Products that promote gas formation in the intestines. What foods cause gas. Allowed products for flatulence

The diet of a modern person consists of many different products that make it complete in terms of the intake of necessary substances into the body. However, despite the obvious usefulness of some items, many people try to avoid them, because they are included in the category of gas-producing foods, a list of which we will announce today in the article that you opened.

As you know, each human body has an individual level of susceptibility to anything, including food. What causes unpleasant reactions in one of us, for the other passes without a trace. The same applies to products that form gases. They are also called food that causes fermentation.

Not only do the desired foods in most cases lead to fermentation, even if they are used correctly, but the uncontrolled use of the desired food leads to putrefaction, which increases the amount of natural gas in the intestines several times.

The consequences after taking the food listed in the material appear even in people with an insensitive digestive system, however, their less fortunate comrades really suffer after eating gas-producing foods.

We list the list of consequences that occur after eating the category of food we are interested in:

  • due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines, bloating is manifested- a state when the stomach is, as it were, filled with air, and becomes several times larger, while attempts to draw it in do not give anything;
  • flatulence- when gases are emitted uncontrollably, that is, you can quite unexpectedly spoil the air in a public place, while not having any way to contain the air masses rushing out;
  • pain- which arise as a result of filling the intestines with an irregular volume of gas, which presses from the inside on its walls, expanding the organ, thereby causing pain to a person suffering from the consequences of taking gas-forming food;
  • loud "rumbling" in the stomach- gases and liquids, moving in the intestines, create the desired sound accompaniment, which is why they seriously worsen the psychological state of people who dined on gas-producing foods, since a person is a social being, and spends most of his time among colleagues, friends, families who are forced to listen (according to patient, with hostility) intestinal accompaniment.

As we have already said, even adults will react to the intake of certain foods. However, persons who are hypersensitive due to various pathologies or other reasons may suffer other, no less serious consequences. So, for example, in citizens with irritable bowel syndrome, simultaneously with increased gas formation, the following may begin:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • uncontrollable urge to defecate;
  • increased pain, etc.

For people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, often suffering from flatulence, doctors strictly do not recommend using the desired variety of products, as the consequences will manifest themselves exaggerated. It is better to refrain from such food even in the case when you plan to go out into society, however, alone with yourself, you can fully indulge in the meal.

We would like to draw your attention to another important fact: products that form gases inside the human intestine should never be consumed if you are assigned an x-ray of the spine. The fact is that in the final image they will be visible, and some details of the spine, on the contrary, will be in shadow.

List of foods that cause gas

If you do not suffer from flatulence in a constant time mode, but have a tendency to it, it is often enough to just exclude the foods listed in the list below from your usual diet.


First of all, it is necessary to abandon cabbage of any variety, which, despite the obvious usefulness for the body, in particular for intestinal motility, causes very active fermentation inside the gastrointestinal tract. This is about:

  • white cabbage;
  • heads of red;
  • Brussels;
  • broccoli;
  • Beijing;
  • color, etc.


The second category of food that activates gas formation in the intestines is legumes. We all love this category of food, as it makes a lot of hearty meals, supplying vegetable protein and not harming the figure, however, some, after having a meal with the addition of these ingredients, cannot leave the house for about several hours:

  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas, etc.


Some vegetables, also represented by coarse fiber, have a similar effect on the formation of gases. They are incredibly useful, however, moderate their use if you have a tendency to flatulence:

  • swede;
  • turnip;
  • carrot;
  • celery;


Mushrooms are another food that causes reactions such as bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain in some individuals, especially when consumed in large quantities. Additional problems arise when eating mushrooms cooked in violation of temperature regime or poorly washed.

Mushrooms are a very popular ingredient on the modern table.


Dairy products are another category of food that often provokes the accumulation of gases and their uncontrolled exit. Particular attention should be paid to their use by persons who are not able to absorb milk sugar - lactose. The desired inability is associated with a congenital deficiency in the production of the so-called lactase enzyme. As a result, in addition to flatulence, the desired citizen will also be pursued by:

  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • loud rumbling, etc.

However, milk can provide Negative influence and on an absolutely healthy person, since, strictly speaking, its usefulness today as a whole is in question.


Some fruits provoke the appearance of gases no worse than cabbage. This category includes:

  • apples, especially green ones;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • mango;
  • apricots;
  • watermelons;
  • peaches, especially velvety varieties;
  • cherry, as well as sweet cherry;
  • a pineapple.

As you can see, the usual fruit plate in front of the TV can be a big problem for those with sensitive stomachs. Try to exclude the products listed above from it, if possible, having previously conducted an experiment on which names cause the reaction we are considering in you.

flour products

Bakery products, as well as confectionery and grain products, are also very successful in causing gas in the intestines and fermentation, largely due to the high content of carbohydrates, which break down and digest so slowly that fertile ground is created for putrefaction and gas formation. This category includes:

  • products made from white flour;
  • rye products;
  • mixed products;
  • sweet confectionery items, etc.

animal protein

In some cases, flatulence is also caused by products of animal origin, which, in principle, are not easy for the human body to absorb. This is about:

  • fatty and lean fish;
  • poultry and animal meat;
  • eggs, etc.

Modern scientists every day find more and more evidence that the human body spends much more energy on the digestion of the above products than it should, while the final usefulness is disproportionate to them, even when it comes to completely healthy person. What can we say about a person with a sensitive intestine, for which any, even a small irritant that has entered the digestive system, responds with serious malfunctions in the work of the organ of interest to us:

  • increased gas formation, leading to an increase in the abdomen;
  • discomfort in the abdominal cavity;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea
  • constipation

Protein products of animal origin, due to their high fat content, most often provoke precisely the following combination of consequences:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation.

The desired circumstance is fraught with many dangers, since during constipation, gases are formed not only from rotting food, but also from already processed feces, only this time they are already much more toxic. The intestines under their pressure stretch to an incredible size. To alleviate the situation, you have to use a laxative, sometimes on a regular basis.

What to use to a short time get rid of constipation? We will discuss this in detail in

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are very useful for both the whole body and the intestines, however, sensitive organisms may experience many inconveniences when they are used in a different way. minimum norm quantity. In addition, other products prepared on their basis will cause a similar reaction. This is about:

  • sunflower oil;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • pumpkin;
  • margarine;
  • mayonnaise, etc.


  • sweet;
  • mineral;
  • beer;
  • kvass;
  • strong alcohol;
  • wine;
  • alcoholic drinks flavored with sugar and gases at the same time.

It does not matter whether the listed drinks are artificially carbonated or not, they will provide the maximum negative impact to the intestines. If you have a need to use healthy mineral water, you should give preference to still mineral water, the range of which is slightly less wide than carbonated, but still available. In extreme cases, you can release gas from the bottle yourself.

Product groups according to the degree of influence on gas formation

However, all of the listed products that cause gases affect the course of this process to varying degrees. In other words, we can divide their influence into three main groups. Which, we will consider in the following table.

It must be said that the lists presented above did not cover, unfortunately, every product that can cause a reaction of interest to us, since each human body is individual, and their diversity would simply not fit in one article. It is not known how your gastrointestinal tract will manifest itself in this or that case, what reaction it will show to this or that product.

Video - Foods that cause bloating

Food combinations that lead to profuse intestinal gas

In addition to the fact that certain foods can affect the formation of gases in the intestines, certain food combinations can also have the same effect, sometimes multiplied several times. You need to carefully read the list below in the article, and remember which of them should not interfere with each other.

So, fruit juices and sweets are prohibited with the following products:

  • protein food;
  • salty food;
  • starchy foods.

So, for example, in no case should you eat a sandwich of white or black bread with sausage at the same time, and drink it with juice, since you will simultaneously consume a lethal amount of gas-forming elements listed in the section above:

  • animal protein (sausage);
  • bakery product (bread);
  • fruits (juice based on them);
  • sugar, which is flavored with store-bought fruit juices, which, as everyone knows, causes fermentation.

Combinations of milk-based products are also prohibited. With:

  • bread;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • sour fruits;
  • salted vegetables, etc.

The well-known combinations of herring with milk or milk with pickled cucumber have long been the heroes of various jokes and anecdotes, because their use leads to severe diarrhea, accompanied by flatulence. However, this fact is known to everyone, while no one suspects that milk and meat in the stomach also enter into a “conflict”, preventing each other from being digested, rotting and causing fermentation.

  1. The third common mistake is excessive (and sometimes moderate) drinking of soda directly with meals. Not only does soda initially have a devastating effect for people suffering from flatulence, but when mixed with food, it becomes even more harmful, and causes permanent digestive disorders. So, any, even the most healthy food, washed down with soda, no matter sweet or not, becomes harmful and hard to digest.
  2. In no case products should not be used at the same time causing fermentation in the intestines with 100% certainty. This is about:
  • legumes: beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils;
  • and black bread made from rye.

Despite the fact that eating pea porridge or lobio with bread can be very tasty, it’s hard for the stomach to digest this combination, in addition, these two food groups will wander inside the stomach and intestines for a long time, as a result, it will be very difficult to stop the release of gases, you will have to sit at home .

Does eating gas-producing foods affect the baby?

Many mothers who have given birth to children and have decided to breastfeed are wondering if they consume gas-producing foods, will this affect their child, who is currently consuming only breast milk?

The answer is as follows: there are no scientific patterns associated with the reaction of infants to certain foods consumed by the mother. Most often it goes like this:

  • the mother suffers from flatulence from eating certain foods;
  • the child takes over the sensitivity of the intestines from the mother, and suffers from swelling of the abdomen at the same time.

Doctors advise starting in each case from individual tolerance. If you have noted that after you eat any product and feed the child suffers from stomach problems, exclude the name you are looking for from the diet.

What foods can you eat with a tendency to flatulence

Despite the fact that gas-producing foods seem to make up 90% of your menu, don't get discouraged, they really aren't. In order not to suffer from flatulence and bloating, eat the following foods:

  • hard wheat crackers;
  • bran from rye flour;
  • veal (due to its low fat content, it is much easier to digest);
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken (only the white part);
  • turkey (also only the white part);
  • seafood, that is, calmly eat squid, shrimp, mussels, etc .;
  • steam soufflés and fish pâtés;
  • curd soufflé;
  • bifidokefir fat-free or low-fat;
  • natural yogurt;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • greens suitable for eating, that is, parsley, dill;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • oat groats;
  • semolina;
  • steam omelet.

Please note that the above list is not complete, however, it is already able to satisfy the needs of each person related to the desire to eat in a variety of ways.

We also want to separately clarify the following nuances.

1. As you can see, animal protein products are included in the list of allowed foods, despite the fact that we previously included them in the list of gas-producing foods.

To clarify: all of the above animal products, in order to avoid flatulence, must:

  • have a minimum fat content;
  • steam or boil;
  • flavored with a minimum of spices;
  • be cleansed of the skin.

Only in this case, the use of the desired names can pass absolutely without consequences.

2. To increase the lightness of the dish, and hence its ease of absorption for the body, it is necessary by preparing the so-called:

  • cue ball;
  • soufflés and dishes of a similar format.

Believe me, after eating such food, the digestive system will not only not create problems for you, but also significantly improve your health.

3. Spices and seasonings should be excluded from the diet. In principle, with flatulence it is allowed to add to food:

  • rosemary;
  • caraway.

With all other seasonings, it is better to be careful, or refuse them altogether.

4. You can eat bread if you cannot imagine your diet without it, however, in this case, you should let it dry out, and then make crackers. In this form, this product is safe for your intestines.

5. Dishes from eggs, which are also contraindicated in case of increased gas formation, can be rarely consumed, however, only in the form of:

  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • steam omelet.

It is also better to reduce the frequency of eating such dishes.

Summing up

If constant bloating, flatulence and pain in the abdominal cavity have become your constant companions, it is best to consult a doctor for any studies of the gastrointestinal tract, since, unfortunately, not only food can become the cause of gas formation.

Provided that the diseases have not been identified, you can breathe easy and make an appointment with a nutritionist, or go home to independently analyze the problem.

  • every day you write down in detail each of your meals;
  • after a meal, note your own state;
  • gradually eliminate some products and experiment again;
  • long time eat only at home, as restaurant dishes can contain completely different ingredients that you will not know about.

When identifying specific foods that have become the culprits of increased gas formation in your stomach, you need to eliminate them from the diet, most likely forever.

Most often, people have to reduce the amount of coarse fiber, switching to protein diet, which also excludes dairy products, eggs, some types of fish and meat.

Increased gas formation often causes discomfort and serious problems with health, very often products are a factor in this causing flatulence, as well as a violation of the process of digestion of food is one of the determining factors.

The main cause is food that causes gas and bloating. The diet contains foods that contain a large amount of sugar and coarse fiber, starch and carbohydrates, which form digestive problems. The resulting excess amount of air in the abdominal region of a person can cause pain, heaviness, belching, hiccups and bursting.

Improper nutrition is often the main factor in the increased formation of gases in the abdomen. Another reason is physiological features body, when a certain food is able to cause bloating in one person, but at the same time does not affect another at all.

In addition to the "wrong" food and the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract, there are a number of reasons for increased gas formation in an adult.

They may be:

  • excessive slagging of the body;
  • indigestion;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infections;
  • pancreatic dysfunction, provoked by a lack of necessary enzymes in the body;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • bad habits that contribute to the penetration of excess oxygen inside in the process of eating food and provoking gas formation;
  • chewing gums.

Every person on Earth has experienced signs of flatulence. This is a feeling of bloating and fullness, abdominal pain, rumbling and seething in the stomach, frequent belching, nausea, heartburn, embarrassing situations associated with the release of gases.

In addition to the above symptoms, frequent companions of increased gas formation are problems with stools in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

It is important to remember that flatulence, like any other disease, must be treated. Therefore, if a person is concerned about the frequent manifestation of symptoms, then you should consult a doctor for examination and timely treatment.

Often, flatulence hides problems of the digestive tract.

With an increased increase in gases, foods that cause fermentation should be excluded from the diet. Everyone who cares about their health needs to know about which foods cause increased gas formation.

What foods cause bloating and gas and what can not be eaten with flatulence?

Foods that promote gas formation in the intestines:
  1. Legumes. It's x, beans, beans, lentils, asparagus. These products go through a long process of processing and are often not digested by the stomach. For better absorption, it is recommended to soak bean groats in water for a long time before boiling.
  2. Any kind of cabbage. The presence of coarse fiber and sulfur in it contributes to the effect of fermentation in the intestines.
  3. Fresh vegetable and fruit crops. It is necessary to exclude the use of grapes, peaches, pears, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cherries and others that can increase gas formation and cause flatulence and bloating.
  4. Carbonated drinks - exclude kvass, mineral water, soda.
  5. Yeast baking. Yeast causes the fermentation process and increases the volume of gas.
  6. Some species alcoholic beverages causing fermentation.
  7. Fresh dairy products. It is not always possible to use fresh milk for adults.
  8. Eggs and some meat dishes.

Eliminate or reduce foods that increase gas formation in the intestines should be those people who have digestive dysfunction. Other people eat the same food without experiencing discomfort.

A balanced selection of foods in the diet will help to avoid problems with bloating. It should be remembered that dishes consisting of a large number ingredients, various cereals in combination with milk, fish, eggs, sour-milk and dairy products are incompatible with each other. In addition, it is advisable to consume protein and carbohydrate foods at different times, mixing can also cause flatulence.

A large amount of food consumed at a time impairs digestion and causes gas in the intestines. A serving of food at one time should be more than 400 grams.

Foods high in carbohydrates produce a lot of gas during digestion, so people who are prone to increased gas formation should be wary of chocolate, sweets, baked goods and confectionery.

To compile your list, which excludes foods that provoke and increase flatulence and are forbidden to use, you need to keep a food diary, where you can describe the state after a certain dish. With the initial symptoms of increased gas formation, it is important to exclude “suspicious” components from the menu.

A personal diary will help identify which foods cause gas and bloating.

Foods that cause gas in the intestines can be compensated by other foods. In the diet of each person should be present foods that help reduce gas formation.
These are such products against flatulence as:

  1. Fish and meat products, low fat. Meat is predominantly chicken. The best way to process such food is stewing or steaming.
  2. Buckwheat and millet porridge on the water.
  3. Dairy products perfectly normalize the microflora in the stomach and intestines. The use of kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt improves the condition of the digestive system and puts the intestines in order.
  4. Pure tea. Ginger and mint added to tea have a pleasant taste and reduce gas formation.
  5. Baked vegetables and fruits.
  6. Unleavened bread.
  7. Sunflower and olive oils.

Natural, non-irritating spices such as cumin, dill, fennel, marjoram, ginger increase intestinal efficiency, improve digestion, help digest even heavy foods and perfectly reduce the amount of gas in the intestines. Another advantage of these spices is that they are able to relieve inflammation and spasms in the stomach, reduce pain and keep the intestinal walls in good shape. Products for bloating should be known to those who are more prone to the formation of gases.

Increased flatulence in pregnant women is considered a frequent occurrence. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the growing uterus compresses the pelvic organs, as a result of which problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) may appear and cause gas formation in the intestines. In the event of such cases, the expectant mother needs to inform her doctor about the violations in order to exclude prohibited foods and eliminate the causes.

At breastfeeding increased gas formation occurs as often as in pregnant women. The causes of flatulence are different and depend on the body of a nursing woman, the state of the digestive tract, on which menu the young mother is fond of. When necessary, the doctor may prescribe drugs that improve gas production and reduce the amount of gas, exclude from the menu products that cause flatulence in children and adults. Tinctures of chamomile, fennel, cumin, dill decoction are acceptable during breastfeeding and give an excellent result.

It is important to remember that the food that a baby receives during breastfeeding is determined by the nutrition of the mother. In order to determine from which foods gases appear in the intestines of a newborn, you need to remove from the menu foods that cause gas formation and bloating in the mother.

Here is a list of products that can provoke bloating or allergies in infants.

What foods cause flatulence and should be discarded:
  • citrus;
  • legumes;
  • carbonated and mineral water;
  • cocoa and coffee;
  • chocolate products;
  • dairy products;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini.

The easiest way to reduce, which will help solve the problem with increased gas formation, is to review your daily routine, diet and remove gas-enhancing foods, replacing them with gas-reducing foods. A bloated belly and increased gas formation in the intestines in adults often indicate incomplete food processing and an overloaded gastrointestinal tract.

You need to drink enough pure water required by the body. Usually it is 1.5 - 2 liters per day, depending on the individual characteristics of the person.

Eating small meals 5-6 times a day creates a feeling of fullness without overloading the stomach, and increases its digestibility. A short walk after a meal helps the intestines work better.

Another one bad habit modern people is eating in front of a TV or computer. Gadgets distract people from eating, food is often not chewed well and swallowed in a hurry, depriving the body of useful nutrients and micronutrients.

It is very important to accustom yourself to the regimen and eat at a certain time. Food should not be cold or too hot, so as not to contribute to additional irritation of the stomach and intestines. It is not recommended to drink tea or water with food.

With increased gas formation, an excellent way to get rid of intestinal colic and flatulence is a decoction of dill seeds or dill water. This decoction is allowed during breastfeeding and is of great benefit to babies.

Products that cause gas formation and bloating should be removed from the diet of a person prone to flatulence, in addition, you need to analyze your diet and include the necessary dishes in the menu.

An additional method to combat flatulence can be drugs. Drugs with antispasmodic and absorbent effects are widely used. Some medications suppress the gases that cause bloating. It is important to remember that all medicines should be taken only after consulting a doctor and with his prescription.

Flatulence, or bloating, usually accompanies the weak functionality of the pancreas and biliary system. At the same time, insufficient enzymes are released for the active digestion of food in the small intestine.

Poorly digested food is annoying and starts to ferment. This is where all the unpleasant sensations that disturb the patient come from. Therefore, patients are advised to take various medications or folk remedies aimed at eliminating the problem. It is also extremely important to monitor nutrition and eat foods that reduce gas formation.

Nutrition is the first and most common cause of flatulence. Normally, our intestines produce about 1.5 liters of gases per day. And you can't get away from this. They have to be released. But, probably, you have noticed more than once that after some products, gas formation increases significantly, for example, if you ate.

There are a number of products that may not be digested by everyone. And this undigested food enters the intestines. There is a huge number of hungry microorganisms that pounce on it and begin to use it as their own source of nutrition. The result of this is an excess concentration of gases in the intestines.

In addition to legumes, there are a number of products that, to one degree or another, can cause this process in each individual person:

  1. Food that enhances fermentation. These are beer, carbonated sweet drinks, kvass, milk.
  2. Products that initially have a lot of coarse fiber, dietary fiber, irritate the intestines, are used by microflora for increased gas formation. This, cabbage and a number of other similar products.

In order not to limit your diet and consume all products, it is recommended to use heat treatment in the process of their preparation, as well as add ginger, coriander, rosemary, Bay leaf. They reduce gas formation and provide it with a quiet, inconspicuous waste.

Other causes of gas formation

A person who is accustomed to using chewing gum often has the effect of flatulence. Especially if you do it on an empty stomach. Sorbitol, which is contained in chewing gum, is very popular with our microflora. And she processes it, releasing a lot of gas. In addition, when chewing gum, a person, as a rule, is talking at this moment, as a result of which air is swallowed.

Stress can cause increased gas production. Our brain is connected with the intestines, which reacts to emotional shaking with spasms, slowing down activity. The microflora has more time and food left, and it fully uses its chance.

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to problems with increased gas formation. At risk are office workers, housewives. The fact is that when we move a little, our intestines are lazy. The blood flow to it is reduced, metabolic and digestive processes slow down, the pressure inside the abdomen decreases, that is, the tone of the intestines.

Sometimes flatulence can be a symptom of a dangerous disease:

Herbal powders

It is very useful for patients with chronic flatulence to take a teaspoon without top of psyllium seed powder with each meal. This remedy very well removes poisons and toxins from the intestines, neutralizes gases, cleanses the blood.

It can be replaced with crushed fennel seeds, which have similar properties. In addition, powder from the seeds of wild carrots, elecampane root with honey, and angelica roots is used.

How many kcal is in grapefruit, what is the use of the fruit

Take ginger or garlic powder on the tip of a spoon 3-4 times a day after meals after two hours. Drink water in a volume of at least 100 ml.

Crushed to a powdery state of dill, sprinkle food every time. Regular use of this spice will help remove excess gases from the stomach and intestines. Or just after a meal, chew on a sprig of dill.


People suffering from flatulence traditional healers It is advised to do enemas with water infusion:

  • chamomile
  • parsley

An enema is an excellent cleanser for increased gas formation at home. With frequent exacerbations of flatulence, you should consult a doctor on this issue.

Very effective tool in the treatment of increased gas formation in traditional medicine turpentine baths are considered, as well as with a decoction of valerian, pine needles.

Essential oils

For digestive problems and increased gas formation, the following aromatic oils are used:

  • basil
  • peppermint
  • fennel
  • chamomile
  • bergamot
  • lavender and others

They help improve digestion. Can be used for abdominal massage. To do this, prepare a mixture consisting of base oil (15 ml), mint (4 drops), juniper berries (2 drops), cumin (2 drops).

Peppermint, ginger are dripped onto sugar and taken in this form. Dill oil is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and drunk in a tablespoon four times a day. Black cumin is added 3 drops to tea or coffee.

For the first time, the problem of flatulence became interested in the dawn of the space age. When the first flights into space were planned, scientists began to fear that the astronauts would suffocate from their own fumes. After all, it is almost impossible to ventilate the cabin of a spacecraft.

Fortunately, the flight was successful. And experts once again emphasized that there is no escape from flatulence, as this is an inevitable result of digestion of food.

To get rid of flatulence, you must first reconsider your views on nutrition and eat only those foods that will not be harmful to health.

If increased gas formation is caused by wrong habits, it is enough to choose the right one. folk remedy to eliminate discomfort. If the problem persists, you should immediately go to the doctor. Perhaps flatulence has deeper roots and is a complex and dangerous disease.

Dec 28, 2016 Violetta Doctor

The problem of increased gas formation in the abdomen is quite serious. The accumulation of air in the intestines causes unpleasant sensations of fullness, heaviness and even pain. Often the culprit is products that cause bloating and gas formation. However, there are other reasons for the appearance of flatulence.

Factors that cause gas formation in the intestines

The appearance of bloating in the abdominal cavity is directly related to food intake. Most products provoke the formation of gases. But this is not the only reason for their accumulation in the intestines. After all, a lot of air is swallowed by a person while eating and even talking. Therefore, the usual conversation at the table during lunch can provoke flatulence. Drinking through a straw or chewing gum also contributes to this.

Some food is poorly digested by our body, and its undigested remains are further processed by intestinal bacteria, which causes fermentation and increases the formation of gases. Poor food processing is due to a lack of enzymes. As adults age, there is a loss of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the processing of dairy products. Therefore, their use negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In children, this enzyme is sufficient in the body, and their milk is absorbed well. Despite this, there are cases of absolute lactose intolerance even in childhood. This suggests that each organism is individual and the causes of gas formation can also be different.

However, not only the food consumed can cause an increased accumulation of gases. These may be some problems of the digestive system, namely such diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis - when the microflora in the intestine is disturbed;
  • Intestinal obstruction - difficulty in the exit of feces and gases with them, caused by formations in the intestinal cavity;
  • Pancreatitis - a violation of the functioning of the pancreas, which are manifested by the absence of enzymes;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome - manifests itself as spasms, bloating, upset, or vice versa constipation in the intestines.

Bad habits that provoke the formation of gases in the abdominal cavity:

  • Conversation while eating. Every time we open our mouths during a conversation, we swallow air that enters through the stomach into the intestines. Therefore, it is worth eating silently, and chewing with your mouth closed.
  • Excessive food intake at one meal. Large portions make digestion difficult and provoke bloating. The recommended amount of food for an adult is 300 - 400 grams.
  • Quick snacks on the go provoke the swallowing of air.
  • Cold, sugary and carbonated drinks with meals.
  • Chewing gum allows a lot of air to enter the stomach.
  • Smoking.

Products that lead to the formation of gases

There are many foods that promote gas formation in the intestines. This is a food containing carbohydrates, lactose, coarse fiber, yeast, sugars, raffinose, sorbitol.

The list of products that you should pay attention to, as they lead to gas formation in the abdominal cavity:

  • Different types of cabbage. Especially contributes to gas formation white-headed. It contains coarse fiber and sulfur, which, when consumed, causes fermentation in the intestines. Other types of this product will be easier to digest after heat treatment. That is why people with intestinal problems are advised to use cabbage in a stew.
  • Legumes (beans, peas). They are poorly digested in the stomach, unprocessed residues enter the intestine, where they are amenable to attack by intestinal microorganisms. Beans that provoke flatulence must be soaked in water before cooking, then they will be better absorbed.
  • Fresh dairy products. As mentioned above, lactose can cause bloating or not be tolerated at all by some people. But dairy products On the contrary, they have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. These are kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk that promote digestion.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, cherries, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, herbs are crops that increase gas formation. Prunes, although it is very useful berry, but when consumed in large quantities, it can cause digestive problems.
  • Fresh bakery. Yeast itself is a fermenting fungus, which leads to even more gas in the intestines.
  • Yeast-containing products - kvass, beer.
  • Sweet sparkling water. The composition of such drinks contains carbon dioxide and sugar, which increase flatulence.
  • Meat dishes and eggs. They contain a large amount of protein, which is poorly digested in the stomach, then causing putrefaction in the intestines.

For some people, these products may not cause any discomfort after eating them. However, they should be eaten with caution by those who have digestive problems.

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People suffering from flatulence need to pay attention to the correct combination of products in the dish. Badly combined with each other:

  • eggs and fish;
  • bakery products with milk or kefir;
  • fresh vegetables or fruits with cooked ones;
  • cereals with milk;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • multi-ingredient meals.

Such cereals as rice do not cause gas formation, but, on the contrary, help to reduce it.

Highly digestible foods that do not cause bloating

For digestive problems, you should eat foods that do not cause fermentation and increased gas formation. These include the following:

  • porridge - rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetable soups;
  • wheat bread (first, second grade);
  • dietary meat baked or steamed;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • egg omelets;
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • olive, sunflower oil;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • baked fruits;
  • unsweetened tea - green, ginger, mint;
  • decoctions of wild rose, chamomile.

Products that reduce the formation of gases will be very useful. These are:

  • dill;
  • fennel;
  • caraway;
  • marjoram;
  • ginger and other spices.

They are antispasmodics natural origin, relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, maintain the tone of the intestinal walls, have a choleretic and carminative effect.

Drinking plenty of water while eating dishes with spices reduces their beneficial qualities for the intestines.

To support the normal functioning of the digestive system, the right approach to the choice of food is very important. Being aware of which foods cause flatulence, you should avoid them as much as possible, as well as follow useful recommendations.

To avoid manifestations of flatulence, you should remember:

  • vegetables or fruits are recommended to be consumed only after heat treatment;
  • salads are best seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • try not to eat fried foods;
  • do not drink sugary drinks with food;
  • bread should not be consumed freshly prepared;
  • cook legumes so that there are no gases, after soaking them in water until they swell;
  • do not eat long-digestible foods at night - fish, eggs, meat, mushrooms;
  • drink water half an hour before meals, and half an hour after meals;
  • food should be eaten in small portions and chewed thoroughly;
  • should get rid of chewing gums and cigarettes;
  • do not drink drinks from straws;
  • have a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • avoid situations with stress;
  • keep a food diary to identify what foods the intestines react to with increased gas formation.

Auxiliary drugs can be drugs:

  • suppressing gases (espumizan, antiflar, bobotik and others);
  • absorbent (activated carbon, sorbex, smectite, extrasorb);
  • antispasmodics (No-shpa, spazoverin, spazmol, bioshpa, buscopan);
  • combined drugs (pancreoflat, meteospasmil).

We must not forget that self-medication can be hazardous to health, and any use medicines you need to consult with your doctor.

The manifestation of flatulence should not be attributed only to improper eating. Frequent bloating with possible pain may indicate incipient problems in the digestive system. Therefore, you should take a closer look at your body and it is best to seek the advice of a specialist (gastroenterologist).

Symptoms of increased gas formation are known, probably, to everyone. This is not only pain, a feeling of bloating and fullness, but also constant rumbling, transfusion in the stomach, awkwardness in in public places. most common cause flatulence is malnutrition or eating certain foods.

Another factor in indigestion may be the characteristics of the body: products that cause gas formation in the intestines in some people may not affect the well-being of others.

Determining which product leads to overproduction is quite simple. If, after eating food, you feel, you need to analyze the composition of the dish and determine the "suspicious" ingredient based on the list below. The next time you use this product (preferably already as part of another dish), pay close attention to your well-being. If the problem of gas formation in the intestines is relevant, it is worth keeping a detailed food diary.

Products that enhance gas formation

If symptoms often occur, the diet should be seriously reviewed. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the use of products that clearly contribute to gas formation.

These include:

  • any legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils);
  • raw vegetables and fruits containing coarse vegetable fiber and a lot of extractives (white cabbage, apples, garlic, onions, sorrel, gooseberries, spinach, radishes, turnips, radishes);
  • carbonated drinks (kvass, lemonade, mineral water with gas);
  • yeast baking;
  • black bread;
  • beer and other alcoholic drinks.

cabbage, radish, beans, sweet pastries almost always cause bloating

It is necessary to significantly limit the intake of hard-to-digest foods: goose, lamb, pork and other meat with a high fat content, oily fish, mushrooms, eggs (especially yolks). It is known that a large amount of intestinal gases is formed during the breakdown of carbohydrate foods. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with sweets and confectionery, chocolate. Gastroenterologists believe that increased gas formation may be associated with the simultaneous use of incompatible nutrients, such as proteins and carbohydrates.

Tip: Adults often don't produce enough of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. Therefore, if you do not tolerate whole milk, replace it with fermented milk products.

Among the products that increase gas formation, exotic dishes, including Japanese ones, should be noted. The digestive system of people born in a certain natural and climatic zone is not genetically adapted to the digestion of certain foods. Therefore, food masses stagnate in the intestines and undergo microbial decomposition (rotting and fermentation) with the release of a large amount of gases. The same can be said about fruits that are imported from abroad. Of course, eating plant foods is necessary for health, but it is better to choose ordinary apples and pears than "overseas" avocados, peaches, pineapples and so on.

There are also foods that are not in themselves, but cause constipation. And already due to the stagnation of feces, the formation of gases increases. These are potatoes, fish and rice. They are best consumed in the first half of the day, and for dinner, eat a light vegetable dish or fruit. Interesting information about alimentary (food) and other causes of flatulence is contained in the video at the end of the article.

How to eat with flatulence?

To get rid of bouts of bloating, you need to eat more foods that reduce gas formation in the intestines or at least do not cause it. For example, it is worth including in the menu:

  • crumbly cereals from millet and buckwheat;
  • baked fruits (apples, pears) and vegetables (carrots, beets);
  • lean meat, fish in boiled, baked, stewed form or in steam cutlets;
  • fermented milk drinks - kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, acidophilus, provided they are well tolerated;
  • bread, preferably unleavened, made from wheat flour.

Some spices help prevent flatulence. When eating foods that cause excessive gas formation in the intestines, you can add fennel, cumin, marjoram to dishes. These spices improve the digestion of even heavy foods. Dill has the same effect (in the form of seeds, fresh, dried or frozen herbs).

Tip: To reduce bloating, making tea with ginger or mint is useful, and it is also very tasty.

Dill reduces intestinal gas

Fermented milk products are not only easily digested, but also contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. 1-2 times a week should be done fasting days to remove stagnant masses from the intestines. For example, you can arrange a "rice" day, during which there is boiled rice without salt, oil and sugar. Or drink non-acidic kefir (1.5-2 liters) all day.

If you really want, then occasionally you can afford dishes from peas or beans. But before cooking, the cereals must be washed well, soaked in cold water and then cook for a long time and over low heat. Sprinkle with dill or cumin before serving. With this method of preparation, the gas-forming properties of legumes are significantly reduced.

Nutrition rules

Simple and well-known to almost everyone the rules of eating will help get rid of bloating and improve well-being. The digestive tract must not be overloaded, otherwise insufficient digestion will promote fermentation. Therefore, a diet with increased gas formation in the intestine provides food in small portions. If possible, eat 5-6 times a day. After eating, you can not go to bed, it is better to walk a little. Dinner should be light and no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

While eating, you should not be distracted by reading, a computer or watching TV, attention should be directed to food. Thanks to this, the body will be tuned to the absorption of nutrients. Also, you can not talk at the table, this can lead to the swallowing of additional air. Food must be chewed well, so it will be better prepared for the action of digestive juices. And finally, you need to eat regularly at the same time.