How to nourish the heart. To strengthen the heart muscle, use folk remedies. heart, stress, health

Proper functioning of the heart muscle is the key to the normal functioning of the body. Any violations in the cardiovascular system can lead to negative consequences for human health. To protect yourself from problems, the work of the heart must be kept under control. Modern pharmacology is not able to offer completely safe drugs to prevent disorders in the activity of the organ and strengthen the vascular system. In this case, traditional medicine will come to the rescue. Recipes known since ancient times will not only help strengthen the heart and blood vessels, but will not harm the body.

General recommendations for strengthening the cardiovascular system

In order for the heart and blood vessels to function normally, one medication is not enough. It is necessary to follow the advice of qualified cardiologists, designed specifically for the prevention and treatment of disorders:

  1. 1. Weight control. Excess weight puts an additional load on the heart muscle, so you need to monitor it and prevent a set of excess kilograms.
  2. 2. Sports. Every day you need to give the body a load. This not only strengthens the heart and blood vessels, but also improves blood circulation. Experts also recommend doing morning exercises according to the Nishi system. Improving exercises will help to avoid the occurrence of chronic forms of diseases of the heart and other organs.
  3. 3. Strengthening the spine. The entire body is connected to the central nervous system. If there are pathologies in the spinal column, the supply of impulses is disrupted and blood circulation is disturbed. This can not but affect the work of the heart muscle.
  4. 4. Rejection bad habits. Alcohol abuse and smoking lead to serious cardiac pathologies.
  5. 5. Refusal of products that cause excessive excitement, such as tea and coffee.
  6. 6. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet. This product causes fluid retention in the body, edema, increased pressure and increased cardiac workload.
  7. 7. Reducing the intake of animal fats. Their uncontrolled intake can lead to obesity, but you should not completely exclude them. Fats of animal origin are responsible for the production of hormones.

Folk recipes

The most dangerous factors affecting the state of the heart muscle and vascular system are stressful situations and the accumulation of harmful cholesterol (it can be harmful and beneficial). Vascular walls are weakened by addictions, overeating, lack of movement, unhealthy lifestyle.

Recipes of traditional medicine will carefully strengthen the cardiovascular system without causing harm to the body, and support the work of the body.

honey mixture

This mixture will help maintain the working condition of the heart muscle and vascular system. long years. This is especially true in old age. The mixture is taken not in a course, but continuously, every day before breakfast, a quarter of an hour before meals. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • honey - 1 glass;
  • lemon - 4 pieces;
  • walnuts or almonds - 16 pieces;
  • geranium leaves - 16 pieces;
  • valerian root - 10 g;
  • hawthorn fruits - 10 g.

All solid ingredients should be crushed in a blender (you can use a meat grinder), pour honey and mix. Then you need to let the mixture brew for two days.

Heart balm

This balm will not only strengthen the heart, but also normalize blood pressure. To make it, you need to mix 10 ml of alcohol infusion of arnica, May lily of the valley and foxglove with 20 ml of hawthorn tincture. You need to take 20 drops three times a day before eating.

The balm is used according to the following scheme: one month - reception, two months - rest.

Dill and parsley tincture

This tincture helps to restore cardiac activity after a heart attack. It is very easy to make it. Grind equal parts of parsley and dill in a blender. Then put 5-7 g of the resulting composition in a deep bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be put on a slow fire, let it boil for half an hour and cool. It is necessary to take tincture 2 tablespoons a day.

The heart is one of the most important and hardworking organs in our body: it pumps just under 30 liters of blood per minute. Heart problems can cause chronic heart failure, in which the heart loses muscle strength and sooner or later stops. If your heart is not working well, you will feel tired, your legs and lungs will fill with fluid, you will feel dizzy, you will become weak, and you will have an arrhythmia. Fortunately, the heart can be strengthened through proper nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle life.


Proper nutrition

    Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Try to eat fish once or twice a week, or take EPA or DHA tablets. Omega-3 fatty acids will protect the heart muscle by reducing inflammation in the body. They will also lower triglyceride levels, blood pressure, shorten clotting time, and fight arrhythmia. Of course, you can take fatty acids in transparent capsules, but they are also found in the following products:

    Eat more nuts. Nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, phytosterols, and arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. All of these substances contribute to heart health. It has been found that a handful of nuts consumed daily can reduce the risk of heart disease. Fiber and phytosterols lower blood cholesterol levels, promote fast satiety with a small amount of food, reduce the risk of diabetes, and vitamin E protects against the formation of plaque on the inside of the arteries. Try adding a small amount of nuts to each meal. Try to eat either 45 grams of nuts, or 2 tablespoons nut butter in a day.

    • Because nuts are high in calories, don't eat too much of them. Replace them with sugary sodas and chips.
  1. Eat more berries. Try to eat 100 grams or a small cup of berries a day. Berries (like strawberries and blueberries) are high in heart-healthy phytonutrients. Studies have shown that daily consumption of berries contributes to correct work platelets and "good" high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure. All this protects the heart from diseases and strengthens its health. Polyphenols are found in plants. Scientists have proven that they protect the body from cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    • You can eat dark chocolate, tea, red wine - they also have a lot of polyphenols.
  2. Eat colorful vegetables. Try to eat 1-2 cups of red, yellow and orange vegetables a day - they are high in carotenoids and flavonoids. They prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and promote heart health by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. Oxidized cholesterol causes the formation of plaque on the inside of blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to heart disease. You can take beta-carotene or astaxanthin tablets, but there are also foods high in these substances:

    • Pumpkin
    • Carrot
    • Zucchini
    • Bananas
    • Kale
    • Tomatoes
    • Red pepper
    • Broccoli
    • Brussels sprouts
    • curly cabbage
    • Spinach
    • oranges
    • Peas
  3. Eat more avocados. Try to do this daily, but don't eat more than a quarter of an avocado a day as it is high in calories. Add avocado to salads, spread on bread, or use in place of butter. Avocados are known as superfoods because they are high in monounsaturated fats, which lower "bad" blood cholesterol levels, as well as polyunsaturated fats, which are good for the heart when eaten in moderation. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

    • Inflammation increases the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries. This can lead to high blood pressure and chronic heart failure.
  4. Eat foods high in resveratrol. Drink 1-2 glasses of wine or grape juice or eat 2 cups of grapes or raisins. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol that makes platelets less "sticky", which reduces the number of formations on the walls of the arteries, lowers blood pressure, and the heart works better. Resveratrol comes in tablet form, but it is also found in most different products, including:

    • Red and dark grapes
    • Red and dark raisins
    • Red wine (ask your doctor how much you can safely drink)
  5. Avoid foods containing trans fats. Trans fats increase the concentration of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and reduce the level of "good" cholesterol (HDL). Trans fats are industrially produced to extend the shelf life and shelf life of foods. Enhanced level cholesterol increases the likelihood of high blood pressure, which puts extra stress on the heart. All this leads to the development of chronic heart failure and deterioration of the heart. Many trans fats are found in the following foods:

    • Deep fried food (fried chicken, french fries, donuts)
    • Baked goods (especially those with cooking oil - such as sweet pastries)
    • Fried snacks (chips, popcorn)
    • Ready dough (industrial dough for cookies, pies and pizza)
    • Artificial cream products (e.g. milk-free coffee cream product)
    • Margarine


    1. Find out why sport is good for your health. Since the heart is a muscle, it needs exercise. A sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work increase the risk of developing heart disease. Do stretching exercises, include aerobic and strength training in your workouts - all this will strengthen your heart and blood vessels. Physical activity speeds up blood circulation and helps the body distribute oxygen more efficiently.

      • Physical exercise also promotes healthy sleep, relieves stress, and this is important for heart function.
    2. Do stretching exercises before and after your workout. This is necessary in order to prepare the muscles for stress and prevent injury. Stretch the muscles of your arms and legs for at least 7-10 minutes before and after training, and the next day there will be less muscle pain. Do everything carefully. Don't bounce or stay in the stretched position for more than 15 seconds or you risk pulling or tearing the muscle. Breathe evenly and slowly stretch the tight muscles to increase your maximum stretch.

      Do aerobic (cardio) exercises. Aerobic exercise is good for the heart because it breaks down stored fatty acids, giving the heart muscle more fuel to work with. This allows you to generate more energy, and the heart begins to work better. The heart and lungs are strengthened. In addition, this lowers the pressure. You can practice every other day so that sports become a habit. Then start exercising for 30 minutes 6 days a week. The following types of exercise will be useful for heart health:

      • Walking
      • Rowing
      • Swimming
      • Tennis
      • Golf
      • Skiing
      • Skating
      • Biking
      • jumping rope
      • Low intensity group cardio
        • Any activity that speeds up your heartbeat and breathing forces your heart muscle to work, which contributes to its health.
    3. Start doing strength training. Do these exercises every other day so your muscles can recover between workouts. You can lift dumbbells - this will make your muscles contract, become stronger, and your sense of balance and coordination will improve. Modern research suggests that power loads significantly affect health. Power loads are recommended for the following reasons:

      • They strengthen the tissues of bones, muscles and connective tissues.
      • They reduce the chance of injury.
      • They make the muscles denser, so that a person burns more calories, and it becomes easier for him to maintain the desired weight.
      • They improve the quality of life.
      • They reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen and blood that the body needs to keep cells healthy, which reduces the risk of disease.

    Healthy lifestyle

    1. Try to deal with stress with simple tricks. Practicing yoga, listening to soothing music, meditating, exercising, or talking to a friend can all help you manage stress. Stress negatively affects the functioning of the heart and increases the inflammatory response of the body. It also leads to bad habits that affect the arteries and the heart. For example, many people begin to resort to alcohol, smoking, overeating and do not find time for sports. This causes an increase in pressure, the destruction of the walls of blood vessels and obesity, which are very harmful to the heart.

      Quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about a smoking cessation program that suits your lifestyle. At the very least, try to smoke less often, because cigarettes contain a huge amount of chemical substances which can harm your heart. Smoking depresses the heart, increasing blood pressure, impairing the ability to exercise, and increasing the likelihood of blood clots. The nicotine found in cigarettes also speeds up the heartbeat and raises blood pressure.

    2. Laugh. Laughter helps fight stress, which in turn promotes proper heart function. Scientists have found that there is some truth in the saying "laughter is the best medicine". It found that people with heart disease laughed 40% less compared to people of the same age who had a healthy heart. Try to look for things that make you laugh and make you laugh every day. For example:

      • Watch comedies or sitcoms.
      • Read humorous books.
      • Laugh at your pet's funny behavior.
      • Spend time with people in whose company you can laugh.

To improve metabolism in the heart muscle, maintain normal vascular tone and stabilize the activity of the nervous system, both medications and physical exercises are used, proper nutrition, folk methods. Phytotherapy in cardiology is used during remission or between main courses, as long-term treatment is required, and drugs have many adverse reactions.

In functional diseases, non-drug methods can be the main therapeutic factor, they are also recommended for the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack and the removal of an arrhythmia attack.

The goals of herbal treatment for disorders of the cardiovascular system are:

  • lowering nervous strain;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • prevention of progression and ischemic disease;
  • stabilization of vascular tone;
  • improvement of myocardial nutrition and its contractile function;
  • excretion of excess cholesterol, sodium and water from the body;
  • reducing the load on the heart by normalizing peripheral vascular resistance.

To implement these therapeutic effects, a wide arsenal of soothing, tonic, antioxidant, lowering or increasing blood pressure agents is used.

Their therapeutic effect is associated with the presence of antioxidants, vasodilators, adaptogens, vitamins, magnesium and potassium salts. At the same time, the balanced composition and the absence of pronounced side effects make it possible to use herbal medicine in elderly and debilitated patients.

The preparation of the main herbal remedies for the treatment of cardiac pathologies is carried out according to standard prescriptions.

Herbs must be checked for the content of radionuclides and toxins, so their purchase is possible only in the pharmacy chain or in specialized stores.

For infusions and decoctions, take a tablespoon of crushed raw materials (one component or collection) and pour boiling water over it. The infusion is kept for 20 minutes, and the broth is heated in a water bath for about the same time. In most cases, a water to grass ratio of 20:1 is used. A single dose is 50 ml, the multiplicity is 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications for appointment medicinal herbs most often associated with the possibility of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to replace medicines with folk remedies without the consent of the doctor, especially in case of serious diseases (acute, severe hypertension, angina pectoris or circulatory failure stage 2-3).

Exercises for the heart muscle and nerves

The main condition for proper exercise in case of heart diseases and for their prevention is to choose the optimal physical activity. The misconception about the need for intense exercise can significantly impair myocardial function, especially in the absence of regular training in the past.

The heart muscle is strengthened only with a gradual increase in the duration of training, while the main indicator is individual well-being and heart rate.

If no pathology was detected during the examination, then the required one is calculated by the formula: 190 minus age (maximum) and 150 minutes age (minimum). It is within these limits that the heart intensively absorbs oxygen and accumulates energy in myocytes.

The correct rhythm of breathing is very important - with tension, inhale, with relaxation - exhale. To strengthen the nervous system, you need to fully concentrate on the complex being performed and the duration of the phases of the respiratory cycle - in the morning exercises, inhalation and exhalation are equal, and in the evening exhalation is twice as long as inhalation.

For those who have not done it before, you need to start with the simplest complex, which includes:

  • exercises for arms and legs (swings, rotations, alternating flexion and extension in all joints, walking with high knees, easy running in place);
  • press (lifting legs alternately, torso in a prone position);
  • back (tilts forward with a straight back, lying on the stomach, first raise the torso, then the legs).

The number of repetitions of each movement should be increased, but start with the minimum tolerable, without overworking, avoiding any discomfort. After each cycle, you must first walk slowly, relax in a standing position, then lying down. At the end of the workout, the pulse and breathing should return to their original values, there should be no discomfort in the heart area.

The best things to do in old age

The choice of exercises can be made taking into account the personal preferences of the patient, but cyclic exercises with easily adjustable duration and intensity have the advantage.

It is always best to start with normal walking at a slow pace, gradually increasing the walking time and pace. Before starting a workout, a short warm-up is recommended. This is especially important for older people or beginners. Its duration is 5 - 7 minutes.

Exercises should be on all large muscle groups and joints:

  • head movements (tilts to the sides, up and down, circular do not use after 55-60 years);
  • circles with shoulders in one direction and the other;
  • torso tilts forward, to the left, to the right (before tilting, there should be stretching of the spine);
  • circles of the pelvis, knees;
  • walking on toes, heels, lateral surfaces of the feet.

Any activity should be enjoyable, even if in the first lesson the number of repetitions is 3-5 for each side, then this is much more effective than overexertion or. Every day you need to add the number of movements. The total duration (warm-up, walking and light stretching) at first is recommended at 30 minutes, later it can be increased to 1 hour or more (according to well-being).

After mastering the usual walking, you can switch to Scandinavian, easy running, swimming in the pool, and then in open water, skiing, skating, dancing, cycling. Useful for strengthening blood vessels and the nervous system yoga, Pilates, stretching, breathing exercises, meditation.

Help for the myocardium in pathologies

Herbal preparations are taken in courses. Their duration is about 30 days. Like any type of treatment, phytotherapy provides for breaks of about 2 weeks. Long-term and uncontrolled use can cause sensitization and allergic reactions, although they are much less than with traditional drug therapy.

Depending on the pathology, prescriptions and fees are chosen that have a predominant effect. This division is arbitrary, since medicinal plants have a complex effect on the body.

With arrhythmia, bradycardia and tachycardia

hawthorn fruit

Functional disorders heart rate include taking drugs that regulate the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

With a high pulse rate, soothing infusions and decoctions of lavender, hawthorn, oregano and lemon balm are used. You can also recommend ready-made tinctures of motherwort, valerian, peony. They are mixed in equal proportions and drink 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

Bradycardia is treated with tonics, among which tinctures of lemongrass, aralia, eleutherococcus are considered the most effective. You need to take in the first half of the day 25 drops per 1 dose. In order to prepare a decoction, you can use equal parts of the following herbs:

  • hypericum grass,
  • raspberry leaves,
  • Ivan tea leaves,
  • yarrow grass,
  • flower baskets of prickly tartar,
  • dog-rose fruit.

After a heart attack

  • dioscorea root,
  • flax seed,
  • hawthorn berries,
  • cumin seeds,
  • thyme herb,
  • clover blossoms,
  • blueberries and black currants.

If in the postinfarction period they continue to disturb, then the following groups of medicinal plants are used:

  • increasing the resistance of the heart muscle to a lack of oxygen - hawthorn flowers, white mistletoe grass, mint leaves, sweet clover grass;
  • expanding coronary vessels - lemon balm grass, linden leaves, oregano grass, hop cones;
  • having an angioprotective effect - birch leaves, calendula flowers, cudweed grass;
  • soothing - peony grass, and motherwort, and lemon balm, valerian rhizome.

To strengthen the heart muscle, it is necessary to choose with the help of a doctor the optimal type and intensity of physical activity, in old age and with initial detraining, their increase can only be gradual. Phytotherapy will help improve metabolic processes in the myocardium and vascular wall, as well as normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.

For complex treatment, herbs are used that reduce blood cholesterol, have antihypoxic and vasoprotective effects. Periodically prescriptions for fees are recommended to be changed.

Read also

Sometimes you just need to drink vitamins for the heart, drugs to maintain its activity. The best of them help children and adults, normalizing the work of the myocardium, as well as blood vessels, the brain and the heart, with arrhythmias. What are they needed for? What are the benefits of potassium and magnesium?

  • Simple breathing exercises for the heart can work wonders. It will help with tachycardia, arrhythmia, aneurysm, to restore and strengthen the walls of blood vessels after surgery. What to do?
  • Quite a long time ago they began to eat pomegranate for the heart, blood vessels. Its benefits are simply enormous, even with little use. It is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, to restore heart cells.
  • Heart failure: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and medications. The use of hawthorn, viburnum, mountain ash and other plants.

  • Edema
  • Dyspnea
  • Chronic heart failure- a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium, caused by the development of dystrophic changes in the heart muscle. As a result, the blood supply to the body is disrupted. In other words, with heart failure, the work of the heart as a pump that ensures normal blood circulation is disrupted.

    The causes of the onset and development of chronic heart failure are: ischemic disease, heart defects, hypertension, diffuse lung diseases, less often - myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, myocardiopathies.

    Forms of heart failure.

    According to the nature of the course, the disease is divided into three types:

    Left ventricular failure. Occurs with cardiosclerosis, hypertension, with insufficiency of the mitral or aortic valves, with a heart attack in the region of the left ventricle. Patients are concerned about shortness of breath (first during exercise, and then at rest), cough, asthma attacks (the so-called cardiac asthma), dizziness, congestive changes in the lungs, tachycardia.

    Right ventricular failure. Appears against the background of diseases such as pneumosclerosis, emphysema, tuberculosis, i.e., in cases where the right ventricle has to overcome increased resistance, pushing blood into the pulmonary circulation. The main symptoms: swelling of the jugular veins, high venous pressure, dropsy (ascites), liver enlargement, ness. Edema appears first on the feet, legs, then all over the body.

    Complete heart failure. At the same time, all the symptoms of left ventricular and right ventricular failure are present, expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

    Help the heart find "sufficiency"

    In the "conditions" of heart failure, even the usual amount of table salt that comes with food is harmful to the body: its excess is created, which leads to a rapid increase in edema. Therefore, treatment should begin with a significant restriction of salt and with a decrease in physical activity, continuous drug therapy for heart failure, which should become a barrier to prevent its recurrence.

    How can traditional medicine help the heart to find “sufficiency”?

    In the diet of therapeutic nutrition must be present onion and juice from it to stimulate the cardiovascular system.

    Tibetan medicine as a therapeutic dietary product recommends cottage cheese.

    With edema caused by cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to introduce into the diet fresh cucumbers because this vegetable has diuretic properties. Don't forget about tomatoes(including juice), which are useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Assistance can be taken to reduce shortness of breath lemon balm.

    Infusions and decoctions are prepared in proportion:

    1 part dry plant material to 10 parts water. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

    For all heart diseases (except organic defects) it is useful floral natural honey which gives strength to the heart. The glucose and fructose contained in it are essential nutrition for the heart muscle. Honey should be taken in small portions (1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon two or three times a day) with milk, cottage cheese, fruits and other products. With a weakened heart muscle, it is very useful to combine honey with foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, a decoction of rose hips.

    (Pour 1 tbsp of dry fruits with 2 tbsp of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, add 1 tbsp of honey. Drink 1/4-1/2 tbsp. two to three times a day. Drink store in a tightly sealed container).

    Availability a large number iron and potassium determines the value apricot for those suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency.

    Both fresh and dried fruits are useful.

    Nuts, raisins, cheese. It is advisable to use them daily - it strengthens the heart muscle, relieves overwork and headaches.

    Good to eat viburnum berries with seeds, drink a decoction of fruits (1 tablespoon of berries pour 1 liter of hot water, boil for 8-10 minutes, strain, add 3 tablespoons of honey, drink 0.5 tablespoons three to four times a day).

    Prepared Valentina SHALIVSKAYA .

    Vitamin blend for the heart

    500 g dried apricots, 500 g honey, 500 g nuts (peeled), 500 g raisins, 2 lemons (with peel).

    Skip dried apricots, nuts, raisins, lemons through a meat grinder. Add honey heated in a steam bath, stir the mixture. Put in refrigerator. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for 30 min. before meals.

    (Galina IVANOVSKAYA, Mogilev.)

    foxglove purple

    One of the leading "heart" plants for the treatment of heart failure is foxglove purple.

    Purple foxglove is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Norichnikov family, up to 100–120 cm high. In the second year, the leaves are harvested 1–2 times and the seeds are harvested. The leaves are cut in dry sunny weather without petioles, leaving the central ones. On biennial plants, the rosette leaves are cut off with a knife, and the stem leaves are cut off. Dry the raw material immediately after collection, preferably in the attic, spreading it in a thin layer. Seed collection begins with browning and drying of one third of the boxes. The stems are cut, ripened, threshed and the seeds are finally cleaned by sifting through a sieve. Store them in a dry glass jar, shelf life - up to 3 years.

    Digitalis preparations are used in severe forms of heart failure against the background of heart defects, myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, atrial fibrillation, sismal tachycardia, valvular defects, etc. They increase the strength of heart contractions, reduce congestion, swelling, shortness of breath, slow down the pulse, increase blood flow and diuresis, reduce venous pressure, restore tissue blood supply and normal tissue respiration. Digitalis glycosides have the ability to accumulate in the body, so preparations from it should be prescribed by a doctor.

    IN folk medicine usually take powder from dry leaves of 0.05-0.1 g two to three times a day before meals. The highest single dose for adults is 0.1 g, the daily dose is 0.5 g. After a 2-week intake, a 3-week break is taken to avoid the appearance of toxic effects.

    (Evgeny CHERNOV, herbalist, Tambov.)

    Your heart assistants

    Take motherwort herb, hawthorn flowers, cudweed grass, mistletoe leaf (evenly divided). 4 tbsp crushed mixture, brew 1 liter of boiling water. Strain after 8 hours of infusion. Infusion drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day one hour after meals.

    (Vitaly GAVRILOV, Novgorod.)

    For severe heart pain, take 1 tsp in your mouth. diluted with water valerian tinctures(or a mixture of tinctures of valerian and hawthorn, Zelenin drops), hold in your mouth for 5-7 minutes, and then swallow.

    (Olga KISELEVA, With. Wed Ikorets, Voronezh region)

    Strengthening the heart muscle

    Mix 2 parts calendula flowers and 1 part lingonberry leaf. 1 tbsp pour this collection into a thermos and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink 1/3 tbsp. three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

    The wisdom of this recipe is that calendula will soothe nervous system, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, lingonberry leaf - kidneys, which means that the work of the heart will improve, which depends on the good work of blood vessels and kidneys.

    (Marina YERMILOVA, Rostov region)

    red clover

    Recently I met my old friend Stepan. He began to complain that he was tired of taking medicine. We walked around his site, and I found there red clover. Stepan bent down, trying to pull out the clover. “Wait,” I said. - Red clover is an excellent remedy for edema of cardiac or renal origin. Here he will help you.”

    Narwhal 100 g of clover heads, put them in boiling water (0.5 l), boiled for 20 minutes, insisted for 2 hours, strained. I added 1 tsp there. honey. “Drink this decoction for a day in three doses,” I tell him. A friend drank a few days, and the swelling disappeared.

    Stepan asked: “What else is treated with meadow clover”?

    It effectively helps with atherosclerosis. The flowers contain flavonols, carotenoids, vitamins B 1 , B 2 , C, carotene, organic acids. Useful clover tea with blackcurrant leaves (1:1) with honey as a vitamin remedy.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, phytotherapeutist Nikolai Dannikov advises drinking red clover infusion at the rate of 1 tbsp. flowers with leaves per 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infuse for an hour and drink 1/4 tbsp. with honey for 20 min. before meals.

    Such an infusion helps to restore strength after hard work, nervous stress.

    (Bernard DUKHNEVICH, Moscow city.)

    Kohl "motor" is weak

    Raw materials and preparations obtained from spring adonis, are used for chronic heart weakness and especially for weakness accompanied by impaired conduction function, with cardiac neuroses, cardiac disorders, Graves' disease, as well as with kidney diseases with manifestations of insufficiency of the cardiovascular system. Use hot infusion.

    Arnica useful in angina pectoris, cardiac weakness of various origins. Apply a tincture of 70% alcohol (1:10) or an infusion of flowers.

    In folk medicine of Uzbekistan barberry fruits eat 50 g three to four times a day to strengthen the heart muscle.

    10 g of flowers with hawthorn leaves insist 10 days in 100 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, filter, store in a dark glass container. Take 20-30 drops with water three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 20-30 days.

    Apply with a functional disorder of cardiac activity, cardiac weakness, angioedema, insomnia in heart patients, hyperthyroidism with tachycardia, initial forms of hypertension, atherosclerosis. It reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, tones the heart muscle, enhances coronary cerebral circulation, eliminates arrhythmia and tachycardia, lowers blood pressure, relieves shortness of breath. To strengthen the heart, it is good to regularly take hawthorn in any form.

    Baths with valerian decoction serve to calm the heart and the entire nervous system; they are especially recommended for nervous heart suffering, weakness of the heart and nerves, and convulsive conditions of the heart. Such baths reduce and regulate the number of heart beats and lower blood pressure. For a full bath, 0.5 kg of valerian root is required.

    To strengthen the heart muscle, it is useful to eat cardamom and nutmeg.

    With a weak heart (interruptions, fading, etc.), a life-giving remedy for strengthening it is peppermint or spearmint.

    1 tsp dry leaves or powder of this herb brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink on an empty stomach. After half an hour you can have breakfast. And so day after day for a long time.

    Helps in the treatment of heart disease and a raw vegetarian diet, drinking plenty of raw vegetable juices.

    cucumber juice strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

    Daily intake of one cup of infusion prepared on red capsicum(0.25-0.5 tsp of pepper per cup of boiling water), strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates blood circulation, reduces cholesterol, harmful deposits in the veins and arteries.

    In folk medicine motherwort used in the weakening of cardiac activity, neurosis of the heart. Most often, freshly squeezed juice is used, 30-40 drops dissolved in water, half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

    pine needles(collected at any time) along with twigs and cones pour cold water and boil for half an hour, insist 12 hours.

    Baths with this extract have unique properties - they soothe, strengthen the nerves and the heart.

    Juice from mulberry fruits black drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for atherosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole.

    (Alexander SUKACH, g, Gomel.)

    Hawthorn will help

    To have a healthy heart means to force the capillaries to contract intensively. This is the essence of the treatment of heart disease.

    People with a sick heart should reinforce an exhausted body with an infusion of dried hawthorn fruit: 1 tbsp fruits brew 1 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours in a warm place.

    Strain. Daily dose - 0.5 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

    With atrial fibrillation, juice squeezed from hawthorn berries helps. It should be drunk three times a day, 50 ml with 1 tbsp. honey.

    Hawthorn, as a "heart assistant", has no rivals with equivalent healing properties. It is also prescribed for functional disorders of cardiac activity, and for angina pectoris, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and even for Graves' disease.

    most the best mixture, feeding the heart muscle, I consider the following: dry rose hips, red mountain ash, hawthorn, viburnum, raisins and dried apricots - in equal quantities. Use the same container for measuring. 1 st. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight. Drink during the day instead of tea. You can take a long time.

    (Leonid Shpak, herbalist, p. Lysche, Volyn region)

    Affairs of the Heart

    We do not remember our heart if it is healthy, and we begin to worry only when the first signs of illness appear - pain, shortness of breath, palpitations. If you do not take care of your heart for a number of years, if it constantly works with overloads, then over time it begins to fail. This problem also affected my mother. Validol, nitroglycerin and other pills go into the "battle" in such cases.

    But any medicine is a whip for the heart. And if the horse is driven with a whip all the time, how long will it last?

    Since my heart declared itself, my mother has been trying to adhere to the principles: do not overeat, do not abuse fatty foods, but lean on vegetarian dishes, drastically limit salt, avoid stressful situations, observe a work and rest regimen.

    Mom also uses folk remedies that help without fail. In the morning every day she prepares her medicine for the whole day: she takes a small piece of bread, cuts it into 4 parts and drops 2-4 drops of valerian tincture on each part. Every four hours he puts one piece in his mouth. Chew, hold for a few minutes in the mouth, then swallow.

    It is also useful for cores to inhale odors. Mom in the country walks in the morning and in the evening before going to bed among the trees and enjoys the aroma of lilac, hawthorn, poplar.

    A very tasty folk remedy: cut lemons into circles, pour honey over them, hold for a week and eat a dessert spoon 3 times a day to maintain the heart.

    You need to take care of your heart and constantly assure yourself: I healthy man, I am sure of everything, and my heart is healthy!

    (Marina VIDAKOVA, city, Novomoskovsk.)

    To strengthen the heart muscle

    To do this, you need to chew periodically lemon peel rich essential oils which will improve the functioning of the heart. Another excellent heart remedy is to put one large chopped clove of garlic on brown bread and lightly salt, such a “sandwich” should be eaten on an empty stomach.

    These supplements in the diet will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also the nervous system, help relieve headaches and overwork.

    (Evgenia Vakhrusheva, Neftekamsk.)

    To make the heart stronger

    This tool helps to strengthen the heart muscle. The recipe has been tested by more than one person and is very healthy. Treatment is desirable to carry out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

    3 art. Rinse cranberries, dry and mash. Rinse 1 kg of raisins, dry and add to the cranberry mass. The last component of the drug is 400 g of honey. Mix everything and put in a dark place for 10 days. In the future, store in the refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach until the healing mass is over.

    (Ekaterina SHLAKOVSKAYA, Pinsk.)

    From palpitations and edema

    Prepare a decoction of common bean pods: pour 30 g of dry chopped raw materials into 300 ml of hot water, simmer for 15 minutes, strain and take 1/3 tbsp. three times a day for 30 min. before meals.

    Nature is to help

    Parsley. Wash and chop 800 g of parsley, put in an enamel pan. Pour fresh homemade milk (1.5 l). Put in the oven or on the stove and let the milk melt to half the original volume. Strain. Drink 2 tbsp. every hour until the infusion is over. This folk remedy helps to relieve swelling even when the official medicine is no longer able to help.

    Pumpkin and juice from it help relieve swelling (mainly of cardiac origin).

    Decoction of stalks of cherries: 1 tbsp stalks brew 0.5 l boil ka, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 150 ml three to four times a day. Helps with edema of any origin.

    Calendula. 2 tsp crushed flower baskets pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 1/2 tbsp. two or three times a day. Calendula slows down the rhythm of heart contractions and enhances the work of the heart muscle.

    kidney tea(orthosiphon). 2 tbsp herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature 45 min., strain. Drink warm in 1/2 tbsp. three times a day long time(up to 6 months) with weekly monthly breaks. The effect of kidney tea increases if it is taken in combination with horsetail grass, lingonberry leaves, birch leaves.

    Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels

    Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels are prescribed by a cardiologist.

    The doctor examines the patient before taking medication, writes out a list of pills that must be systematically used in order to:

    In order for a sick patient to feel much better, it is necessary to use drugs to maintain the heart and blood vessels for a long time.

    The doctor selects drugs that can most effectively help the patient, improve the general condition of the patient. Do not take without prior consultation with your doctor medications on your own, because you can only do harm.

    The pharmacy has special medicines for maintaining the heart and blood vessels, which are sold exclusively by prescription, therefore, in any case, you should contact the clinic for examination and testing on the recommendation of a cardiologist, undergo a cardiogram to exclude the presence of a chronic disease or acute form heart attack.

    An electrocardiogram allows you to identify the cause of the disease, to exclude pain in the heart. To finally get rid of a heart disease, it is necessary to take drugs only as prescribed by a doctor. If the patient wants to recover faster, then it is necessary to approach this issue correctly.

    There are drugs whose action is similar to validol. This is valocordin, which promotes a reflex effect on the walls of blood vessels and relieves tension in the chest area. For angina pectoris, nitroglycerin is used, which has a vasodilating effect on the vessels.

    The use of Corvalol in emergency cases allows you to normalize heart palpitations, reduce blood pressure, calm the patient, normalize the general condition, reduce dizziness, and instantly affect pain. Before using valocordin, it is necessary to be examined by a cardiologist. The drug has practically no contraindications, so it is used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels after a doctor's prescription.

    Medicines called nitrates are mainly used to dilate blood vessels. The analgesic effect occurs in the case of taking nitroglycerin, nitrospray, nitromint. The list of drugs with a similar effect has expanded significantly, but taking medications should be agreed with a cardiologist.

    In the event of pain, the tablet is placed under the tongue for a stronger effect on the walls of blood vessels, contributing to their expansion. Due to the effect of nitrates on the human body, it is possible to provide first aid for acute pain, a heart attack.

    Are there long term medications?. These are kardiket, monochinke, nitrosorbide, which dilate arteries, promote venous outflow of blood of vital internal organs responsible for the work of the heart.

    In case of acute pain, nitrates help nourish the heart, provide blood flow to the myocardium, reduce pain, help relieve tension, prevent myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, help with the development of chronic and acute heart failure, and have a beneficial effect on the aorta.

    Some side effects of nitrates may occur. This headache, tinnitus, dizziness, facial flushing, nausea. Side effects are temporary. There are some contraindications in the form of collapse, that is, a decrease in pressure or stroke, fundus glaucoma, in which the drug is prescribed with caution or replaced by another.

    In heart disease, antiplatelet agents are mandatory. Among them, the most common ones stand out: cardiomagnyl, clopidogrel, which help relieve fever and soothe pain. In case of heart failure, the medicine helps to relieve fever, anesthetize and improve the general condition of the patient.

    If you are intolerant to aspirin, it is better to refrain from taking cardiomagnyl. Clopidogrel is used as an analogue of cardiomagnyl, which is used in practice for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Also, these drugs are used in case of blood clots or their prevention during pregnancy, in order to prevent heart attacks, myocardial infarctions.

    The classification of drugs that are calcium antagonists for hypertension is as follows:

    • derivatives of dihydropyridine;
    • derivatives of phenylalkylamine;
    • benzothiazepine derivatives.

    These medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels help to reduce the patient's blood pressure, improve sleep, calm the nervous system, lead to a decrease in pressure in the walls of blood vessels, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Taking such drugs leads to the normalization of blood pressure in the elderly.

    The above points are achieved by dihydropyridine calcium antagonist derivatives. The first and second generation are noted, which increase the frequency of the heart muscle. Drugs contribute to the effect on the circulatory system as a whole. Verapamil reduces the heart rate in case of chronic hypertension.

    Care should be taken to use the drug nisolidipine, which can relax the vessels too much and cause an increase in adrenaline. Calcium antagonists are increasingly used for patients with cardiovascular diseases in order to dilate blood vessels and reduce the force of strokes in the work of the heart. There may be side effects as a result of the use of calcium antagonists.

    This is dizziness, pain in the head, redness of the skin of the face.

    The main property of beta-blockers is to protect the heart. They have the ability to blunt the production of excitatory hormones such as adrenaline. It increases the contraction of the heart muscles, which can lead to lethal outcome.

    Due to the fact that adrenaline activates the myocardium, the frequency and strength of contractions increase, and this in turn leads to an increase in vascular tone.

    This leads to a rapid heartbeat and an increase in blood pressure. All this adversely affects human health. First of all, the heart suffers, as a rapid heartbeat needs oxygen. The onset of pathophysiological ischemia is a lack of myocardial oxygen. If the patient suffers from coronary disease, then the heart is working hard.

    The real salvation for people with this disease is a beta-blocker, which can reduce the rapid heart rate, reduce blood pressure. This in turn reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Prolongs the life of people with coronary disease. On this moment, the drug is prescribed to people with ischemia, but this is not correct, since people suffering from hypertension are also at risk. Hypertension can also be fatal if not controlled.

    • Carvedilol.
    • Metoprolol.
    • Bisoprolol.
    • Nebivalol.

    Beta-blockers are prescribed for ischemic diseases, after a heart attack, disorders of the heart, with a high degree of work of the heart muscles (tachyarrhythmias), post-infarction cardiosclerosis, the development of chronic heart failure, strokes.

    There are no specific contraindications for taking beta-blockers. There may be individual intolerance, or allergic reactions to individual components of the drug. If there is bronchial asthma, then it is better to take such a drug only after agreement with the attending physician. The same for people with vulnerable sinus syndrome - conduction.

    Diseases for which this drug is prescribed:

    • bronchial asthma (with chronic destructive bronchitis, they are prescribed very carefully, as an allergic reaction can be caused);
    • atrioventricular block - disease of weakness of the sinus node;
    • bradycardia (rare pulse less than 55 per minute);
    • with cardiogenic shock;
    • low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg).

    Indirect actions:

    1. Conduction damage bradycardia.
    2. Increased fatigue, unusual weakness, inability to exercise.
    3. Appearance of nausea, dizziness.
    4. When using old-generation drugs, young people may develop potency disorders, and new-produced drugs do not affect male potency in any way.
    5. The medicine propranolol (anaprilin) ​​and atenolol should not be used, however, there are many concomitant actions, especially an increase in insulin resistance of body tissues.

    The latest drugs do not affect the body's metabolic process and in case of diabetes, it can be used for a long time without fear.

    Statins are drugs that lower cholesterol in the body. They are prescribed only by prescription, as there should be no contraindications for use. In the current world of pharmacology, there are several types of this drug.

    It not only lowers cholesterol in the blood of the body, but also has a number of other advantages:

    • The effectiveness of taking this drug is already visible for 3 weeks.
    • Statins can be used continuously without side effects.
    • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    But there are also disadvantages that you need to pay attention to:

    • aggravation of liver cells;
    • urge to vomit;
    • sharp colic in the stomach;
    • joint pain.

    Fibrates, as well as the previous drug, help reduce blood cholesterol. But, unlike statins, this drug has different mechanisms of action: it changes cholesterol at the genetic level.

    There are several drugs based on it:

    • Clofibrate.
    • Gemfibrozil.
    • Bezofibrate.
    • Ciprofibrate.
    • Fenofibrate.

    In our country, only Traykor from the fenofibrate subgroup is widely used. Given medicine doctors prescribe when triglyceride levels are not very high.

    Their main advantage is the reduction of triglycerides. Of the benefits of fibrates, attention should be paid to increased efficiency, with a decrease in triglycerides, as well as a decrease in the development of cardiovascular diseases. When comparing statins and fibrates, fibrates are said not to reduce mortality. You can not drink these drugs together, as there will be destruction of the bones of the body.

    Medicines for the prevention of the heart and blood vessels

    Medicines for the prevention of the heart and blood vessels are needed in order to prevent heart attacks, myocardial infarction. Precautions needed:

    For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to use drugs to prevent the heart and blood vessels to thin the blood. These are cardiomagnyl, aspecard, spirin cardio every day for a long time. To improve the functioning of the heart muscle, you should drink Riboxin along with a compatible drug cocarboxylase.

    For patients who have heart problems, doctors prescribe medications that prevent deterioration in health, stabilize the nervous system, and help normalize blood pressure.

    These are diuretics, calcium antagonists, the well-known aspirin, antiarrhythmics in the form of verapamil, propafenone. Before using any drug, you should visit your family doctor for a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    Injections for cerebral vessels

    Add a comment

    If someone is thinking about starting to train the cardiovascular system and is collecting information on how to strengthen the heart, then I have very interesting news. You don't need to strengthen your heart. I repeat once again: there is no need to train the heart muscle. And, here, it is very important to work on the state of blood vessels, because life expectancy depends on it.

    The fact is that the vast majority of all the information on this issue is just the opposite: be sure to strengthen the heart with jogging and aerobic exercise. In addition, various foods that are good for the heart are offered for eating. I will try to explain why training the heart muscle will not give anything for health, and I will also offer an exercise option that will have a noticeable beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels.

    Before strengthening the heart, it would be nice to find out the answer to the question: Is it necessary to strengthen it? It turns out it's not necessary at all. The heart muscle is the most trained muscle in our body. Each of its cells, called myocardiocyte, always contracts with maximum power. Those. any contraction of the heart muscle occurs in the mode, as Professor V. N. Seluyanov calls it, "all or nothing." (If you have read some of the previous articles on this site, then Professor Seluyanov is already familiar to you. And since he is the largest modern theorist and practitioner of sports science and adaptology, I see no reason to doubt the data he provided).

    The main idea is the following: there is no need to train exactly the heart muscle, because. she trains every second, as if we were constantly in the gym, and even without periods of rest.

    And, here, it is necessary to help the heart. First of all, nutrition should be balanced and complete. Due to the fact that in modern world it is quite difficult to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it can be recommended to pay attention to multivitamin supplements. And, most importantly, to clean the vessels from atherosclerotic manifestations.

    How to clean the vessels

    Vessels are always normal in those people who have enough hormones in the blood. And, above all, these are women in the period before menopause. The hormone estrogen circulating in the blood maintains blood vessels in relative integrity and elasticity, which prevents atherosclerosis from appearing (cause of death No. 1).

    For men, the situation is different. If a man goes in for sports and regularly releases testosterone and growth hormone into the blood, then you don’t have to worry about the state of his blood vessels. Those who are not friends with sports at all begin to accumulate atherosclerosis after the age of 20. And then why be surprised that mortality among men occurs much earlier than among women.

    Conclusion: if you engage in those sports that affect the release of hormones into the blood (lifting the barbell, callanetics, isotone, everything that needs to be endured), then in just a few months the vessels will return to normal again, and the cardiovascular system forget about the risk of death from atherosclerosis. And the heart will be able to continue its hard work without the risk of getting a heart attack. That is, in other words, by training our hormonal system, forcing it to periodically secrete hormones into the blood, we thereby cleanse and protect blood vessels from atherosclerotic manifestations and protect the heart.