for this is not rooted in him. Children are not the initiators of violence. Parents should always be on the side of a child who has experienced sexual abuse. No matter how difficult it is in such a situation, no negative assessments of what happened, accusations, phrases “shame on you” should come from you, and even more so there should not be any insults, screams, disgusted facial expressions. Start communication without showing your fears, horror, anxiety and confusion. The further mental health of the child depends on your behavior as parents.

The question may arise - is it necessary to talk with the child at such a moment? - Yes need. Words can kill, or they can heal. Be sure to talk about what happened, showing maximum calmness, care and love during the conversation. Create an environment of safety. Gently and without pressure, ask questions and help answer them. If this is not done, then everything experienced will go deep into the subconscious and will live there, bearing destructive fruits - not only for his life, but also for your relationship with him.

The shame that a child experiences at such a moment is of great strength. The feeling of shame sometimes reaches the edge, incompatibility with life. An acute sense of shame pushes for suicide. The decision to die is made instantly under the influence of an acute sense of shame. Remember how F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Demons" describes the behavior of a girl whom he raped main character novel? She threatened the offender with her finger and went to hang herself. Resentment and an unbearable sense of shame pushed her to this. Parents, remember: it is you who should be the first psychological help, protection and support - in order to avoid the irreparable.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is scientific knowledge, which allows you to understand the nature of the psyche of a human rapist; gives an idea about the behavior of people with an anal vector in a developed and undeveloped state. This knowledge makes it possible to notice and prevent danger in time. Training helps to get rid of the consequences of psychological trauma and domestic violence.

Four year old girl. Three people were arrested at the crime scene. One of them is a suspect, two are witnesses.

September 2 in Volgograd, a ten-year-old boy went for a walk after the school line and disappeared. His body was found not far from the house in the basement of an unfinished garage box. On suspicion of murder. He was detained 200 kilometers from Volgograd, he walked and bypassed police posts.

April 17 in the city of Toguchin Novosibirsk region A seven-year-old girl left school and told her parents by phone that she was going home. However, the child never made it home. local residents five kilometers from Toguchin. The investigation opened a criminal case on the murder of a minor. April 18 by the police in the rape and murder of a child.

On the night of April 15 from the maternity ward of the 1st City Clinical Hospital of Smolensk. Her 18-year-old mother abandoned the baby after giving birth and left the hospital, but later stated that she wanted to take her daughter back. On April 15, investigators found the girl in a private house in the village of Pyshkovo, Gagarinsky District. A 17-year-old local resident suspected of kidnapping claimed that she herself was pregnant, but she had a miscarriage, which was completely refuted by the investigation. The attacker was charged with a crime, she was taken into custody.

11 April on the street of Kokuy village Trans-Baikal Territory with traces of sexual violence. A male suspect, previously convicted of crimes against sexual integrity, was soon arrested and confessed to the murder and rape of the child. The suspect reported that on April 10 he saw a girl walking alone. The man grabbed the child, dragged him into the yard of one of the houses, where he raped and killed him. He threw the girl's body into the street and fled.

April 2 in an apartment in the city of Nakhodka. The attacker freely entered the apartment after the child, where he raped the girl and disappeared. A criminal case has been initiated. On suspicion of committing a crime, the captain of the police, the duty officer of the Partizansky temporary detention center, was detained, who confessed to the deed, he was charged.

March 12 in the apartment of one of the houses on Sportivnaya Street in Nizhnekamsk, there were a 35-year-old woman and her 13-year-old son with signs of strangulation. Traces of sexual violence were also found on the teenager's body. On suspicion of committing a crime, a 32-year-old acquaintance of the victim was detained, who had previously been prosecuted for causing grievous bodily harm, theft and robbery. The man confessed to the crime. According to him, on the day of the murder, he was visiting the victims and drinking alcohol with the landlady. The child in the next room was playing on the computer. The suspect began to molest the owner of the apartment, a fight ensued between them, during which he strangled the woman. The son, hearing cries for help, ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and tried to protect his mother. The man took the knife from the boy, raped him, and then strangled him.

25 February in the village of Pochep, Voronezh region, born in 2002. After two hours of operational-search activities, a girl. On March 1, a 33-year-old man suspected of kidnapping was detained by the police. He confessed that he wanted to rape the girl. Leaving the kidnapped child in the car, the attacker got into a taxi and went to the city of Liski to his girlfriend, and then went to the Verkhnekhavskiy district, where in the village of Pravaya Khava.

February 19 An eight-year-old girl in Ussuriysk left school in the evening after a workout and headed to the bus stop, where she was supposed to meet her parents. Parents who did not wait for the child reported the disappearance of their daughter to the police. February 23, 15 kilometers from Ussuriysk, in the snow next to the road. A suspect in the girl's murder was arrested and confessed.

February 19 a student of the second grade of the gymnasium of the city of Yelabuga left for classes in the morning. Around 11:00 in a ravine near the school, a girl with signs of sexual violence, as well as frostbite and signs of beatings, was found by two young people. The girl was at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital. The investigating authorities initiated a criminal case on this fact.

February 7 A fifth grader went missing on her way to extracurricular activities. Her days later in a ravine on the territory of gardening in the Shelekhovsky district. On February 18, a resident of Angarsk, born in 1965, previously convicted of theft and robbery, was detained. He was charged with rape and murder. During the investigation at the scene, the accused confessed to the murder and rape of the child.

February 2 The police of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny of Tatarstan received information about the disappearance of a second-grader who went to school in the morning and did not return home. on the side of the road, 73 kilometers from the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in the Zainsky district of the republic. The girl died from profuse blood loss from a stab wound to the chest. Her lung and heart were damaged. In addition, numerous bruises and signs of sexual abuse were found on her body. A 30-year-old man, a native of Uzbekistan, confessed to the murder and rape of a child. He had no previous convictions and has lived in Naberezhnye Chelny since 2010.

January 29 in the basement of a house on Degtyarev Street in the city of Lomonosov was. A criminal case was initiated. On suspicion of the murder of a child committed in late November - early December 2012, his stepfather was detained, as well as the boy's mother, who did not go to the police because her cohabitant threatened her. The investigation later stated that she helped the man place the boy's body in the basement.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti

This article is for those who have heard shocking news from their children. For those who have not yet heard, but may soon hear. You probably just don't want to know about it, and that's why I'm writing this article for you. So that you still turn your attention to what is happening in your families. This news is about your child experiencing sexual abuse by a close relative or stepfather.

It sounds scary, but the percentage of raped children in families is too high. And in most cases, the mothers and grandmothers of such children prefer not to notice what is happening. I wasn't wrong.


Litigation on this topic is avoided, so only psychologists or psychotherapists know about the scale of the tragedy. For by the nature of their work they work with injuries. And these are only those who found the strength to talk about it with a specialist. And how many people closed and buried this scary story, carry pain in themselves and are silent?! A victim of sexual harassment and violence who succeeds in punishing his abuser through the judicial mechanism is much better at recovering from trauma because he gains a sense of greater security. Most often, we are approached by already adult girls or women who understand that they cannot cope with this pain on their own. Relatives do not find any support or understanding. Most often they are rejected, they are not believed even when they talk about it as adults!

Stories of Victims of Sexual Assault

“When I told my mother that my father had raped me while she was in the hospital, my mother was shocked and could only say one thing: “What are we going to get divorced now?”. She sat for a long time, then she went somewhere and at night she came drunk, although she does not drink at all. They quarreled with my father, and I scolded myself - what have I done.

“At the age of 10, my daughter told me that when she was about 4-5 years old, and she often visited her grandmother, my mother’s husband did terrible things to her ... I won’t describe the details, but from her stories I realized that he committed indecent acts of a sexual nature. She also said: "Mom, I was not afraid." I was shocked! I told my mother, but she did not want to believe it and justified him!”

There is a wonderful project. Anastasia Melnichenko launched it on Facebook under the hashtags #I'm Not Afraid to Say and #I'm Not Afraid to Say Users talk about their experiences of violence. One of the stories from this project:

"I was 5 years old. And that was my own grandfather. Parents at that time were very young, there was enough money back to back for food and utility bills - oh kindergarten there was no speech. I stayed with him. From morning to evening. Every single day except weekends. I don't know how soon it started. At first he just beat me. Slap. Kick. Light slap. Just. He could grab his hair and throw him to the floor. Every time my parents called to find out how I was, I screamed, choking on tears and snot, into the phone, but he, throwing me away and locking me in the next room, easily and naturally ended the conversation. Weaved something like "porridge refuses to eat." I tried to tell everything. I did it, crying, with this scum and without him, but he always managed to justify himself: he is strict, and I just miss parental warmth. Rich fantasy, that's all. I just miss the attention. I fought at home in hysterics, but in the morning the same hell was waiting for me. They either did not believe me, or did not want to believe - there was no one but him with whom I could be from morning to evening. Soon broke. I stopped resisting. I was afraid to make an extra sound with him, but this, of course, did not help. When he realized that I no longer even stutter about bullying in front of my parents, harassment began. I became very quiet. The parents must have noticed. I LIKE to believe they only noticed it then. But, most likely, the reason was that the school was about to begin and they no longer needed the "services" of their grandfather. At some point it stopped. I just stopped staying with him. I didn't tell anyone about his sexual harassment for 10 years. For a long time she was too frightened and lost, and was simply glad that during further (frequent - he lives on the next street) meetings, her parents were always there. Then I pushed it into my subconscious, deep, deep. Buried in myself. Sometimes it seems like I almost forgot. But this is impossible to forget. It's always in you. And fear, and hatred, and impotence. I confessed a year or two ago. That bastard spanked my sister in front of me. Not much (father and I were in the room), but it was enough. I was able to hit him twice in the face with all my might. Screaming, crying, trying to escape from her father's arms. When she finally calmed down, she told everything. For some reason, dad. Alone. I wanted to hear at least "I'm sorry, daughter." Didn't hear. For five minutes he was in shock, smoked two cigarettes, wiped his sweaty forehead, and then said: "Let's pretend that this conversation did not happen." I cried in the bathroom for two hours. I still can't forgive. But I am relieved by the fact that by my confession I nevertheless saved my sister from the same fate. Now I am eighteen. Study, work, date beautiful girl. In general, I am happy, but, remembering the events of that time, I cry every time. And still deep in my heart I hate, because this scum is still alive and not punished. I feel that I can truly let go of everything that has accumulated in me for so many years, I can only when it rots underground.

Sexual orientation is not always innate. Sometimes it is the result of an acquired injury.

If the child feels strength in you, then he will cope with his injury faster. Children need to rely on adults. By depriving him of this support, you betray him. You betray him when you choose not to hear or know what is happening to him. If your own peace and the safety of relations with a relative or husband are more important to you, then you will “keep peace” in the family, but at the cost of betraying your own children. And this is your responsibility.

I believe that it is necessary to prosecute parents who are silent about the facts of sexual crimes against their own children. Because it is thanks to silence that the amount of evil in the world increases.

Photo by Mark Agnor

Recall that the site reported about a terrible crime that occurred in our republic a year ago

Then, on March 19, 2014, a two-month-old girl was delivered to the Novobryansk hospital in a very serious condition. From the site's own sources, it became known that the child was not only brutally beaten, but possibly raped.

Couldn't save

The crime happened in a family where the mother is not yet 20 years old, and the father is 24 years old. They have an older child who is just over a year old. The youngest girl was born in February. It was against her that a crime occurred - the baby was not only beaten, but allegedly raped .. - The older boy was removed from the family and handed over to his grandmother. Father is under investigation.

This information was leaked to social media. “The child has a closed craniocerebral injury, hematomas all over her body and, most likely, the girl was raped, but the investigators will have to check this. I have never seen doctors cry, but today there were clearly tears in the eyes of colleagues ... ”- users wrote.

The investigating authorities then confirmed that bruises were found near the baby's genitals. But it was not possible to check whether such a thing could really happen to such a tiny baby - the girl's condition was very difficult.

Doctors fought for the life of the child, whose condition was deteriorating, for more than two months. But in May, despite the efforts of doctors, he.

On February 10 this year, the results of the examination became known, which confirmed the information about the rape. In a relationship young man initiated a second criminal case.

5 hits to the head

According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Republic of Belarus, the accused young man lived in the village of Chelutay, Zaigraevsky district, together with his wife and two young children. On the morning of March 18, 2014, he was left in the house alone with the children - his wife had gone to the neighboring village on business. After a while, the young man's one-month-old daughter began to cry. The defendant tried to calm her down, but could not.

Then he began to beat the baby - with force he struck her with at least 5 blows to the head and 1 blow to the stomach, as a result of which he caused the helpless girl a severe head injury and many other bodily injuries. Not satisfied with what he had done, the attacker took off his clothes and committed sexual assault against the beaten daughter.

In the evening, my wife returned home. Despite the apparently severe beatings, the child's mother went to the hospital only the next morning, when the girl stopped eating. The child's condition was so severe that she was taken from the district hospital by air ambulance to Ulan-Ude.

Changed testimony

The father, suspected of the crime, was arrested pending investigation. During interrogations, he first claimed that the child had been injured by falling from the bed onto the floor. However, then the man changed his testimony and began to say that the girl fell to the floor and hit herself, and then, when she was crying and did not calm down, he hit her twice on the head.

However, after a series of complex examinations, the investigation obtained materials that refuted the arguments of the young man. As a result, under the weight of the collected evidence, the accused confessed to the circumstances of child abuse, according to the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Republic of Belarus.

Criminal cases were initiated under paragraph "b" part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature against a person under the age of 14) and paragraph "c" part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder of a minor). Currently, in the course of the investigation, a sufficient evidence base has been collected, in connection with which the criminal case, together with the approved indictment, has been sent to court for consideration on the merits.

Note that the forensic psychiatric examination found the man sane. Previously, the family in which this tragedy occurred was not registered. The older child is now with his mother. It is not yet known whether he will be removed from the family.