Project for artistic and aesthetic development “Zimushka-winter. GCD on the development of speech preparatory group "How we play in the winter on the site" outline of the lesson on the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic Sculpting winter winter preparatory group

Synopsis of GCD on artistic activity (sculpting) in senior group on the topic: "Winter fun".
Develop the imagination of children, encourage them to be creative, form the ability to make a collective plot composition from molded figures, conveying the relationship between them.
· To fix the method of modeling in the style of a folk toy - from a cylinder (roller) notched from one or both ends, a cone; choose your sculpting method.
Continue to develop the ability to transmit simple movements (tilt and turn of the body, bending the arms, moving the legs).
Analyze the features of the human figure, correlate the parts in size and proportions.
Develop an eye.
Develop emotional responsiveness to musical, artistic works, works of art.
Integration of educational areas
Socialization: to form the ability to set a goal, to bring the work to the end, to compose a collective plot composition.
Cognition: To ensure that the child understands the mood of works of art, its artistic value.

Activate words in speech: winter games, fun, snowball.
· Exercise children in the selection of verbs for the noun little man: walks, runs, jumps, bends over, crouches, rolls, throws.
Music: to consolidate the ability to listen to music, make imitative movements, respond emotionally to a piece of music.
Equipment and materials: cards with a schematic representation of people in motion, the basis of the collective composition: "Playground", illustrations: "Winter", "Winter Fun", a reproduction of the painting by artist A. Moravov "Winter Sports", plasticine, boards for modeling, stacks , napkins for hands, TSO: “If there was no winter”, “Sounds of nature”, operational schemes for sculpting a person in several ways.
preliminary work:
Observation during a walk for playing and walking children.
· Talk about winter fun, games.
Examination of illustrations, reproductions of the artist A. Moravov "Winter Sport" compilation of descriptive stories (from personal experience, based on a series of plot paintings on the topic: "Winter fun").
Introductory part:
Examination (contemplation) of a reproduction of the painting by the artist Alexander Moravov "Winter Sports"
Accompanying the reading of A. Blok's poem "Winter Fun".
Conversation (to ensure that the child understands the mood artwork)
- Who is in the picture?
- What are the children doing?
- What is the mood of the children?
- And you, when you look at this picture?
- It's good that we have winter!
What do we do outside in the winter?
· Listening to the song to the words of Y. Entin: “If there was no winter” with a task for children: to the music, perform movements on cards with a schematic representation of little men in motion (walks, runs, crouches, bends over ...).
(Children do the exercise, and then exchange cards several times).
What movements did we perform? (activation of the dictionary).

- Choose one card each for sculpting a little man in the same pose.


- On the winter playground (layout), someone is missing (people).

- Let's blind the little men who ran to this site and now accurately throw snowballs, have fun skiing, make snowmen together, build a snow fortress.

Imagine who you want to mold, a boy or a girl, or maybe two friends or girlfriends, what will your little men do?

Don't forget your winter clothes. How will you sculpt a person in winter clothes?

Fixing the techniques of sculpting a little man.

Examination of human modeling schemes different ways. Analysis (children with a little help from the educator): correlating parts in size and proportions.

Independent work.

(musical accompaniment "Sounds of Nature").

- When the music ends, you need to complete your activities.

Individual work: modeling method, techniques, clothing details, postures.

OZhZD - posture, protection of vision.

Outcome: placement of crafts on the layout "Children's winter playground".

- What is the name of this exhibition? (winter walks, winter games, winter fun, oh, how fun in winter ...).

- Do you think it turned out beautifully?

- Why did it turn out so beautifully? (when we do everything together, we try, we agree, we don’t quarrel - we always get a good result).

- Look at the reproduction and our layout: what do they have in common? (children ride downhill, go skiing, the season is winter, the mood of the children).

Workplace cleaning. KGN.

  • Joint activities in artistic work in the preparatory group. Theme: "Our favorite city"
  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"
  • Kind of activity: productive activity.

    Target: Introduce children to new technology modeling.


    1. To consolidate the ability of children to separate small lumps from a large piece of plasticine and roll them into a flagellum between the palms of both hands.
    2. To teach the technique of rolling the flagellum in a spiral to obtain a flat image of the original shape.
    3. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
    4. Develop fine motor skills.
    5. To instill in children a love for nature and respect for feathered friends.

    Materials needed for work:

    • plasticine;
    • contour drawing depicting a bullfinch;
    • paper;
    • photograph or picture of a bullfinch.

    Master class, winter crafts for children of the preparatory group "Bullfinch"

    The guys from my group and I decided to try to make crafts using a new technique for them - plasticineography.
    For the first time, we decided to take a simple drawing to try. For this we needed a photograph of a bullfinch.
    To begin with, we drew an outline drawing of a bullfinch, drawing distinctive features birds.

    The next step is to fill the drawing with plasticine. To do this, we need to pinch off a small piece of black plasticine, roll a flagellum in the palm of our hand, and roll it in a spiral. You should get small shells. We completely cover the surface of the head, back and tail of the bird with black shells, trying not to go beyond the contours of the picture.

    Next, take the red plasticine. We make the same small shells from red plasticine. We fill in the drawing of the red breast of the bullfinch. For a better light and shade effect, you can mix clay to get a different shade. This is possible only by working with older preschoolers.

    We take plasticine Brown. From it we will make branches of the tree on which the bullfinch sits. To do this, we pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll the flagella in the palm of our hands, rounding the tips, and glue them onto the drawing. We glue the berries twisted from orange plasticine.

    We perform the beak and wings of the bullfinch in the same way and glue it onto the drawing.

    The end result is a very nice piece of work. This technique was liked by the children from my group and myself. The children enjoyed making cute shells. It is very convenient for children with small fingers to sculpt small details. I believe that any image or drawing can be done in this technique, using colored plasticine, mixing it to get different shades. Very helpful for children development fine motor skills hands and fingers, for the development of fantasy and imagination.

    Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Darya Nikolaevna

    Theme of the week "Zimushka-winter"

    Theme of the week "Zimushka-winter"

    Lesson 15. Through sprockets

    (White paper. Openwork application)

    Software content. Learn to create an image of an object by cutting out a shape folded several times through the center. Encourage creativity in children when creating applications. Continue to teach the technique of openwork cutting. Handout. Circles of white paper with a diameter of 15 cm, scissors.

    Lesson progress Read to the children a poem by E. Blaginina:

    What kind of stars are

    On a coat and on a scarf?

    All through, cut,

    And you take it - water in your hand.

    Ask the children:

    What stars are mentioned in the poem? (About snowflakes.)

    Have the children cut paper snowflakes. The circle must be folded in half, then again in half and again in half (through the center). You get a triangle with an arched bottom. On all sides of the resulting triangle, you need to make cutouts different shapes and size. Then unfold the circle and carefully smooth the resulting snowflake. If desired, children can cut out one or two more through stars. You can decorate windows and walls with snowflakes or stick snowflakes on black or dark blue cardboard. This text is an introductory piece.

    From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, laying them on top of each other and firmly connecting them. Strengthen the ability to use the stack. Develop

    From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “Zimushka-winter” Lesson 29. Patterns on the window (Drawing with toothpaste) Program content. Introduce children to the possibility of drawing with toothpaste or white correction fluid. Learn to decorate a square with patterns (dots, stripes, circles, flowers,

    From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “My home” Session 41–42. Houses of the three pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a piece of paper. Learn

    From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “Winter” Lesson 14. Winter landscape (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Start introducing children to the landscape. Learn to draw winter trees with the whole brush and the tip of the brush. Learn to draw a contrasting winter landscape using white and black gouache.

    From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. To teach children to draw small and large objects, consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue to learn how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate Responsiveness

    From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “Winter” Lesson 14. Snowflake (Nalep from plasticine) Program content. Continue to learn how to roll sausages and construct a conceived object from them in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane). Improve understanding and

    From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “Winter” Lesson 14. Christmas ball (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Continue to teach children to decorate a three-dimensional product with small plasticine balls. Develop speech and thinking. Demonstration material. Image of a Christmas tree decorated

    From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

    The theme of the week is “My Home” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To consolidate the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image with the help of plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

    From the author's book

    Topic of the week “Zoo” Lesson 25. Elephant (Palm drawing) Program content. Continue to introduce the palm printing technique: dip the entire palm into gouache and make an imprint. Develop imagination, teach to see a new image in a familiar subject. Pin skill

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week New Year» Lesson 31. Snow Maiden (Drawing in gouache) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "cold colors". Teaching children to draw fairy tale character keeping the proportions of the body. To achieve expressiveness of the image. Pin skill

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “Snow-White Winter” Lesson 33. Snowman (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush) Program content. Continue to learn to convey the features of the depicted object using a poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Cultivate responsiveness and kindness

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Teach to transmit characteristics objects using cool colors. Get to know the possibilities

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “Winter” Lesson 14. Snowflakes are falling (White paper. Breaking along the contour and application from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. Introduce children to a new type of application - cutting off (tear off small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply to

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “My house” Lesson 22. A house for a bunny and a rooster ( colored paper. Application from the prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to make a whole out of several parts; apply glue to the part and stick

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “Winter” Lesson 14. Snow-white winter (Pokes with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Purpose. Teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush. Develop an aesthetic perception of the winter landscape. Demonstration material. The picture is a winter landscape. Handout.

    From the author's book

    The theme of the week is “My home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on the illustrations in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstration

    Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

    (implementation educational field "Speech development" , "Physical development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" )

    Prepared by the teacher: Sheveleva L.V. preparatory group, Tyumen 2016

    Program content:

    Educational tasks:

    Clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena.

    Teach children to coordinate nouns with adjectives,

    To teach children to build correct sentences, answer questions with a detailed sentence, find the correct answer in the picture.

    Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech, creative imagination

    Teach children to notice the beauty of winter phenomena.

    Improve the ability to sculpt with plasticine.

    Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.

    Preliminary work: a conversation about winter, about natural phenomena, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, riddles about winter.

    Vocabulary work: ice, frost, sledge, chill, blizzard, snowball, sun, winter.

    Equipment: audio recording "Waltz of the Snowflakes" M. Mitkova, snowball, letter, plasticine, the basis for modeling cardboard, boards, cotton pads, picture-answers, drawing paper.

    1. Organizational moment:

    Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello and stand in a circle. Take each other's hands.

    Good morning! It's a new day. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. (Children breathe in and out three times). And now wish good morning to each other and guests! Come in, sit on the chairs.

    Guys, quite recently the trees shed their last foliage and stood bare, it often rained. What time of year was this?

    Children: In autumn.

    What time of year has come to replace autumn?

    Children: Winter.

    Right. Well done! Listen to a poem about winter.

    Reading a poem "Winter song" . (R. A. Kudasheva).

    Here comes the silvery winter,

    The field is clear with white snow.

    In the afternoon with children everything is skating,

    At night it crumbles into snowy lights.

    In the windows he writes a pattern with Ice-needle

    And knocking on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree.

    It's nice to watch falling snowflakes. Each seems to perform its own dance, spinning in the air.

    Now magic will happen, I suggest turning into snowflakes for a while. And let each of you come up with and perform your own dance. But it will not be just a dance, but a dance game, listen carefully to the music, when it starts to sound quieter and quieter, you will also have to slowly complete your dance. With the end of the music, let each of you show in what figure his snowflake - a ballerina - has frozen.

    Let's all close our eyes together and say a spell - turn into snowflakes. Zhinki, Zhinki, Zhinki, we are now snowflakes. (Opened eyes.)

    (The musical game “Snowflakes-ballerinas” is being held).

    What beautiful snowflakes. A whole snowfall. Well done. And now let's close our eyes, say a spell and turn into kids. Dongs, dongs, dongs again we are kids. (opened eyes).

    And now we sit in a circle on the mat, we will now play a game "Winter Words" .

    I read the words to you, if you hear a word related to winter, clap your hands.

    (Snowflake, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, falling leaves, Snow Maiden, sunbathing, snowfall, skiing).

    Well done! You were very considerate.

    Guys, do you like to solve riddles.

    Children: Yes.

    Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

    It hurts to bite.

    Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

    After all, it's on the street. (freezing)

    He flies from the sky in winter,

    Don't go barefoot now

    Every person knows

    Which is always cold. (snow)

    Under my feet

    Wooden friends.

    I'm flying at them with an arrow,

    But not in summer, but in winter. (skis)

    Do not suck, tomboys,

    Ice lollipops!

    I swallow pills myself

    Because I ate. (icicles)

    He is from the snow alone,

    His nose is made of carrots.

    A little warm, cry instantly

    And it will melt. (snowman)

    He was once water

    But suddenly he changed his appearance.

    And now for the New Year

    On the river we see. (ice)

    Well done! All riddles are correct.

    (Knock on the door).

    Oh, guys, someone is knocking on our door.

    Postman: Hello guys?


    Postman: Is this ds No. 78?

    Postman: -Group No. 10 "Rowan" ?

    Postman: - You have a letter.

    Postman: Goodbye.

    Oh guys, let's read who it's from. Who can read? (I'm printing out). Let's see what it says.

    And, yes, Dunno wrote a letter in which he wanted to talk about what winter is, yes, as usual, he mixed everything up. Help correct the mistakes made by Dunno in the letter.

    Whoever hears the error raises his hand, and we answer with a full answer. (Sit comfortably, back straight.)

    Didactic game "Fix the mistake" .

    - "First winter month called september (December). As winter comes, so heat begins (cold), and people immediately put on summer (winter) clothes.

    In winter, children go sledding, skiing, cycling. Children sculpt a snowman, slide on the ice, sunbathe. Prepare for the holiday - March 8.

    In order not to catch a cold, you need to eat one icicle every morning.

    (Icicles can not be eaten).

    Winter is a wonderful time of the year! (pause).

    Guys, do you agree with the last sentence from Dunno's letter: “Winter is a wonderful time of the year!” .

    Fizminutka "In winter" .

    We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play.

    We walk on snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.

    And on skis we run, we run, we run.

    On ice skates we fly, we fly, we fly.

    And we sculpt a snow maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.

    We love the winter guest, we love, we love.

    And now we sit down on the chairs, I will read the story to you "Winter" . Listen to it carefully, then we will talk about it and make a picture like artists. Whoever answers the question correctly will have to find the corresponding picture and stick it on paper.

    Reading a story "Winter" educator.

    Teacher: Winter has come. There is snow all around. The trees are bare. The bear climbed into the den and sleeps... The children are happy about the winter. They go skiing and sledding.

    (The teacher asks the children questions, when the answer is received, the children find it, and puts the corresponding picture on the board - winter, snow, bare trees, animals in holes, rejoicing children, children skiing and sledding).

    Educator: Guys, what season is it?

    Children: Winter has come.

    Educator: What lies around?

    Children: There is snow all around.

    Educator: What are the trees?

    Children: The trees are bare.

    Educator: Where did the bear climb?

    Children: The bear climbed into the den.

    Educator: What is the bear doing in the den?

    Children: The bear is sleeping in the den.

    Educator: Who is happy about winter?

    Children: Children are happy in winter.

    Educator: What do children do in winter?

    Children: Children go skiing, sledding.

    Well done! We have a wonderful picture.

    Now let's all stand in a circle and play a game "Pick a Sign" . I will ask you a question, if you answer correctly, take "snowball" - a cotton pad and we will make a snowdrift. Let's see how high a snowdrift we get.

    Winter (which?) - … (cold, snowy, harsh, blizzard, cheerful, beautiful, elegant, etc.).

    Snow (Which?) - … (wet, cold, fluffy, light. soft. prickly, crumbly, sticky, sparkling, crunchy, silvery, white sparkling, etc.).

    Icicle (which?) - … (icy, cold, sharp, transparent, fragile, melting, spring).

    Freezing (Which?) - … (cold, strong, burning, crackling. strong, large).

    Slide (which?) - … (snowy, icy, big, slippery,).

    Ice path (which?) -... (icy, slippery, long).

    Well done, you named a lot different words, and therefore the snowdrift turned out to be high.

    And now let's play a game near the snowdrift "Call it sweetly" I throw you a snowball, you name it and give it back to me.

    Ice - ... (ice)

    Freezing - … (frost)

    Sled - … (sleigh)

    Cold - … (chill)

    Blizzard - … (blizzard)

    Snow - … (snowball)

    Sun - … (Sun).

    Winter - … (winter)

    Guys, without what there will be no winter? (Without snow).

    But snow is when there are a lot of snowflakes and they are all different like you and me.

    Let's each blind our own snowflake and give it to our guests.

    Summary of the lesson:

    Review of completed works. Everyone got beautiful snowflakes and they are all different from each other.

    Let's remember what we did today?

    What season are we talking about?

    What did you like more?

    What was difficult?

    What did they mold?

    Well done! Everyone tried, answered, sculpted well.

    Now give snowflakes to your guests.

    Summary of the lesson GCD modeling "Cows" preparatory group

    Description of work: The material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group for the modeling section and parents for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children 6-7 years old.
    Educational area: "Creation"
    Chapter: Modeling
    Subject: Cows (teamwork)
    Target: sculpting a sculpture of a cow by drawing up a technique.
    Tasks: Continue to teach children the skills of sculpting sculpture by drawing up. To consolidate the ability to sculpt cylinders of different sizes, volumes. Develop imagination and creative thinking.
    Materials and equipment: fox, wolf, bear, hare and cow pictures, sample finished work, board for modeling, plasticine, stacks, napkins.

    Lesson progress:

    1. Organizational moment
    The teacher makes a riddle:
    Knows a lot and mumbles
    That's just what she says
    Large, large, there are horns,
    Only good always.
    Tail, horns, hooves again,
    They awaken love in us.
    Who gives milk
    Who will name her? (cow)
    2. Introduction to the topic
    - Today we will learn how to sculpt a wild animal cow.
    Children pay attention to the teacher's mistake that the cow is a pet.
    The teacher invites the children to look at pictures of animals on the board: a fox, a wolf, a cow, a bear, a hare.
    - Find a cow among them, and prove why a cow is a pet.
    Children look at pictures, find a cow, talk about a cow:
    The owner takes care of the cow: he feeds, milks, cleans up after her, so this is a pet.
    - What benefits do cows bring to human life?
    Children name food products that are obtained from milk: sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cream, ice cream, bifidok, ryazhenka.
    3. Examining the sample and showing how it is done
    The teacher offers to consider the sample and name what parts the sculpture is made of, what shape they are.
    Children name the parts: a cylindrical torso, sausage legs, a round head and muzzle, horns on the head, oval cake ears, a thin tail sausage.
    Explains and shows clearly how to do the job:
    - Knead a block of plasticine and divide into parts.

    - Roll up a ball-head, a ball-muzzle, a cylinder-torso, 4 pieces of sausage-legs, a thin sausage-tail, oval cakes-ears, conical horns.

    - Squeeze the ball-head slightly and attach the muzzle, attach ears and horns to the head.

    - Connect the parts of the body and head, smoothing the joints with your fingers.

    - Attach the legs to the body and tail.

    - From small pieces, roll up small balls of eyes and nose and fix them on the muzzle.
    4. Finger gymnastics:
    Here are my helpers
    Turn them however you want.
    One two three four five.
    They don't fit again.
    Knocked, turned
    And they wanted to work.
    We worked a little
    But let's let them rest.
    5. Independent activity of children.
    The teacher offers to choose a color scheme for his sculpture and work according to the model. In the course of work, he helps children who find it difficult.
    6. Reflection
    - What did you learn in class today?
    - What have you learned?
    - In what mood did you work at the lesson?
    Who else would you like to learn how to sculpt?
    This is what my students have done.