How to sign a birthday card. Happy Birthday. Soul prose. How to sign a postcard if you are not familiar with the young

In this article, we will give a couple of tips on how best to compose greeting cards.

1. The best congratulations at all times, this is of course a wish for health and happiness. The main thing is that all words come from the heart. With warmth and love. It is important to write those words that describe the birthday man, his kindest and most bright sides. Recognition of her abilities and talents.

2. Young people prefer congratulations with a "joke". You can come up with a comic rhyme or, in addition to the words of congratulations, draw funny pictures. As a surprise, you can put a small chocolate bar or a photo of you together inside the card.

3. If the birthday boy is a serious person who loves poetry and poems. Man of art. It will not be shameful to find a ready-made poem by famous classics. This will give solidity, and a person of art will definitely appreciate it.

All words must be accompanied without fail by a beautiful design. A postcard can be made with your own hands using improvised means. Or you can order a postcard in specialized shops.

As you probably know, women love with their ears. They just melt when compliments, nice words are said to them. And even if these words are written on paper, they are still not deprived of their magical power.

Your girlfriend has a birthday on her nose, and you are somewhere in another city and you won’t be able to congratulate her personally. But it doesn’t matter, because you can send a beautiful one to your beloved on this day. greeting card. But how to write a card for a girl?

Choose a postcard

The first step is, of course, to choose a suitable postcard for your beloved. It (postcard) should be memorable, and the range of greeting cards today is very, very large. But if you cannot find anything suitable for sale, you can order something author's, according to your sketch, of course. There is another option: if you are good at scrapbooking, make a cool postcard yourself or make it easier for yourself by buying a ready-made scrapbooking kit from the store.

Be original

The postcard should be empty, because there are many already filled postcards, with funny text or some kind of rhyme. But don't buy something like that just to write your name on the bottom. What prevents you from coming up with an original text or even a short poem? If you have already bought a postcard with ready-made text, make a tab for it, where you will already write something of your own. Besides text, can you draw something, even a traditional heart with an arrow, or you can somehow highlight the text to make it look beautiful.

Take advantage of the words of great people

There are many beautiful sayings about love that once came out from the pen of the greats of this world. Use one of these sayings in your congratulatory text, try to choose one that suits your spirit. Just sign the name of the author of this statement so that the girl does not think that you want to pass off these words as your own. Or just compose something similar yourself, taking a little from one quote, from another. This will no longer be considered theft of other people's texts. Do not forget to write at the end of your congratulations "Love [your_name]" and sign if you wish.

Rhyme your feelings

Write, even if only four lines, but your own composition. Your, even if not quite correctly rhymed and a little clumsy, poems will leave their mark in the girl's heart. And this trace will be even deeper than if you simply outlined Yesenin's or Pushkin's poems. Because these are your poems, your soul is put into them.

Just write from the heart

And what exactly to write? Just express your feelings, not necessarily very beautiful and elegant. The main thing is to show what you feel for the girl and congratulate her with the holiday so that she will then keep your letter somewhere in a secluded place. Love to you and a strong serious relationship. As they say, write letters, that is, postcards.

How to sign a birthday card?

So, the best congratulations from century to century is the wish of health and happiness, which were expressed sincerely and with all my heart. Also, in congratulations, one should show respect for the hero of the occasion, recognize his skills, abilities, talents. For example, you can start a congratulation like this: “We appreciate you (you), respect ... we wish you good health and life for many years.”

In general, congratulations are like magic. Young people love light comic congratulations, so let it be short, but capacious and mischievous. If the birthday boy is a fan of poetry, and you do not have the ability to compose them, then this is not a problem! Today, on the Internet, you can find congratulations in verses of any genre and for any category of people - whether they are relatives, friends or colleagues.

What to write in a postcard to the teacher?

Learning how to decorate postcards beautifully

So, you need to start with an appeal. For relatives and friends, congratulations can begin with the word “beloved”, “dear”. If at work there are warm relations between colleagues, then these words are also appropriate in this situation. But in the case of congratulations from the authorities, it is better to write “respected”. For friends, the postcard can be started with a nickname or an abbreviated form of the friend's name, especially if the friend is close.

You can buy a postcard, inside which the text of the wish has already been written - it is enough to add such a congratulation with a short text and your signature. And if the card is given not from one, but from a company of people, then a ready-made congratulation is the best option. Each person then simply signs his name or leaves an autograph under the wish.

At first glance, a postcard seems not at all an essential detail, but it is it that can cause a lot of positive emotions in the one to whom it is addressed! And even an expensive gift will not look complete without this attribute. But how to properly and appropriately sign a postcard?

How to sign a birthday card?

So, most best congratulations from century to century is the wish for health and happiness, which were expressed sincerely and with all my heart. Also, in congratulations, one should show respect for the hero of the occasion, recognize his skills, abilities, talents. For example, you can start a congratulation like this: “We appreciate you (you), respect ... we wish you good health and life for many years.”

In general, congratulations are similar to white magic, a kind of conspiracy for happiness, health and long life. Young people love light comic congratulations, so let it be short, but capacious and mischievous. If the birthday boy is a fan of poetry, and you do not have the ability to compose them, then this is not a problem! Today, on the Internet, you can find congratulations in verses of any genre and for any category of people - whether they are relatives, friends or colleagues.

An original and memorable postcard will be one that was made by yourself - after all, no one else will have such a card! For work you will need: paper, stationery knife, shells, ribbons, lace, bows, glue stick, universal glue, paints, scrapbooking kit.

Too thin paper cannot be taken, like cardboard - otherwise the postcard will not keep its shape, it is better to use thick paper, paper for drawing with pastel is perfect, it is also corrugated - and this will make the postcard more lively. So, you need to cut out the base from paper with a clerical knife. Now you need to prepare decorations for the postcard - a scrapbooking kit can act as their role - there are a lot of decorative little things. But you can also use buttons, shells, various applications and everything that is at hand.

The decoration should be laid out on the workpiece and see how it all looks in the complex, because it will be much more difficult to re-glue the elements. After the composition is approved by your taste, you need to start gluing the elements to the base using a universal glue stick. If you know how to draw, then in this way you can decorate a postcard, and it is better to take acrylic, metal, voluminous, matte and glossy paints - a drawing made with such materials will look livelier. Inscription - the appeal can be written in ink or cut out letters from magazines and newspapers. That's all - it remains only to enter the appeal inside - and the card is ready!

How to sign a postcard to a teacher?

In schools, even in our time, the tradition has been preserved to congratulate teachers on the holidays with a postcard. But how to sign it in order to show respect for the teacher and at the same time congratulate him on some event? Of course, ready-made congratulations can be found on the Internet, but you can’t choose personal texts that, for example, refer to relatives and friends.

You can also make such a postcard yourself - just cut out the base from thick paper and stick drawings of books, autumn foliage, and elements of the subject taught by this teacher on it. Then you only need to sign the card and you can congratulate! You can also not glue the image on the base of the postcard, but paint it with pencils or paints, and then decorate it with sparkles or beads along the outline of the picture. But whatever the postcard for the teacher, it will still bring him a lot of joy, because attention is sometimes the most important thing for a person!

How beautiful to sign a postcard?

Usually, the congratulations written in the postcard can be divided into 4 parts: an appeal to the hero of the occasion, the definition of the holiday, in honor of which, in fact, the postcard is presented as a gift, wishes and a signature. Each such section should correspond to the event and convey through itself a lot of positive emotions.

So, you need to start with an appeal. For relatives and friends, congratulations can begin with the word “beloved”, “dear”. If there are warm relations between colleagues at work, then these words are also appropriate in this situation. But in the case of congratulations from the authorities, it is better to write “respected”. For friends, the postcard can be started with a nickname or an abbreviated form of the friend's name, especially if the friend is close.

Then you need to specify - on which particular event you congratulate this person. If it is an anniversary, then you can feel free to write a number, but in this case you should be more careful with women. If the birthday person turns, for example, 28 years old, then you should not indicate the number, but just write “happy birthday”. On the Internet you can find many congratulatory texts, and even in verse.

It is better to rewrite the text of congratulations with a sincere attitude, because congratulations can absorb the energy of the addressee. And if you write poetry yourself, then you don’t need to be afraid that they will turn out to be not quite coherent - if only they are sincere and from the bottom of your heart. The nature and age of the birthday person should be taken into account when choosing the congratulation itself so that it suits him. The signature should fit within the framework of the text itself, for example: “your loving wife.

You can buy a postcard, inside which the text of the wish has already been written - it is enough to add such a congratulation with a short text and your signature. And if a card is given not from one, but from a group of people, then a ready-made congratulation - the best option. Each person then simply signs his name or leaves an autograph under the wish.

At the bottom of the postcard, you should write the date, because people tend to keep postcards all their lives and they are pleased to remember when exactly and on what holiday they received this or that card.

It doesn't matter what form the postcard will be and its content - in verse or prose, the main thing is that the words be sincere and from the bottom of the heart. The hero of the occasion will be glad not only to receive such a congratulation, but also, after many years, periodically take it out and again be imbued with those positive emotions that were addressed to him through this postcard. Such a trifle can bring a lot of positive moments and decorate the holiday!

, donated for a festive event, an important sign of attention, emphasizing the good disposition, indifference and emotional closeness of the donor. To birthday card really brought joy and was in place, it must be properly composed.

Create beautiful birthday cards

Usually , especially Happy birthday, consists of the following sections: an appeal to the hero of the day, an indication of the celebration on which they congratulate, good wishes and parting words, and a signature. All these sections should be appropriately emotionally colored.

Any postcard begins with an address to the addressee. If you are writing to relatives, close friends or acquaintances, start with the words “beloved”, “dear”. If the person to whom the postcard is addressed is a more official person, the appeal “dear”, “respected” would be appropriate. In rare cases, the rather old address "the venerable one" can be applied.

After the appeal, indicate on what holiday you congratulate the person. If we are talking about an anniversary, it is quite appropriate to write the number to which it is timed. If the date of the birthday is not round, or it is a woman, you should refrain from indicating the numbers.

If the text of the postcard is difficult for you, you can use texts that are widely represented on the Internet, for example, on the site You can often find congratulations in verse, you can find words for any situation, even using the appropriate personal names. Search engines will help you with this issue.

What is better than happy birthday cards with or without verses?

When you are fully attuned to a personal message, try to find the words yourself. Use the most valuable and kind epithets that characterize the birthday man, important and necessary for him wishes. The entire text should speak of the genuineness of your feelings for the addressee.

Of course, when writing a postcard, you should take into account the age, gender and marital status of the birthday person. Do not use words or wishes that may offend him. For example, a woman who is not satisfied with her personal life should not openly and strongly desire to get married. It is better to wrap this information in a light streamlined form or not use it at all.

The signature must be in general style postcards. Just as in address, for relatives and relatives, you can use an informal style, good home nicknames. In the case of an official postcard, sign with your full name.

Be sure to purchase a postcard corresponding to the event. Many of them already have printed text that you can only add to. There may be empty postcards, providing the opportunity for complete fantasy to its giver.

Have you been invited to a celebration? Whether it's a friend's birthday, a family's birthday, or a friend's wedding, a birthday card is a great way to end a gift. Postcards are given for any occasion and to any person. They can be presented not only on some special day, but simply to a loved one. It is important to be able not only to choose the right postcard, but also to design it.

If you give an unsigned postcard, then the very meaning of such a gift is lost, moreover, it is simply impolite. So, how to sign a postcard? The first rule - be sure, when inventing a text, be guided by the addressee, take into account the properties of his character, features of nature. Decide what associations the person you are writing to evokes in you. Sunshine, flower, cat? Or maybe we’ll get by with the official one: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich”? It is unlikely that a playful address will suit your boss or cool poems for a postcard to your grandmother. Choose a few epithets that most accurately reflect the character, appearance of the addressee. For girls, it will be especially useful to write a few compliments. For example: “My radiant sun! Today you are as bright as ever and outshine everyone with your light!” So, a start has been made. Decided on the call.

Let's move on to the text itself. Beautifully signing a postcard is a great art. First of all, we repeat, the reference point is the addressee. So, we write exclusively in a business tone. It can be in the form of a poem, but, of course, not frivolous, but also strict and businesslike, without excessive familiarity and any subtext. Ready-made poetic texts from the Internet will help you solve the problem of how to sign this type of postcard. An option is also suitable when the poem is already printed on a postcard. You just add a title and a signature.

However, ready-made template texts will not be very well received by close friends and relatives. Here you have to show ingenuity. When deciding how to sign a postcard yourself, pay attention to the structure of the greeting. The classic ingredients are:

Appeal to the addressee and the theme of the holiday;


Your wishes;

Try to take the time to present the person you are writing to in all details (only positive ones, of course). You can add ready-made poems, but only in combination with your personal warm words and wishes. Depending on the nature of the addressee, decide how to sign the card. Will humor and friendly jokes be appropriate, or is it better to stick to an even, gentle tone.

Particular attention should be paid to wedding cards. After all, a wedding is an important event, sometimes even the only one in life. So, how to sign a wedding card so that it is kept and re-read by the young for many years? Poems can serve as congratulations, or even the last option, by the way, is a win-win. You will prepare in advance and, when you need to say at the table, read your text on the postcard. Please note that congratulations must be carefully verified. Various errors in the text are unacceptable!

In conclusion, one important advice- don't rush when signing postcards. Write with love and from the heart. Then the card will become not just an addition to the gift, but a message to a loved one, which will be dearer to him than the present itself.

How can a product of the printing industry, stamped with a circulation of several thousand copies, be turned into a unique valuable present? We are talking about how to sign. The task is at least: so that the donee finds the strength to read the text to the end and not send the essay to the trash can on occasion. The maximum task: to surprise, move to tears, to cheer them up.

How to sign a card to your loved ones

Here it is worth especially straining, starting from, ending with a signature. Successfully passed stages - delight, a delicious dinner and a boring night as a thank you. You can not give your loved ones postcards with ready-made text. The message must be personal.

  1. Laconic soulful lines A few sentences about why a person is dear to you. Decorate the text with a compliment. Add a wish for what is missing. Promise to fulfill this desire, if it is in your power. Avoid patterns - a loved one will unmistakably feel your formal attitude to their holiday.
  2. Poems Talented and not lazy will write on their own. Those who are not gifted with writing talent can seek the help of a copywriter. Remember: a good artist will always ask you a few personal questions about the person for whom the poem is being written. If you have not been asked anything about the culprit other than their name and age, be prepared to receive a worthless product.
  3. Postcard-letter Here you will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the question of how to sign a postcard will disappear by itself. Secondly, finally have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. We do it less and less because of employment, isolation, laziness, indifference. Writing is the perfect excuse to spice up communication. Express what you have long wanted, but it was out of place or not yet time. Be vigilant: the message must be in a positive way so that your first literary face-to-face does not become the last. Write a letter on a beautiful background, roll it into a scroll, tie a bow.
If none of the ideas seemed suitable, instead of congratulatory lines, draw something on the card. Personally. Try. This does not require the talent of a painter. On the contrary, the more clumsy the drawing is, the warmer it is perceived. Put the signature “Beloved Irishka! Happy birthday to me." It's enough. A flower, an animal or the sun, drawn by courageous male paws to his beloved wife, will be perceived by the latter with tenderness.

How to sign a postcard for children

Sincerity is not a problem here. The difficulty is that these people do not read long odes - even the most coherent and sweet ones. Treasure Map Organize an adventure for your child. Hide the gift, and attach a search card to the postcard. You can draw it yourself, marking the control points in your house, write hints.

How to sign a postcard to parents

These are the most grateful readers and listeners.

Most people love poetic autobiographical stories.

Use in congratulations information about work, family, achievements, not forgetting to thank for the care, sacrifice, efforts.

How sign a card for parents only your personal experience will tell you - relationships are different. By focusing on respect and love, you can't go wrong.

How to sign a postcard to friends

Write a lot of different wishes. Cut each into a petal shape and make a daisy card.

Sentimentally, slightly childish, but if you turn on your imagination and remember all the desires of the donee to the smallest detail, “reading” the flower will amuse you.

Wishes should be short and to the point, and most importantly - individual, almost intimate, otherwise it will be boring.

For example, “happiness in personal life”, “material well-being”, “joy” will not work, but “weddings this year”, “own square meters”, “two-week vacation in the Dominican Republic” - quite.

How to sign a postcard to colleagues

Do not know how to address: "respected", "dear", "honorable"?

Address immediately by name and patronymic. If, in addition to business relations, you are connected by friendly, small quatrains about the main advantages of a colleague - that's it. When all office employees are connected to writing, real humorous pearls are born in just a few minutes.

Another question is how to sign a postcard "to that ... well, like him ... he has three more children and a dog." A rare case when it is permissible to use a postcard with ready-made typographic text. Don't forget to sign (department or donor's name), date. The complete absence of any identification marks is a bad tone.

A gift to the young speaks of your attention and support, but nothing can say better than a postcard with a sincere message. Whether you make a postcard with your own hands or choose a ready-made one is not so important. the main role belongs to the words you write for the bride and groom. You can choose heartfelt poems or compose them yourself, stop at prose and congratulate with all your heart. Or maybe briefly write a couple of lines and stop there. How to sign a wedding card is up to you. In the article, we will offer you some ideas for writing warm words and wishes for a card to the bride and groom.

Postcard selection

Before proceeding directly to the words, let us dwell in more detail on the postcard for the young. Most often, young people are given postcards-pockets for money. It is simple and functional, and no one expects you to attach your congratulations along with the bills.

Be original: make a postcard yourself or choose the most unusual one.

It is worth considering when choosing a postcard:

  1. Wedding style - if the heroes of the occasion adhere to a certain style in the design of the wedding, then you should choose a special card that repeats this style. The bride and groom will be very pleased to receive such a congratulation. It is also worth considering the personal preferences of the bride and groom. They love sophistication - give them the most beautiful and stylish card you can find in the store, romantic - choose a simple and delicate card, you are very close - they will be pleased to receive a handmade card.
  2. Size - a small postcard will quickly get lost among a pile of gifts and, slipping out, will be lying somewhere on the floor. A huge postcard will get in the way and may wrinkle. It is better to choose a standard size postcard. If the size is non-standard - make sure that it is attached to the gift and does not wrinkle.
  3. Is there a printed text in the postcard - the presence of a ready-made text saves the congratulator from often painful attempts to compose a text. But it is more pleasant to receive a postcard with words written from the heart by the guest's hand. Therefore, we arm ourselves with a pen, read the article and compose our unique congratulations.

Important rules for signing postcards

  • It is not customary to sign a postcard-envelope. You can sign briefly if you want to include the name of the donor.
  • The closer you know the young people, the warmer and more affectionate the words should be in the postcard. You should not choose the official style of congratulations if you have known each other for a long time and vice versa.
  • Carefully write your congratulations with pen and ink. This is a win-win.
  • Comic congratulations should please the young.
  • Congratulations should be easy to read, and therefore be concise and structured.

Postcard text structure

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the text. The text of the greeting card for the newlyweds is divided into four parts:

  1. Appeal to the bride and groom. Example: “Relatives…”, “Beloved….”, “Dear…”. Appeal depends on the proximity of acquaintance. For example, work colleagues can write "Dear ...", and parents: "Our dear children ...".
  2. A reference to the reason for the holiday. It consists of such phrases as: "From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on such an important event in your life as a wedding."
  3. The body of congratulations is actually warm words, congratulations, parting words.
  4. Signature.

How to sign a postcard if you are not familiar with the young

if colleagues at work, very distant relatives or neighbors, then you are not expected to show much emotion. In this case, it will be enough to use a postcard with ready-made text. Or briefly sign the card in a respectful manner.

How to sign a card if the guest is a close friend or relative

For relatives in the text of the postcard, jokes and jokes are appropriate. Or vice versa, affectionate words and sincere verses, from which tears well up in the eyes.

Ideas for signing a postcard

Congratulations from parents:

“Our dear children!

On your wedding day, we want to congratulate you on a happy day when you finally hold your hearts together. Now you will walk through life hand in hand. Help each other in everything, take care of each other.

May this joyful day be forever remembered by you as the brightest and most joyful.

We wish you the fulfillment of all cherished desires, understanding, peace and harmony in the house. May your home be filled with nothing but joy. And soon, so that children's laughter could be heard in it!

With love, your mom and dad."

Congratulations from a friend in the photo:

Congratulations from colleagues at work:

Dear (names of the bride and groom)!

Do you want to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day in a beautiful and unusual, bright and unhackneyed way? An exquisite bouquet for the bride, a gift for the newlyweds - this gives off an official style. Present a postcard made with your own hands, writing warm, sincere wishes for love and happiness. Prose or poetry is not so important. The warmth of the soul, with which the phrases of parting words for a happy life from parents are saturated, will warm you with warmth in difficult moments; congratulations (comic and not so) from friends will become a guarantee of support. How to sign a wedding card to convey all the warmth of feelings for the young?

Rules for the design of congratulations in a postcard

The tradition of giving small postcards-envelopes for solemn dates with banknotes inside is not a reason to refuse another nice gift. The wedding card, which the friends and relatives invited to the wedding signed with their own hands, will be a pleasant surprise and will be kept in the memory of the newlyweds for a long time. best moments wedding day. When choosing, consider the following features:

  • Celebration style. A themed wedding involves not only the appropriate decor and entourage, but also sets a high bar for the guests. Look for an unusual greeting card that repeats the style of the wedding ceremony.
  • Size. Small or huge wedding card the best choice. The first is easy to lose in the turmoil of the celebration, and the second, perhaps, will have nowhere to store because of its size. A medium-sized postcard is ideal.
  • Bride and Groom Preferences. Creative people are pleased to receive congratulations from relatives and friends signed on a hand-made wedding card. Fans of refined, high style will like an exclusive gift, stylized as an old manuscript, or a parchment scroll. Young people will love a beautiful typographic card, chosen with love.
  • Presence of printed text. There will be no problems with such a postcard, because the unknown author invented everything for you. But it is more pleasant to receive congratulations on the wedding, written by the hands of the donor with soul and tenderness.

How to sign wedding cards correctly so that young people feel pleasant, exciting, after many years, to open a yellowed leaf and remember the solemn wedding day? The formatting rules are:

  1. It is not customary to sign a postcard-envelope. If you want to emphasize the name of the donor, sign the envelope briefly.
  2. The closer you know the newlyweds, the more warm, affectionate words and phrases are used to write.
  3. Beautiful words on the sheets of an unusual wedding card, decorated in a certain style, will make a splash if they are written in pen and ink.
  4. It is better to sign a wedding card concisely.
  5. A comic form of congratulations will always be appropriate, but try not to overdo it.
  6. Create a structure for the greeting text so that it is easy and quick to read.

Text structure

The text of congratulations for the newlyweds, which you sign on the wedding card, is conditionally divided into four parts:

  1. Appeal to the young. It is preferable to address the groom with the bride by name. For parents, the following phrases will be correct: “Dear children!” "Our golden..." Relatives, friends sign the appeal with the words: "Beloved ...", and distant acquaintances - "Dear ...".
  2. Congratulations text indicating the reason for the holiday. It is appropriate to use: "With great joy ...", "From the bottom of my heart ...".
  3. Main part. Parting words, warm wishes, affectionate phrases, humorous appeals - it all depends on your imagination.
  4. Signature. A reminder of the donors will be an elegantly signed wedding card, which many years later will bring pleasant memories.

What style to sign congratulations?

The remoteness of kinship, close communication, long-term friendship are factors that influence the choice of style for signing a wedding card. If unfamiliar work colleagues, “necessary” people or very distant relatives buy a standard printed greeting card, then relatives and friends will make every effort to come up with something creative and exclusive.

If the guest is a close relative or acquaintance

Signing a wedding card with comic jokes, a share of humor from relatives, close friends is quite appropriate. Family ties, close relationships predetermine affectionate words of love and care, sincere feelings of joy and pride. Beautiful poems, full of warmth, will decorate the congratulation. Cool jokes-congratulations, full of laughter and fun, will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday.

If the guest is practically unfamiliar with the newlyweds

Guests unfamiliar to the newlyweds, invited to the wedding celebration, or distant relatives whom the bride or groom have never seen before the wedding day, should be more restrained in showing emotions. In this case, standard, classic phrases and appeals will be appropriate. The wish words in the text will also become more traditional: “ for long years happy life”, “strong love”.

Examples of beautiful texts for wedding congratulations

How can you beautifully congratulate the newlyweds by signing a wedding card? The bride and groom will be happy to read warm words, wishes that convey the sincerity of feelings, emphasize the tender attitude towards the young spouses. Compose your own, exclusive version of congratulations using the examples below.

Congratulations from the parents of the bride or groom:

“Our beloved children!

On such a solemn and magical day, we want to congratulate you on joining the union of two loving hearts! May this day forever remain in your hearts, souls, warming with the warmth of love, giving sunshine of happiness, joy!

We want to wish the fulfillment of cherished dreams, consent, understanding. Do not forget that going through life hand in hand is not an easy task. Only mutual feelings, support, great love will help overcome any obstacles; patience and care will be a reliable rear for new achievements. We wish you that the house was a "full bowl", pleasing with children's voices, laughter!

Your dad and mom

How to sign a congratulation on a wedding card from colleagues in prose:

“Dear (name of the bride) and (name of the groom)!

We would like to congratulate you on significant event- wedding day!

We wish you high feelings, hearts embraced with love, warmth, comfort for many, many years! Let happiness illuminate the path, smiles and good mood do not leave the soul. Appreciate the joyful moments of communication, often say tender words to each other, then living together two lovers' hearts will turn into an endless holiday.

your colleagues"

Congratulation poems from relatives:

On this solemn holiday

We sincerely, young, wish

To never distrust the shadow

Love has not faded. And so that you always

A guiding star in life, a luminary,

So that happiness shines, so that they live long.

So that wisdom and patience are enough,

And to always cherish each other.

To give birth to pretty kids,

They nursed their adorable grandchildren.

And never to bad days

You have not met in your joint life!

Congratulations on the wedding card from grandparents:

From now on, you, the bride and groom,

Be happy forever together.

Get the kids, and so that never to the court

Problems, troubles did not nail,

So that happiness settles in the house.

And never about the rocks of life

The family is not to be broken.

Wishes from family and friends:

Let the beautiful road