Solarium UV protection: what can replace stikini? Stikini is important: protection of the breast from ultraviolet radiation How to seal the nipples in the solarium

Before visiting the solarium, it is necessary to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis with a body scrub or a hard washcloth. It is better not to use any soap-based products, as they can cause a burn from exposure to UF lamps. Also, I advise you to drink a glass of carrot juice - it will help the tan to appear on the skin faster.

Usually, in a tanning studio, they offer to use goggles, a hair cap and stikini. If everything is clear with the first two, then what is stikini for a solarium? How to use them correctly? - These questions are usually asked by beginners. Stickini are small hypoallergenic stickers for the nipples and the area around them. With the help of stikini, you will protect the most delicate and most vulnerable part of the breast from exposure to powerful ultraviolet lamps. In addition, they look very stylish and sexy.

In addition to the fact that the solarium makes it possible to get a tan at any time of the year, dries out small inflammations on the skin, it, with the wrong approach, can cause great harm. So all the same, how often can you visit a solarium, so as not to harm the body? "Euronorma" - 60 visits to the solarium per year. Some doctors, on the other hand, say that you can sunbathe in a solarium 3-4 times a week, but not more than two months in a row, however, if you have thin and fair skin, then these figures should be halved.

The most common today is a horizontal solarium. How to sunbathe in it correctly? It attracts by the fact that the tan lies evenly on the whole body, and more gentle lamps are often located in the face area. To achieve the effect, it is enough just to relax and lie down, but do not forget that you will need to roll over. Before visiting this type of solarium, you need to make sure that you do not have claustrophobia.

While sunbathing in a vertical solarium, some are wondering "how to stand in a solarium in order to achieve best effect? "In fact, there are no specific recommendations, the main thing is not to violate safety rules, you can dance to the music while holding on to the handrails. The effect in this case does not depend on your posture, but on the power of the lamps and the number of minutes of tanning.

Some beauty salons and tanning studios offer a turbo solarium. But not everyone knows what it is - a turbo solarium? How to sunbathe in it is a simple matter, it is important to understand that heavy-duty lamps are installed in this type of cabins, which means that the time spent in the cabin must be reduced compared to a conventional solarium. Turbo solarium is a great way out if you need to achieve a pronounced tan in a short time.

Getting an even and beautiful tan is not difficult, but it is important to be attentive to your health, because everything is in moderation!

1-TOUCH Stickins are protective stickers that are widely used when tanning in a solarium. They are gaining popularity, and lovers of topless tanning on the beach like it very much. Got a hit vernacular name"nipple cap", as well as "breast stickers". The most successful is the name "stikini". These miracle novelties best prevent UV damage in areas where the skin is most vulnerable: nipples and their halos, birthmarks and moles, bumps, eyelids.

Stikini: what is it

According to the purpose for a specific area of ​​the body, tanning pads are round or oval. Round stickers with a diameter of 52 mm are used for the nipples and fit the shape of the areolas. To maintain the shape of the cone when the product is rolled into a cap in the middle, there are small slots. This is necessary so that the sticker on the body does not resemble an accordion. Reduced stikinis are ideal for moles. The oval shape, matched to the eye contour, is used for the eyelids.

The basis for any stikini is a special siliconized paper. Instead, a synthetic film can be used. On top there is a metal coating to perform the main function of protecting against damage from UV rays in the most sensitive places.

Stickini is not very convenient to use, because they have a special layer that reliably protects against allergens and has an adhesive base. Thanks to its strength, you can safely be in the desired position during tanning and sunbathing.

The most vulnerable areas of the body to UV rays

The most vulnerable are large moles, bump-shaped formations or birthmarks. If these zones are exposed to UVA / UVB rays for an excessively long time, then there is a high risk of their degeneration into malignant neoplasms. The main reason lies in the modified cells that are able to degrade in the future.

No less sensitive place on the human body are the nipples with their areolas in people, regardless of gender. The reason lies in the abundance of blood vessels and numerous nerve endings. These areas, which are exposed to radiation, carry a lot of trouble, from mastopathy of the fibrocystic type to cancerous tumors.

Do not over-irradiate the area around the eye. However, in this case, it is best not to use sunglasses, because after them there are white circles of a significant area, and this is not too beautiful. It's much more effective to use the aforementioned stikinis instead. Correctly similar dimensions and clarity of fit along the contours of the eyelids have an effective protective effect, and are also quite aesthetic.

Stickins and other means: which is better

It has long been known that if we decide to tan and use creams, oils, lotions to protect ourselves, we not only contribute to beautiful tanned skin, but also reliably protect the skin from burns and photoaging. This approach is valid for any body test, but it is not suitable for the most sensitive skin.

Creams and lotions, even those with a high degree of protection, make a tan moderate and safe. As a result, UV rays penetrate the skin much more slowly. As a result, the hormone called melanin, which is responsible for tanning, is much easier to perform its functions. As a result, after the penetration of UV rays into the skin, irradiation occurs. UVA / UVB rays should not affect the eyelids, nipples, their halos, moles. The best option for protection are stikini, the ability to reflect light within 99% is amazing.

How to apply stickers

Very easy to apply. In this case, it is important to follow the simplest rules:

  • lubricate the skin area with a non-greasy cream as a preliminary measure. Since the stikini has an adhesive base, when it is removed, there is a slight soreness followed by redness. It is most painful to remove stikini in the area with hairs. When peeling off, the hairs simply tear out, remaining on the base. A reasonable step would be to remove all excess vegetation in advance;
  • if necessary, use a break or cut according to the dotted lines;
  • in the future, you need to separate the protective film from its base;
  • a cone of the required size is formed, which is especially important for the nipples;
  • stikinis are glued with the most even contours, otherwise the beauty of the tan will be spoiled.

Fans of original ideas

According to their form, degrees are divided into three types:

  1. rounded, used for halo;
  2. oval, designed for the eyelids;
  3. small sizes to stick on moles and birthmarks.

Fashionistas prefer to use stikinis of various shapes and colors. Stickers in the form of various butterflies, flowers, kisses, hearts, strawberries look very impressive. Stikini are sometimes decorated with spectacular patterns, rhinestones, tassels or semi-precious stones. Various online stores offer all kinds of options for every taste.

In earlier times, attractive nipple stickers were used only by strippers and were purchased exclusively in the SEX SHOP. Now they are used even by young people who strive for self-expression. Sometimes stikinis are called nippers, and are used as a peculiar and extremely effective alternative to swimsuits. This allows you to look bold and sexy on hot days on the beach.

Stickini is very easy to make yourself. The basis should be taken the right materials with a reflective effect. Despite the fact that there are a lot of tutorials on the Internet for making them, with patterns, it is best to order ready-made stikini sets from 1-TOUCH, for example, like here.

How to quickly achieve an even tan

First of all, it is important to understand how a tan appears. Because in human body there is a hormone called melanin that protects the layer of cells from radiation, as it increases, the skin darkens.

According to erroneous opinion many women who lie in the sun for a long time, nothing will happen after 1-2 days. Wearing a short skirt, they, as if nothing had happened, will flaunt their slender tanned legs. As a result, they get burnt burgundy skin, elevated temperature, headache and skin that will peel off in large pieces.

  • before going to the beach or to the solarium, a peeling procedure is performed. Old cells that have died off move away and do not interfere with UV radiation, but the skin is also protected from drying out;

In this case, it would be appropriate to remember the following rules:

  • sunbathing is carried out no more than 30 minutes before lunch and before evening. The best option is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.;
  • the time spent in the open sun should be gradually increased, focusing on your own feelings. This is especially true for people with fair skin, compared to those with dark skin;
  • protecting the skin from burning, and so that the tan is stronger, will be more effective when using protective agents. The lighter your skin, the higher the UVA/UVB factor should be;
  • it is allowed to use special products called bronzers with particles that greatly accelerate the appearance of a tan;
  • before going to the beach or to the solarium, a peeling procedure is performed. Old cells that have died off move away and do not interfere with UV radiation;
  • it is best to lay a white towel or blanket under the body on the beach, because white color reflective properties are inherent;
  • best place for sunbathing is a reservoir. Due to the increased humidity, the tan is not only accelerated, but the skin is also protected from drying out;
  • When you are at sea, you should swim in the water more often. Thanks to the salt contained in sea water, a beautiful and even tan appears;
  • you should move as actively as possible, because when moving, the intensity of tanning increases by 2 times.

Sunbathe right! We hope that this is exactly what you will do, dear users. Subscribe to updates and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Order stickers and eye stickers in the catalog at a low price. Take care of your health!

Although doctors unanimously claim that every trip to the solarium is a small step towards the first wrinkles, many beauties still show off their tanned skin. You can learn about all the nuances of a solarium, its benefits and harms from a separate material, and now let's talk about how how to sunbathe under the "artificial" sun and what needs to be done in order to achieve the result as quickly as possible. Remember that you won’t be able to get a beautiful shade the first time - it will take at least three to four sessions. In this case, the skin should be allowed to “rest” (more on that, you can find out here). However, this is not the only important point. What else to pay attention to "novice chocolates"?

Rules for visiting the solarium for the first time

If you decide to please yourself with a tan, before buying a subscription be sure to consult a doctor and consult if such procedures are allowed for you. This advice is especially relevant for fair-skinned people and blondes, as well as for those who have a lot of moles, age spots.

When planning a visit to the solarium, please note that the rules for getting a tan concern not only the regularity of sessions (they can be spend on average in one to three days, courses of eight to twelve procedures, and then just maintain the result once a week), but also special skin care.

Do not forget about protection - stikini in areas with increased pigmentation, special glasses for the eyes - this is the minimum that is needed to visit the solarium.

  • Stop epilating immediately before the session, and ideally, “spread” both procedures in time as much as possible.

Beginners should determine their skin type in advance. Depending on this, both the duration and frequency of procedures vary. There are four types in total:

You will learn more about how to sunbathe properly from a separate material.

Refuse to visit solarium during menstruation or taking medications.

What you need to do to quickly tan

Buying a subscription to the solarium, immediately put up with the fact that after the first session, you will not be able to get an excellent tan. Even the most powerful lamps will not help, because it takes time to get at least a golden hue.

You should not enjoy the procedure for too long - the time is calculated depending on the power of the lamps installed in the cabin, as well as the characteristics of the skin. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light can cause skin irritation and even painful burns.

To speed up the process of "turning into chocolate" Take advantage of these tricks:

What are tanning pads, how to use them and what can be replaced

It is worth returning once again to the issue of protecting the skin during procedures. This is especially important for areas of the body with increased pigmentation, in particular - for nipples and moles. To protect them from ultraviolet radiation, they use special stickers called stikini. They are made of a soft base with an adhesive layer that allows you to fix the device on the skin, as well as a metallized coating that repels ultraviolet rays. Used for chest stikini larger diameter, for moles - smaller products. There are also eye sticks that are suitable for those who do not want to wear goggles.

When asked whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stikini, dermatologists answer unequivocally: yes, but provided that the bodice of the swimsuit has UV protection. Protective lotions or balms, ordinary cloth, napkins or pastes (decorative stickers) will not create a protective layer.

If you want to save money and are thinking about how to replace stickini for a tanning bed, try make them yourself– metallized paper is sold in online stores. You can also close the chest with your palms - this is not very comfortable, but quite effective. A more expensive, but safer option is special underwear for a tanning bed, which is offered by some manufacturers.

Please note that many tanning salons offer stikinis to their clients for free. To use such a protective agent, first of all lubricate the chest with a protective balm or cream (this will make the sticker easier to remove). Then remove the stikini from the base, roll into a cone shape and attach to the chest. Similarly, stickers are fixed on moles. or used to protect the eyes. Examples of tanning pads, as well as attached stickers, are shown in the following photos.

A solarium is a worthy alternative to sunbathing, available at any time of the year. In order for the procedures to be safe, it is necessary to choose their duration correctly and do not forget about protective equipment, such as stikini. Do you go to the solarium? Share your experience in the comments!

To protect the breasts from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to cover the mammary glands during trips to the solarium. For these purposes, stikinis are ideal. How to replace this device, how safe are other methods of protection?

Many people wonder what can replace stikini? First you need to figure out what this useful invention is for.

Stickers are special stickers that must be glued directly to the mammary glands to protect them from ultraviolet radiation. They were invented relatively recently. Women who regularly visit the solarium admit that they do not like it when white stripes from a swimsuit remain on their bodies. But sunbathing without a bra is strictly prohibited by doctors. After all, this can provoke the development of a benign or malignant tumor.

The stickers are small. Diameter of standard stickers - 42 millimeters. They cover the central part of the mammary glands, capturing the nipples and around the nipple halos. Putting on the stikini is pretty easy. The stickers must be peeled off the paper backing, cut along the dotted line, and then formed into cones and attached to the mammary glands so that the nipples are in the center. The stikinis are glued with a sticky base only along the edges. To make it easier to tear them off the skin after visiting the solarium, you must first lubricate the body with a special cream. No need to be afraid that this will become an obstacle to attaching circles.

What can replace stikini in a solarium? Some women do not like this method of protection, while others simply cannot find stickers for sale. In fact, buying stikinis is quite simple. They are sold in specialized stores, as well as directly in beauty salons. They are absolutely not expensive. The administration of some solariums even offers visitors such stickers for free.

Often, women with large breasts complain that the stikini are small for them and do not even cover the nipples and areolas completely. In fact, every woman can find stickers that are perfect for her. On sale there are fairly wide stikinis, as well as curly models. After their use, white areas in the form of hearts and stars remain on the body.

Cone-shaped devices are considered universal, but for owners of flat nipples, stikini in the form of ordinary circles are more suitable. Do not forget that these stickers are multi-layered. Their outer layer is a foil that reflects ultraviolet rays, or paper with a metallized coating.

Stickini can be replaced with stickers made by yourself. But such a creative process can take a long time. First, you need to purchase a special foil. Secondly, you should think about making the stickers comfortable to use. The inner layer should be soft enough. All this requires certain material costs, so in some cases it is more profitable to buy finished products.

The stikini can be replaced with a swimsuit, but this replacement will not be complete. After all, during a session in a solarium, the body is exposed to ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum. Ordinary tissue cannot completely protect the mammary glands from harmful effects. A certain percentage of the rays will still penetrate the fabric. The only exceptions are special swimsuits that are able to reflect ultraviolet light. These can be purchased in specialized stores. The disadvantage of this method of protection is that white stripes from the bra may remain on the body. This creates certain barriers to wearing very revealing dresses.

Some women prefer not to use stikinis, but to cover their breasts while visiting the solarium with their hands. This is effective, but not very convenient. In this case, there is a need to constantly monitor yourself.

A variety of stikini are pestis. They are stickers on the chest, identical to the stikini. Their main difference is the absence of an upper reflective layer. Pasties can be made of paper, leather, fabric, polymeric materials. Most often they have a very effective appearance. After all, they are designed to be worn on the beach, as well as for role playing. Despite popular belief, pestis should not be used in a tanning bed. They are powerless against ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum. More precisely, the protection in this case will not be complete.

Some women prefer to replace stikini with a special tanning cream. But this is a very big mistake. The cream cannot provide the proper degree of protection to such delicate and vulnerable areas of the body as the mammary glands. Tanning products in a solarium can only be used to reduce the harmful effects of rays on the whole body.

Experts strongly advise tan lovers to still use stikinis. This does not require significant financial investments, but it helps to avoid many problems in the future. In addition to special breast pads, be sure to take sunscreen, a towel or paper napkins to the salon. It is best to call the administrator before the first visit and ask what exactly you may need. Some beauty salons offer clients napkins, towels, glasses or special stickers for eyes, moles for a very symbolic price.

Stickini are stickers that you just need to use every time you visit the solarium. You can replace them with devices of your own manufacture, a special swimsuit. But using stikinis is still much more convenient and efficient.

If we talk about skin tanning, it can be noted that tanning by being in the sun and tanning in a solarium have the same “system” of skin pigmentation. The persistence of tanning in a solarium and in a natural way will be the same, as well as its naturalness. Below we will take a closer look at the topic of tanning in a solarium and find out how to visit the solarium and all the nuances of this case.

Before deciding to tan in a solarium, every woman should familiarize herself with a number of rules and details that are important to know in order to obtain a safe and beautiful tan. First of all, you need to understand that sunbathing in a solarium should be carried out according to a specific program, which will be drawn up in accordance with your skin type and other characteristics of the body.

  • Cosmetics for a tanning bed must be selected carefully, because the wrong choice of creams and protective type ointments can affect both the shade of the tan and its appearance. Among other things, the health of your skin will also depend on these products. If you buy cosmetics at random, you can get both skin pigmentation and an allergic reaction on it in the form of red spots, rashes or peeling.
  • Chosen cosmetics must be used before and after the procedure, keep this in mind. If your skin is too dry, but you still decide to go sunbathing in a solarium, remember that after the procedure it is imperative to moisturize your skin with a special cream that will saturate the skin with all the necessary components.
  • The duration of the first session should not be more than 2-3 minutes. Gradually, the session time increases to 20 minutes.
  • Experts recommend sunbathing in a solarium twenty sessions a day, no more, but these data are not a rule, but a recommendation, especially since each skin type is individual, therefore, you need to calculate the time of sessions and their number to get the result you need, and in accordance with the characteristics of the human skin.

Despite the fact that the structure of the skin of men is slightly different from the delicate skin of women, the list of rules how to sunbathe for the first time for a woman in a solarium, are no different from those for males.

How to sunbathe in a solarium?

There are a number of rules that everyone who goes to sunbathe in a solarium should know:

  1. To go to solarium right to start from the survey. It is necessary to find out if there are any contraindications to this, and only after that start taking ultraviolet baths in the solarium.
  2. Proper preparation for the solarium very important, because the final result will depend on it.
  3. Before you start the tanning procedure in the solarium, it is imperative to wash off the cosmetics from the face, and there should not be perfumes on the body. In decorative cosmetics, as in perfumery, there are components that will prevent the most effective and safe tanning. Among other things, cosmetics on the human body can damage the glass in the solarium, which are made of acrylic.
  4. In order to form a beautiful tan in the solarium, and at the same time, the skin does not dry out, it is necessary to use cosmetics that are based on natural ingredients (lip balms, body creams, etc.). You need to choose them by carefully studying the composition.

  1. A few hours before going to the solarium, it is recommended to take a shower, and preferably with soap. Do not wash immediately before the procedure itself, so as not to wash off the protective fatty layer from your body. If you do not follow this recommendation, there is a chance of getting burns when taking ultraviolet rays. In particular, this applies to people with sensitive and very fair skin.
  2. Before tanning in a solarium, you should not epilate, for the same reasons as swimming before the procedure.
  3. You need to know that ultraviolet radiation in a solarium is unsafe for vision, because their concentrated and prolonged exposure can lead to eye cataracts or damage to the retina. In order for the trip to the solarium to be absolutely safe and for your eyesight, you need to use special glasses that must be worn throughout the procedure.
  4. In no case should you enter the solarium with contact lenses. This can lead to night blindness, protect your eyes from negative impact UV irradiation.
  5. The minimum distance from the human skin to ultraviolet lamps should be at least 30 cm.

  1. Do not forget that the procedure in question negatively affects not only the eyes, but also the hair, so they must be protected from excessive drying out by putting on a scarf or panama on the head.
  2. Women over thirty are not recommended to sunbathe with bare breasts, so they must protect it without fail with a cotton bra or special overlays.
  3. After the tanning session in the solarium is over, it is best to take water procedures with special moisturizers for the shower, and then smear the body with moisturizing cosmetics. This is done so that your tanned skin is beautiful and hydrated, not dry and flaky.
  4. Experts also recommend drinking a glass of juice, which is rich in vitamin C, after each procedure in the solarium.
  5. You don’t need to become a mulatto in the first few procedures, because such an undertaking will most likely make you a “coal”, on which there will be a lot of burns, so you need to be careful with this.

How to visit the solarium without harm?

Tanning in a solarium should be not only beautiful, but also safe, therefore:

  • Safe tanning in a solarium is correct mode passing the entire course and the time of the sessions.

  • In order for the tan shade to be stable, you need to visit the solarium 4-6 times after the same amount of time.
  • The main rule is to make the right schedule for visiting the solarium, in accordance with the type of skin and its susceptibility to UV radiation.
  • Women with fair skin it is correct to sunbathe in a solarium less time per session, but at the same time increase the number of visits to the solarium. If the skin is very light and receptive, then it is better to avoid tanning in the solarium and use self-tanning, or gradually sunbathe in the sun in a natural environment.
  • If the first sessions in the solarium caused burns to the body, it is better to stop visiting it and abandon the “artificial” tan altogether.
  • If the right way to go to the solarium, these procedures will benefit the skin, and even help get rid of some diseases. Excessive acceptance of UV rays will not lead to anything good and will only harm your health and skin.

How to choose the right solarium?

Another important criterion that must be taken into account when you want to sunbathe in a solarium is the choice of the solarium itself. Today, there are a lot of beauty salons and spas that have tanning beds, and you should not think that they are all the same.

So, choose the solarium correctly:

  • You should not visit solariums, the equipment in which is outdated. Technology does not stand still, and modern equipment is much better, and most importantly, safer than old-style equipment.
  • The best option would be a solarium with low pressure lamps. Such equipment is universal, because it is suitable for tanning all skin types. The likelihood of getting burned in such a solarium is practically zero, because UVB rays and UVA are properly balanced. In such solariums, you can sunbathe from 5 minutes to one hour.
  • It is also necessary to find out about reviews about this or that solarium. It is very important that everything in it is hygienic. After each client, the tanning booths must be completely treated with special solutions, otherwise there is a chance of “catching” some skin diseases.
  • The solarium should be equipped with special lamps for the face, because the lamps for the whole body can "set fire" to some areas of the face, in particular the legs and forehead.
  • The “head end” of the capsule must necessarily be equipped with a reliable and powerful fan that will ensure normal ventilation of the entire solarium.

  • Availability of professional staff, including a highly qualified specialist with medical education, who can easily draw up the correct schedule for visiting the solarium for each client on an individual basis.

When choosing a solarium, pay attention to all the criteria listed above (for your own safety in every sense of the word).

How to glue stikini in a solarium?

Stickini - so called stickers for tanning in the solarium. They are used to minimize the untanned surface of the breast (so that only the nipples remain untanned) and not only. The main purpose of the stickers in question is to prevent the negative effects of UV rays on:

  • nipples
  • nipple halos
  • birthmarks
  • moles

Stickini can be either round or oval. The former are used for nipples and moles, the latter for eyelids. You need to be able to glue stikini correctly:

  • The skin area where the stikini will be attached must be smeared with a cream (non-greasy), because the basis of the stikini is adhesive and when removed, pain may occur.
  • You need to tear the sticker along the dotted line that is applied to the sheet.

  • Separate the film from the base of the stikini.
  • We form a cone, the size depends on the size of the nipple halos.
  • You need to glue the stikini carefully so that there are no extra folds.

How to stand and lie in the solarium?

There are two types of solarium - vertical and horizontal, let's figure out how to sunbathe properly in each of them.

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium?

A horizontal solarium is convenient because you can completely relax and lie down in it without thinking about anything. To make time fly by unnoticed, you can listen to music by inserting vacuum headphones into your ears. Main rules:

  • correctly calculate the amount of time
  • do not roll over and do not make any unnecessary movements
  • stick stikini on nipple halos
  • remove all make-up from the body

How to stand in a vertical solarium?

A vertical solarium is larger in volume and many choose to sunbathe in such a solarium, because of the ability to move in it. Rules:

  • you need to stand straight in such a solarium
  • do not lean on the walls of the "flask"
  • be sure to use stikini, protect the chest from the negative effects of UV radiation
  • note the time of the session (you can not be in the solarium more than the allotted time)

Everything is quite simple, a visit to the solarium is an excellent tan and positive emotions, but only if you know and follow all the rules and recommendations.

Do not be afraid to sunbathe in a solarium, especially if you have no contraindications to this. It is not necessary to go to the other side of the world to the sea to get the perfect tan. The gym and a properly drawn up schedule for visiting the solarium will help you prepare your body for the summer, especially since you have read all the nuances of this procedure above.

Video: Sunbathing in the solarium correctly