Who is Andrey Serdyukov in the Airborne Forces. The Commander of the Airborne Forces got into a car accident. Rumors about actions on the territory of Ukraine

"Andrey Nikolayevich is a competent leader and a skilled organizer," Sergei Shoigu described the country's chief paratrooper. "He gained experience in serving in the Far East, South and Western regions, passed all the main command and staff positions - from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of the 12th reserve of the Southern Military District.

Headed by General Serdyukov, the formation, according to the Minister of Defense, effectively carried out tasks in the southwestern strategic direction, invariably showed good results during exercises and sudden checks. "The business qualities and versatile knowledge of Colonel General Serdyukov will be a good help in deciding important issues maintaining combat readiness Airborne troops at the required level," the head of the Defense Ministry said, handing the standard to the new commander.

The new head of the "winged infantry" in his reply promised to support the glorious traditions of the Airborne Forces, imbued, in his words, with patriotism, selfless devotion and unbending will. "The high level achieved by the troops under the leadership of Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov will serve as a starting point for me in my work," Andrey Serdyukov admitted.

"I will make every effort to justify the high confidence placed in me, and will strive to use my knowledge and experience to further development troops," the new commander concluded.

Recall that Hero of Russia Vladimir Shamanov has commanded the Russian Airborne Forces since May 2009. Recently he was elected to the State Duma, and later became the head of the Duma Defense Committee.

Sergei Shoigu today thanked Shamanov and wished him success in his new job. “Thank you, Vladimir Anatolyevich, for your great personal contribution to the development of the Airborne Forces and raising the authority of the Armed Forces. I am sure that your professionalism, rich experience and active citizenship will contribute to the adoption of responsible decisions aimed at strengthening the military security of the state and in the new post," the head of the military department said.

"Dedicating the next five years to legislative activity, I see it as my task to delve into the needs and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in this difficult time as much as possible," Shamanov replied to the minister.

Help "RG"

Andrey Serdyukov was born in Rostov region in 1962. In 1983 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. He served in all major positions from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of an airborne division. In 1993 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. After graduating from the military academy in 2009 General Staff The RF Armed Forces served as Deputy Army Commander in the Far Eastern Military District. Since January 2011 - commander of the combined arms army of the Eastern Military District. In February 2013, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District.

On September 30, the media reported on the upcoming appointment. The main candidate for this high position is Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov. The current commander, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, will head the defense committee in the State Duma of the new convocation.

At the end of 2012, information was already published about a possible change in the leadership of the Airborne Forces. With reference to the candidacy of General Andrei Serdyukov (then commander of the 5th Army of the Eastern Military District). And many more are haunted by the surname, but there is no family connection with Anatoly Serdyukov, who previously served as Minister of Defense. And yet: what kind of person is Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov?

If we collect all the available information, Andrey Serdyukov is a man of an analytical mindset, tested and hardened by three decades of officer service in a difficult time for the country. supporter professional army and consistent reform of the armed forces. His team experience was reflected in the decisions and actions in the Crimean direction in the spring of 2014.

In 2009 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. This is the highest level of military education in our country. Commanded the 5th Combined Arms Army Far East. In October 2013, he was appointed chief of staff of the Southern Military District, six months remained before the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Please note that both the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov and the head of the Military Academy of the General Staff Sergei Makarov passed the responsible position of chief of staff of the Southern Military District (formerly the North Caucasus).

Return of Crimea

According to information leaked to the media, Lieutenant General Andrey Serdyukov led a special operation in Crimea in the spring of 2014, that is, he ensured the peaceful return of Crimea to Russia.

Perhaps that is why the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov noted with fear in his article on the departmental website: “During the summer of 2015, cardinal changes took place in the nature of Russian participation in hostilities in eastern Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are now opposed by ... structured military units of the regular army of the Russian Federation ... The staffing of two corps is up to 35 thousand people ... The command of the entire grouping of the occupying Russian troops is carried out by Colonel General Andrei Nikolaevich Serdyukov.

It is clear that the National Security and Defense Council and the leadership of Ukraine need to somehow explain to fellow citizens and American sponsors the military failures in the Donbass. And yet, Andrei Serdyukov is still a lieutenant general, and no one has been able to prove "Russian aggression".

Meanwhile, on September 16, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko proposed to the National Security and Defense Council a bill on the state budget for 2017, providing for 5% of GDP for the security and defense sector and 1.1 billion hryvnia (about $42.4 million) to repay defense loans.

Five percent of GDP is 2.5 more than NATO countries spend on defense. The vector of efforts is obvious. And it is possible that Lieutenant General Andrei Serdyukov will still arrive in Ukraine with a peacekeeping mission. In the meantime, the paratroopers are routinely engaged in combat training at home, near Ryazan.

Lots of work ahead

The airborne troops include four divisions, five brigades and other formations. The number of airborne forces after the reorganization will reach 60 thousand military personnel. More than 52% of the personnel serve under the contract, that is, professionally.

The Airborne Forces were almost the first in the armed forces to master the components unified system control at the tactical level (ESU TZ), the Andromeda-D complex specially designed for paratroopers.

Airborne units are armed with modern tanks, combat vehicles landing (BMD-2 and BMD-4), armored personnel carriers (BTR-MDM "Rakushka"), anti-aircraft missile system"Arrow-10", self-propelled guns(120-mm 2S9 "Nona-S" and 125-mm 2S25 "Sprut-SD"), unmanned aerial vehicles. Ahead is further rearmament and technical re-equipment, increased troop mobility.

The Airborne Forces are a mobile branch of the armed forces designed to perform combat missions behind enemy lines, as well as to act as a reserve of the Supreme High Command. The Airborne Forces can be used to seize administrative and political centers, industrial facilities, enemy aviation and naval forces base areas, to capture and hold crossings on water barriers, mountain passes, transport hubs and communications, to destroy nuclear attack weapons, power plants and other important objects.

this music is about another Serdyukov


The paratroopers have already come out to advocate for the resignation of one non-handshake defense minister in 2010. Exactly two years later, on November 7, 2012, MO Taburetkin was removed .. It got to someone.
Serdyukov again? "Fedot, ..but no, but not the one"

On Friday, he announced that the candidacy of the new commander Airborne already defined. They should be the chief of staff - the first deputy commander of the troops of the Southern Military District, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov. Expected that he will be officially appointed in October.
I note that until now the head of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, was elected to the State Duma, according to information, he may become head of the defense committee.
However, the official representative of the Airborne Forces, Irina Kruglova, refused to answer the question of the VZGLYAD newspaper about the new commander:
“I don’t even want to comment on these rumors. The troops continue to be led by Colonel-General Shamanov,” Kruglova said.

Lieutenant General Serdyukov Andrey Nikolaevichhead of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation or not?

Media reports on upcoming changes in command Airborne troops RF.
The post of commander of the Airborne Forces in the near future will be taken by Lieutenant General Andrey Nikolayevich Serdyukov, who currently holds the post of first deputy commander of the troops of the Southern Military District. Lieutenant General Serdyukov will replace Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, who has been in his current position since 2009, as commander of the Airborne Forces.

Andrey Serdyukov was born on March 4, 1962 in the settlement. Uglegorsk, Tatsinsky district of the Rostov region. (54 years old)
Graduated from RVVDKU (Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School).
During the service, he went from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon (later a company of the city of Kirovobad, 104th Guards Airborne Division.) - to the commander of an airborne division. (Pskov, 76th Airborne Division, deputy and commander of an airborne regiment, deputy division commander, commander of a separate motorized rifle brigade and airborne formation.)

In 1993 he graduated from the Military Academy. Frunze, in 2009 - the Academy of the General Staff. (Moscow)
In June 2004 he was appointed commander of the 106th Guards Airborne Division.
After graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces in 2009, he served as Deputy Army Commander in the Far Eastern Military District
Since January 2011 - Commander5th Combined Arms ArmyEastern military district.

Transferred to the Southern Military District in February 2013 as Chief of Staff and First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District. Formerly - North Caucasian. (Appointed h fourth october the same year)

October 6, 2016 appointed commander of the Airborne Forces (VDV) of Russia

Andrey Serdyukov participated in the fighting on the territory of the Chechen Republic, as well as in the mission of Russian paratroopers in Kosovo (Serbia).
In 2014, he took part in ensuring security during the referendum in Crimea.
He has awards: the Order of Courage, the medal "For Military Merit", the medal "For Military Merit", "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" III degree.


In which it was about experiments in the field of defense conducted by A.E. Serdyukov. We publish it in full.

On September 30, 2010, one of the most high-profile scandals in modern history Russia. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, flying around the training ground in a helicopter, noticed the unfinished buildings of the barracks and the canteen, he also noticed the Orthodox Church of Elijah the Prophet, built nearby. Coming out of the helicopter, Serdyukov immediately swore at the head of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, Hero of Russia, Guards Colonel Andrey Krasov and the officers next to him: “The barracks is not completed, the dining room is not completed, and they rebuilt the church for 180 million!”

Andrey Krasov tried to explain to the minister that not a penny of budgetary money had been spent on the construction of the church, and it was completely erected at the expense of the Ryazan diocese, various sponsors and veterans of the Airborne Forces. Krasov also said that from 2011, army chaplains will be trained in the church of Elijah the Prophet, who will then be sent to military units throughout the country. He also noted that the nearest temple is located 15 km from the training ground on the other side of the Oka River, and getting to it for officers, their families, cadets and soldiers, to put it mildly, is problematic.

However, all this only angered Serdyukov, who in a fit of rage shouted: “You live here in shit, you will die in shit! Do not give money to this airborne center! This school should be downsized. Remove this impudent colonel - and join the troops!

After this story, the Union of Russian Paratroopers appealed to President Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill with a request not to leave this situation without attention and to intercede for Colonel Andrei Krasov. The representative of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, did not stand aside, who demanded that the Minister of Defense apologize to the commander of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, and, regardless of whether he does it or not, said that Serdyukov should resign : this situation "from the worst side" characterizes Serdyukov himself as "a person who has nothing to do with the army" and "does not have any credibility not only among the Armed Forces, but also among civilians."

The ever-increasing dissatisfaction in the troops regarding the policies of the new Minister of Defense reached its peak. Even the officers of the elite units, directly reporting to the Supreme Commander through the General Staff, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Details of how the Ministry of Defense purchased defective parachutes for the Airborne Forces for the amount of 280 million rubles immediately surfaced. Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Sergei Fridinsky said: “Cunning entrepreneurs made these parachutes not from new raw materials, but from old parts. Representatives of the army customer and military representatives, I believe, disinterestedly, turned a blind eye to this. Studies carried out by specialists have shown that these parachutes cannot be used.”. As it turned out, this is far from an isolated case, and that defective bulletproof vests, decommissioned ammunition and parts for helicopters and aircraft also came to the troops for fabulous money.

A number of deputies of the State Duma in open letter the president was demanded the immediate resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov, who, with his reforms, only destroys the country's defense capability. The letter also spoke about the immediate plans of the Ministry of Defense, according to which, in three years, the Ground Forces will be reduced by 12 times, the Air Force and the Navy by 2 times, the Strategic Missile Forces by a third, and the Airborne Forces by 20 percent.
“The actual defeat of the General Staff continues, which will also be reduced by more than half. Experts are indignant at this haste. In three years, it is planned to cut more than 2,000 parts and connections of our Armed Forces. No other country in the world has ever known such a rate of “circumcision”.

Began to appear in the press and information about personnel changes in the military department. So, instead of Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, head of the Service for quartering and arranging troops, Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, who committed suicide in 2008 (according to some reports, this happened a couple of days after a conversation with Serdyukov), Leonid Sorokko, head of a construction company from St. Petersburg, was appointed to this position. It is worth noting that Sorokko's official salary in the new position is noticeably less than what he earned from his business. So why did he accept this offer? Perhaps because now he annually controls tens of billions of rubles allocated from the federal budget for the construction of houses for officers and other objects of the Ministry of Defense.

The Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense also noticeably replenished with purely civilian "specialists" from the city on the Neva. Their qualifications raise serious doubts, but this does not prevent them from making statements about the need to privatize most of the objects of the RF Armed Forces in Moscow. So, it was the leaders invited by Serdyukov who proposed to move the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Academy of Peter the Great, the CSK complexes and a number of other objects from the capital.

The rest of the military departments were not more fortunate, and soon the so-called "St. Petersburg" ones also appeared in them. The program for the privatization of military facilities of the Defense Ministry throughout Russia was led by the former top manager of the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation Lev Vinnik and the general director of the Leninets defense plant in St. Petersburg Alexander Gorbunov. It is worth noting that the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation is owned by Andrey Molchanov, the son of the current vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Yuri Molchanov, who in the 90s, together with Vladimir Putin, worked at St. Petersburg University at the Department of International Relations.

Another scandal received a lot of attention in the press. In June 2010, an order for the purchase of furniture for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and Rosoboronpostavka appeared on the public procurement website. So, the head of the last department for his office needed a set of furniture from 29 items. Including the quote: "Olive root veneer and beech veneer table with mahogany veneer finish with meander shaped marquetry." Similar requests were made by the deputies of Rosoboronpostavka and managers of a lower rank, totaling 20.3 million rubles.

On my own personal account Anatoly Serdyukov also decided not to save money and asked: “the table must be made of solid wood with a finish self made antique. Handles - gold, color - dark cherry.

Such attention and requests for furniture from the head of the Ministry of Defense is not accidental. After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Trade, Serdyukov in the period from 1984 to 1985 took military service in the ranks Soviet army. True, for some unknown reason, he served only a year and a half instead of the prescribed two years - and this is the entire military experience of the Minister of Defense of a nuclear power.

After the army, Serdyukov began working in the Lenmebeltorg No. 3 store, which in 1986 changed its sign to Dresden and began selling furniture from the GDR. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Serdyukov was in charge of the wall department in the store. By the way, the store was famous not only in Leningrad, but throughout the Union - it was very difficult to get scarce, and even imported furniture at that time. However, "Dresden" did not work long, and after the unification of Germany ceased to exist.

However, Serdyukov, apparently, liked working in the furniture business so much that until 2000 he was the general director of Mebel-Market JSC. In the late 90s, Serdyukov entered the correspondence department of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, where he met his current wife, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov (now First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). From that moment on, the career of Anatoly Serdyukov went uphill:

2001 - head tax office Petersburg
2004 - Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia
2007 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

So, thanks to his marriage to the daughter of an official close to Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Serdyukov turned from a simple "furniture maker" into the Minister of Defense of the world's largest country.

Information taken from the book “Dirty laundry of the Kremlin”, Yauza-press, Moscow, March 2011.

From the editor:The material presented in the article unequivocally testifies to the wrecking nature of Serdyukov's experiments. The defenses have suffered tremendous damage! Of course, as it turned out later, the relevant acts were not carried out on a "disinterested" basis - Serdyukov and his associates "warmed their hands" on fraud. And, unfortunately, their case was hushed up. Which once again confirms the lack of understanding by the authorities of the essence of what is happening, the tasks facing Russia.

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On the P21 "Kola" highway in the Kola district Murmansk region In an accident, a car was involved in which was the commander of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation (VDV), Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, who led the operation to “return” Crimea to the Russian Federation. In the accident, Serdyukov broke his spine and received a serious head injury. On Tuesday evening, September 19, Lenta.ru and the REN TV channel reported this, citing their own sources.

Later, information about the accident was confirmed in the information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. "As a result of a traffic accident, the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Andrey Serdyukov, and the soldier accompanying him were injured," Interfax quoted the military department as saying.

The Ministry of Defense described the incident as follows: the driver of a private car lost control, drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a minibus moving as part of a military convoy.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the state of health of the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces is characterized by doctors as satisfactory, nothing threatens his life.

The injured soldiers were promptly taken to a military hospital, where they received medical care, the Defense Ministry said. From media reports, however, it follows that the injuries received by the Commander-in-Chief of the Airborne Forces are more serious.

The car accident occurred on September 15 at 14:45 at the 1420th kilometer of the P21 "Kola" highway. The correspondent of Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the Murmansk region provided a note about this on the website with a link to a YouTube video called "A terrible accident near Murmansk with a military convoy", which was filmed, as follows from the caption, on September 15 and uploaded to the service on September 17.

As follows from the materials of the accident check referred to by Lenta.ru, a Chevrolet Lanos car crashed into a Volkswagen Caravella minibus, which was traveling in a cortege, accompanied by military traffic police cars, which drove out of the oncoming lane.

The colonel-general in serious condition with a serious head injury and a fracture of the spine was taken to the intensive care unit of the hospital of the Northern Fleet.

The 52-year-old Deputy Commander-in-Chief for Airborne Training, Major General Vladimir Kochetkov, also suffered in the accident; he was hospitalized with numerous fractures.

In addition, a 49-year-old assistant commander-in-chief and a 35-year-old adjutant were injured. The Chevrolet driver, a 34-year-old resident of Murmansk, died from his injuries in an ambulance. His 39-year-old wife was hospitalized with severe injuries. Two of their children, teenagers aged 16 and 17, escaped with minor bruises.

The driver of the service minibus was sober, he received minor bruises in an accident. The issue of initiating a criminal case is being resolved. The Ministry of Defense did not confirm, but did not deny the information about the accident.

The commander-in-chief and his deputy arrived on the Kola Peninsula to check the conditions of service of the personnel of the units stationed here. The car carrying the generals belongs to the Northern Fleet support center.

Andrey Serdyukov: biographical information

Andrei Nikolaevich Serdyukov was born on March 4, 1962 in the village of Uglegorsky, Rostov Region. In 1983 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School and began his service as a reconnaissance platoon commander of the 104th Guards Airborne Division.

Prior to entering the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, he held the positions of deputy company commander, company commander, chief of staff - deputy battalion commander, battalion commander.

Upon completion of his studies in 1993, he was appointed deputy commander of the Guards Airborne Regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division, and two years later - the commander of this regiment.

In the further service career of Andrei Serdyukov, there were positions of deputy division commander, commander of a separate guards motorized rifle brigade in the LVO, a guards airborne formation.

After graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces in 2009, he became deputy commander of the 5th Army of the Far Eastern Military District. Since January 2011 - the commander of this formation of the Eastern Military District.

As the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper reported, he was awarded the Order of Courage, "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" III degree and "For Military Merit", eight medals, including "For Military Merit".

Serdyukov was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Airborne Forces by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2016, on October 10, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented him with a standard and introduced him as "a competent leader and a skilled organizer." "I got experience of service in the Far East, Southern and Western regions. I passed all the main command and staff positions - from the commander of a reconnaissance platoon to the commander of the 12th reserve of the Southern Military District," Shoigu added.

Serdyukov replaced Vladimir Shamanov, who took over as head of the State Duma Defense Committee.